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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 752 KB, 2490x3742, 1657493042580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27945778 No.27945778 [Reply] [Original]

a thread about Calliope Mori and the extended universe

>> No.27945941

cowboy sexy

>> No.27945975
File: 237 KB, 1570x2048, wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my pon cute reaper wife Mori!!
Remember to love Mori!!

>> No.27945989

>barely a difference in bust size
This is some schizo shit

>> No.27946051
File: 144 KB, 850x601, 164902822336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deathstar love

>> No.27946089
File: 311 KB, 1447x2047, FTRo6JuaAAMrW87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27946412

Previous thread: >>27916503

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-FzoEQdmgo
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (Coming soon! - July 20, 2022) EP Pre-order: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
//// Stream CapSule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M85xU-tbQ6c

//// LIVE SHOW (major debut):
New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Tickets on sale now! In-person lottery for JP; streaming via SPWN for overseas
//// Merch on sale for JP; Worldwide sales opening June 15

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.27946114
File: 1.05 MB, 645x904, 1657496799938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.27946136 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27946276

super cute that she had scottsk performing at her show

stuff like that is how you know she's for real. what a great person, honestly.

>> No.27946147
Quoted by: >>27946281

Who are you quoting?

>> No.27946199

No there is, perspective is just wonky

>> No.27946204

I need to cum in both of them.

>> No.27946276


>> No.27946281
Quoted by: >>27946531

Fuck off back to your shithole board, tourist

>> No.27946412

I forgot how stylish the concert website is

>> No.27946489
File: 1.80 MB, 750x1125, 1657513208559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really fucking cool. I have no idea what's in store next, but I hope they put at least the same effort into the promo material.

>> No.27946497
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27946531


>> No.27946599

Well that could be a problem for the promised stream....

>> No.27946664

Why is the Great Nation State of Texas like this?

>> No.27946737

It's unironically the worst state to live in America at this point

>> No.27946784
Quoted by: >>27947150

says someone who doesn't live in Texas

>> No.27946990

Because the current administration is determined to knee cap energy production. Can't drill because the feds won't let you.


>> No.27947002

Im so proud of her, she is getting really cool stuff and achieving all those dreams

>> No.27947150

You're absolutely correct. I do however have a family member and a friend who are in the process of leaving the state after living there for years. The real estate appeal was one of the saving graces in the 2010's, but even that has gone to shit in the last couple years

>> No.27947342
File: 497 KB, 600x700, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori has the strength to pin you down
Even hotter.

>> No.27947418


>> No.27947477

I want Mori to have her way with me

>> No.27947529

Why is she 8ft tall?

>> No.27947572

It's a Japanese kitchen.

>> No.27947633

cause theyt power grid is privately owned and not nationalized, so they cant pull from other states if shit hits the fan

>> No.27947679

why do I want this

>> No.27948033

So did anyone pre-order the EP from Itunes and get that sleepy reaper audio bonus? Seems there's some kind of ARG or puzzle Calli's setting up?

>> No.27948073
Quoted by: >>27948367

Yeah, too bad her descriptions are an absolute mess and her hint was terrible

>> No.27948141
Quoted by: >>27948330

Mori's way with words strike again, who knows what fucking stream or phrase she is refering to for the search

>> No.27948150

That's perfect, isn't it?

>> No.27948330
Quoted by: >>27948448

More like the mess of links in her descriptions and any real change to her copy paste she does for every one. She stopped doing actual descriptions for streams around the start of this year

>> No.27948367
Quoted by: >>27948448

>>27948073 >>27948033
Glad its not just me confused.

>> No.27948448

My guess for the hunt is that is the letter D? do you guys agree?

>> No.27948489 [DELETED] 

Doxxbeats....holy shit

>> No.27948595


>> No.27948637

No. One. Cares.

>> No.27948648

Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.27948692

It's funny that you don't have to provide the screenshot of your purchase from itunes. Just upload a random picture in the application form and they'll send you the audio bonus lol My friend sent a cat picture

>> No.27948718 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27949437

I don't want to start stupid politics shit, but you are objectively wrong. There is literally over 9k unused drilling permits given out to energy companies and they refuse to use them because they make more money off having the oil price be high.

>> No.27948774
File: 279 KB, 2048x1638, 1A8CC06C-9D03-4657-BF02-01127025DD81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27948938

Actual Mori content to scare of pol and doxxtards

>> No.27948776
Quoted by: >>27948895

That's what I thought too, though its weird that its the same sentence on every video. Why make us go to a specific one?

>> No.27948781

I think she's referencing holocure ("save the fans") so I agree. But really it works for any recent stream except the sc reading (y as in "read super chat today") except that's above the song links

>> No.27948805

me and her

>> No.27948855
File: 371 KB, 899x513, mori ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...you stop that!

>> No.27948895
Quoted by: >>27949560

to fuck with us? or so no matter what your definition of doing something for the fans is, you get it

>> No.27948909

fucking based thanks Coupon Beat

>> No.27948927
File: 140 KB, 736x1311, 9A37BEEA-806B-4907-823D-FF48DA8392F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27948938

Bash the Tako!

>> No.27949048

Wonder if she'll schedule a stream now? Maybe she can go buy a USB mouse at a Best Buy or something

>> No.27949062 [DELETED] 
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Quoted by: >>27949869


>> No.27949163
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>> No.27949203
File: 81 KB, 257x256, Screenshot_20220702-185519~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I......I...... Miss Moririn UuuuuuUuuuuuuu

>> No.27949231

Oh, that’s why the Californians keep fleeing to it. Yeah, that makes sense.

>> No.27949417

Post THAT fembeat

>> No.27949437 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27949695

You are believing their twitter posts again. There are 9k drilling permits they have been playing cat and mouse with final approval for damn near a year now. Meanwhile they now intend to approve imports from the commies in Venezuela or straight up selling oil from the strategic reserve to the Chinese.

The only question is whether they are retarded or malicious.

>> No.27949461

I want it...

>> No.27949540
File: 347 KB, 1369x2048, 1A50C65C-DFB6-4FA7-8212-80F6C1740D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore doxxfags, post small Mori's

>> No.27949560
Quoted by: >>27949676

With 10 days before the release, I wonder how long this hunt will last, and how will she reveal clue 2. It can't really be a big word.

>> No.27949571 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 738x1200, 83176328_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27949585 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.27949600

I can already see the posts. "Why didn't Mori fix Texas grid problems before her stream? Does this bitch even care about Hololive?!"

>> No.27949645 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 512x512, 5B1CBD66-2194-4678-91D0-26B0EACE977A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27949662

Kiara looks way too good in Mori's clothing

>> No.27949676

I wonder if like each buy will have its own thanks, like having a thanks for the cd and another thanks for other shops, and we are supposed to work together instead of buying everything, and maybe its a password for a final video

>> No.27949695 [DELETED] 

Nigger straight from the BLM website under "APDs Approved and Available to Drill (AAPD)*" Not going to respond to your retardation anymore.


>> No.27949766
Quoted by: >>27949857

The orange contrasts nicely with the black
Mori would look better with red hair instead of pink

>> No.27949798
File: 1.06 MB, 2846x1601, Mori cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27949857
File: 416 KB, 1302x1842, Pink Noise Waltz [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxeld64.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27950281

Blaspheme against the glory of Pink Women one more time, so help me Mori I will crush your bones

>> No.27949869

dumbeat, we went through this, that's Reine...

>> No.27949902


>> No.27949926

Yeah but whose scythe do you think that is?

>> No.27950004

Actually, I checked it and it was mori

>> No.27950013
Quoted by: >>27950089

oh damn, apparently Phase Connect has another deadbeat in the ranks, seems one of them is the dumpling oni

>> No.27950072

Didn't know Powerwash Simulator was getting Holo DLC.

>> No.27950078

Hell yeah. Mori's reaper outfit looks good on anyone, but the Phoenix looks especially hot in it.

>> No.27950089

I'm starting to think deadbeats are being seeded in companies on purpose

>> No.27950189

Everybody loves the taste of the C-Man...

>> No.27950281

Search your heart, you know I'm right.

>> No.27950412

its a silent takeover

>> No.27950498
Quoted by: >>27950541

honestly, by this point I'm more curious which small corpo chuubas are secret (or overt) Mori antis
considering a shitload of them are /here/, I don't believe all of them are fans or neutral, and seeing an anti within the business itself is always interesting

>> No.27950541
Quoted by: >>27950598

>seeing an anti within the business itself is always interesting
Rubberneckbeats get the axe.

>> No.27950544


>> No.27950559

oh hi

>> No.27950598

Pippa shitposting at Kiara taught me who to avoid

>> No.27950671

I will coom to your milkers

>> No.27950693

Hi Mori, how was the show?

>> No.27950714

i like to observe pippa as if she is a zoo animal because she is entertaining on that front but i forgot there are people who genuinely like her even when she does shit like this

>> No.27950787


>> No.27950827

Get hydrated you dumbass.

>> No.27950830

Who has good recipes they'd like Mori to make on stream? Keep in mind how complicated it is for ability to make on stream and how long it takes to cook.

>> No.27950846

Good evening Mori, hope you had a good rest

>> No.27950923
Quoted by: >>27951875

I used to be a sous chef so I have a couple

>> No.27950973
Quoted by: >>27953490

hoe you didnt worsen your injury last night mori

>> No.27951033
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x1600, FXOYj5KVUAE-O2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27951043

its just a tiny fridge

>> No.27951104
File: 13 KB, 139x126, moricute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27951251

I want her to make sweets of some kind, maybe little skull cookies or something

>> No.27951113


>> No.27951132


>> No.27951152

She should unironically make wiener schnitzel. She's talked about it, it should take about an hour, it's pan fried so she doesn't need an oven and best of all we get to hear her beating meat with the ASMR mic

>> No.27951164

hi, take care

>> No.27951176

____, ____.

>> No.27951251
Quoted by: >>27951504

Gingerbread for the holiday season. Frosted like Holos and a Deadbeat.

>> No.27951262

She should lost all access to a frying pan after that tragedy she called a burger

>> No.27951264

I think she should make tacos and we can have a taco party

>> No.27951370

I wonder if she would do the vallhalla srinks since sheliked the eb chef comment about having them

>> No.27951504

I want to decorate a gingerbread house with Mori.

>> No.27951514

Practically a guarantee.

>> No.27951534

let me lick all that damp sweat beneath your tits mori

>> No.27951567

God they're so fucking adorable

>> No.27951640
File: 126 KB, 992x888, 1652948494032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box cake
I remember her talking about making funfetti cake once

>> No.27951646

hey Moririn hope you have a good day

>> No.27951655
Quoted by: >>27951977

drunkbeat... chill...

>> No.27951875

Does it annoy you at how bad some holos are at cooking?

>> No.27951893

I wish Myth could do this...

>> No.27951977

fuck, it was not my intention, I just type too fast and forget to recheck my sentences

>> No.27951996
Quoted by: >>27952057

Is an artist annoyed that most people are bad at art?

>> No.27952057

Being good at art isn't a basic life skill.

>> No.27952085

Cooking at a professional level is a pretty superfluous application of the skill.

>> No.27952086

At the end of the day it's a skill so if they don't cook often obviously they wouldn't be good at it. What I do love is that they try and are cute while they do that.

>> No.27952164

You're fucking hot

FL please

>> No.27952232
Quoted by: >>27952400

how dare my Moririn not be a 5 star chef that's it I'm finding a new oshi

>> No.27952312
Quoted by: >>27953273

QRD? I don't watch farmstubers.

>> No.27952319

Neither is cooking these days.

>> No.27952351

it shouldn't be, ERCOT's got more power capacity online today than their models predicted and they've got deals with certain industries to limit their power before having to resort to rolling blackouts.

>> No.27952378
Quoted by: >>27952478

Hope you had a good concert Mori!

>> No.27952400

Hey! She worked at a fine dining establishment.

>> No.27952401
File: 218 KB, 1500x1000, 9FB4F9B7-B3CE-459F-A894-2B7804FA3D39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27952620

What a grimy ass shithole. Glad she's actually going to be on a real stage like this as Mori

>> No.27952421

Rui-chan, those hips don't lie.

>> No.27952478

Concert isn't until the 21st you dumbfuck :}

>> No.27952516
File: 489 KB, 2300x2500, 1634432514119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27952667

nice fours dork
now move your hot little ass out of texas before we all die of hyperthermia

>> No.27952588

worked is a keyword

>> No.27952620
File: 1.14 MB, 986x1306, 1645891449119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori's shithole is many things but grimy isn't one of them

>> No.27952667

Must bone

>> No.27952669

No diss towards Mori but knowing servers I doubt she was ever even on the line side of the window

>> No.27952675

I’ll have to verify that claim personally

>> No.27952681

It definitely ended up pretty grimy after performing at a crappy venue like that

>> No.27952688

That's just a random poster saying hello
You're falling for vague posts.

>> No.27952772

It's fun to pretend

>> No.27952786
File: 130 KB, 697x1199, FWtDzmqUcAEFmIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27952908

I love my Mori so much it's unreal

>> No.27952797

No shit. It's no wonder most of the people responding are doxxbeats, they're the most retarded of us all

>> No.27952861
Quoted by: >>27952923

Oh shut the fuck up already you annoying cunt

>> No.27952873

Woah, we had no idea

>> No.27952884
File: 283 KB, 1200x1087, AF079418-5D06-42BB-A3AB-FD8DD7D443AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27953275

Alright Mori it's over with now. Now log out of the account and focus on NUO, god knows you probably forgot all of your lyrics (you barely remembered a single line of Kamoflauge)

>> No.27952908
File: 70 KB, 500x400, 1633479148799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this post

>> No.27952923
Quoted by: >>27953272

Stop proving me right on every occasion then

>> No.27952956

keep crying retard

>> No.27953036

Her being /here/tuber is one thing but her pandering to Kiwifarms is much worse. getting buddy with those people never ends well.

>> No.27953068

I’m kind of surprised none of the girls mentioned Mori smelling particularly good. She’s mentioned before that she showers twice a day and during the powerwashing stream she said she probably showers too much. I guess it’s similar to them not noticing her cleaning efforts.

>> No.27953128
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 5B67E9E7-BC42-4DDC-BA09-3DC70A33D925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27953490

>> No.27953164

If she is still using old spice she probably smells like a dude, but not in a bad way.

>> No.27953210
Quoted by: >>27953340

She must not be since Gura said she smells like a girl. That’s all we got though.

>> No.27953272

I'm not even one of the doxxposters, I just find metaposting and whining about the state of the split more annoying.
Start conversations to drown them out instead, stop contributing to it with passive aggressive posts. They won't stop just because someone is playing at internet janny here.

>> No.27953273

made a pretty overt reference to the wrestling video on her public twitter
aka. arguably the most humiliating moment of Kiara's life
low shit, KFPs snatched her ass for that and she was forced to pull back by management

>> No.27953275

I find it curious that none of them ever mentioned her cleaning habits including Kiara who spent quite a lot of time with her. I wonder if they don't notice or treat it as weird quirk that's awkward to point out unless Mori does it herself. Maybe one could ask Kiara if they even notice it.
Every time I look at this art I'm impressed by how good it is.

>> No.27953340
Quoted by: >>27953439

I have a feeling Gura just said that because she told everyone else smell but never actually smelled Mori.

>> No.27953364

Sui's tits are too big

>> No.27953432
File: 195 KB, 850x1275, e9fc1d19288d7145c245fc7cfb1e9354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like I get too worked up over her and she would be disgusted. Or she would find it amusing how badly Deadbeats want to do everything imaginable with her, and then discover more things. Perhaps disgusted but also flattered. My boy gets me acting unwise.

>> No.27953439

They were in a car together though and old spice smells pretty strong.

>> No.27953490


>> No.27953589

honestly, is it wrong to want to eat her out right after a concert where she just lies spread eagle, too tired to do anything and you can taste the sweat mixing with existing flavor
like it seems like a completely normal thing to want to do

>> No.27953655
Quoted by: >>27953787

she uses the fiji scent or whatever it was and according to the the details it has scents like coconut and lavender.

>> No.27953691

Probably not flattered, no one wants fanatics, they make the good parts of the fanbase look bad (just look at sports as an example)

>> No.27953693

Agreed. Mori wanted us to find the D.

Conclusion: she wants us to go fuck ourselves.

>> No.27953787

I use one of those ones with a stupid "manly" name, Wolfthorn. It just straight up smells like tropical fruit. It works great though.

>> No.27953795

>Maybe one could ask Kiara if they even notice it
Don't please. It looks pathetic to try get some information from the girls because they didn't talk much about Mori especially from Kiara who already talked the most about Mori.

>> No.27954171
Quoted by: >>27954347

I wouldn't call hornyposters on an anonymous Tibetan basket-weaving forum "fanatics"

>> No.27954238

When she's treated the character as an extension of herself, embracing being playful at times. I would say that side of her feels more awakened and confident.
Yet above all, she deserves respect to both privacy and to be free from mentally-shallow horny morons. So we can admire and fantasize, but follow the rule "don't make it weird."

>> No.27954310

Not even usually into oral like that but if it was with her. Anything for her.

>> No.27954323

how dare you say something fucking reasonable

>> No.27954347

Weird hornyposting does spill out of here occasionally and in places she'll directly see it, the guy who made her intro screen for example, is using real soundclips of her and using them for an animation of her getting fucked.
If it were someone /here/ making it then it wouldn't seem as weird.

>> No.27954424
File: 2.91 MB, 1080x1920, Buffer overflow[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqqwjf4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every holo is an unabashed pervert in one way or the other, soundclip porn is the least weird thing
There's much weirder and disturbing things people could do than want to jerk off to sexy noises

>> No.27954454

Mori browsed her lewd hashtag on stream and didn't bat an eye. She knows how horny her fans can be and doesn't mind because art is art.

>> No.27954508

Eins, bitte.

>> No.27954536

Her smile in the hat and glasses did something extreme to me.

I'm talking about Mori Calliope pink vtuber (Rapper ver.) by the way haha, she has a had and glasses you see, haha

>> No.27954552

I have sexual fantasies of Mori lying on her back in bed or on a sofa deep throating my cock while I knead her tits like fresh bread dough and I will tell you all at any available opportunity.

>> No.27954560

>but follow the rule "don't make it weird."
Pretty sure we're several thousand threads too late for that, anonio.

>> No.27954631
Quoted by: >>27955300

I have fantasies of marrying Mori and starting a family with her where we pass on our best traits unto our children

>> No.27955300

Degenerate freak

>> No.27955532

Yukisame is amazing, I really do hope the jacketless Mori is rigged eventually considering Yukisame went to the trouble of drawing it

>> No.27955629
File: 183 KB, 1350x1150, AC5B0ACE-8128-4F69-8D2E-D414D1C77383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about it now...are we even sure the stream is happening today? She said before she goes back to Japan, but that could also mean before a late flight tomorrow

>> No.27955680
Quoted by: >>27955955

I'm communicating with Mori telepathically right now. Anticipate it Deadbeat

>> No.27955746

Don't except streams from her even if she says it will happen. It is better to keep exceptations low.

>> No.27955754
Quoted by: >>27955931

I honestly don't care

>> No.27955821
Quoted by: >>27955910

With rolling blackouts, maybe or maybe not
You feelin' lucky?

>> No.27955831

>are we even sure the stream is happening today?
>but that could also mean before a late flight tomorrow
Honestly what I'm assuming til she posts

>> No.27955910

Bathtub twitter space onegai

>> No.27955931

Have we fallen this hard where she says she will stream and when she doesn't just say we don't care?

>> No.27955955

I am too and she's saying.....I'm her favorite dead beat

>> No.27955993

no, I just don't feel particularly needy, between the interview vids and the streams we got I felt she's been around enough

>> No.27956004

Just watch her when she's actually on and if you miss it get the vod after

>> No.27956017
File: 1.38 MB, 3024x4032, nuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's goooo

>> No.27956105


>> No.27956143

damn I'm surprised it actually made it ahead of time

>> No.27956155
File: 47 KB, 719x872, 1657509067386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on time too!

>> No.27956202

Nice, good to see new Holo shipping service is actually pretty prompt

>> No.27956278

If they can ship this shit out so quickly where's my birthday merch?

>> No.27956292
Quoted by: >>27956440

I’ve just gotten used to the stream gaps. Still have over 5 hours of vod in my backlog too.

>> No.27956399

Well that's the thing they actually made a few of the concert things ahead of time. They apparently want to see how many people actually want stuff for the birthday merch.

>> No.27956440

I'll have no problem with the gaps when it's because of concert prep or actual vacation. These last two months of gaps under the guise of reaper business have just felt weird because she doesn't come back refreshed or healthy

>> No.27956606

No use crying over spilled milk. It’s done for now. Perhaps that’s why I feel so calm.

>> No.27956759

Birthday merch is made to order, so it takes longer

>> No.27956788

A) premade vs made to order
B) UMG vs Cover

>> No.27956789

Post Reaper Business had some good streams though, like the last ASMR, Unpacking, House Flipper, she wasn't even spamming Adam Sandler in ER afterwards, stuff like that.
I'm inclined to believe the reaper business puts her in a good mood for streams afterwards, but I agree in her physical health taking a hit.

>> No.27956891

Or she was just being extra sweet because she knew she fucked off for 7+ days

>> No.27957153

I'd argue that it's not reaper business but more family + American food/atmosphere she missed. She'd probably get sick of it if she was there 365 days (start missing yakiniku instead of sandwiches and Sendai/VA friend instead of US friends). She had the same exact mood boost after visiting the US with no reaper business the first time

>> No.27957519
File: 103 KB, 323x215, 1641235864586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna tweeting out SilvaGunner remixes
I miss her and she misses us. This is a good remix though.

>> No.27957599

I don't think Kiara even knew that she had a silvagunner event on her birthday. Mori was told about her remixes.

>> No.27957606
Quoted by: >>27957667

cute confused sapbeat

>> No.27957667

I'm not confused I just don't like /uuu/ because they're not pro-unity like you are

>> No.27957671
Quoted by: >>27957746


>> No.27957746


>> No.27957757
Quoted by: >>27957856

is uuu even up right now

>> No.27957781

That's baffling to me considering Fauna is so sweet to all of the members. She really loves EN

>> No.27957837

I guess it's the same thing with IRyS

>> No.27957856

/uuu/ is pretty slow so they last a long time without an active stream, sort of like rrat

>> No.27957883

IRyS is sweet too…

>> No.27957886

Mori is RIGHT NOW fucking up her laptop in a serious way that will cause problems in the future, say Hi!

>> No.27957996
File: 246 KB, 762x629, 1634545877195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, we've all ruined a laptop or three. No biggie.

>> No.27958001

Mori we should go out on a date

>> No.27958008

Hi Mori!
yes you needed that file
no, dont download that!

>> No.27958014

she's installing limewire

>> No.27958051

stop fucking up your laptop and watch a movie with us, dumbass

>> No.27958062

I'm surprised no one talked about her having a new "gaming laptop" (Mori, you fucking idiot) that's presumably different from her animation laptop

>> No.27958161
Quoted by: >>27958241

Well the new laptop worked a lot better if true, I kind of just assumed it was Mori’s way with words and she was still talking about the animation laptop.

>> No.27958176

Buy one real beefy laptop that's multi-functional instead of gimmicky one-trick laptops, you dumb reaper

>> No.27958183
Quoted by: >>27958344

No the gamer laptop is the animation one

>> No.27958241

>worked a lot better
YouTube sure seemed to dislike the way it was streaming. Also her model was slideshowing pretty badly

>> No.27958280

hi Mori I love you
buy a fucking mouse

>> No.27958293

They are all friendly to each other. No idea what causes fanbases to become pro/anti unity.

>> No.27958296
File: 284 KB, 2048x1151, 1657163692174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one that's fine, and can play Elden Ring at 60FPS, but the battery is understandably ass.
Works well for streaming too, so they can usually work well enough for mobile setups at least.
Pic Related is my background on it.

>> No.27958344
Quoted by: >>27958396

I don't think so. At the very beginning of the stream she felt the need to point out it was a gaming laptop (something she didn't do for all!of her other road streams including HoloCure)

>> No.27958343

Better than her model resizing itself and everything overheating like the Death and Taxes stream.

>> No.27958351

>YouTube sure seemed to dislike the way it was streaming.
Have you never signed into an account from another device? That's just authentication shit, its always causing issues.

>> No.27958396
Quoted by: >>27958476

She was calling her animation laptop beefy

>> No.27958401

Mine is supposed to come in the next few days, honestly pretty hyped for it. Pour one out for deadbeats who live in countries DHL doesn't serve.

>> No.27958476
Quoted by: >>27958561

I doubt that, she seemed quite disappointed with the way it performed on her last trip to the point where she promised to do better

>> No.27958561
Quoted by: >>27958643

That was her phone that was messing up. But yeah any laptop even one that costs 5 grand is going to be less useful than a decent tower.

>> No.27958643
Quoted by: >>27958738

Whatever setup Ame uses for the road is an absolute beast, the other girls (especially Mori) should inquire what she uses

>> No.27958738

Ame isn't tech retarded and keep realistic streams when she's on the road, no games that require a ton of processing. Mori is tech retarded.

>> No.27958791

preconceptions of what a vtuber "should be"
I dont know what those would be but I know Mori wouldnt fit into any of it, thats why deadbeats are pro unity, we couldnt love our mori if we held those preconceptions

>> No.27958805
File: 193 KB, 1410x1220, 1656912150508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad those thread simulator videos are still getting made. They're fun.

>> No.27958841
Quoted by: >>27958960

man, the sax in Yona Yona Journey is so juicy

>> No.27958862
File: 685 KB, 843x910, 1656911713960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27959052

nigga shut up

>> No.27958876
Quoted by: >>27958984

There’s been so many times wheee I wish I could just fix Mori’s tech issue…I can’t believe she has so many broken controllers and that the mouse she bought just doesn’t work.

>> No.27958884
File: 196 KB, 960x1280, mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo, nice!! Mine is still on the way, buut... i got this a few minutes ago, Mori is really cute ////

>> No.27958935

we're basically a refugee camp

>> No.27958960

Absolute pain in the dick to transcribe the arpeggios

>> No.27958967

Mori please stop trying to download more RAM

>> No.27958984
Quoted by: >>27959139

Her buying the expensive and shitty discontinued Steam controller for JK because she couldn't figure out how to connect a PS4 controller was peak Mori

>> No.27958998

Oh that signature is really cute! Honestly v carnival was way better than I thought it would be. I just wish there was more consideration for overseas viewers.

>> No.27959035

That's awesome, probably a pretty rare piece of merch

>> No.27959052
File: 461 KB, 658x795, uw1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27959076

it's kinda shitty to brand fanbases as anti-unity if the only one they vehemently dislike is Mori, and even then their only fault is not pushing against schizos strongly enough
even in Unity-peak days of global you wouldn't have seen many people standing up for Ayame

>> No.27959106
File: 210 KB, 1496x1496, 1657035055253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ascribing these arbitrary generalizations onto other fanbases while propping yourself up is just another form of tribalism and assuming >we would act differently based on hypothetical scenarios is schizo shit.
>Just enjoy

>> No.27959120

The smart thing would be 2 laptops, 1 with as beefy video card as possible another with a beefy CPU and decent gpu and a high quality external capture card. play the game on the actual gaming laptop and stream + capture with the other laptop. They could all easily afford a setup like that.

>> No.27959139

PS4 is actually a bit of a pain to connect. PS5 is supported and plug and play however.

>> No.27959222

Oh shit, I've got that and the NUO stuff sitting with Tenso right now (gonna ship it together with SN after it releases and hopefully save a bit on shipping, even though I won't get the stuff in time for the concert that way)

>> No.27959231
Quoted by: >>27959513

that signature is so fucking cute

>> No.27959262

Her 5k laptop is as good as it gets for laptops. Another one isn't going work any different in a way that makes sense for the money. You have to set expectations appropriately and prepare.

>> No.27959289
Quoted by: >>27959601

There are genuine reasons to dislike vtubers and fans are not obligated to hide their opinions just because the vtubers themselves are obligated to maintain professional working relationships.

>> No.27959324

Mori saw the shiny gimmick laptop and made an impulse buy (the effects honestly don't even look that good, JLaTY showed that)

>> No.27959327

so wait did Mori say her laptop break? did I miss something here?

>> No.27959348
Quoted by: >>27959513

How did I miss this? Was it JP only?

>> No.27959356

its a theory based on observations
I'm not talking shit or propping myself up

>> No.27959384

She couldn't get her mouse or a controller to work with it. She's a bit of dummy.

>> No.27959456
Quoted by: >>27959495

Or her arrow keys…seriously how?

>> No.27959463

That's like saying those expensive curved monitors are the best, what she has is not good for handling streaming programs and anything beyond a Flash level game

>> No.27959483

Most laptops with beefy hardware, even high quality ones don't take kindly to being hit hard on both the cpu and gpu at the same time which streaming would do. It's about splitting the heat generation. With a dual set up could could stream just as well as on a desktop setup, your only limit would be your network connection.

>> No.27959495

that one I think was because she had her language set to JP. I've had similar experiences.

>> No.27959513

I grab em from cdjapan proxy service
I know, in the preview it doesnt show it, or maybe its blurred so I was pleasantly surprises and happy it was this cute!

>> No.27959526
Quoted by: >>27960039

Do you trust her to use two laptops at once?

>> No.27959529

Her arrow keys were "completely borked" during the HoloCure stream, that may be why she said she was using a "gaming laptop" for PowerWash

>> No.27959601
Quoted by: >>27959913

The only genuine reason to harp on about shit you don't like is mental deficiency
In short, learn to cope

>> No.27959643

Im honestly surprised laptops can handle both nowadays. I remember trying to play EU4 when it came out on a Lenovo and reaching 100 degrees in like 15 minutes

>> No.27959711

Can't hear you over the suisex

>> No.27959773
Quoted by: >>27959848

it's not rocket science though you just literally plug the fucker in and it works

>> No.27959776
File: 101 KB, 1199x736, 1653111574511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inner Ring

>> No.27959841

If you zoom in close enough, you could see hair stick out her anus

>> No.27959848
Quoted by: >>27960834

I bet her laptop just doesn't have enough USB ports or something.

>> No.27959911

..why did you have to say that?

>> No.27959913
Quoted by: >>27959982

>Bruh you can't just hate shit that sucks you need to be positive bro do that forced positivity like reddit bro just talk about things you like all the time

>> No.27959916

This, when research on a laptop for drawing, one of the tips I came across if you're on a tight budget is to get a less pricey gaming laptop with a normal graphics card instead of an integrated one, cause even if the integrated one is in a otherwise beefy computer it's gonna have the CPU working overtime to do same shit having a separated one does in a less beefy computer. I imagine with streaming, running the app for the L2D model, and whatever game she's playing is gonna put a massive strain on whatever she has.

>> No.27959982
File: 1.40 MB, 480x480, Cope [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fon9fg0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine wasting brain space on things you don't like instead of having fun because you have internet hate machine brain rot

>> No.27960007
File: 22 KB, 573x322, 1656741446141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27960039

I would if someone sets it up for her. I've seen bigger dummies use dual system streaming set ups.

You can run modern CPUs at 115C 24/7, they just limit it to 100-105 in the bios for "safety". They are resilient as fuck now.

>> No.27960079

Isn't EU4 nearly single-threaded on top of being extremely heavy on CPU? Unlike a lot of games, Paradox stuff barely touched GPU and rapes the CPU
I'll be honest, I have no fucking idea how you can even run into trouble with USB mice these days. You plug it into the only fitting port and it works after 5 seconds. You wouldn't think she plugged it into RJ45 instead of USB, I think you can push USB into RJ45 slot and it would sort of fit?.

>> No.27960126

Pretty much, go above speed 3 and your CPU is going to scream bloody murder if it isn't up to spec

>> No.27960148

>suisei with tits

>> No.27960247

Yea paradox games fucking destroy your pc those swedish fucks

>> No.27960284

All of this reminds me that Mori had no idea what Studio Mode in OBS was before Ina showed her a couple months into streaming

>> No.27960283
Quoted by: >>27960732

>RJ45 slot
Holy shit, I can 100% believe that. They are exactly the same width as a usb port and if she has one of the ones that fold down when you plug in the ethernet it would be roughly the same height as a USB port with othibg plugged into it.

>> No.27960346

I was more bothered by the lack of a sacral triangle, but thanks for that one too anon.

>> No.27960368

She's gonna have a bad time in the Haligtree

>> No.27960398

First try Malenia incoming

>> No.27960732

Someone has to suggest it to her. NGL I want to hear her reaction if my guess is accurate I feel weird applying troubleshooting methods and expectations I'd reserve for my grandma to Mori...
The sequence of her seeing an albinauric on the roof and blood on the floor, saying "Oh I see" and then getting backstabbed by an invisible Black Knife was perfect.

>> No.27960750
Quoted by: >>27961132

On /vt/, all it takes is one or two really unfortunate tumors that make the thread their "home." They will be sure to force their opinions on everyone and gaslight the thread into thinking their shitposting is "the thread norm."

>> No.27960834

then she can get a usb hub. Mori, take notes I know you're here.
I love you

>> No.27961132

This, we had a Watame Schizo that tries to push his anti-sheep stance here and gets shat on for it, I imagine if others are more subtle about doing something similar in other threads they might be able to take root.

>> No.27962115

I miss Morbi...

>> No.27962290
Quoted by: >>27962709

Hope Mori's going to be fine in this crazy Texas heat. I've been reading about peeps not having AC because the power's cutting out again.

>> No.27962521

As someone who's currently residing in cowboy land, I'd say that if she doesn't put up a frame in the next two or three hours, then I'd bet on no stream today. Perhaps a unpopular opinion, but if there was ever a time where I wouldn't squeeb about scarce streaming it'd be the upcoming days until the live. However if streaming really is something fun and relaxing she likes to do in her free time, then I guess I'll just HAVE to show up and support her.

>> No.27962709

>freezing winter
>no power or gas for heating
>melting summer
>no power for AC
Texas sounds like literal hell for a weatherlet like me

>> No.27962736
File: 210 KB, 850x2048, 1650896399270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cool Moris

>> No.27962914

She's obviously still able to update on Twitter, so hopefully she does that soon or later tonight

>> No.27962952
Quoted by: >>27963050

As a leaf I don't get it. Like how is a power grid not prepared for inclement weather. We would all die if our power grids failed as often as they do down there

>> No.27962999
File: 1.97 MB, 2480x3508, 1615260780123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27963150


>> No.27963024

Yeah right now I want her to go all in focusing on the Sololive and getting back into Japan as soon as possible.
Plus she talked about a members stream and I'm still not convinced she has anything she can realistically do right now away from her setup, and watch-a-longs she needs to be in the mood for. Save most of the streaming and members for after the Sololive and EO release where she'll have a lot more to talk about and show off.

>> No.27963050

Texas runs their own power grid. There is no failsafe.

>> No.27963071

Dont' forget
>hurricane season

>> No.27963091

>*EP release

>> No.27963150
Quoted by: >>27963327

Me in the back

>> No.27963327

Angel Beat???

>> No.27963499
File: 288 KB, 1639x2048, FVP5TH5aIAAFhgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27963639

I have this urge to see my Mori in lingerie

>> No.27963702
File: 670 KB, 1200x507, Blissful Death[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsjk4xo.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27963797


>> No.27963769
Quoted by: >>27963983

She said she had stuff she wanted to talk about, but couldn't until she got backProbably afraid of another doxing situation I'd bet

>> No.27963797

Mori's mentioned Drakengard right? I forget if she's mentioned NieR or not

>> No.27963983

>worried about a doxxing situation
Funny joke

>> No.27964151

Drakengard 3 remake so Mori can play it at an acceptable framerate when?

>> No.27964261

I'd love it if they did that, I had a lot of fun with it on PS3

>> No.27964358

She knows of NieR but hasn't played them

>> No.27964451
Quoted by: >>27964584

I know it's kind of a meme but I think that'd either would be a fun playthrough

>> No.27964531
Quoted by: >>27966897

wait, are all of these signed or was it random or limited?

>> No.27964584
Quoted by: >>27964731

With how she likes to spoil herself, I imagine she already knows about Ending E in Automata, but I think it'd be neat to see her reactions to other games in the series if she's able, although Replicant is really the only other one right now.

>> No.27964731

Did they ever add Papa NieR into the PC version or is it only brother version? I much prefer papa

>> No.27964925

I'm starting to think some of you guys lied to me about Ina being better than Moririn at this game ._.

>> No.27964982

Loretta had her legit shook

>> No.27965110

Ina's going through the hardest zone in the game with over a month of rust on her.

>> No.27965229
Quoted by: >>27965617

Drakengard 1 remake

>> No.27965555

please gather deadbeats

>> No.27965557
Quoted by: >>27965713

guys stop biting bait in the catalog. it just makes us look bad

>> No.27965559

Sana's gonna say the nword!

>> No.27965617
Quoted by: >>27965825

The only way I'd accept a Drakengard 1 remake is if it's not actually a remake and is still the same shitty PS2 resolution and graphics upscaled onto modern TVs. In true Yoko Taro spirit

>> No.27965658
File: 30 KB, 463x453, 1633020337554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27967493

ngl it's probably not graduation but I can't help but to worry anyway, I'd love to be rightfully grudgeposted and called a massive faggot for it though.

>> No.27965689
File: 252 KB, 2527x1148, Stop saying the N-word [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Feby2lj.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't

>> No.27965713
File: 47 KB, 864x1060, 1652903196217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here admitted to posting in the catalog, I'd punch them

>> No.27965825

It'll just be a file that plays this

>> No.27966144

played the demo of automata no?

>> No.27966307

Are there ever any good threads on the catalog anymore?

>> No.27966653
File: 457 KB, 1649x2048, 1656519511328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27967191


>> No.27966738

She is just going to announce her new adoptive sister IRyS.

>> No.27966897

I dont know, when I read the description it didnt said anything, and in the little preview the signature doesnt show anything, but maybe its just hidden so who knows, I doubt Im so lucky

>> No.27967066


>> No.27967191
File: 562 KB, 1979x2048, 1621604250477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell ya Mori!

>> No.27967270


>> No.27967303

Sanaaa, noo..... no pls...

>> No.27967306

that fucking sucks

>> No.27967326


>> No.27967340
File: 739 KB, 2894x2542, hololive mio sad 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't need this today

>> No.27967352

Oh shit Sana is graduating

>> No.27967398

awww fuck sana

>> No.27967404


>> No.27967422

God fucking Damnit

>> No.27967493

>>27965658 (me)
Hey... you can call me a massive faggot now guys... please?

>> No.27967563

no please no Sana PLEASE

>> No.27967652

Wait is she actually?

>> No.27967677

aw fuck

>> No.27967817

God damm it, I didnt follow her a lot, but Im sad.. I didnt want this....

>> No.27967962

>open stream
>immediately see "31st - Graduation" on screen

>> No.27968004

she was my favorite council member now what?

>> No.27968301

I need a smoke

>> No.27968487
File: 25 KB, 480x358, 59b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27968785


>> No.27968602
Quoted by: >>27969137

fucking hell, it wasn't even a year...

>> No.27968705

I hope Mori knows and isn't going to be caught off guard like last time

>> No.27968785
File: 797 KB, 951x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to share a drink?

>> No.27968838

Mori knows right? Did they all know? Ina is still streaming for fucks sake.

>> No.27968952
Quoted by: >>27969226

She didn't said it, but it's definitely because of her back problem right?

>> No.27968982

There was a holoEN meeting last night, mooms sad karaoke right afterwards, willing to bet that's what this was about

>> No.27969020
Quoted by: >>27969179

dumbass Ina is streaming to distract herself

>> No.27969119

Fucking shit you're right.


>> No.27969137

it was almost a year

>> No.27969179

Ina probably knew before anyone else

>> No.27969226

It sounds like it might be her not meeting the streaming requirements, when she said Cover will release a statement and that she tried.

>> No.27969236

Since people have been making "The Calliope Mori of [corpo/branch], I started a thread last week that was just "The Calliope Mori of Hololive EN." with default_reaper.png. Nothing happened.

>> No.27969254

Maybe that's the reason why Sana was in the last Eikawa instead of Ame

>> No.27969310
Quoted by: >>27969541

>There was a holoEN meeting last night
Mori was busy with other shit, I have a bad feeling she'll get blindsided
on the other hand, she talked with Sana a lot...

>> No.27969541
Quoted by: >>27969695

Morippi loves Sana, god I hope she knew in advance.

>> No.27969629

I now wonder if Mori's sudden enthusiasm to stream while away wasn't sparked by Cover exec finally putting the boot down on HoloEN...
for the longest time it seemed to be a happy go lucky land where anyone can do very little and still float, but it's a corpo after all...

>> No.27969695

based off of rrats of mumei being sad last night, it was news to Mumei then. Mori would have been told today.

>> No.27969699

The first EN graduation....

>> No.27969745

I thought Mumei sounded drunk on karaoke, I think it hit her...
No Im even sadder about the council meeting and that she couldnt attend, why are these events so sad...

>> No.27969772

oh bullshit, go peddle your lies elsewhere. JP take breaks for months without issue.

>> No.27969869

I sure hope that isn't the case.

>> No.27969933

I have a feeling Mori didn't know...

>> No.27970003

Remember last month when she was talking about how she won't be here forever and everyone was wondering why she was talking about it?
I wonder how long this was known to them.

>> No.27970153
Quoted by: >>27970296

on one hand, I really want to have a stream tonight, it's kinda sucky to have to process this shit without her
on the other hand, I understand if she can't bring herself to do it

>> No.27970213
File: 41 KB, 330x370, 1616453567690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27970422

Do you think with a little push we could have Mori and Ame have a relationship like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPc10B1LWlM

>> No.27970238


>> No.27970260
Quoted by: >>27971250

That would make sense on why it would be on her mind, it would also make sense why Sana was in the last eikaiwa, but idk.

>> No.27970296

Anon, she hasn't touched her Hololive account, there's a good chance she would have interacted with the Sana tweet if she knew

>> No.27970361

Just the other day I was getting excited for the new pokemon game with Sana

>> No.27970422
Quoted by: >>27970604

The rivalry is already there, they just need a game that they both care about winning at.

>> No.27970540 [DELETED] 

Congrats deadbeats and here I thought Mori would be the first to go. I'll give your oshi creedit where it's due

>> No.27970558
Quoted by: >>27970864

No, Mori probably renegotiated her contract and has leeway because of the UMG deal, plus she’s a top talent. They won’t let her go if they can help it.

>> No.27970604

Gotta lock the in a room together it seems

>> No.27970664

Shut up and fuck off

>> No.27970706

man ScarVio has mulitplayer I really wanted to see sana and mori have an actual pokemon rivalry
now that'll never happen
fuck backs

>> No.27970711

Forgive me for a moment of scummy selfishness, but my third or fourth thought after tuning into the graduation announcement stream was oh for fuck's sake, now we lose Mori's next chance to stream for sure.

>> No.27970730

Fuck off I’m gonna miss Sana

>> No.27970816

that is scummy you selfish prick. Work on empathy.

>> No.27970841

Me too bro, I was really looking forward to co-op shiny hunting streams since it has actual multiplayer for once

>> No.27970850

Coco talked about her decision with other members long before she pulled the trigger on it, I can imagine it might’ve gone a similar way.

>> No.27970864
Quoted by: >>27971002

Imagine signing someone to UMG and then dropping them because they didn't stream 3 times a week or whatever.

This is a joke but part of me actually thinks Cover is dumb enough to do that

>> No.27970906

Go away

>> No.27971002

Cover didnt fire her. She never liked streaming.

>> No.27971132

Neck yourself

>> No.27971250

So that's why it wasn't Ame with Miko

>> No.27971266

Aaaand the statement from cover is super vague, that's fun

>> No.27971318

Even papaya can't cheer me up

>> No.27971362

It was her back. The injury couldn't let her do the job.

>> No.27971373

I’m guessing IRyS might officially join council.

>> No.27971398

>We had discussed several times with Tsukumo Sana regarding the direction of her activities,
however, as time went on, it became difficult for her to continue her VTuber ac

she probably just couldnt do both, and she had to pick her route. if so good luck to her

>> No.27971789
File: 2 KB, 29x28, 1638907640061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man. It doesn't hit as hard as Coco's graduation or Rushia's sudden termination since I kind of had a feeling something like this was happening, especially once that back injury happened. That shit can REALLY fuck you up.

>> No.27971914
Quoted by: >>27972219

I hope Mori knew in advance, it would hit like a truck if she is learning of it just now..

>> No.27971982
Quoted by: >>27972616

will never forget how fun the shiny hunting basically a collab stream was. rip sanner

>> No.27972149
Quoted by: >>27972616

It's also the first EN graduation though. EN felt invincible compared to everyone else, like they would all be here with each other and when the time came it would happen together.
It feels different now.

>> No.27972159
Quoted by: >>27972277

I’m guessing contracts came up for renewal and they decided not to renew her…damn this sucks

>> No.27972176
Quoted by: >>27972290

Last night was too good for something horrid to not happen

>> No.27972219

Myth knew so Mori knew.

>> No.27972222
Quoted by: >>27972426

fuck man I love Sana

>> No.27972277

She would have had to renew, not them. It would have been Sana's decision.

>> No.27972290
Quoted by: >>27972523

Nothing happened last night though?

>> No.27972313

>Milky-Queen lost auditions to a no-draw kiwi would quit within a year

>> No.27972372

god shut up

>> No.27972403

You are oversimplifying in a way that is not fair to Sana or MilkyQueen. Shame on you.

>> No.27972404

kill yourself

>> No.27972426

Same... Fuckkkk. Today's not a good day for me

>> No.27972457

I rarely say this without meaning it 100%, but find the nearest rope and kill yourself

>> No.27972523

IRyS had a nice anniversary, great merch, and a good EP

>> No.27972616
Quoted by: >>27972844

Yeah I was hoping they'd find a game that would activate their mutual autism again. Sana's time zone filtered me pretty early one but she was a really good conversation partner with Mori and I'm gonna miss that.
Honestly feels weird because Sana didn't really do anything controversial. I do hope it's just a situation like that other Anon said and she was the one who made the choice but man that Cover statement has me a bit worried.

>> No.27972631

Neck yourself immediately. Milky, Mori, and Sana would all hate you.

>> No.27972718

I recommend rope.

>> No.27972740

Oh whoops, I'm dumb

>> No.27972744
Quoted by: >>27972803

Speaking of songs, i hope Mori's EP or album is at least good

>> No.27972803
Quoted by: >>27973041

From what we've heard of SN it's super solid, even if Holy Shitta is okay at best

>> No.27972844

>I do hope it's just a situation like that other Anon said and she was the one who made the choice but man that Cover statement has me a bit worried
I don't really see what cover gets out of making her graduate. No doubt that Sana felt guilty over not living up to some made up hololive standard and feeling like she wasn't good enough for her fans, though. sad situation no matter whats going on

>> No.27972892

just adding on to the idea that you should kill yourself

>> No.27972914

Poor Huke too, the guy loved being a papa

>> No.27972929

I hope Mori tweets soon, I just want to know that she’s ok.

>> No.27973041

That's good to hear. Haven't catch up to Mori's songs and streams lately and I'm hoping to now

>> No.27973074 [DELETED] 

She's probably stuffing her face with Cane's completely oblivious. Once you see activity on the Mori account is when you need to worry

>> No.27973131
Quoted by: >>27973248

Huke's Kiara's papa, you're thinking of Pako

>> No.27973214

She's fine dude, jesas. Its pretty clear all of EN was informed beforehand.

>> No.27973248

That was actually an autocorrect, what a weird one. Must have done the same exact mistake before

>> No.27973318

Pako's statement on it's making me think Sana was the one who pulled the trigger but maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see

>> No.27973408
Quoted by: >>27973482

read the announcement again, it clearly says it was her decision

>> No.27973437
File: 619 KB, 937x933, 1649998197368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27973862

man fuck this just gets more sad you know he had fun being Sana's papa

>> No.27973460

That's what the official announcement says as well

>> No.27973476
Quoted by: >>27973901

Sana chose to not renew obviously. Her back made it not worth it.

>> No.27973482

Evidently to some anons that is too vague.

>> No.27973786
Quoted by: >>27974129

I really liked Sana. I liked her streams.

>> No.27973862

He seemed like a pretty big fan of the rest of CouncilRyS as well and I hope this doesn't ruin that enjoyment for him.

>> No.27973901

Probably is still able to draw somewhat with the way her back is but can't stream for hours at a time since they requires sitting in a chair in a specific position for tracking.

>> No.27974014
File: 79 KB, 1077x1061, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxvn9ej.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had issues, and she chose the way she wanted to take her life
It's fine just.. I really did love her

>> No.27974080

Will Sana at least make it to the Council 1st anniversary stream?

>> No.27974129

She's my favorite from Council, I love platformers and she had a fun slight shitposting to her. I just wish I had more money to member her.

>> No.27974195
File: 259 KB, 1187x832, 1631216856854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wasn't how it was supposed to go bros

>> No.27974240
Quoted by: >>27974646

Her graduation is on July 31st

>> No.27974350

Not unless they do their anniversary stream about a month early.

>> No.27974569

Mori has to play celeste
she said she would

>> No.27974620
File: 337 KB, 600x600, 1634900435738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like she has no regrets about being a Holo but still. Goddammit.

>> No.27974646

Is this day cursed?

>> No.27974748
File: 85 KB, 850x1069, 1653582154377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27974903

I'm probably biased but this is still my favorite Sana art I think. I think it encapsulates her personality really well.
Something I immediately noticed about her when she debuted was that infectious positivity and kindness, that ability to bring happiness to others wherever she went.
She eventually brought out more bantz and the shitposting side of her personality, but that just made her even more endearing and made her interactions with the other girls (and Mori) more entertaining.
I'm glad we got a good send-off collab in the Eikaiwa before she graduated.
Sana love!

>> No.27974867

Astrogirl in karaoke before the month is over...please Mori

>> No.27974903

>send-off collab
They can still collab again, she's not gone yet...

>> No.27974952

You could have just not shared this and came out of it a better person

>> No.27974998

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gu1RLtLRQw&t=3477s Ina knew before the 6th of July.

>> No.27975007

>Pokemon gen 9 comes out
>Mori shiny hunts a Togepi

>> No.27975055

That would actually fuck me up

>> No.27975071
File: 332 KB, 737x689, 1655397463355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27975342

Well, that was certainly something to wake up to. Seriously though, despite her not streaming much, I really loved her personality and attitude. This just sucks on all accounts. And she just got a great collab with Kiara.

>> No.27975119

that would make me tear uo.. ngl

>> No.27975172
Quoted by: >>27975283

Oh come the fuck on, why. She's such a sweet girl. Come on, you could just be our own Ayame and nobody would mind.

>> No.27975283
Quoted by: >>27976548

Sana chose not to renew. Cover didn't fire her. She chose to not lead people on when her back and her desires to be a streamer weren't there.

>> No.27975298


>> No.27975342
File: 44 KB, 360x720, My Way[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fufzijf.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27975742

I don't think there's going to be a stream tonight from Mori, and that's alright..
I'm just gonna drink the rest of the night

>> No.27975364
File: 297 KB, 960x960, 1647406434674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27975595

Kill yourself

>> No.27975719
Quoted by: >>27975987

fuck Mori, hug me you bitch, don't run off to your hole to process this alone...

>> No.27975742
Quoted by: >>27975830

I would love a member’s stream to help me cheer up, but I understand if she doesn’t want to.

>> No.27975830

Today's fine, I hope she knows there isn't an obligation
It's rough for everybody

>> No.27975840

fuck I haven't beat Celeste and now when I go back to it I'm going to think of Sana

>> No.27975849
File: 711 KB, 800x800, 1655362581318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27976864

I'm going to shiny hunt my own Togepi for Sana. Name her Sana too.

>> No.27975987

You're a big deadbeat now, you'll manage.

>> No.27976009

I need my own Hard Boiled for Sana's sake

>> No.27976140

Hey I think you're totally right, Sanners made her life choices and now is leaving, keep living brudder!

>> No.27976548

>After much deliberation between both parties, with the deepest regrets, we have decided to honor
her request for graduation
From Cover's statement

>> No.27976864
Quoted by: >>27977318

And then what?

Put it in a box forever?

>> No.27977111
Quoted by: >>27977650

I really wish they could keep her spot open for later, like Coco did, just for anniversaries and stuff. But it sounds like she's leaving Hololive completely.
Maybe one day she can be a Holomama for a new member.

>> No.27977318

I still have old pokemon games with some of my favorites still in the box.

>> No.27977572
File: 759 KB, 792x689, 1648460190980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27977769

saw Inners tweet I think I need to get off of Twitter

>> No.27977650
Quoted by: >>27978957

Sana becoming a Mama would be kino, but I imagine that'd put way too much pressure on the new talent.

>> No.27977769

I don't think I want to see it, but it must be hard for her given everything.

>> No.27977928

Nta but I was okay until I saw it, now I’m crying.

>> No.27978004
File: 467 KB, 597x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking fact this is the last like
AH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUCK, why can't shit just go good for a while

>> No.27978060
File: 76 KB, 605x393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then definitely dont click this

>> No.27978497

damn she knew

>> No.27978649

Mori don’t leave me to deal with this alone….

>> No.27978757

my heart....

>> No.27978918

Chat didn't even know what was happening...
I really hope this means Mori knew too if this was five days ago.

>> No.27978945


>> No.27978957

Didn't Ina said she didn't want to be one cause it's too much work

>> No.27978967
Quoted by: >>27979309

What's the matter, little dead beat?

Gonna squeeb?

>> No.27979280
File: 1.32 MB, 2371x3518, barbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, let her do her thing
For today, just each other will have to do
Grab a drink and hang out with Ame

>> No.27979309
File: 819 KB, 1008x720, Thanatos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27979460

The number of people here actually upset about Sana leaving compared to the rest of the board ho-ho-horry shitu you all have some kind of mental illnessu

>> No.27979393

I wish you the worst day of all, Lainfag

>> No.27979460
Quoted by: >>27979681

Unironically go and kill yourself you disgusting pile of shit

>> No.27979681

I'm having a pretty chill time you should go touch some grass instead of crying over someone quitting their job.

>> No.27979746
File: 785 KB, 1019x668, 1629932406090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad outside of the usual shitters /morig/ is pro-unity. I was really dreading this but now that the bandage is ripped off so to speak, we and all of HoloEN can focus on spending as much time as possible having fun with Sana before she leaves.
