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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.26979062


her low pitch singing voice on HERE COMES HOPE is godly and can pull out some insane high pitch on Journey

>> No.26979106
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Quoted by: >>26985863


>> No.26979206


>> No.26979601

Enna Alouette

>> No.26980029
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Quoted by: >>26985782

Ike Eveland, but he mostly goes higher pitches.

>> No.26980471

Fujikura Uruka

>> No.26981910
File: 1.37 MB, 919x658, 165932873454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Range? Probably Polka, she seems to be able to comfortably sing in several octaves, between highs like Vampire/Animal, to lows like Empress.

>> No.26982015
File: 79 KB, 592x660, 1655188860920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel is the obvious answer for the homos but please consider my oshi as well.

>> No.26982186

Idk but it's funny when risu sings a song and goes directly back into her helium squirrel voice

>> No.26982746

I don't know, but if they can't do at least 4 octaves they aren't cut out for singing.

>> No.26983171

me but you have to wait until i debut in your moms bed lol

>> No.26984864

Risu and it's not even close.

>> No.26985169

This bitch doesn't even sing.

>> No.26985782
Quoted by: >>27005658

absolute beast

>> No.26985863

keyword is "tries". this woman cannot sing at any range.

>> No.26986330


>> No.26987487
File: 229 KB, 2048x1463, 1646401887944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super low
Super high
Emotional slow
Crazy fast orisong

>> No.26988417

This dude got some impressive range

>> No.26995691

Damn, he's pretty good.

>> No.26996179
File: 659 KB, 796x919, smugrisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that doesn't answer Risu to this question is a fucking newfag that doesn't even watch streams. Multiple holos have LITERALLY said this, including Suisei. And nobody has succeeded in singing her original song, some of them outright not even attempting it after chat asks them to and saying the song is too hard.

>> No.26996791

That vocal fry is insanely good

>> No.26996918

I saw a 2view doing a metal cover once on twitter.

>> No.26996966

She doesn't even sound that good

>> No.26996986
Quoted by: >>26997216

Watching streams and watching ID are completely different.

>> No.26997026

Okay bro we get it, you're different

>> No.26997092

Berry is a beast of an indie, its nice she's getting lots of support and her last stream even got 1000 live viewers


>> No.26997133
Quoted by: >>26999903

Risu easily

>> No.26997180
Quoted by: >>27006700

All these new blood can't even compare to the OGs


>> No.26997216

JPs have said that her song is too hard to sing.

>> No.26997246

PPT or Risu, my bet is on PPT cause Risu sounds strained going to high or too low.

PPT just belts that shit out with ease although she really lacks control (she's half deaf so i'll cut her some slack)

Subaru but she can't sing for shit in her speaking range and probably has to go the Suisei route and get comfortable going low most the time.

>> No.26997705

Damn his voice is close to Chester. And that vocal fry man

>> No.26997830

Hatsune Miku

>> No.26998832
Quoted by: >>26999069

best singing vtuber

>> No.26999069
File: 256 KB, 674x769, 1656292959297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got nothing against Mori, but that was BAD

>> No.26999193
Quoted by: >>27007075


>> No.26999680

she hits those high notes like a train hits the ground when it gets derailed. screech!

>> No.26999903

Her "normal" voice sounds so retarded that when people hear her singing voice they are shocked and overpraise it

Its the Susan Boyle effect

>> No.27000128

tbf those were purposefully bad as it was what she was told to do to start extending her range of notes.

>> No.27000317

I dunno why people keep hyping Risu up as some amazing singer when she goes off pitch so many times and just sounds bad at higher ranges

>> No.27001767
Quoted by: >>27003679

yeah, can yell doesn't mean having a wide range, risu has never shown off her low register and the tippy top of the head voice/falsetto in her singing, that's how you measure your vocal range. she is just a bootleg version of ado and suisei.
IDfags are easily impressed and don't know anything about singing.

>> No.27002954
Quoted by: >>27004561

This. I was amused that even Moona, who I used to consider the best holo singer, has struggle a bit singing Alice&u, meanwhile this fucking treerrat does it effortlessly.

I know you are here Risu. Do more karaokes, don't waste this gift you have.

>> No.27003679
File: 538 KB, 3000x2000, 1642618331308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll believe holos over a bunch of deaf randos.

>> No.27003994
Quoted by: >>27004578

sounding good is not the same as having the widest vocal range

>> No.27004243

not sure if this counts as range, but i like her singing

>> No.27004564

isn't it kanatan

>> No.27004561

Risu's OG simply doesn't fit to Moona's voice "colour".

>> No.27004578
Quoted by: >>27007270

That I ain't going to argue with, but my point still stands that she doesn't even sound that good and a lot of people keep going on how she's the "best singer in hololive" when she's barely average sounding.
Imo being a good singer is more than just having a wide vocal range.
She's not even the best ID singer

>> No.27004965

Just here to shill music chuuba while I have nothing better to do than trying to fall asleep.

>> No.27005592
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>> No.27005658

Holy shit. I will now watch this chuuba.

>> No.27005723
Quoted by: >>27006283

Astel, at least he's up there.

>> No.27006283
Quoted by: >>27006474


Astel and Kanata are considerably talented and its frankly shocking Hololive isn't pushing them to the front more

>> No.27006474

Well Astel is going to naturally have wider range just because he is a guy. That means he can hit lower lows than (most) women can. Since he can go super high as well it's basically impossible to beat that wide of a range. Being female is a range debuff (again, most of the time)

>> No.27006700

She only became a chuuba to cash in on a trend.

>> No.27007075

Shiki doesn't even have the widest range in Prism (I'd say Pina or maybe Aoi), she just has a unique tone quality that draws in tons of simps.

>> No.27007202

because it sounds like barking

>> No.27007270

Not wrong, just off-topic.

>> No.27009297

It's hard.
She went from a Disney musical style to Pop to squeaky cute character voice in one song. The only way to sing her song is to not imitate her.

>> No.27010503

It's probably Kanata https://youtu.be/PyAixTkD4YY but there are many factors besides your vocal range when it comes to being a good singer,
for example the cover above sucks ass because it's flat out soulless and nonmusical, the quality of the high notes is also terrible. this kind of singer will get mogged for singing like a tea kettle.

>> No.27011061

Of course Risu. After her is huge gap and than others like suisex, yabirys ect.

>> No.27011202
Quoted by: >>27012807

Risuposters dont even know what range means

>> No.27012491

Don't mind me, just posting some relative unknowns
Male: https://youtu.be/8BJIYbm3cbY
Female: https://youtu.be/1D97z_OgbeA?t=3642
Female: https://youtu.be/EcKHPx3Tobs?t=1143
?????: https://youtu.be/tMLYQg7Dkl0

>> No.27012807

Post your voice then

>> No.27012816
File: 84 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK has a good range, I don't think it's biggest.

Futakuchi Mana can scream (which nobody else can do) while also having a higher range (not in the same song though). If only she would stop being a /pol/.

>> No.27013149
Quoted by: >>27016348

Amiya Aranha

>> No.27016348
File: 55 KB, 720x950, 6819648564894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based spider enjoyer

>> No.27017346

