i love astel
I love Mori!
I think Kiara and Mori should have s*x with each other
KIARA LOVEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8NiwUykf8Uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8NiwUykf8Uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF4rteXN57whttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF4rteXN57w
>>26286745This but SEX
>>26286731Hey, I'm supposed to be the only Astella in this thread
>>26286745This but Towa and Shishiron.
what did she mean by this?
She’s both chucking in Houston instead of Hong Kong while still just saying Chinese
pizza-face Mori...
>>26286745this but with me
Mori... The Zhangs...
https://twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1537789871238283264?s=20&t=Bk8strXxp0CASCNKFp6Arw>Still at the doctors at 10pmUh.....
Deadbeats love the rimjob meme
>>26286779She started to think.
I awake to the sound of rustling sheets and muffled giggles. Suspecting the worst, I open my eyes and adjust to the darkness of the bedroom. Looking down on me, two bright blue globes lined by a faint line of purple curl into a demented smile."Ohayou~ hehe, did I wake you?"My senses overload as the sensation of soft skin and lacey underwear slides over your thighs. The messy blonde hair on her head slinks slowly downward as she grinds herself along my lower body, stopping only when she's lying completely on top of me, my crotch pushing against the spot a few inches below her belly button."I've seen the way you've looked at me while on the last case. You sicko~" She whispers slowly into your ear, wiggling her hips to tease my half-erect cock. The smell of coconut fills your mind as she grabs the back of my head gently.!!!!!A sharp pain shoots through my shoulder you make out the sight of a plunger slowly depressing blue liquid into you."You seem pent up, teamate... This can help you with that..."A twisted smile forms on her face as the beating of my heart in my chest empties my mind of all thoughts except to breed the female in heat on top of me. A numbing sensation surrounds my crotch as my hot thing pulses and engorges itself on the torrent of blood flowing to it. Wider and longer than usual, it greedily pokes into the detective's lower stomach, pressing her deepest parts greedily as if to impregnate her from the outside.My eyes struggle to focus on her eyes as they meet mine."Y-you're so eager, teamate..."Her mouth agape in ecstacy, she flattens her body against yours, her ample breasts pillowing your chest as her waist twists and teases your meat rod with full contact with her skin.The years of distant admiration perverted into a primal longing to breed, I push both hands against the back of her head and push my tongue inside her lips as I twist my own hips, smearing the liquid dripping from my cock all over her waist and belly button."Mhph? Mmmmm! Mwa-are you... Gonna... With just this...?"The warmth of the girls mouth drowns my thoughts as my whole body prepares its answer to her question. Covering her mouth with mine again my hips thrust greedily as my first load begins to spray in hot bursts, thick ropes of my stinking seed splatting against the part right below her belly button. Trapped between the skin of our hips, it continues to erupt as she shivers and squirms in delight, body reacting as if I was spraying my hot seed inside of her."Ah.... Ha... you're so greedy..." she laments as her upper stomach grinds and twists in motion with her aching insides. Every part of her wants this now. Our eyes glazed over, I lower my hips and direct the tip against her sopping wet lips. "Hng! Wa-ait I need a minute!" Her lamentations fall deaf on your ears as the tip slides her lips apart, a trail of sticky juices sliding out from within her down your pulsing shaft, mixing with the thick drops of cum and lubricating me for what's next. Just comparing the sizes it will be a tight fit."Slowly, please... slow--AGH!!!"Her words are interrupted by a single thrust as I push myself into her as hard as I can. Overwhelmed, she wraps her arms around my shoulders as I struggle to push it in more than half way. Her inner walls won't release her vice grip as she hugs me closer to her chest."H-hey... AHH!!!...."she freezes again as I push myself all the way to the base inside of her. Her back arches in agonized glee as she gasps for air. The sensation of it is too much, and I shove her face into mine with my right hand. With my left hand I push her delicate frame onto mine before a second load wells up inside, every fiber of my being distilled into hot globs of white fluid ready to release.She screams into my mouth as my thing bounces and pulses, shooting rope after rope of my thick baby batter directly into her. Wet squishing noises fill the bed room as her insides churn in ecstacy, goading and sucking on my orgasming cock."AH! C-chmmmmm!!!!!"Ame screams again as she pushes me all the way up into the entrance of her deepest part, long trails of her juices spraying out of her mixed with my sperm, making long hot streaks on the bed. I grit my teeth and grunt as another orgasm, harder than before, send another barrage of hot loads directly into her womb."Aha... Agh..." ame barely can speak as the pleasure of impregnation floods her mind in a white hot blaze, each of my millions of sperm penetrating her walls, tingling every part of her her slick insides.We stay there for a while, the locks of blonde hair swinging as she quivers each time more of my seed spills into her. Placing my hands on her lower back, I tease her womb to open up a little more and she squeezes and squirts all over me."Ah!!! There's-ha!!! more..."We lay there for a bit as the heat subsides. Thinking I was done, I try to slide out of bed before another distinct pain enters my neck.Another syringe in her hands, the detective giggles.
>>26286806fuck off spammer
>Game is doxxing Mori>chinks mentionSugoi
I miss Ame...
>>OPThis doesn't make sense but it's hot. Any more crackship art? I want something to look at while stuck in traffic.
>>26286773are you the OG fag who used to clip his karaokes and upload them on catbox?
>>26286812i'm a teamate and i love it tho
>>26286823Didn't read but I'm glad for you Teamate
>>26286773I might qualify as the third if enjoying his Apex streams counts.
bigg fface
here comes the shark
censoring it like this just makes it sound worse
>Mori went to Hong Konghuh
I love Ina!
How long until the rim line! I need to do some irl stuff
Mori studied at Houston at one point
>>26286858the lightbringer...
Reminder that while Kiara was trying to grab Reine's attention during their Maldives vacations Reine was sitting on her phone
>>26286873>he didn't knowBased nondoxxbeat
I fucking love Pekora bros
>>26286745This but soft cuddles
>>26286779watch out fubuki, senchou is starting to Morb!
what the fuck is Huston kansas?
>>26286849I do it from time to time, but if you mean the guy that was doing it in 2020, then that's not me>>26286855I appreciate you
>>26286812I do too
>>26286873She's mentioned studying abroad there before
Why is she doxxing herself
Mori that woman wanted to fuck you. It was probably Reine honestly
>Hong Kong mention in the game has nothing to do with the Xi and his merry gang>Mori indirectly makes it about it anyway
>>26286902baffling post
Sugar mommy...
So anyone saving this just in case
>>26286823Read it all, pretty based
>>OPLove me a hot ass rarepair.
>>26286948>but if you mean the guy that was doing it in 2020, then that's not meshame, that guy was the OG astel shill /here/ he was definitely responsible for astel becoming my oshi
>>26286812I like it 'cause my sense of humor consists of puns.
>>26286905>>26286959I don't recall and all the doxx shit I know of is the stuff that gets posted here
>>26286902Focus on the game mori. You already lost the kiarabowl
>>26286902guarantee you she blanked and was trying to find something on her phone to talk about
>>26286777This but a bunch of Holos overpowering Shishiron led by Watame.Just imagine Kanata and several others holding down Botan’s legs open for Watame…
>>26286977Yeah, learning about it from Kiara was something else
We like towa now?
How would Gura feel if she knew some people out there masturbate to her?
>>26286941kansas nut fit in your mouth
Mori got a sugar momma in Hong Kong. Why do women love her so much?
>>26287011wtf Reine is a man??
Ori pink hair what does it mean himemORI luna mORI calliope koyORI this is not a coincident think about it pink hair?ori who is ori?idfkbutthenextpinkhairedoriwillbepinkhaired i warned you
>>26286941It's a ghost town in Northern Kansas
>>26286858Don't you say that about me you son of a bitch
anyone wants to dump some gozaru lewds?
>>26286902Stop bringing that up.
>>26287048>some peopleGura is included in this group
Morippi.................>>26286975THE DAMN RIOTS
Anya said that HoloEN members are always busy. Is that true?
>>26287011i cant believe mori is going to beat them to death with a toaster
>>26287023I refuse. Shishiron is the coolest and strongest.
>>26287071go back wojaktourist
>>26287013she said pretty much that
>>26286997I still have some of the clips saved, shame about the streamables that expired though
>>26286745sax? does either of them even know how to play?
>>26287108busy having sex with members who aren't her
Mori is the type who would get groomed by older ladiesno wonder so many in hololive want to get around her
People have been asking Anya to collab with Gura recently.
>>26287077no, go jerk off by yourself.
>>26287011Oh Reine... maybe Moona is more up your alley.
>>26287071Sakura MikoYou are wrong
>>26287123weine is a 14 year old boy
>>26287011Yeah, she effectively lost itThen Reine did like six goals for Mori
>>26286902You fags sure love to mention that but quickly forget that they took baths together and that they gave each other massages
>>26286902Damn that Reine girl must be a huge whore
>>26286975And on Coco's birthday too!
>>26286811we already saw you post this one last thread, no reason to take up an image slot posting it again anon.
>>26286823>Ame barely can speak as the pleasure of impregnation floods her mind in a white hot blazeI thought women don’t actually feel anything when you cum inside them
>>26286823>I awake>your thighs>she grinds>she whispers slowly into your earGrammatically I have no clue what perspective this is in. 1st person? 3rd person? 2nd person?
>>26287048>if she knew>ifAnon...
>>26287077I will post 1 and only 1
[Important Moom post]
>>26287157Mikos hair is not pink its red
>>26287048>ifShe actively encourages it
>>26287160god, she's just like mori.....
>>26287148But why? Chumbuds barely acknowledge her
>>26287225ok but that one doesnt count
>>26287108busy being cute
>>26287164Same with Mori along with a horse carriage ride and candlelit dinner in a ferris wheel.
>>26287048Wasn't she pretty creeped out and that's why she dropped Ringfit? She talks a mean game but she can't stomach the reality of it.
>>26286902Reine was feigning disinterest because Kiara told everyone Reine tried to finger her behind
Shuba watching 23 or not?
In other news Anons are posting CP
>>26287242good moom post
>>26287291I guess you're right, she hates it when people look at her in lecherous ways
ONE STREA- oh wait, she dragged the guy on this side too
>>26287215I fucked up. It's supposed to be first person. I usually write smut like this in second person omniscient but I was asked to use first person last time I posted something like this.>>26287176I mean I can't cum three times in a row so realism was secondary to over the top hentai level excess.
>mori liked thisWhy is she like this?
Why do older women keep grooming my Mori.“Hey girl I’m so lonely with my husband away on business come have fun with me at my house.” She’s a fucking NTR faceless man
>>26287257Maybe Kiara just attracts those who are young at heart?
>>26287308Feels like 2009 again
What the fuck Mori
>>26287291Yeah she's too much of a corward. That one ear nibbling ASMR was godlike then she got cold feet after
>>26287269It's that her viewers like Gura, though Gura always says something nice about Anya when she does come up.
>>26287176you can't
>>26287291Nah, she just hates the fact that it got so much attention. She ended up doing the lollipop sucking ASMR for members after saying that she knew exactly how we would misconstrue it.
Will Kana do it? And why do I feel like the girls in Hololive are becoming more and more gay over time?
>>26287308That FB Kobo image is getting a lot of use!
>>26287308>>26287356RIGHT HERE
>>26287108Busy not streaming.
>>26287382I should pick up some little ceasers later today
Huh, I just realized that this fangame has randomized order of stageshttps://okamiakarutsuki.itch.io/dream-labirynthWhich means that outside of Myth your team is effectively randomizedExplains why I thought early game was this brutal, I got no fucking healers
>>26287344Mori also liked this so what?
I want to have sex with Towa
>>26287382Clean it up
Sora's playing the stealth mission of Zelda, she got caught a few times by the guards already
>>26287382T o T
>>26287350To be fair most of EN and ID are at least somewhat young at heart.
>>26287405IS THAT
>>26287209Where's the link to this set?
>>26287405Proof next thread?
>>26287344LMAO she really hate her guts
this game is unironically made for Mori
What the heck is Donovan's problem?
Mori is just agreeing with everything Donovan says
>>26287382Damn, that sticky thing is getting stretched pretty hard.
>>26287405God i want to fuck a banette
>>26287350She should go meet Laplus
>>26287405SHE DID?!
Guys, where's Roboco..?It's been over an hour..
>>26287453He's too based for this world.
>>26287344I mean it’s always been pretty obvious this is how Mori feels about Kiara, remember the tunnel stream?
>>26287455Because he is based as fuck
>>26287453Angry cougars
>>26287468Porn should be allowed, and this image should be banned.
>>26287308Bro tell us where so we can avoid it
>>26287382abayo nigger
>>26287481they would be the zoomers of today by the time this game happens
Why won't she say hong kong? It's a bit weird.
>>26287372That was great https://streamable.com/e30d4a
>>26287492I'm sorry anon...
>>26287534mentioning Taiwan once lost us Gura's Bully
>>26287382>This crashed Nijisanji's stock price
Mori understands men than most women...
This game was huge on /v/ how did Mori miss it?
Did she just reference pink guy?
>>26287534Now that she's signed with universal she has to cater to the mainland like John Xina
>>26287344Appreciate how you skipped past this
>>26287534She likes the dumb name she came up with.She said hong kong multiple times earlier in the stream already.
>>26287504Yeah, her tunneling through Kiara's ass with her tongue was quite the stream but not unwarranted.
4th Sora death...
>>26287382 >>26287397 >>26287399 >>26287414 >>26287419 >>26287461>>26287468 >>26287474 >>26287476>>26287526 >>26287562 >>26287527The Vtuber who Kiara talking to all the time from Niji had her nudes found and posted only for it to be found that she was underaged
YAGOO: The key point here is our viewers are foreign people, they’re not Japanese. They’re typically, fairly young, fresh out of school, probably watched popular YouTubers, maybe watched VShojo or other English VTubers, probably watched let's plays. They’re not capable of understanding brilliant content but we want them to enjoy our talents' videos. So, the content that we give them has to be easy for them to understand and easy to translate.
>>26287572She wasn't that much of a /v/tard
>>26287572She was more /a/, /mu/ and /x/
>>26287560Yeah but hong kng is hong kong... It's not taiwan. Even chinese people call it hong kong. It's a completely separate issue. The fact she used to live there makes it even more weird she refuses to say it.
>>26287585Or this
https://twitter.com/RINRIN8748/status/1537650754949103616Two Tatsunokos who met because of Coco got married on her birthday
>>26287623>>26287628Hello discord
>>26287048Just imagine a world where the girls were allowed to go all out, just one time.
>>26287572she just said she was too much of an /utg/ fag
>>26287641Did I ask?
>>26287112The strongest ones are the hottest when broken
Who replies in this way btw? Only 1-2 retards do it
Flat Owlshi
>>26286745This but me and Kiara, you can have mori tho
Did Pekora find an ancient city?
>>26287636Aww cute Moririn
>>26287636Or this one. Tell me oh mindreader, what did she mean by this?
>>26287641I didn't ask, but I'm happy for them.
Bae guro.
>>26287572Too busy talking about ecto dicks on /utg/, probably
>>26287651Matsuri would host an event where her 100 most devoted fans get to actually fuck her
>>26287677You did.
>>26287677Don't care faggot
>>26287339Oh, you made this yourself? That's pretty impressive.
>>26287685Me stalking from behind
>>26287348>Un-barbed penis0/10
>>26287641is that a chumbie in the background?
>>26287641damn riajuugrats anyways
>>26287699This but me and you
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COCOhttps://twitter.com/hashtag/%E6%A1%90%E7%94%9F%E3%82%B3%E3%82%B3%E7%88%86%E8%AA%95%E7%A5%AD
>>26287729Lyger would turn it into an extremely tragic mass murder.
>>26287611“HAHAHXBSNA THIS RANDOM NAKED GIRL IS TOTALLY THIS VTUBER GUYS IM NOT GONNA PROVE IT LMAOOO SHE UPLOADED IT TO /b/“Yeah who do you think you’re kidding??? you guys tried this with 3 different vtubers already
God I want to be Donovan.
I love my Mori
>>26287717That she loves Sora. As one should. You do love Sora, don't you?
You’re happy to say fuck your mom though?
>>26287641>Coco got married on her birthdayTo who?
What boards does Donovan post on?
Mori is having so much fun with this.
>>26287805>extremely tragic
>>26287844All of them.
>>26287844Literally just /sp/.
She's Politikz now...
mori I know you are excited but for the love of god stop mentioning teddyloid every other sentence, this is the exact same shit that lead to the connor shitposting
>>26287844He doesn't
>>26287844The dangerous ones.
>>26287840To me.
>>26287840yagoo, remember the ring?
>Watame misses that bitch >I miss that bitch
>I hate him, but he's pretty basedMori's relationship with /vt/...
Dorothy inc.
How does one hack weather?
>>26287844Always the wrong one.
>>26287890I too miss the bitch
>>26287897easiest way is just get admin credentials
>>26287840To the gayest, not gay person in Hololive
>>26287291nah she just hates when it becomes too popular, if you want to masturbate to her do it in silence and then she will give some fanservice
>>26287810damage controlling retard
today is the day that fauna will breastfeed me
>>26287844Going by Danger/u/, their 4chan alternative is mostly for lonely women and there are no men on the internet, so probably none of them.
>>26287959Nigga she's readin' chat.
>>26287955you know crystalcafe exists, right?
>>26287897Don't look into it if you don't want glowies on your door step
Sometimes I want to punch Botan in the face just to see her reaction. Does anyone know that feeling?
Today I will remind them
>>26287959>COMPLETELY UNPROVOKEDreplying to chat, silly
I dedicate this image slot this bitch.
>>26287810Do you have 20+ tabs opened to damage control the inevitable?
>>26287897I did it before, I’ll do it again. (((they))) cant stop me
>>26287979>>26288003Yeah, me
>>26287998your oshi will love Marine
>>26287955Prime hunting ground for the DonoMAN
>>26287995go to sleep lamy, you are drunk
>>26287743thanks, I usually write on my phone so proofreading is hardPlease look forward to my next work! (^‿^)
>>26288017>the inevitablenta but literally no one fucking cares what's spammed and shilled /here/
>>26287985No and I doubt the devs knew either.
>>26287985NTA, but personally, I try to forget.
>>26287998Oh yeah, when will that be up?
>>26287897>This anon doesn't know that weather control weapons have been a thing for decades nowHope you don't live near the coasts
>Bae is still watching Mori
Bae is just watching this entire stream huh
Is anyone gonna stream minecraft tonight? the server was updated & there's a new biome and frogs and stuff now
Bae still watching...
Bae been watching the whole time?
Holy shit, this image is a blast from the past
please anyone send me vtubers fetish talking threadI can't find it. I don't know if it's still existI remember last year there has a thread that talk about Sui's piss...... and that got meso just paste it thanks sir
>>26287791Kson also say happy birthday to Coco
>>26288069She really liked the game
Mori really can sound sex when she wants to huh
>>26288017I’m not trying to defend Niji I’m just telling you to fuck off with the same bullshit you guys tried on 3 different girls
>>26287572Mori ignores like half of /v/‘s game catalog.
>>26288089NON ES ELLA
Baesed rratsis.
>>26288025Why does Watame look so scared? Why are there two Flares?
Christ Mori is trying to kill me.
Love this cute little whore so much
>>26287998I remember people compare Pekora and Marine thumbnail for this one collab and it was funnyThe sheer contrast between what Pekora and Marine presented to their audience is just, mind-blowing
because someone mentioned botan
>>26287291If I was Gura, I'd be scared that westerners are going to throw a fit if I sexualize myself too much. Might be part of the reason why she's more subtle with it.
>>26288089She said happy birthday to Kiryu Kazuma ya dingus
>>26288025I will also remind you that Lamy is a rapist and she will rape again.
How long will Mori keep up this sex voice?
>>26287897read on HAARP, dude. it's real
why did Azki whisper so much during yesterday's karaoke?
>invisible fetishBASED
chubby watame
>>26288182Anytime Dorothy is on the screen based on the other characters.
>>26288171>anon is a rapist>anon /becomes/>still a rapistcant run from fate
>>26288170Well the mental image of it is a bit too funny to me
>>26288169>scaredAt most, she’s annoyed by their preaching. She’s shown plenty of times that she likes lolis and plays into the memes.
>>26287046I like Towass
>taiwan mention>it's coco's birthdayMori you sneaky little bitch
Mori pushing down on me...
>>26288106>I'm not trying to defend nijiSure. Iketoi basically has all the proofs you need to confirm her PL but you choose to ignore it and do damage control whenever you see it posted in this board
A cat is fine too
>>26288161It's really funny, but lately Peko has jsut been letting Marine do it instead of saying anything. Truly Marine ahs been playing the very long game and it's working since Peko for the first time every will do an off collab with someone at there house and stay there.
Mori this voice oh my
>>26288341>PLGo fucking back
Is that the Until Dawn sequel?
Holy sex Mori
Ela is doing it
>eating on streamarchitects status?
>>26288171I want drunk Lamy to hug me from behind...
>>26288390spiritual successor, more like
The Quarry is pretty bad
Mori please stop saying you’re like the Loli prostitute
>>26288430probably but it looks good to stream
>>26288444*don't stop
Mori should play House of ashes
>>26288165Thanks man
why is M*ri unironically making me horny
>>26288430its gonna be a great stream
Do hololive fanartists really?https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6thityhcwu3d5ox/AABiK5_3TKsvvlvjiKLsvo3Ca?dl=0
>>26288444She was talking about Jill and she's not wrong
>>26288420She said she’s been eating salads and keeps talking about the gym. Architects lose once again
>>26288302hot I wanna stick my nose and tongue in her arsehole too
>>26288485Femates are lewd.
>>26288444Jill is also a loli prostitute?
>>26288485Yes. Yes they do
>>26288341>PL>proof with an sI know you're a SEAnig. Fuck off.
M-Mori...????? M-my dick...
>>26288302I love how he draws Towa extra stinky. maybe its the rough drawing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6mdUTQkzgAI hope Lunaitos have been sending Luna letters
A bottle in where?
>>26288171That fact that drunk Lamy pushed Matsuri down and stuck her tongue in her when it felt like Matsuri got her drunk and took on a date to molest her will never not be funny. Now it feel like she is kinda scared around Lamy making it funnier
Lapchan my daughter
>>26288341I hate Nijiniggers but I hate doxfags a lot more than I hate Nijisyou can fucking kill yourself
>>26288430It's weird that Until Dawn is the only game of that type they put out that was even remotely decent when it was the first one.
c-can i pay woman to pretend they are my daughter?
>>26288354homura fucking CARRYING this ship on his shoulder. I fucking kneel to him, no artist even come close, dude either draw PekoMari or draw nothing at all
Mori most likely bought that bottle when she wasn't with Kiara
>>26288602Yes of course
>>26288472She's really good at those voices, just doesn't do them often. She could 100% be one of those coomer ASMR streamers and make a fuckton if she wanted too.
>>26288587The one that was about space vampires in Iraq was kinda okay
>>26288485What kind of fucking NPC actually wears masks while bathing
>>26288602With enough money, anything is possible
>>26288558Ever heard of jar guy?
>>26286902Artistic representation
>>26288053You mean the off collab? Marine talked about it like a few days ago
I wasn’t expecting Mori to play Dorothy dead straight and I can’t handle it
is Mori talking about using a glass bottle to masturbate or did I miss the context
>>26288553I'm so happy she found her place.
>>26288581>>26288606I just need and Adam Sandler reference and I got Bingo.
Jesus Pekora go out pretty far
Sora VS this dork!
Mori is trying her hardest to get Dorothy drunk already.
>>26287834Sora is a hag now, she can't be loved.
>>26288627Imagine a Takamori asmr collab full limiters off between both
>>26288485hot hot hot
I want to do reps but as soon as I start doing them I lose interest, how do I coup?
>>26288670Yes because the robot talked about it
>>26288602Why not just do what everybody else does and just adopt instead?
>>26288676Pekora should make a journey to the world border
>>26288676You have to if you want to see the new biomes, since the map near you has already generated.
>mori likes the loli that bae was repulse byWhat gives?
>>26288649fucking amazing
>cute pink ladyI need a soundpost
Wait DFC... Delicious flat chest?
>Cute pink lady
>>26288587you take that back, house of ashes is amazing
Can I pay women to pretend to be my sister's high school classmate?
>>26288485Is this the girl who uses herself as a model for her hentai art?
>>26288655Oh, they already off-collabed?
>>26288711willpower. reps aren't supposed to be fun.
Holy shit Mori that voice is sex I wish she kept doing this
>>26288760>Mori likes lolisThis isn’t shocking at all
>>26288773Bravo Kojima
>>26288773Yes, Delicious Flat Chest, 72 is also the cms of Chihaya from im@s' bust size, a notorious flattie.
>>26288707could you suggest something slightly more plausible like oh a Jesus turning water into wine stream
>>26288760Bae pretends to hate anything remotely sexual
>>26288773no, that can't be
>>26288676>farMaybe if you're an overworld-only traveller
>>26288773This is a fucking /agdg/ game, Anon.
>>26288702>not loving the loveless old ladyCouldn't be me
>>26288508That’s not much better, Jill seems like a bit of a cunt
>>26288615Their art is nice. Whenever that off collab happen they will probably fucking die though.
>>26288630The kind that is hiding her face you retard.
Just push him in the hole, Sora!
>Mori would be saying everything with no filter if it wasn't for clippersCLIPPER HATE
>>26288722>>26288742I remember my best on a multiplayer server was like 15k block out (walking) before call it quit, put a sign and return to spawnIt was a splendid adventure as I accidentally stumbled upon a literal diamond mine, I have never seen so many diamond concentrated in 1 cave before
>>26288792No I mean said it would be pretty soon, it kept getting delayed becuase of stuff happening to both of them
>>26288760Bae pretends to be seiso and hate anything sexual.
>>26288879Kek, the Reine feet really tie it together
>>26288866That goes for any Holo and any streamer, though.
>>26288760Bae has to take some precautions when dealing with loli shit in the police state of Australia.
>>26288835Which is exactly what Pekora is doingI don't think the Holo server have a Nether highway
>>26288817If you can't dream big why dream at all
>>26288879Well, that explains how Mori and Kiara got sick together.>>26288879
>Going with this voice for JamieFUCK OFF CHAT
Please let mori say rimjob. I need that soundpost
>>26288301There's still subtly to it. It's not like she's ever explicitly talked about sexualizing lolis.
Sora is pon, but that's cute too
This is rare Moriment
>>26288923That actually makes sense and wouldn't surprise me in the least.
>>26288953Jamie doesn't deserve this cringe shit
>>26288893Ah, I see. I was looking forward to that but didn't know when it's supposed to be exactly.
>>26288198So you could imagine her crouching next to you while you enjoyed the floor's texture
>>26287133Anya likes to watch
>>26288926You can get that far with elytra without a nether highway, 10000 is just 1250 in the nether
>>26288923Why are Aussies so fucking gay?
Sora beat Kohga!
Guramebros, we won...
How on earth did she manage to include adam sandler into this story
I will annihilate Yugoslavia
If I have to say one positive thing about mori is that dorothy voice hhhnnnnggggg
>I want to have a yabai night with these guysO-ok Mori
>>26288674I GOT BINGO
>>26288956I see Flare got a pet and is enjoying herselfMeanwhile Pekora is deep underground fighting monsters
I wanna have a yabai night with these guys
>>26288080George on the floor
>>26288956Why isn't she duplicating allays?
>>26288981They had a date back in May, but got delayed
>>26288953The last Deus Ex game was mobile and came out in 2016, along with Mankind Divided. General people don't know the reference.
>>26289015Butthurt about being referred to as the shitpost country.
>>26289033[Sad anon news] The watamate is now Towa flip
And this is getting clipped
>>26288996Elytra really changed everything. Back in my days we have to WALK it
>>26288025My oshi's oshi is Marine
Damn Mori is just going for it. Based
>Semi-hololive mythokay what the fuck
>>26289076I murdered Towaflip
Mori actually does a really sexy Dorothy.
I wanna drink vtubers piss as hell !!!!I don't know if this is the right thread to talk about it bcuz I hadn't get into this board for 8 month I remember the last year there have some threads that talk about some kind of fetish,kink on VtubersI wanna discuss about that again dunno if this thread is the right one to talk or if you have some links........
marrying dorothy and getting arrested for it...
wait did they really name the model the DFC 72?
>>26288960Sure, but she HAS sexualized herself, and she is a loli.
I'm half black
Sex with Morirothy
Mori loves Dorothy!
>>26289097that's fine too
I want to fuck Morirothy
All it took for her to go from steak dinners to “violating all your holes” was a loli
>>26289179The "Load" inside the cup teally ties this together
J*W*U*How the streams goin? Anything I miss?
>>26289205The power of cunny...
>>26289205Mori just wants to be a mesugaki asking to be corrected
>>26289233There are a lot of good streams right now!
https://youtu.be/y-bq0OwxPsQReminder that Lamy:>Joined Hololive and got to meet her Oshi>Get's hit on be he Oshi>Slapped her Oshi's ass live on stream>Her Oshi made a off comment about her moving to next her and then she moved in above her >Is going to sleep with her oshi
Reine's voice is so hot. Moona's the only ID who's sexier
hey dudes, will mori recognize george costanza if she makes it that far? loved bae's playthrough but the voice she made for art was way off and it was killing me
>>26289226is this real
>>26289092How old? First version I've ever played was some 1.4.x version, don't remember exactly.but I didn't actively follow updates of the game, so the next one was some 1.7 version
>>26288956Trying to get them home first
>>26289279Kaela exists
>>26288813>Voiced by my wifeBased.
>>26289226This feels strangely uncanny.
What's wrong with /HIRyS/?It's like they are being raided very single day and threads reach 400 posts
>>26289278Lamy is pretty based
>>26289139VA11-Hall A is a shameless game that has no time for subtlety. That's time that can be spent with a talking Shuba in a Hawaiian shirt or smol sexbot with deployable cat ears.
>>26288773Nnnnnnaaaahhh, no waaaaaayy
>>26289281Yea its rotoscoped like the picture of them in Hokkaido
>>26289139The writers are more /here/ than most people here.
>>26289334deadbeat raids are common
>>26289334They are being raided every single day
>>26289334First time?
>>26289334Mori antis flood the thread for a couple days every time chadcast comes along.
>>26289144She holds back on it. She dropped Ringfit because of it. That's the whole point I was discussing.
who's eroa?
>>26289233Don't visit other threads, apparently someone found some VERY old photos of a NijiEN. The kind that'll get you a visit from your local FBI.
ninja mention
Pekora came this close to dying.
>>26289346>a talking Shuba in a Hawaiian shirtHeh
>Zeta is STLL streamingwtf
>>26289334They have their own schizos, and seem to be visited by /hlg/ and catalog tourists
>>26289385I thought they were getting railed?
>>26289182FUCKING SEXBut how?
It's her birthday? Damn it. I missed it.
more VA-11 Hall-A incoming
Iroha just messaged Mori
>Reine wants to play VA-11 Hall-A
>>26289365Literally an /agdg/ game
OP is a prophet with that image...
The Jump Kings. Strangely appropriate for the OP
>>26289286Hmmmmm not quite old enough, the first time I play Minecraft was like around 1.7 or something
>>26289226Smol kiara just swinging from side to side is the cutest thing ever
>>26289365It's depressingly true that they're a better representation of pre-election /v/ than the entire population of modern /v/.
>>26289270You're right!
>>26289334Deadbeats and Ennerfags rading the HiRyS form every single day and it becomes ironic because both want to form an alliance with IRyS fans but IRys fans only like Ame fans and Kronii fans
>>26289097Your Oshi could be a few people then. Why the fuck do girls like Marine so much?
If she was a Vtuber, what would she stream?
>>26289495I sure am!
>>26289399I don't think she holds back on it as much as she used to.
holy fuck that voice is cute
>>26289472>Dick doesn't react to regular Mori>Getting a boner from thisUh...bros, is it possible that I'm....
She's not going to be constantly eating the whole stream is she?
>>26289533eroge and vn
>>26289552Seek god
God damn it
>>26289334They're being railed by KFP ever since Dokomi happened
>>26289500What the actual fuck are you talking about you fucking schizo? I looked in there once saw 0 pushback against people saying Ollie should be raped and murdered and never looked again.Alliance? This isn’t a fucking MMO retard
>>26289533she'd stream on chaturbate
>>26289334They see enemies everywhere falseflaggers joinEveryone is a deadbeat/ennafag/brrat/etc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5INeZYDSNwwhy is this watame so fat?
Sound off like you got a pair!
>>26289585>Melody and Dorothy are basically the same
>waifu detected>time to get her drunkCalliope Cosby…
>>26289571Why would anyone do that when you can fap to loli instead?
>>26289544You're right, but she's still not playing Ringfit again any time soon.
>>26289552>Dick doesn't react to regular MoriYou are probably just an homosexual, I wouldn't worry too much about it
>>26289500>everyone is a deadbeat
Kira Miki Rider!
>>26289533Her Melody collabs would be legendary.
>>26286880WE love Ina!
>>26289599it's not fat. her body is unable to contain her smugness and it's bulging out.
>>26289476Either I'm misremembering something or 1.7 introduced some nice biome with a lot of flowers. which I don't remember seeing in new versions. Meadow in experimental snapshot 1 really reminded me about it, sucks that they removed some flowers from it
JWU, is Mori enjoying the game? I know it was a dream stream for a few people.
>>26289552Based? Yeah, I believe so.
>>26289334it became an anti refuge center for months >now
>>26289698Yeah, she's having a ton of fun.
>>26289226source: https://twitter.com/Chegi_Channel/status/1536752461913915399
>>26289698Its been fantastic so farMori's been really enjoying the dialogue
>>26289526Because Marine make a move on everyonePekora throw Marine flower away and say it was weird really give her a reality check
>>26289698she's having fun voicing the characters
/locate structure minecraft:ancient_city
>>26289646Truly the Moor of the Orient
>>26289365N1RV Ann-A never...
>>26289698Absolutely. Morithy is SEX
>>26289500Deadbeats have never raided. The more jarring this statement is to you, the more deluded you are.
>>26289282is this real huh Did she ever do ear licking stream ?
Btw deadbeats Reine is playing Vall11halla in a few hours too
>>26289698I've been waiting a year and a half for this and it's been everything I wanted and more so far.
>>26289743Is that an actual command?
Kiara mention #4
>>26289642Dorothy is smarter than Melody though.
Mori literally in love with Kiara but she keeps pussying out.
>>26289779Great, im gonna have to double vod catch up now
>>26289778No but she teased deadbeats about it during the same stream and did ear biting.
>>26289764nigga shut up
>>26289739>Pekora throw Marine flower away and say it was weird really give her a reality checkSince the Marine has double down of Peko and Pekora has slow started to be ok with it. It's fucking strange
>>26289779So soon wtf? awesome
>>26289651Not even close. Kronii's fat tits make me diamonds. I think it's just this place that is slowly making me appreciate cunny too.
>>26289783She said she wanted to be a producer
>>26289334They eat bait like starving fish
>>26289765>>26289808Mori likes Chonkers tho
>>26289834Nothing strange about it. Pekora is like the final boss for Marine to conquer
>>26289778It kinda just happened organically in the most recent asmr. She also rested her head on mine
>>26289827>t. orange catSeethe, you fat fuck, Smoothie will always be the better cat.
BREAKING NEWS:Roboco woke up, she might finally start soonhttps://twitter.com/robocosan/status/1537831815255162880https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJctMIrChek
>stalkersDon’t have anyone like that here
fucking doxxmikis
Yes, Mori. Embrace the doxxbeats.
>>26289896High spec robot...
>>26289895Bitch she just said so in her membership
>>26289896oh good shes alive
are we being railed?
>>26289779She said she was planning to, not that she's going to play it soon.
Sankisei concert...
>>26289925why mori is playing this
>>26289896...Oh shit I forgot this was happeningThanks for the reminder
>>26289571It is God's will to be attracted to lolis
>>26289779>>26289941I think she meant she'll make the schedule in a few hours
>>26289925.em, haeY
Meimei a cute!
>>26289983Just based things>I'm gonna get this idol drunk as FUCK before the concert
Mori can't resist getting people blasted...
>>26289983because it's kino
Mori's getting everyone drunk
>>26290003Hi Bae!
>>26289980What's wrong with it?Look at me in the eyes and say it
oh no its getting real
Nearly two years ago /vt/ waas created, it came as great beacon of light to everyone willing to discuss chuubas free from doxx and shtposting!But two years later we are still not free. Two years later, this board is still sadly crippled by the manacles of SEA and the disregard of moderation. Two years later, /vt/ lives on as great pit of sewage in the midst of better moderated boards...
>>26289759>Deadbeats have never raided. The more jarring this statement is to you, the more deluded you areSays the deadbeat
>>26289906Only TRUE fan club members here
Well that's certainly not a risk for ya boy.
>>26289571God would want me to enjoy his most perfect creation
this is getting way too real
This is just Resting Power
What ever happened to Gura DMC?
>>26290064nta but the fact you believe in your response meaning anything is the indicator
This is getting too real...
>>26289896>actually drank a lot during lunchbased
>>26289925Does this game have loli in it? Asking for myself.
>>26290064Can you prove you're not a deadbeat?
Oh shit it’s Me.
>>OPYou're now reminded that Mori used to hype Iroha the fuck up before HoloX's debut.
>>26290161yesscroll up
>>26290161It has a loli robot prostitute.
>>26289980>another stained gen and an embarassment to japanese honorinto the gutter it goes. sorry but holox is the new favorite
So which HoloMem best represents Kiara Miki and follows her thought pattern.
>>26290161you just missed it
Fucking doxxbeats
>>26290098She already finished the only good games in the series
Jill is a fucking doxxbeat...
>>26290098Enjoy that it happened, not that it's gone.
Ame’s Elden Ring stream is the last remaining public stream today for EN.
Gill is a doxxbeat!
>>26289881Where is your fucking robot smoothie? Seems lile even kiara likes chonky wonky more
>>26290161Yes. Explicit loli robo hooker
>>26290010The cutest...
>catching up on VODs after a busy-as-fuck week>SNOT's Propnigiht>School level>one team got guns and hunt the othersKek, burgers are hilarious
>>26290214>>26290222Kek>protagonist is friends with a wrestlerPOTTERY
>>26290010And pretty...
>>26290261Who's also the boss...
>>26290191>So which HoloMem best represents Kiara Mikiuhhhhh
>>26290250Snot would be better if it was just Gura’s real friend, Ame. The others are just fucking leeches.
>>26289871Maybe that was always Marines original target. If she's not careful drunk Lamy will come downstairs and push her down on her bed though and then game over
Mori it's 1AM
>dana constantly giving extra pay for no real reasonno wonder the bar is going out of buisness...
Mori is going to keep going. YES
>>26290283If it's not red, then I won't fly it
>>26290191I don't think any of the girls is at that level
In the end it's all about Kiara, even when she isn't streaming.
She's taking another drankie.
Indogs can superchat now
>>26290312Thanks, Ame.
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>26290312look at its little nose!
>>26290328she's digging the game, my dude
>>26290098Gura turns herself off by sucking at parries.
So, no, va11-halla, what are some other games where you can browse 4chan?
Is Kiara Kira Miki or Dana
new thumbnail
>>26289533VNs while wearing glasses and guitar hero to really show what those fingers can do
>>26290322Would Lamy fuck and or date Marine?
Well this has been a fucking blast.
Who does this game appeal to?
When is Mumei gonna play OW with Fauna and Bae?
pekora is climaxing
Damn Bae could piss like 4 times in the time it takes Mori to piss once.
>11 and a half hours of Bloodborne>Unboxing featuring long globes and a dorky Mori.>2.5 hours of Kino with her not stopping.I’ve missed this
>>26290472>with Fauna hopefully soon>and Baehopefully never
>>26290432needy streamer overdosesome persona games have social links with online friends on message boards I thought
Sora cute!
>>26289739>reality checkNah, it just re-affirms tht Pekora is one of (if not) the most straight-laced Holos of them all.She's fine with being girly BFFs (like the upcoming PekoMarine off-collab), just don't make it weird.
>>26290522bae is a lot smaller than mori
>>26290439Lamy is for Shishiron.
>>26289698I think she's enjoying it, sure does a lot effort doing the voices. Plus having constant text to read prevents her from doing weird shrek jokes
>>26290431She is definitely curb-stomping Ame there.
>>26290541>Bae's tiny bladderTuT
https://youtu.be/NJctMIrChekPonboco is up!
>>26290522Dude she's a fucking pro at peeholding.
>>26290439lamy is my oshi and if marine was serious and she was give the chance she 100% would
>>26290539>just don't make it weirdAh yes, the thing with Kiara.She's never gonna join HoloTalk, huh?
>>26290524Being a Deadbeat sounds nice…
does pekora know how much health the warden has
>>26290604Holotalk went the way of Ame in the AM and Fish Tank
>>26287416She could use her wife's stealth suit.
>>26290439Marine said she won't date any holo member, so only casual sex for the elf
>>26290522Bae bought the smallest possible gaming chair she could during members stream because the rest were too big for her. She's fucking tiny comapred to Mori
Ame is telling Gura about all of your shitty schizo rrats.
>>26290472When Fauna or Bae decide to play OW with Moom
Matsuri in Kobo's chat, inviting her to play
>>26290638Stop, I can only get so hard.
Kek, Pekora getting slapped about.
>>26289334>open thread>spelling errors, grammatical errors, incorrect pluralizationAre they unironically SEA?
>>26290539>just don't make it weird.she has stopped caring at this point when it's marine
I'm Pomu!
>>26290635Nice idea
Pekora shooting arrows into the darkness...>>26290573why is this not showing um on dex?
>>26290632>Holotalk went the way of Ame in the AM and Fish Tankwell, holotalk lasted more than 1 episode or more than 1 month, so not really
>>26290651It was an off hand mention by Mumei. Doubt it will happen
>>26287641cute, congrats to them!
>>26287348I must drink the lion's milk
>>26290552This is the second time this has happened to me
So do I have to clear my cache now?
>>26290604Based on the MC tour I think she's fine, buy maybe a bit nervous to ask idk
>>26290637>Marine said she won't date any holo memberDid she really say this?
What is the game that Mori is playing about?
>>26290661>He thought searystocrat was a joke
>>26290619Why are you crying? Kiara streams the most in EN
>>26289334They work themselves into a white hot nuclear seethe every chadcast
>>26290638It's funny how small all the holo's seem to be. It makes Mori seem giant even though she's a average sized woman.
>>26290673maybe because it's way past the initial schedule
RBCs voice.....
>>26290395>already recording for a 2nd 3d eventneat
>>26290619Nigga shut up. Kiara streams so fucking much and does so much shit constantly. A single lighter week because she’s sick and has dance practice is nothing.
>>26290724Yeah, she doesn't want to interfere with ships like ShishiLamy
>>26290619deadbeat if you try this shit again I'm gonna make sure to spam it when Kiara continues to dumpster her in hours streamed
>>26290746They miss her, bro.
What the pekolander doin?
>>26290746Not anymore, and it’s mostly Nintoddler or jrpg trash.
>>26290731cyberpunk visual novel with a bit of gameplay variety to keep you awake and engaged
Festival grooming Indonesian underage
Let's go browse the threads
>we're home now>let's go browse threadsMORI
>>26290785She's almost there, the Ancient City is at reach.One problem tho.Warden.
>slash u slash
>>26290832We’ll she failed to groom one blue bitch, may as well try another one.
>>26290832based pump and dump master
>>26290797but what is it about
Watame cute
That's another soundpost
>>26290778Kinda based, but that's not going to stop Lamy from lusitng for Marine. She literally moved right above her and what about people without a ship, I guess those are fine?
/u/ sisters...
>calm it /u/ sisterskek
I prefer punished Roboco over the regular one
So >we hate Alice now?
So we hate mori now? GOOD
So we hate Mori now? Good
>>26290601>>26290647No poi today
I broke my fast to drink coffee because I didn't want to miss Mori
Mori is doing a chan review!
>>26290832Shouldn't this brat be sleeping? why is she playing Valo at midnight?
>>26290901Seems like it going by the spanking video and everything
>>26290966why are you fasting
>>26290985300 lbs
>the hacker known as /u/channel
>>26290832 Luna has really put herself in Subaru's life, but a very slow way where it was harder to notice.>To be fine texting her every night>Going over to place all of time>Always text her good night>Kissing is ok since they do it so much now>Bathing together is fine I guess>Going on dates is fine I guess>subaru play along with luna autism when luna take a bath on subaru house>Sleeping together naked is fine I guess>luna started to force herself into subaru (wait for subaru to finish her dance lesson and goes to dinner together)>luna autistically tweeted every shubaluna arts to subaru's twitter>luna probably gaslight subaru into thinking that collab with male is bad>Started to get her to wear cute dresses for her when she's around>subaru become more popular and subaru keep saying that luna is always right>Had them get matching rings/accessories togetherShe learned from watching a master, now it's her turn.
>yon shannel
I would like to take this moment to say I have always supported our greatest ally Israel as the guardian of freedom.
danger/u/ actually exists btw if you want to talk to some /u/sisters
>>26290842can't she like, dig around.
>>26290731Ballad for a gay ghost
>>26290902>>26290913>>26290923I was wondering why she laughed at that and I just remembered.
>>26290966Drinking coffee doesn't break a fast though? At least not black coffee.
Deadbeats I hope you guys have a dedicated soundposter or two
>>26291022im pretty sure the thing can shoot through walls if you make too much noise
>imagine seething over your mom jokes
Sora is gone...
Imagine seething over your mom jokes
rbc doesn't know the lyrics to her own song....
>>26290824>Towa’s fingers positionsHot
>>26290985Something I decided to add on top of my workouts>>26291000200 actually
That was a nice Sora stream. She has a collab with Anya soon!
>ordered the millennium puzzle and box fubuki assembled on stream last year >just got it today>puzzle missingfucking japanese shipping
>Mori reads /vt/ in a valley girl voice
>>26291052>>26291034Oooooh, that one's gonna be an egg killer alright
>>26291034I will learn how to do it if necessary. This stream is a goldmine.
>>26291022If you make any sound the Warden will find her, shoot her and kill her.
>>26291010I'm still waiting for Hime to fuck the duck until it explodes
>>26291106playing with your food is mean
mori will get into the part where miki reveals that she's dating her producer.
>>26291095Damn is she gonna sleep?
>>26291095Why is it earlier than usual?
>>26290981Marine saying "I made a off comment that it would be fun if Lamy moved next to me. I didn't expect her to actually rights after move next to me." Was very fucking actaully
>>26291095tell me someone else is streaming tonight
>>26291084Sora's collabing with Anya? Nice.
>>26291010>luna started to force herself into subaruhot
>>26291095holy rrat ssex
>>26290824Imagine the sex.
>>26291010>>Sleeping together naked is fine I guessthis didn't happen
Drinking solves all problems
>>26291140Yes, though I didn't watch what it'd be
Deadbeats you better make that soundpost about mom jokes
>>26291095>live in 7 hoursCalli's not getting a good night's sleep again
>>26291140Yeah chat and maros
>>26291136mori has some music shit she needs to do
>>26291022The problem was that there was a sensor right above the entrance. Literally the problem can be solved by stealthily destroying it
why is she like this?
>>26290221Chadcast is in like 7 hours
Jesas Roboco my ears
My ears rbc...
Did Mumei said anything about this?
Jesus RobocoMy ears...
>>26291095NA hours chadcast wtf
>>26291136Mori has a rehearsal later on
>>26291136All their schedules are kinda busy at the moment.
>>26291155It's just going to bed after taking a bath, no reason to get dressed. P[pretty normal.
>>26291138Marine knows all too well what is she doing, she loves reading doujinshi after all
>>26291018>Go to real life danger/u/>Goomba's a banner on their anime board
Is Pekora playing on the Hololive server?
>>26291219got made into the watchalong since that got delayed to today
Mostly good art but god that is A LOT of hair on iRyS
>>26291087update the puzzle still shows on as preorder to be deliverred in july but this is the stream if anybody even cares https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN5u1MGyKGk
>>26291095This whole porn spammer thing has made me make sure I'm subscribed to more holos than I anything else
>>26291095>9am JST>Irys too fucked up for waking up too early>Mori too fucked up for waking up too early >Bae too fucked up for waking up too earlythis ep is might be ass and short
>>26291010Can't believe how dangerous Luna really is...
RBC seems cuter today!
>>26291034The entire stream has been a soundpost mine
not even a deadbeat but I am filled with the urge to slap moris titties
>>26291018Yeah, I downloaded the app some years ago
Huh, the new MC stuffs look pretty good
>>26291265or a full JWU voiced collab
Will you deadcucks stop sending retards to my general?No one gives a fuck about your leab loving slut LMAO
>>26291314why did she bring a hoe underground?
>>26291314But what the fuck you do in Minecraft?
>>26291246Marine likes to say things, but then just get's flustered and confused when they actaully happen. It's pretty funny, so I hope Lamy keeps being super assertive with her.
>>26291324Did you copy paste this into morig and global? This is sad man.
>>26291324why are kenzoku like this
>>26291324what the fuck is a leab
>>26291337mines the new gunk faster
>>26291018I need to check it out again.
>>26291337Deep Dark stuff, that green-blue thing is harvested with a hoe.
>>26291034I make some sometimes, but I can't pull off the quick mid stream wizardry that KFP can
>>26291314Deepslate look really good. It's the best recent block Mojang added
>>26291347That damn Shion brat.... I'll never forgive
>>26291324What are you even talking about? I'm busy watching Reine.
I love Gura!
I am starting Gura's celebratory karaokeWhat should I except?
Holy sex, Mori
>>26291324Man even in here every one knows it's just you replying to yourself.
>>26291324funny how no one shits on takos because they're the ones who stirs shit up. like Belkans
Jill has a crush on her bossTHEY ARE
>>26291368SEAs can't spell, more at 11
>>26291265Or SEX
>>26291393I'll tell ya after you watch it.
Mori is dipping into sex voice whenever character starts dominating her in social dynamicsshe is truly a hopeless M
>>26291324>Shitposter gets bullied OUT of a split and into globalweird times we live in
It's been 100,002,000 years since I've seen Ame....
4 hours late, but hey, Pekora actually has a LiveTL atm
>>26291314Yeah, still waiting for a mod that allows you to be on sculk's side for that tyranid roleplay
>>26291393good singing ramping up into amazing singingyou can sync up Ame's rock stream about an hour in if you want duets
>>26291393>exceptYou mean expect?
>>26289092Back in my day I watched Notch testing out Ender Eyes functionality on his twitch stream. And people still feared torches being extinguished by rain in every new update.
>>26291431>I’m masochistic actually, whatever that means
Kroniis hag laughhttps://streamable.com/89yg7c
LARPer bros...
[Good News] Flare found a frog
>>26291440Why aren't you subscribed?
>>26289278damn, I forgot about the oshi connection. She's really living the dream.
>>26291375>>26291377wtf they finally added a new use for a hoe
You could be LARPingg right now
>>26291500watching inside Holodex, man
So...basically a Vtuber?
>>26291379The path of kfp leads to many powers some would consider unnatural
A LARPing hippie.Also fucking Mori in the mud at WoodStock
>Tune in Flare's stream>See that FOVwtf?
>>26291379As long as they get made eventuallyI used to make more Kiara soundposts until the mid stream guy came around and work stuff made me busy
I'm just now watching Koyori's 3D debut. I have become sex
>>26291393It was honestly disappointing. Felt like she only did be a she just wanted to get it over with.
who the fuck you guys are watching
>>26291528Unless you're on incognito mode or something you should be able to have access to your YT account on holodex no?
>>26291595I still need to watch that, the only one I caught was Iroha's
>>26291597why do you always try this
...I wish I had my ghost pictures at work...
>>26291580>any FOV below 100+peak zoomershit even though she's not
>>26291492Pretty smile
>>26291580What do you mean? It looks fine to me.
>>26290619t. deadbeat
>>26291393It's pretty much just a regular Gura unarchived karaoke
>>26291599Reine member's kareoke with Kaela on the side.
>>26291646I'm used to FOV of at least 90See Pekora's stream
Mori unironically LARPs as a cuckbeat on here every single day.
>>26291599Mori with RBC as bgm
She really stopped caring about dodging the sex after that whole Hong Kong story
>>26291599hime vods
>>26291595It was really good, they all were, so far. I can't wait for the Laplus one and for her to fall of her face on stage
>>26291136EN3 announcement after
>>26291599Kronii's vod
>>26291599Listening to my wife Reine sing
>>26291708>Full breast exposure kroniigross. underboob or nothing
>>26291704dumb rrat
What does the moai face icon even supposed to mean?
Just tuned in to Reine, why is she sad?
I miss Ninner...
>>26291599I'm rewatching Ina's cooking simulator vod
Oh no!
These new power rangers look strangehttps://twitter.com/woskehfdl/status/1537836597185761280
>>26291783I sure hope she's getting the rest she needs. *Snrk*
Gura uses the moai...
>V for VendettaOf course she knows it
>>26291775Is it a member's stream?I can't even find a link to it
>>26291818is that the sound of a knife getting stabbed into her?
Fauna is probably working on her Fantasy Barmaid ASMR over her long weekend. She was doing some scriptwriting throughout the last few weeks, and now she's probably finishing the script, recording and editing.
This acient civilization in Minecraft really make their floor out of wool
>>26290619It is
>>26291856July 6th
>>26291856every vote increases the wait time by two weeks
>>26291835She is a master of comedy.
I will not fuck a toaster, robosa
>>26291880Yeah, that way the Warden won't detect them.Sadly it didn't work out...
RBC is pretty cute
>>26291856>from Sweden
Look at this Kiarahttps://twitter.com/BearBearBanhMi/status/1537583611083255810
>>26291909Super Driver is a pretty hype song.
>>26291835dooo wop dooo wop doo wopdooooooooooowop
Mori asking Deadbeats to look at her tits REALLY close
>>26291957if this is henry FUCK HENRY
>Mori's tits>mediumFlatlets seething rn
Mori those are still big...
>Mori trying to cope that she has medium premiums instead of BIG HONKA BADONKAS
>>26291957Little SHIT
>Suisei is mediumno need to patronize Mori...
>literally just opened mori's stream>kiara??
Kiara mention #5?
>Vallhalla stream turned into titty talka stream that keeps on giving
mori spilling tea on kiara
based Kiara
excuse me hwat the fuck is this story?
my ex is still a dirty fujo, I'm going to see her at grad. What should I say to her now that I'm a teamate?
Kiara based
>Ame has implantsUmmm... teakeks??
Mori is getting girlier and sluttier than usual today.
Pre debut loreMori knew about Ames tits but Kiara didn’t before she opened the jacket.
>Ame has booba implantsRRAT STATUS: CONCOCTED
>When they first met, Kiara said "I can see 3 cutting boards (Ame, Gura, Ina)Based
>>26291956cute and hot!
Pekora, you are playing a VERY dangerous game
>>26291998I think she has a warped sense of scale based on real life.
Mori casually talking about tits is always great.
Ame would look better with smaller tits desu
Ame's tits are real! Don't believe the rrats!
>>26292075Ignore her and go kiss some homies.
Reminder that Sora is a bunny girl
>because you’re too hotStop feeding the lesbeats
>>26292118shut up ame
>>26292110She got out of that situation pretty smartly.
>>26292103Ame should have been a cunny
>>26292009why are ex-chuunibeats like this
>>26292103Crazy after all this time we're STILL getting pre debut stories
>>26291137Only Ame, everyone els is members stream, but with Chad cast being so early I expect someone to cancel their membership stream or at least delay it
>mori thinks these are anything but au naturaledeadbeats?
>>26292110What's the lore reason for the Warden being able to make the world dark for a player when he's near?
>>26291337That's rude, anon. She's stuck in that body, she can't help it.
>>26292110they shoulda gave the warden a destructive charging move like GoW berserker
>Moris just going to stay up until CHaDcastMori…
Nijinigger status?
>>26292152Someone really should compile them because I suspect some stuff is getting lost through the cracks
>>26292118Remember when >we thought she's be flat or almost flat before her debut? And that she would have a British accent?
this aka number looks so weird
>>26292138Sora is a woman of many talents.
>>26292199making /vt/ worse everyday
>>26292198Why does she always do this...
>>26292170See his chest?Yeah he's adding your soul in there too
>>26286880Me too!
>>26292215What stream?
Remember that Mario 64 stream when Henry literally sat atop Ame’s tits
>>26291869Fauna’s ASMR is garbage and has not improved at at all over the past year. She honestly just needs to stop trying to be something she isn’t and move on.
>>26292110I thought this is just block game made for child
>>26292215>white monkey>200k congrats>$50>ID chad>1 morbillion ah ah ah ah
>>26292118Yeah. We need more medium holos.
>>26292244Reine's. IDR are able to superchat now
>>26292215ID can send supers now?
Reminder this is a on point tier list
>>26290952Alice? Alice?? Who the fuck is Alice?
>>26287149no, moona doesn't eat pork
>>26292304With VPN, yeah
>budding sexuality>starting with 16Bruh in what world
>>26292215Literally monopoly money
>>26291869Anon, no. She's just resting. She straight up said that wouldn't happen for a while. She's taken a break like this before, and it's fine. I rather she take a break every other month than burnout and take a month off or something.
>>26292170The Ancient City is almost at the bottom of the world anon, it's dark
>>26292272This is a funnier post when you do the currency conversion.
fellatio you little slut
>>26292272>>26292215>>26292304>>26292325>>26292333>>26292341Just wait until you find out about VND
>This is why I like numbersSomeone soundpost that
If /vt/ has taught me anything, is that numbers can and will betray you.
>>26292357>the average CAD fag has donated literally billions of IDRs to mori
Why is sana like this?
Pekora going to the deep dark has been pretty great. Hope we get an EN stream of this
>>26292311>Old NenechiSoul
>>26292311Why is olivia even there
Age ain’t nothing but a number baby
>>26292197BroHe can kill even people with full Netherite armor in 2 melee hit. His ranged attack ignore armor entirelyThey even give him a 1-block wide hit box so he can chase you even in narrow hallway. Giving him a more destructive charged attack would actually make him unstoppable
Oh shit, Otherside is my favorite disc.
I just watched Lui’s birthday VOD. So Nobody from her own gen called in what the fuck?
seman demancaptcha:pogkk
Pekora is so close to making disc 5!
>>26292311You already had one chance and you failed, Reine. I don't believe this list for a second.
>>26292410Seems like something Kiara would do when she finally has the time, since she likes exploring.
>>26292340I dunno, it sounded during the last few minutes of her stream like she was teasing an announcement and then she decided against it and just talked about Gura's karaoke again. I'm happy to wait, but I like the idea that she's tinkering with it a little.
what the fuck is an IDR currencyIndonesian Rubles?
>>26292411the saddest part of the whole china yab was that they forced Nene to hate gyoza
>>26292457rupiah. kinda like rupees
>>26292421Oh? Do you really want to lewd Sora that much? Even if she might kill you for it?
>>26292215Why haven't they redenominated yet? You need like a 1000 IDR to do anything
IRyS will be the new EN superchat queen once indos and viets can SC without a VPN
>>26292439Damn, ten seconds later she finds all the remaining pieces.
>>26292434he's basically already unstoppable, so I think it'd be cool if he was scarier doing it
>>26292457Index of Debt to Reine
>>26292118Hell no.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
jesus, this Mori stream is a treasure trove...
>>26292434How are you supposed to beat him, then?
>>26292325>>26292333>>26292341That's actually 92% of a JPY aka, it's completely reasonable
>>26292341Reminder: This is the reason why Anya makes more than ID doctors
>>26292431shes gonna fuck Ollie so hard she reverts
>>26292340This is more likely, I am only expecting it next weekend at the earliest
>>26292513Nice image!
Astel's done, I guess I'll watch Roboco- and she's using a nice deep voice
Flare makes some of the more weird frog noises
>>26292470>>26292493rufiah? I hardly know her!
the loneliest people are the kindestthe saddest people smile the brightestthe most damaged people are the wisest
>>26286797Chicken and brapper ass...
>>26292499Nah I think just leave him like that. Players would actually shit themselves if he charge at them at high speed from the darknessAlso he will chase you at high speed at maximum anger
Huh, /hlgg is legit under meltdown due to the Pomu thing
>>26292573>Gura's naked body climbing all over you
>>26292474Death by Sora's hand would be a fitting end.
>>26292450No man, yesterday wasn't even the first time she's mentioned it. It was more like "maybe I'll have something other than a Karaoke prepared but I don't want to say what it is if I don't end up doing it" level of thing. Because remember the last time she took 4 days off she left a karaoke and a pre-recorded ASMR
>>26292523You don't. He exist to force you to be stealthy and quietHe is blind and was coded to chase movements and sound
>>26289334They Imply don't like brapper, deadbeats simply can't accept it so they shit up every thread. This only makes them hate mori more
>>26292500>>26292611Enjoy the last remaining moments you have
>>26292587eh, good enough then. could use some roaring though
>Frog pooFlare...
>>26292573Not always. Some people are lonely because they’re annoying pieces of shit that alienated everyone (I work with one, no one wants to talk to him anymore because his an entitled fuckwit)
>>26292594>nijinigger seething so bad
>>26292594haven't seen anyone mention it but you
is this niji?
>>26292637He also roar at maximum anger
Mori's admitting to spiking drinks
>>26292634Tom and Jerry scream
>>26292118I think Ina gives her the perfect size
>>26292637If he sees you, he screams.
>>26292611Perhaps you should go back?
>>26292614Yeah, maybe that's right. I guess I'm just excited since she sounded so inspired about the idea.
>>26292635I will!
>>26292644Glowing frog shit is the funniest idea from Mojang. WHO came up with this shitLike you are literally supposed to hang a block of frog shit up as light source
I want to creampie Mori
Only 4 ENs will stream this weekend. Be grateful
I fucking love Hololive. I fucking hate tourists.
>>26292706Back where?
Only Quentin Tarantino would have some balls to adapt this game into a movie and he'd make it about android feet.
>>26292734Happy pride month
>Mori can't tell black people apart
>Family FeudA'ight, I'm yo man, Steve Harvey and we have a good one here for you today.From Hololive English, we have HoloMYTH!>*cheers from the crowd*Aaaand also from Hololive English, we have the Council!>*more cheering from the crowd*Gimme Mori, gimme Kronii, let's go!We surveyed a hundred people, top 5 answers on the board. Fill in the blanks:BLANK-BLANK-g-g-e-r-s.>Mori immediately hits the buzzer"NIGGERS, STEVE. OH SHOOT. I MEAN--"Yo- HWHAT?!>*rest of MYTH clapping, Kiara shouts 'Good Answer'*I ASKED Y'ALL FOR ANY OLE WORD"LOOK, MR. HARVEY, I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN T--"AND YO' "CRACKA THE RAPPA"-ASS JUST SHOUT OUT THAT WORD"NO MAN IT'S NOT LIKE THAT, IT'S JUST ITS USED ALL THE TIME IN RAPS AND -- GUH!">*Kiara yells "It's up there Steve!"*SHOW ME THAT LIL... NASTY OLE "N" WORD!>*[X] buzzer*Praise the LORD, we ain't going to Hell! Alright Kronii, fill in the blanks. BLANK-BLANK-g-g-e-r-s."We're going to go with 'Riggers' Steve!"Yeah! Show me Riggers!>#1 answer flips over, Riggers - 57 points>*Camera zooms in uncomfortably close on Gura's face. It is a rhombus*So Council you gonna play or pass?"We are going to play, Steve."
>>26292631Eigo Jouzu!
Hey anons... I have almost no Robocute images, could you do me a solid and give some to me?
>>26292095Everyone fell for the coat's tricks at first.
>>26292436Watch streams, also the Ocra sent her underwear
>>26292225She's really amazing!
>>OPThere's more IP in this thread than people watching the new homos
>>26292670Dunno, but that's some good cunny.
Roboco rap!
Go RBC go!
>>26292718And it's all for the purpose of getting froglight, I think it's called
>>26292803Why would want to fuck Roboco? That would be like sticking your dick in a toaster.
18 hours until mr. koro!
>>26292831I heard she can even ride horses!
>>26292831What would Sora be like as a Finn conscript?
>>26292890Yeah, not other anons here
moris art is better than her music
why is pekochan walking so slow
>>26292954No sound allowed
>>26292954That thing can't see, it can only find you by sound. You walk slowly and throw shit away form yourself it will run at and ignore you
Lol Reine is actually gonna play VA-11 Hall-A tonight
Why is no one talking about Flare?
Who are we horny for today
It seem Pekora finally reached the gateI wonder if they will actually add an update to let us go through this gate
Reine will be playing VA-11 HALL-A after her member's stream in a bit
>>26292954Be vewy vewy quiet, da wabbit's huntin ancients.
>>26292924I need to see Sora in an equestrian jacket and pants. A riding crop would also suit her well.
>>26293018She loves VNs it'll be right up her alley
Sametori doko...https://twitter.com/IvoryyIce/status/1537832172714725376
Also what the fuck do you mean she fought 10 grizzly bears
>>26293026Too busy watching her heard her froge
>>26293069Kiara will force set up a collab during her call in start believing it
Flare is being cute
Is Mumei just doing the rescheduled watchalong today or is she doing 2 streams?
>>26293038EveryoneI live in a constant state of horniness and its driving me to death
>>26292205>>26292118To be fair her mama drew her flat for the first concept images. The tits were added a little bit before debut. If you look at all of Nabi's original Watsons she is mostly flat. Which makes sense since most of Nabi's girls are washboards(except her own character who has a medium-small bust).
>>26293026Too busy watching her get some frogs
>>26293018Based Reine saving EU hours
Reine's gonna be playing VA-11 Hall-A in like an hour
All Mori had to do was go with the sexy british voice and Kiara would have been laying eggs
>>26293005And smell too, and uhhhh movementIt get attracted by an armor stand shaking upon being hit tooThe best thing is that Warden chase the most suspicious thing in range instead of the closest one so you have multiple way to fool it
[Mori News]Luv Suisei
>>26293055>Sora wants to test the strength of anon's dick
>>26293139kyou mo chiisai...
Thank you very much for the kind words kaela
>>26293095She owes Kiara a karaoke collab
>>26293125What typing is bibi?
>>26293069based reference
ENTERThe NEW toughest block in Mincraft
>>26293184Neither of them remember this
>>26293102It should be the rescheduled watch along, but she will probably delay it because of chadcast
Mori shilling Sparks!
Kiara mention #... uh I lost count
>>26293110nabi is very young and inexperienced as far as holomamas go. i think she said in the artbook that ame is supposed to be an E/D-cup but she's not very good at drawing booba.
>>26293226It isn't, it just takes like 85 seconds to break.
Did Pekora activated something?
>>26293216Why are they cats?
>your oshi>your drink
>your oshi>describe sex with flare
>>26293125>G-Max Cuddle>G-Max Sweetness>G-Max Snooze>G-Max FinaleBibi Strong.
>>26293284cir cu la tion
>>26293283Secret lab.
Melier butt
>>26293294guraprobably pleasant I'd imagine
Multiple human...
Ame phoned in the rock stream
>>26293270Is that how it goes? I thought it was because Ame requested booba. I have no idea, it was just what I heard. That makes more sense if it was in the artbook.
My Ina :)
>>26293183Dark/Fairy, Towa is basically Marine anyway.
>>26293290GuraGawr Boost Drink
>>26293183dark and fairy
I love Ame!
Ame rocked in the phone stream
>>26293290MoriYeti Raki
Melier chest
>>26293294MoriHer thighs wrapped around my skull, crushing it
>>26293290GuraGura pee
>>26293290MoriWhiskey sour, heavy on the whiskey
>>26292800Even ESl can hate Mori, don't discriminate anon.
>>26293290InaIrish Coffee
what yall jiggaboos doin?
I don’t like Bae.
>>26293290kiaraorange juice
>>26293226You can destroy it, and it's not any more attainable than bedrock, so there's no category in which it is the toughest.
>>26293290AmeSparkling water
>>26293283No, there is a redstone basement below the portal and sculk sensors give off a redstone signal so it seems like cave generation just placed a sculk sensor in the place where it would activate some redstone contraption. It's just a coincidence mostly, there is no any meaningful redstone contraption that actually does something.
>>26293290InaIna milk
>>26293290InaSazerac with an orange twist as garnish.
>>26293290MoriGin and tonic, I'm boring
>>26293290kiararum and coke or gin and juice
Melier throat
ah, this song
>>26293290AmeIce cold arnold palmerFreshly squeezed from ame's tits
I like this song. Is it a Roboco original?
Ame is currently on her period btw
real thug shit niggakiara love