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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.28317748


>> No.28318189


>> No.28318221
File: 146 KB, 1096x1460, FCT-SzuUYAEKMBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love her so much bros

>> No.28318338

now we buildin

>> No.28318643

Moona is top tier.

>> No.28318753
File: 203 KB, 1225x2048, __moona_hoshinova_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_robbilgigih__55332634a65c21ee2ee311ef0cb1922b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28319039
File: 37 KB, 427x444, 1652969574977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's back

>> No.28319133
Quoted by: >>28319172

wth is that real figurine? where can i buy it?

>> No.28319172
Quoted by: >>28319776

nope that's 3d made in blender

>> No.28319452

i want to ask the 3d obj file for a project but im too shy to ask

>> No.28319715
Quoted by: >>28319777

The fuck happened in Kaela's stream to make her choke up like that? I could only parse that it was something about Miko.

>> No.28319776

fuck... i want to cum on it.

>> No.28319777

she met migo then npc shot them from behind, both dead

>> No.28320119

Stairs are enemies

>> No.28320450

Damn she did it well and pretty fast

>> No.28320482
Quoted by: >>28320607

where are the Dinos?

>> No.28320601 [DELETED] 

>burgers and guns
USAda indeed.

>> No.28320607

No Dino but we have polar bear

>> No.28321090

Pinto finally have a home

>> No.28321138
Quoted by: >>28321646

Man, she's really thinking this game's building system is as robust as Minecraft or ARK, huh?

>> No.28321144
Quoted by: >>28321376

She's having a hard time facing the roof

>> No.28321376

she gave up....

>> No.28321420

Thank God she finally died. All that endless complaining about food and hunger is getting real grating to listen to.

>> No.28321646

Hell, I think even Fallout 4's building system is better than this, and that game is shit.

>> No.28321711

Artist is pretty good with models. So far only HoloID.

>> No.28322631

Gotta admit, it's pretty weird how in Minecraft these girls keep their hunger level up almost obsessively, but now in a game with similar mechanic, they only eat when they're near starving.

>> No.28322830
Quoted by: >>28323034

Only because there's no food farm.

>> No.28322833
Quoted by: >>28323034

I think the difference is that food is abundance in Minecraft while one of the problem in this game is finding food

>> No.28323008

> Bear rug
That is revenge for all the death

>> No.28323034
Quoted by: >>28323188

They already got decently sized farm up and running, though.

>> No.28323188

Maybe they want to stock up first? It's not like they're playing pub, where everyone's gonna rob you blind if you keep things lying around.

>> No.28323691

>the penguin died to a bear again
Is she a retard or something? If you know that area of the map is highly populated by hostile mobs, then why the fuck do you keep going back there without preparing for a fight?

>> No.28323706

Mooner can fight back against the bear now

>> No.28324177
Quoted by: >>28324697

They're women, pls understand. They can't into pattern recognition.

>> No.28324697

How do you even deal with them as new players? Bears are vicious in this game, right?

>> No.28324984
Quoted by: >>28325086

Really simple. Build a wood foundation + ladder, then just snipe them with a bow. Better players can even just run in a circle while shooting them.
Or at least, that was how I did it back when I played the game.

>> No.28325086
Quoted by: >>28325138

It's been 6 hours and she hasn't even built a single hunting bow, anon.

>> No.28325138
Quoted by: >>28325603

she found a bow earlier tho

>> No.28325231
Quoted by: >>28326094

I don't know much about this game but i love watching this guy https://www.youtube.com/c/Welyn
The first thing he do before doing anything is craft a bow or crossbow

>> No.28325603

That thing's a composite bow, not to mention she only has one so that shit should've been turned into a blueprint. Hunting bow's all you need in early game, and it can even carry you well into mid-game.

>> No.28325765

That polar bear really walk fast

>> No.28326094

Oh yeah, that's the guy who got a lot more popular after his solo raid video blew up, isn't he?
But no, I don't expect the girls to have that kinda skill. I just want them to have just a little bit of common sense. Something simple like:
>If there's hostile mobs in the game, then craft a weapon so you can fight back for God's sake.
But instead, here's we got an autist who built a full blown house before even building her first hunting bow, and over there is an idiot who ran back into an area highly populated by bears while being FUCKING NAKED.
Suffice to say, my expectation keeps getting lowered day by day.

>> No.28326217
File: 168 KB, 2000x2000, 538282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28326384
Quoted by: >>28326848

Calm down anon. Moona has a bow, yes I know it's not the right bow but I don't see how she would know that, hell I don't know anything about the game and thought any range weapon was fine. It's her first stream playing and give her some lax.

>> No.28326494

found your problem anon
why do you keep hurting yourself

>> No.28326709

t-the ship has sailed

>> No.28326848

Bruh, all those things I mentioned (crafting hunting bow, how to fight bears, etc), I learned within the first 30 minutes of entering a server, not to mention without any guide. And I was considered well below average by the people I formed a clan with later.
If I give her any more lax than this, I'll be literally treating her like a mentally handicapped person. That's a bit depressing when you think about it.

>> No.28326992
Quoted by: >>28327449

It is depressing when the only reference you have to judge people is how they play videogames, yes.

>> No.28327337
File: 57 KB, 800x450, 9237462934672936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too intelligent for my entertainment

>> No.28327449

Missing all the points there, retard. Here, I'll put a TL;DR for you.
>Common sense
>Pattern recognition
There, simple enough for your little brain?

>> No.28327461
File: 552 KB, 668x868, 6432727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year she spend more time with Reiner, and now it's Kyle
i think i see the pattern here...

>> No.28327607
Quoted by: >>28327713

Let it go, anon. You're dealing with yesmen who treat any criticism with the vitriol worthy of death threats.

>> No.28327676
Quoted by: >>28328053

heeh... watching girls expecting pro play, ngmi

>> No.28327699

I'm not engaging in conversation I'm just insulting you, you asspie.

>> No.28327713

I thought these fuckers stay in their containment discord?

>> No.28327753

>stay in their containment discord
no such thing

>> No.28327873

Kek no. You probably missed it, but you should have seen the kerfuffle a few days ago when an anon have the fucking gall the suggest Mooner use a topic card.
Yes, a topic card. Treated with the same hostility as if he just wrote pages and pages of death threats. Can you believe that?

>> No.28327942
Quoted by: >>28328732

>I have expectations
>I know, I'll watch the streamer who took one hour to make a crafting table in Minecraft
Brain damage.

>> No.28328032
Quoted by: >>28328248

Well I'll be.
Probably a good idea just to ignore them and avoid giving them (You)s, huh?

>> No.28328053

It's called backseat.

>> No.28328056

i can imagine if you start a discussion like that on their hugbox discord you'll get an imediate warning

>> No.28328063

She find a better bird wife

>> No.28328248

Should have done so from the moment they started using insults without any prompting.
People who complain about the same thing over and over and over are cancer, but yesmen who treat this thread as if it's their personal hugbox are just as bad, if not worse.

>> No.28328326


>> No.28328550

One of them is still trying to get (You), by the way. As if we're stupid enough to not recognize that subtle insult exists.

>> No.28328590


>> No.28328602
Quoted by: >>28328997

'Veiled' insult, more like. It's anything but subtle.

>> No.28328683

I'm aware, I was just having some fun.

>> No.28328702

Yeah is the same angry guy that starts rambling whenever things aren't done his way

>> No.28328732

He forgot she played the game is just for FUN. he make it like she should play the game just like how he did it, this backseating mentality is cancerous and when she didn't do the things like he want he just can't stop whining.

>> No.28328951

moona is a hagchad...

>> No.28328997
Quoted by: >>28329494

Just stop it, anon.
Yes, we know what criticism is. Yes, we know the yesmen who's camping this thread always react badly to them, be the criticism is legit or not. And yes, the best way is to just ignore and not encourage them by giving them (You)s.
Just discuss something else, or go watch Mooner's stream.

>> No.28329102
Quoted by: >>28329165

Rust is a shitty game

>> No.28329165

atleast it's way better than pet simulator ARK

>> No.28329270

it's really true what another anon mentioned the other day. this general is the only one that consistently insults its oshi

>> No.28329304

2 retards aren't the whole thread

>> No.28329325
Quoted by: >>28329403

and you gonna do? cry?

>> No.28329403
Quoted by: >>28329506

Bit hasty in typing that out, huh?

>> No.28329494

You sure? People who take it too far to the point of flaming are bad, I know. But letting these yesmen with their toxic positivity would be just as bad.

>> No.28329506

yes and?

>> No.28329646
Quoted by: >>28329948

Yes, I know, but what can we do? They're gonna camp this thread regardless.
So like I said, just ignore them. It's fairly easy to recognize them at this point, anyway.

>> No.28329710
Quoted by: >>28329845

God you're so annoying with the yesmen boogeyman. People are just fucking tired of this thread turning into a suggestion box when we have made it clear time and time again that if you have something to say to Moona GO AND FUCKING SEND HER A SUPERCHAT

>> No.28329798

found one

>> No.28329836
Quoted by: >>28330064

I love munmun, do you love munmun?

>> No.28329837
File: 43 KB, 599x446, 10396273092467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28336747

>> No.28329845

Too poor to send something
Pls andastand

>> No.28329858
Quoted by: >>28330634

>2 loud faggots stroking each other think they that straight up insulting the chuuba is criticism
Don't worry guys, this happens every weekend. They have school tomorrow

>> No.28329948
Quoted by: >>28330099

Kek would you look at that? A couple of them is already raging. Keep the good work and continue ignoring them, fellow Moonabitos. Or just point at them and laugh, whichever works for you.

>> No.28329981

>2 yesman stroking eachother cock thinking this is their circlejerk discord

>> No.28329984
Quoted by: >>28330058

Mooner is approaching her first 10 hours stream

>> No.28330058
Quoted by: >>28330146

Holy shit I didn't realize she's been at it for 9 hours.

>> No.28330060

what the hell is happening in here, did you assholes actually watching stream

>> No.28330064
File: 358 KB, 1200x1800, 22024228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Moonya

>> No.28330080
File: 230 KB, 1621x1316, 1641725478391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28330097
Quoted by: >>28330214

anon the stream is boring as hell

>> No.28330099

Only one of them, the other is thinking his veiled insult and greentext is somehow better a better representation of his malfuntion.

>> No.28330120
File: 446 KB, 2048x1898, 1654772450810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28330271

>> No.28330146

Kinda hope no one said anything and she doesn't notice so we can have a 12 hours stream

>> No.28330154
File: 96 KB, 895x1024, 1634104313858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28330271

>> No.28330185
File: 726 KB, 900x900, 1640849621896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi who triggered the pekomoon poster

>> No.28330193
File: 79 KB, 1024x794, 1644789468237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28330271

>> No.28330214

I am having fun tho

>> No.28330229
File: 443 KB, 2163x1779, 1643893523722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28330261
File: 357 KB, 1461x2048, 1632798899266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28330271
Quoted by: >>28330345

Did you draw it yourself?

>> No.28330305
File: 425 KB, 2048x1839, 1642070501689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28330341
File: 329 KB, 2064x1682, 1628571839670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28330544

>> No.28330345
Quoted by: >>28330562

https://twitter.com/spaded23205 is the artist

>> No.28330349

Retard think he can controlling her with their "free critism" instead of sending the "critism" through SC. too poor to send that pls andastand.

>> No.28330371
File: 457 KB, 2099x1875, 1647613663674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28330393
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>> No.28330431
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>> No.28330437

Oh look, there's him again!

>> No.28330471
File: 375 KB, 2162x1915, 1654990216594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28330495

ssshhhh the hell you doing

>> No.28330513

how many times kyle dead in this stream?

>> No.28330544

Both are too dumdum to do science

>> No.28330562

Want to learn to draw like them but my pencil lineart is too messy

>> No.28330624

shut up and start listen to Turing Love


>> No.28330634
Quoted by: >>28330898

This is one the reason why she almost never finish the story games that she played, too much backseater.

>> No.28330638

They can make TNT, making thing explode is easy

>> No.28330655

Okay, that's enough. I said it before and I'll say it again, just discuss something else or go watch Mooner's stream.

>> No.28330781

anon the stream is boring af,
the moment you realize this thread went zoomed more than usual when she's streaming, it means the sream is shit

>> No.28330840

Meh, you're no fun, anon. But fine, this is getting boring anyway since they just keep repeating the same old, boring rethorics.

>> No.28330870
Quoted by: >>28330881


>> No.28330878

Nah, people are just fighting more. The last thread was fine.

>> No.28330881

your mom a whore

>> No.28330898
Quoted by: >>28331146

>muh this game again
>I can guess the next schedule and game that she's gonna play.
>try a new game
>why she didn't do this, why she didn't do that.
my ass

>> No.28330932
Quoted by: >>28331028

>new ip
Way to reveal your samefagging

>> No.28331028

all me

>> No.28331037
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 0264941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28331122
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, 2073714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28331146
Quoted by: >>28332050

Whoa that's like... the usual thread when she's streaming, nothing new

>> No.28331199
Quoted by: >>28331409

Fine, I'll stop. But only because you're the first level headed guy other than the one I'm talking with, and you asked nicely.
And a fine good night to you, anon. Well at least it's just before midnight in my place, dunno about you.

>> No.28331265


>> No.28331409

It's 5:30 for me, but yeah, good night. I think I'll continue watching Mooner till she ends, then I'll crash.

>> No.28331490
Quoted by: >>28331893

>Mooner with Futa cock
>Mooner with strap-on

>> No.28331889
Quoted by: >>28332303

Moona's previous record (before 2022, that is) is around 8 hours, yes? That was the Minecraft stream with Sora etc?

>> No.28331893
Quoted by: >>28331942

But I want to be the one that fuck Moona

>> No.28331942

you don't have cock, Reiner

>> No.28332050
Quoted by: >>28332339

I'm quoting this discussion few months ago

>> No.28332303
Quoted by: >>28332749

I think so, technically the 100 songs karaoke is longer but this one is definitely hit 10 hours

>> No.28332339
File: 27 KB, 347x336, 636732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that's my post

>> No.28332661

i wanna watch a collab cooking stream of Risumoon
both are good at cooking
both are great wife material

>> No.28332749

Mooner doesn't seem to be tired yet, this might go to the 12 hours territory

>> No.28333059
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1657975327691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in JP time right ?

>> No.28333106


>> No.28333254
File: 59 KB, 300x346, 1606413156183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up and have never watched your oshi before. She's been streaming Rust for nine fucking hours? Jesus Christ, what has she been doing all that time? What's the longest stream a Holo has ever done?

>> No.28333390

> What's the longest stream a Holo has ever done?
Pretty sure Korone hold some kind of record for longest

>> No.28333389

>What's the longest stream a Holo has ever done?
I think Korone's Ass Creed was over 26 hours. If not that one, still has to be one of Korone's streams.

>> No.28333415

there's been a couple of 24-hour streams before in JP

>> No.28333621

>>28333254 (me)
Sorry, my bad. Ten. Ten hours at this point.

>> No.28333689

It's actually 10, she is trying her hand at endurance streaming

>> No.28334218

Wonder if Moona would be hanging out in the server to offer assistant

>> No.28334289
File: 65 KB, 827x827, 1633928055376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo she should stop interacting with kaela for a while, she give Mooner a bad influence for being an endurance streamer, i'm getting worried
stream for hours like this is not good for her health, especially since she's still in college and such, because unlike Kaela, Kaela is a Neet.

>> No.28334372

she's practically done with college

>> No.28334440

Go to sleep listener-san

>> No.28334576
File: 187 KB, 666x747, 1641782227385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you Mooner

>> No.28334764


>> No.28334894
File: 985 KB, 1200x1200, 2071051905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ostumoon! She's not even tired yet !

>> No.28335163

>Be me
>Have a suggestion,
>Afraid it won't be good.
>Afraid the suggestion is so bad it will make her angry and reply "don't tell me what to do, I know what I do".
>Want to discuss it.
>Go to Discord and they said "she can do whatever she wants".
>Go to /moon/ scolded by "if you have a suggestion, send her SC" anon.
>Send her SC
>she replied "don't tell me what to do, I know what I do".

>> No.28335248

Steps 3 to 5 are unnecessary.

>> No.28335583

Step 1 is unnecessary

>> No.28335779

Where's your message?

>> No.28335957
Quoted by: >>28336386

>she replied "don't tell me what to do, I know what I do".
? Never saw Moona respond like that, she literally write down game/song suggestion and tip

>> No.28336084
Quoted by: >>28336315

Kek so we've successfully groomed her to be a Karen, then? Nice.

>> No.28336303
Quoted by: >>28336563

Oh god. The fish guy is now into dinos

>> No.28336315
Quoted by: >>28336571

I wouldn't go that far. Some of us /here/ are at least still have enough pride and decency to not be yesmen.

>> No.28336386

Anon have the whole scenario happened in his head, another episode of schizophrenia.

>> No.28336470
File: 419 KB, 703x863, 1644337744654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28337235

Time to post cute Moona until she is awake

>> No.28336563

Now that is true autism

>> No.28336571

I'm not saying it's you who become a bunch of Karen, I'm saying it's her. Like, it's what's gonna happen to her if she's surrounded by the toxic positivity the yesmen are drowning her with all the time.

>> No.28336747

Push that button !!! >>28329837

>> No.28336766

Well I'll try not to let it happen. Might be a tall mountain to climb, considering how infested this thread is by the naysayers and the yesmen, but she's my oshi, so I have to try.

>> No.28336981

Wait you actually think this thread has influence over her?

>> No.28337013
File: 754 KB, 986x580, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28337137


>> No.28337137

Serious question man. I don't care about this opinion bout but truly believing that is a tad dumb

>> No.28337147
Quoted by: >>28339076

Kill this thread, then kill yourselves.

>> No.28337202

Yeah? And how do you plan to do that?

>> No.28337235
File: 95 KB, 1096x1096, 1653063885298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28337501

More cute Moona!

>> No.28337286
File: 740 KB, 911x1076, 1644584413138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337374

Wait, no fucking way, do yo mean I can't make her do what I want !!??

>> No.28337408

holy shit where the hell all these schizos come from. it's so obvious they never watched a single mooner stream

>> No.28337410
Quoted by: >>28338703

> if she's surrounded by the toxic positivity the yesmen are drowning her with all the time.
Have you watch Moona ? She literally tell people who said her English is good that they are lying and she know her english isn't good. Moona is self aware enough to see when people are kissing her ass, you don't need to "fight" against the terrible yesman.

>> No.28337485
File: 233 KB, 2048x2478, 1648475945992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337501
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>> No.28337550
File: 208 KB, 600x500, 1632338887106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337567

>Wait you actually think this thread has influence over her?
Moona, go play One Way Heroics.

>> No.28337569
File: 1.04 MB, 1324x1205, 1657924508259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28337606

>> No.28337606

Needs a
>Fat me

>> No.28337625

I will whining until she do what i want like what I'm doing rightnow.

>> No.28337661
File: 980 KB, 1000x1383, 1646827112811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337715
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>> No.28337724
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>> No.28337777
File: 589 KB, 435x621, 1643945762751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337795
File: 321 KB, 1536x2048, 1646725263859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337877
File: 328 KB, 1507x2048, 1632016927138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337905
File: 548 KB, 1447x2047, 1640963222643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28337956
File: 268 KB, 1866x1858, 1646787937066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28338006
File: 59 KB, 561x571, 1657898402814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28338035
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>> No.28338159
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>> No.28338169
Quoted by: >>28338910

Holy shit the faggot
>No discussion on this thread or i'll spam Moona picts until bump limit
is back

>> No.28338244
File: 576 KB, 3551x3085, 58654468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28338262
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>> No.28338266

Well I mean I do sometimes send her my suggestion through Streamlab. Just the small things, though, because I know better than to bring up the more sensitive stuff mid-stream.
Her Discord is pretty much useless now since most of the retards there have turned it into their echo chamber.
So now mostly I just stay here, and try to engage if any genuine and useful criticism come by, though it's a bit marred since there's faggots who repeat their complain ad nauseam, and the yesmen also being here.
The inconsequential ones, related to her current stream, I sent though donation, alternating between SC, SB, and Streamlab. The more sensitive ones, I compile them and send it though email, though I'm not sure if it will ever reach Mooner's hand, but well, like I said, I have to try.

>> No.28338354
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>> No.28338432
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>> No.28338470

So you at least put your money where your mouth is. Good to know.

>> No.28338499
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>> No.28338597
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>> No.28338605
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>> No.28338685
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>> No.28338703

i was surprised she actually said that on stream, but still those faggots keep saying "No, your english is good" and such despite everything Mooner said

>> No.28338844
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>> No.28338910

literally couldn't have any discusion ITT, because that one faggot act like a police chat on stream, he keep posting pics so nobody continue the discussions, like a retard he is

>> No.28338959
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>> No.28338989
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>> No.28339076

how about you go to sleep or kill yourself instead

>> No.28339143

That's why it is pointless to argue, yesman will be yesman, getting into fight would just create a bigger mess. You can have your opinion and criticism and advice, if it reasonable then Moona definitely would try to do it.

>> No.28339172
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>> No.28339232
Quoted by: >>28339563

I remember there was an SC about how to stop mouse cursor from going off screen on her stream tonight. Was that you?

>> No.28339275
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>> No.28339367
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>> No.28339417

Also the teardown stream few days ago, the stream is so fucking lag,
Mooner went into panic,
but the chat keep saying
>No the stream is fine
>It's not that lag tho
>it's OK keep playing

Holy shit

>> No.28339449
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>> No.28339507

>anon has yesman Boogeyman in his head

>> No.28339519
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>> No.28339563

Lol no, I sent an SB but that wasn't the content. That advice was from Yuba, I believe? But his advice was sound, so I did repeat it in chat the few times she got frustrated about it.

>> No.28339595
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>> No.28339643

>difference between the posts is only few second
>It's literally 1 faggot who keep spamming the pics

man he so desperate

>> No.28339684
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>> No.28339780

I think I need to see the suggestion first, if it's retarded then no wonder Moona reject it

>> No.28339798
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>> No.28339948
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>> No.28340117
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>> No.28340213
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>> No.28340304

Look at the chain reply, it's backseating not "suggestion" >>28323691

>> No.28340308
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>> No.28340406
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>> No.28340421
Quoted by: >>28340517

it's not backseating if you posted it ITT retard

>> No.28340479
Quoted by: >>28340517

>from 4chan
Anon, are you okay?

>> No.28340503
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>> No.28340517
Quoted by: >>28340689

Then what ?? Whining??

>> No.28340527

do you know what "backseating' is Faggot?

>> No.28340600
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>> No.28340601
Quoted by: >>28340838

Oh, so you think a comment made in this thread can also appear on her chat?

>> No.28340612
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>> No.28340692
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>> No.28340689

go to sleep Kid, it's past your bedtime

>> No.28340790
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>> No.28340791
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>> No.28340838

She read the post that's why you keep whining right ?? Also stop samefagging just because you get exposed. Go crying

>> No.28340871
Quoted by: >>28341207

I think that is what he meant. He wanted to discuss his idea worth suggesting to Moona or not.

>> No.28340893
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>> No.28340992
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>> No.28341084
Quoted by: >>28341459

>when the replies was made seconds apart from each other
Anon, are you a newfag? It's okay to come clean, we won't get angry.

>> No.28341104
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>> No.28341115
Quoted by: >>28341459

go fucking back

>> No.28341190
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>> No.28341207
Quoted by: >>28341481

From his narrative >>28335163
, he end with Moona saying that she do whatever she want and ignoring the suggestion tho

>> No.28341289
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>> No.28341372
Quoted by: >>28341728

>84 images
>more than half of it is spammed by the same person

what's his endgame?

>> No.28341391
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>> No.28341459
Quoted by: >>28341491

Keep crying retard until she read your "suggestion" keep whining

>> No.28341471
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>> No.28341481
Quoted by: >>28341654

>literally a shitpost about song suggestion on Mooner's latest unarchived karaoke
Anon, seriously, are you okay? I'm really worried.

>> No.28341491
Quoted by: >>28341673

Holy fucking newfag

>> No.28341546
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>> No.28341579
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>> No.28341619
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>> No.28341654

He couldn't even identify it was a shitpost. Wow, we really have a newfag amongst us, tonight.

>> No.28341673

Did you just find out that word ??

>> No.28341685
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>> No.28341686
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>> No.28341728

ITT you're not allowed to
>do any discussion
>critism Mooner
>call her with slurs
>having suggestion

>> No.28341770
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>> No.28341772
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>> No.28341785
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>> No.28341824

Whining and shitting half of the thread is not suggestion.

>> No.28341839
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>> No.28341850

>call her with slurs
And this is bad ?

>> No.28341863
Quoted by: >>28342127

What's the point of this thread then? it's no different than fancord at this point

>> No.28341929
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>> No.28341944

>call her with slurs
well thank goodness someone cleared that up

>> No.28341962

People have been calling you out for the third point yet you still believe is just about the suggestion thing

>> No.28341985
Quoted by: >>28342064

Everyone should be allowed insults Moona

>> No.28342007
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>> No.28342064
Quoted by: >>28342156

I called her Moon-Moon once, do you think that counts?

>> No.28342094
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>> No.28342114
Quoted by: >>28342332

anon, some people literally crying because of it
they said "boohooo stop insulting my oshi in fucking 4chan"

>> No.28342127
Quoted by: >>28342203

The problem is your kind is always timelooping again and again, you're not even watched the stream and keep whing until reached bump limit.

>> No.28342156
Quoted by: >>28342330

Wasn't there a meme about derpy husky named Moon-Moon back then?

>> No.28342203

so it's the same as people who keep spamming the picts until bump limit?

>> No.28342207
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>> No.28342233
Quoted by: >>28342319

This thread is going fast guys, what happened? I thought her popularity was, you know, down the gutter

>> No.28342319

>Bait posts
>Dumbasses who keep biting an easy bait
>No Men
>Yes Men

that's why

>> No.28342330
Quoted by: >>28342444

Oh shit! She must be DEVASTATED I called her that, then! And since I did it ITT, this whole thread must be at fault! Unforgivable!

>> No.28342332

It maybe 4chan, but that doesn't mean you need act edgy, calling Moona a slur isn't as funny as you think. None of the other insult their oshi but somehow we have to need to have a conversation about this

>> No.28342337

>search yesman
>found a post from another thread
Here we go >>28336135

>> No.28342346
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>> No.28342433
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>> No.28342442

nah Moona is a whore

>> No.28342444
Quoted by: >>28342557

Wait, which meme was that again?

>> No.28342516
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>> No.28342535
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>> No.28342557
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Quoted by: >>28342833

Picrel was only one of them.

>> No.28342612
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>> No.28342733
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>> No.28342823
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>> No.28342833

Fucking KEK.
And fuck you, I'm on a fucking train now dammit.

>> No.28342872
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>> No.28342956

she's a bitch yes, but regardless of what you're saying, she's not going to let you fuck her

>> No.28343106
Quoted by: >>28343287

How edgy

>> No.28343186
Quoted by: >>28343356

Did any of you know how to make a webm for 4chan?
because instead of spamming shitty ass picts, webm might be good
because i never see any webm post ITT

>> No.28343190
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>> No.28343225
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>> No.28343273

We don't consider newfags 'people', anon. Mere subhuman like them don't have the right.

>> No.28343287

i know

>> No.28343356
Quoted by: >>28343527

You missed the deluge of Moona's hip roll webm? Well, sucks to be you?

>> No.28343527

that's like months ago, and there's no webm posts since then
so why don't you posted it on the next thread

>> No.28343628

Too retarded to think, your logic won't fit his retarded brain.

>> No.28343891
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anyway, good night folks. portal relay in a few hours

>> No.28345135
File: 262 KB, 2048x2048, 1656542022311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the thread is dying anyway, I'll tell you fags what the problem is.
We're in a thread dedicated to a streamer people in here enjoy, so naturally, we want to talk about the things we enjoy.
However, EVERY SINGLE TIME she streams there's always someone crying about her not playing the game the way he wants, crying about a stream setup, crying about the preparations (or lack of it), crying about her chat, crying about her mic settings, crying about the set list, crying about her grammar, crying non stop about the most pointless of things over and over. Always using words like 'retard' or 'bitch', that naturally is going to bait people, because nobody wants to hear others badmouth who they like.
When this happens every day, it stops being a problem about Moona's quality as a streamer and more about why are you still in this thread, let alone still even watching her?
As it's been pointed out before, this is the only general that has some people shitting on their own oshi and try to pass it as criticism to help her improve. Fucking Mori, the absolutely most hated holo on the whole board has way waaaay more civilized threads than the shithole that is /moon/

You want to make a genuine suggestion? Send her a donation on streamlabs since you can put a fake name. If she agrees, she'll do something about it.
You want to discuss a suggestion in here? Mind your words and we can all have a civilized dialogue.

>> No.28345189


>> No.28345238
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>> No.28345829


>> No.28346023

They don't have money that's why they posted "suggestion" here, hoping she read their post.

>> No.28346282

sending suggestion on SC is kinda rude desu, better wait for another q&a Maro stream because that's the perfect time for it, which will never happen

>> No.28346317
File: 161 KB, 657x876, 1637374381435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably don't even watch her stream, some guys was complaining about her overlay last thread (saying that she didn't do her properly) and she has change that for like 2 months and the thread even have a discussion about it.

>> No.28346427
Quoted by: >>28346601

I don't understand why it is rude, people outside of here send them asking about thing all the time, why can't people here send them ?

>> No.28346526
Quoted by: >>28346722

Kek stop lying. If it was a complain that was repeated ad infinitum, we would understand. But you fuckers were ready to cry murder and screech at literally any criticism, be it the fairly mild ones or the ones that were actually on-topic since they concerned the STREAM THAT WAS STILL RUNNING.
For fuck's sake, you fucking screeched when someone suggested to better prepare audio balance setting next time. It was a huge collab of all 9 HoloID and on her POV, it was so unbalanced two voices literally drowned everyone else! Some anon said he literally had to use the audio from Reine's stream just to be able to hear everyone properly, and you fuckers still FUCKING SCREECHED!
And don't even fucking mention the bait posts when they didn't even try to hide they were baits! Not only you bit the baits hook line and sinker, you just lashed out at everyone ITT, even the ones that were genuinely having a discussion!
So don't fucking talk like you know what the problem is, because you're fucking PART OF IT!

>> No.28346527

It's not rude if you don't say
>"listen here you fucking retard, last stream was shit. Let me tell you what you need to do next time"
Be nice and she'll at least say she'll consider it or something. If you want to be extra careful you can send the donation when she's not streaming so it doesn't trigger the alarm and write at the start of the donation to not read it out loud so nobody besides her will know what you said.

>> No.28346601

>asking about thing all the time
those are just normal questions of things that happen inside the stream
there's no critics and such, Maro is the perfect place

>> No.28346722

>For fuck's sake, you fucking screeched when someone suggested to better prepare audio balance setting next time. It was a huge collab of all 9 HoloID and on her POV, it was so unbalanced two voices literally drowned everyone else! Some anon said he literally had to use the audio from Reine's stream just to be able to hear everyone properly, and you fuckers still FUCKING SCREECHED!
Link the post, I want to see the conversation chain.

>> No.28346801
File: 180 KB, 1182x904, 1656337696461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bread >>28346702
