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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 144 KB, 1033x644, DA71C8D6-7781-42C8-85BA-05778908E784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24259438 No.24259438 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous stream:【VR COLLAB】Preparing For Our Vacation With Reine!! #kfp #キアライブ

>Original songs:
Love Me, Love Me: https://youtu.be/MxwV963ZNEU
あの青空のせいだ (Ano Aozora no Sei da): https://youtu.be/dzUfNQaaemk
Gate Open: START!: https://youtu.be/VFpOBazE3rs

>Cover songs:
Beat Eater: https://youtu.be/nbB3KsFRv4U
シンデレラ (Cinderella): https://youtu.be/o6C7-azdU7I
The Baddest: https://youtu.be/8Jz0hUbu1mw
Fly Me to the Star: https://youtu.be/s0p7jwJKkzs
Envy Baby: https://youtu.be/4F9jLdTTuT0
革命デュアリズム (Kakumei Dualism): https://youtu.be/Dx-_i0RWwNc
可愛くなりたい (Kawaiku Naritai): https://youtu.be/Hya6rBRCd6Y
愛Dee: https://youtu.be/o_xMgw2j9v8
うっせぇわ (USSEEWA): https://youtu.be/dYvQcVG_dVg
KING: https://youtu.be/LfI8sxSFtuE


Previous thread: >>24198497

>> No.24259461
Quoted by: >>24272829


>> No.24259519
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, A061AE68-8C4B-4948-9D80-76D30FD7DE5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also usual OP here, I’m still 100% down to merge but maybe after their last stream for the week. We can let the thread die anyways if we do.

>> No.24259536
Quoted by: >>24266549

Hey, don't forget Reine's hip swaying!
She could be preparing to give Kiara a good belly dance just for her!

>> No.24259656
File: 249 KB, 2048x1102, C447B1A0-3C83-4AEF-8672-B7D3818B8D40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cute birbs!!!!

>> No.24259993

I've been missing a lot of streams because they either happen during work or when I'm sleepy^20, but I've caught the last two streams and god I love Reine so much, I want a vr stream every week (even though I know it won't happen)

>> No.24260113

I always despised shippers, but Reine and Kiara turned me into one...

>> No.24260269


>> No.24260320
File: 136 KB, 905x1270, FSicDuUXEAAxLrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24260362
File: 300 KB, 2048x1843, 1A0FC78E-768C-44CE-A338-48E454F01D84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine… love you…

>> No.24260374
Quoted by: >>24260420

>tweet almost an hour later
Really makes you think.

>> No.24260420
Quoted by: >>24260492

She was busy with me, sorry

>> No.24260475
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, PavoNashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24260492

No need to brag Kiara

>> No.24260764
Quoted by: >>24260885

Sure… her “eyes”

>> No.24260885
File: 242 KB, 1564x1560, 148FB3EA-A329-4346-B964-84A065113810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24260958


>> No.24260976 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 256x256, kiaralove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerous image

>> No.24261059


>> No.24261177

I’m actually so happy they got this close. It’s an unexpected but extremely welcomed surprise. Who would have thought that they’d go to the Maldives when they first collabed a year ago.

>> No.24261265

>>24260976 (me)
I've been planning on doing this for a while but merakyat last thread adding that tongue made it easy enough for me to do this with the mouse.

>> No.24261298

;) spicy

>> No.24261369

I'll take your place.

Shippers go home!

>> No.24261410


>> No.24261419

Shippers are cool in moderation desu

>> No.24261498

But this is my home

>> No.24261596

glad to be the last push ;)

>> No.24261597
Quoted by: >>24261753

Same. On the bright side, being on the other side of the aisle first likely means I won't turn into a /u/schizo. That and most of the /u/circles have far less /u/schizos than I was actually expecting.

>> No.24261663

It’s actually wonderful… thank you

>> No.24261753
Quoted by: >>24262075

I do hope that Pavonashi won’t be as /u/schizo infested. I like how it is now, everyone is pretty much just having fun.

>> No.24261818
Quoted by: >>24262011


>> No.24262011

Yes! Give me more!

>> No.24262075

Well, there's always the option of just simply ignoring shizos. I'd rather spare the energy writing fanfics or something that isn't giving the shizo attention.

>> No.24262305
Quoted by: >>24262373

It kinda sucks that our last stream would be AAA. Some would probably enjoy it but it’s really not just for me.

>> No.24262373

whoops. I meant AA.

>> No.24262612
Quoted by: >>24263252

I thought she was flashing her tits.

>> No.24262615

after the last stream idk who's going to be the one on top anymore...

>> No.24262637

What do you guys think she'll replace Elden Ring with?

>> No.24262705

She said she wanted to try out other Souls games, didn't she?

>> No.24262743

I can’t really think of game to replace Elden Ring but I’m surprised she still wants to fill her midnight hours. I was sure it would just be a one off thing that occurred because of ramadhan.

>> No.24263220

Stranger of Paradise.

>> No.24263252 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 256x256, kiaralove2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better? I wanted spanking

>> No.24263322

I've never had an opinion on shipping, but seeing the threads being spammed with AAHHH SEEX LESBIAN SEX KIARA REINE JUST FINGERBLAST EACH OTHER INTO OBLIVION ALREADY AAAAA made me realize why people don't like it.

>> No.24263637

Amazing work

>> No.24263760

the first time the white highlights on the heart/butt didn't react to the red mitten shapes I drew to color balance on another layer so I just drew and smudged it on a new layer over the top

>> No.24263836
File: 1.82 MB, 2048x2048, 1643129365583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24265444
Quoted by: >>24265542

On the note of Reine streams, she hasn't dropped Sucker for Love has she?

>> No.24265542

Honestly she has. It's been almost 3 months now

>> No.24266233

That was 3 months ago? Where did all the time go?

>> No.24266549
File: 1.29 MB, 336x604, Big Breine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24267359

Low-poly 3D Reine is so fucking adorable. I'm ngmi guys, the halu is taking over...

>> No.24268370

Uwaaaaaa that hip sway

>> No.24268798

Imagine that once she gets her official 3d, she surprises us and just does a full-blown belly dance like Aki.

>> No.24269774
Quoted by: >>24269941


>> No.24269941

spicy ;)

>> No.24271620

y'all still halu?

>> No.24272508
File: 329 KB, 600x600, 1635906163619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be here if I wasn't

>> No.24272534
File: 60 KB, 827x827, 1642879520510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24272549

No, in the past few hours we have all reformed. We got well soon and are no longer horny.

>> No.24272549
File: 141 KB, 603x702, 1636874669053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24272576


>> No.24272576
File: 1.14 MB, 800x576, 1643816541270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24272637

even the french here agree

>> No.24272637
File: 166 KB, 334x461, 1621456471058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24272829

Muh dick

>> No.24272838

Reine. I know you are here.
If you fuck Kiara, you will literally destroy Hololive.
Is a piece of ass really worth so much?

>> No.24272995

Reine, I know you are here.
Do not listen to this faggot >>24272838
The only thing you will destroy by fucking Kiara is her pussy.

>> No.24273051

Reine. I know you are here.
Please rim Kiara's asshole.

>> No.24273134

How would it do that? If Kiara was a dude, then yes it would instantly make everyone hate her, but Hololive is already a Live Lesbian Dating Sim. We ironically like the gay, and hate the weirdo's with boyfriends.

>> No.24273636
File: 54 KB, 410x350, 1644652609243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274281

>reine gets fucked by kiara on stream

>kobo gets fucked by youtube on stream

plumepals just keep winning

>> No.24274004

Of course! If Reine doesn't GWS, why should I?

>> No.24274281

Cant believe susan and reine are the same person

>> No.24277553

Shake it!

>> No.24277610
File: 176 KB, 463x453, 1636469961594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24278055
File: 20 KB, 164x190, 1638950498206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24278554

I'm going to really miss Reine when she is on Vacation. I hope she has a really fun time.

>> No.24278646

Well I’m sure we’ll get multiple streams out of it (or spaces at worst) so it’s not like she’ll be fully gone

>> No.24278846

Me too. This might be her first proper vacation since she debuted, actually does Bali count? She was gone for only like a day or two. Anyways, I’m excited for her but also I’m gonna miss her a whole lot.

>> No.24279357
File: 118 KB, 300x300, 1645705981530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. But while she's gone, I'm gonna catch up on all the recent VODs.

>> No.24279686

Finally caught up watching the whole collab, her movements last night were so cute, I love her

>> No.24279902


>> No.24280027
File: 3.28 MB, 3791x3232, 140F3478-076E-4E75-A488-390E37BB456F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24280035

You'll live, Reine needed this she's been working hard, go watch her genmates and kouhai until she returns.

>> No.24280255

Why are you guys talking like Reine is fucking dying or something when we already know they’re going to stream during the vacation

>> No.24280359


>> No.24280376

I also want to go...


>> No.24280440
Quoted by: >>24280518

Because it won't be the same anymore. After the vacation Reine will become a married woman and I still can't put up with this.

>> No.24280518
Quoted by: >>24280749

Reine won’t be pure anymore. So sad.

>> No.24280749
Quoted by: >>24280857

Reine was NEVER pure!

>> No.24280857

Reine is a very pure and seiso peafowl

>> No.24281353


>> No.24281407

I will mep all my frustrations away.

>> No.24281417
File: 411 KB, 1250x1500, 98350318_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24281780
Quoted by: >>24281912


>> No.24281912
Quoted by: >>24282313


>> No.24282313
Quoted by: >>24282577


>> No.24282428
File: 195 KB, 384x384, F32339CE-D6F8-41B7-AF91-58B85C7A6557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s leaving us…

>> No.24282516

I swear to god if she doesn't have sex with Kiara...

>> No.24282553
Quoted by: >>24282637

She won’t.

>> No.24282577


>> No.24282637

May I direct you to this >>24281353

>> No.24283647

Real talk, what does lesbian sex even mean? Be Wary of Scissors? Toys ahead? Try Finger, But Hole?

>> No.24283755

>lesbian sex
doesn't exist
Reine will stay virgin

>> No.24283767

You forgot mouths, but other than that I think you got the jist. It's different combinations of hands, mouths, and genitals perhaps including toys.

>> No.24283899

Clams slamming against each other until their shells are broken

>> No.24284256

Anyone got the soundpost/streamable of Reine saying "your mom"?
Anon, the glove incident wasn't your fault, you need to let go...

>> No.24284394
File: 848 KB, 396x454, YourMom[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fge45zt.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285006


>> No.24285006


>> No.24285092

My wish is that Kiara's breath will smell like Nasi Goreng for weeks It is literally the only Indonesian dish I know sowwy :(

>> No.24285175
Quoted by: >>24285285

That’s a very weird wish

>> No.24285195
Quoted by: >>24285390


>> No.24285276
Quoted by: >>24285330

Glove? What? Is there a Yab about sex I'm missing?

>> No.24285285

I also wish for Reine's breath to smell like Schnitzel for weeks

>> No.24285330
File: 166 KB, 363x387, reines-worst-enemy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2FqsyGi.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24285370


>> No.24285370
Quoted by: >>24285458

What does that have to do with Lesbian sex? My Dark Souls references?

>> No.24285390

What is Holomie? I've seen talks about it from time to time but I have no idea of what it acually is and I want to know. t.part time Merakyat

>> No.24285410
Quoted by: >>24285514

It's Indomie, an instant noodle brand.

>> No.24285458

It's the glove of lesbian love

>> No.24285514

Ah ok!

>> No.24285534

So we are supposed to get Ace Attorney around now in the morning right? (Though Reine usually wakes around noon).
I kinda expect it to be cancelled and replaced with a chill free talk about the vacay.

>> No.24285610

>around now in the morning right?
did she say that? I expected yabe time

>> No.24285692

She just said morning. Pretty vague.

>> No.24285820
File: 261 KB, 640x360, sched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schedule says "In the morning hopefully"

>> No.24285855
Quoted by: >>24285947

>Maldives is at GMT +5
I’m gonna get semi-fucked during evening streams

>> No.24285947

That's still better than the participants, they'll get totally fucked by eachother

>> No.24286032
Quoted by: >>24286108

and mie goreng is fried noodles, just like nasi goreng is fried rice

>> No.24286108

Cool!, it's a bit similar to a local dish where I'm from

>> No.24286122
Quoted by: >>24286181

Ah fuck, she did say morning. My brain just made me think it was my morning. I haven't slept since the karaoke.

>> No.24286181
Quoted by: >>24286249

Anon, that was 33 hours ago. Go to bed.

>> No.24286249
File: 245 KB, 476x347, 1616788360966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I do that, she could start streaming at any moment. My last mistake was sleeping after Phogs and missing most of the karaoke.

>> No.24286383

For someone mostly not at all in your timezone, I'll have to say that you're lucky to have Reine, she's fantastic and you should treasure her

>> No.24286384

>at any moment
She hasn’t even put a frame up yet. It’ll most likely be at YABE time or in the afternoon.

>> No.24286416

Honestly with Reine being so vague I have to set an alarm every hour, and it's pretty annoying. Like the Members Watch YT music watch along she refused to set a time, so I had to set one for 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am. I felt like shit after but what can you do.

>> No.24286540
Quoted by: >>24286947

Yeah, you're not getting into good sleep with 1 hour intervals. I think naps are supposed to be 20 minutes (do double check that), or you should aim for 90-110 minute (I just default to 2 hours, or 3 hours).

>> No.24286947

Sadly I usually don't fall back asleep after the first alarm, I just watch MRE reviews, Seal Rescues, and Hoof cleaning videos in a half daze and when the alarms go off I check twitter and youtube to see if she has put up a waiting room yet.

>> No.24287206

i recommend setting the alarm to before 9 and 11 am for Reine's possible streams, those are the times where she mostly begins a stream at

>> No.24287312

Mostly, but like the members free talk you never know, that was 2 hours early and I missed it for that exact reason. I have no choice but to cover my bases, I don't like enjoy vods

>> No.24287366
Quoted by: >>24287785

Then she starts stuff at :45 after the hour and when I wake up I've missed more than an hour of the stream

>> No.24287785
Quoted by: >>24287920

And if she says or does anything weird there is a good chance she will un-archive it :(

>> No.24287920
Quoted by: >>24288050

>says or does anything weird
No, it’s when she does something not up to par with her standards

>> No.24287976

Sorry for being a bit horny in this thread tonight Merakyats, it's just hard not to be t.KFP

>> No.24288050

But it's hard when the standard is "Perfection". I know she is working on it and she gets more open and less self conscious the longer the streams goes on, but it's something she recognized in the last free talk.

>> No.24288299
File: 1013 KB, 1232x727, 1644128732239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh yeah it's fine

>> No.24288731
File: 775 KB, 1165x1340, 1642127125015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, anon. Mepping is required for a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.24288890
File: 275 KB, 2000x2000, AD9859CF-3B41-4AF2-A169-55BE98930242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24291851


>> No.24290085
Quoted by: >>24290126

Reine please let us know if we can sleep or not.

>> No.24290126

She’s definitely still asleep

>> No.24291851

I have to say the Ai Dee outfit fits perfectly with my tastes, I was very hyped for that music cover, so glad to see it get more fanart with the 3d model

>> No.24292474

2 month, she play it on white day not valentine

>> No.24292678
Quoted by: >>24293463

Kiara has some premieres prepared as she always does, do you think Reine took inspiration from her or appeared in some of those videos? I'm not sure as Reine usually advertises things like that but she also likes sudden surprises

>> No.24293463
Quoted by: >>24293670

She’s hopefully in at least one of the videos. I don’t recall Reine doing anything similar before but it would be nice.

>> No.24293670

>I don’t recall Reine doing anything similar before
Purely because she hasn’t taken an exceptionally long break to warrant something like that

>> No.24294303

It's almost Reine time afternoon, I should've just taken a nap before

>> No.24295299
Quoted by: >>24296767

She's awake

>> No.24296767

Prove it

>> No.24297239
Quoted by: >>24301545

it's so late Reine please. Anything. A tweet saying when. I want to sleep and if it's a night stream for you let us know come onnnnnn please

>> No.24297294

This is why you have a fucking schedule, thats the whole fucking reason. Everyone else in your gen uses them, please, just make a fucking waiting room, then sleep, for fuck sake, fuck fuck fuck let me fucking sleep fuck Reine fuck please please please please please please anything fuck I need to sleep Reine please. I am going fucking nuts Reine please anything

>> No.24297445
Quoted by: >>24297615

>>24286249 (Me)
Still awake, not one of the recent replies. I almost expect a night stream

>> No.24297615

Oh and maybe she shows up during Kaela and Moona's stream

>> No.24300436

I like Reine

>> No.24300597
Quoted by: >>24300746

She will never love me. I must kill myself. I will do a flip.

>> No.24300746
File: 2.20 MB, 516x668, True[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu67pjo.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24301545

Just go to bed already, one missed stream won’t cost you anything.

>> No.24301613
File: 422 KB, 627x627, 1616378193026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's how she keeps you under her spell. Sleep deprived, anxious and full of uncertainty, only a stream reservation or tweet can let you rest and she's intentionally stinging you along...

>> No.24302868
File: 107 KB, 1413x795, 1632332961245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have slept sooner

>> No.24303133
Quoted by: >>24303903

brutal lesbian sex with horse dildo (can't walk for a week)

>> No.24303861
Quoted by: >>24303871


>> No.24303871

yay strim

>> No.24303903
Quoted by: >>24304398

Who gets to wear the strap-on though?

>> No.24304398
Quoted by: >>24305036

It's 2 side straps on

>> No.24304460

Why discordnnigger so dense af?

>> No.24304987


>> No.24305036

You know, I had no plans to write anything extra for my Maldives smutfic, but you just gave me an idea.

>> No.24305111

Glad it help

>> No.24305179

you mean this guy?
stop bringing them again

>> No.24305240

pot, kettle

>> No.24305301

Exactly what >>24305179 said, she already mentioned about Short stream, it's clearly cos she change her plan to do long stream , sometimes good replies got burried by these circle jerking asshole, that's why i stopped replying on her tweet since last year, her tweet already got monopolized by them, look at how lazy replies got lot more like than the real advice

>> No.24305629

holy shit it’s just a tweet asking a question who fucking cares

>> No.24305759

Godspeed, meppa.

>> No.24306036

Called it. I fucking knew it

>> No.24306097
Quoted by: >>24307323

I can’t seem to see the problem, the tweet is inoffensive.

>> No.24307323
Quoted by: >>24309287

I already had him blocked for something else he said a while ago, the dude is weird.

>> No.24307405
File: 53 KB, 379x370, E-RcysTUYAU8BMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm pretty sure more TGAA streams have been messed with in some way (delayed, cancelled, moved to a different timeslot) than have actually been at the intended time. Why is this series so cursed?

>> No.24307503

shit game by default kek

>> No.24307747

More like this is the kind of shit that inevitably happens with when you work with a fixed and rigid schedule with no flexible back up plan.

And I say this based on experience. The randomness of fate is cruel.

>> No.24308935
File: 229 KB, 2048x1448, FNBl3ViaMAIhC_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24309260

Reine please, a time

>> No.24309260

I stayed up until 3 am waiting for anything, passed out, woke up to a tweet notification again being vague. I got 3 hours of sleep and can't go back because it might happen at any moment. It's so frustrating sometimes being her fan

>> No.24309287
Quoted by: >>24309660

He's an indog discordnigger that replies to every single one of her tweets, of course he's weird. He has also outed himself to be here in the past (among other discordfags) and highly unstable so don't be surprised when you get (You)s

>> No.24309660

I can’t deny that the guy is a creep (those art commissions…) but there’s nothing wrong with replying to Reine’s tweets

>> No.24310638
File: 772 KB, 2480x1748, E9AA1817-7F9A-4E36-B74F-2854EC7260A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24312281

I’m surprised there aren’t more fanarts of the live bird sex

>> No.24312281

Why do so many fan arts blow up breasts to ridiculous proportions?

>> No.24312432

Because they like big breasts?

>> No.24312591

Because they like bug ol tiddies, that's why. Thus dude's art has always been a bit weird with the proportions though.

>> No.24313240

I fell asleep and now she still hasn't started the stream, sorry meppers she was waiting for me

>> No.24314120
File: 59 KB, 300x300, it'sfine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24316254

Still no frame and Kiara's stream is in the next hour. I wasn't expecting Reine to stream at night

>> No.24315327

Do you think Reine's worried even a little bit about the 2hr ara ara stream she promised to do to commemorate love me love me hitting a million views?

>> No.24315682


>> No.24315838
File: 203 KB, 336x330, F28CC0AB-C02A-4CA6-BD3F-A27AE4CC4E6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No stream before the vacation, so sad. Maybe she’ll do a space with whoever she’s fucking tonight but O won’t be able to understand it.

>> No.24315915
Quoted by: >>24315994

Kiaras stream?

>> No.24315935

It's some information but not much. So no stream or space?

>> No.24315994
Quoted by: >>24316148

Nah, Kiara is still at home I think

>> No.24316148
Quoted by: >>24316290

Somewhere could mean a stream, not literally somewhere

>> No.24316254

Well doesn't look like she is streaming at all. But it's always wishy washy Reine being wishy washy

>> No.24316290

Ooooh right

>> No.24316793

I just hope after the vacation, Reine feels relaxed enough to actully set times without being racked with anxiety over and over and over again.

Because all this cancelling the past couple of months has been rough as fuck. We joke about Reine streams being Gacha, but it's gotten so bad. 50% of streams are "Maybe" and the ones we get usually get delayed. I know she is busy, I know that. But please, think of us sometimes.

>> No.24316814

Reine is there

>> No.24316853

Thanks for the notice meppa

>> No.24317008
Quoted by: >>24317177

>lost a freetalk for another id collab

>> No.24317023

I'll take it >>24316814

>> No.24317071

any TL there? im on phone atm

>> No.24317149

WHY NOT JUST FUCKING SAY YOU ARE JOINING THEM ON TWITTER. WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING VAUGE SO FUCKING OFTEN. I'm so fucking frustrated, I couldn't sleep again waiting for a steram and she just hints, "I'm going to crash blah blah blah"
Please just fucking say "Hey I'm joining Area 15, here's a link" BUT NO she does MAYBE IF I SUPPOSE MAYBE I'LL BE HERE.

>> No.24317168
Quoted by: >>24317925

I can’t believe I lost sleep for this shit. Fuck this

>> No.24317177

ngl this is anticlimactic for a last stream before the vacation (for >us, she's meeting her friends before going away), at least i don't have to think of chatting and fully focus on what i'm doing while listening

>> No.24317283

Not that I see in chat.

>> No.24317314

No, there is no TL in chat.

>> No.24317595

Rickchama showed up and is doing some TL now

>> No.24317925
Quoted by: >>24318350

she should have announced the stream was indeed at night instead of just liking shit and making another tweet, and i get being excited for a freetalk. but let this be a reminder that you shouldn't sacrifice your sleep for something she's not sure to do. remember that at the end of the day she's just >our idol and unironically shouldn't allocate so much brain and time to her. with that said, i'll skip this because there are things i'd rather do than paying attention to chat

>> No.24318115

Kiara can't stop being intimidated by Reine's fortune and keeps thinking about what clothes to wear to impress Reine
>what if she wears gucci and I wear H&M

>> No.24318307

I would have preferred better communication. Like if you wake up and don't plan on streaming in the morning it doesn't take much to say that you probably won't be streaming until the evening if that.

>> No.24318350
Quoted by: >>24318453

I didn't lose sleep over this and I'm still pissed. Her scheduled said TGAA in the morning, she cancelled that without telling us, then she said she wanted to do a freetalk, and also canceled that without telling us. Then 6 hours later she tells she's crashing "somewhere" (again, doesn't even tell us) instead, which happens to be like the 5th ID collab of the week. Is this really how she's going to treat her viewers right before she goes away for an entire week?

>> No.24318375
Quoted by: >>24319172

I feel like, there will be no freetalk stream before she boards the plane...

>> No.24318453

Guess she doesnt want to be a streamer.... might as well get forgotten

>> No.24318461
Quoted by: >>24318614

It's been a while since we had a doomposting arc, might as well get it out of our system while she's gone.

>> No.24318614

If you think about it, planes are quite dangerous...

>> No.24318698

ey chill man...

>> No.24318699 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 300x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24318763

I knew it was going to happen, but it still hurts. She chose them over >us. It's over...

>> No.24318763

not really, at least not as much as vending machines
i feel there's a way of making a "i miss ____" but can't visualize it...

>> No.24318821

Not like that. Something more like:
>Once she comes back we are going to see a lot less streams. After she's been away from streaming she'll see she doesn't need to put in that sort of effort anymore. It's pretty obvious that this is the case based on the recent lack of communication.
or maybe
>Kobo has been doing so well with her speaking almost completely ID that Reine is probably going to follow along. Can you see how many ID collabs she's been doing? If you're an EOP, you're gonna be shit out of luck soon.

>> No.24319010

when was the last time we got monthly holoro collab like area-15 ?

i cant stop thinking about reine was closer to other gen compared to her own genmates lately

>> No.24319020

>Reine is safer in a room alone with Gura than she is with a Hippo

>> No.24319041

april first right?

>> No.24319052
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, E4Qw_K7XMAAyP2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24320299

Reine hasn't used her air fryer in months. If that's not a sign of decline, I don't know what is.

>> No.24319172
Quoted by: >>24319354

I'm guessing the flight is tomorrow? So probably not...

>> No.24319186

>Kiara asking Reine about things to pack
>Reine talking to Area 15 about Hi-15 for like an hour

>> No.24319338

now she's going to read this thread and make a guerrilla freetalk

>> No.24319354

It would be really fucking stupid of her to say the exact date because there are only so many flights out of where she lives with a final destination of the Maldives that someone could probably figure out what flight she would be on with at least some likelihood of success.

>> No.24319492

I know, that's why I'm just guessing. But there aren't many plausible dates. It's most likely tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

>> No.24319521

Not if she flies on her own private jet

>> No.24319558
File: 189 KB, 1080x1200, 1629590471969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24319594

She has to tie loose ends before marrying Kiara and settling down, please understand.

>> No.24319635


>> No.24319778
Quoted by: >>24320166

Ollie is... well Ollie. When Reine was talking so much about how annoying people who are picky eaters was pretty much talking about her directly, it's hard to invite them out for like that. Then you have her constantly hitting on you, and Reine really isn't into... "that" with her for 'reasons'. Attraction is important.

I think the Anya thing is just Anya doesn't reach out much, she does her own thing. Reine isn't much of an instigator, but I think eventually that gap might close

>> No.24319904

why does she hate us so much, meppas :'(

>> No.24319936

Kiara said they're arriving tomorrow and will probably start streaming Tuesday (she could be lying a bit to cover her tracks though)

>> No.24320072

Don't count on it. Sounds like she is going to hang out with Risu or Moona again. She's gonna need a ride to the airport and if it's at some ungodly hour then it makes more sense to just be with whoever is going to drive you already. I know Moona can drive and has a car, not sure about Risu. Of course one of her mom's people or an Uber always could too, but I like the idea of the former more.

Also looks like she didn't even tweet about cancelling TGAA. I hope she's just excited and when she comes back she will get more reliable again.

>> No.24320139
Quoted by: >>24320364

>Also looks like she didn't even tweet about cancelling TGAA.
She did but only because someone asked her about it

>> No.24320166

Probably the best explanation of it. Holoro as a group seems pretty split up for the most part. Anya' and Ollie are on two opposite ends of the social spectrum, and they only really come together when Reine is involved to sort of lead them together. With Reine busy as is I don't expect them to ever really do much together.

>> No.24320188

I'm sure she feels bad for not giving us a chatting stream before going too. Didn't that tweet mean nothing

>> No.24320263

anon i was joking. seeing they ended early (for Reine) i thought it would be funny if i posted that the second the stream ended and she made a waiting room. besides, even if she read the thread and therefore the post, i believe there's a 99% chance she would NOT stream then

>> No.24320299
File: 173 KB, 1035x1035, FO-SRDpaAAIYY87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sad. Poor air fryer

>> No.24320364

She didn't even cancel it, she said MAYBE which again is Reine being vague for no reason

>> No.24320457

As selfish as it is to say, Reine was a significantly better and more consistent streamer before she had a social life like this.

>> No.24320611

Streamers and content creators in general are usually better and more consistent early in their careers. At this point, stuff behind the scenes screwing with your plans and aspirations is the without warning is the most likely cause.

And based on Reine's constant vagueness, I reckon its something she can't freely disclose.

>> No.24320695
File: 41 KB, 520x308, 1645808023906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24321108

>>24320611 (me)
plans and aspirations without warning is the most likely cause. *

>> No.24320848
File: 109 KB, 1093x950, 1627228912440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I agree with this. Reine's constantly explained that she's been vague about things like schedules or times is because of factors completely out of her control, and if there's one thing she hates is when things go wrong for reasons she cant control. For her it seems it's just better to never make a promise than to promise a stream and cancel., which is why she hates putting schedules up half the time.
Hopefully the vacation gives her some time to destress whatever might be going down with her. Worst case she comes back with cover handing her several projects she needs to do in a weeks time and she freaks out again.

>> No.24321029

I'm both happy for her on a personal level, and sad that it's entirely possible we saw the peak experience for us as Merakyats months ago.

There are certain things that I doubt we'll ever get back, better to just accept it and be happy for her getting what she wants out of her experience in Hololive.

>> No.24321108
Quoted by: >>24321460

Yeah, that does seem to be the case most of the time. I'll remember 2021 Reine fondly. I'll still watch 2022/2023 Reine of course, but I've already accepted the fact peak Reine has come and gone. Will there be another great Reine arc in the future? Maybe, but 2022 has been consistently worse for streams (and FAR worse for her relationship with her fanbase; member's streams are not personal at all anymore). I guess the lesson for me is never expect a streamer to stay the same forever. I knew to expect it already but it's the first time I experienced it with my oshi.

>> No.24321162

Well, I guess I didn’t miss much.

>> No.24321461
File: 290 KB, 449x377, 1A4020BC-0381-4CFF-A52F-7971A3DE12F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio’s menhera prediction was for Merakyats, not Reine

>> No.24321460

Just be glad Reine doesn't have gifting memberships up. Anyone who uses that will quickly lose ANY semblance of community. Reine is still Reine.

>> No.24321570
File: 693 KB, 640x846, 1624729183594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24321698

speak for yourself, I've been a menhera way long before that. just not this kind of menhera.
now think, if everything was the same but in english, how different would it be? the sleepovers, the spaces, the sudden collabs, would you still say it's her social life? i can only think of the little consistence between streams, but the main reason >we don't enjoy her social life is not it itself but the fact that we can't understand it

>> No.24321942
File: 106 KB, 300x300, IMissHalumieReine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this? Or the mouth on the noodles?

>> No.24322005
Quoted by: >>24322301

She said maybe, you guys should have a life outside of her stream

And should Reine announce this too?

>> No.24322065

Reine hates us...

>> No.24322137

Its because there is barely any Maldives yuri material in circulation.

So get to it you meppers!

>> No.24322212

Stop doomposting, use that energy to write pavonashi fics instead!

>> No.24322238

>now think, if everything was the same but in english, how different would it be?
Better, but I'm not really a collab person at all. It will still always be confusing to me that the majority of the IDs do all of their solo streams in English (which is naturally going to attract an EOP/non-ID fanbase) and then do their collabs seldom using English at all. In any case, I'd prefer to have like 1 collab a week max, ID or otherwise.
She just doesn't need us anymore now that she has actual friends. At least she still streams a lot even if it's not the same as it used to be.

>> No.24322255

Guess so, as she didnt even send out an goodbye message out to her merakyats, not on YT, twitter or FB (thats dead together with her IG)

>> No.24322264

Reine hates us and we deserve it because of the way we behave...

>> No.24322301

Look man, it's possible to not have Reine and her content be the center of your life, and to also feel a bit disappointed that her content has changed and will continue to change if you really enjoyed it. It's also possible to acknowledge that is a very selfish mindset and to understand that her personal life/social growth is a much better thing for her and her friends even if it might in some ways be worse for us.

>> No.24322321
Quoted by: >>24322363

Reine hates needy little meppas

>> No.24322334

i tried to start mine yesterday but after an hour i realized the opening was weird as fuck :'(

>> No.24322351

>but the main reason >we don't enjoy her social life is not it itself but the fact that we can't understand it
Yeah, >we. I've always mainly watched Reine for her solo streams. Sure I can enjoy her EN collabs more than her JP/ID ones but at the end of the day that's never been her main appeal to me anyway. Her space was my favorite stream of hers this week for instance.

>> No.24322363

yeah, me

>> No.24322488
Quoted by: >>24322637

I am but I am suffering a phenomenon this anon pointed out >>24210745

I am 10663 words into my fic and fuck me I am still not done and I have to keep going back to clean up my shit.

>> No.24322637
Quoted by: >>24322759

>10663 words
meppa you write a lot, even more than me. how many sex scenes did you write? the same happened to me with a pavonova one which at the end i cut the 69 scene because i thought it was cringe.

>> No.24322759

Technically its just one sex scene, with a very long build up of Kiara and Reine progressively getting horny.

>> No.24322875

it would be funny if Kiara walked out of the shower and accidentally dropped her towel on the floor and Reine saw her naked, and Kiara got flustered but then laughed about it and said well now that you've seen me naked, it's not like I have anything to hide, and Reine was like if it makes you feel better you can see me naked too, and then Reine slipped out of her cute negligee and Kiara was like wow Reine, you have a really hot body, and Reine did her car engine laugh and was like I work out, maybe we should work out together sometime and Kiara was like you know what I heard burns calories? and Reine was like what and Kiara did her cute little muffled giggle she does sometimes and walked towards the bed and leaned forward and pressed her boobs against Reine's and they started kissing and rubbing each other all over and moaning and having sex with each other

>> No.24322953

;) spicy

>> No.24322958

Nice start, but way too fast.

>> No.24323134
File: 47 KB, 696x696, 1628209424177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good concept. Now you just need to turn into a proper fanfic

>> No.24323280

Reine's the one that told >us to never GWS. She needs to take responsibility for all the meppers she created.

>> No.24323329

grrrrrrrr this kusobaba didn't even say goodbye!
i hope when they do a space they 'accidentally' forget to turn it off and we hear their 'smash' from start to end, that way she'll learn!! X

>> No.24323558


>> No.24323579
File: 1.76 MB, 1412x2000, 1631003813817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about the Reine, why is her hair so white?

>> No.24323621

because old age

>> No.24323652

>why is her hair so white?
It’s not. It has hints of blue in it, in her official model at least.

>> No.24323721
File: 1.19 MB, 640x360, Old and Broken [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F66bbb7.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully the elderly

>> No.24324043

Stop with the doomposts and start discussing about important things such as… how much fun will they have in the Maldives?

>> No.24324336

very, they’d eat good food and have a nice soak in the sun (hopefully) and then play games all night with some sex on the side

>> No.24324444

It will be really humid and hot, with a tropical storm that rages on and having to share 1 bed together in a honeymoon suite on a tropical isle far away from home while being absolute strangers to eachother, spicy!

>> No.24325166
File: 874 KB, 800x800, 1648192717014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24325282

hey meppas look what i found
the artist of this isn't a mystery anymore
this is the seller in aliexpress. search pavolia reine in the searchbar for that website and you'll find the post of the daki.
now, the only mystery left is the full version of https://litter.catbox.moe/rit1lv.png

>> No.24325282

additionally, the artist doesn't have the Reine arts neither in Pixiv nor Twitter

>> No.24325288
File: 313 KB, 761x777, 1652616408825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24329728

KFP here
Cant wait for the Pavonashi shenanigans next week. I hope we get some Zatsudan and a scuffed Karaoke too.

>> No.24325571

Hardworking peafowl…

>> No.24325733
Quoted by: >>24325786

Right before leaving for vacation. Ooof.

>> No.24325764

That explains the tweet about only being able to stream 1.5 hours. Even going on vacation means crunching a bunch of work before leaving. So sad...

>> No.24325786
Quoted by: >>24326746

Kiara crunched her work yesterday night, these girls are busy as fuck

>> No.24326050

She's doing this for us meppers because she cares about us as her audience, good streams happen and you're all "I love reine" and then she says one word of Indonesian and suddenly "She hates us, she's never speaking English again, Reine will never reine mep again"

>> No.24326592

Oyasumerak (I've been up 48 hours)

>> No.24326746

KFP here, Kiara is doing a lot of shit behind scenes too, so much that she's very stressed out about her 3D Birthday stream, new songs and covers and more.

>> No.24326970
File: 1.20 MB, 1110x878, 1633677825021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24327205

now do (you) love her again?

>> No.24327015

Does Reine think

>> No.24327019

Stream in 15 minutes

>> No.24327066

I thought you were trolling, but
RIP the meppa who went to sleep

>> No.24327097


>> No.24327115

>be up for 48 hours
>Reine decides to stream less than half an hour after you finally go to sleep

>> No.24327205
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, reine spank [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3gm3ye.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always love her, but boy does she make me want to correct her sometimes.

>> No.24327418


>> No.24327450
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 1652584102677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24327573

Dude, the issues we have are completely legit. Her doing ANOTHER guerilla stream with literally 15 minutes notice is the exact thing we have been having an issue with.

And yes, I know she is going on a vacation and is stressed and strapped for time, but it doesn't discount our legit issues.

>> No.24327593

She's fucking here, no way, it's like the third time this week

>> No.24327594

I'm NGMI, if she will talk about Kiara again I think I will start to ship them for real
It's just to hard for me to live with this...

>> No.24327615
Quoted by: >>24327714

>slow mode

>> No.24327650

A moment of silence for this poor meppa

>> No.24327674
File: 66 KB, 256x256, 1646550750894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i'm chuckling just thinking of what >>24326592 will say after he wakes up. sorry meppa

>> No.24327714
File: 295 KB, 700x700, 1644773738608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a way to get around slow mode. It's mudah sekali!

>> No.24327731

I mean, I'm glad we're getting a freetalk in the end, but as >>24327573 said it's a 1am guerilla with no warning when she basically said there wasn't going to be one

>> No.24327780
File: 13 KB, 422x44, 1633322003843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24328630

fucking greymeppers

>> No.24327961
File: 19 KB, 318x103, 1633818017849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24328799

Mama love!

>> No.24327968

are they going to meet each other first or they just goes straight to maldives?

>> No.24328023

Meeting in the Maldives.
I mean anon they're in different countries.

>> No.24328045


>> No.24328046

Kiara said they're going to meet at the airport there

>> No.24328100

>Reine hasn't packed yet

>> No.24328246

>I just want to go there to... sleep...

>> No.24328305

This is just turning into a "learn how to deal with Kiara" tutorial.

>> No.24328334

>I don't wanna re-take
wtf Reine, the bomb ain't gonna defuse itself

>> No.24328397
Quoted by: >>24328466

Forget sunscreen, Reine is going to massage Kiara with mosquito cream.

>> No.24328466


>> No.24328630
Quoted by: >>24329009

the greens aren't exactly smart tonight, either

>> No.24328714

I wonder if Reine is working on stuff to upload like Kiara does

>> No.24328799

Pochi is far and away the best Holoparent.

>> No.24328888
Quoted by: >>24329060

M-chan torturing Reine before her vacation

>> No.24329009
File: 18 KB, 557x48, 1645667497531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not THIS bad though

>> No.24329046


>> No.24329060

>Making Reine frustrated before the vacation
>Reine has no choice but to take that frustration out on Kiara
>This results in spicy bird action
Is M-chan one of us?

>> No.24329078

how are these people real

>> No.24329092

>I'll be borrowing your daughter

>> No.24329115
Quoted by: >>24329208

what happened/will happen to the planned ace attorney stream?

>> No.24329156

oh this guy, he used to be a member. i remember one time he called Reine a turkey in all caps and she went on a tangent scolding chat

>> No.24329165
Quoted by: >>24329186

I feel like they are not actually going to have sex... please tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.24329170
File: 990 KB, 1359x1420, tangents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24329615

Reminder that despite all the racially motivated attacks on each other on this board, greyniggers are still the most subhuman of all.

>> No.24329186

you are wrong

>> No.24329208
File: 414 KB, 728x727, 1649586174982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty damn sure that's not happening. Said something on Twitter about not doing it. So sad.

>> No.24329427

Chat is going to stress them out about the state of their outfit to the point that they both show up in wedding dresses.

>> No.24329468

wtf the greys are based?

>> No.24329471

They should both show up completely naked

>> No.24329558
File: 967 KB, 1080x1620, 1635881055134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bird cosplays, the lot of them.

>> No.24329615

I wouldn't be annoyed at her tangents if she didn't prioritize them over the game so much. Most girls know how to talk while playing. With Kiara she makes it a quota to shoehorn a story somewhere into her stream, to the point where she talks over important dialogue and misses out on the game. It's just hard to enjoy someone playing a game when the streamer doesn't care themselves.

>> No.24329678

Yeah, i hate missing all this riveting gameplay on my screen.

>> No.24329728

Considering Reine's "work" right now seems to be gathering her original song off-vocals together, they're probably going to be doing off-Karaoke together.

>> No.24329797

I love Kiara's tangents but I agree that it can be annoying when she sometimes does it over important cutscenes or dialogue
t. KFP

>> No.24329812
Quoted by: >>24329936

Your sacrifice will not be in vain.

>> No.24329936
Quoted by: >>24330013

Unless Reine privates the stream afterwards, kek.

>> No.24330013
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 1629649186726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24330077


>> No.24330077


>> No.24330100
Quoted by: >>24330266

Yes Reine "pretend"

>> No.24330160
Quoted by: >>24330266

>literally pretending to be married
I fucking can't

>> No.24330266
Quoted by: >>24330336


>> No.24330326

Never have I rooted so much for a ship to happen.
I'm sorry Nenechi
I'm sorry Mori
I'm sorry Ame
But TakaReine is OTP

>> No.24330336


>> No.24330396

"We are going to a honeymoon paradise just as a joke guys"

>> No.24330562
File: 40 KB, 463x453, 1652557500459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're playing Gay Chicken, marriage edition.

>> No.24330617

"I know the vacation is over, but do we have to stop pretending?"

>> No.24330628

Kek, literally them soon:

>> No.24330669

>Playing gay chicken
There's a joke here somewhere

>> No.24330757

They can't get legally married on the maldives. So sad

>> No.24330811

With how much leeway they have with that kinda thing because of the tourist money i wouldn't be surprised if it was possible.

>> No.24330883

But in Austria they can ;)

>> No.24331008
File: 6 KB, 327x46, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, that's gay

>> No.24331032

the fuck

>> No.24331072

I'm the Maldives btw.

>> No.24331132

oh nyo

>> No.24331189

Both /mep/ and Kiara's thread are about to die. Is it time for the merge?

>> No.24331211
Quoted by: >>24331351

my dude was absolutely molested as a kid

>> No.24331249
Quoted by: >>24331316

Sounds like a good time to me

>> No.24331305

I can imagine this without it being rapey, but if told a bit better than this it can be about ruffling his hair.

>> No.24331308

what tag should we use? /pavonashi/?

>> No.24331316

what name

>> No.24331325
Quoted by: >>24331538


>> No.24331339


>> No.24331351
Quoted by: >>24333614

>Koishi Icon
>The fics he made
It would explain a lot.

>> No.24331356

that sounds good

>> No.24331359
Quoted by: >>24331434

I apologize for kfp's thread schizos in advance, please ignore them as best you can

>> No.24331434

as long as they're not worse than our threadreaders pretending to watch streams, we should be gucci

>> No.24331491

so is the merge until the end of the vacation?

>> No.24331519

That's the plan

>> No.24331527

If they get married we will be merged forever just like our oshis

>> No.24331538
Quoted by: >>24331582

At least you should've added /mep/ + Takanashi Kiara (or whatever name they add in their general).

>> No.24331582

Not him, but Kiara's thread doesn't have its name, it's just Takanashi Kiara. Pavonashi is fine imo.

>> No.24331684

KFP chicken here.
You have my sword.

>> No.24331690
Quoted by: >>24331774

yay im late by 1,5h again

>> No.24331774

at least you're not this guy >>24326592

>> No.24332080
Quoted by: >>24333073

According to Urban dictionary bracelets = handcuffs

Holy shit this vacations gonna be good

>> No.24332543
Quoted by: >>24332840


>> No.24332840

im in

>> No.24333073
Quoted by: >>24333170

Taking handcuffs with you on a plane is really bad idea, and will probably end you up on a list somewhere.

>> No.24333170

I sincerely doubt that, you would probably get the same look as if you brought a sex toy.

>> No.24333614

>>the fics he made

>> No.24334147
Quoted by: >>24334172

so sad

>> No.24334172
File: 101 KB, 256x256, 1638460896964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24334177

wonder what the mepscape looks like a week from now

>> No.24334188

i dont wanna leave
