>> | No.26241667 File: 264 KB, 1447x1734, 1627718991917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] To The Moon has basically been reading Meimei's mind throughout her playthrough, calling her a stupid owl, saying things right before she says them, it's like the game has gripped her mind and won't let go until she gets through the memories of these scientists and fulfill the wishes of people dying. She's really enjoying herself even if this game's puzzles puts her mind to the test and is still eagerly anticipating the parts that could shatter her heart and that enthusiasm to read is transferred to all her viewers as well. The hoomans of /hlgg/ will probably crumple up like a piece of paper after all is said and done for. https://youtu.be/uILh0puqU0o It's not Skyrim but it's still a Fauna stream and that's really all Saplings could hope for especially since this is going to be a short stream before Fauna takes a short break and that means we're going to have to deal with the screams of a thousand saplings. Might as well enjoy these cute Fauna noises as she beats the shit out of multiple monsters and take back the faces of the world. https://youtu.be/aPv95CldJWI It's Konkoyo news! And it's a super special one too! This Konkoyo News Show is utilizing Koyori's 3D making this her first (public) 3D stream after her amazing debut! She's especially happy about this and she's being incredibly cute while talking about things Noel's Bottled Milk and Gura achieving 4m Subscribers yatta! https://youtu.be/geywT7t4a9E In less than 75 minutes, Little Sharky Gura's going to be celebrating reaching 4 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS by blessing the grey names with her sweet beautiful singing voice since it's time for a good ole fashioned Unarchived Karaoke! It's been a while since has happened so you know everyone's going to be tripping over their shoelace in order to grab a seat for this performance. https://youtu.be/onN6jLXrUZY >Songs released today New Polka song just dropped /hlgg/ and it's a damn good one. The song's called Empress and Polka decided to mix things up by using that impressive low tone voice she's got packed up in her throat to bring us an amazing piece of media to repeatedly stream and jam out to. That's why you should give it a whole bunch of streams if you haven't yet. https://youtu.be/Iw0FJmgwdPQ Koyori had an outstanding 3D Debut stream on this fine morning and after said stream she released her first ever original song! The song's name is called WAO!! and it's as energetic as you think it would be with a name like that. Her singing is so cute and fun to listen to and this is such an addicting song that you'd have to be crazy to not play it at least five times in a row. Or out of energy because you're old. https://youtu.be/Mt5SB2igQUM