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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28181167 No.28181167 [Reply] [Original]

Since clippers have been the talk since yesterday, what happened to dedicated clippers?
Most "big" clippers nowadays are just churning short clips using whatever thumbnails and titles, they can be clickbaity, they can be false.
Sushi barely clips anything for more than 1 minute, doesn't give context in his clips...etc
Otakmori blatantly uses clickbait titles and thumbnails to the point where even hololive itself encourages people to NOT watch his clips, and this is without mentioning the false translations that more often than not create narratives in which people unironically believe in, and all of this is just to get clout.
Even the good ones who used to make quality clips like osekkai defected and started doing en "clips" after he kept proclaiming his love for Suisei, among others.
So the question is again, what happened to dedicated clippers? And why are the clips' quality always low if the clipper isn't someone who truly enjoys the person they're clipping?

>> No.28181249

Mental illness

>> No.28181454

any reason for using that picture as the Op image though?

>> No.28181531

This is more in response to the Ina shit, but if I were a clipper, I would get other clippers to stop clipping certain chubbas (Ina) just to see how much damage you could do to their traffic.
>Assuming that they are willing to put their money where their mouth is if they believe their shit about themselves being the life line of vtubers

>> No.28181533
Quoted by: >>28183530

Blame the YouTube algorithm for rewarding low quality, low effort clips over the good clips we used to have.

>> No.28181549

the answer is actually quite simple: money. Even if someone who is passionate somehow gets big, there is a lot of pressure to keep producing content at high speeds. If a 30 second clickbait clip gets you the same amount of views/money as a 10 minute compilation, but with a fraction of the time and effort, there's only one sensible way to keep producing content. When translations take a long time there is also the factor of hype dying down. Ina's misleading clip popped up because emotions were high at the graduation announcement. If someone was clipping a larger chunk of the stream and ended up releasing their video a week or a month later, nobody would click on it since everyone would already "know" the content.

>> No.28181566

life happened

>> No.28181667
Quoted by: >>28183530

Oh no! Not false narratives!

Get a life you fucking faggot

>> No.28181681

Uhhh well it works pretty well for the thread purpose imo, this is a screenshot that was posted in # some time ago and I had it saved even though I still don't know who this clipper is, I watch haachama every now and then (I assume it's a dedicated haachama clipper) but I never get any clips of her recommended or anything like that, so is there a reason I'm using this specific image by this specific user? Not really no, like I said I'm only using it to point out what I'm trying to say if that makes sense

>> No.28181920
Quoted by: >>28183530

There is a lot lot of dedicated clippers and quality clippers that still exist out there, you are just too fucking lazy to find it yourself. Just yesterday i found one hour long korone clips

>> No.28182092
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Quoted by: >>28183483

I'm guessing because Charlotte actually cares about their oshi.
There's a couple of oshi only clippers, but the fact is most people usually only watch EN streams, and with JP they only superficially watch brief clips. Very few western people are actual hard core fans, and if they are, they wouldn't be clip only watchers.
And so clippers start to imitate their viewerbase in search of views, and become shit.
Tldr learn Japanese

>> No.28182582

I think there are more than enough quality clips around. It's true that they don't have the big numbers, however.
The thing is that the main purpose behind a dedicated clipper is to get people to watch their oshi. But because of the language barrier, too many people rely exclusively on them, instead of treating them as a gateway. If you want to listen to the chuuba talking in more detail about the thing, click the source and watch the vod, the clip being too detailed will only stop you from doing that.

>> No.28183017

I think you have to think about the purpose of clips, what's the reason they're made for?
to me, a clip's original purpose was to give exposure to the chuuba that you like, it highlights a funny or interesting part of a stream that could get recommended to others and by doing that you help your oshi by gaining another viewer or subscriber, whether it's a jp or an en clip
however sadly, it has devolved into a money grubbing business where you have clip hubs like sushi for example who keep throwing shit at the wall and hoping for some to stick, the quality of their clips were not like this in the slightest, you can look back at many of the old clippers who haven't posted any new clips in months if not more because of the state the clipping scene is in right now, some would rather keep their integrity rather than becoming a sellout like the examples you gave in sushi and osekkai
it's gotten to the point that clips make people STOP watching streams for 2 reasons, either they were a new person who got clickbaited by a certain clip only to find out that the chuuba is nothing like the clip portrayed or because it deters people from watching the actual stream because they know the clips will be spammed out a mere hour if not less after the stream i done
gura is one of those cases, where people become actually LAZY and not watch her streams because they know there will be a hundred minute long clips that will suffice regardless of context existing in said clips or not.
I personally think that a lot of clippers actually hurt chuubas than they do them good, at least nowadays

>> No.28183483
File: 42 KB, 622x615, chad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tldr learn Japanese

>> No.28183530

Kys dramanigger
I don't think that's the point OP is trying to make anon, to the people who actually care they can go and look for good clips obviously but to the casual viewer who will usually only watch the stuff that get recommended to him... Well 99% of the time it's going to be garbage but it's as >>28181533 said, sadly the algorithm favors actual subpar garbage instead of good stuff and you can't really do much about it

>> No.28183683

Like it or not, but the best clippers, the ones that legitimately did a great job and exposed Hololive to the west, were chinks. And obviously you haven't had them for nearly two years.

>> No.28183721
Quoted by: >>28184062

You know, it always astounds me when content creators act like they don't know what motivates other content creators. The motivations are exactly the same.

>produce as much algorithmically favored content as possible with as little effort as possible in order to maximize ROI for every upload

Whether it's chubas or clippers, they're both trying to accomplish the exact same thing. It's all about the money, because people have to make a living.

>> No.28183754

I've unsubbed to every single one of them

>> No.28183890

desu I'm just subscribed to the ones that main Kiara.
I don't really get recommended other clippers.

>> No.28184061
Quoted by: >>28184358

Sushi is the best clipper. A large amount of no-nonsense clips. No bullshit, just the best bits with 5-10 uploads every day. That's what you want. Clips that drag on over 5 minutes are not very good since at that point you can just watch the stream itself.

>> No.28184062

>because people have to make a living.
being a fucking clipper isn't a job and if you believe that then you're a dumb retarded leech.
the fact that you believe someone like sushi should be earning money by spamming his shitty low quality non-transformative clips shows how fucking lazy you are, a chuuba is one thing but a fucking clipper stealing content to make money? that's not a job

>> No.28184358

>at that point you can just watch the stream itself.
That's the fucking point though, they're supposed to intrigue you to watch the actual stream and get you intrested in the streamer to watch future streams, not to fucking replace the streamer themselves, that's how you become a clipnigger and clipniggers should unironically kill themselves, whether it's for en or jp

>> No.28184472
Quoted by: >>28184884

>stealing content
Being anti piracy in 4chan is ridiculous.
Your breathing is non-transformative content stealing, either pay to breathe or stop doing it.

>> No.28184474

>should be earning money
It's not about should. They do, and as such it incentivizes certain behaviors, and it eats into non-monetary rewards that could be available to clippers with more integrity, who, like it or not, enjoy getting views

>> No.28184544

>they're supposed to intrigue you to watch the actual stream and get you intrested in the streamer to watch future stream
No? That's what a business suit would say. They're just supposed to show people the best bits of streams. No more, no less. Any utility gained by Cover for that exposure is completely beside the point. No wonder you're seething when you're trying to larp as a Cover exec.

I see funny clip, I share funny clip. Don't really give a fuck about whether anyone watches the streamer.

>> No.28184620
Quoted by: >>28184884

I sure hope you don't pirate games or anime anon. That would be stealing and make you a big hypocrite.

>> No.28184884

that's not the point, I'm not profiting off of pirating a fucking game or an anime, of course being anti-piracy to a certain degree is retarded but that's not the point I'm trying to make here

>> No.28185535
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Quoted by: >>28186362

>being a fucking clipper isn't a job
It takes time and effort to watch full streams, clip out the best parts, and upload those segments to YouTube. It also requires some skill with another language when clips also need to be translated as well. What I'm trying to say, irate shitposter, is that you are, in no uncertain terms, a moron.

As a point of fact, if clipping was such an easy, inconsequential task, then every vtuber would already be running their own clip channel.

>> No.28185583
Quoted by: >>28186362

>We will not interfere with the use of partner programs or creator programs on video sharing sites such as YouTube, Niconico, etc., any advertising revenue earned thereof, or any other monetization schemes offered by such sites, provided that the aforementioned guidelines, said sharing sites' terms of use, and all third-party guidelines are adhered to, and no IPs or copyrights are infringed upon.
Cover allows monetization of clips. Technically pirating anime is worse because it goes against copyright while making money off Hololive clips is officially sanctioned by Cover

>> No.28185725
Quoted by: >>28186599

>So the question is again, what happened to dedicated clippers?
They still exists, they just not as big as some trend chassers.
>And why are the clips' quality always low if the clipper isn't someone who truly enjoys the person they're clipping?
Because YouTube algorithm doesn't reward people who do best job. It rewards people who put something first. So you end up with lots of low quality clips, where clippers were more focused on bringing it first, then actually doing good job.

>> No.28185805

So you don't support someone using someone else's intellectual property while not having it be transformative to make a living?
Then why do you watch vtubers?
Do you think that anime girls doing cute voices is transformative when they're unironically actually playing the game and showing the cutscenes?

>> No.28186184

>don't monetize video
Youtube put ads anyway and get all the money.
>monetize video
Take money from Youtube, which takes 30% from your oshi.

Monetizing > non monetizing
Fuck Youtube.

>> No.28186362

The guidelines also say:
>For clips making use of our content, please refer to both the clip guidelines and overall guidelines.
One of those overall guidelines is:
>Please limit your creation of derivative works to a fan or hobby level. Do not use our content for business purposes (including, but not limited to, cases where a business bears the production costs, etc., even if it is under the name of an individual), or for purposes that can be deemed as for-profit.
If you are treating your clip channel as a job you are unironically breaking this guideline. All these guidelines also assume the work is "derivative". That is defined as such:
>We consider derivative works to be creations born of fans' ideas and creativity, based on content created by us.
Do you think non-transformative clips are creations born of fan's ideas and creativity?

>> No.28186599
File: 2.04 MB, 1758x2028, __pomu_rainpuff_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_maplesights__a957a4fac9684afb108b91b262f47df2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution is, of course, in house clippers.
Ultra based. Streamers are copyright infringers who have no right to complain.
Rules lawyering is unsightly, unless you're being completely shafted ie an unjustified vacation from the chan. Only then, when someone's DIRECTLY interfering with you, is it righteous and just to beat them over the head with the rule book they're supposed to be following.

>> No.28186814
Quoted by: >>28189463

>Do you think that anime girls doing cute voices is transformative when they're unironically actually playing the game and showing the cutscenes?
yes, they're adding something to the original product, this is the most retarded take I've read in this thread.
if you think let's plays are non-transformative then bin the entirety of YouTube right now

>> No.28186881

How the fuck is doing translation work less transformative or less of a job than singing other people's music or playing other people's games?
You're letting your butthurt speak louder than logic. That or you must despise anything that isn't original songs or zatsudan streams.

>> No.28186902
Quoted by: >>28187092

>If you are treating your clip channel as a job you are unironically breaking this guideline
No you are not. Clipping being your main source of income is not the same as operating as a business

>> No.28187073
Quoted by: >>28193405

I agree with your premise, but shorter clips are much better for that. There's a dedicated Marine clipper that I ended up unsubscribing from because it was just spamming my subscription tab with a bunch of different clips from months old streams I've already watched. At one point, clips can be too detailed, to the point where the target audience is people who don't want to watch streams. A balance is necessary.

>> No.28187092

>main source of income
>limit your creation of derivative works to a fan or hobby level
You cannot be this dumb.

>> No.28187165

You should quit while you're ahead anon. Yes your main source of income can be from a hobby. Its in the tax code.

>> No.28187220


>> No.28187236

>fans can't make clipping their main source of income!

>> No.28188998

VSPO has a rule that says that you can't clip a stream before a day passes. Obviously, that's a dumb rule for a company like VSPO who's growing, but hololive (and the audience) would benefit from that rule nowadays.

>> No.28189463
File: 1.15 MB, 2385x2931, __pomu_rainpuff_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_keeerooooo1__3b2dd815affd47261c557dc183d0c8d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's plays are non-transformative
>bin the entirety of YouTube right now
Based. Let tubegeddon commence so that enough people realize how fucked copyright law is. Public outrage is a good impetus for laws being changed or ignored.

>> No.28192496
Quoted by: >>28192651

algorithm and money

the more people engage with your channel no matter how bad it is that will affect its algorithm. that's why sushi uploads like 10 50 seconds videos instead of 1 4 minutes videos. meanwhile the king translator otakmori will put most notorious clickbait title and thumbnails and put like 3-5 ads on 1 video.
I kinda prefer oshi-based clipper channel but most of them are asshole anyway.

it's no longer about clipping your favorite chuuba, it's about business and fame now. sodafunk sold his channel reputation after tried to ride the "hi honey" trend and faking his stream. early shit translation birdkun also became a shitty vtuber with ugly voice and even opening membership (people actually joined). fanfare uses his community post for his side job.

I rarely found a good channel these days desu as the old channels also went shit like nyger who loves to stalk matuli.smaller channels also has lot of issues, EN clips are just lewd clickbait with no efforts on the video, JP clips barely translated but they put "translation" on their channel name, ID clips are illiterate trash cuz they don't even know simple stuff like the difference between "than" and "then"

>> No.28192651

>shit on clippers
>nobody worth their salt wants to be one
>cry that clippers are all garbage

>> No.28193405
Quoted by: >>28193668

>There's a dedicated Marine clipper

>> No.28193567
Quoted by: >>28193749

All I’m seeing here is that the English fanbase was a mistake

>> No.28193668

ADKch, seems to be a jap ESL, but he's pretty good if you don't mind the aspect I mentioned. I think he's currently the best one now that Shabby is too busy to keep his channel active.

>> No.28193749

when was that ever a doubt?

>> No.28193756

We don't live in the world as it should be. Clippers are cancer but unfortunately the revenue is enough for SEA

>> No.28195862

the fact that there are faggots here who don't mind being spammed with low quality shitty clips goes to show the level this board operates at
