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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 280 KB, 1597x1634, FQkeIkKXMAA83ku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25527811 No.25527811 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)





Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Nijisanji chat log:

Aggie archive:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>25520475

>> No.25527854
File: 101 KB, 800x800, FBqu45RVUAUz3nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25527862
File: 514 KB, 1819x2434, B2051EF2-D8D3-46B4-B0AA-27E4987990B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord love
FoxAkuma love

>> No.25527864
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, Mysta_Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25527867
File: 212 KB, 1000x1300, FTR6GkYakAEJDkC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira love!
I love this warm, fluffy dragon!

>> No.25527868

Finana is practicing Nier songs

>> No.25527870
File: 140 KB, 1086x971, FSeu7WlacAAnBCR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our precious lovely Rosemi-sama~

>> No.25527882
File: 700 KB, 2894x4093, E-UMNpLUYAIlNr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pomu, she's my shining star!

>> No.25527881
File: 48 KB, 588x811, 20220604_151604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf
(ง -᷄ω-᷅ )ว ٩( -᷄ω-᷅ )۶(ง-᷄ω-᷅ )ว ( -᷄ω-᷅ و(و

>> No.25527883
File: 97 KB, 994x873, 1644771730017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25527887
File: 154 KB, 2006x1337, 28D56B48-FE8C-4136-8265-2F3587FD3E65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love!

>> No.25527893
File: 463 KB, 2048x2048, FUbpqxmaIAA1Gwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alban love!!

>> No.25527904
File: 216 KB, 1500x1500, 1654396741704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink this you fucking thirsty niggers

>> No.25527907
File: 113 KB, 1557x978, 1640138513347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love sonny a whole lot

>> No.25527914
File: 293 KB, 1266x2048, FUGcm-7VEAE_IyJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love!

>> No.25527926
File: 2.67 MB, 1544x1974, 1654138327464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for sharing! i love it

>> No.25527927
File: 569 KB, 1796x2397, FSmRmtsaAAArYeK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528002

My fish wife is the best wife!

>> No.25527929
File: 194 KB, 1191x886, 1651996615657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25527954

Noctyx love!

>> No.25527931

lets see, will the Enna Bitch anon show or do I have to take over...

>> No.25527934

He's also very parasocial with chat, has low self esteem, is going through tough times, his voice just ramdonly wavers sometimes as if he's about to cry (I'm not schizo, I swear), and other little things.

>> No.25527935
File: 799 KB, 1071x680, miuzhci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luca cums in this every day
how's that make you feel?

>> No.25527943
File: 199 KB, 1526x2048, albanknox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love catboy

>> No.25527945

the one time i wasn't trying to get any numbers, my luck is broken

>> No.25527947
File: 168 KB, 691x556, 1644872023399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528031

I hate Shu

>> No.25527951
File: 311 KB, 574x794, FUayvoFaAAEfhUR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie going to eat weird stuff again....

>> No.25527952
Quoted by: >>25528004

takaradachi i beg you please tell me if your oshi is being cute, i can't watch him right now

>> No.25527954
File: 430 KB, 631x314, 1647627664888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529302

Suicide hate!

>> No.25527957
File: 394 KB, 1364x2048, @dearDeerNWhale_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuchan LOVE! my wife is very pretty

>> No.25527961
File: 681 KB, 1277x717, Pomu Karaoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about Pomu this thread?
I like Pomu.

>> No.25527967
File: 1.15 MB, 960x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about British people.
Why are they so mentally ill?

>> No.25527968

Millie is being weird in her waiting room chat.

>> No.25527974
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.25527975
File: 670 KB, 1000x864, boopboopboop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528120

Sonny's BeamNG.drive stream is kino

>> No.25527987
Quoted by: >>25528816

Elira being bad at smash kinda ruin the collab

>> No.25527989

kys pomunigger

>> No.25527996
File: 3.07 MB, 780x648, Foxakuma[sound=files.catbox.moe%2 (...).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FoxAkuma love

>> No.25528002
File: 36 KB, 90x90, 1654396883852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad you're making my retarded little sister happy anon!

>> No.25528004
Quoted by: >>25528127

not takaradachi but he's rolling his r's right now its very cute

>> No.25528003


>> No.25528008

I hate Pomu

>> No.25528015
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, FUZ1E7hUYAEKxcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE!

>> No.25528016

I hope he plays this more so I can see him just fuck around and have dumb fun like a little kid, this could be a good zatsudan game too
It would be funny if he actually gets that steering wheel controller just to play stuff like this

>> No.25528020
File: 465 KB, 900x863, E8f6YKUVUAA-t2z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm pretty mentally healthy... maybe

>> No.25528021

>is going through tough times
has he said this in membership streams?

>> No.25528023

I think Pomu's cute!

>> No.25528025
File: 187 KB, 480x480, aDftYdCmENOSgAemqIyYBa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528031

Could we not post images with an ableist slur in them please

>> No.25528036
File: 198 KB, 1280x2000, FULf19paUAAtiDH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wuv you Rosemi-sama~

>> No.25528038

Flip bri'ish

>> No.25528039

stop bringing this up again in the new thread retard

>> No.25528044

Anyone else hates lazushitters? They act as if their whores are the most important not only in the branch but also niji en general, when in really if it wasn't for the boys nijien would have already closed.

>> No.25528052
File: 158 KB, 1136x1302, E60F7F99-5A0F-49F4-A925-281700E2A719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can bong anons confirm their country’s therapy is all over the place?

>> No.25528055
File: 3.39 MB, 3840x2160, 1645213144231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu love!

>> No.25528049


>> No.25528057

go back

>> No.25528062
File: 135 KB, 1397x1169, 1629271647975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish alban would speak more spanish it sounds very nice

>> No.25528061

their bussy is tight so who cares

>> No.25528068
File: 681 KB, 541x577, 1654132333152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528123


>> No.25528076

Waiting room

>> No.25528079
Quoted by: >>25528264

>very parasocial with chat
to be fair, chat initiates the flirting

>> No.25528084
File: 240 KB, 1694x2048, FUazUosUAAAxFhY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528087


>> No.25528092

least obvious tranny shitposter

>> No.25528093
File: 196 KB, 480x480, CTbtYfngG8XzgAfL4bOoDa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528177

Hello there British pentomo!

>> No.25528096

Sorry I won't do it again

>> No.25528100
File: 1.53 MB, 1030x904, 1654396986573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit it's the lazuschizo again lmao

>> No.25528104
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca wuca!

>> No.25528105

>Shu plays Peach
So cute…

>> No.25528110

kys shitposter

>> No.25528116
File: 343 KB, 1668x2224, FUKk17SaIAEKAfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25528120

Where did these Japanese horror Sonny images come from and who’s making them

>> No.25528123
File: 525 KB, 2600x3300, FObySpVWQAY4Ak6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go bud!

>> No.25528125
File: 2.65 MB, 592x579, 1638593688947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528177

L O N D O N?

>> No.25528127

cute kitty... i wish my connection wasn't so bad

>> No.25528128
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1653761219823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528129

To add on to this
>wants to private streams where he feels like he didn't perform his best
>has to nap more often because he streams so much, does behind the scenes stuff, and studies Japanese, when he can't nap enough he gets snippy and insecure, and he's been falling asleep randomly more often
>hates how annoying he is and seems to be aware that other people see his annoying-ness, apologizes after collabs
>that moment on Vox jump king
>that moment on Pogostuck

>> No.25528137
File: 98 KB, 567x567, DaisUki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uki Uki Daisuki!

>> No.25528144
File: 475 KB, 653x617, 1629924124569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528149
Quoted by: >>25528183

At least we're at MGS4 soon. Pomu won't get stuck in the gameplay segments there no?

>> No.25528154
File: 280 KB, 1728x2018, 1654397052339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528155
Quoted by: >>25528202

Uki Love!

>> No.25528164
Quoted by: >>25528220

It's fucking awful. There's still a huge stigma against it, some actual licensed therapists don't even believe mental health is real, and there are massive waiting lists

>> No.25528170
Quoted by: >>25528239

fuuchan will save him

>> No.25528177
File: 119 KB, 422x536, 1654170543510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


further north friend

>> No.25528183
Quoted by: >>25528382

There's gameplay?

>> No.25528191
Quoted by: >>25528242

Not exactly hate but, it bizarre me that they calling thread during lazulight, obsydia better as if /vt/ used to be good

>> No.25528202
File: 163 KB, 500x500, UkiHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uki love! <3

>> No.25528203

Mizuchi is parasocial from what I’ve seen, if she got into NijiEN she’d be the biggest female menhera

>> No.25528207

I wish I was home watch streams

>> No.25528220

>massive waiting lists
they still have private insurance to skip the line and I'm sure vox can afford it

>> No.25528219

manifesting niji en livers will play rune factory

>> No.25528229
File: 49 KB, 565x611, FNfaXAbagAQdiRQ (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528259


>> No.25528238
Quoted by: >>25528311

Is the ableist slur sonny or officer

>> No.25528239
Quoted by: >>25528350

Fuuchan does save him, his words about Alban after A Way Out were nice because Alban kept beating himself up for crying and being annoying.

>> No.25528242

Shitpost in English anon

>> No.25528260 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 326x324, 1617080733560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it anon
FUCK british people

>> No.25528259
File: 38 KB, 200x200, ukiyay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528262

Sonny loves playing with Shu’s name…

>> No.25528264
Quoted by: >>25528384

Flirting isn't the only thing that makes someone parasocial. Fulgur actively avoids it and he's still one of the most parasocial chuubas in the whole company

>> No.25528265
File: 200 KB, 480x480, CTbtYabdG8XzgAfL4bOoDQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Petra and I love you too!

>> No.25528286
Quoted by: >>25528388

finana is playing rf5 offstream and she loves it!

>> No.25528287

I 100% memory holed the phase 2 of this fight

>> No.25528288
Quoted by: >>25528304

Please don't post images with ableist slurs. It's really offensive to retards to be compared to S*nny Br*sko.

>> No.25528289
Quoted by: >>25528645

I want to see Sonny play with Shu's clit

>> No.25528290

Sonny is thinking about his japanese wife Shu Yamino

>> No.25528304


>> No.25528309

Ocelot will N E V E R fuck snake!!!

>> No.25528311
File: 481 KB, 645x686, 1638337536932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528335

sonny is synonymous to retardation with a little autism on the side

>> No.25528321

I can't stop laughing at sonny this absolute autist

>> No.25528328
Quoted by: >>25528369

management should hire an on call therapist fr fr

>> No.25528335

>a little

>> No.25528340

>sonny just smashing cars

>> No.25528350

ironically noctyx being the most menhera wave seems to have made it less likely for any of them to have a full menhera breakdown since they've become each other's support network

>> No.25528361
File: 143 KB, 500x500, ImDead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528421

Uki finally… That hurt me so bad…

>> No.25528369
Quoted by: >>25528591

>management doing anything useful

>> No.25528382


>> No.25528384

I understand just that chat usually initiates it and he reacts to it

>> No.25528386
File: 306 KB, 1181x1748, 1653582082551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yami no Shu!

>> No.25528388

that's good! but i want them to play it on stream...

>> No.25528391

Ocelot unironically needed rape correction from Big Boss

>> No.25528396

not enough sun

>> No.25528398

My schizo thoughts hs me thinking Milord is going to move to the US for his film career, ignore me if this turns out wrong in about a week

>> No.25528401
File: 372 KB, 890x653, 1647047338954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brits are hot, but what about burgers? You know, g-good old southern burgers am I right? You guys like florida right? Anyone?

>> No.25528405
File: 1.11 MB, 2259x1809, FT7XvVJVEAAB2SZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25528419
Quoted by: >>25528605


>> No.25528421
Quoted by: >>25528819

His playthrough has been... something...

>> No.25528422

Why is it always raining...

>> No.25528423
File: 222 KB, 480x480, CTbtYeveG8XzgAfL4bOoDq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528425

>Pomu fucking up the easiest boss fight in the game
Classic pomu

>> No.25528441

i'm japanese

>> No.25528442

When was the last time Pomu

>> No.25528447


>> No.25528449

maybe in a couple of years, I don't see it within 2022

>> No.25528456

why would anyone willingly move here even a film career isnt the best

>> No.25528457

It's always down to Fulgur and Rosemi

>> No.25528460
Quoted by: >>25531313

She won though

>> No.25528465
Quoted by: >>25531313


>> No.25528470
File: 232 KB, 286x331, 1628718920603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>further north friend
Peary Land?

>> No.25528472
File: 445 KB, 682x678, FUOl_pXWAAAAlta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528525

Uki my cookie! <3

>> No.25528476

Last night, with me.

>> No.25528474
File: 1019 KB, 629x812, Episode_three_kenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah rosemi loves florida man

>> No.25528483
File: 303 KB, 2079x3000, 1B013D9E-C9CC-4991-8759-2BC9C5D14C1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck British men yeah…

>> No.25528481

That's why even though Yugo has freaked out and keeps changing the way he acts due to antis, now he's stopped thanks to everyone supporting him on Discord and telling him to b himself

>> No.25528488
File: 177 KB, 640x560, 1642291717177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA people from florida are called "florida men". That is what I know about florida

>> No.25528489

Pomu is the best gamer!

>> No.25528490

>everything disappears
>ah. are? anyway
>starts placing them again
why was this so funny to me, he just moved on from that bizarre situation like nothing strange happened

>> No.25528493

no, and please i bet you to never make a vocaroo
why would anyone move to the USofA

>> No.25528497
Quoted by: >>25528530

No. But /nijien/ shitposters, now those guys are retarded. Lobotomy tier creativity.

>> No.25528502
File: 110 KB, 1387x780, 20220222_210032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528596


>> No.25528506

What? He's moving to somewhere still in bongland.

>> No.25528508
File: 29 KB, 565x473, reigalilei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528632

>> No.25528510


>> No.25528525
File: 413 KB, 1008x1007, ukigyuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny my honey! <3

>> No.25528530
Quoted by: >>25528580

to be fair, they don't need to do anything with the shitpost since people reply to anything

>> No.25528529
Quoted by: >>25528682

luca just got out of the shower

>> No.25528546

Pomu do a pee break pls...

>> No.25528550
Quoted by: >>25528636

The homoeroticism in the MGS series is insane

>> No.25528552
File: 265 KB, 1920x977, 1622941997206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noctyx LOVE!
Suicide HATE!

>> No.25528561
Quoted by: >>25528611

you would only move to the US if you had money, like money money

>> No.25528570
Quoted by: >>25528605

I like southern accents
Not Florida though, that's different. Shit sucks.
t. Floridian

>> No.25528580

I bet anon will reply to me

>> No.25528591

They give 100k and more free to the vtubers you like

>> No.25528596
File: 78 KB, 724x724, ukihearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528721


>> No.25528605
File: 32 KB, 890x653, 1645496625682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528658

My accent isn't bad I swear... Please...

>> No.25528608

Hollywood, I’m not sure what the British film industry is like though

>> No.25528611
Quoted by: >>25528696

I would move to Japan if I have money money, not US.

>> No.25528616
Quoted by: >>25529292

So I assume there's Shadgohod and Boss left?

>> No.25528619
File: 380 KB, 1378x1844, FUWNR0zUcAAlDd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528625
File: 319 KB, 1631x2048, FTDF-0EVsAMGTkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25528632

what the fuck is this

>> No.25528635
File: 335 KB, 1792x1392, FK9DpJWX0AEk5A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528636

I mean big boss gave adamska's life meaning
if it was homo probabl

>> No.25528645

thats hot

>> No.25528651
File: 326 KB, 612x667, 1629159113020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528729


>> No.25528655

Mary deserves better ;_;

>> No.25528658
File: 52 KB, 200x200, XY5bYtK8C4P48gTfmKKgDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bud can you talk like a cowboy?

>> No.25528682
Quoted by: >>25528711


>> No.25528696

I mean we're all weebs here of course we'd choose Japan, but money people do well in the US due to tax loopholes

>> No.25528710

Luca is naked and playing minecwaf...

>> No.25528711
Quoted by: >>25528764

he's on minecraft with alban. said he's naked in 0°C weather.

>> No.25528718

>Southern states
>Cowboy accent
rumao, they sound like they have a speech impediment down south

>> No.25528719

No burger anon love except for that southern boytoy anon.

>> No.25528721
File: 33 KB, 200x200, smileFN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528767


>> No.25528729
File: 402 KB, 1447x2039, 1641118377618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528737
File: 948 KB, 748x755, 1639984773090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.25528761

>noone's talking about the smash collab
So I guess it's true what they say: famelira don't watch other chuubas even if their oshi is on the stream.

>> No.25528764


>> No.25528767
File: 207 KB, 1014x799, UkiLuvsU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528996


>> No.25528775


>> No.25528776
File: 1.00 MB, 767x1146, 1653985963677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think southern accents are cute, be nice to our southern friends

>> No.25528777

these cute mfs overlapping streams when my internet is barely handling one right now
sonnyban hate...

>> No.25528780
File: 56 KB, 669x55, CUTE CUTE CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25528818


>> No.25528781

heh does rosemi get "morning wood"?

>> No.25528793
File: 650 KB, 891x533, wosemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to hold my pee, it's a good feeling

>> No.25528792

I'm not into child predator

>> No.25528795

>Aussies are fake and either become a caricature of a twitch streamer or a fake quiet soft boy
>Limeys turn into depressed suicidal husks
Why are Swedes the only normal livers?

>> No.25528798

I'm sick of random collabs.

>> No.25528810

I missed you

>> No.25528816

She ruins smash and valo collabs with her nonexistent skills.

>> No.25528815
Quoted by: >>25528891

Foxakuma love!

>> No.25528818
Quoted by: >>25528906

>Elira helped with Deezney

>> No.25528819

How is it? There's too much overlap today...

>> No.25528825

Enjoy your UTI bud

>> No.25528829
File: 1.30 MB, 500x500, 10437459_35701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528839
File: 171 KB, 985x1146, FT0xfOhaIAA31h_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528842
Quoted by: >>25528893

this, they have all the guns

>> No.25528843

Sonny is gaslighting himself into being a softboy and it hurts to see.

>> No.25528845
File: 32 KB, 560x381, FNfaXAbagAQdiRQ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning rosebud!

>> No.25528856

pee bud!!

>> No.25528863
File: 365 KB, 522x529, 1631024484453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonny eating

>> No.25528866
File: 277 KB, 1500x2000, FUF-vkNUcAMgS3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughterwife! Home just in time for piano stream which is starting SOON btw!!! Ain't nothing better than sitting back on relaxing on a Saturday night. I hope you kind anons will join me and chill out to some piano improv with NijiEN's cutest little penguin!
Petra LOVE!!
If you wanna keep the hype going, then there's also Millie and Reimu who are starting their streams SOON too!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

>> No.25528869

it's pretty boring desu
should have been just fulgur and rosemi

>> No.25528870

Millie's intro is my favorite.

>> No.25528878

how far is uki in ib?

>> No.25528879
File: 751 KB, 512x512, 1644439202750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529041

I could do a cowboy accent, if that's something you'd like...
I can speak just fine, I don't have an impediment!

>> No.25528885

>Great Cave Offensive
My condolences to the vtubers that have to play this map

>> No.25528891
File: 426 KB, 2048x1428, B2BABE2F-487D-4E71-B5AC-CA04735668BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love codependent lesbian (male) ships!

>> No.25528890
File: 216 KB, 490x490, 1634247190259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the rapecage with you pentomo

>> No.25528893
Quoted by: >>25529015

I thought every Americans own a gun?

>> No.25528897
Quoted by: >>25528942

Fulgur already has Millie so he's on the verge of recovery.

>> No.25528899
Quoted by: >>25529001

how is that gaslighting

>> No.25528906

elira helped him build the wall for deezney before pomuversal existed

>> No.25528908
File: 144 KB, 1021x903, 1633903046908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you give it a bit of a thought; to the events of today and the past week setting them in retrospective it's quite interesting how the shitposters, the trolls, the schizos, and such affiliated parties seemingly show themselves from the darkness in the very second something happens.

Like assassins lurking in the shadows they seem to live among us.

>> No.25528924
Quoted by: >>25529000


>> No.25528928


>> No.25528929
File: 633 KB, 822x483, cuteee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alban and Luca being very adorable in minecwaf

>> No.25528933

I'm watching Jerma you BITCH

>> No.25528931
Quoted by: >>25529155

Petra should learn how to play the electric guitar.
electric guitar is surprisingly easy lmao

>> No.25528937

They made a good choice making clones of super soldier Pomu Snake.

>> No.25528942
Quoted by: >>25529248

Noctyx will pull him back to suicidal state

>> No.25528950

is Taka doing that NicCage movie reference with that bee line??

>> No.25528960
File: 685 KB, 1170x1023, E_Dx7LdVvAAGVG0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529155


>> No.25528984
File: 553 KB, 700x700, 1638253504669.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528996
File: 109 KB, 780x1023, 20220328_055737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25528997

What do you think Rosemi is wearing right now?

>> No.25529000

He just enjoys the girls from Oriemo like all healthy young blooded men.

>> No.25529001

He farted and lit a match.

>> No.25529002
File: 195 KB, 1180x585, 1650723784047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529046

I will be showing up on Millie's stream later. Hope you would accept our relationship and continue to support Millie.

>> No.25529006

>>25528398 (Me)
I also think this because he’s said in a collab with Selen that he has a nice balcony in the second floor of his new house… still a very far reach I know

>> No.25529005

cute brothers

>> No.25529007
File: 139 KB, 1068x986, 1636449951398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my cute manipulative compulsive liar aussies

>> No.25529009
Quoted by: >>25529192


>> No.25529013
File: 294 KB, 1362x1771, F0F1E4D8-190D-4CD7-BBD3-671D9EF3CF28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He miss his wife

>> No.25529015

Yeah, but southerns have a headcanon going on where they forget the rest of the US owns guns aswell

>> No.25529018
Quoted by: >>25529091


>> No.25529024

Millie's been doing a lot of interesting streams lately and I've been tuning in a lot more than I used to.
I'm glad she took Vox's advice to heart.

>> No.25529025
Quoted by: >>25529070

What is it with Luca and the Dragon Sisters lately.
Not that I'm complaining, of course.

>> No.25529035


>> No.25529033

>they say
i'm sure that's just you

>> No.25529041
File: 21 KB, 112x112, vzxgYv_bM8bi7gPYmqvoDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529142

>I could do a cowboy accent
that's cool rosebud, get us that vocaroo when it's dead hour

>> No.25529042

I'm enjoying it. I'm glad they have items on because the chaos is fun. But I am also watching Pomu so it is on in the background when she's not stuck on something so I'm not paying very close attention. Sorry...

>> No.25529043 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 299x213, 1626648983882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch any of the boys but based on what I'm seeing in the thread Vox has exposed himself as a menhera and what back on basically everything he said?

>> No.25529044 [SPOILER] 
File: 235 KB, 545x378, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pentomo rape
ft. /NijiEN/ :)

>> No.25529046

i remember posting this

>> No.25529068

I don't think our Swede serves well to support your point...

>> No.25529070

He's always been nice to them? Elira Luca's first collab was nice and Selen likes building so they built together.

>> No.25529079

Pomu will laugh during the emotional when end and this thread and her chat will get very mad about it

>> No.25529084


>> No.25529092

Is love between Livers the only way for them to avoid being parasocial with their viewers? It seems like JP have private lives for them to touch grass with but EN doesn't seem to.

>> No.25529091
Quoted by: >>25529146

Nevermind you made it weird

>> No.25529097

Work on your english before I give you a serious answer

>> No.25529101
Quoted by: >>25529124

Why are all brits menhera?

>> No.25529106

shut the fuck up threadreader

>> No.25529116
File: 213 KB, 564x644, 1651027738998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529124

Maybe its the weather, or the bad food.

>> No.25529125
File: 980 KB, 1736x2104, 97374358_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the right

>> No.25529126

how does shu have fans

>> No.25529128

I hate Shu's laugh so much it's unreal.

>> No.25529138


>> No.25529140

I hope so.

>> No.25529141
Quoted by: >>25529296

I actually developed seasonal depression when I had to work there. The therapist I spoke to suggested using a UV lamp for like 10mins a day

>> No.25529142
File: 289 KB, 1448x2048, FNZupNwXMAIttKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529147

What happened is the toxic shock from your castration wound is making your head all messed up.

>> No.25529146

good :)

>> No.25529155
File: 131 KB, 1361x1107, FSKMDWtagAAUOvJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529424

That would be rad as FUCK! My music experience is super limited, so I'll take your word on it.

>> No.25529159

it's like a nervous tic instead of a laugh

>> No.25529161

Soon Sonny will be an unironic trap.
Then Luca will realize that he misses being Lucy and will turn into one too.
Aussie bottoms

>> No.25529170
Quoted by: >>25529220

I dislike that Pentomo, the eyepatch makes me want to commit violence.

>> No.25529172
File: 1.26 MB, 1384x1286, 1654398272079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohyo brothers LOVE

>> No.25529173
Quoted by: >>25529523

send him a maro

>> No.25529174

alban has great comedic timing

>> No.25529177

>>that moment on Vox jump king
>>that moment on Pogostuck
which moments?

>> No.25529179

My ghostwife has started her Silent Hill 3 stream! Reimu please add the osts to your karaoke playlist...

There's also:
Millie's stream: https://youtu.be/gl9g0F3ylFQ
Petra's stream: https://youtu.be/9QP1VUTxf-E

>> No.25529185

>Millie went to a birthday party before this stream and is a little woozy from alcohol

>> No.25529186

Millie is tipsy because she went to a party before the stream.

>> No.25529189

I loooooooove 3thyria!

>> No.25529191

Millie is tipsy.

>> No.25529192
Quoted by: >>25529234

I can't imagine ever ordering takeaway for pricey food but there isn't really much of a choice here I guess.

>> No.25529202
File: 126 KB, 1107x377, 033F4CC4-F1B8-4051-961E-1ADE951F6CB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529487

FoxAkuma offpako healing sex!

>> No.25529206

God the last two hours of this game are so fucking good

>> No.25529215

She isn't your wife.

>> No.25529220

Good, that's the idea.

>> No.25529226

>JP have private lives for them to touch grass
I doubt it

>> No.25529233

none of the luxiem boys want to fuck you

>> No.25529234

I find it sad.

>> No.25529241
Quoted by: >>25529323

I love Petra's piano stream but I'm still watching Sonny be autistic. I'll catch up after he ends.

>> No.25529248
Quoted by: >>25529303

noctyx is the reason they didn't kill themselves tho

>> No.25529250

And you will never be a woman, but it's fun to pretend isn't it

>> No.25529258

She is if that's Vox posting

>> No.25529264


>> No.25529263

Holy fuck I hope this happens.

>> No.25529270

whose stream is this?

>> No.25529277
Quoted by: >>25529329

What do you mean she's holding my hand rn

>> No.25529279

If Petra learnt how to play the Electric Guitar would she be Shred-tra?

>> No.25529278

Holy shit BTFO

>> No.25529284

>Milie's revealing her boyfriend on stream.

>> No.25529285

i am married to every nijiEN liver

>> No.25529287
File: 2.35 MB, 1638x918, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529320


>> No.25529292

But she has to deal with dragging wounded Eva around and I feel like that'll be a big roadbump

>> No.25529296
Quoted by: >>25529453

It's a hack for tricking your body into thinking you're experiencing a day and night cycle

>> No.25529300

>Unequip/Equip mechanic
She's beginning to believe. At the last 5% of the game...

>> No.25529302
File: 208 KB, 437x442, sz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide love!

>> No.25529301

I am married to every anon.

>> No.25529303

noctyx marriage when

>> No.25529306

I dont want to fuck them either.

>> No.25529307
Quoted by: >>25529467

Iirc the first moment is when Vox half-jokingly told Alban to shut up

>> No.25529312
File: 115 KB, 257x257, 1634760691909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu playing the finale to an MGS game
>only a few posts about it
Huh I recall the past finales had more lively discussion. Is it just because of overlap?

>> No.25529316

Phancucks really do never learn..

>> No.25529317

>she fixed the typo
i'm so proud of her

>> No.25529320
File: 337 KB, 1286x120, 1645212699853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529369


>> No.25529323
File: 1.31 MB, 4096x2731, E_djNsnXMAglU29.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with Sonny! The comfy piano VOD will always be there for whenever you're ready for it!

>> No.25529329

Stop being parasocial psychopaths.

>> No.25529332

millie's boyfriend is blowing us

>> No.25529333
Quoted by: >>25529371

i'm on millie's stream rn guys

>> No.25529338 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529606

millie's bf is blowing her on stream

>> No.25529339

No you just need to not be a fucking headcase. And often it is used as a crutch by lousy streamers.
It is not a coincidence that the three best streamers of the NijiEN girls Selen,Pomu,Enna, are all the least parasocial in the branch

>> No.25529348

It reminds me when a boy had a crush on me but didn’t know how to do engaging conversations so he’d laugh off at what I’m talking about it like ‘haha yeah’. I was and still a lesbo too…

>> No.25529350
File: 53 KB, 367x98, SUICIDE HATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529351
File: 280 KB, 1508x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie's Maximizer cover is almost at a million views.
Everyone do your streaming reps.

>> No.25529353

MGS3 is worst than 1-2 and Rising and the only highpoint is the Boss fight at the end.
4 is unironically better.

>> No.25529359


>> No.25529362

Is this scene just kojima saying "fuck your conventional modern armored unit my mecha is cooler than you"?

>> No.25529361

sonny's stream being too unintentionally funny what the fuck is that noise inside the car my sides

>> No.25529365

Shu only knows the japanese version of Ashley's theme song

>> No.25529369

Petora... Reimoo... Feesh...

>> No.25529371

dyson kun...

>> No.25529379
Quoted by: >>25529479

he got lucky to debut with the rest of luxiem

>> No.25529380

im married to luca anon

>> No.25529382

GOD i want to fuck him

>> No.25529385

Sonny is being forcibly pinned to a car

>> No.25529390

what's going to stop me?

>> No.25529398
Quoted by: >>25529434

anyone else wanna marry Millie?

>> No.25529397
File: 382 KB, 453x588, 1654398550123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed my fellow Ryuguard, it seems they truly are within our ranks. In fact, you could almost say that they truly are, without a doubt, S U S

>> No.25529401

>insulting is being a parasocial psycopath
stronger meds required

>> No.25529404
Quoted by: >>25529652

>2 ending better then 3

>> No.25529410

Oh SHIT I wasn't ready for this it's so cute and weirdly nostalgic AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.25529413

because the Shagohod and Volgin are ass boss fights.
The Boss is kino, expect like 20 different Salute-posters when it happens.

>> No.25529421

I am married to Vox pregnancy kink anon

>> No.25529419

who the fuck buys a $400 fan

>> No.25529424
File: 348 KB, 1752x2048, FRGz45gVUAAPBTj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529601


>> No.25529430
File: 656 KB, 688x1436, 1653097894312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529434

I wanna marry her. Too bad I'm not delusional or parasocial enough for that.

>> No.25529435
Quoted by: >>25529601

This isn't a piano stream you retard, this is a donation reading stream where shes going to read things while doing piano

>> No.25529440

Pomu hasnt really had discussions in the threads since around sep/october. Most pomudachis left the thread back then

>> No.25529446

Vox told Alban to shut up for once in his life and Alban immediately left
people said Alban was loud in Pogostuck then he made an excuse to leave

>> No.25529449

>who’s looks like a criminal’s car
Sonny you can’t say that…

>> No.25529453

The doc said sunlight helps boost serotonin in your brain, although I still dont know the physiology of it. It did help regulate my mood a bit

>> No.25529458
Quoted by: >>25529601

I love you so much bro even when you aren't drunk

>> No.25529467

oh no ;_;

>> No.25529471
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that

>> No.25529473

is this the blood thingy people were talking about so much a while ago?

>> No.25529475

>4 is unironically better.
Based MGS4chad...though I disagree with the rest of your post.

>> No.25529476

Millie did

>> No.25529478

women invaded the threads

>> No.25529479
File: 121 KB, 282x272, frowny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly how does a bland nobody like him have such a following, all he does in these collabs is simp for elira and it's painfully obvious he only joined nijisanji to chase after her.
It's pathetic

>> No.25529481
Quoted by: >>25529711

Pomu. She bought one of those expensive "fans" that don't have a physical fan back in 2020 and barely even used it.

>> No.25529486
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 10-4 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529539


>> No.25529487
File: 323 KB, 800x1135, 1648080181813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529670


>> No.25529489
File: 66 KB, 572x514, 1652462884666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529507

why anons becoming delusional right now

>> No.25529499

>>hates how annoying he is and seems to be aware that other people see his annoying-ness, apologizes after collabs
He's genuinely entertaining as hell to listen to.

>> No.25529504

That feeling of wanting the new wave to debut soon so I don't go through a Niji EN withdrawal. So many members are taking a break these upcoming 2 weeks

>> No.25529506

I'm busy backseating.

>> No.25529507

tourist season

>> No.25529512
File: 777 KB, 1080x989, 1653471610903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boy

>> No.25529521

She's still hours from the finale. There's a longass segment before the actual final bosses.

>> No.25529523
Quoted by: >>25530004

No because he will eat it in one sitting, the fatfuck.

>> No.25529525

This is making me sad for him, he's such a hard worker and so critical of himself already

>> No.25529526

Millie scare me sometimes

>> No.25529532

Millie has such small hands.. uohhhhh

>> No.25529534
File: 59 KB, 806x640, 1633742834267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu hasnt really had discussions in the threads since around sep/october.
Is this bait?

>> No.25529539

Korean Blood Sausage

>> No.25529540

Do we really need this post every single time Pomu streams?
Pomu's streams doesnt really get talked about anymore. And that is ok. But stop with all the "wow, Pomu streaming and no one is talking about it".
Every. Single. Day.

>> No.25529548
File: 68 KB, 250x250, 1627355816128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they all become discordfags or something?

>> No.25529557

What the fuck is up with Sonny today?

>> No.25529558
File: 749 KB, 4084x2677, 1628814134438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always go weeks without watching Petora and forget how cute she is.

>> No.25529564
Quoted by: >>25529667

>i WILL ram you from behind
>i WILL kill you

>> No.25529569

Oh my god wtf Sonny my sides

>> No.25529572
Quoted by: >>25529588

fuck...do you think he cried afterwards?

>> No.25529583
Quoted by: >>25529618

he seem stoned as fuck

>> No.25529584


>> No.25529588
Quoted by: >>25529666

God I hope so. Pussy

>> No.25529590

This fairy can't shoot!

>> No.25529591

He's gonna do it!

>> No.25529597

Sonny is committing police brutality

>> No.25529600

He took Alban’s coffee advice to heart except he got the wrong kind

>> No.25529601
File: 83 KB, 783x817, FPJILTsXMAIsqEa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530261

All the same to me and hot damn is it comfy as FUCK!
Cheers to that brother! Let's have ourselves a good drink together some day soon.

>> No.25529606

me btw

>> No.25529609
Quoted by: >>25529692

elira did it!
fulgur let her have that

>> No.25529611


>> No.25529618
File: 378 KB, 646x690, 1631110758143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529659


>> No.25529619
File: 1.02 MB, 992x996, 1652720547710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529620

some people think he's annoying and loud which is alright because everyone is allowed one wrong opinion

>> No.25529627
File: 334 KB, 2048x2048, 1635169996794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single member of Noctyx has imposter syndrome. In Alban this manifests as the feeling that people hate his genki persona, because he's actually an introverted social chameleon and he's self conscious about it

>> No.25529630
Quoted by: >>25529746

He is really self-critical, I watch him and there are times where I think he's overdoing a joke way too much and wish he'd stop, but what makes those moments worse is when he apologizes. He's aware he's being overbearing at times and can't help it. And he apologizes for being emotional too when he really can't help that.

>> No.25529631
File: 241 KB, 1935x2000, FID6N7VXIAMOWzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529763

you'll have all the time you need to watch her... in hell

>> No.25529636

Everyone in NijiEN is addicted to boba, but I've never tried it.
Am I missing out?

>> No.25529637

murder on his mind
his behavior and the cheerful bgm are making me lose it

>> No.25529643
Quoted by: >>25529770

Bro I only watch Pomu streams with this thread when Pomu's playing the end of MGS games because I like the discussion. I don't know what you niggas timeloop about.

>> No.25529652

It absolutely is. Stop sucking BBs dick

>> No.25529654

I'm so disappointed Pomu didn't do an eye patch on her model when it happened in game

>> No.25529659

stoned rapist

>> No.25529666
Quoted by: >>25529753

imagine his tear soaked pillow...

>> No.25529667
File: 137 KB, 512x512, rosemonkas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my fetish

>> No.25529670
File: 437 KB, 2182x1600, 36EA9094-332D-48A4-8392-2D83B4E5D530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seggs so loud their neighbors complain about it so they try to muffle their sensational moans with deep kissing and lose their breathe when they’re done

>> No.25529676

But isn't Luca a trap already? And Sonny can't do grill voice at all

>> No.25529681
Quoted by: >>25529740

Does Millie's voice sound deeper today or is it just me?

>> No.25529685


>> No.25529692
Quoted by: >>25529977

based fu-chan
amusingly if shu did it there would be a ton of shitposting

>> No.25529693
Quoted by: >>25529804

people say they like him because of how normal he is which is such a bullshit reasoning
he doesn't even play the straight man act well when around d the other boys
Ike does it better and that guy has the whole Killer and Energy drink addict shtick going on

>> No.25529696

There are always more posts crying about how no one talks about xyz
make the damn posts

>> No.25529702
Quoted by: >>25529770

You posted this with the specific purpose of attracting these fuckers >>25529440 >>25529540 didn't you?

>> No.25529704

You drink it more for the milk tea itself rather than the bubbles themselves, it's nice. I usually opt out the bubbles to save money.

>> No.25529711

She used it all the time because she was streaming from her closet

>> No.25529717
File: 381 KB, 414x528, fuck cops [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fne27z0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529721

that makes me sad what the hell... was it really that bad? do you have timestamps?

>> No.25529726


>> No.25529728

Is weed legal in australia?

>> No.25529740

She's tipsy from drinking at a birthday party before this stream (she said it twice already), not sure if that explains it though.

>> No.25529741

Everyone in pogostuck collab were literally a mess actually, even fans noticed that they don't really enjoy it. I hope it won't happen again

>> No.25529747
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 16-1 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529785

millie face reveal (real)

>> No.25529746
Quoted by: >>25529832

god this is triggering my oneesan switch he needs loving and nursing handjobs to feel better

>> No.25529748
File: 156 KB, 946x693, 1654144867587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra's cute ass...

>> No.25529752

Alban lost his items... Noctyx keeps doing this...

>> No.25529753

im getting off just to the thought of it

>> No.25529756
Quoted by: >>25529945

You will never be a woman

>> No.25529761
File: 3 KB, 112x125, 1654189587440s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529763
File: 131 KB, 890x653, 1628378885667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529817

What did I do to deserve this?

>> No.25529770


>> No.25529772 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529800

millie's face leaked in reflection

>> No.25529777

>sonny cant girl voice
what a brat, ill show him. ill make him squeel like a girl

>> No.25529782

Sonny that was fucking awful

>> No.25529785
Quoted by: >>25529853

why is she eating shit

>> No.25529787

he's so awkward and doesn't add anything to the conversation always talking to the air really make you think how you have to be lucky to have popularity instead of talent

>> No.25529790

sonny's autism is on overdrive today

>> No.25529800

wtf, i hope someone was archiving

>> No.25529799

By not being a sore loser like you, duh.

>> No.25529804

Sometimes I want to reply to these posts but I realize you're all probably surfing from the catalog. None of these posts about him were ever made before the vacation.

>> No.25529813
Quoted by: >>25529840

>Five (5) different NijiENs have raided Finana's streams to boost her
>She ends her stream just as Reimu, Petra and Millie är starting their streams.
>Doesnt raid them
Why is Finana like this?

>> No.25529814
File: 159 KB, 1024x512, FUdQSD4X0AAfafQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu and Alban sponsor stream

>> No.25529816

Sonny's jokes are so stupid, why do they make me laugh.

>> No.25529817
File: 522 KB, 900x833, 1650038081233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529972

I love you really anon, I'm sorry, you can can kill me instead

>> No.25529821

Pig hock is top tier

>> No.25529826

it fucking sucks lmao
only white girls with no personality like it

>> No.25529832

Im sick of it AAAAAAAAA where do I find an alban AAAAAAAA AAAAAAA A A A A

>> No.25529840
Quoted by: >>25529921

She raided Taka's stream.

>> No.25529842

good job not replying to yourself instantly

>> No.25529853

It's pigs' feet and blood sausage

>> No.25529854


>> No.25529856

Fox and Falco... kino...

>> No.25529857
Quoted by: >>25530358

I thought for months that the posts here about loving him and shit were ironic lol

>> No.25529858

why is millie eating feces live on stream

>> No.25529860

ohh? Shu's first sponsor stream...

>> No.25529868
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pig feet is actually good

>> No.25529874

He has his methods

>> No.25529873

Alban <3

>> No.25529884

Ive always hated Shu
eat my ass Yaminioncuck

>> No.25529882

>only white girls with no personality like it
You faggots told me Elira was black...

>> No.25529885
Quoted by: >>25529936

Pomu is finally becoming competent at MGS! I'm so proud of her.

>> No.25529887
Quoted by: >>25529935

if only alchemy stars was a good game

>> No.25529894
File: 88 KB, 1077x1404, 1654399193927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why always Shu let him be

>> No.25529898

If only it was Arknights instead...

>> No.25529900
Quoted by: >>25530453

No, really, how does someone go to a Shu stream willingly to hear him when he's like this

>> No.25529903

Oh the one that Petra and Elira shilled

>> No.25529902

I want someone to play RF so bad, maybe even Harvest Moon too. I'm sure they'd be considered debuff games but they'd make great comfy zatsu like streams probably. >>25528401
Texan chuuba when

>> No.25529906

Yet even more proof that Mysta is really a woman.

>> No.25529916
File: 162 KB, 273x357, 1634237753001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25529948

its just coffee

>> No.25529921

This stupid feesh

>> No.25529923
Quoted by: >>25529957

>Sonny can't do a grill voice
It's funny when people throw money at him to do certain requests that he can't do well (like the shota voice). Fucking whore trying hard to pander to fujos.

>> No.25529926

stop being baited.

>> No.25529935
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x720, 【白夜極光】周年記念生放送 啓光作戦会議.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its presentation is one of the best in the industry
the gameplay is super ass

>> No.25529936

Uhh just a few minutes ago she was blindly shooting without aiming her gun...

>> No.25529937
Quoted by: >>25530358

>t. cucklirafag

>> No.25529940

Just about every asian in NijiEN won't shut up about it though.

>> No.25529945


>> No.25529948
File: 88 KB, 900x900, 1626544103211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529957

well its free money

>> No.25529958

>Shu shorthop lasering as Falco
This stinky, stinky Melee player...

>> No.25529960

just like starbucks it's a dessert in a cup without any of the bad feelings

>> No.25529965
Quoted by: >>25530085

true, also i want to fuck the shit out of hiiro but i haven't played ever since her event

>> No.25529967

Sonny is way too stoned to be streaming, dude just fucking around in the game and eating snacks

>> No.25529970

>white girls
explain it being popular with asian girls

>> No.25529972
File: 424 KB, 1750x2500, 1637729508004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25529977

Still pretty stupid and ruins the fun of watching though. If she's gonna win let her win on her own merit. Either get good or get wrecked.

>> No.25529984

oh? uki might actually get the good end

>> No.25529992

Are we in SEA hours? From that one big survey a while back I noticed Shu had the most SEA fans out of any Luxiem. I guess it would make sense really Asians like him…

>> No.25529994
Quoted by: >>25530098

>Pomu doesn't get talked about
>Past 2 threads were about her stream
>Always had discussions whenever she streams
Why do you retards keep biting? I'm not commenting too much because it's at the kino cutscenes

>> No.25530004
Quoted by: >>25530139

send him a maro to tell him to work out then. do you want me to send you the link?

>> No.25530007

Do Famillie lust after Millie? Do they want to have sex with her?
I've never seen any evidence of such.

>> No.25530008

True, I tried the game at launch and just couldn't get around the gameplay. Really unfortunate.

>> No.25530011

thats just nearly every sonny stream isnt it

>> No.25530015
File: 3.58 MB, 306x346, 1644202160130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu sounds like he has aspergers, and being a melee fan it's like 99% that it's true.
He never sounds genuine and him being anywhere near Elira turns him into something completely unbearable.

>> No.25530017
Quoted by: >>25530063

Millie brat requires correction etc etc

>> No.25530018

Yaminions are hiding since Famelira are bullying him

>> No.25530024
File: 258 KB, 960x300, live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the apex tourists and twitter sisters go? Why won't they still watch Reimu?

>> No.25530029

>Millie: I like it when you're triggered by the things I say. It's cute.
Confirmed she just acts like a dumbass, but really isn't one.

>> No.25530038

pomu has to pee again

>> No.25530037

No, just with each other.

>> No.25530042

That’s kind of what he’s always like but I I won’t deny I’m genuinely wondering if he’s actually stoned today

>> No.25530041

Why are the anons /here/ mad at shu now? He's the most inoffensive niji member. What did he do

>> No.25530045

they're like their oshi, they want to fuck everything else

>> No.25530062

This is pretty much the usual Shu's streaming hours

>> No.25530063


>> No.25530067
Quoted by: >>25530162

Is Sonny always like this?

>> No.25530068

What the fuck is ACAB

>> No.25530069
Quoted by: >>25530187

He was but he's trying to avoid it this time around by being a pog bro.
He'll eventually realize how boring and unsatisfying he finds saying the same lines over and over again and he'll regress to a trap

>> No.25530072

>Millie hates bell peppers
Literally why? Bell Peppers are delicious...

>> No.25530074

>Harvest Moon
would love that too

>> No.25530075


>> No.25530076

>Millie surprised that jalapeno tastes like bell pepper

>> No.25530078

this sonny stream is hilarious in the weirdest way possible

>> No.25530085
File: 1.99 MB, 2048x2048, Carleen_Skin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carleen for me

>> No.25530098

Multiple girls are streaming but all people are talking about is the boring ass faggot aussie, I hate this thread so much

>> No.25530100

nothing, they shitpost about him all the time

>> No.25530101


>> No.25530106
Quoted by: >>25530980

Forget Reimu. The hell happened to Petra? Piano streams were always a huge buff for her.

>> No.25530111

it's his turn to have baitposts

>> No.25530112

You are like the 500th anon to make this observation
we even had a sperg Shu ritualposter for a bit

>> No.25530122

I don't think I want to hear that from someone so thin skinned.

>> No.25530125
Quoted by: >>25530211

I'd watch Reimu but Pomu's streaming.
She always streams whenever Pomu or Rosemi or Selen or Enna or Millie or Ike are streaming.
If she streamed another time I'd watch her but I don't multiwatch.

>> No.25530129
File: 489 KB, 618x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A taxi, retard

>> No.25530133

This kind of posting always ramps up whenever Shu is near Elira

>> No.25530132
Quoted by: >>25530173

What kind of snacks?

>> No.25530135
Quoted by: >>25530232

Nigger how many more Millie screenshots do I need to post before your panties stop being in a twist

>> No.25530139
Quoted by: >>25530602

N-no that was a joke about maro being marshmallows... I'm sorry...

>> No.25530147

Baiting obviously. Don't pay attention to them.

>> No.25530152

>chili peppers are related to bell peppers?

>> No.25530157
Quoted by: >>25530198

And all the burger male streamers we’d get would be Asian-American ones… I unironically want a black person to get in (not Kenji and that Hanamori fag if I believe the memes though)

>> No.25530158

Briskadets and other femanons yesterday already said they don't watch streams. They only have it on the background as noise. So it's not surprising that they're this noisy.

>> No.25530161

Wew, ponto thriving thank to the ojou-sama buff

>> No.25530162
Quoted by: >>25530202

yes but its worse today somehow

>> No.25530166

feet uwohhh

>> No.25530169
Quoted by: >>25530335

What do you mean now? He was always the most hated luxiem member, mysta probably a close second

>> No.25530173

Pizza-flavored Shapes

>> No.25530180

You sound like a burger who thinks salt is spicy

>> No.25530187

He doesn't do voice lines anymore. He barely even does Wakamoto nowadays

>> No.25530189

Goddamn, then male anons must really hate streams

>> No.25530193
Quoted by: >>25530219

is pomu’s stream so boring that pomudachis are shitposting instead of watching?

>> No.25530195
Quoted by: >>25530262

Stop pushing this rrat you fucking threadshitter

>> No.25530198

i dont, this thread is annoying enough on its own

>> No.25530200

Reimu is traumatizing herself

>> No.25530201

she is a dumbass but acts like an even bigger dumbass

>> No.25530202
Quoted by: >>25530315

I want to see him play GTA

>> No.25530204
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 24-25 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530264

preview for next week

>> No.25530207

>He never sounds genuine and him being anywhere near Elira turns him into something completely unbearable

exactly why I dropped him

>> No.25530211

this, i really like Reimu but most of the girls take priority over her (would only watch her over finana, nina, and elira)
she should stream when all of the men stream so I can have an alternative

>> No.25530219
Quoted by: >>25530278

>t. holofagoon

>> No.25530229
Quoted by: >>25530269

Millie snapped at the flips again

>> No.25530232
Quoted by: >>25530319

You have to understand
"People don't talk about the girls" actually means "I don't want people to talk about the boys ever, even one post is too much"

>> No.25530234

Pomu's stream just shat the bed for me thanks Susan

>> No.25530250

All c*ps are bad

>> No.25530252

why is millie malding about living in canada

>> No.25530253

>Harvest Moon
it called as Story of Season right now.

>> No.25530255
Quoted by: >>25530288

Stop looping

>> No.25530261

i love you even when you're drunk just take care of yourself pentomobro no more car accident kay?

>> No.25530263

I love Millie so much

>> No.25530262
Quoted by: >>25530388

You can't no-true-Scotsman every fanbase

>> No.25530264

what the fuck is corn beef? It look so alien for me, meat in a metal can???

>> No.25530266

Why did Pomu forget that rockets to the drills immobilizes the Shagohod?

>> No.25530268

weimu prefers killing children over animals...

>> No.25530269


>> No.25530270

Imagine if it was Shu instead of Sonny for the dating stream with Elira and Pomu kek.

>> No.25530278

thanks for confirming it’s this retard

>> No.25530287

Cause flips think she doesn't live there due to their crippling autism.

>> No.25530289

What province does Millie live in? Not a creep just curious

>> No.25530288
File: 250 KB, 500x500, FUHpbXQWIAIiHH1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you loop this cock, retard

>> No.25530292

people think she live in the filipines

>> No.25530296

This happens whenever he's in a stream with Elira. Just a bunch of jealous losers PMSing and trying to bait. Don't mind them.

>> No.25530295
Quoted by: >>25530343

I love Alchemy Stars, but man, I just couldn't stand the gameplay after the first two months. It was fun to start with it since Nijisanji (JP) shilled it when it launched but man the gameplay is really ass. Everything else about it is really good and honestly I found the grind pretty enjoyable, but I just could never get into how confusing the gameplay was. So after the first few months after launch I just stopped playing it, though I still do think it's a great game overall. I just can't recommend it at all because the gameplay is really convoluted despite how simple it looks and I can never wrap my head around it despite trying to read all the guides and shit at the time I was grinding for my first A3

>> No.25530298

This Volgin boss fight is much worse than I remember. Is Pomu missing something obvious?

>> No.25530307

>malding about living in canada
seems reasonable to me

>> No.25530308

Kind of feels like someone has specifically decided to start shitposting against him with Elira images recently to try create friction between their fanbases. Despite the fact that for half a year now both fanbases have managed to be relatively fine towards each other.

>> No.25530311
Quoted by: >>25530392

salted beef
imagine SPAM but it's beef instead of pork

>> No.25530315

i need to see that... sonny please

>> No.25530318
Quoted by: >>25530400

I’m not even sure if that’s real
Was it posted in members only?

>> No.25530319

this but unironically, get your own thread femoids

>> No.25530325
Quoted by: >>25530423

All cups are bad? Nah, I like flat girls.

>> No.25530328

I think they meant the old games

>> No.25530333

Apex tourists only watch apex
Twitter sisters love virtue signalling support but will only watch the boys anyway
Reimu's also not entertaining enough to retain the new viewers she got from all the drama she started

>> No.25530335
Quoted by: >>25530396

is this a shit post

>> No.25530339


>> No.25530343

I agree with you but 3 of these sentences say the exact same fucking thing...

>> No.25530349

Probably Ontario since she said it's 11:30 and that's where a lot of asians go if they don't end up in Vancouver.

>> No.25530350

I would mald too. Or anywhere in the American continents.

>> No.25530351

What dating stream?

>> No.25530352

>it's 11:25pm
*ntario timezone

>> No.25530356

What dating stream?

>> No.25530358
Quoted by: >>25530412

i can't believe i got (you)'s so easily ,women really are retard

>> No.25530366
File: 84 KB, 1231x1187, FNiPMlWaMAAOGR9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree! Even AC is ok i am desperate for comfy games

>> No.25530376

theyre talking about pomu's tomodachi life, ignore it next time

>> No.25530383

I'm guessing they wouldn't be able to get permissions for those

>> No.25530382

VSF motto

>> No.25530384

shu is autistic and that's entertaining

>> No.25530386
Quoted by: >>25530588

I'm still pissed that when I played the game I never got her despite getting a lot of the other 5-stars... though most of them were fucking greens like wtf.

>> No.25530388

Post proof then. You made the claim so you must have proof to back it up then right? I'm waiting.

>> No.25530390
File: 889 KB, 770x1190, 95727920_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25530392

disgusting, I once taste SPAM and it taste like shit

>> No.25530391

>Be Canadian
>Not typing in chat that I'm Canadian
heh get trolled Millie

>> No.25530394

>Texan chuuba when

>> No.25530396
Quoted by: >>25530598

Were you legitimately not here when Shu debuted?
People hated the fuck out of him.
People just stopped talking about him because he's boring as fuck.

>> No.25530397

Yes it shredded beef in a can

>> No.25530400

Millie is doing a gameshow on Wednesday with Elira, Pomu and Sonny that has dating as the main theme.

>> No.25530406
File: 335 KB, 600x600, 1630899947934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to sexually assault the red flower woman

>> No.25530407


>> No.25530409

>Millie daring her fans to make a copy pasta of her malding

>> No.25530412

I can't even be mad at you fags, your huts are 1 bad rainstorm away from collapsing and your rats are big enough to kidnap children
shitposting is the only happiness you have since all streams are capped at 144p

>> No.25530423

Yes, that is exactly what I meant

>> No.25530432

do they even haves the perms for the old games?
even with the console and games??

>> No.25530441


>> No.25530442
Quoted by: >>25530615

Is Millie /here/? I know Selen and Reimu are

>> No.25530446


>> No.25530451
Quoted by: >>25530899

She should cause more drama to get views

>> No.25530453

He's just a normal chuuba. He's drama-less, inoffensive and overall healthy (not parasocial).

>> No.25530455

I know but where was that posted

>> No.25530458
Quoted by: >>25530634

That's on the same level as Nina telling clippers to "CLIP THIS!!!" 2bh

>> No.25530466
Quoted by: >>25530501

Like roleplay dating each other?

>> No.25530474
File: 218 KB, 764x430, 1654399848645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like rambling over and over again about the same point because I like talking to myself and have also been conditioned to doing so from writing fanfics where I needed to pad out my word count to stand out above the rest...

>> No.25530477

Romu Painpuff...

>> No.25530493

sonny's fucking background music is killing me

>> No.25530501
Quoted by: >>25530640

Like cringe old dating tv show

>> No.25530502

I love Taka's laugh. It's so wholesome. You can always tell he's having a good time.

>> No.25530505

>Texan chuuba
Pikamee and other corp girl is a Texan I think.

>> No.25530506
Quoted by: >>25530634

forever living in the shadow of niagara falls

>> No.25530510

Texasbro I hope you give a shout out to H-E-B. I know there are Texas sisters in these threads…

>> No.25530511
File: 1.65 MB, 1903x717, asdvsdavgasdgvasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loooooooooooove nijisanji

>> No.25530513
Quoted by: >>25530567

Shu is gonna seethe if Sonny and Elira RP as lovers

>> No.25530512

Pomu you absolute retard

>> No.25530527
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 30-11 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie is trying her best to read Japanese.
She almost got it but read gu as ki.

>> No.25530526

>women jealous women baiting male liver fans bad
>men jealous men baiting female liver fans bad
just start jerking off instead of typing, everyone will be happier

>> No.25530532

imagine millie's braps after this stream

>> No.25530539
File: 199 KB, 929x1080, 984491475416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25530545
File: 188 KB, 1100x1200, 1631537896417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get reminded of Kimagure Cook...

>> No.25530548
Quoted by: >>25530804

I know, I have to catch myself before replying, Famelira have been nice.

>> No.25530554
Quoted by: >>25530687

I am a Texas sister

>> No.25530556

It dawned on me just now that the reason why Shu is so clingy to Elira is that he really does have a social disorder and doesn't understand social cues.

>> No.25530562
Quoted by: >>25530687

not real Texan unless they talk about Buc-ee's

>> No.25530564

Listening to Petra sing makes me think of this song for some reason
I'm a very happy pentomo. Please do more of these, Petra, PLEASE! I'm so jealous of her Dorm CayCay...

>> No.25530567

LMAO I would absolutely LOVE to see this happen

>> No.25530575
Quoted by: >>25531245

>Texan chuuba when
Technically there's already a popular Texan chuuba who likes Harvest Moon...

>> No.25530588
File: 550 KB, 2048x2048, paloma3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hags love you

>> No.25530600

I used to get made fun of for liking Hotling Bling but it's a catchy song. Millie gets me.

>> No.25530599

Millie is too drunk to give a shit about DMCA

>> No.25530598

That was back then. Im surprised people still shit on him after everyone else's menhera arc

>> No.25530601

Millie drunk eating random shit while singing Drake

>> No.25530602

Here you go:

Fulgur's too:

>> No.25530603

The day Pomies and Fageliras will collectively commit suicide.

>> No.25530610

FUCK my shitty ass SD Card got corrupted and I lost all of my Ponto Nei reaction images, aaaaaAAAA

>> No.25530615

Fulgur and Vox are /here/

>> No.25530617


>> No.25530619

Pomu stop crying and bitching YOU FUCKING LOUD BITCH
Jesus fucking Christ I want to fucking punch her face in

>> No.25530623

That song is ingrained in my head as Fuwa ending stream music, I almost reflexively closed the tab to find a new stream to watch.

>> No.25530628
Quoted by: >>25530720

>Volgin on foot: Pomu beats on first try
>Shagohod: Pomu beats on first try
>Volgin on the Shagohod: Pomu gets stuck
This fairy works in mysterious ways

>> No.25530634

>t. threadwatchers
Someone in chat posted a copypasta of her mald rant and she begged for people to not make it a copypasta.

>> No.25530635

>Confirmed she just acts like a dumbass, but really isn't one.
No anon that's called being a filipino, but they're dumbasses

>> No.25530640

Ahhh okay gotcha

>> No.25530642
Quoted by: >>25530837

anon you missed their joke twice in a row

>> No.25530649

What's the best way to beat this boss?

>> No.25530650
Quoted by: >>25530681

>Oh no, the stench of fish!
That'd make a good soundpost.

>> No.25530662

You forgot to say fairysharts, you’re slipping dumbass

>> No.25530664
Quoted by: >>25530717

Stop crying and bitching.

>> No.25530665

Sonny’s policeman RP voice disturbs me

>> No.25530668

t. Eva

>> No.25530673

sonny's cop rp with the americal accent...

>> No.25530677

>Thread shitposter hasn't read any threads here for months
rumao, the shallow unicorns left a long time ago shitposter-kun

>> No.25530678
File: 588 KB, 2935x2056, 1646536657342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530916

P-please stop.... I said sorry... I won't make jokes ever again....

>> No.25530681
File: 118 KB, 498x498, 1653093951509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25530687
Quoted by: >>25530716

North Texas sis?
As a Texan I’ve never been there kek, we need to go deeper and shill Whataburger

>> No.25530688

Bro that isn't how the script goes. Stop embarrassing us.

>> No.25530702

I have him on my telly and PC whilst liveposting /here/ and drawing fanart! Multitasking is great!

>> No.25530698
Quoted by: >>25530767

Why is Pumo such a redard?

>> No.25530697

>Pomu has lost 400 viewers during this boss fight
I will keep you updated

>> No.25530703
Quoted by: >>25530763

Millie keeps singing pop songs, this stream might be fucked

>> No.25530716
Quoted by: >>25530925

>As a Texan I’ve never been there kek, we need to go deeper and shill Whataburger
bro what

>> No.25530717

Stop responding to obvious bait

>> No.25530720

It's all Eva's fault.

>> No.25530727

can you guys get off Pomu's back she's trying her best

>> No.25530733
File: 3.91 MB, 480x480, 1654396647223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530773

W-what's going on

>> No.25530738
File: 505 KB, 200x200, 1640713578495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does shu know how to laugh, it's disturbing..

>> No.25530744

>Alice guitar stream

>> No.25530748

american accents are disturbing

>> No.25530758
Quoted by: >>25530805

it's just tourist MGS autists, they always shit up threads

>> No.25530761

Holy shit police brutality rrats were true

>> No.25530763

It's not a real millie stream if there's no risk of the vod being nuked

>> No.25530762

>laughs in every stream
>only just now heard it
is being a newfag your new M.O.

>> No.25530767

Don't talk shit about Pumo.

>> No.25530769
File: 710 KB, 709x751, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25530773
File: 49 KB, 557x512, shu pengy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531040

the usual chaos

>> No.25530777

why do people think sonny's stoned
not that I'm denying, but... he's always like this... so...

>> No.25530778

it’s not a laugh it’s a dead air filler

>> No.25530793
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, 1638218816056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.25530796

Truly the VSF way of doing things

>> No.25530803
File: 193 KB, 302x309, pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu's pee face!

>> No.25530804
Quoted by: >>25530891

Well know that I have been an Elira fan here this whole time and never shitposted about him. I'd rather not see this every time even in streams where nothing notable happens.

>> No.25530805
Quoted by: >>25530839

Congratulations for falling for falseflaggers and bait

>> No.25530809
File: 59 KB, 432x498, 1653674304920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonny burning civilians to death

>> No.25530808
Quoted by: >>25530853

sonny is already done?

>> No.25530813

Police brutality is best enforced by American cops

>> No.25530820

notice how the greynames are backseating the hardest with the shittiest way to beat it

>> No.25530824

Noooo Sonny don't end you fucking faggot

>> No.25530830
File: 51 KB, 519x551, 1629946268497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if you worked at mcdonald's and rosemi came in and ordered nuggies and then you came in the sauce and closed it up again so she never knew that would be pretty funny i think haha as a prank lol
and what if she came back the next time and said she like the new taste so you had to keep doing it so she didn't find out something was weird that one time i think that would be even funnier haha lmao

>> No.25530831

Nooo Sonny please play this again

>> No.25530837

Oh, you think?

>> No.25530838
File: 23 KB, 874x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millie-chan is eating pig's feet, I wish she'd eat oji-san's pig's feet too

>> No.25530839

Do you really not see that that's clearly a joke

>> No.25530848

as a famelira with a crush on a nice yaminion i dont like the shitposts

>> No.25530850

I want to fuck pomu while she is sedated in surgery

>> No.25530853

his hunger for destruction is sated

>> No.25530855
Quoted by: >>25530962

>I really want to find something to eat
of course you do sonny...

>> No.25530861
Quoted by: >>25530958

this has actually happened and that person got herpes from it

>> No.25530879


>> No.25530884
Quoted by: >>25530958

Wouldn't she notice that the sauce was open?

>> No.25530891
File: 12 KB, 200x200, FK0IpmYUYAUYGu_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that because I read Famelira posts all the other times she streams and collabs, and there's never been this kind of vitriol towards a liver. It's ok, the shitposters get bored eventually and leave.

>> No.25530892

>it really is just Volgin chasing Eva until you do something

>> No.25530893
Quoted by: >>25530923

I want Pomu to grind me into dust

>> No.25530896

I want to stuff Petra's mouth with my dick

>> No.25530899

Nah. Reimu should focus first on being a better streamer instead of just causing more drama.

>> No.25530907
File: 362 KB, 729x595, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25530993

don't let drake groom you millie

>> No.25530908

Uki hates Mary...

>> No.25530913

There is no way pomu finishes this in this stream right?

>> No.25530916
Quoted by: >>25530990

Don't worry. I'll send your jokes to his maro for you. Aren't I kind?

>> No.25530923

Best posts ITT.

>> No.25530925

Whataburger to Texans is like what Jollibees is to Filipinos

>> No.25530929

Pomu stop exposing Kojimbo...

>> No.25530954

sex with pomu

>> No.25530958
Quoted by: >>25530984

Just reseal it real good she probably won't notice
I guess it works better if you just cum on a burger or something though
STDs don't exist in my fantasies.

>> No.25530959

Sonny seems like the type of cop to take a drunk gal out on a starlight tour, if you catch my drift

>> No.25530962

This fat fucking whore can't stop eating on stream
Hope he fattens up even more

>> No.25530964
Quoted by: >>25531041

famous canadians according to millie
>justin bieber
>seth rogen
>terry fox

>> No.25530973

Maryfags on suicide watch yet again

>> No.25530980

It's not a Piano stream, it's a donation stream with Piano, retard. read the title.
donation streams always will get less views than usual, doesnt matter how. If she didnt have piano on it, it would be lower.

>> No.25530983

>>reimu ccv 800

Why ?

>> No.25530984

Yeah especially fish filet cause that already has white sauce on it

>> No.25530986
Quoted by: >>25531061

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you alban I will live off this for weeks

>> No.25530990
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1647289483859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531807


>> No.25530994
File: 55 KB, 836x836, 1636916738498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531115

you sure about that

>> No.25530993

Millie is probably too old for Drake.

>> No.25530999
File: 24 KB, 359x356, 1654375341062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kind of feels like someone has specifically decided to start shitposting against him with Elira images recently to try create friction between their fanbases.
Guys...this is literally falseflagging 101. How are you just now realizing this? It's a common tactic to falseflag against fanbases that you hate or falseflag to pit two fanbases against each other.
The point is to trick gullible anons and newfags which in turn will tank the quality of the thread by making fanbases resent each other.

>> No.25531007


>> No.25531010

Eh? What's wrong with cops

>> No.25531014
File: 2 KB, 30x53, 1654400486462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga wtf is going here

>> No.25531019


>> No.25531020

why can't you guys be this funny

>> No.25531022

She’s a bitch anyway

>> No.25531040
File: 52 KB, 680x680, 1652794327885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They love our oshi way too much

>> No.25531041

that's about right, except I didn't know seth rogan was canadian
in canuck schools they make everyone run laps around an area outside of the school on terry fox day. sucks if you were an unathletic kid like me

>> No.25531046

i just simply pretend that sonny is not part of nijisanji en, he exists but I simply pretend he is not a member

>> No.25531047
Quoted by: >>25531077

Opinion discarded

>> No.25531049

They’re whores and fat

>> No.25531054

How does Pomu have such an easy time on like 4/5 Bosses but once or twice per game she just has these bosses that takes 100 tries and she bashes her head into the wall and gets more and more frustrated

>> No.25531059
File: 489 KB, 1378x1378, ukiandchrisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531102

Uki… You’ll get it next time

>> No.25531061
Quoted by: >>25531186

what happened...

>> No.25531076

millie has the most normalfag taste in youtubers it's cute

>> No.25531077

case in point.

>> No.25531080

Bongs can't have good therapy because half their upper class is nonces and the other half are covering that up. The last thing they want is someone asking about childhood trauma. Saville alone would keep an army of shrinks busy

>> No.25531090
File: 82 KB, 565x814, shu pengy (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do! understandable i love him way too much too

>> No.25531096

>isn't American

>> No.25531102

If only getting the good ending wasn't so fucking hard

>> No.25531106
Quoted by: >>25531166

Millie follows this Canadian youtuber. She just said it

>> No.25531104
File: 118 KB, 468x468, 1636162152816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up ID cuck

>> No.25531107

I was expecting millie to dox someone

>> No.25531109
File: 440 KB, 900x900, 1654232374235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People say Shu is the most normal, well I guess.
But he adds jackshit to collabs like this, too bad all he does are collabs...

>> No.25531115

Penguins are freaky…

>> No.25531128

Because she's secretly the world's best MGS player and can beat all the bosses with her feet while blindfolded, but acts stupid for the content.

>> No.25531131
Quoted by: >>25531187

Cops from everywhere are shit

>> No.25531134

Really cute Elira picture

>> No.25531138
File: 209 KB, 410x421, 1649897227009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a spider on my wall i feel culturally closer to my oshi now

>> No.25531140

i'm just here for the pomu screams desu

>> No.25531149

how are yaminions so sane

>> No.25531151

Please understand, we have more than a few regulars in this thread that only started posting on 4chan this year.

>> No.25531166
Quoted by: >>25531338

I don't know who that is

>> No.25531169


>> No.25531173

>still trying
it’s getting sad, please anon, you can stop at any time

>> No.25531176

Pomu is starting to lose it

>> No.25531179

do you have a lighter or matches

>> No.25531182
File: 170 KB, 1854x987, 1654400679162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss captain...

>> No.25531184

Just saw this post. It's really bad. Even if you have the money and private insurance, you will be brushed off, or given pills and told to go home without talking about how to FIX or cope with your problem. Good fucking luck if your meds don't work or make you suicidal since you have to wait to be re-seen
I really don't want Vox to be put on medication.

>> No.25531186
Quoted by: >>25531257

he went on a date with chat and chat rejected him

>> No.25531187
Quoted by: >>25531312

Let's not derail the thread with serious discussion of this.

>> No.25531188

MGS4 has "modern" gameplay. Odds Pomu will still go menhera over easy shit?

>> No.25531191

Pomu has to have some sort of mental issues.
No one normal gets this frustrated with games. It can't be healthy, it sounds like she is gonna rope if she fails a couple of times more

>> No.25531192
File: 61 KB, 210x154, 1626887980384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks so dumb

>> No.25531195

and 10$ for SC

what happened


>> No.25531199

every Pomu stream is pure kino

>> No.25531216
Quoted by: >>25531360

Uki rushing to order food on stream before the place closes lmao

>> No.25531226

This fight seems pretty tough and awkward. Is the second phase of this fight supposed to be a huge pain in the ass?

>> No.25531228

Pomu raging at chat kek

>> No.25531229

>Millie Parfait: Smash or Pass
LMAO Drunk millie is cute

>> No.25531234

>Chat tells Pomu how to beat a boss
>Pomu does it wrong
>Pomu blames chat for giving her wrong advice

>> No.25531244

How big is it?

>> No.25531245

I actually meant both but I still can't help but default to using the original localization name. I'd personally love to see someone play Trio of Towns from the newer games. A Wonderful Life is my all time fav but ToT/AP are probably more stream friendly.
Please you'd be my oshi.
What the heck I don't remember becoming a vtuber.

>> No.25531246

why is millie trying to get chat to smash her

>> No.25531249

>Chat says to do something
>Pomu does it wrong
>Gets mad at chat for her own not listening


>> No.25531251

I can always count on an Albaneko stream to have fake crying and really realistic throwing up sounds

>> No.25531250
File: 2.25 MB, 640x640, 1648190945668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531510

Me too! Shu love!

>> No.25531252
File: 666 KB, 1200x989, FUI5jbpaMAA12mJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is and its cute

>> No.25531255

This stream confirms that Famillie are not attracted to Millie. They all gave her a pass instead of smash.

>> No.25531256

Pomu's gameplay is starting to make me very, very angry

>> No.25531257
Quoted by: >>25531382

nyoooo... please tell me he pretended to cry

>> No.25531260
Quoted by: >>25531293

how new?

>> No.25531267
Quoted by: >>25531388

Pomu is such a mean bitch.

>> No.25531266

Every vtuber is a menhera. They wouldn't be vtubers if the were mentally healthy.

>> No.25531270

Maybe during some of the Beauty and The Beast fights. She’d easily be pushed to her breaking point with Peace Walker’s fights though.

>> No.25531272
Quoted by: >>25531359

leave it alone. unless youre australian its probably harmless

>> No.25531273

she'd go menhera over phantom pain. fortunately, she'll never play it.

>> No.25531279
File: 73 KB, 1650x1238, FUV1F3YakAAalZy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight /NijiEN/!

>> No.25531281

>i kill my self

>> No.25531282

Pomu is just bad at aiming and positioning herself.

>> No.25531285

Haha... that's our Pomu!

>> No.25531290

she is very cute

>> No.25531293

so new they're concerned about pomumald...

>> No.25531294

He's just like Noctyx fr...

>> No.25531295

Why aren't they letting Rosemi win every time it's kind of fucked up

>> No.25531296

how the fuck did we both post nearly the same exact post, with the exact same second line of greentext lmao

>> No.25531297


>> No.25531298


>> No.25531299

Pretend to be asleep so that it crawls into your mouth

>> No.25531305
Quoted by: >>25531851

Update: Chat all said they'd smash Elira instead.
Millie is jealous.

>> No.25531307

it's entertainment you know like how people love it when tyler1 or dsp loses their shit at games

>> No.25531312

I'm not going to bring it up anymore they can just google it, after all google is free and right fucking there for anyone to use

>> No.25531313

Hard refuse

>> No.25531315

Pomu I love you but you're making me angry

>> No.25531317


>> No.25531321

I'm in heaven right now

>> No.25531322
File: 1.17 MB, 1290x1259, 1654400829973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woman moment.

>> No.25531324
Quoted by: >>25531365

So it's been newfags in here this whole time

>> No.25531325
Quoted by: >>25531412

He's reading this thread... it's getting to him...

>> No.25531332
File: 169 KB, 1951x1972, FD48F5BA-ABC3-472C-A565-0480F59A7D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25531333

Goodnight, Voxy!

>> No.25531338

Someone who is currently trying to fight Canadian Youtube Censorship

>> No.25531342

They're exposing her for the talentlesss whore that she is.

>> No.25531351

Pomu please stop screaming "Please no" I can't deal with this...

>> No.25531355
Quoted by: >>25531380

It's been over a decade since I beat this fight but I don't recall having much trouble with this phase. I found the Metal Gear Rays in 2 more annoying.

>> No.25531356
File: 156 KB, 2048x1431, 20220518_111922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25531359

yeah i usually leave them alone theyre kinda cute and i dont see them often anyway

>> No.25531360
File: 331 KB, 750x741, wtfuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can’t believe he doesn’t eat dinner before streaming

>> No.25531365

Glad you noticed

>> No.25531366

>Pomu has lost 600 viewers this boss fight
I will keep you posted

>> No.25531370

Nobody wants to smash Millie...

>> No.25531372
Quoted by: >>25531443

>they put Milord on Zoloft
>”kindred I’m very sorry but I haven’t been in a horny mood lately so apologies if my flirting is a bit weaker …”

>> No.25531380

this is unironically super fucking easy its not even funny
pomu is just hilariously retarded

>> No.25531382
Quoted by: >>25531458

hopefully someone clipped it

>> No.25531388

That’s why Pomudachi need to give her correction. That bratty hag keeps talking about her fat ass, come on Pomudachi

>> No.25531390
Quoted by: >>25531472

someone quick superchat Pomu the noob sticker

>> No.25531393

Millie oh no...

>> No.25531394

This is an easy one try fight to anyone above a Childs intelligence./

>> No.25531395
Quoted by: >>25531423

FaMillie would rather fuck each other and Elira than they ever would Millie.

>> No.25531397

>What matter is the nipples
Who in Niji EN said this?

>> No.25531398

Australian culture...

>> No.25531401

>Pomu has gained 100 gorrillion viewers since last Tuesday
will keep you posted

>> No.25531404

numbershitter thread is 2 blocks down

>> No.25531410

They already did the first couple of matches.

>> No.25531412
File: 3.47 MB, 502x622, 1649478005359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing this thread is saying now is as bad or as consistent as what anons said about him during debut though

>> No.25531423

Is it because they're Filipino?

>> No.25531424

is millie ask her chat smash or pass on all of nijien

>> No.25531429
Quoted by: >>25531503

Because she usually sticks to one strategy and rarely tries anything different. When it works, great. When it doesn't we get this.

>> No.25531438

>Snake in two streams

>> No.25531439

it's because she is unironically dumb

>> No.25531443
Quoted by: >>25531488

>meds nuke him mentally and he loses interest in women
>only streams FNAF and undertale from then on
>streams 3 times a week and 2 hours a day max

>> No.25531456
Quoted by: >>25531738

Millie's chat is mixed on whether or not they'd smash Rosemi. Some people say she's too pure.

>> No.25531458
File: 455 KB, 1300x2100, 1650906195657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25531465

i hope someone clipped it i need to watch that...

>> No.25531472
Quoted by: >>25531555

Do it yourself!

>> No.25531476
File: 143 KB, 265x305, 1654400994421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531529

hmm I wonder, why does it feel like there are shitposters and newfags among us?

>> No.25531477
Quoted by: >>25531522

I can't imagine watching a stream like this and ever give a single cent of money to Pomu

>> No.25531488

No… he’s no longer a manwhore but at what cost…

>> No.25531490
Quoted by: >>25531519

I bet it was elira

>> No.25531497

Never thought I'd see the I'll keep you posted anon again after he got btfo'd after the Mantis fight

>> No.25531501
File: 22 KB, 200x200, ukidead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want sushi now too… Damnit Uki…

>> No.25531502

>Elira: I'm allergic to latex

>> No.25531503

to add on to this, specifically in the mgs1 metal gear fight she didn't win until she finally listened to chat's advice properly
This woman is goddamn stubborn, needs rape correction

>> No.25531505

I kind of want to watch that old mario movie now I remember seeing it when I was younger feel like it might be bad good.

>> No.25531506

holy shit I never noticed before why is millie's hat so fucking big

>> No.25531507
Quoted by: >>25531551

i think the only thing that gets to him is everyone (even his fans) shitting on his singing. he's barely done any karaoke after the first month

>> No.25531509
File: 337 KB, 1090x1517, 1633895175428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25531585

I'd smash a cute yaminerd

>> No.25531510
File: 291 KB, 560x560, Shu-Pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shu love!

>> No.25531519

I think Reimu

>> No.25531521

last 8 digits is the number of years it will take for pomu to learn to lead her shots

>> No.25531522

You're making her money by watching the stream (yes, even if you have adblock on). Best for you to close the stream, then.

>> No.25531523

I wish Pomu would realize that full auto fire works better on Volgin himself than rockets.

And also that the big guns can shoot through his shield with sustained fire. They can only do it once before he destroys the gun though.

>> No.25531529
Quoted by: >>25531582

>/v/shitters here for MGS
>wonder why thread is terrible

>> No.25531535

what was millie's artist thinking making her hat so big

>> No.25531537
Quoted by: >>25531706

Was it really THAT during debut?

>> No.25531547
File: 1.45 MB, 3413x4096, FUTWWTKX0AIO6a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorites

>> No.25531551
Quoted by: >>25531635

He literally did a bday karaoke and softly sings on membership, after his fans said they love his soft singing.

>> No.25531555

What an egotistical woman...

>> No.25531560


>> No.25531566


>> No.25531567
Quoted by: >>25531648

Hard smash for Pomu

>> No.25531569
Quoted by: >>25531735

it can't be THAT bad compared to us healthcare and I had to push to get on pills, I really doubt that's their first option for treatment

>> No.25531573
File: 45 KB, 568x499, a mimir luca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25531582
Quoted by: >>25531658

Still better than any post made by fujoshart femcels.

>> No.25531585
File: 1.84 MB, 800x480, 1651014936382.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would take one out to dinner.

>> No.25531597

i love when he reads superchats, says something retarded, then quietly says thank you

>> No.25531601

Millie's chat overwhelmingly wants to smash Pomu.

>> No.25531602
File: 627 KB, 1170x645, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cant even do basic CQC reliably, how will she handle The Boss without doing the counter grab?

>> No.25531609

Source please

>> No.25531614

millie should get a smaller hat for her next outfit

>> No.25531615

Free excuse to have raw sex

>> No.25531629

What are the odds that Pomu is sandbagging because she realized that she hasn't got stuck on a boss for an hour this stream yet?

>> No.25531635
Quoted by: >>25531763

>on membership
not exactly disproving

>> No.25531646

Millie's chat thinks Finana is too lewd and gave her a pass.

>> No.25531648

Why are famillie like this?

>> No.25531654

>Mixed for finana

>> No.25531658

>Complains about the w*man being easy to bait
>Proceeds to bait them so he could cry about them biting bait
Why did he mean by this

>> No.25531661
File: 939 KB, 645x772, Coolmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you blame them, Pomu is the most naturally sexy vtuber there is without even trying.

>> No.25531666
File: 307 KB, 512x512, kissing you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a kiss, anon.

>> No.25531671
Quoted by: >>25531731

wtf is wrong with sonny...

>> No.25531675

The disgusted way Sonny replies to some superchats kills me

>> No.25531679
File: 70 KB, 200x199, 1643410669677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hair supa sounds like a creepy briskadet post straight from /here/

>> No.25531680

sister you just bit the bait

>> No.25531681


>> No.25531683


>> No.25531693

dramas over, people stopped caring about her again. until the next drama. kanae's next.

>> No.25531692
Quoted by: >>25531784


>> No.25531696


>> No.25531701

kindreds your osh crying is so cute i want to fuck him...i understand it now

>> No.25531703

Pomu is the god of MGS

>> No.25531704
Quoted by: >>25531784

right now stupid

>> No.25531706
Quoted by: >>25532234

You can go back and thread read but the gist of it was that he will never fit in to Nijisanji, will never retain an audience since he shut down kiss begging SCs on his first week, constant graduation begging, cringing en masse when he'd talk to literally any member, hating his voice and calling him a robot, lots of dead air (it was true), people thought he hated Luxiem, people thought he'd only collab with Elira and chat in her streams only, and probably more I'm missing

>> No.25531710

She did it?

>> No.25531711

this went from a food stream to a smash or pass stream fast

>> No.25531712
Quoted by: >>25531770

kys ESL shitposter

>> No.25531713
File: 414 KB, 2000x2000, FUQOzTcVIAE00PV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25531717

She did it woohoo haha

>> No.25531720

Disgusting Gremlin kiss, no thanks

>> No.25531731

Unfortunately, there's no cure

>> No.25531735

US is bad for different reasons, your parents can let people kidnap you legally (if you are a minor) from your very home to a “”””psychiatric hospital”””.

>> No.25531736

This is the second time Pomu wins because she accidentally got a crit

>> No.25531737

Sniper cheesed, kinda based

>> No.25531738
File: 326 KB, 550x511, 1650040256324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day I'd get incredibly horny watching Rosemi and would even fap during her streams. Now I rarely feel horny for her at all. Dunno what happened.

>> No.25531743

>Snake rhymes with cake

>> No.25531744

millie's chat said half pass half smash on selen

>> No.25531747

>smash ember
Oh no no no

>> No.25531751
Quoted by: >>25531785

>People still think Pomu's sandbagging
She literally lost 400 viewers because of the fight and you still think she's sandbagging?

>> No.25531757

Yes pomu, it was THAT simple the whole fucking time

>> No.25531758

volgin survives this

>> No.25531763

The bday karaoke was after he randomly sang in membership. It's public. He isn't even a karaoke guy yet wants to do another karaoke in the future.

>> No.25531770


>> No.25531771

Millie's stream is a good way to gauge male sexuality. They gave Rosemi a pass for the most part but it was the same for Finana. So you can't be too lewd or too pure. Pomu walks the middle line and gets the most horny fans.

>> No.25531778
File: 126 KB, 974x931, ukichu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25531779


>> No.25531784

Thank anon

>> No.25531787

And then he became a ghost or something.

>> No.25531785

Duh, she's filtering out non-believers

>> No.25531792
File: 236 KB, 600x607, 1648532095681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just casually headshots the boss to 0% from 75% in a single cycle
Pomu is just messing with us

>> No.25531802
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, volgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Volgin the man on fire was absolutely fucking retarded

I dont know why niggas just cant STAY DEAD in later MGS games, even Sokolov is alive in Peace Walker because Kojima is retarded

>> No.25531805

it makes her look smaller in comparison

>> No.25531807
File: 77 KB, 1547x612, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent. I'm sure he'll appreciate your feedback.

>> No.25531808
Quoted by: >>25532032

as a takaradachi into alban crying, milord crying genuinely made me sad not horny

>> No.25531819
File: 706 KB, 973x871, A0477DBA-7464-4358-876E-F189E98DE362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute and fragile and vulnerable… he needs healing cock from a fellow menhera

>> No.25531820

it looks like chat only wants to hard smash elira and pomu

>> No.25531826

Pomu gained 1k viewers, I'll keep you updated.

>> No.25531834

i miss the famillie that took our (You)'s to jollibee

>> No.25531832
Quoted by: >>25531877

lol nobody wants to smash ethyria especially nina

>> No.25531839


>> No.25531840
Quoted by: >>25531941

if sonny does more driving games but with a wheel i'll... he wouldn't want a kiss so i'll just give him more money

>> No.25531841

My sides

>> No.25531845

lambskin condoms are a thing

>> No.25531847

I really need to stop procrastinating learning how to drive

>> No.25531848

to be fair he's literally been doing this since metal gear 1 and 2

>> No.25531849

I think we all need to realize that we have no fucking clue about how the talents feel and need to touch some grass for both shitting on them and defending them because we have zero fucking clue about how they feel

>> No.25531851

Chat reflects streamer

>> No.25531853

>Snake wins in smash at the same time the boss fight ends

>> No.25531858

This is what makes them close their marshmallow boxes kill yourself

>> No.25531862

you know something we don't

>> No.25531866
Quoted by: >>25532032

I love crying boys but when they cry out of sadness or frustration I get insanely turned off and sad for them

>> No.25531871
Quoted by: >>25531921

Finana doesn't get a pass for being too lewd but because she's the most immature member of NijiEN by far, even more than Rosemi.
Everyone can agree Pomu is sex but only groomers want to sex the childlike fish.

>> No.25531877


>> No.25531884

Turning most of Big Boss's support team from MGS3 into evil sociopaths was already pretty fucking retarded

>> No.25531894

I think you need to realize that you are a faggot

>> No.25531895

Pomu gained 15k viewers, I'll keep you updated.

>> No.25531903 [SPOILER] 
File: 163 KB, 1920x856, 1639386231193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know why

>> No.25531909

Back to twitter

>> No.25531911
Quoted by: >>25532012

what the fcuk did you just spoil me man, screw you

>> No.25531921

Some people in chat explicitly gave "too lewd" as their reasoning, though.

>> No.25531923

go back tranny

>> No.25531926
File: 448 KB, 1200x989, 1653885108839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25532022

Millie's chat wants to bang Elira and Pomu the most.

>> No.25531927

yep 90000000% virgin, may have dated but dumped/been dumped because lack of sex

>> No.25531935

imagine if this anon actually sent it

>> No.25531936
Quoted by: >>25531996

The Hagrid ride in Universal Studios Florida eh?

>> No.25531939
Quoted by: >>25532082

It was the best thing about Phantom Pain and not letting you have a real fight with him on that last one scene with him was one of multiple annoying cucking moments that game had.

>> No.25531940

Kanae's dramas makes NijiEN's look tame, let me know when someone writes 'news' articles about him impregnating someone and abusing them

>> No.25531941

Good choice. He hates briskadets but he loves their money anyway.

>> No.25531943

I won't fall in this trap satan

>> No.25531945
Quoted by: >>25532006

I don't know if my mentality is how most people think but I would smash every single one of them while simultaneously saying pass in chat because it's cringe to say that you would smash someone in public, especially someone not involved like feesh and rose.

>> No.25531954

Chat has good taste

>> No.25531961
Quoted by: >>25532094

why would anyone want to play an fps with a controller, especially a retro fps

>> No.25531971

I only just tuned in. Did pomu manage to successful stealth CQC an enemy this whole game?

>> No.25531975
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 57-1 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie has Chinese oreos for some reason

>> No.25531983
File: 231 KB, 2048x1272, 1648958503795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25531989
Quoted by: >>25532068

is sonny the only one with maros open now? fulgur closed his recently didnt he

>> No.25531996

Yeah she's talked about it before, that's where she and Elira went for vacation near the start of May

>> No.25531998

Getting all the kerotans in this section was hell.

>> No.25532006

Faggot honey

>> No.25532012

pomu get off 4chan you're playing MGS right now! Finish the game!

>> No.25532015

true we only know what they choose to show

>> No.25532014

Thats not strange, she lives in the Chinese colony after all

>> No.25532018

ewiwa did it actually this time

>> No.25532019

that poor anon...

>> No.25532022

Based pl trinity enjoyers

>> No.25532026

They go and work a regular job 9 to 5 for a couple of months before opening their mouth.

>> No.25532027

elira pomu



petra rosemi millie enna


>no explanation given

>> No.25532033
Quoted by: >>25532115

This whole part starting after the melee fight with Volgin is genuinly too fucking long.

>> No.25532032

oh let me rephrase that, him being vulnerable is cute but as for him crying for having all those problems actually make me sad too

>> No.25532044

Canada is infested with Chinks. Also they're the reason for the rising house prices there as far as I remember.

>> No.25532045

I'll send him a maro right now with proof. What do you want me to say?

>> No.25532052


>> No.25532053

Architects, are you enjoying this Millie stream? She has a lot of snacks

>> No.25532058

>even Sokolov is alive in Peace Walker

That was Portable Ops. Which is notably not a Hideo Kojima game.

>> No.25532065 [DELETED] 
File: 585 KB, 2048x1577, Pomu butt censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to have anal sex with Pomu so bad

>> No.25532068
Quoted by: >>25532108

fulgur still has his open i think?

>> No.25532072

Wow, seems like theres a bunch of families that dont watch Enna

>> No.25532082
Quoted by: >>25532204

Too bad, anon. Have another Skulls fight.

>> No.25532084

Sonny moaning on stream again

>> No.25532085
Quoted by: >>25532127

I'm not claiming no one sees her as too lewd. Especially clipfags think she's lewd incarnate because those are the only clips she gets, but she's really just very childish if you watch her streams. There's a reason ryuguards view her as a bratty little sister.

>> No.25532089

NTA but she's too much of a horny tryhard (can't think of a better word) that it comes off as childish.
Also while Rosemi comes off as naïve, the fact that she lives on her own and had a job/internship for about a year makes her more mature than Finana.

>> No.25532091

What does architect mean?

>> No.25532094

To show off your epeen on Xbox or PSN achievements, and because they more or less have heavy aim assist when a game is cross platform like Halo, to where most of the population eventually just uses controllers.

>> No.25532100

famillie aren't nearly horny enough

>> No.25532102

sonny stretching...

>> No.25532105

I bet he doesn't read that shit anymore because people spammed him

>> No.25532108
Quoted by: >>25532185

He closed his because everyone kept asking him to relay messages to livers who have them closed. So basically a lot of the girls

>> No.25532115

you driving 20 miles to get to a plane while attacked. I guess it doesn't feel this long when you're actually doing it but watching it changes the feeling.

>> No.25532116

He appears in Ground Zeroes canonically, and in Peace Walker audio logs after Snake Eater

>> No.25532118

That's a bote, not a fairy

>> No.25532120

For anybody watching the Smash stream that doesn't know, Melee Ice Climbers could grab and then just press A at 180 BPM to get infinite percent at any percent (Wobbling)

>> No.25532122

hey sonny, you should eat more on stream! also please go back to your original streaming times since it overlaps less with the rest of nijien and makes it easier to enjoy your streams!

>> No.25532126
Quoted by: >>25532187

Millie's chat passed on Mysta... males just can't understand.

>> No.25532127

Yeah it's why I wanna groom her so bad

>> No.25532130

i'd guess they were guide by millies attitude towards them

>> No.25532136

I keep thinking about him crying today and just want to cuddle him.

>> No.25532152
Quoted by: >>25532258

sex cat being slutty and showing off his feet

>> No.25532155
Quoted by: >>25532214

NijiEN ccv this day.... huh

>> No.25532163
Quoted by: >>25532235

I'm old enough that almost every member could be imouto zoned. Not pomu though. HAG LOVE

>> No.25532169
Quoted by: >>25532218

it's funny how when Kojima realized third party devs write and make better MG games then he does he just said "haha everything i didnt work on is non canon"

>> No.25532171
File: 865 KB, 906x873, 1624612774224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25532170
Quoted by: >>25532273

He better not stop streaming at this time because of you greedy fags’ whining

>> No.25532178

millie's chat is just gonna pass on all the guys because they're not gay

>> No.25532185

Remember when Millie said that her friends received hate messages that were for her because she doesn't have her own Marshmallow and doesn't plan to open one?

>> No.25532187

males only want to smash pentomos

>> No.25532190

EVA is such a dumb bitch. She just had to watch the road.

>> No.25532192


>> No.25532196

You can still see her butthole in the afterimage

>> No.25532200

I forgot how stupid was that fall with Eva.

>> No.25532201


>> No.25532204

That sounds too exciting anon. How about for your last mainline mission with Quiet we just make it a horde mode or defensive mission with tanks instead

>> No.25532214

Not many streams from the other side today.

>> No.25532218

Ghost Babel getting better reviews than anything he worked on must have made him really salty.

>> No.25532221
Quoted by: >>25532250

>wants to smash shu
you spoke too soon

>> No.25532234

Oh wow. But I can kind of see where they were coming from though. The dead air thing, and the chatting in Elira's stream thing are pretty true (He can try to hide it all he wants, but if you check the chat logs you can see how he only comments on a specific select few people's streams, with Elira's being the most frequent and consistent).

>> No.25532235

I'm older than my kamioshi but I still see her as an older sister for some reason.

>> No.25532240

yeah, ccp chinks bought homes to project wealth

>> No.25532241

good that millie's chat stopped her from doing smash or pass with the JP senpai, that could've been a disaster

>> No.25532242

>jump man, you jump
>mega man, you mega
>bomber man
>i hardly even know her

>> No.25532244
Quoted by: >>25532310

Sonny records his FPS gameplay when he's not streaming and will edit them into a montage or upload them. Nice.

>> No.25532245

>Skipping Noctyx


>> No.25532249
Quoted by: >>25532278

Petra channeling John Darnielle school of songwriting

>> No.25532250

She's a woman, he doesn't count.

>> No.25532258

i'm gonna go insane i hate missing this i hate my internet

>> No.25532273

>stop streaming at this time
Good. He should just go back to his original timeslot. Nobody is telling other EN members to split their timeslot weekly.

>> No.25532274
File: 290 KB, 2472x1476, E8bzLz0WYAs9Cgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millie and her chat all say SMASH to this

>> No.25532278

I will now watch your Penguin.

>> No.25532279

Millie changed to id because she don't want to hear chat saying they would smash fuuchan

>> No.25532280

Millie's going to collab with Nara from ID the week after the next.

>> No.25532282

EVA, I need you.

To get off your lazy ass and fly my plane.

>> No.25532287
Quoted by: >>25532489

Portable Ops is canon because otherwise the series doesnt explain when or why Ocelot betrays the Philosophers

>> No.25532297

Why did Kojima undermine that romantic moment with humor?

>> No.25532310
Quoted by: >>25532338

hopefully it involves a flare gun and a fire axe pls

>> No.25532309
Quoted by: >>25532369

And that's what started Eva's decades of infatuation and lust for Snake

>> No.25532317

Yeah? She's hot.

>> No.25532325

The whore is doing his shota voice again

>> No.25532331

You rike?

>> No.25532334
Quoted by: >>25532411

That’s because none of them stream at the ungodly hours for burgers that he used to

>> No.25532335

Hyona is peak hag

>> No.25532338
Quoted by: >>25532360


>> No.25532340

Because it's important to let everyone know just how autistic and mission focused Snake is. He can be a flirt, but he's also an idiot. It's great.

>> No.25532345
File: 514 KB, 507x583, 1628467024223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chinese are largely a political scapegoat as far as housing prices. Most of the housing inflation isn't due to Chinese expats/students but Canadian residents (and Americans) buying 2 or 3 homes they can convert into airbnb's for passive income. As far as they're concerned the worse the housing crisis gets the better it is for their bottom line.
If it were purely a Chinese issue the liberals would've done something about it years ago, because even the CCP are trying to crack down on Chinese citizens exporting Chinese wealth in foreign countries and it can be used as a political bargaining chip. But because it's caused by Canadians who vote and give large political contributions they're never going to solve it.

>> No.25532344

>People in chat "who"ing the NijiIDs

>> No.25532350
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, FUc1Ee8XwAAUItS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is Raymoo's sponsor

>> No.25532353

sorry you're not into women

>> No.25532357

Reimu is taken by her members streamer bf

>> No.25532360
File: 28 KB, 367x321, softfreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25532364
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, ed3e2bc2a1daf9765679b80a73d580c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25532494

>Rosemi playing Zelda

>> No.25532369

Canonically how many times did Snake and Eva smash?

>> No.25532371
File: 176 KB, 948x926, average rosebud post 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25532372
File: 231 KB, 560x560, 1654017473740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man like, wouldn't it be totally rad if sorcery was real?
Like Shu could conjure fire and burn me to death.
Like absolutely scorch my corpse beyond recognition.
My family would never find out what happened to me since the corpse couldn't be recognised.
Man maybe he'd reduce me to a pile of ashes!
Not that they'd show up to the funeral anyway.
Anyways just a wacky little thought haha.
Take care of yourself bros.

>> No.25532373
Quoted by: >>25532480

Because EVA sucks ass. Snake has more romantic chemistry with both Para-Medic and The Boss.

>> No.25532377


>> No.25532380
Quoted by: >>25532563

He used to be in every one of Elira’s streams with his PL. At least he’s mostly professional about it now

>> No.25532381

Pomu is down bad

>> No.25532384

Damn Pomu really is an ass woman

>> No.25532395

LMFAO the fuck is this garbage noone ever heard about?

>> No.25532411
Quoted by: >>25532586

>>25532334 (Me)
And still does, you guys still get a majority of streams to yourself and complain

>> No.25532414

I would cut my lifespan in half to fuck and marry Hyona if it was feasible

>> No.25532417
File: 23 KB, 314x314, 1652730912326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't watch pomu's mgs streams because I wanted to play them first then watch her play it
>Now I don't want to play them anymore but I still want to watch pomu play them
Give it to me straight pomies, how many hours of mgs vods do I have to catch up on.

>> No.25532421
Quoted by: >>25532812

Oh nononono Rosebud we’re all supposed to be Sinophobic! Delete this now!

>> No.25532428

someone needs to make a compilation of all the times Pomu mispronounced styptic

>> No.25532439

I hope the mixed gen will get a more normal ass fandom

>> No.25532446
Quoted by: >>25532485

>Proctitis is inflammation of the lining of the rectum. The rectum is a muscular tube that's connected to the end of your colon. Stool passes through the rectum on its way out of the body.

Damn Eva is an anal queen

>> No.25532462

Never. Snake's a virgin. All of them.

>> No.25532468


>> No.25532469

>Lower back pain
How good of a dicking did Eva get from Volgin?

>> No.25532470

normal fandoms dont exist for vtubers

>> No.25532473

Too many. There are some good clips compilations out there though.

>> No.25532480
Quoted by: >>25532553

The Boss is attractive, but the kind of attractive where I want to admire her from afar rather than do anything sexual with her.
But yes I find student x teacher relationships hot. That's why Grisaia is based

>> No.25532482

>Elira, Pomu, Hyona smash
>Oneesan(?), OL, Hag
Holy based tastes Famillie

>> No.25532483
File: 25 KB, 500x439, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millie really likes these ones because they remind her of bingo orange

>> No.25532485

actually its volgin considered he fucks raidenovitch too

>> No.25532489

Not when, but why is pretty obvious. He's gay for Big Boss. Also they killed his mum

>> No.25532494
File: 287 KB, 363x362, 1628262795469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you do DON'T imagine Rosemi being gangraped by Moblins. Sicko.

>> No.25532500
File: 290 KB, 790x598, a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25532501

Pretty sure it's somewhere close to 100 hours

>> No.25532503

Pomu anal confirmed?

>> No.25532506


>> No.25532509

wtf kojima

>> No.25532510

Wish her model didn't make it look like she was hunching over

>> No.25532514


>> No.25532517

>Lain gets shit on by crazy Jap fangirls
>Yugo gets shit on by crazy Jap fangirls
Don't bet on it...

>> No.25532524

It’s not like Sonny is even the only one who streams at different times, why does only he get complaints about it

>> No.25532526


>> No.25532530

LMAO thanks anon

>> No.25532532

I'm pretty sure they fucked in that cave after Snake lost his eye so at least once.

>> No.25532537

israel... fat fuck anon I am so sorry...

>> No.25532544 [DELETED] 

Still doesn't change the fact that Chinks are infesting Canada (hence the Chink language in some of the food labels in Millie's stream now). Heck their PM apparently parised the CCP's way of censorship. Not to mention her rumored BF is half Chink on the father's side

>> No.25532545


>> No.25532546

How can you not find this attractive? Even if you don't like her personality, her design is 10/10

>> No.25532549

Fake tits... Just like Pomu...

>> No.25532552

what? they said they imouto zoned petra? she's so fucking sexy

>> No.25532553

>The Boss is attractive, but the kind of attractive where I want to admire her from afar rather than do anything sexual with her.

That's gay. The fact that she's so perfect and unobtainable just makes me want to sexualize her even more.

>> No.25532556

I tuned in when it was Reimu, they said smash only if it's her back.

>> No.25532564
Quoted by: >>25532635

Pomu knows a lot about anal for some reason

>> No.25532563
Quoted by: >>25532628

>used to be in every one of Elira’s streams
Then he followed her to niji... That's kinda creepy actually, not gonna lie...

>At least he’s mostly professional about it now
Eh... he tries, but the inner simp in him still slips out from time to time

>> No.25532565


>> No.25532570
File: 296 KB, 500x576, 1639401489287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva anal

>> No.25532578
Quoted by: >>25532637

she went to like an asian grocery store dude they're not taking over your oreos

>> No.25532586
Quoted by: >>25532664

Barely. 3 early streams vs 4 previous timeslot streams from his streams this week.
He's currently splitting it. Of course his usual audience would complain.

>> No.25532590
Quoted by: >>25532944


>> No.25532598
Quoted by: >>25532637

The reason Millie's food labels are in moonrunes is because she went to the asian grocery store retard.

>> No.25532600

Shu gets shi- oh wait

>> No.25532610

Retarded doxnigger.

>> No.25532614

psychological warfare

>> No.25532615

I don't get why people are even complaining about it since a lot of his earlier stream times (Ghost Hunt, DBD, Friday the 13th) have been collabs that need to be early because of the other members.

>> No.25532617

holy meds

>> No.25532626


>> No.25532628

Honestly though it's crazy how much of a sperg Shu is with Elira.
Elira constantly shows no interest towards him too, it's toxic

>> No.25532633
File: 195 KB, 306x362, power of christ compels you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to use lots of lube for anal. You can never have enough.

>> No.25532635
Quoted by: >>25532654

For some reason? It's because she sticks things up there.

>> No.25532637
Quoted by: >>25532831

Asia is a continent, not just China, Japan, or Korea

>> No.25532644

Lain's main problem aren't fangirls it's retards who thought she's a reincarnation or got mad she actually talks to men.

>> No.25532654
Quoted by: >>25532739

Like what?

>> No.25532656

Bro she's hot

>> No.25532664

How is that different from someone like Alban? And it’s usually only one or two streams it’s just a little more this week

>> No.25532663

what happens if you don't?

>> No.25532667

Millie LOVES Jagariko

>> No.25532675
Quoted by: >>25532759

Oh right, I almost forgot that the Millieschizo ritualposter is both a doxxfag and wants all Chinese to die. Please kill yourself, thank you very much.

>> No.25532678
File: 1.05 MB, 1210x1080, 1628212797379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Eva but perflat

>> No.25532680
Quoted by: >>25532728

>eva does anal and has fake tits and likes japanese food

>> No.25532682
Quoted by: >>25533190

Damn Briskadets suck. I feel bad for Sonny

>> No.25532687

How far is Pomu from finishing?

>> No.25532691

Dude has been trying to fuck her for almost a decade. There's no saving him.

>> No.25532697

Tfw you'll never be able to grow a beard like Snake...

>> No.25532698
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, 61HCrxqThJL._SL1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millie can't stop eating these, she's scared of them now

>> No.25532699

red poo

>> No.25532707

The moms in his fandom are entitled

>> No.25532711
File: 61 KB, 480x480, 1623254628122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you still like Eva?
>Yeah I still like her.
Well anon. Do (you) like Eva?

>> No.25532723

You end up like Eva.

>> No.25532727
File: 95 KB, 257x257, 1643306107975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. However much you think you need, it's more.
Discomfort and possible injury for both parties.

>> No.25532728

She really is her self insert

>> No.25532735
Quoted by: >>25532902

30 minutes

>> No.25532739

I'm afraid she doesn't confide that sort of information to me.

You should send a superchat to ask her yourself.

>> No.25532744
File: 19 KB, 128x128, 1625283263603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fix her (proctitis)

>> No.25532743

Honestly no she's a manipulative spy and the ending makes it even more clear that her mission will always take priority over you.

>> No.25532750
File: 819 KB, 921x1320, FSZ0SYFagAAMoVi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25532759

Chinks are shitty tourists though, at least those from West Taiwan. Them having no culture is the reason for their shitty behaviour abroad though.

>> No.25532760

pretty much end game now, 1-2 hours left if she's not retarded

>> No.25532761

>Elira's eating face
I love vtubers eating

>> No.25532765

I think crab SUCKS

>> No.25532770

Not true.
Why do you lie about easily proven things?

>> No.25532781
Quoted by: >>25532861

bro shut the fuck up already, millie wont fuck you

>> No.25532786
Quoted by: >>25532822

Nope. Worst girl of MGS3.

I'd ship Paz with Big Boss before I'd ship EVA with him

>> No.25532797

Just neck yourself desu

>> No.25532799

If that were true she would have killed Snake.

>> No.25532811

I forgot how long the final act of this game is compared to 1 and 2

>> No.25532812

What's wrong with being Sinophobic?

>> No.25532815

The truth doesn't matter. Whatever story is repeated the most often is the real one.

>> No.25532816

I can't open catbox...

>> No.25532820
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1639240936374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25532822

>I'd ship Paz with Big Boss
Uh based?

>> No.25532825
Quoted by: >>25532879

You're telling me that skullface planted all those rations and shit at the exact same spot Eva's bike crashed?

>> No.25532823

>Elira doesn't like fish a lot
That explains so much

>> No.25532828
File: 175 KB, 506x500, 1653752475338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desuwa mention

>> No.25532831
Quoted by: >>25532978

Indians, SEA, and Middle East have their own grocery stores though. People usually just say Asian store instead of East Asian store because they'll be more specific if it was anything else. Also larger Asian markets will have sections for all parts of Asia, we have one of those in my city.

>> No.25532833
Quoted by: >>25532909

Elira hates Finana confirmed.

>> No.25532854

Elira HATE Feesh
-t Millers

>> No.25532861

What's wrong with what I said?

>> No.25532863
Quoted by: >>25532924

You are the biggest retard in this thread and that’s quite the feat

>> No.25532873

Fuck MGS's fans

>> No.25532877

So many newfriends who aren't here during Elira Subnautica

>> No.25532879

He’s everywhere anon
All that supernatural shit too? Parasites. Then it became nano machines.

>> No.25532880

I'd get a restraining order on him if I were Elira to be honest. I'm surprised she's put up with this for so long...

>> No.25532884

That's a pretty big if there

>> No.25532885

today i will lie on the internet for entertainment

>> No.25532886

msgs are delish

>> No.25532902
Quoted by: >>25532987

Is The Boss fight going to filter her?

>> No.25532905
Quoted by: >>25532952

Pentomo with an eyepatch is fucking a shadow guy in the ass. The pentomo could be a femboy or a futa though.

>> No.25532908

millie drawing kino

>> No.25532909
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x856, 1623549436830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25532913
Quoted by: >>25533000

Yugo doing a Twitter space

>> No.25532914
Quoted by: >>25532962

Petra got more than Finana and Reimu just with a donation reading plus piano

>> No.25532916

you dont do that every day already?

>> No.25532923

have fun anon

>> No.25532924

Triggered West Taiwanese?

>> No.25532932

I miss enna so much

>> No.25532941

i try to resist the temptation

>> No.25532944

nta but why? kek what's wrong with the maro?

>> No.25532946

Alban heading to Nooters!

>> No.25532951
Quoted by: >>25533082

Yugo's voice is doing things to me right now...

>> No.25532952
Quoted by: >>25533001

It's a femboy yeah

>> No.25532953

If she beats The Boss on 2 or 3 tries, 1h30m.

>> No.25532962
Quoted by: >>25533019

>Finana and Reimu
Not exactly a high bar...

>> No.25532963

everything in moderation

>> No.25532969
Quoted by: >>25533064

luca's putting hot air balloons in deezney?

>> No.25532971

lmao these three dorks act cute on an aquarium.

>> No.25532974

sigma male grindset

>> No.25532973
Quoted by: >>25533029

Millieschizo anon is more schizo than we ever imagined

>> No.25532978

Oh nice. Thanks for this.

>> No.25532986
File: 37 KB, 597x247, fakeasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533034

>only comments on elira's relay and literally none of the other lazulight members
are you kidding me

>> No.25532987

idk, she seems to have the most trouble with mech fights, she was fine with the Liquid fight in MGS1

>> No.25532991
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 1-19-18 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at Millie's beautiful art

>> No.25533000
File: 210 KB, 2048x1896, 1654267638743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533028

how long has he been on it? wtf is with all these overlap ahhh

>> No.25533001
Quoted by: >>25533075

>It's a femboy yeah
Well that sucks. Futas are better.

>> No.25533017
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533078

rate millie's drawing

>> No.25533019

its because reimu is playing a game and finana was also reading donations i imagine

>> No.25533020
Quoted by: >>25533767

It's sorta true if not for her womancrush on The Boss she would have killed Snake 100%, so it really goes Boss > Mission > Snake

>> No.25533024

How long does Pomu have until the boss fight? I want to get lunch first

>> No.25533025


>> No.25533028

Just a minute. You didn’t miss much

>> No.25533029
Quoted by: >>25533050

Why? Was it something he said about the chinese?

>> No.25533034

>freaking out over 1 comment
fameliracorns are so fragile
did today's collab break your heart?

>> No.25533035
Quoted by: >>25533246

Actually looking through that it seems like he shows up fairly evenly. Number of streams he has comments in over the last two weeks.
Rosemi 3
Selen 2
Pomu 2
Ike 2
Mysta 1
Petra 1
Millie 1
Uki 1
Alban 1
Finana 1
Elira 1
Yugo 1

>> No.25533040
Quoted by: >>25533446

It’s an annoying request when he’s already decided he’ll have streams at this time, this is why they close their boxes or stop looking at them because of all of the useless and annoying requests or questions

>> No.25533050
Quoted by: >>25533131


>> No.25533058
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 【HANDCAM】EATING WEIRD THINGS IN MY GROCERY STORE ✨ ☆⭒NIJISANJI EN ✧ Millie Parfait ☆⭒ 1-20-35 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25533061

Anons shitting on Shu... /NijiEN/... home...

>> No.25533063
Quoted by: >>25533343

yugo said its not going to be recorded
someone please archive it

>> No.25533064

hes gonna try

>> No.25533066

How do I stop my mind from going into overdrive imagining these photos because I've been to that aquarium

>> No.25533075
Quoted by: >>25533194

I like both, but futa pentomo isn't exactly a thread meme

>> No.25533078


>> No.25533079

I havent see. deezney since the nagao tour, how does it look now? do we have a chance against pomu?

>> No.25533082
Quoted by: >>25533207

Kawaiine good girl

>> No.25533083
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is that pointing basedjak meme so popular, even apex legends did one

>> No.25533087

>millie, enna, and elira basedjaking irl
what a bunch of DWEEBS

>> No.25533090
Quoted by: >>25533186

It's rude to ask a liver to change their streaming times I imagine.

>> No.25533092
File: 465 KB, 707x700, amimiruki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nap. Enjoy your sushi, Uki

>> No.25533095

Pomu is going to HATE Eva after this!

>> No.25533098
Quoted by: >>25533167

Yugo is in bed singing maloon 5 if any anons are bored (somehow)

>> No.25533111

Words only women use ITT:
Anything else?

>> No.25533113

Pomu HATES Eva!

>> No.25533116

gn ukianon

>> No.25533118

hows the smash?

>> No.25533123
File: 260 KB, 2048x2048, a mimir luca 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a nice nap uki anon!

>> No.25533131

Didn't get to see it though, thank God

>> No.25533132

I miss the fat fuck...

>> No.25533141
Quoted by: >>25533185

Yugo performing cunnilingus POV art still nowhere…

>> No.25533142
Quoted by: >>25533218


>> No.25533157

I love the autism in the smash collab

>> No.25533159

DaisUki! Have a good nap!

>> No.25533167
Quoted by: >>25533193


>> No.25533168

yugo is so cute...

>> No.25533185

There's no yume porn of the boys in general.

>> No.25533186

Do you even watch Sonny? A maro request was why he tried to change it in the first place so if you're saying this is rude, then the first request is also rude. It's just another request for him to chage it back.

>> No.25533190

Never forget that Briskadets are the worst fanbase. They are doxxfags and are constant containment breakers. Even his mods are doxxniggers.

>> No.25533193
Quoted by: >>25533363

Twitter space

>> No.25533194

>I like both
It depends on what I'm in the mood for. Either way I prefer when they're the sub.

>> No.25533206
Quoted by: >>25533245

yandere petra is kind of hot ngl

>> No.25533207
File: 400 KB, 3840x2160, FUT0HsJacAA9ZQG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch Yugo often but when I do, I can't help but remember posts anons made about Yugo kabedoning cute girls and calling them konekochans, it makes me so horny

>> No.25533210

yugo sex

>> No.25533218
File: 3.98 MB, 490x490, 1639621431040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25533226
Quoted by: >>25533288

I can't believe Enna died on a plane crash...

>> No.25533231

I’m a fujo so idc but Yugo…

>> No.25533232

>gets proven wrong
>"noooo!!!! you're not supposed to actually look at what I posted!!!"

>> No.25533237

I wish Yugo was my ESL husbandwife...

>> No.25533242

did yugo said say his friend's real name? lol

>> No.25533243

female fans are voyeurs in general

>> No.25533245

I enjoy it too! I liked her little bit during the drawing stream.

>> No.25533246

That's only the last two weeks though. I scrolled through the entire log since his debut, and he seems to be in Elira's chat more often near the 2-3 month mark

>> No.25533255

im pretty sure his mod or one of the noctyx's boys mods got caught doxxing on twitter and had threads made about them

>> No.25533265
File: 678 KB, 2855x2250, 1626970738181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533317

>There is an IRL photo of Millie and Enna doing this.

>> No.25533267

I want to take turns fucking each other in the ass with a pentomo

>> No.25533269
Quoted by: >>25533739

yugo asking sonny to check his grammar uwohh cute

>> No.25533283

>Even his mods are doxxniggers.
wtf poor guy

>> No.25533285

His friend is in the future, it's fine

>> No.25533287

Millie is gonna get fat.

>> No.25533288
Quoted by: >>25533400

I wouldn't joke about that. It's fucked up for me to joke about that.

>> No.25533289

Rosemi colored Donkey Kong

>> No.25533290

I didn’t hear. I was too busy imagining being in bed with Yugo

>> No.25533298

what the fuck

>> No.25533297

I’m a fujo and i care about Yugo…

>> No.25533304

That was when he was asking for criticism, what is even the point in trying to get him to change his mind when he’s already taken that into consideration and decided on this style, can’t you whining fags use your brains and stop thinking only about yourselves

>> No.25533312

oh, whoever was putting the schedule's waiting rooms on nijidex/pomuhub came back. Sweet.

>> No.25533317


>> No.25533319
File: 1.84 MB, 935x1084, 1635983631613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533381

don't we all

>> No.25533320

>Do you even watch Sonny?
Clearly I do not since I said "I imagine". You should've responded to the other reply since that anon is obviously more knowledgeable on Sonny.

>> No.25533321
File: 75 KB, 592x560, 1647811559583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to enjoy his streams in peace

>> No.25533325

Millie is so cute

>> No.25533329
Quoted by: >>25533425

I am a fujo and I want Yugo lewds.

>> No.25533338
File: 461 KB, 2000x2000, f3b80215-54da-4875-b0c4-8e009f341795_1.4205116e793fb7960bf36837828903b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533493

the second one millie had to stop herself from eating the whole thing

>> No.25533337

>open Smash collab
>Shu and Elira want to fight each other
>close stream

>> No.25533342

Millie getting addicted to chips despite not liking it.
Also Millie's Windows crashing. Incoming cut stream again like the Night Shift

>> No.25533343

I think he just doesn't understand how they work. Someone could just tell him how to save an archive. Though given how he is, maybe someone should save it anyway. They do stay up for a bit afterwards at least.

>> No.25533347
Quoted by: >>25533375

i wonder how many of yugo's viewers are male

>> No.25533349
Quoted by: >>25533389

Omg are you fr? LOL

>> No.25533361
Quoted by: >>25533501

why do you care about one request so badly, hes not that simple minded to see one request and change it.

>> No.25533363
Quoted by: >>25533395

I don't know how to use twitter enough to find it...

>> No.25533369

You now realize the Smash collab has been going on for 2.5 hours already

>> No.25533375

he probably has the most male viewers among the men

>> No.25533376

I want Yugo to do an art stream

>> No.25533381
File: 102 KB, 192x216, 1637094348005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey how did you know I was a rosebud?

>> No.25533385
Quoted by: >>25533541

>what is the point of posting in his maro when he asked you to post in his maro
>what is the point of making suggestions when he takes them into consideration
idk anon
you tell me

>> No.25533389

go back

>> No.25533395


>> No.25533400
Quoted by: >>25533492

Where do you think you are anon?

>> No.25533404

I hope Elira and Shu will collab again next week

>> No.25533410

I still can't believe Mashiro is a man.

>> No.25533424
Quoted by: >>25533478

>Millie ranting about "something"
>Song literally about being cucked

>> No.25533425
Quoted by: >>25533463

I want the boys to fuck each other but I want Yugo to fuck me..

>> No.25533428

>Millie's song started with her ranting about something

>> No.25533431

Elira kill Shugur in front of Uki.....

>> No.25533442

W-What? I don't think Pentomo wants to be in Anon's posterior...

>> No.25533446

didn't he say that he liked his current timeslot before trying to stream at an earlier time? unless he said something about it recently.

>> No.25533454

ewiwa diid it! with a double kill

>> No.25533458

alban rejected chat...

>> No.25533461

I've scrolled through all of those back to his very first comment and I still stand by that comment.

>> No.25533463
Quoted by: >>25533514

the only boy in the branch who knows how to touch a woman...

>> No.25533470

would you eat a rat for your oshi?

>> No.25533477
Quoted by: >>25533496

give me (you)s

>> No.25533478

Millie needs to be sexed

>> No.25533485
File: 219 KB, 462x452, splintercell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25533564

>feeds eva rat

holy fuck you greyniggers arent funny.

>> No.25533492

In a fucked up site. I know. I'm tolerant of those jokes, but I wouldn't joke about them myself.

>> No.25533493
Quoted by: >>25533552

What the hell kind of flavor is that?

>> No.25533495

Pomu just killed Baelz

>> No.25533494
Quoted by: >>25533547

I hope it gets through Shu's thick asperger infected brain that Elira does not find any interest in him at all.

>> No.25533496


>> No.25533500
Quoted by: >>25533591

And yet his maro's are still open and he's always asking for feedback from viewers.
Sounds to me as if you're only arguing for the sake of arguing if you don't even know that and you're trying to lie and say he's stopped asking for criticism

>> No.25533501
Quoted by: >>25533570

Because I know these people get filled with annoying shit like this all the time and intentionally adding onto that for a shitpost is annoying, he was already saying he was getting spam and urging to only send him actual useful criticism

>> No.25533505
Quoted by: >>25533568

>fulgur with robin
Ofc he’s going to spam thoron…

>> No.25533509

millie browses the ship tags of her and enna and her and elira in her free time

>> No.25533514

Yugo makes me so horny goddamit. Him being an actual playboy makes him so much sexier

>> No.25533541

What is so difficult for you to understand you’re only sending pointless shit that gets in the way of needed criticism when this is how he’s decided to stream?

>> No.25533545
Quoted by: >>25533674

Alban in milord's Castle looking for a bed

>> No.25533547

If it didn't get through his brain almost a decade before, there's no saving him now, unfortunately...

>> No.25533552


>> No.25533557

>There's an animated fanart of BL of Millie's song

>> No.25533562


>> No.25533564

Except me, I am funny.

>> No.25533565

i see why yugo really dislike art tracer now
i wonder if he would do an art stream someday

>> No.25533566
Quoted by: >>25533656

I could listen to Millie talk all day

>> No.25533568

Robin is pretty low tier and thoron is just pocket bait for villager

>> No.25533570

Oh god Sonny got spammed in his maro. I hope he sees a therapist for that trauma.

>> No.25533576

i hate /v/tourists

>> No.25533591

You seem retarded

>> No.25533608

Cope. He's gonna go back to his old timeslot.

>> No.25533610

Bye bye Yugo

>> No.25533612
Quoted by: >>25533647

anon HATES when thread discussion is about streams

what're you? a /vt/ moderator?

>> No.25533613

they'll be gone soon...

>> No.25533617

i miss yugo...

>> No.25533636

Can someone maro him and tell him to go to /vt/ for fun

>> No.25533640
File: 689 KB, 2400x1345, FUYGy5VVsAE0jXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone has the link to yugo's twitter space so archive anon can download it?

>> No.25533647

Got his ass!

>> No.25533656

Her streams are worthy for me to be used as background noise whenever I'm busy.

>> No.25533674
Quoted by: >>25533754

won't go in the dungeon. Can't blame him.

>> No.25533678
File: 235 KB, 371x401, 1649015880749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out... the anon who was shitting on Shu earlier self-inserts as him too much and seeing Shu's behaviour makes him hate himself.
It's the Shiji effect all over again.

>> No.25533683


>> No.25533684

can someone maro him and tell him to moan randomly on stream

>> No.25533686


>> No.25533692

It's pain. I would draw it myself, but I can't even draw stick figures correctly. I just want yume art of my kamioshi so I can self insert...

>> No.25533701

For some reason, despite the lyrics being too generic for my taste, I really like Millie's "shitpost" song

>> No.25533702
Quoted by: >>25533711

sex with

>> No.25533704

Who's your oshi?

>> No.25533711


>> No.25533728


>> No.25533738
File: 155 KB, 1058x1122, FSOA03pakAE24I1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a shitpost a long time ago when I was in denial about genderbent Kenmochi getting fat after eating marshmallows
I wish Sonny would eat so many marshmallows and get deliciously fat... his belly would smell nice after he rubbed his marshmallow sticky hands all over it like the fat fuck he is... mmm...........

>> No.25533739
File: 120 KB, 635x815, FUajIfeUsAEcLyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyoudai that!!!!!

>> No.25533742


>> No.25533748

I don’t think it’s a shitpost at all

>> No.25533749

Pomu HATES Eva

>> No.25533754

he saw the tied up kindred...

>> No.25533753

it's a pretty little ditty, you can imagine it being a song on some whimsical tv ad

>> No.25533760

Pomu HATES her self-insert!

>> No.25533767

I mean at some point that has to flip considering the lengths she goes to for Big Boss in mgs4

Also shes crazy hot

>> No.25533777

Suddenly Karaoke

>> No.25533776

sex with mysta

>> No.25533778

What nsfw stuff was Millie talking about? I have her in the background so I didn't catch it.

>> No.25533784

Unless you’re a Kindred you’re left with no het porn (I’m a fujo Kindred so I don’t really care but good for my yume sisters). Hope to god your oshi isn’t Mysta… everyone thinks he’s too gay to have sex with a woman…
