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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26345137 No.26345137 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a qrd on the NijiEN girls?
All I know is that Elira is fucking hot

>> No.26345615

>another pomucuckies deflection thread

>> No.26345763

All are really entertaining with varied content. Pomu is best of them and really is best. I recommend you check out her work before joining NijiEN, it's really shows her qualities and what she is best at.

>> No.26345923

Pomu has a long and illustrious career in this very site

>> No.26346747

Elira: pretty meh
Finana: unironically entertaining if you like what she plays. her Honkai content is pretty good, but totally uninteresting for anyone who doesn't play that game. a tryhard who often feels as if she has to appeal to the coomer audience.
Pomu: best NijiEN girl it's not even a contest
Petra: don't watch much of her, she seems pretty timid. used to be the most bullyable Niji EN and then Mysta appeared
Rosemi: watch her archive, her streams were not as exciting anymore in the last few months
Selen: imo still the Apex girl
Enna: best EN singer, but shit taste in music. pretty sweet, but still doesn't forget to wrangle her chat. the Beavis to Millie's Butt-Head
Millie: la creatividad, 2nd to Pomu. often acts just a horny zoomer, but she's actually a hag. the Butt-Head to Enna's Beavis
Reimu: /here/tuber, raging latina who has issues keeping distance to Vox
Nina: keeps everyone together in collabs, used to play roguelites, but now usually just plays with the guys

>> No.26348417
Quoted by: >>26349719

Elira is a super comfy streamer who interacts well with chat, streams for a long time, lives for drama in stories, and is a great singer

>> No.26349719

Which streams would you recommend?

>> No.26350540

this here is peak elira experience, it's just her talking with chat for 5 hours about the most random topics

>> No.26350821
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NTA, but as a vocaloidfag, I love her Vocaloid only karaoke streams. You can tell she is a real vocaloidfag rather than just knowing the popular songs like most chuubas. If you want a real otaku chuuba experience, she's your girl

>> No.26351402

Rosemi and Elira are my favourites, but I’ve been tuning into Pomu’s MGS streams.
Rosemi’s suler cute and appears to be super sheltered and innocent, if that’s what you’re into.
Elira is a complete zoomer through and through but I sometimes gosling for her just from the way she talks with chat. It’s hard to put my finger on it but she’s just really nice to watch.

>> No.26352208

Elira she is really good at talking in general I would say and at interacting with chat the way she bounces off comments and has a back and forth banter is great. She seems to genuinely enjoy streaming and interacting with her chat. She will say its only going to be a short stream then end up playing the game for 5hrs and sitting chatting to her viewers for another 2 after all the time. Her demeanour comes off friendly and welcoming in a way I don't think I feel from a lot of other vtubers. Her voice is great too I think although thats subjective preference on the lower side for vtuber girls and has a certain warmth to it thats really pleasant to listen too. Good singer with a lot of range she can sound effortlessly sexy sometimes when singing in a lower registers and hit some really high notes too. Plays a lot of longer story based games and gives great reactions, gets invested in the characters and if theres any drama then she loves that. But she is also really good at just playing games like Slime Rancher or Powerwash Simulator that just give the streamer a lot of room to talk and interact with chat because she is strong at that. Streams for a long time regularly and consistently which is very nice if you get into her too 30-40hrs a week most weeks I would say. I've always found recommending streams of hers hard because the archives are always so long. Telling someone to watch a 60+ hour series playthrough like Xenoblade on vtuber they don't watch is kind of a bit of an ask. Maybe in recent times try her zatsudan the other anon linked or Slime Rancher streams. Oneshot was good for a shorter playthrough of a game if you want to hear her reading in a nice voice, she had some good reactions too and got very attached to the characters.

>> No.26352670

Paragraphs, Anon.

>> No.26353094

This is pretty accurate ngl

>> No.26355621

>All I know is that Elira is fucking hot
This is an important thing to know and you are very right about it

>> No.26357772
File: 307 KB, 2048x1441, 1626642992353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For whatever reason I just love hearing Elira describe things, I can't really articulate why.

>> No.26357868

Gross faggots

>> No.26357931

Lazulight and Obysdia (minus Feesh) are great. Ignore the rest. Oh, Enna is okay too.

>> No.26357950
Quoted by: >>26358470

Elira: whore
Finana: massive whore
Pomu: gigawhore

>> No.26358022

Pomu is the best

>> No.26358155

>best EN singer, but shit taste in music
This is the most truest thing I have ever read about Enna.

>> No.26358270

Elira and Pomu are the best. Finana is VShojo lite.
Obsydia is pretty boring
Ethyria is cancer (although Reimu can sometimes be okay)

>> No.26358286

Which ones are the best if yuribaiting makes me uncomfortable? A tiny bit every once in a while is fine
Does Elira do it often?

>> No.26358439
File: 299 KB, 326x460, gabu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me want to watch her, but does she have any (noteworthy) yabs I should know of beforehand? I don't want to be disappointed after taking a liking to her.

>> No.26358470
Quoted by: >>26358624

Which one would I have any chance with?

>> No.26358518

>Ethyria is cancer
This is only true for Nina. Millie and Enna are worth it just for their covers and orisongs alone.

>> No.26358607

she has that
>guys, gals, nonbinary pals
thing she said. that's about it, i think

>> No.26358624
Quoted by: >>26358802

None of them really do it.
Probably Finana. Pomu likes alpha chads like Snake and Jetstream Sam, Elira is into little boys.

>> No.26358635
Quoted by: >>26358712

The ones who yuribait the least (also happens to be the only confirmed straight ones) are Nina, Reimu and Petra. Everyone else yuribaits at least occasionally, even Selen (w/ Pomu) and Rosemi (w/ Finana and Selen). Reimu and Petra actually do it too but it isn't that common.

>> No.26358712

Enna is aggressively straight, but Millie sometimes yuribaits with her just to get turned down by Enna.

>> No.26358802

those unwashed ugly otakus at cons that she was blowing in the toilets and had them run trains on her don't appear to be similar to Snake and Sam though

>> No.26358816

Enna yuribaits with roomiechan

>> No.26358883 [DELETED] 

Roomiechan is a tulpa

>> No.26358924
File: 262 KB, 655x619, nijiwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They love to spread their legs for views

>> No.26359048
File: 1.13 MB, 4096x2291, 1651005239486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26359602

Yeah, sure, "aggressively straight" alright.

>insists on adding a female option
>Enna: "No matter what they are, doesn't necessarily have to be a man. Just as long as they are a person, y'know."

- Constantly says how much she loves Pomu/Rosemi/Elira etc.
- Touched Rosemi unprompted in the off-collab with her
- Freaking kissed Elira, who is a self-admitted bisexual
- During her KT mama karaoke stream, she mentioned having a boy and girl crush on specific characters in Cardcaptor Sakura on her own unprompted
- >>26358816

Straight as cooked spaghetti.

>> No.26359068

Is Nina a girl or a "girl"?

>> No.26359249
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Pomu does yuribait
Elira is more of a yaoi person, but doesn't yuribait that much
Finana is a coomer in general
Rosemi doesn't do it often
Selen doesn't do it often
Petra yuribaits with Reimu but they're pretty clearly platonic about it, otherwise neither of them yuribait
Nina doesn't yuribait
Millie does yuribait
Enna rarely yuribaits outside of with Millie

Most of the time if someone yuribaits it's to match the atmosphere with other yuribaiters

>> No.26359394
Quoted by: >>26359686

I'm pretty sure "roomie-chan" is actually her boyfriend. They are way too close physically to be some random roommates.

>> No.26359523

Which chuuba is a Leaf again? Is it Elira?

>> No.26359576
Quoted by: >>26359686

Elira, Enna, Millie and Selen. Rosemi and Selen could be idk

>> No.26359602

Gross faggots I hope they die

>> No.26359607
File: 411 KB, 1200x932, elira12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also extremely cute and can sing pretty well

>> No.26359655
Quoted by: >>26359673

Any reason why everyone and their names are mirrored there?

>> No.26359673

Mirrored picture for some reason

>> No.26359686
File: 803 KB, 646x808, 1645551160685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are way too close physically to be some random roommates.
How to out yourself as someone who has never had female friends without saying you never had female friends

You forgot Nina

>> No.26359816

everyone here + nina and selen

>> No.26359820

I read that as “spread their legs for viewers”

>> No.26360015
Quoted by: >>26361739

>2008 /b/ had a hardline "TITS OR GTFO" policy
>She actually posted tits
Based tbqh

>> No.26361693
File: 1.90 MB, 341x410, millielaid[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3ge82m.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26361899

it's just a joke dumbasses

>> No.26361739

2008 /b/ was wild, for whatever reason there were so many camwhores that popped up trying to make a name for themselves there. Now you can see tits from every girl every where so it doesn't have the same appeal. I still don't for the life of me understand why someone would do that but it's weirdly nostalgic now.

>> No.26361842

Elira: Great banter with chat. Enjoys story driven games and I think her reactions are funny.
Pomu: Creative streamer. If you want an example, take a look at her 2nd to last SC catchup where she RPs as an OL again. Most game variety i think.
Finana: The coomer. She's fun if you're into the bratty types and gacha games. Likes to tryhard when collabing with other members.

Selen: HAHAHA. Seriously, she'll laugh at anything. Can't handle horror, but plays them with friends. Actually pretty good at FPS games.
Rosemi: She is the innocent(?) one. Often plays the role of the girl who doesn't know the slang other members use. Opinions of her have fallen off, but i still enjoy her Yugioh streams.
Petra: Don't watch much of her, but from what I see, she has a decent game variety and can collab with JP since she can speak Japanese.

Millie: Her favorite games seem to be TRPGs so ymmv depending on whether you like those. However, she has a lot of creative streams. She also does ASMR if you're into that.
Enna: Great singer, is a doomer, and is afraid of birds. Isn't afraid to call someone a fucking bitch.
Nina: Mommy-bait. She used to play a lot of roguelite games until she started collabing with the boys every stream and/or playing Minecraft. Has been MIA for a few weeks due to illness.
Reimu: Latina rage. Don't watch much of her either. Got into some trouble with Vox's fans, but that's really all I know.

>> No.26361899

ok she's fucking based. i take it back, millie is not cancer
t. >>26358270

>> No.26362280
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>> No.26362319
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>Reimu: Latina rage
Reimu is only like that in (game) collabs. In solo streams she is really sweet, almost like a different person.

>> No.26362322


>> No.26362402

This, but she needs someone else who does her rigging. Also, casual outfit when? They got only the new year's kimono.
>inb4 some sort of Crocs in her casual
Please no...

>> No.26362514

Reimu almost every time she mentions Petra she calls her wife. You know the actual reason.

>> No.26362855

I agree with this summary.

>> No.26362910
Quoted by: >>26363020

Reimu's game options are with her theme: horror/terror. She's been playing Resident Evil/Silent Hill games, and some other titles. Addicted to Apex (she is taking a break of it), gets some sponsored streams (I think there's one tonight). Her members watchalong are comfy too. She also does some streams in Japanese or Spanish only (one or two per month each). Her debuffs are any Collab with Petra, Apex Collab, and any male collab (specially with "you know who"). Also, she's learning Mandarin (IMO, can be good outside streaming, but it's the chink pandering stream).

>> No.26362943

Nobody said the most important QRD for newfags or holofags
>If you can't stand male presence or the girls talking about their male branchmates at all, don't even start watching them
We don't need more whiny bitches spamming "muh males" on the general

>> No.26363020
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Forgot my image. Also, the EN 1-3 crab game collab was the last one fun to watch of all of them (specially Pomus being toxic towards Finnener).

>> No.26363108
Quoted by: >>26363964

No one comes to the general anyway since you fags only talk about the "males".
Lazulight, Obsydia and Ethyria fans all created their own generals after you faggots ruined the NijiEN general.

>> No.26363117
File: 206 KB, 323x323, 1637602280202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the general
if you discuss Niji EN in /NijiEN/, you unironically get what you deserve

>> No.26363138
Quoted by: >>26363543

>Selen: imo still the Apex girl
holy threadwatcher

>> No.26363362

Pomu= Best Niji EN, slightly edgy version of a Holo EN routine
Elira= Boring, play a lot of JRPGs, decent singer
Finana= Vshojo trapped in a JP corporation
Petra= Dull, streams in JP a lot
Selen=Entertaining but mostly plays Apex
Rosemi= ESL, does ASMR type stuff
Mille= Philippines, hit or miss content, best friends with Enna
Enna= streams the least, basically a vsinger
Reimu=Boring, mostly tries to leech from the males, especially Vox
Nina= Decent solo streamer but spends all her time collabing and shilling the males

>> No.26363455
Quoted by: >>26363543

>mostly plays Apex
>only 4 Apex stream last month

>> No.26363467
File: 80 KB, 680x680, 79D0A5D9-64B7-4F49-938F-EDF39E9EA056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26368602

None of the Nijigirls fucking matter.

In Nijisanji, it's all about the lads.

>> No.26363524

>Elira= Boring, play a lot of JRPGs
did she finish Earthbound?

>> No.26363534
File: 1.15 MB, 965x1930, 1634701257586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26368595


>> No.26363543
Quoted by: >>26363628

nobody watches Selen, everyone just uses images of her to selenpost

>> No.26363579
Quoted by: >>26369003

IDK I don't watch her, she seems to constantly play Xenoblade from what I can see.

>> No.26363628

You what, you are right... not even the NIjiniggers on the main thread watch her

>> No.26363673
Quoted by: >>26363895

I think almost, she's playing XC2, but can't tell how much has she progressed since I don't have a switch.

>> No.26363689
Quoted by: >>26363807

This reads like someone who doesn't really watch any of them and forms their opinion on based on what they hear on /vt/.

>> No.26363807
Quoted by: >>26363859

I only consistently watch Pomu, the rest of them I've watched handful of streams of or only seen them in collabs. I used to watch Nina too but.,.you know...

>> No.26363859
File: 66 KB, 256x256, selinlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26363895

she's like 60% done not counting the DLC

>> No.26363964

This. Literally no one but femcels in /NijiEN/

>> No.26364636

Her Earthbound streams are cursed, they keep getting moved or cancelled

>> No.26365086

they have big tribal energy

>> No.26365110

Why are Pomufags always like this?

>> No.26365573

>Enna= streams the least, basically a vsinger
did you start watching them past week?

>> No.26366619

Selen and Nina are the best, followed by Enna & Millie. Rosemi is awful, everyone else is mid.

>> No.26366678

Rosemi= does ASMR type stuff
>Enna= streams the least, basically a vsinger
Holy threadreaderbatman!

>> No.26367878

Enna is fucking hilarious because she tells people and things to fuck off all the time

>> No.26368226

So from what I’m seeing no one does anything close to gfe, huh?

>> No.26368341
Quoted by: >>26369099

no, none.
the only EN chuuba I can recall that does anything like GFE is Nene

>> No.26368403
Quoted by: >>26368560

I mean, to me no EN corpo does. The Niji girls do fanservice often, I think Finana does this the most. Elira is often cited as doing GFE, but as the one anon said, her talks with chat are so involved and she looks like she enjoys herself so much I think people just catch feelings for her.

>> No.26368495

she is uki bestfriend, the only bad thing about her is how she hasnt even gone down and unleash her shotacon for whatever reason

>> No.26368560
Quoted by: >>26368839

I think the fact that she streams for so long has a part to play in it too. If you become a strong fan you are spending 5-7 hours with this girl most days of the week. It's kind of hard to not to become somewhat attached when someone plays that big a role in your life.

>> No.26368595

Who is the biggest coomer in EN? Finana or Sonny?

>> No.26368602

what an absolute mad lad, i wish he fake his own death again in one stream celebration

>> No.26368839

True. I think that's what also endears people to Pomu. They go at it for so long and do things they like and the energy is infectious. Elira specifically comes across as very cute when she enjoys herself.

>> No.26368952

Throw yourself Infront of a combine harvester onegaishumasu

>> No.26369003

>Once a week
Maybe "consistently" was what you meant to say.

>> No.26369099
Quoted by: >>26369160

Literally all the Kawaii girls do it. Lumi does it. Chapipi does light gfe, but since she's claimed by one of her paypigs its not as effective. Finana also does the rare gfe, if you can take that coomer seriously. I heard Gura also does it in member streams. I probably missed someone, but yeah there are ENs that do it

>> No.26369160
Quoted by: >>26369247

>She's claimed by one of her paypigs
What, did she start dating a fan?

>> No.26369247

Nah, or at least not to my knowledge, but she singles him out and gives him way more attention and affection than anyone else. It gets a bit weird and flirtatious at times, but I doubt they're dating

>> No.26369408

Elira's short hair model is pure sex

>> No.26369508
File: 243 KB, 1568x1920, FVcEDlLXwAALzYT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26371451

Elira has fat tits.

>> No.26369666

You should check out her English karaoke tomorrow OP.

>> No.26369819

How long until Elira's fat sweaty milkers are discovered

>> No.26369867
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>> No.26370279
File: 609 KB, 661x659, 1636120234662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26370682

>usually start streams in EU friendly times
>never streams in EU friendly times when streaming karaoke
Why is literally every EN chuuba like this? Being a europoor is pain

>> No.26370504

Why is the image mirrored?

>> No.26370682

I would guess because its karaoke they want to stream in it the time thats best for most of their viewers?

>> No.26371100
Quoted by: >>26371526

>yuribait is real gey

>> No.26371451

What do you think Elira's armpits smell like?

>> No.26371514

Enna is for real a great storyteller. She can talk about the most mundane shit and make it hilarious.

>> No.26371526


>> No.26372235
File: 59 KB, 463x454, 1643781691253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp what the hell did i just read

>> No.26374783
File: 542 KB, 2500x3473, __pomu_rainpuff_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_eds__00b43fc84c60ab6ef2da27f98dad0f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26376253
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>> No.26379578


>> No.26381484

a miracle in /vt/, a post that speaks accurate, objective truth

>> No.26381859

the perk of not being able to picture the things in your mind

>> No.26382112

