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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 54 KB, 400x299, 986e6fd807bfb202a8bfb8038e521054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24085892 No.24085892 [Reply] [Original]

Post rrats about Beatani's fathermotherbrothersisterwife. How many does she have? When are they streaming? Are they schizos? yah

>Who is Risuna?


>Risuna maker:

>Risuna fics

>Last thread

>> No.24086075

more risuna links
>MS archive

>yt channel
>twitch channel
>bea vn

>> No.24086245
Quoted by: >>24086661

I'm already looking for songs for the Risuna breakup album

>> No.24086401
Quoted by: >>24086562

She probably thinks taking this break will disinfect her fanbase from schizos but she's wrong, only the biggest schizos will remain

>> No.24086414
File: 998 KB, 500x276, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fduqdev.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months...

>> No.24086562
Quoted by: >>24086726

I don't think so, she is really going to search for a job before christmas she was already talking about wanting to be fired to find a new job.

>> No.24086586
Quoted by: >>24091091

I don't get people who listen to music loudly
you have your headphones, sound is better, you don't annoy your neighbours and no one has to suffer your cringe taste in music, and if you want to move around there are wireless options

>> No.24086605
File: 2.59 MB, 1872x1861, 1638244196730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.24086627
Quoted by: >>24086707

Wait this text is for /risuna/ but the subject is /yah/

>> No.24086661
Quoted by: >>24086805

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts

>> No.24086707

risuna is drunk

>> No.24086726
Quoted by: >>24086801

Dad she's going to coast for awhile off of last year's donations. I know I would!

>> No.24086798

>bea retired
lol what did she at least finish yakuza 0 or explain what her ARG was about?

>> No.24086801
Quoted by: >>24087113

how long will the donations last if she does that?

>> No.24086805
File: 468 KB, 722x690, 1649081229914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely don't plan on getting drunk and blasting that while ugly crying. Nope, couldn't be me.

>> No.24087065

"Even though you are a neet I can love dadchama, even though you are foolish I love you brothers and sisters"

High volume, on repeat all day

>> No.24087070
Quoted by: >>24087185

I wanted to downgrade by membership but now I can't because there's a freechat so I'd be never able to upgrade again because everyone would see it and think I'm not loyal...

>> No.24087113
Quoted by: >>24087295

If she spends it wisely it could last at least 6 months. Bea is pretty frugal most of the time.

>> No.24087185
File: 107 KB, 690x792, 1641430589415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi! How dare you think of turning into a grey piece of shit!

>> No.24087232

Why is there a Beatani general even after she graduated? You fucks should go touch grass.

>> No.24087285
File: 284 KB, 2000x2000, 0fd31b7ed5f007f3ce13f36af1e8509a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's supposed to be risuna but I'm an idiot and she will come back

>> No.24087295
Quoted by: >>24087495

She made 60k, which should last at least 4 years in tokyo if you're not wasting money

>> No.24087331
Quoted by: >>24088317

Tell that to Ayame fans

>> No.24087344
Quoted by: >>24087963

Nice way to drop your name, faggot. I've already blocked all your socials and filtered your posts.

>> No.24087495
Quoted by: >>24087965

She probably spent a decent chunk of that or gave it to her mom

>> No.24087963
Quoted by: >>24087995

discord is worse than 4chan in day to day use, but a time may come we dont have a thread up and in such a case discord is a good back up

>> No.24087965
Quoted by: >>24088014

she spent on equipment and probably chihiro shopping addition

>> No.24087995

>but a time may come we dont have a thread up
Yeah no thanks you you, niggerfaggot.

>> No.24088014


>> No.24088232
File: 334 KB, 542x617, 1639218607533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24088317

She doesn't have a 24/7 general

>> No.24088343
Quoted by: >>24088409

She doesn't have an official discord either

>> No.24088373

that's because this board, like the vtuber fad, is dead.

>> No.24088409
Quoted by: >>24088597

That's two things that this dead chuuba has that shouldn't exist. Nuke the discord, stop bumping your dead threads, and kys retards.

>> No.24088527

well, dads what kind of reps you will do during this waiting time?

>> No.24088589

Hand reps, target practice reps

>> No.24088597

Cut your dick off and kill yourself retard. Our oshi will be back in a few months minimum and dads will be there then.

>> No.24088633

Gonna resume my moonrunes reps, and I also plan to draw more fanarts of Bea and friends.

>> No.24088686

im going to keep up with my JP reps, try to learn singing so I can participate in the next Risuna album and continue lifting for the glory of the bear

>> No.24088745

Stop making threads now, she isnt going to stream for months

>> No.24088798


>> No.24088809

I want Risuna threads!! Stinky bear AWAY!!!!!

>> No.24088858

threads counter discord niggers
thread makes discord niggers seethe
discord niggers get the rope

>> No.24088889

Shes not even streaming for months though

>> No.24088896
File: 170 KB, 1400x1000, 1636567993105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Month 1 - Day 0 Whatever skills and reps you intend to grind during the hiatus, now is the perfect time to plan how you'll do it dads.

>> No.24088916


>> No.24088942

dads who know japanese, it' s really hard to learn it? i want to use this time to try to understand what bea says.

>> No.24089059

bea speaks english anon

>> No.24089087

She mostly just makes comments on the side in really simple Japanese along with her English. So you should be able to reach a level where you understand a good bit of what she's saying by the time she gets back.

>> No.24089146

Maybe risunamon can happen, but mendokusai.

>> No.24089155

Honestly this hiatus came at a really good time for me.

>> No.24089321
Quoted by: >>24089395

When you lie, I'll cover it up
When you hide, I'll cover it up
When you cry, I'll cover it up
When you come undone, I'll cover it up

>> No.24089395
File: 315 KB, 466x574, 8D16FEB7-3CFF-4424-929F-9CBF0C0FDC7D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24089618

Any risuna streams you're looking forward to?

>> No.24089670

and also ar1 x ar3 minecraft s*x

>> No.24089687

A bunch of random things that will either be cute, comfy, or make people laugh. And I want to get better at art.

>> No.24089730

>6 months
I have a feeling that 6 months is the minimum, she added the 3 months to give us hope but i bet she's going to prolong it

>> No.24090126

That just means the threads are needed more than ever to stop dads from leaving

>> No.24090889

No one cares about risuna chuubas. Let this be a warning to the others thinking of risunatubing: yah only cares about bea

>> No.24090898
Quoted by: >>24090975

I just hope that Bea will rest and find the job quickly
streaming or not, being unemployed in a metropolitan city on top of having old parents you want to care for is super stressful

>> No.24090975

she will find it, she said she will take a half month vacation or even more she will be fine.

>> No.24090984
Quoted by: >>24091181

>dad unfollowed me
Oh you hate me I see...

>> No.24091091

Speakers and headphones aren't the same.

>> No.24091171

yes, headphones are better

>> No.24091177

doesn't change the fact that they're assholes

>> No.24091181

I have only unfollowed dads who's accounts are only porn.

>> No.24091268


>> No.24091730

I hope you don't mind using hearing aids at 30

>> No.24091775


>> No.24091805

>subscribers slowly increasing because chat became subscribers only

>> No.24091864

We know, I'll still stream from time to time

>> No.24091943

On a poorfag budget like I have, definitely. I would not use them if I was an oil baron.

>> No.24091948
File: 71 KB, 416x446, 1643910749675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tensai bear

>> No.24092010
Quoted by: >>24092034

Should've made it member only

>> No.24092023

Enjoy your last thread /yah/niggers. We're gonna be having Risuna threads soon.

>> No.24092034

Bea has a soft spot for greys. Not everyone is perfect.

>> No.24092217
Quoted by: >>24092413

retard you can actually listen to music quieter on headphones because they block outside sounds

>> No.24092374
File: 532 KB, 747x630, 1359001037141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized that I ended up idolizing bea, she's funny, plays guitar, makes her own art, sings, has a good job, etc.
And while other dads were making music, singing, doing art, etc. I was just sitting around talentless
and now she's gone

>> No.24092413

You're the retard. The closer the soundwaves are to your ear, the more they damage it. The soundwaves also bounce around in the headphones, so they damage your ears multiple times. The perceived loudness doesn't matter, what matters is the SPL.

>> No.24092488

>I was just sitting around talentless
You have plenty of time to fix that now

>> No.24092539

It's not too late to catch up. You could start now and be semi decent by the time she's back.

>> No.24092549

Watching her fawn over the other dads' singing and drawing during the birthday while I can do basically nothing in the creative arts sphere stung a bit. Where are the science and engineering vtubers so I don't feel so worthless?

>> No.24092633
Quoted by: >>24093001

If my art can get praise, yours can

>> No.24092688
File: 1.20 MB, 899x903, 1630881455214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many dads were not singers or artists before the bear. She encouraged them to start new hobbies and those were the results of more than a year's efforts. Even the moonrune learning dads she so often made fun of became respected by her as time went on and she realized how serious they were. IIRC at one point she had joined the JP Learners discord that dads were using and started teaching bits of Japanese. For Bea it was always about the individual effort.

>> No.24092772
Quoted by: >>24093001

Buddy you don’t wanna go back and listen to the risuna Christmas album my mixing skills were nonexistent and they aren’t much better now. The best day to start your reps was yesterday but the next best time is now. Don’t let your dreams be dreams.

>> No.24092935

>Where are the science and engineering vtubers so I don't feel so worthless?
There's many things you could do with those skills if you wanted to

>> No.24093001
Quoted by: >>24093035

You're right, I'm just feeling a little menhera today, please understand. I'll have something cool for when she comes back.

>> No.24093035

I'll look forward to seeing it

>> No.24093089
Quoted by: >>24093346

She has been an inspiration to finally make an effort to learn creative skills. Dads play a large part too in encouraging one another. You could say she got lucky with all the talented people but much bigger chuubas are lucky to get half the effort from their viewers. Bea and dads are simply the best.

>> No.24093177

Streams of that stuff just aren't that interesting to watch.
Maybe a science vtuber that was a knockoff of nilered would be interesting, but mostly for videos not streams.

>> No.24093346

other chuubas try and fail to reach the heights of success she's had with dads having so many skills and pumping out so much OC because they do not care to remember the early days. most artists in the community were new and lots of art was what some would consider bad. most chuubas would have ignored lots of it but the bear took the time to encourage everyone to sharpen their skills and reach greater heights, she even talked some of the dads who were considering quitting JP learning to keep at it in one of her first twitch streams. in a way Bea herself put in the work to take care of her community very early on and much of it is a result of her efforts. for better or for worse this stinky bear has changed many of us forever.

>> No.24093518
Quoted by: >>24093578

I'm going to touch Chihiro's fingertips when she hands me my change at Lawson.

>> No.24093578

I truly wish you luck dad. I hope you get to keep all of your fingers too.

>> No.24093868
File: 35 KB, 246x138, 1619059454865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I was one of the encouraged, still after the year I can't draw but fuck yeah learning new hobby was lifechanging and enjoying. I finally understood what the fuck was wrong with arm movements and then I got massively better at csgo.
So I dropped drawing at meanwhile (it's not the best time to draw because of current workload and lack of time to keep learning, just grinding) but I still recommend anyone to try new hobby they wanted to. It won't hurt.
Bea Love.
Also fuck Susan.

>> No.24094032

>most chuubas would have ignored lots of it
Is it really that common for indies to ignore fan art?

>> No.24094081
Quoted by: >>24094246

It will be interesting to watch these threads while beatani is gone and see what happens to schizo dads without stimulus.

>> No.24094107


>> No.24094246
Quoted by: >>24094327

it'll be more interesting to watch the discord. welllll its already long gone to shit but maybe they can hit new lows.

>> No.24094327
Quoted by: >>24094530

Reportchads, where are you? Just the existence of the data scraper should be enough to get the server banned.

>> No.24094454
Quoted by: >>24123906

Not at all its just that lots of the art early on was low quality.

>> No.24094530
Quoted by: >>24094882

why would ms existing be bannable for the server? plenty of server admins archive their own servers.
but reportchads should still get in here there's alot of work to be done

>> No.24094762

now that I pay attention to the game, risuna is supposed to be a girl but she is treated like a boy.

>> No.24094882
Quoted by: >>24095173

Using a non-bot account as a bot and scraping are both against the TOS.
It would make more sense to just ban MS's accounts, but Discord likes to go full retard sometimes.

>> No.24094993
File: 15 KB, 635x72, Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 4.47.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24095139

dafuq do you want romeo?

>> No.24095139

Romeo is such a retard

>> No.24095173

It's not like anyone can stop that

>> No.24095306

Romeo is a faggot and yesterday he was talking about showing his dick to some underage boy. What a shock, a faggot AND a pedophile.

>> No.24095310
File: 227 KB, 416x520, 1624141857274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is too early to start a timeloop about discord, you are going to do your reps and not waste your time here right?

>> No.24095438

what if we delete the discord?

>> No.24095494
File: 563 KB, 692x716, 1641958335816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24095715

I love this chuuba so much!
She's just the greatest!
I haven't watched a single stream of hers but I'd die for this cute and funny and stinky bear!

>> No.24095519

start drawing

>> No.24095547
Quoted by: >>24095679

Maybe it could be disabled temporarily for the break to cure discord addictions

>> No.24095550
Quoted by: >>24095628

Romeo will make his own and all the fags can hang out there

>> No.24095628

Fuckin perfect.

>> No.24095679

It won't work. They will relapse for sure.

>> No.24095715
Quoted by: >>24095748

Babytani is great, unlike that cumstain Fuwatani. I will burn that whore in effigy.

>> No.24095748

You're in luck. AR is making a fuckton of fuwatanis at the factory.

>> No.24095799

So, six months....

What 2view will /yah/ groom in the mean time?

>> No.24095862

none after this will be risuna 24/7

>> No.24095869
Quoted by: >>24095980

One of them has a magazine of hollow points with her name on it in that case.

>> No.24095926


>> No.24095933

Let's make salmon incline and dump her the day Bea comes back

>> No.24095934
File: 66 KB, 526x507, 1640874281454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uni semester is over
>Got a drawing tablet for Christmas
>3 months to grind out my reps before fall classes start
I hope I can make Bea and Dads proud!

>> No.24095945

Will he stick them up his ass too?

>> No.24095966

You're gonna make it!

>> No.24095980

Fuck you're waaaay ahead of us already finishing this year's risuna magazine.

>> No.24096088
Quoted by: >>24096200

Nivi the Salmon hasn't streamed in a while. I hope she comes back soon.
Unfortunately Salmon is also a huuuge discord nigger (she came from discord in the first place), but at least her cord is comfy and not the cesspool that beacord is.

>> No.24096200
Quoted by: >>24096905

exactly what cesspool ? it's people talking about everyday shit all the damn time i don't know what you mean

>> No.24096499

she's unironically autistic and I would genuinely feel bad

>> No.24096522
File: 8 KB, 257x50, 1637724141755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24096921

wasn't this spicygrandpa?

>> No.24096600

good luck dad

>> No.24096905

Oh you know just 2000ppd of casual racism, insults, slurs, and general faggotry with absolutely nothing of value. Take the worst posts in this thread and turn it up to 11.

>> No.24096921

no that was a rrat but he was one of the original discord niggers

>> No.24097136

I think risuna has a cute butt

>> No.24097950
File: 14 KB, 432x194, streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24097957
Quoted by: >>24098413


>> No.24098117
File: 11 KB, 332x164, 1633070021203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24098752

One day...

>> No.24098413
Quoted by: >>24098500

5 month break?

>> No.24098500
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x1000, 1635427944566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than 6

>> No.24098752

She's 90 so 60 years is not so long for her.

>> No.24099638
Quoted by: >>24099672

actually this is pretty reassuring. i belieb that if she makes these slots she won't disappear forever and she will come back for sure

>> No.24099672
Quoted by: >>24099849

I'm still waiting on that GFE stream

>> No.24099849


>> No.24100171

Day 1

>> No.24101171

> Actual stream slots.

This has settled my uneasiness. I'm GMI. See you in 6 months Bea!

>> No.24101999 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 452x368, dmleak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24145233

I got a leak of AR's DMs

>> No.24102125
File: 1.12 MB, 736x627, 1494797174104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24103111
File: 474 KB, 1031x1541, FShgW21aMAIyEam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24103140

she loves us

>> No.24103184

so cute

>> No.24103202


>> No.24105906
File: 425 KB, 740x694, 1650186292387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really believe her that she will be away from the internet? I don't.

>> No.24105947

Not a chance but it's good to aim high and do your best anyway.

>> No.24107276

No, she'll be bored to death in a few days

>> No.24109646
File: 111 KB, 585x527, 1619269892063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24110796

>> No.24110796
File: 715 KB, 1400x1800, 1638074957114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24116188


>> No.24112690

No but, I want her to focus on her job hunting.

>> No.24114842
File: 311 KB, 512x700, 1645622483728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her but I sincerely hope she takes this seriously and gets to work somewhere good/

>> No.24114846

Is she a /here/?

>> No.24114930
Quoted by: >>24117365

She's come /here/, but she's not from /here/ if that makes sense. Many of her early fans happen to be from here.

>> No.24114998
Quoted by: >>24117365


>> No.24116188

what happened to yukkin?

>> No.24116222

She's still out there.

>> No.24116410
File: 12 KB, 410x178, tumor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24116462


>> No.24116462

That's rough, best wishes for her recovery.

>> No.24116717
File: 437 KB, 442x635, 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24116856

>> No.24116856
File: 48 KB, 298x384, 1640869393908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be time for her to wear a coat by the time we see her again

>> No.24116987

She's selling GFE by literally selling dms and voice chat and video messages for money. You can also buy access to her simpcord

>> No.24117030

Based, I wish Bea did. I'd be there in a second

>> No.24117365
Quoted by: >>24117427

No she hasn't visited 4chan at all after switching completely to Discord.

>> No.24117427
Quoted by: >>24118168

It's not much, but her mocking the say genki as soon as she starts leads me to believe that she checks out the thread at least sometimes. I doubt she will during her hiatus but it was nice that this little corner wasn't totally abandoned.

>> No.24118166

My schizo mind is making up rrats. I suddenly feel like it wasn't a joke when she said "wouldn't it be funny if you could say my oshi is dead let's gooo". I'm gonna concern that she has some serious disease and that this whole hiatus is just for her to undergo surgery.

>> No.24118168
Quoted by: >>24118278

she never stopped coming here, I don't understand why they say she stopped, only when she first came here and when she tried using a tripcode made it obvious that she was here,

>> No.24118196
Quoted by: >>24118218

She only did that because she needed money for her cancer treatment

>> No.24118218

You can't blame her in that case

>> No.24118222

before christmas she has been talking about how she wanted to get fired to change job

>> No.24118278
Quoted by: >>24118395

For a long time after the trip code she would post original drawings in the thread to show her presence subtly, but she hasn't done it months.

>> No.24118395

before the dirty dog the ugly cat drawing

>> No.24118429
Quoted by: >>24119871

I didn't pay much attention to that earlier, but now that you mention it, she really did say it out of nowhere. It might not even be a disease but a suicide message. I just can't understand the japanese mentality that you have to kill yourself if you lose your job and can't find a new one.

>> No.24118435
File: 14 KB, 377x242, 1626497755078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24119915

smug paws cat isnt ugly

>> No.24118454

Yes, that one. I've gotten a couple paws (You) drawings and it's always been great.

>> No.24118489

That was playing off a discussion in the dicksword

>> No.24119871

>japanese mentality
y-yeah anon not like anyone else in the world kills themselves

>> No.24119915

that smug cat aura is based

>> No.24121700
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24121772
File: 293 KB, 482x476, 1637617105298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24121775

I've never heard of people outside of japan commiting suicide

>> No.24122145
Quoted by: >>24123136

Not because of losing a job

>> No.24123136

maybe you should do some education reps while bea's gone

>> No.24123906
File: 773 KB, 1397x2689, 1624208900627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While many improved a lot, this one always strikes me in term of before/after, there was like 9 months between both

>> No.24124120

ngl this guy is a fuckin god holly shit

>> No.24124632
File: 50 KB, 360x359, 1631753813338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24133959

Eko's improvement makes me more aware of my own lack of improvement but he probably invested a lot more time into it

>> No.24125182
File: 160 KB, 548x514, 1555671212977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24125482
File: 1.57 MB, 3000x4000, 1622789955196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24152718

I'll just post art

>> No.24126381
File: 145 KB, 1080x1667, 3DB05D9A-8E54-4235-90A5-F801F428496B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 1 of I miss this fucking bear gao

>> No.24126955
File: 2.25 MB, 218x200, 1650758504010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this fucking bear

>> No.24127951
File: 537 KB, 900x900, FSV37ZyVUAEVtrl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bea was good...

>> No.24128217


>> No.24128378

Bea will have a bealated return

>> No.24128780
Quoted by: >>24131271

Let's have an Aggie
Up until full

>> No.24129090
File: 1.87 MB, 4093x2894, 1646776436044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24130213

Will she grow fat from all the alcohol she's drinking like mixer mom?

>> No.24130344
File: 1.34 MB, 1413x1108, pierce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24130641
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>> No.24130830

hopefully not, she said she will cut down on drinking to save her liver

>> No.24131271
Quoted by: >>24131648

>Let's have an Aggie
>Up until full
can I draw something somewhere else and then just copy it to the aggie?
if so - how?

>> No.24131324
File: 3.88 MB, 2000x3000, 1634333090810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24131351

>> No.24131351

bea clone just hits different now

>> No.24131648

You copy it from somewhere else and click edit -> paste

>> No.24133131
File: 57 KB, 355x405, 1625279493130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24133823

Sex with Beatani sounds really appealing

>> No.24133959

Unironically start using references when drawing (no not tracing, obviously), this should help you git gud quicker. Also, if you don't have a tablet, practice on paper. Mouse is a difficult tool and will slow down your progress considerably.

>> No.24135223
File: 110 KB, 555x463, 0c2e4d197605c1bca9e1242ee8941f18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24135383
Quoted by: >>24149700

im not really artdad but i think theres a huge difference in feeling between drawing on paper/drawing on a screen tablet VS drawing on a tablet without a screen. it feels so jarring to me that you are putting the pen down somewhere separate from where you look.

>> No.24136824

not that dad, but I am going to use your advice anyway, thanks

>> No.24137044
Quoted by: >>24137278

She inclines more during the hiatus than Yakuza week. I really don't understand how people think.

>> No.24137278
Quoted by: >>24137536

Literally the subs only freechat.
Fucking Discord shill freechat antis want her to fail.

>> No.24137536
Quoted by: >>24137812

I've heard that, but it seems unlikely that someone who hasn't subscribed to her already would be interested enough to subscribe solely to talk in a free chat that she's never going to read. What's going through their minds?

>> No.24137812
Quoted by: >>24138032

I literally subscribed to her to talk in the last stream because subs only mode.
Youtube recommends me all her streams anyways so I never bothered to subscribe.

>> No.24138032

>Youtube recommends me all her streams anyways so I never bothered to subscribe.
This is bizarre to me. Have you been watching for a long time?

>> No.24138116
Quoted by: >>24138149

I've been watching her since forever. I never subscribe to channels because why even bother? Susan is too smart.

>> No.24138149
Quoted by: >>24138270

How does it feel to be a lurker dad?

>> No.24138270
Quoted by: >>24138356

I'm not a lurker I post in /yah/ all the time. I just never hit the subscribe button.
You know that when youtubers ask the viewers to "like and subscribe" it actually increases those numbers quite a bit? Viewers are very lazy and they won't hit the button unless they have a good reason to.

>> No.24138356
File: 215 KB, 348x396, 1651624535425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She says please subscribe to me at the end of every stream. How heartless to deny your daughter what she wants the most, numbers.

>> No.24138453

That's not bea, that's just a recording.

>> No.24138585


>> No.24138678

https://youtu.be/QzVJG8K9rNQ watch Risuna tabun maybe

>> No.24139190

how can you be so heartless

>> No.24139552
File: 445 KB, 790x603, prerecorded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24139649


>> No.24139649

that VN was so good, that I am still kneeling

>> No.24140459
File: 65 KB, 768x744, 1639257252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait 5 months. I'm going to meet her right now

>> No.24140565

I think the artdad powerhouse combo of *** x ***** combined with the writing experience of ***** made for a great work

>> No.24140917

Risunas you can watch:

>> No.24140926
Quoted by: >>24141003

I was behind the putting up a free chat idea but now that we have 2 streams frames set up it's kind of useless and.....lame

>> No.24141003
Quoted by: >>24141080

Those have 60 year subscription minimums so they don't really count.

>> No.24141080
File: 24 KB, 400x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open to check
I wish I didn't

>> No.24141134
Quoted by: >>24151862

I miss c3

>> No.24141192
Quoted by: >>24141219

>writing experience of *****
So he was ********* all along?

>> No.24141219

just drop the names you fags

>> No.24141298

if you want to literally shitpost, at least pay for it in real money

>> No.24141299
Quoted by: >>24141403

How much is that? 20 cents?

>> No.24141383

I have 2 questions.
Will Bea read these when she comes back?
Why are Argies like this?

>> No.24141403
Quoted by: >>24141867


>> No.24141867
Quoted by: >>24142176

That's basically free. I'm going to start writing all my chat messages in ars supas from now on.

>> No.24142176
Quoted by: >>24142528

Help a dad out and tell me where to get an ars proxy.

>> No.24142302

It was surprisingly great, when did they start working on it?

>> No.24142308

We can find out who wasn't a subscriber by checking which big names aren't chatting in freechat this week.

>> No.24142515
Quoted by: >>24163057

I think it was around when Bea released hers.

>> No.24142528
Quoted by: >>24142592

Buy nordvpn and get a refund within 30 days

>> No.24142592

based thanks

>> No.24143918
File: 1.22 MB, 964x934, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24145233

digits of genuine truth

>> No.24145592

how can one bea be so cute bros?

>> No.24147049
File: 449 KB, 720x963, isreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.24147224
File: 488 KB, 1500x843, 2dfd26cc4b82d39634ad5f992a335ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24148841


>> No.24148841
File: 544 KB, 1300x1170, 98629f4801700329000bb08e8ad69429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24149356
File: 554 KB, 1595x1200, gosling final solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based bear!

>> No.24149700

It's not that different from using a mouse

>> No.24150276
File: 707 KB, 633x859, 1643058177135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatan the otaku princess

>> No.24151862

He is still here

>> No.24152718

i'll just save art

>> No.24152872
File: 39 KB, 440x557, FIcBuJTWQAAyev0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to do your reps, today dads. Make this bear proud when she returns.

>> No.24153598

I WILL fill this jar for her

>> No.24154084
Quoted by: >>24154492

Now that i have free time i started watching what we do in the shadows, that shit is fucking funny

>> No.24154492

My uncle recommended that to me but I haven't gotten around to it.

>> No.24156790

tomorrow I will start

>> No.24157037

What's the hurry? We have months.

>> No.24158752
File: 204 KB, 1200x1200, 1639552109229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24161861

Only 148 days, 22 hours and 36 (+15) minutes to go! Not that I'm counting or anything!

>> No.24161861
File: 309 KB, 2000x2000, 1623658151035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24163057

February. Shortly before Bea's and other dad's project.

>> No.24163221
Quoted by: >>24166468

There is an Aggie with no rush to do your reps or show your reps on
It stays up as long as it needs to. I'm too busy right now to finish a sketch but I will stop by.

>> No.24164984
File: 1.67 MB, 2384x1720, 1646136093518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go to the beach

>> No.24165744
File: 933 KB, 1920x2944, merchchoices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which merch should I work on next? I'm already talking to factories for the marked ones.

>> No.24166403

None of them I prefer to make them myself

>> No.24166468
Quoted by: >>24167006

based aggie enjoyer

what do those moi runes mean?

>> No.24166475
Quoted by: >>24167006

The water bottle

>> No.24166674
Quoted by: >>24166788

Hey, I have an idea since my slippers are old.
Make Bea spurdo slippers real. Or maybe just Bea slippers... or Risuna?

>> No.24166788

Bea Spurdo ones with a little braid would be cool

>> No.24167006

1 XP hill acylic stand
2 Beatani family buttons
3 Fuwafuwa Fuwatani keychain
4 Fuwatani stuffed toy
5 Paws stand clip
6 Mirror world keychain
7 Clover bookmark
8 Clover pin
9 Cute and funny beer mugs
10 /yah/ leather strap

Which one? I didn't put one there but does something look like it?

>> No.24167080
File: 60 KB, 273x563, 1630165155417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24167163

I can't read Japanese and it looks like a water bottle to me.

>> No.24167163
File: 199 KB, 1200x1200, 1642483722352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24167227

Such as

>> No.24167227
Quoted by: >>24167379

Kek I kind of like it. I haven't fleshed out this idea but I'd make it.
Any suggestions on what you're looking for in a good water bottle?

>> No.24167379

Something durable like a Nalgene or aluminum, about a quart or liter. A handle like depicted and you could add the clover charm to it.

>> No.24167406
File: 578 KB, 2884x4096, FN43QpSX0AYZbFw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24167455

Is this risuna?

>> No.24167455

Since a dad drew it, probably so.

>> No.24168045

How do these options look?

>> No.24168115

Those would be nice, it looks like they're insulated too.

>> No.24168143

Also, what's a good color?

>> No.24168205

I think green would be good, but not too bright. Something like #008847

>> No.24169174
Quoted by: >>24169267

New Oil Balon post.

>> No.24169267
Quoted by: >>24169386

there hasn't been one for months, you lying piece of shit.

>> No.24169386

Why do balons still exist? You should all become family.

>> No.24169719

I'm sticking Balon for a month, just in case I know the chance of Balon-post is near 0

>> No.24169753

it's just a meme at this point

>> No.24169766
Quoted by: >>24170015


>> No.24169822

I spend more than that on dinner

>> No.24169927
File: 463 KB, 764x741, 1619327713074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking a lot of things can happen in 5 months, don't die, you idiots, except for the ones i don't like, you can die.

>> No.24170015
File: 122 KB, 1080x1328, 1624824959284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24170203
Quoted by: >>24170392

Feels like it's been a month already

>> No.24170392

It'll be like Interstellar

>> No.24170753
File: 123 KB, 806x340, supercute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24170851

Rate the logo. I'm wondering if I should delete the bottom uohhh text and also maybe the "karakuchi" part

>> No.24170851

It's a little plain

>> No.24171483
File: 40 KB, 552x736, 1636291937538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24171575


>> No.24171575

sleeping or scratching her cunt while pretending to be an ojisan on line for at least a month

>> No.24171965

I want to slap bea's sunburn

>> No.24172026

I want to peropero all of those pussies

>> No.24172578
Quoted by: >>24174260

nice try but I'm not going to give you my fucking address.

>> No.24173421

Dads are sexy and I want to have sex with them

>> No.24173863

We should have asked her to say 'yah' one last time before she went on break. Bea, if you're reading this give us a Twitter soundpost onegai

>> No.24173929
Quoted by: >>24174412

Beatani is dead anons the accident was over a year ago you have to let go

>> No.24174260
Quoted by: >>24174308

They'll be on Amazon prime. Amazon won't tell me your address.

>> No.24174308

I don't trust you anyway

>> No.24174329

I need to know
I need to know

>> No.24174412

if she were dead it would be easier for me to sleep at night and not think that she might be talking to someone in secret.

>> No.24175225
Quoted by: >>24175297


>> No.24175297

Silly KnowDads, some knowledge requires you to Earn the Right. Good luck~!

>> No.24175338

know what?
