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File: 11 KB, 196x257, AngelAces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27801640 No.27801640 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>27807304

A thread for the Apocalyptic Azrael, Calliope Mori, and the members of her Expanded Universe

>> No.27801680
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27801687
Quoted by: >>27801732

if someone is miserable in their success it's natural that they attract people that'd instead watch them fail

>> No.27801732

>if someone is miserable in their success
Again, why is it still here?

>> No.27801955

Because it's mentally ill. Such obsession with something you hate means either that or that is the only thing creating emotional response for it. Which might be even worse because in that case it's a conscious choice.

>> No.27801973

Because you reply to it, dumbassbeat

>> No.27801994
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>> No.27802010
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Quoted by: >>27802265


>> No.27802265
File: 1.50 MB, 256x256, mumeiMoriDomesticViolence[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6fjpbf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reaper ass requires slaps

>> No.27802458
File: 301 KB, 565x720, 1646933292770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats, how can your oshi be so afraid of this nerd?

>> No.27802556
File: 2.61 MB, 762x720, Fauna slaps Bae[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fce5sei.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen the domestic violence she's responsible for?
That woman is a menace!

>> No.27802651

You know what they say about the quiet ones.

>> No.27802671
Quoted by: >>27803245

It’s not fear, it’s sexual attraction obviously.

>> No.27802899

Earthy means down to earth, not an urban personality.

>> No.27803086
File: 52 KB, 1000x600, Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake-Aerith-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.27803245

Isn't that "earthly" or "down to earth"?
Just imagine how much fun Moom and Fauna could have.

>> No.27803381


>> No.27803402


>> No.27803405
Quoted by: >>27803567


>> No.27803431
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remember to love your Mori

>> No.27803559
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I was gonna make some doodles based off of Mori dancing from Mumei's stream, but I lost all motivation when I realized her doodles were of Bae and not Mori.
Sorry ratsis

>> No.27803567
File: 1.20 MB, 498x680, CutePinkLady[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff34ncl.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27803607

This has been a pretty good week, other than Abe dying

>> No.27803607
Quoted by: >>27803714

>Yugioh creator....

>> No.27803714
Quoted by: >>27804703

Oh yeah..
To be honest, Abe getting fucking blasted by a homemade shotgun kinda overshadowed him drowning

>> No.27803737

It's not a guerilla stream if you announce it 12 hours ahead of time Mori... (Still happy though)

>> No.27803777

It will be holocure just as I said last night.

>> No.27803783

>eyes peeled
Is she hinting at another staring contest?.

>> No.27803918

"Tonight" means "about 12 hours from now", right? I should be able to get a good night sleep if that's the case.

>> No.27804116

Her streams have always been at or past midnight EST in US so probably

>> No.27804209

Probably safe to assume she will start after Goob’s stream ends.

>> No.27804259
File: 373 KB, 1000x1360, 35732468945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Thighs. Mori Thighs.

>> No.27804264
Quoted by: >>27804576

I really like this, I'm incapable of watching Ame or Gura live because they stream usually at 3-4am my time and I'm not going to watch it unless it's a super important stream but Mori actually lets me wake up like a normal human. I hope that once she moves to US further down the road she'll still keep this schedule.

>> No.27804576
Quoted by: >>27804628

Her time in the US isn't going to have streams as any sort of priority (not doomposting, just being realistic). I wouldn't expect any sort of "normal stream time" while she's there, especially compared to her schedule in Japan

>> No.27804628
Quoted by: >>27804708

She’s planning on living there half the year anon. Once her second base is functional she’ll settle into a schedule.

>> No.27804703

>in public
>on tv
yeah it was a bit much. shit looked like a cannon going off in the video I saw.

>> No.27804708
Quoted by: >>27804764

>Once her second base is functional
So 2024?

>> No.27804764
Quoted by: >>27804992

"Not doomposting" huh. Last a little longer at least.

>> No.27804784

She’s currently in CDT, so night will be in around 8 hours (sun don’t fully go down till around 9 PM), but with how late she stays up it could be in 12 hours.

>> No.27804856

Just watched some of Kiara's last stream, is there any reason Mori doesn't use any of the accessories they clearly have or is she just retarded and doesn't know how to?

>> No.27804886

Rather than putting on accessories, she needs to be able to take off that damn jacket

>> No.27804975

She hasn’t had the chance to use her 3D while not on the road since the other girls got access to it iirc. She was probably just holding out for them…or reaper is just bad with tech.

>> No.27804992
Quoted by: >>27805150

It's been 2 years with her streaming PC and she still hasn't fixed her bitrate issue or RAM problem, why should I expect her to be able to set up an entirely new setup so quickly?

>> No.27805028

I hope she doesn't overlap with the miori/bae thing.

>> No.27805070

She did like 4 SC readings with Home3D and hasn't used a single one accessory (she spams the emotes though)

>> No.27805092

My leaf internet is back, did I miss anything cool yesterday?

>> No.27805144

Mumei has a grudge against our boy because of the Horse girl thing

>> No.27805150

Like I’ve said before. She should go to one of the microcenters in Texas and have them build a good pc for her.

>> No.27805174
Quoted by: >>27805279

The simplest answers are most likely here I’d wager, which is she either doesn’t know they’re even there or she doesn’t know how to activate them.

>> No.27805204

Kiara is back to doing marathon streams and Ina ate some meat. Also Bae and her out of agency friend are doing an off collab tonight

>> No.27805224
Quoted by: >>27805996

I like it, reminds me of Mori and Moom throwing shit at each other with jump king skill. I’m pretty sure they would be best friends if they lived close enough to each other.

>> No.27805279
Quoted by: >>27805325

I feel like she would have used the sunglasses immediately if she knew they existed. Definitely a "Mori doesn't understand technology" issue

>> No.27805325

Well, we can always ask about it next time she uses the 3D

>> No.27805431

>Calli immediately apologizing to Fauna after killing bugs
I love this dork

>> No.27805523

I'm proud of her not being a coward girl afraid of killing spiders

>> No.27805633

I loved hearing Mumei say that nothing about Mori really surprised her when they met because Mori is just like she is on stream. I love my genuine reap.

>> No.27805637
Quoted by: >>27805690

She wont be able to type with those fingernails.

>> No.27805648
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>> No.27805690

Off topic but also implying Mori could ever type in the first place.

>> No.27805719

Worth catching up on Mumei's debrief? And didnt Fauna have one too?

>> No.27805797

I'm still getting through Mooms' one but it's been a good listen so far

>> No.27805866
Quoted by: >>27805904

Did Fauna say anything about Mori? I didn’t see anything in the archives.

>> No.27805892

Mumeis is definitely worth, Fauna didnt say too much but the first 40 or so minutes are good

>> No.27805904
Quoted by: >>27806023

not much but a bit.

>> No.27805979
Quoted by: >>27806752


>> No.27805996

Definitely, she talked a lot about Mori and was hilarious overall if you enjoy Moom humor.
It's never too late to do that. As long as they keep in touch now that they know how well they vibe, they'll get closer and we'll get more hilarious collabs and banter.

>> No.27806023
Quoted by: >>27806384

Qrd? She doesn’t have a time stamper as far as I can tell and I have too many streams to catch up on.

>> No.27806227
Quoted by: >>27806752

Have faith Squeeb beat

>> No.27806384

Pretty much first half an hour. Not much, the most interesting thing she said was that she didn't feel Bae was normally shy, she was shy around Mori specifically.

>> No.27806582

Weird because Moom mentioned Bae was shy too. Could just be that Fauna is specifically very approachable.

>> No.27806600
Quoted by: >>27807477

That's really funny since Mooms was basically the opposite

>> No.27806752
File: 87 KB, 400x266, Screenshot_20220605-220712~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27807304
File: 154 KB, 850x1141, __kujo_jotaro_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_miku_mikururun__sample-0566cae94b1d7a6a674c3601886b8299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>27758362

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iPuMQ2YWWhc
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (Coming soon! - July 20, 2022) EP Pre-order: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
//// Stream Torture Dance Rap: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w4XVKvhazyg

//// LIVE SHOW (major debut):
New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Tickets on sale now! In-person lottery for JP; streaming via SPWN for overseas
//// Merch on sale for JP; Worldwide sales opening June 15

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV (embed)

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.27807319
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, 1621007923362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that Mori's minecraft arc is officially over, what did we think of it?

>> No.27807382

What she did was good, I’m glad it didn’t overstay it’s welcome.

>> No.27807391

I didn't mind it when she was building with myth to make that amusement park it was comfy

>> No.27807431

I could see how it could have gone a bit better but ultimately not a game I care much about her dropping. There was some fun stuff.

>> No.27807477
Quoted by: >>27807997

mortuis nihil nisi bonum. So I have nothing to say. A few open VC were actually decent
After listening to Moom stream it became kinda weird. Mumei says Mori is super easy to talk to and that Bae is shy, Fauna says Bae isn't shy normally but is around Mori. We need to hear Bae's testimony and then question Mori again.

>> No.27807616
File: 630 KB, 1500x2250, 1642260105747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my moon princess

>> No.27807627

Fun. That one Takamori stream of them in the end was pretty cool.

>> No.27807663
Quoted by: >>27807730

Been over for a while hasn't it? Why bring it up now?

>> No.27807730

Kiara talked about Mori mentioning she never wants to play MC again and talked how she'd probably like it more if she didn't play with such huge breaks that always left her relearning the entire game from scratch and being exposed to so much backseating
she's right

>> No.27807765

Backseaters ruin everything, no matter what

>> No.27807923

I wish they let them play adventure maps and minigames/10

>> No.27807997

I'm starting to think that Bae might have been starstruck

>> No.27808222

>"I'll definitely come back and finish this cabin"
>"Carnival is going to be finished no matter what to welcome the new members"
>"I will still definitely finish the Carnival, I swear"
>"I'll come back and finish the onsen, I had fun designing the rooms"
Minecraft is Moripromises.txt in it's purest form

>> No.27808310

that's why we never got the rest of RE Village or the rest of the RE games

>> No.27808436
File: 63 KB, 900x690, Deadbeat mirror[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj7keul.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even with Bae and Miori streaming together I will STILL never hear if Miori got to meet Mori

>> No.27808480

She gets hung up on the weirdest things, I didn't think she was the type to let other people dictate her enjoyment of things. She clearly enjoyed herself when making the carnival with Ina/Gura, making onsen with Bae/Ina, the rocket launch with EN, and getting the Elytra with Kiara. The fact that she has blacklisted it for herself for anything that's not the SportsFes (including casual collabs) seems weird. She has even admitted to having difficulty finding collab games

>> No.27808524
Quoted by: >>27808734

And she thinks Rust will be any better...
ER was only tolerable because it was relatively new

>> No.27808582
Quoted by: >>27808661

Backseatting greyniggers are annoying. She's also deathly afraid of breaking things accidentally like Gura's tree.

>> No.27808622
Quoted by: >>27808692

I think it's just not her type of game; she needs a goal in mind to works towards, it can be overwhelming when you have no sense of immediate direction and have to know a bunch of different things just to play normally

>> No.27808628

All Mori needed was a semi regular collab partner. Kiara would have been a perfect guide. She always missed out on most impromptu mc stuff due to scheduling and timezones.

>> No.27808643
Quoted by: >>27808692

I’m fairly sure the only part of minecraft Mori has ever enjoyed is talking to other holos while playing. The game obviously stresses her out and she genuinely worries about messing up other people’s projects.

>> No.27808661

It's this >>27808582 plus the last project that she seemed to enjoy on that game was for (in part) a person who's not part of hololive. That she did a hole bunch of stuff basically for nothing probably made her reconsider even trying there

>> No.27808678

Village was different, wasn't it? She didn't want to fake her reactions and outside of doll house, she didn't react much because it's not scary at all.
I'm getting that impression as well. Rratsis is cute!

>> No.27808688

Kiara actually warmed to MC after letting KFP advise her more
and even Mori seems more open to it in things like ER, hell, she even had that whole bit about chat helping her get past Malenia way faster

>> No.27808692

She is going to despise Rust based off of what you're saying her problems were. What makes it different?

>> No.27808734

Rust gets monthly wipes, so Mori probably doesn't mind if she breaks something.

>> No.27808750

I still think she won’t like Rust much, but it’s a new server and she doesn’t have to worry about breaking anything.

>> No.27808768
Quoted by: >>27808933

in Rust fucking up other people's projects is the entire point of the game, so chat will fall in line
because it'll draw mainly toxic twitchniggers that want to see the griefing

>> No.27808783

>She didn't want to fake her reactions and outside of doll house
I know I'm eternally the outsider here but man, it sucks that people apparently lose it that the anime girls don't get scared enough by a game that isn't that scary. Her reaction to village were almost exactly the same as my reactions to RE4 and I loved her stream of it because of that.

>> No.27808797

Probably not much. But if the Rust server is going to reset as often as it seems then at least there's no worries about fucking something up. In fact, I'm pretty sure the game encourages doing exactly that.

>> No.27808835

The part that was fun for her is interaction with other girls. Since then, she found ways to make collabs happen which don't rely on MC. She didn't get into the game from mechanical standpoint at all and had quite a few bad experiences that nobody cared about but we know how she is with it so I'm not too surprised she's not interested in playing it.

>> No.27808853

Yeah that "Gura's tree" is gonna be gone next week no matter what is a good thing there

>> No.27808910
Quoted by: >>27809199

>a few bad experiences that nobody cared about but we know how she is
Having a large section of your chat losing there shit over something live is gonna leave a memory even if the person you supposedly wronged has no idea it happened tbf

>> No.27808933
Quoted by: >>27809012

Mori literally wouldn't dare touch someone else's things, that's just how she is. She has this weird idea that she's going to be "the Sheriff" like it's an RP server. We all know that's never going to happen, she would need the confidence to play games with JP members (who will probably make up a majority of the players on the server)

>> No.27809012
File: 603 KB, 581x720, 453673546345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori has been interacting with a lot more JP members though. Maybe her and Suisei will team up to cause havoc, that would be fun.

>> No.27809091

I'm pretty sure she knew about the baby and was worried about backlash if she sandbagged or didn't react to it.

>> No.27809117
File: 166 KB, 575x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is such a Mori moment

>> No.27809150

Outside of the Kiara off-collab, she hasn't had a one on one game collab since the Reine fishing contest. She has some weird autism about setting up collabs outside of eikaiwas, it kind of prevents her from making friends like last year (Bae, IRyS, Ollie, Reine, Watame to a degree)

>> No.27809199
Quoted by: >>27809319

People want Gura-tier reaction to everything. Not saying that Gura is faking it but she pretty much wants to be scared so she gets terrified of every little noise. Mori has a much more natural reaction if you ask me. When you have a functional gun and an enemy in front of you, games pretty much train you to aim and kill it and not panic.
True. I imagine girls told her multiple times that it's irrelevant, they don't care, no harm is done, etc. But she probably wrote it off as them being nice to her and that chat is right.

>> No.27809317
Quoted by: >>27809400

Mumei's "Who's the Horse girl now?!" was a near meme level thing

>> No.27809319

I mean Botan wasn't scared of anything in RE8 and she had a good well-liked playthrough.

>> No.27809383

NTA, but different audience I think, (That said after Mori dropped the game the one time Botan got scared by that game had to be my favorite holoclip of the game)

>> No.27809400
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, FMUM3kCacAA5QHK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fantastic, I almost spit out my drink. I hope Mori keeps it up to tease her more.

>> No.27809437

And yet Botan had one of the best playthroughs of it...

>> No.27809573
Quoted by: >>27809711

I'm convinced Mori has some kind of aura that makes things anime. From the description, the sequence of Mumei noticing Bae, calling Mori, Mori watching and joining Bae and finally Mumei joining is some good SoL comedy skit.
People watch Botan specifically to see her laugh at attempts at horror and kill everything in sight, she's that way with every horror game I think. Her duo-playthroughs where she backseats Lamy are adorable. Astel's playthrough was funnier in that regard because he turns into a huge pussy without a gun but as long as he has the tiniest ass pistol, he will put bullet after bullet into the head of whatever is in front of him with near-100% precision and the switch is hilarious.

>> No.27809711
File: 798 KB, 850x1151, 1645546785436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm convinced Mori has some kind of aura that makes things anime
Takamori is endgame, they'll end up married with a bunch of cats.

>> No.27809752
Quoted by: >>27810350

By the time that comes around Kiara will be long gone.

>> No.27810350

>Implying that Mori isn't Simon and Kiara isn't Nia

>> No.27810355
File: 365 KB, 1500x2000, BA38B8B6-8974-49D1-81C8-CE6F77596AF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs to not miss the South Korea trip and she will be on the homestretch

>> No.27810457

Not happening, Kiara has more or less let the intention of going there alone, to meet Nabi and Mel's mama, clear.

>> No.27810499

When the fuck will she play Metal Gear Rising?
She promised to do it back in february and then again a while later on her roommateTM's twitter.
(She played Bloodborne with MoistCr1tikal tho!!!!)

>> No.27810535

When is her trip supposed to be? Mori's already been travelling an insane amount this year.

>> No.27810581
Quoted by: >>27810625


>> No.27810600
Quoted by: >>27810625

Then why'd she invite Mori?

>> No.27810625
Quoted by: >>27810866

She didn't invite her, she only said she would think about inviting her.
t. KFP

>> No.27810866

I'm suddenly disappointed in Kiara. Come on girl, that was your chance to feed Mori the chicken she won on Kiaralogy quiz.

>> No.27810955
File: 624 KB, 2452x1800, 1628952386022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27811041

consider the following

>> No.27811041

We have a boob compilation image and a shinitummy one; where's the ass one?

>> No.27811080

You haven't made it yet

>> No.27811330
File: 165 KB, 1303x2048, 1650388397158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as it has this image I'm fine

>> No.27811477
File: 801 KB, 797x804, 1632317907360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27811637

So did mori ever get her important card back?

>> No.27811659
Quoted by: >>27811734

If you mean the one that lets her not get deported than yes

>> No.27811685

She never actually lost it; it was under some clothes.

>> No.27811734
Quoted by: >>27811759

Idk the details but the cops tried to hand it back to her and she accidentally didnt answer the door.

>> No.27811759
Quoted by: >>27811851

see >>27811685
The cops were there for some other reason that she'll never know about

>> No.27811778

Oh, good

>> No.27811851

>The cops were there for some other reason that she'll never know about
There was a big earthquake that day might have been a wellness check

>> No.27812598
Quoted by: >>27812999

God I want a footjob from Mori so much.

>> No.27812999

I just want her to call me her little dead beat again

>> No.27813015

Rratsis + Miori potentially

>> No.27813058
Quoted by: >>27813339

ew mukbang

>> No.27813201
Quoted by: >>27813431

Well.. I'll take it I guess.

>> No.27813339

She's just hungry...

>> No.27813431

I still don't know what that word means. "Eating stream" in indonesian or something?

>> No.27813477
Quoted by: >>27813615

Korean, but yeah pretty much.

>> No.27813544
Quoted by: >>27813615

It's evolved in general youtube culture to be a stream where you just eat while streaming

>> No.27813615
Quoted by: >>27813937

I see. I think I usually saw that word in ID girls' stream names so I assumed it comes from Indonesian.

>> No.27813937
Quoted by: >>27814038

It's probably in the English dictionary as a loan word at this point honestly.

>> No.27814015

What is this curse of EN getting sick after meeting Mori? First Kiara, then Ame, and now Fauna

>> No.27814038

I personally just hate the word because i associate it with that disgusting somethingsomethingavacado dude.

>> No.27814047

what are the odds that a coughing girl visitng super spreader events regularly is infecting other people?

>> No.27814088

Council should have second outfits by now and Fuana's should be goth

>> No.27814113

Unless she has had it for over a month now, it's just allergies like she said.

>> No.27814120
Quoted by: >>27814169

Deadbeats, I've been watching Choco-sensei a little bit. Is it normal to have this insatiable, almost instinctual need to wed and put a baby in her?

>> No.27814169

I'd be concerned if you didn't.

>> No.27814200
File: 872 KB, 993x600, 1635068256000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae stream...nice...

>> No.27814283

more like she's coping

>> No.27814292

Remember when she just narrowly missed getting the coof because her family caught it during the holidays and she was about to visit them them but couldn't
She has some insane dumb luck about getting sick

>> No.27814293

Japan is actually probably through the worst of allergy season right now. She's super fucked if she's in Underworldian Texas for a long time, the tree and ragweed pollen is fucking everywhere

>> No.27814302
Quoted by: >>27814488

It'd be bioweapon-tier if that was possible after months of the same thing, but go ahead and be a fag

>> No.27814424

What kind of stream do you think Mori will do tonight? Holocure? Another staring contest?

>> No.27814432

Is being a concern fag exhausting?

>> No.27814478

I don't think even she knows yet

>> No.27814488
Quoted by: >>27814558

I mean it is pretty much has happened too many times to say it is just odd thing.

>> No.27814523

I think it'll be a staring contest. She got really into the idea of it last stream.

>> No.27814529
Quoted by: >>27814604

Just Chatting ft. Sisreap!

>> No.27814550
Quoted by: >>27814870

Sopranos watchalong.

>> No.27814558

or... they went to the con and are just not mentioning it like Bae did.

>> No.27814604

I don't think that would go over well, I saw even regulars in chat unenthused when she mentioned her sister last stream

>> No.27814653
Quoted by: >>27814777

Sisreap did nothing wrong.

>> No.27814677

Glad to see that they don't let any woman walk over them.

>> No.27814777
File: 755 KB, 569x615, 1643216229754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27814839

just go to sleep Mori, we need you healthy

>> No.27814870


>> No.27814947
File: 274 KB, 528x420, 1627265513413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27818202


>> No.27815005

It's a shame that we probably won't be getting any sisreap streams in the future. I thought she was pretty likable until the party thing happened. She might love Mori but she also seems to like taking advantage of her kindness. I hope Mori finally grows a spine after this.

>> No.27815251
Quoted by: >>27815824

I wonder if it really was 'taking advantage'. Sisreap seems like the kind of person that cannot understand why someone wouldn't want to hold a big social gathering if they had the chance so in her mind she probably felt she was treating everyone to a good time.

>> No.27815416

>I thought she was pretty likable
With all the stories of her being your typical party girl and her hanging out with demons(niggers) I always knew she was anything but garbage. But after this party fiasco I am not surprised anymore why they didn't talk very often.

Isn't it interesting how her sister suddenly wanted to talk more and be in better terms when Mori become a popular and making shit load of money?

>> No.27815452


>> No.27815588
Quoted by: >>27816120

Yeah, it's not like Mori fucked off to Japan for years and barely kept in contact with her family, not even her mother, for most of that time or anything
No, no, it's all about clout and money always!
Fucking retarded autist

>> No.27815650
Quoted by: >>27816001

This is probably the hottest Mori pic ever.

>> No.27815677

>Isn't it interesting how her sister suddenly wanted to talk more and be in better terms when Mori become a popular and making shit load of money?
You mean after Mori was able to visit her family again and the whole world wasn't in lockdown?
Where are you even getting this shit form?

>> No.27815742
Quoted by: >>27815974

It's like he's trying to get her fans to go after her family, something she's known to be defensive about!

>> No.27815755
Quoted by: >>27815938

Mori's shopping habits mentioned again lol

>> No.27815758
Quoted by: >>27815982

>Where are you even getting this shit form?
From Mori herself?

>> No.27815824

Any of that goes out the window when you realize Mori had told her right before the stream to turn it down and yet the music was still blaring the entire time. That's rude as fuck

>> No.27815938

She's just like me..
I hate loitering in stores

>> No.27815974

I don't think anyone needs to push deadbeats for not liking her family because her sister is doing it without anyones help.

>> No.27815982
Quoted by: >>27816106

Where exactly then, did Mori imply anything close to
>Isn't it interesting how her sister suddenly wanted to talk more and be in better terms when Mori become a popular and making shit load of money?
Because it seems more like it's Mori herself trying to get back in touch with her family because she misses them and was away in Japan for around half a decade.

>> No.27816001
Quoted by: >>27816399

Bae also confirms Mori buys things in 5 minutes. Holy shit there's few things that piss me off in women more than their desire to walk around aimlessly in shops and trying 10 different things despite the first one fitting their needs perfectly.
There's a lot of competition but that one is up there. Also it's funny there's a version with white toenails. The artist did his reps in a weird way.

>> No.27816106
Quoted by: >>27816438

The part where either of them weren't in greatest terms before she become Mori Calliope.

>> No.27816120

She kept in contact with MamaMori, PapaMori, and her grandparents the entire time anon. There were multiple instances in her early streams where she talked about calling her parents for holidays and birthdays. Meanwhile the early impressions of her sister were "we're not as close as we used to be" in 2020 and turned into "we started talking again" around mid 2021

>> No.27816399
File: 1.14 MB, 1282x1000, 1620186096504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She shops the proper way, like everyone should

>> No.27816436


>> No.27816438
Quoted by: >>27816662

And you believe that's proof that her sister is leeching off of Mori? I have siblings I was never close to while growing up but now I am and I'm not rich or anything. Not to mention like I said, Mori is the one trying to get back in touch with her family.
Again, I asked for actual proof that Mori said her sister is leeching off of her. Until then you're just a schizo who thinks he can read minds or something.

>> No.27816481

babymaking Mori sex

>> No.27816570

Are gushers that rare in Australia?

>> No.27816634

They're one of those candies that's only really in America, I think

>> No.27816645
Quoted by: >>27818376

One company makes Gushers, Fruit by the Foot, and Fruit Roll-ups. They might not have a SEA division

>> No.27816662
Quoted by: >>27816888

>I asked for actual proof that Mori said her sister is leeching off of her
Obviously I should said that part of my post is speculation but that is kinda vibes I am getting from her sister.

>> No.27816888

>unironically "source: dude just trust me"

>> No.27816901

fans seem to adore Mamamori, even herebeats after the IG shit
meanwhile the sister seems like typical white trash that has their reward centers burned out by partying, drugs and blowing a different guy every week

>> No.27816970

Those guys? All me.

>> No.27817169
Quoted by: >>27817303

I still think Mamamori is absolutely stupid with technology and the internet. That wasn't even the first time her account had been found and all she did was make another public one as a response. But she's not a bad person.

>> No.27817282

the sisreap hate leaking out comes down to the core of the fact that most of Holofans aren't party animals themselves, and getting imposed on in such a way would annoy them as much if not more than Gura/Mori
despite various Jeremys running damage control in comments, people gonna get upset about things that would make THEM personally upset, no matter how hard you gonna try to appeal to their sense of reason

>> No.27817303
Quoted by: >>27817493

Yeah, normal tech illiteracy and mom shit.

>> No.27817474
Quoted by: >>27817746

>despite various Jeremys running damage control in comments
I still don't understand why he had a such meltdown over this and not the any other shitstorm?

>> No.27817480

It's ok Mori. I don't actively despise your sister. I just think she was stupid and selfish in that one moment. She's a normalfag who wouldn't know anything about idolfag weebs.

>> No.27817493

Yeah it is partially Mori's fault for not impressing upon them how serious obsec is. I really hope their normal house never was doxxed out of that 2nd occasion. Mori should have learned from the doxxed accounts right after debut. As it stands, this could happen all over again next year and I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.27817653

Eh, sometimes you can't really drive internet security into peoples heads no matter what. I've had to cancel my dad's credit card 2 times because the info was stolen from him buying some random too good to be true shit off facebook ads. lucky he atleast understands phone scams.

>> No.27817746

What meltdown? I'm serious, I was there too so I know what happened but just going off what anons here are always saying it sounds like he's some psycho purgebeat who hates Mori and her fans.
It unironically seems like dramafag /vt/sisters making a bigger deal than it was.
Maybe I'm just not in the split enough to understand why >we adopted the Jeremy shit when it seemed to start as an anti's insult to deadbeats.

>> No.27817912

The dude was responding to almost every comment that was concerned about gura. I'd say it was a bit of a meltdown.

>> No.27817955

It was a youtube account that responded to every concern post on youtube, no matter how insane of a rant or how logical of a concern expressed with "go back" or other repetitive spam. Anything that wasn't cheering her on he responded to. Went way overboard. Was not just responding to those attacking Mori.

>> No.27818001
File: 8 KB, 250x90, jeremy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27818009
Quoted by: >>27818081

He is filipino and spent almost 12 hours responding to every negative comment on that vod

>> No.27818081

>He is filipino
Well that explains everything.

>> No.27818202

>It’d be cool if the AsaCoco and the Gorillas paw had a collab wouldn’t it

>> No.27818229
Quoted by: >>27818526

nigga, he responded to like 200 comments with the same copypaste, I'm keen to believe he's our usual capslock schizo since that kind of intensity is on-brand

>> No.27818376

Roll-ups are a thing here nut I only ever heard of whatever the fuck gushers are from Homestuck

>> No.27818410
Quoted by: >>27818708

Mori's approach to opsec basically shows that the NA members need to Gura/Ame levels of careful to avoid all of these headaches. Kind of worried that it will only get worse with Mori pushing herself in basically the opposite direction as she plans to return more to the States. She can't get away with the IDGAF approach like she can in Japan

>> No.27818519

>he had rogers

>> No.27818523

Jeremy making everyone who's here seethe is actually funny and good

>> No.27818526
Quoted by: >>27819063

Nah, Jeremy can't be the shift-schizo, his copypaste didn't have any capital letters.

>> No.27818646

anonchama, all he accomplished is looking like a clown and giving antis more tools against deadbeats
for them it's basically the same if they get to bait Mori or bait her fanbase, the entire goal is spoiling someone's enjoyment and turning the points of streamer/audience interaction (twitter, comments) into trashheaps

>> No.27818647

Still not as bad as Joseph

>> No.27818708

the first SWAT unit will correct her mentality extra quick

>> No.27818792

hi xehanort

>> No.27818915
Quoted by: >>27819804

I REALLY don't trust some creeper not to eventually follow her back to the second base from a show one day

>> No.27818938 [DELETED] 

she's a walking tumor

>> No.27818944

>anon gets 20 years in prison for an epic lesson about opsec
If they wanted to be raped in the ass so bad they can just ask

>> No.27818992
Quoted by: >>27823242


>> No.27818998

Yeah, by me

>> No.27819013

as if schizos really consider the consequences of their actions
the dude that shot that streamer chick dead thought he'll just walk

>> No.27819063

The shift key schizo is the guy who yells at everyone accusing them of being a schizo because they don't have perfect grammar. He doesn't have any pattern related to using improper grammar himself. He is the pot calling the kettle black. A schizo accusing everyone that isn't him of being schizo. He's been banned for it too.

>> No.27819075

who was shot dead?

>> No.27819136
Quoted by: >>27819198

Shinzo Abe-chan...

>> No.27819198

the prime minister was a vtuber....

>> No.27819266
Quoted by: >>27819413

>That super Japanese "ITs lovely punishment. Justice will be there"
I just need all of you to know that I fucking love her so much

>> No.27819313
Quoted by: >>27819640

That one guy on Twitter is going on a year plus and like 20+ accounts just to spam and insult Mori about thumbnails. There's bound to be one dedicated retard to do something stupid (especially in the US recently)

>> No.27819385
Quoted by: >>27819668

That Eoin fucker who spams the chat with random messages for hours on end would do something if he has the ability to.

>> No.27819401
File: 157 KB, 1137x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27822466

On June 10, 2016, Grimmie performed with Before You Exit at The Plaza Live in Orlando, Florida. Earlier in the day, she posted an announcement on social media asking people to attend the concert.[115] After her performance ended at 10:00 p.m. local time, Grimmie signed autographs inside the venue. At 10:24 p.m., she was shot by 27-year-old Kevin James Loibl after initially opening her arms to give him a hug.[116] As witnesses fled the scene, Loibl was tackled by Grimmie's brother, and the men scuffled.[117] Loibl broke free, backed against a wall, and shot himself dead.[118][a] Grimmie was on the floor and bleeding from the head; after CPR was performed on her, 9-1-1 was called and she was taken to the Orlando Regional Medical Center in critical condition with four gunshot wounds;[119][b] she was pronounced dead just before 11:00 p.m. local time.[121] An autopsy was performed the following day, on June 11, which concluded that Grimmie had actually been shot three times; once in the head and twice in the chest. Her official cause of death was "gunshot wounds of head and chest".[122]

The Orlando Police Department said Loibl had traveled by taxi to Orlando from his home in St. Petersburg, Florida,[121] bringing two handguns, two extra magazines full of ammunition, and a large hunting knife.[c] Orlando Police Chief John Mina stated that "The suspect traveled to Orlando apparently to commit this crime and then had plans to travel back to where he came from."[123] According to Orlando police, the bags of the attendees would normally have been checked, but there were no metal detectors at the venue, nor were the attendees frisked.[124]

One witness complained that the security was concerned about food and beverages being brought into the theater, but did not catch Loibl's guns.[125] Witnesses described Loibl as "nervous" and "kinda creepy".[126]

>> No.27819413
Quoted by: >>27819596

When did she say that? In the interview she quote tweeted?

>> No.27819596

In a past stream

>> No.27819640
Quoted by: >>27819674

Zoki's actually insane and it's a testament to how bad twitter is that they haven't banned him, especially during his really bad flare ups.

>> No.27819668
Quoted by: >>27819707

He won't do shit, he can't even buy membership

>> No.27819674
Quoted by: >>27819861

he was banned, a good couple times, pretty sure
but it's piss easy to make a new account
also piss easy to get a gun in the US, especially Texas

>> No.27819707
Quoted by: >>27820589

I'm saying I wouldn't trust him if he found himself in a situation to do it.

>> No.27819804
Quoted by: >>27820101

I doubt she will be doing any shows in driving from her second base.

>> No.27819851
File: 88 KB, 749x659, 41AA832F-D91E-4A98-95B1-32168A942983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop doomposting nerds

>> No.27819861

>he was banned, a good couple times, pretty sure
Youtube hasn't hit him as hard as twitter has, but I'm pretty sure all of his many twitter accounts are linked and that they don't just ban the phone number/email address he's signed up with is kind of insulting at this point.

>> No.27820101

And I didn't think she would be as terrible with opsec as she has been the last two months. She is really not good at it at all, she's had basically her entire family doxxed, meanwhile not a single member of any other EN member's family has been "found"

>> No.27820168

>meanwhile not a single member of any other EN member's family has been "found"
Normally I wouldn't give you a (you) but holy lol

>> No.27820318

You're very out of date with your information.

>> No.27820320

nah, Gura (ironically) had her family home and names doxxed
the fact chumbuds were bragging about how impervious her opsec was really triggered some scumbags

>> No.27820382

Anon Inas family is known, Guras family is known. The full names of every member of Myth are known.

>> No.27820443
Quoted by: >>27820530

Her entire family's been doxxed since debut. The last few months revealed nothing new.

>> No.27820459

Full name and a very rough idea where they are is all that's really needed if someone wants to spend a bit of money. Opsec is a joke if someone is motivated enough, lucky very few are.

>> No.27820530

I wish that were true. There was potential locations found with the April leak.

>> No.27820561
Quoted by: >>27820609

>The full names of every member of Myth are known.
I've seen three different names for one of them and no indication any of them are right

>> No.27820589
Quoted by: >>27820616

With a name like that, I'm sure he's from some 3rd world shithole and from his messages I'd bet he's like 12.

>> No.27820592
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1643232714914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand over Mori tomboy becoming increasingly girly GF

>> No.27820600 [DELETED] 

real issue isn't schizos spending large amount of time and resources to track you down in your secured, fenced off neighborhood
real issue is them calling US cops on you or nonchalantly dropping a mag in you during a badly secured public event as you go to sign his CD

>> No.27820609
Quoted by: >>27828163

Anon KiwiFarms has dug up everything. They dug up some indie game Mori did work for under a 3rd completely separate identity

>> No.27820616
Quoted by: >>27820636

Eoin is an Irish name, pronounced like "owen"

>> No.27820636

Like I said, 3rd world shithole.

>> No.27820704
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>> No.27820744

How is it different compared to literally anyone else doing public events?

>> No.27820916

These girls have a far higher percentage of weird loners as fans than the average person doing a public event.

>> No.27820971 [DELETED] 

You're free to change second amendment then and take away firearms from US population. Otherwise your point is moot. Yes, she's a somewhat public person. Yes, that puts her at the same level of risk as any other indie musician who perform on smaller stages and can't afford security detail. That risk by the way would exist for you too - if you ever left your room. Also, as we found out quite recently, that risk exists in Japan as well. So what are you trying to say?

>> No.27821049

That would only take away firearms from legal owners, would not prevent gun violence by a huge percentage. The vast majority of gun violence is done by illegally gained weapons.

>> No.27821114 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27821243

Explain why mass shootings are only common in the US then?

>> No.27821121 [DELETED] 

Where do illegal guns come from?

>> No.27821174
File: 112 KB, 900x1200, 02D5FD97-0BDF-4C21-B341-7FDD69D0BF19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27821176

smuggled in from South America mostly. Some mexico, some through South East America from the sea.

>> No.27821202
File: 124 KB, 522x358, 1630397024054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27821366

>> No.27821209
Quoted by: >>27821403


Behave yourselves.

>> No.27821243

The news media glorifying it and the FBI doing a shit job. They have followed every mass shooter and flagged them and then done nothing to the point where it's barely a conspiracy theory to think they're allowing them for political maneuvering.

>> No.27821267
Quoted by: >>27821414

Shit man, I even have mamamori's digits

>> No.27821275

I know, but that only moves the entire ordeal from "absurdly difficult" to "straight up impossible". And should you succeed in this impossible task of turning US into Japan, you can still make a perfectly deadly gun from a fucking water pipe. In other words, a schizo will always find a way if one is determined enough. Hiding in your basement for your entire life because of that is stupid.

>> No.27821278

You can buy gun parts online legally and literally make your own, it's a pretty shitty loophole that the US obviously doesn't give enough of a shit about to stop

>> No.27821291 [DELETED] 

Criminals buying drugs illegally.

"They come from places where guns are legal!!" Do you think people who legally buy guns are running them to places like NYC and Chicago? No. They come from unlicenced people trading guns illegally all over the place. Criminals will always have them. Taking them away from non-criminals will change nothing.

>> No.27821327

At least she does take security seriously at events.

>> No.27821366
File: 1.08 MB, 4096x1741, Mori GFE[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fksfcmv.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to engage with the /pol/tard so I will instead post this to increase smiles and optimism

>> No.27821384

I didn't get frisked or wanded or anything in LA.

>> No.27821393

He really wants Mori to be shot. He has already crossposted about it before and is likely the one spamming about hurting her at concerts in global

>> No.27821403
File: 718 KB, 3384x2798, 1649070170379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori I want to marry you and take care o you an have a family of kids I cant take care of.

>> No.27821414
File: 1.09 MB, 975x1300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna hook a skelly up?

>> No.27821426


>> No.27821437

She had 8 men on security escorting her everywhere each event weekend.

>> No.27821447

As an aside, threatening someone's life or expressing interest in the specifics of how to online is technically a violation of US law

>> No.27821478
Quoted by: >>27821503

>source: his ass

>> No.27821496

I wonder if reporting under "This post violates United States law." will get some knocks on his door, if he is in the states.

>> No.27821503
Quoted by: >>27821607

They were visible man.

>> No.27821519

Sorry anon, but I'm more into gross popo.
Hope it's okay for you.

>> No.27821530

I'm going to take the risk and go to sleep now hoping that the guerrilla doesn't start for at least 5 hours like the other recent streams. Have fun without me if I'm wrong.

>> No.27821560
Quoted by: >>27821681


>> No.27821568
Quoted by: >>27821680

Thanks for taking one for the team, it will now be a unarchived mamamori karaoke.

>> No.27821584
Quoted by: >>27821729


>> No.27821589
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x4093, FS1bbUwUYAAl-_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27821607

You've been spamming this since the first trip, I don't believe you for a second

>> No.27821647

It's true, I'm all 8 of those men.

>> No.27821681

I know it's not the same but this is always fun

>> No.27821680

I actually preffered the Meet MamaMori stream. I'd rather Mori save karaokes for more serious stuff

>> No.27821729
File: 53 KB, 185x174, 1657306983544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27821734
Quoted by: >>27821915

That's not controversial. They were both tired and trying to be conscientious of family members in the next room. Still cute, though

>> No.27821751
Quoted by: >>27822065

Karaokes should just be super casual like the way Moom does them.

>> No.27821818
File: 2.21 MB, 4663x7366, 1655800020003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27821835
Quoted by: >>27821893

What do you want me to do? Post pictures? I didn't take pictures of them.

>> No.27821843

What I would give for Mori to do a karaoke like this....

>> No.27821893

Post them in your Discord and stop coming here

>> No.27821915

Mori's karaokes are never casual because of deadbeats complaining about MUH DELAY and SHE SHOULD HAVE PREPARED BETTER early on, so she's been conditioned into treating Karaokes as concerts to schedule and theme around rather than as fun 2 AM guerillas like everyone else.

>> No.27821970

>like everyone else.
I wonder how many Hoshiyomi bitch about same thing. I'll take a guess, 0.

>> No.27822065

I'd disagree, super casual karaokes are fun as an occasion but Mori's absolute best have been things like the Musical, Jazz, and early archived ones where she did prep

>> No.27822126

I wasn't really a fan of the last karaoke but not because of her. It was the terrible chat suggestions outside of 1 or 2 songs

>> No.27822131

I don't disagree with you for the general theme of bitchbeats but the last members one was basically that (also a ton of fun, get fucked mu austists)

>> No.27822403

Hoshiyomi don't bitch since Suisei tends to be pristinely prepared to majority of her streams and singing ones most of all, trying to draw comparisons with Mori only makes the latter looks messier

>> No.27822414

Nice English.

>> No.27822466 [DELETED] 

she can avoid the risk nearly entirely by streaming under the avatar

did you not read >>27819401
if what >>27821384 said is true, no security dude in the world will stop a rando using the VIP meeting to say hi with a 9mm

>> No.27822530
File: 26 KB, 220x239, 1656800216749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should play Shredder's Revenge instead of whatever you're doing here.

>> No.27822550
File: 229 KB, 1170x1597, 1656962939339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27822670

Just enjoy

>> No.27822551 [DELETED] 

I went to one of those and I got assessed by the guards. I would have had no chance to do anything but attempt something and during that time I would have been tackled by multiple of them. At that one that same scenario as that poor girl who was shot was not a possibility.

>> No.27822652
File: 106 KB, 720x703, 828009CC-5D0F-4E3F-A450-B625566EF09F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxxfags came out early today, is it because of the weekend?

>> No.27822653
Quoted by: >>27822713

>she can avoid the risk nearly entirely by
If she has any public presence at all schizos like you will always try something just to prove a point.

>> No.27822663
File: 81 KB, 475x529, 1652494493273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm playing Neon White while waiting for Gura

>> No.27822664

How is it? I was going to buy it.

>> No.27822670
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, no fun allowed [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fehjah4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27822713
Quoted by: >>27822834

Even quitting wouldn't stop schizos. It may set them off, angry she's "ignoring" them. You can't stop the mentally ill. Just protect yourself.

>> No.27822834
File: 111 KB, 1170x1665, 1643858494369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can stop the mentally ill, actually
Well, they wouldn't technically BE mentally ill or anything else anymore with a real solution, anyway..

>> No.27822867
File: 1.42 MB, 2894x4093, E5yO1iWVEAA-Zae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to deleted posts
Fucking take a hint, dickwads

>> No.27822938
Quoted by: >>27822965

>I went to one of those and I got assessed by the guards.
You must have looked like a real fucking weirdo if they came up to you out of everyone else there asking questions.

>> No.27822965

No, they did it to every single person. I felt safe for her.

>> No.27823037

I'm only 3 levels in and I had to change the controls a little but it's pretty good.

>> No.27823055
File: 456 KB, 488x539, 1620215609584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27823258

This thread needs to be nuked from orbit, jesus christ deadbeats...

>> No.27823061
Quoted by: >>27823138

I have a feeling it's gonna be a midnight stream, no updates in a while.

>> No.27823075

I don't know anything about Ninja Turtles, so I will pass on that.

>> No.27823138

>he beleebs
she's gonna clonk out from rehearsals and give a quick apology tweet
I'll give you the choice again, go to sleep like me and enjoy waking up refreshed to the knowledge you missed nothing

>> No.27823230 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27823272

Kill Yourself you’re so fucking annoying

>> No.27823242


>> No.27823258

I will (un)reasonably place the blame on Eurobeats. This sort of posting always goes on during night time in Europe.

>> No.27823272

stop replying retard

>> No.27823305

My cock btw, not cool of you to leak this bro

>> No.27823328


>> No.27823359

>those toenails

>> No.27823379
File: 519 KB, 549x551, 1656804635466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize she did put the frame up while you had your hand down your pants in your sleep, right? And that she rescheduled it when she realized that most of her audience was going to have to stay up all night, right?

>> No.27823407
File: 184 KB, 210x302, i_think[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpsnuqy.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the artist may, in fact, watch streams

>> No.27823456
File: 1.62 MB, 2914x4096, 1656918760996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless

>> No.27823464
Quoted by: >>27823592

Oh fuck off.

>> No.27823581

Reminds me of that one Gura artist that takes his inspirations way too far

>> No.27823592
File: 489 KB, 1906x2340, FRG0ussVcAASlBa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone can be saved from their crippling shitposting addiction, anon. The first step is always admitting that you have a problem.

>> No.27823762

Thoughts on zutomayo?

>> No.27823789
Quoted by: >>27823939

i'd suck her toes fr no cap

>> No.27823798

Is that some sort of mayonnaise?

>> No.27823939
Quoted by: >>27824028

Does she enjoy footplay?

>> No.27823993

Bretty gud. I got into them right after their last vinyl went out of print, which made me pretty mad

>> No.27824028

No she hates people touching her feet, even massages.

>> No.27824069

Hey there's a fetish centered around that last I checked.

>> No.27824117
Quoted by: >>27824175

She hated a lot of things until she tried them

>> No.27824153

Lead singer is super good, closest thing to Ado I've heard that's not her

>> No.27824175
Quoted by: >>27824268

she hated pussy, but is now curious for a taste

>> No.27824268

Lesbeat shut the fuck up, I swear.

>> No.27824269

Would you guys please stop being weird.

>> No.27824307

Mori is weird, it's only natural that deadbeats are bonkers too

>> No.27824329
Quoted by: >>27824409

can we just talk about how Mori is going to be my wife?

>> No.27824357

>all this cope
>just to swallow the bitter pill of being wrong
roru and goodnight, keep vigil for the tweet

>> No.27824409

But she's already mine, you're much too late

>> No.27824411

Nah, that's how the time loop goes. Presumptuous, line stepping discussion into weird horny posting. I confident we can blame the Europeans for this one.

>> No.27824478
Quoted by: >>27824545

>it's another case of timezones
>Sperg thinks he "won"

>> No.27824477
Quoted by: >>27824988

I blame the germans for the weird horny posting.

>> No.27824504


>> No.27824545
File: 305 KB, 906x1275, FWx8I2tUUAAIGFt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27824636

A broken clock is right twice a day, but it's still a worthless fucking clock.

>> No.27824552

I'd cooming over dooming

>> No.27824559
Quoted by: >>27825018


>> No.27824615


>> No.27824636

Hey, don't insult Kronii!

>> No.27824654
File: 24 KB, 745x329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible taste, the lot of you

>> No.27824703

Who's tiny baby arms did he base them off of?

>> No.27824778

Thanks bro

>> No.27824840
Quoted by: >>27824960

we don't get enough art of 4, so I'll go for that

>> No.27824904

Second option is just a better version of the third one

>> No.27824903

Anything without the cringey painted fingernail OC is a win in my book and that happens to be 2

>> No.27824923
File: 718 KB, 728x475, ca884121163ea975f60002fbb24e04ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori bad

>> No.27824960

lalready lost bro

>> No.27824985
File: 117 KB, 827x1193, E8637S1UYAQXKBc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27825111

By the grace and light of our Lord and our lady Mori, I condemn the foul imagery thou hast seen fit to force upon those here in this thread.

Our fair lady, cloaked in the light and purity of the Lord, is chaste and pure. She is not to be debased so!

Repent for your transgressions, sinner, and you may yet find forgiveness in the eyes of our fair lady.

>> No.27824988
File: 91 KB, 1044x771, FLkBbjTXEAELDpG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can call me whatever you want, but if you dare call me a G*rman again I will have your spine

>> No.27825018
Quoted by: >>27825117

I don't get it

>> No.27825111

I'm gonna cloak her in my seed instead.

>> No.27825117

1 is the best so choose it loser

>> No.27825152
Quoted by: >>27825300

you guys are why she never comes here

>> No.27825189
Quoted by: >>27825300

you guys are why she always comes here

>> No.27825286

you guys are why she cums

>> No.27825300
File: 759 KB, 1008x720, Hades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the work of the CIA, which Mori is an agent for

>> No.27825327

Yeah me

>> No.27825326

Yeah, me

>> No.27825333

yeah me

>> No.27825397

she has 4chanx setup with a vibrator going off for every new post

>> No.27825509

God, this game will not be good for Goomba's brain, there's too much to manage

>> No.27825577


>> No.27825600

Boss music was better in Turtles in Time.

>> No.27825606
File: 138 KB, 1402x1151, FVFdsIrUcAAlbSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27826242

Is that what she meant by this?

>> No.27826150
File: 1019 KB, 692x512, Yeah, me [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Faa3pjm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27826226
File: 626 KB, 792x1224, Ejl820kU0AAtJqD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...fuckin' Dutchmen

>> No.27826242
Quoted by: >>27826320

Mori makes a large number of shitposts here for the (You)s. When I reply to shit bait, I am literally fucking Mori.

>> No.27826320
Quoted by: >>27826683

Shut up Mori I'll choke the Jack out of you

>> No.27826467

>Gooba anti-numberfagging
dangerously based

>> No.27826611

She has the privilege of being able to do that. Imagine being the worst of your gen, or an ID girl that's apart of the biggest vtubing company in the world and know how bottom of the barrel you are compared to others.

>> No.27826681
File: 1.44 MB, 666x720, Retard[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fm86dsg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27827034


>> No.27826683
Quoted by: >>27826783

please keep posting im about to cum

>> No.27826783

In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser beam, illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate.[5][6] The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen – a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles.[5][7] However, the light is always found to be absorbed at the screen at discrete points, as individual particles (not waves); the interference pattern appears via the varying density of these particle hits on the screen.[8] Furthermore, versions of the experiment that include detectors at the slits find that each detected photon passes through one slit (as would a classical particle), and not through both slits (as would a wave).[9][10][11][12][13] However, such experiments demonstrate that particles do not form the interference pattern if one detects which slit they pass through. These results demonstrate the principle of wave–particle duality.[14][15]

>> No.27827034

nah, he has a point, it has the vibe of a rich person going "being rich fucking sucks"
I mean, yeah, you probably have some unique problems but you don't see many rich people giving away all their money and trading with homeless and starving people, while the latter would accept the trade 99.9999% of the time

>> No.27827115

She does this every day in real life dude

>> No.27827467
Quoted by: >>27827548

No one in Hololive is doing poorly. The least subbed member is Kaela and she still has over a third of a million subscribers. That's a lot.

>> No.27827479

I bet Mori would get a kick out of this game Gura is playing

>> No.27827492
Quoted by: >>27827592

He brought up ID
What he's essentially doing is saying the top 5% should be depressed because they aren't the .1%
Numberniggers have zero perspective

>> No.27827548

And how does it feel to be the worst of something? To know you're making 40 grand a year when another girl you interact with is making ~3 million in that time.

>> No.27827592

yeah, bringing various Holo talents is shitposting, but if Gura gave a typical Twitch 2view the talk about "not being such a numberfag" they'd have the full right to slap her on the face

>> No.27827609
Quoted by: >>27827741

I'd fucking love to make 40 grand a year for playing video games, and I promise you she makes more than that.

>> No.27827678

Put up, shut up and take your meds.

>> No.27827685

Ignoring that she is making far more than 40k a year, she's probally ecstatic since she living in fucking ID where you would live like a absolute king on what she makes.

>> No.27827741

I don't know that the unlucky of ID actually do make that much. You compare the SC, the memberships which are visible to see... It's a reasonable guess.

>> No.27827753

Stop talking numbers and go back to being horny.

>> No.27827893

It's over Morgi, the autists are too focused on numbers desu ne

>> No.27827918
File: 283 KB, 502x684, oh ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27828060

Maybe we should talk about horny numbers, like measurements

>> No.27827938

>Just got into the Va-11 Hall-A streams.

Holy shit. This is some of the best skits she has done.

>> No.27828023
File: 93 KB, 450x550, deadbeeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27828426

I'm gonna repost this since I'm unironically starting to prefer it to the original

>> No.27828060


>> No.27828163

press F to doubt

>> No.27828426

Damn, that's some good sound
