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26590735 No.26590735 [Reply] [Original]

there are actually people out there still trying to pretend that she isn't the protagonist of EN

>> No.26591375

Damn, that must be why I don't watch EN. I hate shows with obnoxious protags

>> No.26591726

Failed gen leaders?
>Kiara shilled EN lead
>Mogged by Gura

>Rrat shilled as Council lead
>Lowest viewed after Sana

>Lacunny shilled for Holox
>Displaced by Chloe

>Aloe shilled as lead

>Finana shilled for NijiEN
>Mogged by Elira

>Covid Fungus shilled for Noctyx
>Least viewed shitter after Yugo(?)

>> No.26591789


>> No.26592126
Quoted by: >>26594077

must be why EN is so bad, only good member is ina

>> No.26594048

imagine being this obsessed with numbers

>> No.26594077

>only good member is the commie chink shill
The absolute state of Nijibugs

>> No.26594209

A european will never be the protagonist of any real world event

>> No.26594288

Original EN lead was obviously supposed to be Ame which is why she led the initial stuff

>> No.26594326
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>> No.26594525

>Everyone gathers at Ame's house for Gura's birthday
>Kiara is somehow the proganist of EN

>> No.26594774
Quoted by: >>26599753


>> No.26594866

She’s not though, but she’s staying at the protagonist’s house

>> No.26594875

>Covid Fungus
I raff evertiem

>> No.26594919

Checks out

>> No.26595056
File: 544 KB, 2048x1542, 1646078756450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26597168

Big projects centered around Ame:
Christmas song.
JP portal.
ID portal.
FAKMI collab.
Myth offcollab week.

"Big" projects centered around Kiara:

>> No.26595070
Quoted by: >>26595753

Numbers = popularity
Popularity decides who's the protagonist of the group

>> No.26595753
Quoted by: >>26596429

>Popularity decides who's the protagonist

>> No.26595843

there are actually people out there still trying to pretend that she's a good vtuber and shouldn't graduate

>> No.26596017

>Finana shilled for NijiEN
Elira was always the Lazulight leader.

>> No.26596074

How is it cope when I know Cover wishes it was Mori over her, Gura, Ina and Ame? COVER would literally cream themselves if Mori had the most subs because of how much they push the cunt.

>> No.26596373
File: 47 KB, 600x360, 0ED9529B-DF41-40DE-B8D1-76B8775B6DAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your eyes checked

>> No.26596429
Quoted by: >>26597467

Are you fucking retarded?
It's entertainment industry. Why do you think it was Gura who got a 1/1 scale statue and not Kiara?

>> No.26596602
Quoted by: >>26597018

Kiara was never shilled as a leader though. Ame was. But everyone else was shit at leading on full Myth collabs and it always fell upon Kiara to take the lead. This isn't as noticeable as before though, because the girls have matured a lot and are actually cool with each other now and not awkward. I'd say Kiara is the group representative, Ame is the shadow president and Gura is the protagonist.

>> No.26597018

Yeah, that makes sense to me.

>> No.26597046

Like Kiara herself?

>> No.26597168
Quoted by: >>26597374

FAKMI was technically Fauna and Mumei, the karaoke was just on Ame's channel

>> No.26597374
Quoted by: >>26598196


>> No.26597467
Quoted by: >>26598698

Then why Smol Ame was at the festival?

>> No.26597574

Like Kiara? Biggest numberfag of HoloEN.

>> No.26597735
File: 130 KB, 1280x884, 1653961463075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26597880

Antis can't contradict the fact that she's the only one that can tardwrangle the other 4 to actually get off their ass and do shit other than minecraft.

>> No.26597880

Most of them are too busy trying to use her to sweep Mori's BS under the rug.

>> No.26598196

Fauna and Mumei said they were talking about meeting up and then Ame mentioned she would be traveling around anyways. I'm not going to go looking for it though, so I'll just say you're right.

>> No.26598698

Because smol Ame is iconic in HoloEN, she even got her own game made by fans, just admit it corpo only care about popularity and numbers.

>> No.26598921
File: 133 KB, 999x1193, 1655533271383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. egg trying to start shit
Kiara herself thinks Ame is the protagonist and leader of Myth retard

>> No.26599391
File: 9 KB, 224x225, 1634051819983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26599449

Holox belongs to my boss/wife Lui

>> No.26599546

Shes the retard of holoEN

And her fans are disgustingly retarded and unaware

KFPs deserve the rope

>> No.26599554
Quoted by: >>26599623

You confuse leadership with popularity

>> No.26599623
Quoted by: >>26602856

Ame is the leader then

Kiara is literally just a raging retard wanna be content creator

She gets mogged by Ame

>> No.26599753

They were the antagonists in that so that overrides it

>> No.26599834

So when's her arc where she rises above the rest?

>> No.26599871

Fuck off back to your containment thread, Cuckbeat

>> No.26602856
Quoted by: >>26603292

That's true, even with her constantly yuribaiting Ame I believe deep inside she always seethe for Ame.

>> No.26603292
File: 516 KB, 2048x1911, 1641527994916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26603633

Chumpedo mad Ame and Kiara are real friends. Amelia dropped your trash for someone that treats her right.

>> No.26603530
File: 185 KB, 551x1260, 9dd86588413ea7380db7444af9521cbd_a9bfff71_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26605241

Ame and Kiara just tag in to the leader role every now and then

>> No.26603633

Holy KFPkek, how delusional could you be.
Don't you watch that Amesame offcollab? Oh right you don't, because it makes you seethe they are having fun together

>> No.26604039

Some people still coping with Europe being the civilization that dominated the whole world until ww2

>> No.26604113

Fuck off takocuck

>> No.26604813
File: 2.44 MB, 1919x1079, _163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alpha

>> No.26605241
File: 980 KB, 498x280, B0BE65A7-73F8-42F9-AAA7-F249DC93051D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26605510
File: 435 KB, 400x572, 400px-Polnareff_SC_Infobox_Manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outgoing side character does more work than the actual MC
Name a more classic trope

>> No.26613677

That would be watson
