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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 138 KB, 1200x675, FXlcVlMVsAAlOE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28130478 No.28130478 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>28130530

>Current Stream:【Pathologic 2】Just Live (Please)

>Previous Stream:【Members Only】Hey

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnAY-x9AtNk
【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

>Current Schedule:
7/13 - Fanfiction Review w/ Mumei @ 6:30PM PST / 9:30PM EST, (7/13) 2:30AM GMT / 11:30AM JST
7/14 - Colab w/Kaela @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (7/15) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
7/15 - Dark Deception (+Heart Rate Monitor) @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (7/16) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
7/16 - Membership: Among Us @ 4PM PST / 7PM EST / 12AM GMT, (7/17) 9AM JST

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

Remember to ignore Schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!

>> No.28130518

This one is actually cute.

>> No.28130530
Quoted by: >>28130690


>> No.28130546

sex stream

>> No.28130567
File: 302 KB, 402x442, 1653407555480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a crime against literature why are Ao3 writers like this

>> No.28130577

Soren is killing himself

>> No.28130589

and then they kiss

>> No.28130595

Wait, are they not going to credit the author? Who wrote this one?

>> No.28130632

Don't want to feed egos.

>> No.28130641

I actually don't want to know.

>> No.28130647

They were never gonna credit the authors, anon. They made the google doc requirement to weed out shitters.

>> No.28130654

nah, just critiquing how abysmally that was written

>> No.28130660

1,000 words my ass

>> No.28130662
File: 174 KB, 512x512, kroblush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-No homo

>> No.28130667

Not until they read his fic

>> No.28130676

this is so good lmao

>> No.28130680

>no homo

>> No.28130685


>> No.28130690

Streaming over Sana

>> No.28130693

this is so gay
i loveit

>> No.28130692

The sexual tension

>> No.28130712

Did Mumei write this one?

>> No.28130717

TimeRyS sisters...

>> No.28130755

it's over...

>> No.28130771


>> No.28130779

kronii indifference.

>> No.28130806

Atta girl

>> No.28130811


>> No.28130836

Living the dream bros.

>> No.28130843

someone that can write, thank god

>> No.28130850


>> No.28130863

I still believe...

>> No.28130876


>> No.28130877


>> No.28130896

yo grats Name

>> No.28130898
File: 55 KB, 648x748, 1654883996247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28130899

>Present tense

>> No.28130904


>> No.28130945


>> No.28130947

krofau hell yeah, good work name

>> No.28130957

>they think Name is /here/

>> No.28130967
File: 36 KB, 407x486, 1653883423352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Fauna sounds weird

>> No.28130972

>present tense
one job

>> No.28130986


>> No.28131003

the esl kronii x kronii tonedeaf fanfic is coming up I just know it

>> No.28131021


>> No.28131031
Quoted by: >>28131207

>Mumei picked this one
Mumei is Yellow...

>> No.28131036
File: 102 KB, 400x400, 1635647292154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28131143

>even if you're fic is trying to ship Kronii with someone else, Mumei is gonna be voicing it so its basically still KroMei

>> No.28131037


>> No.28131038 [DELETED] 

kronii is happy....

>> No.28131041 [DELETED] 


>> No.28131054

>Mumei picked Name's fic
Does Mumei actually have good taste?

>> No.28131094

mumei is here

>> No.28131118

actual Kino stream

>> No.28131143

Damn I just realized I should have used 'your' or removed the 'fic is' part.

>> No.28131168

can we stop the stream after name's entry has been read?

>> No.28131180

She is /here/ the sheer amount of bullying kronii ges is just her form of loving gaslighting.

>> No.28131200
Quoted by: >>28131242

spacetimebros, do you have hope?

>> No.28131207

Yellow would have picked the TimeRyS one.

>> No.28131238

she ships krofau, so yes

>> No.28131240
File: 641 KB, 2371x2713, FQZJ4DxaUAIfeWG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei is the Mumei poster...

>> No.28131242

they wanted variety, I just hope there will be Kronii x Kronii it's ideal

>> No.28131259
File: 255 KB, 1500x2000, bkdte..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28131724

Name doesn't like Mumei, and that turns the owl on.

>> No.28131296

Name's submissions got a fuckton of likes, so Mumei was probably just using that to filter out the garbage

>> No.28131336

>Mumei grabbed Gabe's fic

>> No.28131364

Wait a second
>Kronii fell off and hit her butt
>didn't talk about hitting anything else
>that means the giant scab is on her ass

>> No.28131374

I'm buying zhang likes next time

>> No.28131414

I don't know who that Name is, but the fact they have so much trouble figuring out who's talking at all times is damning.

>> No.28131427

Ass Doxxaronii...

>> No.28131431

I was the pavement, btw

>> No.28131476
File: 268 KB, 768x1079, 99568632_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spice doko?

>> No.28131477
Quoted by: >>28131726

This is the writer you worship so much? This shit is incoherent.

>> No.28131479
Quoted by: >>28131590

Yeah it can be difficult to tell who's talking in Name's fics because he underuses dialogue tags.

>> No.28131481

Name is way too overrated, here.

>> No.28131484

>making it bread
Thanks for making things awkward for a few seconds.

>> No.28131500

I was the scooter

>> No.28131506

I don't remember making this post

>> No.28131508

Lucky clock pavement!

>> No.28131517

Why are /who/ such big critics

>> No.28131543
Quoted by: >>28131627

we are all watching bread right

>> No.28131574
Quoted by: >>28131679

if you can't easily read this you're ESL as fuck

>> No.28131590


>> No.28131596

They aren't wrong, this writing sucks.

>> No.28131604

Name is a shit writer. They're right.

>> No.28131621

I wanna see Name's reaction to this. What is she doing right now?

>> No.28131627

I saw the Rice bread and the Baeread

>> No.28131628

The previous one was way better.
I'm disappointed in us.

>> No.28131630

Meh, after this stream, I think I'll delete my tweet and just dump a screenshot of my fic here for you all to laugh at me...

>> No.28131644


>> No.28131651
Quoted by: >>28131742

She fell off a scooter. I forget which vod talked about it. You get dunked on when you're not in thick jeans or better.

>> No.28131660

I want to suck the scab on her butt so much bros

>> No.28131669
Quoted by: >>28131802

Reminder for tourist friends that /∞/ tried to groom name because shes underage

>> No.28131670

the previous one was fucking abysmal what are you on

>> No.28131679

This reads like it was WRITTEN by an ESL.

>> No.28131690

Cuddling with me

>> No.28131691

either crying from happiness or cringe

>> No.28131707

true, they hate this one

>> No.28131720

It's literal trash, raise your standards faggots

>> No.28131724

Name... why....

>> No.28131726

It's impossible to do anything in 1k words and the prompt is romantic cliches. It's not supposed to be coherent.

>> No.28131742

>You get dunked on when you're not in thick jeans or better.
Was she wearing shorts or a skirt.

>> No.28131802
Quoted by: >>28131934

that's Izumi, Name is christmas cake at the youngest

>> No.28131803


>> No.28131804

I hope none of you fags actually put Sana into the fanfics, you're gonna make it awkward especially if your fanfic is referencing her leaving.

>> No.28131879

I did but know mine won't get read.

>> No.28131880

What's wrong with present tense?

>> No.28131896

i did. but it's okay, they will never read it.

>> No.28131926

I mean she said she was in sandals and you wouldn't get a scab that counts as a self-aware creature if you had some jeans on to soak the road rash

>> No.28131934

You're no fun...

>> No.28131938

Pretentious writing fags says it's bad so it's bad because I want to suck pretentious writing fag cock

>> No.28131981

/who/ hates Name?

>> No.28132021

They scanned them ahead of time. It's pretty easy to do a sana check since no doubt some of the fics tried to slam that button.

>> No.28132028

uh oh

>> No.28132034

what the fuck is going on

>> No.28132037

These people sound like anatomyfags.

>> No.28132048

>She was in a skirt
>Her ass wound bled badly through the skirt
>Everyone else through she was on her period

>> No.28132072

>someone wrote a fanfic where Kronii kills Sana

>> No.28132079
Quoted by: >>28132160

/who/ here. Yes

>> No.28132082

Nothing really. But making present tense sound good is a tougher task than past tense in my experience

>> No.28132090

No, they don't even know who she is. They just can recognize bad writing.

>> No.28132101

referencing her leaving I agree but not including her entirely is unironically worse

>> No.28132129
Quoted by: >>28132168

/who/ hates /inf/

>> No.28132127
Quoted by: >>28132507

>34 minutes in and we've only read two fics

>> No.28132138

we're at nearly 80 IPs and someone has been around trying to get us pissed with kronies all day (and he's almost certainly the same anon who decided to crosspost)

>> No.28132139
File: 106 KB, 287x187, 1651503175419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28132180

Have they read anything from here yet? Just turned on the stream

>> No.28132154

I think they just see that the writing is pretty bad.

>> No.28132160

kys owlerinoniggers

>> No.28132168
Quoted by: >>28132228

What's /inf/?

>> No.28132180

half the fics they've read are from /here/

>> No.28132208
Quoted by: >>28132322

Who the fuck is Name?

>> No.28132228


>> No.28132251

The fact that they can't tell who is talking half the time is proof this writing sucks.

>> No.28132266

>/who/ thinks NameRyS is here
She abandoned this place a long time ago.. She's just an IRyStocrat now...

>> No.28132268

Holy fuck Name this was like 200000 characters.

>> No.28132311

This is objectively shit writing.

>> No.28132318

Name is an opportunistic whore.

>> No.28132322

She a fanfic writer who ships Kronii with IRyS and Fauna.

>> No.28132366


>> No.28132390

Name is going to deactivate her account

>> No.28132394
Quoted by: >>28132484

Mumei wanted to give Name's fic a lower rating so badly lol

>> No.28132414

I expected better

>> No.28132417 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1629493535517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28132474

Someone should drop Name's Twitter link in /who/.

>> No.28132473

i haven't been here in months, since when was name a girl?

>> No.28132474

Since you're suggesting, why don't you just do it?

>> No.28132478

does anyone think this was actually good

>> No.28132484

anon it was her pick

>> No.28132485

this is the best writer /inf/ has? that was fucking weaksauce dude

>> No.28132507

Gotta reach an hour that's hard. with a 1 day submission window and a ton of ESL SEAnigs

>> No.28132537
Quoted by: >>28132634


>> No.28132568


>> No.28132579

our best was Tulp

>> No.28132577

they only should've picked fics like this one

>> No.28132583


>> No.28132584


>> No.28132591


>> No.28132601
File: 176 KB, 768x768, Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback

>> No.28132618
Quoted by: >>28132652

Well at least Name can rest assured they weren't the worst fic that was picked...

>> No.28132617

Our best now is Gabe.

>> No.28132634

Dude just imagine a gura and calli marriage.

>> No.28132652

This one was unironically better.

>> No.28132662

/who/ seething at us

>> No.28132669


>> No.28132676
File: 88 KB, 400x400, 1639871808389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28132681
File: 279 KB, 2000x2000, FVbeF2aUUAAfhVq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Name

>> No.28132682


>> No.28132699

>Mumei just went down Top and picked

>> No.28132706

Are we being invaded or does everyone just hate Name now?

>> No.28132715

If you produce shit don't brag about it next time

>> No.28132722

I liked it, Name!

>> No.28132736

goddamnit Gabe

>> No.28132750

her fic was garbage

>> No.28132755

I only saw two Kronii x Kronii and I made one of them.
This isn't' the one. :_:

>> No.28132766

You dun good

>> No.28132775


>> No.28132783

>They actually picked the seanigger shit.
Holy fuck have some standards.

They are reading Gabe so you're only the 2nd worst piece of shit here.

>> No.28132788
File: 39 KB, 640x360, 1619722314401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive given up writing fics long ago and don't have a twitter anyway.

>> No.28132803


>> No.28132825


>> No.28132836

gabe WTF

>> No.28132838

KYS Gabe

>> No.28132870

>1 day submission window
>1k word limit
>Prompt is romantic cliches

>> No.28132881

Oh nyo Gabe...

>> No.28132884

fucking hilarious

>> No.28132924

return of Nameschizo...

>> No.28132930

they can't write porn please understand.

>> No.28132936
Quoted by: >>28132991

Ok so if they are gonna keep picking meme shits from here on, then Name can at least say they wrote the 2nd best fic.

>> No.28132954

props Gabe, saving the stream even if just a bit

>> No.28132991
Quoted by: >>28133030

The first one was the best so far

>> No.28133030

It's a good setup for a nice prank, you know. A jokeronii if you will.

>> No.28133051

wtf is this shit

>> No.28133057

They hate her...

>> No.28133063
File: 253 KB, 335x506, 1649095077482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28133178

Gabe... I kneel...

>> No.28133153

What the fuck is it with ESLs and writing in the present tense?

>> No.28133159

Good. Kronii didnt deserve Kronii, I'm glad Kronii is the Kronii to save Kronii.

>> No.28133178

Stop samefagging Gabe

>> No.28133188

they are all Kronii

>> No.28133192
Quoted by: >>28133254

What do you think?

>> No.28133226
Quoted by: >>28133314

funny enough there used to be a grammarschizo who bullied gabe about his tenses every time he posted
I guess he never learned...

>> No.28133254
Quoted by: >>28133326

I don't know SEA languages, how do they handle tense? Is it one of those tenseless languages or something?

>> No.28133296

So Mumei picked by popularity and Kronii picked whatever?

>> No.28133306
File: 489 KB, 1080x1412, Screenshot_20220714-104743_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28133437

It's not /who/ raiding us, it's antinameschizos raiding both threads

>> No.28133314

Based gabe for never submitting and causing grammarschizo to commit minecraft

>> No.28133326

It doesn't matter, they don't know English or how to write in English.

>> No.28133375

Hey anon. Why do you think your fic should have been picked?

>> No.28133429
Quoted by: >>28133493

I hope its not gonna turn out that the first 2 fics will be the only decent ones by the end...

>> No.28133437
Quoted by: >>28133809

it's still bizarre to me that anons here have antis

>> No.28133464

Because there was nothing funny about it.

>> No.28133493
Quoted by: >>28133819

It was inevitable to be memes and shitpost fics.

>> No.28133495

it didn't go over the character limit

>> No.28133513

They hate Gabe...

>> No.28133514

Why is she narcissistic?

>> No.28133520

it was ryona

>> No.28133523

>worst rated so far

>> No.28133524
Quoted by: >>28133592

Well for one thing, I can actually write and format properly. I'm not an ESL seanigger. I kept it short, under 1000 words. Characters were all consistent and there were a few jokes, and nothing too cringy. It's not great, but it's better than every one they've read so far except maybe the first one.

>> No.28133549
File: 122 KB, 1381x1439, 1635951978284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.28133554

short, very uncommon pairing, it would make me happy

>> No.28133562

It had Mumei's head spinning 180 degree.

>> No.28133588
File: 65 KB, 324x212, 1636997130041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28133592

all writers think like this until they get criticized.

>> No.28133611
File: 117 KB, 434x399, unknown0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28133612

>has almost never used the kimono outfit since the month after the outfit

>> No.28133613

Seriously, did they just choose the ones that had the most likes?

>> No.28133614

Does Gabe even count as an infinity fic when he's just everywhere Kronii related? He's even on the Kronii porn subreddit

>> No.28133615

hows the hair going gabe

>> No.28133677

Obviously. You expected them to read?!

>> No.28133681
Quoted by: >>28133853

Mumei did, doesn't seem like Kronii did

>> No.28133680
Quoted by: >>28133861

>both threads are cruising swimmingly
>an /inf/fag here suddenly claimed there's a war going on between the two splits
>Posts started showing up here whining about /inf/
>Posts started showing up on /inf/ whining about /who/
Every single time.
Stop giving (You)s to dramafags already

>> No.28133694
File: 151 KB, 463x453, 1645816917814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't be deranged

>> No.28133696

Mumei did. No telling Kronii's process.

>> No.28133703

>actual discordfags

>> No.28133758

Kronii is a gurame shipper confirmed.

>> No.28133784

>gabe is an aidungeon fag

>> No.28133809

There's fanbase antis, does it really surprise you?

>> No.28133819
Quoted by: >>28133904

>1 day submission window and 1k word limit
they just wanted to laugh at their fanbase's cringe shit not see anything good

>> No.28133853

Pretty sure I saw this one near the top since it had a lot of likes. In fact, aside from the first one they read, I've seen all of these.

>> No.28133861

I keep telling people, it's the invisible dragon in the ravine that's making us fight!

>> No.28133882
File: 3 KB, 354x357, f16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't call it half a bath.

>> No.28133885

They are all Kronii
These posts are all Gabe

>> No.28133904

Well yeah. I'm sorry we didn't get the 600k word BaeKronRys epic.

>> No.28133909

I just want one TimeRyS fic...

>> No.28133923
File: 95 KB, 1252x566, 1633089346779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28134026

should have submitted this one

>> No.28134022

Kronii picks so far:
>Bonebros(might just be for how short it was though)
Mumei picks so far:

>> No.28134019
Quoted by: >>28134240

>keep getting sidetracked reading
They hate it.

>> No.28134026

Stop apologizing Kronii

>> No.28134080

mumei likes to watch!

>> No.28134086

Bonebros was for the meme factor.

>> No.28134115

The actual writing of this one doesn't suck but the character of Gura is reduced to her most gremlin memey state.

>> No.28134124

But I thought they said no lemon!

>> No.28134151

>blueberry shampoo

>> No.28134157

Mumei did say she likes to watch...

>> No.28134174


>> No.28134197
File: 308 KB, 999x999, sniff[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fehu34a.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28134240

You'd read fics if you wanted to read fics. This is the experience

>> No.28134376
Quoted by: >>28135720

what shampoo does kronii use?

>> No.28134492

Gura watches...

>> No.28134541
Quoted by: >>28134630

So far Bonebros is top of the list

>> No.28134546

Alright, bros. Post your fics since this shit is practically over.

>> No.28134566

>Complimenting a lot that last one
They hate Name and Gabe

>> No.28134571


>> No.28134586


>> No.28134595

what happened to that variety she mentioned

>> No.28134607

Not till it's over.

>> No.28134611

Might be another 3 hours just have hope

>> No.28134630
Quoted by: >>28134710

Fuck off deadbeat.

>> No.28134655
Quoted by: >>28135110


>> No.28134661

Should've posted that fic with Bae and zombie Kronii

>> No.28134685

Can you tell your fucking Oshi to stop using Kronmei?
Thank god Mumei isnt retarded and knows Kromei sounds better.

>> No.28134708


>> No.28134710
Quoted by: >>28134803

It just shows that simplicity is key, truly
And comedic timing and effect to throw in a copypasta shitpost

>> No.28134712

why are Ao3 writers so horrible

>> No.28134774
Quoted by: >>28134814

shut up soren

>> No.28134793

I wish the deadline wasn't so soon so a guy from the exiled /ag/ could have whipped something up for the stream

>> No.28134803

A dumb man once said "Brevity is the soul of wit" a few hundred years ago and its still true today.

>> No.28134814

cry about it, Gabe wrote the best fic so far and that's fucking pathetic

>> No.28134846

Hope they read yours Soren

>> No.28134851

The site was first set up and designed as a safespace for tumblr writers. It's still mostly associated with those origins besides competent writers coming from ff.net and elsewhere as the site grew.

>> No.28134854

This fic will be worshipped by Kronmei twitter fags

>> No.28134882

First one was still the best huh.

>> No.28134886

no, i agree with you. i just wanted to say 'shut up soren'

>> No.28134887

Shut up Gabe yours was shit. The best one was the first one that was read.

>> No.28134917

He hates Name...

>> No.28134939

This, the first was the best one.

>> No.28134940

not Gabe, first one would've been the worst one if not for this one

>> No.28134946
Quoted by: >>28135026


>> No.28134952

If I speak to girls the way Kronii speaks to girls would I be smooth?

>> No.28134965
Quoted by: >>28135026


>> No.28134982

Yeah turn on the reverb and you're good

>> No.28135000

>more kromei

>> No.28135007

It's pretty much been confirmed that Kronii is heavily carried by being hot irl

>> No.28135009

What the fuck this one seems like it's way over 1000 words.

>> No.28135026
Quoted by: >>28135153

>edited AI wrote a better fic than dedicated "writers"
I hope you realize that makes it even more sad

>> No.28135065
Quoted by: >>28135184

Yeah the 1000 word limit was just to filter out the idiots who follow rules

>> No.28135110

According to >>28134655 it was only 855 words

>> No.28135115

What are they used for?

>> No.28135153

just take the L, Gabe

>> No.28135155
Quoted by: >>28135186

I wouldn't be surprised if they really just focus on whatever entries had the higher number of likes, despite the fact that a lot of those are probably less indicative of quality vs. people boosting up certain personalities.

*cough* Gabe *cough*

>> No.28135184

1000 words is around 2 full pages

>> No.28135186
Quoted by: >>28135282

Gabe's fic was infinitely more entertaining than whatever shit this is

>> No.28135202


>> No.28135219
Quoted by: >>28135274

Can of red berries what the fuck.

>> No.28135274

>What is chunky cranberry sauce

>> No.28135282
Quoted by: >>28135306

This one was better written.

>> No.28135286
Quoted by: >>28135351

I'm kind of excited for the stream to end so I can read people post their stuff here. Sorry you didn't get enough likes, bros (I didn't either)

>> No.28135306

And it was boring as fuck.

>> No.28135334

This stream has given me much more confidence in my writing

>> No.28135345

I recognize the author, he wrote some really good Girls Frontline fanfics

>> No.28135351

If they don't pick mine, I'm deleting it and never writing anything again, especially if I lost to this fucking trash. I can accept losing to the first one and maybe this one because it was well written if not boring. But the rest is fuck that.

>> No.28135365

It's not for quality, it's a place where their shit wont get deleted willy nilly

>> No.28135380

It's always a good time to try writing!

>> No.28135386

It really shouldn't.

>> No.28135398

Kronii is a cheap whore....

>> No.28135427

This stream has shattered my confidence.

>> No.28135449

It's for shitposting and meme fics not actual quality.

>> No.28135470

Yours not getting picked is not an indication of your writing quality. You simply didn't have enough likes. Hell, that stuff is in your google doc anyway, so there's no need to delete it. Just store it away forever.

>> No.28135503

Oh, really?

>> No.28135515

If we don't get Kronii poledancing with Mumei putting money in her panties I will be disappointed.

>> No.28135556

more like cheaty bankin'
smooth kronii...

>> No.28135576

So what are they talking about anyway?

>> No.28135593

Learn to be famous on twitter next time pretentiousronie

>> No.28135603
Quoted by: >>28135759

>Girls Frontline
Somewhat related, but I toyed around writing a KroMei Frostpunk fic before realizing I started to take it the route of a certain Kar and Negev story

>> No.28135610
Quoted by: >>28135663

The faces on money

>> No.28135632
Quoted by: >>28135663

mumei buying kronii for 10 burgerbucks

>> No.28135640


>> No.28135641


>> No.28135663

Thanks guys!

>> No.28135687
Quoted by: >>28135721

Not SFW enough and it's still lost to Mumei buying Kronii for $10 CAD

>> No.28135721

I mean fanart.

>> No.28135720

Head and Shoulders.

>> No.28135722

Please TimeRyS...

>> No.28135759
Quoted by: >>28136059

Are you perhaps talking about THAT Kar and Kegev story?

>> No.28135790

If Kronii got bit by a zombie, she's become a zomboni.

>> No.28135826

Ina why are you here

>> No.28135836

Send the supa you'll make her laugh

>> No.28135844

Anyone here write this?

>> No.28135881


>> No.28135912

Kronii is a fucking retard

>> No.28135949

ehh, I wish Mumei's role in KroMei was more entertaining. It just seems she is there. I say this as a Mumei fan

>> No.28135971

holy shit they made virtual slavery real

>> No.28135998

I'm Canadian.

>> No.28136026
Quoted by: >>28136135

>Death to Canada

>> No.28136054
File: 29 KB, 225x257, 1653437738647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for long.

>> No.28136059

I love it. makes me feel Bad-good

>> No.28136062
File: 75 KB, 1015x563, 1655432347730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28136072

You are not real.

>> No.28136077
File: 338 KB, 612x596, 1644849543381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28136081


>> No.28136092


>> No.28136103

If your ship doesn't get picked by them, then its a dead ship.

>> No.28136107

it's over. give up

>> No.28136116

TimeRyS is dead and buried

>> No.28136135

holy based

>> No.28136215
Quoted by: >>28136253

It'll be the last one. I still believe...

>> No.28136251

Please please please please TimeRyS...

>> No.28136253

inb4 it's just another meme fic

>> No.28136294
Quoted by: >>28138597

If Kronii doesn't pick TimeRyS as the last fic that just proves that she is not /here/

>> No.28136304

>0 ministry
send to YAGOOO as evidence.
stars EN cancelled.

>> No.28136316

I can't cope
I need TimeRyS

>> No.28136336
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 1640989030907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii's laugh heals my schizophrenia

We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.28136370
File: 105 KB, 850x680, 1637872238282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28136454

It's over stop bringing it up

>> No.28136386
File: 336 KB, 1080x1593, 1649235041339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28136392

>no TimeRyS
>no Mubae
hoomans and kronies aren't so different...

>> No.28136395
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1657649824818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28138396

>any hope for TimeRyS?

>> No.28136454
File: 74 KB, 453x680, FW-cKpOWAAASQX1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'me here.

>> No.28136484
File: 254 KB, 950x960, 2gytch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28136496
File: 964 KB, 1466x1612, One Last Kiss[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F29i1am.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28136669

it's over....
goodbye TimeRyS...

>> No.28136525


>> No.28136545

Everyone's last chance is here...

>> No.28136572


>> No.28136598

Alright, /inf/
It's time for you and /who/ to settle your differences, so instead of two separate splits we are both converging temporarily into one. Get in here when this one dies off

>> No.28136615

i can't cope TimeRyS bros

>> No.28136659

Waka got read.

>> No.28136662

Please I need TimeRyS...

>> No.28136667

I hate Hoomans

>> No.28136669

It's always possible for the KroBaeRys threesome to save the timeline.

>> No.28136677
File: 61 KB, 680x749, 1653008635119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye, I'll drink to that

>> No.28136683
Quoted by: >>28136754

> Everyone

Why don't you two timerys autists just ERP together and fuck off?

>> No.28136692
File: 1.17 MB, 2205x2042, 1651729758216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28136764

Come on...

>> No.28136707

No, they hate us, and know nothing about Kronii.

>> No.28136754
Quoted by: >>28136781

I'm talking about having your fic picked, but ok

>> No.28136764
File: 825 KB, 498x280, 1651234257015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28136825


>> No.28136781

Oh. Sorry, my bad on this one.

>> No.28136787
File: 88 KB, 1800x1012, l565654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28136798


>> No.28136801
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2000, 1641237683300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28136811


>> No.28136825


>> No.28136833

No... tell me there's going to be another one...

>> No.28136847


>> No.28136854


>> No.28136863
File: 464 KB, 1200x856, 1657712411948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS: I love you Kronii

>> No.28136882
File: 23 KB, 437x431, 47d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28136907
File: 912 KB, 2000x1339, gosling lighthouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28136918


>> No.28136928

"meme" is their codeword for "nudes"

>> No.28136934

Just dropping this in the official tag like it's nothing

>> No.28136948


>> No.28136975

She said they'd read 2 more. I hate Liaronii

>> No.28136980

I just wanted to hear krono's voice sisters...why...I thought you guys said they were fujos

>> No.28136990
Quoted by: >>28137128

No I'm deleting it.

>> No.28136994

there will be a part 2 with IRyS. Don't worry. Kronii doesn't support BaeRyS

>> No.28136995

>fleshy starfish

>> No.28137012

Time to abandon thread to dodge cringe

>> No.28137054


>> No.28137053

>Mumei sent a pic of her asshole

>> No.28137069
Quoted by: >>28137262


>> No.28137083

timeryscoin status?

>> No.28137121
Quoted by: >>28137183

Based Hunky being a bro

>> No.28137128

based and same

>> No.28137149
Quoted by: >>28137188

Anyone know what Mumei means? Can you guys post it here?

>> No.28137183


>> No.28137188

Star nosed mole rat. Google it.

>> No.28137259

I can't believe Kronii would lie after saying she'd stop lying

>> No.28137262

They're rushing to end because Kronii needs to masturbate.

>> No.28137266 [SPOILER] 
File: 822 KB, 3035x4299, 1633008135165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28137315
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1657558881141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28137353

Oh, what I wouldn't give to listen into their Discord sex after...

>> No.28137318


>> No.28137321

Well here ya go, fellas

>> No.28137329

sigh *unzip*

>> No.28137345


>> No.28137353


>> No.28137409


>> No.28137414

How are you so fast... Teach me your ways, achama...

>> No.28137420


>> No.28137445

>Kronii and Mumei wanted more raunchy and spicy fics of themselves

>> No.28137452
Quoted by: >>28137493


>> No.28137461


>> No.28137470


>> No.28137477


>> No.28137486
File: 610 KB, 4096x3142, 1648481485682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to die.../10

>> No.28137493


>> No.28137495

not the worst Mumei collab she's had/10

>> No.28137502

About as cringe as I was expecting/10

>> No.28137505
Quoted by: >>28137576

You'll Cowards Don't Even Write Smut

>> No.28137511

Canadian Dollar/10

>> No.28137514

needed TimeRyS/10

>> No.28137537
File: 74 KB, 990x1078, 1648087916259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over.....

>> No.28137547
File: 1.26 MB, 1660x1370, 1627229148633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 I missed these dorks together.

>> No.28137548


>> No.28137552

I was playing Holocure and for some reason, I now want a boomer shooter where I get to play as Clock.
Except my primary weapon is just Mumei puking up feathers like a weird machine gun.

>> No.28137553

TimeRyS is fucking dead/10

>> No.28137570

Mumei's "starfish"/10

>> No.28137576
Quoted by: >>28137772

Seanigger pls.

>> No.28137621
File: 850 KB, 2892x4096, 1648952749925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28137724

Fuck you guys, I'll never stop believing!

>> No.28137625


>> No.28137671
Quoted by: >>28137733

I sensibly chuckled

>> No.28137672


>> No.28137710
File: 124 KB, 1200x1000, FXCGN8TWYAEMAAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too!

>> No.28137724
File: 1.33 MB, 2419x1814, 1630399614920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop this. it's over. they'll never collab again

>> No.28137733


>> No.28137732

go back to /who/

>> No.28137772
File: 46 KB, 680x551, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags don't know viper

>> No.28137773

Most of all they wanted fics of others it seems. But almost all of them were Kronii x someone.
The burdens of being too sex.

>> No.28137775

Very funny, I actually LOL a lot of times, 10/10

>> No.28137798

i want them to collab over my dick!

>> No.28137829

don't get too uppity hoocucks just because you get one kromei stream

>> No.28137857

They should have made it even clearer. If Kronii's the one asking of course she'd get the most fics.

>> No.28137868
File: 195 KB, 1431x2048, 1640651832340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28138004

Kronii didn't pick TimeRys because only them can read it together.

>> No.28137886
Quoted by: >>28137922

first two fanfic were 10/10
and the BaeRyS was a 8/10.
Rest were so so.
Also need TimeRyS

>> No.28137911

>Kronii selfcest
If your ship is not any of these then they are dead.

>> No.28137922

Second fic was absolute dogshit, what?

>> No.28137933

yeah sucks they couldn't find another Mumei ship to round it out.

>> No.28137953

Sounds like Kronii is whispering "You know what my favorite was" right at the end.

>> No.28137972 [SPOILER] 
File: 389 KB, 588x488, orange woman hate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know who really lost tonight

>> No.28137973
File: 19 KB, 346x339, 1657654890948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man even after getting a KroMei stream, I can't win. Because you guys will not stop talking about IRyS

>> No.28137986

I missed these two goofing off together, so this was an incredible stream. They make me smile a lot, so I'm happy. 10/10

>> No.28138000

>Faumei is dead
>By extension Krofaumei is dead too

>> No.28138002
File: 1.16 MB, 630x440, MumeiKronies[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1crnsr.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28138004

You just know their fan fic reading stream would be pure sex.

>> No.28138020

as it should be

>> No.28138028

Fuck off sapling, quit squatting in places you don't belong

>> No.28138034

I'm dropping Kronii

>> No.28138037
Quoted by: >>28138110

The collab tomorrow should be them...

>> No.28138047

Just like every stream they have to together, it felt like Mumei REALLY didn't want to be there.

>> No.28138071

What was Kronii whispering at the end?

>> No.28138091
Quoted by: >>28138124

Why did Kronii lie about reading 2 fics?

>> No.28138094

bye. also good riddance.

>> No.28138104

TakaMori and InaSana are dead then.

>> No.28138109
Quoted by: >>28138214

>implying hoomens like Kromei over Mubae/Faumei

>> No.28138110
Quoted by: >>28138165

too bad IRyS has already played it takes two with another korean woman

>> No.28138124

She hadn't realized yet that the second one was about TimeRyS

>> No.28138136

Give me more of your fics to read, bros

>> No.28138137

because the last one was TimeRys

>> No.28138144
Quoted by: >>28138287

"Mumei what are you doing?"
The question from Bae snapped Mumei out of her daze and she quickly motioned for the rat to crouch down beside her.
"Shhh. Oh my god. It's so cute Bae. Look at them!"
Mumei pointed towards the table at the mall foodcourt where Kronii and Fauna sat, waiting for them to return with the food.
"I've been watching them for like 5 minutes now and my face hurts from smiling. They are. OK. They are, SO CUTE together. Just listen." Mumei's words tumbled out of her at a fever pitch, as they often did when she was excited.
"Kronii. Kronii?"
"Did you hear what I said?" Fauna looked at the girl across from her, searching her face for signs of life, like the James Webb Telescope scanning Sana.
"Oh sorry man. I didn't mean to zone out there. I was just, you know, no thoughts head empty." Kronii struggled to regain her composure as she returned her gaze to Fauna.
"That's okay. It wasn't important." Fauna smiled at Kronii, "I was just saying that it's taking Mumei and Bae a long time to come back with the food. What if they got lost? That would turn into quite the pickle."
"Funniest thing I ever..." Kronii trailed off mid sentence, reciting the meme almost as a reflex. "Haha. Sorry. I can't help it."
"No, it's okay." Fauna assured her.
"No, it's not, you were trying to make conversation and I was just going to spout off another meme. I always do this and I'm sorry man." Kronii sighed, tired and exasperated with herself.
Fauna let out a soft quiet giggle, almost like a whispered laugh. "You know I do like that."
"When you call me 'man'. I don't get that often because I don't feel like I'm a bro at all y'know. Anytime you call me that I'm like AH! I'm- I'm her bro! We're bros!" Fauna let out another giggle.
"Oh. Well yeah. We make a good team." Kronii's face broke into a grin.
"And you know I like your memes too." Fauna continued. "I like you and I like your memes. I like a lot of things about you. So don't be so down on yourself you know?"
Kronii's face reddened and she was silent. Fauna reached across the table and grasped her hand. "And you know what else I like? How you're always trying your best to improve. I love it."
A bead of sweat ran down Kronii's face and settled on her collarbone. Fauna was close, much too close. She leaned in and whispered to Kronii like a KU-100, "So if you ever decide you want to turn over a new leaf..." Using her other hand she raised the hem of her dress ever so slightly, giving Kronii the tiniest peek at the tights underneath.
"Um...Ah...I mean..." Kronii swallowed a lump in her throat, trying to find the words.
"But mostly, I love how fun you are to tease." Fauna leaned back into her seat, an impish smirk on her face as she watched the flustered Kronii.
Kronii blushed furiously, as Fauna broke into laughter. "GOD DAMN IT. AGHHHHHH." Kronii let out a groan like an older Charlie Brown whiffing the kick on a football.
"I really do like you though Kronii." Fauna squeezed Kronii's hand as she beamed at her.
"I...I like you too." Kronii mumbled down to her lap, unable to look Fauna in the eyes."
Mumei fell backwards in ecstasy, blood gushing out of her nose.
"Mumei? MUMEI!" Bae's panicked voice cut through the air as the camera panned upwards through the ceiling skylights and to the bright blue sky. A single word echoed as the "See you next Episode" appeared in the bottom right hand corner.

>> No.28138165
Quoted by: >>28138288

it would've been funny if Kronii played it with Bae to make a joke based on the A Way Out ending they made up, Kaela should be real fun though

>> No.28138188

I feel like reading a TimeRyS fic after a BaeRyS one would be kinda weird, so thats why she didn't read it.

>> No.28138214
Quoted by: >>28138269

>You know what my favorite was?
All Kromei shippers are cucklings.

>> No.28138269
Quoted by: >>28138379

Neah... Gantai...

>> No.28138278
Quoted by: >>28138337

but kromei and krofau back-to-back wasn't?

>> No.28138284
Quoted by: >>28138354

Night Kronies...

>> No.28138285
Quoted by: >>28138384

More like Kronii thought they had time for two fics but Mumei kept stalling until they met their target streamtime so they wouldn't have to do another one

>> No.28138287

Thanks, bro

>> No.28138288 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28138345

or she just didn't pick any TimeRyS fic

>> No.28138331

Gentlemen, it has often been said that I like Kronii.

Gentlemen, I like Kronii...

No, gentlemen, I love Kronii!

I love this Hololiver.

I love the bunkaronii.

I love the defensive lines she puts up.

I love how she has sieged upon my heart, charged me with new energy, helped me mop-up past operations, and retreated from old behavior.

Kronii on the computer, on your phone, on your TV, on your refrigerator, I love every platform I can view Kronii through upon this earth.

I love blasting my speakers to smithereens with audio salvos of her voice that thunder across the edges of my room.

My heart leaps with joy whenever she figures out a game mechanic and she makes a gleeful noise upon realization. And there is nothing like a Londoner being tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well-placed horny posts. And there is nothing like a Takeshi using SEEEEEEEX to destroy idiot doxxers. And the feeling that comes when a Londoner runs screaming from his blazing bait, only to be mowed down by heavy machine cum fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Like when ranks of Ourobobros brandish their “bayonets” rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit thrusting and cumming over and over onto the defeated face of a long-dead enemy.

The sight of Londoners being strung up from a street lamp is an irresistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing than us prisoners of Kronii dropping like flies, screaming in agony and joy as she sings to us in a sultry Korean voice!

When a band of pitiful trolls makes their final stand with nothing but bad bait, only to have their posts smashed to atoms line by line from 4.8 Gosling posts, I'm in ecstasy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Kronii, Kronii so grand as to make Yagoo himself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for more Kronii as I do? Do you wish for more live-broadcasts of Minecraft from Kronii? A Kronii whose charm is built with love and self-depreciating humor and bad puns? Do you ask for Kronii to sweep in like a broom, because as I mentioned a moment ago she enjoys bad puns?
>(The soldiers begin shouting/chanting "KRONII" meaning "Kronii")

...Very well. Then Kronii is what you shall have. We are a rockhard member, ready to explode all who oppose us with our mighty cum.

But... After enduring over a month wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Kronii will no longer be sufficient.

We need a MASSIVE Kronii! A Kronii beyond any other that man's history has ever known!

We are but a single battalion... The most dedicated of the followers of the Clock. However, I believe that each of you old Kronies is equal to a thousand of their sickly soft YTchat idiots! We represent a force that could outsex an army of a million and one men!

It is time for them to awake the ones who sent us screaming into oblivion, and who now lie sleeping. Let's drag out the Eurobros because of her awful scheduling for them, and remind them of what we are! We will remind them of what it feels like to love an oshi. We will remind them of the sound our voices make against when we “release”.

We will remind them that there are more things between PPT and TMT than are dreamt of in their philosophy.

Our Kroniigruppe of one thousand sexvampires is going to burn this world down to ash.

Yes, my friends! Soon, Youtube's charred remains will illuminate the night sky!

I have brought you all back just as I promised I would. Back to our favorite oshi. Back to our beloved Kronii!

...At last, the Nenelion has crossed the ocean and is heading up the hill. Attention, all soldiers of the Clock Battalion! This is a message from your commander.

Gentlemen... GWAK.

>> No.28138337

That works because they already ship the 3 of them so it's not as weird.

>> No.28138345

what does that have to do with It Takes Two

>> No.28138354

good night kronie. hope you have nice kronii dreams

>> No.28138362
Quoted by: >>28138468

is this kronmei general

>> No.28138379

Gantai hates KroMei.

>> No.28138384
Quoted by: >>28138475

months ago Mumei schizos were convinced she was desperately leeching off Kronii and forcing herself into streams, now they think she HATES Kronii. How times change...

>> No.28138388

>Kronii announced a special cooking stream
>Says it'll be a mouthwatering spectacle
>Stream starts, everyone in chat already guessing what she's making
>Meme akasupas flooding in per usual
>Kronii reveals today's dish; Herself
>Everyone thought it was a funny flirtatious joke
>Chat starts freaking out when a bunch of masked figures in Kronie cosplay enters the room
>They all tie Kronii on the table and undress her
>Chat assumed this was a freaky rape roleplay being streamed on YouTube
>One of them takes out a knife and begin slicing off Kronii's tits
>Chat is in full horror
>Akasupas still coming in, it is now red room donations
>The Kronie handlers slowly take cuts and chunks off Kronii's torso, limbs, and ass
>Kronii screaming in pain and then gurgling on her saliva and blood
>A Kronie buries his knife down Kronii's ribs, down to her waist
>Everyone starts ripping off her entrails and innards
>Another group of Kronies walk in
>Preparing the oils, 11 secret herbs and spices, and flour
>Kronii at her dying breath reassures chat that the highest donator will get to eat her fried flesh
>A Kronie slaughters Kronii and gently sever her head from her body
>She gives one final wink to the camera before the stream gets cut off
>Taking Kronii's tits out of the oven
>The smell of blood and herbs fill the kitchen
>You lay the tray down on the table
>Picking up the knife, you slide its tip on her nipple
>The roasted brown skin is glistening in oil
>Its texture crispy and semi-dry
>Thwacking the breast from the side, it barely jiggles. The breast fat lost its moisture and hardened
>Picking up a fork, you start cutting a piece off
>Steam puffs from the incision, the oil interior dripping out
>You take a small cut and eat it
>Chewy, soft, spongy, with scents of parsley and thyme
>The fat melts in your mouth with the crispy skin around it giving flavor

>> No.28138396

nothing on tonight. somebody give me a stream to sell me on TimeRyS

>> No.28138441
Quoted by: >>28138676


>> No.28138468

ctrl + f kromei + kronmei: 18
ctrl + f timerys: 28

>> No.28138475

I don't think she hates Kronii but I'm pretty sure she hated doing this stream

>> No.28138502

TimeRyS? https://youtu.be/hxIqMldcOUs?t=882

>> No.28138527

The thing that I don't understand is that a TimeRyS collab or any of their interactions feels so nice to just vibe with them, Kronii and Sana feels like that too, but for KroMei something just feels off...

>> No.28138561
File: 71 KB, 1000x1000, 1639539776398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm depressed...

>> No.28138570
File: 65 KB, 799x799, 1636479732915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28138605

The majority of Kronies disagree.

>> No.28138597

Well, it seems she's not. Maybe that's even a good thing.

>> No.28138598

It's because both of them are unironic autists while IRyS and Sana are a little more normal

>> No.28138605
Quoted by: >>28138678

Other hoomans don't count.

>> No.28138639

KroMei doesn't work unless they're goofing off. That's why TimeRyS is way better.

>> No.28138672
Quoted by: >>28138795

if they wanted to do a collab they really should've done something else, Mumei really isn't a good partner for something like this, Reine, IRyS, Fauna, hell even Gura would've been better for this type of stream

>> No.28138676

that is some voiceclips edited together by a schizo, not streams

>> No.28138678

Not a hooman, I also disagree.

>> No.28138698

Kronmei is more like Takamori where the fan art and OC carries the ship.

>> No.28138699

Do you guys still write stories about Kronii's bush

>> No.28138718
File: 237 KB, 1029x2048, FXKQRcNWQAARLQ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28138716


>> No.28138732


>> No.28138735
File: 397 KB, 764x751, 1641234188126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off dude its been months since last KroMei stream while you had your Avatar watchalong, let them have some fun. You fags are annoying when you keep begging for them to collab while KroMeifags don't ask and often just dump some fanart pics.

>> No.28138741

Kromei doesn't work unless they have a third desu

>> No.28138744
Quoted by: >>28138817

I think Mumei enjoys being friends with Kronii, but it can also probably be a little irritating behind the scenes if people are constantly shipping you together and expect everything to be tee tee all the time when you could just be really good friends, i.e and I hate to kind of make this comparison Ironmouse and the TT dude.

Not every pair dynamic needs to be NoeFura or TakaMori, it's probably safer to say they're more like Amelia and Gura who have no problem punching each other down.

>> No.28138756

Kronii's interactions with Mumei were already really awkward and the really obvious forced shipping makes it even worse, if they just didn't acknowledge the shipping shit they could at least be kinda entertaining in a pure retardation way

>> No.28138785

It's not fair. They read two kromei fics and cut the stream short and didn't read one more. There should have been two more opportunities for other ships.

>> No.28138787

deal with it fag timerys chads are here to stay

>> No.28138795

Their friendship is falling apart, and Kronii is trying to patch it up with blatant shipbaiting.

>> No.28138804

>new ip

>> No.28138817
Quoted by: >>28138853

>they're more like Amelia and Gura who have no problem punching each other down.
I wish, but Mumei was in full-on airhead tee tee mode for this stream. We needed to see more bullying like when they played Minecraft with Fauna.

>> No.28138853

Anon this thread goes to shit when Mumei bullies Kronii

>> No.28138866

No, but there is that one about Ina's bush...

>> No.28138885

it wouldn't if Kronii ever actually did something about it, but she just sits there and takes it so it's not fun

>> No.28138889
Quoted by: >>28138966

If you say so, I feel like it's pretty shit right now

>> No.28138893

Is there some TimeRys discord out there? This seems like a raid in how often you guys really want to suddenly spam how Kronii and Mumei weren't having fun.

>> No.28138914
File: 120 KB, 482x663, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kromei haters are actually discordfags
Wew every time.

>> No.28138933

yeah it's called /∞/ group chat

>> No.28138940


>> No.28138950


>> No.28138951

just how new are you, the TimeRyS schizos are always here, we literally have like 1 kromei poster regularly and they're a blatant troll

>> No.28138964

There's this thing called:
>C H E M I S T R Y

>> No.28138966
Quoted by: >>28139018

yes, because there's a subset of Kronies that always hate on Mumei and her friendship with Kronii. It'd just be worse if she actually bullied Kronii at all, that would carry over into the next thread.

>> No.28138988
Quoted by: >>28139024

ok shipping is just a fun thing people so. don't need to take it so seriously

>> No.28138991

>open Kronii's art tag
>shitty owl is shoved into art

>> No.28139019
Quoted by: >>28139079

Don't hate them. It's just Kronii works better with IRyS and Mumei works better with Baelz
We love TimeRyS here

>> No.28139018

but at least the stream would be entertaining
Listen I hate Kromei but I at least liked their "you're sleeping on the couch" bit

>> No.28139024

you've never seen how bad shippers actually are, this is tame

>> No.28139067


>> No.28139069


>it became visible.
>it was no trimmed.
>it was dark shaded blue.
>so suggesitve and actually quite large
>i could feel the dazzling radiance of the messy pubes
>you can feel the heat and the shame on a disarmed warden of time
>you can see her hands trembling with shame

>> No.28139079
Quoted by: >>28139162

Yeah you made your point 50 posts ago, can you shut up with bitching now?

>> No.28139162

>can you shut up with bitching now?
literally my first post after the Kronii fan art that I posted anon

>> No.28139167
Quoted by: >>28139252

>lucks his way into getting his oshi to reach his barely English story
>immediate retweets porn of her afterwards


>> No.28139183
Quoted by: >>28139220

Man do these people even care about Kronii in the first place?

>> No.28139220

Seems like only one of them is a kronie

>> No.28139252
Quoted by: >>28139322

it was auto-generated

>> No.28139256

>Kronii had fun reading shitty fics
>but nooo, it was with Mumei so it sucked, should have been Irys
Unironically kys

>> No.28139291
Quoted by: >>28139527

IRyS would have been way better because she actually cares about shipping

>> No.28139301

it did suck though, Kronii should've done a different thing if she was gonna collab with Mumei

>> No.28139305

That zombie fic is gonna get some fanart isn't it

>> No.28139322
File: 114 KB, 640x513, teedah peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and that makes it so much worse now

>> No.28139353
Quoted by: >>28139387

this stream in general is gonna get a lot of fan art, none of it tagged with the ship tag so I can't filter it out of course

>> No.28139371
Quoted by: >>28139637

Was a fun stream. The best part was Kronii was surprised how many included her when she left the prompt pretty open.
The canadian dollar joke destroyed everyone else.

You could have written and submitted a good one then

The Avatar the last airbender watchalong was cute.

It's the same as the takamori pressure. They need the freedom and space to just do their thing not get squished into a box.

It's easy angst so yeah.

>> No.28139377
File: 212 KB, 599x632, 1657267547559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys want Kronii to be happy right? Help her pursue Mumei.

>> No.28139385
Quoted by: >>28139469

no one is denying the stream was Kino. But IRyS is an actual shipfag

>> No.28139387

why do you filter.. they are cute together

>> No.28139412

I guess the AWO streams might be a good starting point?
But this Minecraft stream was the start of TimeRyS for me. Kronii comes back after an hour and a half so watch the whole vod. This takes place during the collab ban so there's no vc.
Kronii's pov for the chase is from 2:23:10 to 2:47:30

>> No.28139442

>You guys want Kronii to be happy right?
have you read this thread?

>> No.28139452

it's a bad ship that over saturates the art tag when I just want solo Kronii or at least some fucking variety

>> No.28139456

but I like both Mumei and IRyS

>> No.28139469

>no one is denying the stream was Kino
I am, it was boring as hell, and if any parts were entertaining, it was when they gave up on reading fics and just shot the shit about whatever

>> No.28139481

Exact same problem I had with takamori kek

>> No.28139495

they dont want kronii to be happy they are self centered parasocial schizos who love her attention

>> No.28139503

nta but things should be tagged properly so that it can be filtered/searched for properly. It's why twatter sucks and can't die soon enough.

>> No.28139527
Quoted by: >>28139550

idk what this means. Mumei likes shipping, she chose a Kronii fic that didn't feature her, and she was clearly having fun. I'm not sure what you think would be different if IRyS was there, except for some clearly faked baerys teasing.

>> No.28139548

I want Kronii to be happy and I like TimeRyS. Doesn't mean I am gonna start bitching anon

>> No.28139550
Quoted by: >>28139661

mumei just sorted the submissions by top on twitter and picked whatever came up first lol

>> No.28139561
Quoted by: >>28139581

ok calm down. why can't we just have fun

>> No.28139581


>> No.28139596
File: 605 KB, 3316x4096, 1641217471994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I love Mumei's solo streams, her dynamic with Kronii just filters me.

>> No.28139608

Funny how kronies in global were happy about the stream and the fact that it was Kronii who invited Mumei so they could do it together
Kronii seemed very happy too

>> No.28139613


>> No.28139621
Quoted by: >>28139742

Kronies please just stop talking. We should not be allowed to have a thread after the stream ends like the Saplings.
We are fighting with each other all the time. this should stop right now.

>> No.28139629

go back

>> No.28139637
Quoted by: >>28139718

>You could have written and submitted a good one then
They said they went in blind. So what does that have to do with getting picked?

>> No.28139639

global isn't parasocial for Kronii

>> No.28139654

That's fine.

>> No.28139657

You know it's because Kronii was kissing Mumei during the last off collab in front of everyone, it got her hot and horny so she wanted to read some fanfics for ideas of what to do to Mumei.

>> No.28139661

right because Kronii was finding obscure and overlooked works of art. They opened submissions yesterday evening and had nearly 400 submissions by the stream, did you think IRyS was going to read each one?

>> No.28139678

I only draw solo Kronii because drawing more than 1 person increases the effort therefore exponentially.

>> No.28139686
File: 75 KB, 859x1177, FXmDim8UUAA9aXq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28139818

>> No.28139718

Cause you could get enough likes to be at the top of the sort? How is this a question?

>> No.28139730
Quoted by: >>28139820

No, that's fair. Both of them just picked the next most popular fic, though Kronii skipped over the ships that they'd done already.

>> No.28139742
Quoted by: >>28139805

Then fuck off.

>> No.28139746
Quoted by: >>28139766

I dont know what anyone says. The stream was kino.
I will sleep now

>> No.28139759
Quoted by: >>28139832

Gabe got the most likes anon, it's not an indicator of quality even his was the most entertaining read on the stream somehow

>> No.28139766

good night!

>> No.28139774

>Kronii seemed happy
That's just collab kronii.

>> No.28139805
Quoted by: >>28140146

tell me how I am wrong retard>?

>> No.28139818

another image to filter

>> No.28139820

They repeated Kromei once because it was a Kromei stream, they were both playing heavily into it.

>> No.28139832

It helps get likes from people that aren't your friends. If you had friends you would have had enough likes to ram timerys to the top.

>> No.28139859

IRyS would have.

>> No.28139857

You think people read every single fic on the tag and liked and retweeted the ones they thought were good? How fucking delusional are you?

>> No.28139869

I didn't write TimeRyS lol, I didn't care if they read mine just wanted to say that writing quality really doesn't help, especially when none of those were particularly well written

>> No.28139873

sometimes I forget how schizo this thread gets about Mumei, its been so long since it was an issue

>> No.28139884
Quoted by: >>28139922


>> No.28139887
Quoted by: >>28140380

It doesn't work like that anon. Rarepairs won't float to the top even if you're an excellent writer.

>> No.28139892

mostly soren and midknight

>> No.28139922
Quoted by: >>28140002

will more collab make Kronii happier?

>> No.28139925

midEra going strong...

>> No.28140002

No but you'll have an easier time believing it.

>> No.28140022

I don't think midknight watched it, never saw him

>> No.28140048
File: 1.08 MB, 2955x4096, mushi107-1546509808433795072-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should just be happy that Kronii has gotten to meet up and have sex with Mumei 3 times.

>> No.28140046

what level of cope is this?

>> No.28140059

I hope Kaela pulls a Moona on Kronii and keeps the collab going for another 3 hours out of her own lack of social awareness and inability to pick up on Kronii's cues

>> No.28140091

my wife and our pet Mumei

>> No.28140110

>Kaela continuing to force herself on Kronii

>> No.28140115
Quoted by: >>28140258

>had sex
>got left in another room the first two times
>wasn't even there more than like 5 hours tops the 3rd time

>> No.28140121
File: 1007 KB, 1200x675, 1657260223009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to ask why are you Kronies crying over such minute details. Even the folks at /uuu/ at /HIRyS/ aren't that crazy. You all are looking for things to just hate on Kronii now

>> No.28140146

If you think you're right, then you should fuck off. What's so difficult to understand about that? Why are you here? The stream is over. There's nothing good here, right?

>> No.28140153
File: 392 KB, 680x598, 1643173319357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day you guys will understand that MuBae is the only true Mumei ship...

>> No.28140176

What are you talking about? 1.5 hours is after half a year is a perfectly appropriate amount of content for the top ship in Council

>> No.28140203

Bae already has a Holo AND 2view ship. It will never happen.

>> No.28140210

cool, but it doesn't involve Kronii

>> No.28140218

But we're not hating on Kronii.

>> No.28140236
Quoted by: >>28140299

I love Kronii, I just hate clipwatchers and forced ships

>> No.28140257

just some schizos. Ignore them

>> No.28140258
Quoted by: >>28140300

Why'd she end up in the other room anyway?

Yeah but the nice part about this all being fictional is that you can enjoy the best parts of all the ships

>> No.28140260

i hate her

>> No.28140271
Quoted by: >>28140292

This is the same reason why TimeRyS will never take off

>> No.28140287
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1627399889078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28140518


>> No.28140292
Quoted by: >>28140369

Because Bae has too many ships?

>> No.28140299

Do you watch all of prop hunt, powerwashing simulator and shit like that?

>> No.28140300
Quoted by: >>28140528

for the NOT I have no idea, she shared a room with Fauna on the first one

>> No.28140330

Yeah? I've watched every one of Kronii's streams from start to finish, including the superchat readings.

>> No.28140348
Quoted by: >>28140446

why wouldn't you watch every stream from your oshi?

>> No.28140351
Quoted by: >>28140456


>> No.28140360
Quoted by: >>28140391


>> No.28140369
Quoted by: >>28140446

Because IRyS is tied to an incredibly strong holo ship. The only way for it to collapse is if either Bae or IRyS publicly execute it the same way Kiara did takamori, and until then they'll be seen as exclusive

>> No.28140380

Twitter just needs more sorting functions. Literally all there is is "(Lately) Popular" and "Latest" disregarding "People" "Photos" and "Videos" which are irrelevant, that's it. Only two ways to actually organize and sort a tag, there are no other criteria by which you can sort, not even a random sort.

>> No.28140391

that wasn't me, other reply

>> No.28140419
File: 433 KB, 680x422, 1632946949400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28140433
File: 388 KB, 530x581, 1635617423769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TimeRysfags have turned cancerous. Mori's like the most hated HoloEN and easily has the least chemistry with Kronii yet there wasn't hundreds of posts complaining about it nor did people constantly say it should have been Irys doing it with her. Point was Kronii had some fun with Mori dubbing that manga even if barely anyone here would say they like Mori, its the same here with Mumei yet why suddenly so much posts about how she's not a good fit?

>> No.28140446
Quoted by: >>28140615

They're a bit much and just go on a backlog I never catch up on.

None of it's real so being too strict about stuff like MuBae and TimeRys is just taking away fun.

>> No.28140456

Huh? NTA but isn't this the normal thing to do when you have an oshi?

>> No.28140502

I like dad.

>> No.28140506

*cums on you*

>> No.28140508

I mean, even on AO3 a garbage fic for a canon pairing will float above a good rarepair, the only difference is you can filter out the canon pairing if you want to.

>> No.28140517

there are technically more in advanced search but it's just more search terms rather than sorting methods, it's still so weird to me that tag and word filters don't apply to searches though

>> No.28140518

Did any porn come out of this besides Chama's?

>> No.28140528
Quoted by: >>28140608

actual reason: Krofau had rough bed-breaking kissy gay sex
schizo rrat: Mumei has very disordered sleep, and chose to sleep on the couch during the first off-collab because she was worried about disturbing Fauna, so it was probably easier to be on her own this time.

>> No.28140551

If your enjoyment of Kronii hinges on only when she collabs with certain individuals, you might have to re-evaluate whether you actually are a Kronie or something else.

>> No.28140579

Plenty of people complained about the orcs must die collab. Less people complained about the manga reading because they didn't feel like it was as shitty as the previous one.

>> No.28140580

Wait, Chama drew something for this?

>> No.28140582

no, you would be amaze about the numbers of EN focus artist

>> No.28140602
Quoted by: >>28140814

I like Kronie solo and I like when she collabs with people she has good chemistry with. It's just that there's certain people she has not-so-great chemistry with.

>> No.28140608

Fauna didn't even see her belly button I don't buy it

>> No.28140607

Pretty much, but you'll be called a schizo for this, just watch

>> No.28140609
File: 111 KB, 583x680, gv l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28140615
Quoted by: >>28140747

It's not me taking away the fun, I enjoy all these pairings. But having to hear all these ship schizos continually complain about "hurr why no TimeRyS?" is getting fucking annoying, so I just provided the reason for why they're more underground so they can stop being so obnoxious

>> No.28140618

This thread proved that this should've been a TimeRyS collab.

>> No.28140662
Quoted by: >>28140733

we should ban ship posting

>> No.28140663

Yeah, I think the manga reading was better than orcs must die. Also it was sponsored, so the bar was lower.

>> No.28140679

TimeRySfags have almost always had to compare it to Kromei, and Mori/Kronii isn't a competing ship

>> No.28140684
Quoted by: >>28140724

I just wish she'd done something different with Mumei, I don't think Mumei was a good fit for fanfic reading just in general

>> No.28140700

but Kronii X me is the best ship hands down

>> No.28140724

They should have just played a game, but not Minecraft. They should do something that Mumei actually enjoys for once.

>> No.28140733 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 650x650, 1636876484745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28140759

Oh yeah? Ban this ship

>> No.28140747

It's just an autismo spamming. They'll get bored in a few weeks or just filter it.

>> No.28140759

should've posted Azur Lane lewds instead

>> No.28140797
Quoted by: >>28140951

Name 10 good coop games then tweet them.

>> No.28140807
Quoted by: >>28140851

fuck you all. SpaceXTime is the best ship

>> No.28140814
Quoted by: >>28140889

and would those people happen to be people that she pushes a ship with?

>> No.28140851

Enjoy that while it lasts, anon

>> No.28140854
File: 688 KB, 1390x1200, 88ten14-1541358606313893888-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Kronii right now.

>> No.28140869

I like Mumei.

>> No.28140887
File: 116 KB, 400x400, 1654573581044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.28140889

Pretty much just Mumei and some of the IDs, desu. I like Krofau and TimeRyS.

>> No.28140892

Sure because that was a bad and poorly done stream. Kronii had a fun time here and even had some small talk with Mumei over other things besides their current content. Its nowhere as awkward compared to the We Were Here Together or Minecraft collab.

>> No.28140905

But there were legitimate better options than Mumei. IRyS, who gave Kronii the idea to review fanfics and is a shipfag. Reine, who actually writes fanfics and is also a shipfag.

>> No.28140911

everyone does. But she like the rat more than anyone else

>> No.28140914

really anything they can just shitpost with honestly, they work better when they can just hang out and it doesn't feel like they're trying to feed the ship, still far from my favorite but their first collab and that time Kronii dropped in during it was Jump King of GOI were by far their more enjoyable moments

>> No.28140949

Thread is irrefutable proof shipfags are worse than doxxniggers.

>> No.28140951

I don't have any friends, anon, I don't know good coop games. Besides, it's about Mumei having fun, my tastes are irrelevant.

>> No.28141013

Sorry for my stupid question but who the hell is Gabe? A Kronii paypig? What did he do to get everyone talking about him all the time?

>> No.28141075

What? You want to go back to the days of vagueposting constantly?

>> No.28141091
File: 121 KB, 1129x922, 1657773894305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fuck you Kronies if you start making TimeRys a cancer.
Look I love TimeRyS as much as you all. But you are just hating on Mumei for no reason.

>> No.28141133
Quoted by: >>28141387

A schizo who Kronii coddles so he keeps going more and more menhara until he finally manages to track her down to wear her skin.

>> No.28141140

Yeah the "Top" sorting when it comes to actually sorting is fucking garbo most of the time too, first result could be something like 40 likes and the 2nd result could be one with 500. It needs something like Pixiv that'll actually tell you what things with the tag are getting the most interactions on specific days or within specific time periods.

>> No.28141145

I don't hate Mumei. She's just not fun.

>> No.28141150
Quoted by: >>28141387

paypig, sperges out in the free chat pretty often, avatarfags here, writes some shitty and occasionally disturbed fics, allegedly was disowned by his family for blowing shit tons of money to do the bostom meet and greet

>> No.28141151
Quoted by: >>28141204

This thread is proof that Kromei shippers need to die.

>> No.28141153

I'm not hating on Mumei, I'm not hating on Kronii, I just think they're terrible together.

>> No.28141160
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1429, 1647123612335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never hated on Mumei tho, she's great solo

>> No.28141181
File: 476 KB, 608x597, 1657283534437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28141621

I am an IRyStocrat as well who lovesTimeRyS, but I think I will have to stop talking about it as people are really becoming toxic about it

>> No.28141184

mumei and kronii are fine together you guys just hate mumei for no reason...

>> No.28141199

>for no reason.
I have a very good reason. My reason is that she sucks.

>> No.28141204

Kys Jesse.

>> No.28141223

I don't hate her but she's boring.

>> No.28141224

Does someone want us to start talking about the p*nda perhaps mmm?

>> No.28141245
Quoted by: >>28141363

It's like they can't enjoy something without undermining something else. They look really insecure.

>> No.28141253

I like Mumei better when she is with Fauna, Bae, Gura, Ame and IRyS

>> No.28141258

what do people actually like about Mumei? I genuinely don't know I only ever see "she's cute" or lex luthor memes

>> No.28141276

>Gabe was chosen for the meet and greet
>Gabe was name dropped multiple times in a single stream
>Gabe's chat were read the most in every stream
>she only answered to gabe's chat in free chat
>she chose his shitty fanfic to read.
Ahhhhhhhhh i hate gabe i hate gabe i hate gabe

>> No.28141284
File: 453 KB, 532x680, 1640179550711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28141308

Watch her and you'll know!

>> No.28141307

She can be kind of witty on her own and with other girls but it always feels like she's walking on eggshells around Kronii

>> No.28141308

but she filtered me after the first month...

>> No.28141340
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, 1657204178194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An IRyS fan here, I think Kronies should like the Kronii x Them ship more.
I also like TimeRyS but sometimes, it just feels wrong when people take it too literally

>> No.28141354

She filtered me on debut. I still watch her karaokes if no one else is on though

>> No.28141363

that's literally been TimeRyS from day one

>> No.28141375

Mumei is Kronii's best collab partner because they both share the same brainrot and know what each other is thinking to start playing off it ahead of time.

>> No.28141380

Its fine if you don't like Mumei but you don't have to keep spamming about how much you don't like her so much. Remember /infinity/ is unity, we don't hate on other Holos here.

>> No.28141387

Holy shit, what a creep. I thought he was just a random simp that always sends her red SCs but not a weirdo. What's the source about his family disowning him? What kind of stuff does he write in his fanfics? Thanks btw!

>> No.28141438

lmao this thread doesn’t even like Kronii sometimes

>> No.28141440
Quoted by: >>28141485

Wow you guys really hate Mumei huh. So many posts that just hate Mumei for no reason. Nobody is saying anything more nuanced than that. By the way, you can trust me, I'm a thread regular and I'm making this post in good faith.

>> No.28141445
Quoted by: >>28141594

the source is himself and he writes snuff and gore

>> No.28141461

>What's the source about his family disowning him?
he said so himself, someone probably has screenshots
>What kind of stuff does he write in his fanfics?
most notably he's written about fucking the council girls' corpses

>> No.28141476
File: 903 KB, 2152x3259, 1648003922363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28141566

She's better now, she was just nervous as fuck during debut days, just give her a chance, if you don't like her then she's just not for you.

>> No.28141485
File: 417 KB, 1000x365, 1649797510266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28141505

anon, people hate on Kronii here. Forget about Mumei.
No one is safe here
We have hated on all the cope members except for Sana

>> No.28141507

so this goes to show that if we want our old post counts back we need the owl or Kronii dropping an it starts

>> No.28141517
Quoted by: >>28141740

Mumei hate =/= kromei hate

>> No.28141539

The threads aren't usually this shit after a TimeRyS collab...

>> No.28141552

i hate Sana. she doesn't stream

>> No.28141560

>most notably he's written about fucking the council girls' corpses

>> No.28141566
Quoted by: >>28141690

that was actually kinda what filtered me, her being nervous right after debut was the personality I actually kinda liked if that's not her it's not her but still filtered me

>> No.28141568

We have never hated on IRyS.

>> No.28141594

Goddamn, I wasn't expecting this guy to be so twisted. I hope Kronii finds out about this and stays away from him as soon as possible. I really hope he's just a troll on something.

>> No.28141603

Isn't it supposed to be biased in favor of what's 'popular'? It's why Kronii's replies are slanted there?

>> No.28141621

The shitposters will keep using it to start fights so you've already lost. >>28140433 and shit will keep happening.

>> No.28141623

They are always shit.

>> No.28141631

i hate IRyS

>> No.28141648

yes we have. Couple of times infact.

>> No.28141661

no you don't, you just hate how sexually frustrated she makes you feel

>> No.28141669
Quoted by: >>28141722

top 1 on 1 partners in EN for Kronii are Ina, IRyS, Sana, and Gura

>> No.28141681

based, imaging liking la goblina

>> No.28141684

Because KroMeifags are actually behaved and don't sperg out really despite how much Jesse mad you guys believe?

>> No.28141690
File: 640 KB, 1200x1692, 1630502712698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats fine. Everyone has different opnions, just don't hate her for no reason...

>> No.28141691
File: 249 KB, 400x400, ice cream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28142773

>> No.28141698

Who's we?

>> No.28141709
Quoted by: >>28141789

Tourist here
Her model is fugly amd she spams innuendos for a personality

>> No.28141714
Quoted by: >>28142271

because there's one kromei shipper here, and he's a troll, so there's no one to bitch and moan after a timerys colab.

>> No.28141722

>Ina, IRyS, Sana, and Gura

>> No.28141726

You're confusing /∞/ with /HiRyS/.
Go back to /HiRyS/.

>> No.28141740
File: 561 KB, 828x1262, 1649314187395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nearly all kromei is made by kronies, so thanks for admitting none of you care for her

>> No.28141748

Fauna would require having a real 1 on 1 to judge, and Sana is literally right there...

>> No.28141756

i miss fics...

>> No.28141777


>> No.28141789

if you're a tourist your opinion doesn't count, tourist

>> No.28141827
File: 2.39 MB, 960x720, Oh yeah[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftlxa2w.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER have Kronii to yourself, blind and selfish kronies. The only good thing you can do is pick her a fitting lover for her future happiness. Wake up.

>> No.28141857

i pick Gabe

>> No.28141861

>kronmei stream ended
>most posts are about timeRyS and hating on mumei

>> No.28141899

>lots of shipfags
>yet none of them think about Kronii making love with them


>> No.28141902

Agreed. IRyS is the perfect partner to Kronii.

>> No.28141923

Kronii will marry Kronii. We knew this from the start.

>> No.28141930

they're all cucks

>> No.28141933

the kromei trolling always follows the same pattern
>why do you guys hate ships? stop being so parasocial
>but I like TimeRyS
>why is TimeRyS so cancer? shut up about TimeRyS

>> No.28141950

>Kronii x (you)
>(you) is a schizo who shitpost about Kronii and her friends behind her back

>> No.28141953
File: 915 KB, 850x1242, 1630456043683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28141976

>> No.28141976

Kronii presenting a beaten down Mumei for me to inseminate btw

>> No.28141985

i wrote this

>> No.28142004
Quoted by: >>28142050


>> No.28142022
Quoted by: >>28142140

Who's hating on Mumei? I don't see it. Stop falseflagging and samefagging.

>> No.28142036

We love IRyS more than Kronii

>> No.28142050

you should try it some time, feels good to stick it inside something, especially warm owl and clock pussy

>> No.28142053

I love MuBae, Kromei, KroFau, FauMei, KroGura, TimexSpace. So stop comparing them ffs
Also please Kronii x Me is the best

>> No.28142077
Quoted by: >>28142189

Forgot the part where you sneak diss Mumei on cooldown for 15 minutes and give your armchair psychologist analysis on how kromei feels forced.

>> No.28142078


>> No.28142082
Quoted by: >>28142189

except the first step didn't happen, it just jumped straight into hating on Mumei and complaining that the collab should've been with IRyS

>> No.28142086
Quoted by: >>28142125

>Age-restricted adult content. This content might not be appropriate for people under 18 years old. To view this media, you’ll need to log in to Twitter. Learn more

>> No.28142092
Quoted by: >>28142181

I hate Bae if anybody's wondering.

>> No.28142093

Even IRyStocrats have hated on IRyS anon. What are you on about?

>> No.28142108

*MumBae *Kronmei *KronFau *FaunMei *Ride on Time *SpaceTime
Atleast spell them right

>> No.28142126


>> No.28142125
Quoted by: >>28142179


>> No.28142128

He HATES BaeRyS...

>> No.28142137

i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. i will not dream of kronii for the 4th time in a row. pleeeease PLEASE.

>> No.28142140

>she's boring
>she didn't want to be there
>what's even her appeal?
is still hating, even if people qualify it with "I'm not hating btw"

>> No.28142157

Because, Kronmei fags don't whine and bitch.

>> No.28142168
Quoted by: >>28142184

I'm gonna fap to that old fic of Mumei giving (You) a rimjob while jerking you off into Kronii's mouth

>> No.28142179


>> No.28142181
File: 460 KB, 1000x1000, 1643598924684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wondering why you don't stick a gun in your mouth and see how many times you can pull the trigger, cunt

>> No.28142183 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>28142247

Noo, if IRyStocrats hate her than everyone does. No one is safe

>> No.28142184

>more self-insert garbage

>> No.28142185
Quoted by: >>28142362

all I'm saying is why would you ship Kronii with other girls when *you* can choose to make love with her bros.

Ships are fine but there's a fine line which most people cross it anyway and it results in ship discussions becoming obnoxious :)

>> No.28142189

Why does everyone in this thread hate Mumei!
It's uncanny!
Literally nobody is saying anything else!
Even the posts I'm replying to are actually Mumei hate!
I guess /∞/ just hates Mumei for no reason!
I am very smart and trustworthy!

>> No.28142222

Mumei should've been cunny

>> No.28142231

For the past few months /HiRyS/ hated on IRyS. Not /∞/. We never stopped loving her. It's probably because we're more invested in Kronii than IRyS and are harsher on Kronii because of that. Vice versa for /HiRyS/.

>> No.28142246
File: 2.35 MB, 2122x2976, 1628781730932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28142288

Now this I can agree with!

>> No.28142245

shut up [thread regular]!

>> No.28142247

/HiRyS/'s opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.28142261

It'd be gross blatant pandering and that's not a great idea. Didn't some cunny chuuba come out like within a year ago or something?

>> No.28142271
Quoted by: >>28142318

I don't hate IRyS, that's the difference.

>> No.28142288
Quoted by: >>28142412

didn't she literally have this >>28142246
cunny pic as her pfp for a while, Mumei knows what she should be

>> No.28142318
Quoted by: >>28142520

the difference is you don't actually like kromei, you just like posting it to start shitstorms

>> No.28142346

This is the Kronii thread. You can talk about Mumei in the Mumei thread.

>> No.28142362
Quoted by: >>28142388

You will never make love with Kronii.

>> No.28142369
Quoted by: >>28142412

Did you just forget about Gura or something?

>> No.28142388 [SPOILER] 
File: 205 KB, 759x1200, 1639636019836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally doing it right now though

>> No.28142391
Quoted by: >>28142519

isn't there a kromei thread right now
why don't they just go there
oh yeah it's because they're trolls

>> No.28142401

I will never forgive Timemutt

>> No.28142412

Probably. pfp's fine.

No? Just never came off that way to me. She felt too old.

>> No.28142417

you forgot the part where there's random Mumei hatred right before, and tons of identical comments on how it should've been someone else collabing with Kronii, and how this happens every time Mumei gets near Kronii.

>> No.28142446
File: 1.40 MB, 2480x3508, 98133300_p0-Kronmei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can talk about Kronii's gf here, I made the rules and you should follow them.

>> No.28142447
Quoted by: >>28142562

That's not Mumei hatred, that's kromei hatred.

>> No.28142452


>> No.28142477
File: 22 KB, 100x100, 1656489387056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wada mama love!

>> No.28142482
Quoted by: >>28142502

wadamama you can't even understand english

>> No.28142502

she's trying her best to support her daughter...

>> No.28142501

Oh no Name don't look

>> No.28142519

>oh yeah it's because they're trolls
Nice fucking revision faggot, ever since the stream ended you fags were spamming about how it wasn't good and should have been TimeRys.

>> No.28142520

I do like kromei, if you knew which namefag I am you'd already know this. My twitter is completely devoted to the ship.

>> No.28142529

But honestly Kronii should have collabed with Reine or IRyS for this one.

>> No.28142562

and all the posts about how Mumei is boring, and doesn't want to be there?

>> No.28142584
Quoted by: >>28142675

were true
Mumei is fine in her own streams, but sucked balls here.

>> No.28142590

Eh, I think it's a good way to test the waters then decide if she's up for an 8 hour endurance stream of fanfiction with Reine and Irys.

>> No.28142596

so true!!

>> No.28142622
Quoted by: >>28142637

there should be another fanfic reading stream but it should be other Holomems submitting them

>> No.28142637
Quoted by: >>28142689

we already had the bunkeronii fanfic arc though

>> No.28142649
Quoted by: >>28142696

It feels wrong that Mumei was involved in this fan fiction. It just feels forced compared to other holo members that are actually interested in shipping.

>> No.28142654

I don't hate Mumei. I'm indifferent to her. Personally, I never really found her entertaining. Is this hating on Mumei?

>> No.28142675
Quoted by: >>28142771

ok so that's specifically hating Mumei, not Kromei

>> No.28142689

those were all based around one situation though, I want something like this where a bunch of them get a prompt, maybe even have fan voting for it

>> No.28142696

*fan fiction collab

>> No.28142773

so where the fuck is the rest of this

>> No.28142771

No, I like Mumei, just not when she's with Kronii. You can't just change the things I'm claiming by saying I'm not claiming them.

>> No.28142778
Quoted by: >>28142839


>> No.28142839

Wada, no...
