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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.25977601

is it confirmed yet? any fixed dates?

>> No.25977618

"next week!!!!" in the nijien thread every week for the last 3 months

>> No.25977660
Quoted by: >>25977789

you mean +2 weeks

>> No.25977662
Quoted by: >>25977885

Well, we do know auditions ended. I don't know when they ended though.
Which is why I made this thread to get everything in line.

>> No.25977667

My speculation is that I will not give a shit about them like I didn't give a shit about the previous 5, but I will be told that I'm totally seething at them.

>> No.25977670

Lazulight and obsidias boyfriends are joining as a group

>> No.25977690

they are going to be as boring as noctyx

>> No.25977698

yeah, me
i pleasure them all on a strict rotational schedule

>> No.25977731
File: 1.45 MB, 1395x1692, 1641207748087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brandon, let's go

>> No.25977757
Quoted by: >>25978065

This will likely be a mixed wave. As for people, anons on general had a list of recently graduates a couple days ago.

>> No.25977775
File: 2.88 MB, 2500x4000, Shura_full_body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want Shura to get in and play a loli character. She's fucking adorable in this weird ESL way. I have my doubts that she'll get in since she announced her graduation before the debuts started which means she probably had some other reason to graduate, but I still have a bit of hope.

>> No.25977776
Quoted by: >>25977915

How many debuts there will be?
Will it be a mixed wave?

>> No.25977789

+2 weeks, right before obsydia outfits

>> No.25977800
File: 780 KB, 1280x720, randon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Orc guy

>> No.25977817

Nah, his voice/personality won't suit this model. And he won't be worthy of this model either.

>> No.25977838

Harin is a friend of Hada and recently graduated. Not a fan of her to be honest.

>> No.25977839
File: 421 KB, 993x998, 88553127_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25977873


>> No.25977854

The only thing I want is either
Kamamesigogo third NijiEN child, don't need to be a dragon nor female
LAM first nijiEN daughter

Noor and the staff knows which member of the wave is the best and they put them in the best design
Nina is a exception cause Ethyria auditions had them choose which character they are auditioning for

>> No.25977873

Randon, come home

>> No.25977875

Professor Lando

>> No.25977885
Quoted by: >>25977961

March 31th
so 2 months already

>> No.25977915

Most people are thinking mixed wave yeah

>> No.25977932

Yeah, she would be nice but expecting her is like the Hana Flores speculation from Ethryia where 3 out of 4 were right and she was the obvious one that was questionable at best.

>> No.25977961
Quoted by: >>25978706

Should be sometime this month if I am not wrong about how it is usually done.

>> No.25977965

But Sonny is already there.

>> No.25977976

Another variety content memer? Nah, NijiEN already has 20 of those.

>> No.25978002

Please Rikun, no. She has a roastie voice..

>> No.25978065
Quoted by: >>25978111

>mixed wave
and lose money? nah i'll be all men and the transition to manjisanji will be complete

>> No.25978096

shut up sonny keep your lazusydia tulpas to yourself

>> No.25978101

I’m in it.

>> No.25978106

Pipe dream, we will get stuck with Harin and some other egirl

>> No.25978111
Quoted by: >>25978438

You know manji is a reverse swastika right? 卍

>> No.25978161

It's a 10 person wave and they are getting Randon, Chimon, Seigi, Aruvn, Kenji, Miori, Amiya, Eri, Shura, and indie Nina.

>> No.25978190

considering you decided to click on this thread to let people know that
You have some seething in you

>> No.25978192
Quoted by: >>25978440

I don't have any idea about wave6 members, but there is one thing I know for sure - that will be the biggest EN vtuber debut in vtubing history.

>> No.25978338

Don't know if she is realistic but would love someone like her.

>> No.25978357

Just pull a Salome and hire 1 megastreamer.

>> No.25978417

Lol, yet here you are.Rent free.

>> No.25978428
Quoted by: >>25979266

They'd have to shell out to a professional voice actor for that, and the good ones are way harder to find in EN than in JP.

>> No.25978438
Quoted by: >>25980906

oh no a nazi joke on the 4chins? I need my fainting couch.

>> No.25978440

nice grudgepost bro

>> No.25978457

This anon made a list of recent grads

>> No.25978665

Randon would be nice as would Shura and Moe.

>> No.25978706

Not really, a time line for you
Dec 2020 - first ever audition (lazusydia hired)
May 2021 - lazulight debut
June 2020 - Ethyria + Male audition (LuxNoc hired)
July 2021 - obysidia debut
Oct 2021 - Ethyria debut
Dec 2021 - Luxiem
Feb 2021 - Noctyx

This is the reason we got a waves within 2-3months of eachother
they need at least 5 months to make a wave from the ground up
its pretty clear Ethyria was an attempt to snatch "big singer" but even with the models already chosen from auditions took 3+ months

After luxiem success they got even more applications than before
so I expect for Wave 6 to come at minimum in Mid-Late August

>> No.25978908

>they need at least 5 months to make a wave from the ground up
They have a bunch of vtuber models for all branches ready to go. It's just that Ethyria was the only one with set models. LazuLight took 5 months to come out because they had to set up an entire branch and make the best first impression for their first wave as possible. Luxiem took 5 months because they wanted to space out debuts and give people a couple months to get used to Ethyria. There is no reason to wait an excessive amount of time this time because Noctyx debuted before the auditions even started, which means the new debuts will either be in June or July.

>> No.25978957

I feel we living in a bubble
no one reported in non-vtubers going on a break/hiatus?
Ike I dont think he was a vtuber right?
Sonny was not a vtuber
Yugo was not a vtuber

recently my YT recommended some small 20k gacha youtuber making a video about he auditioning to both hololive and nijisanji and how it went (only holo contacted him for a interview and he got rejected)

>> No.25979000

Agreed with the latter, context is needed considering things. Still think its telling that there isn't much knowledge about potential people in wave 6 considering we had Ethyria nailed by early september (aside from Nina)

>> No.25979038

Good point, it would be a good idea to look into other areas as well.

>> No.25979113
Quoted by: >>25980439

only if they have dozens reviewing applications and conducting interviews
from that to hiring 3~5 for the wave 6 and getting they read in 3 months is extremely hard, unless some god send very talented peeps showed up early in the review cycle

>> No.25979138

now that there are no more "ID branch", they could get in EN. hopeful for this mommy to get in. old model was wasted though


>> No.25979168
Quoted by: >>25979490

Well, based on your timeline, it is high time they release a new gen. And if we consider the recent sudden hiatus/graduations and tweet by red queen, it all line up. Expect new gen announcement.

>> No.25979204
Quoted by: >>25979330

Didn't Petra graduate early too?

>> No.25979233
Quoted by: >>25979490

The recent auditions could also be made with several waves planned from them.

>> No.25979240
Quoted by: >>25979384

God I hope it isn't her but all the signs point to her. Her voice is just a normal boringass woman, and it doesn't even sound good when she's singing.

>> No.25979266
File: 131 KB, 1400x1050, vox killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981332

Well I mean, this guy would easily mog every EN male if anykara or cover want to draft a special contract for him

>> No.25979326

It's not really possible to keep up with non-vtubers because they don't graduate. They just stop uploading content randomly and 2-3 months without uploads isn't a significant enough amount of time to speculate that they ended activity.

>> No.25979330
Quoted by: >>25979545

The difference is that Petra graduated years before NijiEN was even a thing. She had plenty of time to consider changes in her life, and the audition probably came at a good time for her.

While Shura announced her graduation literally a week before the audition, so it's entirely possible that she was too busy with whatever she chose to do upon graduation to consider or care about the audition. Totally possible she changed her mind and applied, of course, this is all speculation.

>> No.25979342

I miss last July when there were only 6 members and every stream wasn't littered with twitchspeak

>> No.25979384

Someone made the comparison to Enna, which is fucking awful because Enna's voice is at least unique, and she is a great singer.

>> No.25979414

Questions to Nijifans here, are most of the Jp livers also former indies or have an online personality before joining nijisanji Jp branch? I want EN to hire Newbies or at least Nijifans that may never stream before. I dont want another Elira's friends, twitch zoomers, coomer indies, retards or a Tiktoker that have big numbers. Someone like Salome that everyone cant doxx, someone that doesnt do shitty humour, someone that have specialization(be it fpsgames, horror, tokusatsu, rhythm games or ANYTHING) and NOT another VARIETY streamers that chase trend, at least someone that can introduce and bring something unique to NijiEN .

>> No.25979477

I share your sentiment, but this entire industry is rife with nepotism and numberfag executives and I fear that's not changing any time soon

>> No.25979487
Quoted by: >>25979574

you literally just described pomu bro

>> No.25979490

Minimum of 2 waves are guaranteed
if we really get a wave in June/July, I would expect to be only a 3 person wave, unless they already have 2 or more people they want back from previous auditions

>> No.25979545

No one here that I know has watched her graduation to even know. Who knows.

>> No.25979561
Quoted by: >>25979623

We will get a Spanish native speaking male.

>> No.25979574


>> No.25979588

There are plenty of people in JP who came out of fucking nowhere to become successful livers like Kenmochi, Rikiichi, and Leos. For some retarded reason it's just the EN recruiters that seem obsessed with streaming and video numbers, they'd turn down a fucking professional classical soprano if she didn't have any streaming experience.

>> No.25979613

I just want someone who has a unique voice and personality. That's why I like Shura as a candidate because she does bring something unique.

>> No.25979623
Quoted by: >>25979716

Spaniard or Mexican? If we get a Chilean or Argentinean I will personally bomb Anykara's HQ

>> No.25979695

>they'd turn down a fucking professional classical soprano if she didn't have any streaming experience.
I mean they got Yugo... even though I still think she should be in JP instead of EN

>> No.25979716
Quoted by: >>25979812

Joke's on you, it'll be a Columbian

>> No.25979743

Enna literally had almost no streaming experience at all and had a small YT channel.

>> No.25979768

Let me be a knight chubba first

>> No.25979788

I saw her singing in some of her last few Twitch streams before she removed her videos so I know that's untrue. You sure you're not mistaking someone else for Enna?

>> No.25979812

Acceptable as long as it isn't Cy Yu

>> No.25979831

No I am being honest with you. She only started streaming in like May and didn't have her 2D model done when she graduated.

>> No.25979851

In JP most people are part-timers and not former content creators. I don't they ever had any intention of applying this strategy in the current NijiEN though, because the former NijiEN/IN's erratic streaming schedules is one of the reasons that branch failed, and they couldn't afford to get someone like Mito or Ago who streams 10 times in a good month for their first few batches. Now maybe they might take a risk and pick more diamonds in the rough but it would be difficult when the competition is so tight this time around (there's 60k applicants apparently)

>> No.25979852

Nevermind, I missed the "almost". Regardless, they still expect some kinds of numbers even if it's only from singing videos uploaded on Youtube.

>> No.25979869

I am on Hopium, she's a fucking cute gremlin.

>> No.25979920

Finana didn't have any streaming experience besides collabs either. She didn't even have any numbers

>> No.25979939

Well, Enna is also a megatalent and her big view videos are from 9 years ago and 6 years ago respectively.

>> No.25980053
Quoted by: >>25985937

>60k applicants
Any fleeting thoughts I had of ever trying to apply just died a pathetic death

>> No.25980149
Quoted by: >>26006099

Lmao, Cover grasping even the weakest scraps that are thrown at them.

>> No.25980153
Quoted by: >>25980804

You know that asking for NEWBIES, generally means they would be younger
so you somewhat asking to twitch zoomers and tiktokers

>> No.25980205
File: 164 KB, 1854x944, 1653320633254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanizawa gaming because of miki

>> No.25980439
Quoted by: >>25980503

I have my own rrat on this point.
They are planning on double debuts once again, but it's more justified than before, because of the sheer size of this auditions - by far the biggest vtuber auditions up to date.
But it will be different from Lazulight/Obsydia and Luxiem/Noctyx. Here how it goes:
For the 6'th wave they used number filters for applications and picked the biggest names out there. It allows them to debut them very early, probably in June. At the same time, they took their time in choosing 7'th wave members (according to some anons, applicants received their audition video view way after applications ended), in other words, they are scouting 7'th wave members not by numbers, but by talent.

>> No.25980452

>(there's 60k applicants apparently)

>> No.25980470
Quoted by: >>25984443

Seriously, they should really take the risk to hire someone that never streams but has great potential. How can we make new breakthrough in success if we just recycle the same neverending shit and only look at statistic. I mean they must thought that male vtuber wont found good success in the ENsphere but LOOk how Luxiem exploded and bring attention to NijiEN. Hell, hololive will release a videogame based on their livers so Niji should do something new and take risks to bring more attention and success to NijiEN, the branch with global audience=more potential cashcows.

>> No.25980503

My two cents on this, if someone is immediately a standout talent, they will be in Wave 6.

>> No.25980570
File: 1.51 MB, 1253x1309, 1654943329168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25980926

fuck off sonny, you're creepy as hell.

>> No.25980779

As a fan, I might still be digesting Noctyx right now after 3 months, but I'm looking forward to the new vtuber hotcakes and I'm okay with them diluting them like this.

>> No.25980804
Quoted by: >>25980821

I meant newbies as no experience in streaming. Older people can still be newbies with no experiences in streaming that can be hired.I want a Yashiro, Shachou, Maimoto, Rikiichi, Chaika, Utako or Fumi in NijiEn. Just something new for NijiEn

>> No.25980821

Can we get an EN Amyamya?

>> No.25980852

Holy shit please no

>> No.25980906


>> No.25980926
Quoted by: >>25983744


>> No.25980961

>professional singer with a beautiful mature voice debuts as a cutesy vtuber with a sugar sweet loli voice
Would be hilarious to see the seethe from female watchers.

>> No.25980970

huh, I could actually see him in nijiEN or holostars.

>> No.25981052

It was revealed to him in a stroke

>> No.25981304

Of course, I also accept an En Marin, Mao, Yorumi, Hakase, Masaru, Uiha, Kanda, Sasaki, Ryushen, Deron, Mito and Nui(as long they are interesting and can bring new audience). Btw, do Indies lolis exists in EN sphere? Im honestly cant imagine what the general reactions to NijiEN lolis/shotas from the NijiEN fans.I know the chinks might be OK and the twittersisters may be silenced if the Luxiem n Noctyx members says something to defend the Lolis/Shotas.This could filter them if it happens but we dont know.

>> No.25981332
Quoted by: >>25981506

He would be a dream debutant for any company in my book. How would unicorns/gachikoi react to his wife of 6 years though?

>> No.25981406

Shura is the closest thing in this thread to a loli.

>> No.25981410

keep throwing darts at the board, eventually one of them'll stick, eh?

>> No.25981486

Here is a recipe for successful 6'th wave:
1. Forget about Elira and her friends;
2. Filter applications by the biggest numbers;
3. Pick top5 of them;
4. Viola, your wave of absolute monsters is ready to mog every other vtuber in industry.

>> No.25981506

He just need to be the gwelu of NijiEn.Also, give him Eudrick's model to achieve meme status and filter gachikoi.

>> No.25981575

Oh yeah, Eudrick's model would be so perfect for him.

>> No.25981667

Speculation from a discord with a lot of people applying with the help of one another, that's why I said apparently, it's not the confirmed pool

>> No.25981731

That'd actually be perfect. Plus I'd love to see Anycolor wean the EN branch off pretty boys and go a different route once every couple dozen debutants.

>> No.25981738
Quoted by: >>25981814

holyshit anon nobody ever thought about this idea!
You're a genius, when are you publishing a nobel-prize worth discovery?

>> No.25981756
Quoted by: >>25981861

LilyHopkins and FallenShadow are the closest to actual lolis in the indie vtuber scene

>> No.25981814

I know right. Too bad NijiEN management didn't come up with that before they started spamming Elira's useless friends.

>> No.25981861

Hopkin my sex dungeon

>> No.25981872
Quoted by: >>25981956

4/10 of the NijiEN females are shorter than 149 cm tall, and Petra and Millie in particular have very loli-ish designs. They're all kinda just accepted as adult women though since none of them act like lolis, which is why I'm really interested in how a NijiEN who both looks and acts like a loli would fare.

>> No.25981900

my speculation is that these motherfuckers need to stop hiring new talent, i can barely keep up with the old ones

>> No.25981956
Quoted by: >>25981980

Well, according to Petra's design and lore, she is a JK, and she is playing this role quite well.

>> No.25981972
Quoted by: >>25982117

Congrats, you just got a leech Twitch streamer with medium views who doesn't give a shit about vtubers and is just in this for the trends. Oh wait we already have Nina.

>> No.25981980

Petra is boring though.

>> No.25982008
Quoted by: >>25982083

Nah, we need more of them, too many blank spots in their schedule.

>> No.25982050

She's as boring as 90% other vtubers

>> No.25982083

Get a job

>> No.25982094

not as boring as ina

>> No.25982117
Quoted by: >>25982743

Doesn't change the fact that this vtuber would mog all other vtubers in industry.

>> No.25982174

Petra's problem is her personality, she's way too serious and abrasive and her interests too niche to catch on with a bigger audience despite the char design buff.

>> No.25982493
Quoted by: >>25982884

We will not ever get any lolis that act like them, such as Shura, because Vtubers have basically become egirls or eboys and everyone that would apply fits those standards.

>> No.25982694

I didn't have much faith in Nijisanji's new hires until Salome, maybe this will be the wave where they find the one EN chuuba I actually like.

>> No.25982743
Quoted by: >>25985214

Cool, a wave full of shitty vtubers that make the /#/fags mad and nothing more

>> No.25982794

What would (You) want out of Wave 6?

>> No.25982884
Quoted by: >>25982936

What if an Eastern asian woman, preferably japanese that can speak english join NijiEN? Surely they can choose to be a Loli and the ESL could be cute, it's like how Yugo have the potential to be a shounen-esque shota with her voice.It's a shame her design looks like a common dyke

>> No.25982890

Mentioned it already but a loli who looks, sounds and acts like a loli. Shura would be ideal, anyone similar to Ibuki Meno would do.

>> No.25982929
Quoted by: >>25983080

>Brown cunny
I would like the gyaru to actually act like one, at least as close as a westerner can be to one, but otherwise I just care about the designs, I'm not really picky about "fitting the model"

>> No.25982936

That's good, FYI, Shura for example is Malaysian.

>> No.25983080

So you basically want a unhinged-elira(jenna) with caramel queen look

>> No.25983145

Posted this in general
>actual loli
>actual trap

>> No.25983468

A femboy like Mashiro

>> No.25983567
Quoted by: >>25983595

Someone who plays GSG and 4x games as their primary streaming content and is comfortable arranging collabs so that others in the branch can be dragged into sessions, similar to how Reza does for DnD with ID. Also a sports autist who can ride the Fifa buff during the World Cup and collab with Xia for proper racing games would be fun

>> No.25983595

Would be kino, also would like someone that would be into Koshien.

>> No.25983744
File: 69 KB, 720x900, 1654963528486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it's me elira.

>> No.25983801

My new oshis(unattainable)
1. A cool red-haired dragon male vtuber that exudes a laidback and cool Ikemen personalities and can banter like Kenmochi.Fluent in english and japanese Must be a son of Elira and Selen's mama.No shitty zoomer humour like repeating Pog, Deez nut and being a broken record of a joke.Have extensive knowledge of Tokusatsu and Mecha.Able to sing and dance on stage very well.Have a godly singing voice and likes rock-based songs.

2. A Lolita-fashioned styled woman with an eyepatch that almost have the same voice as Lulu and exudes a kudere vibe while also having a whimsical personality.Fluent in german, english and japanese.Must be the daughter of Sukoya's mama. Have an extensive knowledge in horror genre such as in film, games and manga. Specialize in Imaginative and creative streams that is fun to watch.A good storyteller that have a lot of experience from travelling the world. Can write high-tier script to be use in skits, lores and others.

>> No.25983847
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1v0OdK8Y_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983913

another corpo already has her onboard

>> No.25983913
Quoted by: >>25983994


>> No.25983963
Quoted by: >>25984025

Wave 6 will debut at the same time as HomoEN or EN3
The reason wave 6 hasnt debuted despite the
thing is because theyre waiting for holo announcement first

>> No.25983992

People who are detached from unfunny zoomer humor and aren't menhera.

>> No.25983994

Phase-Connect, apparently. Their last audition was 10 months ago.

>> No.25984019

The last 4 guys that ran a train on Elira in a dance club's toilet stall are joining.
Screencap this

>> No.25984025

But HoloEN was Luxiem and EN3 was Ethyria.

>> No.25984040
Quoted by: >>25984097

Neat, might check her out there. Well, there goes our only chance at an actual loli in NijiEN.

>> No.25984097

I'll take what the other guy says with a grain of salt, personally I doubt she'd graduate from a small vtuber company just to go to another small vtuber company.

>> No.25984100

Why would you ever want to throw another girl into the cock infested place that is nijiEN these days? Do nijiwatchers have a cuckold fetish? Do they like seeing their oshis be toys and afterthoughts for the males?

>> No.25984116
Quoted by: >>25984191

How did you find out?

>> No.25984191
Quoted by: >>25984374

gen2 sang in community karaoke, it was pretty easy to identify most of them from recent graduations

>> No.25984230


>> No.25984331

PhaCo has been poaching a lot of other smaller corpo girls though, so it's possible

>> No.25984340

reformulate whatever the fuck you tried to say

>> No.25984374

It is a step up from what she had.
Watch out with that, it can be deceiving

>> No.25984398

Because NijiEN girls are better than any other EN alternative, and not being autistic about boys just makes them more confident in their appeal

>> No.25984419

Most of the boys are actual faggots.

>> No.25984443

>they must thought that male vtuber wont found good success in the ENsphere but LOOk how Luxiem exploded
And they were right, Luxiem exploded in Asia not EN

>> No.25984474
File: 129 KB, 452x439, 1469156874070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25984675

I don't consider vtubers to belong to me. They're just entertainers doing RP, if they have fun talking to guys on stream then that's their prerogative. And I like a lot of NijiEN boys too, having more female friends for them to hang out with sounds fun.

>> No.25984675

when the fuck did so many women and trannies infest this board jesus christ

>> No.25984845
File: 146 KB, 303x315, 1634091726866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a woman or a tranny. I simply have common sense, unlike you. I can enjoy getting my male braincells tickled by a female vtuber doing a pseudo-GFE ASMR one day and then enjoy watching her collab with a male vtuber the next day because I know I don't have a real relationship with her and it's just fun and games. Stop projecting your mental illness onto everyone else, it's obnoxious.

>> No.25985077

Why the fucking you asking that? Does this look like a holobrony thread to you?
We still watch the girls after the "cock infestation", so we would want more girls just the same, fucking retard

>> No.25985214
Quoted by: >>25985554

Unlike Elira's nepotism hires who provide uhh...

>> No.25985301

I will not give a shit anyway after 2 weeks because 90% of all streams will be collabs and there will be drama every other week.

>> No.25985365

I want brotubers that influence the rest of the males in NijiEN to make respectable content that is watchable and entertaining regardless of if you want to fuck them or not. Fuck lazy Valorant streams, fuck pandering to females.

>> No.25985373


>> No.25985554

>provide uhh..

>> No.25985803

I just hope we get more weirdos and autists like Mysta, Enna, or Pippa.

>> No.25985937

I was honestly expecting like 100k applicants minimum, 60k is some pretty good odds, I'll probably try it out next time around

>> No.25986638

He seems more a fit for Hololive

>> No.25987227
Quoted by: >>25987706

Aruvn seems like a lock

>> No.25987481

two of them are going to go the sunny route and have faked their deaths to get away from their previous personas in the past.

>> No.25987632

Full female seiso idol gen. I'll not accept any other outcome

>> No.25987697

Do you even watch Petra? She loses her shit at cute stuff and scaring her is really simple to.
She's one of the least serious chuubas out there.

>> No.25987706

Yep, from General it does.

>> No.25987756

Im find with whoever as long as non of them knows anybody prior within nijiEN

>> No.25987862

Lolicons on suicide watch lmao

>> No.25987914
Quoted by: >>26000248

Big muscular dude.
I dont care what he does, I just want a belmond type, tired of the twinks.

>> No.25987992

Millie has surprise on Friday in her schedule.

>> No.25988066

Petra actually improved alot, she is one of the best partner for collab

>> No.25988170

Luxiem brought some in but Noctyx really opened the floodgates for some reason. They generally don't leave the /nijien/ thread but they've displaced everything else

>> No.25988273
Quoted by: >>25988397

Why do bronies instantly go for the cuck shit, are you people completely incapable of seeing these streamers as entertainers?

>> No.25988397
Quoted by: >>25988669

Here is the thing. We all know you have ZERO shot with these women unless they are fucking Finana. Thats what gets me.

>> No.25988467
Quoted by: >>25988496

what a waste of a fantastic avatar, god i wish pomu looked like that

>> No.25988496
Quoted by: >>25988960

She is in Phase apparently.

>> No.25988669

Green woman shit should have taught them a lesson, but some people are just to far gone.

>> No.25988960


>> No.25989264

Who will be in the wave?

>> No.25989412

At least one of these >>25978457

>> No.25989435
File: 111 KB, 480x480, 1653957737332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that want to play GOOD video games. I'm so sick of Valorant/APEX, and shitty Chilla's Art games.

>> No.25989504

Aruvn. Hopefully not the girls everyone thinks (Eri and Harin$

>> No.25989597
Quoted by: >>25989660

Eri already said she didn't apply to any corporation in her twitlonger explaining her stopping her vtuber activities, even explicitly said not to spread rumors about her on 4chan.

>> No.25989660


>> No.25989813
Quoted by: >>25989974

Who tf is harin

>> No.25989832
Quoted by: >>25989901

She's such a cute little goofball. Will watch her whether she goes to Phase or Nijisanji.

>> No.25989901

Ill actually watch Phase if she goes.

>> No.25989974

>Who tf is harin
She's Hada's friend, followed a bunch of Nijisanji livers on Twitter, and graduated at just the right time (around 3 weeks ago). A lot of signs point to her being in wave 6. Her voice is fucking boring though, it sounds super boring and unprofessional and it'll suck if she steals a spot.

>> No.25990018

She sounds unironically like a roastie. Will be pissed if she gets a spot unironically.

>> No.25990128

she sounds sweet in her graduation stream
i'll hold my opinions

>> No.25990407
File: 180 KB, 1080x1236, source1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25990463
Quoted by: >>26006150

you don't need to watch all of them.
you can shit on the ones you don't like.

>> No.25990485
Quoted by: >>25990605

isn't this Shu?

>> No.25990605
Quoted by: >>25990660

NTA but >lazy Valorant streams
Also, his streams are only entertaining if you want to fuck him.

>> No.25990627
Quoted by: >>25993068

So wave 6 soon?

>> No.25990660
Quoted by: >>25991045

Explains why just about every EN vtuber is boring as fucking hell. I dont want to fuck any of them.

>> No.25990676
Quoted by: >>25991103

Lazy Valorant streams are peak brotuber though.

>> No.25991040
Quoted by: >>25991455

Her singing seems ok

>> No.25991045


>> No.25991103

I don’t want a brotuber anymore

>> No.25991266
Quoted by: >>25991320

what was the wave 5?
and linglan lily joins nijisanjiEN as solo, just like salome

>> No.25991320

Noctyx. Fulgur, Alban, Sonny, Yugo, and Uki

>> No.25991329

Artemis come home

>> No.25991376
Quoted by: >>25991676

>goes on indefinite break due to being "busy"
>in the last 2 weeks, suddenly deleted Twitch vods and wiped his Youtube
>inoffensive korean male fit for women to coom over
>can play cello

>> No.25991455

Even her singing sounds milquetoast. Just like her speaking voice, there's nothing special or interesting about it, she sounds like someone you can just pick off the street.

>> No.25991528
Quoted by: >>25991610

You could find better on the streets lmao

>> No.25991563
Quoted by: >>25991610

Her voice when she puts in effort (e.g. voice acting a character in a game) could work but most of the time she doesn't and sometimes she just mumbles for minutes at a time. I will completely give up on NijiEN if she is in.

>> No.25991610

why so many doomers?

>> No.25991676

Aruvn relied to him too

>> No.25991736
Quoted by: >>25992189

Because after waiting this long for more girls, the last thing I want is her; someone who brings nothing to the table.

>> No.25991872
Quoted by: >>25995459

I can understand not getting the best of the best but I can't understand giving one of the few female spots to someone who is below average by 3view indie standards. Can't see it as anything other than nepotism and this time it doesn't even bring a good talent in. I already have issues with the way EN is managed, this will just be the last straw.

>> No.25992064

Tell me, why should I be excited about someone who is subpar at everything and has an awful voice. Thats why we are shitting on her

>> No.25992151

Supposedly Ike and Rosemi are dating in PL

>> No.25992183

I was thinking about Zephyrianna originally, but i realize that she wasn't even a fulltime streamer.

>> No.25992189

>someone who brings nothing to the table.
>someone who is below average
>someone who is subpar at everything
wannabe manager strikes again
very interesting too that the first 3 replies are a minute apart. then the second 3 replies are a minute apart

>> No.25992235

I think it’s some jealous indie who didn’t get into NijiEN

>> No.25992250

Anyone suspiciously on MIA?

>> No.25992331

When was the last time you watched petra?

>> No.25992597
File: 29 KB, 503x166, 1511180744221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25992657

Her voice is shit and as far as I am concerned that's the most important thing for a vtuber. I want to get good entertainment product. If I'm not going to get it form NijiEN then why stick around?

>> No.25992657
Quoted by: >>25992860

this is your very, absolutely, last straw!

>> No.25992778

>search Harin in the archive
>Harin follows Petra's PL
>Finana's PL follows Harin
>also she's Hada's friend
Well we know who to blame if this bland bitch gets in.

>> No.25992860

Yes. I only watched a couple of EN streams this week. Since wave 6 debuts should be soon I will just stop watching if female talents are trash.
Can't even say that bad voice is bad on fucking 4chan anymore without some mongoloid getting uppity.

>> No.25992867
Quoted by: >>25992923

Are there any other females that seem like a possibility?

>> No.25992923
Quoted by: >>25992945

It will be 4 males and Harin

>> No.25992945
Quoted by: >>25992997

harin will get a male model too and it‘ll be 5 males

>> No.25992997

Ill just watch Phase if thats the case, lmao

>> No.25993068
File: 337 KB, 1614x1080, FVEoX8JXwAAwBWk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25993192

I think Sunday based on this. Waiting on other schedules to drop though

>> No.25993162
Quoted by: >>25993332

Not allowed to dislike someone on 4 channel guys, you heard it here first.

>> No.25993192

There’s Millie’s Caught in 4K stream with a surprise on friday

>> No.25993332

must've really struck a nerve to provoke multiple tearful posts

>> No.25993397
Quoted by: >>25993433

It's too early to drop wave 6. HoloEN3 is due sometime within the next 60 days.

>> No.25993403

How about some utaites? Do any of them dropping hints?

>> No.25993432

I have no clue how anyone figured out Reimu and Enna back then, especially Reimu.

>> No.25993433

It’s actually overdue. This is the longest they’ve gone without putting out a NijiEN wave

>> No.25993486

Maybe because they are /here/

>> No.25993611

I think Reimu just said she was graduating, but she was in Petra’s chat before debuting and did a cover of Black Out. Enna had a scuff chibi Vtuber model and had a graduation

>> No.25993657

>was graduating
I meant she was going on hiatus

>> No.25993696

Enna is friends with Millie and Millie could just as well say that she was going to NijiEN. Reimu was on the radar because she was in NijiEN chats and Petra even added her as a mod for some time iirc.

>> No.25993697

Petra modded Reimu's PL in her chat kek

>> No.25993758

She didnt cover black out like a week or two before Ethyria. We knew she was in before that.

>> No.25993904

Reimu released a cover of Black Out on her utaite channel the same time she graduated lol. She also constantly replied to NijiEN on Twitter and was in Petra's chat all the time, it was obvious. On top of all that she's a huge Kanae fan and used to be a translator in his chat before NijiEN even existed.

I think Enna was only on people's radars because I and a few others actually used to watch her and were just hoping for it to be true by repeating her name all the time. Then she announced graduation at the same time as Millie and it became obvious, because they're a package deal.

>> No.25993990

I just hope next wave doesnt have any nepotism hires.

>> No.25994022

Someone in /NijiEN/ posted this goat boy(?) who sings and draws well. He’s seems to be acquaintances with Eri, Shu's pl, other Hanamori, and Harin. He alsomade his account around the time the first male wave auditions were announced last year

>> No.25994101
Quoted by: >>25994171

Eri is not in.

>> No.25994148
Quoted by: >>25994300

>repeating name
I was one of them. Who will we will in this time?

>> No.25994171

I know she isn’t

>> No.25994300

I've been repeating Moenaomii every time it comes up because I genuinely think he's the only person in the entire English vtuber scene who can play a loli/shota character and not get bored of it or break kayfabe.

>> No.25994410

I was with Shura until Phasebro told me she was with them. I guess ill join you, i doubt we will find an actual female worthwhile

>> No.25994606
Quoted by: >>25994659

Moenaomii seems more of a loli than a shota, unless they go the trap route

>> No.25994651

That's a female

>> No.25994659

Trap would work, what I REALLY want is a female loli tsun and a trap in the same wave

>> No.25994664

Here adjacent chuubas that could get in or already be in:
>That orc guy
>Grimmi as a shota

>> No.25994668



>> No.25994754


>> No.25995448

>here adjacent chuubas
no, fuck off, I fucking hate Pippa and all Pippa-like attentionwhores.

>> No.25995459
Quoted by: >>25996642

I already gave up nijiEN after that Ethyria disappointment

>> No.25996419

So when is the announcement that Nina has been teasing supposed to be?

>> No.25996483

New EN wave announcements are always on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening

>> No.25996509
File: 742 KB, 582x511, 1650870562648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pregnant and keeping the baby

>> No.25996619

It's still unknown and, due to the way she's announcing it, can be any time from today to forever.

>> No.25996642

Why are they flops?

>> No.25996800

Because anon touches himself at night

>> No.25997385

Aruvn is doing guerrilla karaoke right now

>> No.25997552

Its going to be a reveal that all of HoloEN but kiara and calli(who doesnt want to lose her universal deal) graduated and went to Niji

>> No.25997705
Quoted by: >>26015236

He sounds nasal
Hey at least he's better than most nijien

>> No.25997758
Quoted by: >>25998053

The new wave:
>Muscular guy with manly facial features (never before seen in Nijisanji EN)
>Tall girl with big bazongas
>Shota boy with heterochromia
>Girl with flannel and jeans

>> No.25998053

can we not
We just got 2 extra with Noctyx, 3 if you consider yugo eye cancer heterochromia too

no more chuuni eye-lenses
no more blondes
pls more glasses (no whore glasses like mysta and alban)
pls a tan/nigga goddess & bro

>> No.25998074
Quoted by: >>25998227

he‘s pretty good, hope he really is wave6

>> No.25998139

Hmm not my taste

>> No.25998227

Yeah I think he’s good. NijiEN needs more male singers who can actually sing

>> No.25998255

>deez nuts joke
He'll fit right in.

>> No.25998710

He’s cute

>> No.25999234

I just want a male that doesn't talk to or about any of the chicks

>> No.25999322

I don't like any of them

>> No.25999765
File: 434 KB, 965x1052, 1654923371967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about his PL but Alban is literally all of that. Also you're really picky, people just have dark humor and I like that about NijiEN. If you hate no-no words then go to the other big company

>> No.26000248
File: 336 KB, 1599x1579, FVBgo00VsAED6kJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe, you will never have a brotuber and even if one did come out you will never support him and he will never be successful because males don't support other males. You will never buy his voice packs, his merch, send him a superchat, or buy a membership. Stop asking for something you don't even really want.

>> No.26000420

Based nijisister, I'm tired of brotuber beggars

>> No.26000476
Quoted by: >>26012914

Then why does NijiJP have brotubers

>> No.26000963

They aren't going to take a chance on people without any experience. The shareholders don't like that kind if risk.

>> No.26003262

this dude rocks
im listening to his karaoke rn and i now have a mighty need to see him in nijien

>> No.26003398

they're doing another one of that shit?

>> No.26003663
File: 349 KB, 1658x2048, 20220602_212249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course sisters men who want brotubers do nothing to support their brotubers. in the end we are girls who save male vtubers

>> No.26005707

Maybe relevant
>Selen just said on stream there will be a big gap of no streams(for the branch) on this Thursday

>> No.26006004

Dont care, Ethyria gave me more than enough NiisanjiEN fatigue.

>> No.26006099

I mean the duck had no experience with streaming and her lives 30k+ as of late.

>> No.26006150
Quoted by: >>26017238

>you don't need to watch all of them.
>you can shit on the ones you don't like.
I do that already and the general gets extremely defensive and calls me threadwatcher.

>> No.26006534

that would be great, have a late night talk show maybe

>> No.26007780

/here/, bunch of cryptic tweets around that time, increased stream schedule right before the auditions, black out cover, kanaetai, was in petra's chat...

>> No.26010434
Quoted by: >>26012816


>> No.26012816


>> No.26012914

There are no brotubers in NijiJP. Take meds, beggers.

>> No.26013006
File: 82 KB, 457x522, ames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if Ames is telling the truth then Ames is in.

>> No.26013327
Quoted by: >>26013431

which ame?

>> No.26013431

>t. actual retard

>> No.26014646


>> No.26015236


Is it possible to fix nasality? It's a debuff to my ears

>> No.26015821

hes already holostars en, sorry

>> No.26015879


>> No.26016117

>telling the truth
good one

>> No.26016748


>> No.26017238

the general is filled with women, their opinion is irrelevant
continue shitting on them lol

>> No.26018158

Uhh Bros, one of the speculations in this thread is correct, see for previous example
Theres a chuuba among us

>> No.26018700

sonny made this thread just for the express purposes of leaking the exact lineup in it, im certain of it. bookmark this thread for later

>> No.26018793
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 1629381379103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theres a chuuba among us

>> No.26018965
Quoted by: >>26020935

Reimu was never a translator in chat? I think she only commented in chat.
Most NijiJPs have no translators in chat. Their live translators are on twitter

>> No.26020935

Yeah she wasn't. She was just attention whoring in chat with her account since her PL had a checkmark
