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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, 99E31AD0-EF25-4EBB-BDBA-FEECFCE8C878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25533679 No.25533679 [Reply] [Original]

ONE (1) FUCKING RULE ! 1! DONT. Have a FUCKING BOYFRIEND. And these WHORES. Cant even do that right. WHERE are the streams? WHERE is the passion for the job? WHERE WHERE WHERE. It’s SATURDAY fucking night and I’m here. READY to fap to an anime girl BUT no. They’re all out right now with their BOYFRIENDS.
Fuck Hololive ENGLISH. Inb4 lool just learn Japanese brooooo FUCK YOU. You’re not Japanese. Inb4 watch nijiEn or some indies broooo FICK YOU. If I wanted bargain bin vtubers I’d become one myself. This shitty semen slurping hobby isn’t for me.
Kiara left out of the picture for obvious reasons

>> No.25533706
Quoted by: >>25534402

check yourself into rehab anon getting this drunk is bad for your health

>> No.25533725

Also FUCK council. Stupid lazy whores only showed up for the paycheck

>> No.25533762
Quoted by: >>25534402

Just go jerk off to porn or something coomer

>> No.25533782

I find it hard to believe Gura has a boyfriend. She has a loli voice which would be unattractive to normalfags.

>> No.25533793
Quoted by: >>25533886

God you’re retarded

>> No.25533798
Quoted by: >>25534402

Lmao OP is a loser

>> No.25533817


>> No.25533827
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>> No.25533851
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>> No.25533864
Quoted by: >>25534402

That's not a rule, not even real idols have this rule at least officially

>> No.25533886

Excuse me? Explain yourself or fuck off

>> No.25533928

Kys hoocuck

>> No.25533942
File: 445 KB, 900x1200, lvuih f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a rule?

>> No.25533967
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Quoted by: >>25534402

oh nyo is anon mad??

>> No.25534014

Already streamed today
Seemingly out of the country
uhhhhhhhhhh idk

>> No.25534035
Quoted by: >>25534402

The rule of the unicorn in the schizo handbook.

>> No.25534156
File: 587 KB, 897x529, 1504218740772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534402

if your requirement for finding a woman entertaining is that she's single then you should probably just accept the fact you don't know what entertainment means and just want a pretend girlfriend.

basically, kill yourself.

>> No.25534170

Too many cucks itt so proud of the girls not streaming. Good job owning the haters guys

>> No.25534200
Quoted by: >>25534402

I hate EN but holy fuck this is sad no wonder they don't want to stream I wouldn't either if this was part of my audiance

>> No.25534204
File: 255 KB, 480x473, 1624345819361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534402

How do you not feel embarrassed posting this shit

>> No.25534269

Sorry Ina has been absent but earning Mama'nis approval was tough (Papa'nis was a total bro, though), so i will enjoy some more time with my tako wife.

>> No.25534310
File: 74 KB, 320x320, 169346846783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.25534349
Quoted by: >>25534429

I feel bad for anyone who dates Ina

>> No.25534402

You could be watching your favorite vtuber right now but she’s busy getting FUCKED. Ahh well

>> No.25534427
File: 163 KB, 998x1648, 1644958316730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25534530

sex is good for her mental health

>> No.25534429
Quoted by: >>25534524


>> No.25534439
File: 1.59 MB, 1124x641, firefox_2022-06-04_21-52-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am watching my favorite vtuber, holobrony.

>> No.25534471
Quoted by: >>25534530

Anon... are you insane?

>> No.25534492

I don’t like you nijiniggers. But I respect you supporting girls that actually fucking stream and attempt to take their shit seriously

>> No.25534503

I'm getting tired of the autistic lack of self awareness that these threads display as a virtue

>> No.25534512


>> No.25534524
Quoted by: >>25534602

She can barely function as a human being bro

>> No.25534530

No I’m just not a cuck.
Like >>25534427

>> No.25534567

it’s really a shame how often this thoughtless “y-you’re a cuck!!!” kind of appeal to fear ends up working

>> No.25534569
Quoted by: >>25535396

That's not her normal voice, faggot. It's played up for streams. Her real voice is on YouTube and it's a lot different

>> No.25534602

all I know is that she can draw and sustain herself from that.

>> No.25534637
Quoted by: >>25534937

Shut the fuck up. You. Cuck.
It works because you know I’m right

>> No.25534670

the replies to this thread are fucking disgusting
this board truly is dead, i'm out

>> No.25534707

Yeah by me

>> No.25534721
File: 15 KB, 883x60, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25538010

there is no rule, it only exists in your head

>> No.25534766

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.25534824
File: 48 KB, 640x613, 1645706921299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. But it really will be funny, assuming WW3 doesn't start, looking back in 10 years and asking "what ever happened to these bitches". Gura has already been dethroned multiple times as she's reclined massively. Mori torpedoed herself and seems to think she can go solo despite the benefits to being in Cover being much greater. Ina is that kind of smug smarter-than-average type that got lucky a few times and thinks she's literally a galaxy brain. Amelia was a nobody who also got lucky and she turned out to have a lot of fun playing around with technology once she could afford it, so she thinks she's the second coming of Einstein. It really will be funny looking back at these people and seeing how badly they squandered their 15 minutes of fame thinking it would last forever.

>> No.25534860
File: 71 KB, 976x549, 1653225902717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25537680

This board has been flooded with reddit normalfags ever since it was created. Just do your best to filter them as much as possible by posting politically incorrect stuff that hurts their NPC programming

>> No.25534909
Quoted by: >>25534961

If Moot was still in charge cuck would've been wordfiltered to something funny like goatse years ago. the amount of times a discussion just gets dumbed down to underage tourists screaming KEK KEK KEK as their last defense is really fucking sad.

>> No.25534937
File: 158 KB, 400x700, 1634051507567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting unironically mad losing their safe space

>> No.25534953

Seek help at a mental facility

>> No.25534961


>> No.25535018

They can have a boyfriend as long as I don't find out about it or they don't bring it up on stream.

>> No.25535099
File: 871 KB, 800x578, OP Films.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25535178
File: 512 KB, 900x900, Albanian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is acting very nuts if you get what I mean

>> No.25535200
Quoted by: >>25535454

How many of you guys have actual vtuber girlfriend? An established one not a nobody.

>> No.25535354
Quoted by: >>25535581

I can understand this mindset, as long as the illusion remains intact who really cares I guess, but for me it’s the opposite
I don’t mind them having a boyfriend as long as they’re open and clear about it. It’s when they hide it just to keep the money flowing that I disapprove.
Though I’m not sure how my perspective would resolve if the bf was hidden so well that no amount of reps could help you find out about it

>> No.25535396

A retard!
Oh nyo!

>> No.25535454
Quoted by: >>25535626

I have only had 1 girlfriend in my life and that was 8 years ago. I am sex deprived thats why Im thinking of starting Vtubing to find a cute vtuber gf. Preferably from Hololive but Im probably just dreaming.

>> No.25535581

Like 1% of girls in Hololive will come straight out admitting they have boyfriends. You think En is included in that you’re delusional .

>> No.25535612


>> No.25535626

>Preferably from Hololive but Im probably just dreaming.
yeah look it’ll be much easier and lower risk to just find a cute menhera 2view (that isn’t already being groomed by someone else)

>> No.25535647

if you don't want to hear about it you shouldn't be on this fucking board, honestly.

>> No.25535747
File: 495 KB, 832x764, pomuface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While your holofags cry, my oshi is playing METAL GEAR SOLID for more hours than yours streamed anything this past week. What a life you guys have.

>> No.25535797

>actually watching streams

>> No.25535933

im sorry you feel this way OP but i cant stop cuming inside ina's tight pussy

>> No.25536211

why are pomufags like this?

>> No.25536631

I guess this mindset is fine if you’re membered or donating a shit ton of money

>> No.25536778

Being a vtuber watcher is such an unhealthy hobby. I wasted months doing nothing but watching vtubers when I'm supposed to be doing other things. It's more dangerous than meth.

>> No.25536968
Quoted by: >>25537221

nah my cute JP oshi just had a great stream on saturday night and has 2 activities for today lined up as well
unironically just learn JP and watch the superior branch and if you're unable to dedicate yourself to a learning process for a longer period of time dont cry about it here lmao

>> No.25537221

Kys failed normie

>> No.25537234

Stop coping and making excuses for your own lazyness and lack of drive. If it wasn't vtubers, it would've been video games, if not video games, browsing through the internet, whatever. The truth is that you could've put the streams on a side monitor or in the background as you multitasked on working on other stuff. You could've dedicated some time working on the things you want to work on and catch up on the VODs later. Your body reacts with withdrawal symptoms when you stop using a drugs. Nothing bad will happen to you if you miss out on a stream.

>> No.25537385

My only complain is they should do more unique streams than playing games. Sana and Gura my top for this week

>> No.25537680
Quoted by: >>25537752

> by posting politically incorrect stuff that hurts their NPC programming
Like /u/ pandering (aka gay, homosexual, lgbt, pride, etc…) that you want from Hololive?

>> No.25537752

Don’t you dare compare hot lesbian sex to your faggot shit

>> No.25537814


You think she'll be allowed to cover that song? Konami are giga-faggots so I'm not getting my hopes up, but imagine.

>> No.25538010

>doesn't knows what "implicit" rules are

>> No.25538127
Quoted by: >>25538232

Anon what did you expected? Vtubers are just E-thots on anime avatars pretending to be good to milk money out of retards like you, did you really believed they were "pure" girls? They probably go and fuck their bf after they end the stream

>> No.25538232

I really wish Vtubers would prove their power levels in a genuine way like Mori. I am always weary of vtubers who have a low understanding of anime.

>> No.25538468

They don't have boyfriends, that would be fucked up and wrong of them. They love only their fans and accept romantic gifts from them.

>> No.25538534

it's okay. i'm fucking as well.

>> No.25538591

The boyfriend should be a vtuber too.

>> No.25538729

Shitposting aside, it really is sad that there were only 2 EN streams on Saturday night and one of them was just an hour-long ASMR. These girls really do not give a damn as long as they're collecting their paychecks.

>> No.25538991


>> No.25539118

Hahahaha are you that autist that was screeching about Fauna doing a stream at 5pm because she was going out tonight?

>> No.25539119

The number one rule is don't let anyone find out about your boyfriend.

I don't expect vtuber idols to be celibate and die alone.

I do expect them to not talk about their personal relationships on their vtuber account and maintain the kayfabe.

>> No.25539169

Anon, you get it wrong, woman without relationship is literally worthless, do you want your Oshi to be worthless?
