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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 6 KB, 800x504, 1638656901663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25334375 No.25334375 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people have such a hard time coming to terms with the fact that most holos are just bad people who don't feel like helping someone in need
Actual hypocrite who doesn't have problems having men on her radio show, legitimate cunt who could elevate someone like Roberu to stardom but rather bend the knee to 3 fucking autist on her chat, she already admitted to faking all the yuri shit, i don't get why can't she stop being a cunt and help the stars out
Piece of shit who doesn't have anything to lose, just a bad person
selfish hypocrite who sucked off tons of male vtubers for months and then backstabbed them to be a """pure idol"""
This one i excuse, her existence is so pathetic that she only get's by essentially being a rental girlfriend, doesn't matter much when she's so devoid of personality that not even Oga could make that collab work
>Muh-h afraid of men
i pitty you i you actually buy that bullshit that she just uses to hide her boyfriend, i doubt the actual WHORE who makes means end by pleasing men would have any trouble collabing with men, just a selfish cunt
Another genuine piece of shit who has nothing to lose from collabing with men, but much rather ditch her brother juts because
Actual obnoxious idolfag, hopefully she goes deaf soon, not that big of a loss when everyone else is a bigger singer, and doesn't need a pity story to get by
Spineless coward who bends the knee to Antis
only collabs with famous pro gamers, won't help out her past life's friends just because she's mildly famous, lot's of ego for a cunt who is a bottom of the barrel holo in subscribers
ditched her friend Maimoto after she finally got popular
She sucking her papa's dick and avoid collabing with men to rise suspicions
Hypocrite who plays with men in voice chat, just a cunt who doesn't feel like trying at all and just get's by because she's a woman
Same as Botan
Bitch who won't help out her past life's friends just because she's mildly famous, same shit as Towa, cunt can't even return a follow
Selfish bitch
Actual whore, not that she streams at all to begin with
A fucking hypocrite who would suck all the dick in the world to get big, but now that someone else needs help she ignored them

Just a reminder that Nijisanji showed that none of these CUNTS need to ignore men to be successful, is a conscious choice they make everyday when the stars are struggling to get more than 700 viewers and some have to take part time jobs to afford to eat, all while cover neglects them and couldn't even give them 3Ds in proper time, if your oshi in the list above, a very genuine FUCK YOU

>> No.25334465
Quoted by: >>25336012

Wow, they act like women in real life. I have to watch them now.

>> No.25334483

False flagging with effort

>> No.25334503
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Quoted by: >>25335370

Your mother never loves you

>> No.25334541
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Quoted by: >>25336737

>> No.25334608

Mate, I am not reading all this. Have a free bump

>> No.25334659

most of these im fine with but i cannot let you insult watame, botan, laplus and nene
i simply cannot

>> No.25334658

that's a lotta word just to say you have free headspace

>> No.25334705

Who asked?

>> No.25334748
File: 150 KB, 449x442, a98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25336199

>Just a reminder that Nijisanji
of course it's a nijikek thread, why did I expect anything different

>> No.25334851
Quoted by: >>25335141

I only agree with Miko's, the rest are alright.

>> No.25335141

cope 35pagpag

>> No.25335161
File: 227 KB, 379x474, 1646105876693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reclaim this shitty thread in the name of watamelon

>> No.25335198
Quoted by: >>25336199

this is your mind on homobegging

>> No.25335208
File: 156 KB, 528x414, 1645515014008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her go!

>> No.25335266
File: 471 KB, 1440x1080, 1646159401797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very spooky

>> No.25335274
Quoted by: >>25335431

Shit, is the champion, the queen of the ring, big W, Watame?

>> No.25335279
File: 336 KB, 450x400, cute melon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25335329
File: 183 KB, 460x420, 1653438055072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the adeptus melonicus have your back brother

>> No.25335370
Quoted by: >>25335582

Cope 35 subhuman

>> No.25335410

Did you medicate today

>> No.25335415

The list of based chuubas.

>> No.25335431
File: 420 B, 10x8, 1648005682908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25340766

>big W
not really

>> No.25335439
File: 55 KB, 665x120, 1647541682771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25335443
Quoted by: >>25336199

>Just a reminder that Nijisanji

>> No.25335467
File: 438 KB, 360x360, people are people.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are people, so why should it be
You and oshi should get along so awfully
People are people, so why should it be
You and oshi should get along so awfully
So we're different fans and we're different groups
And different fans have different needs
It's obvious you hate them though They're done nothing wrong
They've never even met you, so what could they have done
I can't understand
What makes a fan
Hate another fan
Help me understand
People are people, so why should it be
You and oshi should get along so awfully
People are people, so why should it be
You and oshi should get along so awfully

>> No.25335479
Quoted by: >>25335563

So is this another "these girls should be pure for only me" thread? Kek holyshit dude Go outside getting pussy is not hard.

>> No.25335523
File: 137 KB, 151x166, 1650025043408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25335532
Quoted by: >>25336199

Holo rents a whole mansion in your head and you pay them to live there

>> No.25335563
Quoted by: >>25335823

No this is another homobeggar thread. Read the last line.

>> No.25335576
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>> No.25335582
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seethe (in french)

>> No.25335625
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>> No.25335706
File: 376 KB, 495x506, 1647496535611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falseflagging as a homobeggar

>> No.25335779
File: 554 KB, 1024x576, 1646379641919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25335781

The only person in this list I can legit agree did a really shitty thing, objectively, is Miko.
She is an outright hypocrite and people would shit on Nyanners for the same reasons but Miko is a-okay. Fucking weebs.
She straight up turned her back on previous relationships she formed over the years and did a total 180 just to pander to lonely people.
The rest is just subjective hate, and I don't personally agree. I don't care for GFE, but I won't hate someone for doing it. Same with idolfaggotry. But Miko was a pure trend-chaser that backstabbed many.

>> No.25335823

Ah so he wants men then. He could've just said that instead of writing all that trash. I stopped reading 1/4 kek.

>> No.25335854

>I'm the only one old enough to remember this copypasta
holy shit the board is basically newborns

>> No.25335866

What the fuck are you smoking? Also I doubt anyone rents girlfriends just for them to play Elden Ring and Zelda for weeks.

>> No.25335890
Quoted by: >>25336199

>Nijisanji showed that none of these CUNTS need to ignore men to be successful

This implies that there is someone in nijisanji that is successful, which would be an oxymoron
Being in hololive IS vtuber success

>> No.25335915

I never saw it, that means this copypasta is obscure and irrelevant.

>> No.25335920

it's slightly edited and updated to make it less obvious

>> No.25335943
File: 183 KB, 480x401, 1647491334856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shittalking 17 holos to to bait responses from 17 fanbases
takes this (you) and fuck off

>> No.25336012
Quoted by: >>25336037

Women don't act pure in real life.

>> No.25336021
Quoted by: >>25336341

Why did you conveniently ignore HoloEN when Gura, Ina, Mori, Sana and quite possibly few others fit those descriptions perfectly? Is it because it's 4chan and you're afraid to get fucked by EN fans who lurk here? Also, anon, you must understand they're all working in a corporation and they're only there to make money and that's all. That family/friends image you or someone else may have only exists on a small scale within certain groups. Big chunk of holo fans are allergic to male collabs and girls know that. Soulless? Maybe, but not they're not there to be charitable and lose potential income.

>> No.25336037
Quoted by: >>25336153

This man knows the game

>> No.25336153

Faggot's the name and holo's the game.

>> No.25336199

>holofags have no argument against this except crying nijinigger, homobeggar or schizo
Just further proving the point that holofags can't accept the girls are bad people

>> No.25336233

>t. nijifaggot

>> No.25336300

Astel rapes cats why should the girls help someone like that?

>> No.25336341

That's what that moron don't get japanese companies and corporations in general have etiquette to follow is the reason why the girls even with their problems and egos try to keep things professional to not bring what would be considered shame to the brand and cover.
The reason they keep girls from the boys is because it is less drama.

I Don't watch nijisanji but from the clips ive seen of their En branch lately it makes me feel like is the vtubbing version of that embarassing show called the jersey shore.

>> No.25336371

Did he rape Mike the neko?

>> No.25336445
File: 223 KB, 480x401, 1649327288816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried not being a nijinigger, homobeggar or schizo?

>> No.25336474

Oh it's you.

>> No.25336495

I hope this is some elaborate copy paste collaberation between shitposters. No way someone would sit down by themselves and type all this shit out.

>> No.25336522

Not everyone is on a phone like you, faggot.

>> No.25336526

You don't know basic 4chan culture. REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.25336584


>> No.25336737

please tell me someone replied with 'dilate tranny'

>> No.25337011

Waaah Hololive girls won't collab with my holostars oshii...We get it. You prefer dick. Try ManjisanjiEN...that seems like what you are looking for.

>> No.25337280


>> No.25338934

great argument, next time type it without the nippleclamps on

>> No.25339475

nijifag deflection thread. don't you 2nd place losers have zhang fujos to fight on twitter and bilibili?

>> No.25339566

You need to stop listening to the voices inside your head.

>> No.25340157
File: 3.89 MB, 412x468, rentfree (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother

>> No.25340304


>> No.25340418

i feel bad for sane holostar fans for having to share fanbases with people like you

>> No.25340510
File: 1.55 MB, 640x360, hikok45 watamelon massacre[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhy8b7d.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25340635

>people have to be absolutely perfect or they're (insert insult)
fuck off, go back to working on your binary thinking

>> No.25340727

homobegging just went and gone to another level

>> No.25340766
File: 376 KB, 720x722, 1653881547226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25340932

based based based

>> No.25340932
File: 707 KB, 2000x1127, 1650166504347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i nice watamelons. Mine now

>> No.25341047
Quoted by: >>25341256

Seethe faggot. SEETHE

>> No.25341115
Quoted by: >>25341256

Honestly, people are trusting women too much on this board.

>> No.25341256
File: 401 KB, 680x645, 1641444112589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

