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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 612 KB, 2160x3054, 1657774635126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28189419 No.28189419 [Reply] [Original]

Are You Livin Free Edition

>Main links
Previous Stream:

Next Streams (PDT):

Merch (Limited):

Bae's Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz
Current schedule: TBA

>Where can I find arts?
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks
Azure-gallery: https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3Aハコス・ベールズ

>Getting Started
Bae Stream Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh

Previous Thread: >>27831023

>> No.28189464

Previous thread: >>27883289

>> No.28189627
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, yummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the bread!!

>> No.28189822
File: 683 KB, 675x1200, 1657430434929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Bae today too

>> No.28192257
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x1600, 93363025_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28194293

Is it worth finding a way to record the panels for non-AUS brrats?
I'll be there for both days

>> No.28195405

I wouldn't mind seeing it, but don't risk your ticket and getting kicked out ausbro!

>> No.28195653

Recording the audio would be enough if you're feeling daring.

>> No.28197148

Bae... if you have time to retweet about a new Homo gen then you have time to do a stream...

>> No.28197268
File: 603 KB, 1200x1600, 1656784058545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Bae considers us work instead of her leisure

>> No.28197713

oh man new homo gen? i cant wait for the unicorns to shit their entire ass

>> No.28198002
File: 251 KB, 750x750, 1657240468982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28198325

Oh don't worry anon it's EN Stars so their ass is gonna be MUCH more shit

>> No.28198144

HoloStars EN

>> No.28198325
File: 253 KB, 1920x1080, FVWJ5fUWAAEjtyV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN holostars
oh im loving it, even if they are not as fun as oga roberu and aruran the butthurt will be legendary.
the worst timeline is that they are just boring and add nothing to the ecosystem

>> No.28198812

Noice, I'm not the anon who made the rentry but if he's okay with it, I'll try and update it on a monthly basis unless he wants to do it himself

>> No.28199301

Bae doesn't really collab or interact with Holostars unless she's invited to a group collab by Ollie or Iofi so it's not like it's gonna change much. Hopefully they're actually entertaining and have a sense of humor so there can be some banter if they actually collab.

>> No.28201051
Quoted by: >>28202201


Bae please stream

>> No.28202201
Quoted by: >>28202377

That's cool and all but I wanna see the price of a full build if there's going to be one. They are also working on making it possible to ship it to Australia which is cool
I hope she made good bank off of this sponsorship

>> No.28202377
Quoted by: >>28202521

>They are also working on making it possible to ship it to Australia
wait where did they say this? I just brought the case from the uk amazon store, but I'll cancel my order and get it from an aus store instead.

>> No.28202521
Quoted by: >>28202593


>> No.28202593

oh thank fuck. Thanks for that anon.

>> No.28205183


>> No.28205313

Where rrat stream

>> No.28205631
File: 102 KB, 433x577, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[News] Bae brought Miori a bikini shot glass.
>picrel related

>> No.28205743

How'd you find that picture so quickly.

>> No.28205789

Is this a signal?

>> No.28206077

Neat. Gonna watch it later after IRyS and the OW2 collab.

>> No.28206139
Quoted by: >>28206429

any mention of what they've done for those 2 days?

>> No.28206429


>> No.28206454
File: 1.34 MB, 1279x720, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Bae content

>> No.28206609
File: 152 KB, 1030x1080, FSxZx06WQAUzgQ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28206618


>> No.28206726
Quoted by: >>28206953

Oh shit what merch is that?

>> No.28206953

booth fanart print

>> No.28206995
File: 77 KB, 375x231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio showing off more Bae merch.

>> No.28207269
File: 216 KB, 480x480, 1656399107370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you holding up b/rrat/s? What are (You)r personal feelings about Tempus?

>> No.28207927
File: 1.72 MB, 1434x846, 3245354534543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28207960
File: 18 KB, 604x161, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28208145

If they cool, they cool

Is it really that cold in Aus right now?
inb4 Bae gets sick again because she didn't wear enough clothes and there's even a wider gap between strims

>> No.28208183

That toothpaste? My dick.

>> No.28208238

That's real cute

>> No.28208436

>all superchats are mostly $1, sometimes $5
>Anything higher were from bae karaoke collab tourists
Is it this bleak being a indietuber

>> No.28208493

curious who joined. Hoping for Banas, Max0r, or Sseth

>> No.28208553
Quoted by: >>28208709

It’s not cold temperature wise compared to like most other places cold temps, but the houses in aus are universally shit at keeping heat in and out, so it feels way colder than it should. That being said, it has been colder than I remember, and we’re heading to have the wettest year on record for sydney

>> No.28208709

Atleast it looks like it didn't flood much in Bae's area
She would first rant about it on twitter if that was the case

>> No.28208794

I feel like she would have heard from her dad if that was the case but I'm glad they weren't hit hard.

>> No.28208979

stream fucking rn baeeeeeeeee. aaaaa I miss her so much.

>> No.28209299

It mainly only floods the floodplain in the west, and that would be a semi unusual spot for her parents to live, demographics and like immigrant communities and all that jazz

>> No.28209542
Quoted by: >>28209660

[more news] Bae got timtams for miori

>> No.28209568
File: 466 KB, 720x392, Screenshot_20220714-200737_(1)_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bae gave miori some sort of glass and tim tams

>> No.28209660

How many did she bring with her...

>> No.28209779

She had about six packs just for Mio

>> No.28209811
File: 81 KB, 915x84, 1647141655408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Bae bringing everyone these but I find them at my normal grocery store in Canada. Are we honorary Aussies and I never knew?

>> No.28209991
Quoted by: >>28210285

Like 4 packs for everyone.

>> No.28210098

>those nails
she fingered bae....

>> No.28210272

Ahhhh I want one like that as well

>> No.28210285

1 pack is 200 grams
4.6kg on top of her current luggage....
My poor rat.....

>> No.28210383

She was gonna need that space for merch anyway...

>> No.28210466

That's even worse, I subtracted 4 packs because IRyS isn't there and Sana is already in straya

>> No.28211823
File: 378 KB, 699x1167, Bae Season 4 Tier List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28221305

>Last time on Brrat-Ball-Z!
>In order for Bae to escape the American dimension, a soul must be traded for another. With the help of Miori, Sana offered her powers in order for bae to escape
>Sana however, didnt survive, and both bae and her followers have promised to never forget her
>with renewed hope after the sadness, Bae prepares for the next battle, after all, she feels four new presences on the horizon

>> No.28212217
Quoted by: >>28212306

The Mineraft CouncilRyS collab is within the next 2 days right?

>> No.28212306
Quoted by: >>28212378

According to Fauna, yes. The plan is to do it this weekend.

>> No.28212378
Quoted by: >>28212460

Atleast there's two confirmed collab streams for the weekend

>> No.28212460

Yerp. I hope she does a zatsu before Mario Party though.

>> No.28212935

[news]bae had terrible internet at her hotel
mio's hotel also had terrible internet
mio searched around and paid for a separate hotel with ethernet for one day to stream the karaoke

>> No.28213059

Damn bruh, hotel internet never disappoints at being shit

>> No.28213367

she probably got her money back from the karaoke superchats after paying for that hotel

>> No.28214217

Mio is super cool and I find her fun, I'm glad the rat has cool friends.

>> No.28214368

[news]Off-collab was planned for a long time
had to be approved (by Cover?)
After it finally got approved, Mio went through Bae's karaokes and picked songs from there and scripted parts for each other
Mio had wanted to do the mashup for a long time

people in chat thinking Mio banning Bae in her chat was how they met for the first time

>> No.28214552

honestly is for the better
reincarnation is always a complex subject in chuubas, its better to leave it ''forgotten''

>> No.28214618

>had to be approved (by Cover?)

Since she's indie then it probably needs Cover's approval

>> No.28216305

[somewhat unrelated news]Mio did not apply for hololive
she'll go on indefinite hiatus after this year to go back to school
probably medical school that someone mentioned before

>> No.28216410

Oh yeah, I heard she had strict parents

>> No.28216665

Reminder to let her know you don't want males randomly popping into her streams. Don't let HoloEN be ruined like NijiEN was

>> No.28216772
File: 66 KB, 702x562, 1657251017465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28216959

wait what? Mio's on hiatus?! She literally just hit 250k

>> No.28216959

strict asian parents
last year of vtubing before medical school

>> No.28217288
File: 1.49 MB, 346x261, 1508452287093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey, check it out mubae bros, you're back in the game

>> No.28217762


>> No.28217819
File: 513 KB, 1200x1193, 1647639508997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always was

>> No.28217912

Oh fuck she is graduating after this year? damn
This makes me appreciate Papa and Mama rrat even more. They are surprisingly supportive of Bae's gig

>> No.28218085
Quoted by: >>28218220

Well Bae is still going to school at the same time and she'll be in rough shit if she fails classes because of vtubing.

>> No.28218220

Yeah she already mentioned that which is why I said surprisingly, as in relative to other families
It's still a strict family after all

>> No.28218288
Quoted by: >>28218450

*Asian families

>> No.28218450

if you exclude EN, 100% of Hololive talents are from asian families though.

>> No.28218489

Apparently Mio's wasn't doing too well in school
academic probation, probably trying to balance vtubing with school
probably made her parents even more strict

>> No.28218497

u rite, I used too much of a blanket term but you get what I mean

>> No.28218598
Quoted by: >>28218641

>They are surprisingly supportive of Bae's gig
probably because it's hololive, she can support herself with it, compared to being a struggling indie

Mio's probably not making enough to really support herself, compared to if she was a doctor

>> No.28218641

That is actually a really good point

>> No.28218670

Even including EN, at minimum Ina, Kiara, Irys, and Kronii are at least half Asian or more. Callie, Watson, and Gura are white. The remainder I don't know how much is known.

>> No.28218989
File: 292 KB, 1286x2048, 1650920458435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28219476

Given Irys and now Kronii have/are playing it takes two, there's always a shot.

>> No.28219476

I hope. Either that or discovering time travel so I can go back and suggest that Ina and IRyS plays through a different game.

>> No.28220492
File: 23 KB, 604x150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now she's just being mean...

>> No.28220555
Quoted by: >>28220770

Just gonna leave a suitcase filled with clothes she hasn't washed for weeks? Don't mind if I do!

>> No.28220662

>still has the HOLD PLEASE still pinned
>hasn't unpacked
She's going to visit Sana

>> No.28220770
File: 33 KB, 246x308, 1646022108789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28221038


>> No.28220794

Depending on their nieche i'll either like them or just be happy for them, would love to see someone who's into car culture though

>> No.28220909

This brat.....

>> No.28221038
File: 66 KB, 350x263, 78686354786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28221111

I feel like they're all gonna be below 30 and completely unrelatable, but I'm gonna give them an honest try.

>> No.28221305

can we change it to sana lost her physical body, it just sounds a little better

>> No.28222951
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>> No.28224764
File: 345 KB, 1200x611, 1647456197570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28226960
File: 2.54 MB, 1343x2048, 99334482_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot rat

>> No.28229872
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x1200, 99274504_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28230936
File: 20 KB, 636x358, 1641860807912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28231793

>it finally hit me that when Council finally does a 3D concert, They will have 1 member missing
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.28231793

There's still the upcoming Bae and Sana collab. You know that Bae will cry and there's nothing you can do but cry as well.

>> No.28234200


>> No.28234901

I choose to believe this rrat

>> No.28235205
Quoted by: >>28237003

It always seemed obvious IMO, and I don't mean that in a bad way. From forgetting things like mem-only cat pics and some twitter spaces, it does seem like she treats streaming and entertaining her audience strictly like a job, in the sense that she separates it from her home life. It just so happens to be a job she really enjoys and is willing to invest a lot of time in.

She said it herself, she's good at compartmentalizing her life (evidently better at it than in pronouncing the word "compartmentalizing")

>> No.28235312

No seriously though, why is the hold still there?
Dum rat probs forgot

>> No.28237003 [SPOILER] 
File: 524 KB, 1600x1200, 1656762842258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28241119

She does enjoy vtubing. She's just not dependent on it. This does put off schizos who actually want a needy girl. Hence why brats are one of the most sane fans.

Adding onto what >>28235205 said, Bae treats vtubing as work in a good way.
She streams regularly but not for overwhelmingly long.
She puts out schedules regularly. That said, SCHEDULE DOKO CHUUU
She puts effort into every stream and delivers on projects.
Finally, she respects brats for being her biggest sponsors and good chaps in general.

>> No.28238344

Bae doko

>> No.28240352
File: 821 KB, 3269x2183, 1629528787320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28240459
Quoted by: >>28240586


Hopefully Smash is more competently run than American cons so that Bae doesn't need to waste so much time on it.

>> No.28240586

and also the people that want to watch the panel and do the meet and greet actually gets to do it instead of having to stand in line for hours and then not even get in.

>> No.28241119

Best streamer-fan relationship we could ask for

>> No.28242030

If treating it like a job means schedules and consistency, instead of "I'll be when I'll be" I'll take that.

>> No.28243742
File: 685 KB, 3508x2480, 1637666886250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28246253

>> No.28246253


>> No.28246345
Quoted by: >>28259130

anyone going to smashcon?

>> No.28248215

i miss bae

>> No.28248831

Reminder to let her know you don't want males randomly popping into her streams. Don't let HoloEN be ruined like NijiEN was.

>> No.28249131

waste of breath anon brats don't care

>> No.28250254

dont you have rushia vods to hump?

>> No.28251903
File: 3.58 MB, 2200x2429, 1638226983417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28254385
File: 337 KB, 1434x2048, 1631484414735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28255747
File: 213 KB, 869x900, FXn4xzvXoAIwGZW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28256147
File: 3.96 MB, 4320x3800, 99537996_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28258603
File: 608 KB, 4096x2894, 1636562800061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28259130
File: 213 KB, 1280x1280, 1656532751864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28259671

Yeah I'll be there for both days

>> No.28259671

are you the one who won the meet and greet lotto?

>> No.28259952



I’d guess it’s about 6 degrees in my room right now, cause that’s the temperature outside. I can feel the cold air moving across my hands as I phonepost this, as though there’s a window open and a breeze is coming in, even though my room’s completely shut up.

>tfw no rat to snuggle under blankets with in an unreasonably cold strayan house

>> No.28260101
Quoted by: >>28260660

That sounds my shitty old house. Heat is supposed to stay in during the winter and kept out during the summer...

>> No.28260211
Quoted by: >>28268801

NijiEN was ruined by all the girls being vulgar as fuck except Rosemi and all the guys being vulgar as fuck too and that being exactly as bad as you'd expect when putting them together. The Stars are professional guys who know how to conduct themselves when doing collabs with the girls which is why HoloJP wasn't ruined by them.
That is to say that the problem with StarsEN won't be the guys existing at all, the concern needs to be over how the guys conduct themselves. Hopefully after how long it's taken to come about Cover has screened them well.

>> No.28260214
File: 69 KB, 1536x960, FXWrtcoUYAAotGU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28260660

Here's Bae's special heat rays to help warm you up

>> No.28260660

At least it’s warm in bed lol. Going to sleep in summer can be a challenge though, that’s probably worse than a cold house in winter

>yellow stream of heat coming out of rat


>> No.28263060
Quoted by: >>28265100


>> No.28265100


>> No.28265429
Quoted by: >>28265525

why rat no stream

>> No.28265525

for you

>> No.28265565


>> No.28266150
Quoted by: >>28268606

It's 3 degrees here in sydney right now

>> No.28266262
File: 6 KB, 447x129, ikz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28266304

Guys, PLAY DICE!! is already closing in on 3M

>> No.28266304

I'm gonna go stream a couple before I doze off

>> No.28266519

Can we achieve 3M before she returns on her channel? 80,000 left

>> No.28266875
File: 64 KB, 392x405, bae absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28268606

>a crikey party
>Austrians in charge of using Australian slang

>> No.28266935

>2AM/5AM for NA
Does anyone here ever wake up at irregular hours to watch streams

>> No.28267025

Yes. Done it too much this week though so when I slept for 3 hours for Sana and Watame's stream today I decided after 20 minutes that I wasn't feeling good from it and went back to bed.

>> No.28267219
File: 63 KB, 512x512, WGDrYezzBZ2S8wSUnIS4Bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28274903

sorrryyyy.... im KR, so I don't think I paid attention to time
that's perfect time for JP and KR.

>> No.28268606

Have to play up the slang for the seppos. The stream will probably be pure unbearable cultural cringe for aussies

Yeah, it’s fucking shit

>> No.28268801
Quoted by: >>28269074

+1 on this, it's the vulgarity and the sex stuff that turns me off of NijiEN, honestly makes me cringe and uncomfortable. which was a little bit of the Miori collab but yuri baiting was supplemented by shipper tears

>> No.28269074

From you guys' comments it sounded like the Miori collab was going to be incredibly vulgar and full of sex jokes but it wasn't like that at all. The "worst" it even got was the talk about licking which was a funny joke about Bae thinking it meant IRL and that's like the purity of a newborn babe compared to what NijiEN is typically like.

>> No.28270286
Quoted by: >>28271549

Because the people here that bring up muh vulgarity usually blow anything out of proportion

>> No.28270644
Quoted by: >>28271527

Bae? You're not gonna do a welcome home zatsu before Mario Party and Smash?

>> No.28271527

Hold please

>> No.28271549

Saying this in response to posts comparing the absolute non-vulgarity of the Miori collab to the common vulgarity of NijiEN was pretty retarded of you, mate

>> No.28273195
Quoted by: >>28274502


>> No.28274502

Maybe no strim before collab :(

>> No.28274545
Quoted by: >>28274628

literally said "a little bit", how the fuck did you get "incredibly vulgar" from that?!?!?!

>> No.28274628

I think he's probably talking about the after collab comments as a whole, not your comment specifically

>> No.28274903

Ye, sometimes I have to wake up in the middle of the night to catch her streams. This one is going to be right past midnight for me

KR bro spotted
Hope you enjoy this stream in prime KR time!

>> No.28275714
Quoted by: >>28278111

Damn, this collab is probably going to be chaotic as fuck considering they will go all out on specifically Aussie slang

>> No.28278111

Mate it’s gonna be grouse, bonza!

>> No.28278743
Quoted by: >>28279233

Nice, finally an Australian language learning stream

I unironically need this, my friends would say random aussie slang and I'd be like "what"

>> No.28279233

If they do go all out on the slang it’d probably be the slang that’s blatantly slang that we don’t really use in conversation

>> No.28280642

rrat in owl chat btw

>> No.28281441
File: 359 KB, 582x733, 1653918474982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28281525

Bae... that hoodie looks like shit... and it's got a dead vtuber on it... Shirt's alright though.

>> No.28281525

Sana is gonna sell like hotcakes.

>> No.28282409
File: 706 KB, 1135x1596, 99507908_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28282411
Quoted by: >>28291707

From an kronie, how many of you are buying the PC?

>> No.28283787
File: 1.72 MB, 3508x2480, 20220708_115112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28285990
File: 439 KB, 1433x2500, FSxPXnvXoAASOgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28287890
File: 36 KB, 939x228, ratmsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are Bae's post from Mumei's drawing stream

>> No.28289115

Apparently the panel thing is happening soon but seeing as it's Bae and Sana holding it it's not likely that anyone is gonna record it.


>> No.28289959
File: 318 KB, 602x540, 768786345867768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's something at least.


>> No.28290371

Oh shoot, that's neat

>> No.28290531

There's nothing to indicate that though?

>> No.28291206
Quoted by: >>28291397

I don't think they have specified on twitter, maybe that dude heard it there from staff in person
Atleast I'm hoping that's the case

>> No.28291352
Quoted by: >>28292324

Cover and Smash has indicated fucking nothing so I'd rather trust some dude who's actually there over them.

>> No.28291397
File: 3.84 MB, 3500x3500, 1641136446706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm hoping so too since this is technically Sana's last go at a con, it'd be nice if her fans could see it regardless of showing in person.

>> No.28291707

I'm waiting to see if there's going to be a full build that I can buy or not

>> No.28292324

I mean it could just as easily be this guy making shit up, or even intending to record it himself and announcing it like a retard.

>> No.28294004
File: 1.22 MB, 3000x2027, Sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28294720

Went to the panel myself and this is the only sign which is just generic stuff
There was no mention of it being recorded fron the actual host before the girls

>> No.28294720
Quoted by: >>28295298

Damn that sucks
Any interesting tidbits or shenanigans from the panel?

>> No.28295298

I recorded the entire thing in scuff quality but I'll edit and upload when the SMASH weekend is done just in case my ticket gets canned for tomorrow.

>> No.28295378

I see, thanks anon, you came in clutch

>> No.28297182
File: 352 KB, 2048x2048, 1643498571290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy the con and get home safe brrat! Looking forward to the panel and Bae stories

>> No.28298198

Bae are you seriously planning on your first solo stream in over a week to be on Monday or Tuesday at the earliest? Seriously?

>> No.28300192
File: 66 KB, 850x748, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28301987

Rat soon

>> No.28302927
Quoted by: >>28303082

I hope Sana and Bae specifically go full Aussie for this collab

>> No.28303009

10 Minutes till starto
Knowing EN, probably a small delay but hopefully not

>> No.28303082
File: 307 KB, 850x1201, __ouro_kronii_hakos_baelz_tsukumo_sana_kaniko_and_usaslug_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nyaring943__sample-a32d01ece7bd93d86fdedf03dedf23f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28303322

Sana's in full shitpost mode right now, so there's a good possibility.

>> No.28303322

Damn, Sana took off her Aussie limiters to go out with a blast huh? Sad that this will only last a couple more weeks...

>> No.28303558
Quoted by: >>28303930

>Bae is too quiet
Every fucking time

>> No.28303630

I can't believe Aussies eat talantulas

>> No.28303790
Quoted by: >>28303833

>Haachama being totally quiet
>Bae picks up on this and brings her back in to the conversation
Good rat

>> No.28303803

Clutch map choice Bae.

>> No.28303833

Yeah I know if I was thrown into a collab with 3 JP people I'd be fuckin silent. Anyone who tried to include me in the conversation would get all my love

>> No.28303930
Quoted by: >>28304041


>> No.28303937
Quoted by: >>28303985

Time to SC Bae about this. She needs to fucking fix her audio. She's always so fucking low in collabs and every time the host tries to fix it they literally have her at max volume.

>> No.28303985
Quoted by: >>28304020

That's the host's problem. The host is the one who has to set the audio levels properly.

>> No.28304020
Quoted by: >>28304080

It's not their fault that Bae has her own personal audio set to 0.5%

>> No.28304041

Her mic gain settings might be off. Her solo streams are quiet too.

>> No.28304080
Quoted by: >>28304105

It's their fault that they aren't confirming the audio status before starting the stream. It takes all of one minute to get everyone to talk in OBS and save a video and play it back to hear how the settings sound to a viewer.

>> No.28304105
Quoted by: >>28308115

If the host has Bae at max volume and she's still quiet then that's on Bae. This has happened before.

>> No.28304255

Bae second so far
Sana's roller ain't workin properly

>> No.28305053


>> No.28305222
File: 201 KB, 1600x1080, 1620846395767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone else gets input lag
>KIara doesn't

>> No.28305411

Bros.... I think Bae might be decent at party games now

>> No.28305480
File: 1.08 MB, 1104x1623, 1652564332865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28309895

Her time in the US made her strong, even stronger than before.

>> No.28305575

>actually winning minigames
my god you are right

>> No.28306981
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, 325801616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like bae is using the new pinning feature


>> No.28307582
Quoted by: >>28307650

Bae you retard... why did you waste 30 coins.

>> No.28307642
Quoted by: >>28307870

Bae dumby
She had no way of losing yet somehow

>> No.28307652
Quoted by: >>28307798

Did Bae do Outlast Part 2 yet?

>> No.28307650

To spite Kiara

>> No.28307798

she said she might try it again but i don't think she has done a part 2 she was pretty rattled last time

>> No.28307870

never forget choketaro

>> No.28307887
Quoted by: >>28307951

Bae is so stupid holy shit.

>> No.28307951
Quoted by: >>28307990

I think Haachama has her beat, though

>> No.28307990

Haachama is special but Bae fucks herself over specifically because she doesn't use her brain.

>> No.28308115
Quoted by: >>28308247

i'm struggling to see why it's the guests job to make sure the sound on the hosts stream is correct

>> No.28308189
File: 282 KB, 1680x1680, 1649907335464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28308221
Quoted by: >>28308275

>still wins

>> No.28308247
Quoted by: >>28308485

NTA but it's a joint effort. You're both doing your best to make sure the stream is quality. It's everyone's responsibility.

>> No.28308275

Well the competition was a chicken, an NPC, and Haachama, so it can't have been that difficult

>> No.28308295
File: 53 KB, 549x550, 1654660666392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely in sync

>> No.28308318
Quoted by: >>28308368

I don't remember Bae being this lucky
Maybe the gods have blessed her after all those tim tams donation

>> No.28308368

m8, it's the vegemite in her veins

>> No.28308485

so you've gone from its bae's fault to it's both their faults

>> No.28308959

Bae won for once, I'm so proud of my rat

>> No.28309695
Quoted by: >>28311456

I believe the correct term in anime communities for that stream is “mid”

Like the one good part was the random boo ganging up

>nintendo online
>sanas controller
>not even going full aussie
>rat brain

>> No.28309895
Quoted by: >>28311789

She won alot of minigames
Something definitely changed

>> No.28310855

Oh yeah, stream it btw

>> No.28311456

I enjoyed it, you don't have to enjoy everything but for me it was great.
>Bae actually played well
>Kiara and Bae had some funny banter
>Bae's greed got the better of her and she also stopped thinking
>Still won somehow

Sana's controller fixed itself, Kiara was super mad at Bae and her antics, it was great.
Haachama was slightly weird today but I think she genuinely struggled to understand them.
I would have preferred though if she stayed till the end but NPCchama was funny.

a slight shame they didn't go full Aussie but I had a lot of fun

>> No.28311789

She matured after hot sex with Miori

>> No.28312010

Back to waiting for Bae to not do a solo stream until after Smash and until after she rests for another day.

>> No.28312577
Quoted by: >>28320252

Also isn't there a council ender dragon fight?

>> No.28313247
File: 1.83 MB, 1726x934, hakos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28313887

I really like Hakos, and she's a great singer too. I especially love her design even though I've never watched her streams. She seems like your typical hot Aussie-Asian is generally fun to be with. But I have a problem with her singing, I feel she's trying too be like Gura. Doing the Doo-pa-dooba-dooba-doo thing


Anyone else feel the same?


>> No.28313887
File: 53 KB, 190x185, d1d2881928a84979199b06464f55f240db77108e19e2d1c331c7aac11f95d35a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura didn't invent scat singing or acapella.

>> No.28316817
File: 785 KB, 1200x1600, 99531736_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28317119
Quoted by: >>28318287

ngl the panel was pre cringe. sana did karaoke towards the end. nuff said.

bae was good tho.

>> No.28318287

As they tend to be

>> No.28320248

>I miss streaming for you guys.
>Goes a week without even hinting at streaming.
Why are they always like this.

>> No.28320252

Yeah it's this weekend hopefully according to Fauna

>> No.28320518

Holo EN special

>> No.28322708
File: 848 KB, 2000x2000, 1635557948335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28325183

It is kinda rude to say she will only take a week break, return for 2 streams and go on an unannounced week break. Not even on Twitter or anything.

Mane-chan, please correct the rat

>> No.28325590

I'll correct her for you brrats tonight, she won't be pulling this again

>> No.28327565

Lets hope her next schedule is a banger because this is gonna be a real disappointing 2 months otherwise considering how much she hyped up June and July as the months where she had all the free time in the world "so much stuff coming!" and all her 6+ projects in the works.
Let's be frank, all we really got was a JP week which was honestly a pretty crappy idea. The JOPs didn't watch it and it just wasn't very fun for English viewers. She exerted all her energy a misguided idea like JP week that none of her core fans asked for and had to go on an 11 day break when she promised a week break only. She even ultra hyped up a PC case announcement like... alright cool I guess but I was expecting something like a cool project related to streaming or something like a song.
Alright sure, she took a small 11 day break to travel and have fun. Fine! I have no problem with it, rat deserved the trip but then she streams like 2 times during america, one of them is a zatsu stream and the other is a pretty meh off-collab, then she takes another 3 days off and then we get the a small zatsu + Miori Off-collab which was pretty fun. Okay, she was probably on a tight schedule and didn't get much time to stream during murica, no pressure!. I wouldn't want her to be stressed about streaming during her trip. She took another 2 days off to travel back.
Now...... here's the problem. she comes back like 4 days ago, doesn't announce that she won't be streaming and goes on an unannounced break for like 6 days total counting the travel which was like 2 days, goes on a collab stream without doing a solo stream prior to brief us up now we probably won't see a schedule from her till like tuesday because she refuses to stream because of SMASH or unless it's a collab on someone else's channel.

All in all, she streamed 4 times total over the span of 21 days (1 was miori off-collab)
Now consider this, all of this happened in the months of June and July when Bae supposedly has free time and promised all of the cool stuff that was coming. Let's be honest, even counting all the streams that she did starting from June, there were never really any projects that were unveiled nor she did anything particularly interesting. The one time she could've done something really cool, it was the damnable JP week which was not very good.
Mane-chan.... if you're here, please offer Bae some real guidance, you HAVE to step up. The rest of Council keeps streaming and inclining while Bae is having such large gap between streams and isn't really doing anything interesting, I don't want her to put out a subpar schedule with like 4 streams in which there is a zatsu, a member watchalong or a continuation of some random kusoge like chicory.

If you get an opportunity like this with much free time, I wish she would make the most of it instead of silently delaying stuff and becoming complacent, her school could start anytime again and she wouldn't have much free time.
Tell her to get some projects out or alteast do some of the fun streams she promised if her room is finished by now. Even if it isn't there are so many cool ideas and streams she can do that is not a JP week.
I'm not mad, I ain't no schizo so I won't hate Bae for some stupid reason but I am disappointed, I feel like we never really got anything substantial like she promised in the last two months and all these breaks aren't helping.

Sorry about the rant, I love Bae but it hurts seeing her become complacent with such standards

>> No.28327907

>im mad that the streamer didnt fulfill my own made up standards and i hyped myself for nothing!
holy shit kill yourself my man

>> No.28328199

I'm not mad, just disappointed
I already made it clear, I don't hate Bae for this but sorry, Bae probably fed me too much hopium and this is the result of it. She kept hyping everything up at every turn mate and then just took alot of breaks

Unless you are suggesting that I should be happy considering Bae to be a cruiser which she is not in my eyes.
You are being too much of a simp in an unironic usage of the word

>> No.28328463

she didnt hype anything you retarded schizo, did she tell you exactly what was she gonna do? did she say ''oh in july im gonna do X and Y''?
no she didnt, she always spoke in maybes. Its your own fault for thinking she was gonna stream every day in usa, or that she was going to stream when she had a panel and not to mention the studio sessions she has been going to
now fuck off to global or kill yourself already

>> No.28328822

schizos will shit on this post but you're right, essentially dragging out her break to a month long with a pittance of filler streams in between is really shitty and will hurt her numbers in the long run

>> No.28328863

Uhhhh yes she did
She promised alot of projects which never really amounted to anything, if they are still in the works like the studio sessions, I would atleast appreciate if she would let us know.
She promised she would stream a fuckton in these two months but she unironically took more breaks than she did before when she had her exams ffs

I don't expect her to stream during the USA, I already made it clear, but she could atleast be a bit transparent when she came back and let out a tweet or something letting us know if she was going to stream or not.
Once again, you are being too easy on her
This is her job and even then I still don't want her to get too pressured but c'mon, atleast TALK Bae... even a tweet would work

>> No.28329157
Quoted by: >>28330405

Honestly I can see where you are coming from, I think that she might be becoming a bit complacent but I still have hope there is some hype shit coming out
She still needs Mane-chan correction though for not letting us know about the unannounced smash breaks,
JP week was mostly for her reps but it was pretty uninteresting and it took all the energy out of her sadly so she couldn't stream much afterwards. I hope she never panders to the JP bros again, they don't deserve her hard work and effort

>> No.28329640
Quoted by: >>28330405

bruhhhh. Baenium shortage made you like this huh?
I miss her too, brat. I'm rewatching the recent vod or karaoke collabs again and again and again like madman until she come back. that's my cope for her lack of streams this month.

>> No.28329958

I don't know what "oshi" means, the post.

>she didnt hype anything you retarded schizo
Watch streams my dude, she literally hyped up an announcement which was an announcement. Which was a PC case.

If anyone needs to go back to global, it won't be you, since you need to touch grass

>> No.28330015
Quoted by: >>28330405

I too think Mane-chan needs to step up and help Bae outIf she really is here, bae obviously tried and worked really hard for the jp week but it was a very misguided effort and it unfortunately gassed her out. Honestly, I don't want her to overwork herself again on ideas like that but just keep a steady and comfortable supply of streams at her own pace instead of two streams literally every single day. Unless it's Febaery because that's kinda different
I hope this break and trip rejuvenated Bae enough and ignited a fire within, schedule should be out by monday or chewsday

>> No.28330076
Quoted by: >>28330405

I'm disappointed but I don't really have any feedback other than a simple "Please be more transparent and communicate more with your fans either through Twitter or through members posts".

>> No.28330384
File: 100 KB, 1200x900, gordonfreeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if she hasn't streamed because Gordon Freeman and Mama rat grounded her for not sticking with family and running off with Miori somewhere?

>> No.28330405

Yeah bruh.. sorry about this , it ain't a good look I know

u rite, I feel better now and can't wait for the schedule

Basically this. I want just a bit more communication because I really wasn't sure this time around when the break starts or ends.

>> No.28330510
Quoted by: >>28330703

>Gordon Freeman
Lmao, I like how papa rat has become synonymous with the crowbar now.
Wait.... is that why there are no streams? the half life 3 curse?

>> No.28330565

>one day of jetlag
>one day of unpacking and shaking off the travel gnomes
>stream collab
>The inminent Sana graduation
i think you guys are blowing this way out of proportion, im bummed out we doint have streams but i dont see why we should raise the alarm

>> No.28330670

I'm calm now, when stream happens, it'll happen and I'll just wait for it

>> No.28330703
Quoted by: >>28330792

>Bae not streaming
>Please hold tweet still pinned
What are the chances Bae announces Half Life 3....

>> No.28330744

oh shit you right, sana is graduating i totally forgot
well now the lack of streams kinda makes sense, bae might be feeling down

>> No.28330792

Non-zero at this point
One does not simply grab their dad's crowbar without reason and start making tapping noises

>> No.28331688
File: 1.27 MB, 2562x1444, Hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28339613

>> No.28331711

Yes mane-chan, this feedback right here, +1

>> No.28332413
Quoted by: >>28333119

>expecting a schedule from a person who is probably still jetlagged and also attending a convention
She'll get back into things next week, take your meds.

>> No.28333119
Quoted by: >>28333425

>expecting a person to announce they are on break when it's their job to keep their audience informed is bad
anon, are you okay?

>> No.28333245

Don't complain about JP week. She stream twice time during that week.

Rather, it was her who was heartbroken because she didn't have any good results at that time.

>> No.28333357

Streaming for ~1/4-5th of your fanbase while making your regular streams suffer for it wasn't the greatest idea.

>> No.28333425
Quoted by: >>28335149

>She has to announce that she's on break when she isn't going to have a solo stream for 3 days because she's doing other streams instead
Meds, now

>> No.28333428
Quoted by: >>28334071

This is why I said it was a misguided effort and that Mane-chan needs to help her out in times like this with her guidance.
It was never a good idea, JOPs don't deserve her hard work

>> No.28334071

Yes, I agree. JP is not interested in EN at all. Rather, it resulted in an ironic result that KR Bros enjoy JP Week.

just i mean, let's not look down on her try. She is always trying...

>> No.28334260
Quoted by: >>28335991

Yeah I know, Bae is always working hard, I want her to work hard for things that'll work out for her for the better though and actually pay off.
KR bros love Bae and it would've been better if she did a KR week instead even with her broken Korean

>> No.28334395

>That /rentry/ in the OP
Finally, that's useful stuff
Looking forward to that other anon's project as well

>> No.28335149

>isn't going to have a solo stream for 3 days
Anon, how many days have passed since the last solo stream?

>> No.28335345
Quoted by: >>28335582

Just because (You) can’t see her doing things at cons doesn’t mean she’s on break


>> No.28335380
Quoted by: >>28335582

Were you expecting her to be doing solo streams while she was travelling overseas?

>> No.28335582
Quoted by: >>28336676

Oi stop, my point was never that she is on break or not, it was just that she should've communicated a little bit better that she might be busy with SMASH and whatnot
Let's move past this aight?

>> No.28335991
Quoted by: >>28336074

What would be a good KR stream that isn't a study stream?
A KR only speaking stream she won't do since she feels like she's not good enough yet.

Maybe a cooking stream where she cooks some Korean food, but not sure how hard that is to set up camera-wise. It might be risky too with reflections if there are metal pots or pans.

I think Kiara has done some cooking streams before though.

>> No.28336074

Wear a rat mask

>> No.28336219

Sometimes I wish she'd come to think about this with us. Member streams are there for that.

>> No.28336676

I agree with you, this week should have been communicated better, especially her extended travel after the Miori collab. But apparently some anons think it's not okay to not be okay with that.

Dropping this convo now

>> No.28336703

international travel, especially across the globe can be really painful, so I'll give her some slack for no updates.

I do agree with JP week, I don't know why she keep tries to pander to JPs when 1. there's wayyy to much great competition in JP and 2. JOPs never give any shit about ENs. Irys gets some JPs supaas and attention out of ENs but that's because she's a japanese.

I don't speak it but i would've preferred she do a KR week and maximize her potential.

>> No.28337319

Bae has always had japs in her chat and JP week was to pander to those guys a bit. Considering it a failure because she didn't get numbers out of it is dumb. Bae wouldn't think like that.

>> No.28337653
Quoted by: >>28337871

Doing an exclusive date stream for a small part of your fanbase is how you get your arms and face torn off if your fanbase were chimpanzee's.

>> No.28337867

Bae is one of the least numberfag, of course she doesn't think like that.
I'm just sayin bruh, the week could've been something more
Let's look at it from an objective point, those JOPs in her chat are extremely few, during the JP week, it was literally her KR fans larping as japanese.
Doing a week for such a miniscule portion of your fanbase and not neglecting them is admittedly pretty damn sweet of Bae but it is definitely not smart and is pretty dumb when you consider that all that hard work that went into the week could've been something like a mini-Febaery with interesting, creative and fun streams or hell, even a KR week. for y'know fans who actually watch her.
Reminder that she spend hours upon hours of her own time translating and commision art from her own pocket for that final story time stream, for such a small part of her fanbase.

You also have to consider that the Brats are extremely nice and well behaved to most other fanbases (mostly because of Bae herself), I don't think such a decision would've been as well received in most other fanbases.

>> No.28337871
File: 40 KB, 452x697, 1531617654228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's a good thing we're not chimps then, right?

>> No.28337912


>> No.28337984

u rite
I'm pretty happy that we are the way we are

>> No.28339613
File: 534 KB, 1466x1080, 1657350345993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the sentiment in this thread, but I am HOLDing until the end of the month before judging.

>> No.28339985

It's simple. because she liked Japanese culture. Don't forget that Hololive...COVER is Japanese company.

Also, the reason why she did JP week was for her JP brats, obviously. In recent months, she has been more attention about KR brats among other international fans. so she feels a little sorry for JP Bros

If it was to get a new fan from JP----I think it was probably both.
.... JP week wasn't that effective.
just it became the time when KR Bros just sent SuperChat in Japanese.

Her choice of time should have been earlier. 21:00 JST is... It was the worst choice ever.

and many Japanese are not goot at English. They also have numerous JP holo members. There's no reason to choose EN.

Now Bae is going through trial and error.

But, ironically, there are more role models on JP that can improve her stream style.

She still admires Hololive. sometimes, she seems to think that she is not holo member, but an outside guest.
that's why she seems to be at the bottom of council even though she is the leader
she seems... she thinks of all the holo members as her senior. even council and holoX members
She should be able to treat other member more openly.
I think bae would be more popular if she had been able to do like saggyRyS time for other members
Yeah, she needs to be more toxic.

I hope she founds the answer by this long break and meeting EN members

>> No.28340076

>I hope she founds the answer by this long break and meeting EN members

Stopped reading there.

>> No.28341191

sorry about my terrible English bruh

>> No.28341346
Quoted by: >>28341641

a lil bit ESL for me but I'll try my best to decipher your post.
The main point I'm getting from your post is that Bae plays it too safe with the banter with members who are not IRyS right?
I agree to a degree, she seems comfortable around IRyS and Mumei but she does seem a little bit stiff when collabing with others. Maybe a fear that some of them might take it the wrong way.
Honestly, that's because Bae is a real sweetheart, she doesn't have a bad bone in her body so she doesn't want to risk accidentally hurting someones feelings.
You can even see it in today's collab that she held back alot, in a lot of other collabs too.
I do agree that she needs to open up and relax around the other members, let loose sometimes when the situation calls for it and go full aussie with the banter, the EN girls are nice and I'm sure none of them would mind.
They rest never hold back with the bantz so yeah.

Ironically I think she has great banter with the JP senpai lately like with Lui and Roberu even though she probably respects them much more than EN.

>> No.28341641
Quoted by: >>28341846

Yeah, that's what I mean.

As I wrote, Japanese are terrible at English, sorry lol

>> No.28341846
Quoted by: >>28342837

You a JP or KR bro? welcome, nice to have you here
Don't worry, I got your point

>> No.28341867

>stopped reading at the end
Awful nice of you anon

>> No.28342837
Quoted by: >>28343475

Yes, JP
Bae is one of EN members that I am interested in. Original reason was that her mama is mika pikazo. mika is my favorite illustrator.
If not for this reason, other JOP would not be interested in EN.

The reason why I said 21:00 JST is the worst choice is because it is the time when other JP holo members stream the most. I also watched JP week's half on VOD.... It would have been better if it was around 18~19:00 JST

>> No.28343475


>> No.28344757
File: 3.50 MB, 1152x2048, Sweepyy~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28344835

Bae rn

>> No.28344835
File: 1.06 MB, 3507x2480, FXy0Qo3UEAEkoyQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me rn

>> No.28349111
File: 407 KB, 1304x2016, FXzmzBTaIAAv7St.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae ate too much American food...

>> No.28349246
File: 102 KB, 369x369, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grab a handful of that rat

>> No.28349574

Imagining what it would be like if Bae combined asmr with hand cam videos... like calmly putting custom key caps together or tapping on stuff.

>> No.28350109

> I feel like we never really got anything substantial like she promised in the last two months and all these breaks aren't helping.
I feel like Season 3 was a bit lacklustre overall, but that isn’t exclusively her fault, going straight from crying from stress about Play Dice into dealing with more projects, kittens, Beastie, rat school and probably Sana too would have taken their toll. And because of US trip and SMASH we’re left hanging because everything she hyped up hasn’t been done yet.

I hope for season 4 that Bae is able to get her stride back and she should definitely communicate more, just the little things make all the difference.

>> No.28350981

More rat to love.

>> No.28355381

>Bae acts oddly distant from the audience for a week
>Brrats start acting crazily antsy

Well I honestly get it, I feel like Bae should still be mentioning stuff like this. She does usually say when she's on a longer than expected break. The last time she was acting weird with no zatsu in sight was when Beastie left her home and we only really heard about it after the ordeal was done.

Which is why my personal rrat is that she's still distraught from Sana's graduation, and isn't streaming a zatsu (or much at all yet) because she's still processing those emotions. It kinda fits with her tendency to keep struggles like this to herself until they're done with

>> No.28355710

migrate when ready
