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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.24437460
Quoted by: >>24437754

Link it

>> No.24437462
Quoted by: >>24437754

post it faggot

>> No.24437470

Okay, but did you audition in the wrong category?

>> No.24437475
Quoted by: >>24437754

link it + which corpo?

>> No.24437482

Maybe your voice is just unbearably ugly? post it

>> No.24437486

top kek moment. sorry bro.

>> No.24437488

Must've been awful. Take the hint.

>> No.24437489

Are you a male?

>> No.24437495
Quoted by: >>24437787

Holy shit, I hate kids.

>> No.24437501

Never assume that you have talent

>> No.24437503

They looked at your numbers and deemed you not worthy
That's literally all what matters. Numbers numbers numbers.
That, or being friends with the korean art mafia.

>> No.24437504

Holostar EN? Just apply to NijiEN

>> No.24437522

Male or female?

>> No.24437531

Trannies not allowed

>> No.24437550

>open audition video
>hear male voice
>close tab
Simple as.

>> No.24437556

do it

>> No.24437557

Skill issue

>> No.24437558
File: 87 KB, 828x828, FSb6HNgXoAIYk_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24437559

You're a tranny aren't you?

>> No.24437584

>sperging out on 4chan for being an incompetent fuck
fucking deserved

>> No.24437586

*guitar riff*

>> No.24437591
Quoted by: >>24437754

Are you gonna post the video? I need to know if this is a thread worth monitoring or just "woe is me"
How can we know that your video was worth their time otherwise

>> No.24437595

First time applying for a job?

>> No.24437615
File: 66 KB, 412x405, 1652787381050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread full of shit flingers
Better luck next time.

>> No.24437623
Quoted by: >>24437749

If you weren't prepared for this, don't look at your video stats
This is how all selection works
If a girl looks at you she'll decide if she's not interested in you in 5 seconds

>> No.24437641

>korean art mafia.
Kek. Why is this so true.

>> No.24437645
Quoted by: >>24438580

post the vid so others can learn how not to have such an awful 5 seconds

>> No.24437646

just having the right voice counts, maybe the only model left is a shota or some super manly dude

>> No.24437749

>If a girl looks at you she'll decide if she's not interested in you in 5 seconds
Are you implying that a horny OL watches the male auditions at hololive and she decides who gets hired based on how much she wants to suck the auditioner's dick?

>> No.24437754


Not gonna link it I don't want to doxx myself. Audition was for Holostars EN.

>> No.24437787

>Make the proper content for an audition
>Staff are too lazy and unprofessional to review OP's goddamn submission
>"yOu JuST wAnT atTENtion!!11!!1!!!11"
Neck yourself, old cuck

>> No.24437798

>somewhat talented
obviously not lmao

>> No.24437816
Quoted by: >>24438414

So you were definitely just bad.

>> No.24437822
File: 201 KB, 592x1280, 1634374273906.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24438049

>hololive exec opening the video

>> No.24437827

Hey, at least they looked!

>> No.24437840
Quoted by: >>24438414

Holostar HR here, we don't hire a pussy faggot here.

>> No.24437849

>somewhat talented
Let me quote a wise man:
"There are no talented people in hololive."

>> No.24437854
Quoted by: >>24438580

>hear faggy voice with thick accent
>close video
at least they gave you a chance, there's thousands of people that don't even get a single view

>> No.24437872

God, I despise ina and nagu
Letting this nepotism run rampant... those shameless brats need to get corrected

>> No.24437903

Surely you'd submit to NijiCN too? loads of money to be made doing blowjob asmrs for chinese OLs.

>> No.24437902

>t. OP
They owe nothing to anyone in this process.

>> No.24437935
Quoted by: >>24438414

Good luck next time anon, there must be something inherently wrong with your first 5 seconds

>> No.24437940

>I-i put effort so I deserve to win something
lmao, life is going to fuck you in the ass, you retarded zoomer.

>> No.24437991
Quoted by: >>24438580

They probably have the models finished and your voice doesn't fit any of the models. Or you just sound like a big faggot.

>> No.24438005

Dodged a bullet, anon, honestly. Work on your indie stuff at your leisure.

>> No.24438007
Quoted by: >>24438153

Nene failed the Audition 4 times and still had heart to try a 5th time.
You failed the audition once and felt a need to blog about it.
Take yourself up and try again but this ain't a pity party.

>> No.24438021
Quoted by: >>24438580

Maybe they just didn't like your voice anon

>> No.24438023

You can always pull a Nenechi and send that 5 more times. Maybe someone was just in a bad mood and skimmed over your video.

>> No.24438047
Quoted by: >>24438580

do you have a high pitched voice or low pitched?

If high, is it teenage like or soothing?

>> No.24438049

lmao, it'd be perfect if were 5 second long

>> No.24438076

>I don't want to doxx myself
did you put your name, address, and social security number in the video?

>> No.24438084
File: 2.18 MB, 2207x1691, 1649814760304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recycle the vid for other auditions, just cut the part where you say "holostars" for something else

>> No.24438095

>I don't want to doxx myself
also just don't be a retard. For all you know there's an initial round of screening where an intern just checks that auditions have functional videos attached to them and screens out the ones that don't. Or maybe they compartmentalize auditions based on voice type so that they can view and compare auditions with similar voices more easily. You're looking at something that you don't understand and don't know the context of and are assuming the worst possible outcome.

>> No.24438128
Quoted by: >>24438580

Post a vocaroo then, let's see if your voice really is good.

>> No.24438153
Quoted by: >>24438448

That's not what happened, she actually just put in five different videos for the same audition, but people heard "she auditioned five times" and assumed that she had been auditioning since Gen 1. Instead, she only applied for Gen 5, and put in five different videos in order to have a higher chance to get noticed.

>> No.24438251

if you auditioned for holostarsEN then you dodged a bullet bro. you would have no future there.

>> No.24438310
Quoted by: >>24438586

>Fail audition
>Go to /vt/ to complain about how you're a god amongst men, and that you'll kill yuourself because they don't recognise it
To be fair I'd have liked to see how much of a menhera fuck you would have become if you passed.

>> No.24438334

>they move OP’s audition into an unlisted playlist
>video plays for five seconds after they open it
>paused immediately as it’s not reviewing time
>OP thinks he’s instantly been rejected
>kills himself before they even formally say auditions are closed

>> No.24438372

Nijien male is probably pretty competitive now

>> No.24438381

>stars jp are nothing but 2 views struggling to even reach 1k
>people still want to get in
Why? Do you guys want to be close to your oshis this badly? She is probably just going to ignore you unless your oshi is Kiara or Ollie.

>> No.24438414

Imagine still thinking this highly of HoloEN's HR department after Council

>> No.24438417

>Anons making up cope to give OP false hopes
You guys are devilish

>> No.24438421

Do it faggot

>> No.24438425

You are not as talented and your voice is not a pleasant as you yhink, then.

>> No.24438428
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1610861037361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but my CV online.

>> No.24438434

>small creator
lmao ngmi

>> No.24438448

She didn't send 5 videos at the same time.
She waited 2 weeks before sending a new one because she heard that if they didn't contact her in 2 weeks, it meant they rejected her.

>> No.24438456
Quoted by: >>24438554

This is absolutely what happens.

>> No.24438493

It's funny how where before there might have at least been doubt these sorts of spergeouts retroactively show you don't deserve it. Entertainment is a fickle field where persistence is literally just the minimum entry fee to the lottery and you can't even pay it.
I can only imagine the meltdown if they miraculously passed you and you ended up with a verse-level audience with no growth for a year, you definitely wouldn't be the sort of person to stick around and lay the groundwork for the next generations.

>> No.24438529

Yagoo directly supervises his pet homo project so I guess he just personally doesn't like you. Sorry OP

>> No.24438551

ur not hired who cares, post it faggot, who knows if other agency's managers are reading this thread.

>> No.24438554

100%. when you have to sit through thousands of shitty auditions this is what happens

>> No.24438564

You need to be at least 300k subscribers on YouTube or already a 4view streamer

>> No.24438575
Quoted by: >>24438687

They were looking for people that already have a huge number of followers, sadly. No top quality video can save you if you're someone unknown.

>> No.24438580


Here is vocaroo


Yeah, I'm not Vox Akuma, I'm not trying to be, but I don't think its that bad.

>> No.24438586

Be glad they watched 5 seconds. I bet there are way more rejected without even a second watched.
LMAO looks like they were right to reject OP.

>> No.24438614
Quoted by: >>24438893

Just how much you love cock?

>> No.24438651
Quoted by: >>24438893

yep, you sound like a menhera

>> No.24438666
Quoted by: >>24438893

thank god ur not hired

>> No.24438687
Quoted by: >>24438799

Nah, he met the minimum requirement or they wouldn't even have opened the video.

>> No.24438705
Quoted by: >>24438893

yeah that will be a no

>> No.24438742


>> No.24438772
Quoted by: >>24438893

maybe stick to reviewing games or doing lets plays.

>> No.24438795
File: 633 KB, 1200x630, image_2022-05-17_104430622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24438799

Yes, but still, the interests is somewhat low because he didn't have numbers and someone already inside backing him up.

>> No.24438804
Quoted by: >>24448553

When I was testing during CCVID, I noticed that I get counted as a viewer for about five seconds before Youtube decides adblock users aren't real people.

>> No.24438834

>Failed audition once.
>Immediately go complain on /vt/.
They sure dodged a bullet by rejecting you OP. As far as I know, they made the right decision.

>> No.24438838

Honestly not that bad, you just sound like a regular guy and they are probably aiming for ladyboys and Chad Thundercock. You do sound like a menhera though.

>> No.24438857

Post a soundclip of the first five seconds

>> No.24438893
File: 68 KB, 322x340, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, I didn't even know

>> No.24438903

You sound like npc

>> No.24438904

With your breakdown and you attempting to be deep…they really made the right call turning you down. No offence, but you don’t exactly seem ready to handle a large audience, even if the Holostars aren’t even huge to begin with.

>> No.24438919

first, I don't approve of the behavior of going full menhera, that's already a sign that you weren't cut out for hololive if the first shit you do is come here
second please delete that vocaroo if you still can because one can never be safe enough, someone might try to dox you comparing it to side to side even using a filter, maybe now you're no big deal but think about the future
think before you commit cringe

>> No.24438921


>> No.24438937

If it make you feel better that's literally how it work for every competitive field. Recruiters look at at your resume for 5 seconds as well and decide if you move on to the next stage or not.

>> No.24438956

>90% of auditions don't even get opened
>Anon is already ahead of the curve
>Thinks he's auto-failed when they haven't even officially closed auditions.
>Already menheraposting on /vt/ about his "failed" audition
If you're going to kill yourself, get it over with. Otherwise, grow the fuck up and get some perspective you faggot. This post reeks of spoiled entitled bitch boy.

>> No.24438957


Fucking kek

>> No.24438960
Quoted by: >>24439061

You sound a bit like hero hei minus his rich girl drawl, thank fuck you didn't make it

>> No.24438981


do it

>> No.24438992

hey i like your voice, don't kill yourself yet

>> No.24438999

OP is definitely a faggot but he's right that 5 seconds doesn't show shit and he isn't so incredibly bad it's not worth waiting a bit longer

But this hissy fit thread shows he wasn't cut out for it anyway so good call in the end no matter how they did it

>> No.24439005

next time don't start with

>> No.24439004

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.24439018

You know when you start up a video on youtube and is met by a loud ass fuck intro or a screeching retard and suddenly whatever interest you had immediately drops?

>> No.24439031

there's an old joke about recruiters that before even looking at resumes they pick up half the stack and throw it away so they won't hire unlucky people

>> No.24439061
File: 280 KB, 568x620, SkdsifulkkfsasdasergOHIUFHUIK RSDG FKHJB GWHKJERFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24439211


That was the worst possible insult you could have said to me

>> No.24439082


>> No.24439084

You sound pretty fine. You probably would be on my list of the only male chuuba(s) I watch if you ever made it somewhere that's not Niji. I guess it's the content then.
t. femanon (no, don't post tits me you faggots)

>> No.24439095
Quoted by: >>24439189

Also faggot OP why don't you sing something to show you have actual talent because a generic american voice I wouldn't recognize from the next yank I hear isn't much to work with

>> No.24439118

You know the rule.

>> No.24439121

I won't say it's bad but it's nothing special, which means if your delivery was nothing special as well then they wouldn't be wrong to close out instantly.

>> No.24439131

>Low grade mic or settings
>Lip smacking sounds
>Perfectly generic white boy voice
Yeh, I see why you didn't even get past prelims.

>> No.24439132

Post tits

>> No.24439141

>pick up half the stack and throw it away so they won't hire unlucky people
only if they receive like hundreds of resumes.
they're not gonna throw half away if they get like 10 or 20 resumes.

>> No.24439160
Quoted by: >>24442747

You sound a little bit gay but I would watch you if you were based enough.

They probably have a specific set of voices they are looking for though, like the extremely deep, the soft boy, the kpop idol, a kusogaki shota and so on. Your voice sounds average and doesnt instantly tell me what kind of "character" you are.

>> No.24439164

toast mitts

>> No.24439167

>sounds like he's about to cry

>> No.24439171
File: 613 KB, 759x623, 1633466216074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you thought your chance were low before posting a clip of your voice here probably killed your chance at not just Holostar but Niji as well.
Why did you even post it.

>> No.24439173

Post cock

>> No.24439189

This. I remember some guy for a TV series auditioned with a brief Macbeth act from a bathroom stall.

>> No.24439211

Your voice is somewhat passable honestly I just don't want to spend my life rrating and antiposting the homos being massive dramafag

>> No.24439213
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1651449918442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be bad
>get rejected
>throw a child's tantrum
Take your hormones tranny

>> No.24439215

kek, your voice is in shambles

>> No.24439238

I can't help but notice that you are whining about them closing the video after 5 seconds and here you are providing only your voice, i get the distinct feeling that your appearance was enough to make whoever opened it seek therapy.

>> No.24439246

You reek of tranny

>> No.24439248

possible it was just a preliminary check to get rid of troll applications.

>> No.24439262

lmao fag

>> No.24439272

This is /vt/, of course we're gonna be mean to you
You're voice is fine and you sound like a decent let's player, idk if this is a good thing or not for you but it is what is it

>> No.24439305
Quoted by: >>24439546

I've instantly discarded resumes where the candidate did shit like writing 'likes to play soccer' in a hobby section without capitalization or punctuation. That sort of thing throws up so many red flags you don't even have to look at the rest of it.

>> No.24439315
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1498594289143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24439428

>wasting energy to shitpost on vt when people could audition every 3 months
>purposely shat your own audition with filters at the very beginning for god knows why
>now lurking m-sans would know which one was your audition and blacklist you
>all this instead of improving your next audition
Post yfw OP jeopardized his own life

>> No.24439317

You're not as charming or pleasant as you think you are. The audition reviewers can smell people like you a mile away.

>> No.24439318

Basic af. Maybe you could make it as a narrator for audio books though

>> No.24439359
File: 97 KB, 556x485, The scout experience round 2 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvbhlj6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24439450

>No previous content over months/years
You won't get in (aka, 99.999999999999999% of anons on /vt/
>You're a fucking cringegod (webm)
You won't get in
>No video audition yes there are female and male Holo auditions where they're voice only
You will not get in you retarded nigger
>Mention a Holo in your audition
You will not get in
>Your voice is so annoying/generic they shut if off after 5 seconds
Sorry nigga, should've been born better lmao

That's it. If none of these apply to you then I hope your content is entertaining enough to be accepted
Let's be real, it probably isn't because it's some grand strategy shit that japs don't care about or CoD or some faggy shit

>> No.24439366

>pleasant voice
yeah right

>> No.24439375

post tits but who am i kidding ur a tranny

>> No.24439394

I'm part of the alphabet soup, yes, hence I watch the Hololive girls. Not the T tho but let's not get into that, this thread is about OP right now. Go give him some potent tips for his another audition.

>> No.24439428

>Post yfw OP jeopardized his own life

>> No.24439430

>vocal filter

>> No.24439432

Holostars EN is gonna be a massive shitshow.

>> No.24439450

>Mention a Holo in your audition
what? post his audition vid

>> No.24439528


>> No.24439531
Quoted by: >>24439710

Also now that I think about it, why are you this upset about not making it into Holostars? Did you not see how Uproar is doing?
Unless your oshi is Mori/Bae, maybe Mumei or one of the ID girls, you aren’t exactly going to be acknowledged. Your views will be more than the average 2view but not major either. You’ll have little control on your debut avatar, you’ll need to give your cut of the donations to Cover, you’ll now be limited by what you can play or even say, it’s more of a net negative as opposed to being a regular streamers/content creator.

>> No.24439546
File: 855 KB, 880x1181, IMG_2530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, any more things that I need to know? I'm on neetbux but I'm forced to send resumes to keep getting my paycheck.
What are some redflags that I should add to make sure that I don't get hired

>> No.24439557

>i'm somewhat talented with a pleasant voice
A somewhat talented person with a pleasant voice would never say that

>> No.24439584
Quoted by: >>24439783

Anon did you know that homosexuality is a mental illness?

>> No.24439615
File: 14 KB, 127x97, 1634916768040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't about OP but a general rule. They do ask for who your oshi is in the forum to apply, but generally it's an instant deny in your video

>> No.24439617

Even if you get accepted, people like you will have a hard time building your vtuber career because you care too much about small stuffs. Being a vtuber cost a lot of mental power that caring about everything will make you burn out so easily and you will get mental break too often.

>> No.24439626

I actually wanted this fag to pass auditions. Imagine all the drama and rrats, that would have been fun.

>> No.24439638
Quoted by: >>24439735

This board reeks of tranny, OP most be one too from the reverberate of his voice I can tell a fucking twink tranny faggot.
>I use a voice changer
Confirmed. No dice.

>> No.24439640


Don't suicide OP, calm down and ignore the shitposters here, you have to accept it and move on. Life is long ahead.

>> No.24439659
Quoted by: >>24449822

they never get stars that are obsessed with other holos, is like an unspoken rule

>> No.24439671

Omg Kronii hi

>> No.24439711

they scanned your qualifications first, OPchama. Not that outstanding, I recon. Then just took a peek to your audition vid, still not impressed, then just nope nope nope. You don't actually expect them to watch 30mins to an hour of audition tape for thousands of applicants, right?

>> No.24439710

Consider this, OP. You are better off auditioning for manjisanji.

>> No.24439735

The t in /vt/ stands for tranny afterall

>> No.24439764
Quoted by: >>24439945

Make your resume at least 2-3 pages long and start with high school education (including classes taken), working forward chronologically. Include literally any hobbies or a volunteer thing you did that one afternoon seven years ago. You won't even get an interview at a retail store.

>> No.24439777

Like other people said, if one instance of rejection is enough to make you crumble you won't make it far, be it in vtubing or anything else. GEt a grip and move on.

>> No.24439783

I know. That's why I'm here, like the rest of you guys.

>> No.24439786
Quoted by: >>24439891

People act like you need to be a God to get in
But look at what we have lmao. Let's be honest, it's just luck

>> No.24439812
File: 1.77 MB, 2012x1313, 1633379170246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I did have voice filter
That's why you were rejected and you'll never get into Hololive.
Thank God for cover's scouting team

I hope you seethe and sperg about for years over whatever fag takes your spot lmao

>> No.24439834

No shit they're gonna think the whole thing is a vocal filter if you fucking open with it lmao. Did you forget THAT audition? Not to mention the huge amount of trannies and nasally sounding fags. Why should they assume the quality of the audition would go up over time? Also your voice sounds fine for a streamer, but not what I'd imagine Hololive looks for in their streamers. You sound way too normal. Niji has much lower standards on you having an anime sounding voice, so I'd try with them.

>> No.24439888

Stfu Kroni

>> No.24439891

Such is life. Also your "luck" increases if you know someone already in.

>> No.24439918

You need to know someone in the industry to get accepted, most of the hololive are in the know.
Are you new here?

>> No.24439927
File: 157 KB, 288x327, 1625026026478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24440170

They're probably gonna go for british accents for the Holostars as for some reason girls are ridiculously into that as Vox has shown.

>> No.24439928
File: 349 KB, 925x718, 1649524825546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a fag
>start drama
>get instantly shot down
Good, the system works

>> No.24439945

On it, thanks

>> No.24439999

Huge headers, spacers, borders, etc - signals you aren't confident in your resume and you think the interviewer is an idiot who will be convinced your resume is substantial just because the entire page seems to be filled.
Long-winded descriptions of personal values and some shit about wanting to help the world and bring an era of racial equality and shit. Unless I'm hiring for a charity I couldn't give a damn and I don't believe you anyway.
Putting in useless 'awards' like "model prefect from ages 10-12"
Basically a resume that makes it abundantly clear that the applicant didn't put any thought into the job he was applying for, the type of people who he would be working with, or that he possesses any awareness of how he's presenting himself. And of course, that he's clearly trying to deceive but too stupid to know how to do it properly.

>> No.24440016
Quoted by: >>24440071

is this the best holostarsen has going?
nijisisters thriving
holobronies in shambles

>> No.24440071
Quoted by: >>24440204

The thread is about him getting rejected, smart guy

>> No.24440136
Quoted by: >>24440262

op youre retarded.
as other anons pointed out your to menhera if you think theyre going to watch the full thing the first time they click it, theyre most likely checking to see if a proper video or not.
also by doing this thread youve basicly fucked yourself for any future auditions, if you turn to this place when you have a menhera attack theyre not going to hire you

>> No.24440170

it isn't really the british accent though, it's the deep daddy voice with lots of vocal fry like corpse husband. this is why most of you won't get in, you don't even get why women like what they like.

>> No.24440174

Do it with the voice filter now, are you using a chipmunk filter?

>> No.24440204
Quoted by: >>24440277

>The thread
Nigger if they watched 5 seconds of a multi-minute long video before closing he's already rejected

>> No.24440262

Several anons have brought this menhera slip, it reminded me of that one bitch went menhera after being rejected from holoEN, few weeks ago lmao

>> No.24440277

That's my point???

>> No.24440313

Well that was fuckin' stupid to start by filtering your voice right away. Like amazingly so.

Even without that however you don't really sound particularly bad but not particularly standout either. It's very much a generic white college kid type voice. Which there's no shame in being if that's what you are, it's just some people are born with really different voices and that isn't it.

>> No.24440343
Quoted by: >>24442289

You might have just fucked yourself up with this thread, and i am serious.
Do you know how much time an HR takes for a first phase CV screening on average? 5 to 10 seconds per CV

>> No.24440411
File: 23 KB, 400x400, watammmee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24440724

After some reflection on my life choices and an unhealthy dose of copium, I have elected not to kill myself and instead to take a bath a ponder a blender cube or so. Thank you for participating in this Harvard social experiment.

>> No.24440468

Your voice is good, don't use a filter and don't read a lame-ass poem next time you faggot.

>> No.24440568
File: 150 KB, 300x346, 1648614157520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>These are the anons who shit on the girls' voices
Good God

>> No.24440589

>voice filter
this is where the retard went wrong

>> No.24440622

You sound like a generic NPC, I stopped after 5 seconds too.

>> No.24440678
Quoted by: >>24440752

> I think I am going to kill myself
cool, don't forget to record it and send it to them

>> No.24440711

>someone failed a vtuber audition
nothing of value was lost, time to report this thread as off topic

>> No.24440717

Hell, the filter is THE red flag if you actually used it in the actual audition recording. I hope any prospective applicant reading this thread realizes what a monumentally bad idea it is to artificially modify one of the most major traits they are trying to evaluate, especially when you aren't going to be using that filter in the actual job (at least I fucking hope not). It's like going into a programming interview where they give you a problem and you pull out not even stackoverflow but a "Cracking the Coding Interview" book.

>> No.24440724

Don't worry about it op, there's always a room for another niji

>> No.24440752

how can he send it if he's dead?

>> No.24440849

I've bored over resumes by eye before (no it's not always machines filtering everything) and like 98% of them seem to be generic boilerplate templates the guy sent off to like 300 companies without taking 1 fucking attosecond to even see what we do at all and/or blogs about his past, about his own goals etc, often vague shit you can't even really get a gauge on in a reference call.

The people who actually take the time to think about this job singularly, to call out this place by name, what they like about it, why this department interests them etc at least get on my radar. Then in interviews I probe to see if they actually have an interest in what's going on here. The thing is, many people see work as just an inconvenience getting in the way between sleep and their gaming/fucking/partying/netflix and what a surprise generally don't perform as well and are blank NPCs on the job. If it's a really simple job like flipping burgers where there's no depth to it I guess that's fine to do but if it's a nuanced job that rewards thinking and analysis if they're checked out mentally they literally should just be replaced by robots if they're there to physically do things and not mentally care.

>> No.24440869

>Voice is Mysta tier
>Voice filter for mf audition
>"Menhera breakdown"
Exactly how bad you voice filter was that they gave up 5 seconds in.
Your voice is actually just like most western twitch male vtuber out there who pander to fujos tho, so not bad on that.
So either
>Voice filter was really noticiable
>Holostars EN is not looking for Fujo attractors
But voice filter on you mf audition...really?
On the other hand, there is a reason thw second wave of NijiEN males does not have a Mysta coughcoughMenheracoughcough
Next time so not use a voice filter to try to sound manlier.

>> No.24440991

>open your audition reading a poem with a voice filter on
... and you're surprised they clicked off in 5 seconds? I may be an ausitic sperg who can barely speak out loud but I know that shit is not going to catch anyone's attention

>> No.24441033

Just upload it in catbox/streamable and be done with it, Jesas

>> No.24441056

You sound like someone who'd be called BubbleBobble_Dave that would only reviews wonderswan games.

>> No.24441094


>> No.24441107
Quoted by: >>24441405

Bruh everyone is so ruthless. To be expected from 4chan, but I hope OP won't get affected by anything that is said in this thread. He seems to be quite upset, so talking about it with your friends while disguising the fact that it was a audition to be a VTuber instead of making a thread on 4chan is a better idea.

>> No.24441142


>> No.24441181

>Your voice is actually just like most western twitch male vtuber out there who pander to fujos tho, so not bad on that.

What are the key things for fujo pandering anyway?

>> No.24441205
Quoted by: >>24441334

I mean... maybe they will take a better look later and just had a quick glance at it

>> No.24441233
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1622463971958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24442604

>Thread about holostars
>p-p-please apply for nijisanji instead, y-y-you won't need to always stream on bilibili!

>> No.24441247

they heard enough of your voice, not twinky enough


>> No.24441257

your voice is great but the first 5 seconds is the most important part they have hundreds to go through
also voice filter faggot why

>> No.24441301

If you get employees like that you aren't paying them enough to care

>> No.24441304
Quoted by: >>24441586

I actually feel bad for you but maybe the filter did discourage them.
But I think you can always try again?
I think you have a good voice.

>> No.24441334

How long did it take for your video to get reviewed after you applied? Weeks? Months?

>> No.24441367

>voice is not bad at all
sorry for your loss anon-kun

>> No.24441405

It might seem ruthless but the blunt honesty is mostly the truth.
OP hyped himself as a small talented creator, yet complained about how some hell scape of a company that he applied for only watched his vid for 5 seconds. Basically came to complain even though most people wouldn’t even be viewed at all, who knows if he was even fully rejected. Then he basically sabotaged himself by posting his own voice and saying exactly what he did, if HoloStars management didn’t turn him down then he’d be blacklisted for sure.

>> No.24441457
Quoted by: >>24441663

You make sense but from my point of view it's impossible to be mentally invested in a job that isn't meaningful, and that's 99% of jobs.
But from your post it seems that HR actually not feel this way? So when I was hired for chartered accountant they actually thought that I cared and wasn't in just for the pay? No way

>> No.24441479
Quoted by: >>24441530

I don't mean to brag, but I've checked my video and they watched a full 2 minutes of my video. I might have a chance.

>> No.24441524

I think you sound kinda hot

>> No.24441530

Sorry bro it was so bad that I actually brought in the boys to have a laugh

>> No.24441554

sorry anon, you were too gay

>> No.24441581

post tits to prove you're not a tranny

>> No.24441586
Quoted by: >>24443466

Anon when it comes to stuff like this it's not so much the filter alone as the sort of mindset that comes to the conclusion that it's okay to put a filter on an audition interview. Even if everything else turned out okay who knows what kind of shit he might pull next. Lowering his pitch by 15hz and hoping no one notices until the thing bugs out and causes endless 'holostars EN's voice changer bugs out' clips?

>> No.24441593

stop talking sense the anon is going to give more info

>> No.24441610
Quoted by: >>24441679

Stfu schlomo
I use my brain to do shit, you give me money, simple as. I don't want to spend even a minute out of my free time working for you

>> No.24441663
Quoted by: >>24442033

Very much it depends on HR and bosses per-company on what they want out of people, they likely thought "this person qualifies and seemed pleasant enough in an interview" and not a lot more.

In interviews, the kind of sad part is most of the applicants all seem good-enough to do the job once you actually get them in and talking, it is not super common someone just fucks up super hard right away. So you have to pick just one out of a bunch of people who all seem like they'd be OK. This, is where at least for me it's "do they have any personal zeal for this as a job" that is that extra nudge to help me decide. Some people are fine doing a repetitive task if they're used to being in front of a computer all day, but you'd be surprised how many people would just die if you make them do computer work for more than 20 minutes etc so it's that inherent interest that keeps people going that extra mile.

>> No.24441679


>> No.24441730
Quoted by: >>24442289

Why are you surprised? Cover is an unironic black company

>> No.24441754
File: 666 KB, 965x1103, image_2022-05-17_104430622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quads

>> No.24441771

they clicked
saw that you were white
and closed the video

>> No.24441797

>You're looking at something that you don't understand and don't know the context of and are assuming the worst possible outcome.

Even if it's true and he wasn't rejected, he self-filtered by freaking out over the possibility of rejection. It's really incredible, imagine if he had been accepted only to catastrophize and freak out like this 6 months down the line. Potential disaster averted.

>> No.24441903

Not bad. Post a picture of your hands in an erotic gesture and maybe I will hire you

>> No.24441931

Why do rejections always cut at 5 seconds?
It seems to be a remarkably common number that comes up (as prove by images) whenever someone talks about their audition being rejected.
Certainly it couldn't always be 5 seconds? Maybe sometimes 3 seconds, maybe sometimes 10?
Or is the 5 seconds indicative of something else, like a view always get assigned minimum 5 seconds even if it is instantly closed, or what about if it were downloaded or viewed through an embed or other third party program?

>> No.24442033

Also, this is the reason a lot of places have multi-layer interview processes. It seems brutal and nightmarish to have to be subjected to several rounds of calls/talks but what they are trying to do is whittle people out a little more because there are plenty of good applicants present and they can't make up their minds off what they know so far without probing deeper.

I've unironically had several times where it was like "fuck these two are so good I wish we could just hire both of them" and even have had the gall to ask that before, but nah I had to pick one, and it felt like pre-emptively firing someone who totally should have had the job. Maybe I empathize a bit too much but I do want to express that yes bosses and HR can, sometimes, be actual people who agonize over unfair decisions/processes.

>> No.24442115

What makes you say the OP already got rejected by them?

>> No.24442129

I bet they have people going scanning through apps just trying to evaluate the tone/timbre of the voice alone and filter out people whose voices don't match what they had in mind.

It looks a lot like Hololive hires off the tone of your voice a damn lot and it's rare they have someone who sounds just normal (or weird like Towa). Holostars tend to all sound like harem anime leads or their cool side-character friends. You know that tone, basically think Sugita, I think that's what they want.

>> No.24442193

I paused Anya's Gira-gira for this...

>> No.24442233
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1078, the laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjz28jp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24442284
File: 104 KB, 300x331, 1398799256770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they watched mine for 6 seconds but you don't see me making a bitchfit about it faggot

>> No.24442288

What are you doing posting something logical on a cartoon streamer board?

>> No.24442289
File: 25 KB, 112x112, bugdetected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew, a bug

See >>24440343

>> No.24442470

So did you get formally rejected or are you assuming based on this that you're out?

>> No.24442492

Your voice is pretty okay

>> No.24442604
File: 792 KB, 1280x720, Marine Laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frx2yst.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24442658
Quoted by: >>24442894


Probs already been said but it's most likely they opened the video to confirm it's there/working and are just validating applications.

If they reached out and said no, well.. gg I guess but ask for feedback and take what you can from what they give you to improve next time or with somewhere else.

>> No.24442736

You sound like one of the NPCs from LTT.

>> No.24442743

You sound like a generic white guy

>> No.24442747

definitely a normie whitey with black hair spot, probably going bald. Good voice for an announcer

>> No.24442794

Based TERF anon

>> No.24442797

As someone who went through hundreds of music producers checking their portfolios, I can say that 5 seconds is more than enough in almost all cases to see if an individual has that "thing" you're looking for.
Besides looking for individuals with experience, Cover is also looking for specific and/or outstanding voices to match their already produced avatars so even if you, for example, have the best shota voice in the industry you're gonna be denied if all they have are macho avatars. I've checked OP's vocaro recording and I can say that he has potential but his shaky voice is almost an instant kill and a big NG for most male voice acting positions. Fortunately for him it can be worked out so good GL with that OP.

>> No.24442894

Sadly, it's very possible that whatever intern they have monitoring this hellhole already downloaded the vocaroo and the thread, and forwarded it to HR, so OP is fucked.
His voice reminded me of that guy who did the Kirby lore video.

>> No.24442916
Quoted by: >>24442989

holy fuck, the fact they even entertained your application by clicking on it must mean that holostarsEN is DOA.

>> No.24442934


>> No.24442989

t. fungus

>> No.24443030

>On the other hand, there is a reason thw second wave of NijiEN males does not have a Mysta coughcoughMenheracoughcough
Anon, three have them have openly discussed having attempted suicide in the past. They are dubbed "The Suicide Wave" in /NijiEN/ for a reason.

>> No.24443104
Quoted by: >>24443957

idk but Chad Beebs who hosted vt league has better voice than this imo.

>> No.24443120
Quoted by: >>24443235

Hey at least you got a view anon. I didn't even get that :)

>> No.24443197

If this is how you reacted to that then they made the right decision because you're the definition of a lunatic.

>> No.24443235

you didn't get the memo? op wants a pity party not a pep talk

>> No.24443275

Your voice is fine but you talk like a faggot

>> No.24443286
Quoted by: >>24443423

Thank fuck I'm not applying for this shit and actually seeking a real job, I would get less than 5 seconds with my voice, unless they want to hire an actual rat for a voice.

>> No.24443406

Maybe OP should go to /asp/ and work his his TTS tranny speech

>> No.24443410

>have no respect for the company you're auditioning for
>your first impulse when things don't go your way is to suicide bait
They correctly realize you're too menhara to hire

>> No.24443423
Quoted by: >>24443611

>actual rat for a voice
Talking about rats, does anybody knows how rrtaman audition went?

>> No.24443466

Yeah, you are right.
I hope anon has more confidence next time and Hololive picks good members for Holostars en.

>> No.24443526
Quoted by: >>24443816

Never interested in applying but I’d love to know what sorts of people immediately get screened out

Like certain accents or innate speaking voices or something

>> No.24443611

I think he failed.

>> No.24443632

Something didn't go your way and you run to vt to cry about it? You are a massive menhera and it only took them 5 seconds to notice.
Thank god holostarEN is filtering the retards

>> No.24443813
Quoted by: >>24444054

>I worked really hard on my audition video, I think I am going to kill myself.
maybe it's just a rando that misclicked the video, don't get discouraged

>> No.24443816
Quoted by: >>24448320

>immediatly screened out
Obvious ESL accents. Anyone who speaks grammatically correct english but sounds funny doing it is not gonna make it.

>> No.24443948
File: 5 KB, 169x139, Skill Issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try something unique that lets them stick through? picrel, I was doing welsh accent in old english dialect.

>> No.24443957

Aw thanks anon

>> No.24443984

Sincere message to any lurking cover interns, this entire thread is hyperbole, I never wanted to kill myself, hololive is a wonderful company and not, as I have so falsely reported, a hellscape. Have a lovely day.

>> No.24444026


>> No.24444054

You tried. Get a real job. Lucky you the job market is hot.

Literally the only people that have access to that video is Cover and OP.

>> No.24444079
Quoted by: >>24449229

>something unique that lets them stick through
This. You need to make your video unique without screaming I'M GAY.

>> No.24444087

Get out Connor.

>> No.24444110
Quoted by: >>24444568

What's your secret code you'd be dropping on debut?

>> No.24444223
File: 591 KB, 944x780, 07B0B0A2-D94A-4C43-92D5-3DD4CFCCCAF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444568

Pla be a brotuber when you get in

>> No.24444384
File: 217 KB, 463x453, 1612846452565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24444568

Do they know you were faking your accent or are you keeping the bit up until the interview

>> No.24444414

This retard still thinks HomoEN is happening when people like him are the only ones applying lol

>> No.24444568
File: 23 KB, 339x399, E-boy 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not confident I'll make it, there's still an interview so there's that. Maybe if you hear some welsh BFE then that's me.
Sorry I'm a manwhore and I'm gonna milk women dry
I mean its the reason why they stuck through most of the vid, thou I'll try mixing up with deep voices for Gap Moe to keep them interested

>> No.24444592

Fuck off and stay away from my oshi

>> No.24444639
Quoted by: >>24445224

Promise you'll vaguepost /here/ about behind the scenes drama.

>> No.24444660

also fuck off and stay away from my oshi

>> No.24444685

Man HolostarsEN really do be proving itself a massive mistake and they haven't even debuted. It's just a bunch of delusional 4chan idiots thinking they're going to fuck their oshi

>> No.24444710

Would you be happy if you were in a walled garden like HolostarsJP is in right now? Limited if any, collab opportunities with the girls? Im assuming you could possibly chat with them offstream on discord but it doesn't seem likely onstream

>> No.24444729
Quoted by: >>24445224

>they record how long they spend on each video and can figure out who you are by comparing their view time vs the total length of the video
Sorry anon but you just outed yourself

>> No.24444774

And thus an anti was born.

>> No.24444778

haha get fucked retard

>> No.24444800

if anyone reading this ever gets into stars EN please just play minecraft for 1000 hours and don't collab with the girls

>> No.24444801

>Would you be happy if you were in a walled garden like HolostarsJP is in right now? Limited if any, collab opportunities with the girls?
anyone joining with the intention or expectation of getting closer to the girls is not going to make it

>> No.24444875
Quoted by: >>24445224

Do you need to have a webcam for the interview or is it just a voice call? Various women have complemented my voice in the past so I'm thinking of giving it a shot sometime next year when I have more experience creating content but I'm not sure if I'd be confident with my fugly face appearing on a video call

>> No.24444879

>Limited if any, collab opportunities with the girls?
They won't do, Mori, Mumei, Bae all collab with the stars already and people like Fauna and Kronii will crack at the very first beggar, of which there will be thousands

>> No.24444959

I hope for your sake that this is bait.

>> No.24445003

I wanna get in because it seems like a fun job and a way to get a visa sponsorship.

>> No.24445027

>unless your oshi is Kiara
When was the last time Kiara spoke to someone from Holostars?

>> No.24445065

I hate zoomers so deam much!
Well fags that's how corpos work! First impression matters otherwise out!

>> No.24445068

kek get blacklisted

>> No.24445094
Quoted by: >>24445224

>I was doing welsh accent in old english dialect.
I halfway suspect that they were watching your video much like someone rubbernecks at the site of a car accident while they drive past.

>> No.24445144

I like to think the EN girls are different and it's mostly language barrier and idolfags making thing difficult at the moment. I'm sure someone like Bae would put in a good word for HolostarsEN talent

>> No.24445200
File: 201 KB, 449x446, 1652806580391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: If you manage to make it into HoloStarsEN, please ask for a Trap/shota model :)

>> No.24445224
File: 195 KB, 568x554, 1648916619509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I'm getting disqualified kek, I'll just apply on Niji if that happens
No I might end up as michael cat but I'll post things here then later on twitter like moona
Meh, I was putting my stake on getting the "Pioneer" buff on being first on male EN but if I can't integrate myself on the female sphere then I'll leech on some twitch celebs or chuubas.
You're chuuba only the voice matters
God I hope not but I do think they dropped on the part where I showed them speed paint on my digital arts

>> No.24445227
Quoted by: >>24445323

According to pizza dad, thanks to Holostars he was able to not be a poorfag anymore despite his akasupa counter is a joke next to low tier Holos.
My currency is shit rn and I feel with just Cover's first paychek I will be able to buy a new house.

>> No.24445283

>No I might end up as michael cat but I'll post things here then later on twitter like moona
This is good enough

>> No.24445296

You mean nijicn?

>> No.24445303

Are you the scottish guy that did those impressions on vocaroo a few months ago?

>> No.24445323

Aruran works 2 jobs tho, he's a teacher on the side Holostars is not his only job. Actually everyone except Roberu and Astel has another job
Also he went from "poorfag" to "less of a poorfag" he still had to save for months to get a bed and desk and the biggest improvement to his living condition in that he has a single room apartment now instead of just a flat tatami one

>> No.24445329
File: 52 KB, 249x202, E8A94C4D-DB16-4997-9B3F-BD1DF8FF19F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24450259

>leech on twitch
You fucking faggot

>> No.24445366
Quoted by: >>24445403

>Aruran works 2 jobs tho, he's a teacher on the side Holostars is not his only job
How the FUCK? He does 2-3 streams every fucking day.

>> No.24445403

He doesn't have a proper contract with a school, he's the substitute teacher kind

>> No.24445411
File: 43 KB, 490x350, 1619911306182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24445444

Anon, that's 4 seconds more than most auditions.
Also lmao, I'm glad they didn't pick you if this is how you're gonna react. Management dodged a bullet.

>> No.24445460

I'm actually afraid to give this a listen because the replies make it seem like I will succumb to the cringe.

>> No.24445478

Seems like it's deleted.

>> No.24445500
Quoted by: >>24451012

did anyone save this shit I want to listen to it

>> No.24445503

I was about to listen myself and give you my opinion, but it's already been deleted. Womp womp.

>> No.24445558

Anons made it sound way worse/more interesting than it actually was.

>> No.24445582

He just sounded like a normal american guy.
Not exactly appealing.

>> No.24445633

>"somewhat talented"
>"pleasant voice"
>calls the company he's auditioning for a hellscape
>thinks his video stands out above others when he hasn't seen what the other auditions look like
>he thinks he worked really hard on his video because he took time off work
You're just conceited. I can see how insufferable you are just from what you wrote.

>> No.24445663

>a horny OL

>> No.24445685

Be like this guy>>24443948

>> No.24445742

What is a brotuber?

>> No.24445920

Damn I missed it

>> No.24446323

vtuber that is your Bro

>> No.24446364

Apparently me, because a viewer of mine described my stream as "being on a roadtrip with bros"

>> No.24446383
File: 209 KB, 500x500, 1652600226222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry maybe next time, anon

>> No.24446443

My impression of his voice was that it was such a normal one, that I thought the trash taste cast had mroe interesting voices, even Joey

>> No.24446577

ayyy, there's unironically literal fags who watch hololive, nice holoCHAD we got here bros...

>> No.24446609

Voice is secondary in this case, I wouldn't want a whiny coward in my agency, that disqualifies before even giving the voice the courtesy five second listen.

>> No.24446679

Gonna cry?
Doesn't seem to be available anymore. Glad I saved it though. Cover doesn't need to hire male menheras so I can make sure they're on the lookout for your voice.

>> No.24446887


>> No.24447438

guys, don't laugh, i am actually VERY talented

>> No.24447565 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24447678

Enna's chink ancestors are screaming right now

>> No.24447621

how about you start streaming by yourself before you shoot for the stars to become a big famous vtuber

>> No.24447649
Quoted by: >>24449479

Best thread in the board.

>> No.24447678


>> No.24447692
Quoted by: >>24448220

don't worry, I'll make sure to anti every holostarEN just to be sure you never interact with my oshi

>> No.24447698

Plays cool games and is funny, isn't pretending to be a demon king daddy and steal money from poor asian women

>> No.24447971

with that attitude, they made the right choice. can't have someone having a spaz and posts on 4chan when something doesn't work out

>> No.24448164

If you didn't make it in it doesn't matter if we see it since you won't be in the company. Link it so we can actually give you some criticism.

>> No.24448220
File: 28 KB, 230x297, 1652484956148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah sweet my first anti, luv u 2.

>> No.24448299

That may as well be true. It would probably be a better strategy than whatever hired EN2.

>> No.24448320
Quoted by: >>24448408

kiara has an obvious esl accent

>> No.24448408

It's a little late to fire her now, wait until after vacation

>> No.24448553

That's not true

>> No.24449026
File: 30 KB, 739x415, 0740B4B3-40E1-48B3-94FC-0B4FDEE62CDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: We learn why connor is better than OP

>> No.24449229

>bro just be unique that’s the secret
>t. Woman

>> No.24449479

There's a severe case of nepotism inside of Hololive, taking in consideration this is the first time they open auditions for male, every Holostar is 100% nepotism pick. This is also why none of then actually became a thing, being probably Holomen BFs, literally unskilled nobodies. Check their channels it's almost FPS or Minecraft all the time and their voices Holy Jesus, looks like Satan frying a sausage in sunflower oil.
Before you desist, remember the Holostars are complete trash, don't lose hope.

Totally agreed. A pity a decent one just show from time to time.

>> No.24449504

you're not owed anything. Even Nene, the cutest most talented girl in the world failed the audition like 4 times while Amelia got on her first chance. It might as well be luck who watches your audition so just keep going, faggot. Or give up and learn a trade we need more workers, who cares.

>> No.24449633

Are any of the NijiEN dudes American? A lot of euros there

>> No.24449822


>> No.24450259

an honest faggot

>> No.24451012

Nothing interesting

>> No.24451269

>Audition was for Holostars EN.

thats your problem right there.

>> No.24451802

I'm in holoen3.
I really hope kiara will go on vacation with me too, I love her so much.

>> No.24451888

Maybe they were looking for a specific voice/vibe, anon chama

>> No.24452344

can you make a second audition vid? just to get rid of that filter?

>> No.24452399

>everyone except Roberu and Astel
Izuru graduated university this year and is currently a neet. I know that Aruran has teaching experience but I'm not sure if he's still doing that today.

>> No.24452408

>"somewhat talented"
