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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27899219 No.27899219 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the Vampire survivors inspired Holo fan game

Link to download the game:

HoloCure Twitter:

Leader boards are currently down because too many people are playing the game. Will be fixed in a later update. You can still play and brag about your score here though so we don't clutter up other threads

Assortment of information(e.g. unlocks etc.)

Previous thread:

>Current stream
Mumei: https://youtu.be/WT-vuCsiaj8

>> No.27899394

I just made a thread too but 404'd, lol

Content Update in August

>> No.27899694

New content in august sounds good. Gives the talent a chance to take a breather and not get burnt out on the game, while also being soon enough to not forget the game.

>> No.27899848
Quoted by: >>27899968

hopefully there's more items/collab items put into the game too

>> No.27899968

Considering the new stage, I'm going to be optimistic and say that there probably will be.

>> No.27899989

So as some people guessed the big updates seem to consist of at least: a new gen + a new stage with their respective fanbases as enemies.
I hope they put at least a new song in too.

>> No.27900075
Quoted by: >>27900179

mogu mogu on loop.

>> No.27900084

It would make a lot of sense if each stage had its own song.

>> No.27900101

Yeah I also feel like 2 months between each updates is a good rythm. I just hope they'll be able to keep it in the long run

>> No.27900179
Quoted by: >>27910361

In one hand I actually want it on the other I don't want to end up hating mogu mogu...

>> No.27900250

A new song is definitely important. I love Suspect as much as the next guy, but (like any song) it does get annoying when you listen to it 100 times in a row.

>> No.27900269

I hope Mio has something related to her tarot reading but Sana already has the RNG buff thing

>> No.27900382

The guy who made the song was in Mumei's chat the other day, and mentioned new music was coming, so it's a safe bet.

>> No.27900503
File: 233 KB, 1920x1080, SUPER MOOMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27923816

Hoomans, tell Mumei to try and go for a 100% Haste build sith herself.

>> No.27900512

Personally, I just want her to have Hatotaurus as one of her skills

>> No.27900620
Quoted by: >>27915453

Tarot's gimmick is upright position and reverse so they could still make use of it. Idk how

>> No.27900840
File: 262 KB, 1273x707, 1hprun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing a hardcore run, I have no idea what killed me.

>> No.27900937

What do you guys think Fubuki's special is? In the picture it seems to be swords but to me it doesn't seem like the katanas she's using in alternative or the manga. So I have no idea

>> No.27900993

Is this guy all doing this in his spare time, considering he can’t make money off of it? I kinda feel bad for him, I’m sure it’s tons of work.

>> No.27901011
Quoted by: >>27901205

what made you choose Ina for Hardcore?
I tried running Kronii and managed to get to 27 mins before a rrat killed me

>> No.27901121


>> No.27901137

A job well done is it's own reward :)

>> No.27901148


>> No.27901200
File: 27 KB, 775x459, FXWRG5RVsAIpltw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27901205

Because she's my oshi

>> No.27901230

OH SHIT that's gonna be cool to see

>> No.27901234

So JP and ID actually have a possibility to work with Kay to make their own kit. That's kind of cool

>> No.27901265

Neat. Hopefully he also fixed Fauna.

>> No.27901530

But Bloom and Gloom are supposed to be mascots and not IRyStocrats...
It also always bothered me that he put thicc Bubba instead of the investigator design

>> No.27901703

From what I recall during the creation stream they're supposed to double as both

>> No.27901704

People offered to donate but he specifically asked not to receive any money for it. Still feels bad, but yeah.

>> No.27902447
File: 9 KB, 211x239, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27904279

>Updated 11 days ago

>> No.27902824
Quoted by: >>27903101

So, as a tryhard, what's the consensus on the coin shop?

>> No.27903101
Quoted by: >>27906621

You mean the upgrades? It doesn't really matter since you can refund whenever you want, but in general you want to prioritize upgrading the following.
>unlock the special
>money gain
>exp gain
>move speed
>pickup range
Rerolls are also nice to have but not until the others are maxed out.

>> No.27903260

in the replies to the sana bread bloom&gloom tweet he mentions replacing the early thicc bubbas with investigators

>> No.27903372
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, image_2022-07-10_221655038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My game got bugged, while leveling up the game didn´t stopped and the yagoos killed me, now the buttons don't work and the game keeps going behind

>> No.27904279
Quoted by: >>27904667

>update's confirmed for August
I wonder how many Ayame streams we'll have until then.

>> No.27904310
Quoted by: >>27907770

IMO thicc bubbas should still show up with Smol Ame in the end

>> No.27904667
Quoted by: >>27905478

Ayame wont play the game.
However, she will collab with mio and watch mio play the game.

>> No.27904727

So what, he'd replace Smol Ame's Nega Bubbas with the normal Thicc Bubbas?

>> No.27905478

Awfully optimistic of you. Sue'll just do a stream apologizing and shilling merch

>> No.27906621
Quoted by: >>27907613

Im pretty sure money gain -> exp is better but ok. retard. kill yourself

>> No.27906633

>Fubuki's special icon shows 3 swords
I'm a pleb EOP so I don't watch her. Anyone that does know what it's a reference to?

>> No.27907230
Quoted by: >>27930589

yeah its a reference to um... its um... a refenrence too... uhhhh its a refernece to uh its a reference too uhmmmm yeah i dont know LMAO

>> No.27907613

Money gain->Haste (for Ina/Mumei) is to farm coins to buy out the rest of the shop.
Exp is good for individual runs, but doesn't help long term progression which is why it comes next.

Also rude.

>> No.27907770

That's the plan, investigators replacing them early on and thicc bubbas with smol ame

>> No.27909709
File: 6 KB, 564x621, 1651108647819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean let's be real. The stick figure is gonna look so weird when paired along everyone else, at least B&G fit with everyone.
I'm still curious how they gonna set up Korone fanbase considering their limited design.

>> No.27910361

Mod the game and put in /vt/sing edition instead.

>> No.27911609

Best reason why.

>> No.27912230

Hopefully just listener-san heads flying around.

>> No.27912762 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27912799

Don't take Energy Drink.
You trade your Max HP for Speed.
Endless Ina doesn't need Speed.

>> No.27912799

Reread the post, anon.

>> No.27913352

that looked like a 3d model to me

>> No.27914471


>> No.27914616

I don't know about lore or anything, but she was using swords in the Alternative preview.

>> No.27915453
Quoted by: >>27927804

>upright buff for mio
>reverse debuff for enemy

>> No.27919866

Probably make the Koronesukis look like her recent music video interpretation.

Smoother, less crudely drawn, has a full body, but still keeping their extremely simple design.

>> No.27920754
Quoted by: >>27920819

I’m gonna say the injection-type Aasacoco is what killed you

>> No.27920819
Quoted by: >>27920872

Honestly would be pretty hilarious if you just instantly died on hardcore if you take injection Asacoco.

>> No.27920872

Doesn’t it only reduce HP up to 1?

>> No.27921932
File: 16 KB, 819x142, asacoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27931362


>> No.27922200
File: 92 KB, 400x300, 1654138328884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invisible Hoshiyomi

>> No.27922309

Haven't checked in awhile. Any new tech someone came up with to survive Yagoo outside of Ina or Gura?

>> No.27922815
File: 932 KB, 348x176, AME DOKO GATOR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27922888

why are teamates such crybabies?

>> No.27922888

Gosling meme I guess?

>> No.27923102
Quoted by: >>27923157

Wow, entirely new stage. This will take a while

>> No.27923157
Quoted by: >>27924293

>This will take a while
It's coming in August, presumably.

>> No.27923816
Quoted by: >>27925239

How do you even manage this? I can never get past 80% haste and then the yagoos immediately fuck me over. Is it just straight up RNG on whether you can get enough triple boxes and haste upgrades?

>> No.27924293
Quoted by: >>27924497

Could be the very last day of August

>> No.27924497

Well yah, "August" is August. Could end up being in September, or even never. It's a fan project after all, and they're not even getting paid.

>> No.27925239

RNG. I actually only got about 85 when I got to Yagoo and only managed to get the rest in the few level ups I had from killing them. It was very close.

>> No.27925540

are they going to add vtubers from other companies?

>> No.27925631
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1628484089611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27926668

Gee anon, I wonder.

>> No.27925731

can't tell if bait or just retarded

>> No.27925979
File: 23 KB, 400x300, guitar_rat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27927341

>Kay Yu adds a chuuba from another company
>Holos will now have to ask for that chuuba's company permission to play Holocure
>They said no

>> No.27926668


>> No.27926874
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, capture_001_11072022_052614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I made it for the first time.
Wasn't even expecting to, was just trying to get coins.

>> No.27926952

I haven't played in a week, what happened?

>> No.27927064

Threads are getting slow.
Last thread didn't even reach bump limit.

>> No.27927222

Scroll up and you'll be up to speed.

>> No.27927294

Maybe its going to be like the evolved Knife in VS

>> No.27927341
File: 3.11 MB, 480x320, 1654868235413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy creates and balances game around the Holos he expects to play it
>surely he will add non-holo playable characters

>> No.27927442

Make them the head as a floating thing.

>> No.27927564
Quoted by: >>27927704

>guy creates and balances game around the Holos he expects to play it
Bullshit. Ina is op and she still hasn't played the game.

>> No.27927704

Your point? His oshis are Peko and Polka. Ina is busted because of design oversights, like how Mumei interacts with sake. Game balance is iterative.

>> No.27927804

Go full hardcore dick mode. 22 cards that have differing effects when they activate if you're aiming up (for face up) and down for the opposite. A small list showing the next card you'll pull out that shows the next 3 cards but is randomized.

>> No.27927968
File: 2.76 MB, 466x720, MioHIPS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27928097

See >>27927341, anon. That sounds cool, but he's aiming for a low skill floor so most Holos can actually stream it. I doubt Mio could handle that.

>> No.27928097

Except he doesn't care, he's just making a fan game.

>> No.27928233
Quoted by: >>27928331

>Except he doesn't care
I see you couldn't be bothered to gloss through his twitter for even five minutes.

>> No.27928331
Quoted by: >>27928524

I see you're so far up your own ass that you think that you speak for someone by glossing over their twitter for 5 minutes.

>> No.27928524
Quoted by: >>27928567

This from the jackass that didn't even do that much before speaking for him here >>27928097. At least one of our opinions(mine) is informed. Faggot.

>> No.27928541
File: 3.78 MB, 600x600, 1628679702513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27928803


>> No.27928567
Quoted by: >>27928751

>Trust me, I know him personally and we talk on the phone while I suck him off

>> No.27928571

re: mios possible gimmick
would be interesting if effects went beyond character/enemy buffs/debuffs e.g: exp gain boost/reduction til next level. increase/decrease in holocoin/box/anvil drop rate.
something like shuffle time

>> No.27928612
Quoted by: >>27928691

What's up with Mumei and sake?

>> No.27928691
File: 60 KB, 850x638, __nanashi_mumei_and_rich_evans_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_yenyen__sample-8e26195355f534b17c50dc4991e2d92b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunken (Depression) Mumei

>> No.27928751
File: 144 KB, 933x600, 1643610182098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27928828

>doesn't even attempt to defend his demonstrated hypocrisy, merely shares his gay fantasies
kek. I'll say it again: Faggot.

>> No.27928803
File: 190 KB, 604x900, 1628772754887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has good taste. Would expect as much from a skilled artist.

>> No.27928828
Quoted by: >>27928960

Yeah dude, you got it, you won, he fucks you in the ass and whispers all the secrets.
Except for the part where he doesn't and it's just you masturbating alone in a room.

>> No.27928960
Quoted by: >>27929016

Anon, I didn't ask you to dump your disgusting fanfics. Take that shit to >>>/lgbt/, homo.

>> No.27929016
Quoted by: >>27929142

Whatever dude, tell us about the next update and the texture of his balls on your tongue.

>> No.27929142
File: 412 KB, 2210x1719, 1628660860992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27929215

>still at it with the gay fantasies
I think >>27868264 would be more to your speed, faganon.

>> No.27929215

Maybe you shouldn't speak for other people and more importantly not criticize hypotheticals by pretending to cite someone that isn't yourself when you don't know jack shit about their thought processes.

>> No.27929267


>> No.27929412
Quoted by: >>27929629

Anon, you're acting as though I'm talking straight out of my ass. You're assuming that because you're uninformed. Kay has been vocal about his design decisions and it's not my fault that you couldn't be bothered to keep up.

>> No.27929629

Sure man, point them out where he said we can't hypothesize about future additions and that he had a concrete plan for Mio. Also post a paper doll showing where he touches you every night that makes you squeal like a needy choir boy.

>> No.27929889
File: 338 KB, 538x572, 1500523452161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27929915

>still using me as a self-insert for his fantasies about Kay
wew, I'm done. Go coom then come back when you want to have a discussion.

>> No.27929915
Quoted by: >>27929990

Bye, sorry you couldn't pull an argument out of your ass other than some make-believe asian dick that you'd never touch.

>> No.27929990
File: 2.68 MB, 384x216, 1613183674124.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy god you are so assblasted

>> No.27930081
Quoted by: >>27930569

Good off-topic post. Try and veer it back, sweetheart.

>> No.27930569
Quoted by: >>27930640

Glad to see that I'm not the only one that has been enjoying this.
Sure faggot. Let me address what you alluded to here >>27929629. I never once said that your idea, >>27927804, wasn't "allowed", merely contended that it wouldn't fit with Kay's stated design goals. I even stated how I thought it was a neat idea. Why you got so thoroughly butthurt about it I can only chalk up to your repressed home-erotic desires that you've seen fit to share, unprompted, throughout our little back and forth.

>> No.27930589

She's a huge fucking chuuni that's the reference (probably)

>> No.27930640
Quoted by: >>27930828

Too many fucking words, I'm sure it's something about how you know what's going on by reading in between the lines of his dick veins and he massaged your prostate to his patch notes or something.
I don't believe you, just post some twitter links rather than your gay diatribes.

>> No.27930828
File: 2.96 MB, 300x264, 1643058410538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27930918

>spoonfeed me
Holy fuck.

>> No.27930918
Quoted by: >>27931213

Sorry you don't have any base to stand on. Other than the base of his dick.

>> No.27931213
File: 194 KB, 266x266, 1656236461215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27931290

>still at it, completely unprompted
>even after I graciously ignored it in the previous post
This is why we call you degenerates. That and the sodomy. And the bug chasing. And everything else you do.

>> No.27931290

Sweet post bro, but where's the twitcaps about how your gay lover plans to balance Mio's skillset that he's revealed?

>> No.27931362
Quoted by: >>27933127

even better, on hardcore that also means you are on full HP, so Kronii is just always in hyper-ego mode. Slap on a Daki so you can't be instakilled, but it won't get you to YAGOO unless you slot everything in speed and just run like a madman

>> No.27931802
Quoted by: >>27931844

Fluffy hag tail...

>> No.27931844

I wonder if he'll roll with the memes and name it "Cat Tail".

>> No.27933127
Quoted by: >>27933180

>hardcore mode
Daki only or Daki+Doll?

>> No.27933180
Quoted by: >>27933578

Doll should in theory pump up the small HP your Daki has even more, kinda hard to slot her and IF you get hit it's RNG whether you live or not because Daki lvl5 won't help you after minute 25

>> No.27933578
Quoted by: >>27933600

Doll level 3 gives you invincibility for 0.5 seconds whenever you're hit for reduced ATK and SPD.
So if 2 enemies hit you at the same time, you're safe because you're invincible after the first hit.

>> No.27933600

but that speed loss might as well kill you in that stage.

>> No.27933843

Kronii has lots of SPD buff from Perfection and Kronicopter.
As far as I know, the SPD debuff is flat reduction, not percentage.
So if she has 120 SPD, she'll become 100 SPD.
The problem is the debuff lasts for 5 seconds while the invincibility lasts for 0.5 seconds (level 3).
I think she can run away from anything except Yagoo.
I don't play Kronii a lot so I might be wrong though.

>> No.27934456
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best Mori coin farm
I think I could've touched 8K if I got better luck with anvils and coin level-ups. Then again, this was with 2 - 3 anvils and 3 triple boxes, so it's already on the better end of RNG.

>> No.27936235


>> No.27940359

What is the next collab going to be?

>> No.27941113 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 886x770, 1655303921277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4.5 hours
I thought you Europoors didn't have speed limits?

>> No.27941712
File: 289 KB, 558x591, 1647046661237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen. I will finally be attempting endless mode for the first time. Read up on what to do and im going to try it with kronii since she is my favorite character to play. Wish me luck you sexy fuckers.

>> No.27944029
File: 9 KB, 235x215, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Updated 12 days ago

>> No.27944504
File: 266 KB, 1281x720, I won but at the cost of my pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27944558

>get haste from 95% to 100%
>game slows down from smoothness to 1 fps the moment Friend decides to use BL Fujoshi
Wow thanks anons, very cool! Mumei now can't die but my pc will instead!

>> No.27944558
File: 224 KB, 1283x721, help me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stats

>> No.27944769
Quoted by: >>27944931

I had 700+ HP, almost 400 Pickup and 95 Haste (a bit lower than yours) but Yagoo killed me in less than 3 minutes.
Fuck RNG.

>> No.27944931

95% and 100% for haste makes a gigantic difference, it seems like a glitch

>> No.27945054
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldnt make it to the yagoos with kronii

>> No.27945699
File: 306 KB, 1281x719, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: collabing Dragon Breath so I could take Glowstick seems like a bad idea

>> No.27946081

now this looks like lategame VS

>> No.27946105
File: 251 KB, 1281x721, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, Friend using Bragon Breath made me stop killing Yagoos behind me fast enough which made them overpower me. Let this be a lesson for anyone trying to play Mumei in endless

>> No.27949013

Can someone explain to me the ability "work-a-holic" I'm not sure I get it

>> No.27949115
Quoted by: >>27955248

Kill stuff to kill stuff faster (and also move faster)

>> No.27951955
Quoted by: >>27959863

For the last 3 minutes do you stand still or move in one direction?

>> No.27954814
Quoted by: >>27955248

Basically a free damage upgrade unless you become retarded and start running away from enemies.

>> No.27955032
Quoted by: >>27955091

So is this fucking game gonna update any time soon or what

>> No.27955091

come back in a month

>> No.27955248

Thanks, I actually thought it reset every kill

>> No.27959863

In endless? Walk in a small circle collecting exp, trying to pump my stats high enough to survive past 30 min.

>> No.27961932

Im guessing its just a placeholder for now
looks pretty default

>> No.27962527
Quoted by: >>27965397

What are the best items for reaching 30min with hardcore on?

>> No.27965397

anything that gives you more damage for less hp

>> No.27967632
Quoted by: >>27975683

>sana graduates
>gets removed from the game
>I lose my braindead OP character
Goddamn it.

>> No.27972065

Just saw Polka playing another fan game today that was a typing game (Holotyping). Apparently a lot of people have time on their hands, so I'm going to hope that someone makes a Hololive danmaku game eventually.

>> No.27975454

Sana should get buffed to honor her memory

>> No.27975683

I think it's more likely they will add graduated chuubas

>> No.27976494
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 1653163194754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not removing Sana
>Wtf Kay that means coco rushia and aloe should be playable too!
>Removes Sana
>Wtf Kay thats rude!
Feels bad for the dev

>> No.27976528
File: 439 KB, 880x1000, 1637277977708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Kay remove Sana? Please say he will because that bitch hasn't even played Holocure yet.

>> No.27977200

For anyone else yes, but for zoomzoom Kroni, she can take the hit to speed and be fine

>> No.27979339
Quoted by: >>27983904

Why would they go out of their way to remove Sana?
This is a fangame. There's literally no reason to do anything.
>But [insert graduated oshi here]
They were already gone before the game was made and are included as tributes.
This literally just happened, and if anything they'll add something as a tribute.

Gonna get my Sana run in later.

>> No.27979699


HoloCure tester teases different gacha outfits.

>> No.27981232
Quoted by: >>27984204

We will hit 3rd Gen relatively soon, so rrats will see the truth.

I doubt Cover would engage in such pettiness as they would've found the item references already in poor taste. Well, their incompetence is astonishing so perhaps we will see a meltdown.

I honestly only really see a HoloCure ban situation/Cover requested decision for Rushia and Coco. Either of which would be a severe escalation in how the company feels and would be a cheeky meltdown.

>> No.27981943
Quoted by: >>27982161

Big oof.

>> No.27982161
Quoted by: >>27982460

It's not really an oof, it's just a cute tribute to her now. People really need to stop acting like graduated girls are forbidden from fan created content.

They're not.

>> No.27982460

It is an oof because it's just sad timing. You need to stop acting like every negative comment is some sort of doom and gloom end of the world scenario.

They're not.

>> No.27983904
Quoted by: >>27985081

The only reason I think they'd be forced to remove or not include someone in the game would be if they left on really bad terms with Cover (Rushia is the closest one to that), but even then, Cover still owns the characters and it's not like they do Stalin photo levels of pretending they never existed. Kiara even played and started singing Coco's song while she was playing the game for example.

>> No.27984204

>and Coco
Most I can reasonably see is the girls not playing as Rushia or bringing her up much. Most I can unreasonably see they might ask/demand for Rushia to be removed, but I do not expect that. Coco and Sana left, as far as we can tell in Sana's case, on amicable enough terms so there won't be any real problem from Cover there, and Sana is already in the game so if it was less than perfectly amicable behind the scenes they're not going to start a PR mess over it now. I also don't expect Aloe to get a character because there's just nothing to base her kit on and it'd be really awkward for everyone involved.

There's one more but the dev's never going to deliberately get himself blacklisted from future work with Cover.

>> No.27985081
Quoted by: >>27985366

>and it's not like they do Stalin photo levels of pretending they never existed
Pretty sure they've been doing that with Rushia.

>> No.27985123

I'm surprised there's no characters that are 1x speed. The slowest holos are Mori, Fauna, and Sana with 1.3x speed.
Where's the slow and fat girls with high health? I hope one of the new characters will eventually be a tank playstyle.

>> No.27985210
Quoted by: >>27987590

Mogu Mogu

>> No.27985256
File: 614 KB, 2605x3684, 1619143192786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27987590

Fatto catto...

>> No.27985366

Look at Noel's background.

>> No.27987590

I wonder what her kit would be. Invincibility after eating a burger? Damage resistance? Eating enemies to restore HP?

>> No.27989175
Quoted by: >>27994595

>She just sleeps the entire game, you don't move her

>> No.27994595
Quoted by: >>27997566

Game becomes a Onigiriya Tower defense

>> No.27995102

Moves fasster strafing backward.

>> No.27997566

That actually sounds like a really fun alt game mode.
The Onigiriya are the only fanbase to not be corrupted (their fatto catto is too lazy, don't ask how that matters) so they need to protect her from everyone else's rabid fans!
