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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.08 MB, 2039x1447, FOI2kemaIAEiqgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24475300 No.24475300 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)





Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Nijisanji chat log:

Aggie archive:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>24465916

>> No.24475348
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, 4B3EB7C2-78D7-461A-83E7-31E73519B6B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love! I can’t wait to watch Luca’s minecraft later! I hope it doesn’t scuff as much..l

>> No.24475367
Quoted by: >>24475405

This one?

>> No.24475380
File: 127 KB, 354x408, Towen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24475392
File: 308 KB, 2032x2435, E6UGlgaVkAESAPP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira love!
I love this warm, fluffy dragon!

>> No.24475404
File: 427 KB, 1000x1000, 1648005945300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24475405


>> No.24475407
File: 244 KB, 1867x2048, FNse1eYagAE42oq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.24475410
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>> No.24475415
File: 185 KB, 320x320, 1626323053823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24475522

Ewiwa Pendowa

>> No.24475419

Thanks OP

>> No.24475420
File: 98 KB, 567x567, DaisUki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uki Uki Daisuki! Petra Daisuki!

>> No.24475423
File: 1.63 MB, 4096x2896, 1650773494711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Elira, she had the key to my heart on her at all times!

>> No.24475437

this thread has balance restored

>> No.24475443
File: 611 KB, 2230x2877, @nakseo_villain_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuchan and Psyborg LOVE! imagine all the canon gay sex they had

>> No.24475463
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca wuca!

>> No.24475482

Ewiwa and Reimu are really cute!

>> No.24475508

I love these two interactions

>> No.24475522
File: 3.57 MB, 2940x3000, 1626073278394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, including her fat tits

>> No.24475527

Sonny being the nice big brother to Petra…

>> No.24475540
Quoted by: >>24475603

>petra in ethyria
Is fucking based

>> No.24475556
File: 201 KB, 1498x1436, FOXhNuvaAAMORMq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughterwife!

>> No.24475557
File: 747 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20220516_210647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doggos Love!

>> No.24475568

Nice try Reimu

>> No.24475579
File: 304 KB, 720x667, 1652416725104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoping for better stream rng tonight

>> No.24475594
File: 512 KB, 1024x732, MystaLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24475602

Focus apex reimu

>> No.24475603

Agreed. Who would go in Obsydia though?

>> No.24475618

Petra slept with Uki...

>> No.24475633
File: 1.76 MB, 1746x2464, @kanishiima_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24475636

Disband Obsydia and moved Rosemi and Selen into Lazulight

>> No.24475641
Quoted by: >>24475713

Obsydia outfits when?

>> No.24475646

I love Pomu so much it hurts...

>> No.24475655

>hana flores

>> No.24475668
File: 48 KB, 680x391, FS-4B_sVUAAMRhI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24475743

Imagine the sex joke while panting

>> No.24475671
File: 474 KB, 1772x1487, FSWVVYWUYAAQXjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luxiem's 6 month anniversary, they will do an off collab and shu WILL be there

>> No.24475682

Petora's phrasing...

>> No.24475685
File: 177 KB, 848x628, IMG_20220518_112204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24475688
File: 109 KB, 900x652, 04FB9BC3-6D64-4773-B165-EC81EE2FACB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shugur Love

>> No.24475704

and nina...

>> No.24475707

where's pomu...

>> No.24475713


>> No.24475729
File: 314 KB, 1492x2048, 1652478983793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira's love for us is amazing, I feel so warm when talking to her.
I want to hold her hand and tell her I love her.

>> No.24475727


>> No.24475733
File: 316 KB, 2048x1271, 1629754249112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24475981

>Elira gave Pomu a Winnie the Pooh headband that she now wears for good luck

>> No.24475736
Quoted by: >>24475796

The only valid ship is me x my oshi

>> No.24475738

>it's gone

>> No.24475743

Millie and Rosemi have RFA this week?

>> No.24475762
File: 257 KB, 2048x1318, FSXULJRVUAMahF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24475806


>> No.24475769
Quoted by: >>24475806

I hope next time they all meet in the US!

>> No.24475775
Quoted by: >>24476583

Petra keeps showing Sonny's debut vid to random people

>> No.24475787
Quoted by: >>24475822


>> No.24475796

based and same

>> No.24475806
File: 733 KB, 2000x2236, FSJ-3o4VsAAlyr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope so too! i think they'd all have fun since i dont think any of them have visited the US before

>> No.24475822

I was talking about the drawing

>> No.24475843
File: 448 KB, 3000x2100, FS5UIZGagAEsRtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24475889

>> No.24475862
File: 27 KB, 586x312, 1629726460553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN never had drama before the m*les debuted.

>> No.24475865
Quoted by: >>24476145


>> No.24475869

and not
goddammit, cant have a proper thread nowadays

>> No.24475879

Petra and Sonny bonding

>> No.24475889

Elira's so beautiful my heart can't take it.

>> No.24475907

Now that is some nitpicking.

>> No.24475911
File: 47 KB, 192x192, 1647597715989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried my best

>> No.24475921

But Vox likes it
Why don't they just stop watching him instead of trying to control his behavior? He has his audience that likes it, maybe it's time to realize he's not your oshi

>> No.24475928

kill yoursel fishfag

>> No.24475935

as long as it stays with the males

>> No.24475959

The tweet clearly says
>It's starting to affect other livers now too.

>> No.24475963


>> No.24475969

Petra dissing Mysta's house

>> No.24475979

this artist complains a lot about luxiem that i had to unfollow them, they only ever complain about vox too

>> No.24475981
File: 1.12 MB, 2205x1242, 1644949518816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to be a secret...

>> No.24476025

>Pomu and Elira got a decent subs boost with the anniversary
>Finana didn't
What went wrong? The Elira/Millie hiatus didn't bost her, coomer ASMR didn't, collab with Melody actually seemed to have the opposite effect.

>> No.24476064

Petra's favorite place is the VSF

>> No.24476071
Quoted by: >>24476189

I love the time Finana is with Shu. I love that he has become mean. who only speaks badly to others But there is always a concern. which aside from Uki, no one can do it

>> No.24476076

Females love drama, whats new?

>> No.24476088
Quoted by: >>24476110

Will Elira, Reimu and Bao get a win?
Find out next time on Apex Legends

>> No.24476109

Is this the same girl who made a long thread last time about Vox and his fanbase too?

>> No.24476110
Quoted by: >>24476186

Okay, they'll start playing for real this time

>> No.24476137
Quoted by: >>24476194

The end of Pomu's stream was so cute, with the minecraft music and everything. She is so cute

>> No.24476145

My old oshi and my new oshi

>> No.24476186

I believe!
Nah I'm just enjoying their fun. They've settled down into comfiness from the earlier yelling

>> No.24476189
Quoted by: >>24476400

ive never thought about shu and finana's relationship together as friends but it is nice to see when they played valorant together

>> No.24476194
File: 566 KB, 4000x3000, 1625030907475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the cutest in NijiEN.

>> No.24476204

She's doing fine with her late night stream yesterday

>> No.24476219
Quoted by: >>24476267

Heretics, this thread has not been blessed by the Almighty Petoranodon poster. Repent now while you can, and return to the one true thread.

>> No.24476236

I don't think so

>> No.24476237

it is, the one whose oshis are ike, enna and uki

>> No.24476246
Quoted by: >>24476308

facetime off collab when?

>> No.24476264
File: 1.15 MB, 1380x1080, 2D79EFA1-24A2-499F-ACFC-84DBE58DF2B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476300

Luca Ike soon…

>> No.24476267

stop posting the opposite thread link in each thread shitposter-kun

>> No.24476272

Please don't respond to /#/tourists.

>> No.24476284
Quoted by: >>24476321

Petra and Sonny are bonding over Japanese customs lol

>> No.24476292
Quoted by: >>24476359

What was the issue? I feel like I'm completely disconnected from nijiEN stuff since the off-collab started. I've basicaly been only watching Pomu and Selen at this point.

>> No.24476299
Quoted by: >>24476378

>doing fine
>when no other girl was streaming
lmao even

>> No.24476300
Quoted by: >>24476324

today is minecraft tho

>> No.24476308 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 500x750, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face off collab soon.

>> No.24476321

Coffee milk after onsen. They will become Japanese

>> No.24476324

I’m not saying today lol. Just that it’s coming soon.

>> No.24476334
File: 442 KB, 800x800, 1652483136946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476355

Elira playing with my hair!

>> No.24476338

Petora... that voice has another name....

>> No.24476341

>Apex arc done
>Valorant arc begins

>> No.24476355

Why do fagelira look like bleached garbage?

>> No.24476359
Quoted by: >>24476407

vox suggested doing an asmr collab with shoto, fans said no its their personal time with him, some kindreds got upset that they said that, shoto found out through other people that it happened so he talked about it to his chat about being sad or something

>> No.24476378
File: 488 KB, 959x593, 16938295625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Finana was doing fine

>> No.24476384
File: 101 KB, 800x800, FBqu45RVUAUz3nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476436

>> No.24476387

speaking of valo, where the heck is the singaporean anon that said we would play together

>> No.24476400
Quoted by: >>24476510

After Shu recovered They probably play valorant every day.....

>> No.24476405

>Responding to holoniggers

>> No.24476407

Fuck yumejos, they should be able to do whatever the fuck they want...

>> No.24476408

No content creator can be responsible for whatever schizo shit their fans do, this bitch is also constantly whining about Vox to.

>> No.24476418

Valo is better anyway

>> No.24476436
Quoted by: >>24476447

Does this mean both threads should be maintained???

>> No.24476441

>only 200 above her peak median during dead hours

>> No.24476444

i choose neither

>> No.24476447

parallel threads

>> No.24476450

selen won't do JP reps. even if it helps her communicate with Chii-chan. selen is too busy with setting up OW collabs, Apex collabs, probs NijiExpress in the background, and other english related stuff

>> No.24476465

Shu won again... Reimu might join valo...

>> No.24476475

Ok Shu

>> No.24476476

Sonny need to split his dick into two so he can fuck Shu and Petra at the same time

>> No.24476488


>> No.24476489

I thought Reimu was pandering to JPs? What happened

>> No.24476510
Quoted by: >>24477243

i hope so, i think finana needs someone like shu to bully her in a friendly way

>> No.24476533

>You can be useless and nice
hey that's me

>> No.24476542

Sonny called Petra useless...

>> No.24476562

nice try but you called me a bad word a few threads ago

>> No.24476567

why watch fakeJP when you can watch realJP

>> No.24476568

She was pandering to them.

>> No.24476570

can we NOT make 2 fucking threads holy fuck it infuriates me having to post to determine which one is more active.
fuck you faggots holy shit

>> No.24476582

are you me

>> No.24476584

Apexbros we lost.....

>> No.24476583

can't even blame her, I consider his the best vtuber lore video ever

>> No.24476586
Quoted by: >>24476620

Busy flirting with Feesh as Omen

>> No.24476590
File: 86 KB, 340x334, 1627035262607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you DOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.24476608

She's boring even in JP

>> No.24476614
File: 1.60 MB, 1821x1200, 1652664959175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476649

Elira tummy

>> No.24476617


>> No.24476619

she had 1k viewers, that's normal for her so nothing much, also it's not pandering, she literally does like 1 or 2 streams in spanish and japanese

>> No.24476620

no...getting valocucked by finana..

>> No.24476624

The weeb Pomu one was too based and cucklirafags couldn't handle it.

>> No.24476630

one has the correct op and the other one doesnt

>> No.24476631

NijiEN civil war... actually successful and not like the /loe/schizos attempts either

>> No.24476637

I would nuke the entire continent of Eurasia just to wake up next to Elira once so I could hear her yawns and giggles directly with my ears

>> No.24476649

erotic tummies uwaaaaaaaa

>> No.24476664

Don't. I hope she sticks to Apex. I want nijiEN valo streams to be watchable

>> No.24476677

Just choose one you retard

>> No.24476688

Just ignore, anyone that didn't check the op before posting deserves it anyway.

>> No.24476696

Too bad for you then

>> No.24476698
File: 578 KB, 600x800, 1643430390589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Japanese-Brazilian Princess

>> No.24476701
File: 22 KB, 536x355, feeshu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeshu LOVE

>> No.24476704
Quoted by: >>24477702

The tweet is all about how its affecting other people, the first reply is about Shoto addressing shit on his last stream

>> No.24476706

>Elira noticed Chigusa is doing an English stream

>> No.24476725


>> No.24476729
Quoted by: >>24476759

Lol she had 600 viewers for most of it. She only got 900 when Oliver ended his stream and EN fans spread out to watch other streams. Went back to 600 as soon as they got bored

>> No.24476754
Quoted by: >>24476849

Doing a JP stream in JP time is pandering to JP.

>> No.24476755

Sobbing in the corner because he thought he had a chance but Finana called his Omen cringe

>> No.24476758
File: 630 KB, 1000x1000, dsadsatw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24476759
Quoted by: >>24476818

>Numberfags poring over graphs

>> No.24476769

Banana fish love!

>> No.24476780
Quoted by: >>24476810

I slept only 3 hours but the memory of Mysta's stream is making me wide awake

>> No.24476784
File: 809 KB, 1536x2048, yandere shu 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476829

>> No.24476786
Quoted by: >>24476857

Valorant collab WHEN????
Shu Sonny Fuuchan Uki Alban
Finana Pomu Reimu Selen Rosemi

>> No.24476789
Quoted by: >>24476843

Any Shu news today? Did he show up in any streams?

>> No.24476810
Quoted by: >>24477146

You should get more sleep. You probably won't be healthy enough to watch more Mysta if you get ill.

>> No.24476813
File: 140 KB, 1336x1115, FOyQY8IaMAMqMrF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476863

Was finally able to watch the vod of Mysta's guerilla stream and I can say that he is never going to be BFE. He is, however, my manic pixie dream girl GFE.

>> No.24476818

>Lying about Reimu having high numbers

>> No.24476819
Quoted by: >>24476866

>rebringing this up since it was in the bait thread
time stamp: 02:21:50
tl;dr - shoto addressed to his chat not to backseat who he collabs with, and other streamer ettiquite. also hinted that he was disheartened when vox canceled their asmr collab because vox's fans didn't want it.

>> No.24476820

How is Petra doing? Is she finally able to overcome her directional challenge in MC?

>> No.24476825

>green: boring, trash, full of holofags
>red: creative, entertaining, full of love for nijisanji

>> No.24476824

Elira has been watching Ars play stardew.

>> No.24476829
File: 625 KB, 1536x2048, yandere shu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476913


>> No.24476828


>> No.24476843
Quoted by: >>24476966

He's sick...

>> No.24476848

>Vox - Full of love for Nijisanji

>> No.24476849
Quoted by: >>24476903

you should google what pandering means cause you obviously don't know

>> No.24476856

Sonny and Petra are being Japanese

>> No.24476857

Switch Finana for Enna and Reimu for Elira.

>> No.24476863
File: 406 KB, 1940x2424, 1640073914430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477223

mysta is a fertile female woman girl

>> No.24476866
Quoted by: >>24476954

cool he said not to backseat but i also dont care his feelings got hurt that vox's fans dont want another collab with him.

>> No.24476868

Shunami love!

>> No.24476869
File: 267 KB, 1400x950, FTBEgYkX0AAwOLj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24476890
File: 3.79 MB, 1985x2220, 1652336678947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millie! what changing your opinion?

>> No.24476898
File: 13 KB, 315x150, 1649674050527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green - pregnant
>red - period

>> No.24476901
File: 617 KB, 775x759, 1652752651887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476942

Dead hours, then.

>> No.24476903
Quoted by: >>24476969

Focus on your failing vtuber career Reimu

>> No.24476908

based and true
check my trips

>> No.24476913
File: 729 KB, 1365x2048, yandere shu 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24476963


>> No.24476916

>Green : top
>Red : bottom

>> No.24476917

Nina having love for nijisanji hahahaha, that bitch would ditch nijisanji in a second if she can get into hololive

>> No.24476922

>Forgot to re-number the week on the schedule
Cute art tho

>> No.24476929
Quoted by: >>24477192


>> No.24476933

she cant suck cock on stream in holo

>> No.24476938

Another kino week from Pommers. Her last RPG Maker Horror was amazing, Uno is always good for some fun malding, membership is comfy, and of course MGS3 kino. It's been months that her schedule has been nothing but bangers.

>> No.24476939

Uno with who?

>> No.24476942

I hought petra was streaming

>> No.24476944
Quoted by: >>24479449

Green: pussy
Red: dick

>> No.24476945

Sonny's still not over his lost netherite items...

>> No.24476947
File: 50 KB, 734x777, FS8-BagUsAclgBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477003

How are people still shitting on Reimu even after her beautiful karaoke performance just a couple days ago? Do you have no soul?

>> No.24476950

Nina would not fit well in Hololive, at all. She'd go over as well as a lead balloon.

>> No.24476954
Quoted by: >>24477025

i'm just hoping that vox's fans just don't spiral into hating anyone else and hoping this is just a one off thing.
if the kindred start hating the possibility of a vox x anyone in niji asmr collab, they'll have gone full schizo

>> No.24476963
File: 765 KB, 1365x2048, yandere shu 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24476965

it's a troll puzzle

>> No.24476966
Quoted by: >>24477144

I know that... Selen visited Finana's VC even though she's sick so I wondered if the hopcon king would do so, but I guess he doesn't like broadcasting his sick voice

>> No.24476969

retard can't even english hahahaha

>> No.24476974

She didn't say

>> No.24476976
File: 162 KB, 585x564, tiredpomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477023

Been doing my streaming reps bros..
it's so fucking demoralizing to see 1 on my viewer count constantly. Fuck...

>> No.24476979
Quoted by: >>24477611

go back to the dox site

>> No.24476993

Finana said she wouldnt stream today because there was a stream she didnt want to miss.
What stream did that end up being?
Outside of NijiEN?

>> No.24477001

Green - virgins
Red - non virgins

>> No.24477002

Is she?
Half-dead hours then.

>> No.24477004
Quoted by: >>24477288

>What went wrong?
Did you watch her part of the relay?
it that wasn't part of the anniversary I would have stopped watching before the 1hour mark, it was dreadful boring

>The Elira/Millie hiatus didn't bost her
Why would that boost her, even their normal day off won't make people turn to Finana

>> No.24477003

Stick to being an utaite Reimu
You have no talent for streaming

>> No.24477007
File: 92 KB, 971x1172, FKWj4lLaUAI06Tk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cozy chatting with ewiwa
>she bought little witch in the woods

>> No.24477013


>> No.24477014

Nina was praising the fuck out of holo and coco during her first russian stream that she had to private. Just check the archive with the "nina coco" keywords and sort by oldest first.

>> No.24477018
Quoted by: >>24477176

Uno collab with???

>> No.24477023
Quoted by: >>24477087

post your stream and become a 2view for anons

>> No.24477025

i dont think kindred are mad about him doing collabs with anyone, its just the amount he does with shoto probably rubs them the wrong way. same thing with mystakes and mika

>> No.24477030

idk she's smart i'll give her that so she would probably do a 180 in terms of content and personality just to get numbers

>> No.24477032

holofags probably hate her even more than luxiem

>> No.24477039
Quoted by: >>24477176

pomu your date reps

>> No.24477045
Quoted by: >>24477530

Dead hours, then

>> No.24477049
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.24477055
File: 246 KB, 562x566, 1647652540386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm listening to Fauna's ASMR and going to bed
Good night !

>> No.24477060

>Green: just started ovulating
>Red: ovulating

>> No.24477072

Sonny's animal abuse in minecraft

>> No.24477079

That doesn't mean she'd be a good fit there

>> No.24477084
Quoted by: >>24477268

Dors millie have any asmr streams where she doesnt do the kisses

>> No.24477086
File: 45 KB, 568x499, a mimir luca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24477087
Quoted by: >>24477155

i'm not THAT much of a fag anon.

>> No.24477095

Inject more of this Petra and Sonny interaction into my veins.

>> No.24477097
Quoted by: >>24477159

>sex cat

>> No.24477098

>Elira and Pomu putting Lazulight fanart on their schedules for 1 year anniversary
>meanwhile Finana still being delusional about Ocean Law being a thing
No wonder Pomu and Elira got a big boost from the anniversary while she didn't.

>> No.24477109
Quoted by: >>24477696

She was praising it yes, that doesn't mean that she'd probably fit in there, let alone get in. She'd probably have more antis there than she would in NijiEN, especially since the fanbases tend to lean more into unicorn territory.

>> No.24477115

Elira is genuinely extremely cute, she makes my heart feel very warm every time she streams...

>> No.24477126

Petra is 0.2% italian

>> No.24477130

I also love Nina and never make a hatepost about her at all, believe me anon

>> No.24477137
Quoted by: >>24477206

>What men spend more than 100 bucks on clothes, and then go about folding them?

>> No.24477144
File: 369 KB, 2150x1512, 1650028940903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe covid does hit him hard.. Shu once mentioned that he really scared of catching the coof too..

>> No.24477146

I will take a nap after coming back from work.

>> No.24477149
File: 112 KB, 800x678, wafers_2ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477256

I also really like possessive Shu.

>> No.24477155


>> No.24477159

Anal virgin (will be corrected very soon thank me akina/sonny)

>> No.24477162


>> No.24477170
File: 30 KB, 554x553, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24477171
Quoted by: >>24477224

green: fanbase is always /here/
red: fanbase is only /here/ when oshi streams

>> No.24477176
Quoted by: >>24477225

Seeing at what time it is, there's a good chance a bunch of brit ENs will be in it, otherwise it would be like 4-6 hours later.

>> No.24477187
Quoted by: >>24477235

is uki in petra's stream?

>> No.24477189

Same. They're always so cute together

>> No.24477192

More than your oshi.

>> No.24477206
Quoted by: >>24477457

Isnt that normal human behaviour

>> No.24477214
File: 58 KB, 521x680, FS_FMpJUEAA9A9V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477561


>> No.24477223

Mysta is the cute menhera girlfriend that people struggle to handle, but also struggle to let go

>> No.24477224

this is the least accurate one

>> No.24477225

i just meant pomu still has 8-14th for dates despite that being gone

>> No.24477235

Yes. Only in text chat but he's watching the stream

>> No.24477243

someone really needs to call out finana on using a sniper in every single situation. one on one while in close quarters? sniper. one v 3 and they sound like they're rushing you? sniper. enemy team using the fart cloud so your vision is impaired and you have to inside the cloud? sniper.
at this point i'm not sure if she's serious of if she's meming

>> No.24477256
File: 882 KB, 4096x3638, FSsdrf7aUAEotmB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477790

possessive shu with oblivious luca or just anyone is so fun to see

>> No.24477264

Shu, I told you to stop being friends with Enna and Sonny.

>> No.24477266
File: 3.75 MB, 300x169, 1647312247413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was posting about how horny I am for Mysta in the wrong thread this whole time, fuck you guys

>> No.24477268

I don't think so.

>> No.24477271
Quoted by: >>24477505

Anon... he...

>> No.24477276

>Heaping praise on someone that's directly responsible for a bunch people vtubing means she'd fit in at Hololive.
I didn't even like Coco and don't understand why you're being a schizo about this.

>> No.24477288

>Why would that boost her
Ryuguards were being extremely delusional about it for weeks.

>> No.24477291

Love them since their first interations.. Too cute

>> No.24477298


>> No.24477331

the thing is, the only collab they cared to not happens is ASMR, those bitches are so parasocial they think is cheating if another person is part of their audio sex session

>> No.24477343

Molested as children

>> No.24477342

Good keep it there

>> No.24477346
Quoted by: >>24477737

He's tweeting and watching clips... I don't think it's that bad

>> No.24477351
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x2195, 1648131078355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24477358

Elira playing Smash with Fu-chan for a bit on Saturday

>> No.24477371
Quoted by: >>24477439


>> No.24477373

when your oshi does noncon jail asmr, can you blame them

>> No.24477381
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1651723680572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477464


>> No.24477388

Imagine this rubbing against your shota dick...

>> No.24477392
File: 234 KB, 394x394, 1631869162844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be mean he's trying

>> No.24477396
File: 409 KB, 525x763, IMG_20220515_195634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477483

Sonny is extra cute when he's with petra

>> No.24477397
Quoted by: >>24477460

Green: Rape victims
Red: Rapists

>> No.24477399

Petra...sonny...pls collab TF2...

>> No.24477414
Quoted by: >>24477515

they were asked a question. why are you mad that they answered? this to me is just getting feedback from the audience vox cultivated. nothing more.

>> No.24477415
File: 284 KB, 474x544, 1640262599650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post it again friend

>> No.24477423
File: 67 KB, 300x275, 1639830110711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477524


>> No.24477422

what's wrong with your faaaaceeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.24477427
File: 89 KB, 782x1200, 1651197574851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477536


>> No.24477430

i dont think she knows, i dont remember shu or fulgur ever telling her much when she first started playing

>> No.24477431

Petra has a bread machine.

>> No.24477439
Quoted by: >>24477500

Come home.


>> No.24477452
Quoted by: >>24477505

>this anon doesn't know

>> No.24477457

>Isnt that normal human behaviour
Yes. Not sure why that guy's so surprised.

>> No.24477460

the most accurate one

>> No.24477463
File: 1.06 MB, 752x1062, 1634529667367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477501

>> No.24477464

Forced meme.

>> No.24477477

Na, she doesn't need to leech to be entertaining

>> No.24477483
Quoted by: >>24477529

Sonny acting cute with asian girls again...

>> No.24477488
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 96583159_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Millie told me to ship Sheep and Feesh

>> No.24477497


>> No.24477498

keep seething honeyfag

>> No.24477500

I watch basically every vtuber, but only when they are actually streaming interesting shit. I just want Gura to do another Disney stream and be autistic about it. Mumei's alright, I like her Guerilla stuff, and when Kiara is playing interesting games I watch that too I miss Mori's jumpking before she went menhera

>> No.24477501

Me on the bottom

>> No.24477505
File: 370 KB, 600x626, 1636391665116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does alban have a gay onlyfans or something

>> No.24477514


>> No.24477516
File: 506 KB, 1485x2029, FBG7f_vVUAsBrSj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477575

I want to fuck the dumb out of this cute and funny witch!

>> No.24477515

the fact he asked how much of a pussy Vox is with his fanbase
steve jobs didnt ask if people wanted a phone without keyboard
so you don't ask your dumb chinks if they wan't double penetration

>> No.24477524
File: 1.15 MB, 1133x1404, 1646812947465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but how cute are your feet?

>> No.24477529

I'm assuming this is how he acts around hada too. Man, now I'm craving for an aussie collab

>> No.24477530

kill yourself

>> No.24477531

didnt an anon say he owns a dildo

>> No.24477535

Petra misses Pomu

>> No.24477536
File: 1.75 MB, 2715x2184, 1650403473628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477597

I want to eat her ass lovingly

>> No.24477547

Feesh has two hands

>> No.24477551

She actually started using other guns on her last stream

>> No.24477561
File: 288 KB, 1451x2048, 1652198373657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24477566
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, 1640015068469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477602

>> No.24477567

based cute girl enjoyer

>> No.24477572
Quoted by: >>24477586

He owns a dildo but that doesn't count as anal virgnity loss to me

>> No.24477575

I don't think it'd be possible, especially if you get her knocked up.

>> No.24477577
Quoted by: >>24477605

Uki based

>> No.24477584
File: 97 KB, 480x480, 1634151869858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477629

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.24477585
File: 35 KB, 577x242, Ethyria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not anymore

>> No.24477586
File: 110 KB, 258x258, 1649459674824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah... i believe it. sasuga sex cat

>> No.24477597
File: 185 KB, 975x1200, FPLXFR6VsAY0HOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477691


>> No.24477599
Quoted by: >>24477653

Maybe he just like sucking on it

>> No.24477602
File: 120 KB, 1139x1080, 1650074552461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move pomudachi

>> No.24477605

cucki cucki daisucki

>> No.24477611
Quoted by: >>24477646


Refer to this >>24476979 and stay there

>> No.24477612
File: 702 KB, 1973x2367, FSpTCWoUAAAmspO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24477613

I haven't watched a ton of Petra streams but gosh, she's so cute. And I love how she banters with Uki and Sonny, she gives them shit. Her laugh makes me so happy uggggh why do I love so much of NijiEN.

>> No.24477616

millie ship everyone with FuuChan

>> No.24477625
File: 94 KB, 251x250, 1643592241299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too....

>> No.24477629

don't use my oshi to shitpost, honeyfag

>> No.24477634

>cuckposters are holofags

>> No.24477639
Quoted by: >>24477968

You should watch her hades stream, it's really cute

>> No.24477646

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.24477648
File: 327 KB, 1125x1271, 1647647089647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite slut

>> No.24477652

>I don't even look like a highlighter
he's in serious denial

>> No.24477653

is that even enjoyable, just get a banana or a popsicle

>> No.24477655

I could listen to Elira talk about stuff all day

>> No.24477656
Quoted by: >>24477722

Wow phantomos will never be able to get over Nina not showing up in 1 of Reimu's karaoke

>> No.24477689
File: 118 KB, 596x866, 1621888200464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477734

So does Luca

>> No.24477691
File: 1.30 MB, 1970x1050, 1643764599152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24477696

>that doesn't mean that she'd probably fit in there
Amelia can't sing, Mori is alcoholic, Kiara is hated other fans

Nina is literally the perfect fit for holoEN
she is 3 holos in one

>> No.24477699

wow, one of us is a newfag retard and broke containment, big news.

>> No.24477702

Shoto's tweet is not really unrelevant to her complain tho.
He talked about Vox's fans complaining about the collab ASMR idea - and while I 100% agree those fans are crazy and should die in a fire and he's stupid to consider listening to them - they are Vox's fans complaining in Vox's stream so it doesn't directly affect other livers.
He also talked about people bringing up Votxo ship in other stream but those are shipfags and just as likely to be his own fans than Vox's fans.

>> No.24477709

I think it was more that Pomu and Elira got a sub boost from their covers. Finana didnt release a cover so she didnt get any new viewers that way.

>> No.24477722
Quoted by: >>24477934

>Not only did Nina not show up but she made sure that nobody in luxiem would either
no wonder she's mad, her chance to incline and siphon viewers and it didn't work out as well as she had hoped

>> No.24477734
Quoted by: >>24477779

But Pomu didn't miss him.....

>> No.24477737

Ike on the other hand hasn't tweeted anything in the past 24 hrs

>> No.24477751
Quoted by: >>24477859

>Elira is interested in Rune Factory 4 because she's attracted to Dolce

>> No.24477760

he's dead

>> No.24477762

didnt ike get sick last time there was an off collab

>> No.24477767

they couldn’t care less, they love when he’s with shoto, the problem is that they’re so parasocial and want him to do wet sex asmr only with them and not anyone else

>> No.24477775
File: 47 KB, 134x143, 1652280114458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why this thread bacome horny all of the sudden

>> No.24477779

Just like Pomu doesn't miss Petra.

>> No.24477786
Quoted by: >>24477968

I really love Petra a lot too. Her streams with Elira are really cute too. They both get so excited about otome and joseimuke shit

>> No.24477790
File: 473 KB, 1950x2048, FRC6Ia1VsAAxDlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some really good Shusta ones too.

>> No.24477793

He is with the boys in person, if it was an emergency they wouldn't be streaming lightheartedly

>> No.24477798

he just got caught ligma

>> No.24477806

ike what happened to him

>> No.24477808
Quoted by: >>24477889

>i'm gay, everyday is hard

>> No.24477807


>> No.24477816
File: 38 KB, 132x131, pomuguitar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478157

Okay SO, being where Pomu is right now. I've determined that her next MGS3 stream will most likely get to The End, or at least the Ladder scene.
She's literally 1 transition away from "12 shots" and The Pain, after The Pain is The Fear, The Fear is like 4 transitions away from The End

However between The Fear and The End is that lab section where you meet with the dude who gives you the first metal gear prototype thingy.

So maybe she'll get to JUST before The End.

>> No.24477818

petra sonny stream

>> No.24477826
Quoted by: >>24477911

>All of the sudden
/nijien/ is by far the horniest thread on the entire board. Hornier than horni thread.

>> No.24477828

Clubhouse collab not being cancelled yet is the only thing that gives me hope that he isn't dying...

>> No.24477832

The soda can tab finally got to him

>> No.24477841
File: 41 KB, 240x240, luca BOOBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love these, i never see them that often

>> No.24477855

Lmao Uki can be so fucking funny. Honestly this text only chatting suits him.

>> No.24477859

Oh I really want to see Elira play it. Is she already played the other one?

>> No.24477867
Quoted by: >>24478058

Use a tweet from the livers instead.

>> No.24477877
File: 96 KB, 1440x502, 1652834622962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24477952

>> No.24477882

None of them. She might want to play it offstream tho as a relax game for herself.

>> No.24477888
File: 372 KB, 801x663, 1640829316743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translation onegai

>> No.24477889
File: 97 KB, 490x130, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24477891
File: 541 KB, 588x806, 1642823571481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im always horny i loooove sluts

>> No.24477892

It seems that Rune Factory 4 is going to be played off stream

>> No.24477905

She was talking about playing it off stream to relax.

>> No.24477911
Quoted by: >>24478054

I wonder why that is. Are >We just generally younger?

>> No.24477919
File: 121 KB, 719x1046, IMG_20220518_124103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's passionately waiting for his package coming in 10 days

>> No.24477928

>Elira perking up 100% when the Apex ship talk starts
So predictable and yet so cute

>> No.24477934

wtf are you talking about, you clearly don't know what happened

>> No.24477937
Quoted by: >>24477965

Elira's a teamate...

>> No.24477944

She loves drama and spice so much

>> No.24477952


>> No.24477958


>> No.24477962

don't you remember that time we once did a test and most people /here/ were hypersexual

>> No.24477964

>pic unrelated
why is this happening to me

>> No.24477965
Quoted by: >>24477984

??? did she teapot or some shit?

>> No.24477967
File: 26 KB, 610x417, penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penny LOVE

>> No.24477968
Quoted by: >>24478075

I will check those out, thank you! I get the impression she's a little like Uki and is better suited for small collabs rather than big ones, she's been pretty quiet during the big ones I've seen.

>> No.24477970

taking a month off watching vtubers because I was busy made me realise that the industry as a whole is very reliant on people not touching grass and places like this board only help pull people further into the trap, I feel so retarded for caring about a group of streamers as much as I did

>> No.24477977
File: 861 KB, 945x1559, @BouBou166_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24477979

>shows shoto tweet

>> No.24477984
Quoted by: >>24478050

She's just talking about Watson, the APEX character. Stop threadwatching.

>> No.24477986

Sonny gone...

>> No.24477989
File: 412 KB, 635x635, 1647310994802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24478010

Damn Pomu calm down.

>> No.24478013
File: 66 KB, 572x514, 1638742554068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People ship those ugly amorphous blobs?
I feel you.
I've categorically not watched any of the off-collab streams and simply focused on the solo ones I genuinely care about.

>> No.24478029

That's cool but I'm gonna keep watching my oshi's streams and fall deeper into parasocialdom thanks

>> No.24478031

but you came back

>> No.24478037
File: 1.88 MB, 1378x2039, 1651663754512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478251

mysta sex

>> No.24478050
File: 170 KB, 850x1202, sample_a72024912284aa6bfed0a40bfbeb4020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was enjoying the petra sonny kino over some random post-game zatsu talk

>> No.24478054

Femanons are more degenerate + lonely maleanons + coed thread

>> No.24478058
File: 38 KB, 720x365, 3thyria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24478068

Ryuguard Your oshi has officially become a valorant addict.

>> No.24478073

Petra and Uki are cute too... I love this stream

>> No.24478074
File: 355 KB, 1600x2048, IMG_20220425_045800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex cat rape

>> No.24478075

Anons will say she is loud in big collabs and it's true, her penguin screech can be ear shattering, but she isn't as extroverted as the others. She shines in one on one. If you know Japanese her collab with Ike's vtuber sister was supremely cute, and there are a lot of clips of her interactions with Sonny in MC floating around. Elipeto streams are a mustwatch if you're into anime boy mobage. As well as her getting over it group collab stream(s)

>> No.24478090

>He's so nice. Everytime I play minecraft, he comes to help me.
Sonny and Petra so cute... my heart

>> No.24478091

welcome back retard

>> No.24478105

Calm down Sonny

>> No.24478106

My fave Petra streams are her creative baking/cooking streams and piano.

>> No.24478110

This is why I only watch high effort creative streams, interesting collabs, and karaokes. You don't get sucked into the parasocial hole that way.

>> No.24478119
File: 237 KB, 294x397, 1642479647099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based kek

>> No.24478121
File: 370 KB, 1180x1200, E7UBEnJUYAUVWo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478244

they cuteify them in the loading screens

>> No.24478126
File: 734 KB, 2048x1146, 1652853279342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24478130
File: 290 KB, 1152x2048, 1637238506722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source onegai. i love the uncolored fanart theres just something about them...

>> No.24478135

Why is Reimu such a bitch to Nina? She sounds so shady and bitter.

>> No.24478142
Quoted by: >>24478244

I haven't watched any of them either. Not going to watch something just because its a big event if none of the members interest me individually.

>> No.24478144


>> No.24478147
Quoted by: >>24478250

fighting fire with fire

>> No.24478149
File: 153 KB, 1204x1658, 13378422243939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478390

I miss him

>> No.24478157

but she's pomu, she can spend three hours, just to infiltrate the lab with the russian guy.

>> No.24478160

thank you for reminding me. i gotta close this board now.

>> No.24478167

Just gets funnier the more i see it

>> No.24478171

the tweet is taken out of context but you can continue

>> No.24478182

Uki... why don't you get in the call with Petra...

>> No.24478188

half of them so great and the other half are insufferable

>> No.24478189


>> No.24478214

that >Anyways

>> No.24478219

thats... pretty obvious but congrats on the realization

>> No.24478218

I don't really get it, did you pick up stream watching as a hobby because you thought it was a commendable way to pass time, did you only just realize this is mega retarded and behavior for females that is being normalized in men?

>> No.24478221

Ahhhh thank you thank you. Do you know anything about her membership streams? I just got a raise today and I want to member to more streams.

>> No.24478226
Quoted by: >>24478307

>Millie doing a handcam buff stream at the same time as Petra's sponsored stream
NijiUK unity in SHAMBLES

>> No.24478230

Anyone got the "Wave Symbols" the ones that look like tramp stamps?
I need them for a tattoo and cant find them anywhere.

>> No.24478235
File: 26 KB, 183x52, 1621946158193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478255

Well then

>> No.24478237
Quoted by: >>24478289

so en really is just cartoon otv huh

>> No.24478244
File: 47 KB, 310x313, 1636088288616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Vox and Luca quite a bit but it's just too much of a pileup so I'd be watching it Just To Watch it. And that's not really healthy IMHO.
That is quite a bit better.
I'm not reminded of Selen begging Bloodhunt devs to make proper anime skins.
It's an absolute crime that there's no cute girls FPS.

>> No.24478247

The context is literally what it looks like though.

>> No.24478250

except nina never came off as bitter
she outright disrespects and act as nothing outrageous happened

>> No.24478251

Post hot and handsome Mysta

>> No.24478255

Get a hobby

>> No.24478262

that's why you should treat this stream like the wwE, just watch the matchs and promos you want, and just get infos from the rest elsewhere if you happens to hear about them.

>> No.24478270
File: 135 KB, 719x695, Nin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of context
>tweeted this hours after her karaoke
>pic related and while reimu is doing karaoke, she tweeted that they're watching a movie instead
Can't make this shit up

>> No.24478271
Quoted by: >>24478369

what is starbucks gold card??

>> No.24478278
File: 10 KB, 595x121, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24478279

Pretty sure he's doing his own thing and would be awkward and quiet for much of the call. Text suits him better in this scenario.

>> No.24478280

>Minecraft ID spawn point is airport
>Minecraft EN is haha I trap you
Imagine the embarassment

>> No.24478285
Quoted by: >>24478581

I don't dislike any of the guys really but I don't watch them individually.

>> No.24478289
File: 312 KB, 503x576, 1636581381772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a michael reeves chuuba

>> No.24478290
Quoted by: >>24478327

seeth fagelira, your whore became completely irrelevant to the point pomu replaced her as the leader of lazulight and the entire branch

>> No.24478306

Genuinely based.

>> No.24478307

Millie HATES Petra

>> No.24478309

nina never forgave reimu for when reimu accidentally killed nina in ark after millie and enna destroyed reimu's house

>> No.24478315


>> No.24478316
Quoted by: >>24478332

What a bitch

>> No.24478318

my strat currently is taking the good parasocial feelings and focusing them on improvement.

>> No.24478325
Quoted by: >>24478379

Based for ignoring the least popular member of nijien

>> No.24478326


>> No.24478327
File: 2.20 MB, 563x529, eliragifFASTER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent free

>> No.24478332

seethe nina

>> No.24478333
Quoted by: >>24478481

those tweets are days apart

>> No.24478348
Quoted by: >>24478466

he has vibrators strapped to his dick and inside his so he would constantly moan which would be awkward

>> No.24478350

I just watch my oshi and I'm more parasocial in this thread

>> No.24478354
Quoted by: >>24478581

>It's an absolute crime that there's no cute girls FPS.
have you seen overwatch and splatoon porn or do you mean something more like the senran kagura shooter

>> No.24478369

its a gold member card, its like any other member card where you earn points for buying then can get something in return from starbucks

>> No.24478372

Is it wrong that I read this in Enna's voice?

>> No.24478374

how much money have yall dropped in this hobby and why
99% of the content is free

>> No.24478376

it is taken out of context. Reimu literally tweet EVERYTIME " I love ____ " whenever she chats in discord with a nijisanji member. she's done it with petra, ike, elira, enna and millie separately and even Vox but not with those words

>> No.24478379

Reimu's fault for doing shit content

>> No.24478382
Quoted by: >>24478459

>"P-Please come visit us! W-We exist! We need tourists!"
>"Nah fuck off and leave us alone"

>> No.24478390
File: 164 KB, 2000x2000, 1652853682148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a few more hours anon!

>> No.24478401


>> No.24478415

It's probably more comfortable for him and also Petra to just let Petra talk mostly to her own chat and chime in when he has something to say. I like him, but I doubt Petra alone is enough to carry conversation with him when he tends to take very long to respond verbally in 1 on 1 conversations.

>> No.24478418

How much money have you spent on sbux and boba, sis?

>> No.24478419

Fulgur what the fuck


>> No.24478422
File: 216 KB, 439x439, 1632443924422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im f2p

>> No.24478432

I just had a week off from touching this place because i was too busy but still watched vods to fill some energies and realized how nice it was to enjoy nijien without /nijien/

>> No.24478433

how much of reimu's non-success is bc of her design

>> No.24478459
Quoted by: >>24478537

whats funny is that this works both ways. the trap is to prevent you from leaving, and the airport is a way out

>> No.24478466

ok this is now my head canon

>> No.24478468
File: 117 KB, 1726x1169, FPhKlZ2akAQt4i2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478662

What the fuck is that puzzle? Here's a NijiEN one:

>> No.24478476

A couple hundred quid on Luca.

>> No.24478479

almost 400 usd

>> No.24478481

NTA but the "we'll be watching on the telly" was just before the karaoke and the "we are watching a movie" was at the start of her karaoke, and the I love Millie and Enna post shortly after.

>> No.24478488


>> No.24478494

I couldn't believe that Shu was sick, causing him to become like this.

>> No.24478507
File: 474 KB, 540x720, 【APEX LEGENDS】 LAS TETAS RETURNS 【NIJISANJI EN Elira Pendora】 03-51-44 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24479264

I love Elira's second outfit but her OG model still hits different

>> No.24478510

i dont keep track, i just know its in the hundreds

>> No.24478517
Quoted by: >>24478572

Nina didn't say she'll be watching REIMU. She just said well be watching

>> No.24478523
Quoted by: >>24478661

Why do anons come to 4chan of all places to the cesspit of blueboards to brag about how they are a better vtuber watcher than other vtuber watchers
Do you know where you are?

>> No.24478531
Quoted by: >>24478619

Reimu's design was actually my favorite out of Ethyria pre-debut
I think it'd be great for a goth girl, it just doesn't suit her personality

>> No.24478537
Quoted by: >>24478615

How does the trap prevent you from leaving? All you can do is logout.

>> No.24478566


>> No.24478568

Ewiwa is tucking me in! She gave me a kiss!

>> No.24478572
Quoted by: >>24478671

>Reply to Reimu
>Didn't mean we going to watch you lmao
That's even bigger bitch move

>> No.24478581

That's quite fair.
I guess that kind of counts.
That's a stretch.
> do you mean something more like the senran kagura shooter
Imagine, if you would, something like Skullgirls but FPS. Lots of very cute anime designs. Make it sort of a Quake-y, S4-y arena type thing with high speed, acrobatics and trick jumps and a tiny bit of Warframe and you got yourself a great game.

>> No.24478587
File: 185 KB, 1083x887, FRQH3mSVEAEuDpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478739

He'll always be cute though

>> No.24478604
File: 71 KB, 224x224, 1652854005565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the link became so relevant i started knowing the numbers link

>> No.24478608

I never spent a single dollaridoo. They'll entertain me from free and they will like it.

>> No.24478615

The second you start being meta with the comparisons, neither hold up. You don't need an airport to login nor to logout.

>> No.24478619

same, her design caught my eye the most, mainly because I love eye bags. Her eyes did turn me off a bit though, but I love her twin tails and her outfit is so fitting. I do agree that her personality doesn’t really fit it though

>> No.24478622

Pomu and Finana in Petra's chat

>> No.24478624

>2nd yab
Graduation let's goooooo

>> No.24478627
File: 200 KB, 900x900, FRfQvCsUYAAS39Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(True) Ethyria love!

>> No.24478628

There are other shit designs in NijiEN that are succesfull. Like Pomu who's just a generic elf and yet she's only behind Selen.

>> No.24478632
Quoted by: >>24478674

Elira wants to do an asmr stream!

>> No.24478635

>petra: where do i get milk
>finana: elira

>> No.24478649

mommy elira...

>> No.24478661

I don't know, anon. Bragging about doing a hobby better than others seems plenty 4chan to me.

>> No.24478662

looks like phase connect

>> No.24478664

pomu has a cute design tho, i hate elira's og outfit tho

>> No.24478671

I dunno. It's kinda funny

>> No.24478674

>I feel like I would like doing ASMR
She would slay thousands

>> No.24478680
File: 472 KB, 888x705, 1644921720353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24478697

Her attitude in bigger collabs is part of it too

>> No.24478696
File: 335 KB, 850x1202, 779021975621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478743

You're literally gay or female

>> No.24478702

none of the nijiEN designs are iconic and/or daring, and it's something i wish wave 6 would address starting with actually putting in cunnies and shotas

>> No.24478705

enter luca

>> No.24478714


>> No.24478716


>> No.24478718


>> No.24478722
Quoted by: >>24478810

>twitch faggot joined the vc
welp time to stop watching Petora

>> No.24478725
File: 848 KB, 1890x2835, IMG_20220518_002044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24478731


>> No.24478732
Quoted by: >>24478810

>Luca joined with god awful mic quality
yep.. time to leave petras stream and never come back.
sorry petra

>> No.24478739
Quoted by: >>24479010

Of course, but he wants to be seen as hot so I'll let him believe that

>> No.24478743
File: 585 KB, 2000x2500, 1649953373155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24478753

luca its 7am...

>> No.24478756
Quoted by: >>24478876

Elira shilling Seffyna after she shills EN
Based K-Fairy appreciator

>> No.24478764


>> No.24478770
File: 139 KB, 895x680, 1649626650329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24478814

>> No.24478773


>> No.24478780


>> No.24478806


>> No.24478810


>> No.24478814

Why aren't I a shota...

>> No.24478829

Now kiss

>> No.24478839

Same mind.

>> No.24478856

Luca thinks Petra sounds cute

>> No.24478859

Elira gave me a last second kiss!!!

>> No.24478863

luca wants petra to pee on his mouth

>> No.24478876

but she's being low energy stupid this stream, not her usual fun kusogaki

>> No.24478881

Luca joining VC uninvited always reeks of desperation.

>> No.24478896

why do they always have to hop on call so random fucks can ruin their streams

>> No.24478903
File: 198 KB, 1707x2048, 1633936915666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24479371

holy sex thank you

>> No.24478910

Luca corrupting Petra!

>> No.24478916

Did one of Pomu's shorts blow up, or what is up with Pomu's channel views today? She has gotten over 500k views today, that has never happened before. And it can't only be VtL because that song doesnt even have 300k views AND it was released two days ago so it is not like all of the views came today. It is just such a massive outlier for her

>> No.24478920
File: 246 KB, 1500x1200, E239F1F5-9F5A-4528-9F6C-3DB6AEEDCC5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira is deadly cute.
I’m in danger…

>> No.24478927

All I'm saying is that Enna would probably sleep with (you) to prove to Petra she's a better woman than her.

>> No.24478934
File: 416 KB, 2048x2048, 1647564843185[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1bi0jw.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira gave me a goodnight kiss...
She's so perfect... What a dork.

>> No.24478938
Quoted by: >>24478974

did it ever occur to you that petra is in a collab vc inviting others to join her whenever

>> No.24478945

I miss Elira....

>> No.24478953
Quoted by: >>24479636

>Number obsessed but too dumb to interpret them
Many such cases

>> No.24478968

Luca trying to explain twitchspeak to Petra

>> No.24478974
Quoted by: >>24479247

Petra got into collab VC because Pomu invited her and then forgot to leave it.

>> No.24478975
Quoted by: >>24479026

Luca watching Pomu as he goes to sleep…

>> No.24478984

Petra is in the collab vc you absolute nigger

>> No.24478986

luca dont cancel stream, i swear to god

>> No.24478991
File: 369 KB, 1664x2170, 1648601682312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had the free time to find every time Elira gave us a kiss and edit it into a video.
That in itself would be one hell of an asmr vid.

>> No.24478996
Quoted by: >>24479048

Prof's last day...
Luca's staying for 8 more days.

>> No.24479004

Luca was supposed to play minecraft today but it's Oliver's last day there so he might cancel

>> No.24479007

>Luca might not stream minecraft today

>> No.24479010
File: 344 KB, 2048x1759, FQzWn-sUUAEhlNb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pretty hot when playing valorant with the boys though, I'll give him that

>> No.24479017

8 more days kek

>> No.24479026
File: 933 KB, 596x866, 1633243270277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know...

>> No.24479030

8 more days...

>> No.24479032

Prof is Luca's step-father

>> No.24479048

God, I’m not sure if I can handle anymore offcollabs…

>> No.24479049

Petra said she haven't met anyone from NijiEN irl

>> No.24479052
Quoted by: >>24479503

I want Pomu to hug Selen.
Not in a sexual way, not in /u/ way. I just want Pomu to give Selen a big hug

>> No.24479061

He's calling Petra a slut

>> No.24479080

>Pomu, Finana, Nina, Shu, Elira all flew right over her
Can't make this shit up kek
It's especially bad in Pomu's case because they live like 3 hours of a car trip apart.

>> No.24479079
Quoted by: >>24479130

>actual two week vacation
I can't believe it got memed to reality.

>> No.24479083
Quoted by: >>24479138

at least 2 or 3 of those days is being spent with his family

>> No.24479088
File: 155 KB, 560x451, 1648247153203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24479113
File: 957 KB, 1800x3200, FLGDONracAMp86x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24479116


>> No.24479122

nina trying to monopolize the boys to become the ultimate leech

>> No.24479130
Quoted by: >>24479195

Didn't they literally said it's be two week on one of the first stream in the off collab?

>> No.24479138
Quoted by: >>24479170

Which means more days without him, probably…

>> No.24479147

luca sounds so deep wtf

>> No.24479148
File: 69 KB, 480x480, 1635215613258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24479200

Luca sounds extra sex what the heck

>> No.24479151
Quoted by: >>24479387

I need to finish the vod of that. I missed about 2 hours because of work... Valorant is so fun.

>> No.24479154

Speaking of Nina, she has an offcollab with Pomu and Alban in June kek.

>> No.24479157
File: 194 KB, 1018x1334, 1648007691415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God, I’m not sure if I can handle anymore offcollabs…
I feel like they should just cancel if they want to meet eachother. It's been done before and there were zero complaints. Off-collabs - as in, actual collabs - are of inflationary value and especially with sizes this big don't provide much extra.

Better to just clear up the schedule rather than having constant scuff and cancellations IMHO.

>> No.24479161
Quoted by: >>24479237

probably sick

>> No.24479162
Quoted by: >>24479283

Lmao at this rate, even Reimu is gonna meet Vox first before she meets Petra

>> No.24479170

oh right he wont stream around his family

>> No.24479174

He just woke up, it’s his usual non-streaming voice

>> No.24479189

>her design
Don't you mean her model?

>> No.24479190

Fucking kek
Captcha: DRMXA

>> No.24479195

implying anons here watches actual stream

>> No.24479200

7:30 am, jwu voice

>> No.24479203

Lucubs sad because they can't chat on petra's chat and now are subscribing kek

>> No.24479205
Quoted by: >>24479243

It's a rrat r-right...?

>> No.24479208

Didn't Reimu meet her? Or am I thinking of Rosemi?

>> No.24479212

It was probably from VtL and the other anniversary stuff, I think Playboard timezones are just wonky. If you view the daily view count of VtL on Playboard, it shows 211k views on the 16th, but if you look at the channel daily viewcount ("Views" at the top), it shows a normal ~100k on the 16th.

>> No.24479211

I'm actually wonder how many of them regret this disaster off-collab

>> No.24479219
Quoted by: >>24479257

Why is EN's spawn point locked anyway?

>> No.24479226

that pog was adorable what the fuck

>> No.24479228

Still can't beat sex cat morning voice

>> No.24479232

Pomu is my oshi but I prefer Elira's design. Pomu looks like a generic elf without her og dress and bow

>> No.24479234

To be fair, she is a student and can't just fuck off on an airplane for a week like all the other NEETs.

>> No.24479237

>Ike is sick
>Luca is sick
They are

>> No.24479242
Quoted by: >>24479311

She says she want to met everyone.. so why no one goes to her?

>> No.24479243
Quoted by: >>24479312

not, it was posted back when she said it in march, but you guys didn't give a fuck back then.

>> No.24479247

No, Petra invited Pomu into VC.

>> No.24479252

All the ones that came in after the initial group was decided upon.

>> No.24479255


>> No.24479257
Quoted by: >>24479362


>> No.24479259

Petra just said that she hasn't met anyone. Luca even pressed her and asked if she's sure.

>> No.24479260


>> No.24479263


>> No.24479264

Her second one feels a little bit too dolled up imo. The og outfit feels playful, relaxed, and bouncy.

>> No.24479266


>> No.24479268

pomu in petra's vc

>> No.24479271

The schizo who keeps bitching about akurei insisted that Petra said Reimu visited her. No one else remember her saying it.

>> No.24479274


>> No.24479278

Vox has a great design though. Not overdesigned like gacha characters but iconic enough to stand out

>> No.24479279
Quoted by: >>24479321

Nina will just abandon normal streaming entirely and be offcollabing or travelling between offcollabs

>> No.24479283

Oh you cant say that otherwise you're a phantomo schizo kek

>> No.24479288

It's not a shock.

>> No.24479293
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>> No.24479303


>> No.24479309
File: 21 KB, 775x205, 1642400873868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm so glad I updated my filters.

>> No.24479311

no one cares about burger cities except nyc or somewhere that has disneyland

>> No.24479312
Quoted by: >>24479413

Plans changed, at least for Pomu. During the end of either their PT or Convenience Store collab, Pomu said "maybe in a couple of years"

>> No.24479314

Luca's deezney in shambles
Pomu's castle is thriving
Thank me Petra

>> No.24479321

i mean why not, at least it's not something that other vtubers do if it became her main content.

>> No.24479326

me the faceless guy next to uki

>> No.24479328


>> No.24479330

The schizo said that because Reimu said she "saw" Petra yesterday which in their mind only meant irl meeting.
Didn't stop to think that it could be on webcam, video call, she could've sent a picture, etc.

>> No.24479332

>pomu, adopt me please
pomu is now a mother

>> No.24479336


>> No.24479343
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>> No.24479345

she already addressed that on her last stream because of the rampant bot raids that occurring recently

>> No.24479362

tbf it was a pretty well excecuted prank and elira glitching her way out was a perfect kino moment to top it

>> No.24479364


>> No.24479371 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 512x512, eliraeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the sauce for this?

>> No.24479375
File: 4 KB, 148x45, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am now sustained for the next 50 years

>> No.24479385
File: 103 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20220419_195001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching before luca joined

>> No.24479387
File: 142 KB, 767x1024, FRubfWlVgAA5Q7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a fun collab watching from Luxiem's side the first 3 rounds, high energy and goofing off. I watched from Fuu-chan's perspective afterwards, but it was a bit lower of a mood before they mixed teams

>> No.24479393

Why the faceless guy look like Shu but without banana

>> No.24479413
Quoted by: >>24479465

PT stream was in late april.
it's irrelevant.

>> No.24479414

luca and pomu fighting over petra

>> No.24479416

Petra is afraid of getting raped by her nijien coworkers... she probably has similar experience irl that she would never share

>> No.24479428

is it just me or luca actually obsessed with pomu

>> No.24479429

i feel like it’s not that much of a hype anymore, or maybe it’s because it’s the same group of people with some additions of the same clique. If it was with other members that I wouldn’t expect to get together then I’d be more excited

>> No.24479435

That’s not Shu that’s Yamino

>> No.24479438
Quoted by: >>24479460

eLIEra and LIEmu

>> No.24479446

Im so sad that he doesnt like valorant. give a little practice he'd probably go toe to toe with shu.. and they could play together

>> No.24479447


>> No.24479449


>> No.24479461

The school made Shu dye his hair for the pic

>> No.24479460


>> No.24479465
Quoted by: >>24479592

No? If the original plan was announced in March, and the PT/Convenience Store streams were in April, the April plan is more recent than the March plan.

>> No.24479466

it's so reimu can't egosa that

>> No.24479469

Selen x Elira offcollab… a man can dream

>> No.24479474


>> No.24479475

It shouldn’t be a long trip…

>> No.24479476

Sounds about right. It'd be strange to just nonchalantly said she "saw Petra" and not elaborate if they met in person for the first time.

>> No.24479485

petra the only one who doesn't look like she got bullied irl so she probably doesn't want some rail thin uk boys and a russian bitch randomly over

>> No.24479486

Sorry anon but I hate fps and I am glad that he doesn't spam them like the other guys. I think he should totally play them offstream with shu though.

>> No.24479487


>> No.24479499
File: 388 KB, 1425x2048, 1626952152886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24479612

alban goes both ways in more ways than one

>> No.24479500

do dildos not count?

>> No.24479503

me too, I hope they off collab. I feel like selen acts cool with Pomu, but if they ever met Pomu would definitely be like an older sister to her. She gave me that vibe when she was gushing over how cute selen sounded in vtl

>> No.24479504
Quoted by: >>24479520

>Selen x Elira offcollab

>> No.24479507

>competition breeds innovation

>> No.24479520

Don’t hate my crackship faggot

>> No.24479529

lucubs your oshi's theme park sucks dick

>> No.24479540

Petra shading Deezneyland

>> No.24479554

I remember hearing his voice like this when he joined Selen’s beedrill stream since he came in the second he woke up

>> No.24479558

>selen x elira
this offcollab obsession better be dying soon

>> No.24479561


>> No.24479565


>> No.24479574
File: 66 KB, 398x289, 1651676306612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deezney in shambles

>> No.24479573
File: 65 KB, 250x250, 1650323049412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was just thinking, you guys know how someone botted Sara's stream to have 40,000 viewers or something, and people said it was a test run to see if they could get away with doing it to a Niji. And people were saying they were going to do it during the big anniversary celebration. But that came and went and nobody tried anything so I think that theory was pretty stupid actually. Another stupid thing people said was that Sara was going to get banned for it even though it wasn't her fault and she had nothing to do with it. And as you can see she's not banned and didn't get in any trouble for it since, you know, she didn't do anything. So basically it all makes me realize that so many people on this board are just so full of shit with the things they say. I guess this board has a lot of people who think that talking with an air of confidence is all you need and you don't actually have to know jack shit, you can just confidently state stuff and people will believe it because you're so confident. But it makes me realize that the more confident someone sounds, the more likely they are to be full of shit.

>> No.24479578

cunny senpai in chat

>> No.24479580

Yes I would ejaculate precisely on Myamya's face, how did you know?

>> No.24479587

>this offcollab obsession better be dying soon
I agree

>> No.24479592

you miss my point.
One anon thought it was rrat. It's not.
I just pointed it out that no one gave a fuck then.
You pointed out something very valid, it is still relevant to the main discussion, but irrelevant to my post.

>> No.24479596
File: 116 KB, 1088x1200, FRw4ds_acAE4o5U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame he said he'd probably not stream any Valorant, Apex, or League in the fire unless it was an event or something. I generally don't enjoy fps, but didn't mind when Mysta played those games. It helps that his aim isn't totally hopeless

>> No.24479597
File: 175 KB, 1080x598, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra should be careful...

>> No.24479605
File: 30 KB, 800x450, mucho texto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24479612
File: 361 KB, 1358x2048, 16876205182429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24479640

I can't stop thinking about how he wants to be 20cms shorter...

>> No.24479615

But I want Luxiem off-collab.....

>> No.24479624

>you noticed that

>> No.24479628
File: 789 KB, 2894x3995, 1627190804589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24479707

>> No.24479630

If most anons take this long to come to this realization, it really explains a lot about this board

>> No.24479632

Luca doxxing his location

>> No.24479633

>>24479596 (me)
*in the future

>> No.24479636

If it is so easy what is it then?
Because it can't only be VtL, it doesnt have THAT many views. Like compare with Ike, he also released a cover this month, it has three times the views as Pomu's VtL. He STILL didnt have a single day that had even close to 500k views.
Like I dont think you get how much of an outlier this is for Pomu. She has never had even close to this kind of views in a single day, almost no NijiEN has. Last 30 days the only one that has had a day over 500k except Pomu's today is a single day for Vox. Not even Mysta has had that many views on a single day.
That is why I was confused, it is obviously some from VtL but that only explained maybe a 100k or so, and then 50k from her stream today. Where are the rest of the 520k views coming from?
Did she have old clips that blew up?
Did she reupload a bunch of old vods?
Is she getting botted?

>> No.24479638
Quoted by: >>24479694

Petra: why go out here when you can play minecraft

>> No.24479639



>> No.24479640
File: 786 KB, 822x1194, 1632015729538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please... anykara onegai

>> No.24479650

Can you blame her after what they did to Rosemi and Finana?

>> No.24479654

yeah, fps/moba games can be annoying to watch. they're fun in regulated tournament type streams though.. still i can hope

>> No.24479663

Didn’t read lol
Numberfags get the rope

>> No.24479674

I'm sure everyone is going to lay it on you hard so I'd like to say I'm at least glad you came to this realization.

>> No.24479694
File: 140 KB, 439x400, 1622016258284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24479707
Quoted by: >>24479788

Cute myamya

>> No.24479709
File: 332 KB, 1299x756, 74AA0A0C-1488-4693-AA03-8B30D0F2C430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye Luca… I guess he won’t be streaming… I love you…

>> No.24479710

>So basically it all makes me realize that so many people on this board are just so full of shit with the things they say.

you cannot be able to function as a regular human being and not have realized this...
you're actually as retarded as numberfags holy shit

>> No.24479711


>> No.24479715
File: 329 KB, 1240x1754, 1624690362518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feesh is retweeting lots of her moments in valorant, so she probably must be very proud of that stream

please feesh im fucking begging you im a ryugard since day one just fucking drop the gacha and become a latenight FPS chuuba just be passionate about something I will follow you forever you have so much potential feesh Im on my knees valorant is even a good collab tool to hook up with other Nijis like JP senpais and fulgur and shu please play real games also good luck on your yakuza stream

>> No.24479721

> realize that so many people on this board are just so full of shit
How long until you got this enlightment

>> No.24479724

Is there a ship name for Luca and Petra?

>> No.24479725

Go back to your thread, maybe they’ll have an answer for you then.

>> No.24479729

goodbye pogman

>> No.24479734

selen I know you're /here/ play bugsnax it has disgusting food freaks and muppet drama

>> No.24479736
Quoted by: >>24479840

Almost 100%
I would hope a redesign would change her fortunes but maybe the damage is already done

>> No.24479740
Quoted by: >>24479772


>> No.24479741 [DELETED] 


>> No.24479742 [DELETED] 


>> No.24479757
Quoted by: >>24479785

>enter alban
>alban: cringe
>alban leave

>> No.24479760

>lightning strikes
>power goes out
>minutes later, it's back on
>Luca's gone
Fucking bitch...

>> No.24479765
File: 630 KB, 1170x1446, 1643024703545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24479785

Petra isn't cringe

>> No.24479768
File: 463 KB, 2048x2048, FS-vEwQaUAAYzSy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex cat

>> No.24479772


>> No.24479776

>this offcollab obsession better be dying soon
Besties off-collab is always going to be the gold standard and quite frankly ruined me on any others. Well barring Millie-'Enna but that's basically just a well-oiled machine at this point.

>> No.24479780


>> No.24479785

Holy based
Shut up Fat Pentomo!

>> No.24479788
File: 514 KB, 2029x4096, 1643654949729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24479789

rape petra

>> No.24479795

Honestly world part is the quality of the streams. It's one thing to go on a vacation other is to meet up then have almost every stream with internet issues and shitty mic quality.

The novelty of so many livers togather wears off aswell.

>> No.24479800

we already know there’s going to be one with nina and alban next month

>> No.24479802
File: 75 KB, 592x560, 1650762237454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to have covid with just a sore throat? i don't have a fever or taste loss...

>> No.24479828

dont you just have a cold then anon

>> No.24479840
File: 187 KB, 866x1100, __reimu_endou_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_walzrj__3df7f1469e058fee73ae94ed1fc7938e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against THIS?

>> No.24479844

Alban sounds different

>> No.24479847
File: 517 KB, 2048x1423, 1652856111793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many pretty fanart from the anniversary

>> No.24479870

Symptoms are variable, so yes. Get yourself tested, bro.

>> No.24479876
Quoted by: >>24480003

but reimu has to face the camera, so we can't see her only good side.

>> No.24479879
File: 1.67 MB, 1170x1198, 1640036029206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it possible to have covid with just a sore throat
That's what it's like for the vast majority of people who're not obese or old.

>> No.24479880


>> No.24479883

yes. i caught the coof in february and never got a fever or lost my sense of taste/smell

>> No.24479890


>> No.24479894

Honestly its kind of amazing how you fags NEVER get me right. Im the original schizo but you fags always call others instead of me fucking kek

>> No.24479898

It's VtL plus anniversary stuff. Playboard's been having delay issues recently, like how it didn't see and add Elira's anniversary stream until a day or so after, even though it was the first one to have a waiting room and the first one to happen.

>> No.24479903

It's even possible to have covid and not feel anything at all.

>> No.24479912
File: 182 KB, 314x314, 1661254568137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents (who don't live with me) said I have coivd and told me to get test kits
but I live alone and doesn't want to go out if I have covid
i hope it's a cold...

>> No.24479916

They got to hang out with their friends, sounds like mission accomplished.

>> No.24479922
Quoted by: >>24479965

The model is okay, it's just her face. Her eyes look so small while her eyebag is to big

>> No.24479928

Same, but I especially enjoy Valorant. The other two suck. I might just watch another chuuba playing it, if Mysta refuses...

>> No.24479937
Quoted by: >>24479957

where do you live? you can get them for free through the mail

>> No.24479943

Vox is pretty iconic.
Arguably Petra and Selen.
They lack, say, a Lain or a Gilzaren.

>> No.24479952

Shu's design is even worse than Reimu yet he's doing fine (even compared to other boys like Noctyx).
Honestly, a large part of it is just her being a bad streamer

>> No.24479954

FUCK Why the hell is Petra so popular with Nijien males? They're my BF, you fucking whore

>> No.24479955

I'll bite this and take one for the team because I love my Pomu. Looking at playboard it would seem that all the shorts got picked up by the algo. They are all amassing big numbers and are becoming the most popular on her channel. I am happy for my little fairy's success and am glad she is getting algo picked up!!!!

>> No.24479957

west coast canada

>> No.24479956

Emperor penguin
I think the arknights emperor makes a good ship name for this…

>> No.24479965

her headcrab is dumb and she keeps wearing it too

>> No.24479971

A quick run and wearing mask to buy it should be okay, Shu

>> No.24479982

shu is in luxiem, your point is irrelevant.

>> No.24479987

oh i dont know about canada, sorry

>> No.24479988
Quoted by: >>24480255

You actually see her as competition?

>> No.24479998

>proud of being a reimuschizo
Get help

>> No.24480000

Least male /NijiEN/ poster

>> No.24480003
File: 160 KB, 1021x1387, FS0UNv-VsAAUuR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so we can't see her only good side.
We can see her armpits and chest window instead, which is also great!

>> No.24480009

your oshi doesn't even know you exist, they see you equally as the other fans

>> No.24480011
Quoted by: >>24480224

>unironically taking credit on an anonymous board

>> No.24480015
Quoted by: >>24480048


>Pomu who's just a generic elf

she is a fairy.. also elves are not as common in the vtubing world as you may think, there are far more sea life forms, catgirls and demon/succubus girls out there.

>> No.24480021

shu is noctyx

>> No.24480024

this shitpost is done so poorly, why petra

>> No.24480025


>> No.24480028

And your streams are still shit Reimu. Go back to grinding apex

>> No.24480043

my oshi is dead how do i cope?

>> No.24480048

It's such a shame...

>> No.24480056
Quoted by: >>24480255

She is as inoffensive as Uki in a group of woman, chill

>> No.24480060

By following her.

>> No.24480062

Petra will never belittle me with a mouth full of food...

>> No.24480061

I mean assuming you're vaxxed and you don't feel like you're gonna die you don't have to get tested

>> No.24480064

Alban forgot to use his Alban voice today

>> No.24480098
Quoted by: >>24480441

Shu has JP buff

>> No.24480104
File: 2.90 MB, 252x261, 1652544483407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480117

how do yall have romantic feelings for chuubas
like what if your dreams come true and you're involved with one of them?
do you make them put on a mask of their avatar irl

>> No.24480127

Maybe it's for 2 days? Because there's no 5/17 on playboard

>> No.24480130

I'm sorry to break it to you, but that means the other schizos are more iconic at that role than you were. That title is now their's.

>> No.24480132

Nope, I'm not that much of a schizo

>> No.24480155


>> No.24480157
Quoted by: >>24480261


>> No.24480156

you think we have a chance to think that far ahead?

>> No.24480162

I'm a desperate cuck I think?

>> No.24480165


>> No.24480177
File: 148 KB, 903x1117, FSUYRqAacAASnt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24480196

First your heart, Then your man!

>> No.24480200
File: 201 KB, 1709x1709, 1636631089816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alban you homewrecking SLUT

>> No.24480201


>> No.24480205
Quoted by: >>24480236

Parasocial relationships are fun delusions. I've watched a few indie 2views and turned the parasocial into a regular social relationship. Not as fun.

>> No.24480224

they call everyone phantomoschizo but its never me! those fags call everyone who says anything negative about reimu, its so stupid. and then i get the reputation

>> No.24480230

why are women like this?

>> No.24480231
Quoted by: >>24480495

Why Uki didn't join the vc

>> No.24480232
Quoted by: >>24480324


>> No.24480236
File: 923 KB, 546x815, 1633058873313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480242
File: 329 KB, 1396x2048, 85B5A148-C49A-4B70-AE90-4D95A46A240E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24480263

I’m excited for their collab, not a one on one but I’ll take it

>> No.24480255

>not realizing Petra'a ability to go full man eater semen demon if she ever finds someone of sufficient spec for her.
Not that that's anyone in NijiEN but she has a level of 'Stacypower that shouldn't be underestimated.

>> No.24480257


>> No.24480261

i just want to hear his voice.. hope he's okay or having fun though.

>> No.24480263

They're really cute together

>> No.24480274

shu is in the big boys wave, it's just THAT big of a buff.

Reimu was in the third wave of the girls ( not as much of a novelty back then), her three wavemates (back then) just seemed better (nina was roguelite and russian pandering, millie seemed super fun and got the flip audience, and enna had the millie and singing buff), and her strating game were not that good frankly (amnesia and resident evil 1 blind, come on), and she gave the bitchy woman experience, which isn't usually what you watch to get on you relaxation hours after getting it irl.

>> No.24480279

ban hada should have been en

>> No.24480295
File: 350 KB, 1080x1448, IMG_20220518_135610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24480346

Oh no no no, Milgurfag

>> No.24480301

we are in a relationship and we fuck in cosplay

>> No.24480300

Ban Hada should be my wife.

>> No.24480311

Ok Sonny

>> No.24480324
Quoted by: >>24480378

why ship names become stranger each days...

>> No.24480326

she wouldn't have had her audition video watched more than 5s

>> No.24480346

First your heart, then your slut!

>> No.24480350

I'm actually taking care of sick Shu right now wdym

>> No.24480358

Finana talking to hoshikawa

>> No.24480359
File: 101 KB, 1283x932, 1652857132439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480360

I want to rape the bratty sex cat

>> No.24480378

i’m the only one that cares about this okay i made it up on the spot

>> No.24480393


>> No.24480396

luca please make a tweet about cancelling stream so i can go to sleep for sure

>> No.24480405


>> No.24480421


>> No.24480429
File: 673 KB, 1170x1446, petra_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra keeps talking with her mouth full.

>> No.24480432
File: 88 KB, 702x554, 079DC147-44DA-45FC-8A6B-F8927ADA2EF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his latest tweet

>> No.24480433
Quoted by: >>24480506

just go to sleep.
Luca said that prioritize yourself first rather than prioritize Luca.

>> No.24480435

Manifesting sluts collab

>> No.24480439
Quoted by: >>24480506

you'll get some much bags under your eyes that you could cosplay as reimu without make up and you'll like it

>> No.24480441
Quoted by: >>24480582


>> No.24480448

Saw a clip of Pomu, a month in, pity-baiting about how she's forgotten just because she was marginally last out of the three in terms of subs and have never bothered to check out any of her shit since.

>> No.24480453

More Pogmu crumbs…

>> No.24480458


>> No.24480461
Quoted by: >>24481320

elira got ignored... let's see if feesh has a better chance...

>> No.24480465

On the contrary I think it's stranger to have watched Mysta's stream yesterday and not developed romantic feelings for him
How else is one supposed to react when a man metaphorically lies down next to you in his underwear, continually reminds you that he's single and tells you his most intimate and personal thoughts
But in the end it's the personality I love, so no mask fetishism is necessary

>> No.24480476

Bet on which NijiEN will be in the chat

>> No.24480484
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1000, 1629304236242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480495

Because he's doing actual stuff in Minecraft and is just chatting here and there. This way Petra can hang with her chat with the occasional comment from Uki. He'd be dead air.

>> No.24480498
File: 660 KB, 768x893, E70Ao7pUUAAeL37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480506

i fell alseep yesterday already

>> No.24480513
File: 70 KB, 200x199, 1633530580126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Sonnys stream was 4pm jst... i could have touched grass instead...

>> No.24480525
Quoted by: >>24480549

I think we all know the answer....

>> No.24480537
Quoted by: >>24480559

the mouse won't like this one...

>> No.24480542
File: 817 KB, 664x820, 1652238949914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480547
Quoted by: >>24480574

Luca please, even if you’re busy with Oliver, don’t give me anxiety…

>> No.24480549
Quoted by: >>24480599

Enna, Pomu, Elira & Petra

>> No.24480559


>> No.24480574
Quoted by: >>24480597

lucubs just go to sleep...

>> No.24480577

He is not wrong about that, fuck the mouse.

>> No.24480578
Quoted by: >>24480625

I want to moan their vtuber name when we're having sex but I'd ask them first if it would turn them off or not

>> No.24480582

He has JP antis......

>> No.24480588

Saw a nagao clip where he talked about selen (he called her a god and talked about how her laughter and praise of their English really helped him?) My Japanese understanding is still shitty but I think he talked about how he couldn’t understand anything Vox said because he talked so fast with British English

>> No.24480589
File: 61 KB, 429x486, 1636798183357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm Miki Mouse!

>> No.24480597

I’m a different one, it’s daytime for me…

>> No.24480599

No it's Chris Pratt

>> No.24480608

Mickey Mouse is EVIL confirmed.

>> No.24480625
Quoted by: >>24480700

Who's your oshi

>> No.24480628

>roleplay in the basement

>> No.24480669

isn't Mickey Mouse not the first Disney mascot?

>> No.24480673
Quoted by: >>24480692

>prioritized his rivalry first over the Lucubs' wellbeing
Lucubs in shambles
POGmu thriving
Thank me Petra

>> No.24480675

Nah, Shu's design is fine where it matters in stream - his face is quite nice. You don't see much of his shitty outfit and retarded arm.
Whereas Reimu is the opposite, her overall design is fine but she has the dead eyes tiny mouth and barely any range in expression.

>> No.24480692

I’m surprised we don’t have any lucub schizos that are angry with Pomu.

>> No.24480700

Is it fair to say hako oshi?
I want to fuck all of them to see their reactions

>> No.24480712
Quoted by: >>24480852

The only people lucub schizos are ever angry about is the two leeches.

>> No.24480719

Wasn't it the opposite?

>> No.24480737

The shippers in these threads really are annoying
You can never tell if they actually like the ships they're shilling or if they're just baiting for a reaction from angry gachikois

>> No.24480742

Since fans reflect the streamer, doesn't that mean they like everyone?

>> No.24480751

the latter, its always the latter

>> No.24480757

>t.phantomo unicorn

>> No.24480762
File: 883 KB, 593x590, unknown (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His overall design may be a bit all over the place but his top half and his pretty face saved him. Not to mention his voice and personalities too

>> No.24480769
File: 127 KB, 183x281, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My screen got really low quality and I think she looks cuter like this.

>> No.24480773

why did the best design have to go to the flip

>> No.24480774

reimu's whole design, the sleeves and legs especially, are so pretty it could be one of the best
its really just the face and weird testicle hair that bothers me

>> No.24480777

make it lower

>> No.24480778
File: 17 KB, 66x108, sln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do you one better

>> No.24480795

Hamtaro OP.....

>> No.24480796
Quoted by: >>24480832

Fact: Filipinos are the sexiest VTubers.

>> No.24480798

Petra and Alban are so cute together...

>> No.24480800


>> No.24480819


>> No.24480832
File: 403 KB, 1536x2048, FSncCbQUAAAVffR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480837

He said he understood Vox fine at first, but lost track when he started doing his "machine gun talk" (the FNAF talk).
Selen makes things easier because he isn't able to start conversations in English yet and Selen would start topics and use simple English so it's easy for him to join the convo.

>> No.24480841
File: 49 KB, 210x210, 1651494315170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480849

Phancucks SEETHING

>> No.24480852
Quoted by: >>24480898

wrong, tourist.

>> No.24480856
File: 1.97 MB, 1578x1620, 1652402947243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selen's vtl... so fucking cute oh god

>> No.24480859

he looks like a creep

>> No.24480865

I like her, she has older sister vibes

t. lucub

>> No.24480869

>Activate Windows

>> No.24480872

shiptrannies are annoying in general, yes

>> No.24480883

ty anon

>> No.24480890
Quoted by: >>24480936

Imagine if she didn't have the design buff

>> No.24480898

Shouldn’t you be sleeping right now?

>> No.24480919

Selen attending retard classes really served her well in communicating with JPs. She can't speak Japanese, but her English is on par with JPs kek

>> No.24480930

>catalog shitting themselves that Enna, a Chinese woman, tweeted in Chinese

am i missing something

>> No.24480934
File: 529 KB, 646x640, 1647851276873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rapist eyes

>> No.24480936

She'd still be doing better than Reimu. Millie has her ASMR niche and she actually releases song covers

>> No.24480939


>> No.24480942

The reason I like them so much is Sonny actually helps Petra learn games instead of just messing with her.

>> No.24480946


here you go lucubs, go to sleep

>> No.24480948

were selen, fuchan, and ike are the only one who adds their vocals on vtl or there others too?

>> No.24480952

they just want a fuel to burn.

>> No.24480961
Quoted by: >>24481005

so he might stream still

>> No.24480967

>normal human beings seething at bath soup eater tweeting in her demonic language

>> No.24480972

You are missing the bronies seething hatred of getting kicked out on their butt by chinks, and their unwillingness to admit they got into the hobby because of chink clippers

>> No.24480976

all NijiEN

>> No.24480980

But it’s daytime for me…

>> No.24480981
File: 783 KB, 1846x1866, FR2TAtNaIAAz2LV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24480986

I want to drink Enna's bath soup

>> No.24480993

bath soup..

>> No.24480996

Alban ships Petra x Pentomos

>> No.24480997

I hope the briskadet that took this screenshot has windows activated by now

>> No.24480998

All of NijiEN supplied vocals, but Pomu only played Selen, Enna, Fulgur, and Ike during stream today. She said she'll probably play the others at a later date.

>> No.24480999

nina's so fast

>> No.24481004
File: 1.14 MB, 2220x1850, 1227945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are their good points
Their designs just seem so unremarkable that I never bothered

>> No.24481005
Quoted by: >>24481018

yeah, delay by 8 days

>> No.24481010

She showed Enna and I’m sure I heard other male voices on there so I think there’s more for sure, I’m assuming all the members would’ve participated right?

>> No.24481017
File: 258 KB, 1600x1200, 1643403178017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Petra and Peter equally!

>> No.24481018
File: 38 KB, 300x300, Luca2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont remind me

>> No.24481022

I can't hear any of them no matter how hard I focus.

>> No.24481025

It'll be another improvized zatsu.
I don't rust his laptop to not betray him.

>> No.24481031
File: 1.00 MB, 2895x4096, 1650070999534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know about uki but sonny sex

>> No.24481044

sonny is a creep and i love him for it

>> No.24481053
Quoted by: >>24481127

Peter voice: "I can show you a goood time"

I don't even know if she realizes how hot that voice can be. If she really went for it... man...

>> No.24481065

uki looks so much better

>> No.24481079

Which one are we talking about?

>> No.24481085

the erp

>> No.24481105
File: 364 KB, 467x561, 1652858922270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need Nijien 3D so I can edit it like that we're interacting together in real live

>> No.24481107


>> No.24481111

theyre fine as collab fuel, Sonny when he gets to show how much of a weeb he is and Uki when he gets to be really gay. Solo streams boring

>> No.24481118

Most normal rosebud

>> No.24481121

Alban exposing Petra's secret oshi

>> No.24481127
File: 90 KB, 225x225, 1649969250365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even know if she realizes how hot that voice can be.
She's a level 900 Yumejo.
She has almost certainly fingerbanged herself silly while talking to herself in that voice.
Trust me.
She knows.

>> No.24481129
Quoted by: >>24481200

3. to annoy anti-shippers, usually followed by gender war
4. to invite non-gachikoi seething on one of the livers. make the thread ugly so that they can't shittalking muh oshi

>> No.24481131

Uki is gay. Sonny is a rapist.

>> No.24481134

Ok now I believe that Petra oshi Nagao as well kek

>> No.24481138
File: 177 KB, 953x1348, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomus extremely tiny and childlike body with small breasts as described by finana and elira ......

>> No.24481144

petra ended stream now what

>> No.24481150

Now that petra’s done, time to watch chigusa’s english lesson

>> No.24481166

>dead hours

>> No.24481170

They both look higher than the burj khalifa, and it makes you wonder what they're smoking (and where to get some)

>> No.24481174
Quoted by: >>24481242

Petra really ended the stream when alban almost said who her secret oshi was kek

>> No.24481184

He rejected his friends' movie invitation due to fear of the coof yet he's willing to travel across US for Elira. I don't really feel sorry for him.

>> No.24481200

Got me there anon

>> No.24481202

puzzle check?

>> No.24481203
Quoted by: >>24481241

i would travel across the US for elira and anyone in lazulight

>> No.24481241

>Fly across the country to breed Finana
worth the miles

>> No.24481242

Yea... it seemed like either that or something unrelated came up that she had to do. That was a really abrupt ending but I'm also not a skitzo so I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.24481249
File: 219 KB, 1250x1250, IMG_20220423_221328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24481250

>a male nijisanji liver that specializes in true crime stories

how successful would he be

>> No.24481260
Quoted by: >>24481405

She seemed like she was planning to end it for a while and Alban's presence kept extending the stream.

>> No.24481261
Quoted by: >>24481405

well she was pretty much finished with the premise of the stream, any more would've just been fucking around or starting a new project

>> No.24481272
Quoted by: >>24481350


>> No.24481277

now what

>> No.24481287

page 9 confessions
or puzzles

>> No.24481290

not very considering women are more into true crime

>> No.24481303
Quoted by: >>24481330

male enna?

>> No.24481306

Depends on how good of a storyteller he is. If he's Vox-tier or so he'd basically solve EN vtubing.

>> No.24481310
Quoted by: >>24481562

anon who do you think his audience would be?

>> No.24481316
Quoted by: >>24481562

so he would be successful then

>> No.24481320
Quoted by: >>24481351

Nox got ignored too. I dont think she seriously wants to interact at this point unless it's for show

>> No.24481330
Quoted by: >>24481350

True crime story, not commit crime story

>> No.24481351

that's so hot hskw is sucha slut

>> No.24481350

see >>24481330

>> No.24481352

i leave the thread when ships are brought up because i get schizo over one specific ship

>> No.24481355

I’m a slut for true crime so I would watch him religiously, if he’s good at delivering and making things interesting that is. If I wanted to listen to someone talk about a crime story in a monotone voice with nothing added in i’d watch a documentary

>> No.24481365

it was kind of sad how petra was talking about how if she streamed as peter she would get more subscribers and views... and then chat agreeing.

>> No.24481370
Quoted by: >>24481389

Extremely. Why do women love true crime so much?

>> No.24481375
File: 25 KB, 715x429, abobobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24481400

It's time for you to leave

>> No.24481389
Quoted by: >>24481534

>Why do women love true crime so much?
True crime is for women what buddy cop shows are to men.
Men relate to the world via brotherhood.
Women via being victims.
That's why women's rights protests are so fetishized.

>> No.24481392

I don't really like true crime, but I do wish we had more vtubers who specialized in zatsudan and actually had interesting, well-researched stories to tell.

>> No.24481393


>> No.24481400
File: 300 KB, 639x648, 1649710401467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24481404

she got banned from vtubing bro, it's over

>> No.24481405

she already wanted to end but the oshi thing prob made it a good oportunity for her to end

>> No.24481420
File: 324 KB, 406x387, 1638092344317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24481835

>it was kind of sad how petra was talking about how if she streamed as peter she would get more subscribers and views... and then chat agreeing.
Sad how? This is a bit they do now and again and have for a while. She pulls it out every so often and Chat seems to enjoy it and plays along.

>> No.24481442
File: 221 KB, 1032x1586, 1649699283069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threesome with Bon when?

>> No.24481446

I feel more sorry for the rest of Luxiem

>> No.24481448
Quoted by: >>24481543

That's a lot of work for someone who's streaming full time. Even Mito's Experience Reports (basically the most high effort story-driven content in vtubing) happens like once a month, and she streams a fraction of the time the average NijiEN liver streams. It would be easier if say Enna and Fulgur created a bi-weekly true crime podcast together with help from staff in terms of editing and research than doing it on their own as their primary content.

>> No.24481449

i wish my oshi liked minecraft

>> No.24481459

why do I get random body pains when I'm tired

>> No.24481462


>> No.24481465


>> No.24481467
Quoted by: >>24481552

The answer is always sex

>> No.24481471

you caught ligma

>> No.24481472

You're either still growing or already dying.

>> No.24481481

your biological clock is ticking

>> No.24481486

that mean you have to sleep

>> No.24481488

its hava

>> No.24481495

a ghost sticking on your body

>> No.24481499
File: 157 KB, 235x242, 1650389398578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cum experts here? My eyes are glazing over...

>> No.24481516

you are pregnant

>> No.24481519
Quoted by: >>24481617

I don’t know why but I imagined selen fucking Sonny with a strap on while Bobon is doing her from behind

>> No.24481520

>page 9 confessions
I'm extremely attracted to the idea of being a deadbeat dad to Finana's child.
She just exudes that single mom energy.

>> No.24481534

What does it mean of I prefer true crime to cop shows and I'm a male

>> No.24481539

what a faggot

>> No.24481543

Sometimes I wonder if we'd get more interesting or risky content if we had some part-time chuubas where vtubing wasn't their sole source of income. I wouldn't mind someone who streamed more infrequently if they had really high-effort, high-quality streams, and I feel like the branch is big enough now that it's something they can support.

>> No.24481549
File: 107 KB, 252x255, 1629040342317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobon posted this >>24481004
while contemplating a threesome

>> No.24481552

With eachother or...?

>> No.24481562

idk if women would feel comfortable hearing from a dude, I can only think of 5 big true crime channels on YouTube that are run by men, the rest are women

>> No.24481577

you're either a schizo or new viewer
she played into that a lot

>> No.24481580

me and i always have the urge to crack my bones

>> No.24481584
Quoted by: >>24481641

most true crime documentaries are voiced over by a man

>> No.24481586

Because you aren't sleeping enough and I'd guess you sit down most of the day. Standing desks are kind of a meme but do get up and walk around every once and a while.

>> No.24481592

I primarily watch bailey sarian for true crime

>> No.24481595
Quoted by: >>24481631


>> No.24481601
Quoted by: >>24481639

Define pain, is it a burning pain in the mucles, cramps? spazams? need to be more spesific

>> No.24481617
File: 732 KB, 2037x2340, 1648105040113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24481738


>> No.24481618

Seems like Fulgur and Sonny would be the easiest to put on a situation for them to geek out
The problem would be to make them get along.

>> No.24481620

hope it's worth it

>> No.24481624

i want fuuchan doing it... hes great at narrating too

>> No.24481631

uki was visiting fulgur

>> No.24481639
Quoted by: >>24481671

my butt starts to hurt sometimes when I'm browsing this thread

>> No.24481641

maybe old stuff from the 90s like forensic files

>> No.24481671

Have you tried lubing

>> No.24481692
Quoted by: >>24481817

I thought she was drinking early again turns out it was just splatoon


>> No.24481732
Quoted by: >>24481760

Why do I get hard when I browse this thread

>> No.24481738
File: 405 KB, 2000x1125, 1625178293982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this duo

>> No.24481760


>> No.24481762
Quoted by: >>24482185

It would make for more interesting content sure, but it basically goes antithetical to what the EN vtubing experience is about, where it's essentially all regular variety streamers. In JP you can have the hyperspecializations you see in the likes of say Mashiro (/x/ and horror streams), Chima (karaoke and minecraft), Ngo (TRPG and Retro games), but I don't see EN managers scouting for that. Even the most specialized vtuber we have i.e Selen with FPS stuff, tends to play a bunch of other games to attract other niches. Then there's the matter of frequency, as Nina herself said the entire branch is competing amongst themselves to stream as much as possible so as to not get left behind, there's no space in an environment like that for someone like Ange or Mito who stream 10-12 times in a good month.

>> No.24481786
File: 31 KB, 1000x272, 1635482096167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually kanae oshi too

>> No.24481802
File: 303 KB, 2048x1842, a mimir shu luca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24481820

no luca no shu
guess ill sleep...

>> No.24481808

liking kanae doesn't mean it's her oshi

>> No.24481810
Quoted by: >>24481843

Man, Petra got to talk to all the best members of NijiEN today. What a great day for Petra.

>> No.24481817
Quoted by: >>24481853

Wrong thread Emma bro, though I wish Millie and her collabed, they are both alcoholic lolis, so I imagine they'd hit it off well

>> No.24481820
File: 115 KB, 1417x1417, oyasuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24482012

Goodnighty! Sleep well

>> No.24481822


>> No.24481834
Quoted by: >>24481969

what did she say about nagao?

>> No.24481835
Quoted by: >>24481881

because idk i feel like when she says peter will get more views, chat should try to reassure her

>> No.24481843

Who showed up on her stream besides Pomu, Luca, and Alban?

>> No.24481853

NTA but it's dead hours anyway, it's fine

>> No.24481876

i mean, liking kanae and having him oshia re differnet. I like most of nijien but only petra is my oshi

>> No.24481878


>> No.24481881
Quoted by: >>24482010

Petra's chat has always bullied her, it's an established dynamic

>> No.24481891
Quoted by: >>24481901


>> No.24481894

Selen should hook her up, her and nagao are basically buddies now

>> No.24481901
Quoted by: >>24481983

Sonny still posts here???

>> No.24481912

imagine if we hopped on vrc and i used their models and had a soundboard h-haha

>> No.24481929

Cute Peto fangirling from a distance
Is that why she won't invite Nagao to a 1 on 1 collab?

>> No.24481933
Quoted by: >>24482043

Selen def knew, she drew Petra and nagao together in the furry unity drawing. Petra probably told her not to bother because she's a yumejo and is shy

>> No.24481937

I love my oshi

>> No.24481964
File: 212 KB, 1080x1079, 1650607467274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold shower after mowing the lawn aaa i smell like roses, fresh grass and mint and my skin is so smooooth

>> No.24481966

isnt nagao getting a 4-5 person collab with nijien?

>> No.24481969

Just watch the last part of her stream just before she ends it

>> No.24481970
Quoted by: >>24482098

I love them too

>> No.24481982

sonny, and uki didn’t join vc but he was in chat for a long time

>> No.24481983

who do you think asks for nijisanji shotas every other thread

>> No.24481989
Quoted by: >>24482038

The stream is private...

>> No.24482000
Quoted by: >>24482098

im fucking this anons oshi

>> No.24482009
Quoted by: >>24482098

I love my oshi too!

>> No.24482010

i know, but i think theres sometimes you go over the top to the point you are mean..

>> No.24482012
File: 51 KB, 240x240, luca love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24482030
Quoted by: >>24482124

i feel fine with ike not really having a proper stream for the next few days, but i can't believe i just keep thinking about when he'll tweet just cause he hasn't for the past 24hrs...

>> No.24482038

It's not?
The vod is just processing so it won't show up yet in the list of vids

>> No.24482043

Petra will always refuse. At this point its clear to me she doesn't want to tell us about nagao and will only interact with debi, hskw and ryushen.

>> No.24482080

Fine, I will ship Petra with Debi instead

>> No.24482083

Oh. I remember Mysta talking about this too. He said one of his coworkers has a secret kamioshi in nijisanji but will never tell them because they don't want to be seem as creepy. I've always thought he meant Petra. Unless Luca's kamioshi is Pomu.

>> No.24482084

Yeah but whether Petra is a part of it or not depends on Nagao, Selen told us how she asked Nagao who he wanted to collab with the most in EN

>> No.24482098

Good! He deserves all love in the world!
Oh… Be gentle with him then…

>> No.24482110


Reminder that Elira and Pomu are very cute.

>> No.24482112

She can fangirl privately. Probably not everyone wants to collab with their oshi just for the sake of collabing

>> No.24482117
Quoted by: >>24482156

There's no reason for Nagao to be interested in Petra. They have nothing in common...

>> No.24482124
Quoted by: >>24482467

Same, I usually don't care if he doesn't stream for days, but 24hr of no activities on twitter + the last we heard about him was that he wasn't feeling great is turning me into a concernfag.

>> No.24482137
Quoted by: >>24482674

If I were in her position I would also keep my true oshi secret and have a number of cover oshis that I genuinely do like but am okay with people finding out I like them. Heck that's basically what I already do, I don't go to my oshi's general because I hate interacting with my oshi's fanbase, but I have others that don't bother me as much to interact with.

>> No.24482138

If (You) were in NijiEN, would you collab with your oshi?

>> No.24482144
Quoted by: >>24482333

will be interesting to see who he picks

>> No.24482152

f tour

>> No.24482156

Same with debi yet she invite him for a collab. At this point, I know that Petra has no problem inviting NijiJPs to collab so she must have some reason for not doing so

>> No.24482162
File: 502 KB, 1736x2456, FSksLHXaQAAqjEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that was supposed to be a secret!

>> No.24482161

Oh yes, I'll collab with him all day long.

>> No.24482183

this sounds a bit sus anon

>> No.24482185

Yeah, it's something that I'd like to see but likely won't happen. I think it might be healthier for the branch to pick up someone like that, since they've already got a good number of full-time streamers that cover most general niches but no real specialists. Specifically, I was thinking about people who aren't fully dependent on streaming for income because it feels like there's often pressure to chase trends or "keep up" with others, and it feels like people lean into the parasocial aspect because that's the easiest way to generate and maintain income.
But it's unlikely for the same reason I think it would be interesting. Someone who doesn't care as much about being conventionally successful has no place in a corporate environment that wants to maximize profit from their employees.

>> No.24482204

At least Petra and Debi interacted on twitter more than once. It's enough for her to ask for a collab.

>> No.24482214

I'll oshihen to someone outside the company I have no chance of interacting with.

>> No.24482219
Quoted by: >>24482247

Page 10 confession: I hate Anonymous

>> No.24482222

im a jap niji fan.
There are factions among the JP livers. In EN livers, do they split into several factions?

>> No.24482226
Quoted by: >>24482310

CCP sisters don't look!

>> No.24482247
Quoted by: >>24482294

I love Anonymous platonically.

>> No.24482250

While I was rearranging my room, I found my old adhd meds. Ritalin 10mg. Should I try to get it again…

>> No.24482266


>> No.24482272
Quoted by: >>24482317

Yes take your meds

>> No.24482282
Quoted by: >>24482317

why not?

>> No.24482287

Ok Fuuchan

>> No.24482294
Quoted by: >>24482472

I love Anonymous romantically

>> No.24482299

just because you like someone doesn't mean they want to collab with them or that collab would be particularily interesting for the viewers

>> No.24482310
Quoted by: >>24482357

do we even have any ccp 'sisters' itt?
i only remember there's a hk and tw anons

>> No.24482317
Quoted by: >>24482446

Adhd meds has nothing to do with being schizo, if anything I’m wondering if I should rely to keep my workflow working. It’s kinda expensive for my neet life…

>> No.24482320
File: 57 KB, 455x455, 1652488096463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two main groups:

People I want to have sex with= Enna
People I don't want to have sex with= Everyone else

Nice quads

>> No.24482333

i saw from a clip that he wants mysta in

>> No.24482342
File: 1.33 MB, 1570x1200, 94684857_Seiji-kun_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad that I won't be able to catch Petra's sponsorship stream (or any streams really). I hope you guys enjoy them, though. And I hope you guys show Petra all your love and support! Goodnight!

>> No.24482357
Quoted by: >>24482442

I think I'm the only resident mainlander, and I haven't been back in quite a few years.

>> No.24482360

elira nepotism group +luca
nina group
vr chat group (dead)

>> No.24482362

Maybe if there's an interesting stream idea but I'll never admit that they're my oshi. Don't wanna be known as the ___ fanboy.

>> No.24482363

Good night pentomo! Petra is especially cute today!

>> No.24482380
File: 175 KB, 499x500, UkiComfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnighty! Sweet dreams!

>> No.24482388
Quoted by: >>24482698

no because he's already in love with kanae

>> No.24482390


>> No.24482394
File: 413 KB, 1860x1857, 1642030694878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd definitely want to play games with Our Rose (Melty and Valo especially) but I don't think I'd collab as the dynamic wouldn't be good content
Which, naturally, would prompt (you) to think I fucking HATED her guts because of course.
...actually I now wanna get into NijiEN just so I can start a betting pool as to who people think I hate the m-- wait.
Didn't Enna say Fungusman owed her 300 bucks?
What if they bet on rrats /here/?

>> No.24482396

Good night Pentomo. I love Petra too!

>> No.24482403

I love unity wave... suicide HATE

>> No.24482408

I always do

>> No.24482410
Quoted by: >>24482482

why don't they ever use the nijisanji express vr setting? im out of the loop sorry

>> No.24482414

The dnd stream with reza and fulgur looks interesting, anyone knows if it's an original serie of scenarios he'll be using or commercials one ?

>> No.24482434

From the Apex collab earlier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JEgNjDjXQs
B: Reimu's not a Virgo, she's a virgin
R: So what? You have problems with virgins? Why do you think I got my Apex skills?
E: How come I'm not good at Apex then?

I know you've had your fun with Pomu and all, but damn Ewiwa

>> No.24482442
Quoted by: >>24482497

who's your oshi

>> No.24482443
Quoted by: >>24482498

We’re both quiet people I don’t think it’s gonna work if it’s just the two of us…

>> No.24482446
Quoted by: >>24482484

Do it. Losing my Ritalin sent me on a 13 year spiral of anxiety and procrastination. Save yourself.

>> No.24482467

he's a big boy surrounded by his friends there's no need to worry

>> No.24482468
File: 123 KB, 512x512, wionYeD_H9Hr8wTM3KTACA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are saving it for me.

>> No.24482472


>> No.24482482

It's still being revamped iirc, prolly to add rooms for the newer members.
As for when we'll see it go live again, maybe Obsydia's 1 year anniversary? It was Selen's pet project after all

>> No.24482484
Quoted by: >>24482514

It’s been years since I last took my ritalin too, wonder if I can take it from the pharmacy alone. I don’t want to deal with docs anymore…

>> No.24482497
Quoted by: >>24482530

I like and watch most of NijiEN, but I'm a Pentomo before anything else.

>> No.24482498


>> No.24482509

Elira nepotism group -Shu + Luca
Noctyx + Shu
Nina group

>> No.24482511
Quoted by: >>24482724

Elira's 前世 friends
Everyone else

>> No.24482514

Literally no medication that isn't sold OTC works like that.

>> No.24482530
File: 202 KB, 2048x2048, D9bayVPUEAAay86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cierra anon...

>> No.24482559

Actually there could be a reason for Nagao to want to have Petra in this collab: she speaks Japanese. Although his passion English is pretty good so, who the fuck knows

>> No.24482601

there are other livers who could speak jap. and to be fair to nagao he wants to practice his english more so someone who could translate for him when he cant understand them is enough

>> No.24482609
Quoted by: >>24482751

which one?

>> No.24482611

This is the most accurate, Although, I don't get why -Shu tho.

>> No.24482635
Quoted by: >>24482668

Nagao didn't want the others to baby him by speaking Japanese because he actually wants to improve his English. Although he might have since changed his mind because Vox gave him PTSD with FNAF loredumps.

>> No.24482668
Quoted by: >>24482715

I want the first bit of his perfect English to be the fnaf lore

>> No.24482671

There is no way in hell he's choosing Vox, that I'm sure of. The language barrier filters him so damn hard. In the other hand I think he's gonna choose Ike

>> No.24482674

thats what petra is doing. nagao is probably her kamioshi while debi, hskw and ryushen are her oshis
eh ill guess she just doesnt want to interact with nagao and be distant as a fan, unlike with the other oshis

>> No.24482682

i knew it lol
nina and elila seems to be in power from the perspective of a jap fan.
some jap fan call them as reunion

>> No.24482697

We did it!!

>> No.24482698
File: 640 KB, 2048x1536, E5v7qI0VcAINwi7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamito's not in NijiEN...

>> No.24482705

He said he wants to speak more English so I don’t think he’d want someone translating everything for him and him responding in Japanese all the time

>> No.24482715

>the rite of passage to be an eigo jouzu is to fully recite the FNAF lore in one go

>> No.24482718

if so, then reimu is in two factions because of enna, millie and petra

>> No.24482724

It's never been like that to be honest though. Petra has ended up one of Elira's closest friend and most collabed despite having no connection. Pomu ended up getting on well with Selen despite no connection. Shu gets on well with Luca despite no connection. Uki gets on well with Fulgur and no connection. Fulgur gets on well with Millie no connection and so on. People that imagine some divide like that are delusional.

>> No.24482728

I fucking hate Bao and how blatant of a slut she is constantly bringing up sex themes in streams
not to mention she cried when people found out she had a boyfriend as if it was a big secret when people constantly post her chat logs about "ugh i got fucked tonight but i feel fat"

>> No.24482731

nina's group is just her and mysta in EN (it includes Mika and Oliver)

>> No.24482735
Quoted by: >>24482771

who has nagao.not interacted with yet? maybe hes trying to get to know all of nijien

>> No.24482738

Nina... Is Nina well received over there?

>> No.24482751

selen invited Nagao to a collab because she heard he wanted more EN collabs and the members participating will be whoever Nagao wants to collab with the most in EN

>> No.24482755
Quoted by: >>24482774

page 11 confession im getting bored of my oshi, cant wait for the next wave to go oshi shopping

>> No.24482771

most of the branch

>> No.24482774

>who's your oshi?
