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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 408 KB, 1407x2005, FSVbpCjUYAIYHXc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24201373 No.24201373 [Reply] [Original]

Gamering Girl

Member's Only Fall Guys: https://youtu.be/1iepEblrMd0

Valkyrie Connect with Ina: https://youtu.be/sc2XlSYvL9Q

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1523671334936772611

Art by: https://twitter.com/ambercrown/status/1523784882916237312

Previous thread: >>24154582

>> No.24201399


>> No.24201400

I want to pull back Kiara's clit hood and lick the smegma off her unwashed cunny.

>> No.24201408
File: 94 KB, 936x1170, 1652332823420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara!

>> No.24201407


>> No.24201419
File: 141 KB, 447x474, 1650811968958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl!

>> No.24201599
Quoted by: >>24201664

Kill yourself.

>> No.24201659
File: 425 KB, 160x160, 1624892163833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24201664

Fuck off.

>> No.24201704
File: 970 KB, 699x933, 1651837340389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24201731

a WIP for VC outfit, hopefully the first among many

>> No.24201768
File: 931 KB, 2803x3997, 1627046513147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24201794

her tummy is looking a bit chubby here

>> No.24201871
File: 651 KB, 3058x4096, 1630731280832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows how it'll turn out, but the artist has a flair for the dramatic

>> No.24201952

Oh that artist is fucking great

>> No.24202123

that's a huge artistic range, if such a thing exists

>> No.24202132
Quoted by: >>24205896

Soundpost material!


>> No.24202180


>> No.24202220
Quoted by: >>24202254

Kiara hasn't won a game yet

>> No.24202254

Isn't that normal in Fall Guys

>> No.24202302
File: 197 KB, 900x900, 1652460502992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe my Oshi is a criminal

>> No.24202331

Kiara feeling bad about making the Maldives vacation during monsoon season turns into Kiara being cute and bratty during Fall Guys

>> No.24202362

She said she literally doesn't wash her hands. She licks them clean instead and then smears her spit all over her keyboard.
She unironically said that. and I'm so proud and horny

>> No.24202494
File: 47 KB, 343x500, Shoujo-Ramune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24202609

>loli Kiwawa will never a regular patron at your candy shop

>> No.24202609
Quoted by: >>24202703

But she did
I'm the old ojisan shopkeeper

>> No.24202703
Quoted by: >>24202784

How badly did Kiara's theft impact your business?

>> No.24202784

I had to declare bankruptcy and that's why I am and anti of hers now. I manipulate her in fall guys right now

>> No.24202785
Quoted by: >>24202837

I should open a candy store

>> No.24202837

Follow your dreams

>> No.24202974
File: 2.93 MB, 960x960, 1652418706010.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on...

>> No.24203265
File: 170 KB, 828x1472, 1628047812686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those blinds

>> No.24203395

God I want to squeeze that tummy

>> No.24203456

I got the same blinds
They're pretty good

>> No.24203715

The bird watchalong kino... lost like tears in the rain

>> No.24203813
File: 903 KB, 2152x2993, 1643589410108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24203896

so, until mumei announced her visit kiara was planning to have ame sleep in her apartment, but now plans have changed. one could conclude that kiara no longer wants to host if she's going to get cockblocked.

>> No.24203999
Quoted by: >>24204075

"Everyone's staying at a hotel" is just a lie they tell mori to keep her from ruining the rimming sessions

>> No.24204009

Keep in mind Kiara did mention the mystery extra visitor could probably make it. Sounded like they're also joining Mumei/Mori, which would certainly be a lack of beds/space. If Ame is visiting alone later, I don't see why Kiara wouldn't have her stay at her home if Ame doesn't mind.

>> No.24204018

She could just stay at a hotel in Austria with them.

>> No.24204036

The fuck? I thought Ame was the first one to come?

>> No.24204054

What this guy said.

>> No.24204075
File: 77 KB, 308x543, 1641185689219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't recall asking a question

>> No.24204132

She was supposed to visit Kiara before the summer, but ended up canceling/postponing it for some reason.

>> No.24204145

Ame is one big question mark now, between needing to reapply for her passport and Kiara committing to a studio solution for her bday. So timing varies and less urgency to bring second-hand suit/optimize home 3D. Nothing to do but see how it plays out.

>> No.24204228

Welp. This has been a disappointing turn of events.

>> No.24204376

>Ame camerawoman
Already a lot more reassuring

>> No.24204405
File: 17 KB, 390x254, 1631507465495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24204686

JWU how is chimken

>> No.24204608

Dumb bitch, stop being on your fucking RM account all the time

>> No.24204686

cuter than usual

>> No.24204753
Quoted by: >>24204810

>I'm paying Kiara so that I can hear how she watches indogs I don't care about

absolutely based high quality member content.

>> No.24204769

>looking forward to you know what

>> No.24204810
Quoted by: >>24204835

>indogs I don't care about
So sad...

>> No.24204816
File: 234 KB, 368x355, 165162110_5191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring the retarded faggot
Life is good

>> No.24204835

I've read this in reine voice

>> No.24204943

Is it her chat again?

>> No.24204994
Quoted by: >>24205084

So the Crunchy paper is drawing another sex MV?

>> No.24205084

Seems like a likely candidate for her orisong MV since she needed a quick alternative from 3DMV.

>> No.24205259

How does Valkyrie Connect stack up against other gacha games?

>> No.24205338

Pretty standard. Definitely not one of the best but not offensively bad.

>> No.24205383

They will not be swimming much but they will still be nearly drowning.

>> No.24205449

from what i've seen it's medriocre but no terrible
the worst thing about it is that it keeps crashing for me

>> No.24205459

What did I miss in the past hour

>> No.24205520

Looking at Kiara while she's panting...

>> No.24205541

Vacation in shambles
Ame visit completely up in the air
Fall Guys made her mad
Reine x Kiara flirting on-stream
Decided she's too """busy""" to continue working out

>> No.24205576
Quoted by: >>24205635

Nigga she has like 13 big things in the next 2 months so yea that's pretty busy

>> No.24205587

to add on,
She will finish Yakuza next week no matter what

>> No.24205635

1. Watch netflix
2. Browse amazon for cat toys
What are the other 11?

>> No.24205657

Me sucking her toes

>> No.24205658

3. Fuck your whore of a mother
Don't know about the rest, tho, she may just do that one on repeat

>> No.24205666

3. fuck your mom
4. fuck your mom
5. fuck your mom
6. fuck your mom
7. fuck your mom
8. fuck your mom
9. fuck your mom
10. fuck your mom
11. fuck your mom
12. fuck your mom
13. fuck your mom

>> No.24205680


>> No.24205693

Wait a minute, that's my list!

>> No.24205694


>> No.24205699

3. sex with reine
4. sex with reine
5. sex with reine
6. sex with reine
7. sex with reine
8. sex with reine
9. sex with reine
10. sex with reine
11. sex with reine

>> No.24205825
File: 251 KB, 1024x1024, 1624904911933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24205839


>> No.24205896

Another one.

>> No.24205921

Joke's on you, I would be honored if Kiara fucked my mom.

>> No.24205965

What would Kiara think of Kendrick's new album

>> No.24205969

>you guys enjoy teasing me like that

>> No.24206010

>The life of Kiara
Pretty disappointing

>> No.24206031

Kiara doesn't like Mori's peoples music

>> No.24206040

She wouldn't even understand most of what was said

>> No.24206265

I bet she gets off on having her cat walk on her tits.

>> No.24206440

kek based

>> No.24206502

that could be anyone

>> No.24206601


>> No.24207080

Pissed that mumei and mori picked a hotel instead of staying Kiara’s place.

>> No.24207109
Quoted by: >>24207155

lgbt community in shambles

>> No.24207145

And Mori said she wanted a HoloEN house...

>> No.24207155
Quoted by: >>24207358

Nah, Kiara's right about bonding and being left out

>> No.24207170
Quoted by: >>24207360

>no sleepover
soulless offcollab here we go..

>> No.24207254

They both have a case of the big stoopid

>> No.24207358

Yeah, if they pick the same hotel, Kiara will definitely be left out of some bonding time

>> No.24207360
Quoted by: >>24207436

Plans can change. Isn't there also a fou>>24207170
rth person involved too?

>> No.24207436

Me? Yes.

>> No.24207562
File: 261 KB, 1500x1700, 1643661975135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24207705

I hope Ina can visit Kiara sometime soon
Their off collab would be kino

>> No.24207579

You all talking as if Kiara won't "politely" tell them to spend the night on stream.

>> No.24207605

Does anyone here have that gif of kiara looking to the camera with her eyebrows going up and down

>> No.24207630

I don't trust women to make the best decisions for themselves

>> No.24207642

Yeah, it is smart for them to take a hotel room just in case they don't hit it off super well but there is no law stating they have to actually use it.

>> No.24207646

I’m hoping mumei sleeps over after the LotR watchalong.

>> No.24207696

Can someone clear this up for me, a retarded chicken:

Who's the unconfirmed still-up-in-the-air mystery guest that may or may not come along with Mumei?
From what I assumed, it is Mori? But then sometimes it sounds like Mori is already confirmed (like with the argument about sleeping arrangements just now), and the potential mystery guest is someone else?

So uh wtf....am I too dum to piece the timelines together (well, i AM pretty dum), did I miss some vital information previously.
Is Mori the mystery guest, or if it's someone else, who?

>> No.24207705

Yea and hopefully no one joins at the same time. I was hoping the mumei visit would be solo.

>> No.24207718
Quoted by: >>24207825

Let's be real...the reason why they won't stay is the cats. Literally nobody wants cat hair on their clothes

>> No.24207789

Its not Mori. Its not Ame because Ame has talked about possibly visiting on stream and Kiara has specifically said its mystery because this person has not mentioned visiting Kiara on stream.

>> No.24207790
Quoted by: >>24207911

>First was Ame, no date
>Then Mumei, date unknown but already fixed
>Then unknown still secret person, we don’t know if they overlap with Mumei
>Then Mori arrive at the same days as Mumei, stays one ore day

Mumei and Mori and pretty much 100% confirmed.

>> No.24207794
Quoted by: >>24207890

Kiara will be too meek (like she tends to be irl) and hold herself back because she wouldn't want to impose and doesn't want to be seen as "pushy"

... and then afterwards later she will regret her reluctance anyway and beat herself up over not spending enough missed time together and cry out her frustrations in a kfp members stream

>> No.24207812

I can actually relate to their decision. Maybe it's the introvert talking, but a quiet hotel room for yourself after a long day of sightseeing and maybe streaming seems like pure bliss to me.

>> No.24207825

Have u not seen mori drunkenly ranting about how much she loves cats

>> No.24207845
Quoted by: >>24207931

>Have u not seen mori
Why yes ,I don't watch her.

>> No.24207879

Yes same but who knows when Kiara can meet Holos IRL again so every second counts

>> No.24207890
File: 1.35 MB, 1249x1320, 1627857008620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when you retards say this when she's completely the opposite. Did we all just not watch her make Mumei agree to grow her hair so she can shave her and Mori? Like what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.24207911
Quoted by: >>24208381

So it's not Mumei, Mori, Ame, or Ina because they've all been quite open about their plans to visit Kiara at some point. Gura, just no. Someone from council? She's not that close to Irys but who knows? A JP? I'm going to go way out on a limb and guess Noel and Flare are going to do a couples tour of Europe and drop by. Rich lesbians love touring Europe

>> No.24207912

I am a cat owner myself, he's a14 year old boy. and even I don't like cat hairs on my clothes. It looks bad, bothers people when they come in contact with you and it can trigger allergies for them. It's simply annoying for most people.

>> No.24207931

Good choice. It happened before I quit watching her.

>> No.24207942

I can't stand the "kiara is hyper shy girl in reality" crowd either.

>> No.24207960

kiara herself has said she is only strong online

>> No.24207999
Quoted by: >>24208057

Because Kiara has said before she’s able to be forward online because its not IRL. When its IRL she loses all courage. She fucking ran away from a girl who wanted to say hi to her at Dokomi

>> No.24208000

kiara herself has said she can't sing or draw or is attractive or good at anything so it must be true

>> No.24208018

>Mori and Mumei will have cute kino offcollab streams together in the hotel without Kiara
>Kiara will be alone and do less with them than they do with each other
I'm already mad

>> No.24208042
File: 676 KB, 861x708, 1651842109500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lmao. Why do faggots think she's Ina or some shit
Kiara says a lot of things and is wrong about them most of the time anon. She always talks down on herself you should know this. She literally said in her Holo audition she "demanded" they hire her lmao. She's not """""""""""""shy""""""""""""" at all like how you people like to pretend.

>> No.24208053

For that reason, I wouldn't even blame her if Ame wanted a hotel when visiting alone. Staying over is an option, certainly not a social obligation.

>> No.24208057

and then she took selfies with 100 random strangers.

>> No.24208066
Quoted by: >>24208175

The Mystery guest is Mumei's boyfriend. But don't worry, Kiara is already in love with her Best Friends Boyfriend

>> No.24208106

Kiara is the last person that can provide an accurate description of her own personality traits. She's inconsistent as fuck

>> No.24208114

Most of the things Kiara told (plus rm evidence) point to the side of her being rather shy and meek irl. Sure, maybe not a total pushover wallflower, but also definetly not as brash and bold as she can be online behind an avatar

>> No.24208115

Kiara herself said her party outfit was one of the worst/not as good as the other girls but in reality it's unironically the best of all of myth

I can say I didn't fuck your mother when in reality I did

Stop believing everything you hear retard. This goes hand in hand with anons believing everything they read on /vt/ annoyingly enough

>> No.24208149

Oh great, on top of this timeloop we also have an introvert vs extrovert one again.

>> No.24208175
Quoted by: >>24208303

Boy will they be embarrassed when they all finally meet up and it turns out I'M BOTH of Mumei's boyfriend and Kiara's best friends boyfriend!

Then a wacky hijinks romantic comedy of errors ensues, coming soon to a theater near you...

>> No.24208187
File: 1.64 MB, 1768x2446, 76f9d832e7209bc81c9fd7247b8689fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the thread only went to shit after the stream this time. >We really need to get those chicken glasses.

>> No.24208198
File: 846 KB, 1416x851, hands 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kiss this cute dork's forehead

>> No.24208227

Kek, none of you niggers can provide an accurate description of her personality either, so I don't think you niggers should be acting like you know a person better than they know their self.

>> No.24208228

It just boils down to whether or not she grows enough of a brain to realize that she should spend as much time as possible with people flying halfway across the globe to meet her

>> No.24208251
File: 116 KB, 591x735, 16228462350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24208280

Nice thread you have here. May I change the topic?


Kiara's last bath was 50 hours ago!
I repeat: The last time Kiara washed her pussy was 50 hours ago!

Kiara's pussy status: Unwashed since 50 hours.

That is all. Carry on.

No doubt there is a huge amount of smegma build up beneath her clit hood. I want to spread her wide open and smell it so bad. Just imagine the taste. Fuck I need to jerk off again

>> No.24208280

Ok now I'm just convinced you're also a shitposter.

>> No.24208290
Quoted by: >>24208362

so true bestie, she's actually a huge alpha stacy
here's proof

>> No.24208303

pretty sure this is already a movie

>> No.24208306

When did I try to judge her personality nigger? I'm just pointing out how you can't even trust Kiara herself to tell you how she acts. Don't lump me in with the other retards here

>> No.24208313
Quoted by: >>24208463

No I just like talking about her pussy way more than talking about intro vs extrovert timeloops. But you do you

>> No.24208322

I thought that was fucking obvious already?

>> No.24208361

From the sounds it, both Mori and Mumei are going to be present for a couple of days with the latter staying longer. Its still some weeks ago, things can always change.

>> No.24208362
Quoted by: >>24208405

Yea and now post her instagram and facebook with her hugging strangers, posing with them for selfies etc. What a wallflower. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.24208379

stop timelooping the same old stuff, Reine is still singing

>> No.24208381

If the secret guest is from HoloEN then it will be Gura (it seems her involvement in some things needs to be a secret -> Aikotoba III and Q) or Kronii. If it is HoloJP I would bet on Watame or Flare.

>> No.24208396
File: 26 KB, 292x292, 1637521965512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of you niggers can provide an accurate description of her personality either
NTA but:
Kiara is an outgoing and ambitious girl who constantly doubts herself and puts herself down. When she thinks about these things she in the end realizes she needs to seize opportunity then and there before she loses the chance forever as we've seen her done MANY times in the past. This mentality of seizing opportunity 99% of the time surpasess the fear and they shyness. If she really wants to have/do something she will ask despite the fear, this is literally the sole reasn she's a Holo, because she took a chance and overcame her fear.

There I just described Kiara's personality with 90% accuracy, some more could be elaborated on.

>> No.24208405

>Yea and now post her instagram and facebook with her hugging strangers, posing with them for selfies etc.
You first.

>> No.24208438
File: 5 KB, 375x42, Kiara in Reine's unarchived stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught her just in time. Can't wait.

>> No.24208463
Quoted by: >>24208490

>Show up the second the thread goes to shit to call her a disgusting slob
Sure. Also, please learn how long smegma takes to actually form before you talk about your delusion again, because it's pretty obvious you're a retarded virgin who has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.24208490
Quoted by: >>24208510

>call her a disgusting slob
No I call her hot as fuck and I want to lick her body all over

>> No.24208510
Quoted by: >>24208551

No you're calling her a disgusting slob, kill yourself.

>> No.24208538

why the FUCK are Mumei and Mori even staying in a hotel in the first place?

Kiara already had multiple irl friends and family people stay over in her apartment, so it's not like she wouldn't have the space to accommodate two people for a sleepover.

Did Kiara refuse? Doesn't strike me as likely, as there's no good reason to (and many good reasons to let them stay) other than maybe she's for some reason too embarrassed about "strangers" staying over or needs that space for her cats or whatever (like I said, no good reasons).

Or did the other girls refuse? Since I don't want to believe any "they hate her!" schizo rrats, the only "reasonable" (since we're dealing with autist women here) explanation I could think of is maybe that they think "oh we would just be bothering her / we wouldn't want to impose on her" and preemptively excuse themselves.

I wish they talk it over and reconsider

>> No.24208551
Quoted by: >>24208618

You are the one calling her that. and I will stay here forever. Enjoy

>> No.24208555

Might be Gura. She's usually paranoid enough to not tell anyone what she's doing. Then again, I don't think she has a passport?
Ina already confirmed in a members only that she's not going (too busy with work). Fauna is the type to pulicly announces things, Sana and Bae are Australian and Kronii would be the only other candidate.

>> No.24208579
Quoted by: >>24208605

>tfw you're the only person ITT who knows what the real Kiara is like
Lol you guys really don't know shit

>> No.24208605

>t. 7 month member


>> No.24208618
Quoted by: >>24208708

NTA but you are quite literally are saying she's disgusting. And it's pretty clear you aren't wanted here.

>> No.24208620
File: 8 KB, 268x229, 1648161185485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading all that but nigga they probably decided without asking Kiara. Hell Mori invited herself without asking Kiara off stream.

Imagine inviitng yourself over to someone's house randomly and then telling them
>"I'm staying your place btw"
That's insane lmao. Mori probably assumed to get a hotel.

>> No.24208642

Judging off the some posts I doubt many anons ITT are even members at all honestly

>> No.24208661

Why are you guys like this?

>> No.24208666

I think the others refused since it makes more sense considering Kiara was ready to host them in the past. Until Moom or Mori bring up any reasoning I'm gonna assume they're the ones being retarded

>> No.24208708
Quoted by: >>24208741

and yet I will stay here and talk about how much I love her every day and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.24208733

Probably just privacy. Most of the EN girls seem introverted so after a day of "spending social energy" I'd imagine they'd like to have a room to themselves.

>> No.24208737
Quoted by: >>24208886

Only if you retards don't pay attention. You also need some amount of social experience to understand, if you think being able to hold a conversation is such a big deal, you have no idea what real life looks like.

>> No.24208741
Quoted by: >>24208808

And I and many others will keep telling you to kill yourself for forcing your delusion onto everybody in the thread.

>> No.24208743

It could also be that the flights require them to book a hotel as well. For all we know they might became ensnared by Kiara's cats. And it sounds like Kiara will join them at the hotel anyway if necessary. So it's no big deal. Its still a packed week potentially. And we have Maldives. No need to worry over this. Though timeloops are unavoidable.

>> No.24208757

Nene will visit!
I believe!

or Lumi or Pomu or mystery chuuba C formerly C

>> No.24208759

didn't mori also say kiara is kinda shy/reserved in real life?

>> No.24208763

What if.. Mori convinced mumei to take a hotel so she doesn't feel to lonely? What if mori unironically ruined the collab?

>> No.24208765

Your mom dominates my cock with her mouth everyday

>> No.24208777
File: 181 KB, 374x352, 1640037443627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one said either of this.
And anons are like this because anons are incapable of thinking in in-betweens.

In reality she's in between but obviously more on the extrovert side.
In contrast, someone like say Mumei is in between but leans introvert.

It's THAT fucking simple. Same with NSFW shit. She likes Ecchi shit but all out fucking is too much. Nudity is OK too. I don't understand why this shit is so argued just fucking watch streams

>> No.24208782

Why does it feel like the thread is always fucking permanently shit?

>> No.24208808
Quoted by: >>24209018

>And I and my 40 "NTA" samefag replies will keep telling you to kill yourself


>> No.24208816

I'm a 34 months member, faggot

>> No.24208821
File: 261 KB, 600x500, 1635571914806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just fucking watch streams

>> No.24208826

It comes and goes. It only takes one thing to be said for people to run wild with it.

>> No.24208835

That only covers Mori, who invited herself.
Mumei's trip was properly planned and talked over with Kiara in advance, so it stands to reason Kiara offered her to stay and it should be no problem and she should be with Kiara.

God if it is actually the brapwiggers fault that Mumei would rather stay in a hotel with her than with Kiara, like it was supposed to happen previously before Mori butted in... fuuuuck off Mori, no one wanted you here in the first place and you ruin other people's fun

>> No.24208844

stream is over so most anon got bored

>> No.24208875

Anon you are being too reasonable for this Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.24208886
Quoted by: >>24214417

Because you get fucking retards like these >>24208737 replying to dogshit posts long after they're made thinking they're le epic owning anons. Dumb fucks literally cannot resist trying to prove other anons wrong for some fucking reason

>> No.24208905

You're just as retarded as the introvert niggers.

>> No.24208944

>you're wrong
>*no reason*
I accept your concession

>> No.24208952
Quoted by: >>24209020

All of the schizo KFP are here while the somewhat normal ones are in global.

>> No.24208980
File: 188 KB, 428x331, 1622287456896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably the most reasonable and accurate post in this entire thread. You're just seething because it kills your timeloop

>> No.24208981

Mumei needs an alibi for the homicide case.

>> No.24209000

I prefer to think in extremes because it's more fun that way and I'm not a faggot limpdick Liberal centrist. If you don't like what you read here, you can just stop replying.

>> No.24209011

Of course she didnt refuse. She’s not happy theyre staying a hotel.

>> No.24209018
Quoted by: >>24209108

Actually NTA and I kinda want you to kill yourself too for shitting up every thread since you started. Just don't respond, is that hard? Do you have to respond to EVERY (You) you get, and to every comment vaguely related to your fetish?
Anti smegmanon schizo should also kill himself foor the same reasons.

>> No.24209020

The good KFP are either getting swole in the gym or in her prechat right now

>> No.24209078

KFP are literally incapable of saying "ogey" to shitposts and moving on. Kiara just had a great stream and here you all are, biting bait and yelling at each other as usual.

>> No.24209108

>Actually NTA and I kinda want you to kill yourself too for shitting up every thread
I literally made THREE (3) posts in this thread. It's you and "NTA" who keep replying to me and telling me they don't like my fetish. You realise you won't change my opinion, right? I WILL smell her pussy and I WILL enjoy it.

>> No.24209117

Kiara saw my and gave me likes on my shit art that I posted on my literally brand new no followers Twitter account. So that made my day, but now I feel self conscious about the crap I post there. Is this why artists go menhera all the time?

>> No.24209115

Because retards here are fucking mentally ill and would much rather argue over anything imaginable over having actual discussions
>B-but that's every split
No it fucking isn't, even fucking /infinity/ is able to have proper discussions about Kronii, where as here you get retards who seethe beyond the fucking earth if you aren't timelooping about something or writing multiple paragraph essays. And I know how the "Global is actually better for KFP" line has already been said to death, but it's unironically true.Also this split seems to be the one who has the least amount of trust in their oshi by far of any split.

>> No.24209155

You kinda fucked up because you revealed yourself and everyone knows who the artist behind the account is. Either change your twitter or don't come here anymore

>> No.24209262
Quoted by: >>24209353

>Because retards here are fucking mentally ill and would much rather argue over anything imaginable over having actual discussions
tbf when I first got on a while ago when the dox shit was posted, it was literally all new IPs in a row and they all said some timeloop bullshit or doxshit. It's not a mystery that this and /morig/ gets a lot of doxniggers and retards from global.

>> No.24209267
Quoted by: >>24209474

Nta but nobody cares. Pomp, yuna and some other moderately big fan artist have all posted here or on global before.

As long as he's not obnoxious nobody should care.

>> No.24209272
File: 382 KB, 1416x804, 1640166945154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or at least dont make it obvious you post here.

In any case, at least the schizos are not posting right now, just dumb KFP.
Great stream, gotta pray the rain gods next week. Hype for the next 2 collabs. And remind her of that VR thingie.

>> No.24209288
File: 154 KB, 1080x1350, 1652311115186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these posts and almost no cute birb!

>> No.24209328

oh-oh, don't let favoritism-schizo see this who complains that Kiara only ever likes the same few popular people and never the small unknown guys

>> No.24209333

Sorry, >We hate Kiara here

>> No.24209332
File: 1.29 MB, 320x180, good_egg[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F51z4ir.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only we still had quality eggs
the current ones are not good enough to bring kfp back into unity

>> No.24209336
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x1920, 1621742734945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24209353

>it was literally all new IPs in a row and they all said some timeloop bullshit or doxshit
What is "ban-evading". Also, the timeloop in this thread wasn't started by a new IP, nor was the retard randomly trying to cuckpost.

>> No.24209369

Hope the Maldives trip goes well. She’s gonna hate herself for months if it rains the whole week.

>> No.24209370
File: 3 KB, 193x87, 1628400404369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24209574

I will remind everyone

>> No.24209375
Quoted by: >>24209542

The eggs were our greatest friends in the end. KFP without eggs is like nazi germany without jews. It just doesn't work

>> No.24209422
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1651950661361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her doing this to your TESTICLES

>> No.24209433
File: 314 KB, 2000x1415, 1628464806207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24209481

I enjoyed the fuck outta that stream even with her whining in the beginning. Whatever happens here has 0 relevance anyway so I'm guessing most anons just want to vent frustrations if something goes wrong with Kiara. Typically good/moderate streams will only spawn a slow thread or obvious egg bait at worst so the best thing to do is get it all out your system now and move on to the next thread. Here's a chama butt if you don't care to read

>> No.24209474

Eh it's just my shitty reps, I mostly wanted something I could look back on in a year and cringe at once I improve, not like I want to be an artist or anything. At everyone's suggestion I'm going to do a bunch of swimsuits since fuck dealing with clothing, metal, buckles, and anything but unidirectional sunlight for a while. Any ideas for poses and the like? Little stuck on stuff aside from "Kiara is cute in a bikini"

>> No.24209481

butt drum…

>> No.24209509
Quoted by: >>24210202

She said something about doing a make-up trip with Reine if this one turned out to be disappointing which I doubt it will be. They'll enjoy each other's company regardless of the weather
Maybe Kiara could bring her along for the Korea trip.

>> No.24209520
Quoted by: >>24209610

I still want to know if all the egg references during Ina's birthday stream were a conincidence or note. And did Kiara know. That shit was hilarious and so was the thread. Those were the days.

>> No.24209542

some of the old get rrats got me feeling nostalgic of all things
Subarus stalker/chink mafia or Peko not drawing her
what a bizarre world

>> No.24209574

This, and it also looks fun to see the occasional person complain about schizos despite the thread looking fine as ever.

>> No.24209592

make her do a volleyball spike

>> No.24209609
Quoted by: >>24209637

Oh noo, they will have to stay inside in a humid hotel room in the gayest place on earth.

>> No.24209610

In the past I would have said coincidence. But the more I see her doing "4chan" talk the more I think she's here. But unironically not in this thread. If anything, she is a catalog F5 fag or in global. I highly doubt she is actually in this split. She is the type of person who quickly scrolls through shit. She isn't going to spend hours here to read through hundreds of posts or even post herself.

>> No.24209630

>Peko not drawing her
I never really got this one or why it was spammed so much, especially considering Pekora DID draw her.

>> No.24209637

They're going to be sleeping in a hut

>> No.24209659

>Subarus stalker/chink mafia
This was one of the first orcschizo rrats iirc and she managed to shit up the entire board for weeks with this rrat kek

>> No.24209675
File: 69 KB, 940x439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Kiara News]

>> No.24209707
Quoted by: >>24210218

Lifeguard. Bonfire night. Trying to balance on a surfboard. Beach volleyball. Building a sandcastle. Laying on her stomach asking for someone to put sunblock (sunmilk to her) on her back.

>> No.24209712

Why do you care about which fucking split is better nigger? Every split has schizos hence why global keeps shitting on them. Who even cares about what happens in these containment threads?

>> No.24209714

Aren't you supposed to hang it on a door handle or something?

>> No.24209846

This. Everytime i visit other splits they are lamenting about their own schizos.
As long as our retarded eggs dont when actually we have something to discuss, i dont care

>> No.24210007
File: 1.15 MB, 3000x3300, FQ9fEkvaMAA0EyA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24210064

I was watching a clip of Kiara saying she's going to wax/laser Mumei's leg hair off and she mentioned she "already got rid of most of her hair"... Your oshi is hairless? She got the laser removal?

>> No.24210100

armpits and knee down only. Was too painful for upper legs. and not laser. It was something else that she herself can't even remember the name of.

>> No.24210107

Not now tako go back

>> No.24210108
File: 110 KB, 790x1200, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mamaloni__ab2f1fbf3d9bc46d5278bc600b5d6ef5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly smooth and delicious

>> No.24210141

>Kiara's rm can't grow armpit hair
I don't like leg hair at all but... Kinda disappointing...

>> No.24210202

I hope Kiara will meet more IDs in Bali

>> No.24210218

Awesome thanks

>> No.24210223

I just find it funny how he brought up /infinity/ which is probably one of the more infamous splits on the board just for how out of line it got. I still get some good Kiara discussion here and there will obviously be good and bad days but overall I don't think this place is the shithole the anons here think it is. KFP split posts in global barely get (You)'s so really the only people that care about "muh split quality" are the anons here

>> No.24210251
Quoted by: >>24210380

>my arms aren't shaking!!!
>oh nyo i'm tired...
my cute retarded birb

>> No.24210284

ultrasound heating gel, iirc actually

>> No.24210285 [SPOILER] 
File: 117 KB, 1273x715, 1636617321883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24210569


>> No.24210380
Quoted by: >>24210455

Kiara and Irys makes me want to get strong enough to princess carry a girl like them with ease

>> No.24210455

I lift, tho i am eternally single

if I can't pick my wife up and do a couple squats or even run with her, then I am not strong enough yet, and lift more til I get there.

fingers crossed my wife takes care of her body

>> No.24210515
File: 100 KB, 666x662, 1651398759703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking forgot Reine was still on after Kiara for fucks sake

>> No.24210569

10k, nice

>> No.24210581

>mori picked a hotel instead of staying Kiara’s place

>> No.24210687

I want to rim kiara's asshole

>> No.24210736

>mori picked a hotel instead of staying Kiara’s place
Thank god, I don't want the emotional manipulative alcoholic near kiara

>> No.24210924
File: 2 KB, 250x250, recovered_footage_of_calliope_mori_inside_takanashi_kiaras_anal_cavity .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24211134
File: 45 KB, 597x598, FRW5Eg7aQAAYP2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24211220

I Love Takanashi Kiara

>> No.24211220

I miss her. Seems like every day this week I've been at my computer she's been streaming. I miss her odd voice..

>> No.24211335

She shouldn't even be there in the first place, stupid bitch basically just invited herself (on stream no less, making it extra arkward for Kiara so she can't really refuse her), and just had to barge in at the same time that was supposed to be mutual bonding time for Kiara and Mumei. Now the wigger brapper will monopolize Mumei instead with the hotel, and for Kiara what was going to be cute time with a fellow birb is going to be thirdwheeling in her own fucking country instead as Mori hits the drankies and vomits her retarded ya boi my dawgs muh shrek muh ecelebs shit all over the place

>> No.24211369
Quoted by: >>24218908

Despite this retard anti samefag, I will camly say that yes I'd rather Mori not even come, and if she does come it be after everyone else comes

>> No.24211375
Quoted by: >>24218908

this unironically makes me mad.

>> No.24211405
Quoted by: >>24211483

Kiara's stinky moist cunny...

>> No.24211414


>> No.24211435

I need a side-by-side of Kiara and Reine sending each other kisses.

>> No.24211453


>> No.24211483
File: 192 KB, 500x700, 1634451478120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24211546

no she shouldn't have been a cunny

>> No.24211546

excuse me, dont post my wifes and ours daughter on a public image forum with our permission first mmkay

but shes adorable so its okay. spoilt too, but its become her old woman gives her too much love

>> No.24211610

this enrages me

because mumei is a delicate petal of a girl, and needs to be nurtured by a strong feminine lady role model like kiara in her life, who can teach her important lessons.

instead she'll get a whole barge of western feminist influence from drunk sleazy mori

>> No.24211943
Quoted by: >>24218908

Honestly this, i would not proclaim myself a Mori anti, but i was really looking forward to Kiara putting all her focus on Mumei when she decided to go out of her way to come to Austria.

>> No.24211973

it could've been such a perfect cute trip with only these two, they could've went to a nice cafe, ate fancy desserts, stayed at Kiara's place and pet her cats, giggled as they made each others makeup, cuddled as they fell asleep in Kiara's bed together....

Instead the fat bitch shows up all "ay yo that stupid girlie shit's all cringe my dawgs, lemme hit the bars instead, ya boi needs some lean if ya know what I mean, anyways Mumei you coming back with me to the hotel now, right? We need to get wasted and watch muh favorite twitch ecelebs instead!"

>> No.24212061

Translated clip from the Nenechi collab that you may have missed

>> No.24212086
File: 389 KB, 472x500, 1636041732886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, what's going on here?

>> No.24212099

shut your mouth, leave this place and never come back here.

>> No.24212215

Schizo took one moment from the stream and is speed running it. Aka your average day on this basket weaving forum.

>> No.24212370

But we can go futher beyond
>Brapper starts encouraging Mumei (and Ame?) to drunk alcohol on-stream
>Kiara is completely left out on the fun and has to watch 2-3 drunkards laugh talk uninhibited and laugh over nothing and pretend to laugh with them

>> No.24212419

Yes anon. Kiara, someone who doesn't like drinking, has alcohol in her house.
Very smart anon

>> No.24212444 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 1400x1400, MacAvoySplit1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24212483

They can buy some you fucking retarded nigger

>> No.24212521
Quoted by: >>24212556

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Getting mad over hypotheticals
Stop being women

>> No.24212528
Quoted by: >>24212926

Talk with yourself until a new thread nigger. I'm gonna go dream of Kiara looking after our kids

>> No.24212556


>> No.24212575

I feel like in addition of not shaving they also shouldn't take a bath for 2 weeks. Imagine all the smelly girls in one room.. legs spread because they want to shave the pubes... imagine the smell... holy shit. I can't wait for this collab.

>> No.24212926

This but me.

>> No.24212943

Anon, I'm only half-joking but...

I've solved the "why hotel?" mystery. Mori (who else of course) is responsible for this. She knows that Kiara doesn't have any alcohol and is too much of a "stick-in-the-mud" (Mori's thoughts) for drinking.
And Mori is a depraved wino who can't go for too long without a drink, and wants to drag others down with her vices. So she sprung the idea of staying in a hotel instead on Mumei (who's too meek to argue), because she plans on getting shitfaced there instead and wants to get Mumei alone away from Kiara so she can force her to be her drinking partner with no chimken "interference"

rate my rrat

>> No.24213033

I don't really care too much about the reason but I truly believe that mori is responsible for the hotel shit. She most likely convinced mumei to join her

>> No.24213091
File: 2.03 MB, 1695x2615, 1642553912037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24213174

>> No.24213174


>> No.24213215
File: 4 KB, 194x194, 1652445404165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think kfp deserves to be bullied so they can behave correctly?

>> No.24213284

Clearly, Mori was jealous that Kiara was getting to meet some of her kohais before her, so she invited herself over, and then decided to swindle her out of some of her collabs.
Just kidding, I just anted to rrat with the rest of you, it's also possible Mori and Mumei misread Kiara's apprehension to be them imposing on her and did it for her sake

>> No.24213364

Name a more iconic Duo than Kiara and her obsessive doubts.

>> No.24213426
File: 312 KB, 484x416, _258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24213587

Inviting someone to stay the night isn't a matter of being introverted or extroverted, it's a matter of courtesy.

>> No.24213630
File: 204 KB, 420x373, FPTODVoWQAE_7ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24213702

mori, can you please accidentally go to another country or something?

pls dont take this away from me

>> No.24213644

53 hours

>> No.24213702
Quoted by: >>24215847

Mori goes to Ukraine by mistake

>> No.24213843
File: 584 KB, 2227x3508, 1644036200216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24213871

I hope mumei recognizes how the fat bitch is a bad influence

mumei needs to be a top female, and it will only come from kiaras guidance and experience. not from wasting the day drunk, unfeminine, sleazy and shameless with mori.

>> No.24213981

You just know Mori is only showing up to Kiara's place to ask for some weed since she obviously can't bring it, and Mumei isn't going to bring it.
You just know she's fiending for it after being stuck in Japan for so long.

>> No.24214119 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 491x491, takanashi kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get too cocky.
Reminder, this is what Kiara looks like.

>> No.24214149

>small download size
>4 gb game install after accepting EULA and PP
Fuck man.

>> No.24214199
File: 2.27 MB, 2480x3508, 1651899567501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so beautiful, it hurts sometimes.

>> No.24214363

If Kiara ever seemed "apprehensive", it was only over Mori springing the surprise on her on stream and blatantly inviting herself without talking it over with Kiara privately first so they could actually plan around.

With Mumei, Kiara had zero apprehension, and instead was over the moon that her cute kouhai was visiting her, and they talked it over and planned it out.
Then the fat wigger barges into the plans like a wrecking ball and now the kino Kiara-Mumei alone bonding time is broken and she fucks everything up for them with that stupid hotel shit.

And not only does she invite herself into a pre-existing pair, after they already made their plans, but she doesn't even have the decency to at least ask if she's a bother (not that they would ever refuse, just out of politeness) and if she should schedule her trip earlier/later than Mumei's so Kiara can have her planned alone-time with her. No, she just ruins it ("yo dawgs, no problem if I drop in on you two and take away all your attention, the more the merrier, amirite guize?!?!" "h-haha yeah sure Calli... (ugh)", and expects everyone else to just grin and bear it

>> No.24214372

dem collar bones

>> No.24214417

Oh, fuck off. I am replying to you late now,are you mad? If I see people saying stupid dumb shit, then I am going to correct it. Fuck it if it is timelooping, at least we're talking about something, every time people don't have anything to argue about this becomes the most barren and dead thread on the sub

>> No.24214451

Electrolysis hair removal

>> No.24214473

The hotel thing probably annoys me more than it's reasonable, but I just feel like at that point you're making it clear that you're not going TO visit a person. Which makes sense for Mori since she said from the start that she's just gonna go visit because she's gonna be around for some other reason, but it bothers me for Mooms. I'm not gonna blame Mori (yet), maybe Mumei has other shit she wants to do herself too, but I do feel like if Mori asked Mumei if she wants to share a hotel room with her, she'd say yes.

>> No.24214540
Quoted by: >>24214630

Nigger can you stop spamming your paragraphs

>> No.24214568
Quoted by: >>24214631

I had hoped Mori would cancel once she remembered Kiara has no alcohol

>> No.24214630

I mean, looking at the thread... youu're gonna have to be a lot more specific than that, anon.

>> No.24214631
Quoted by: >>24214679

>canceling a trip to the one of the top 3 most alcoholic countries


>> No.24214661
Quoted by: >>24215294

Would you stop worrying so much about that? Kiara is planning all their days together, they will probably just go to the hotel to sleep and Kiara shot herself in the foot the moment she decided she wouldn't share her bed with anyone because she is prioritizing her cats. Also, its better that they postpone the LOTR watchallong, it would take too much time from them.

>> No.24214679

Look man i dont put it past someone like mori to be too lazy to do a currency exchange at the airport

>> No.24214763

I have an easier explanation.
Both Mumei and Mori have known boyfriends, if they're taking a trip to europe there's a good chance they'd want to take them along.

>> No.24214828
File: 3.61 MB, 396x218, 1628357205820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread about some Austrian weeb faster than half of the video game generals on this site? Come discuss your favorite franchises with us instead of bickering about nonsense.

>> No.24214852
Quoted by: >>24218908

the worst, absolute worst part of this, is Calli as usual, has no self awareness or delicateness about this.

she even admits herself, she's too rough and isn't sensitive to others feelings sometimes.
but lo and fuckin behold, this retarded sow never learns from her mistakes, and QUITE LITERALLY thinks its okay to barge in on a 1-1 offcollab between two girly girls who probably wanted some bonding time.

but to her, 'its cool right? we're all friends!?', and kiara and mumei are robbed.

>> No.24214903
Quoted by: >>24214952

my cock isn't semi hard anymore...where is kiwawa

>> No.24214949
File: 940 KB, 974x1423, 581057_b4c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we run this board

>> No.24214952

She’ll be back in 1 hour, hold strong

>> No.24215036

I downloaded this dumb game
Where is Kiara

>> No.24215074

This woman got me to play a fucking gacha game. At this point I think she could unironically sell timeshares to me.

>> No.24215294

I don't even know what other stuff Mori has to do in europe at the time that would warrant her being "in the area" if it's not just for visiting Kiara (and thus postponeable, so she doesn't have to be there only at the same time Mumei is visiting). Probably some stupid rm touring/concert shit I don't fucking care about anyway.
The hotel shit is definetly on Mori, since she was having her europe trip for other reasons than Kiara anyway and thus would stay in hotels.

If it was just Mumei alone, as it was supposed to be, she definetly would have stayed at Kiara's place only, as Kiara has offered, but now Mori comes along with her hotel shit and probably talked her out of it and made things arkward for both of them.

>Kiara shot herself in the foot the moment she decided she wouldn't share her bed with anyone because she is prioritizing her cats.
Kiara already had family and rl friends stay and sleep over in her new apartment, so there's no "have no space, muh cats" excuse. I hope she reconsiders and everyone talks it over once again before it happens (but haha, HoloEN talking out problems...) so they can stay together with her and she isn't left with regrets about missing stuff and not having spent enough time with them.

Agree on the LOTR watchalong, they should rather use the rare time they have in the offcollab to stuff that can only be done together in person (for example, while the hair-removal isn't my first cup of tea, it's at least something that can only be done then), and not stuff like watchalongs they could also have online any other time either

>> No.24215484

The theory is RM concert or the sydsnap wedding. But this hotel garbage is definitely mori’s fault

>> No.24215569

I thought this was orcschizo?

>> No.24215847
File: 134 KB, 704x728, buk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24218640

fingers crossed

>> No.24215989
Quoted by: >>24216364

If they do stay over and this turns out to be a whole lot of nothing. I'm launching this general into the fucking sun.

>> No.24216143

55 hours

>> No.24216200
File: 40 KB, 500x527, 1612211582320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mori seethe in these threads never fails to make me laugh, especially since it no doubt comes from a place of jealousy.
Mori is the HoloEN who's most similar to Kiara. They're both ambitious hard workers with a tight connection to their fanbase. Neither of them is coasting along in Hololive but they're using it as an opportunity to make something of themselves. And yet Mori is the one that's coming under fire here as opposed to literally any other girl from Myth or Council.
That's why I think KFP are ragging on Mori due to jealousy since Mori is doing a lot of what Kiara is also doing but is more successful at it than Kiara is.

>> No.24216259

it's 1 guy

>> No.24216360
Quoted by: >>24218908

Yeah, it's infuriating. We could've had great moments with her but the shitty brapper is going to ruin everything.

>> No.24216364

you misunderstand. of course it will be a nothing, theyll get along.

its mori with 0 self awareness ruining what was planned to be a bonding trip between mumei and kiara.

mori is infamously insensitive, sleazy and basically acts like a wigger, unlike mumei and kiara whose girliness is raised to 10, and have a lot in common to bond over.

>> No.24216556




>> No.24216576
File: 26 KB, 346x335, FE95bzVXsAELTRw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24218908

>That's why I think KFP are ragging on Mori due to jealousy since Mori is doing a lot of what Kiara is also doing but is more successful at it than Kiara is.
shut the fuck up cuckbeat

mori is a yabai generator who is insensitive and rude to her friends often. the way she treated kiara is why I dont like her.

>> No.24216694

shoo and back to your containment zone, cuckbrap.
KFP are happy enough ignoring Mori if she would just leave Kiara alone, but when she chooses to ruin what was supposed to be bonding time between two actual cute girls just for her selfish bullshit, she will get called out for it and no "h-haha s-seething!" will stop that.

But continue to seethe more and post paragraphs totally not crying about how no one likes your brapwigger here boo-hoo

>> No.24216782

No one brought their jobs into this, retard. Its about Mori inviting herself to Kiara’s place on stream, where obviously she couldn’t say no, during the exact time frame Mumei would be there. If their schedules didnt overlap I dont give a fuck if Mori visits.

Your mother should have swallowed with how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.24216796

Vtubers with a lot of streamtime are fantastic sources of constant converation. Video games, even long ones with large fanbases, eventually peter out in discussion because there's no new things to discuss.

>> No.24216854

Because we're that bored.

>> No.24216972
Quoted by: >>24218908

cuckbeat, instead of coming here, give an akasupa to ur oshi so she calls you a chad, then uses the money to buy condoms to fuck her bf.

>> No.24217116
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Quoted by: >>24217451

In other news, chicken is cute.

>> No.24217198

>off-collabs are great as long as Mori isn't in them

>> No.24217285

Not him, but some amount of reading comprehension would be stellar.

>> No.24217350

>two actual cute girls
Mumei is just a soulless attempt at Gura 2.0 and barely has any history with Kiara whatsoever. A Kiara/Mumei off-collab is meaningless and it's mostly done for the sake of there being an off-collab. You may not like Mori but at the very least a Takamori off-collab would be an actual event.

>> No.24217386

No, ALL collabs are great as long as Mori isn't in them.

>> No.24217451

And cute collab with Inya soon.
Perfect to wash the bad taste of brapwigger retardation off the mind

>> No.24217541
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>> No.24217585

Xou're coming in here, putting down a Mumei-Kiara offcollab, while bigging up your fat wigger bitch of all people as better instead? Just move along, cuckbrap, you're not helping your case in making anyone think higher of Mori instead

>> No.24217636
File: 1.37 MB, 800x800, 1650325437126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want Kiara to be happy. Hanging out with her genmates, kouhais, and senpais does make her happy. Anyone’s opinions of certain members will not take away the fun Kiara will get from these off collabs. Anyways I love this chimken

>> No.24217666
Quoted by: >>24218908

Well, you got me there.
It’s true, My feelings of spite and disgust do come from a place of great jealousy and envy.
Sometimes I wish my oshi would get rawdogged by a nip manlet as well

>> No.24217669

QWERTZ chama...

>> No.24217671

dumb cuckbeat, he just told you. your horrid oshi selfishly thirdwheeled herself onto an offcollab, with zero consideration for either girl's feelings
thats rude in almost every country on earth, alone for the backwater place you were raised in

>> No.24217716
Quoted by: >>24218147

Has anyone else downloaded Valkyrie and also found it to be a crashy piece of shit?
I sit at the menu screen and it restarts on my phone.

>> No.24217780
File: 24 KB, 519x491, EzDupZ6WYAIOmCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24218908

and the cuckbrap reveals himself

>> No.24217797
File: 487 KB, 1100x1000, 1652479774999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this thread is on fire rn

>> No.24217807
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>> No.24217898
File: 135 KB, 780x820, E89Klc6WQAE8u4M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selfishly thirdwheeled herself
Yeah, because Kiara has never done that when Mori's tried to interact with other holos 1:1 right?

>> No.24217946
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>> No.24218001
File: 47 KB, 504x502, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example number 2 btw

>> No.24218027
File: 3.97 MB, 4048x2278, 1642521112558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tophatbeat is morbing out rn

>> No.24218028

average cuckbrap
>rude to mumei -reduces her to a clone
>tries to appease us by not insultuing kiara
>makes false claims -hasnt even watched streams
>acts like his oshi - a rude obnoxious wigger

>> No.24218048

it's true, one joke tweet is basically the equivalent of ruining a rare offcollab

>> No.24218147

It works fine on my old budget phone.

>> No.24218169
Quoted by: >>24218241

LOL those are jokes u dumb cuckbrap

nowhere near ACTUALLY DROPPING UNINVITED in people's personal trips

>> No.24218237

I vividly remember that these two tweets managed to make Kiara appear in an offcollab with Marine and Mori, i might have been in dire need of meds at that time, but that was absolutely what happened.

>> No.24218241
Quoted by: >>24218455

Pretty sure Kiara's extended an open invitation to literally any vtuber who's willing to visit her.

>> No.24218247

Cuckbeat you aren't welcome here. Go send an aka so your whore's bf can buy some condoms.

>> No.24218277
Quoted by: >>24218459

so what's your point at all? What do you think shitting on Kiara will accomplish in the Kiara thread? That we start to like Mori more instead, and applaud her for barging into other people's offcollabs? Why do you even care, seeing as you don't seem to like Kiara either, you should agree that it's better those two don't collab either?

Or you're just shitposting, fuck off

>> No.24218287

I agree, however Mori adds nothing of value in a collab or in a friendship

>> No.24218455

true but there's a thing called 'manners', something mori and cuckbraps are incapable of sadly.

>> No.24218459

Not shitting on Kiara, I'm just pointing out the double standards and the unfair attitude towards Mori.

>> No.24218503

Basically this.

>> No.24218548

>attitude towards Mori
She deserves that and more. Now go back to your split cuck

>> No.24218550
File: 1.08 MB, 2465x2535, 1644585191259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to inya kiwawa

>> No.24218617
Quoted by: >>24218695

Same. Takotori is always kino

>> No.24218640

Dude….that’s dark

>> No.24218649
Quoted by: >>24218695

same. Need some takotori content now

>> No.24218653
File: 183 KB, 693x610, 1650755691504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I didn't know you retards let an egg take hold of your general, sasuga KFP

>> No.24218674
Quoted by: >>24218695

Same. I'm just listening Chicken Horse until it starts. I hope Kiara revisits it, its a fun collab game.

>> No.24218695
File: 57 KB, 680x656, FE-Efo2VUAIzBGj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love their banter so much

>> No.24218697

there is no double standards. its a single standard, where innocent joke =/= ruining offcollab

>> No.24218712
File: 236 KB, 485x514, 1652281155702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24218861

I can't believe your retards fail to recognise a bait. This is pathetic kfpkeks

>> No.24218718

I'll take any opportunity to shit on the fat wigger whore

>> No.24218769

That implies KFP ever actually used a split anon
Pro tip: KFP don't make these threads

>> No.24218806
File: 377 KB, 2252x2159, 1647310322177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for page 10...

remember guys don't reply to cuckbraps bait in next thread

>> No.24218861
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1647806405303s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24218984

>jokes on them, i was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.24218893
Quoted by: >>24218960

Are you guys usually like this?

>> No.24218908

KFP everyone

>> No.24218935
File: 195 KB, 394x388, 1649444585845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ you faggots are the worst
You’d think after months of constant shitposting against Kiara you’d be a bit more humble…

>> No.24218937
File: 92 KB, 462x462, 1630329157872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24219004

I will note the mori dox in global was deleted but the mass self reply was not

>> No.24218945

This implies tranny eggs still exist and have any semblance of power, most of them are deadbeats nowadays if they haven't 41%'d themselves yet

>> No.24218947
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x2500, 1616305630715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24218960
Quoted by: >>24219066

It's hit or miss most days.

>> No.24218966

Thank you old IP for pretending to be a new IP

>> No.24218974
Quoted by: >>24219118

>He posted in the wrong thread

>> No.24218984


>> No.24219004

It’s already been proven there’s a deadbeat janny
Nice falseflag

>> No.24219021

alles meine

>> No.24219030

You're really trying hard here. Good for you, anon.

>> No.24219053

Seems based to me, loyal to their oshi and rightfully persecute shitty "people" like the brapper

>> No.24219066

its the same cuckbeat, hiding behind irony now

>> No.24219089
File: 283 KB, 2048x1991, 1651869591223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Mori

>> No.24219098
Quoted by: >>24219164

Now go back crying to global about how mean KFP are

>> No.24219101

You faggots are pathetic. Your irrational hatred of Mori just comes of as you self inserting into Kiara and being bitter about the break up. Mori has every bit as much as claim to Mumeis time and attention as anyone else. Kiara doesn't own Europe. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.24219112

>KFP hate Mori
Fucking based

>> No.24219117
File: 96 KB, 392x490, 1631670082340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24219238

Why are there so many schizos in my chimkin thread?
Oh well, Kiwawa about to be on the telly.

>> No.24219118

I fucking knew they would samefag so hard that they fuck up the cross post. Even their mom's laughing.

>> No.24219147

Why are you guys seething about Mori when Ame can't even be assed to sort out her shit and she was the one Kiara was looking forward to having over the most?

>> No.24219164
Quoted by: >>24220231

You heard him, takamoritranny >>24219098

>> No.24219168

>Kiara doesn't own Europe
and that's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.24219178

HereFPs should be glad that Kiara is even tolerated on this board. They probably don't even remember how it used to be back on /jp/.

>> No.24219179

damn, good job everyone. kfp strong af.

>> No.24219197
Quoted by: >>24219312

I don't mind her.

>> No.24219238

It is one mentally ill loser chain replying to himself.

>> No.24219244
File: 195 KB, 800x600, 1629032206691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24219548

>Kiara doesn't own Europe

>> No.24219257

>deflecting as usual

>> No.24219271
File: 865 KB, 540x720, Go Back [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi85682.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara doesn't own Europe
You've no idea,anon

>> No.24219273
Quoted by: >>24219373





>> No.24219300
File: 476 KB, 451x539, 1636515942345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24219501

Why isn't mass self-replying bannable?

>> No.24219312
File: 2.01 MB, 1908x1080, Wobbly Kikkeriki [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs2pm8m.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24219423

Wawa on the tele!!!
She's fine. I'm gonna meet her at a con at the hotel bar for sure.

>> No.24219335
Quoted by: >>24219537

>now shitting on another one of Kiara's actual friends
a deflectbrap, everyone!

>> No.24219370
Quoted by: >>24219537

Cuckbeat deflecting

>> No.24219373


>> No.24219401
Quoted by: >>24219531

>stream at 2am to advertise a promo
>just to overlap with 4 ppl collab on Ame's channel
I wouldn't have the nerves for this job.

>> No.24219403

Did this nigger really type a thousand paragraphs just to spam them somewhere else lmao

>> No.24219423

Why doesn't Kiara do an official fan meet-up like Mori? Why do we have to learn about where she's been after the fact?

>> No.24219441

>being bitter about the break up
terminal ao3 brain

>> No.24219467

Yes. Like a predictable moron.

>> No.24219501

Because mods and jannies can see IPs/location and know there is no self-replying

>> No.24219522

yes anon, everyone could see it coming from a mile away

>> No.24219523

t. he self replyer

>> No.24219531
Quoted by: >>24220018

the Horseshit collab was supposed to start one hour earlier and finish in time, but to no one's surprise for [some reason] there was a delay, and oh well overlap here we are...

>> No.24219537

Come on, am I wrong? Lazy bitch procrastinated so much as usual because she can't make a fucking phone call, now everyone is going to be visiting Kiara without her. Probably prefers it that way since she's such a loser who can't handle being around other people.

>> No.24219548

I think Takanashi Kiara should be the President of the European Commision

>> No.24219565

Yes and he’s getting BTFO when he does it

>> No.24219693

Need a new thread for this stream

>> No.24219738
Quoted by: >>24219946

What is kfps opinion on mori?



>> No.24219762
Quoted by: >>24219854

Surprised that they aren't in their outfits yet, guess they wanna special reveal it after a little hype.

>> No.24219772

may I just take a moment to point out that ina'nis is an absolute miracle and we are very fortunate to have her

>> No.24219813

Mass hysteria is even worse

>> No.24219816

Ina is one of the best girls, up there with kiwawa in my book

top class, from debut til now.

>> No.24219854

>he actually believes

>> No.24219862
Quoted by: >>24219968

Ame is loved here. Cope

>> No.24219866
Quoted by: >>24219968

>doubling down on shitting on Ame in the Kiara thread

>> No.24219896

She cute and chill. Her enthusiastic mode is cute as fuck because it's still tempered.

>> No.24219910

NTA but I want to believe too

>> No.24219939

I hope we get the one block MC Takotori soon

>> No.24219946

I'll mean this in the best possible way, the less I have to think about her, the better. And I'd like to keep it that way

>> No.24219968
Quoted by: >>24220023

You can't even defend her behavior while you bend over backwards to hate on Mori any way you can. That's the real sad part here.

>> No.24219979

What do you think it was she was getting all pumped about? The fact that you can get some cute, sultry lines from her?

>> No.24220018

I was really surprised to see the shill stream in this timeslot. Both of them usually have no problem doing it during dead hours (4-5 hours earlier). This shitty situation was bound to happen.

>> No.24220023

>Mori treats Kiara like shit
>We hate her
>Ame treats Kiara well
>We love her
Simple as

>> No.24220030

So besides Mori, we love every holoen girl in here?

>> No.24220060


>> No.24220086

She an Ame are my favorite Myths aside of Kiara

>> No.24220114

I love all of EN.

>> No.24220120

No, we hate Kibaba and Kiwawa as well.

>> No.24220231
File: 3.89 MB, 4566x2619, 1652003256483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek

>> No.24220239


>> No.24220257

I like everyone and think the lot of you (being generous assuming it's more than two shitters) are being extremely schizo

>> No.24220261

Kiara is nervous and Ina is helping her calm down. They are cute.

>> No.24220284

I'm ambivalent to some, but that's just because I don't watch them. I don't hate them though, I reserve that only for bitches who hurt Kiwawa

>> No.24220355

It really is one guy seething kek

>> No.24220366

No, I like a subset of en and ignore the rest to the greatest extent possible.

>> No.24220441

>Kiara is a bow/magic player

>> No.24220467

man, Ina is skinny af.
she makes kiaras body look like a potato.

>> No.24220497


>> No.24220511
File: 147 KB, 800x800, 1643402907747.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara and inya are especially cute today

>> No.24220513

What do you expect of a girl as flat as a board?

>> No.24220553
File: 134 KB, 483x561, 1628021579866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would back out too if I planned a 1-on-1 trip and a bunch of other people jumped in desu

>> No.24220568
Quoted by: >>24220630

She is a woman. She is a generic stereotypical supporter.

>> No.24220585

Asian genetics

>> No.24220612

I fucking love these two.

>> No.24220630

>ywn have your own teenage Kiara mmo healslut...

>> No.24220642

>Should we sympathy laugh?
I fuckin love this idiot.
Imagine taking her on a date and she bluntly, but politely asks you the same thing.

>> No.24220724
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>> No.24220757

Her shields are so goofy in here. Makes me think of yo-yo-esque weapons.

>> No.24220793

I would let Kiara rip.

>> No.24220795

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.24220835
File: 808 KB, 932x1200, Flocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glorious chicken!

>> No.24220873

this has been ridiculous so far

>> No.24220968
File: 141 KB, 661x704, 1652313753413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, my insecure birb.

>> No.24221168

New thread up:

>> No.24221333
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final thoughts

>> No.24221416
File: 119 KB, 1082x607, 1652424684679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread started good then got shit on

>> No.24221485

