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27581636 No.27581636 [Reply] [Original]

>Doesn't call in on Kiara's birthday
>Streams hours later
>Doesn't acknowledge it
>Does a SC reading and skips SCs asking about it
Something actually happened during the off collab, hasn't it?

>> No.27581716

I'm just here to remind everyone that Gura literally doxxed Ame's real name on stream

>> No.27581796

I wouldn't be surprised if Gura was actually a lot more schizo than she let on. Doxxing Ame's name on stream for "no reason" is some real psycho shit.

>> No.27581878
File: 22 KB, 402x402, 1632355222915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27582075

Lababy Darkness

>> No.27581896

It wasn't for no reason. She got angry that Ame made a vague reference to Gura's old account. And retailated by saying Ame's actual Christian name.

>> No.27581897
Quoted by: >>27581997

kek retard took the bait

>> No.27581947

>Something actually happened during the off collab, hasn't it?

>> No.27581986

based shark

>> No.27581997

It's true though.

>> No.27582039

Well that just makes her petty, doubly so since she worries so much about her anonymity yet any concern for her friends' goes out the window as soon as she finds the smallest thing to get mad about.

>> No.27582051

can i get a link to that? i never knew that even happened

>> No.27582075

god i love laplus
not even in an "uoohhh child erotic!" way just in a paternal way. i want to cuddle her and have her tell me about her zoomer kiddie interests while she eats the food i made for her
i fucking envy lui so much

>> No.27582087


>> No.27582094
Quoted by: >>27586645

Bro there's limits to how hard you clap back. Gura went full nuclear autism. I would have laughed my ass off if she made vague references to Ames old streams but she went and doxxed the bitch. It was for no reason. This is the same woman who is autistic about revealing her socks/sock brand on stream via words.

>> No.27582095

Only retard believe everything here, go back faggot

>> No.27582103

Simple. Kiara got to spend much more time with Ame than she did and Kiara sent a selfie of them naked in the hotel bed.
Gura has mental issues beyond her autism.

>> No.27582147
File: 15 KB, 184x184, 9B2F0A5B-2AF4-42E7-9712-965CE9F64421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27582314

>an actual /vt/ newfag

>> No.27582160
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1649971279398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something actually happened during the off collab, hasn't it?
Kiara raped her

>> No.27582205
Quoted by: >>27582683

When did this happen? Link?

>> No.27582228

>didn't call in on her genmate's birthday
Who does she think she is???
O-oh...sweet dream little shark. I love you btw

>> No.27582230
Quoted by: >>27582441

Her ignoring that SC and not even mentioning her birthday is what gets me. Forget gossip and drama, it feels like there's some actual backstage heat there

>> No.27582283
Quoted by: >>27582461

alot of newfag here
welcome schizo's

>> No.27582313

Kiara was being super annoying to Gura after they met

>> No.27582314
Quoted by: >>27582367

Kek do your reps retard. Looking more like an actual faggot

>> No.27582316
Quoted by: >>27582894

take a shot at the king you best not miss

>> No.27582367
File: 198 KB, 448x371, 1612665499262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read your post and follow your own advice.

>> No.27582374

>Schizos forgetting to take their meds.
Many such cases. She wouldn't have worked on Kiara's Birthday concert if that were the case. She just didn't want to take the bait fo /vt/ards.

>> No.27582427

>not an argument
>no proof

>> No.27582437

I belive it if Gura stops acknowledging Kiara in the next days

>> No.27582441

The funniest part is that she will probably appear in Kiara's birthday concert because they recorded everything days ago and this will be used by chumbuds as an excuse
>See see! She appeared in her birthday therefore they're cool!
Even though it's prerecorded and means shit. Something clearly happen and the fact that Gura is the only weird one about it and Kiara hasn't been weird at all makes me think it's something autistic from Gura.

>> No.27582450
Quoted by: >>27582583

Gura was busy/didn't know it was Kiara's birthday


If Gura actually didn't like Kiara she wouldn't make it obvious on stream for all the schizos to go crazy about.

>> No.27582461

t. actual newfag

>> No.27582524

/vt/ sisters!!! You'll never believe what I Just Heard!

>> No.27582535
Quoted by: >>27582676

Go do your archive reps newfag. At least lurk before pretending to be from here.

>> No.27582579

What if Kiara raped Ame? Ame forgave her for it, but Gura is still mad at Kiara.

>> No.27582583
Quoted by: >>27585881

My excuse for this is that Gura is a literal autist, didn't feel like joining and was too retarded to realize how it would look to outsiders, because autism

>> No.27582599

Sweet big fat rrat.

>> No.27582608
Quoted by: >>27582676

>I don't know about this
>Therefore it's not real

>> No.27582609

it should have been me

>> No.27582616

Minecraft we're not lost around 3 hours 20 minutes.

>> No.27582676
Quoted by: >>27582739

>for me pls for me
There's a lot of thread just for this and anons who knew her for years has said it many times. Try to make a thread about it then faggot

>> No.27582683

This stream, can't be bothered to find the timestamp though. From memory

>Ame makes a reference to a joke Gura's roommate made
>Gura asks if anyone ever calls ame Ame's roommate's name

Literally nothing happened as a result but these are events that occurred

>> No.27582705

she might be salty about Kiara fucking up her 3D concert with the smol Kiara

>> No.27582717
Quoted by: >>27582931

how is she still employed?

>> No.27582719
File: 3 KB, 300x168, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27582872

When you know...

>> No.27582739

Read the reply chain, retard.

>> No.27582741

Chumbuddies are not even coping. They think Gura is based and Kiara had it coming, even though she has never done something remotely as rude to Gura.

>> No.27582773 [DELETED] 

That's not her real name

>> No.27582784

How was that Kiara's fault? I thought it was rather obvious she had no way to record proper mocap, it wasn't exactly her choice.

>> No.27582800

I already posted the timestamp. Read the thread and search the usual places to confirm

>> No.27582817
Quoted by: >>27582908

Ok bro

>> No.27582846

Lmao. Is this the next coping level? What's the next one? Ame had it coming?

>> No.27582851

For now they're doing that but wait till tomorrow they'll embrace the concert rhetoric and just repeat it mark my words

>> No.27582866

I hope kson saves this magnet...

>> No.27582872

Gura's Bridge of Slurs moment

>> No.27582883
Quoted by: >>27582951

Yeah, gura realized ame only thinks of her as a little kid and got jealous of koara

>> No.27582894

based and omarpilled

>> No.27582908
Quoted by: >>27583100

He's baiting you to post doxx and get a ban retards

>> No.27582913

It didn't happen, but it should have.

>> No.27582917

the truth is that Gura has secretly gone home with Kiara to Europe and will reveal they are off-collabing on her birthday stream, like how Ame did with her's

>> No.27582931

Apparently Cover doesn't give a fuck, as long as it doesn't anger gachikois

>> No.27582933

Rebecca McLatinx is a voice acting alias you retards

>> No.27582951

Plastic lemons
Plastic love

>> No.27582954

That was really funny though

>> No.27582977
File: 1.75 MB, 175x210, 1656469779162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27583729

didnt gura mention on her coming back from the off collab stream that kiara was so full of energy that it made her uncomfy? idk about the name dox shit but it sounds like that happened a while ago while this is new and fresh.

>> No.27582987
Quoted by: >>27583044

I'm not getting off my comfy bed to peove you wrong
So, I'll just leave this here

>like rebecca or something?

>> No.27582992

>Hates IRyS
>Hates Kiara
I'm starting to notice a pattern here.

>> No.27583003

Remember when Calli said the Gura did shenanigans? Guess who she did (or rather, was forced to do) those shenanigans with?

>> No.27583010

HOLY SHIT that would be the fucking biggest twist in all of hololive…..too bad that’s probably bot the case

>> No.27583028

My personal theory is that she openly shittalked her fans (the girls said they were discussing their respective fanbases during the off collab) and admitted to lying to her members brazenly to make money. It's been known she hates her non-paying fans for a while, but her disliking her members as well would explain all the ghosting followed by love-bombing in member streams. She sees this as a genuine performance she has to put on, which wouldn't surprise me seeing as her fanbase is 90% greasy pedo manchildren.

>> No.27583044


>> No.27583100
Quoted by: >>27583203

The stream is still up 3:23:20. The best part is that Ame's joke was 2 hours before. That means Gura was silently seething for 2 hours pretending to enjoy the collab.
The scary part is that she doesn't show it, she's a very good actress

>> No.27583128

That would also explain why she's still actively shilling so much stuff despite decreasing her streaming frequency.

>> No.27583203
Quoted by: >>27583278

I doubt she loves her members, the average chumbud is disgusting. Truly the dregs of vtuber society.

>> No.27583233

Is the second cope level?
>It didn't happen
>It's not her real name.

>> No.27583239

>Kiara gets stopped at customs
>suitcase full of salt water and gura
>has to release her in to the wild because the customs guy is a cuckbeat

>> No.27583251

she hates good streamers. explains why she's so cozy with council.

>> No.27583276

>It's not really Ame, it's bubba doing an Ame impression

>> No.27583278
Quoted by: >>27583515

Have you seen the shit Gura talks about?
She's not any better.

>> No.27583300

she dislikes holos with better social skills than her, hence why she buddies up to ina and ame

>> No.27583301

Didn't she antagonize her previous fans so much before that she ended up closing their discord or something like that?

>> No.27583315
File: 358 KB, 1462x2048, 1638532337658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27583367

You're free to keep schizoing out about it. Just know that they were both already laughing at you more than almost two years ago

>> No.27583344
File: 23 KB, 292x292, 1657040610621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a stream from two fucking years ago against ame is being brought up instead of a fresh rrat that was born TODAY against kiara

>> No.27583367

Neither of them laughed at those "jokes" though.

>> No.27583390
Quoted by: >>27583743

What does Gura shitting on her members has to do shits all with kiara.

>> No.27583397

They're both REALLY forced and desperate so...

>> No.27583409

It's kiara, who cares. She's annoying enough to listen to on stream. I can only imagine how grating being in the same room as her for days would be.

>> No.27583457

Wow, this is october 26, 2020. Ame probably let it go but that is sick of gura to do. They just started the prior month.

>> No.27583465

>Mori's houseparty yab happens
>Kiara, who can't be giving a 24/7 live feed of what Myth are doing because the other girls want their privacy, reads /vt/ instead
>American corn syrup is already rotting her brain, so she actually thinks there's going to be an issue between Mori and Gura
>She's clearly hoping to rekindle Takamori ever since the Austria off-collab, so she picks her side and bitches out Gura in front of everyone
>Gets back to wherever the hell she's from, realizes how insane she acted
>Gura is amicable because of all the Ame sex she had, and agrees not to hold it against Kiara, she just wants to be able to sleep in on the chimken's birthday
pretty simple shit

>> No.27583480

Not true anon. Kiara made me dress up as Ame and pretend she was raping me

>> No.27583514

1. You should kill yourself
2. You don't actually think that's her real voice right? I'm not even an active watcher and I know that.

>> No.27583515
Quoted by: >>27583915

she may only talk like that because her gross fans spam it in her chat and she wants their money, so she has to play the character and hates herself for it

>> No.27583539

Why are Deadbeats like this?

>> No.27583541
File: 6 KB, 226x220, 163684893821228740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread, kinda doo doo.

>> No.27583549

I choose to believe this rrat.

>> No.27583567

>Ina and Ame
Anon...we are in 2022

>> No.27583607
File: 64 KB, 300x265, 189845514748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27584158

don't care i don't watch gurw

>> No.27583608

Remember this!?

>> No.27583616

Her streaming voice is nothing like her regular voice. Her voice is actually pretty nice, but she refuses to let the chicken voice go because of her pride.

>> No.27583627

probably a newfag and doesn't understand most chuubas use character voices

>> No.27583656
Quoted by: >>27583741

I wasn't talking about her voice. If you think that's the only thing wrong with her, actually watch her awful streams.

Yes, I know it's not her real voice

>> No.27583710

Mori didn't call either...

>> No.27583730
Quoted by: >>27584571

What reference did Ame make? The moose thing?

>> No.27583729


>> No.27583741

From what I've seen she's funny and banters a lot with chat. She's like Austrian Fauna. So I don't see what problems you have with unless you don't like a streamer that's active with chat.

>> No.27583743

It's just a theory. Kiara is very vocal about loving the fans, so she BTFO'd her and she now resents her.
I don't think that's what happened. Gura is too shy to express herself so openly.
I think the hate has been cooking for a long time.

>> No.27583759

No you are mistaken my brother
>Mori tries to fuck kiara
>Mori, as queen of the cuckbeats, is unsuccessful in getting laid, as Kiara is busy eating Ame out 25/8
>Gura watches
>hey my dude, big ups to you for sharing this moment with the girls, what if we got bizzaay with it too my guy
>Gura refuses
>hey my dude, big ups for bigging up my ups, up me big my dude? Please?
>Gura refuses
>Ame climaxes, coating Kiara's soft austrian features with her pungent Californian juices
>hey my dude, can I big up some of that big up?
>Kiara refuses
>Mori draws her 9mm and begins firing will all the exaggerated swagger of a black teen
>Ina is asleep in the next room
>hit in spine by stray bullet, paralysed.
>Looks at back focused fan art to reminisce to when she had a working back
>Kiara flees to Austrian
>Ame flees to protect bubba
>Gura is left alone with mori again
>Mori's sister arrives
>Gura resents Kiara's talented austrian tongue, as it caused Mori to sperg out again

>> No.27583776

Mori spent the night drinking and doing xanax of course she missed the call in.

>> No.27583826
Quoted by: >>27586380

>small downs
why are you doxxing Gura?

>> No.27583844

It's expected from her at this point, plus she apologized and acknowledge it. Gura didn't do any of those things.

>> No.27583873

Gura and Kiara are currently both vying for the love and companionship of Ame, and it's starting to result in resentment and bad blood.

>> No.27583879

Good, we hate Kiara here.

>> No.27583889
Quoted by: >>27583999

>Mori's houseparty yab happens

>> No.27583891
Quoted by: >>27583940

No, we don't.

>> No.27583893

Gura technically said that kiara talks too fucking much and it was driving her introverted autistic ass insane because Gura is one of those who enjoys quietness because its her peace.

>> No.27583902
Quoted by: >>27584020

Does anyone realistically expect all Holo mems to get along or something? They are all girls in a business relationship, that is about as cutthroat as a bunch of high school girls. Some people are seriously deluded into thinking that Hololive is just 1 big happy family or some shit

>> No.27583905

You deserve the opposite of an award

>> No.27583907

>Kiara = Griffith
>Gura = Guts
>Ame= Casca

>> No.27583909

> Reimu won't call in on Vox's birthday

bet with me

>> No.27583915

I seriously doubt it, it just comes out way too naturally for that to be the case.

>> No.27583920
Quoted by: >>27583965

Gura avoids conflict as often as she can if she feels it'll blow up bigger than she's able to control. Even if it's from an honest mistake and it is killing her on the inside that it even happened. but what do I know I'm just a Dead Beat

>> No.27583940

Yes we do

>> No.27583951

There's no way Gura "forgot". She just spend two days watching Kiara dance. Either she overslept and is following a policy of never acknowledging any potential yab (like the frat party?) Or it was a deliberate slight

>> No.27583960

I don't. I think it's some weird-ass double standards to hate Mori, and then circlejerk rrats to excuse giving Kiara the cold shoulder.
Gura's my oshi. I love her.
Chumbuds are some of the biggest faggots though.

>> No.27583965

Didn't Gura actually say she probably has autism at one point?

>> No.27583973

You mean Mori

>> No.27583980


Why ? They're family

>> No.27583981

my sides

>> No.27583999

>be mori
>be incompetent
>have mooch sister with drug problem
>give sister address for airbnb you and shark are staying at before you arrive
>sister has invited dozens of her friends for a party
>airbnb is trashed
>gura and Mori are doxxed by mori's ape sister on instagram
>airbnb where myth were all going to stay has to be abandoned and a new location found
>Abandons shark in a party to stream from a closet for her newest shit song release

that's the story

>> No.27584020
Quoted by: >>27591313

That's how they promote themselves though. Faking friendship to milk the fans is fucking disgusting.
Maybe they should abandon the whole gen model altogether. It doesn't seem to be working

>> No.27584029
Quoted by: >>27584074

You left out Bubba attacking Kiara and having to be euthanized.

>> No.27584036

Was really weird how hardly an EN members called in to her stream, maybe Kiara tried pushing them into collabing with Niji EN or some shit cause Kiara is desperate to collab with Pomu

>> No.27584045


>> No.27584064
Quoted by: >>27584087

vt isn't one person, dawg. And I put that on moms

>> No.27584072
Quoted by: >>27584273

If Gura buy a monkey, you know what happened.

>> No.27584074
Quoted by: >>27585604

This is fake news, bubba ate kiara's ass without prior consent, but recieved enthusiastic consent midway through the act.

>> No.27584078

A Niji collab is better than a TT collab, my dear deadbeat

>> No.27584087

>vt isn't one person
Yes I am.

>> No.27584089
Quoted by: >>27584151

Pretty sure most of Myth hates Mori now more than ever after seeing how she acts in person, not caring about exposing her identity and trying to push Gura to be the same.

>> No.27584099

Maybe Gura enjoyed the party. She still seems to be in good terms with Calli, but not with Kiara.

>> No.27584140

Your ups can only be bigged so many times before brain damage ensues, this is the cause of deadbeats you know.

>> No.27584143

It seems like the only sane girl is baelz. Lol you never hear no negative bullshit from her.

>> No.27584148

wtf when did this happened/was known? I was out on the beach last week and had to miss all the off collab arc

>> No.27584151

but Gura is a same desu

>> No.27584158


>> No.27584193
Quoted by: >>27584234

Nice try, Kiara

>> No.27584212
Quoted by: >>27584409

it's thanks to Jenma that Myth isn't tearing each other apart

>> No.27584214

this all happened last week, yes it was a shit storm, both here and on Mori's video. If you look at the comments for her new song/mv's release it's full of people concerned about the shark.

>> No.27584221

>Gura enjoyed being the fucktoy of some random fuckbois
>"I felt sticky after the party"

>> No.27584234
Quoted by: >>27584262

Where do you see any balls my guy?

>> No.27584250


No one answer you bro , They have lost you

>> No.27584262
Quoted by: >>27584318

In your mouth.

>> No.27584273
Quoted by: >>27584428


>> No.27584281

I've never really thought Kiara and Gura liked each other much. Personalities are pretty different. Gura is a shy quiet autist and Kiara is that coworker you avoid as much as you can because they won't stop talking.

>> No.27584318
Quoted by: >>27584924

So you're a faggot go fuck yourself cumpedo

>> No.27584336
Quoted by: >>27585249

Mumei and Fauna were confirmed on a plane, Mumei sent something to Kiara beforehand. Mori was worn out from pegging me. idk what happened with everyone else.

>> No.27584362
File: 61 KB, 208x246, 1656463771313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be neat if she was being Roomate's with Kiara atm, as that would be the best case scenario for it. But I doubt it'll happen, there's the chance Gura just let Kiara know in private and apologized for missing the call-in and just didn't want to put it on a public way (since now that I think about it Gura hasn't done anything that would warrant any kind of legit apology on Twitter/stream) and just avoid any kind of potential drama that could brew up into something she'd rather avoid.
But people going into Gura's stream and expecting her to bring up excuses to her fans as to why she wasn't there doesn't seem like a good idea, since it's something she should be explaining/apologizing to Kiara, not her fans. (And Kiara's probably going to spill the beans if Gura does do that anyway during a SC reading, as per the chicken girl usually does)
Either way if there was a SC that mentioned the Call-in and Gura actively avoided it then I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and just say she knows and feels crappy about it, since she did seem very distracted and unfocused during today's stream after all. But we'll see what happens.

>> No.27584387


KYS holobron

>> No.27584388
Quoted by: >>27584961

Don't most vtubers?

>> No.27584404
Quoted by: >>27584722

Lmao even her most ardent paypigs called her out for her inconsiderate bullshit coz they know that shark autist can't handle that shit, before cucking out of course and backtracking as is usual for cuckbraps.
Mori's manager bawleeting shit left right and center and the usual Jenny here also running interference.

>> No.27584409
Quoted by: >>27584520

Shit no wonder baelz didn't linger around them too much she dropped by said hi then fucked right off rightfully so lol. She's a smart cookie for seeing shit storm that was brewing.

>> No.27584420
Quoted by: >>27584707

Ina called, Mori was just being Mori. That only leaves Ame and Shark.
But Kiara has been fellating Ame pretty hard this past week. And Ame seemed to be ok with Kiara in her last stream. I doubt she's mad at her.
Not every single Myth can be two faced. Right?

>> No.27584428

it's an allusion to Pekora, who also cut off contact with a coworker after a mysterious incident in person, and who recently bought a monkey.

>> No.27584442
Quoted by: >>27584601



>> No.27584491

>If you look at the comments
so the party was widely talked about by the talents, or are the people commenting from /here/?
I don't watch mori, so not sure if she herself talked about it in said stream. I'm bewildered by this shit, I really missed a lot last week and just randomly stumbled upon this. Thanks mate, shit is very entertaining.

>> No.27584520

nah baelz was around long enough to get food with them a couple times, she just didn't intrude on the streams.

>> No.27584523

Based Luna-tan

>> No.27584524

Because she knows to keep her mouth shut and not yap about a "controversy." Kiara could learn to keep her mouth shut once in awhile. She missed Mori's first birthday and I didn't see any threads complaining about it.

>> No.27584536

Mori talked about it gura talked about it, Mori's sister posted it on her instagram so deadbeats who are all doxxfags were all over it.

Reddit too

>> No.27584535

Literally the only reasonable reply in this entire thread

>> No.27584552

Mori talked about it as it was happening. Novod acknowledged it after, not Gura and not Calli.

>> No.27584571


>> No.27584596
Quoted by: >>27584652

only Mori talked about it, but she directly mentioned that she wasn't paying attention to Gura during the party because she was doing her stream. but also >>27583999 is making lots of shit up.

>> No.27584601
File: 383 KB, 600x587, 1656350539385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27584612

It wasn't for no reason. Ame brought up Gura roommate shit. Funny how that is never mentioned when people talk about this

>> No.27584629
Quoted by: >>27584696

the chicken groped her in a non haha lesbian joke way

>> No.27584652

No, I'm not making anything up, aside from the sister's drug problem which I naturally inferred as she's mori's sister, I would self-medicate given that burden.

>> No.27584659

>Funny how that is never mentioned when people talk about this
Funny how it actually does even in this thread.

>> No.27584680

This post was written by a woman or want to be woman, is there a reason you use words like manchildren, is it just for women they are by default like children?

>> No.27584696

>Kiara being brave enough to actually do anything

>> No.27584707

apparently Ame sent in a video

>> No.27584709
Quoted by: >>27585135

>Ame makes vague, playful roommate reference that wouldn't even get you banned on /vt/
>Gooruh seethes for 2 hours and then just drops Ame's name with no context
Look, what Ame did was stupid, but I don't think you can say Gura's response was anything but full on autismo rage

>> No.27584721


>> No.27584722

>before cucking out of course and backtracking as is usual for cuckbraps
Wasn't it just TonyBones?

>> No.27584774

Most people here don't really care and are Nijiniggers or gura antis looking for something to shitpost about

>> No.27584801

Mori was in a closet away from the party doing her song release stream and said gura was in her own room either sleeping or up to "shenanigans" which everyone here took as she was blowing every guy at the party, but most likely meant she was watching youtube videos or something.

>> No.27584814

I don't know their names, they're not real people to me. They're just scumbeats

>> No.27584817

Don't be like Mori.

> Wears tight sneakers in the middle of the summer.
> Takes them off and drive gura insane with the odor of corn chips and cheetos
> Eats edibles drugs and is too high to drive during a road trip she proposed so gura has to drive.
> give the codes of the airbnb to her party animal degenerate sister.
> gets shit faced drunk on the 4th then blames time zone for her absence.

> just don't be dishonest like mori.

>> No.27584822

I mean, that's pretty par for course for this board

>> No.27584824

Kiara didn't mention Gura at all

>> No.27584826
Quoted by: >>27585953

No, that's not it. Kiara doesn't like Gura and throws shade at her all the time. Gura sent her a big fuck you today

>> No.27584924
Quoted by: >>27585034

You're the one with balls in your mouth faggot.

>> No.27584942

She's an idiot then. Because if she doesn't say anything and she doesn't talk to Kiara, in the next zatsudsn some asshole will ask Kiara, and the chicken will spill all the soup.

>> No.27584945
Quoted by: >>27585249

All of myth, except Mori, would normally be asleep at that time. Sana passes out whenever and is on Australia time. Kronii would also be asleep. Fauna and Mumei I have no idea, but they seem like they would be awake at normal hours. I assume the same about Bae, but she is in Australia time as well.

So the only people that bothered to break their routine were Ina and maybe Sana. Mumei and Fauna were busy for obvious reasons. If they were just sleeping, it's kind of shitty to not at least send her something.

>> No.27584961

There's 4chan style autism, and then there's being actually autistic, Gura is the latter.

>> No.27584987

No, not fresh. Kiara holds a grudge against gura for being so successful. She has admitted to be jealous of her in the past. During collabs she is always acting shitty towards gura for no reason. She inserts herself when Ame and Gura are talking. During the off collab, Gura and Ame were talking about smelling each other and Kiara butts in and says "You need to smell me, Ame." Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me

>> No.27585011
Quoted by: >>27591591

Kill yourselves, imagine bringing something up that happened once 2 years ago, fucking discord trannies.

>> No.27585034
Quoted by: >>27585059

> Projecting my homosexual desires on (You)

>> No.27585044
Quoted by: >>27585558

As mentioned, mori manager wad deleting comments like crazy.

>> No.27585048

I'm shenanigans.

>> No.27585059

Yeah I know you are.

>> No.27585075

aah I see, so that was what the post above meant with the shenanigans comment, thanks.
>gura talked about it

This hits like crazy after being in the dark during the whole myth off collabs. damn

>> No.27585079
Quoted by: >>27585716

Missing Kiara is stirring up the controversy for no reason. Literally all she had to do was send a video like the rest of Myth. Nobody's asking her to actually interact with Kiara live or pretend they're friends. You shouldn't be allowed to simultaneously milk the Myth unity thing if you can't even put in the tiniest effort to pretend you even like each other.

>> No.27585080
Quoted by: >>27585314

What negative bullshit did gura say? I'll wait

>> No.27585092
Quoted by: >>27585840

Kiara makes inconsiderate comments about everyone all the time. It's just how Austrians are, she hasn't targeted Gura specifically.
Maybe Kiara has been secretly a bitch towards Gura, we don't know that. But Gura is the one that is bringing their feud into the light and throwing the first punch.

>> No.27585132

It was the white ones who didn't call. They're intimidated by their racial superior.

>> No.27585134
Quoted by: >>27585321

Didn't Gura talk about wanting more collabs with Myth? Is she bipolar?

>> No.27585135

>Gooruh seethes for 2 hours and then just drops Ame's name with no context
I'll take the bait a bit, but assuming that IS Ame's real name, what are the chances Gura actually didn't know it was Ame's real name and somehow said it as a random thing? (Unless there's an popular anime detective named what she called her)
We know Hololive makes the girls address themselfs as their Vtuber names at all times, to the point that Kronii almost doxxed Fauna in the middle of a restaurant during their Offcollab. So it wouldn't be too much of a surprise if Gura legit didn't remember Ame's irl name (or just heard it once and never again) and just blurred it out subconsciously, It sounds crazy but I've had online friends that I've known for the last 6 years and unless I search into my chat History, I wouldn't remember their real names for the life of me. (MrPenglus will always be MrPenglus) and I'd address them like that even if we meet offline.
It sounds like I'm reaching a bit but Gura is kind of.... Absent minded most of the time, so there IS that chance lol

>> No.27585185
Quoted by: >>27585257

>Vtubers only talk to each other on stream
rrats are really stupid

>> No.27585194

The two most confident and most polished idols in EN. After Gura's karaoke flop and actual regression in singing ability after her strong performance in the first year, it's no surprise that she's silently seething at Kiara.

>> No.27585196
Quoted by: >>27585329

The night of June 26th into the 27th

>> No.27585220

Goddamn, from just a job standpoint, how hard is it to keep up appearances? Call/send in a video/draw a fucking picture. IT'S LITERALLY PART OF YOUR JOB.

>> No.27585244

Kiara wore striped pants with a floral patterned shirt and the complexity of the clothing triggered an autistic fit in Gura. She can only be snapped out of it by seeing Kiara’s feet. However, Kiara is such a Stacy that she has no idea what is wrong with Gura or how to make it better so this could go on for a long time.

>> No.27585249


>> No.27585257

We know they do because whenever they mention the last time they talked it's a previous stream, they wouldn't remember that detail if it wasn't true.

>> No.27585314
Quoted by: >>27585444

Gura buried the shit out of kiara she said in a polite way by calling her "chatty" that kiara talks too fucking much and it was driving her insane.
She also put mori on blast by indirectly saying her feet stank which they do because mori is a retard who rocks tight sneakers in the middle of a hot summer You fucking retarded chumpedos love to sugar coat every single thing your dumbass introverted autistic oshi does and say. Fuck off and kill yourself pussy.

>> No.27585321

she meant Ame, and maybe Mori if she's sober.

>> No.27585329

Ah shit, that night I drank a third of a bottle of whiskey, did a line of coke and went clubbing
t. Not mori, I promise

>> No.27585363

Why are sound like reddit?

>> No.27585368
Quoted by: >>27585456

I think the point a lot of you rrat spinners aren't getting is that it doesn't matter if you hate your coworkers. You still need to act professional in front of clients. This wasn't acting professional. When talent act like women instead of entertainers we end up with vshojo.

>> No.27585411

shut up dramafag

>> No.27585437
Quoted by: >>27585518

The fact that nobody has thus far mentioned even obliquely the only known possible reason why gura would be pissed at kiara right now, and I say known because it was actually talked about several times and isn't some behindthescenes offcollab speculation bs, means that there's no cumbuckets ITT and it's most likely just another deadbrap deflection thread, as per fucking usual.

>> No.27585444
Quoted by: >>27585662

Kill me yourself coward.

>> No.27585456

Kson don't act like a woman shesa whore and shes joining vshojo

>> No.27585493

I like whores.

>> No.27585506

I'm not convinced there is a difference anymore when it comes to western women.

>> No.27585518

probably how she made Gura uncomfy, but instead of making Kiara look bad, it makes Gura look petty

>> No.27585558

Anon, they weren't deleted. They were getting downvoted so the comments were going down. That is how YouTube comments work.

>> No.27585563

Gura directly referenced her RM in the thumbnail of her debut stream. The reference didn't bother her at all.

You guys are actually retarded.

>> No.27585604

god i wish i was bubba

>> No.27585612
Quoted by: >>27585744

You can downvote comments in youtube? I thought that only existed in reddit

>> No.27585650
Quoted by: >>27586986

I guess that depends. Gura's white, right? She definitely blew at least one guy then.

>> No.27585654
Quoted by: >>27585779

>le ebin downboats!
go back you dumb faggot

>> No.27585655

yeah but its mori, who cares

>> No.27585659

An even more psycho reason to doxx Ame, who didn't consent to this.

>> No.27585662
Quoted by: >>27585931

I won't soil my hands with the blood of a worthless cumpedo. This is your responsibility to go through not mine.

>> No.27585716

So? She did the same thing to Mori and no one cared. Kiara is not important

>> No.27585729

Autistic people are more likely to develop sociopathic traits, just sayin

>> No.27585730

Same Ame who spent a lot of her savings into getting 3d equipment for these whores to be able to use it for future projects. Same ame who fed them and let them sleep in her house.

>> No.27585744


>> No.27585755

What exactly does Gura do on the side for Cover? Like Mori has rapping, Ina has her art, Kiara is a bunch of idol shit, and Ame has her VR stuff. What does Gura do?

>> No.27585763

This will sound like bait, but it honestly depends on the type of friendship you have with said internet friends.
Would you trust them unsupervised in a more private place? Then you can probably trust them with your real name too like I've done with my friends online.
I imagine it's the same for holos in that if there's enough trust, they'd know each other's real names.

>> No.27585774

Ah yes Chumbuds seething at banter and teasing...

There is a reason why Gura ghosts you guys, since she cannot have fun with the other girls without you blowing up over it

>> No.27585779

What? It is true.

>> No.27585794

attracts otakus and pedos
millions of them

>> No.27585819
Quoted by: >>27585858

Gura does Ame. Ame got Gura into Hololive so they could ERP in the group Discords in front of all their coworkers. Gura couldn't be happier.

>> No.27585818


>> No.27585822


>> No.27585834

Army of children and some weirdos screaming "cunny".

>> No.27585840
Quoted by: >>27585916

lol, she has targeted Gura before. Like how she said at first that only her, Ina and Ame helped with the 3D. Changed her story a day later and Ame confirmed that gura helped a lot. So why didn't she mention that the first time?

>> No.27585841

why did she do it?

>> No.27585852

Gawr Gura's honey pot fbi sting operation incoming

>> No.27585858

No, seriously. I refuse to believe she does nothing.

>> No.27585864
Quoted by: >>27586020

He said "on the side"

>> No.27585874

>banter and teasing
lol, no. Get called out. Now it's just banter and teasing

>> No.27585881

…And she realizes she fucked up and feels bad about it, but has no idea how to broach the subject with Kiara without making it awkward, much less the fans. And is probably feeling anxiety the longer she goes without saying something.

Anyway, just a guess if it’s the autism

>> No.27585897

If I had to seriously answer, my guess would be tie in sponsorships and merch. I don't know how true that is though and is truly just a guess.

>> No.27585912


>> No.27585913

b-but the voices are telling me they hate each other THEY WANT TO KILL EACH OTHER

>> No.27585916
Quoted by: >>27586031

wasn't Gura being there supposed to be a secret/surprise?

>> No.27585920
Quoted by: >>27586017

you do not pass
join the statistic

>> No.27585931

I'm not even the guy you were arguing with at the start, I just decided to make a joke about balls being in your mouth and the other guy dipped.

>> No.27585948

>idol stuff
lol. What does that do? You just made something up for Kiara that is useless

>> No.27585953
Quoted by: >>27586104

Do you think it's some kind of one-sided rivalry? I kind of got that vibe. Chicken expects all of them to be friends and "rely on her". I think Gura just felt lonely being at the top and can be aloof, and autistic orange woman took it personally. She'd totally be the one to infer Gura "hates her" but Gura doesn't have the time nor patience to explain to her.

>> No.27585969

Literally does nothing. Occasionally does sponsor streams and that's it. Also that one time organized a 3D stream with her pocket change.

>> No.27585995

I'm literally mildly autistic and this sounds exactly how I would act in this situation.

>> No.27586010

is this the new miko raped pekora?

>> No.27586016

That doesn't mean you are ok with your coworkers constantly reminding you of it

>> No.27586017
Quoted by: >>27586158

Cope, Gura deserves a better fanbase than you sad pieces of shit

>> No.27586020

Gura's side project is carrying Council

>> No.27586031
Quoted by: >>27586120

No tard, that's a pathetic attempt at a defense. This happened after Gura's collab with Ame and the pop tart and smash collab with ame, Ina and Kiara. Where did you get the idea that it was supposed to be a secret?

>> No.27586053

I already said she does Ame. Seeing that she's a tradwife much like Ame is, they have lots of child-making sex (Ame invented an egg-cell-to-sperm-cell converting machine, btw).

>> No.27586104

This shit can also be twisted the other way around, Kiara made one mistake and Gura took it personally and decided they were enemies

>> No.27586108

Gura is autistic while Kiara is an extroverted German speaker. Kiara doesn’t have a good grasp of what is and isn’t too direct in English to be offensive or rude. She probably said something that hurt Gura’s feelings. Gura, being autistic, didn’t bring it up but decided to skip out on her birthday stream and pay back. Kiara has no idea she offended and just assumes Gura was sleeping or something. Now Gura feels bad and doesn’t want to address the situation anymore, so just avoids it. Another same desu crisis averted.

>> No.27586109

She brings 30k+ viewers to a solo stream, more than a myth off collab. That trumps what everyone else is doing. I'm sorry but that's how things work

>> No.27586120
Quoted by: >>27586183

I don't watch chicken streams so I guessed she bragged about 3D shit with the girls before the collab, not mentioning Gura because she wanted to do a birthday reveal, and after which, Kiara's story would then change to include Gura, because now the secret was out. That was my thinking

>> No.27586121

Shark probably wants to get fire so she can go to vshojo for that creative freedom.. The freedom to only stream twice a week then do jack shit after until the next.

>> No.27586158

Shut the fuck up egg, gura is and should be greatful for us, none of them deserve any better fanbase.

>> No.27586183

>I don't watch chicken streams
Your opinions are invalid

>> No.27586192

Yeah this sounds pretty accurate.

How the hell did Kiara manage to live in japan with this whole German directness issue though.

>> No.27586219
Quoted by: >>27586264

Kiara tried to be Matsuri.
Gura and the gang and Gura didn't appreciate it.

>> No.27586241

>Source: the voices in my head
Or maybe she doesn't give a shit. She knows chumbuddies don't care anyway , management will always take her side, because it's a Japanese company and she has the numbers.

>> No.27586248

Kiara was the one with stinky feet and slapped Gura for bringing it up.

>> No.27586255

>Yuri LARPer meets actual lesbian

>> No.27586264

>Gura and the gang and Gura

>> No.27586263

maybe in the perspective of a highly autistic girl like Gura, but other than hanging around with a few friends she doesn't strike me as the party girl extrovert

>> No.27586293

sana, ina, ayame and gura herself are proof that she can pretty much do that already

>> No.27586298

Kiara understands and can use polite Japanese
it's only English that lacks subtlety

>> No.27586303

Kiara strike me as someone who envies the success of others. So tries too fucking hard to emulate others success but fails.

>> No.27586331
Quoted by: >>27586475

She can already do that in Hololive though, so wtf are you talking about?

>> No.27586342
Quoted by: >>27586392

Carried the whole HoloEN's numbers . Make NijiEN like a joke

>> No.27586376

Because they apparently have less fragile ego than Shart

>> No.27586380
Quoted by: >>27586551

Underrated post

>> No.27586392

Most of those are dead subs and bots lmao how you have 4 millions subs and only pull 30k live views max?

>> No.27586395

Gura belongs in Council, like IRyS.

>> No.27586400

Gura wouldn't deliberately miss one of her gen-mate's call-ins. Especially as a way to 'get back at her' for something.
That would make Gura a petty bitch, and we all know Gura is caring and loving her friends.

>> No.27586401
Quoted by: >>27586638

watch streams

>> No.27586444

more likely Gura was just having an autistic nervous breakdown and her crippling anxiety prevented her from calling in on stream, rather than this idea that she's some kind of autist seeking revenge on Kiara for talking shit.

>> No.27586460
Quoted by: >>27587078

Ya think??
It's pretty obvious. She copied Takamori from okakoro and copied the chicken voice from Pekora.
That is not a valid reason for Gura to ostracize her or be mad at her.

>> No.27586475

Yea but on twitch you don't even need to pretend to be a gamer. Just do a reaction watchalong orvwhatever then talk about some stupid shit and you're done.

>> No.27586482
Quoted by: >>27586707

Or gura is simply a piece of shit she's on record referring herself as an asshole.

>> No.27586496

Gura is petty
Kiara is Austrian
They're both shit with a fragile ego

watch Mori instead

>> No.27586517
Quoted by: >>27586585

Come on anonchama. She still pulls the best numbers in EN by a wide margin. She can get away with whatever she wants

>> No.27586543

Still have more numbers than anyone in EN

>> No.27586544

How about you stick needles in your eyes. That's more pleasant than watching mori.

>> No.27586547

That would make sense if this was Kiara not calling in to Gura's birthday

>> No.27586551
Quoted by: >>27587328

i don't get it..

>> No.27586574


>> No.27586585

Sure. Nobody's saying she doesn't I'm just pointing out the flaws between her sub counts and live viewers.

>> No.27586592

I'll take petty and Austrian over Shrek jokes.

>> No.27586602
Quoted by: >>27586824

it's because kiara said that gura didn't know coins. It's embarrassing and insanely sheltered, and kiara should never have told us.

>> No.27586628

birthday stream call-ins are fucking pointless anyways
>Hi senpai I've never talked to
>let's collab sometime
then they literally never speak or interact with each other ever again, let alone collab with each other.

>> No.27586638

I did
and she was seething about the three blues mogging her forever and how it's eating her up inside so hard
reminder that she's the worst kind of numberfag
not even brapper is a numberfag like kiara

>> No.27586643

>Hi senpai I've never talked to

>> No.27586645
File: 793 KB, 1280x720, wdsdib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have to agree with that. The meese reference was actually pretty funny and it seemed like Gura was laughing along with it. Not sure how that escalated to suddenly dropping her real name out of nowhere.

The way she was laughing about it made it seem like it was just a joke as well, and sure only those who already knew would get it, but there's a big difference between making past persona references and straight saying someone's actual name.

Honestly one of the most baffling Gura moments.

>> No.27586649

>still living in the AmeSame/"Trinity" past
Sorry chumbud, but we aren't going to pretend like Gura isn't the biggest deadbeat in HoloEN

>> No.27586670

That's not the case for YOUR OWN FUCKIN GENMATES.

>> No.27586707

I think i'm a petty asshole but everyone else says I have a heart of gold, maybe we truly are our worst critics.

>> No.27586711

>Hi senpai I've never talked to

I actually laughed good job

>> No.27586728
Quoted by: >>27586850

it is for Sana

>> No.27586751
Quoted by: >>27586893

Sounds like you've just watched a clip.

>> No.27586763

>Seething is when you do pattern recognition that the three most popular member from each branch has light blue hair
You should kill yourself

>> No.27586783
Quoted by: >>27586893

yet another case of Kiara saying x and schizo interpreting y, also, clips are not streams

>> No.27586793


>> No.27586797

Mori being late is par for the course, but for Gura to miss it altogether and then not mention it is uncharacteristic of her.

>> No.27586801

Gura was only using Mori to leech her coolness
they have no chemistry

>> No.27586804

The simple explanation is that Kiara didn't invite her to call. That's how these call-ins work. All organized well in advance. Who to call and when to call.

>> No.27586816

I used to excuse it as she just being a nervous rookie and not understanding yet. This recent development makes me wary of Gura though, we'll see what she does tomorrow

>> No.27586824
Quoted by: >>27589489


>> No.27586827

Cuckbeats only because jeremy is on their side.

>> No.27586835


>> No.27586840

oh shit, this vid is from the OG days. i didn't even frequent 4chan then, so i didn't even notice anything was wrong when they said it.
even saying that now in hindsight, it still feels like both of them played it off really well. also it never felt like ame had a name like that considering the only thing that was word banned in her streams was "sachio" or other permutations of that, so i would've never guessed that what gura said was legit

>> No.27586841

I did my reps when it happened, and it wasn't actually her RM name.
But the rrat has spread far and wide and can't be put back into the bottle.

>> No.27586844
Quoted by: >>27587166

It's a fucking birthday call-in. It's only important to retards on 4chan

>> No.27586849

based Lamy

>> No.27586850

who? ID doesn't count.

>> No.27586874
Quoted by: >>27587008

>Hi coworker I never talk to outside of mandated collabs
>hey my dude
>let's collab sometime
>big ups
This better?

>> No.27586877
Quoted by: >>27587128

Not anymore. She almost didn't say anything about their famous road trip, plus the party. Also she's the only Holo to call her on her dumb Shrek jokes.

>> No.27586893

triple triggered troons lmao
thanks for the yous

>> No.27586917

The famous chumcuck cope

>> No.27586965

Yeah, I didn't know anything weird was going on when I saw it live, only rewatching it later. Ame definitely played it off well. I wonder if Gura got a talking to by management after that and that's part of why she seemed so scared of them for a while.

>> No.27586967

go back fag

>> No.27586971
Quoted by: >>27587065

Now say that again without crying

>> No.27586980

100$ on KFPkek will win this war .... who with me ?

>> No.27586986

Only if it was one of those rare Air BnBs that allow dogs.

>> No.27586987

It appears a subset of chumbuds are ex nyanners fan who just moved on to some other girl who tolerates their pedophilia. What happens when Gura sets boundaries? These lowlives will lash out, they're the lowest scum of this hobby

>> No.27587008

>Hi coworker I never talk to outside of mandated collabs
That's the only case for Mori.

>> No.27587055
File: 91 KB, 694x402, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27587059

Gura is too autistic so properly set up boundaries, hell, it even took Kiara getting mauled by the b-list idol world to teach her about boundaries

>> No.27587065

you me again without dilating lol

>> No.27587078
Quoted by: >>27587152

>Kiara is a mentally ill cringe failure
>That's no reason to avoid her though
You were so close, anon.

>> No.27587093

Well, considering what she just liked this on twitter, that ain't happening. lol

>> No.27587110

>hello, fellow genmate, would you like to collab?
>how does that benefit me?
>It... doesn't?
>does it involve my foot fetish in any way?

>> No.27587128

God TeaKek cope is just too delicious.

>> No.27587152
Quoted by: >>27587235

>[insert chuuba here] is a mentally ill cringe failure
You can apply this to literally anyone, even to your oshi

>> No.27587166

while I totally agree with this, gura dodging SC's and making no statements raised red flags for all the fucking redditors in her chat.

>> No.27587235
Quoted by: >>27587326

That's true, but I meant "failure as a streamer", which is more true of Kiara than anyone else in Myth. I'd argue that Kiara is the most mentally ill and the biggest failure of her generation. Nowhere near the most cringy though.

>> No.27587273


Looks like it was just a case of shork brain after all

>> No.27587312
Quoted by: >>27588766

ooooh noes not the ebin ledditors! think of the downboats!!

>> No.27587324
Quoted by: >>27587654

She finally acknowledged, several hours later.

>> No.27587326

If Kiara let it go, you can as well

>> No.27587328
Quoted by: >>27587794


>> No.27587337

Lmao dude she /here/

>> No.27587348

>She saw this thread

>> No.27587370


>> No.27587389
File: 39 KB, 563x436, 208959823465290345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27587439

>Gura was actually upset about Mori for everything at the Airbnb
>Kiara probably sided with Mori
>Gura is actually upset at both of them now but is hiding it for streams because management told her too

>> No.27587423
File: 259 KB, 500x500, fg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27587439
Quoted by: >>27587473

>Gura chose to hang out with her wigger friend
>it's Kiara's fault

>> No.27587470

Gura tweeted, Rrat dead, even though it was several hours later... In the middle of the night, at least it somewhat works out better for Kiara in terms of exposure for her concert?

>> No.27587472

Gura not responding to your 3 dollar SC bait is not her "dodging SC's"

>> No.27587473

Not what the post says but ok schizoid.

>> No.27587475
Quoted by: >>27587572

So we all know Gura,Kiara and Mori are all in /vt/ ..... does Ame and Ina /here/ too ?

>> No.27587476

She tried to take a picture. Good thing they hid under the table. But she still cant get over it.

>> No.27587513
Quoted by: >>27587573

Its moments like these where I cant wait for when all this vtuber streaming is over and people like gura can talk candidly about what really went on behind the scenese instead of bowing to their management to cover up every dispute.

>> No.27587551

I can't believe Kiara tried to doxx them all like that!

>> No.27587572
Quoted by: >>27587767

Ame rarely stops in. Ina never comes her at all.

>> No.27587573

Or she could just grow a backbone and do it now
Who is gonna stop the number shark?

>> No.27587617

>Be Kiara
>Live alone in Austria
>Finally visit friends
>Try to take picture to treasure this moment
>They all hide
They're the assholes and trinityfags will keep denying it

>> No.27587654

Only did that because Ame worked hard on it, so yeah shr still HATES Kiara

>> No.27587691

looks like shart tweeted a birthday wish to the chicken so either everything is good or management got involved. i'm going to sleep i actually have a job. night fags

>> No.27587694

Kiara would 100% dox them if she was mad enough and they know it.
Can't take that chance that she's never mad at them.

>> No.27587751

t. didn't watch Kiara's birthday callins

>> No.27587755
Quoted by: >>27587931

It's not like everyone already know how they look.

>> No.27587765
Quoted by: >>27587844

Kiara is not Gura that would say someone's real name on stream though

>> No.27587767

But Ame is the BASED protagonist that is /our girl/!

>> No.27587794

she is small and has down? idungetit...

>> No.27587805

Kiara and Mori don't even interact as thier roommates, you're just pulling things out of your ass

>> No.27587839
Quoted by: >>27588106

Gura just doing the sigma male grindset. You emotional dramaniggers will never understand.

>> No.27587844

That wasn't Ame's name though.
(You) should know that by now.

>> No.27587850

So this thread died ? Just like that ,huh ? Just because a tweet from Gura ? NOOOO it can't just dead like this ? NOOOO

>> No.27587893


>> No.27587915
Quoted by: >>27588036

It's extremely funny to me whenever drama tourists are surprised that Gura doesn't engage with drama.

>> No.27587931

I don't know how ina and gura look though

>> No.27587955
Quoted by: >>27588929

So non of you watched guras post off collab zatsu? She was pretty much sucking kiaras cock during it

>> No.27587974

Gura is very salty about the coin incident. She pretends to not care about her intelligence and makes jokes about being dumb, but deep down she thinks she's above average. When Kiara humiliated her in front of everyone she got really pissed

>> No.27587978

People give up on their rrats too easily.
All the true schizos seem to have died off and we are left with a pale imitation.

>> No.27588036

Even if Gura did miss the birthday call-ins, and felt she needed to apologize, she would never in a million years feed drama by doing it publicly. She would just have contacted Kiara privately about it and let dramafaggots keep crying about it until they choked.

>> No.27588066
Quoted by: >>27588150

Well that's on you then because all their faces' been revealed from the day 1.

>> No.27588106

>Gura wants to seduce Kiara but does it in the most tryhard Sigma male bullshit
Now this is a quality rrat

>> No.27588150

>from the day 1
bullshit, people kept theorizing on gura even as soon as 8 months ago I believe, that's way past day 1

>> No.27588163

what about the rrats about her being a convicted murderer

>> No.27588511
Quoted by: >>27589291

>She's clearly hoping to rekindle Takamori ever since the Austria off-collab
maybe you should try watching streams before saying complete nonsense

>> No.27588580
File: 478 KB, 1212x1184, 1648025558007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to try my hands at making a rrat: Gura is mad about Kiara because Kiara got Gura's daki canned. Gure had approval from management and then excitedly showed the finished product to Myth, only for Kiara (who for the purposes of this rrat is secretly anti-loli) to throw a fit to management about it being problematic, who promptly shut it down with the "legal reasons" excuse. This made Gura have to quickly come up with an alternate merch item at the last minute which is why the trident-fork/chopsticks are ABS plastic.

>> No.27588757
Quoted by: >>27589355

What's with abs plastic?

>> No.27588766

When a drama reaches Reddit it means it's getting a bit serious though. Mori got scared when Reddit began to criticize her.

>> No.27588832

funniest shit I read this week.
big ups, my dude

>> No.27588840

A little late but at least she said something

>> No.27588891

I do.

>> No.27588929

Not really. She was praising everybody. If anything she acted a bit cold towards Mori

>> No.27589016
Quoted by: >>27589128

I will not anti anymore, but I'm on high alert towards Gura. She has made too many "mistakes".

>> No.27589078
Quoted by: >>27589329

>A little late
>Kiara's birthday literally just started

>> No.27589118
Quoted by: >>27589305

Doing it on private is also an option... You people are fcking retarded lol

>> No.27589128

We're all very very scared

>> No.27589291

yeah because the rest of that was sincere and well thought out.

>> No.27589305

There's no point to doing it privately. These aren't their real fucking birthdays.

>> No.27589329

Okay anon. You got me.
I dont watch Kiara.

>> No.27589355

it has really shitty heat resistance amongst other things that make it the worst possible choice for dinnerware

>> No.27589489
Quoted by: >>27589665

This shit sounds made up unless they were rare coins.

>> No.27589665

>20 something year old women
>can't figure out coins in a fast food restaurant
they were probably high

>> No.27589842
File: 180 KB, 2436x1125, IMG_20220102_172620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finding a sexy female problematic
Try again

>> No.27590482

Thread is dying but there is one thing that bothers me. Gura not reading SCs about Kiara's birthday is a good thing, if Gura did not mention Kiara on her stream herself. It is against almost every vtuber's rules to bring up others streamers you have not mentioned yourself.
Just because of Holobox some fags in chat will do this all the time with their KFP employee names, does not make it OK to violate this rule. Even a superchat needs to follow the rules.
For me the explanation regarding her belated message is as following: Kiara explained that it is rude to wish someone a happy birthday before it is their birthday in Germany and Austria. She waited until after midnight and sent her a message on twitter. End of story.
There is no reason to discuss Kiara's birthday during her own stream. KFP beggars stfu. KFP are the biggest dramafags on this board.

>> No.27590547

Yeah, "KFP"...

>> No.27590817
File: 2.39 MB, 1500x1050, 1657026733933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They spend several days together and prepared a birthday stream together. They had a lot of time to talk to each other in person. It's not always about you.

>> No.27591056

Carries whatever is left of EN myth, those whores can’t even break 6k on a normal zatsu let alone on a game

Only exception would be ina who actually maintains over 13k+ on average

>> No.27591267
Quoted by: >>27591822

>KFP are the biggest dramafags
That must be the reason why dramafags are shitting on Kiara the most and even go as far as to blow the tiniest statements from her out of proportion. Let alone the default mode of the board being Kiara bait threads. God damn KFPs.

>> No.27591305

Kiara’s entire personality is “mememe” with an extreme case of over sharing information. why the fuck would anyone trying to hide their identity be open to taking pictures with someone like that?

>> No.27591313

The fake yuribaiting is far worse in my opinion.

>> No.27591434

Jesus Christ are KFP this toxic? Your irrelevant oshi has been ignored plenty of times, why complain now?

>> No.27591591

Keep seeteing chumpedo. Your oshi cares less about Hololive/Vtubing than Mori.

>> No.27591609
File: 19 KB, 463x453, ogeyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw Gura was the bully

>> No.27591618


>> No.27591822

I don't care about EN but I feel like Mori get's the most shit. While Kiara does not create big yab she is annoying most of the time. For me it is her Japanese and her intetactions with HoloJP that I think are annoying. She is just very unlikeable overall.
