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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2676452 No.2676452 [Reply] [Original]

All of my friends are speaking about vtubers and i want to jump into the bandwagon so please can you guys introduce me to the most genuine, not acting like a fucking toddler or speaking ara ara and forced cringe shit, just normal, interesting and natural best vtubers around please? EN and JP both welcomed of course.

>> No.2676474
Quoted by: >>2676549 >>2676597

You'll have to be more specific, there's a lot of vtubers out there. What kind of personalities are you interested in? Would you prefer to watch males or females? Do you want gaming content? If so, what of games would you like to watch? If not games, what kind of content are you interested in?

>> No.2676493
Quoted by: >>2676667

Pikamee is nice if you're into ditzy wine aunt's playing video games.

>> No.2676497
Quoted by: >>2676667

I suggest Mio and Fubuki from Hololive to you.

>> No.2676505
Quoted by: >>2676667 >>2695260

You sound like you would really enjoy Artemis of the Blue.

>> No.2676506

Fuck off

>> No.2676549

Yeah. Pretty much this. They are youtubers that streams content. Content that varies. You have to be specific. And if you want to just watch vtuber without any anime-esque qualities nor characteristics... Watch any fps male vtubers. They're the ones that tries the least to hold up any role play.

>> No.2676550
File: 53 KB, 300x250, 1614848561179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2676667

>just normal, interesting and natural best vtubers
sure normalfaggots overhere please -> https://youtu.be/9udg6DGmtW8

>> No.2676567
Quoted by: >>2676831

Koopa Fortuna for a good example of a ENtuber. Be warned, she wants kids, and uses her fans as surrogates

>> No.2676578

Bro, just go watch Holostars.

>> No.2676588
Quoted by: >>2676667

Fuck off and kill yourself retard

>> No.2676595
Quoted by: >>2676667

Get out normalfag

>> No.2676597

>Would you prefer to watch males or females?
Females of course. Who the fuck cares about males vtubers? Gaming content might be good especially if she is good at it but i don't mind just talking chill shit or drawings.
I'm not picky for personalities as long as they don't act like a fucking baby just to sound like an anime character for weebs and simp to get off to. They can have a calm personality or be fucking hyperactive i don't care as long as it's not an act.

>> No.2676641
Quoted by: >>2676831

Polka or Okayu. You can have the crazy entertaining one or the chill one. You need to know JP to understand them though but they do have dedicated translators in the chat.

>> No.2676653
Quoted by: >>2676831

You're essentially insulting half of the board's interests in this paragraph, but I'll spoonfeed you regardless. Ina from Hololive, a vtuber idol group, is a great artist with a calm personality who doesn't put on an act. She seems like she'd be up your alley. She plays games and generally has a cute and pleasant personality. I recommend starting with her and seeing if any of her coworkers interest you later on. Here's her channel.

>> No.2676667

She seems nice but i don't like her voice when she speak english, i wish she only speak japanese because her english is kind of forced and annoying.

>Mio and Fubuki from Hololive
Will look into it.

>Artemis of the Blue.
Isn't that a fucking anime with boatgirl? Well i will look into it too.

Oh come on don't be rude guys. I'm not judging i'm genuinely curious about the whole fucking thing.

>> No.2676704
Quoted by: >>2676831

Momosuzu Nene is another one. She ain't faking. She's just absolutely dumb and cute. It's like having an 18yr old hot girl that watched too much of Gintama and nothing more. She's Pretty fucking hilarious.

>> No.2676745
Quoted by: >>2676831

What the fuck does this mean. If you don't have preferences in that case just pick any zatsudan chuuba and roll with it.

>> No.2676749
Quoted by: >>2676831

Anyone from Nijisanji.

>> No.2676831

>Koopa Fortuna
Good thing i want kids too. Will look into it.

>Polka or Okayu.
Added to the list. Thanks.

>You're essentially insulting half of the board's interests in this paragraph
Trust me it wasn't on purpose anon. Sorry if i offended you. I know most of vtubers fans are into this kind of shit i mean even my friends are only sharing clips of their favorites vtubers speaking "engrish" or talking like an elementary school student but it's kind of annoying to me and i'm sure the vtubers business is so huge i might find the one targeted for me.
Also Ina from Hololive looks cute as fuck and i added her to the list, thanks.

>Momosuzu Nene
I liked Gintama so i'm curious about this one. Japanese humor is a flip coin but most of the time i dig it. Thanks.

>zatsudan chuuba
The fuck is that?

Don't they have like 50 vtubers?

>> No.2676886

>Don't they have like 50 vtubers?
No, Hololive has around 50 vtubers. Nijisanji has over 100. That's why you don't try and watch everyone in one company.

>> No.2676986
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>Don't they have like 50 vtubers?
Actually more. Most of them are more like a normal streamer rather than anime girl/boy. Although they are some anime girl/boy among them. Yashiro might be up your alley. He is basically ordinary salaryman. But better you research it and pick the design you like and start from there.

>> No.2677030
Quoted by: >>2677712

Might as well check out Botan. The more competent gamer in the same batch of Polka and Nene. Very calm and levelheaded, and just overall chill to watch.

Has a pretty iconic giggle too that just sounds genuine, not even cutesy.

>> No.2677076
Quoted by: >>2677712

Not OP but Zatsudan means talking stream. General chat interaction, q and a whatever. Could give you a decent measure of how they are personality-wise.

>> No.2677081

based gatekeeper anon at his post

>> No.2677145
Quoted by: >>2677712

Are they talking about streams or cool clips and memes?
These are two different groups anon and the second one will have way more use out of reddit and fan discords, I'm being serious there
If you are interested in music primarily then it's yet another group, I would recommend starting with Mori, Suisei or AZKi to get into that group but any karaoke doing VTuber should be fine as entrance
Have an example of a recent concert if you want to see if you are into music side of them

>> No.2677206
Quoted by: >>2677252 >>2677712

Make sure to keep us up to date on how you feel about all the Vtubers!

>> No.2677252
Quoted by: >>2677712

You monitoring the guy on his new (possible) addiction? Kinda cruel.

>> No.2677493

Nene is having 3D debut right now if you want to check one out

>> No.2677712
Quoted by: >>2681122 >>2681449

Love her character-design and voice. Will look into it thanks.

So Zatsudan is the japanese for "just chatting" ok i didn't know about that. Thanks anon.

>Are they talking about streams or cool clips and memes?
All of them but most of the time they flood short clips that's how i found about vtubers in the first place. I didn't even know the vtub business had a big music industry part. I miss the old vocaloid boom era but it looks cool too.

I will if the thread is not dead before i can take a look at all the recos you guys did.

>> No.2681122
Quoted by: >>2681197

>I miss the old vocaloid boom era but it looks cool too.
So if you like singing, check this thread >>2648916
Alternatively, you can check out Melissa Kirenka
Or Inui Toko
If you prefer rock, you should check out Kagami Hayato. He is former vocalist of a rock band. I think screamo or something.

>> No.2681197
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Might as well post this copypasta


This is the playlist for almost all the songs from AZKi's recent event. I recommend you check it out, even as simple BGM. Who knows what you might find?
Some of the AMVs are also nice, so that's another reason to check it out

>> No.2681278
File: 144 KB, 850x1105, 1601944992659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Gawr Gura.

>> No.2681449

Glad you liked Botan. Now I hope you'll give Gawr Gura a try.

I promise no extreme cutesy shit.

>> No.2681498
Quoted by: >>2695260



>> No.2681561
File: 1.28 MB, 1257x1332, JC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jabroni Mike

>> No.2681669

Anyone that's a lazy videogame streamer that kneels to permissions isn't worth watching

>> No.2681690

>I'm not picky for personalities as long as they don't act like a fucking baby just to sound like an anime character for weebs and simp to get off to.

Ina'nis ninomae from Hololive or Hana Macchia from Nijisanji.

>> No.2681702
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Lumia, the harpist vtuber

>> No.2681732
File: 57 KB, 500x500, Edo Lena, vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edo Lena, JP musician

>> No.2681773
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, Harusaruhi vtuber rapper vsinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP rapper

>> No.2681809
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, Comet Dusts vtuber vsinger band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comet Dusts, JP vtuber indie rock band

>> No.2682289
File: 237 KB, 1517x1382, Singing_Nina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lot of Western picks, try Nina on twitch.tv/ninaninin

She sings wonderfully, and there is no forced GFE or whore level humor. Pretty much western hololive experience. You should like her deeper, natural voice.


>> No.2682781

OP here. I checked most of them and i can safely say i have found two vtubers that i might really enjoy so thanks guys this thread wasn't for nothing. I will go with Ina for EN and Botan for JP. God i love Botan voice and she seem to be quite good at games.

>> No.2682930
Quoted by: >>2683691

yeah botan is around the level you need to go pro in fps, she's absurdly good.

>> No.2683031
Quoted by: >>2683691

Good. Both Ina and Botan are great.

>> No.2683240
Quoted by: >>2683691

botan has one of the most experience in games and quite competent. I believe she was a semi-pro in R6

>> No.2683691

Watching Botan Diablo 2 remaster video now. Kind of unexpected to see a japanese vtuber on that kind of game. Dunno if she was a pro or something but she is a true gamer no doubt about it.

>> No.2684043
File: 433 KB, 2269x2682, EraK5KDW4Ak9cbC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2684323

If little to no kayfabe or silly voices are not your thing and you just want someone to chill with, there are actually plenty of indies that are good at this! Check out Alice Sawyer, her character is a loli but she herself is a deep-voiced finnish girl (and somehow the voice still work quite well with the avatar) who loves playing horror games, watching online horror content and discussing horror movies.

Others have suggested Nina and some other /wvt/ chuubas, basically this is their specialty. Personally I enjoy vtubers of all kinds but all across the board, but I empathize with what you're looking for.

>> No.2684225

Good. REALLY good.

You can just discover everyone else at your own pace from there then. Good luck.

>> No.2684323
Quoted by: >>2684565

I can't find her youtube channel. I guess she is streaming on twitch or something?

>> No.2684498


>> No.2684565
File: 663 KB, 3600x2700, ErsBeWpVkAEt8AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, there are actually lots of vtubers like the ones you're looking for on Twitch.

Stalkeralker: Jack-of-all-trades extraordinaire. Fast at drawing, plays music, sings, pretty good at all of them. She also plays games and is extremely determined. She made her own avatar and it's an interesting mix of western and eastern styles.

Dot_lvl: Unabashedly a babinaku, basically a guy with a female avatar. Extremely chill. Probably the smartest vtuber I know of, he's a legit JP to English translator and knows the language like the back of his hand, and with sometimes even do live TLs for some of the JP-only games he plays. He delves pretty deeply into retro game stuff, like PC Engine and PC98 games. He's also a DOOM and Spelunky fan.

>> No.2684613

None if them are normal, they are all crazy bitches.

>> No.2684656

Wow, you really are new to vtubing.

>> No.2689355
File: 31 KB, 400x400, sophii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2689376 >>2694291

Sophii doesnt really give off the "desperate attention hog" vibe because she already has a cool job as a nurse.

>> No.2689376

forgot link

>> No.2689398

You sound like this isn't the thing for you.

>> No.2691003
Quoted by: >>2691061

watch usada pekora if you are straight

>> No.2691061

>watch the least sexually attractive vtuber if you are straight
What did he mean by this?

>> No.2691066

itsagundam. papa gundam rule

>> No.2691081


>> No.2694291

jfc i hate nurses and they are all desperate attention hog

>> No.2695156

Akatsuki Uni

>> No.2695260
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>Artemis of the Blue.

>> No.2696263

>introduce me to the most genuine, not acting like a fucking toddler or speaking ara ara and forced cringe shit, just normal, interesting and natural best vtubers around please
Suisei is very genuine because she IS her own self-insert, having rigged and drawn the art for her character all by herself during her indie days
some of the other chuubas can feel like that they're playing a character but with Suisei, it's more her than not
