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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.24090897

IRySuperGlue soon

>> No.24090914
File: 1.25 MB, 1198x1070, Angrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24092735

I still can't upload soundposts

>> No.24090962 [DELETED] 

Piggums isn't getting out of bed.

>> No.24091172

HiRys, /HiRys/.

They said it was ready on the new year but it needed some adjustments.

>> No.24091198
File: 2.98 MB, 1940x2251, IRySoThirsty[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7ka0om.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24092735

The clocktist changed her time to her usual one, I'm not getting my hopes up though.

>> No.24091207 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24091225

She was too fat to fit into it.

>> No.24091225


>> No.24091238
File: 2.55 MB, 1056x992, New Outfit When [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7aqtz5.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24092735


>> No.24091290
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, 20220408_011233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait

>> No.24091335
File: 731 KB, 741x1080, What the fuckRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did buy two though right? You wouldn't soil your only dollrys right?

>> No.24091421 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24091445

Just don't rub your dick on everything for a change, pigfucker.

>> No.24091437
File: 1.49 MB, 1666x1097, FRxrgKmaQAE5Mum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24092735

I miss the cute dork.

>> No.24091445

That's the whole point of DollRyS

>> No.24091449

Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft.

Considering that Kronii will be streaming, she should join in (if possible)

>> No.24091612 [DELETED] 

Piggy would be creeped out.

>> No.24091648
Quoted by: >>24091692

DollRyS is for hugs. Pig schizo makes a logical point for once despite its refusal to acknowledge that IRyS is not a pig.

>> No.24091692

There's no place for wholesomeness in this fanbase

>> No.24091774
File: 622 KB, 3000x3000, 873821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24092735

I love IRyS, she's a cute dork
I miss her

>> No.24091789

Yoooo I am totally glad I bought one now

>> No.24091961 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24092020

So is it true that piggins is the only Holomem whose birthday merch didn't sell out?
That's fucking pathetic.

>> No.24092020

Yeah even her voice pack is still up for sale after all this time

>> No.24092066 [DELETED] 

You can run out of a wav file!

>> No.24092121
Quoted by: >>24092161

You can't run out of a wav file.

>> No.24092161 [DELETED] 

But you CAN run out of hope.
See: piggums on pills.

>> No.24092193

I'm not having that conversation with you.

>> No.24092259 [DELETED] 

You can pretty up the pig all you want, but her behavior took a turn for the menhera very suddenly.
I've heard bipolar disorder can be dramatic and sudden in women her age. Maybe the lithium really was for something more serious.

>> No.24092303

Depression is a sickness. What's important is that she has reached out to a doctor and getting medicine to help her.

>> No.24092362 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24092403

Should've gotten some appetite suppressants.

>> No.24092403

yea, if the doctor thinks she has that problem, where is your md degree?

>> No.24092522 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24092672

Well, he prescribed her lithium, so he DID think piggy was bipolar or suicidal.
Hell, maybe she could work being bipolar into her angel/demon dichotomy and become a full-on mental disorder chuuba who farms sympathy bucks.

>> No.24092534
Quoted by: >>24092589

>inb4 piggy anon is aneRyS

>> No.24092589 [DELETED] 

Bitch fucked 2 of my doctor friends at my own wedding!

>> No.24092659
Quoted by: >>24092720

irystocrats the most flaky and easily shaken fanbase? barely a week gone and y'all descended to madness

>> No.24092672

yea, and what's the problem? people get sick, they get treated

>> No.24092720

just the same schizo posting the same shit, he was here even before IRyS got sick

>> No.24092724

Isn't lithium a supplement you can buy just like any other supplement?
If she was suicidal she would get something strong instead of a supplement.

>> No.24092735
File: 589 KB, 1080x1101, 1652240137875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24092784
Quoted by: >>24092811

You are fucking retarded

>> No.24092811


>> No.24092857

Don't think there is anything that says she is suicidal. She likely has bipolar. Depression and bi polar has large ranges, and not everyone is suicidal.

>> No.24092897

I hope she tries to fix the source of the problem instead of just relying on meds

>> No.24092942 [DELETED] 

She's been "nauseous" the last couple days, which means she's pregnant, or she stopped taking the pills.
And no man wants to make slow, tender, baby-making love to piggums.

>> No.24093007

I told you already, nauseous means cancer, go look it up at webmd dumbfuck.

>> No.24093059

There's no proof of suicidal ideation, depression or bipolar disorder. All you fags biting bait reply to the tranny posting on cooldown are pathetic. All we know is she's stressed and has trouble sleeping.

>> No.24093075

Clearly, everyone here would.

>> No.24093124

Who cares.

>> No.24093128
File: 2.25 MB, 452x490, Eww[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Fyoored.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one that works is pomf...

>> No.24093159

She was prescribe mood stabilizers, which is commonly used to treat bipolar

>> No.24093179
Quoted by: >>24093340

>no man wants to make slow, tender, baby-making love to piggums.
Hey, you're here so that means that your father is brave enough to do all that with your mother.

>> No.24093219
Quoted by: >>24093321

Or depression which is more likely than bipolar.

>> No.24093321
Quoted by: >>24093540

mood stabilizer is generally for bipolar, antidepressant for depression

>> No.24093340 [DELETED] 

I don't care about my mother, my father, or how many times they came the night they conceived me.
We're talking about piggums, so keep things on topic.

>> No.24093472
File: 730 KB, 3840x2160, FSbkVnjUcAAiaEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24093521 [DELETED] 

That's a lot of calories.

>> No.24093540

Unlike american doctors japs won't give you opiates that easily.

>> No.24093567
File: 631 KB, 524x489, 1629655006554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24093579

How does one get mindbroken by a corpo chuuba like this? I could understand if you were DMing and talking to a 2view daily and got too attached but this is just beyond my understanding.

>> No.24093708 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24093790

She ate into a microphone, and it was very rude.

>> No.24093716
Quoted by: >>24093843

Lithium is low hanging fruit when dealing with depression or other mental health problems along side other deficiencies such as vitamin D.

>> No.24093790
Quoted by: >>24093990

Rude that she didn't do it closer with no other sound in the way of the munching.

>> No.24093819
File: 802 KB, 984x1200, 98277979100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24094058

I love IRyS!!

>> No.24093843
Quoted by: >>24093919

Vitamin D deficiency might be a real issue since by the time she stops streaming the sun is already going down.
inb4 yeah mine

>> No.24093871
Quoted by: >>24094134

opiates are generally used for pain medication, like terminal cancer patients, my friends' mom was on that in the last month before she passed away

>> No.24093893

She is feeling better

>> No.24093919

Most people are deficient, including the people here Not me though, outdoor hobbies are the patricians choice.

>> No.24093990 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24094058

>piggins when she sees you pull out your snacks

>> No.24094058 [DELETED] 

meant for >>24093819

>> No.24094134

Don't you get prescribed opioids and/or benzos for depression or similar problems?

>> No.24094191

opiates for pain
benzos for anxiety or sleep

>> No.24094251

>Opioids for depression
This isn't a thing these days is it? Pill pushers are evil but I didn't know they were evil and retarded

>> No.24094558

don't think so, my Aunt had depression and she wasn't prescribed opioids.

I think there might be some studies that say that people are likely to abuse opioids prescribed for their pain if they are already depressed.

>> No.24094653

Where did she say this?

>> No.24094725

We've had so many threads that spoonfed tourists about this. look it up, there's even a catbox.

>> No.24094765

It's expired

>> No.24095018
Quoted by: >>24095381

someone posted a clip from T5 stream, which she said she "was prescribed some medicine to help her mood to become more stable"

>> No.24095104
File: 1.82 MB, 442x474, Keikau means plan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fazezan.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Hades/RE2 now, anyone want something from another stream?

>> No.24095162 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24095323

pig tears

>> No.24095323
Quoted by: >>24095466

Just grow up to be a disappointment and you'll get a lot of that from your mum.

>> No.24095381

Ah so nothing but rrats

>> No.24095411

Fuck you don't make me post it again

>> No.24095439
Quoted by: >>24096266

You're gonna get spoonfed again anon

>> No.24095457


>> No.24095466 [DELETED] 

yuck, a foreigner

>> No.24095486

not an anti, but I think I took it as taking medication to stabilizer her mood means she has bipolar. Mood stabilizer is generally prescribed for bipolar.

>> No.24095961 [DELETED] 

Yes, piggums is cuckoo bananas now.
It's a shame. She's an ugly pig on the inside as well as the outside.

>> No.24096260

There's a moment I can think of I'll go do my reps and get back to you

>> No.24096266
Quoted by: >>24096589

I'm just saying I dont trust a bunch of armchair MDs when we have dedicated antis in the thread. All I've heard her say if she's having trouble sleeping and obviously the stress from work is building up. I've known bipolar people and nothing about IRyS looks like it.

>> No.24096418

american hours are terrible for this thread

>> No.24096589
Quoted by: >>24097324

bipolar has varying degree, and I personally don't think it is a significant one. The important thing is that she is getting the help she needs, so it isn't a big deal.

>> No.24096673 [DELETED] 

Piggums turned her back on American hours, and now American hours have turned their back on piggums.

>> No.24096848
File: 766 KB, 752x564, SmileRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the early morning/euro hours have been less comfy, some of the regulars just go to global instead. I'll never leave though, i'll outlast everyone because I will be the last IRyStocrat

>> No.24097083

That canadian because of the schizo

>> No.24097257

can't we just make a stealthrys thread

>> No.24097324

Your still making assumptions about her health based on very little. You're pushing a rrat that she's having some sort of breakdown under the guise of being supportive

>> No.24097409 [DELETED] 

you made threads when piggins was too lazy and fat to stream for a week
you knew the risks
her behavior is obviously not normal and any actual piglover would be concerned

>> No.24097410
Quoted by: >>24097551

That's why I don't bother to read the archives anymore.

>> No.24097456

She had her breakdown on stream. It's not a rrat

>> No.24097551

Every thread has been the same for quite a while now. Maybe I'll just come back next week.

>> No.24097712

>breakdown on stream
Damn I didn't know she's metal.

>> No.24097884

I still make these because if I don't a bait/incorrect OP will be made anyway, /uuu/ can get away with that because they have less shitposters and /rrat/ can let theirs die because they just have a lot less people. I can almost guarantee if you made a NotRyS thread they'd make one anyway.

>> No.24097918 [DELETED] 

sprayed the audience with pig's blood toward the end of the set, too

>> No.24098049

It probably wouldn't have been made since she's not streaming and not giving any sign of streaming any time soon.

>> No.24098143 [DELETED] 

I've been wondering why you faggots keep making piggums threads.
Your fear seems deluded. No one would make the thread if you stopped. She's not that popular.

>> No.24098192

She cried when she read out a nice sc after she had to deal with more delays with her mv. That's normal woman behaviour. She quickly composed herself and wasn't even hysterical. It went on longer because chat was flooding her with support. Honestly it's understandable with the way her releases are handled and how she's destroying her voice for little gain.
actually watch streams.

>> No.24098324
Quoted by: >>24099483

It's like you haven't watched the streams or the tweets around that time or are just incapable of understanding the big picture

>> No.24098344

It broke the dams, it's still a breakdown but not as intense as from those what you hear from the well-known established menheras

>> No.24098437 [DELETED] 

This. Not every breakdown is going to be Rushia pretending to throw herself off a building.
This was just a normal, run-of-the-mill streamer breakdown. The events surrounding it, the prescription of a serious medication, and a sudden, long break with little explanation beyond "I feel sick" are all red flags.

>> No.24098665

What happens next and how she returns will be the biggest indicator of the scope of this breakdown. All people are doing now is dooming over stupid made up delusions.

>> No.24098703

Looks like tonight's Minecraft has been moved two hours earlier. Reduces the chances of seeing her there.

>> No.24098715
File: 208 KB, 399x315, 1638547573117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24098804


>> No.24098761

Not sure if it is a rrat if it came out of her mouth that she is taking medication to stabilizer her mood. Either way, I didn't say she is having a mental breakdown. She needed medication for her health, and she is getting it. That is all there is to it.

>> No.24098804
Quoted by: >>24098814

Relax, I won't leave you like piggums did.

>> No.24098814
Quoted by: >>24098855

Welcome back

>> No.24098855

Thanks, babe

>> No.24099483

It's just classic spin. She cried on stream so now we can say she had a "breakdown" she mentioned taking medication to help her sleep so now she's "on serious meds" it's all to paint the picture that she's unstable and spiralling. Let me remind you she said she split the tablet to help deal with the side effects which is something you can't do with "mood stabilizers". She's most likely taking generic sleeping pills

>> No.24099540
Quoted by: >>24099591

>she mentioned taking medication to help her sleep so now she's "on serious meds"

>> No.24099591
Quoted by: >>24099657

Point me to a timestamp or fuck off

>> No.24099657
Quoted by: >>24101163

No one cares about your take if you're not willing to do your reps

>> No.24099711

Have you seen the p word

>> No.24099886

Was it split or half the dosage, because you'd take 2 a day usually to treat depression, and the doctor may have prescribed/recommend 1 only because her depression was not bad enough

>> No.24100049
Quoted by: >>24101163

Her sister is the one that suggested to take half dose to help with the side effects.

>> No.24100325
Quoted by: >>24100900

Well, pig pals, MC stream is here. Let's see if she shows.

>> No.24100831
Quoted by: >>24100866

>from what I recall, I think she said half the dosage

>> No.24100866

She talked in details about the pill having a line in the middle and splitting it in half with her hands

>> No.24100900
Quoted by: >>24100926

I'd rather have her rest than join some shitty MC stream

>> No.24100926


>> No.24101014

>she said she split the tablet to help deal with the side effects which is something you can't do with "mood stabilizers"
That's exactly how mine are

>> No.24101075
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[1_20_16], take=[2022-05-11 21.40.59].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point her next cover is going to come out before her Shinzou ga tomaru made MV...

>> No.24101109

Akatsuki to hana...

>> No.24101116

Stop asking to be spoonfed. It came out of her own fucking mouth that she was prescribed mood stabilizers.

>> No.24101122
Quoted by: >>24101180

A-are we going to get the cutting stream?

>> No.24101163

Here she talking about the meds she was prescribed the day before in the Hades stream https://youtu.be/az2L7dtSgjc?t=307 She said she felt they were working and she managed to sleep for 6 hrs. Skip to 7:15 where she talks about splitting the pill. My point is you don't split a dosage of mood stabilizers or antidepressants and they sure as shit don't take effect after a day. Try months. Her sister isn't her prescribing doctor she if it was anything serious she wouldn't recommend altering the dosage

>> No.24101180
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[1_23_41], take=[2022-05-11 21.43.56].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24101525
File: 39 KB, 470x471, FSfjfnKVEAAdicj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>piggums when she wants some of your fries

>> No.24101558

She can have my double quarter pounder too

>> No.24101609

She only eats cute snacks like cake or sexy snacks like bananas

>> No.24101617
File: 288 KB, 600x504, 1633834814892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't share food

>> No.24101644
Quoted by: >>24101665

thanks for this anon

>> No.24101654
File: 169 KB, 949x1200, 1632022064513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24101665

Heh it's stolen from twitter

>> No.24101714


>> No.24101735

Ooh, interesting

>> No.24101822

>has trouble sleeping
>gets prescribed sleeping pills
>still drowsy after waking up
>breaks down to mamaRyS
>sees new doctor
>gets prescribed mood stabilizer (T5)
>says she can't take it with advil
>obviously Lithium
>having side effects from medicine
>says she's thinking about cutting dose in half
>AneRyS says it's probably ok to do that
>not much more med talk except mentioning side effects a couple times
>not feeling well enough to stream
>nausea the only symptom she mentioned
That's all the spoonfeeding from me. If anyone wants to add timestamps, feel free.

>> No.24101823
Quoted by: >>24101879

What are the perks of having an artist channel

>> No.24101879
Quoted by: >>24101998

All those topics get redirected to her channel

>> No.24101883
Quoted by: >>24101998

o its actually real. interesting

>> No.24101998
Quoted by: >>24102089

They're still on the Topic channel for now. Maybe only new releases will be on hers? Not sure how it works

>> No.24102089

I think it does something with the algorithm as well but you'd probably have to ask the # autists honestly

>> No.24102788
File: 1.97 MB, 2272x1280, Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 10.10.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll need to reorganize her channel but right now all of her Topic releases show up on her front page. Usually artists don't showcase the Topic version when they have an MV for it already. It'll be nice to have Journey accessible from her channel though, since that's not getting any MVs.

>> No.24103039
Quoted by: >>24103063

Sorry sound anon I can't find it. It was maybe hades. IRyS calls an NPC a loser and I thought it'd make a funny soundpost

>> No.24103063

Do you remember what NPC? I could probably find it somewhere

>> No.24103332
File: 493 KB, 1600x900, Foryst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24103858

Going to touch grass while there's still sunlight, if she shows up then enjoy

>> No.24103687

I know nothing about this. How does this benefit her?

>> No.24103822

I can hardly remember. Just her saying it. I'll look again tomorrow. For all I know its gungeon

>> No.24103858
File: 952 KB, 2133x2133, FQzKUM-UUAMjsRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun!

>> No.24103950
Quoted by: >>24131576

Yes this please

>> No.24105326
Quoted by: >>24131545

Still looking. My memory is hazy but this quote is cute https://youtu.be/3EmEddefIvE?t=11215

>> No.24105335
Quoted by: >>24105608

>Kronii and Council (-Baelz) are heading off to an adventure in Nether
>IRyS is still down for the count
Hope isn't around... IRyS, you said you liked the adventure aspect of MC...

>> No.24105608
Quoted by: >>24105996

If they ever go after the ender dragon or elytra she has already said she 100% wants in

>> No.24105877
File: 93 KB, 636x900, FShaSrzVUAAacDt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24105933


>> No.24105933

Old one but it's a really cool fanart

>> No.24105996

Nah, just random adventure in the Nether, but still...

>> No.24106196
Quoted by: >>24106234

>Kronii: Who did this?
>Sana: I think you did this with IRyS?
>Kronii: Dang, I did this? I'm amazing!
>Mumei: *giggles*
piggums really is being unpersoned

>> No.24106234


>> No.24107477

hope everyone touched some grass, got some fresh air, stayed hydrated, etc. today
this is a friendly reminder that it's not healthy to spend too much time here

>> No.24107598

Hello, femrystocrat.

>> No.24107673
Quoted by: >>24108017

I appreciate your concern but after 16 years on this site you build up an immunity

>> No.24107865

I took another anons advice and I'm working on some fanart. Hopefully it cheers IRyS up if she sees it

>> No.24107898

Piggums won't care.

>> No.24107928

If angelchama has made it then so can he

>> No.24107942

Draw something lewd

>> No.24108017

>16 years
I wish I was a newfag like you :^)
even still, it's entirely possible to waste too much time here that could be channeled elsewhere productively. that's what's so dangerously addictive about this place after all. but I'm sure you knew all of that already

>> No.24108416 [DELETED] 

Listen to this while IRyS is out
It's better content anyway

>> No.24108575

Interesting that piggums was so averse to ASMR.
Maybe she felt guilty about how manipulative she was being sometimes.

>> No.24108698

that's gonna be a no from me dawg

>> No.24108741

I can't say for sure but she's rt'd my art in the past and she regularly goes through her tags so I wouldn't say she won't care. Anyway it's a more positive way to spend my time than being an anti here

>> No.24108908

I'm sure she'll do all those things again if your art is tasteful and not total fridge art quality.
But it's an empty gesture.

>> No.24108950

good luck anon, it's nice to see people actually putting time into reps even with the stereotypical 4chinz debuff

>> No.24109056

What are the chances of her streaming before the bae collab

>> No.24109086


>> No.24109114

Stop shilling yourself here you faggot.

>> No.24109184

She'll probably do a short karaoke a day before if she does decide to stream

>> No.24109256

I'm watching your career with great interest oracle-anon

>> No.24109335
Quoted by: >>24109603

IRyS is pretty predictable sometimes

>> No.24109439

She always does those 'rehab' karaokes after a long break, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.24109490

At 3PM JST with a 45 minute notice

>> No.24109560

Yeah, back when she cared

>> No.24109590
Quoted by: >>24109660

HoloEN can literally move on without IRyS huh

>> No.24109603

thanks for making me look like a retard (more than I already am) D:
fair enough though

>> No.24109630

Anon, not only she retweeted art, she occasionally comment and chat with IRyStocrats on Twitter too. Don't buy too much into BS from doomposters here. She already said that her issue(s) weren't stream related and streaming was her way to destress before and >we still have doomanons claiming that she hates streaming and IRyStocrats. While, of course, not every posts /here/ are craps, you just shouldn't take this thread serious anymore.

>> No.24109660
Quoted by: >>24110358

Yeah, she really doesn't contribute much. She's not the one organizing collabs, or showing up to people open VCs. She just isolates herself and does her own thing.

>> No.24109670
Quoted by: >>24109721

IRyS is my no. 1 push~

>> No.24109683
Quoted by: >>24109756

no delivery

>> No.24109721

goddamn based anon coming through

>> No.24109756

She is busy delivering my twins

>> No.24109771
Quoted by: >>24110008

>loves her fans
>awful communication, no streams
This checks out

>> No.24109784

I bet for a members streams

>> No.24109864

I hope you're right

>> No.24109920

Yeah, with a thumbnail of white text on a black background

>> No.24109970
Quoted by: >>24110547

Besides the watchalong she was talking about an emote idea stream

>> No.24110008

>Bedridden from sickness, probably either coff or flu
>Have to have porridge instead of normal food
>Stated as much on Twitter
>Still tried her best to get up to attend Dokomi stream
>Awful communicationnnnnn, no streammmm
Sure, right. She should have posted her medical slip and hourly temperature measurement, plus what the doctor prescribed. Such awful communication. How dares she take a rest while being sick, damn lazy nephilim

>> No.24110068
File: 247 KB, 1753x2047, EZluiW6U0AAJUXz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24110128

Porridge sounds good. Is there a Japanese name for it? I only know it as congee

>> No.24110073
Quoted by: >>24110320

All of this is correct, she still love her fans and streaming, as long as everyone keep sending her love on Twitter and YouTube that's enough for her to continue doing this.

>> No.24110128
Quoted by: >>24110156


>> No.24110156

Ah I should have known

>> No.24110320 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24110533

Piggums would drop Hololive in a heartbeat if it meant getting to fuck more men at weddings and eat lots of sugar.

>> No.24110358

just the way I like her, if she'd stay away from pink woman, she will be even better

>> No.24110438
Quoted by: >>24110465

oh shi-
multi-timeloop drifting

>> No.24110465
File: 199 KB, 1280x1084, DriftRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhwl32n.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24110494

If you're too stupid to figure out why she actually started giving updates for once then you're hopeless

>> No.24110533
Quoted by: >>24110617

I'm sorry to hear that your mother fooled around with a lot of men at their wedding day.

>> No.24110547
Quoted by: >>24110589

Her emotes definitely need a revamp. She's got a few that a double ups or color swaps. I'm kinda jealous how Ame's are so versatile

>> No.24110589

She still has open slots so those recolors don't hurt any. She would just be adding new ones

>> No.24110617

Why? Fuck her.
Focus on piggums.

>> No.24110911
Quoted by: >>24111228

See? This is the kind of shit why is better not to take every post in this thread seriously anymore.

>> No.24111228


>> No.24112830
File: 71 KB, 1200x850, 1648530616376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24112886

No IRyS...

>> No.24112869

If everyone reports the pigposter mods might actually do something about it

>> No.24112886

tweet soon
he got banned earlier today

>> No.24113153

he just comes back with a new ip

>> No.24113573
File: 338 KB, 1168x2048, 1651072324165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24114161
File: 65 KB, 460x283, baerys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24114197

Get well soon IRyS

>> No.24114346

Cute forbidden love.

>> No.24114437

If she really gets a redesing, what kind of outfit and hairstyle do you want her to have?

>> No.24114608
Quoted by: >>24114665


>> No.24114665
Quoted by: >>24115536

With more horns

>> No.24114883

with an ear piercing!

>> No.24114953

Anything with horns

>> No.24115536

Darth Maul-chama...

>> No.24115796

Give her the ponytail she wants in her base model I guess. I like her current outfit but it could be simplified a bit and the tutu needs to go.

>> No.24115831

Stay strong and laugh at the retarded schizo IRyStocrats. On Sat/Sun we get BaeRyS kino.

>> No.24115885
Quoted by: >>24115915

Not that interested in that

>> No.24115915

Aight then you deserve the state /HiRyS/ is in then.

>> No.24115927
Quoted by: >>24116083

will she make it

>> No.24115929
Quoted by: >>24116309

Give her what she wants: a generic moe face, white skin, an option to remove her horns and ponytail. The outfit and her proportions are already perfect.

>> No.24116067
Quoted by: >>24116353

you know at least half of us don't care about Bae.

>> No.24116083

Yes she always perks up for collabs

>> No.24116109
File: 887 KB, 4096x2882, 1649226684942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex collabs are always welcome

>> No.24116292

as some has said I don't really care about bae or this forced pairing. she's a non-entity in my eyes for some reason like, she's just there

>> No.24116309
Quoted by: >>24116348

that would make me happy too :)
sadly it won't happen >:(

>> No.24116348

Tweet something IRyS, I want to sleep

>> No.24116353

i care about bae, i want to mating press the living shit out of that rrat

>> No.24116372


>> No.24117242

I'd rather do IRyS all night long instead but will tolerate Bae if it means I get to see IRyS.

>> No.24117310
Quoted by: >>24117442

Mating press and Bae is as worn out as IRyS and 116.

>> No.24117442
Quoted by: >>24117609

It's SEA hours and they never get tired of dumb memes

>> No.24117609
Quoted by: >>24118303

SEA hours are unironically better than US now

>> No.24117727
Quoted by: >>24117829

im from SEA tho ;)

>> No.24117800
Quoted by: >>24117934

The power of watching anime at higher speeds and IRyS' absence has made me want to rewatch all the anime that I didn't finish as a kid. Thank you, IRyS, for giving me this power.

>> No.24117829

IM NOT FROm there

>> No.24117934

I've discovered this power ages ago and I must warn you, it's a dangerous path. This kind of power changes a man, forever.

>> No.24118303


>> No.24119158

>On Sat/Sun we get BaeRyS kino
I hope no one cancels

>> No.24119554
Quoted by: >>24119735

Easy way to find IRyS's live performance of her songs:
Youtube Music Weekend and 3 miscellaneous streams got added to the list just now

>> No.24119735
File: 601 KB, 2540x634, Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 4.40.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: she has 187 songs in archived non-member streams

>> No.24120285
Quoted by: >>24120388

No signs of life. I fucking miss her more than I thought I would

>> No.24120388
File: 589 KB, 2372x2576, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnm0p5r.oga].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gave me an idea for a musicpost

>> No.24120441

I said I won't lose hope ever again but this is getting very painful. Signs of life, please...

>> No.24120458

We're 2-3 days away from her longest break

>> No.24120552

My dick....

>> No.24120652
File: 329 KB, 768x768, 1646727729871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24121000
File: 313 KB, 1600x1200, Canada_Gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, i thought by the time i came back there would be a new thread.

>> No.24121226
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1645115451291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24121258
File: 3.78 MB, 360x202, 1639694064309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no hope

>> No.24121590


>> No.24121812
Quoted by: >>24123660

Who are those indies?

>> No.24121879
File: 410 KB, 900x638, IRySoda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SodaRyS love

>> No.24121884
File: 19 KB, 247x239, 1651617190795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24121896


>> No.24121896

3 more days...

>> No.24121952


>> No.24122345

>throat hort
>waah im so sad
>gonna appear in dai senpai's birthday concert
oh no its time for spaghetti to fall and embarrass herself

>> No.24122455

The return of cardboard IRyS?

>> No.24122531

Maybe, could be fun.

>> No.24122560

CardboardRyS, my love...

>> No.24122562

Let's fucking goooooo

>> No.24123209
Quoted by: >>24123531

IRyS please. Just one tweet

>> No.24123328
Quoted by: >>24123546

Why are >we still here?
I must...holding on....

>> No.24123531

Don't worry, she'll retweet Sora when she gets home at midnight. Totally sick though.

>> No.24123546

Only 3 days more, stay strong

>> No.24123660
Quoted by: >>24123759


>> No.24123759
Quoted by: >>24123799

EOPlet, forgive my ignorance.

>> No.24123799

Oh, i get it now, i meant the non-hololive girls, the two on the bottom row.

>> No.24123842
Quoted by: >>24124215

I repeat, wow. Siro and Kotone.

>> No.24123889

Links should be in the description, man. Anyway, left is Siro and right is Kotone. You should know them if you follow Hololive

>> No.24123977

I follow holoEN, holoJP, whats that.

>> No.24124122

Not them but I follow IRyS. She didn't collab with them yet.

>> No.24124207
Quoted by: >>24124228

Just woke up
Irys status?

>> No.24124215
Quoted by: >>24124273

Who's korone?

>> No.24124228

No signs of life yet

>> No.24124273
Quoted by: >>24124627

My wife.

>> No.24124309

is IRyS your first vtuber /HiRyS/? if not, then who? mine is Kizuna Ai.

>> No.24124353


>> No.24124380
File: 160 KB, 1446x2048, 20220512_043724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24124487

She's alive!

>> No.24124491
Quoted by: >>24131974

Drawanon finally made it. Good for him.
Why do you have to make her nether regions so sniffable, man

>> No.24124627
Quoted by: >>24125656

That'a pretty good, I wonder why I never heard about her.
inb4: cuz I'm a pleb

>> No.24124686
Quoted by: >>24124835

Congrats to drawanon but that's pretty risque art to retweet.

>> No.24124791
Quoted by: >>24124833

stinky nephilim?

>> No.24124833

IRyS has a very floral and carbonated smell

>> No.24124835

Nah is really cute, drawanon also made her look quite regal so is fine

>> No.24125201
Quoted by: >>24125519



just feeling sharing my mind
I'm sorry,

>> No.24125519


>> No.24125656

Sheltered EN faggotry would be my best guess.

>> No.24125808

She should have pantyhose on her next outfit

>> No.24126205

What does her bush look like?

>> No.24126250

amazon jungle

>> No.24126271
Quoted by: >>24126447

Trimmed in the shape of a heart

>> No.24126411

as clean as her soul

>> No.24126447
Quoted by: >>24126566

Girls don't actually do that

>> No.24126566

You mean I've been lied to all this time? I'm shocked I tell you.

>> No.24126591

What I'm sure of is she's not waxed

>> No.24126725

Okay. Time to collect evidence. How can we deduce the current state of her bush?

>> No.24126736

how would you know

>> No.24126800
Quoted by: >>24129115

Okay schizos. Let's put our brains together for the greater goods. I need to know the current state of nephilim's public hair. Give me your best rrats.

>> No.24126819
Quoted by: >>24126912

She said when she was still n that she never experienced waxing before

>> No.24126912
Quoted by: >>24127225

She actually talked about that kind of stuff?

>> No.24126956
Quoted by: >>24126991

She's japanese.

>> No.24126991
Quoted by: >>24127225

Half of her isn't Japanese, so there's a 50% chance she's waxed

>> No.24127170
Quoted by: >>24128753

bros... I watched SpyxFamily and it was kinda cringy, I did 3 episode rule and watched the first 3 episodes but I couldn't help but cringe at the "assassin mom", the whole I am nice but I am a cold blooded killer thing was too cringey for me. The little girl was also really annoying, only one that seemed okay was the "dad" but I don't watch anime for guys so, does this get any better? IRyS kept saying it was so good and wholesome so I wanted to try, but I am sad to feel no interest in it after 3 episodes

>> No.24127225 [DELETED] 


>> No.24127417
Quoted by: >>24127485

Did she ever talk about relationships/sex?

>> No.24127485 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24127519

If I remember correctly, she talked about getting dumped in elementary school.

>> No.24127519 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24127585

I mean rejected

>> No.24127585

That's rough buddy

>> No.24127799

Would you wax Irys, lovingly, gently, in all places?

>> No.24127843
Quoted by: >>24127891

Yes, with my tongue.

>> No.24127891

I would use my dick

>> No.24127947

I'd caress every crevice of hers if she so commanded it.

>> No.24128009

No I want the full bush
Nice there's still hope

>> No.24128642
Quoted by: >>24128721

I hope she's in good shape for this. Her first birthday live appearance!

>> No.24128721

I really have no idea how she will show up exactly, I doubt she will have a 3D model or that would be one unexpected surprise

>> No.24128753

It's fine, anon, like what you want to like. I didn't even start watching it because the premise sounds incredibly dumb.

>> No.24128870

It is incredibly dumb, that's the point.

>> No.24128891

Yea, I had my doubts too since I too thought the premise was dumb, but since she praised it so much and I guess other people too? I thought maybe it was better than what it sounds... But, it was too much cringe to take, maybe if the little girl wasn't in it it might be a little bit easier to take

>> No.24129015

0 chance of a proper 3D model. It's either going to be cardboard or whatever they did for Gura and Ina on Aqua's bday

>> No.24129036

Those wiggling frames make me laugh everytime I see them

>> No.24129080

She'll be the cameraman zooming in on the wakipai

>> No.24129115

The hair on her head is a wild tangled mess so we can deduce that her pubes are unkempt

>> No.24129703
File: 1.93 MB, 494x484, WhineRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fohju4b.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24130037

This whiny bratty princess! I must spoil her and then correction

>> No.24130411

IRyS has been kidnapped by ninjas!
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue your oshi?

>> No.24130518

>did for Gura and Ina on Aqua's bday
Oh yeah, what did they do then? I missed it.

>> No.24130611

I wanna hear some sexy IRyS moans

>> No.24130727

She made me play this game and now I can't stop. It's a great time killer.

>> No.24130779
File: 2.80 MB, 1310x786, Why?[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcbe3yc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really like this one

>> No.24130819
Quoted by: >>24131106

I guess it was for her sololive. Had their Live2D in some 3D picture frame

>> No.24130937
File: 2.39 MB, 494x470, Shoots out the stuff[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fma9u88.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24130983
File: 2.46 MB, 452x490, Helicopter for IRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb44wqa.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24130991
File: 263 KB, 400x455, 1633026430706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24131106


>> No.24131056
File: 2.67 MB, 1360x906, Give in to your Anger[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foffdpq.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24131106
Quoted by: >>24131290

Kek, this works, I guess.

>> No.24131290

I'd kinda prefer this since seeing her facial expressions adds a lot to the experience when she sings

>> No.24131545
File: 2.33 MB, 1360x906, Where you belong[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fql5pfz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24131606


>> No.24131554

Only if piggums begged me for it.
And apologized.

>> No.24131576
File: 2.60 MB, 1360x906, Imagine[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frwlyyb.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know how long you wanted this

>> No.24131606

Heck yea

>> No.24131721

Careful, she squirts.
Ask her sister.

>> No.24131779

Stream in 12 hours

>> No.24131844
Quoted by: >>24131873

Whose channel?

>> No.24131873


>> No.24131928

Piggy isn't streaming.

>> No.24131974

He even got a like from Redjuice

>> No.24132477
Quoted by: >>24132912

I imagine it would be the same for Lui

>> No.24132912

anyway, is likely Lui will get her 3D model eventually before IRyS does

>> No.24132957

https://twitter.com/D_yot_/status/1524776043596247041/photo/1 Woah

>> No.24133025

who's going to be Mary in this case?

>> No.24133180
File: 1.25 MB, 3936x3101, FSkXsNTUYAE4r2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really cute, but I sort of expect IRyS to panic as much if not more than the Rat in an horror game, or is Bae even more of a scaredy-cat?

>> No.24133189
File: 229 KB, 1433x1437, IRyStosip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Douzo If you have anymore soundpost requests lemme know.

>> No.24133351

Damn das cute.
