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File: 246 KB, 493x492, default_whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25673283 No.25673283 [Reply] [Original]

We told you about collabing with Mori, bros. We told you she's a bad influence. We told you this would happen. You didn't listen.

>> No.25673383

We already knew this retard
We're not the ones you need to tell

>> No.25673476
File: 510 KB, 1417x2000, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blaming Mori when IRyS is a mature adult that is clearly strong enough to say no behind the scenes (about her outfits). IRyS chose to do this. Little cute daddy's girl deserves the shit she's getting. I don't blame the EOP fanbase, they don't deserve this. The SEARyS fags simply need to fuck off.

>> No.25673483

This was known well in advance. HoloDeath was aptly named.

>> No.25673548

Everyone says mori has influence. Could you imagine if she REALLY was a bitch and actively tried to manipulate the girls.
She could they’d all listen to her , all kohais at least

>> No.25673682
File: 190 KB, 425x363, 1663884882773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think we didn't know this?
We're powerless to stop it, we didn't gate keep hard enough and now I gotta throw this cap in the garbage!
At least I have good relations with the teammates. Hopefully they can take me in...

>> No.25673692

>Could you imagine if she REALLY was a bitch and actively tried to manipulate the girls.
>he didn't see Mori asking Irys for an ironmouse collab onstream and telling Kiara she would visit her in Austria onstream putting them in positions where they couldn't say no without causing massive drama

>> No.25673791

Nothingburger she could be a lot worse

>> No.25673888
Quoted by: >>25673983

have you seen her tits? i would let her influence me into the grave

>> No.25673970

If you can't think for yourself, you aren't worth saving anyways.

>> No.25673983
Quoted by: >>25681688

They actually look quite good in the most recent rm pic

>> No.25674060
File: 519 KB, 483x624, 123123t5676543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has her fat, goblin claws on the newest gen, talks with Subaru and is idolized by many JPs as some cool rapper. You'll know when it happens.

>> No.25674089
Quoted by: >>25676347

I don't watch HoloEN, what happened?
Did she review another meme about her fanbase?

>> No.25674114
Quoted by: >>25676347

What happened this time?

>> No.25674137
File: 893 KB, 1366x1080, 1638771671734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your fucking reps retard, EN festival is not the way out but where you ran from.

>> No.25674238

Nah, fuck off. We are full.

>> No.25674311
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1645403037568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25681335

>Pink woman le bad

>> No.25674433
Quoted by: >>25675412

She is going to force yagoo to let holos have sex with men on stream

>> No.25674644

I didn't listen because is funny seeing niggers like you seething rent free, unlike me who doesn't care about pink woman past her porn drawings

>> No.25675412

there is a 10000% chance that she filmed herself sucking off connor in the bathroom at syd's wedding

>> No.25675671


>> No.25675732

And did that collab happen? No.

>> No.25675868
Quoted by: >>25675960

Nigga, you are out of your element with this connor shit. Hatman is back

>> No.25675960

The guy she was with didn’t look like Connor or hatman

>> No.25676006

>blaming Mori when she isn't even gonna be in that collab
She is gonna be bussy with those con appearences.

>> No.25676216

What do you know that I don't?

>> No.25676347

There's a big company wide collab happening that includes all branches including the Holostars. IRyS is confirmed to be in the collab. Many IRyStocrats are sperging out because she will be on stream with males. This is somehow Mori's fault.

>> No.25676464

When is this collab supposed to happen

>> No.25676568
Quoted by: >>25676685

It is Mori's fault because IRyS is close to her and by default close to Ollie.

>> No.25676587

We knew it would happen. We didn't expect it to happen so soon.

>> No.25676666


>> No.25676685

But Mori isn't even confirmed to be in that tournament.

>> No.25677073
Quoted by: >>25677205

by the end of the year en will go downhill badly if they don't get rid of lean hori

>> No.25677205
Quoted by: >>25677316

You said that last year.

>> No.25677316
Quoted by: >>25677417

And EN did go downhill badly. God knows how much worse she can make it. I don't want to find out.

>> No.25677417

Other that not streaming what else has gone downhill? You can't blame everything on Mori like she is some master manipulator.

>> No.25679519

>like she is some master manipulator.
But she is.

>> No.25679595


>> No.25681116

>mori is a master manipulator
Then deadbeats are the strongest race. We cuck your oshis out of their seisoness and purity.

>> No.25681335

let me guess you want every holo to get blacked
american genocide when?

>> No.25681598

when's the last time Mori has done a stars collab? she did like one song with one of them and what else?

Bae has done more stars collabs than any EN member. if IRyStocrats want a punching bag to blame for what is a non issue, then Bae should be it

>> No.25681632


>> No.25681688
Quoted by: >>25681744

Were would find this.

>> No.25681708

I like Bae, so it's Mori's fault.

>> No.25681744
Quoted by: >>25681973

On her rm twitter I think

>> No.25681761

qrd on irys yab?

>> No.25681794

It was actually a double wedding with Harman marrying Connor in secret.

>> No.25681827

That's the thing, no real yab, literally one shizo
Homostars probable collab and that's it

>> No.25681858 [DELETED] 

>>>25555137 #
>There's a big company wide collab happening that includes all branches including the Holostars
So the problem there is clearly Nijisanji

>> No.25681925
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1617228802633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684738

>asking this while replying to a Kiara pic

>> No.25681973

I'm stupid and have no idea what this refers to. Searching up rm twitter gives me kpop shit.

>> No.25684496


>> No.25684596

Nothing happened and trolls are going apeshit

>> No.25684653

Haven't been around for awhile. Could someone tell me what happened?

>> No.25684738

shut up adam

>> No.25685540

WHY SHE is so lame?
She could had sex with Kiara right now but she don`t even tried

>> No.25685894

They are getting people used to this in preparation for HolostarsEN. HoloEN will be indistinguishable from NijiEN in a few months.

Save this post

>> No.25688852

And what I can do?

>> No.25688857
Quoted by: >>25689066

I told you niggers that being a whore is an infectious disease

>> No.25688880

busy getting her fat tits fucked by CumDawgVA

>> No.25689066

Who did your mom infect?

>> No.25689079

Oh ok I thought it was something serious lol.

>> No.25689235
Quoted by: >>25689316

Mori doesn't give a single fuck about the homos, she made a resolution and then ignored them completely. She likes rikka but I think that's basically it. If this is anyone's "fault" (retarded idea btw) it's not Mori

>> No.25689316

this but she doesnt care about hololive too

>> No.25689911

Since when is Mori known for being close to Holostars? That's Bae. And IRyS already streamed with a male anyway.

>> No.25690011

Doesn't bae have a room mate in holostar too

>> No.25690506

>the Nigger of Nippon liking anything related to Hololive
You couldn't get Mori to be interested in Hololive if they paid for her ridiculously expensive alcoholism to do so

>> No.25692760
File: 37 KB, 536x800, 87651635.ExdwAP6i.DSC06554_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25693395

Why are we blaming Mori for this when she her interaction with Holostars was just one song? Bae is the one who continually goes out of her way to collab with them.

>> No.25692796


>> No.25693395

Do you have brain damage? Mori has had more official collabs with Rikka than Bae has had with the stars.

>> No.25700301

So who's going to get the next "condom money" level superchat, Mori, Baelz, Ollie, Irys? I want to see some fireworks if you guys are actually mad about it. If you want to do damage, Ollie's fragile as shit, Mori's bites bait like no other, Baelz is insecure. I don't know about Irys but you could potentially poke her into backing out I guess. Ante up to Vox's Chinese schizo level if you want to have an influence, otherwise shut up about it and stop spamming threads.

>> No.25700616 [DELETED] 

she made her "friends" play jump king like retards for a "tournament" she created for herself to play... no to mention what she said about not being in a relationship...

>> No.25700829
Quoted by: >>25700889

I find it funny these grown ass men are angry at women who they personally don't know for either collaborating with males or having a real life boyfriend they been seeing since before even starting the business. They throw the word whore around like they know what it means via personal experience trauma or just pure rejection trauma so they grow bitter with a caveman mentality and anything that has a boyfriend is a whore lmao. If you're at that point please take a break from vt and seek mental health.

>> No.25700889
Quoted by: >>25700966

t. Mori

>> No.25700964

It’s kind of funny IRyS antis have to leech off Morischizos for replies

>> No.25700966
Quoted by: >>25701349

I don't have a vag sorry can't be mori. Take your meds schizo.

>> No.25700990
Quoted by: >>25701320

>other than not streaming
When your job is literally to be a streamer I’d say this is pretty downhill.

>> No.25701270

Fuck, soon it's going to come out that I've been fucking all the Hololive girls.

>> No.25701320

The thing with mori is that shes more of an online gamer. If cover weren't cunt and allowed her to play games like gta o or more online elden ring co op with the deadbeats which is something she wants to do shed be more motivated to stream.
She likes her job just hate the idea of having to act like something she's not. She's a tomboy the whole pure seiso idol shit ain't flying with someone as extroverted as she is.

>> No.25701349
Quoted by: >>25701538

mori has a 12 inch long futa cock and massive tits too you are mori

>> No.25701538
Quoted by: >>25703260

You got me i remembered how i made you deepthroat it now time for your meds.

>> No.25701737
Quoted by: >>25702067

>play games like gta o or more online elden ring co op with the deadbeats
is she not allowed?

>> No.25702067
Quoted by: >>25703002

I mean if they value the idol image that much then probably.

>> No.25702148

>Being extroverted somehow clashes with being a "pure seiso idol"
>A tomboy can't be an idol

>> No.25703002

>If cover weren't cunt and allowed her to play games like gta o or more online elden ring co op with the deadbeats
anon was saying Cover forbids it, is it true?

>> No.25703260
Quoted by: >>25703919

not a fan of mori but i would suck the lean out of her body through her dick

>> No.25703919


>> No.25704560

literal autism

>> No.25704727

So another nothingburger, cool

>> No.25704853

Did the people who hate Mori just leave? Why did it all slow down so fast?

>> No.25707743

still love mori
