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23984373 No.23984373 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>23965945

>> No.23984410
File: 211 KB, 678x953, c87c4b98ccb955cf44a8b2cdab1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.23984473 [DELETED] 
File: 2.59 MB, 1003x1752, 1652135099907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>63,587: Miko (Hololive)
>38,383: Suisei (Hololive)
>24,746: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>17,819: Korone (Hololive)
>17,440: Kanata (Hololive)
>15,908: Tamaki (NoriPro)
>15,695: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>14,916: Watame (Hololive)
>13,984: Koyori (Hololive)
>13,954: Ina (Hololive)
>13,777: Mio (Hololive)
>12,429: Nene (Hololive)
>12,297: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>11,704: Vox (Nijisanji)
>10,150: Mito (Nijisanji)

>> No.23984481
Quoted by: >>23984536

kronii 13k

>> No.23984493

Can Kronii make Gura slip the cripple paralympics?

>> No.23984536
Quoted by: >>23984660

Gura about to release 7k chumbuds, hopefully 1k at least funnels

>> No.23984546

Blue girls strong as always.

>> No.23984562
File: 120 KB, 850x1202, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23984665


>63,587: Miko (Hololive)
>38,383: Suisei (Hololive)
>24,746: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>17,819: Korone (Hololive)
>17,440: Kanata (Hololive)
>15,908: Tamaki (NoriPro)
>15,695: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>14,916: Watame (Hololive)
>13,984: Koyori (Hololive)
>13,954: Ina (Hololive)
>13,777: Mio (Hololive)
>12,429: Nene (Hololive)
>12,297: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>11,704: Vox (Nijisanji)
>10,150: Mito (Nijisanji)

>> No.23984623

Unlikely, but even if she does she does it with Gura's funnel so eh

>another kusoge tomorrow

>> No.23984653

Reza does D&D sessions for years. He did one last year with Pomu, Rosemi, Derem and Layla but Pomu for some reason also streamed her pov. He's a good GM and this stream i think is sub only so he may get some new subs indeed

>> No.23984658

Can Miko top 63k with her next WWE? Could she go even higher?

>> No.23984660
Quoted by: >>23985182

Not so much funnel on these ones if they've stayed until the end, these tend to be the 'gura only' chumbuds that don't really funnel.

>> No.23984665
File: 175 KB, 850x1134, miko .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MAY 2022 GOLD
1) Kanata (Hololive) - 60,210 - New outfit reveal
2) Miko (Hololive) - 27,893 - Power Pro 2022
3) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 75,927 - Nijiquiz
4) Mio (Hololive) - 42,756 - AsaMio gyakutotsu
5) Mio (Hololive) - 43,953 - AsaMio gyakutotsu
6) Kaida (Nijisanji) - 70,355 - 3D debut
7) Pekora (Hololive) - 35,238 - Among Us collab
8) Fuwa (Nijisanji) - 95,165 - FuwaGusa 3D live
9) Miko (Hololive) - 63,587 - WWE 2K22

6x: Hololive
3x: Nijisanji

2x: Miko, Mio
1x: Fuwa, Kaida, Kanata, Nijisanji, Pekora

>> No.23984692

she just said its a weird game so that doesn't mean its a kuso

>> No.23984694


>> No.23984745

you dam well know is gonna be a kusoge

>> No.23984765

Are Taiko and Alyx really a buff games?

>> No.23984766

That was most likely a one time thing

>> No.23984783

>push subscribe button

>> No.23984798

It going to be the mother of all kusoge if that's how she describes it. No way its any buff game either way, so another 15k. Another month with a 17k median, yay. Hurts to numberfag gura.

>> No.23984810

It depends really yesterday most big hitter are absent and the timeslot is all for herself. It will get good number for sure but i dont think she can get 63k+ if there is big hitter that will overlap

>> No.23984818
Quoted by: >>23985400

Is Stanley parable deluxe a new game of the old one or it just includes DLCs?

>> No.23984833

>Penguin noises
She gave in to the meme

>> No.23984854

She'd do Alyx using her 3d model so yes. Taiko is a Gura buff game, most rhythm game are.

>> No.23984856

Taiko is definitely a buff especially since Gura is a Rythm gamer.

>> No.23984893

taiko sure
alyx 50/50

>> No.23984923

Will hololive management let ID gen 3 collab with niji ID?

>> No.23984973

Why would they institute a gen specific ban, anon?

>> No.23984992



>> No.23985014
Quoted by: >>23988204

>Put Peko silhouette with multiple ??? in thumbnail
>Easiest 100k ccvs in Migo entire career
Ibeleb in Pekomikobros

>> No.23985019

just like that 6000 chumbuds gone to the void, i think Kronii and Mori picked up like 500 each off the 7000 and i cant even tell if Bae got shit, maybe 100?

>> No.23985024
Quoted by: >>23988768

Sorry, that branch doesn't exist anymore.
Also, it wasn't fucking Hololive that blocked Ollie, she was able to collab with NijiID just fine before the branch got merged.

>> No.23985083

All the tourists already funneled to Kronii long ago after Gura went to the SC reading, the 7k that remained by the end were pure chumbud.

>> No.23985091

Now is the right time to put on another bubble, just give em ID 1 and 2.

>> No.23985130

most had already moved to kroni since gura went from 10k to 7k in her sc reading.

>> No.23985138

Chumbuds need more time to be verified. Give it more time..

>> No.23985167
File: 472 KB, 323x956, ui mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is getting indie gold for this month? Will it be Ui again?

>> No.23985176

This blue bitch is really good at this, if only all her streams were like this...

>> No.23985182

Just like this anon said.>>23984660
These 7k stayed for a very long SC reading, they are there for Gura only.

>> No.23985244

Gura could have had 18k and Kronii 15k+ without overlap. Sad to see them overlap at the worst possible times but sometimes leave completely clear days.

>> No.23985246

Her too?

>> No.23985273
File: 5 KB, 205x246, 62661211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23985280

when is ui concert again? if she has free part for that then it will be gold worth

>> No.23985369
Quoted by: >>23985538

I'm honestly baffled when I see a Gura VOD incline 1-2k during a Gura stream. Guess VOD watchers aren't just those who can't catch them.

>> No.23985390

Bae's stream is pretty much just her talking to Mumei and Mori, no reason why people would funnel to her.

>> No.23985400
Quoted by: >>23985465

Ultra Deluxe is a joke name. As soon as you try to access the 'new' content it turns the game into The Stanley Parable 2

>> No.23985418

>there was only ONE stream before gura for the rest of the day

>> No.23985427
Quoted by: >>23985566

She is honorary Hololive after all

>> No.23985465

>secret sequel
the fucking Debuff Detective of video games

>> No.23985473

She might have done it because she thought there was Corpos would allow 3D collabs without it

>> No.23985483

Kronii has a very good start of the month, rare to see her hitting 10k 3 streams in a roll nowadays when that was her norm back when she didn't have much issue in her life.

>> No.23985538

That could very well just be delayed verification, but yea there might also be people who aren't interested in the current stream so they just watch a VOD.

>> No.23985566
Quoted by: >>23985764

The sterile feel from Hololive is already infecting the rest of the vtuber industry.

>> No.23985568

Since when is it forbidden for HoloID to collab with NijiID?

>> No.23985581
Quoted by: >>23985708

>14K for kronii
this just makes me hate her game choice more.

>> No.23985642

Kronii views are still going up, pretty much people went to her in the middle of Supa reading

>> No.23985708
Quoted by: >>23985799

This is a buff game though?

>> No.23985720

Kronii botting? 8k median streamers dont just pull 14k randomly

>> No.23985764

Who's to say she doesn't also have a normal panties version. That's probably the ideal for 3d models commission: normal panties plus spats variant

>> No.23985770


Keep a tab on this channel
Calli are legit directing her users to sub to that one lmao

>> No.23985790

It's a fucking buff game anon. Even Fauna managed to hit 10k with a Chilla's game

>> No.23985799
Quoted by: >>23985842

her normal game choices i meant.

>> No.23985815

+300 subs

>> No.23985826


>> No.23985840
Quoted by: >>23985918

Why do you respond to obvious bait?

>> No.23985842
Quoted by: >>23985921

Oh yea I get what you mean. Kronii fucking loves shitty indie games though so what are you gonna do?

>> No.23985892

Kronii is not an 8k median streamer anyway, retard

>> No.23985918

I'm talking about numbers in the numbers thread. Fucking sue me.

>> No.23985921
File: 583 KB, 732x1200, 93303836_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna fap to her big titty artin anger

>> No.23985924

You're replying to the samefag nijinigger you retard

>> No.23985980

You can just refresh every 30 seconds or so and see them go up. I wonder if this sort of thing could get a channel flagged

>> No.23986045

Buff game plus Kronii's median the past few months are due to long running debuff game playthroughs.

>> No.23986106

he went from 191-600+ in 10 minutes

>> No.23986299

Nah, just a few hundreds subs isn't enough for a 'strange behaviour' since that happens all the time, especially if one of your videos got roped by the algorithm.

>> No.23986630

>6AM jst - Ina
>7AM jst - Fauna
>9/10AM jst - Gura
>12AM jst - Kronii
Traits of the top streamers from HoloEN. EN3 hould pick a slot with no overlaps or heck, just make a google schedule for everyone to see. Fuck you managers.

>> No.23986695
Quoted by: >>23986749

more EU holos please

>> No.23986749

Or at the very least East Coast NA

>> No.23986757

my dick is so erect and mad at kroni

>> No.23986856
Quoted by: >>23986923

So, what was the numbers for the israeli vtubers?

>> No.23986871
Quoted by: >>23987065

They do have a google schedule, it's just that no one gives a shit about overlap or they don't even look at it when making their own schedule.

>> No.23986923

There's still 7 hours, shillchama.

>> No.23986944

If Mori ends her stream than all the overlap is forgiven since they're all lending Kronii their power

>> No.23986978

Maybe Kronii can also get 16k maybe even more

>> No.23986992

Per Mori the average duration that her viewers watch of a stream is 13 minuts.

>> No.23987004
File: 785 KB, 1172x679, saw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much for "the next hot thing", when they need to resort to boosting for good numbers, huh?

>> No.23987065
Quoted by: >>23987127

On the other hand, NijiEN always checks with each other to maximize their massive reach.

>> No.23987069

Damn, if Mori ends before Kronii I think Kronii could pass Gura's peak.

>> No.23987097
Quoted by: >>23987145

Keep in mind that shit's fucked by youtube cuttng you from the count when you alt tab (which is the only explainable reason why YT has a low average watch time while twitch has 40+ mins)

>> No.23987127

no they dont
di she say that?
that is bigger than it tought i was expecting the avaerage of 10min

>> No.23987128
Quoted by: >>23987295

>Kronii easy 15k

>> No.23987133

>2 new start ups in the same week going the idol route
Face it, only one company does that niche well. Every company that has been successful has emulated Nijisanji and the only company that has been successful with Hololive's model is Hololive.

>> No.23987145

No wonder Twitch is so much better nowadays.

>> No.23987181

Sponsor gets to see their true data anyways so it doesn't matter if fujos bot for him.

>> No.23987222

man i want this to be done
it will surely give numebrs.

>> No.23987226
File: 155 KB, 960x344, 1652152663124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, bad day today for HoloEN outside of Gura/Kronii, huh.
Getting mogged by a 2-view? That's rough.

>> No.23987262

Holy fuck bae

>> No.23987261

He posted it again!

>> No.23987295

If she lifted her model a few pixels she would get more viewers as well.

>> No.23987342

need them (you)s man, please andastand

>> No.23987353

>le not even 20 mins into the stream screenshot
man, this thread sucks

>> No.23987365
Quoted by: >>23987544

And i was calling anons delusional for saying that Kronii is still the strongest Council .

>> No.23987391

that guy? >>23987004
yep, he's a known schizo

>> No.23987395

People tried to bite my head off when I used Pikamee's 11 minutes and Fumi's 11 minutes to ballpark everyone getting 10-15 minutes. Who's laughing now you cunts? We have 3 data points now. Kneel.

>> No.23987409

looking for the Niji numbers in this thread.
But i guess we don't need numbers to find worth in our streamers.

>> No.23987494

Here's a number for you. Their worth is 0.

>> No.23987531

16 min average with that kind of viewership the holos get is big. but is there a point of comparision with bigger streamers?

>> No.23987534

I fail to see how she is if she can't replicate this constantly, like I'm tired of people making excuses for people that can't stream consistently or are awful at choosing what to stream
so tired of "if she only streamed good things all the time", like, that makes them bad streamers dude

>> No.23987541
Quoted by: >>23987643

READ >>23950118

>> No.23987544

Mumei became the 2nd strongest in EN because she stuck to mainly buff content and maximized her buffs. Kronii always had the most potential to be the #2 of EN but she never utilizes it. When she actually plays buff content, you see that she is easily the #2 in EN. The problem with Kronii is that after this buff stream she will probably go back to 5 straight streams of obscure indie games that nobody cares about.

Note that I'm talking about CCV power. Mori is the actual #2 of EN but she is a special case with her music.

>> No.23987567
Quoted by: >>23987756

To go for the idol route, they need huge backing with money, because songs and concerts are not cheap.

>> No.23987569
Quoted by: >>23987834

People want to talk the Hololive talk but neither the corporations or their talents have any desire to actually walk the walk, so to speak.

>> No.23987571
Quoted by: >>23987640

hey holonigger
daily falseflagging quota?
and samefagging too? >>23987409
all in a day's work

>> No.23987612

Mumei peaked at 7k you dumb nigger

>> No.23987640

....You just linked his comment twice.

>> No.23987643
File: 84 KB, 1751x1086, 1652113523707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23987878

see pic
before you bite baits from this holonigger sea monkey >>23987541

>> No.23987666
Quoted by: >>23987740

Ame already did the straight up lewd stream with out the guise of wii fit adventure.
What are some other cries of a dying streamer?

>> No.23987681


>> No.23987740

maybe Mori's open VC in every other stream?

>> No.23987756

There is that one company asking for $80k for 3D models that they will use for lives.

>> No.23987763

So I'm wondering why Gura failed to break 14k in her shill stream two days ago. I admit I didn't catch the stream.
I thought gacha games were buffs? Or is blue archive just a crappy game (or just boring to watch despite the booba)? Did she not actually do any gatcha, or was the sponsor too stingy?

>> No.23987779
Quoted by: >>23987856

He him self is falseflagging a nijifan by being intentionally stupid.
Who else needs to do these mental gymnastics to push their streamer company.

>> No.23987810

they only gave her enough gems for 2 rolls only.

>> No.23987813

she rolled the gatcha exactly twice
they gave her like 3000 gems

>> No.23987834

Creating an idol agency is basically the "Hard Mode" of this industry.
No company can successfully do it. At best, they can do half-and-half thing like Nijisanji.

>> No.23987856

Who needs mental gymnastics when you can buy bots.

>> No.23987878
File: 174 KB, 720x831, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23987889

stingy devs didnt give her currency to roll. that or she didnt ask for it

>> No.23987910
Quoted by: >>23987963

>thinking youtubes livestream watch duration is accurate

>> No.23987949

Nexon basically gave her no gems to work with
The gacha part was like 5 mins tops

>> No.23987963
Quoted by: >>23988238

>he thinks things revealed to him in dreams is evidence

>> No.23987991
Quoted by: >>23988046

it was her 2nd or 3rd stream of the game, probably had already been decided by contract that she was going to have 2-3 streams and since they didn't saw a good return from her first stream why bother give her free in-game currency

just get it over with

>> No.23988009

Only 2 pulls and watching her doing the missions was frustrating because she doesn't understand the concept of "sweep" missions to get lvs fast

>> No.23988045

They didn't give her currency to roll and her account is too low level to do the event so it was her just reading out story and appreciating booba

>> No.23988046

Lmao, the shit people type in these threads

>> No.23988200

sorry Kronii 16k is for Gura only today

>> No.23988204

Imagine the numbers
But there's no way it will happen

>> No.23988232

Kronii always gets so close to the 16k fuck

>> No.23988238

What are you even talking about? Nothing I said is made up, do you somehow think that youtube drops you from ccv with things like alt tab but still counts you as watching for the average duration counter?

>> No.23988307
Quoted by: >>23988730

Kronii show the tits or something, I'm getting blue balled from the 16k

>> No.23988354
Quoted by: >>23988395

7 views away aaaaaaa

>> No.23988395

It showed 15996 on mine and immediately drop 100ccv. AAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.23988478

Remind me, why kronii gets high viewership again? Almost 16k holy

>> No.23988504

>Blue women

>> No.23988527

For the idol route to work you need to have the talents to limit themselves to some conditions but still have the ability to thrive in the limited situations
Nijisanji style streamer is easier to set up

>> No.23988542

Closer with maha5
Remember when NijiID and their management shunned Risu? And NijiIDniggers accused HoloID of leeching? Yeah "good times".

>> No.23988551
Quoted by: >>23988627

It seem someone taught her to unleash her inner blue woman

>> No.23988567
Quoted by: >>23988644

She's funny when she gets scared desu, so a horror game would be a (kinda) buff

>> No.23988577

Buff game for JP
Kronii is actually strong
No JP is streaming

>> No.23988627

blue women just can't lose even though Kronii tries to debuff herself

>> No.23988629

This May, Gura and Kronii streamed at the same day three times, the blue sisters are back.

>> No.23988644

She's almost unwatchable that other 90% of the time she's not scared but she makes up for it

>> No.23988667

The passive buff of being a blue woman

>> No.23988698

In contrast, blond is the cursed color in hololive.

>> No.23988725

She need to stack more debuff to go against the calling of the blue women

>> No.23988730

I'm not cumming today and all bc of Mori. Mori hate

>> No.23988764
File: 50 KB, 192x192, 129654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue woman strong meme

>> No.23988768
Quoted by: >>23988847

Because they're not afraid of fucking Gundou or NijiID (lol) they lose nothing from letting Ollie collab
Selen might have actually siphoned a little bit of an audience from her

>> No.23988772

And END, that was a good attempt Kronii

>> No.23988838

lamy got a 26k for what kronii is streaming right now dumbass

>> No.23988847

Now that NijiEN is going all-in on the Chinese market, NijiEN management will just block off collabs from now on. They can't piss off B2

>> No.23988851
Quoted by: >>23989079

are you still in 2020? lamy got 20k on elden ring and absorbed rushia's whales

>> No.23988933
Quoted by: >>23989055

>uploading Luxiem clips on Bili

>> No.23989049
File: 35 KB, 560x261, 615948916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like that Valkyrie Connect collab has reward goals for the girls involved.

>> No.23989055

The chink fujos will have to watch Nijifemale and they will like it, or else their chink lord Daddy won't call them XiaoBaoBao ever again

>> No.23989061
File: 12 KB, 464x464, 1651467755387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23989754

I love this thread

>> No.23989079

You mean Chloe?

>> No.23989115

they definitely doesn't want to collab with kobo at the moment
you can't leech kobo's viewers, they only watch kobo, they don't even care about other holos
to make it worse, she also going steal their viewers because kobo is more entertaining than any nijiIDs talent combined

>> No.23989269
File: 97 KB, 900x900, zen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't leech kobo's viewers
nijiID can't but my chad monkey king will and there's nothing kobokers can't do to stop this

>> No.23989319

that said, I wish kobo's streaming on kikebook live today just for the lols
it'll be interesting to see the numbers

>> No.23989408

Do their contents have anything in similar for them to collab? Feel like Kobo content is like a different breed rn.

>> No.23989491
Quoted by: >>23989568

zen invited kobo to do voice acting stream, kobo will do rimuru from slime anime voice act

>> No.23989500
File: 630 KB, 720x1370, rami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consistent 10k stream. You fucking nigger

>> No.23989568

So a 15 minutes stream.

>> No.23989573

Monkey king loves to make shitpost video as far as I know. Also he knows how to reach out and organize collabs

>> No.23989592

I heard from someone that HoloX will get 3D debuts at the end of the month and that EN3 is cancelled.

>> No.23989633

Legit the only male vtuber I respect. This dude is a real one.

>> No.23989661

>consistent 10k
Is this what counts as "strong" for Hololive nowadays?

>> No.23989754

I hate you.

>> No.23989764

i heard from yagoo that laplus will get 3D before the rest of HoloX for hologra and other main channel contents
also no EN3. next one will be en vsinger #2 then homostar EN. EN3 is july 2023

>> No.23989777

how many 10k medians does your team have you double fag

>> No.23989915
File: 135 KB, 1502x1234, 1651355318355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23990006

>Still mog the shit out of Mito
Go back to your cage nigger

>> No.23989980

that doesnt count since all of those 10k are lamy herself

>> No.23989992

>EN3 is july 2023
Hololive will be dead by then.

>> No.23990006
File: 316 KB, 561x551, 1648531885403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mito?

>> No.23990044
Quoted by: >>23990192

*HoloEN you meant.

>> No.23990073
Quoted by: >>23990192

Only HoloEN

>> No.23990079
Quoted by: >>23990208

I'm secretly A-chan boyfriend and I heard from her that gen7 trailer is already done and will be release next week. EN3, also HoloX and Council 3D will be ready later this month, start from Lapu birthday

>> No.23990179
File: 392 KB, 678x621, 1648553293097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23990429

Usakura Migora

>> No.23990192
Quoted by: >>23990726

HoloJP is less profitable per vtuber than HoloEN. HoloEN basically saved hololive in 2020.

>> No.23990208
Quoted by: >>23990431

nodoka is male now ?

>> No.23990327
File: 265 KB, 744x1052, 1603280805116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to do this before we get any serious gold contenders for the current day. Migo won gold yesterday!

>> No.23990387
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>> No.23990429

Speaking of Mito and Miko. If I would have told you in 2018 that Miko would be a more popular vtuber, and significantly so, than Mito, how crazy would you have called me?

>> No.23990431

It Sora. That's why she got much trouble collab with other girls

>> No.23990473
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>> No.23990483
Quoted by: >>23990533

How big is Mito at that time? Not in the Vtuber scene but in general

>> No.23990505

I would have said "who?"

>> No.23990519
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>> No.23990533

comparable to Kizuna Ai

>> No.23990549

I'd call you a fucking delusional nigger, small dog, meds please, spam you with pepelaugh, and bully you out of /jp/

>> No.23990561
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>> No.23990594
Quoted by: >>23990659

That was the most unexpected 60k stream I have ever seen. I think it is one of the top 10 highest non-collab/non-tournament stream of all time.

>> No.23990612

>Suisei break
>Peko sick
>Marine sick
>Miko rest day
>Aqua MIA
>No events
>No big collabs
Free Gold day

>> No.23990614
File: 1.16 MB, 2898x4096, FQ3_8t_UcAExw3T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23990659

If Miko keeps making Holo members and caps off the arc with a full on Royal Rumble I think she has a shot at breaking the "regular gaming stream" CCV record.

>> No.23990709
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>> No.23990726

now back it up with numbers

>> No.23990760
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>> No.23990779

Since WWE has been wanting to breach the Japanese market for quite some time, a collab with Hololive would be funny.
Imagine Roman vs Drew with commentary from Sakura and Pekora.

>> No.23990798

Perfect time for Lamy/Mio 12+ hours 1 mil endurance. Any kind of a Holo event stream today would be a 20k+ tourist central

>> No.23990810
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>> No.23990861
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>> No.23990860
Quoted by: >>23991080

>consistent 10k spamming a buff game

>> No.23990868

No, I want Patra to have one gold for her weekly ASMR. I'd be happy with a 17k gold in this case.

>> No.23990875
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Quoted by: >>23991025

Gura's green/grey chat mix with slow-mode off isn't that much different than usual. Greys don't usually chat but they sure make the dumbest comments when they do though.

>> No.23990902
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>> No.23990934
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>> No.23990977
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>> No.23990987

Has NijiEN been underperforming lately? I see their numbers dropping more than usual.

>> No.23991025

Is the Nguyen/Flip still spam "Gura please Hi Vietnam/Loves from Flip" in her chat ? Haven't watch Gura solo stream for months

>> No.23991045
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>> No.23991080
Quoted by: >>23991168

you can use this argument for most of chuubas

>> No.23991087
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>> No.23991091

They drop minecra

>> No.23991101

NijiEN recently got a 30k stream, what are you smoking?

>> No.23991133
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>> No.23991138

It's funny how the lewd spam got ignored most of the time.

>> No.23991168

Not for actually strong chuubas like Gura, Kobo, Pekora or Kronii. Lamy isn't even fit to be mentioned in the same sentence.

>> No.23991179
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>> No.23991187
Quoted by: >>23991270

a lot are on break so no huge collabs to boost them

>> No.23991188
Quoted by: >>23991228

No, still over performing, might overtake Sana position on the chart any day now

>> No.23991223

Well, they don't actually contribute to the conversation so why bother

>> No.23991228

doesnt look like it.

>> No.23991231
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>> No.23991259
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fucking kek

>> No.23991270

Is solo stream not enough? They still have their original fanbase right?

>> No.23991278
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>> No.23991302

must be the GFE, notice how every other strong blue woman doesn't do it.

>> No.23991321
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>> No.23991323

>Blue buff
>Elf debuff

>> No.23991359

but why kronii and kobo are included if they can't get 10k with debuff shit? gura and peko makes sense

>> No.23991363
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>> No.23991368

Migo can't make me horny like Gura

>> No.23991410
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>> No.23991456
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Got something just for you. Migo is very versatile.

>> No.23991466

Kobo is indog.Also she gets atleast 4-5k for a MARO/superchat reading. No other ID Vtuber can pull that shit

>> No.23991488

Do you expect NijiEN fans to care about solo streams? They are conditioned to the "always collab" mentality.
That's the biggest weakness for NijiEN right now, they have no individual identity.

>> No.23991495

6-8k indog = 15-18k jp

>> No.23991508
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Quoted by: >>23992140


>> No.23991542

Nigga you should have post this sooner. Now I need to take a toilet break. But thank you

>> No.23991544
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>> No.23991555
Quoted by: >>23991601

Kobo literally has a floor that's quadruple what other ID vtubers get, that's strong enough

>> No.23991596
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>> No.23991601

What makes her different from NijiID anyway? They still speak ID most of the time.

>> No.23991627

Kronii is culled, retard. Every peak she gets you have to add 2x to make up for it. If she gets '5k even on SC readings she moggs Lamy on a daily basis.

>> No.23991638
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>> No.23991665
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>> No.23991667
Quoted by: >>23991733

we've discussed all the reasons why she's entertaining already, check the archives

>> No.23991692

Blue and cunny. Also very considerate to her chat despite playing the role of a brat. She has everything Indog want from Ollie

>> No.23991733

I know, but the NijiID for example is also internet-savvy and they understand ID memes. They are funny as hell.
What makes Kobo work and not them?

>> No.23991738
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>> No.23991744
Quoted by: >>23991832

so july will be a monster hunter arc but what about june? anything interesting coming game wise?

>> No.23991786
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>> No.23991825
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>> No.23991832

2k game arc, maybe ?

>> No.23991879
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>> No.23991926
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>> No.23991948

My personal belief is that they early on got way too embedded with Hana and as a consequence failed to appeal to her audience and at the same time managed to alienate the ID audience who thought everyone else is a budget Hana who were another "ID-but-actually-EN" branch,

>> No.23991966
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>> No.23991971
Quoted by: >>23992071

Just people there don't have faith in niji brand I guess?
Like how old nijikr's management trying to fuck up korean vtuber community and that piss lots of Korean off.

>> No.23991991
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>> No.23992057

The girls have similar to worse numbers when they do collab unless they're playing some shitty debuff game so yeah, solo streams are enough. Mysta gets his 10k streams regularly despite collabing much less than others. It feels like they slowed down on the collab shit quite a bit

>> No.23992064

no Micomet lewds?

>> No.23992071

Thank goodness for Isegye saving the market. They did more to the market than whatever NijiKR did.

>> No.23992077
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>> No.23992121
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Quoted by: >>23992190


>> No.23992128

So they went to # and saw that 4chan was shitting on the constant collab. So they decided to change the strat.
Another reason why # is once again influencing the market.

>> No.23992140


>> No.23992165

I feel like the general audience just got tired of it and they noticed.

>> No.23992190
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Quoted by: >>23992325


>> No.23992194

ID is culled harder than anyone else, Kobo is likely at a 10k median

>> No.23992241

At this point, the only agency that does not look into 4chan for numberfagging strat is Cover.

>> No.23992325
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Quoted by: >>23992366


>> No.23992332
Quoted by: >>23992492

Why would Cover need to when they have actual educated professionals on their team?
If your company is cheap enough to not hire a creative director, then you should never join an agency in the 1st place.

>> No.23992366
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Quoted by: >>23992392


>> No.23992392
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Quoted by: >>23992431


>> No.23992396
Quoted by: >>23992460

Probably because # is directly analyzing their strategies with funneling and the box and comparing it to other companies that does not do that.

>> No.23992431
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Quoted by: >>23992470


>> No.23992460

I don't think there are other agencies who can the box better than Hololive. They can try to, but they don't have the backing of the whole company to do the box.

>> No.23992470
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Quoted by: >>23992513


>> No.23992476
Quoted by: >>23992562

Fungus is most likely come /here/ when Noctyx first debuted, he saw # was discussing strats for Councils, so he probably screencap those and dm Luxiem on #vent to laugh at us or some shit, but he never thought that Luxiem will seriously using the strats from a 4chan thread.

>> No.23992492

you can't just hope to get into Hololive forever
Nijisanji is still far and away the next best thing to get into unfortunately

>> No.23992513
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Quoted by: >>23992555


>> No.23992549
Quoted by: >>23992621

if you were a japanese vtuber, unironically try getting into the fps agencies like np and vspo

>> No.23992555
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Quoted by: >>23992597


>> No.23992562

But now look at them, Noctyx is slugging behind while Council is still far above.

>> No.23992566

If they're actually here to get numberfag strats, they wouldn't have spammed celebration and milestone streams bro

>> No.23992578

What the fuck is happening? did Migo win Gold too early?

>> No.23992597
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Quoted by: >>23992642


>> No.23992607

>celebration and milestone streams
that is easy numbers though

>> No.23992622
Quoted by: >>23992662

That was literally what /#/ was screaming at HoloEN all the time
just some dedicated 35p I presume

>> No.23992621

being that good at an FPS is really hard and most people just aren't built for it

>> No.23992642
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Quoted by: >>23992685


>> No.23992652

Pardon me for being such a newfag
But why Holo didn't really play fighting games like Tekken or Street Fight?
Is it a pain in the ass to get the perms or they are not interested enough to play fighting games?
From what I have seen, games with a certain amount of violence are quite popular with the audiences and I think a fighting game championship like the marika championship will be a good content
And trash talking each other naturally come along with fighting games
Holos trash talking each other for the game would be clippable

>> No.23992662
Quoted by: >>23992686

And we see how it goes, the special streams get lower numbers at a faster rate.

>> No.23992672

Not enough migo hornyposting earlier I guess, but this is a bit much. Some people just can't let threads be slow, as their ADHD won't let them.

>> No.23992680

Mikoler and her shiragang mindbroke /#/

>> No.23992685
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Quoted by: >>23992725


>> No.23992686

Diminishing returns of course, beats not celebrating at all though

>> No.23992698
Quoted by: >>23992779

mysta only gets them on specific content
horror and japanese cenetered games.
from his last 10 streams only 3 are above 10k.
kukiyomi, shotto horror collab and closing shift.
vox is in a similar boat. the others are far from 10k median.
they need collabs to stay over 10k unfrotunately but that is on them.

>> No.23992707

Probably lack of interest.

>> No.23992711

They have perms for street fighter, from global Capcom perms.
It's just you need a certain KIND of autism to really get into fighting games like that. Most of the time the girls are content with Smash.

>> No.23992725
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Quoted by: >>23992763


>> No.23992739
File: 1.36 MB, 1382x917, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992851

Mel Channel update-
Mel, Kanata, and Mori's song collab "LUVORATORRRRRY" is now the 11th most viewed video on the channel. It recently surpassed Mel's imouto ASMR using KU100.
As seen in the pic, the cover needs more than 100k views to overtake 10th place. It's hard to gauge how quickly it can reach that as it's unlikely to maintain its current ~20k views/day for much longer. I'd project probably two weeks if it follows a normal song cover curve.

>> No.23992745

lack of interest but Luna has played SF2 turbo online a few times same for SF3
harada WILL NEVER give anything to anyone. that includes permissions.

>> No.23992763
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Quoted by: >>23992785


>> No.23992778

They're bad at fighting games and probably think that there's not much content can be milk from Tekken or SF. Also Music copyright

>> No.23992779
Quoted by: >>23992988

The 6th wave is going to be fun. There is already a cap on their audience. If this wave can't get big, this will mean more cannibalization.

>> No.23992785
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Quoted by: >>23992828


>> No.23992801

Lol. Have you ever checked how many streamer that actually played fighting game regularly on twitch?

>> No.23992807

Yeah, and JP having bilibili channels for years and still doing collabs with holos... make total sense

>> No.23992814

>They are funny as hell
they're not

>> No.23992828
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Quoted by: >>23992861


>> No.23992851

The power when collab with an artist channel is real. Also that song is the go to song on the search engine for nips I guess. Just look at all of those MMDs

>> No.23992854

fighting games just aren't popular, they're very niche

>> No.23992861
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Quoted by: >>23992896


>> No.23992896
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Quoted by: >>23992930


>> No.23992930
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Quoted by: >>23992958


>> No.23992958
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Quoted by: >>23993000


>> No.23992988
Quoted by: >>23993153

they way nijien is building itself is as a group rather than individual talents. you dont watche REGULARLY for seeing specific streams but becasue they will interact with each other. New waves reignite that for the top of the group but leave a few behind that wont find a clique with the new group or the contrary happens when the new group doesnt find a clique with the old ones.
For now debutting more waves is still their best approach as i dont think they have the resources to srupport each talent individually.

>> No.23993000
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Quoted by: >>23993033


>> No.23993033
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Quoted by: >>23993068


>> No.23993046
Quoted by: >>23993149

The FGC is just as notorious as the FPS community. So really not worth it unless you decided to go full autism with fighting games.
>You literally new to the game and didn't know how to cancel into 15hit combo into taunt into cancel EX Hyperdrive into Ultimate after 15 minutes of practice ? FUCKING DROP REEEEEEEE

>> No.23993068
File: 1.87 MB, 1618x2289, 1606813432575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993106


>> No.23993085

Migoti hornypost raid

>> No.23993106
File: 1.27 MB, 3508x2480, 1606524006225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993139


>> No.23993139
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Ok, that's enough for now

>> No.23993149

this, if Holos couldn't handle ER backseaters, fighting game fans are worse

>> No.23993153

That's the thing, they don't support individual talent unlike the Hololive model. That's because their CEO is only seeing the short-term goal of overloading the market with the "Nijisanjification" and the fans are eating it up thinking it's some sort of way to promote vtuber industry. But in truth, he just wants to maximize his profit without thinking about anything else.

>> No.23993178
Quoted by: >>23993381

First Vtuber's death confirmed?

>> No.23993219
File: 852 KB, 1735x1504, luca_vod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I followed the VOD numbers for Luca's recent Bartending VOD until it got verified (the break was when I was sleeping).
I thought it might conclusively prove whether or not there are viewbots in wormed streams, but due to his VOD climbing speed changing rapidly after I woke up, I was not able to conclusively say whether there was any significant drop while I was asleep.

Would any EU anon be willing to help out with saving the screenshots at 1 hour intervals when I'm asleep? (usually 3-4am JST)
I'm thinking of tracking another obviously wormy graph if it happens today.

>> No.23993250

she won yesterday but nobody post any (until now) since the hot topic last night was all about the new YT fuckery

>> No.23993283

Whatever the reality is "yes they're viewbotting" will always be the consensus of this thread

>> No.23993355

Mori and Ina played Guilty gear, it's just not all that popular

>> No.23993367

>AZKi/Nene with more views in less time than AZKi/Suisei
>both on AZKi's channel
Nene confirmed stronger buff than Suisei.

>> No.23993381
Quoted by: >>23993502

Might as well just scrap VR and tell NijiEN to move there entirely. This is just cursed.

>> No.23993414

you don't need to (You) every single post to fap to it.

>> No.23993415

Being in hololive confirmed to be bigger buff than being part of INNK Music (Suisei would know that as well)

>> No.23993426

>holobox vs INNK
the frog had the right idea of quitting

>> No.23993462

before/after box

>> No.23993501

how about a nene + suisei buff?
how does that compare? here's a reference that just broke 1m https://youtu.be/hiekN5DmNZE

>> No.23993502

They have like a hundred members, one was going to die eventually

>> No.23993532
Quoted by: >>23993589

use live views. i think it has a lmit of 4 hours so you can get an idea of any drops and rises.

>> No.23993589
File: 564 KB, 924x943, yagoo_infinite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993694

oh that's VERY interesting... thanks for the tip!
I'll see what I can do with this new Power.

>> No.23993694

Well, since someone brought up AZKi songs...
AZKi Channel update-
Cover song collab "Maware!" with Fubuki and Marine is now the 4th most viewed video on AZKi's channel. It surpassed AZKi's 8th original song, "Inochi".

>> No.23993734

>all big holos are out today
>Haachama with a Yagoo + "model creation" stream buff

>> No.23993876

8k if she's lucky.

>> No.23993896

>WWE clip getting 400k views in 1 day
This is the new meta

>> No.23993928

Haachama can bring the entirety of hololive into one singular stream on her channel, and it'll be a 3D one as well and she wouldn't break 30k

>> No.23993944

WWE getting back to mainstream again + Anime girl buff

>> No.23993983

Imagine WWE x Hololive collab dlc to get into the nip market

>> No.23994061

why are you fags hornyposting Miko the fucking horse race has been over for like 16 hours

>> No.23994064

they don't even have jap language in-game let alone a collab

>> No.23994070

Nah, I prefer something like a special match with Hololive commentary

>> No.23994085

just fucking patch the japanese menu first

>> No.23994143

WWE is very internet-savvy lately so I don't doubt they are monitoring what's hot currently.
Miko's WWE streams gain a lot of viewers so she is definitely on their radar.

>> No.23994227
File: 515 KB, 1920x1280, 20220508_221607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZKi has 2 announcements

>> No.23994333
File: 67 KB, 1091x870, veri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994549

Even Youtube's view verification is spiky.

>> No.23994447

>pregnancy and indefinite hiatus announcement

>> No.23994466
Quoted by: >>23994636

Oh boy, are you guy in for a treat. She already teased it member stream.

All I can say is be ready for the 2nd graduation on good terms in Holo

>> No.23994472

hm, bronze

>> No.23994549

spikes every 5 minutes is common on youtube vod verification.
once a vod finishes most of the queued views you will start also seeeing micro drops and rises.

>> No.23994551

Anime girls beating the shit out of each other let's fucking go!
But first the nippon language please

>> No.23994571

Hololive sure is fast on countermeasures for the bot problem. Did Nijisanji doing the same or they leaving the Livers to fend for themselves?


>> No.23994578
Quoted by: >>23994696

Would Miko's numbers explode again like her last wwe stream if she actually create YAGOO for her next wwe stream?

>> No.23994636

Why would she do it now? She bothered to join hololive 2 months after he contract was up. She should have graduated a month ago if this were true.
>members only
She's only had 2 members only streams this year and they were both karaoke and 2 months ago.

>> No.23994646

Nijisanji is waiting for Hololive to fix the problem for them

>> No.23994664

>Why would she do it now?
for the lulz

>> No.23994683

Anon...you fell for the shitty baitpost.
Anyways, it might be for a short break, doesn't she have roommate commitments she made that need to get finished? I could see her taking a short hiatus to clean those up.

>> No.23994684
Quoted by: >>23995312

While having their Livers account getting terminated? That's dark...

>> No.23994696
Quoted by: >>23994721

She should advertise on reddit, even the retards on there know and like HFZ

>> No.23994711
Quoted by: >>23994776

>oommate commitments
yeah me

>> No.23994721
Quoted by: >>23994867

35p vs Yagoo
Pure kino?

>> No.23994745

Newfag here’s a tip, disregard any post that hides proof behind a members stream.

>> No.23994776
Quoted by: >>23994837

will only be a 10 minutebreak then

>> No.23994837

best 10 minutes of my life

>> No.23994844
File: 20 KB, 913x93, iamadeity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994870

I feel like a fucking God after figuring this out.
just need to automate this and I'll have the VOD views in 15 min intervals without having to lose sleep

>> No.23994860

Will other Holos try it or it's Miko's exclusive game?

>> No.23994867

If Yagoo is represented as a tyrannical egomaniac who has a cult of personality built around him, it would be more perfect.

>> No.23994870


>> No.23994911

Only those interested in western AAA game

>> No.23994919
Quoted by: >>23995175

she already said it's gonna be happy, good announcement
most like new songs, same old shit

>> No.23994925

It would seem like leeching so I doubt others will try to take it away from Miko. They will just ask her to make their models and maybe do a voice call collab

>> No.23994997
File: 96 KB, 262x360, 165417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23995025

dead hours, bliss

>> No.23995019
Quoted by: >>23995427

Haachama will most likely play it
copycat Kanata will definitely copy whatever Miko is doing 100%
numberfags like Pekora or Subaru might do 1 stream at least, get the first time buff numbers then never touch the game again

>> No.23995025

watch vspo

>> No.23995048
File: 24 KB, 556x552, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one is live

>> No.23995102


>> No.23995110

Do you think Nijisanji's focus on streaming again would help you regain that 1st position?

>> No.23995113
Quoted by: >>23995173

They just had meeting regarding the bot situation and It seems that poorfags cannot plague the chat too.


>> No.23995173
Quoted by: >>23995198


>> No.23995175
Quoted by: >>23995334

Yea nvm I doublechecked the tweet, probs new song + other song related stuff then.

>> No.23995176
Quoted by: >>23995246

Didn't Hololive channels merge into YT network or something like that (when they disabled memberships for 2-3 days a few months ago) just to avoid cases like this? What was the point then if Susan keeps doing her shit and giving zero fucks about it?

>> No.23995198

>Sub only mode for everything until the situation is resolved, sorry.

>> No.23995222
File: 37 KB, 214x208, 1650867491564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23995505


>> No.23995246

If they didn't want their channels terminated, then they shouldn't be posting porn.

>> No.23995295

I really hope Kobo never gets her channel back. Hololive needs to get their comeuppance one of these days.

>> No.23995312
Quoted by: >>23995457

The recommendation is for them to put their chats on sub-only as well...

>> No.23995334
Quoted by: >>23995366

She is doing a song Collab with a shark theme vtuber

>> No.23995335
File: 191 KB, 974x321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's roberu hours!

>> No.23995366
Quoted by: >>23995442

Honorary Holo?
Honorary Holo

>> No.23995376

HoloID is pretty calm about it.

>> No.23995410
Quoted by: >>23995501

>It's busy hours in Japan + SEA
>It's midnight in NA
Either go to sleep or get a job anon

>> No.23995427

>Haachama will most likely play it
>haachama playing anything that requires you to press more than two buttons
kek yeah right

>> No.23995442
Quoted by: >>23995472

Her most popular video is with Inui Toko, so yeah.

>> No.23995457

Looks like not everyone got the memo

>> No.23995472

honorary niji then, same as suisei

>> No.23995498

that's why its a recommendation

>> No.23995501

i know right, it's also the same shit as when someone advertises to me the nijien girls and shows me an image with like 4 8 hour long ongoing streams, like who watches all that shit

>> No.23995505
File: 47 KB, 148x160, 1650572545408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23995632

that's great... but I like this one better...
24k in 4 hours

>> No.23995570

No one sent them the memo in the first place

>> No.23995610

well Koyo is starting her stream
thank god we still have her

>> No.23995632

Is she actually autistic? Genuine question

>> No.23995661

Good job son, soon holostars going to mog nijimales and all gay men and fujo will start kneeling.

>> No.23995677

worse, she's a Kronie

>> No.23995706

saw some jops that had no idea about the yt problem in koyo's chat, then i remembered not everyone lives in the internet

>> No.23995757
Quoted by: >>23995829

Did they just dropped the song without warning?

>> No.23995811
File: 41 KB, 564x505, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23995829
Quoted by: >>23995892

They gave the date if you watched their tiktok or listened to KanaTowa radio

>> No.23995875
File: 390 KB, 1009x769, 1635794515339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell is happening with Nijisanji?
Vspo girls leading the pack, Neoporte and Holostars dominating Nijis...
Is Riku finally giving up?

>> No.23995892
Quoted by: >>23995925

They could of set a premier frame

>> No.23995909

Nijisanji needs to recruit talented females.

>> No.23995925

They SHOULD, they didn't

>> No.23995968
Quoted by: >>23996079

Why would any women apply for Nijisanji and not for Vspo or Hololive?

>> No.23996037

Nijisanji management isn't proactive when it comes to protecting their streamers, unfortunately. Wait for them to post another apology letter on Twitter when one of the members inevitably complains about it.

>> No.23996053

She plays League.

>> No.23996079
Quoted by: >>23996282

Out of desperation perhaps? Idk.
Besides, applicants have to go through VTA first if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.23996085
File: 33 KB, 179x176, 1647606978295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, vspo girls begin their rank climb..
when will aqua start her solo master bros?

>> No.23996131

Aqua is mental = 0 right now. She won't be streaming anytime soon.

>> No.23996145
Quoted by: >>23996210

See for yourself

>> No.23996180
Quoted by: >>23996235

Not really. Vspo and Neoporte are better alternatives right now since Nijisanji just went public.

>> No.23996187

After Ranunculus, I don't know if I would want to join Nijisanji as a Japanese woman. There is no box to push at all. Does NijiEN have a box? It might be worth their while if they can speak English.

>> No.23996210

Jesas. This is what happen when you're a neet hag.

>> No.23996230

NijiEN's culture of constant collabs and forced Twitter larping is kinda off-putting for me.

>> No.23996233

They have the Panda Express Noodle box

>> No.23996235
Quoted by: >>23996296

what if they don't like or play fps

>> No.23996266

When everyone thought that no streaming Aqua is dead she was actually grinding Apex, there's your answer.

>> No.23996282

VTA is dead.

>> No.23996296

Ema wasn't really a gamer and she has become one of their top performers. Their owner said that as long as they enjoy gaming, it's all good.

>> No.23996357

Patch isn't for like 8 hours. Rank climb is tomorrow, now is the last minute save.

>> No.23996410
Quoted by: >>23996785

Fun fact for tonight for those asmr idiots who were shitposting a day or two ago:
In the timespan of which Vox’s asmr gained 10k views, Fauna’s gained over 40k. I hope people got some links to grudgepost in a week

>> No.23996420
Quoted by: >>23996503

>Lamy 10K GET

>> No.23996503

elden ring again huh

>> No.23996545
File: 703 KB, 783x536, Screenshot_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carried by buff game..

>> No.23996574

Lamy schizo on suicide watch.

>> No.23996644
Quoted by: >>23996693

niji has more female graduations than any vtuber company, being a female kills your career over there

>> No.23996680

Mori's VS vod had 7k ccv but now has 125k views, interesting

>> No.23996693

I mean they have more everything than every other vtuber company (except 1M sub vtubers) simply due to being so enormous.

>> No.23996720

why? they obviously do far better with males.

>> No.23996741

She's not playing ER though. Atleast check her stream schizo. Its a guerilla zatsudan.

>> No.23996785
File: 69 KB, 500x565, Rent free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grudgeposting about a virtual counter on the screen going up
>while Vox is breaking SC records on Youtube and Bilibili and merch sales records on Booth and Niji store
Living rent free lol

>> No.23996815

the reflection is strong with this one

>> No.23996833
File: 53 KB, 948x495, 1650865202223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why post those shitty bait in the first place ? Oh wait
>rent free
>small dog syndrome

>> No.23996839

Pink Lamy getting the funnel from the Blue Lamy now

>> No.23996855
Quoted by: >>23996874

Shitty EOP

>> No.23996858

they missed her being sad about not being able to massacre yukimins in the game anymore

>> No.23996874
Quoted by: >>23997009

>it doesn't count

>> No.23996903

LoL scene dead in JP? no watchalongs for the international tournament thats ongoing? Japan just won vs Australia too...

>> No.23996928
File: 759 KB, 1200x1039, 1648400171793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23996935

i see some chuubas doing it on twitch but YT nop

>> No.23996940
Quoted by: >>23996984

> merch sales
Where are your numbers?

>> No.23996966
Quoted by: >>23997030

is it worlds? man, last time i watched those when samsung won

>> No.23996984
File: 20 KB, 960x229, 1648992992498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23997009

I'd be pretty fucking sad if not even 10k people were interested in what lamy had to announce, if HAACHAMA of all people could muster 15k for her announcement in half the time wamy had

>> No.23997030

The Mid year international tourney. Thought someone would be doing watchalong since Japan is really good in international LoL events

>> No.23997039

why so many people do zatsu today?
current top is like 16k god this is the easiest gold ever
yet nobody planning on doing anything for the day wtf?
are we really letting Haachama win with a sub 20k stream?

>> No.23997063

GW just over. Usually there will be a downtime after big events
Several JP will start taking breaks too, Pekora included

>> No.23997073

You fucking idiot not every お知らせ = Big announcement. Do your fucking japanese rep and read the whole title. Or fine I'll do it for you:
>Notice about this week and recent events

>> No.23997088

>are we really letting Haachama win with a sub 20k stream?
what the fuck is this? in what world do you think haachama is going to get over 10k with this stream?
I swear if I see you faggots start acting like you're disappointed when you KNOW she won't get that big of a number, I'll be cumming on every single one of your faces, keep a peaceful thread fags

>> No.23997098

>if not even 10k people
but she gets 10k on her zatsus/drinking streams pretty often...? why being so schizo about her numbers

>> No.23997109

>hinano 10k get
