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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2645992 No.2645992 [Reply] [Original]

How menhera is your oshi?

>> No.2646253

What the fuck does menhera even mean?

>> No.2646391

Caramelized condensed milk, a sweet spread from south america.

>> No.2646505
File: 64 KB, 245x281, 1618619674120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2669754

>a**** s******, aka menhera killer
Was, and I'm glad she's better now

>> No.2646580

men hear = menhera
it means how much close to man your oshi sounds
big example towa

>> No.2646657
Quoted by: >>2665673 >>2687970

short for mental health but they just use it to refer to people that are crazy

>> No.2646836
File: 307 KB, 680x521, 1617944685504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2648187

doesnt seem to be desu senpai

>> No.2647059
Quoted by: >>2647120

My oshi is /vt/, so very menhera

>> No.2647120
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1617788815580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2648769


>> No.2647301
File: 67 KB, 424x600, Sukoya.Kana.600.2714633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2665850


>> No.2647560
File: 180 KB, 850x1203, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_kakage__sample-73319b737d3fa5ae92168837f4f3e06f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Distressingly so.

>> No.2647591

What's the biggest menhera moment in a hololive stream, has there ever been a full on breakdown with loud crying and stuff.

>> No.2647648
File: 310 KB, 1458x2048, EtOCBJ8UUAQnPpN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10 I'd say, she's definitely not on the level of Matsuri or Polka but she can get very parasocial with chat and has a messed up sleep schedule because she stays up all night not wanting to leave us. Is far too nice and passive to go on any menhera outbursts but cries every other stream, obviously had a difficult childhood which affected her badly. Gets the most LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO superchats of anyone outside EN so the menhera extends to the fanbase at least somewhat

>> No.2647664


Coco had one over the China stuff, Kanata I think had to come in and rescue her.

Kiara broke down playing Ryza when there was a friendship bracelet side quest and she thought about that autistic cunt Mori not missing her.

>> No.2647733
Quoted by: >>2647779 >>2655484

The coco thing wasn't bad at all. She was barely doing sniffles. I mean like loud crying full on menhera. I haven't seen the Kiara bracelet thing.

>> No.2647771


>> No.2647779

Kiara's was just quiet sobbing, I can't really think of any of them full blown wailing on stream

>> No.2647781
Quoted by: >>2647849

It's not Mori's fault she's both autistic and not all that into Kiara. Hololive fucked up pushing that ship so hard.

>> No.2647811

God Polka fucks like a tiger doesn't she?

>> No.2647813
File: 1.61 MB, 1080x2340, Suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua crying over losing the Mario Kart tournament to Suisei.

>> No.2647817
Quoted by: >>2647953

Choose one, but I honestly can't blame her. I bet the most relaxing day of Mori's life was when chicken left Japan.

>> No.2647849
Quoted by: >>2647953 >>2673336

Moris not even a lesbo like kiara and as a person she is stable, kiara is the real lesbo/bi menhera one.

>> No.2647873
Quoted by: >>2648391 >>2648952

Didn't Watame get a superchat from a guy whose wife and daughter died? She has an aura that attracts those kinds of people.

>> No.2647953
Quoted by: >>2648021

As said, they messed up pushing that ship because you can tell she just isn't into it. Our Boy is too autistic and/or straight for that.

Kiara knows it's her ticket to fame via yurifags and fanart.

>> No.2648021
Quoted by: >>2648121 >>2654653

Mori may be a full on SJW but she herself is straight. The kiara thing is some yuribait that went too far.

>> No.2648121
Quoted by: >>2654653

Is Mori an SJW? I don't recall her saying anything political. Kiara seems more that type.

>> No.2648187

Shame about her being a crazy sjw

>> No.2648211
Quoted by: >>2648290 >>2654653

It means "google it"

>> No.2648271

Most women are sjw anon

>> No.2648290
Quoted by: >>2648684

>how google it is your oshi?
i don't understand

>> No.2648391
Quoted by: >>2672584

Oh yeah that guy, he still sends her an aka pretty much every stream and always ends the message by calling her "lovely daughter", it's kind of worrying but he's bankrolling my oshi so I can't complain I guess

>> No.2648492
File: 218 KB, 663x1000, 1610712655323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2648684

The alternate translation is "how lurk more is your oshi?", but I'm an EOP so please be patient, thinking time.

>> No.2648769

When will Kiara start paying rent?

>> No.2648814
File: 396 KB, 2000x2100, 1618440269204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, she's too cute she would though, since she's very responsible and independent. Also, very menhera

>> No.2648854
File: 1.52 MB, 1654x2339, IMG_20201125_201704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. You tell me.

>> No.2648928

H artists need to get on this asap.

>> No.2648952


>> No.2648975
File: 327 KB, 1448x2048, hecatia doves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty menhera desu. It's part of her charm.

>> No.2649099

She did remove a channel in her discord recently that allows for discussion about other vtubers, considers it like fucking your wife and she calls out another man's name

>> No.2649197 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2649483 >>2650069

Miko is my oshi. She tends to suffer from a bit of social anxiety but it's not crippling like it is for some of the others as she tends to open up really quickly. She also tends to worry about things a bit too much, but who doesn't? She seems like one of the more mentally sounds holos to me.

>> No.2649483

I think most, but not all of hololive have social anxiety issues and with all she has I honestly think this is a good thing for her.

Shame certain fandoms are thin skinned but nothing always goes smoothly

>> No.2649518
Quoted by: >>2662790

Being a backstabber is not a mental illness.

>> No.2649584
File: 489 KB, 486x645, 1616720775386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's health problems are physical, not mental. She's an airhead but I don't think that really counts.

>> No.2649631
Quoted by: >>2652030

She has CTE from repeated head trauma.

>> No.2650069
Quoted by: >>2651632 >>2665181

Her physical body isn't good and her ankyloglossia must wear on her confidence.

>> No.2651220


>> No.2651439

I'd let Kiara live in my head rent free, she seems nice

>> No.2651513
File: 8 KB, 225x225, nerines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2651654 >>2679432

>Severe anxiety problems
>Had a mental breakdown trying to go to college
>Had menhera attacks over her old content

>> No.2651614
Quoted by: >>2651901

such a shame she didn't end up shooting herself in the head.

>> No.2651632 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2652253

I'm sure it does and it has also led to some of her anti attacks dating back to her NND days. If you read the old threads where they were planning out the attack on her (you know, the JAV shit) they seem mainly mad that somebody could be so cute and have such a "moe" voice. Very silly reasons to attack somebody but antis never were intelligent.

>> No.2651654
Quoted by: >>2654457

Too bad. Her mom was cute

>> No.2651901

Hey anon, don't say that about my beloved Tia. It's not nice.

>> No.2652030

She a wrestler?

>> No.2652253
Quoted by: >>2652560 >>2653332

Miko did JAV?

>> No.2652560 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2652727

No, it was a slander campaign by antis.

>> No.2652727

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I'm glad she didn't degrade herself doing porn. On the other, I kinda want to see it.

>> No.2652897
Quoted by: >>2657345 >>2665966

Basically anyone involved in the Mario Kart tournament. Rushia freaked out over coming dead last.

>> No.2652958
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1618527508379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko will never stimulate your penis with her tongue-tie

>> No.2653304

>I'm glad she didn't degrade herself doing porn

>> No.2653332
Quoted by: >>2673474

No she is a married woman with a husband and child. She isn't doing porn

>> No.2654457
Quoted by: >>2666445

What if it's like Matsuri, where the mother is also a menhera

>> No.2654653

What the hell does SJW even mean to you? Left leaning? You don't see any of these women going on pointless internet crusades like actual SJW do, nor do they include their opinons in any of the content they create. This is fucking retarded.

>> No.2655484

No matter how strong her will, she is still a woman. Holohouse was her greatest idea since they can help each other when thing like that happen.

>> No.2657345
Quoted by: >>2665203 >>2672824

I still don't understand how could they get so mad at fucking mario kart
imagine if they got mad at competitive mario party next time

>> No.2657462
Quoted by: >>2685990

I mean anyone to the right of Obama is a nazi.

>> No.2657688

I like Watame and a lot of her fanbase on here at least are pretty fun but then I watch her streams and the chat has this completely unhinged mental element lurking in it.

>> No.2657719
File: 706 KB, 882x882, ExinnhhVoAMvJ2j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2658058 >>2665073

She is actually pretty normal and healthy.

>> No.2658042
File: 70 KB, 680x680, EwGG1YWUcAEHnfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2665577

She's a strange girl who lives in her own fantasy world but she's emotionally very stable and seems to really love the job and her fans. LAMY LOVE !!!

>> No.2658058


yes, her 16 hour gaming streams are very healthy

>> No.2658964 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 300x300, 1597306103223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the clip of Noel freaking out when Dark Souls kept crashing? That's probably the most terrifying holo clip I've ever seen.

>> No.2659089
Quoted by: >>2660755

Kiara crying with subaru. She saw a construction by pekora and broke down. Bitch is crazy

>> No.2659119
Quoted by: >>2673911

I heard she stalks her top supporters on Twitter. True?

>> No.2660755

Kiara is cringey menhera stuff but Matsuri is full on schizo woman on the brink of ruining her livelihood with different mood swings.

>> No.2662790

Fags in Kiara threads have gone past rent free and actually pay her to live in their heads.
>he doesn’t know about Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
Some anons think that even the most superficial SJW stuff is a sign that someone is a raging ideologue, rather than merely lipservice to avoid the outrage mob.

>> No.2663280

Apparently spade echo had one a while ago, going on a rant about her coworkers and stuff

>> No.2663405
Quoted by: >>2663884

I now want to protect Polka more than anything

>> No.2663884
File: 404 KB, 1833x742, True love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your first task is to stop this man

>> No.2664071

I thought Klaius wanted to get with Gura

>> No.2664506

She and her daddy issues remind me of myself. I'd be really similar in that regard if I were in her position.

>> No.2665073
Quoted by: >>2665557

>single mom

>> No.2665097
Quoted by: >>2671077 >>2693545

You fuckers need help man

>> No.2665181

wait what the fuck I thought everyone's tongue was like that

>> No.2665203

That would destroy any semblance of friendship at hololive, no amount of acting skills could allow them to pretend to be friends after that.

>> No.2665557
Quoted by: >>2665728 >>2667483

Wait, she's actually a mother? And single at that? Yikes. I know other talents are in their 30s... are they also moms?

>> No.2665577

She's a drunk, and her coworkers try to help her but end up playing it off for laughs.

>> No.2665673

Whoa. I know the definition but never the root. Man waseigo is something.

>> No.2665715
Quoted by: >>2668427

>Suisei is a massive sadist
Where does this rrat come from?

>> No.2665728
Quoted by: >>2665772 >>2665787

Its just a rrat that she had kids and they were taken away. As always, there is no proof

>> No.2665758

Don't you know anon? Unless you are openly racist and bigoted, you are SJW.

>> No.2665772

Still, there's some older ladies in hololive right? I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of them was married with kids. Good for them if so.

>> No.2665781

go back

>> No.2665787
Quoted by: >>2667483

She'd be absolutely mental if that were the case. Korone is the opposite of a menhara.

Botan is at least 40 and Aki is married.

>> No.2665796

fuck off nigger

>> No.2665850

tomoe better watch out

>> No.2665894
Quoted by: >>2672720

Koro-san has at least 2 children

>> No.2665966

I only saw the Suisei vid and she was so happy. I have been watching other vids and I'm starting to think that there was a 6 figure bet or something. Good lord.

>> No.2665991
Quoted by: >>2672899 >>2674108

Dumbass probably doesn't even know what polka's roommate looks like. Otherwise he wouldn't have committed.

>> No.2666307

About one mental episode away from going on a shooting spree.

>> No.2666445

That's almost always the case.

>> No.2666961

JP0: None
JP1: Matsuri, Chris?
JP2: None
JP3: None
JP4: None
JP5: Polka, Aloe...
JPGamers: None
ID1: None
ID2: Ollie?
EN1: Kiara, Gura

>> No.2667325

You missed a bunch

JP0: Suisei (try hard cunt)
JP2: Shion (muh depression, high school dropout), Aqua (Autistic as fuck), Ayame (actual real life whore who can go weeks without streaming while turning tricks)
JP3: Pekora (socially crippled loner who has destroyed any friendship she ever had), Rushia (Constantly has depressive menhera attacks and talks about killing herself on twitter)

>> No.2667458
Quoted by: >>2693461

How is Gura a 'menhera'? She's just a dumbo with some hang ups.

>> No.2667483

Korone is allegedly a divorcée, and was apparently incompetent enough at parenting to lose custody of her children, possibly due to some level of social anxiety.
As for the other holos, Azki got married sometime in the past couple of months, and Aki is allegedly a housewife and mother. Agewise, a decent chunk are supposedly older than Marine, including Fubuki, Coco, Watame, and Rushia.

>> No.2667640
File: 1.06 MB, 1447x2047, 1618669297050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2667751 >>2667972

Some of her tweeter posts look like a menhera wrote them but, I don't know if it's a poor translation by her part or if she is just shitposting as one for fun.

>> No.2667751
Quoted by: >>2667851

anybody looking for attention from fucking anomalous on 4chins is probably a massive weirdo irl in the best case scenario, doubly so if said person is also japanese

>> No.2667851

couldnt have said it better

>> No.2667859
Quoted by: >>2667918

>JP3: None
Noel is a board certified menhera.

>JP0: Suisei (try hard cunt)
Fight me. She just works hard but she is a genuinely good person with a lot of ambition.

>> No.2667918
Quoted by: >>2669039

>Noel is a board certified menhera.

Elaborate. The only rrat I know of is that her roommate appeared to have been abused by Flare's roommate.

>> No.2667941

Not menhera.
Maybe. Not menhera. Ogey.
I'll give you that one. Maybe.

Rrats, all of it rrats.

>> No.2667972

she seems surprisingly savvy, so I suspect that she's mostly just shitposting
although it is peculiar for any internet personality to openly enjoy guro

>> No.2668188
Quoted by: >>2672422 >>2674135

Don't speak ill of the dead.
Yikes. I thought she was pretending to be vulnerable for akasupas. I wonder if she would do it if she was forced to graduate. Matsuri probably will an hero at some point but I think her relationship with her fanbase is healthy. Pekora is just a bitch with wild mood swings. She just needs meds unironically.

>> No.2668256

kiaras early streams were peak cringekino, will never forget the minecraft stream on her managers computer

>> No.2668427
Quoted by: >>2669409

You may be blind if you don't see the S on Suisei.

>> No.2669039
Quoted by: >>2669409

>demonetized by youtube reaction
>roomate accidently calling herself senchou and breaking her keyboard.
Do your reps.

>> No.2669206
Quoted by: >>2669629 >>2669871

>Wants to get beaten up by everyone
>Roommate is dating a simp who couldn't snap a bundle of balsawood sticks
Put these two together and im fairly positive she's had "that" fantasy

>> No.2669409

Also she will start repeating shit madder and madder.

I don't, she was so sweet when she won at mario kart. She's just a driven person. Getting a kick out of beating people/killing people in collabs and using the sidewalk as a road in GTA repeatedly isn't a sign of mental illness.

>> No.2669629


>> No.2669754

You missed >>2646505

>> No.2669871
Quoted by: >>2670006 >>2670167


>> No.2670006
Quoted by: >>2670167

Rape anon, she probably has a rape fantasy

>> No.2670167

specifically NTR rape by a meatbeast who beats the shit out of her bf and makes him watch, bloody and crying

>> No.2670503

that has to be bait r-right?

>> No.2670635
File: 1.26 MB, 2480x3508, 1611164786048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is undeniably menhera, and she even knows it.
But she's also really honest, cute, and hardworking. She's the one who cares the most about her fanbase in her generation, and likely in Hololive.
And I wouldn't want her any other way. I'm happy to support her and comfort her when she feels weak, and she's aware of just how much I love her.

>> No.2670893
File: 469 KB, 372x506, 1614390552691.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2674229

I'll be leaving soon and be gone for a few months and I'm worried my oshi will die before I get back

>> No.2670937
Quoted by: >>2671365

Anon Marine and Flare are the only sankisei members who aren't definitely a menhera

"Definitely" because with Marine I still have my doubts

>> No.2671077

Hey buddy, I think you have the wrong door. Reddit is two blocks down.

>> No.2671365
Quoted by: >>2675572

Marine is functional and I think she is a bit too attached to her chat but I think she just craves human interaction. She's just social.

Flare is a sane, rational person. Not sure how she got such loyal elf friends without manipulating them.

>> No.2671432
File: 292 KB, 1311x720, EwuOBGwVkAEpwY5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2676156


>> No.2672422
Quoted by: >>2672468

>her relationship with her fanbase is healthy
she actively enables the unhealthy attachment a lot of her fans have for her, both as matsuri and in her roommate account

>> No.2672468

Yeah but she doesn't develop them for her own emotional needs. It's just business to get juicy paypigs.

>> No.2672473
File: 578 KB, 650x576, why are we here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2674173

Her mind is an enigma.

>> No.2672564
File: 1.63 MB, 2048x1148, 1613866216989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a little out there
Doing her best, as always

>> No.2672584

......... bruh I did not know about this holy fuck that is really sad, I feel bad for that guy because his wife and daughter died but I feel worse for Watame because she has to deal with those messages every stream...

>> No.2672608

When EN2 debuts

>> No.2672667
File: 547 KB, 650x479, unknown-160_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2684871

I wish I could understand her though process for some of the decisions she makes but I think twappi is pretty well adapted as a person

>> No.2672720
Quoted by: >>2672755

what makes you think that??

>> No.2672755
Quoted by: >>2672894

Do your rep anon

>> No.2672787
Quoted by: >>2672828

>crazy sjw
>open about her fat ass and flat tits along with other sexual deviations
ogey, rrrrrat

>> No.2672824

I think the onion cried not because she got second place but because it was by a 1 point margin that some final boost she did at the end of the last race could've let her win the whole thing so more like missed opportunity.

>> No.2672828
Quoted by: >>2672850

Isnt that what a female sjw does

>> No.2672850

I thought the whole point of being an sjw is to not "objectify women" even if its a fucking drawing. desu i think she's the furthest from it but thats just me

>> No.2672861

all SJWs are sex positive and fat positive now

>> No.2672894

ohhh so you only say that koro-san has kids because you like to do a little trolling, I see

>> No.2672899
Quoted by: >>2674108

There's a point in life where you really don't care about looks and just want some company.

>> No.2672904
File: 130 KB, 499x503, 1603705889040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That indeed the point of the SJW movement but unlike the Mormon they don't practice what they preach, most are join for feel good point just from being a higher moral ground (on their head of course)

>> No.2672982
File: 897 KB, 940x641, Hololive haachama smugchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mindset of an SJW is a "X is unjustly telling me what to do or think so im going to do the opposite" where X is something that's common sense

So you will have both types of SJW in your example of objectifying women
Type 1: (X is christian morals saying being a whore is bad) "OBJECTIFY ME, BUY MY ONLY FANS, FUCK THE PURITYFAGS"

And both will exist and pretend to agree with each other at the same time

To stay on hololive topic: The holos are not sjw because they act how they act in an honest manner and not in a "Fuck you society" kinda way. They're mostly japanese. They know they have to tow the line and most of them do so.

Schizo-chama is on another level of rebellion, but its not SJW-based

>> No.2673336

Is chicken a real lesbian or just baiting for the supachat and content?

>> No.2673426

Now that you mention it, has there been any big chooba who commited suicide or died irl?

>> No.2673474
Quoted by: >>2673875

Isnt that fubuki?

>> No.2673497

Minato Aqua died this past week.

>> No.2673766

holy based

>> No.2673809

Yes, she had like 400k subs and killed herself in december of last year, my birthday actually

>> No.2673850
Quoted by: >>2674211

Supposedly Ugoku-chan killed herself.

>> No.2673875

I thought that rrat was about Aki.

>> No.2673911

Definitely true, one of her gachis posted a video of some crazy Monhun play he did, no Watame related tags or anything and she commented about it on-stream

>> No.2674108

Botan's roomate low-key ruined her for me.

Glad my Oshii is pretty.

>> No.2674135
Quoted by: >>2674191

Pekora seems less mentally ill than many holos. She's just a shy NEET scared of people.

>> No.2674153
Quoted by: >>2674238 >>2674317

Is Watame old? I thought she was on the younger side.

>> No.2674173

TMSK is built different.

>> No.2674191

That's still on the spectrum but I don't think she is a danger to herself and others. She doesn't really function too well and would be a hikki NEET without the meal ticket of streaming.

>> No.2674211

>look up Ugoku-chan
>last post is saying she loves her family
Damn, she really did. That's fucked.

>> No.2674229

I don't think it'd be from menhera though, but from health problems
Please, pochi-sensei, take care of yourself

>> No.2674238
File: 616 KB, 461x1600, 1618345754511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2674261

bro your hag reps?

>> No.2674252

How dare you use logic in a thread focused on menheras.

>> No.2674261
Quoted by: >>2674468

I don't do reps for most, I'm just surprised. I was also surprised to learn Korone is mid 30's so maybe I just suck at this.

>> No.2674263

I have no doubt she's at least bisexual.

>> No.2674290
Quoted by: >>2674307 >>2674347

She’s that bad?

>> No.2674307
Quoted by: >>2674543

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

>> No.2674317
Quoted by: >>2674360

Let's just say her 17 second season finale starts this year

>> No.2674347

The memes about her being an old hag are not memes
But desu that excuses it because once you're 10 years past the WALL all women go through it makes perfect sense

>> No.2674360

33 isn't that bad. Maybe it's because I'm that age too.

I kinda like the older ones, they're more consistent.

>> No.2674468

Dog is insanely good at acting cute, in both voice and mannerism - she dialed the acting down a lot and it's still impressive, so misjudging her is understandable.

>> No.2674469
Quoted by: >>2674819

Who's your oshii anon?

>> No.2674526
Quoted by: >>2674968

Ok, we know all those female menheras, but what about menhera male vtubers? are there any?

>> No.2674543
Quoted by: >>2674839

She's not *that* bad, the most widely circulated pictures on 5ch and this place are the ones where she looks the worst but there's plenty of other pictures out there where she looks okay for her age. Obviously she's not a model or anything but for me personally she's not bad enough to put me off cute anime lion with a 10/10 personality

>> No.2674625
Quoted by: >>2674839

wait until this kid finds out that he's gonna get old one day, too

>> No.2674819
Quoted by: >>2674909


>> No.2674839

I know I'm getting old.

28 this year.

Could just be a bad picture then. I only have the one.

>> No.2674909
Quoted by: >>2675012 >>2675095

Must be nice, having soft porn of your oshii.

>> No.2674946

My oshi is a libtard who rages on Twitter about Drumpf and BLM even though she's not even American

>> No.2674958
Quoted by: >>2675003


>> No.2674968

Astel maybe?

>> No.2675003
Quoted by: >>2675012


>> No.2675012
Quoted by: >>2675020

It is. Honestly if she was less crazy she'd be wife material.

Not surprising. Does she at least keep the politics on her roomate account?

>> No.2675020

Yagoo would personally fly to Austria and re-create the ending of WW2 if she put it on her holo profile

>> No.2675041
Quoted by: >>2675055 >>2675085

and she does it in Japanese, no less

>> No.2675055
Quoted by: >>2675276

Now that's hilarious. Does anyone even read that shit unironically?

>> No.2675066

This list is shit how the fuck are you gonna miss girls like Rushia you stupid fuck

>> No.2675076
File: 1.77 MB, 1300x1500, 1618669869926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2675110 >>2676347

>My oshi is a libtard who rages on Twitter about Drumpf and BLM even though she's not even American
>crazy prepper survivalist skills inherited from mom
>/k/ compatible but not obsessed
>probably one of the only Holos who could get into/ has been in a threesome
>most feminine and girly of HoloEN
Maybe I picked the wrong oshi, Kiara's looking pretty hot right now

>> No.2675085
Quoted by: >>2675276

It's funny because every Jap I've ever met liked Trump. Whose she even talking to at that point?

>> No.2675095
Quoted by: >>2675147

Are you talking about asmr stuff, or...?

>> No.2675110

>Prepper suvivalist
>/k/ compatible
>extremely libtard
How does one end up this way? Is it a parental rebellion kinda thing? Or is it just Germans being Germans?

>> No.2675127

Sounds like her mom was a prepper survivalist and he's relying on Kiara inheriting that knowledge.

I wouldn't count on it. She seems really urban.

>> No.2675144

>>extremely libtard
her political opinions are just whatever she sees in her twitter timeline
people like her are the best example against democracy

>> No.2675147
Quoted by: >>2675180

Yeah, the ""ASMR"" stuff.
I beg to differ, she's Austrian.

>> No.2675180

Why the quotes? Does she really get that risqué? I thought that was Mel and Choco’s shtick.

>> No.2675200

Some of her fans are absolutely nuts, she attracts the savior types - and they make for the most frothing white knights.

>> No.2675201

Noel's roomate does softcore titty stuff, though IIRC she's never shown actual nudity.

>> No.2675219 [SPOILER] 
File: 218 KB, 1920x1080, 1618734919059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this justifies a number of quotes.

>> No.2675253

>reproduction is prohibited

>> No.2675258
Quoted by: >>2675271

Woah, okay

>> No.2675262


>> No.2675271

Knight's cup, man. Can't beat it.

>> No.2675276
Quoted by: >>2675284 >>2682200

Believe it or not there are actual libtards in Japan, she’s not shouting into the void in this case

>> No.2675284

I hear that Japan is getting gradually liberalized. Between that and the rise of single motherhood I see tough times ahead.

>> No.2675337
Quoted by: >>2675353

You always have to be sceptical of any political doomposters when it comes to Japan, anyone can give an anecdote about how the Japanese are becoming more liberal, which is what a lot of these stories are.

>> No.2675353
Quoted by: >>2675412

I hope you're right and it's all doomposters. I'd hate to see Japan fall like many countries have.

>> No.2675412
Quoted by: >>2675433

As long as the LDP are in charge, Japan should be fine.

>> No.2675433

Suga doesn't seem like the alpha that Abe was.

>> No.2675533
Quoted by: >>2683697

Regardless of if they are or not you should keep in mind that politics over there are very different than in the west. A Japanese liberal is quite different from a US liberal.

>> No.2675572

Probably her elvish design carries her among her superchat-crazy gachikois.

Aside from that she seems to be a chill and fun person less likely to get involved in menhera dramas than the average holomem which is why she lagged behind the rest of the 3rd gen

>> No.2676156
File: 20 KB, 200x200, hanas dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you winning hana?

>> No.2676347

Only the first and last one are correct.

>> No.2677724

Nah that was the previous wave of feminism, now its all sex and "healthy at all sizes" positive. They still like to keep that around for certain cases like drawings and attractive female videogame characters (i.e Where are her organs) and their usual hypocrisy.

>> No.2679145
Quoted by: >>2679668

It's all bait, she's 0% gay.

>> No.2679384

I honestly believe Ame is one of the most /strongmind/ of all the Holos.

>> No.2679432
Quoted by: >>2683915

She never really recovered from her old channel meltdown desu.

>> No.2679668

There's an old video of her roommate kissing another girl who confessed to her so you tell me.

>> No.2680584

There is a what now?

>> No.2680866

What the fuck bulldyke CONFIRMED

>> No.2681213
Quoted by: >>2681458

God i fucking hate whores

>> No.2681361

post proof

>> No.2681374

It might be the low resolution but I watched the video and I cannot for the life of me see any kiss.

>> No.2681458 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 1178x1013, 1618748629505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're going to hate this even more

>> No.2681649

Do people seriously think Kiara is attractive?

>> No.2681711

I thought she was supposed to be a hot stacy wtf

>> No.2681751
File: 96 KB, 600x600, awooga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noel best girl

>> No.2681964

Will she have a menhera breakdown the prosecution loses?

>> No.2682200

Whats more suprising is that she is so obsessed with Japan that she quit HS over going that yet she was bewildered that Japan isnt as pozzed as the west only a few years ago. She is the archetypal weeb.

>> No.2682221
File: 899 KB, 818x814, fucking disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking Q spade nigger tattoo thing that whores have
absolutely fucking disgusting. graduation anytime

>> No.2682320
Quoted by: >>2688540

If Kiara had lived just a few km more to the west she couldnt have quit highschool to fuck japanese men as its illegal to not go to school in Germany but not in Austria.

>> No.2682517
Quoted by: >>2682560 >>2682576

imagine being this much of incel
she gets to express her viewpoints if she wants to

>> No.2682560
File: 112 KB, 680x378, 1617907445786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2682667


>> No.2682576
Quoted by: >>2682667

Imagine being this much of a simp.
Your attitude makes pussies become dryer than the Sahara desert.

>> No.2682614

you ok there white boi?

>> No.2682621
Quoted by: >>2682731 >>2686034

apparently a lot

>> No.2682667
Quoted by: >>2682714

seethe idolfag

>> No.2682714
Quoted by: >>2682775

NPCs and their limited vocabulary.
Your programmers are getting lazier and lazier.

>> No.2682731
Quoted by: >>2682861

Poor choice of words?

>> No.2682775


>> No.2682782
Quoted by: >>2683916

fuck off frogposter

>> No.2682861

Doubt it, she's from Japan after all. Most likely she's really in bad state right now and being a bit dramatic

>> No.2683632
Quoted by: >>2683775 >>2687039

I never liked Noel that much but her roommate stuff completely killed her for me. Now she's only fap material.

>> No.2683697

>A Japanese liberal is quite different from a US liberal.
for now.

>> No.2683775 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1920x1080, 1618753710999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2685101 >>2687039

But why though? I would pay top dollar for nudes from my oshi, and she doesn't even look half as good.

>> No.2683834
Quoted by: >>2683858 >>2685279

The is no fucking way that Rushia is in her 30s. NO WAY.

>> No.2683840
Quoted by: >>2683916


>> No.2683858


>> No.2683915

funny trivia, there's a random channel that uploads vtuber vods that does a much better job at archiving her vods than her own fucking vod channel.

>> No.2683916
File: 541 KB, 600x720, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back :)

>> No.2684090
Quoted by: >>2689396

Not the biggest one but here's Rushia breaking down on stream over a Mario level


>> No.2684221
Quoted by: >>2684525

why? Reactionary ideology is poison, and Japan is insanely bad in that regard.

>> No.2684525

go back

>> No.2684544

It's photoshopped you absolute dumbass.

>> No.2684549
File: 329 KB, 900x900, Pon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2685164

Not at all, I'm sorry for the haatons, when Mio was on her break we knew for sure she would come back

>> No.2684683
Quoted by: >>2688589

Her roomate ASRM stuff is absurdly lewd, like wayyy lewder than I expected. Just go check on nyaa if you want to know.

>> No.2684871

She does have stalker tendencies since she tweets and replies at her most dedicated fans

>> No.2685040

I can't believe I was simping for her roommate

>> No.2685101
Quoted by: >>2691558

Too small, go to hilari baknew and continue to enjoy Noel

>> No.2685164
Quoted by: >>2685671 >>2685773

Mio is post menopausal and does not suffer from schizophrenic fits caused by being a young hormonal female.

>> No.2685279
Quoted by: >>2685629

Did YouTube Algorithm ever doxx her for you? I'd say she is in her late 20s by now

>> No.2685345
File: 1.26 MB, 766x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2685666

Pretty stable

>> No.2685629
Quoted by: >>2686104

She's 32 and there's multiple sources that confirm that

>> No.2685666
Quoted by: >>2689951

Someone marry her please

>> No.2685671
File: 1.90 MB, 2227x3057, miobaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's a good thing!

>> No.2685773
Quoted by: >>2685914

Women don't have their menopause in their mid-30s jesus christ

>> No.2685806
File: 126 KB, 735x735, 20210313_225338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of the most well adjusted girls in Hololive although that doesn't say much, sometimes I feel like she didn't really take even slightly negative comments or SCs in her chat particularly well. 3/10

>> No.2685914

>taking a shitpost seriously

how new?

>> No.2685967

She did voice clips for some JOI thing, but that's it

>> No.2685990

>not Mao

>> No.2686034
File: 390 KB, 2000x1500, 20210410_141608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when the crazy was just for fun...

>> No.2686104

Oh, I believe it. I assumed late 20s based on that one video youtube throws on the Recommended sometimes, but trying to guess an asian woman's age just by physical looks is very hard.

>> No.2687039

I like Noel's vibe. The fact she's hot IRL and as an avatar only adds to that.

>> No.2687776
Quoted by: >>2687900 >>2688601

Bros, can dudes also be menhera? I used to think my oshi was just memeing but the more I read his tweets and watch his zatsudans the more I'm starting to think he really has some sort of mood or personality disorder.

>> No.2687900

are you referring to the kusogaki seaweed?

>> No.2687970

I have two vtubers I could consider my oshi, one of whom is a menhera from imposter syndrome and the other of whom isn't one but has a traumatic past. A lot of my favorite vtubers are menhera.
Do you say menhera or menheras when describing more than one menhera?

>> No.2688505

I'm like that anon. The ways I usually see are white liberal but grew up with guns + mistrust of gov, or brown immigrant background from a place with guns

>> No.2688540

Once again Germans are massive fucking nerds

>> No.2688589

She’s never whipped her manco out and frapped it like a certain creature of the night...

>> No.2688601
Quoted by: >>2688657 >>2693990

Yes, but the personality disorders that men have tend to be the ones that are less outwardly emotional. Like I have schizoid personality disorder but that wouldn't register as "menhera".

>> No.2688608
Quoted by: >>2688660

Hold up, which creature of the night we talking about here?

>> No.2688647
Quoted by: >>2689015

Worst is possible self esteem issues over the R word

>> No.2688657
File: 9 KB, 217x232, 6dbc056fe526da3bc6d3e1ddc37bd319d86aa099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have schizoid personality disorder
Found the rrat.

>> No.2688660
Quoted by: >>2688684

Let’s just say she has a lot of Yamato-damashii if you know what I’m saying it’s Mel

>> No.2688684
Quoted by: >>2688724

I did not know her roomate did ASMR. Is it archived on nyaa or something?

>> No.2688724

Yes her roommate is a very lewd asmr streamer and that is a good place to look

>> No.2688939

Mind telling me which stream that happened? Just the date is fine I think.

>> No.2688940

go back
i'm not racist, ur a nigger faggot

>> No.2688972

>kiara actually likes mori
>goes to her house to confess
>Mori is the middle of an orgy with the boys
>"Oh hey whats up Kiara? Can you tell me whatever later? I'm kinda busy right now"
>kiara flies out of japan the next day

>> No.2689015
File: 94 KB, 590x590, kamon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2689279

R word?
She does seem to have some problems with confidence

>> No.2689023

>the boys here means peter dinklage, verne troyer, and gary coleman

>> No.2689087
File: 110 KB, 257x215, 1618418159280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2689353 >>2690089

Kiara actuality being interested in being more than friends with Mori is an extremely believable rrat. I bet Kiara is one of the few people that could convince Mori into a threesome other than maybe Fake Type, but I suspect their taste in men aren't compatible.

>> No.2689149

no anon, you don't want menheras in your life, they will destroy your soul

>> No.2689180
File: 105 KB, 1038x731, 2048F6D8-54E8-4364-B02D-78D2DE486DF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2689197
Quoted by: >>2689540

I have watched quite a number of ear licking ASMR streams, some of them by some holo roomates, and it always struck me that the "ear licking" looks and sounds suspiciously close to mimicking fellatio. Like, I don't know if it's just me imagining things or if this is completely intentional. Noel's roomate is the most flagrant of all, her "ear licking" ASRM streams are just straight up dick sucking ASMR and nobody can convince me otherwise.

>> No.2689258

>this frogposter believes everything he sees at face value

>> No.2689279


>> No.2689287

Watochama is pretty stable all things considered. She just has a little excess anger.

>> No.2689353

Mori is unironically one of the most romantic types, so none of those are actual possibilities.

>> No.2689396

looks kinda fake desu

>> No.2689540
Quoted by: >>2689644


>> No.2689644
Quoted by: >>2690007

Yeah I guess I am.

>> No.2689951

Well, guess I've gotta take one for the team

>> No.2690007
Quoted by: >>2690110

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTdtXnlVJmI its a fairly common video concept and its ABSOLUTELY intentional lol

>> No.2690089
File: 54 KB, 320x284, 1614456787445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious Mori values their friendship, especially since she can discuss work and the hardships that go with it freely with her. But thats it. She plays the straight man/tsun to her advances on screen as planned but I feel like kiara continues that off stream much to Your Boy's chagrin. Kiara doesn't seem to realize that Mori literally doesn't understand her gay shit because she's extremely straight.

Now she lives on the other side of the planet and sleeps in a cat piss soaked bed, so yeah menhera galore with the shitbird. She's stabilized a bit since the Uno collab tho.

>> No.2690110


>> No.2691078

She does stuff like simulate making out/sucking dick noises, run her hand up and down the mic shaft, rub cilindrical shaped objects between her massive tits and always end by spreading lotion on her breasts but before she rubs the lotion she makes sure to drop the lotion on her tits in a way that looks like someone came on her. So yeah, pretty lewd. Although I do believe her streams have become less lewd recently.

>> No.2691558
File: 94 KB, 443x540, 1613884200758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man of culture

>> No.2691740
Quoted by: >>2694352

The most popular one had her showing off her underwear, nothing more. Can you be a bit more specific, or did you exaggerate?

>> No.2691878
Quoted by: >>2694352

Don't believe you. I've seen her stuff and she never went that far from what I've seen.

>> No.2693403


>> No.2693461
Quoted by: >>2693894 >>2695335

Alcoholic depressive nihilist with imposter syndrome

>> No.2693545

Yeah we do really need a drawfag on this one, you're right

>> No.2693894


>> No.2693990

The schizoid vtubers are all included in people's menhera list. They just have them down for the wrong thing.

>> No.2694352

Yeah I think he's making shit up, both Noel and Mel's roomates do some seriously risqué stuff but they (sadly) never went that far. In fact I don't think any of the girls ever went further than those two, and I'm actually surprised that Lamy and Choco don't have roomates who do equally lewd stuff (at least not that I know of).

>> No.2695335

She's just like us!

>> No.2698011

Wtf dude you can't do this to my sweet Aqua...
