>Rebirth and 2ch
There was one attempt from Okayu to start over. She killed the site, changed her name, and started up a new one. Her writing style must have been too obvious though, because the same people came back and told her it was useless to try and start over secretly. Apparently somebody even went and made her a target on 2ch(or something similar), saying that she was writing these things despite her lack of net etiquette. Okayu didn’t even know what 2ch was or what it meant to be made a target there, but eventually it was too much, and she just gave up on that life. That story is real popular with her friends whenever she brings it up.
Okayu thinks she learned a lot from that whole part of her life. People say that Loli Okayu was too pure, but she thinks a lot of people are like that when using the internet for the first time. She loves the internet, and she thinks she wouldn’t be here if not for this part of her life; she was much more of a rascal back then, and it helped prepare her for what the internet was really like. Chat thanks the bully Oji-san for giving them Okayu, but Okayu is pretty sure it’s an Oba-san, seeing as the contents of her site were mainly for girls. She doesn’t think she’s ever brought this story up to her Obaa-san or Hanaya Onee-san, just friends and Mane-chan. What about other holo members? She doesn’t think she’s tolda any of them. Maybe Subaru?
>Sexy voice
You say her voice is sexy today? She had recordings pretty much all day, just woke up from a nap, and her nose is kind of stuffy, but thank you anyway. Which part is sexy? When she drank some water? Isn’t it the water that’s sexy then?
Will she do a 30 minute endurance run? She already mentioned it, but she doesn’t plan to stream it again until Gamers are out, but she’s been playing a bit here and there.
>Stylish comments
Isn’t there something really aesthetic about the small comments section? The tiny letters are real cute. For instance, even though somebody was just spamming “OPPAI OPPAI OPPAI OPPAI” in the chat, the tiny letters made it feel kind of stylish. See? Oh, they’re already blocked? That was fast. This is going to be clipped? Why?! Normal Youtube comments are in a fairly large font, so this tiny font gives off a different feeling. She feels that even if she got mean advice or comments while streaming, the size would make it easier to ignore them. That’s good advice for everybody: try making things smaller.
>Sprout Okayu
Okayu loves how cute the swaying is. It reminds her of a decoration on her Baa-chan’s car that would sway in the sunlight. A lot of cars had those. Things that can run forever like that are amazing. Technology is incredible(Yes, she’s making a reference)! Then she starts talking about Unagi Bone Chips for a while, and recommends them.
>Silent Okayu, Funny Okayu
Okayu’s in the habit lately of suddenly falling silently during conversations. Silence is her “NEW WEAPON”. One of her favorite comedy groups “Kamaitachi” often use sudden silence well in their routines, and Okayu wants to get good at using it too. Okayu has a tendency to laugh a lot whenever telling a funny story, but she wants to balance that by working on being tight-lipped at times too. She’s studying laughter a lot lately. Is she aiming to be an idol or a comedian? Hmm… Good question. Don’t worry, she’ll still make sure to talk plenty. She just wants to say funny things! When she goes out to recordings and meets new people, she wants to make them laugh. It feels like a calling to her, but she also wants to sing. She’s greedy, and wants it all.
Okayu understands the fear of white clothing/furniture getting dirty, but you can always be like that one Chiikawa and call it “flavor”. Of course, she used to get anxious when Temari would damage or dirty the sofa, but it’s not like she’s going to get mad at Nyassu for it. Owning a cat and a sofa was her choice, Temari’s just a cat. It’s Okayu’s fault, not her cat’s. How’s Temari doing? She’s doing great. You don’t usually get to hear her, since she’s in the living room while Okayu streams in the soundproof booth. Okayu’s daily schedule as of late is: Watch Jojo while eating, play with Nyacchan, go to recordings, sleep.