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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.26403252

Am I first finally?

>> No.26403425
File: 139 KB, 1300x1300, 1647516224871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26403704
File: 488 KB, 2048x2048, FQy0b5BagAE0L7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26403964
File: 2.05 MB, 720x1280, BobaRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F156pbs.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26404197
File: 138 KB, 1300x1300, IMG_20220617_210710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26404360

I don't think I can have a good-night sleep knowing that someone has access to her mocap suit that they can sniff all they want after she's done wearing it and it's never gonna be me...

>> No.26404242
File: 1.45 MB, 2894x4093, 745973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love IRyS, she's a cute dork

>> No.26404272
File: 1.12 MB, 2597x2597, EmqndBNVkAEi7He.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26404403

Good morning/ Good evening /HiRyS/ Hope you're all having a good time, whatever it is you do.

>> No.26404360

I'll sleep worse knowing that same person likely has access to IRyS herself

>> No.26404369
File: 1.45 MB, 1767x2500, 1655611539188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26404405

Don't let him print.
IRyS love

>> No.26404403
File: 1.79 MB, 2597x2597, AHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26404443

Go back to your contaiment thread cuckbeat. I hope your oshi Is raped and murdered in the most brutal way possible.

>> No.26404405

Is this the Hoocuck meme

>> No.26404440
Quoted by: >>26404533

Yes, thats what they call owl antis like the cuckbeat

>> No.26404443
Quoted by: >>26404533

Hello deadbeat, aren't you tired of replying to yourself ?

>> No.26404456
File: 744 KB, 862x647, 1655360252248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't engage the shit stirrers. Let IRyS' cuteness calm your seething heart!

>> No.26404494
File: 164 KB, 1536x2048, 1655534182358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you think my girlfriend will like IRyS?

>> No.26404525
File: 7 KB, 500x500, 1625391101340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love IRyS
t.your girlfriend

>> No.26404533
Quoted by: >>26408734

Seriously cuckbeat, go back to your shitzone. I am doing this to send y:all a message that you cucks and your whore Whori isn't allowed here

>> No.26404536
Quoted by: >>26404577

Your girlfriend will be jealous. You should break up with her and love only IRyS.

>> No.26404551
File: 211 KB, 1499x1092, 1605884448385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be as mean as you want, but I still love you guys in some bizarre way.

>> No.26404577
Quoted by: >>26404674

Well i have to deal with her BTS shit honestly. If anything, she will praise me when i introduce Holo to her

>> No.26404584
Quoted by: >>26404708

One more for the my edits collection.

>> No.26404626

My wife likes IRyS but it's best not to discuss normie shit here

>> No.26404669

holy shit femRyStocrat is real

>> No.26404674
File: 71 KB, 680x406, FF795cIVUAAwipm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introduce the greatest Vtuber to her. She won't be disappointed

>> No.26404708

seriously fuck off cuck beat

>> No.26404726
File: 898 KB, 4010x2634, 1635800399896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26404731
Quoted by: >>26404805

Seriously cuckbeat, fuckoff and go to yourshitzone. You aren't welcome here

>> No.26404754

This is an excercise in self-harm

>> No.26404802

I'm starting to dislike Bae. I used to be indifferent, didn't care about the fake ship, but lately every time IRyS takes a break she comes back and one of the few streams we get has to be with Bae. That coupled with the fact that she's not a great collab partner. Hell IRyS and Kroniis watchmaking were better than any IRyS/Bae collab. Likely the only stream we get this week and it's going to be part three of a game that should have een one stream.

>> No.26404805
File: 3.86 MB, 4280x2966, __mori_calliope_and_death_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_jun_wei__511ff8fd8e53b581df97016a5f6b47fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not welcome here

and look at that I'm still here. Cry about it some more

>> No.26404816

Anyways, i hope IRyS releases a OG song similar to Till the end of me for the 1st year anniversary

>> No.26404846

someone draw IRyS with a Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle

>> No.26404847

I felt that way since day one, I dont like the rats zoomer tendencies, they are way too anyoning.

>> No.26404859

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.26404893

Muh, falseflaggers really are so fucking boring. Looking for new ways to shit on this board

>> No.26404915

Meant watchalong out shopping, using my phone.

>> No.26404925
Quoted by: >>26404984


Seriously cuckbeat, fuckoff and go to yourshitzone. You aren't welcome here

>> No.26404932

Kronii is teaching IRyS how to be a watchmaker

>> No.26404936
Quoted by: >>26404993

They're a clockfag. You know exactly what they mean and I hate it all the same.

>> No.26404984

>falseflag boogeyman
kek, predictable

>> No.26404993

Naa, he is false flagger. Kronies don't type like this and don't have any problem with bae.

>> No.26404994

Snuggling in bed with IRyS!

>> No.26405024
File: 27 KB, 1161x323, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26405183

Reminder. Thank god for the filter and auto-hide feature

>> No.26405058
Quoted by: >>26405103

Your girlfriend will dress up as IRyS and wil have sex with Connor infront of you thereby cucking you.
If you introduce her to Mori, she will the best woman possible

>> No.26405103

What the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.26405104
File: 1.84 MB, 1424x2045, 1647920575908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26405177

Every time (You) reply to bait, a kidRyS dies cold and alone. Don't be a monster, praise IRyS instead!

>> No.26405122

Same. I used to tolerate Bae but now I can't stand her. I hate the IRyS ship, I hate that Bae's collabing with males drug IRyS into a mess she didn't cause. She just annoying as hell. Must be how cuckbeats felt with Kiara around all the time.

>> No.26405128
Quoted by: >>26405177

Only 14 posters
Still 2 of them have too much free time to samefagg again and again. Kek my sides

>> No.26405158
File: 670 KB, 589x413, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26405177

Seriously cuckbeat, fuckoff and go to yourshitzone. You aren't welcome here

>> No.26405183
File: 163 KB, 850x1202, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chen_yang_yang__sample-e8e870bfefdf0ea621b06a4d7684b9d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26405261

honestly, I'm pretty proud of you guys for nos mostly going into a schizo rage as soon as I came in, even just ignoring me is progress. I'm proud of you.

(btw, I'm not the false flagger I'm many things I'm far from that pathetic)

>> No.26405202
Quoted by: >>26405371

IRyS's best ship is with Kronii and some people just don't want to recognize that.

>> No.26405242

>Bae's collabing with males drag IRyS into a mess she didn't cause
what mess?

>> No.26405261
Quoted by: >>26405368


>> No.26405271

Nothing he is a falseflagger. Anyways enjoy IRyS

>> No.26405293

Jesus you guys are insane. Everything is some war with you. I only watch IRYs, go look at her collab to solo stream ratio the last two months. Lately she takes tons of breaks and comes back and we lose streams to Bae and Mori. Some of you are legitimately mentally ill if you think every post you don't lime is some "falseflag"or raid. No wonder this fanbase is a laughing stock.

>> No.26405302
File: 887 KB, 3500x5016, HOLY_SEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii belongs to mumei.

>> No.26405330
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, 687354687768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26405362

Unity love!

>> No.26405344

what the fuck is even going on? there's a fucking ship war now

>> No.26405355

IRyS immediately callled bae out in the begin of the podcast because she is a bit pon? Maybe that's what they are referring to.

>> No.26405362
Quoted by: >>26405499

No. Mori and baelz hate.

>> No.26405368

mm...no, sorry, but you can't force someone to leave. But I will behave for the time being.

Are there any collaborations you hope to see with IRyS?

>> No.26405371
Quoted by: >>26405407


>> No.26405407

Reine is for kiara

>> No.26405419

No. kys kfp

>> No.26405441
File: 2.34 MB, 3255x2143, 1655083470613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26405495

>The up didn't go up.
How cute

>> No.26405447
File: 994 KB, 3000x1997, RGM-84 Harpoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sink all your ship

>> No.26405448
Quoted by: >>26405545

More solo streams

>> No.26405450

Don't care. Still my favorite IRyS ship so far

>> No.26405459

If you prefer IRyS solo streams to collabs and don't like that she does more collabs than solo stream lately you're a fasleflagger.

>> No.26405495
Quoted by: >>26405551

Why would it you fucking retard, it's not my first post and I'm not some falsefalgger

>> No.26405499

Only Mori. Bae is alright. Without her she wouldn't be as happy

>> No.26405509
Quoted by: >>26405634

t. cuckbeat

>> No.26405545

Anything in particular? a specific game? or just a zatsu?

>> No.26405551

>I love you too retard, but seriously now is not the time to shitpost

>> No.26405566
Quoted by: >>26405657

Baelz is annoying as hell so, no.

>> No.26405574
Quoted by: >>26405657

I can guarantee that she would be better of without both of those shitters.

>> No.26405588
Quoted by: >>26405622


>> No.26405622

Fafner sucks.

>> No.26405628
Quoted by: >>26405698

Sometimes I wonder if there's a way to tell her to stop doing that [the collabs and forced ships] without coming off as a dick, to which I don't think there is.

Why is it perfectly acceptable to force others together when I'm not allowed to break them apart? I'm a simple man. I just want IRyS all to myself.

>> No.26405634
Quoted by: >>26405690

t. autist that can't detect sarcasm following the posts calling people who don't like all these collabs falseflaggers

>> No.26405657

I mean whatever you guys say, but i still consider Bae to be inoffensive. Unlike Mori, there isn't a specific reason to hate on her. I think she has also done lot of good things for IRyS

>> No.26405669

It's very simple
Posts that I don't like or that I am offended by = Shipposting,raiding or falseflag

>> No.26405690
File: 208 KB, 399x315, 1621650904246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26405750

What a fkin retard you are.

>> No.26405694
Quoted by: >>26405926

She's inoffensive but lately with all these IRyS breaks we've been getting robbed of solo streams every single time she comes back for some mediocre collab (this will be the third time for the same fucking game btw)

>> No.26405698
Quoted by: >>26405724

you're a fucking schizo

>> No.26405724
Quoted by: >>26405862

Love is schizo?

>> No.26405744

>homostar cumrag
Good one, anon

>> No.26405750

I'm sorry you're too autistic to follow the thread

>> No.26405777

Kek, brrats on suicide watch.

>> No.26405837
Quoted by: >>26405904

In the roberu/bae collab it was mentioned in passing that roberu might ask the other members of shitcast (whori and IRyS) to come to his bar. That wouldn't have happened if IRyS and bae weren't close.

>> No.26405839

are people turning against bae for collabing with stars? ffs guys

>> No.26405857

Actually a lot of people here found Bae annoying from the start

>> No.26405862
Quoted by: >>26405933

love my ass. send her that superchat. tell her she must only collab with people you approve. see if you can still keep that precious membership badge of your

>> No.26405871
Quoted by: >>26405985

Where do you think you are?

>> No.26405879

The board was an absolute dumpster fire for the past week shitting on IRyS because Ollie suggested she collab with the homostars. Bae collabs with homostars anyways and since she's shipped with IRyS caused even more stupidity that didn't need to be there.

>> No.26405881

>oh my gahd

>> No.26405893
Quoted by: >>26405955

This, her voice and yelling turned me off from the start

>> No.26405901
Quoted by: >>26405985

Yes, because she is going to force IRyS to do the same.

>> No.26405904

Same thing will happen with Ironmouse. Bae and Mori are both going on her show, IRyS will be next

>> No.26405920
File: 273 KB, 480x401, MelonRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HiRyS! Its MelonRyS!

>> No.26405926

I mean from what i know, IRyS wouldn't have streamed without a push. But if that's your problem then ok, not a major one still.
She literally has done nothing if you are considering the Holostar Collab there. I will prefer her Collabing with Holostars than see another Iron Mouse collab

>> No.26405933

You can't read.

If you read what I wrote you'd know I'm aware it's inappropriate to tell her that, there's no nice way to say it.

>> No.26405940

then fucking say no. no i don't want to be on your show

>> No.26405955

This, i almost membered her back in june but her voice and zoomer energy was a big turn off.

>> No.26405973

Guys...there have been some posts that imply some people don't like Bae...I think we're being targeted by a multi level schizo falseflag deadbeat/hooman raid force...oh yeah and the Enna guys or something...

>> No.26405979

But all the cool kids are doing it

>> No.26405984

She won't Collab with Iron Mouse. That's for sure

>> No.26405985
Quoted by: >>26406051

/schizo/ general, right

And this is bad because...?

>> No.26406002
Quoted by: >>26406160

IRyS is too much of a nice girl to say no to her "friends".

>> No.26406032

oh jesas

>> No.26406036
Quoted by: >>26406055

You fucking donkeys, now the falseflaggers are attacking us using Bae. Stop replying ffs

>> No.26406051

In all her online career IRyS has kept herself away from males which make her the perfect unicorn chuuba.
Baelz and mori will ruin that perfect track record.

>> No.26406055
Quoted by: >>26406169

You are mentally ill

>> No.26406080
File: 717 KB, 1272x1092, 1606646319957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not me, i promise I'm being good today

>> No.26406098
Quoted by: >>26406185

yeah, irys shouldn't have attached herself to the worst holo clique

>> No.26406105

She already had to talk to a guy for the shill stream. I fear for our unicorn bros

>> No.26406106
Quoted by: >>26406188

If you make a post saying you don't like someone? Welp, that's a motherfucking falseflag right there brother.

>> No.26406158

Deadbeats and brrats are not welcome.

>> No.26406160
Quoted by: >>26406244

she's a fucking adult. she must learn how to say no. if she can't do this one simple thing then she must accept what ever comes next. there's no one to blame but herself

>> No.26406169
Quoted by: >>26406212

And you are too retarded to see. Fucking 19 posters and see how many have samefagged about Bae

>> No.26406185

It's unfortunate. She is in japan, she could have became friends with so many different JP senpai that are so much better then her current clique

>> No.26406188

Your sarcasm only encourages the gaslighters, my man.

>> No.26406193

I might be jinxing this but, are the weekday threads "better" than the weekend threads? I'm pretty sure some institutions are allowing face-to-face than online. Perhaps the thread quality will more 'peaceful' unless IRyS decides to have a stream.

>> No.26406212
Quoted by: >>26406260

Only 19 posters in this thread and you think they are samefagging? You seriously are brain damaged. Not everything is a battle and not everyone has to like every single Holo.

>> No.26406244

easier to say no when a certain senpai of yours isn't getting you shitfaced

>> No.26406260

This right here.

>> No.26406264

Guys, some people don't like every Holo in Hololive. We're fucking under attack here. Do something for christ's sake.

>> No.26406299

Call the jannies, oh nyo

>> No.26406313

Capitalize the name of our Lord and I will join your crusade, brother

>> No.26406347
Quoted by: >>26406445

jannies are deadbeats, nothing we can do about it

>> No.26406401

This is the IRyS thread, we are here to talk positively about IRyS. We don't have to like other chuubas here.

>> No.26406422
Quoted by: >>26406491

Bae is Ollie 2.0.

>> No.26406445

They only care if you post mori doxx, it's sad that they won't do jack shit about other stuff

>> No.26406473

Quick! Someone make a poll if anyone in /HIRyS/ are into IRyS herself, GFE or Hololive! We will get better idea what is the general consensus. Personally, I do not really care about other people's opinions about other chuubas but it seems to me some of you are into either GFE because IRyS matches your interest or Hololive in general since (you) are offended because anons don't like other holos.

>> No.26406491

Truer words have never been spoken before.

>> No.26406573
Quoted by: >>26406626

If you want to talk about other chuubas go to Global or something.

>> No.26406611

Ok so half the people who replied got it, and it went over half of your heads.

>> No.26406626
Quoted by: >>26406721

Hard not to talk about Bae when she's present in half of IRyS's streams and talked about in the other half

>> No.26406687
File: 3.96 MB, 2000x2500, 20220110_002133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26406741

THIS IS NOW /hlg/ 2.0 BROS!

>> No.26406721

And 99% of IRyS's arts has her in it.

>> No.26406741

Hope your wigger gets gunned down in the street like the degenerate that she is.

>> No.26406748
Quoted by: >>26406822

I'm telling you again your sarcasm isn't having the effect you are intending

>> No.26406749
File: 628 KB, 695x457, 1646367557442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26406874


>> No.26406767
File: 1.78 MB, 3592x2260, Ponder the melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post thread
>Go to make breakfast
>140 posts
You niggers can't take one day off?

>> No.26406819
Quoted by: >>26406848

how long will this continue?

>> No.26406820
Quoted by: >>26406840

>having faith in IRyStocrats after the Fafner poll debacle
I admire your optimism, baker-kun

>> No.26406822

Because half the posters here are ESL.

>> No.26406840


>> No.26406848

It's been going for months, it won't stop any time soon.

>> No.26406857
Quoted by: >>26406902

Just stop replying to bait threads Jesus Christ

>> No.26406872
Quoted by: >>26406912

Maybe it's best to not make a thread until a stream is up hmm?

>> No.26406874

I fixed it:

>> No.26406902

Stop thinking every post you don't like is bait Jesus Christ

>> No.26406912

We can do this. It has worked for saplings in the past

>> No.26406951

Stop giving (you)s to every post Jesus Christ

>> No.26406962
Quoted by: >>26407037

someone will make the i miss /HiRyS/ thread

>> No.26406986

Then fucking go to Hololive global or make threads in the catalogue you dumb fuck. This thread is about IRyS. Not about Mumei, not about Bae, not about Roberu and certainly not about Mori but your low IQ will not able to wrap it's brain around that thought

>> No.26407003

The worst can happen will be a few IRyStrocrats getting confused. That's it.

>> No.26407037
Quoted by: >>26407111

Then it's not official. We can report that thread

>> No.26407051
Quoted by: >>26407096

Saplings are way different to IRystocrats, what works for them wont work for us.

>> No.26407058
Quoted by: >>26407196

Talking about IQ in your ESL garbled post, nice.

>> No.26407096

Eh, better give it a shot. We got nothing to lose if it fails

>> No.26407098
File: 618 KB, 584x544, 1635880574713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26407274

>not about Roberu
it will be about Roberu soon. Among Us collab July

>> No.26407111

>announcing report
Enjoy your vacation, retard.

>> No.26407151
Quoted by: >>26407241

Yeah i'm not doing that

>> No.26407161
Quoted by: >>26407241

I for sure will make a new thread if the usual baker doesn't.

>> No.26407165

Our current bakers like the attention too much

>> No.26407187
Quoted by: >>26407228

Thread anon, is it possible for you to not make a thread for a while?

>> No.26407196
Quoted by: >>26407235

Not the person you are replying to but just to let you know you are a fucking idiot

>> No.26407220

IRyStoCruise no...

>> No.26407228


>> No.26407235

Oh did that hit a sore spot, SEA?

>> No.26407241
File: 323 KB, 393x393, Shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26407319


>> No.26407274

When I officially say BYERyS and stop watching her.

>> No.26407319

Just because there is thread doesn't mean you are obligated to read it. If it's getting to you, take a break

>> No.26407338

>this one will eventually fall
My goal of being the last IRyStrocrat is getting closer and closer...

>> No.26407395

This, i used to jave this thread open 24/7 but after the Valentines strem and the influx of zoomers i don't have it open as much.

>> No.26407398

I'm fine. I'm just curious to see if "we" can collectively take a break. If you guys won't do it, so be it.

>> No.26407433

I still have a little bit of hope that she will grow a backbone and say no to the zombie. There is no way all the other hololive girls will say yes to a collab with the homos and that might give her enough courage to stand up for herself.

>> No.26407512

IRyS can do whatever she want. You have no say in the matter.

>> No.26407564
Quoted by: >>26407705

I hope it'll flop like Mori's JK tourney.

>> No.26407602
File: 559 KB, 2894x4093, UohRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26407616
Quoted by: >>26407689

She would be nowhere without her fans, so yes i do have a say in what she does or doesn't do.

>> No.26407663

Do you honestly believe things in Hololive are how she wants or wanted them to be?

>> No.26407689

so what're you going to do?

>> No.26407705

I hope it has the same effect on her that it had on whori where the humiliation of it flopping makes it so she never attempts to organize a large scale collab again.

>> No.26407724

I have a red superchat ready and waiting. Want?

>> No.26407740

Be angry about it here, they never do anything, not even ARS superchats

>> No.26407761
Quoted by: >>26407932

>I have a red superchat ready and waiting. Want?
You are just a poorfag. You are not even a member.

>> No.26407845
Quoted by: >>26407932

well feel free to send it if you want. i really want to know what will happen

>> No.26407882

>none of us have the spine to just ask her about her thoughts on male collabs

>> No.26407909

They don't even have the wallet for it

>> No.26407932

I'm a member. I have money too, even if I don't spend a lot of it because I know how much I can/should spend (budgeting).
It's up to her whether or not I send it…

>> No.26407938


>> No.26407970

I'd rather just know once and for all than this waiting but I'd feel like an ass putting her on the spot like that.

>> No.26407980

Sure thing SEA monkey.

>> No.26407986
Quoted by: >>26408016

Not everyone cares about that, it's like 5-10 people here that do

>> No.26407999
Quoted by: >>26408068

what's the point to send it after the collab has already happened?

>> No.26408016

Remember the silent majority

>> No.26408022
Quoted by: >>26408081

>It's up to her whether or not I send it…
It is your money anon not hers... yet. Even if you send one, you will not get any reaction or response from her anyways.

>> No.26408053
Quoted by: >>26408080

Eh, I'll just drop her and other ENs all together. At least most holoJP won't do that. Enjoy the gaslighting from holostars collab enjoyers though, they've been doing that since the first split.

>> No.26408068

You're not very good at this, are you? She's in recording hell right now and there will be future merch sales too. Think of the possibilities of cash flow reduction.

>> No.26408080

>Eh, I'll just drop her and other ENs all together.
Just do it now and save us the trouble

>> No.26408081

Yeah she'd definitely ignore it even if you sent it in a currency that mattered, the most you'd get is a reaction from her pre-chat

>> No.26408222

Nice thread.

>> No.26408238

Former pre-luxirem nijiEN viewer here. Don't fall for it, they're trying to normalize this shit. Iofi, Ollie, Mori, Omega and Bae are trying their hardest to change the status quo.

>> No.26408252
File: 63 KB, 249x146, 1655636372260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26408271

Nice thread.

>> No.26408271

Nice moom

>> No.26408277

Epic thread

>> No.26408283

I'm glad Bae and IRyS friendship helps expose niggers in the IRyStocrats.

>> No.26408297

>daily raids by nijiniggers and deadbeats
Will it ever end?

>> No.26408321
File: 102 KB, 850x1202, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_aneco_westsea1227__sample-af10fc60d35c392ed2510924f614b6fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26408346

nice thread

>> No.26408346
File: 280 KB, 1536x2048, FVcjgO4aMAAIL2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26408349

Someday. Have hope.

>> No.26408376

Never, they hate us and our oshi because we are better then them.

>> No.26408390

If Mori suddenly graduated, would you want IRyS to take over her model?

>> No.26408404
File: 24 KB, 1287x128, 1646504453065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26408455

this shut the IRyStocucks up

>> No.26408403

nope and better get indoctrinated anon. This will be the NEW normal in /HIRyS/

>> No.26408425

Fuck no.

>> No.26408437

No, too many bad memories associated with previous owner. IRyS is fine with her current model.

>> No.26408455

I never got this one, the ones that hated Mori were happy about that since she'd busier now

>> No.26408474
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1765, 1655353268003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26408569

>/hlg/ 2.0
>/hlg/ 2.0
>/hlg/ 2.0

>> No.26408487

still has time for chadcast lol

>> No.26408496
File: 13 KB, 300x457, 1655106969434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're afraid of this chad

>> No.26408509
File: 26 KB, 681x437, Illustrationist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not but, I want Redjuice to experience it.

>> No.26408537

It's meant to signify mori's more successful at music than the designated vsinger i guess. To be frank i never cared and still dont about the vsinger shit. I prefer IRyS's regular streams to her music

>> No.26408541
File: 816 KB, 2858x4096, FS4DEpKaAAEvfcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the trolls and muse upon the delicate nephilim tushy

>> No.26408542
Quoted by: >>26408578

She still has more time to stream than IRyS, if we're being honest

>> No.26408543

That is the most unfortunate part, the fact that somehow she still has time for her dumb podcast project that causes us to get raided every month.

>> No.26408545

Should Irys be raped?

>> No.26408569

>all threads eventually converge towards /hlg/ when you have a cuckbeat jannie that does fuck all

>> No.26408572


>> No.26408576
Quoted by: >>26408601

every women must be raped. every single one of them

>> No.26408578

Setting up for a concert, recording, doing uhh..roommate stuff, and still streams 2x what IRyS does

>> No.26408603
Quoted by: >>26408873

Gee, I wonder why deadbeats aren't liked around here.

>> No.26408602
File: 71 KB, 224x224, 1655543100442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26409165

it already happened IRyStrocrat

>> No.26408601

You're wrong.

>> No.26408627

She needs some correction

>> No.26408655

don't care
post music deal
post concert
post 3D

>> No.26408734


>> No.26408756
File: 262 KB, 2240x1110, Anti Raid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26409119

>> No.26408805
File: 93 KB, 291x300, 1646653763433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26408873

They are called the worst fanbase for a reason.

>> No.26408935
Quoted by: >>26408960

That was true until irystocrats became a thing

>> No.26408960
Quoted by: >>26409007


>> No.26408975
Quoted by: >>26409007


>> No.26409007


>> No.26409008


>> No.26409025


>> No.26409064
File: 2.00 MB, 2041x3000, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a god among men

>> No.26409119
Quoted by: >>26409188

>actually replying
this kinda goes against the entire point of this picture

>> No.26409165

No one’s committing felonies for a chance at piggums’ pork butt.

>> No.26409185

i want to be a pig

>> No.26409188

it doesn't because doing it once is not giving them enough attention

>> No.26409199
Quoted by: >>26409571

Hey piggy schizo. How you been lately? I'm still worried about you

>> No.26409209

Where were you during the raiding between the hours of 19:00-20:00 JST?

>> No.26409227

You already are.

>> No.26409229

Whenever you wake up, don't fucking move. Eat where you sleep and after one month, you're a pig.

>> No.26409252
File: 219 KB, 1428x2048, 1655441438867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd allow all of those Hololive members to take turns riding my face and peeing down my throat, using my mouth as their personal toilet.

>> No.26409273

Sanest post in this thread

>> No.26409286

No one asked, bucko

>> No.26409289
Quoted by: >>26409362

>The /hlg/ transition
it begins...

>> No.26409330

c-can i join you...i want to be peed on too...

>> No.26409362

Fuck off.

We're only in this fucking dilemma because the fucking jannie won't do fuck all to fucking fix things.

>> No.26409371
Quoted by: >>26409406

Any cool streams today?

>> No.26409401
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1646123714356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26409435

Are we seriously going to use this thread? It's too slow for me. Needs more posters.

>> No.26409406
Quoted by: >>26409443


IRyS still didn't do that Twitter space and hasn't done anything except retweet things all day.

>> No.26409435

33 is enough

>> No.26409443

Anon there was never going to be a twitterspace..

>> No.26409471
Quoted by: >>26409573

It's not my fault for having hope.

>> No.26409476

The dream prophet shall be put to death

>> No.26409485
File: 1.49 MB, 2480x4047, 20220517_152742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LoliRyS and gura should sit on my face.

>> No.26409488
Quoted by: >>26409519

Never say nerver anon.

>> No.26409519
Quoted by: >>26409555

If I do call a bondulance

>> No.26409545
Quoted by: >>26409562

Is this the face sitting thread?

>> No.26409555


>> No.26409562
Quoted by: >>26409636


>> No.26409571

You femRyStocrats are adorable. Nothing like your chubby oshi.

>> No.26409573
Quoted by: >>26409607

You gotta understand that you need to keep concepts fresh with IRyS because she unironically tends to forget them. A comment or a supa telling her about twitter space may make her do one

>> No.26409579
File: 107 KB, 1080x1350, 1649895264527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GuRyS will never be a thing

>> No.26409597
Quoted by: >>26409673

wouldn't the shark tail be extremely inconvenient ?

>> No.26409607

I'm almost sure that the last time she did one happened because she saw someone else do one on her timeline

>> No.26409617
Quoted by: >>26409810

Oh right call ins today

>> No.26409636

Sure smells like it

>> No.26409646
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x900, 1642327246838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day

>> No.26409652
Quoted by: >>26409716

It would be nice if they could collab if timezones wasn't a issue. They can only be together through coincidence or Generally big collab.

>> No.26409673
File: 373 KB, 724x1023, TvIurOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.26409701

oh fuck

>> No.26409716

Despite being the two biggest cunnychads in EN they're destined to be apart...

>> No.26409736

Please not the pedoshitters
I'll take 10 cuckbraps over 1 pedofag oh god please

>> No.26409779
File: 181 KB, 1280x2048, 1635166451902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26409813

too late. i'm going to jail anyway

>> No.26409802
File: 813 KB, 1200x675, 1845346534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26409852

I live here, bitch. kys cuckbeat.

>> No.26409810

Hope it's good since that will be all the IRyS we will get for the day

>> No.26409813

hide the posts.
I hope you get raped and not the good kind.

>> No.26409852
Quoted by: >>26410013

>it’s a pedophile

>> No.26409886

I remember seeing this one on pixiv. Didn't the artist go bullied out of the site for it?

>> No.26409942
File: 689 KB, 1100x1800, 1655654474799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe now?

>> No.26409982

no. you're about to get raped

>> No.26410013
File: 47 KB, 738x348, fuck_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26410039

IRyS is also a pedophile.

>> No.26410038
File: 120 KB, 850x1202, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chiyomaru_yumichiyo0606__sample-1b999f87642a5a1f9f05f9447f2690c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, come on in

>> No.26410039

she's going to jail too

>> No.26410045
Quoted by: >>26410060

We love loli here

>> No.26410060
Quoted by: >>26410084


>> No.26410084
Quoted by: >>26410097

Yes, we.

>> No.26410097

You're on your own mate. I'm calling the FBI.

>> No.26410100

kids can't survive childbirth
women from the age of 16 to 25 only

>> No.26410150

Then you move on to the next one.

>> No.26410155

Ravioli ravioli don't cum inside the fertile loli

>> No.26410185


>> No.26410204

Yes they can.

>> No.26410391
File: 230 KB, 720x821, 1655655147037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26410428

Jesas. Even the hornyposting is getting dark.

>> No.26410487

irys if she child

>> No.26410533
Quoted by: >>26410592

I'm not horny.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.26410592
Quoted by: >>26410692

I'm horny with no IRyS

>> No.26410619
File: 102 KB, 1300x1300, 1655380348408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26410651
File: 101 KB, 1300x1300, 1642064267706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey cutie

>> No.26410692

So you post loli shit and talk of children giving birth?

I know that's not necessarily you, but a shark shit but still.

>> No.26410695
File: 149 KB, 1080x1085, 1655655571996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26410749

pachi pachi

>> No.26410756
File: 130 KB, 1400x1300, FT2o71daQAAmL1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26410807


>> No.26410763
Quoted by: >>26410972

Leaving now. By the way, I see that cuckbeats are getting ignored lol. Good thing. Let them waste their time in vain.

>> No.26410799

Next meme!

>> No.26410807
Quoted by: >>26410845

oh no!

>> No.26410845
File: 89 KB, 1300x1300, FT2o8d8aIAABbFf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26410894
File: 91 KB, 1300x1300, FT2o87YaAAAOHW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26411047


>> No.26410903
File: 73 KB, 1300x1300, 1654097018142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26410946

lazy nephilim

>> No.26410972
Quoted by: >>26411488

It's a shame, soon they will think this thread welcomes them and after that we will never be rid of them.

>> No.26411022

>btw, I'm not the false flagger I'm many things I'm far from that pathetic)
An esl and self admitted cuckbeat who attempts to get attention and annoy random anons. That's even worse than pathetic but it is extremely laughable. What a sad sack of shit.

>> No.26411027

Imagine getting ran out from your own thread

>> No.26411040
File: 292 KB, 731x1208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, man, I don't really see it.

>> No.26411047
File: 322 KB, 830x552, 1641583772525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a IRyS daughter so much

>> No.26411173
File: 465 KB, 542x750, 1629945726970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based drawanon

>> No.26411408

Appreciate the effort either way

>> No.26411488

good. Then we'll migrate to the Enna-IRyS thread instead. This is a good thing anon.

>> No.26411658

>Thread is turning on Bae now
This thread gets more and more shitty every single day. You are all a bunch of schizos and IRyS unironically deserves better fans. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.26411714

cry about it

>> No.26411725


>> No.26411727

Go back tourist

>> No.26411729

Ognore the SEARyStocrats. Real IRyS fans love Mori and Bae.

>> No.26411759
File: 614 KB, 1397x786, 1651691118958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she literally doesn't give a shit about her fans

>> No.26411774

It's just a job

>> No.26411779
Quoted by: >>26411827

Gosling bro... not you too

>> No.26411793

What has she done to deserve better fans?

>> No.26411827
File: 1022 KB, 2109x2432, 1652107690363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26411841

Not a real gosling

>> No.26411835

Cry me a river faggot

>> No.26411841
Quoted by: >>26411861

But he's wearing the hat...

>> No.26411850

cute hawk nephilim

>> No.26411861
File: 1.07 MB, 2333x1080, 1651756038874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hat is a fake
hes a fraud

>> No.26411933


>> No.26411955

She loves their money

>> No.26411965
Quoted by: >>26412025

holostars collab :^)

>> No.26412020
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, 1653206320015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26412025
Quoted by: >>26412251

You replied to a two hours old post because?

>> No.26412057
File: 12 KB, 300x217, 300px-We_Don't_Do_That_Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did we got raided? I would've preferred this thread getting nuked than reach the bump limit in less than 5 hours

>> No.26412098
Quoted by: >>26412956

I thought I’d somehow clicked on global instead. /hirys/ has really gone to shit

>> No.26412128

Fuck off. Goslings are harmless

>> No.26412154


>> No.26412180
File: 2.32 MB, 498x498, HYPERYS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in favor of not making a new general unless there's a stream going.

>> No.26412195
Quoted by: >>26412259

I'd be fine with her giving Roberu a handjob. Any more and I'll drop her.

>> No.26412204
Quoted by: >>26412456

Me too. Wanna make a poll?

>> No.26412206

Not the whole thread.

>> No.26412215


>> No.26412251

life's short :D

>> No.26412259
Quoted by: >>26412397

fucking beta behaviour

>> No.26412313

Let there not be a thread until the holostars collab in july!

>> No.26412377
Quoted by: >>26412419

I'd be fine with her giving me a handjob.

>> No.26412397
Quoted by: >>26412424

What's your limit then tough guy? Gonna drop her when she talks to a male?

>> No.26412404

Yeah, me

>> No.26412409

It would be a good strategy to shit up a thread and then proclaim it shouldn't exist when the natives are exhausted.
Not saying that is happening but it makes one think

>> No.26412419

Yeah. She can give the stars boys a handjob as long as I get one too.

>> No.26412424


>> No.26412456
Quoted by: >>26412489

No, polls are gay and it's a personal decision, not a collective one. If you see a thread otside of streaming hours - just assume it's made by schizos and is full shitposts, ignore it.

>> No.26412489
Quoted by: >>26412532

So the usual?

>> No.26412532
Quoted by: >>26412550

Maybe. It's not usual for me.

>> No.26412550

How long have you been MIA?

>> No.26412600

Let's all move to discord

>> No.26412639


>> No.26412642

I'm already there with the other CFAA boys. We all agree a Holostars collab would be fun.

>> No.26412649
Quoted by: >>26412673

Yeah sure I'll shit up the the IRyS fan discord server too

>> No.26412653

Fucking cunts.

>> No.26412657

It would be fun as long as it doesn't become a common occurrence

>> No.26412673
Quoted by: >>26412735

You'll just get banned if you do that tbqh

>> No.26412735
Quoted by: >>26412851

How are discordcrats? Better than here?

>> No.26412739

I'm curious where the FUCK you all came from if shitposting is filtering you this hard

>> No.26412780
Quoted by: >>26412838

Reddit and discord. Also prechat where we high five as we suck each other's little brown dicks.

>> No.26412838

not surprising

>> No.26412851
Quoted by: >>26413003

Seems to be extremely slow for the most part

>> No.26412956

This thread is now another toilet for this board, I guess people here bite way to hard, shitposters simply love it

>> No.26412969
Quoted by: >>26413018

The only things piggy cares about are sugar and sex.

>> No.26413003
Quoted by: >>26413078

Slower than other girls' discords? I thought maybe i'd move there since this place has gone to shit

>> No.26413018
Quoted by: >>26413227

She's just like me

>> No.26413078

What's the point in moving to Reddit or Discord? I'm pretty sure you'd get banned for expressing views such as "IRyS should not collab with any men other than me".

>> No.26413122

I doubt i'd get banned. It's probably not as uncommon a sentiment as you think it is

>> No.26413201

/HIRyS/ dies then...

>> No.26413227

Calm down, femRyStocrat.

>> No.26413229

Not on my watch

>> No.26413242
Quoted by: >>26413290

What's the point of it staying it alice when there are no streams? Just so deadbeats can shitpost?

>> No.26413290
Quoted by: >>26413350

I wanted to point out nephelim's laziness, not defend this schizo ridden shithole

>> No.26413301
Quoted by: >>26413343

Are you kidding?
The faggots that mod this shithole are way more trigger happy with bans than anywhere else.
You unironically get away with more shitposting on l*ddit than here.

>> No.26413343

Good joke. /r/hololive is literally ran by COVER, unless there's an independent subreddit to go to?

>> No.26413350

I think everyone knows what a fat, lazy pig she is now.
Better to let the thread die. It belongs graduated, same as piggums.

>> No.26413354
Quoted by: >>26413490

I just watched a 6 hour long utawaku from my side chick and I don't miss IRyS
Thanks for reading my blogpost

>> No.26413374


>> No.26413490
Quoted by: >>26413547

IRyS turned out to be a mediocre disappointment, we get it. No need to post about your side chick every day.

>> No.26413547
Quoted by: >>26413593

>IRyS turned out to be a mediocre disappointment
She literally just needs to stream. Everything else is great and no i dont care about male collabs

>> No.26413571

This isn't even shitposting, that's funny and lighthearted, this is just smearing shit on the walls then getting uppity when people tell you to go away

>> No.26413593
Quoted by: >>26413682

I get the feeling that unless she has the day almost completely free she doesn't think she can stream

>> No.26413656

I'm here since her debiut. Sometimes even I'm triggering some shitstorm if I'm bored. I don't give a shit

>> No.26413682

Why on earth would she think that? Someone should tell her it's okay to stream for an hour and not read any super chats.

I don't think there's a way to tell her that without coming off as rude though.

>> No.26413723
File: 95 KB, 2560x1600, Ryan-Gosling-Lex-Luthor-film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26413748

she is /here/ though
IRyS you lazy whore start streaming again or I will kill myself in minecraft

>> No.26413748


>> No.26413813

That's just how things turned out I guess. She can't do short streams that aren't karaokes.

>> No.26413906

What's her appeal?

>> No.26413961
Quoted by: >>26414017

She is a cute dork

>> No.26413988

Nice voice, lewd, sings well

>> No.26414014

Unicorn friendly (maybe) savior fag bait.

>> No.26414017

Isn't that every vtuber? Seriously I can't think of a single cool chadly vtuber

>> No.26414081
Quoted by: >>26414246

She's adorable, funny, charming, stupid, and sexy.

>> No.26414246


>> No.26414345
Quoted by: >>26414452


>> No.26414384
Quoted by: >>26414537

She's lazy and gross

>> No.26414452

Shitty knock off of ina's meme

>> No.26414507
Quoted by: >>26414602

I don't watch Ina

>> No.26414537


>> No.26414588

I dont care

>> No.26414602
Quoted by: >>26414624

Yeah you probably watch mori or some shit

>> No.26414616
Quoted by: >>26414665


>> No.26414624

>Only IRyS

>> No.26414665

IRyS's best collab partner

>> No.26414700

Irys streams every day
it's ape streams and she's doing a solo master challenge with 10h of daily grind

>> No.26414726
Quoted by: >>26414934

She's one of the three black members of Hololive. She's a chubby wet slut that's also kind of lazy and doesn't like to stream, but when she does she lays down the innuendo to make people's dicks hard.

>> No.26414754
File: 424 KB, 1080x1134, 1652703740450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd watch paint dry on wall with her

>> No.26414934

This is the definitive answer

>> No.26414964


>> No.26414974

i mean i used to watch matsuri, choco, and rbc grind apex...

>> No.26415463
Quoted by: >>26415528

Frame up

>> No.26415528


>> No.26415714

Dont make a new thread
