I love Ina!
Jill in her uniform > Jill in her RE: 3 clothes
KIARA LOVEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNBdITatp8Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNBdITatp8Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNBdITatp8Y
>irys insinuating that cops are fucking ugly as shitunfathomably based
I want to have sex with Towa
GuyRyS! Look! It's IRyS! She's finally online and now get to see her amazing gaming skills in the RE3 Remake. The one with the scary zombies and one of the best enemy designs in the entire franchise also known as NemesisRyS. This is going to be an incredibly hilarious playthrough since when IRyS plays games like these, she gets completely side tracked with all kinds of things, thus leading her to either walk straight into attacks, or get lost in the vast world of the game. Buckle your seats for some cute giggles, screams, accidental lewd innuendos and maybe even some unprecedented expert gaming skills that even speedrunners impliment into their playstyle. Never lose that hope you have that IRyS is going to do great!https://youtu.be/FRJmUeEb6BgBoy life as a Slav must be horrific. You're just hanging out in your home and then some clock lady kicks your door down, yells that she doesn't want to fight while cutting out every organ your friend has in his body after she drained his blood...and then when you go to chase her off, she says she doesn't want to fight while repeatedly stabbing you in the face until you fall, get your blood drained and organs harvested as well. Kronii went on to kill 3 more people before she realized that people die when they are killed and has decided that maybe Pathological 2 should be put away for the time being so she can read supachats instead. What an absolutely nerve-racking game that was, but at least Kronii had a good time.https://youtu.be/XWAYWuSAxs0Gamma's ultra cool birthday illustration of Fuma has come out incredibly well! He actually finished his lining really fast since it's a simpler kind of drawing than he usually does and that's why he's already coloring in the fine details of the piece before he gets some good sleep in order to watch his fellow UPROAR's birthday stream that's happening in a few hours. Hopefully you artists that tuned in managed to once again learn some tips and tricks about your lining if you watched his stream. We'd love to see your own illustrations if you ever get the itch to draw something.https://youtu.be/eGgSCg3PLsQ
Will Kronii finish pathologic 2?Will she have a 2nd stream of it?
biggg face
Wait are they OK with the en dub now?
>>28066917I'm talking about tummy hort Watson cuckmate. Irys is 100 times better that your whore trash of a oshi? Shouldn't Watson be streaming right now? Though so.
I will never forgive Capcom for what they've done to Jill's face.
>oh god>oh yeahwhy....
Reminder that you can't watch IRyS today unless you are married to her
>>28067025yesornoso 50/50 odds
cute IRyS scream
>IRyS depressed >EN1 and Council happy, off collabing, not wrong with the world>IRyS in peppy and happy>EN1 dead or dying and Council depressedhmmm... succubus?
>>28067022Right here Ayamefriend!
Props to my /k/ bros for triggering people.
Thank you, IRyS, for brightening my evening.
>Not the tentacle!
Good lord, this is gonna be a good stream
Did Irys just call a broken window shard a "sharp rock"
>>28067033Jill's face? Who gives a fuck. I can't forgive what they've done to Nemesis's face
IRyS had her idol meeting. On me.
>>28067021Do they not know that it's FGO kiara?
>>28067025>27 hourshot damn, fallout new vegas looking ass
>Irys dreaming about tentacles nowYOU JUST KNOW
>>28067025she is a gamer, she always finishes games
I miss Ame...
This will be Jills Last Escape!
>>28067022Right here, IRySfriendIRyS is being a big scaredy baby running from NemesisDoesn't she know he's weak to explosions?
>>28067032See >>28066730
>>28067025She already called it "interesting" so it's gone
Fans are upset?
>>28067032t. mate
it's not x it's N
>>28067081Every time I see Kiara trending it turns out to be some Indian shit
>>28067022What's your take on this whole Sana news?Why aren't you gloating about how it's Sana that's graduating and not Ayame?
>>28066982Best Jill.
She's going full YabaIRyS tonight.
Irys forgot that she killed Mr. X
>>28067048She can be your devil or your angle
Those screams were from the intense vibration of the controller between her legs.
Didn't play the original but this just looks kind of shitThere's no buildup, no tension, so this guy isn't scary at all
>>28067081if even one tweet is about Takanashi it counts
>>28067114Go back
>>28067114Fuck off, Khyo.
>>28067075well, she's technically right...
>woman running away from a giant tentacle monsterWill Irys schlick to this later on?
>>28067114>tabloid leech bullshitNo
>IRyS thinks that you have to be hot to surviveIs she wrong???
reminder that Jill is a white girl
>IRyS thinks ugly people deserve to dieholy based
When is this guyRyS getting out of prison?
Wonder how she'll react when Jill gets mouth raped by the bugs.
Brad the mob...
>>28067114kys right now
Brad is a mob character...
>>28067101She drops games all the time though.
If you look more like Brad than Leon, you're not the main character in IRyS's life. Sorry bros...
>>28066982>>28067136Nah. Tube top and miniskirt is better because she looks like a slut.
B-brad love...
i hope you guys don't look like brad IRL
>>28067190YOU JUST KNOW
>>28067142Original has a lot of set up and Nemesis is basically always on your ass once he shows up. Remake is extremely linear and scripted.It's a fun game still but the original is way better.
Cause Leon FUCKS, you know? As long as it's with Ada.
>>28067097They left the door open for her return Anon
zombie games are almost as shitty as car games
Don't fuck up like Brad, Anon.
Is IRyS drunk? She's not being very seiso...
So why did they remove Jill's skirt?
>>28067148I heard she beat stage mode in holocure. pretty damn impressive honestly
>>28067188No, she's right
>regual idol experience is watching a normal girl become a star>Kronii's idol experience is seeing her grow as a person into less of a social retardwas this intentional? because I'm getting actually invested.
>>28067132Why the hell would I gloat about a Holo graduating? I enjoyed her streams and it's going to be really sad to see her go, plus that's lovely space lady was the oshi of a multitude of people. Anybody who would gloat that their oshi is still apart of Hololive while someone else is graduating don't deserve to call themselves a fan of Hololive.
>>28067263It's year 2 now
>>28067097let me fix that for you
>>28067275/v/ermins are still crying about it?
Nobody gives a fuck about their graduation anymore. Fucking irrelevant bitch till the end.
>>28067263Emptying her bowels is an euphoric experience for her.
>>28067283What?Everyone already beat stage mode.
>>28067119Go back to watch you Ame VODs cuckling, Irys is streaming right now. GTFO to your split.
>>28067275Because keeping that on all the time during a zombie apocalypse is fucking dumb
why doesn't irys loot anything
Yes. Good IRyS. More cussing. It's hot
>>28067296Everyone's idol journey is different I guess
>>28067298>Why the hell would I gloat about a Holo graduating?Because it was funny for me to project those behaviors onto you.
i just zoned back inwhat the fuck is kronii talking abouta fanfic contest??????
>>28067259What about a game with cars AND zombies?
IRyS is basically vshoujo at this point
>>28067325If you want to falseflag, you should really get your fanbases straight first
That controller? Me.
IRyS couldn't handle the vibe...
IRyS can't stream with her vibrator tonight
IRyS is disconnecting her vibrator because she can't take it any more
>>28066670Be careful, it’s a bit “loud”https://files.catbox.moe/ycqx29.m4a
>RE4 Remake removes Novistadorsfor what purpose Capcom?
>>28067325t. mate
IRyS forgot to turn off her vibrator...
>>28067325Why are deadbeats like this?
>>28067325What saplings have to do with this, ESLchama?
>she doesn't want the vibrationCHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
I love how much she's getting startled
Controller vibrates too hard.....and irys was getting horny
Kaela HoloCure in 15mins.She supposedly has another stream in about 2 hours, and then another one in 9 hours.What's wrong with this woman??
>>28067325Who linked you this place?
>>28067021That's cute
>>28067311based cuckbeat deflecting
>>28067363You have better chances making a catalog thread
>>28067399She only streams when she’s lonely
>>28067283Holy shit, really!? That’s incredible!
>>28067321kek yeah it was a joke because someone was absolutely seething about it earlier
>>28067359the shittiness cancels each other out, so it's good
>>28067296I have the same expirience with Mori, watchong her grow from dumbass into... Well still a dumbass, but girly and cute, sure as fuck is entertaining.
>>28067325>cucklingAnon, the proper term is condomate, teakek, cuckmate. We use cucklings to refer to saplings.
Irys doesn't know about capcom helicopters...
>>28067379too sexual
>year 2>Irys drops all pretense of being cute and seisonaruhodo
IRyS masturbate using her controller
>>28067332It's not dumb, it's erotic. Plus, it's fantasy.
why doesn't gura just hire a new manager?
>>28067275It was always stupid that she wore this. What pisses me off in RE3 Remake is how badly they butchered her STARS uniform.
>>28067296I guess, don't see her becomeing a typical idol, she has expressed no desire for or interest in it, but I'm rooting for her becoming a functional girl
>>28067332She was on a date that night, it's justified.
>that zoomkek
>>28067410Stop trying to be the next avatarfag it isn’t happening
It's kinda cute how Jill keeps saying sorry when she moves a corpse around or takes stuff from them
>>28067191Did she forget she doesn't have the redesign yet?
Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride?
wow nice airbags in that car
>>28067296Name me a single Holo that isn't the 2nd one.
>>28066876Ina pits love!
>>28067463Well threadreader, luckily for you, all ENs now have 2 managers besides Kiara, who only has Jenma still
>>28067440I'm a housemate though, fuck living in a condo
>>28067298basedYour oshi is one of my favorites, I'm glad she's in Hololive.I'm actually much sadder than I expected over Sana's graduation considering I barely ever watched her.
>>OPErotic Nephilim belly button!
>>28067425But she streams every day!
because this is nemesis you dumbass
>>28067418>>28067480Damn he really got you mad eh?
>>28067332>>28067469The whole point is that it's a casual outfit. It doesn't have to be practical, much less "tactical".
>But this X got tentacles!Why is she like this
>>28067247Baerys and Kronmei children!?
>>28067365The only one falsefalgging hereis you retard. I've never labeled myself as anything. You're the only faggot naming and labeling random anons on this board as different fanbases, all according about what your schizo brain tells you. Take your meds and gtfo to your split :D
>>28067148my beloved
>>28067114Cover really needs to start cracking down on shit.
Carlos fucks
>>28067325You done with kfp so now you're with us faggot?
>>28067440Kys chumnigger
where's my amesame resident evil 5 coop kino killing niggers and giant spiders?
Yup she finds Carlos hot. Why are you like this Irys...
Carlos is so kakkoii...
>catches a rocket from a surprise attack>gets hit by the second one when he knows it's comingHuh?
>Control is vibrating>Omg she said vibrating so yabai! Why you fags are like this?
And so the shipping begins
>>28067554Mumei fat tits
Honestly Carlos is hot as fuck in this game.
How long will it be before Sana return because she will right that or Ina will ask her to return
>>28067455>IRyS>not cuteWe get it, you're gay.
>>28067534>he lacks critical information
>>28067538>The whole point is that it's a casual outfit.Jill really liked to slut it up.
>>28067567mexicanchads keep winning
>RE2 ends with a rocket launcher>RE3 starts with a rocket launcherWow, it's just like my literary devices
You're now reminded of why Irys chose to play another Resident Evil game
>>28067573they're called searystocrats for a reason
>>28067399She literally loves playing video games. If she wasn't streaming she'd be either playing games, watching her own vods or other streams
>>28067532>say retarded shit>haha, I r-really got you mad there
>>28067572It was on cooldown
Isn't Carlos's VA the same as Chris in RE8?
>>28067534>went from houses burning down to a lesbianYou sure?
>are you a v-
>>28067519Graduations always hit the hardest when you're not expecting it or not thinking about it. You probably had more hope in Sana recovering and beginning to do her endurance streams and didn't have graduation on your mind at all.
>>28067572Dragon Ball.
>>28067573's fun
>even chat is calling him Mr X nowAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>28067513Sniff sniff sniff
>>28067082Ame or Fauna needs to be convinced to do a fallout new vegas playthrough. No one else will ever play it…
Please enjoy this picture of Tokoyami Towa.
>>28067505Why would a car from the 70s have air bags?
>>28067399luv streamin (true)
>>28067463Does Gura really need a third manager?
>>28067460>it's fantasyThat's a weak excuse and you fucking know it.Down, coomerfag.
>>28067602dramatic irony
>>28067534Subaru is less of an Idol arc and more of a corruption doujinAlthough she is still a very cute idol
>>28067463most of Gura's issues with management are actually personal problems. a new manager won't change anything.
>>28067617I heard it too
>>28067573It's literally always like this and I don't understand. They take everything she does and makes it sexual.
Rebecca is the best RE girlAnd RE0 has the best Save Room theme
>>28067635unironically yes, one who works for her against cover
IRyS is a fine young lady.
>>28067608Replying multiple times off cooldown is cringe, you can go back to /v/ now
is that bill?!
>>28067081>want summer Bryn>roll a multi>NP2 Kiara>roll another multi>NP2 Illyaf2pbtw
>>28067654Almost every chat everywhere is like that.
>>28067605You retard are not better and probably the one doing that posting
>>28067637You're acting as if it was a fucking biniki or something, Muhammad.
>>28067675Heavy Weapons Bill
>>28067543Damn. Ame not streaming really broke you. No worries though. There are 2 streams going on right now.
>>28067587better be london
>>28067022Yeah, yeah, that's truly awful... But speaking of stabbing, what did you think of Mumei's karaoke stream?
Jack Baker is cool and loveable sure, but I don't think Capcom have ever topped Wesker and Nemesis when it comes to end boss vibes. I'm actually insanely upset at how poorly they utilized Nemesis in the remake.
>>28067678these threads are the same fucking way though
all old soldier characters in videogames look exactly the same
Man i was really looking forward to Sana playing the new pokemon games in november but i guess that kino is off the table...
>>28067677>aiming for summer brynShit taste.
>>28067626Toblerone Tonga...
what i hate about RE3 remake is that there is no mercenaries modehttps://youtu.be/lBXFL5D8L6Uhttps://youtu.be/lBXFL5D8L6Uhttps://youtu.be/lBXFL5D8L6U
>>28067639I can't believe we turned her into a nerd like us.She was a normal girl once.
>>28067543Your posts read like you are someone that only knows this place from watching YouTube videos and Twitter screenshots. Where did you come from?
>>28067605This has been the funniest rrat I've ever watched flounder and die for a year on this thread
>>28067618I really didn't expect it. It seemed way too early for any EN to graduate.Man this fucking sucks.
>>28067656BASED I have a sticker of that secret basketball photo on my guitar
>>28067565Koromel re5 was holocausted, so perms hort probably.
>>28067700I don't see why they would be any different
IRyS is whiter than usual today.
It me or Irys too white jesas
>>28067677>aiming for summer brynGood taste.
>>28067081Don't worry about, also when I saw that after Kiara's stream and clicked "latest", most of the tweets were about our Kiara.
>>28067670Pretending you're someone else defending your posts is pretty cringe too, you can go back to Twitter now.
>>28067656absolutely based
IRyS should play Spec Ops
>>28067698I didn't listen to all of it yet...
>>28067573>>28067654>>28067678>>2806770095% of people who watch vtubers are cumbrains, yes
Jill's kind of a cunt the whole way through
>>28067602>RE4 ends with a vehicle escape from an exploding island>DMC ends with a vehicle escape from an exploding island
They would never let anyone have Carlos's haircut in any military unit
>>28067707>>28067745Married women are the best.
Just how many "Thank you Jill"s has Irys heard?
This game would have been much better if they kept the clock tower section.
Guys, Kronii is streaming too...
>>28067712It has criminally low amounts of content in general. They clearly thought the MP part would make up for it but it was bad.
I want Jill to crush my head with her thighs and ass
>>28067081Man I'm gonna miss all the jokes about Sana trending on Twitter when it was actually the K-Pop one
>>28067705>"Can I wait until November to stream consistently again?">"no">"ok I'm graduating"
>>28067771t. Sapling
>>28067714okayu is an evil woman and is not to be trusted there's a reason she was jailed
>>28067700>literally everyone does something regardless of platform>Anon considers the world to be wrong
>Astro Crunch>BEEG EAbloo abloo Sana!!!
Do you think Sana is coming back
Yes they will
>>28067756haha she should...
>>28067767mundus was secretly a RE monster too
>>28067777One day I'll find out what people are talking about with all the missing bits from the original.
>>28067768Good thing he's in a paramilitary wing of an evil pharmaceutical company then.
>>28067806Don't call her an abbo just because she's brown and Australian.
>>28067679struck a chord, seanig?
I need my goowa back right now
>>28067735The ironic part being she has no white in her at all
>>28067807Im high on hopium so of course I think she'll come back in a year
>>28067807Even if she gets back fixed, and her schedule better, I don't if we will
>kaela's favorite holocure character happened to be sanaI worry the rratts that will occur now.
>>28067814Is it me or IRyS looks... different?
>>28067818AH MUNDUS
>>28067757Well, at least you've listened to some of it, already.I'm keeping an eye on you.
>>28067756>>28067817no Holo will ever play Spec Ops
>>28067705>>28067790Wouldn't it be funny if she return for that
>>28067720You can't predict someone getting hit by a car.
>>28067835I'll be done with her in a minute.
IRyS is popping off today
>>28067021Cover and N*shit hate money I'm utterly convinced
>>28067618Pretty much yeah I was way more concerned about literally all the Myths at this point and thought if any of the Councils were on rough times it was Kronii because she seemed conflicted while Sana seemed to just not care and Ayame her way through things. Ayame just shows up to collect akas and leaves and has done it for years and so I was pretty sure Sana would be secure in doing the same because Cover didn't actually care like we thought they did. Turns out they did. However, I'd point out that Ayame used to stream consistently almost daily when she was new, and Sana went into the Dogdied Arc like.. 3 months in? And was never consistent since. I'd think another point of contention is that Ayame doing her thing isn't clearly at Cover's expense, while Sana started to boldly flaunt activity elsewhere indicating she's up and able to use a computer for long periods of time and willingly avoiding using Sana because backhort. That, probably pissed them off. Like when Mori does it she at least fucking streams as Mori still, etc.
>>28067878Sana's graduation has been highly likely for some time now
>>28067807Unless she somehow gets blacklisted from every gacha game, i doubt it.
>>28067870Who is that?
That's not how you pronounce vagrant
>>28067048>>28067146IRyS in character.
>>28067849>>28067845Or for the new Pokemon game
this isn't mr x it's mr x with a tentacle
>>28067902New IRyS live 2D
How she will react to the mutant insect rape scene?
>>28067807I'm overdosing on hopium, but if she does I don't see her coming back until about a year
>Checked Ame's MV vod.Wait, so how the fuck does the slime farm work? Normal mobs can spawn in swamps too & it only needs one skeleton to kill the iron golem & broke the farm.It is too high for underground slime chunks too.Any takos can show me one time it worked?
>>28067937Yeah, mine
>>28067902no... Konrad did this, i didn't want to doxx anybody
>>28067789Anya still makes jokes about how searching her name brings up some actress.
>>28067885>Sana started to boldly flaunt activity elsewhere indicating she's up and able to use a computer for long periods of timeHow many streams were those and how long?
>>28067945she'll get hot and bothered
>>28067945ship it
>>28067618I was really hopeful for what the announcement was going to be.The title and thumbnail really didn't look like a graduation, but anons here made me start to worry a bit.And it ended up being what it is.Really does feel out of nowhere, for someone that didn't watch her, but it still hurts a lot.
Kronii’s sweat after a set of squats….
>A man says anything remotely nice to a woman>"I THINK HE LIKES HER"Shiprys...
>You just have to have a passing interest in IRyS and she'll say "Why not" To dating and fucking youLET ME IN JAPAN ALREADY
Reminder that IRyS is married to me already
>>28067767Halo 1 and 3...
>>28067899Are you sure she won't return after seeing how much everyone miss her
Jesus christ even Google is taunting sanalites right now
>>28067835She will overlap Sana tomorrow because she hates her.
Why doesn't Irys trust latinx?
>>28067945Take another break from the controller vibration
>>28067945Please anticipate it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIu4plMyDvE
"Labu yuu, onion."...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!No onioooon ahaaahaa ahhhJoookeJoooooookeJoke, very very hardo...上手なjokeだねぇ…Ahh... Ha Ha Ha Ha... Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha...Heheh... Ha Ha Ha
>>28068008go back
>>280679693 streams less than an hour longdudes a retard
>>28068003What happened?
>>28067720EN feels different now.I never wanted to think one would leave.
>>28067807Well, yeah. She has a collab later tonight
>>28067977>The title and thumbnail really didn't look like a graduation, but anons here made me start to worry a bit.>And it ended up being what it is.Kiara saying she saw all the people trying to say it wasn't graduation in pre-chat really fucking hurt
>>28068008They remind her of her real skin tone
>>28067925That had a romantic ending, it's not the same.
>>28067723Jill joining vshojo CONFIRMED
>>28067714>Subaru used to be a normal girl>Now she’s a full on nerd who sits at home playing jrpgs for 10 hours while watching anime>Noel used to be a fat titty asmr youtuber>Now she’s tittyfucking dildos and going full on sex overdrive>Rushia used to be a menhera retard>Now she’s a menhera retard but also firedHololive really does something to these girls…
>>28067885>Ayame just shows up to collect akas and leaves and has done it for years >I'd point out that Ayame used to stream consistently almost daily when she was newYou guys really love underselling the things Ayame does as a whole for Hololive. Maybe back in the beginning days you could say that Hololive was a streaming heavy company and that's why there was a focus to streaming, but now it's grown to become so much more. Ayame does concerts, dance practices, recordings, sponsorships, radio shows and collabs a lot with other Holos. She puts in work in places that don't require streaming. This is why she's still a part of Hololive. She's not "lazy" like people want you to believe, she just doesn't have a passion for streaming anymore, and that's okay.
>>28067945Emergency idol meeting short after
>>28068008>IRyS doesn't trust spics>I'm a spicWE AREN'T??
>>28068042It's not romantic if you went for the Otacon ending
>>28067618Kiara's retweet pretty much solidified the graduation for me. Then I just assumed Ina's stream was just her dealing with it someway.
>>28067992That's literally how it works.All men are misogynists until they're trying to get laid.
irys is kinda dumb
>>28068049based cuckbeat deflecting
>>28068003>>28068029Oh shit I just saw it.
>>28067992>>28067996LET ME IN KISHIBE
>we mix our own meds
>Want someone to kiss your boob?
>>28068048Ayame shows up in other peoples livesThat's itThat's all the work she doesAnd despite what you retards think, that takes far less time than streaming
>>28068072It's only romantic if you go for the Otacon ending. And canon.
IRyS mixes her own meds
>IRyS demolished Gura live on stream.HOLY BASED
>>28067819Honestly a lot of them are pretty mediocre but that's exactly why a remake could've made them better instead of replacing them with other, unrelated mediocre things.
>>28068077ogey femcel
Holocure with the Hagsmithhttps://youtu.be/lXZMU66OJh0https://youtu.be/lXZMU66OJh0https://youtu.be/lXZMU66OJh0
>>28068025She also didn't have to sit in a chair with a phone pointing at her to keep her tracking up. Didn't Cover say no to letting her PNGtuber for awhile so she could stay in a better position?
Has Kronii considered mixing her own meds?
>>28068048>Ayame does concerts, dance practices, recordings, sponsorships, radio shows and collabs a lot with other Holos.Oh yeah, putting in a few hours a week over months is absolutely working hard. Don't be a fucking retard and try this overselling behind the scenes shit cope about Ayame and Aqua. They don't want to fucking work and that's fine they're not salaried employees.
>>28068125She literally has needy streamer emotes what do you think?
>>28068120i'm pretty sure they can vtube from bed, Ironmouse does it after all
>>28067878Kiara mentioned she knows and can't say the reason Sana is quitting, and at the same time, thinks she could go surfing. The back isn't the main issue.
>>28068077That's not true, I'm always a misogynist
Kaela please.
>>28068150is that real?
How much longer until the rape scene?
>>28068003>>28068086they don't deserve this...
>watching Kiara HoloCure VOD>talking about Sanner>"It's fucking sad, but life goes on, sadly"God damn I love this retard
>>28068142aqua's fineshe's doing actual workbuy her VN btw
>>28068150EN Lucasarts adventure game playthrough when...
It doesnt have to include every EN, but just having them chat for a while snot style with Sana would be great
>>28067618>when you're not expecting itNo kidding>be a SEA>not following Sana on Tiwtter>woke up, checked my Twitter notifications (not even opened the app yet)>Mumei tweeting 5 emoji hearts, Kronii not streaming due to "bad mood", and Ame telling everyone to send love to Sana>wait a fucking minute...Tell me about it.
>>28068150what the fuck is this
>>28068079Ame is only half spic so she trusts her a bit
>>28067618The whole time I was waiting for her to get better with whatever was ailing her so she could stream again. Sounds selfish of me to say but I was hoping I'd see more collabs between her and my chimkin ever since I got a taste of their chemistry during the snackbox review... hope Kiara visits her and has a ton of fun together.
Irys' "the people living in Raccoon City must really love puzzles" comment reminded me of this image I saved almost 10 years ago
>>28068211is she wrong?
>>28068216will it even have an EN language option?
>>280682012 hours because Irys is PON as fuck
You get to have sex with IrysBUTShe's VERY BRATTY the entire timey/n?
>>28068186What kind of money does she pull with so much streaming?
>>28068201About 1 houRyS and 47 minuteRyS at the current paceRyS
>>28068216>Aqua actually made a VN all by herselfI was wrong about her
>>28068254Or anyone in the Professor Layton universe.
>>28068257Probably not. Beg Cover to translate it I guess.
>>28068277>She's bratty.NO WAY FAG
>>28068277Where's the downside?
>>28068282comfortable indo living money.
>>28068219Ame played Sam and Max
>>28068150I want a Pajama Sam arc
>>28068277Nigga where is the downside?
>>28068277no thanks
>Caution means I'm still totally fineIRyS' attitude toward unsafe days...
>>28068297Guess I'll skip the buy and save it for if she releases BIG neko a third time
Wouldn't it be funny if Sana return the very next week
imagine being this homosexual
>>28068120>>28068158Yeah I think it could have been possible if she got like a monitor brace thing and taped her phone to it to hold over her bed, but I guess she didn't wanna bother with the expense/inconvenience. Which kind of goes back to what appeared to be the fundamental snag, that Sana herself didn't seem to care enough. That doesn't mean I'm certain of that, it's just it sure -looks- like that from the outside.
She's joking rightShe knows what tall drink of water means right
>>28068277Anyone who answers no is a certified homosexual.
>>28068277HELL yes.
IRyS hates being called JEWsy. She hates jews, you know!
>>28068219>>28068312Monkey Island when?
What the fuck goes on inside of IRyS' brain?
>>28068295I have twelve matchsteek.
>>28068211She was very upfront about everything and it made me sad that she regretted not talking and collabing with Sana more.
>>28068311Thats not saying much. you could retire there with a few years worth of NA median wages.
>>28068350Yeah, the US is pretty great
IRyS the goal of the game is to NOT walk into zombies.
>>28068358I'm gonna say no just for you
>>28068370Thoughts of tentacles and scruffy looking hot men
>>28068350The game was made before covid. Fucking retard
>>28068116Is Moon the only ID autist enough to waint untill ID is added to the game to play it?
>>28068370She tries to stave off depression by shlicking 24/7
>>28068370anime, shipping, singingthat's it
>>28068350God Bless America.Canada went back to a mask mandate.
>>28067807Why would she? Her isolation would be much worse than it is already, and I doubt any of the underlying issues she has, be it health related or not, would be fixed in a year. It's nice to hope, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment here
>>28068370sorry I'll try to distract her less
>>28068356she's really dumb. it's great
>>28068370Her brain turned into soda long ago.
I'll forgive Sana if she ends her graduation stream with "Sike! Got you fuckers!"And we can all just chalk it up to that classic Aussie humor.
>>28068356I don't know what it means either
>>28068423She should teach Kronii her methods.
Where is Neon WhiteWhere is Age of EmpiresWhere is Fauna
>>28068371FUCK YOU
>>28068150All these idiots asking if this is real and acting confused lmao. What none of you have lived in LA before?
>>28068350i hope all the no guns get eaten by zombies
>>28068429>Canada is one provinceretard
Jill Valentine so hot
>>28068442Ame wanted to play that, it'd be great for her.
>>28068356I don't.Then again, I'm not a burger.
>>28068440I doubt Kronii can even get wet
>>28068442>Where is FaunaAsleep on my bed rn, why whats up?
>>28068356I've never heard that saying.
>>28068350redditor must've got lost
>>28068338I want my own NEKO so badAqua is a design genius
>>28068475I can fix her...
>>28068454they absolutely would
>>28068350That's not how the zombie virus works...
>>28068419Maybe she's just not interested in the gameplay.
>my sanafuck
>>28068447Not everybody had an Starbucks experience, pls andastd.https://files.catbox.moe/nbwld2.webm
>>28068356That's a boomer-as-fuck slang, anon
>>28068478fuck off ika
>>28068516still the greatest loading screen of all time
>Dabbing on bald peopleI fucking hate IRyS now...
>>28068501well she literally said that was the reason
>>28068460is there any province still doing it? quebec lifted theirs not too long ago and they are usually the most autistic about stuff.
Sana on telly!
The baldrys rrats...
>>28068356>>28068474Im a burger and Ive never heard that before. I have heard someone say "tall drink of cocksucker" but that was in a Quintin Tarantino movie
>>28068370>(fafner theme song)>(thoughts of sex(with me))>(thoughts of sex(with Satoshi from Pokemon))>(thoughts of pokemon)
>>28068552Maybe she's bald.... down there.
IRyS is brattier than usual today. Does seeing zombies bring out the sadist in her?
>>28068487Truly the perfect mascot for herThey should've put it with her nendo, now that I think about it
>>28068538Come home eggman
>>28068038>>28068182What else did Kiara have to say about Sana's graduation?
>>28068542Yeah I have no idea what he's talking about desu I don't know of any province with the mandatory masks right now
[Kaela news] Collab with Sana soon
>>28068570The nendo itself should have just been NEKO with a smol Aqua as an accessory.
What's the latest rrat on Sana? I've been out for a day or two.
>>28068554it's a country boomer saying
>>28068537Uhh, the not interested in gameplay one or the not interested until ID get in one?Does she play vampire survivors?
>>28068581There's literally no covid restrictions right now unless you're doing international travel, he's just a retard.
>>28068549Anon this is the 5th time since the announcement that you've put on the Deltarune trilogy... Wanna talk about it?
>>28068595She's gonna kill Ame with bread and flee the country to evade prosecution..
>>28068594I like the way you think
>>28068595We nailed down that she told everyone about 2 weeks ago.
>>28068595She collabed with IRyS and the filter on her stream killed all the melanin in her skin and she now has cancer and id is dying.
>>28068595Normie anon... Sit down for this...
>>28068554It's an Albany expression
>>28068049You mean Hololive girls do something to each other, just from your list>Luna>Flare>AquaThese girls are to be blamed
>>28068630What if you secretly added powdered bread to Ame's food?
>>28068182Wait, so the Back hort was a front for something all along?Is that why Sana decided to delete the back hort vod?
>>28068419iirc Kobo also still hasn't touch the game but I bet it's just Moona avoiding FOTM like a plague as usual but with a good reason now
anyone keeping count how many times IRyS is getting bitten?
irys was about to call him a nigger
She was about to call Jill a slut.
IRyS has to try so hard not to swear
IRyS tries.
IRyS, you have to aim for the head. Not the wall.
>>28068182She got pregnant.
>>28068682(no delivery)
>>28068627She should do the weird route as one of her last solo streams.
>>28068487>>28068570>>28068594>>28068633https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSnFMCAUyF4Good god I miss Aqua so fucking much. I wish she didn't get bodied in that stupid apex tourney so she would at least wanna show her face in public still.
Do you guys have like a demon behind you that whispers in your ear to post about roommate shit completely unsolicited?
>Yeah I don't have spaceno...
>>28068637Good, I was tired of idiots saying that EN found out like a day before the announcement
Irys is as foul mouthed as Mori off stream
>>28068739Yaeh itss taow
Kronii's JP is too cute
>>28068749They all are anon.
>>28068749Cope harder kekbeat
Why doesn't Jill just open the lock? Isn't she the master of unlocking?
Did Mori corrupt IRyS?
>>28068739>unsolicitedi would like to solicit a snowbama, please
>Suisei's Minecraft handle had to be changed when migrating accounts to MicrosoftIs this why barely any of the girls are streaming Minecraft now because Microsoft is a giant fucking piece shit tech company?
>>28068538>anon's maldlol
>>28068735Aqua, my poor Aqua...
IRyS is on something today
>>28068792No, she's honestly been like this for quite a while.
>>28068739yeah and it has dice
nature is healing...
KroBaeRyS threesome
>>28068735>Apex tournamentShe was well checked out before that lad. Been years since she was consistent.
>>28068803Its so fucking annoying to migrate the account in my experience
>>28068803more like they have nothing to do
So Sana was lying about back problems all along?
>>28068735It can't be helpedAs long as she's still in hololive and working on something I will maintain hope
>>28068801I got you pham.
>>28068822She has known Mori for a while too
>>28068739I have a demon inside me that does that. He looks like pic related
>>28068824Delightfully devilish, anon.
Catching up on Kiara's VOD. How come Jenma is the only one managing Kiara? Does Jenma not trust any manager besides herself ever since she took Kiara from JChad?
>>28068858thank you
>>28068735God, I'd love to try to fuck the retard out of Aqua.I know that's literally impossible but that's no reason to let that stop me from trying.
>>28068803the new account implementation also has a number of serious bugs
>>28068851Chumshart whens the next Blu stream?
IRyS is very attractive tonight. Bae is gonna have to come back home soon.
>>28068822she has been the same as she's always been
>>28068826where da gura?
>ErbIt's herb
>>28068851no, it's that it wasnt the main issue that lead to this.the vod of that was deleted because she didnt want to be remembered for that
What if back hort was just an in-joke among the girls, which would also explain the April's Fools "Sana" skit? We got tricked...
>>28068871I mean what does Kiara even do to neccesitate 2 managers?
>>28068792Her literal first stream had her talking about eating thick meaty balls
Jill getting throat fucked in about 30 minutes
>>28068913dont fucking start with me
>>28068803Any moment they say something unseiso even by accident (as JPs tend to) is an opportunity to lose your access to Minecraft entirely with their new policies. So yes MS are being dicks and that may be discouraging Minecraft play.
>>28068922Bitches twice as much as anyone else
>>28068735Jesas is she actually?
>>28068182When EN started, Ina had a dedicated moderator called AO-chan that she was clearly very friendly with. Nobody else had one like that. Cover doesn't tend to let you just mod your friends and have them talk in chat. Certainly not under kayfabe since that could damage Hololive's image. Furthermore, IRyS's intro test was unintentionally left public instead of being a private stream. In the chat we could see AO-chan with another manager. A rando, or even a talent for an un-debuted gen, wouldn't have been in that chat. There is a ton of evidence people have posted linking AO-chan to either Sana or Omega. From the fact that Sana made the same comments about the lasso tool that AO-chan once did, to the fact that Omega and AO-chan both have the same stilted writing styles. Even the fact that Omega is clearly a cringe chuuni who wants to involve herself in all the lore. After all, she was AO-chan too so she had a history of it. What those people don't realize is that both are true. Sana is AO-chan is Omega. Being on the sidelines just wasn't enough for her anymore. She decided to join the latest cringeset of lore she had written and debut as a vtuber herself. AO-chan disappeared a few weeks before Council debuted, but showed up one last time about half an hour before Sana's debut. She even left a hint. Sana's lore says she serves the Ancient Ones too. She nepotism'd herself into the gen and eventually couldn't handle juggling 3 jobs: Artist, Hololive Manager/Producer and Vtuber. The reason she didn't seem all that upset during the graduation announcement is because she's just stopping her Vtuber activities, she's still got her real jobs. The Vtubing was just for fun anyway. The disdain other talents show when they talk about Omega is because they knew she botched the job and cost someone a slot in the Council. Her slot.Ina didn't nepotism hire Sana. Sana nepotism hired Ina.
>>28068826who the fuck is that still playing elden ring
>>28068848Sounds like the new update was completely fucking worthless then other than some of the girls wanting frogs and the more hardcore players like Pekora and Miko wanting to take down the Warden.
Sana was bullied by [redacted] which is why she's leaving.
Irys's diarrhea...
wish the boob physics in this game were a little stronger
>>28068922Objectively more than Gura or Ina
Why is IRyS shitting so much today?
irys gonna take a shit
what did irys eat...
>>28068957Why would Henry do this?...
IRyS is shitting herself...
Ah, she really is on her period
See ya in 20 irys
>>28068916What do you mean it wasn't the issue? It's literally what leads her to not be able to stream consistently, what leads her to not be able to do 3D, do concerts, etc. etc.Unless she's been bullshitting us all along.
thinking about towa
Did IRyS's period start?
Her ass is leaking like a firehose today
imagine the smell
>Another meeting only after an hourIt is diarrhea
>>28067656This is true!
>>28068937They could always do voice chat. Microsoft can't ban new for that.... yet.
She's actually masturbating.
>>28068956Ina and Ame
Winners wear diapers IRyS
Why is this making me laugh
Send me up, I'm ready.
>>28068929You pronounce it Hololive, not Ollolive, do you?
>>28068898Does Gura actually look similar to this?
>>28069005Yeah, hers is close to Guras
IRyS brapping right now
you can hear her opening the bathroom door
>>28068956My wife Ina
>Irys has the diarrhea today>I have the diarrhea todayWe are sick I hate this.
>>28069034wtf is wrong with greyniggers
kronies explain
>>28068952Anon she not fired
Sorry, IRyS and I tried anal last night and it's apparently not going well for her now.
>>28068957God damn, who would have known that Mel was in fact a hyper-aggressive bully mastermind behind the scenes, why did she do it bros..
>>28069042luv me 'ololive
>>28069029To me.
How long is this shitrys going to be?
>ad breaks on hololive streams
Imagine the smell
As a guy with chronic bowel problems, vtubers like Irys and Armando give me the confidence to think I could probably make it too someday.
>>28068735I desperately need this retard back
the nephilim is way too bratty today...
there's a thick turd sliding off IRyS anus right now
>Shilling merch while taking a shitShe's learning!
oh yeah the tako spamming
I miss when talents would leave their mic on while shitting...
Can't IRyS at least play the songs from her album thingy like Flare used to with when she has to go intermission?
>IRyS streaming with actual tummy hort problems Damn she's a trooper.
>IRyS has to take a shit>I have to take a shit nowwhat is this
My thing went off, is someone taking a shit?
IRyS IS DEAD, say something nice about Kaela.
>>28069042Heir is pronounced Air so...
>>28069082Padding stream time is a legitimate strat.
>Had anal sex for the first time last night>Today when I shat blood was coming outBros...?
Would Irys' make that face if she was in pain? She must be having good bowel movements! Good for her
>>28068957I have the real reason why Sana is leaving. She forced bread upon Ame and the rest of the girls banished her to the shadow realm, even when Ame told them it was fine and that Sana didn't know her kryptonite was bread. The other girls weren't having it though, she had to be made an example of.
And I thought chumsharts and KFPiss are disgusting
Can they ban cucumbers?
pooping isn't seiso
>>28069127It was nice knowing you
takoniggers, didn't Ina tell you to not spam cucumbers on other chats?
>>28069127Didn't use enough lube you fucking retard
>>28068739This is going to come as a shock to you but only this place cares about >muh roommate and you get newfags here every single day
>>28068602She played it once and that's it, I don't even think she enjoyed it so yeah, she's probably not interested in the gameplay. She did say that she'll play it once ID gets added but that's probably just to stop beggars.
babu babu
IRyS your lithium side effects...Confusion, poor memory, or lack of awarenessfaintingfast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulsefrequent urinationincreased thirstslow heartbeatstiffness of the arms or legstroubled breathing (especially during hard work or exercise)unusual tiredness or weakness
she looks so peaceful...
Irys is spraying liquid shit into her toilet right now. Say something nice about her while she's away.
>>28069063Shes just like me
>>28069127I fucking hate you
>>28068922A lot more than others
Girls dont shit you fucking virgins
>>28069097>thickThat ain't how diarrhea works nigga
>>28069167Cute Ame baby
>>28069168>Confusion, poor memory, or lack of awarenessit's all true
>>28069097>thick turdMore like a torrent of brown liquid...
>>28069168Anon, we've been over this, she's pregnant
>>28069173Im glad she put up more advertisements while she's away.
>>28069127You got your fudge packed too hard dumb hooman.
kiara doesn't do shit
>>28069142Armando, my beloved...
>>28069127It's what you deserve for being a sodomite.
Is IWyS sleeping?
>>28069168She's not taking lithium, it's heroine withdrawal.
>>28069127So hot
>>28069106Stream Smile and Go btw.
>>28069127you got monkeypox now
>>28069142That entire stream was such a fever dream for me
>>28069214But IRyS does.
Did IRyS say she was gonna poop?
can woman feel the same pleasure as man while shitting? they don't have prostates
>>28069127Sorry, I'll be gentler next time.
Irys' heavy flow...
>>28069154>implying takos actually listen
>>28069214but Irys does! she's doing it right now!
Did IRyS decide to do that 'eat nothing but icecream for a couple of days' thing she mentioned a week or two ago?
She's shitting for sure
>>28069045>he doesn't know
>>28069167Nade nade
Why is everyone assuming shit instead of piss
>almost 1am>still no sign of herI guess that means she's actually fully getting rest today. Please actually give an update tomorrow I'm trying my best not to concernfag like a tremendous faggot.
emergency meeting? it's cause Sana decided to stay right?
>>28069241They enjoy holding their piss more
Why are men so fucking stupidShe's on her period
>>28069214Neither does any EN except Mori to be fair.
that was a quick shit!
>>28068735You know when you look at the root cause of things, Apex literally destroyed Manjigumi.>Shion performs poorly during an Apex tournament>Has a menhera episode and swears off the game forever, stopped streaming for nearly 4 months>Ayame didn't take an APEX tournament as strongly as other Holos>Reads messages on 5ch, becomes a menhera and gives up on streaming for two years and counting>Aqua literally destroys her body and sanity playing Apex Legends>Unironically had to be admitted to the hospital, failed to take her meds, got worse and nearly fucking diedThe conclusion I have is that Apex is a game of devil because guess who's the only Holo that constantly plays that game and is still managing to be sane enough to stream continuously (It's Towa.) Ollie is immune to being killed by Apex because she's already dead.
>>28069241>pleasure Shitting does not make me feel good
>>28069229Smile and Go is old and busted, its time for Zenryoku Jumping
>>28067022Right here, IRySfriend!
>very serious meetingshe annihilated that toilet
Don't say it like that, IRyS...
Serious pissing!
>>28069173>>28069097Why are you the way that you are anon?Parents must be disappointed.
Why is she telling us this
>seriousThat toilet is RUINED
>>28068985She didn't properly come to pay her respects. Only Kiara is safe, anyone else could be next.
IRyS's scorched anus...
>IRyS>Kobo>KiaraWho else can >we add to the shitlist?
>Irys confirming that she just had a serious shitgoddamnit
>>28067022Right here, friend! Watching Kronii and IRyS to round out my day.
>>28069214Today I will remind them.
Imagine the smell.
>>28067032>>28067325>>28069127Wow look at that
>>280692836 minutes. Do we have a holo shitting speed tierlist?
IRyS gambled on a fart and lost.
Guys... I...
>>28069298Like a charge rifle!
>>28069068Of course she's not fired. She just quit playing around as a vtuber because she couldn't focus on it while also being a manager.
Why is Irys so keen on giving me a mental image of her with diarrea?
>>28069268If they like holding their piss so much why are most Holos pissing all the time? Except Gura.
>>28069270How red is her bathroom right now?
>>28069266What would you do if Fauna broke down and cried on stream?I unironically think she'd make like 10 grand on the spot from panicked saplings trying to get her to calm down. She probably knows it too so is trying to hold her composure and not do this so that people can't accuse her of profiting off Sana's demise.
>I should be fine for another hourwhat the fuck is actually wrong with her digestive system today
Does IRyS have the shits?
>I'm going to be fine for at least another hourIRyS...
>>28069127enjoy your ass cancer faggot
Which fanbase has the cutest "boys"
>>28069326Have to shit?
>>28069326DON'T DO IT
>>28069214Yeah Kiara is sleeping, not shitting, right now dumb anon
arent women more susceptible to bowel movement problems
>>28069339She doesn't sleep anymore. That'll have that effect.
>>28069333Yes, she rubbed the plushy in Rushia's face at Cover HQ in front of Yagoo.
>>28069313Mori wouldn't be half as popular without her model's erratic eye movements.
>>28069263piss doesn't take 15 minutes
>>28069357Heimins but i won't post proof because i don't have much more IPs
>>28069309Kiara is the champ of speed pissing
>>28069127why not just be normal and use a prostate massager?
>>28069403post the thighs
>>28069401It's unintentionally hilarious and somehow works well with her weird tryhard gruff personality.
>>28068826Is that why Fauna is nowhere to be seen?
>>28068419She just doesn't interested with the game, she played Vampire survivor once and never touched the game again.
>>28068952None of the girls have disdain for Omega, they just don't care about them about them because none of them but Gura and Ina talked to Omega a few times before.
Gura cute Gura cute!
>Jill and zombie dogsYJK
>>28069423A fucking what?
IRyS you fucking idiot kek
>>28069286God, how I wish Apex had never existed.
irys is a dope
>>28068952>Omega>SheYou had me going there for a minute.
Irys you fucking dumbass
>Oh yeah the shotgun!>Moves forward.IRyS...
>>28069470someone post the one with migo telling rushia 'fa q men'
How come she can get away with shitting on stream and I can't?
>>28069470Does anyone have the famous Ame brain fart or some of Mumei's unintelligible sentences as soundpost?
>>28069327If your theory have any ground could she return
>Thank you Sam>my name is SamLATER VIRGINS
Tourists reveal themselves so easily
I feel like there was a time when Heimin weren't just seen as femboys...
>>28069408What about challenge pissing
https://twitter.com/airaniiofifteen/status/1547076584229588995>Something newIs it Tenga promotion stream?
>>28068952My dude, omega hasn't tweeted anything in 6 months yet he still manages to live rent free in idiots heads. Get over it
>>28068538name a holo that appreciates a bald head in a non-demeaning way
I only put 30 hours in this game but that includes like 4 playthroughs and getting almost all achievements...it became real easy once you have the infinite weps
>>28069532One was a history nerd, then Mumei debut happened
Are >we watching IRyS or Kronii
>>28068373I wish everyone else were as open as Kiara, both Ame and Ina were kind of mum about the whole thing, probably intending to be respectful.
>vsinger cope
Do any of the Holos other than Gura listen to metal?
>>28069127When I was in 10th grade I overheard a 400ish pound black girl, who already had a daughter, in my english class tell her friend that her boyfriend came in her ass the other night and when she shit afterwards it was all white.
>>28068182>Kiara mentioned she knows and can't say the reason Sana is quittingSana couldn't either (but would like to if she could). Surely back hort is something she could say, right? Her bad back has been an known issue for a long time and a really easily explained reason for not being able to continue streaming.
>>28069569TimeRyS love!!
>>28069513irys muted
Didn't >we use to say quota whenever a dog was murdered on stream? My memory is shit.
>>28069538That or a cam with a Tenga painting/decoration stream.
>>28069565It was fun unlocking everything in my opinion
>>28069426It complements the "try" in her tryhard personality because when the conversation turns to something funny she regularly goes wide-eyed and it darts everywhere.
Throat rape time
I miss Fauna's southern belle accent...
What the fuck is this voice
Aw ye, here it is
Do not rush shitting irys...You will join the 50% of japs that develop hemorrhoids like that
why is IRyS doing a Chris Chan impression?
>>28069313Holy shit, is it just me or Kiara sounds very different here?
Did IRyS stuff green herb up her ass?
Check this out
She's 100% going to say something yabai
>>28069603Didn't your ship catch fire and sink to the bottom of the ocean on IRyS's anniversary?
I love grinding in gachas while listening to streams. There's nothing better than combining two mindnumbing things until you can't feel your brain anymore.
>>28069624It was a pretty fair system. Only grindy parts were the kill X number zombies
>>28069606Only for Ame
>>28069521I have this one
Im trying to eat... This isnt the stream for me.
Ganko, Fumi, Uyi or Rio /hlgg/, which girl would you want to hold hands with?
>>28068353>Sana herself didn't seem to care enoughI agree with you. Hololive was a fun side-job for the long gaming sessions she would do anyway. Balancing her other work with Hololive was gonna be tough. Then add in a back injury and the troubles of rehab, pain management, and two jobs. Seems obvious Cover laid out basic requirements for Sana if she would sign on for another year. Sana wouldn't agree to them and chose to graduate instead ending a tumultuous year as a Holo.
>>28069684They're still hot women in proximity to each other, you don't need anything else
>>28069669baby talk punishment from uno
>>28069721Rio barely look like she changed.
Will this make Irys horny?
How drenched will IRyS be for RE4?
>>28069686God Yu cannot fucking go 15 minutes without talking about horse cock
JWUDid Kiara called Pomu?
Oh boy here we go, but rape
>>28068182She wondered out loud if Sana could go surfing, not the same thing. And she might be talking about after Sana recovers cause she's not going to Australia any time soon.
Kronii's trying to get Spec Ops the line permissions
>Astel played RE3>Now IRyS is playing RE3Why do the girls keep copying the homos?
Will Irys' stomach explode here?
>>28069758She'll have a panic attack if they don't mess up the regenerators
>>28069791It already did earlier
>>28069811Don't you just shoot them with a thermal scope
So, what are the rrats about what Irys ate to end up like this?My money's on too much 2x spicy ramen
>>28069791She'll intentionally avoid using an herb so she can see the animation
>>28069781Good luck with that Kronii. Even if the devs play ball, management might consider it too yab and block her anyway.
Was that porn?
All those times the other girls mentioned talking with Ina about hololive during the off-collab were probably about Sana.
IRyS sounded intrigued
IRyS doesn't sound that bothered lol
>>28069860yeah, especially with mods
>>28069851Sounds like it was a joke from her end.
jesus that's fucking disgusting
>calm downshe actually got horny from that scene...
Is Spec Ops: the line too yabai when they can safely stream goddamn outlast?
IRyS is hot and bothered
>Chloe has a karaoke stream that's not at 4 AMI should probably rest now so that I can catch it live honestly.
>This scene is not SFM pornWhat the heck. All this time I thought that's what it was
yea, my maggots
wtf you guys said she would get horny
>>28069686>>28069759almost posted wu here thanks to you fuckers stop that
>Calm as a box of chocolatesWhat the fuck did IRyS mean by this?
>I'm gonna give birth to a bunch of niggers IRYS NO
>>28069862Sana is not dying why is Ina so sad about it? she's still her friend she still can hang with her
>IRyS thought the 'erbs were scams
>>28069892She sounds horny to me
Shotgun would be pretty useful since these things are one hit...
Oh yeah, IRyS HATES big bugs
How is Spec Ops too yabai when Ame played the full entirety of L.A. Noire which is WAY more yabai.
>giant mutated zerg-spider>Do I shoot these?
>>28069236Same desu
>>28069894You ever see chocolate panic? No, you haven't.
>>28069894IRyS Gump
>>28069913>Sana is not dyingI mean. She could be. For all we know.
IRyS is being cuter than usual
beautiful screams
>>28069945HOLY SHIT is that real?
>>28069885Good idea. Let's go to bed together, Chloefriend.
>>28069835timestamp of the sex?
Those whimpers give me life
why don't they just replace Santa's VA?
So how long did Sana plan the exit plan? Did she sabotage herself that way there would be not much fans left to be too hurt by her announcement?
IrysogirlyI could listen to her screaming all day.
Which one is going to cry during Sana's graduation stream?I'm going to say either Kronii or Fauna.
that's not a chad's voice
>>28069968TOMORROW: Chloefriends reporting anal bleeding
>>28069935There's a section of the game where you have the option to explicitly exterminate the people of a town because of their race and actions.Also it portrays the CIA in a negative light when Cover works with the CIA
>>28068353Are you trying to justify her decision or not because this sounds like a perfectly good reason to quit streaming.
>>28069765she sent a video and P*m* did not play it
irys doesn't know "ma"?
>>28069521have you seen the bidoof?
I just woke up and I don't know who to watch.
>>28069989irys will kill again
>>28069882I bet Botan could play it somehow
>>28069989IRyS vetoed it.
>Papyrus SNLGoslingbros!
>>28069952Based on what
>>28069993several months according to mori
>papyrus skitGOSLINGBROS
>>28070004you can't post a 5 hour stream with no timestamp as "proof"
>>28070023She calls hers mommy.
scared IRyS is so cute
A gosling skit, perfect!
This was someone's fetish.I'm sure of it
>>28070006You know too much
>>28070064>>28070075papyrus - SNLmind...
GOSLINGS ASSEMBLEhttps://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ
>>28070023she knows all about mama love for her
>>28070052I'm not saying that she is. But that we don't have a reason to know either way.She could be, for all we know. She may not be, either. But like, either way, we wouldn't know.
>>28069945would be kino if someone added the music to it but I'm too lazy to do it myself.
This IRyS stream is so hot
Yep she's honry
IRyS is hornier than usual today!
that's a soundpost
>stop trying to make babiesJesus Irys...
oh shit that's exploitable
>>28068952Sana being AO-chan makes sense but AO-chan being related to Omega in any way has always been completely retarded.I still remember someone genuinely trying to use "AO looks like OA" as proof.
IRyS sounded like she was smiling as she watched Jill's throat getting fucked...
IRyS is terrified
Making babies with IRyS!
I would NEVER rape IRyS
>>28068955>New sensor mechanics.>FINALLY fixed the minecart hopper unloading.It is a pretty big update for farm builders.
i wanna make babies with Irys...
>make babiesthis is final yab
This sequence was so fucking stupid. I can't believe we lost Jill's skirt for this throat fucking alien fetish bullshit.
>>28070144>he doesn't know Omega is OG Ame
>don't know how to read mapswhy are women so bad at maps?
>>28070097>IRyS was here when we started posting thisJust how powerful is she?
I can't get over how feminine IRyS is. It's almost a parody.
>Woman>Not knowing how to read mapsIRyS you're setting back feminism a couple of years again...
>>28070211I mean Fauna exists so it's not even anything new
>>28070212Somebody has to
>>28070212Thank God.
>>28070187her design in this is better than the original designwomen running around combat zones in skirts and high heels is retarded
>>28070212Feminism embraces a woman's right to be whatever she wants, including being fucking stupid
Maggots stuck in her throat...
>>28070144It the same thinking loserbait is Omega, anons just want more reasons to hate Omega
>>28070184Sleep is safe
>>28070006Which holos would properly avenge Lugo?
>>28070036Ah, the Bidoof... Bidoof... you know the Bidoof? The no one... I always catch the Pokemon, Pokemon Bidoof, and without Bidoof. I always catch the Bidoof and without Bidoof. Bidoof... I like Bidoof.
>>28070212She just keeps better and better!
>>28070245Yeah, mine
>>28070212Good, Hopefully she sets it back so much it ceases to exist.
>>28070239>combat zones It's not one. It's a disaster zone. I don't care about the outfit either way, but it's not supposed to be a combat zone.
>>28070239You're right, if she started off in her skirt in this game, she should have gone back to her apartment after Nemesis chased her so she could switch clothes to something more professional.Cope.
>>28070279women running around disaster zones in skirts and high heels is retarded
Was that the horror maze flash game on the monitors just now?
>>28070184what is mumei recording?
>>28069596Because it's not the back hurt that's making her quit, she would probably be happy streaming at her current pace while doing art and slowly recovering. It's because unlike Ina who slowed down her priestess duties after her first year, Sana's other job actually ramped up and she had to choose between the two. Maybe if she didn't hurt her back she could actually balance the two but who knows.
>>28070231Fauna is fake overdone femininity, IRyS defaults to it when under pressure and so isreal.
>>28070239It's a casual outfit for a date, retardo. You aren't expected to be dressed like a soldier for that.
>>28070305That was the location of the generators wasn't it
>>28070329amateur av
>>28070335Why are irystocrats like this
>>28070302True, they should rip all their clothes off if they happen to get caught in a disaster zone. It will make them extra aerodynamic to run away from the danger.
>>28070257IRyS, Kiara and Mumei, out of EN, would be willing to massacre in retaliation.In ID, all of them except Iofi and Kobo. Zeta would literally side with the CIA.In JP? Not many. Maybe Luna.
peace was not an option
What are these noises...
>>28070184Where's my stream MumeiYou promised streams everyday
>>28070302You don't get a choice, anon, if a disaster happens on your head
>>28070184Good job Mumei!
Stream Dilemmahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_MPvKf0IDE
>Sana>5AMI guess I'm not watching Sana even if she's close to getting deleted.
What does Nemesis drop again? Weapon upgrades?
Stay there and become
Why is Ollie sending Iofi to the Gue lag?
>>28070351Which animals is she recording?
>>28070390>You don't get a choicetake off your shoesrip your skirtput on the first set of practical clothing you find
>>28070439a deuce
>he has tentacles oh yeaah
shes into tentacles
>>28070449Yeah just casually stop by the zombie infested mall to pick up some sweet new combat ready threads, or undress one of the zombies UNLESS THAT ZOMBIE IS WEARING A SKIRT
>>28070449>practical clothingWhat if it's towa cosplay
>>28070449>put on clothing from other people>in a zombie outbreak>when you have a high chance of having open woundsLiterally asking for infection
That donuts yell kinda sounded like Marge Simpson
those screams...
Good scream.
>>28070477Ina was her first partner after all
>>28070449Just take off all the clothes and keep the boots, that's all that needs protection
>>28070482you know that clothing stores aren't the only place you can find clothes right
I think this beat the Elden Ring giant ants stream she had
They should just have built up and improved upon remake Mr. X's gameplay for Nemesis.
>>28070483Or a Choco cosplay
How the fuck did she not hear him stomping around right behind her?
10/10 scream
>retards don't understand the wardrobe amplifies the feeling of vulnerability for the playerthere's a reason this worked so well in this and Parasite Eve on PSX/1
>the pick lock box
>>28070523Women are not good at perceiving threats.
>>28070523anything not as loud as Gojira doesnt register to irys
Is it just me or the thread suddenly got a lot slower?
can someone post towa for me
>>28070582Anon has to take an emergency idol meeting.
>>28070582Moot forgot to feed the hamsters
>>28070582cyber pandemic engaged
>>28070582Sorry, I was busy jerking off to the thought of impregnating IRyS
>>28070592Wow, she's animated like my Japanese Animus
IRyS is such a dope
>>28070586We love Towa!
>>28070582Threads are always slow during IRyS' streams, she's not very popular
Is it just me or Mumei suddenly got much cuter?
>>28070582Group JO Sesh sorry women arent invited
>>28070582Probably because I got up to take a shit.Don't worry, everybody can get back to posting now.
>>28070628dont rearrange the letters in dope
>>28070632Or everyone would rather watch her than shitpost.
>>28069241AME POST
>>28070607>>28070653The toilet? Me.
Anyone have a clip or soundpost of Towa smoking?
>>28070664Pode is a co-op puzzle exploration game about a rock and a fallen star working together to solve ancient puzzles in a stunning environment inspired by Norwegian art and culture.
Imagine fucking IRyS' throat and you assume she doesn't swallow and cum on her face, but she gets mad and pouty that you didn't just bust inside her throat and actually gives you the cold shoulder for not doing it for a few days
But the Samurai Edge...
>>28070679This is cope.
irys...it's the name of the leon's gun...
>>28070706there is nothing of the sort
>>28070582check your filtersthread is blazing fast
>>28070619Stop jerking off to the thought of me and my wife it's weird
Good morning /hlgg/! Have you been enjoying Hololive?
The great filter
>>28070685They're laughing... she's trying her best and they're laughing...
>>28070760Good morning, sir!
>>28070240Wow, hololive must be extremely feminist then!
>>28070773I want to cum all over the numbers rabbit
IRyS your brain...
Behold, RE3 remake's one and only puzzle.
Has watching Hololive made you more or less of a feminist?
Who is objectively cuter, Kiara or Irys?
>>28070793>>28070798How were the streams?
>>28070239>>28070302What high heels?
>>28070863AmeKiara and IRyS are cute too
I will post one thousand Towas
>>28070849How would you define wanting to save women from themselves?
>>28070773Y r they so mad ?
sa2 mention
>>28070914No one will argue this fact.
>>28070908Conflict is the natural state of man.
Is IRyS dumb???
Mussolini would never allow the trains to run like this
>>28070892Ada from RE2
>>28070863I'm seconding this anon >>28070895t. KFP
>>28070939Good thing we weren't talking about
Irys makes this look like one of the hardest puzzles of all time. You know what? She should play 999 and VLR, she'd do great.
>>28070863IRyS is cuter but Kiara is funnier
>IRyS has blood pressure problems>I have blood pressure problemsWE ARE!
I don't know what's going on. IRyS is just so attractive tonight.
>>28070773Probably like 3 different people in total
Oh my god she's retarded
Love this girl
Christ, is Irys the dumbest girl in all of Hololive? I'm struggling to think of someone dumber.
why screen red?
>>28070960Hey, Gura likes that joke too!
>>28070966So you get cunny if you fuse them?
Can't you unlock the skirt as a costume? Why are you all bitching?
>>28070863IRyS is dumb, Kiara is dumb AND has a pacifier making her closer to being a baby than IRyS, babies are objectively cute as most things we perceive as cute are derived from their appearance/behaviour, therefore, Kiara is objectively cuter
>>28070899im waiting
IRyS is self-aware of her dumbness
Would IRyS get destroyed by classic Resident Evil puzzles?
>>28070863Yeah, me
>>28070863Don't careAme is cuter than both, but they're cute too I guess...
>>28070997>I'm struggling to think of someone dumberwhy are EN only fags like this
Cute dumb succubus
>>28071000>Kiara/IRyS fusion but loliIf there's any drawanon around, I'd like to see that
Face bussy
Gave me a huge WHAT?
>>28070982no more beeg nigga...
>>28071053what the fuck
>>28071053excuse me, what the fuck
>>28071047last time i replayed RE4 i forgot one of the puzzles and bruteforced it ameway
>>28071026Have patience
what the fuck kind of kiss she say it was?
I want IRyS to teach me to kiss like an adult...
Aw man, I just realized we’ll never get a full Council orisong
>basically a blowjob for your head>"an adult kiss"
Is there a way to list all member VODs from a channel even if they don't have a members playlist?
>>28070914I swear she's the perfect ultimate combo of cute and sexy.
>>28071127What if it's released before her graduation?They did the same with Coco
>>28071127There's still a little time, they could record one
>>28071053what about it?
>>28071127Anon, i know the one we have is bad but you can't pretend it doesn't exist.
Where's the Mumei stream?
>>28070982Anyone have a larger version of this?
>>28071175voice hort
They should have made Nemesis wear Jill's skirt
>>28071175Mein Führer... Mumei...
How long you think before she remembers she has a shotgun?
>>28071196Poor Nemesis got it worst. Nigga is literally covered in trash bags.
>>28071053The Anya way!!
>>28070964>She should play 999 and VLR, she'd do great.You say that as a joke but that would be fun as fuck to watch
IRyS backseat gaming....
IRyS is such a nerd.
This damn succubus brat asking for the code....
>>28071233I'm sad that this will never happen, I'd watch the shit out of it.
>>28070982>>28071186https://twitter.com/bannedvtmemes/status/1475706803149492234Nevermind, found it
Holy shit, how is she guessing this? Does she really have powers?
>>28071165Aqua makes me so horny.
>cheat>mess it up twice>bittenIrys...
>>28071226I can't believe James Rolfe literally took a shit on Pegora.
Show me your best distorted Fauna
>>28071233Oh god just imagining this idiot trying to solve all the puzzles. But more importantly, the elevator scene.
>Nephilim senses tinglingShe came.
>>28071161>>28071162Wasn’t that already in the works for a while before Coco announced her graduation? I just doubt they’d be able to crank one out by the 31st.
ollie what?https://twitter.com/kureijiollie/status/1547088127717945344
>>28070863I don't like goblin face, so i choose kiara.
guys i forget the name of Towa
>>28071316She wants to fuck a male version of herself
https://youtu.be/RvikZKJjNEEit has never been topped
Fromsoftware invented i-frame rolls
>>28071348its towa
>>28071233she would actually be so into the Junpei/Akane ship
>>28071314Anon, they didn't learn about Sana's graduation yesterday. Besides, Mumei just tweeted that she is recording something
>>28071372post proof next thread
>>28071318kaela always wins
>>28071348It's Tokoyami Towa. That's T-O-E-K-O-E-A-M-Y. No E.
Wow Irys already got all those fancy boxes...I didn't even get those in my first playtthrough
IRyS is being a smug brat...
>>28071370Do not sexualize girls that autistic and retarded to the point of needing a handler. How is she sexy at all being that dumb?
One of Japanese-English musician (not vtuber) just make an announcement about going hiatus. Time for EN3!
>>28071403ill post it this thread
>>28071233IRyS would unironically die first if placed in a Nonary Game.
>>28071452Sorry, I'll be gentler next time.
>>28071390I guess you’re right. I hope you’re right.
>>28071452unpost this mori
How autistic Kaela on a scale of 1 to 10?
>>28071444>HomoEN arrives>One of them is Jeff Gerstmann
>>28071481God she wouldn't even be able to figure out digital roots and make it out of the first room.
IRyS your map reps...
How do you fine this retard sexual at all after seeing how stupid she is to the point of kill herself?
god imagine a threesome with Aqua and Kaela
IRyS gets confused in her own house...
>I'm dumb>I'm a dumb nephilimDumbRyS...
>>28071208Wow, that's awful, who would do that to someone...
>>28071458ok my bad
>Admits she's dumbWould you really subject your genes to this idiot???
>>28071559Fauna if she 10,000 Days
>>28071233>What the heck is a digital root? Wait is this time? AIIIIIE RAT MAN SAVE ME PLEASE BAELZ WHATS A DIGITAL ROOT?
>>28071576Who's the third???
You guys think HolostarsEN will have any musicians who will actually play instruments in their orisongs?
>>28071594She passed the Dunning-Kruger test, that's good enough for me.
Post cute moom images or I'll stay sad :(
>>28071628One of them will exclusively the Hurdy Gurdy and throat sing.
>>28071628Yeah, me
>>28071594The fact she can start OBS means she's at least 90th percentile of all of humanity.
>>28071452General rule of thumb, use as much lube as you think you need then double it.
This game is unnecessarily difficult
>>28071550Learn English you retarded SEAmonkey
>>28071628HE'S IN
Aqua isn't sexy and would probably drool on you
>>28071661I can't believe they got Fredrik Knudsen for holostars EN
>>28071664Playing the skinflute doesn't count, anon
>>28071444Proof next thread?>>28071518Isn't he dead, or am I thinking of someone else?
>>28071628I doubt there will be a StarsEN
>>28071661Holy based.I would kneel through the floor if we got a throat singer
>>28071550The english sentences here take a dump during SEArystocrat hours
>>28071628La+ got a saxophone, there is hope
>>28071723You haven't even heard my skinflute mixtape though
>>28071741Why're you so retarded?
Irys is not a dumb nephilim she is just pretending
>>28071053what the fuck is this
>>28071711God I want her to drool on me.
>>28071741It didn't seem like they were having much luck with applicants going by how they've been reminding us every now and then that auditions are open for males.
>>OPwhy does irys art always forget her uggo face?
>>28071779>they've been reminding us every now and thenThey reminded us once and that was like 3 months ago lmaoYou act like they do every other week
Damn she's getting raped
>>28071711That's hot
>>28071741They would've been announced already if it hadn't been for Sanas graduation. Screencap this post
>>28071777Eat more fiber you fatso, or just try enema
>>28071790same reason your mom forgets yours
i only desire to see the heimin in aqua cosplay
>>28071825Stars won't become EN3 you literal niggerbrain
I swear Irys's pronunciation of room gets closer and closer to rum
>>28071790Because IRyS only likes the art that makes her look good, and she's getting a redesign soon.
I want to have sex with Aqua and Gura at the same time while they both drool on me.
>>28071777>listens to chumbuds>calls other people gayMaybe you should reevaluate your life anon.
>>28071825Hopefully StarsEN lasts even shorter than Sana.
I'll impregnate this brat
why does she laugh this way when she dies
>>28071938Look at Jill's face next time
Thirys game lookrys really hardrys
>>28071947womb comb
https://twitter.com/akaihaato/status/1547093311592472576Chammers english valorant on twitch soon
>>28071918Could Shion really carry a pregnancy to term with such a small body?
Shit that was a quick Retweet by AmeLike 20 seconds
>>28071964Stop that.
Watching Irys play this reminded me how shit this game was after playing re2make
>>28071996stoprys whatrys anonrys ?rys
>>28071293I can't believe I actually spent time making this garbage.
Duermete ya hija de puta!!! Luego te estás quejando
I love my daughterwife Aqua!
Why don't they call Mumei's fans hoomosexuals instead?
>>28072060Whta the fuck is that
>>28071760>>28071766Realistically, why would any aspiring male EN apply for Hololive and not Nijisanji? They shit out waves all the time so your chances would be a lot higher of getting in. Anyone applying to StarsEN would have no idea how long until debut and no idea how successful they would be. Its a huge gamble with the only upside being you might get to talk to HoloENs in discord.
>>28072015I mean yeah, it's like 10pm
>>28072098Hololive is bigger than N*shartNext question
>>28072082your dad already calls you that and they didnt want to steal from such a respectable man
>>28072082Mumei's fans are called anons. She IS the princess, after all.
>>28072020Wasn't this about Gura
>>28071888Chumbuds are extremely heterosexual. For little girls.
>>28071981she can just use some magic
>>28072098I wanna be friends with Pizza Papa and Astel.
>>28072123pretty sure it was about pekora playing dq
>>28072108Why didn't Luffy just fly to Laugh Tale?
>>28072082It's Civilians, thank you very much.
>>28072131Based. I applied specifically because of this reason too.
>>28072108>Hololive is bigger than N*shartNot for males
>>28072092This always struck me as a great way to get your dick bit off when someone pulls out in front of you and you have to hit the brakes.
>>28072083The result of me layering a bunch of shitty and easy to use Paint.net effects on an already cursed Fauna while listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9q736S2NAI
>>28071819Mating press this samurai
There is a universe where Deadbeats are known as Calliopeople instead.
>>28072098> They shit out waves all the time so your chances would be a lot higher of getting in.If you'd stop and think for a second, this is exactly why you WOULDN'T. Because EVERYONE ELSE thinks this and would flood it, making it HARDER for you.So no it's not smarter to apply for them
>That's going to keep him from cumming.Denialplay with IRyS.
>>28072108Stars are fine, but theres currently 2 of them streaming to less than 1k ccv combined. Most people would rather go after the chink fujobucks
>Didn’teven let the main character finishes her monologue.Nemesis is such a Gigachad.
I miss Ina
>>28072177>The manga where a guy can see ghosts and he sees a ghost that died from suffocating while giving a car job.
>Saved by a cutscene triggerLuckRys!
do not fuck the cunny kenzoku
I want to impregnate Rio!
>>28072171I think that remains to be seenI saw some post on that one femcel board clamoring for StarsEN specifically because they wouldn't interact with females the way Nijimales do, that cracked me up
>>28072098Realistically people just apply for both and go with whichever accepts them, its how the girls did it
>>28072171Yet, that's the entire point of the auditions anon>>28072205>JPYou do understand the EN and JP market aren't the same right anon? JPs don't care, ENs are more accepting, like it or not
>>28072124>70000 messages of homosexual grooming
>>28072242Maybe women aren't all that bad after all...
>>28072258That was one time.
>>28072242That's correct
>>28072242Unironically this would be a good business decision for Hololive.
>puts a grenade in>keeps the cutters>misses the maplmao
>>28071741I feel like the Homos are dreading a HomoEN. If it’s a miracle gen, and the guys are basically HolostarsJP (but they speak english), then everyone wins, but if they end up being Nijis with the Holostar name slapped on them, then it’d be a rough ride
>>28072279That was the gayest thing we've seen from any fanbaseIt fucking crashed the thread
>>28072300t. a niji tourist
No more images for my cute daughterwife.....
>>28072299wake uprys, thererys three hourys tillrys sana andrys anya collabrys.
>>28072098Hololive promotes the whole idol performer image better. Sure, you'll make less, but if you want to do the whole high school musical thing and with first mover advantage even now, wouldn't you take the holo path instead even if you get a tenth of niji's audience? I wouldn't consider NijiEN for a moment.
https://www.twitch.tv/akaihaato_hololivehttps://www.twitch.tv/akaihaato_hololivehttps://www.twitch.tv/akaihaato_hololiveeigo valorant stream on twitch in 10 minutes from the EN daisenpai
>>28072300THE BRANCHES WILL NOT BE MIXEDALL INTERACTION WILL BE MINIMALALL WHO WILL INTERACT ALREADY HAVE WITH MALES IN THE PASTWhy do you retards keep thinking it'll be open VC cancer like over /there/. Stop being fucking stupid
>>28072300>graduations become a good thing so you can watch your oshis roommate in peace
>>28072300I just know I want another Homostar trap. Preferably one without glass bones and paper skin.
>>28072242Trying to copy NijiEN would be disastrous for both StarsEN and HoloEN. I still think there are enough people at Cover who understand this regardless of what casual fans will say.
>>28072333I'll delete my image, but you better post quick before someone else steals the slot.
>>28071675the only difficult part is the final boss
guys I can't find any fanart of RBC as 2B what gives
Eigo jouzu'd
>>28071825New gens are usually saved for a yab. I expect them or EN3 to be announced within 2 weeks after Sana’s final stream.
they need to make a new Dino Crisis NOW
>>28068826>Ina Malenia>She will attempt to parry her to deathI can't wait, since Malenia is actually submissive and parryable.
>>28071155the playlist is automatically generated and is guaranteed to exist. replace 'UC' from the channel ID with 'UUM' and paste it at the end here:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=
Thats a teamate (no Ame for a month form)
so this is the remake's replacement of the worm? that sucks
okay but why is she 2-3 fps
>not the hormonesTRANNIES DON'T LOOK
>>28072242>homoEN announced>the next 24 hours are just two separate boards both using all their spiritual energy to tell Mori and Ollie to fuck off
>>28072412*The monkey claw curls*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PIL32FpB4s
>your oshi>going to the bagel shop again, you want anything anon?
>>28072242why were you on a femcel board?
>>28072478ollie is busy thirsting over her cosplayer
>>28072518AmeA bagel, extra gluten
>>28072524Somebody here linked it. Don't remember what it's called.
>>28072478Sounds like unity.
>>28072491Anon how the fuck do you find this tweet? This account has 0 followers and it only @hololive. Dont tell me this is your account.
>>28072478Mori is annoying but for some reason I could never get mad at Ollie when she does it.
>>28072082Gay Hoomans are not real, don't fall for the femhooman and teamate lies :(
>>28072561I searched for hakos baelz or baelz hakos on twitter.
>>28072242Crystal Cafe?
Gura atmhttps://litter.catbox.moe/4i25yf.jpghttps://litter.catbox.moe/4i25yf.jpghttps://litter.catbox.moe/4i25yf.jpg
>>28070329Probably birthday stuff. Henma suggested doing multiple covers.
>>28072578t. gay hooman
>>28072491Idk how I feel about actual children vtubing
>>28072524NTA, but i'd imagine it'd be entertaining to see when it isn't nothing but death threats or whatever. Kinda like the hornyposting hags on /stars/
>>28072518AmeEverything bagel with cream cheese, bacon, and chives.Whatever form of hashbrowns, thai iced tea, cold brew coffee, and a fruit pastry.
Please make the thread go slowly, thanks
>>28072242The fujos are going to give Armando shit for interacting with girls…
>>28072581>>28072561Ah there it was.https://litter.catbox.moe/xur5t5.png
>>28072649Bae is grooming actual children
Isn't this just the first Silent Hill boss?
Wow she sucks at this game
>>28072451There is no replacement for the Grave Digger. It's just gone. These are merely Gammas, and the only time you see them outside one more at the end of the game.
>>28072491Well the let Laplus join, so why not?
>>28072098Holostars is bros being bros just hanging out without a bunch of gayass women getting in the way like Niji EN.
irys looks like a goblin
>>28072478>it's just the ending of Char's Counterattack/the Legolas Gimli scene from Return of the King
>>28072729A goblin I would fuck.
>>28072729Yes, that's why she's getting a rework
>>28072729believe in pako-papa
>>28072491https://notabird.site/euphoria_vtuber/status/1547022204025593857>that "how to screenshot on windows" tabYeah this is a parody.
>>28072729Marines body is shaped like one
>the disappointment and shift of voice of when she realized it wasn't love, but actual scientist autism
>>28072729When are we getting a goblin chuuba?
JWUDid I miss anything?
>>28072205That's JP. Don't underestimate EN fujos. Those bitches are fucking deranged.
>>28072741>trying to pinch her nipsthats fucking hot
>>28072803but there is one
>>28072805Gura tweeted
>>28072805dont worry about it
>>28072729Back when she debuted there were people attempting to fix her face by photoshopping it to be slightly thinner. It honestly kinda worked.
>>28072491T o T uooooooooh
>>28072769Maybe its someone pretending to be a child to Chris Hansen some people
>>28072756When is someone gonna make a pakoface edit of IRyS so I can prepare myself for how disappointed I will be
finally the Holos are playing good gameshttps://youtu.be/5eZDfdKuBqohttps://youtu.be/5eZDfdKuBqohttps://youtu.be/5eZDfdKuBqo
>>28072805IRyS took a shit on stream
>>28072082They're called hoomos. They're ugly bucktooth looking twinks IRL tho, the real cuties are the brats.
I want to slurp cocks and have them up my ass.t. Hooman
IRyS isn't gonna retain that important Hunter information, is she...
>>28072889why are gaymates like this
>>28072867They played that game 2 years ago.
IRyS's tiny bladder!
Damn, another shit?
jesas how much does she have to shit
This bitch is gonna get hemorrhoids
>>28072889Glad you finally admitted this is why your ass is on fire.
>>28072889I approve of this.t. Mumei
NEWS:IRyS is currently pooping
time to destroy the toilet
goblin shit
>>28072578There is documented proof of hoomans being super gay
>>28072889Why are deadbeats like this?
>>28072082It sounds like homosexuals, which is already used by your oshi as her fanbase name
>>28072805IRyS made a statement about Sana followed by complaining about her own back hurting
>>28072907yeah but i'm talking about now
>>28072862I will channel my deadbeat powers and see what's up.Boner 6 going dark.