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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1288, Nina_Kosaka_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24674939 No.24674939 [Reply] [Original]

>forces luca and vox to play the pocky game and kiss each other even though they're obviously uncomfortable and don't want to do it
>btw they're just pngs on the screen so it's not like the viewers could see anything anyway but she still makes them do it for the vieeeews
>does this while yelling out a completely tone deaf play by play like it's a sports match
oh and let's not forget she tried her hardest to unbutton luca's shirt to take it off before he stopped her

she's a fucking cougar and a sexual predator. sooner or later she's going to do something like rape mysta and bring down the entire branch

>> No.24674970

Based horny mommy.

>> No.24675020

Now tell us about how Vox outright trying to make out with someone on stream who then left immediately after being grabbed didn't happen, sister.

>> No.24675030

she's perfect for rape

>> No.24675045
Quoted by: >>24675390

there's a real lack of clips

>> No.24675049
Quoted by: >>24677323

*cums in your pussy*

>> No.24675086

Based hag living the dream.

>> No.24675094
Quoted by: >>24675264

Never liked this cringe as person. Only got into vtubing because she found it as an easy grift to get money off simps.

>> No.24675141

I now understand why fujos don't mind her. SHE'S LITERALLY ONE OF THEM.

>> No.24675159

>>forces luca and vox to play the pocky game and kiss each other even though they're obviously uncomfortable and don't want to do it
>>btw they're just pngs on the screen so it's not like the viewers could see anything anyway but she still makes them do it for the vieeeews
>>does this while yelling out a completely tone deaf play by play like it's a sports match
>oh and let's not forget she tried her hardest to unbutton luca's shirt to take it off before he stopped her
>she's a fucking cougar and a sexual predator. sooner or later she's going to do something like rape mysta and bring down the entire branch

>> No.24675207

>oh and let's not forget she tried her hardest to unbutton luca's shirt to take it off before he stopped her
To be fair apparently he's a fit runner that actually takes care of himself, dresses well and looks good in a world full of neets.
you take what you can get

>> No.24675215
Quoted by: >>24677030

>mysta starts cancelling streams almost immediately after
>goes full menhera
>hasn't talked to vox once since he grabbed mysta by the hair
>ike actively tries to stay away from him and only shared the couch with him for a grand total of 30 minutes
this is unironically why i hate fujobaiters because everyones forced to go along with their shit

>> No.24675232

cool, but i wanna see the clip

>> No.24675254

play gay games
win gay prizes

>> No.24675264
Quoted by: >>24677323

*cums balls deep in your unwashed pussy*

>> No.24675281
File: 50 KB, 738x260, 1626590550022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they do mind her

>> No.24675390
Quoted by: >>24678263

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsk5LBhkKWc Here's a partial one that starts with the retardation that is Luca, so either skip ahead a couple dozen seconds or go check out the stream for the whole mess.

>> No.24675410

they hate her now

>> No.24675486

She's a disgusting looking, std having, rostie who no one will ever touch again with a 10 foot pole. Of course she's a sexual predator, that's the only way she can get any action. inb4 she drugs one of them and rapes them.

>> No.24675508

I love the hypocrisy of schizo lucubs getting angry at Nina for "infantilizing" him when they obsessively act like he's their son

>> No.24675539

*floods your stinky pussy with cum*

>> No.24675570
Quoted by: >>24675631

where's the clips anon?

>> No.24675603
File: 72 KB, 558x455, 1625717621079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rorumao, fujos mad

>> No.24675631

scroll up

>> No.24675667

>Hololive has Mori
>Nijisanji has Nina
Please let them collab so the malding can be supercritical

>> No.24675703
Quoted by: >>24675866

Fujostacies have the right idea hating this bitch

>> No.24675730
File: 553 KB, 600x456, Button-Banne2_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nina and oliver pick out a shirt for luca, agree that the top should be unbuttoned like picrel
>goes to show him because he's retarded
>schizo freak out and insist that she tried to take his shirt off and sexually harass him
for anyone keeping score at home

>> No.24675765

They're pretty far off, Nina at least pretends to care about others while stepping on their face as a springboard, though I can't tell if that's more or less respectable that Mori's complete apathy.

>> No.24675821
Quoted by: >>24675866

I do think the moment she repeatedly shouted FANARTIST really sounds like a fucking retarded.

>> No.24675835
Quoted by: >>24675866

Nina wishes she had half the talent Mori has. All she can do is leech, at least Mori has her own brand.

>> No.24675866

*shoots hot ropes of cum inside your fishy cunts*

>> No.24676041

I don't know, she sounds like most desperate middle aged women. What's the issue?

>> No.24676610

Rember when Selen was telling an innocent anecdote about his dad and Nina suddenly blurted out that she was horny for Selen's dad, making everyone suuuper uncomfortable?
I actually don't hate Nina, it's just that she clearly doesn't understand that hornyposting about her personal acquaintances (especially coworkers) is super fucking weird and borderline predatory.

>> No.24676617


>> No.24676671
Quoted by: >>24679215

Nina....her eggs are drying up...she needs to breed

>> No.24677030

What? Vox grabbed Mysta at some point? I heard about the Luca thing but what the fuck

>> No.24677323
File: 54 KB, 1001x1001, 1627254878197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24689323


>> No.24677469

>she clearly doesn't understand

>> No.24677847

Anon, you're gonna get an STD at this pace.

>> No.24677946

Based hag. Nina is the Miko of NijiEN

>> No.24678263

ok so where's the part where she forces anything?

>> No.24678372
Quoted by: >>24679020

it's obviously a joke and nobody is uncomfortable here

jfc anon-chama how do you manage to be schizo and autistic at the same time?

>> No.24679020

If your coworker joked about wanting to fuck your mom how would you react?

>> No.24679167

i wouldnt care. your mom jokes have been normie for years

>> No.24679185

Selen actually wants to fuck her own dad. Thats why she was uncomfortable.

>> No.24679211


>> No.24679215

STDs have rotted away her eggs a long long time ago

>> No.24679509

If my job is entertaining people with immature humour all day I'm probably fine with it

>> No.24679668


>> No.24679843

Nina is intensely autistic and unused to having friends, please be patient with her

>> No.24679871

I'd feel bad that his standards are so low

>> No.24679887

god i wish that was me

>> No.24680076

I miss Nina's solo streams
Her sheer autism was comfy

>> No.24680100

I'd touch her with my 7 inch pole

>> No.24680158

Even if this narrative was true, what's so bad about it? She knows what she wants me

>> No.24680226

Can't the Luxiem fujos and moralfag incels just have sex with each other? Not like they have better options.

>> No.24680357


>> No.24680641

>Have Calli, Nina, Zentreya, and Connor collab together
>make a megathread about it
>region-block everyone who posts in the thread

>> No.24681016

>She's a disgusting looking
lmao no, i dont like her but she's the best looking in nijien unless midget pomu is a real cutie. rosemi comes close because she has a beautiful face but abysmal stick body

>> No.24681121
Quoted by: >>24681299

damn if nina is the best looking the girls in niji must be ugly af

>> No.24681214

dunno anon. i'm not into white girls, but elira is pretty cute.

>> No.24681299 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 629x633, 1638545830269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24681327
Quoted by: >>24681979

why does she look like she just got out of a mental hospital

>> No.24681713

Hag love, hag sex

>> No.24681823

I want to see Hololive events on the Hololive board not NijiEN trash

>> No.24681835

>that tummy
I hate that cunt, but SEXO

>> No.24681884

how is that not rape? would it be okay for a man to unbutton a females shirt so she can show more cleavage?

>> No.24681899

why are leafrogs so disgusting

>> No.24681979

She escaped

>> No.24682390
Quoted by: >>24682726

is she walking around braless? why are her nipples poking out

>> No.24682695

>tfw the only famous ukrainian vtubers are a vshitshow-adjacent twitch thot and an sjw pre-wall skank who wants to rp as zoey quinn by fucking her more successful male colleagues for clout

>> No.24682726

Really anon?

>> No.24686356

based vox making the menhera have a total breakdown

>> No.24686594

Ok? Average tits and blond... and?

Her face is what you see when dredging through dozens of single moms on tinder.

Tldr; you have shit taste faggot

>> No.24686719
File: 61 KB, 180x194, selencool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's a fucking cougar and a sexual predator

>> No.24686758


>> No.24686897

Nina is like, perpetually down bad, but that's part of what makes her funny.

>> No.24687004

Not him, but are you a woman by any chance? Because you sound like one right now, a jealous one.

>> No.24687066

I thought we agreed to name this /nag/

>> No.24687115

Are you autistic by any chance, or have absolutely zero social experience?
Because you sound like one right now, a pathetic shit taste retarded one.

Short answer: no, i just prefer them asian.

>> No.24687335

She looks pretty good, you're just a faggot.

>> No.24687522
Quoted by: >>24687742

Guess you live in a place surrounded by landwhales then.
Shes Qc, almost all women looks like that here, shes bellow average you lonely pathetic sub-male

>> No.24687742
File: 990 KB, 858x1006, gizHPnKGlB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes bellow average

>> No.24688011
File: 49 KB, 844x455, woToESPh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fight fight fight

>> No.24688242

Dunno if this makes you happy but
Nina getting called as roastie even in /hag/ thread kek

>> No.24688275

that's literally their job, to do shit they probably don't really want to for content

>> No.24688317
Quoted by: >>24688643

lmao I thought this was just some nothingburger like the purple male on the off collab but the comment section is actually mad

>> No.24688537

>would it be okay for a man to unbutton a females shirt so she can show more cleavage?


>> No.24688643
Quoted by: >>24695838

the purple male collab was just shitposters from here that lost interested after 1 day when no one really care.
Thoses retards are doxxsisniggers that have been timelooping for a week already.

>> No.24688647

>how is that not rape?
because in the real world, rape is only when someone forcibly has sex with another unconsenting person

>> No.24688835

t. seanigs that thinks any plain white girl is a 10/10

>> No.24688877

top kek, I looooove sisters

>> No.24689129


>> No.24689323

Kill yourself, misandrist.

>> No.24689400

She needs to get dick to get the horny out of her system

>> No.24689627

Funny clip, I approve

>> No.24691301
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 0CY3NJWN_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking BASED she knows what she wants and she always gets it
the absolute seethe of the incels and fujos

>> No.24691466

Built for BBC

>> No.24694056
File: 156 KB, 1237x858, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow they're actually going nute

>> No.24694279
Quoted by: >>24694516

Wow Nina is based.
Males can't be sexually harrassed

>> No.24694370

Keep in mind that before the offcollab she had like 30 comments on this page, like any girl, and now they're at 3.3k comments of timelooping hate

>> No.24694516

Yes, they can, fag. Punk asses like you pushing this narrative is why society's a shithole now. Nina deserves to be terminated for her bullshit. Also, seriously kill yourself.

>> No.24694629
File: 771 KB, 981x743, 1652389961414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story. Now go back to your doxxsite femoid.

>> No.24695125


>> No.24695629
Quoted by: >>24695959

doxxsites get taken down all the time, I wonder what's gonna happen when the sisters lose their schizo containment unit

>> No.24695730

she based.

>> No.24695788

post tits

>> No.24695838

fujos can't restrain themselves

>> No.24695959
Quoted by: >>24696180

this one's been up for a long time but now they're adding shit about Japanese vtubers (Korone just got added)

>> No.24696180

dumbass, all the zense stuff is from the original jp doxxsites it's just that this particular one posted about the EN boys first, and has a comment section open to people outside of japan

>> No.24696237

>she tries to get Mysta to do it
>Mysta immediately gives a firm no and she immediately stops trying to get him to do it
>somehow she totally forced Vox and Luca to do it even though they just saw they were allowed to say no

>> No.24696364

>the day before, Vox explicitely told his fans that he's a big boy, knew what he's doing, he collabs with the others because he wants to do it, and now they can stop with the needless concernfagging.

>> No.24696917
File: 378 KB, 750x900, 1653163122197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24704939

>she's a fucking cougar and a sexual predator. sooner or later she's going to do something like rape mysta
Mysta gonna get HAGGED

>> No.24696918

Asking women to stop concernfagging is like asking a fish to breathe out of water. The original "did you drink water why are you still awake get rest" commenters were women. Before all this vtubing business. Those types of chatters are mocked a lot when people are making fun of streamer chats, usually fangirls of male streamers.

>> No.24697002
File: 583 KB, 4096x3072, FS6DxeiX0AoEWj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24697220

I'm confused, I thought you guys said Mika was the one down bad for Mysta, also that cooking stream was hilarious

>> No.24697220

Mysta's not Mika's type really
she's more down bad for Yugo

>> No.24698579

They just hate her out of jealousy and are just looking for reasons to justify it, see >>24694056 they're desperately rewriting shit that happened months ago like nina telling mysta she'd buy him a tenga giftcard (a joke he laughed at) or nina slapping vox (which he tweeted about himself, because he thought it was funny)

>> No.24700157

I love the Nina, honeys.

>> No.24703406


>> No.24704508

The responses in here are fucking wild. If Nina was a homostar forcing the HoloEN girls to do this, the board would be spammed with bait threads and people would be losing their shit. But instead people here are actually supporting Nina. Talk about a double standard.

>> No.24704568

mysta is an adult but you can still groom him
lol lmao

>> No.24704582

are you telling me you've never hit a woman?

>> No.24704608
Quoted by: >>24704708

This disgusting bitch should graduate from Nijisanji, then graduate from life.

>> No.24704708

*fills your months-unwashed pussy to the brim with my glopping semen*>

>> No.24704718

women can't force men to do things
everything men do because of a woman is their own choice

>> No.24704753
Quoted by: >>24704958

Knowing what she looks like makes it 10x worst. Definition of a dumb 5/10 hag alcoholic western roastie. I'd take sociopath CCP agent Enna over her, even.

>> No.24704779
File: 266 KB, 467x494, media_FK8EDKOXsAALuxo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL shut the FUCK up loser cry harder

>> No.24704939

it should be ME

>> No.24704958

*absolutely destroys your smelly pussy with a river of my thick seed*

>> No.24705037 [DELETED] 

They have to do what she says, since she has placed her self in the center of who collabs with who. She's been shit talking members behind other members back so that no one wants to interact with them and isolate. It's kinda fucked up but no one wants to talk about it because she keeps "dirt" on members and hold it over them.
the walls have mimi

>> No.24705109
Quoted by: >>24705480


>> No.24705111
Quoted by: >>24705480

yeah good narrative schizo. How about you get back to the doxxsite.

>> No.24705120
Quoted by: >>24705480

*shoots you across the room into the wall from the sheer force of my superhuman ejaculation inside your dirty neglected vagina*

>> No.24705480 [DELETED] 

You don't have to believe me,
Just wait for the next excuses given for offline colabs
the door has me

>> No.24705495
Quoted by: >>24705686

Nina's debut alone was pretty much what made me drop NijiEn entirely,kinda glad now considering the garbage they've had since them. AS a branch they seemed really promising but its just pandering garbage now,somehow worse than counsel.
ill watch sonny sometimes though,since i used to watch his PL back in the day

>> No.24705529

ok reimu, go back to prepare your 1 view gaming stream

>> No.24705533

Reimu please fart on stream, I'll drop an akasupa when I'm done cumming.

>> No.24705686
Quoted by: >>24705970

> how to spot someone who never watched any video of nijien in 1 sentence.

>> No.24705970

well you're half right,havent watched anything niji related since gen 3 debut,and the more i see them the more glad i am.

a Male gen is cool i dont see an issue with that,but constantly raiding streams and just pandering to the fucking chinese audience is despicable.

>> No.24706355

Damn, Jannies putting in work today.

>> No.24707147

well she's a SJW modern nazi no wonder she tells others what to do

>> No.24707216

tell me you have extrmely low stadards and dont know shit without telling me all that

>> No.24708095
Quoted by: >>24708235

Damnit if I'd known I had the chance to be raped by Nina I would've join NijiEN

>> No.24708235
Quoted by: >>24711698

she doesn't do the raping, she just makes the boys rape each other

>> No.24710466

>rape mysta
Please do it, Nina. He needs it.

>ywn fill Nina's unwashed vagina and lose asshole with a gallon of your semen
Why life

>> No.24711698
File: 949 KB, 1000x1000, FQPtzhpacAAYH88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet she had a bunch of raunchy spicy pics on her old phone too.. too bad it died when she dropped it in the bath tub
