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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 165 KB, 1280x720, KiaraGuitarCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2725459 No.2725459 [Reply] [Original]

Song cover premiere hype edition
Song: https://youtu.be/98Yx9TuE09A

Previous thread: >>2666621

>> No.2725484
File: 1.57 MB, 1813x1080, EzWexsrVgAsgU01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2733511

>> No.2725514 [SPOILER] 
File: 772 B, 202x44, 1618863528098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2725682

Sad that I'll have to miss the premiere, it's really sweet of her to do that for huke though.
Also let's try and make it a better thread this go around :^)

>> No.2725553
Quoted by: >>2725583

Did Huke papa say anything in chat yet?

>> No.2725555
Quoted by: >>2725583

Is that mamaloni art?

>> No.2725583

It's like 5AM there so probably not


>> No.2725682

I’m still pissed that Huke got such treatment from all the minecraftfags and fuckwits. Having Huke as your papa is a huge thing yet to get stiffed by your dumbass fans must suck ass.

>> No.2725728
Quoted by: >>2727378

Minecraft autists who are mad about a joke weapon, yet don't give a fuck about JP server which has access to the ressource server (24/7 cheating)

>> No.2725802

This song brings back some memories.

>> No.2726117

This is the original song btw

>> No.2726122
Quoted by: >>2726259

I love Kiara and want her to be happy.

>> No.2726259

Based and same

>> No.2726320
File: 7 KB, 360x196, yey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay I hatched.

>> No.2726349
Quoted by: >>2726782

nice going anon

>> No.2726377

I'm always surprised to see new members. Were you into Hololive from the start of HoloEN and started liking Kiara recently or did you just get to know about her more recently?

>> No.2726386
Quoted by: >>2726782

11 more months until your death

>> No.2726505
File: 7 KB, 100x100, badge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2726641 >>2726782

Nice job anon. Kiara isn't sitting on you anymore though.... But now you can finally see (and smell) Tenchou!

>> No.2726641
Quoted by: >>2726782

>The only time you can smell Kiara is when she's not sitting on you anymore
O cruel fate

>> No.2726723 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2727384

she spergs out a lot, which one are you talking about specifically?

>> No.2726751 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2727156

why are you replying to yourself. and why are you time looping posts from a dead thread

>> No.2726782
Quoted by: >>2726930 >>2727672

I was not even aware of vtubers when HoloEN debuted, haha. I learned about it around the end of last year when Youtube recommended me clips of Korone playing Doom. That led to more clips and then the livestreams, so I was watching pretty much everything Youtube recommended for a while. Found every holo girl to be fantastic (whether JP, EN or ID), but it was Kiara's streams that I enjoyed the most. Joined the membership to support her and for the extra member streams!

Thanks! The spoiler text is disconcerting, but I'm sure it's just a joke like the whole cult and usual room thing, ha ha ha.

Ah, such difficult pros and cons to weigh.

>> No.2726924
Quoted by: >>2726956

While i agree that having huke specifically around would have been kino, in the end i think maybe is better that way because having non-holos join the server would have set a precedent for actually bad things just look at the IDs current apex shitfest with that TT faggot

>> No.2726930


Not him but I was watching Kiara from very early on but I only membered about 3 months ago (almost). When I decided to go full #woke and #yolk

>> No.2726956

Yeah but there are other holos who collab with their mama too. But I understand what your'e trying to say.

>> No.2727156 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2727440

Chill brother i just wanted to see what that anon was talking about since he was being a vague faggot.
Also stop being retarded with your non-quotes they serve no purpose, next time you want to deny a (you) either ignore it entirely or post a mockery of it for your own enjoyment.

>> No.2727256

>said "its premiering in a few hours" when it was 14 hours away

Fucking christ this is almost as bad as that time Mori pretended her song was gonna debut on Halloween (which it technically did... At fucking 11pm in Japan when it was already past Halloween literally everywhere else on the planet)

>> No.2727283
Quoted by: >>2727398 >>2727475

>Monster Hunter Rise
It really isn’t her type of game

>> No.2727284
Quoted by: >>2727440 >>2727669

>they serve no purpose
>being this new
It means you can't trace back the post and potential dox, even with 4chanX. You would have to manually type/copy paste things and look it up, which most people are to lazy to.
Replying to dox or bait is one of the worst things you can do.

>> No.2727341
File: 7 KB, 322x59, birdsighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2727378
Quoted by: >>2727589

Resource server is just a normal server right? That's not cheating. Imagine it just being a nether portal to a far away area. Doing that would lag the fuck out of the game so it's more practical to have another server.

>> No.2727384 [DELETED] 

The one that caused 50+ posts to be deleted yesterday.

>> No.2727398

I can't think of anything that IS her type of game. Maybe Among Us since her utter retardation can be entertaining there

>> No.2727440 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2727669

if you have the 4chan browser addon you can see posts that were deleted by meidos. BUT only if someone replied to them. hence why >>2727284
is correct. never reply to obvious bait or dox. always fuck up the quote so it can't be traced back.

>> No.2727475

Shut up this could get us more Ina collabs.

>> No.2727521

Soft jrpgs obviously. She’s the top Atelier streamer on the planet. Kiara will be the top Tales of streamer as well if she started playing. Quirky Japanese games like KY are good for her too

>> No.2727552
Quoted by: >>2727699

She's really into RPGs anon.
Which is really weird considering her attention span stat is in the negatives.

>> No.2727589
Quoted by: >>2728159

As far as I know you have unlimited ressources there ready to pick up. If you need stacks of diamonds you just go there and pick them up. No need to search for them or mine. Whidch I do consider cheating.
All huke did was using a joke weapon which was useless anyway.

>> No.2727669 [DELETED] 

By "serve no purpose" i mean that you are failing at what you are trying to do, you want to deny a (you) but you are still giving exposure to the post, if you consider it bait just don't quote it or better yet report and ignore.
in the end that's why these threads end up derailed, but lets stop here since we are already on off topic territory.

>> No.2727672
File: 504 KB, 2048x2048, 1616891427438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2730595

Enjoy your stay here anon. We get the most mentally challenged antis and unironic shitposts but thanks to them we have more fun. How was your time in 4channel so far?

>> No.2727699
Quoted by: >>2728027

It's probably just because RPGs are the easiest genre on the planet

>> No.2727700

Just subbed last month to her as well. Found Hololive through autists on an MTG discord. Doing searches on youtube got me some Korone clips I liked and I watched one of her Sonic streams live. Youtube algorithm'd me into HoloEN and I saw Mori playing Omori which I had wanted to play for a while. Tuned in and wasn't the biggest fan of her attitude/persona so I looked at Gura and saw the Japanese lessons with Kiara. Watched those and really like Kiara's voice/laugh. Watched some more of Kiara's stuff roommate checked and came here pretty soon after. She stuck out the most to me and felt the most different of the 5 so I watched mostly her. Part of me loves being a contrarian, so loving the chicken was also easier as she seemed to get a lot of shit on here, even if it mostly is just bait/a couple of schitzos.

>> No.2727750
Quoted by: >>2727778


>> No.2727778
Quoted by: >>2727817 >>2727875

God I hope she plays it when it comes out. If she goes ladder, I'll feed her so many items.

>> No.2727817

>I'll feed her so many items.
She won't accept it. For the same reason why played Nier on normal and not on easy.

>> No.2727875
File: 298 KB, 1626x1551, 1618075663865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she ever decides to play MMO, I will stop doing my sleeping reps.

>> No.2728027 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2728511

It's a mixture of many things. Tales of Symphonia the first game that exposed her to
>RPG character design (her biggest dream, even bigger than part time idol and olympic torch)
>Japan (she became obsessed with the country after that)
>Bonded her to her family (Mom's gift, needed her brothers help to finish it, Little Kiara really loved her family)
inb4 muh dox, she literally said all of these things in stream, I'm just piecing it together.
There's more reasons but that would get into things that she hasn't revealed on stream yetI'm still in shock that she talked about the japanese exchange program she applied to many years ago. Her past will always haunt her huh...

>> No.2728159
Quoted by: >>2728273

That's not what the resource server is.

>> No.2728273
Quoted by: >>2785168

No idea what it is then

>> No.2728303

Did something happen to Kiara’s voice recently? I noticed in her last few streams that she doesn’t pronounce her R’s at the end of words anymore.

>> No.2728352

Australian influence

>> No.2728453

I don't know why but her accent has been changing ever since she came back to Australia.
It is so cute

>> No.2728511 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2728969

>inb4 muh dox
eh it's not just about dox bro. it's just against the rules to talk about private life/family stuff or anything outside of her virtual life.
you may think "who cares" but think really hard. you want this board to be like /jp/? lets just stop talking about her privat life and shit. it's for the better.

>> No.2728969

>you may think "who cares" but think really hard. you want this board to be like /jp/? lets just stop talking about her privat life and shit. it's for the better.
That is so shallow.
/jp/ wouldn't have been bad if meidos did their job and deleted actual dox
Talking about some aspects of her private life like she does is a license that it's ok that her fans know and discuss about those things, even if she will never reveal her identity (not willingly anyways)
But if you really want to RP as a fast food restaurant ran by a literal phoenix girl 24/7, I found a rrat in my food. I need to talk to your manager.

>> No.2729545
File: 3.90 MB, 2648x2200, 1606349225673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Kiara ever acknowledged you directly? How did it make you feel?

>> No.2729693
Quoted by: >>2729739

I got a Heart on a youtube comment.
I was super happy. Also she often reads my comments in the chat

>> No.2729739
Quoted by: >>2729804

>I got a Heart on
me too hehe

>> No.2729804
File: 206 KB, 322x272, 1616075519116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2730081
Quoted by: >>2730164 >>2730595

I don't type often but she responded to my comments a few times. My proudest achievment in her chat was when I caused a tangent with a random fact theat was relevant to the discussion.
I also got bonked by her once. Spent the rest of the day disappointed by myself.

>> No.2730164
Quoted by: >>2730595

I was never bonked but I still had a feelsbad moment. I was one of the retards who was spamming false information in that Nier desert quest. I was so 100% sure I was right, I was spamming in all caps and screaming at my monitor.

when I realized I was wrong and she was right iI felt not only bad, but also disappointed in myself.

>> No.2730595
Quoted by: >>2730832

I'm an oldfag, I've been here all summer!

Haha, I've actually been around since there was still an /l/ board, but I mostly settled into some of the slower boards. /vt/'s creation was my first taste of vtuber discussion here and it's pretty much what I expected. Shitposts and bait sprinkled among the genuine discussion, just like any other board. I think the only thing that really surprised me was the doxxing because it never occurred to me to look into that stuff, but the janitors do their best and Youtube seems intent on doxxing everyone anyways (just yesterday Youtube recommended a video of Ame's roommate).

Oof, on the bright side Kiara has probably forgotten all about that and is just happy to have you anons in chat.

>> No.2730817

I supa'd her about her cute inhale laugh when she's laughing hard and she got really confused.

>> No.2730832
File: 101 KB, 1216x500, based kfp janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2730997 >>2732348

>(just yesterday Youtube recommended a video of Ame's roommate)

Please report it to cover.
It really does work. I got some channels nuked already. Some take longer and some are taken down within 2 days.

Report them to both youtube and and cover if you have the free time. It only takes a couple minutes.

>> No.2730997

But what happens when it recommends one of your Oshi's videos on their original account? How do you do it then?

>> No.2731195

Unfortunately nothing you can do about that, and it seems like no matter how many times I tell youtube I don't want to see it they'll keep showing it to me

>> No.2731360

Don't report them then. I'm talking about dox channels with clickbait titles like "real face of X!!"

If you want to go even further and hunt them down like me, google for example takanashi kiara real face / or any other oshi name

sometimes you can even get rewards. Coupon codes, free voice pack of your choice etc. But you don't have to go the autism route like me. Just reporting the ones who get recommend to you is already helping.

>> No.2731386
File: 85 KB, 768x768, 1615325499834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That we can only hope cover do his work right and check out authenticity before dropping the nuke.
We do our part, and hope cover do his part.

>> No.2732348

Reported it, thanks anon!

>> No.2732590

Yeah, got a heart from her and she also read my comment during live chat and agreed with it.

>> No.2732964
File: 450 KB, 461x516, firefox_fsti9dyOLc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2733951

Watching the supachat reading vid, I got to the part where she asks/begs people to go give heart challenger more views and I am reminded that I understand now how simps can become simps. This soft, casual face and all the goofy shit she does with her model afterwords was so fucking cute. My heart can't take this shit Anons! And my wallet isn't gonna take this shit.

>> No.2733279
File: 376 KB, 1080x1920, EzWmdGoVUAg1FTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this outfit?

>> No.2733306

She read my random messages twice. The first one I felt good about because I was teasing her. The second one was basically me asking and half-complaining about the reason why EN won't just play in the JP minecraft server. She was kinda annoyed and gave a non-answer. I didn't want her to read that but she singled that one out for some reason.

>> No.2733336
Quoted by: >>2733544 >>2773901

is that supposed to be Kiara? It looks kinda nice but it does not on first glance read as being Kiara so I guess I'm not a fan since it's a bit too far of a departure.

>> No.2733511

Welp, I'm missing Takamori, amogus, and shadowverse. Luckily for two out of three of those streams, I'm only looking forward to the superchat readings that come right after the gameplay.

>> No.2733544
Quoted by: >>2738279

yea that's kiara. black concert outfit or something like that

>> No.2733926
File: 116 KB, 730x411, KKKiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2733951
Quoted by: >>2734508

Why is she so fucking obsessed with Shart Challengers viewcount?

>> No.2733967


>> No.2734319

She's becoming British.

>> No.2734508

she is speaking kraut everyday instead of japanese. so her accent changed to be a little more german

she just wants it to reach 1m, thats her personal milestone. it got ruined by the shadow ban. and after the shadow ban 40% of her vids got deleted which also deleted views of heart challenger. she is frustrated abouit this.

>> No.2735266

Is it really mere coincidence that she's releasing a birthday song supposedly for huke-papa, when it's also the birthday of a certain historical figure? Are we sure she is not dogwhistling?

>> No.2735326

Kiara's a Hapsburg loyalist, she has no love for the Fuhrer

>> No.2735368 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 280x360, 1618883232826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2738446

I honestly couldn't believe it when I found out. There are too many coincidences.

>> No.2736840
Quoted by: >>2737746

During a member's stream she saw my comments and directly called out my name. She also called out my name when she saw what I made in the chocolate review stream. Feels good bros.

>> No.2737746
Quoted by: >>2737875 >>2737917

Oh shit, she read my $10 donation. I'm really surprised considering the time it came up felt like she was just gonna breeze right by it. Guess I'm lucky...

>> No.2737875
Quoted by: >>2738365

Damn I wish I had money. I can only afford membership and the occasional 5-10$ SC. I have so many things I want to tell her via SC...

>> No.2737880

Kiara actually didn’t appreciate the Anschluss and would rather bring back the Kaisertum Österreich

>> No.2737917
Quoted by: >>2737946 >>2737967

She reads low $ SC’s when it’s long and you look like you actually have something to say to her right? I have never superchatted before because I hate jewtube but I may consider it if I really want to tell her something.

>> No.2737946

Seems like. I don't wanna give up too much info because who knows what retards can do around here, but it was one of the many talking to her during the tail end of her members only stream where she vented a little.

>> No.2737967
Quoted by: >>2738061

She does but seldom. Usually she just says danke schon for everything below 50 bucks, otherwise it would take years if she reads every message.
She never read my my 5-10$ SC though. Unlucky. I feel like a 20 SC might have a higher chance. Maybe I can afford it next month.

>> No.2738061
Quoted by: >>2738214 >>2738256

Guess I'm lucky because the two times I've donated, she's read it. I know we all talk about how she doesn't read this board, but given the fact that she seems to get real down and she said she has a 'mood', I'd assume she'd come around to places like this where shit is a little harsher to get some real strong shit feedback to feed into the 'mood'. I've said it before, but she mentioned in the members chat that she talked with the other 4 EN members for a couple hours about life/Hololife and I think that's a real good thing. People whine about her bringing together the EN group as a whole, but in this case, a non-streamed talk is something I think they should do weekly just to support each other. Obviously you can't force collaboration or friendship, but just getting shit off their chest to someone else who can understand and is in a very similar situation to them helps build comradery, relieve stress, and feel like someone else is there with you.
Kiara is an over sharer and we love that about her, but there's still shit that she can't talk about in the chat and I hope she and her gen-mates can support each other in these areas off-stream.

>> No.2738214

The SC that told Kiara to just trust in and talk to her genmates was pretty good advice and I’m glad she read it and applied it. Pretty sure it was an anon from here too. If that’s you then based.

>> No.2738256

Well nobody knows for sure but it is very very unlikely that she comes here. You know she is a very emotional person that gets sad over a couple rrats. Imagine if she came here and read all of that schizo shit, the death threats and the cat schizo stuff. She would cry in her sleep and she knows that. She may know of the existence of this board, but it is very likely she avoids this place.
Even if this place wasn't toxic to her at all, it would still be one of the worst places to farm criticism.
From what she says and from what I can tell she uses youtube comment section and reddit, but most of all she uses twitter. (not the comments in her own tweet but rather ego searching herself on twitter to find out what non KFP say)

As for the rest I agree with you. They should have some kind of meeting day where they talk about stuff for an hour once a week.

>> No.2738279

Love it, I dig that they kept the poofy sleeves but glam-ed them up. Think I'd prefer it with her orange hair, though. And she needs her feathers!

>> No.2738282
Quoted by: >>2738383

Hinotori is the only Kiara song that I've listened to.

>> No.2738365

Reminder that she has repeatedly said that money isn't the biggest thing and while they help her keep going easily and make her life a little simpler, she just wants engagement and people watching and enjoying her.

>> No.2738383
Quoted by: >>2738425 >>2738514

Her singing it randomly in superchat readings unironically sound better than the studio recording. She needed to sing it with more kick and aggression imo, which the studio recording lacked.

>> No.2738425

>She needed to sing it with more kick and aggression

There is a male version which does exactly that.
It's actually pretty good


>> No.2738446
File: 62 KB, 181x190, 1603625201490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2738514
Quoted by: >>2738596

Damn thats fantastic.
Makes it sound even more like a AnimeOP than the original.
I think >>2738383 is right, it needed more kick in the studio version. Not sure if she can do that with the chicken voice though.

>> No.2738596
Quoted by: >>2738628

>Not sure if she can do that with the chicken voice though.
Nah I don't think possible to sing loud, deep and agressive with the chicken voice.
She needs to remove her limiters. Hopefully she does it one day.
She sorta did (a little) during last Kiaraoke at the end when her chicken voice got tired.

>> No.2738628

>She sorta did (a little) during last Kiaraoke at the end when her chicken voice got tired.
That seems to always happen when she starts getting tired during karaoke, which is why I always look forward to it. I don't particularly dislike her chicken voice, but her natural singing voice is so much better.

>> No.2738729
Quoted by: >>2742318

Does anyone has the 30 times reply image?

>> No.2739070

can't wait to hear this cover

>> No.2739703

While we wait for the premiere, Ame did a bunch of karaoke duets with Kiara today and it's quite cute:


Happy duet starts around 56 minutes.

>> No.2740252
File: 3 KB, 184x38, huke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2740487

Huke papa in prechat right now.

>> No.2740487
Quoted by: >>2741339 >>2745268

Something just click in my head. Do Huke also moderator Kiara chat? Probably bonk some spam perhaps?

>> No.2741339
Quoted by: >>2745268 >>2758803

every holo, their managers and their mamas and papas are mods on every single COVER channel. even the ones they actually have nothing to do with. he def has the power to bonk people. but no idea if he does it.

>> No.2741979

I saw it already, it was too cute, I'm glad to see that since these two hardly ever interact

>> No.2742318
File: 246 KB, 1600x1600, crow queen shiny kiara alternative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWU. Took a nap just to stay up late for the premier.

Not enough hats. This is best Yami Kiara.

Look up >>2501590 in the archives.

>> No.2742545

I should have taken a nap too, I'm so fucking tired but 10 minutes let's gooooo

>> No.2742568

I agree that this is the best outfit, but the art style isn't that good (sorry if the artist lurks here kek)

>> No.2742627

Kiara's loose sleeves would just get caught in the guitar strings.

>> No.2742687
Quoted by: >>2742972

kek what the fuck, can't believe Kiara is actually in the chat (and therefore awake at 10 am)

>> No.2742702

huke is too cute...

>> No.2742864
Quoted by: >>2743172

Legit beautiful and props to roommate for the guitar work.

>> No.2742898

that was a really sweet cover
my eyes got a little wet I won't lie

>> No.2742958

Best Kiara song, followed by Hinotori. It was also clear that some of the parts that were difficult for her would have been easier without the chimkin voice. Anyway, it was beautiful.

>> No.2742972
Quoted by: >>2743051 >>2743169

Isn’t she streaming right now tho?

>> No.2742976

I'm a zoomer that never even watched BRS or listened to music from it but this funny bird's cover of it managed to make me tear up for the first time in like 3 years.

>> No.2743051
Quoted by: >>2743067


>> No.2743057
File: 47 KB, 355x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2743067
Quoted by: >>2743109

I think he mistook the Minecraft reservation for an ongoing stream

>> No.2743109
Quoted by: >>2743146

No she’s still streaming under the newer alter ego, unless that’s not actually her.

>> No.2743146
Quoted by: >>2743205 >>2743257

I have no idea what you are talking about but I think you are wrong

>> No.2743169

No. This was a pre recorded song. She said in the chat she goes right back to sleep after the song.

>> No.2743172

So is roommate an actual guitarist or is it Kiara's actual room mate?

>> No.2743199
Quoted by: >>2743217

wait so you are saying roommate might be an guitarist, or is kiara's roommate a guitarist? are you talking about kiara's roommate or kiara's roommate? i think roommate might be a guitarist. but it was kiara's roommate. her roommate

>> No.2743205
File: 143 KB, 563x368, 365AA79B-02A2-4812-B504-13C03FA7D3CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2743290

I read somewhere that she is.

>> No.2743209

Actual roommate who also helped Kiara learn ukulele.

>> No.2743217


>> No.2743242

like, three times
it was nice

>> No.2743244
File: 31 KB, 596x341, hukechiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2744805

>Thank you Chiara

>I am the one who should thank you! !! Thank you for always supporting me! Please continue to be a wonderful dad


Roommate is a musician who can play several instruments, though she hadn't used a guitar in a while.

>> No.2743254

Kiara seems to have a lot of friends who are into music one way or another.

>> No.2743257

why, didn't you know she is also a vshojo talent at the same time? she streams 8 hours on Kiara channel and 8 hours on vshojo. very busy girl

>> No.2743288

Honestly, I want to get this song to 1 million just for Kiara to see how good this is and how its better than Heart Challenger and Wah Wah World.

>> No.2743290

I don’t think Kiara is Luto, but I can see why they might think that. Lot of similar quirks and mannerisms.

>> No.2743315

yes, I really like Hinotori but I like this song even more, I've listened to it 5 times already

>> No.2743352

oh no my DICK

>> No.2743431

I'm about to goosling bros....

>> No.2743496

It's so cute what the hell.

>> No.2743566
Quoted by: >>2744833

Mine might be a bit unusual... My son recommended me one of Towa's covers. This was right before the Fall Guys boom 8 or 9 months ago.
Kiara's schedule was the easiest for me to catch live, so I kind of stuck around. Been a day 1 member.

>> No.2743658

Hmm, Seems like Godwin's law came into effect pretty fast this time.

>> No.2743869
File: 6 KB, 198x177, ss+(2021-04-20+at+05.08.44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2743941

I can't believe she played the guitar as well


>> No.2743941
Quoted by: >>2743962

holy shit this can attract a lot of antis, is the chiken that stupid?

>> No.2743962
Quoted by: >>2743994

the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.2743994

He's baiting

>> No.2744062
Quoted by: >>2748969

this. I want her to see that her limiters need to be removed. Honestly sending encouraging tweets/comments/supers for this song is the best way to get her to expand past jap idol music

>> No.2744140

>cover by a literal WHO is worse than her studio produced song
Sasuga Kusotori.

>> No.2744157

I've said this before but Kiara would be one of the best singers in hololive (or at least pretty high up there) if she does her fitness and did some singing/vocal reps/practice. She has the range and power to do a lot with her voice. Seeing this glimpse of her singing potential on a song cover that was made in 2 weeks is amazing. I really hope she continues in this direction and lets do our best by supporting her trying covers and songs like this. Kiara love!

>> No.2744164

Now it's a real deal anime OP.

>> No.2744167

>Wanting to set a precedent that would end with Mori getting Charlie onto the EN Minecraft server
You're retarded

>> No.2744234
Quoted by: >>2744308 >>2746264

Kiara singing Blumenkranz when?

>> No.2744292

Im tired of her nasal fucking voice

>> No.2744308
Quoted by: >>2744349

never, but it might be a fun stream as a german lesson and her correcting it like a failed test.

>> No.2744342
File: 3.24 MB, 2480x3508, takanashi_kiara___swimsuit_by_sakuzelda_de8lplf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you sometimes visit this place and might read this.
Please for the love of god stop doing japanese covers, you are a part of EN branch, so please use English. The only reason I finished listening to your latest song is because I feel sorry for you.
If you feel embarrassed because of your accent, it might be a good idea to maybe train your pronunciation, at least for the lyrics. The reason why people listen to your music less then for example Mori is precisely because of your poor language choice.
Fuck off KFP, your oshi is shit and you don't want to do anything about it. You faggots should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.2744349
Quoted by: >>2744439

Are there errors in the song?

>> No.2744437


>> No.2744439

The pronunciation is all over the place which fucks the song over if you sing it correctly.

>> No.2744453

Kiara did great with the cover! Hopefully her future songs allow her to use her range fully

>> No.2744485
Quoted by: >>2744518 >>2748405

Heart Challenger hasn't even reached 1M in 2 months, what makes you think this will?

>> No.2744518
Quoted by: >>2744614

I don't see it either reaching but I still am gonna play this a lot to show that people enjoy this kind of songs from her

>> No.2744614
Quoted by: >>2744797

Mori doesn't need this kind of promotion for a reason. KFP are pathetic.

>> No.2744677
Quoted by: >>2744862

Ina fulfilling her duties as KFP second in command:


>> No.2744776

>Kiara literally leeching off her papa now
Are there any lows Kiara won't sink to for the sake of numbers?

>> No.2744797
Quoted by: >>2744872

???? I'm just listening to the song and saying I like it?

>> No.2744805

No way she's that talented

>> No.2744833

Your wife is a cuck

>> No.2744862


>> No.2744872
Quoted by: >>2744942

Don't fall for obvious bait, anon. It's just some schizo fishing for reactions.

The cover is great and I've had it on loop since the premiere!

>> No.2744942

yeah I know but it's so funny how little sense it makes when I was reading the posts. I ain't gonna respond further though because it is obvious

>> No.2745268

He can just like any mod but that's not the reason they are modded, it's just so they can't be impersonated by random retards and also highlight their comments over the rest of chat.

>> No.2746106

>only 34k views
Jesus fucking christ lmao

>> No.2746169

Holy shit the like rate is huge. That also means there haven't been that many replays.

>> No.2746264
Quoted by: >>2746322

members-only collabs are a thing? shit, I'm missing out...

aLIEz when?

>> No.2746322

it wasn't a collab, just Ame taking clips of Kiara's 900k karaoke and singing along to it.

>> No.2746330

Almost like people are fed up with shitty Jpop songs and want to hear Kiara sing in English already.
Seriously, how is she so fucking dumb?

>> No.2746354

Hey man, no need to samefag

>> No.2746392
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, kickyricky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long Kiara had to lick her roommate's pussy for in order to get her to play the guitar for the cover?

>> No.2746547

I hope she doesn't bitch about it in the Minecraft stream

>> No.2746658
Quoted by: >>2746843

You KNOW she will, kek
>Sooo... by the way, my cover is... not getting a lot of views, I wonder why haha... I thought I scheduled the premiere to be at a good time for everyone? Did you guys not get a notification? Did YouTube shadowban me again? I put so much effort into it though...
It's SO fucking annoying every time she does this.

>> No.2746723
Quoted by: >>2746843 >>2756749

Knowing her, she will. Then she will keep whining about it more and more for superchats. She needs to take meds.

>> No.2746794
File: 997 KB, 4096x2305, fraukiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2746820 >>2746827

It's that time again, folks

>> No.2746820
File: 366 KB, 1838x942, 1618323922527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if it's pic related

>> No.2746827
File: 125 KB, 1793x343, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems familiar

>> No.2746843

Why are you retards like this?

>> No.2746857

it's one guy

>> No.2746934
Quoted by: >>2746987

It's because Kiara never learns from her mistakes.
I'm willing to admit I was wrong if she doesn't bring it up, but she 100% will and you know this.

>> No.2746987

Just like how she brought up the birthday song for Mori getting low views?

>> No.2747005
Quoted by: >>2747323

Its just one schizo.
Mods should just add poster IDs to make it easier to filter that shit

>> No.2747131
Quoted by: >>2747165

JWU and watched the cover, it was great! Seemed like some parts were almost too far out of range for the chicken voice, but that's not out of the ordinary I suppose. Props to the roommate for the guitar work.

Can you imagine being Huke and receiving something like this from your anime daughter who came to life? Guy is blessed.

>> No.2747165
Quoted by: >>2747343

huke's oshi is Nene so I doubt he really cares about Kiara's cover

>> No.2747299
File: 400 KB, 469x492, Nyakiriki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the falsefag is very active today
I just wanted to Say that Kiara Will probably be cuter tan usual today

>> No.2747323
Quoted by: >>2748542

We're long overdue for IDs, rampant samefagging is getting out of hand. With IDs you have to change IP every post, maybe it'll discourage them at least a bit.

>> No.2747343
File: 220 KB, 1000x1390, 1615517266402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this level of cope, it's like You don't watch streams neither follow huke. I wonder where is this anon from

>> No.2747898 [DELETED] 

Someone stop me from replying to the schizo to bait him into getting a vacation

>> No.2748405

Are you retarded? I never said it would, I said I want it to reach 1M. This song is also better than Heart Challenger, reputation goes a long way in mouth to mouth scenarios.

>> No.2748542
Quoted by: >>2749145

What kind of event would lead to this board getting IDs anyways.
It’d stop people who are lazy I guess.

>> No.2748969
Quoted by: >>2749254

I look forward to her doing more traditional music.
To that other faggot around these parts, Kiara is English as a third language and I'll be honest, her English singing isn't that great because of it. I love the ETL she has going on for the mst part, but I think it's a pretty big hindrance for singing. That being said, I think she could get away with a slower, more lounge type singing.

>> No.2749145
Quoted by: >>2749252

I think we're already past that event. Replying to himself 30 times is enough of a precident.

>> No.2749225
File: 192 KB, 2230x392, chikinchatsMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2763259

chikin pre-chat from earlier

>> No.2749252

Are the Moona/Connor threads being samefagged?

>> No.2749254

I don't care if she has an accent when singing in English, it's still miles better than generic Japanese pop songs that all sound exactly the same.

>> No.2750458
Quoted by: >>2750564 >>2750675

God she's so retarded I love her

>> No.2750564

The tourists in chat that are seething are hilarious.

>> No.2750661
File: 93 KB, 1079x203, Screenshot_20210420-104356_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2755496


>> No.2750675

>restart bridge
>end up in exact same spot
I also love this birb brain.

>> No.2750720
Quoted by: >>2750786

Kiara has purchased a house or is she talking about rented one?

>> No.2750767
Quoted by: >>2751151

Talking about Kiara's viewership, I think we never took too much into consideration, but she lost some viewers because of the timezone. She had better views on videos when she was streaming in Japan.

>> No.2750786


>> No.2751015
File: 193 KB, 1093x619, Screen_Shot_2018-12-17_at_1.50.06_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please meido, it is joke, don't send me to the usual room

>> No.2751151

Cus europe has a smaller fanbase.

>> No.2751176

Top tier comfy

>> No.2751604
Quoted by: >>2751653

>GoT whatchalong
No please Kiara, i just want to watcha movie with You without needing to watch 100hours of content before

>> No.2751653
Quoted by: >>2753102

Don't worry, she's already said she won't do that since there's too many yabe scenes.

>> No.2752428

>this thread
kek what made the samefag schizo come out? is he a huke anti too?

>> No.2752726
Quoted by: >>2752770

now she has gone full menhera, huh?

>> No.2752770


>> No.2752867
File: 694 KB, 875x921, Webp.net-resizeimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna shit those pants real good

>> No.2752988

>stumbles and falls into the hole
Her Minecraft streams are too damn good.

>> No.2753009

The sufferkino...

>> No.2753080
File: 323 KB, 2048x1742, Ex2GnaJXMAUAOgN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753102

Imagine Adult movies watchalong with Kiara

>> No.2753205
File: 339 KB, 1600x1600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2760580

Edgier, KFP! Edgier!

>> No.2753354

W-What!? Kiara...

I kneel...?

>> No.2753444


>> No.2754221
Quoted by: >>2755885

Good thing I'm used to Rushia so I don't have eardrums left. Damn.

>> No.2755124


>> No.2755496


>> No.2755885


>> No.2755983

What's the deal with Huke anyway? Kiara looks awesome, but if I check any of his art it's boring and simple as fuck. Is he really that famous?

>> No.2756086
Quoted by: >>2758966 >>2773693

He's a hack. He gets credit for the Steins;Gate designs even though he just "designed" the anime, not the original VN.

>> No.2756207
Quoted by: >>2756290

What? If anything Kiara's the outlier and he fucked up designing her, usually his art is more subdued and consistent.

>> No.2756290
Quoted by: >>2761867

>subdued and consistent
To me, it looks bland as fuck.

>> No.2756501
Quoted by: >>2756724

>you guys are the superior race

>> No.2756724
Quoted by: >>2756896

Was she talking about PCfriends?

>> No.2756749
Quoted by: >>2756804

The only thing that matters is that huke watched it.

>> No.2756804
Quoted by: >>2756845 >>2756870

You know her doing a cover for huke's birthday is just a ploy for more attention, right?

>> No.2756845
Quoted by: >>2756863

Sure thing buddy

>> No.2756863
Quoted by: >>2756878

Don't quote, don't reply, let him rot.

>> No.2756870

Takes one to know one, I assume?

>> No.2756878


>> No.2756896

she was talking about KFP chickens

>> No.2757398
File: 263 KB, 722x561, 1612934084524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2759293

She loves me!!

>> No.2757485
File: 343 KB, 1600x1200, 1615996180561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had an ok day and im listening to bokura no ashiato again, and i'm feeling really good now, hope you have a good one too

>> No.2757761 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2757903

This is unironically my apartment. Except there's no couch or TV. Just a clothes drying rack in the big ass living room.

>> No.2757903
File: 404 KB, 1050x764, MGS2RosePP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2759836

Fill your room.

>> No.2758803

It's not something that's done automatically, iirc Korone and Aqua were not mods on each others' channels until Korone called in on Aqua's birthday stream and one of them brought it up.

>> No.2758966

Why would you do this, just go on the internet and post lies?

>> No.2759293
File: 23 KB, 600x218, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, she loves US.

>> No.2759533
Quoted by: >>2759663 >>2772684

Anyone here like Kiara but absolutely hate the KFP faggot fanbase?
Like holy shit they are annoying as fuck

>> No.2759663

Most are ok, this board is more or less clean. but I fucking hate numberfag KFP who reply to every bait.
I mean guys, kiara will be probably the last in this gen by subs, and that’s ok because she still loves us, we still love her and deep down she knows this

>> No.2759799
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1608042435460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man i can't get enough of her, this stream was hilarious.
a few highlights to relive the sufferkino.
>a fucking hole https://youtu.be/COE0-VlxaGQ?t=7380
>it keeps happening https://youtu.be/COE0-VlxaGQ?t=8438
>je suis monte https://youtu.be/COE0-VlxaGQ?t=8707
>jackson... https://youtu.be/COE0-VlxaGQ?t=12467

>> No.2759816
File: 18 KB, 321x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been doing a lot of this lately, or at least I've been getting a lot of them. Good way to encourage people to post comments on your videos which helps you with the algorithm I think. And it also shows she scrolls through the comments and reads them even if they aren't the most upvoted.

>> No.2759836

Not my room. Anyone willing to do this either does not have friends, or is too selfish to host for them.

>> No.2760023

thank you for the highlights, i tuned in right after the aftermath of the bread vs spider fight, so i missed it

>> No.2760125

Kek, thanks for these. I barely have time to watch full streams anymore so I can only watch chikin highlights.

>> No.2760274

based as fuck thank you
also holy fucking shit. her calm whisper voice in the jackson clip after she got blown up by a creeper

making me fucking diamonds
based cute chicken

>> No.2760564

Man these are some great clips. Holy shit she gets so despondent after Jackson's untimely demise.

>> No.2760580
File: 380 KB, 1600x1200, Iamtheedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2760703 >>2762164

I am fucking cutting myself with this edge!!

>> No.2760703


>> No.2760770

>literally every Kiara stream this week is while I'm at work
I guess I just can't watch Kiara live anymore. Kind of sucks.

>> No.2760786

Welcome to the VoD life friend! It's not so bad, I feel like my luck of getting comments read is saved for the one stream I can make live every other week.

>> No.2760804

Work is temporary, Kiara is eternal. Quit work

>> No.2760868

I actually prefer VOD over live. Zero lags, I'm not tempted to go here and shitpost. Instead I can fully focus on Kiara. Don't need to force myself to sit through the entire thing, I can just pause the video if I need to take a piss or whatever.
Only downside is the chat But I'm not chatting that much anyway.

>> No.2761724
Quoted by: >>2761734

What the actual fuck KFPs? How come Kiara's minecraft stream has more views than her cover? Are you braindead?

>> No.2761734

you definitely are

>> No.2761867

You're not the only one.
I've assumed that maybe the love for BRS (Vocaloid) and S;G just bled onto the artist.

>> No.2762164

Save me, Toysword Woman!

>> No.2762216
File: 31 KB, 700x394, 43859039_303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2762352 >>2763088

reminder that kiara was streaming today in honor of fellow austrian adolf hitler. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!!

>> No.2762321
Quoted by: >>2762360

What does JWU means?

>> No.2762352
Quoted by: >>2763088

You ever think if Adolf were alive, he'd probably feel sad about his legacy and the way he's portrayed. Like yeah, he'd still hate the Jews, but I can't see him being proud of /pol/.

>> No.2762360

Just woke up.
#WokeUp #YokeUp

>> No.2763088
File: 363 KB, 1218x1600, Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2772109

dont forget she streamed on the EU 4/20 as well.
yeah if hitler were alive and not conclusively deceased there's no way I'd associate with /pol/. he'd just want to simp for his favourite phoenix

>> No.2763259
Quoted by: >>2767266

Kiara writes just like my mom.

>> No.2763451
File: 13 KB, 297x172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, Google-kun...

>> No.2767071
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, pien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2771108

Today's suffer- er, Minecraft stream was so fun. Looking forward to the Takamori and Among Us streams tomorrow!

>> No.2767266
Quoted by: >>2769005

Anon, ever wonder why there are weird noises coming from your mom's room? I'll give you a hint, it's the same reason why she makes your dad wear a pink wig

>> No.2768382


>> No.2769005

/ss/ with anon and kiara mom.

God, how hot...

>> No.2770212

Her cover song has disturbingly low views, even for Kiara standards. What's up with that? How can a fucking song get less views than a low tier VOD?

>> No.2770604

No advertisement. I just hope she doesn't think that it was her worst song or something because it has the lowest views.

>> No.2770823

No idea. Even with the "lack of advertising" argument, which definitely played a role, she still announced it in her schedule first, and reserved the debut early, which would've appeared in people's feeds. If subscribers missed it live they could still watch it later, but 1 day later and it still hasn't budged past 60k.
Does KFP actually only consist of 2-3k people? What the fuck are the rest doing

>> No.2770874
Quoted by: >>2771012

no big ad campaign, no retweets. she said herself it is just a low budget song made in 2 weeks. ironically it became one of her best.

>I just hope she doesn't think that it was her worst song or something because it has the lowest views.
same. it is possible she might come to the conclusion that slow songs with a deep strong voice is garbage and people don't like it.

>> No.2771012

> she will think that her low voice sounds bad and go back to singing with the chicken voice
Oh dear god oh please no oh god no just please no

>> No.2771108

Good old MC suffering is the best.

>> No.2771123

I unironically think it's the title. Like, I don't even know the name of the song because it's in moonrunes. Many people who see this in der recommended do not know what the fuck this even is.
It's also possible the youtube algorithm doesn't kick in because of the moonrunes.
Ironic. Dox videos made by schizos get hundreds of thousands of views within days due to the algorithm, meanwhile youtube doesn't give a fuck about actual content by the talents themselves.

>> No.2771209 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2771340

i hope she wont cancel the stream because of the bad shit that happened to her and her roommate today

>> No.2771340
Quoted by: >>2771445 >>2771454

What are you even talking about?

>> No.2771445 [DELETED] 

your archive reps anon...


she got doxed, for real this time. full name, address etc. her roommate who played the guitar got also doxed.

>> No.2771454

It's real, I checked - saying that she's really happy and getting 8+ hours of sleep might be too much for her.

>> No.2771520
File: 24 KB, 100x100, 1648555964788332574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2772264

What the actual fuck dude... I hate doxniggers so fucking much... why can't these subhumans just leave her fucking alone for once? I hope she is ok...

>> No.2771642
Quoted by: >>2772264

Delete your post. Linking to actual name and address isn't funny shitposting anymore. It's seriously dangerous.

>> No.2771745

HAHA, what a fucking retard.

>> No.2772109

Kiara is eternal, right? What if she was around during WW2 and helped translate Hirohito's messages for Hitler? That'd be pretty based.

>> No.2772264
Quoted by: >>2784434

Don't worry, it's fake.

>> No.2772597
Quoted by: >>2773074

I go off /vt/ for ONE day because I want to work a bit harder and do my reps and THIS is what I come back to?!?!
Doxfags aren't even humans anymore.

>> No.2772684

I am here loving KFP fanbase, but I hate faggot Kiara, she is annoying as fuck.

>> No.2772718
Quoted by: >>2778464

No one knows it, and she didn't put some sort of English title.

>> No.2772799

That's normal views for a premiere video, retardchama.

>> No.2773074
Quoted by: >>2773085 >>2784434

Nah the guy who posted it is known for making shit up and calling us "orc men". Makes more sense that he made it up trying to spook us for attention

>> No.2773085
Quoted by: >>2773104


>> No.2773104

ahh gomen, I keep forgetting about the trannies

>> No.2773693


>> No.2773852
Quoted by: >>2773862

Stream reservation up

Also It Takes Two collab on Mori's channel in 5 minutes

>> No.2773862

I forgot to link

>> No.2773901

its a honkai impact character isn't it?

>> No.2775216
File: 138 KB, 1710x900, hakim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFPbros how can we compete...

>> No.2775772
Quoted by: >>2776700

This design is genuinely unsettling

>> No.2776700
Quoted by: >>2777260

Somehow Kiara likes it

>> No.2776849

I love their completely opposite reactions whenever he appears on screen.

>> No.2777260

Of course she does.

>> No.2777466
Quoted by: >>2777534

Can't watch now, how's the collab? Was Mori awake?

>> No.2777534

pretty good actually

>> No.2777827

>numberfagging a birthday gift

>> No.2778317

How can one even assume it is a worst song if nobody even seen it? The most unrealistic scenario

>> No.2778464

That's a really good point, she doesn't even have "supercell" in the title. I wonder if there's some reason for that.

>> No.2779187

filling Kiara's hole!

>> No.2779218
Quoted by: >>2779731

>New plans for Among Us collab
Rrats trembling

>> No.2779575

She hates him now because he called them chickens. We're safe.

>> No.2779731

Look out ${JP_OSHI}! It's a shark!

>> No.2780262
Quoted by: >>2780341

Calli is so low energy.

>> No.2780341
Quoted by: >>2780504

It's been 3 hours which is understandable, she just doesn't have the stamina Kiara has

>> No.2780504
Quoted by: >>2780579 >>2780587

Kiara has to be in the bottom half of the Holos in terms of stamina though

>> No.2780506

Fun collab, among us stream in 2 hours too

>> No.2780579

Streaming stamina I mean, should've clarified.

>> No.2780587

Kiara can't do push ups, but she has the most streaming hours in all of HoloEN.

>> No.2780744
File: 624 KB, 619x900, EzgwVQnVoAMrFxW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure that Mamaloni lives on Takamori

>> No.2780836
File: 36 KB, 769x427, mamaloni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh, the Mamaloni.

>> No.2780881
Quoted by: >>2781106

Christ, how is this woman so fast

>> No.2781009

Did Calli mention Kiara's supercell cover at all?

>> No.2781106

She runs purely on Takamori

>> No.2781141

Holy shit, that's so fucking cute.

>> No.2781597
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Get fucking HYPE

>> No.2781698

>It's like a 1 year since debut anniversary gift!
I like how she typed it. It's basically how she talks and it's cute. Based ETL.

>> No.2781771
Quoted by: >>2781836

Confirmed one more year in Hololive as if there were any doubts

EN better have 3D by then

>> No.2781836
Quoted by: >>2782461

Or at least some alternate outfits, I mean goddamn.

>> No.2781928
Quoted by: >>2782245 >>2782504

Already got permission? Jenma works fast.

>> No.2782245
Quoted by: >>2783144

got those a while ago, along with beseria and one one other
too bad Kiara already played those

>> No.2782461
Quoted by: >>2783204

Gen4 got new outfits only recently, after 1 year. They got 3Ds earlier than that, and I think it's only because Coco.k and the gang have to perform on stage with something, ENs are on 3 separate continents, unless someone REALLY wants to bring them all together for a live, they won't get 3D any time soon. For now they have Mori, they know they struck gold with her and she is very conveniently in (underworld) japan. They will push for her to get 3D first, as soon as possible. And I'm not sure if my boy will go along will management or stand her ground and refuse to debut it unless other girls get theirs too.

>> No.2782492
Quoted by: >>2782520

Has she mentioned Nier Replicant again? I need to catch up on archives.

>> No.2782504
Quoted by: >>2783144

She got it a few months ago, she has permissions for Berseria, Vesperia and Arise. She planned to play Berseria before Arise, but I don't think she is gonna have the time for that with Yakuza and Replicant to play before.

>> No.2782520

She wants to play it.

>> No.2783144

Ahh I see. I know she mentioned getting Tales of permissions before, but I don't really know the games so I didn't realize it included Arise. Thanks for the info!

>> No.2783204

Gen5 all got new outfits before their 3D, didn't they? Granted, they were tied to the New Years holiday (or Nene's redesign). EN got their walfie "outfits" but it just ain't the same.

>> No.2783700
Quoted by: >>2783894

Sounds a bit tired?

>> No.2783894

Literally JWU.
I am so jealous of her cats. Imagine cuddling with a sleepy Kiara.

>> No.2784208

Wait Jenma manages Gura and Ame too?

>> No.2784234

lmao nice try Cyan

>> No.2784410

why is this thread so dead?

>> No.2784434

It's the same >guy who made up the rape story on l*lc*w*. >he does everything he can trying to slander her. Don't believe any rrats on this board and this is especially true when it comes to Kiara.

>> No.2784435

watching and manager rrat posting in global

>> No.2784476

People seem to go to global.

>> No.2784497

The thread is usually slower when Kiara streams because >we are actually focusing on the stream
Also I post in global because more people are talking about the stream there

>> No.2785168

It's just a server where you can mine extensively without worrying about destroying the environment of your main server

>> No.2785295

That fucker is still around?

>> No.2785301
Quoted by: >>2785598

Fuck this, I'm never, ever fucking getting in. How are those people so fast?

>> No.2785512
Quoted by: >>2785549

Kiara's totally fucking her roommate.

>> No.2785549
Quoted by: >>2785701

What did she say?

>> No.2785598
Quoted by: >>2785634

Luck, really. Also helps playing the stream at x2 speed first to minimize delay. I got into one game during the among us stream a month ago.

>> No.2785634

what the fuck i didn't even know about this 2x speed 'trick'
kek, thank you

>> No.2785701
Quoted by: >>2785725

Nothing. I'm just pushing my narrative since she mentioned looking at a new apartment together. Though I wasn't paying attention to whether or not the roommate is moving in with her again.

>> No.2785725

nope, she'll live alone

>> No.2786025

New thread in a few minutes

>> No.2786200

New thread:

>> No.2786839
Quoted by: >>2787039

Would Kiara even be a holo anymore if it weren't for her language skills?

>> No.2787039

If you watched older streams you'd realize this is a dumb question.
