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27432473 No.27432473 [Reply] [Original]

What if she really is just a random girl and Mikeneko is still a menhera indie? Will Vshojo face backlash? Will people kill themselves?

>> No.27432658

I would expect Vshojo to not be THAT retarded as to hire someone who got terminated for deliberately breaking NDAs less than half a year ago.

>> No.27432727
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x3616, 1656801046883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27432752
Quoted by: >>27433641

has michael cat announced her retirement yet?

>> No.27432785

I dunno, it's one thing to speculate but she sounds the same. I would go so far to say that Kson agreed to join the brand if they would hire mike.

>> No.27432864

>What If She's Not Mikeneko?
That’s not even a possibility

>> No.27433164

That's my main concern. Why, as a corporation with "some" reputation, choose to hire someone who got fired for not obeying contracts? That's just setting up for disaster

>> No.27433486

I honestly think it isn't her and this is the same situation as that haachama indie from last year.

>> No.27433540

Because kson?

>> No.27433641

She said she's doing some ASMR streams this month.

>> No.27433750

Kson basically gave away that it's her.

>> No.27433872

i doubt a company like vshojo is as anal about "muh contracts" as a Japanese company would be, especially considering she only accidentally leaked shit to clear her good name for the fans she loves so much

>> No.27433960

>dumps your chatlog
It's not about contracts, how stupid are you?

>> No.27434025

Excep she didn't have any evidence beyond a similar voice.

>> No.27434028

They probably decided that the context actually mattered instead of going "muh NDA" and blacklisting her. If they believe Mike's story that that she only sent one conversation between her and her manager to Korekore, then that isn't reason enough for them to not hire her.

>> No.27434044
Quoted by: >>27434116

My main question is
Considering how lax Vshojo has been with their other 1/2 and 1/2, will they straight up just let her be Mikeneko still, while playing a different character for Naanananana here at times?

>> No.27434082

>she only accidentally
No she did it very intentionally.
>to clear her good name for the fans she loves so much
Is that what she was doing when she talked to korekore in November? No it was not

>> No.27434116

I don't see why not. I would also feel bad for the simp that made her a free model if she just stops using it.

>> No.27434153

There were multiple leaks, one from November when she had a menhera fit over that person from management spreading rumors internally.

>> No.27434393
Quoted by: >>27436063

People break NDA and breech contracts all the time, it's really whatever unless you want to make a big deal about it. You ever break rules at your job and do things you're not supposed to? If she was leaking business secrets and shit like that then yeah, red flag, but she's just gossiping about some managers and coworkers so who gives a fuck.

>> No.27434956

Does anyone actually believe this? Anyone who has heard her voice before knows it's her. I feel like people are being intentionally obtuse at this point. Or they're just retarded and deaf I guess.

>> No.27435239

If it's not her, Nekofami who were shitting on her for this decision will be humiliated.
It it is her, VShojo now has an actual idol who does GFE, and it's really funny.
A win in both cases.

>> No.27435477
Quoted by: >>27435517

>VShojo now has an actual idol
But she's not an idol

>> No.27435517
Quoted by: >>27435875

She fulfills the main components of being an idol, like singing and being single

>> No.27435875

Doesn't fulfill either of those.

>> No.27435921


>> No.27436008
Quoted by: >>27439954

I would expect Vshojo to be that desperate for any clout they can grab

>> No.27436063
Quoted by: >>27436167

Gossipping about coworkers or managers with your friends or family is one thing, doing it with JP Keemstar is entirely different

>> No.27436099


>> No.27436118
Quoted by: >>27436209

You're the one coping. When was the last time she sang anything? It must have been over half a year now.

>> No.27436167

No it's the exact same thing because he was just a friend.

>> No.27436209
Quoted by: >>27436255

you're wrong even if you're just talking about public streams retard

>> No.27436255

Prove it.

>> No.27436254

they seem like the kind of place to always side with the woman in these situations

>> No.27436328

And no, I'm not posting the membership ones, kill yourself

>> No.27436380


>> No.27436420

Not an idol

>> No.27436450
Quoted by: >>27436490


>> No.27436490

She literally started hating hololive because of 3rd gen live, meaning she hates idols.

>> No.27436534

Continue to cope and seethe

>> No.27436540

She told him to not leak it and he did it anyway, expecting anything less from a drama farmer was her mistake

>> No.27436572

Sounds like a reason to celebrate to me

>> No.27436574

>what if
lol she is rushia/mike
stop coping

>> No.27436603
Quoted by: >>27436703

Actually she told him to leak it if she dies and he only showed it after she was fired to explain why she was fired.
He didn't really do anything wrong.

>> No.27436646

Being too trusting there was a mistake but its not the kind of mistake one ahould be defined by for the rest of their life

>> No.27436650
Quoted by: >>27436785

There's a chance she's not. Fuckign everyone thought that one random witch girl was Haachama and turned out that was wrong

>> No.27436703
Quoted by: >>27436742

If she had died everything was going to go to hell no matter what was and wasn't leaked

>> No.27436742

Doesn't matter. What she told him to do was proof of her planning to sabotage her company and it had nothing to do with korekore's own choices.

>> No.27436785

>Fuckign everyone thought that one random witch girl was Haachama and turned out that was wrong
No only a bunch of retards thought that because you had an entire stream to listen to right from the get to and you still managed to be completely deaf.

>> No.27436847

She is a package deal with Kson and mainly was pushed by her. Considering that Vsj has Hime and greenlit Bubi they obviously go with their talents picks. Mel vouched for Kson and Kson grabbed Rushia with her.

>> No.27438191

Vshojo would face backlash IF she was Mikeneko
And she most likely isn't

>> No.27438231

>And she most likely isn't

>> No.27438238

Why? Have you looked at the rest of their hires? It would be perfectly in character.

>> No.27438269

Anon she is 100% Micheal. The fact that Kson said the audience knew her already completely seals the deal.

>> No.27438330
Quoted by: >>27438719

Oh look guys! He using an overused vt slang! He so creative that I wanna give him a kiss!

>> No.27438364
Quoted by: >>27438699

>internet tabloidman was just a friend
How retarded are you?

>> No.27438699

They were friends for a long time.

>> No.27438719
Quoted by: >>27439005


>> No.27439005
Quoted by: >>27439729


>> No.27439476
Quoted by: >>27440203

But that ended in 2019 and they didn't talk until she needed to spread some rumors about her employer

>> No.27439729


>> No.27439954

I feel like they wouldn't have rejected Snuffy if they were desperate. When it got leaked that she got rejected that made me think they had the luxury to be picky.
But I did not think it was luxury to the point of KSon and (maybe) Rushia joining though.

>> No.27440054

Welp they dont want to gain any JPsponsorship then i guess

>> No.27440103


>> No.27440203
Quoted by: >>27440652

Friendship never ended until broken explicitly.

>> No.27440652

She said she was going to sue him for trolling her. How is that not explicit?

>> No.27440668
Quoted by: >>27440699

"Sorry coworkers, I have a drama leech friend and he asked me really nicely to tell him all the inside info on Hololive so I had to tell him. You don't mind that right?"

>> No.27440671

You seem to forget this is Vshojo, their expectations are pretty low. They probably know controversy is good if it can be redirected as views/attention.
What I want to know is if this will impact Vshojo relations with either Hololive or Anykara, for differing reasons.

>> No.27440699

Who are you quoting?

>> No.27440860


snuffy is fucking insufferable and actually insane, but more importantly they have at least 3 other talents that do exactly the same thing she does in the same market, why do that when they could pick literally any other market?

>> No.27441170
Quoted by: >>27441284

It's probably someone from the talents was strongly against Snuffy and there's no such problem with Kson.

>> No.27441284
Quoted by: >>27452730

I genuinely can't imagine who that would be. They're all friends with Snuffy

>> No.27441340

They operate in a totally different manner, they have clients instead of employees essentially. They don't care wtf their clients leak, case in point Mouse.

They are offering to rep clients that they know have a pull in the JP market. Merch and appearances at shows are how Vshojo pays their bills.

>> No.27441532
Quoted by: >>27443577

Well anything actually important they probably make sure doesn't get leaked. Like the announcement they just made.

>> No.27441593
Quoted by: >>27443978

Pretty sure that she already learned her lesson about not leaking stuff.

>> No.27441621
Quoted by: >>27441682

The auditions make no sense now honestly, they seem to have been hyper focused on getting into the JP market.

So all those EN streamers that applied never had a chance to be considered.

Unless Vshojo decided after the auditions to focus on JP? After their fishing expedition of auditions turned up these two streamers with very established audiences.

>> No.27441682

I'm pretty sure there are still more members coming soon. I think Ironmouse straight up said something like that.
They probably just thought it would be a good opportunity to launch VShojoJP with these two while the whole con was going on.

>> No.27441772

>What If She's Not Mikeneko?
You have to show us proof that it's not her because that's 100% her voice in the trailer and it's so hilarious how the fandeads knew it was her even though they're still in denial about it.

>> No.27441870

I think it's very likely her but there's no way we will ever get any sort of confirmation.
She'll probably even still use her Mikeneko account from the time to time to double dip.

>> No.27441992

she only broke NDA because people found out she had a boyfriend
would wouldnt she go to an agency where not only do they allow relationships but encourage them
makes complete sense

>> No.27442045

>Will people kill themselves?
I hope so

>> No.27442172
File: 35 KB, 595x323, 53563646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros. It's her.

>> No.27442275

Poor man, I pity his wallet.

>> No.27442334

>he's still alive
Holy shit.

>> No.27442399

That settles it.

>> No.27442464


>> No.27442500

Her twitter is both in English and Japanese, but isn't she technically from the Japanese branch? Is she also gonna pander to English speakers? This bitch is way to dumb to learn English.

>> No.27442556
Quoted by: >>27443632

She's been studying English ever since Cover kicked her to the curb. I would too if I saw all the overseas people blindly supporting me while the Japs were sending me death threats.

>> No.27442590

The Seer has spoken.

>> No.27442604

It's Hitomi Chris.

>> No.27443524
Quoted by: >>27443737

he should've made a burner account instead of making it obvious

>> No.27443577

Personal information of their ddoxed applicants, on the other hand...
(well, maybe those weren't that important to them)

>> No.27443578

>she only broke NDA because people found out she had a boyfriend
She did it months earlier

>> No.27443608


>> No.27443632

This. She lost all of her Japanese fans.

>> No.27443657
Quoted by: >>27443759

If I'm part of VShojoJP management team and I'm smart, I'll make sure not to give her access to that Twitter account. Anything you want to communicate through that account, send to your manager and said manager will do the yab check + TL for you

>> No.27443737

Orcabro has never shied away from showing himself. He still use the same YT account to SC Chloe and MichealCat, too

>> No.27443759

lmao have you seen the dumb shit these Vshojo whores post in their twitters? No one is managing shit

>> No.27443771

Try looking at it from the point of view of a non-demented person. Someone who doesn't think pissing off Cover's limpdick management is some sort of unforgivable sin.

Makes a lot more sense if you look at it that way.

Mikeneko has a shaky twitter finger and HATES unfounded rrats about herself. If it wasn't her she'd have said something, if not via tweet then on her latest twitcast.

>> No.27443802
Quoted by: >>27444115

No, she was communicating with Korekore months earlier. There is no evidence she sent him material that would break the terms of her NDA then. The convo with her manager is what got her fired.

>> No.27443978
Quoted by: >>27444312

>Michael learning anything
she was menhera before, during and after her gig at hololive.

>> No.27443980
Quoted by: >>27444238

if there's anyone who can keep her menhera in check, it's kson

>> No.27444089

Isn't the west the same though? I don't think companies here are you going to give much trust towards you if they find out you've been secretly violating their NDA for quite a while. So I don't think it's just a japanese thing

>> No.27444115

She leaked manager communication in January when her manager asked if she has been talking to korekore and told her to stop if she is.

>> No.27444142

Why would Mikeneko nuke the progress she's made so far? She has a channel with a good amount of subs, clippers, etc. Kson kept everything and just hoisted the Vshojo banner. I just don't see the point of reincarnating yet again.

>> No.27444190
Quoted by: >>27444323

Two Pink Cats would be too much Bad.

>> No.27444193

Didn't she say there would be streams this month as Mikeneko? Maybe she wants to do both and joined Vshojo as a favor to Kson. It's not like she streams constantly as Mike now due to the antis.

>> No.27444238

There may not be anyone who can, but if so, I agree it would be Kson.

>> No.27444292

Hype gets numbers, its easier to hype if you are debuting. plus her voice is super recognizable, viewers are not that dumb, if anything they feel special because "they know her secret"

>> No.27444312

She learned how to ctrl+c

>> No.27444323
Quoted by: >>27444384

>VShojo technically has both EN pink cat and JP pink cat now
Still feels mindblowing to me. This is like a schizopost on this board coming to life.

>> No.27444384

I remember shitposting mikeneko to vshojo jp as soon as she got that pink cat model. I did this.

>> No.27444397

Holy shit, it's real. Welp, a true fan would always recognize her, I suppose.

>> No.27444406

Credit to Vsluts, her debut (at least the first 5 minutes of it until people hear her voice) is going to have a ton of viewers.

>> No.27444625

Because she's a money mega-excavator?

>> No.27444629

I literally knew it was her just from the first breath before she even spoke

>> No.27444816

Cover didn't give a fuck. It was her who wanted to clear the air so she wouldn't lose out gachis.

>> No.27444885
File: 267 KB, 627x343, NTRushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, Orca-san!

>> No.27445133

OHNONONO its can't be like this bros, say it ain't soo... This is truly the worst timeline

>> No.27445218

and possibly months before that too.

>> No.27445271

Nothing's stopping her from keeping on as mikeneko in addition to her new character.
Hime Hajime from vshojo EN only streams once every few months as her vshojo character for instance and their management seems perfectly fine with it
I doubt mike's case will be that extreme but she'll still be able to stream as her old self on the side when she feels like it and to keep those extra memberships active

>> No.27445315

She made significantly less money even without having to give Cover a cut, that's about it. Just look at Kson's SC - and if Kson's merch attempt kinda failed, there is minimal to no chance Micheal'd be able to release any merch in large scale.
At the very least, VShojo will provide her access to supply chains for merchs. That's a lot of income - more than SC & membership, at least, if we are to go by Coco's words when she was still Coco

>> No.27445336


>> No.27445409
Quoted by: >>27445455

Theres literally 0 (zero) chances shes not Mike, I'd suck every anon's cock in this board if shes not

>> No.27445419

She fulfills single now. Her man dumped her the moment he realized she was crazy.

>> No.27445455
File: 275 KB, 458x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445474
Quoted by: >>27445564

Evidence" for Rushia:
>Completely new model design
For Vshojo, this is kinda weird as anyone who joins would be able to keep their already made model. So why is this a completely new design? Why are they hyping it up unless it's someone big?
>Main visual for Vshojo's first Anime Expo twitter teaser
Why is this random girl the main teaser and NOT kson? Would they tease a random 2view?
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1519370105?t=00h59m00s Here's Ciena, they sound nothing alike but Rushia sounds just like Nazuna
>"Yes, you guys know who she is." -kson
>Kamioji usage

>JPs on Twitter are in full belief it's her
>True fancucks recognize her "Anata" from miles away. https://twitter.com/ORCA_fandead/status/1543814297947885568
All this evidence and if you still claim it's not her, you're hard coping. I hope your "oshi" collabs with men asap

>> No.27445564
Quoted by: >>27445580

calm down son

>> No.27445580

I'm just copy pasta-ing the list with additional finds every time like Orca.

>> No.27445782
Quoted by: >>27447096

Confirmed she is rushia

>> No.27447025

> Vshojo
Never in my life I would have

>> No.27447056

If it ain't Rushia. A lot of the commenters on various youtube videos about this are going to be BTFOed if that happened.

>> No.27447096

This is the only proof I need.

>> No.27447351

the fact Orca is a guaranteed seal of authenticity is funny as fuck

>> No.27447490
File: 1.67 MB, 1938x1080, 1653349146042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448100


>> No.27448067


>> No.27448100

oh so this is why.

>> No.27448336

Its been months already and fancucks are still coping

>> No.27451117

>Will Vshojo face backlash?
For people guessing wrong, no

>> No.27451590

Why didn't she join as Michael cat? K-son got to join as k-son.

>> No.27451981
Quoted by: >>27452032

There's a ton of baggage under that persona, I can imagine her wanting a fresh start

>> No.27452032
Quoted by: >>27452182

It's a shame since that persona was cute.
It also would have been funny for vshojo to have two pink cats.

>> No.27452182

Well she do not lose any money. I think the people donating the models will be gracious enough to let her re-debut

>> No.27452231
Quoted by: >>27452333

Shit reputation to her name and she needs to keep her old name to run back to if she ends up blowing up Vshojo like she did with every other corpo she joined before.

>> No.27452288

American company. They see opportunity and are willing to take the risk.

>> No.27452333
Quoted by: >>27452701

Usually VShojo doesn't own the models so if things do go awry she could technically use the same model. But yeah the mikeneko thing is probably a back up plan. She'll probably be fine in VShojo though.
There's also the possibility she double dips with both which would be funny lol

>> No.27452367
Quoted by: >>27452577

I definitely never watched vshojo.... but even I know that Vshojo probably decided that its she's worth enough for their own new branch. Plus it sends a message that "We are different" just like their "talent-first" tagline

Plus, even Cover do not go after her that hard. They cut tie, erase archive (after 1 and half month) after termination, privated twitter, and that's all. Even then she still confirmed that they're still in talk with her. Seriously, her statement really do not reveal much else other than Cover is still gracious enough that she can still talk with them.

Plus, from Cover's side, even if she do not doxxed other talent's location..... she basically doxxed her manager instead. Both talents and staffs are all Cover's staffs.

>> No.27452466

No, vshojo will not face backlash. They're too insulated for that, plus its more of kson hyping people up for her.

But the girl will receive pretty awkward welcome definitely. Imagine celebrating someone's return, and when the curtain reveals, it turns out its not Rushia but Lucia instead.

>> No.27452577

Yeah. Launching a JP branch with Kson and basically Rushia is just a real power move.
In the worse case those two themselves will likely still be successful in some level. Meanwhile if they launched it with some 2views it would be quite risky.

>> No.27452663

Terrible design.

>> No.27452701

Well she has been collecting fanbox money for a few months now without really providing anything there so she might as well keep it going.

>> No.27452730
Quoted by: >>27452778

They're women who act nice towards a colleague in public. Doesn't mean they're all her friends.

>> No.27452778
Quoted by: >>27452824

I'm pretty sure some of them literally are like best friends with her though. Ironmouse has literally said on stream once that snuffy should be in VShojo.

>> No.27452781
Quoted by: >>27452843

Why should Cover shitting their pants be a big deal to anyone that isn't a hololive fan?

>> No.27452824

Some, sure. But that Ironmouse said that and it still didn't happen shows there's a disagreement somewhere.

>> No.27452843
Quoted by: >>27453039

Getting fired for breaking an NDA is usually a death sentence for ever working in that industry again
It's only different for vshojo because as >>27441340 said, they're not really a vtuber agency in the same sense as the others, they're more of a management services company

>> No.27452867
Quoted by: >>27453168

What are even the hiring criteria for vshojo? If there's any disagreement it would be unwilling to suck gunrun's cock.

>> No.27452898

A disagreement doesn't necessarily mean it was from the talents though, it was probably from whoever was doing the hiring process for them.
If the process was just based on who their talents liked then snuffy would probably be in.

>> No.27453008

She probably likes having multiple personalities. There is also a pink cat already.

>> No.27453039

Honestly, regardless of the the difference of how they act it's pretty lucky for her that they're willing to give her a chance despite the whole issue. It's still a risk for vshojo.
Most other companies/agencies probably wouldn't take her after the NDA breach. She managed to at least bounce back into the 3rd largest one in the industry somehow.

>> No.27453145

Is this the dawn before another yab?

>> No.27453168

>What are even the hiring criteria for vshojo?
Don't manage to look like complete fools in comparison to kson and rushia because how the fuck are they gonna square against that?

>> No.27453212

>3rd largest one in the industry
Not in Japan, by an extremely long shot, and she only streams in Japanese
Not that it really makes any difference when they only hire people who already have a sizeable audience to bring with them

>> No.27453264

I was speaking in general but yeah you do have a good point that they're not much of a thing in Japan (at least for now)

>> No.27453330

>Not that it really makes any difference when they only hire people who already have a sizeable audience to bring with them
Apparently Ironmouse basically confirmed that there are still gonna be more members coming so maybe we'll see some 2views redebuting under them. Idk if EN or JP though.

>> No.27453403

If a pink cat collab happens I hope they delete this board.

>> No.27453434

Fate will not be so kind to you, friend.
You're here forever.

>> No.27453463

I am extremely disappointed now that we will never see a double pink cat collab now. It's just an objectively funny idea to happen.
Not the same now that she's an angel.

>> No.27453468
Quoted by: >>27454842

If it isn't her feel sorry for whoever it is because that person can not possibly live up to that kind of hype.

>> No.27453470

You're right they're not big in Japan at the moment, but vshojo is going to incline massively from this over there. Everyone is talking about it. And there may be more members too; if there are I'm sure they will be big as well.

>> No.27453491

Does Connor know any Japanese? Will he be able to collab with her?

>> No.27453551

He doesn't. Management wouldn't forbid it, but he won't. I wouldn't be surprised if he interacted with Kson though, at least with the mouse present.

>> No.27453581

I don't see them becoming as big of a force as Holo or Niji in Japan anytime soon but yeah at the very least they can't fail by having these two in their launch. This is like the best possible JP launch they could have.

>> No.27453643
Quoted by: >>27453790

A lot of people are talking about it, but what they're saying is mostly a mixture of "why?" and "this is going to be a disaster"
I guess by default they're still going to incline massively by going from no JP audience to whatever portion of kson and mike's indie audience isn't deterred by them joining the infamous whore agency

>> No.27453705

i assume they can read the air that Nazuna will be untouchable because of her established fanbase (if she really IS rushia)

>> No.27453784

Not gonna watch her even if shes miguel or not.
Unless this girl do a Haachama Horror Arc Series...

>> No.27453790

Kson's fanbase won't be deterred at all. She even streamed a lot on Twitch already. I don't know what will happen with michael, at least Orca is still on board so there's that.

>> No.27454142

It's cuter if she only grasps like 5-10% of English.

>> No.27454323

I hope she's not... Already stopped my support to Kson, I don't really want to stop my support to Mikeneko, but I will if it's her

>> No.27454477
Quoted by: >>27455049

Tbh Sankisei concert is the lowest quality of Holoconcert from choreography, music selection and the duration of the concert. I'm not surprised if they're not complain about it

>> No.27454742

Western companies aren't comically averse to taking risks like jp companies are. You would have to be retarded to pass up hiring one of the top earners of all time over a minor contract dispute. Just the marketing value alone is probably worth it, it's undeniable that this is already generating way more buzz for their new branch than it ever would have gotten without her and will definitely draw eyes, the fact that she is controversial is almost a good thing in that regard. There was no one else they could have realistically picked up that would perform even close to Rushia and they are clearly willing to take on whatever amount of risk that entails.

>> No.27454842

I think it would have been outright denied already if it isn't her. It's becoming out of control.

>> No.27454976
Quoted by: >>27455031

When does she start streaming?

>> No.27455031

Debut on the 16th

>> No.27455049
Quoted by: >>27456521

Well rest of them didn't complain about it.

>> No.27455126

VShojoJP is Kson's baby, with its association with VShojo being mostly financial and branding.
Kson, while never calling Cover a black company, was not happy with their management style. So it is a reasonable assumption to think the managers she hires are going to be handlers as much as administrators.
Kson has already been forcing Mike to got to therapy.
If you want citation go look through Kson, Mike, and Gunrun's twitters. I'm too lazy to spoonfeed.

>> No.27455194

They don't have JP corpo autism. Vshoujo was founded from independents instead of suits.

>> No.27455238
Quoted by: >>27455610

My guess is they'll take over something of VOMS' size. Take over liabilities+ payout, keep the talents and add Kson and Mike and you've got yourself a nice, secure starter pack in Japan

>> No.27455610

If they want to succeed in JP, that's the best way.

>> No.27455661
Quoted by: >>27455819

what if it's a man?

>> No.27455819

It is actually mafumafu tricking everyone by getting her to speak in the trailer.

>> No.27456255

>VShojoJP is just people handpicked by Kson
This would unironically be the best case scenario for every party involved

>> No.27456306

ching chong

>> No.27456521

They were all openly disappointed in how shit it was anon. What's worse is the whole thing was their idea
Pekora was downplaying it before it even aired, so she obviously knew they'd fucked it
