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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28385795 No.28385795 [Reply] [Original]

Ok teamates our queen said we have to be more productive so we can understand the intricacies of male/female collabs so lets share tips and help fellow teamates improve themselves!

>> No.28385943

Stop being parasocial basically

>> No.28386067
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Nice post.

>> No.28386349

The point is to improve yourself so you're in a better situation with life itself to the point where you don't feel like you need to kill yourself because the company decided to hire some male actors.
Get the fuck out, do your reps, get a girlfriend, have the best sex you've ever had, and then watch streams for fun instead of using them as a replacement for a girlfriend when you could be out there working on getting one right now.

>> No.28386394

OP is fucking faggot for changing Ame's orders.

Ame asked Teamates to do 3 things:
1) Stop spending time on Ame (still give her money though, Ame loves money)
2) Be productive
3) Grow yourself

>> No.28386413
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Ok I think I found out an easy way to add 12 hours to your week

>> No.28386425
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>> No.28386431

I'm disabled and I cannot go outside of my home. After watching Ame for almost 2 years I've developed feelings for her strong enough that I would feel jealous watching her collab with a guy. You might tell me to look for love online but my disability left me disfigured. Do you have any advice for me?

>> No.28386537

Why is she holier than art thou?

>> No.28386595

Well ame of course, still wants you to drop her while you improve yourself. Perhaps take up learning another language, reading fine literature, and practicing social skills by joining communities centered around those things.

>> No.28386629

don't fall in love with girls playing an act online.

>> No.28386638

Watch Gura instead she won’t drop you for Greyfags like Ame.

>> No.28386787

You know who actually productive and supportive? Guys like seafomboy, kanauru, kay yu etc. I wouldn't mind if EN1 collabed or even sucked any one of them off on stream. But I don't wanna watch them collab with some male streamers behind anime avatars

>> No.28386822

When she collabs with the EN males stream yourself doing the flip.

>> No.28386828
Quoted by: >>28387543

Ya, she'll drop both greys and greens for her male friends instead

>> No.28386836

I mean this sincerely.
Please do not grow emotional attachment to vtubers.
If you have, stop now.
They will not date you.
They don't know you on a personal level.
Nothing will come from it.
Please, seriously, come back to reality for a second and come to terms with it. No matter what you do, if you press on in that direction, you will be unhappy. There are other things you could do to meet people and find a happy relationship, even with your disabilities. I've seen it happen. I know it's hard but don't give up on yourself, you can do it.

>> No.28386863



Here, she outright told you what you can do so you can stop pretending now that you're honestly listening to her and start posting about how you'll never listen to her

>> No.28387171

Yeah ame, in order to improve myself I'm going to drop my job and get paid chineese slave labor wages to freelance in graphic design

>> No.28387175
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Quoted by: >>28388110


>> No.28387267

Stop going to /vt/ is a good start

>> No.28387298
File: 40 KB, 647x505, 1618292082404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros how do I improve so I can quit vtubers and be a productive member of society?

>> No.28387403
Quoted by: >>28387511

Start with the unmembering. Cutting the financial tie will make the rest easier. Then unsub. Then make sure to click dont recommend again if you see her videos pop up in your recommended.

>> No.28387446
File: 9 KB, 647x65, ggrefwwafwefed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28387511

I just cancelled my membership and honestly I think I'm done with vtubers all together. I have so many games to play and songs to listen to that I've been putting off for so long.

>> No.28387511

Also, post a screenshot to encourage others to do the same.

>> No.28387543
Quoted by: >>28387591

Will never happen

>> No.28387554
Quoted by: >>28398057

Watch Kawaii productions.

>> No.28387591

Already does

>> No.28387717

So you admit that what she said was a complete rejection of any teamates that have strong feelings for her?
>"Go improve yourself so that someone else will like you, because I never will."

Many people watch hololive because it's one of the few things that bring them joy. Many of her fans are incredibly lonely and have constantly been trying to improve themselves. Saying "just go out and get a girlfriend" is so incredibly dismissive and hurtful.
I'm 32. I have a college degree and a 9-5 office job that makes me miserable. I've never been in a relationship and I don't share any interests with my coworkers and have become more and more socially withdrawn overtime as a result.

So yeah, a "parasocial" relationship is better than what I'd have otherwise, which is nothing. Hololive is just about the only respite I have from my miserable isolated existence from which I can't seem to escape from.

Her words hurt more than you could understand.

>> No.28387721

don't fall for the capitalism meme, you don't need to be productive for society

>> No.28387926

It'd hurt less if you put a bullet through your skull

>> No.28388110

It's not really the same speaking to males in chat since she'll never be close to any of them.

>> No.28388165
Quoted by: >>28388249

t. greynigger who lives with mom

>> No.28388249
Quoted by: >>28388705

swing and a miss. Keep coping with anime girls online, anon. You'll be happy with that green name someday

>> No.28388435

is watching the dating streams of ame counts as practicing

>> No.28388558

Is this where Twitter faggots go to blow off steam? Why are you all so fucking deranged?

>> No.28388596
Quoted by: >>28389128

I think Ame has developed a bad mentality, like her viewers need to work and prove themselves rather than just show up for a good time and be pandered to.

>> No.28388705

Get a job

>> No.28388894


>> No.28389045
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Quoted by: >>28395096

Come home to mommy and join us teamate!

>> No.28389081


>> No.28389086

Her words were prefaced by 'if you get angry just by her talking to males'. Don't pretend that's remotely equivalent to 'any teamates that have strong feelings for her'.

>> No.28389120
File: 577 KB, 736x668, 1649687788126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28392205

none of you will be productive until you leave 4chan and stop watching vtubers

>> No.28389128
Quoted by: >>28393113

If you hear "Improve yourself" and take offense to that, you are obviously not mentally healthy, and do need to improve yourself.

This is like a reverse-catch 22, the phrase is so perfectly crafted to weeding out schizos, it's genius. Normal people easily ignore it, schizos go into mental breakdowns.

>> No.28389295

Please just go jack off or something
and then kill yourself

>> No.28389308

Okay here is my tip unsubscribe and stop membership to her channel if you got the stomach for it.

>> No.28391089

I took my meds today

>> No.28392205
File: 152 KB, 360x360, 1602650316788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I didn't start being productive until I came back to 4chan and started watching vtubers.
I wasted like 5 years of my life doing nothing.

>> No.28392282

It's how i also feel. I'm tryint to look for a gfe chuuba

>> No.28392357

Get a life outside the internet.

>> No.28392600
Quoted by: >>28400011

Today I did 40 push-ups and watched an hour of cuckold porn. The grind never stops bros, I'm self-improving.

>> No.28392685
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Quoted by: >>28392793

>"Go improve yourself so that someone else will like you, because I never will."
Bro, anyone with a brain knew this from the start/ Literally every vtuber feels this way

>> No.28392793
Quoted by: >>28393174

Not Gura

>> No.28393113

As long as it doesnt backfire yeah, since Hololive specifically caters to gachis more than any other big corp. Improving yourself directly means stop watching and paying the livers.

>> No.28393174
Quoted by: >>28393454

Gura wants to be an idol, not your girlfriend lmfao

>> No.28393410

I don't remember writing this post

>> No.28393454
Quoted by: >>28395229

She treats all of her members like she's married to them dumbass.

>> No.28393539
Quoted by: >>28394188

Watch someone who actually appreciates their fans. Embrace small corpos teammates.

>> No.28393951

ok, I've come back to reality and realized it's a very slow and very painful decline into an inevitable death, preceded only by a decade of paralysis. maybe some girl will volunteer to be my palliative nurse lmao

>> No.28394188
Quoted by: >>28395214

You can't say that and not give me examples dumbass. Since Ame shat on us fans who have feelings for her i actually want one that engages with those.
Any good ones?

>> No.28394226
Quoted by: >>28398178

If I were in your situation and wanted to live a clearpilled life I would simply just read a bunch of litetature and become a devout religious man of pure will

>> No.28394316

>meet people and find a happy relationship

>> No.28394322 [DELETED] 

>Improve myself
No. I refuse.

>> No.28394460
Quoted by: >>28395314

No it doesn't. You can work harder and/or make changes in your life and still watch anime girls stream. You could use Ame's words as inspiration to actually do as she suggested, and thank her once you make good progress. Ought to give it a try.

>> No.28394748

I think maybe finding a new oshi might improve anons' lives. If anything, at least they'd be happier.

>> No.28395096

>he doesn't know about eddy

>> No.28395214
Quoted by: >>28396825

Nene Amano or anyone from Kawaii Project, basically.

>> No.28395229

Oh yeah? Wheres my asmr streams then

>> No.28395314

Barking up the wrong tree bud. I got a gf and stopped watching Ame

>> No.28395352

In tribute of ame I will now think of something productive to do and pay somone else to do it for me

>> No.28395486
Quoted by: >>28397638

Nijishitstirrer spotted!

>> No.28395501

You can start by not making these shitty threads and getting the fuck off /vt/ et al 4chan as a whole

>> No.28395724
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Quoted by: >>28397815

she was telling pic related to be more productive with his life
you can take a guess how well he took that considering the state of him shitting up the catalog

>> No.28396209

ok i'll unironically bite this bait
lose weight if you're fat (my recommendation is CICO because it's the easiest and least restrictive but do whatever works for you,) go visit >>>/xs/ and pick something that sounds interesting and exciting, get fit and do cool shit, make some friends with your new hobby who can introduce you to a cute girl who will find your dumb antics attractive, date her even if she's a fucking 4/10 get some goddamn experience, go the fuck out into nature humans are animals and sitting in a glorified cage all day is making you menhera

nobody will follow this advice but i tried

>> No.28396825

Great i'll check them out, do they have clips or threads here?

>> No.28396950

Spend your money wisely

>> No.28397638

I watch both, plus indies. Can you refute what I said though? Holo enjoyers here have always prided themselves for being the gfe and parasocial company while calling Niji and Vshojo full of whores. Its weird that youre suddenly defensive about Holo being for parasocials.

>> No.28397815

She also told you to be more productive with your life instead of wasting your time making this.

>> No.28397892

Remember that while working on yourself to not waste your time watching chuubas! You want to be productive right?

>> No.28397945

How many Ame threads are you going to make

>> No.28398057


>> No.28398178

either this
or this

>> No.28398396
Quoted by: >>28398591

Bros if you want to follow Ame's advice and turn your life around i'd suggest following the advice of pic related. He's a millionaire and you can be too!

>> No.28398591
File: 78 KB, 521x799, lifeadvice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic related

>> No.28399209

Unironically don't watch vtubers
They will drain your wallet. Either watch anime or play videogames instead. Get into hobbies that draw attention away from women, like drawing, coding, read books or learn an instrument. Something with long term benefits that doesn't involve women and money.
Focus on growing your mind.

>> No.28399659

Relatable post. I wonder how many of us there are.

>> No.28399814

post nut clarity after fucking an escort/prositute is one of the worst things I've ever experienced. Anons who are contemplating this, don't do it

>> No.28399820
File: 12 KB, 221x92, 1658045934660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching Gura for GFE

>> No.28399950

Yeah, I'm in a similar boat. Great post, I'm sure there are a lot of people who feel this way, but just don't know how to articulate it.

>> No.28400011


>> No.28400017
File: 630 KB, 900x1002, 1657164501892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28400251

I encourage anyone who hates being talked down to to watch Fauna. She's very polite and carefully chooses her words when giving advice or responding to perceived problems.
She's not perfect, but I really appreciate how she respects her audience. Even when someone is being unreasonable, she always tries to be tactful with them.
(Also, she's really cute and funny, but that goes without saying.)

>> No.28400251

I second this. Fauna is great, and I don't think she'd ever even comment on stuff like this. She knows what she wants to be and she does it well

>> No.28401088

>have the best sex you've ever had
90% of this board is from Twitter or Discord which means they have PE, ED or micro. The best sex they'll ever have is watching from the closet.

>> No.28401141

just be urself bro
