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25157011 No.25157011 [Reply] [Original]

Was releasing vtubers as generations actually a mistake? Are solo gens actually a big buff?

>> No.25157059

Sure why not.

>> No.25157126
Quoted by: >>25177418

It would allow agencies to be more picky about their talent.
Instead of having 1 good girl and 4 leeches you get 1 real talent that can stand on its own.

>> No.25157192

Not true, it doesn't work with Irys.

>> No.25157533

I wanna fuck her hair so bad right now

>> No.25157628


>> No.25157708

No, I still think generations are the way to go but gens with 3 members is better than 5 imo. Ojou is just an outlier

>> No.25157796
Quoted by: >>25183974

>Was releasing vtubers as generations actually a mistake?
If you're asking me, a Nijifag, the answer is yes. I only care about my oshis but they have to do low quality collab with their genmates out of some weird unspoken obligation and they literally can't stop because people will start shits and say stuffs like 'oh you're abandoning your friends now you selfish cunt?'. Solo debut will not have that problem.

>> No.25157964
Quoted by: >>25158151

Irys has gotten quite popular though

>> No.25157994

Nijisanji releases their talents as WAVES. That is Hololive jargon.

>> No.25158044
Quoted by: >>25158409

No, that's just NijiEN faggotry.

>> No.25158151

Popular as much as other average Hololive member.

>> No.25158166
Quoted by: >>25158305

The biggest buff is being a good streamer. Shit like gens vs solo debuts, design, etc. doesn't matter if you have that.

>> No.25158256

Compare her to Council.

>> No.25158305

Great design, amazing voice, in character all the time, entertaining as fuck. They struck gold.

>> No.25158351

I think solo is the way to go. With a group people will pick and chose who to pre-sub to just based off of how they look. Then there's timeslots between the debuting group with their own personalities and hobbies so the spot light gets spread around a bit. Usually just one will outshine all the others by a decent margin.

BUT if you just have a solo debut, all that spotlight and time investment is now on a SINGLE person. Maybe this is for the best.

>> No.25158401

I don't even know who that is

>> No.25158409

Wave is the term used in their offical press releases desu wa.

>> No.25158458
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Worked out great for Desuwa, but there are other solo gens that weren't so great.

>> No.25158768

shes something else. not like anyone can be like her whether they join niji or holo. amerimutt commie woke bs like "equity" doesnt work in any entertainment or art.

if anything niji management did a good job. they knew she would be able to be a super star and gave her a special opportunity.

>> No.25158839

Count her debuffs, see how she survived in spite of them, then imagine if she also had to hard-carry Council's 2-streams-a-week comatose gen.

>> No.25158993

Anyone can be successful with enough bots.

>> No.25159061

Salome is crazy in the head like Haachama but not cringe. This is how you make success.

Long live my poor ojou-sama

>> No.25159097

"Generations" are just corpos throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

You don't need to do that if you have someone who can actually be an entertaining streamer, which the vast majority of vtubers (both corpo and indie) are not.

>> No.25159310

Probably yes

>> No.25159700

Irys got a massive design debuff
one thing is having a bland design
other thing is having Irys situation

>> No.25159936

Irys broke records back when she started.

>> No.25159951

Name one.

>> No.25160555
Quoted by: >>25164930

world's ugliest vtuber avatar

>> No.25160614

Solo debuts will avoid the "sankisei" problem so i'm fine with it if they go with that in the future.

>> No.25160696

-Worst design
-Biggest waste of a debut
-Largest AND Quickest deadsub count

>> No.25164930

She is not Sana or Reimu. A change in model similar to what Suisei had can save her but cover cares too little to give her even a new outfit after almost a year

>> No.25165330
File: 817 KB, 874x874, IRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how powerful Irys would be if they didn't gave her a shit model.
Hell even her lore is pretty weak. Not much to work with being a Nephilim with a emphasis on Hope.

>> No.25168383

Didnt get what was on the package, but shes still one of en's top streamers

>> No.25172136
File: 597 KB, 1920x1775, irys17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25172343

i.....i like her design a lot...

>> No.25172343

>shit model.
>Hell even her lore is pretty weak. Not much to work with being a Nephilim with a emphasis on Hope.
We're almost a year in with IRyS encroaching on the big 1mil and you idiots are still saying this, it's hilarious
Yeah it's great but she is due a New years outfit or at least on of those casual outfits most of the other girls get. Or a fucking Angel and Devil outfit Redjuice? you can't be that busy of an artist.

>> No.25172760

>olo gens actually a big buff
>miko before she says nigger
even the IPO scam rrat is more easy to believe

>> No.25174608
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>you idiots are still saying this,
If many people saying it then maybe there's some truth to it. The design itself isn't bad as seen in drawing and MV but for vtubing it's terrible. Too detailed, clash harshly with everyone else, her model isn't as expressive as others.

>> No.25174985

Im disappointed yagoo... How did you missed this chubba?

>> No.25175130
Quoted by: >>25184014

Nobody cares retard. Your fanbase are bunch of sub-humans therefore i'll follow the superior tribe which is hololive

>> No.25175187

>anon itt comparing the Goat Salome to some mexican vtuber named irys

>> No.25175995

but it has to be every 2 month or 3, what do you think

>> No.25176117
Quoted by: >>25176284

I'm just glad we're gonna be getting a voretuber,

We are definitely gonna get some footage of her endo

Praise be oujosama

>> No.25176284


>> No.25176591

She's doing great, but she would have blown up a lot earlier if her face wasn't a huge debuff

>> No.25177104
Quoted by: >>25183533

She's boring and can't carry a solo debut. She doesn't even want that kind of attention

>> No.25177418

That would require them to accurately rate all the talent in advance. They can't. A critical benefit of generations is they can gamble on a bunch of unpredictable sluts and get a payoff even if most of them don't work out.

>> No.25180327

did better then council though

>> No.25180461

No but Chinese bots sure as hell are

>> No.25183533

Yea I get some kind of meek and shy aura from her

>> No.25183974
Quoted by: >>25185175

Solo will have the same problem as soon as they go a week without a collab people will start saying she doesn't like the others or she doesn't want to be there. on another note how did you get into niji if you are against lo quality collabs thats pretty much all their about.

>> No.25184014

You mean the tribe breaking all quarantine

>> No.25185175

>as soon as they go a week without a collab people will start saying she doesn't like the others or she doesn't want to be there
That woildn't be a problem for Salome. I'm sure people realize that she's better suited for streaming solo, and a lot of her fans probably don't care about Nijisanji as a whole anyway.
>on another note how did you get into niji if you are against lo quality collabs thats pretty much all their about
I stumbled upon Mitoraji with Kenmochi as a guest in 2018 and liked it a lot. Also by low quality collabs I didn't mean collabs with low production value, I was thinking about collabs that aren't entertaining as my oshi's solo streams.

>> No.25185298
Quoted by: >>25189409

yeah, but eventually salome will feel lonely

>> No.25186633

If the company's usual practice was releasing solo chuubas, a gen all releasing together would get a big buff.
If the company's usual practice is releasing in gens, a single solo debut would get a big buff.
Breaking the usual pattern generates chatter and attracts more eyeballs to the debut, it's not that complicated.

>> No.25189409
File: 169 KB, 637x900, pregananant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I will give her babies to keep her company
