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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1600, FUP-fCRVEAEHwi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25452232 No.25452232 [Reply] [Original]

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
Schedule: TBD

Songs: https://rentry.org/ggg_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/ggg_merch

Previous thread: >>25438763

>> No.25452249


>> No.25452315
File: 485 KB, 2573x2589, 1634183748376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute

>> No.25452352

previous thread: >>25451772
since jannies are fags

>> No.25452418

I love Gura!!!

>> No.25452521
File: 215 KB, 1609x1907, FONzL-_agAQaQHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.25452527
File: 2 KB, 125x88, 1654229717118s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that the girl behind the Gura character is really talented, kind and funny. I was considering making her my wife! What do you guys think? How should I go about asking her on a date?

>> No.25452548

cute forehead

>> No.25452606
Quoted by: >>25452691

Go back

>> No.25452615

Uwu thank u for supporting the shart!

>> No.25452623

Oops. I fucked up. I hereby request this fullsized imaged. I fucked up saving it.

>> No.25452691
File: 157 KB, 850x1134, 1650319553195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25459380


>> No.25452801
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, fart shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25452929

fart shark :3

>> No.25452839

Are we all creepy perverts?

>> No.25452929

imagine if she held you down and farted on you unfiltered, you'd feel the moisture on your skin.. that sure would be terrible haha...

>> No.25452977
Quoted by: >>25453204

I'm in love with Gura!

>> No.25453044


>> No.25453090

not at all, i just want to guzzle piss directly from Gura's underdeveloped child cunny. I'm not a pervert. Or creepy.

>> No.25453130

As they say, Love is truly blind. Just stick to the avatar.

>> No.25453158
File: 732 KB, 2461x4096, Creep [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb6nto3.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25453237


>> No.25453204

same desu

>> No.25453237
Quoted by: >>25453672

god i love her

>> No.25453601
File: 218 KB, 1447x2048, 1650607034554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25453865


>> No.25453617

>You recognize Gura's voice
>You follow her and knock at her door
>You tell her you're a fan and that you're in love with her
>You can see how scared she is and how she starts shaking in fear
>You get closer
>You get tasered by your oshi and she calls the police

>> No.25453672
Quoted by: >>25453802

Prove it

>> No.25453678

Fuck, now I want too be tasered by Gura.

>> No.25453718
Quoted by: >>25453923

You mean shot

>> No.25453734

>the police are fans as well
>they start taking turns "protecting" her outside their shifts

>> No.25453802 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 422x654, 1453322352531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25453865

the samegaki

>> No.25453868
Quoted by: >>25453952

>Faps to booba Gura
He doesn't really love Gura

>> No.25453884

What the fuck is wrong with you. That's not even Gura

>> No.25453890

Oh so you don't love Gura

>> No.25453895

That's not gura.

>> No.25453923

Do you think she has a gun?

>> No.25453945
Quoted by: >>25454032

She does

>> No.25453952

>He doesn't know.

>> No.25453972
File: 71 KB, 1000x1000, 1654221859513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura got stuck again…

>> No.25453982
Quoted by: >>25454032

She does, conceal carry too.

>> No.25453996

Fan art of her pissing in the hole when?

>> No.25454012
Quoted by: >>25454166

At least she has a bucket to poo in this time

>> No.25454032


>> No.25454084
File: 595 KB, 1874x3000, 1649039186360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen it? It's concealed.

>> No.25454116

was gonna remove this cos of tits, but I was too slow. Jannies too fast.

>> No.25454127

I signed a NDA, not posting proof.

>> No.25454166
Quoted by: >>25454244

times when i wished i was a bucket.

>> No.25454244
Quoted by: >>25454270

Fuck off

>> No.25454270
Quoted by: >>25454304

what? You gay or something?

>> No.25454304
Quoted by: >>25454388

No, om a sane shrimp who just wants her cunny juices, not her goddamn poop. Fuck off disgusting faggot.

>> No.25454353
File: 562 KB, 1500x1500, pomf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25460737

I hope we get some good amesame bait tonight

>> No.25454388
Quoted by: >>25454432

Nah, you might be gay. You should probably get that checked out. Maybe go easy on the tranny porn k?

>> No.25454432
Quoted by: >>25454596

You sure know a lot about tranny shit, tranny.

>> No.25454519
File: 270 KB, 1200x1500, Bark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25454596

I might be a poop loving lolicon cunnyseur with a shark wife. But I am not a tranny. You have hurt my feelings. I fucking hate trannies. Trannies get the rope.

>> No.25454618

Please don't scare my nervous, paranoid sharkwife.

>> No.25454724

I guess youtube made another change to most popular tab. It was 300 not that long ago but they seem to have buffed it up to top 500 this time.

>> No.25454790


>> No.25454877

project harder shirt lifting poofter. doesn't even love gura. you're in the wrong thread buddy

>> No.25454947
File: 759 KB, 1000x1137, Meds[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5z6tny.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25454976
File: 538 KB, 833x882, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25455418

I like solo streams the most but sometimes collabs are nice because she's cute playing with her friends and I don't feel the need to bother with chat as much

>> No.25455418
File: 227 KB, 608x608, 1648267798786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can wait to have her all to ourselves, it's fine.

>> No.25455427
File: 263 KB, 2000x3000, 1628166863008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25455623

Gura cute

>> No.25455623
File: 34 KB, 612x662, 1637923939042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the sound her kitty tights make when she takes them off.

>> No.25455877

what if gura was ACTUALLY a boy ((girl)boy)

>> No.25455931

I feel like I could really root for her in all aspects of her life if she were a boy. As it is now, I hope she stays single and lonely forever.

>> No.25455959

She's gonna marry me anon, sorry to break it to you

>> No.25456079

nah gura cant be a faggot

>> No.25456156

She won't be lonely, she'll have me.

>> No.25456241

Is this a recent change? I see super thanks on Gura's VODs.

>> No.25456482

Chumbuds I forgot it was GST+1h and got myself hyped early.

>> No.25456509

dont want to be a self diagnosing faggot but i have a feeling i might actually have avoidant personality disorder

>> No.25456606

I still vote for GGT. I know it goes against convention but I like it.

>> No.25456607
Quoted by: >>25456998

nobody reply to that anon, he doesn't want it

>> No.25456635

Keep edging

>> No.25456651
Quoted by: >>25456716

same doko

>> No.25456716

1 more hour

>> No.25456797

Did Gura tease another WWE stream for this week or did I imagine that

>> No.25456850

she said she spent hours making a bunch of characters so that she could use them when she streams it again, but i don't think she predicted a time window for streaming it again.

>> No.25456859

i can't remember the exact quote but she said it was going to be an off day then Minecraft and then wwe after Stanley parable

>> No.25456984

I would suck his cute suckable girlish dick. T u T

>> No.25456998

That's gay. SPD and ASPD are better.
He wants it, but is afraid of being judged or rejected.

>> No.25457085

Has Gura said when she's gonna sing Duality?

>> No.25457269
File: 31 KB, 640x480, t43yeq3hao161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25458502

>avoidant personality disorder
didn't know this was a thing. I definitely have it. Been completely alone for 12 years now and counting. Nobody seems to understand that i desperately want social contact. But everyone just abandons me. I miss my friends. Will kill myself eventually. But for now, I enjoy the shark as much as I can. She helps keep the loneliness at bay.

>> No.25457318
Quoted by: >>25462771

I don't like it when she focuses too much on the meme crowd. She'll end up like fbk that way

>> No.25457880

if Gawr Gura was actually biologically male, I would never watch HoloEN again, and I'd be waiting for the waves of angry Japanese fans for destroying the brand.

>> No.25457887
File: 552 KB, 801x801, 1654205821289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm da Gura gotta love me!

>> No.25458349
File: 685 KB, 1100x1100, 1642104015621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is /ggg/ dead?

>> No.25458432

Im waiting for my sharkwife to be live soon!

>> No.25458453 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 259x242, 1635726346731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25458478

Why did she call my oshi a whore?

>> No.25458502

Maybe stop ignoring me when I invite you to play some video games then dumbo

>> No.25458622
Quoted by: >>25458640

Yes, I'm the last chumbud.

>> No.25458640


>> No.25458666
File: 2.45 MB, 2894x4093, FNVMH-8akAM0xxm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ghelky goom

>> No.25458739
File: 87 KB, 1199x848, As shrimple as that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Gura's a guy then I'm gay.

>> No.25458793
Quoted by: >>25458826

Gura's actually a 10 year old boy.

>> No.25458825
Quoted by: >>25458904

Gura is actually a 9000 year old fish.

>> No.25458826
Quoted by: >>25458890

i guess i'm a shotachad now

>> No.25458890

There is something sorta boyish about gura's vvoice. But I like it, makes it all the more cuter and bratty. I'm not gay.

>> No.25458904
File: 120 KB, 1280x1280, 1653781082646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doxxfags getting bold

>> No.25458930
File: 588 KB, 4096x2304, 1617902260059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute shark soon!

>> No.25459047
File: 711 KB, 1859x1184, aoisaka77 1532813610103488512 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25459119
File: 676 KB, 1134x1221, aoisaka77 1532813610103488512 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25459141

I can't wait to see my stinky sharkwife

>> No.25459152
File: 95 KB, 635x957, 1641658987580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25459193

Are chumbuds... you know?

>> No.25459193

hungry for sharkussy? Yes.

>> No.25459380


>> No.25459428
Quoted by: >>25459452

How long will the delay be?

>> No.25459452

at least 400 milliseconds

>> No.25459700
Quoted by: >>25459722

Sometimes, I just like to put my feet up, and sit and think about Gura's butthole.
Me in my bathrobe, my bottle of whisky, a cigar, some soft jazz, my imagination, and Gura's stinky butthole.

>> No.25459705

what's the most retarded reason you can give me for Gura's delay?

>> No.25459707
File: 137 KB, 1200x849, 1653592919057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25459840

My huge wife

>> No.25459722


>> No.25459723

i washed my feet for this

>> No.25459730
Quoted by: >>25460028

she's masturbating

>> No.25459766

She's watching Sana

>> No.25459802


>> No.25459840

imagine the massive dumps

>> No.25459863
File: 19 KB, 300x113, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25459921

she's watching nacho

>> No.25459893

You're no fun. Let the anons play a little bit.

>> No.25459910

wish international people wouldn't speak in chat in different languages. Like fuck off you foreign faggots, no one likes you.

>> No.25459921

I wish Nacho didn't go back to twitch

>> No.25459943

i want a karaoke stream

>> No.25459966
Quoted by: >>25460053

She's setting up her nipple clamps that make her nipples tingle every time someone mentions feet

>> No.25460005

Watson on but still waiting for goomba.

>> No.25460020
File: 669 KB, 2200x2200, 1642632820682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sana is still streaming when she's supposed to start streaming

>> No.25460028

she needs to hurry up and finish herself off

>> No.25460033

Gura forgot to hit go live...

>> No.25460053

Reminder that Gura's nipples are real, they actually exist. And they react to stimuli.

>> No.25460054

I'm actually curious does anyone know when the last time she actually started to stream on time was?

>> No.25460071
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, gura ENTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25460083


>> No.25460095

Stream starting, chumbies!

>> No.25460133

My wife is on the telly

>> No.25460146


>> No.25460155

bgm doko?

>> No.25460193

>They both have their povs on the other's stream
That's neat, glad they did it

>> No.25460220
File: 2.64 MB, 2309x3503, FStC-uGacAEBAx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at those lil dorito titties

>> No.25460221

>A nearly 10 minute delay on Minecraft of all things
Wow great job Gura

>> No.25460227


>> No.25460239

I thought for a second that they were doing the thing where Ame was going to be voicing gura

>> No.25460257

holy shit that's fucking sweet use of povs

>> No.25460336

She's so fucking cute already

>> No.25460348
Quoted by: >>25460377

I'm glad the reason for delay was actually tech stuff

>> No.25460377

So far im just wishing Ame's pov wasn't so transparent.

>> No.25460462
File: 11 KB, 322x268, 1646448128633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one to play minecraft with
>tfw no gura gf

>> No.25460487

>very sentimental
I love her

>> No.25460489


>> No.25460529


>> No.25460540
Quoted by: >>25460587

Oh, I just realized she's using this bgm again. I didn't notice because it's so ingrained in my head that it just feels normal

>> No.25460576

>digging collab
I know it was only 20 months ago but I got hit by a wave of nostalgia

>> No.25460587

it's so fucking comfy and cute... like happy cute girl snuggling in bed music.

>> No.25460627

I kind of hope nobody else shows up, I'm liking this.

>> No.25460649


>> No.25460725

I'm glad their friendship has lasted. All the shitposters were wrong.

>> No.25460737

a lil late but this is a great image

>> No.25460752

Sounds like Kronii won't be for another few hours if she shows up, Fauna is still live and Sana is still live. Bae will be there in 40 minutes so we might get an hour of this cuteness

>> No.25460761

Uh oh

>> No.25460769

Bae will probably show up in an hour.

>> No.25460795
File: 462 KB, 1000x644, 95722748_p38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amesame minecraft
we have returned to the good old days

>> No.25460802
File: 81 KB, 718x718, 1640527189118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the amesame goodness I've been missing in my life.

>> No.25460801

Nostalgia wave makes me nauseous

>> No.25460877
File: 384 KB, 500x466, completely normal profile picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25460887

im not feeling it tonight, think i'll ditch

>> No.25460956

Take care of yourself chumbie, the vod will be there later

>> No.25460961

I will be the final chumbud.

>> No.25460985

Sorry, you won't beat me

>> No.25460993
Quoted by: >>25461163

Just background noise for me. Ima play some bideo gaems

>> No.25461016

Good old Amesame days. Nice Double POV touch.

>> No.25461033
Quoted by: >>25461096

When did I post these?

>> No.25461068
File: 302 KB, 1920x1080, goob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just digging and chatting
I love this, I can kinda do other stuff at the same time and it feels like im just sitting in voice chat with some of my friends. I love her so much

>> No.25461096


>> No.25461134
Quoted by: >>25461182

Gura's Shrimp Shaak

>> No.25461156
File: 227 KB, 512x512, sticker_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chumbuds... would you eat at shark shack?

>> No.25461163
Quoted by: >>25461185

fake chumbuds detected

>> No.25461175

That's not how caffeine works Gura

>> No.25461182

Samegaki Shrimp Shack

>> No.25461185

Cry about it

>> No.25461193

She kidnaps people who eat there.
I'll go every single day.

>> No.25461198


>> No.25461199

Do they serve deep fried flake?

>> No.25461237

go back

>> No.25461261

Kronii is showing up in 2-3 hours.

>> No.25461262

Under the bunkeronii stairs. I guess they did the math, somewhat.

>> No.25461276
Quoted by: >>25461378

Chumbuds that type in chat tell her about the torch in off-hand for the light.

>> No.25461323
File: 383 KB, 462x514, 1649122919736.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't this girl begin her Atlantis city project?

>> No.25461328
Quoted by: >>25461378

why is her stream so dark

>> No.25461340
File: 776 KB, 850x900, 4378269587692384756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura needs more Shulkers.
Her inventory management is terrible.

>> No.25461378


>> No.25461385

been watching her bad inventory management for 2 years, I find it endearing, cos my brain works in the same way.

>> No.25461411

she'll keep a weapon on her hotbar before she organizes an inventory

>> No.25461438

>creeper paw pad tights
I love her and her autism so much

>> No.25461496
Quoted by: >>25461768

she has the kitty thigh highs on her mind still....

>> No.25461555


>> No.25461559

A zombie stole her shit. Good job Goombus.

>> No.25461560

Gura dying on the job twice. Ame must pay workers comp.

>> No.25461656

oh no, these fools. She's gonna lose her elytra

>> No.25461676

>thought Ame called her a moron
>thought Mumei said"EW!"
Gura r u ok

>> No.25461682

Zenloss incomming.

>> No.25461706

dumb girls kino

>> No.25461727

elytra gone forever now

>> No.25461752

I can't watch this. It's a moving disaster and it's gonna have a bad end for sure.

>> No.25461768

my based sharkgirl can't be this cute.

>> No.25461805

Im laughing so fucking hard

>> No.25461865
Quoted by: >>25461891

This is like watching someone get hit by a train in slow motion

>> No.25461891


>> No.25461901

They beat them!

>> No.25461925

>"F E E T", definitely mine

>> No.25461929

This is even more than I wanted or expected

>> No.25461936
Quoted by: >>25461972

Maybe bring an actual sword. You shouldn't still be dying to regular zombies at this point in the game.

>> No.25461941

God that was so close to utter disaster.. these fucking idiots. I love them.

>> No.25461972
Quoted by: >>25462016

>complaining about gameplay
Find a new hobby

>> No.25462016

yeah gura's been not keeping a sword in her hotbar for years now, lol.

>> No.25462072

You can't play Minecraft like this.

>> No.25462118

i can't play minecraft at all!!

>> No.25462138

Anyone 100% CAN it's just not advised.

>> No.25462219

>can you stretch your nose holes
What the fuck Gura.

>> No.25462231
File: 154 KB, 512x512, guYum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uooooh gura's fuckable nostrils

>> No.25462232
File: 170 KB, 512x512, GuWAT_DTNYK3vI4O_gwP3qKXgDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25462245

I love gura's brain. MARRY ME GURA

>> No.25462274

This fucking smellfag. I love her

>> No.25462287

>imagine the smell

>> No.25462303
Quoted by: >>25462380

>gura wants to make her nose bigger so she can smell more
what the fuck is this retard?

>> No.25462306

time to widen out with emergency cream

>> No.25462309
File: 27 KB, 682x372, 1648164617961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's into some kinky stuff.

>> No.25462334

shaders doko

>> No.25462351

"Maybe chat knows"
>definitely not
Only thing chat is good for their encyclopedic knowledge of other streams.

>> No.25462354

Gura wants to increase her smelling power

>> No.25462380

the ultimate smellfag. Imagine all the different body smells we could enjoy together. She'd be addicted to smell my sweaty ballsac and gooch.

>> No.25462422
Quoted by: >>25462467

Gura looking up 10,000 year old trees. Called it dinky.

>> No.25462465

> eye of the spider
starts to sing final countdown
I love this doofus

>> No.25462467

bristlecone pines i assume

>> No.25462496

Gura and Ame working on a TikTok Minecraft parody project?

>> No.25462500


>> No.25462574



>> No.25462602

Why did they even ask for tiktoks if they we're gonna bitch about people calling them cringe

>> No.25462616

Reflect minecraft parody on tiktok incoming

>> No.25462631

Gura living it up with rice and a piece of bread.

>> No.25462656

wait what does gura have next to her to eat?

>> No.25462703


>> No.25462706

my cum from our before stream session

>> No.25462707

a slice of bread

>> No.25462713


>> No.25462771
Quoted by: >>25471158

Gura is a meme herself.

>> No.25462793
Quoted by: >>25462843


>> No.25462819

Gura standing around smiling and poking things...

>> No.25462843

why does she buy cheese when it gives her the shits?

>> No.25462904
File: 58 KB, 382x478, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh stinkyyy

>> No.25462907

Because she's Gura

>> No.25462933

>Branded Gura

>> No.25463039

>watched a streamer play iron lung

>> No.25463072


>> No.25463111
Quoted by: >>25463224

you know someone is going to track down who she is talking about

>> No.25463149

Gura is a Jerma confirmed viewer

>> No.25463170
File: 185 KB, 500x500, 1646778813203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're talking

>> No.25463188

Ill carry you Gura..

>> No.25463195

Everyone watches Jerma

>> No.25463214

>Gura watches Joel Vinesauce

>> No.25463224
Quoted by: >>25463457

Either jacksepticeye, or Power Pak

>> No.25463230


>> No.25463249
Quoted by: >>25463342

I don't even know who that is

>> No.25463256

He is the Korone of streamers. You can't hate him.

>> No.25463279


>> No.25463298

the gross tree girl is here

>> No.25463308
Quoted by: >>25463342


>> No.25463327

off to fauna general, fuck the lot of you

>> No.25463339
Quoted by: >>25463445

Gura watched the Fauna slapping Kronii animation.

>> No.25463342

A crazed serial killer

>> No.25463385


>> No.25463403


>> No.25463428


>> No.25463445
Quoted by: >>25464309

I bet Gura got jealous

>> No.25463457

>gura no longer watching hololive
is she bored with hololive?

>> No.25463509
File: 139 KB, 1176x1141, 1651721025500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Gura and Fauna should kiss as I fuck them.

>> No.25463541

Fauna shitting on Kronii there.

>> No.25463609

i never want this to end

>> No.25463617

Doing rails with Gura and her wives

>> No.25463657


>> No.25463700
Quoted by: >>25463868

It isn't SNOT, but SND is fine too.

>> No.25463773
Quoted by: >>25463894

Its fucking john henry irons you fucking retard

>> No.25463820

union dixie is off the table I take it

>> No.25463868

Mumei would make this better because Ame would stop talking

>> No.25463883

Gura's chat broken again.

>> No.25463894
Quoted by: >>25463927

The knockoff Superman?

>> No.25463927


>> No.25464021

Fauna trying to blackmail foreman Ame. Haven't seen Bae yet even though stream is up.

>> No.25464187

Gura playing that retarded Pokemon knockoff would be hilarious

>> No.25464201

>gura wants edgy pokemon

>> No.25464230

Gura wants to play Palworld. If the dev is smart, you better give the perms.

>> No.25464235

shes so fucking cute tonight

>> No.25464249

I thought that game came out already

>> No.25464260

gura is going to kill tom nook!

>> No.25464309

Who wouldn't be jealous? Imagine being slapped by Fauna
And then being slapped by Gura
They take turns slapping you over and over while giggling

>> No.25464317

minecraft collab streams are self-perpetuating, if more people keep joining this might go past 5 hours

>> No.25464352

>gura is married

>> No.25464406

>getting sweaty

>> No.25464430


>> No.25464433
File: 242 KB, 1571x1267, 1630411839825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25464458

to me

>> No.25464502
File: 198 KB, 1000x593, 1651494508614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25464670

What are they afraid of, fat loot?

>> No.25464670

this is a place of honor! highly esteemed deeds are commemorated here! what is here is safe and precious to us! this is a message of welcome!

>> No.25464680

>PP Pete

>> No.25464682

Who is.. Pete?

>> No.25464771
Quoted by: >>25464905

Wait.. Gura only has T1 Rockets?

>> No.25464782

same same
same yo
same na no yo

>> No.25464848

Bae has finally entered chat.

>> No.25464864
File: 9 KB, 140x129, 1650989437212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has Gura accomplished today?

>> No.25464894

Be cute

>> No.25464905

T1 are the most efficient ones for a server of that size, if she had to fly for tens of thousands of blocks then T3 would make sense

>> No.25464923

entertaining and comforting tens of thousands of people

>> No.25464932

>send a super saying you're a big fan
>asking for a shoutout during a collab stream
Something makes me wonder if they're actually a big fan

>> No.25464960

Thoroughly entertained me and quelled my loneliness.

>> No.25465010

i want to sniff Gura's gym outfit

>> No.25465015

People who send supers are genuine subhumans who lack social awareness.

>> No.25465024

crusty kani TuT

>> No.25465048

i can't find a single chat message from that name other than the one he just sent

>> No.25465062

Gura's crusty gym clothes ToT

>> No.25465074

They aren't.
The only super you should be sending if any is to ask her to marry you.

>> No.25465075
Quoted by: >>25465121

Gura is horny

>> No.25465121

yeah, for me

>> No.25465124
File: 442 KB, 1500x2073, 1650678259318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up at 2pm, masturbate to Kronii's powerwash stream

Eat lunch at 6pm, masturbate to Fauna's voice

Start stream at 9:30pm, too tired to stream energetically after all the masturbation

>> No.25465132
Quoted by: >>25465233

Jesus, at first I thought that watermelon farm would be useless, but boy was I wrong.

>> No.25465187

She's just like me!

>> No.25465210

bae is here to ruin the flow of things nice

>> No.25465233
File: 28 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked by wa(...).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25465364


>> No.25465242

celtoids getting dabbed on

>> No.25465322

can't masterbate to girls with boobs, only gura

>> No.25465364

Nice thumbnail dumbass.

>> No.25465427

>Missing the joke

>> No.25465431


>> No.25465438

we need to post pictures of her inventory everywhere so she gets embarrassed and sorts it

>> No.25465486
File: 2 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked by an a(...).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25465495


>> No.25465521

just make kronii do it

>> No.25465557

I agree with this.
Should mention getting more skulkers to organize it.

>> No.25465698

This brat, I will correct her

>> No.25465705

What a couple of dorks

>> No.25465738

God I love her

>> No.25465845

This is heaven

>> No.25465950

>professional rail...uh
my sides Gura

>> No.25466077
File: 125 KB, 498x441, doomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man... playing minecraft with friends would be kind of fun...

>> No.25466076

Time for than Nazi Goomba image.

>> No.25466083

That was a very loud fuck

>> No.25466110


>> No.25466196

you can wear the gura skin

>> No.25466209
Quoted by: >>25466457

Iktf. It's boring on your own.

>> No.25466228

just having friends is fun.

>> No.25466274

>get to watch every Gura stream
>get to play games with friends when Gura or other holos aren't live
Feels pretty good

>> No.25466281

I lost all of mine cos I wouldn't call a tranny by their pronouns. Now I'm gonna die alone.

>> No.25466352

why does she craft like that

>> No.25466384


>> No.25466426

“It’s not me who is wrong, it’s the trannies!”
Being friends with anyone requires empathy, anon.

>> No.25466457
Quoted by: >>25466535

please stop

>> No.25466465

Your descent into loneliness wasn't in vain, at least.

>> No.25466496

>gura is stinky

>> No.25466501

I have no empathy for the willingly mentally ill.

>> No.25466510

licking Gura's sweat...

>> No.25466525

quick tip, just use they/them all the time and they never complain - if you really refuse to call them she/her

>> No.25466535


>> No.25466547
File: 286 KB, 576x622, 1631334112911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura's sweat

>> No.25466571

She just took off a layer

>> No.25466591

you know what this collab needs? another australian

>> No.25466602

their pronouns to them were more important to them than a 25 year friendship. Turns out they were the lynchpin to every friend i had, so every bridge was burned. Meh, i've got the shark.

>> No.25466616

She normally wears a hoodie during the streams so probably that

>> No.25466619

yeah mine

>> No.25466621

Even better, just use no pronouns at all and instead repeat their names every time.

>> No.25466635


>> No.25466655

sanallite here, she's making pink butter

>> No.25466658
Quoted by: >>25466943

she is naked now

>> No.25466680

yeah me.

>> No.25466699

I have first hand experience that I can tell you that you are wrong.

>> No.25466719

does IRyS play with them? How many signs/books have racial slurs on them in their server?

>> No.25466736
Quoted by: >>25467198

w-wait, why are you using bullshit pronouns now? or did they ask for even more absurd ones like ze/zoom?

>> No.25466738

Cute half snort

>> No.25466767

25 years of friendship and you couldn't even give them even the most basic respect as a human in calling them what they ask.
If you act like an unrepentant asshole then everyone will leave you no matter how long you know someone. People don't want to be around you anymore if you act like an ass

>> No.25466915

Stfu tranny

>> No.25466938

halloween = 1 october

>> No.25466943

her BARE ASS is sweating onto her chair

>> No.25466956

Being a good friend isn't playing into others delusions and lying. It's actually the trait of being a pretty bad one.

>> No.25466962

thank god no one in this thread watches gura

>> No.25467112
Quoted by: >>25467222

Them being a woman was a lie, because they were not a woman. I refused to perpetuate the lie. I refused to indulge in their self damaging delusion. I refused to support him destroying his body and tearing apart his family and discarding a quarter century friendship for the sake of social power and upcummies and intersectional feminist bullshit. Don't understand why the doctors didn't give him testosterone to combat his gender dysphoria. Ah well, he's gone now.

>> No.25467198

he wanted she/her pronouns. I was like, dude, you're not a woman, you can't be a woman. But he's out there, somewhere, trying to trick lesbian women into having sex with him.

>> No.25467222
File: 221 KB, 512x512, 1634612133859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too based for this thread

>> No.25467225

>you couldn't even give them even the most basic respect as a human in calling them what they ask.
From this day forward you will refer to me as Santa Clause. If you don't do it I will become very upset and lash out at you.

>> No.25467301

Tranny allies get the rope, you can share the mass graves with the dead trannies you love so much.

>> No.25467305

Do we really have to have arguing about trannies?
I want to talk about Gura, you fucking autists.

>> No.25467359
File: 256 KB, 850x1200, 39381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25467480

post cute

>> No.25467366

Yeah they ruin everythign don't they. Anyways back to gooba.

>> No.25467423
File: 214 KB, 1060x1665, 1652812408077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting cute.

>> No.25467441

Fat shark

>> No.25467480
File: 534 KB, 2035x2048, E9tmJYUUUAADS4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25467532

Very cute blush

>> No.25467543
File: 998 KB, 792x1224, GNrjasQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25467586
File: 155 KB, 286x286, 1609557162575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25467693


>> No.25467693

focus on you stream, shart

>> No.25467743

She's so fucking cute

>> No.25467777

My pp gets hard whenever Ame laughs at something Gura does. Am I gay?

>> No.25467796

25 years of friendship and you couldn't even give them even the most basic respect as a human in enabling their habit like they ask. If you act like an unrepentant asshole then everyone will leave you no matter how long you know someone. People don't want to be around you anymore if you act like an ass

>> No.25467803

You're Super Straight

>> No.25467815
Quoted by: >>25468267

>a bunch of girls bouncing on each other with minecarts
why is this making me smile so much is this what friends are like

>> No.25467839

Gura wants to make a security system for Kronii.

>> No.25467870

Those quads say otherwise. I think your good.

>> No.25467951
File: 267 KB, 144x144, 199912312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25467991

Hora dorufin hora doru fan
Hora dorufin doru fan doru fon

>> No.25467957

This stream is super comfy.

>> No.25467991
File: 2.89 MB, 510x480, dorufin [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpm8045.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25468002

only for gay girls

>> No.25468112
File: 383 KB, 720x720, 1642796764001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and no you're a rational man. You KNOW it's gonna lead to some back breaking sex later on.

>> No.25468182

Gura's back horts so bad that she wants to barf. Had it for a week.

>> No.25468187

>back hurts so much I wanna barf

>> No.25468190

shark puke...

>> No.25468213


>> No.25468215

>yestersay didn't help
what did she do yesterday?

>> No.25468235
File: 85 KB, 480x473, 1622211932553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25468741

>gura's back hurts
oh no, 30 day break incoming

>> No.25468250
Quoted by: >>25468289

Watch streams

>> No.25468255
Quoted by: >>25468310

>keeps breaking her back shoveling shit
stupid shark should just donate money if its volunteer work, or pay someone to do it instead if not. like seriously its physically affecting her well being

>> No.25468265
Quoted by: >>25468389

Volunteers at an animal farm or something. She was shoveling animal shit all day.

>> No.25468266

shoveling shit

>> No.25468267

>is this what friends are like
Yeah because even random moments like that which makes you happy can be something only having friends is possible.

>> No.25468268

Shit shoveling duty

>> No.25468272

well, you certainly have no legitimate business in this thread.

>> No.25468289

she didn't stream yesterday

>> No.25468310

Not this shit again

>> No.25468336

Gura really admires Watame 3D sign.

>> No.25468389

>Volunteers at an animal farm
People keep on wondering why Gura 'appears' to be lazy when in fact she is very active in taking care of animals. Unironically she knows what it means to work more than a lot of the EN girls.

>> No.25468433

how much work do you think gura the womenlet actually accomplishes? like even if she tries hard she is legit a womenlet

>> No.25468454

I think chat causes my youtube to lag. Tried using an addon like Hyperchat but that didn't help, Tried watching the holodex. What else can i do? My poor stuttering sharkwife...

>> No.25468513

Her best is enough, and I will hug her regardless. Smol women deserve love too.

>> No.25468526
File: 33 KB, 514x553, 1649118330323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

discovering and watching gura is like two stars passing each other
a brief but beautiful moment, followed by an eternity in darkness

>> No.25468552
Quoted by: >>25468610

I dunno anon, I don't see a womenlet willing to go through a day shoving shit on a fairly frequent process.

>> No.25468580
Quoted by: >>25468652

>Everyone else actually accomplishes projects in the background
>Gura accomplishes nothing other than destroying her back shoveling animal shit
Not really sure how that's much better

>> No.25468589
File: 828 B, 141x47, 1654313267207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25468607
File: 92 KB, 700x700, 1654312053527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25468610
Quoted by: >>25468690

gura only does it because she maturates to the smell of animal shit

>> No.25468629

There is no reason to have chat open, lad

>> No.25468635

an addon LIKE hyperchat, or actual fucking name brand hyperchat?

>> No.25468646

Who's laughing now fags?
My concerning about her so charity work is justified

>> No.25468649
File: 99 KB, 307x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25468652
Quoted by: >>25468767

Please do not belittle my wife's volunteer work like that. She puts in a lot of love and effort into it.

>> No.25468690

Masturbates? GOd that's really hot

>> No.25468733

>don't wanna work anymore
>don't wanna end the stream
I love her

>> No.25468741

She's learned from the best aka Sana

>> No.25468767
Quoted by: >>25468837

She would accomplish more by actually streaming more often, getting more projects done, and donating instead of hurting herself doing volunteer work.

>> No.25468801

almonds status: activated

>> No.25468804

> activated almonds

>> No.25468837

hey retard, volunteer work is what makes her feel like she's giving back instead of feeling guilty about making a lot of money streaming. you want her to keep streaming? you want her in that fucking volunteer slot. jesus fucking christ you brainless fucking autist, shut the fuck up.

>> No.25468884
Quoted by: >>25468905

Stop replying to the retard

>> No.25468905
Quoted by: >>25468953

he needs to feel ashamed and terrified to post the garbage "thoughts" that his broken brain sharts out

>> No.25468929

Save yourself some time and just go read the other nights thread if you want to go in circles with this.

>> No.25468953

He's posting it with the exact intent of making you upset. There is no shame or fear in his mind. There are no thoughts at all beyond feeble attempts at making others seethe

>> No.25468966

Klepto shark taking Bae's stuff.

>> No.25469048

Gura the train conductor

>> No.25469053

what the shark eating?

>> No.25469062

>i've just shot My leg :3

>> No.25469183
File: 193 KB, 1008x1390, 1648591689624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25469218

i like it when gura cries
not because i want her to feel upset, i just like seeing her be emotional

>> No.25469218


Girls are unironically cute when they are mad.

>> No.25469246
Quoted by: >>25469265

I fell asleep did literally anything happen since Fauna joined?

>> No.25469249

>I see
>I don't see
Audio for that image now

>> No.25469252

Trust no one, not even yourself

>> No.25469265
Quoted by: >>25469399


>> No.25469286

There she goooooes
There she gooooes agaaaaain

>> No.25469300

god kronii's construction is ugly as fuck, and sana's tower

>> No.25469301

gura is not racist
but chumbies are very racist

>> No.25469374

not racist, yet. Give a little time for some life experience, and she'll hate kikes and niggers too.

>> No.25469384

I got something racist for you to suck on, pal

>> No.25469399

I don't believe you.

>> No.25469437

You'd be racist too.

>> No.25469460

Gura finally knows why they call it the tunnel of love. chumbros?

>> No.25469462

I'm gonna ride in gura's tunnel of love!

>> No.25469484


>> No.25469498 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 1080x1080, 1625384501624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she conditioned me.

>> No.25469519

Long, darkk, slow ride into Gura's tight and smooth cunny.

>> No.25469517

Long, slow, Gura riding.

>> No.25469546

Sex. With Gura. With me.

>> No.25469554
Quoted by: >>25469710

gura does not find pics like this funny

>> No.25469558
Quoted by: >>25469710

Didn’t gura like then unlike this image macro on twitter???

>> No.25469568
Quoted by: >>25469609

>Gura watched the new Defunctland video
>I watched the new Defunctland video
We are!

>> No.25469595
File: 134 KB, 321x348, 1650508044773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25469687

This stream is so comfy, I've been smiling like a moron for almost 3 hours now...

>> No.25469596
Quoted by: >>25469637

who was making those monster noises? straight up adorable

>> No.25469599

She didn't already know why they call it that?

>> No.25469609

Gura has probably watched half of youtube at this point

>> No.25469610

I just got off work, why isn't Ame streaming her PoV? its super cute but I'm just curious.

>> No.25469621

Monster testing their tunnel. That was a weird noise from Bae I think?

>> No.25469637


>> No.25469658
Quoted by: >>25469685

Ame's POV is on Gura's stream.

>> No.25469668

I'm jealous of anyone that lives in the same water catchment area as gura. Cos there's a chance that molecules of her pee are in your drinking water. Especially if you're downstream.

>> No.25469685

Oh dang

That's extra cute.

>> No.25469687

i hope they wrap it up soon

>> No.25469688

She is

>> No.25469710

what did she mean by this?

>> No.25469733

8 hour minecraft collab stream confirmed.

>> No.25469781
File: 137 KB, 512x512, 1633307536116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they wrap you up soon.

>> No.25469791

Gura doesn't want to be reminded of the uparupa tube. She has disowned it.

>> No.25469810

I want to be wrapped up in Gura's cunny

>> No.25469823

I purposely block any channel that’s shows up in my recommendations that shows him. Never seen a single second of him, but if YouTube algo is trying to push his influence so hard, that’s a huge red flag for me. I don’t trust it. Not for a second.

>> No.25469848

that would suck so bad haha

>> No.25469872

based. fucking hate that faggot, and all m*le streamers. I'm not gay, not lookin to see that shit.

>> No.25469874


>> No.25469917

Based. I do the same.

>> No.25469933

I worry that Hololive are going to do a male EN generation, and all the girls will start collabing with them and start falling in love with them, just like nyanners.

>> No.25470030
Quoted by: >>25470108

I want to ride the gura express

>> No.25470032

The day this happens is the day I kill myself.

>> No.25470050

will happen just like what happened with nijien

>> No.25470064

Domo shame desh~

>> No.25470071
File: 635 KB, 1280x720, 1650846831529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25470073

I worry your faggotry will mutate into Akira-like proportions

>> No.25470079

I will be joining holostars EN and Gura will fall in love with me.

>> No.25470108

I want the ride THE Gura

>> No.25470127

hate clock
hate clock

Why does she bully shark?

>> No.25470130

I want to ride gura

>> No.25470155
Quoted by: >>25470308

same. like finana and pomu having their offcollab crashed by a male, and now finana hates parasocials after the vox reimu thing. If hololive does this, it will ruin everything. Any male that streams with gura will fall in love with her, it's just natural because gura is so lovely. She needs too be protected.

>> No.25470168
Quoted by: >>25470286

No she went out and got a vtuber boyfriend that she confirmed on stream and moved in with him.
Regardless, Cover wouldn't allow that shit.

>> No.25470170

because she’s an insecure femcel

>> No.25470178

Gura having a tete moment with Fauna in carts. Short lived but welcomed.

>> No.25470194
Quoted by: >>25470262

It's mutual bullying, the sign of a true friendship.

>> No.25470262

Are you sure? What's that like?

>> No.25470286

yeah if anything, at least they were open and honest about it. And we got to see their relationship develop in a natural way. But still kinda sucks cos i'll never have what they have. hurts in the kokoro.

>> No.25470308
Quoted by: >>25470452

Why can't they just understand that this is escapism for us and that stinky m*les ruin it?

>> No.25470343

Don't snitch.

>> No.25470345


>> No.25470439

You call your mate a filthy jew, he calls you a nigger lover and you laugh it off. Good stuff, lots of bants.

>> No.25470452

thank goodness gura won't collab with holostars. finally the language barrier is a good thing.

>> No.25470511

Very cute laugh

>> No.25470518

>kraft dinner
>kronii confirmed for a leaf
>kronii confirmed for a dog fucker

>> No.25470531
Quoted by: >>25470555

shulker box forever lost in a random chest.

>> No.25470555

Ill just remember it for her

>> No.25470562
Quoted by: >>25470682

By the time the Homos debut it's going to be 16 girls vs 5 guys, some girls will rarely interact or only participate in collabs that aren't 1x1 don't worry about it

>> No.25470614

>kronii confirmed for a dog fucker
hot... Gura should get a pet dog. Something big... Doberman or something... then stream herself taking the knot.

>> No.25470624

Literally just bants

>> No.25470648
Quoted by: >>25470832

bro where have you been she said so on stream months ago

>> No.25470674
Quoted by: >>25470759


>> No.25470682
Quoted by: >>25471353

Hopefully they find no one suitable, and can the whole project.

>> No.25470733
Quoted by: >>25470758

>volunteers working with animals
You just know

>> No.25470758

They don't let you fuck the animals, trust me.

>> No.25470759

why jp? kek.

>> No.25470773
Quoted by: >>25470829

there is zero chance a dog would not dominate her. there is no way the dog would not overpower her

>> No.25470806
Quoted by: >>25470909

I'm the dog by the way.

>> No.25470829

knocked to the floor by a chihuahua.

>> No.25470832
Quoted by: >>25470879

Kronii said she fucks dogs on stream?

>> No.25470850
Quoted by: >>25470901

Don't worry, bro, I promise I will destroy the males before it happens.

>> No.25470879

>"I'm Canadian"

>> No.25470888

so backpain is the reason we are getting so little streams lately? understandable, would just be nice if she would tell us

>> No.25470889

You better not know

>> No.25470901

Please do.
Would honestly be pretty funny if some schizo murdered a bunch of male chuubas.

>> No.25470909

Gura puts a collar on me, but I still take the dominant role, know her to the ground and..

>> No.25470914 [DELETED] 

filled to the brim with dog fuckers. kinda like how gura's holes are filled with nigger cum.

>> No.25470925

how does gura have back pain when she has no tits?

>> No.25470970

Minecraft Pro Tips with Bae

>> No.25470993
Quoted by: >>25471148

no, see>>25469498

>> No.25470998

weebs fuck dogs? I wouldn't know, haven't left this place for a couple years.

>> No.25471018
File: 305 KB, 563x704, gaming chair shrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sits in her herman miller chair like a shrimp

>> No.25471020

she shovels shit for free
no joke

>> No.25471025
Quoted by: >>25471327


>> No.25471038

tits aren't the sole source of back pain.

>> No.25471067

From bouncing on dragon dildos, anally. The ones with the suction cups.

>> No.25471088
Quoted by: >>25471134

raw rabbit test? What does Gura seeing a twerking bunny or roasted Kiara mean?

>> No.25471134

That she's hungry, horny, and a furry

>> No.25471148

cope, she's said on stream that she wants to give a nigger the seed and feed.

>> No.25471158

Pandering for too many meme. Losing self. Many such case

>> No.25471170
Quoted by: >>25471296

I like it when she whispers to chat during collabs.

>> No.25471189
Quoted by: >>25471328


>> No.25471244
Quoted by: >>25471328

timestamp now

>> No.25471296

I like when Gura

>> No.25471302
Quoted by: >>25471327

For the last 15 minutes, I lost track of what they were doing, even though i'm watching intently. Why are they digging in the sand? I hate adhd.

>> No.25471307

Very cute snort

>> No.25471323

oh look is our resident cuckfag

>> No.25471327


>> No.25471328

He’s gonna pull up the Lucio sucky sucky clip morons. Don’t respond to b8

>> No.25471353
Quoted by: >>25471476

A man can only wish but I'm already training myself for it, it's going to be some dark days until everything settles down

>> No.25471373

good she's cute when she's smug.

>> No.25471416

We're gonna spit-roast Kronii

>> No.25471450
Quoted by: >>25471513

I've never seen breaking bad but I know enough memes about it to realize how based kronii is.

>> No.25471465

Fell asleep and missed the first 3 hours. How has it been? Is that Ame's stream in the corner of the screen?

>> No.25471476

And I fucking despise male vtuber designs. They never ever ever look good. They always look fucking gay. They never look like a friendly bro that would be fun to hang out with. Instead they look all gay and faggy, either little faggy twinks, or muscley faggots straight out of yaoi. I fucking hate it.

>> No.25471510

Very comfy and cute, pretty funny too

>> No.25471513
Quoted by: >>25471546

I've missed it, what did she say?

>> No.25471515

It's been comfy, yeah that's ame's stream. It's a bit more chaotic now with all 5 of them. The hour of Amesame was comfy.

>> No.25471546
Quoted by: >>25471611

made the gruffest voice she could make and imitated breaking bad "we need to cook"

>> No.25471611

ty, I appreciate it

>> No.25471764
Quoted by: >>25471830


>> No.25471765

I used to be blown away by how huge the JP server is, but it's been interesting to watch the EN server grow over the last year or so...

>> No.25471798
Quoted by: >>25471884

I'd like to soft touch, Gura.

>> No.25471830

I love it. Dunno if she realizes how amazing her soft voice is...

>> No.25471884
File: 177 KB, 938x982, 1654229328306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25472014

>have you not used a composter in real life before
I love her

>> No.25472016
Quoted by: >>25472053

gooba's smelly compost bin!!

>> No.25472026

Gura really gave Kronii a jumpscare there.

>> No.25472053
Quoted by: >>25472379

making gura mow the lawn, then smelling her stinky grassy body afterwards!

>> No.25472083


>> No.25472109

they're boning! twice as fast!

>> No.25472158

These dorks!

>> No.25472183

>kronii's persona is too cool to not speak simlish unironically
>but she really really really wants to.

What a dork

>> No.25472197
Quoted by: >>25472228

okay... i admit... fauna is kkinda cute sometimes.. i spose..

>> No.25472228

chumbie prime is always cute.

>> No.25472260

hard to be cute when with the cutest shark on the planet.

>> No.25472274
Quoted by: >>25472324

more like dumbies

>> No.25472308

haven't watched her except for the ASMR, is she a big gura fan or something?

>> No.25472313

Gura was the cum poster all along...

>> No.25472324
File: 601 KB, 937x731, 1645069141678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25472325

The fucking brat

>> No.25472341
Quoted by: >>25472412

did gura just fart?

>> No.25472348

she brought up "sha ha ha hark" earlier in this stream chumbud. she knows.

>> No.25472356

C'mon Bae! It's 2:30pm here, wake up ya silly cunt.

>> No.25472358
Quoted by: >>25472488

She's the only chumbie who loved Gura enough to become a vtuber and join hololive

JUST so she could speak to Gura regularly.

>> No.25472379
Quoted by: >>25472537

>the natural musk of Gura + freshly mowed lawn smell
Nothing would turn this oji-san on more.

>> No.25472384
Quoted by: >>25472466

I joined late. Why are they making glass? What is Ame having them build?

>> No.25472392


I forget which stream she confirmed it, that she was in fact a fan of Gura even before joining

>> No.25472412

yeah, on me

>> No.25472454

Ahaahah, Fauna got insta karma and killed by Enderman for compoosting Gura.

>> No.25472466

hyperloop, Ame caved and let Fauna build a glass cave over the parts of the cart tracks

>> No.25472486

She's unironically a chumbud before she was fauna. She's us if we were girls.

>> No.25472488

fauna is us

>> No.25472537

Her ideas for a gardening stream unironically make me extremely horny. Like her hands digging through moist fresh soil, crouched over in the garden wearing a sunhat, wiping the sweat from her brow with a dirty hand and it leaves a mark on her forehead, her blue eyes glinting in the sunlight.

>> No.25472558

Gura sees dumpy chicken.

>> No.25472603

there's a reason we love fauna
>captcha: 4GAYH

>> No.25472637

She also helped inspire gura into doing ASMR, gigabased.

>> No.25472681

gura's seed...

>> No.25472683
Quoted by: >>25472735

>you want some of my seeds
>next to my face
>take my seedlings

>> No.25472700

Gura feeding Fauna her stun seeds.

>> No.25472711

>Gura is giving Fauna her seed

>> No.25472712

some of Gura's seed...

>Gura trying so hard not to be too lewd with fauna, cute.

>> No.25472735
Quoted by: >>25472784

>girl are you a compost? Because I want to put my seed into you.

>> No.25472742
File: 98 KB, 1079x196, Screenshot_20220603-214438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extreme autism

>> No.25472784

She wanted to use the line so bad

>> No.25472786

How do you even pronounce that?

>> No.25472796

>Gura: Fauna you're a plant right?
>Fuana: I'm a kirin!
>Gura: so anyway

>> No.25472803

fuckin normies in chat.

>> No.25472813

this dude's name is just "no u" in an australian accent

>> No.25472814

Thank god gift subs never happened

>> No.25472830

Nice self post idiot.
