>> | No.27042181 File: 880 KB, 297x277, 1652280693501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>27041295 Do you ever wonder what goes in to a post like this? One would say that it is nothing more than a dopamine rush to get (you)s, and I agree, but I think there is far more to it than that. Think about the degradation of the internet for the past several years. It's obvious that social media has had a drastic effect on the users of the internet by increasing instant gratification to levels that shouldn't even be possible, but more than anything, the "If you see something, do something" mantra has made it so that people are able to justify their complete and utter rambles into the void so that no one can put any thought into what they say. As long as they say something, they have achieved some sort of moral victory against those cowards who would dare not to say anything, even if it's to call Mori Calliope of Hololive English 1st Generation HoloMyth out for supposedly disabling live chat on a collab, something that literally no people have given a shit about as in most cases live chat is usually enabled soon before the stream starts.
In fact, I will go further beyond and say that someone will easily try to make a rrat about how Fauna actually is disappointed in Mori due to the """""yabs""""" and is actually going to overlap the collab out of protest of Mori hurting Gura. It is extremely easy and predictable at this point that it is actually boring. Someone will make this claim, various shitters will circlejerk themselves off of it, they will be called faggots, and they will never be heard again, like dust in the wind. But this is the only joy they can get out of life. So what do we say to people like this? Are they actually "people" or the true form of the NPCs that the anons of old cursed at for ruining everything? Is this the final form of the internet, just saying anything and everything just to get that dopamine high? Are rrats themselves the ultimate form of drugs? Was the entire formation of the vtuber subculture nothing more than a ploy by Zombie Ronald Reagan to continue his War On Drugs to the point where dopamine, a chemical thas is naturally created, outlawed, leading to a world where humans are controlled by rrats?
...Maybe the only way to fight against it is to just enjoy the streams. Maybe... maybe speculation was nothing more than a tool made by the enemy itself to destroy us from within. There has to be a better way to live guys. There has to be. Or else... we have to try harder friends.