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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23540044 No.23540044 [Reply] [Original]

>The best GFE in Holo or Niji EN is uniroincally Fauna
>She's incredibly good at it when gaming without any effort

Is this some kind of sick joke? Why did it end up like this...

>> No.23544484,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>23544253

Really? They've been together for a while I thought.

>> No.23540242

She's not GFE
She's also bad at anything not Getting Over IT

>> No.23540365

It's almost as if the GFE girls had hands-on experience that leaks into her virtual self.

>> No.23540419 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 1192765-eddy_clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23540422
Quoted by: >>23540637

As much as I wish she had good experiences, there is Okayu.

>> No.23540505

Some anons have mommy/big sister GF fetishes, prease andastand.

>> No.23540596

I hate it but there's truth to it. Her, Moomers, wosemi, whoever else know exactly when to act cute and when to switch to pampering/massaging your ego. Ugly girls with no life experince think acting like an autistic 'randumb xD' is the way to go each day.

>> No.23540637

Okayu is 90% voice, 10% cute anime scenarios.
No offense, but you faggots, as in vtuber fans in general, are so easy to please . The streamer could do anything - lovey-dovey, tsundere, yandere etc, the response will always be "tskr"
And some of you are deluded enough to think they really don't have hands on experience. Lmao. They do, they just do cringier shit with you because they can't see you or you them.

>> No.23541148

who is your favorite vtuber?

>> No.23541386

This. A girl with at least some experience knows how to handle her BF, how to steer his mood, and in general how to keep him engaged but relaxed.

>> No.23541474

Anon, last letter in GFE.

>> No.23541555


>> No.23541667

Don't bring up NijiEN when you obviously don't watch them if you think Fauna is better at GFE than Elira.
They're both cute tho.

Rosemi isn't GFE at all, she's actually quite bad at it probably from lack of experience. She's good at acting like an innocent moeblob and has good comedic timing but bursts into flames any time she tries to be romantic. I've bought her voice packs and they're pretty cringe honestly, it's too obvious she's reading a script her manager wrote for her because she genuinely doesn't know how to be romantic.

>> No.23541708

Nah mate, I don't even know what tsundare and yandare even is and I couldn't care.
She's great at providing intimacy despite being 2000 miles away from me.

>> No.23541778
Quoted by: >>23542598

Kinda makes sense. You sound so cynical and doomer it adds up you watch someone who's clearly fucking someone when the stream is over.

>> No.23541779

>>The best GFE in Holo or Niji EN is uniroincally Fauna
>he doesn't know

>> No.23541951
Quoted by: >>23542664

>probably from lack of experience
oh anon lol.

>> No.23542502

I fucking wish
She's really good at it but she never goes there as Fauna, at most you get her obsessive yandere roleplay, which is why I hate her for killing one of my favorite roleplay ASMRtists

>> No.23542598

Whatever helps you cope, bro.

>> No.23542664
Quoted by: >>23542861

Yeah she has plenty of experience of being asked out, freaking out, and ditching those friends for life.

>> No.23542779
Quoted by: >>23543140

she goes there if you pay attention, but obviously people dont want to see it.

>> No.23542861
Quoted by: >>23606846

She's had a boyfriend how did you miss that with how meta/into roommateshit you like to get? A proper one not 'kyaa guys listen to my story about a guy being near me and how scawy it was >-<' kek.

>> No.23542863


Its not GFE until she says "I love you". No a nihongo jouzu "Daisuki" doesn't count, it has be truly sincere and from the heart

>> No.23543140

she shows saplings so little affection that they almost had a heart attack when she gave them a good night kiss after playing GOI, and she hasn't done that again since.

>> No.23543385
File: 15 KB, 346x339, 1649089255454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who say Fauna is GFE are either schizos or not real saplings.
t. Actual Sapling

>> No.23543424

You're lying to yourself if you don't find Fauna so cute you want to date and protect her.

>> No.23543445

don't act like you don't want her love and attention

>> No.23543518

Seems like she accidentally let it slip and tried to save face by acting like it was a yandere bit, but she's still said it

>> No.23543564
File: 2.35 MB, 1821x1381, 36071E87-98CF-49CF-B340-E97759595DEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23544131

Fauna is the only one who’s so addicting to watch that I actually check her schedule and plan to watch all of her streams. Her voice is adorable and I want to impregnate her, she would be a great mother to our 12 children.

>> No.23543599

Fauna is loveable because of just the way she is, she doesn't make any overtly GFE interactions and she doesn't need to. Especially to keep the unicorns at bay

>> No.23543666
Quoted by: >>23543825

Don't mistake her being very feminine/nurturing with GFE. If you're not cripplingly autistic you can tell the difference.

>> No.23543681
Quoted by: >>23543755

>Especially to keep the unicorns at bay
What you talking about, as if she will collab with a male

>> No.23543755

She collabs with me, a male, every night in bed though

>> No.23543783

That's not on stream so doesn't bother unicorns.

>> No.23543825
Quoted by: >>23543947

You both are just conceding you get the gfe from her but since she doesn't copy Rushia's blueprint step-by-step it somehow doesn't count. At the end of the day the vast majority of Fauna's audience views her as their girlfriend.

>> No.23543885


>> No.23543947
File: 401 KB, 706x515, 1648527990265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23544046

>If you like your oshi, then it's GFE
That's your problem

>> No.23544046

But I'm in love with Fauna

>> No.23544050

Damn thats cute

>> No.23544131 [DELETED] 

...let me tell you a secret

Eddy is already pumping her womb white.

>> No.23544177

I thought it was dunkey

>> No.23544230
File: 1.14 MB, 1170x1589, 1640895359117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not GFE, she's the Onee-san/Mama experience. She literally has an ASMR where you come into her room because you're having trouble sleeping and she combs your hair and hums you to sleep. She even calls you sweetie, lightly scolds you for being up past your bedtime and asks if you brushed your teeth.


>> No.23544253
Quoted by: >>23544484_1

if its any consolation, they don't live together.

>> No.23544484
Quoted by: >>23545419

>you come into her room because you're having trouble sleeping and she combs your hair and hums you to sleep. She even calls you sweetie, lightly scolds you for being up past your bedtime and asks if you brushed your teeth
sounds like my type of gf

>> No.23545419
Quoted by: >>23545467

I’ve personally said that she only counts as GFE is that sort of thing is your fetish, with the caveat that that describes a significant portion of her audience, but that it’s not explicitly meant to be GFE.

>> No.23545456
File: 1.63 MB, 1984x2825, 1646803885279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is the ultimate "real" girlfriend experience.

>> No.23545467
Quoted by: >>23546373

What's with this cope, did you buy into the nonsense of GFE being a bad thing?

>> No.23545558
Quoted by: >>23563977

A needy girl who spends hours talking about her daily problems and sometimes how much she wants to fuck another girl?

>> No.23545595
Quoted by: >>23545839

I don't know what Fauna is.
But she grooms her fanbase well.
She's funny in collabs too.

>> No.23545657

Yep, she reminds me of several exes I have had. I don't think she does it on purpose though, she would just naturally be "that" type of girlfriend.

>> No.23545839

She’s a kirin

>> No.23546136
File: 159 KB, 1080x1039, EB3CC55C-659A-4B9F-B256-AB51D282C250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is why I hate her for killing one of my favorite roleplay ASMRtists
I miss lemon leaf so fucking much it’s unreal. I want a solid conclusion to the tsundere kitsune story.

>> No.23546373
Quoted by: >>23546632

Not a sapling, not a cope, not even saying it’s inherently a bad thing. There’s shades and degrees to everything. GFE is as much dependent on audience perception as on the chuuba’s words and actions. While it’s generally unethical to outright lie to your audience for profit, mommy/big sis GF roleplay stays within the realm of plausible deniability. She’s not explicitly taking the GF role, but can fill the spot if that’s what you’re into.

>> No.23546632
Quoted by: >>23546750

reads like cope to me

>> No.23546743
File: 424 KB, 1226x685, 1622010865775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GFE doesn't mean "I like her a lot".
It means "Streamer goes out of her way to be Chat's pretend-girlfriend".
That's a very clear and narrow definition.
Fauna has literally never done that.
I hate you schizos so fucking much. :)

>> No.23546750
Quoted by: >>23546802

Once again, not even a Sapling here. What reason would I have to cope?

>> No.23546802

I don't care, figure it out yourself

>> No.23546814

Would it kill Fauna to say "I love you" and give us kisses sometimes????
I need her motherly love to keep going, I've been a sapling for so long, the least she could do is give me that.

>> No.23546913

Some anons seem to think ASMR=GFE and/or parasocial=GFE when the former is not directly related and the latter is like saying that since all ducks are birds, all birds must be ducks.

>> No.23547064

So that leaves you with...?

>> No.23547356
Quoted by: >>23561990

GFE is very rare, yes. Not least of all because it's somewhat limiting in terms of what you can do.

>> No.23547501

That isn't GFE you idiot

>> No.23547594

Wamy, the vtuber formerly known as Rushia, and a bunch of indies, probably. Then there’s borderline cases where they don’t outright say it, but don’t outright reject it either and regularly do stuff like date streams or treat their chat like a BF.

>> No.23548457

Her GFE isn’t very realistic or even that good.

>> No.23548536
Quoted by: >>23548608

She still posts on that channel

>> No.23548562

Wrong, she's not GFE. She has a boyfriend. Gura is the best GFE. Her only real ASMR she did from March 2021 is better than anything Fauna has done and it was her first time.

>> No.23548608
Quoted by: >>23555959

No? The last video was some patreon issues she had

>> No.23551729
Quoted by: >>23551812

If Vivi goes down the same road as lemonleaf and doesn't eventually come back to scripted videos, I will seriously have to consider an hero.

>> No.23551812

> inb4 Vivi graduates and becomes Fauna's nepotism hire.

>> No.23553294
File: 25 KB, 346x339, 1651278882812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's pretty obviously gfe, by far the most in en. some special brigade of retards are either in denial about it or something and spam about it in like every fauna thread.

>> No.23555712

>>he thinks anyone in EN is single
Kek nice cope.

>> No.23555914
Quoted by: >>23557150

I mean it's a bait thread, so everyone here is a clipwatcher at best

>> No.23555959

The video from 3 months ago? I did not know.

>> No.23556052
Quoted by: >>23556120

She's a GFE?

>> No.23556120

Do you want to date your mom?

>> No.23556196


>> No.23556290

Next thing you are gonna tell me is that Pikamee is GFE when she can't sound like a girlfriend even if her life depended on it.

>> No.23556335

Then sure.

>> No.23556343

>t. Freud

>> No.23556519

Freud would like a word with you...

>> No.23556580 [DELETED] 

Hi there Eddy.

>> No.23557150

only clip watchers would actually get mommy vibes from her

>> No.23557226
Quoted by: >>23559920

Fauna is a slut, simple as.

>> No.23557368

It's complicated. Sure, she doesn't act like a mommy/big sis HOWEVER once she turns you into a tree she's all "I'll take care of you good little sapling" and *then* it's kind of mommy/big sis/caretaker roleplay.

You can't deny this is the case.

>> No.23557525

wrong, I watch her regularly and still refer to her as my mama

>> No.23559231
Quoted by: >>23563235

She's GFE light. Plausible deniability almost. Like everything she does could be considered GFE but she doesn't go all the way there.

she doesn't discrimination either I learned today she's into girls too

>> No.23559920

Shit the fuck up. I'll kick your ass.

>> No.23560198
Quoted by: >>23565086


>> No.23560333

I feel like people just can't agree on what GFE means.

>> No.23560341

all the best girls are taken

>> No.23561640

I blame that on the fact that there are very few actual EN GFE vtubers

>> No.23561865
Quoted by: >>23611821

Your oshi is the vtuber equivalent of Jada Pinkett Smith, get over it

>> No.23561873
File: 289 KB, 1255x1587, E9bINbUUcAM-BFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing the "You belong to me" and "Chuu" webms

>> No.23561970

This place is full virgins and social recluses of course they don't know what GFE is because they never had one.

>> No.23561990

Have you considered that you're all desperately coping faggots who can't help that your GFE chuuba is cheating on you every day?

>> No.23562078

The halloween Yandere ASMR

>> No.23562082

I'm sorry to tell you all but Fauna is already engaged to me, no need to get your hopes up anymore

>> No.23562121
Quoted by: >>23562294

>best GFE
>has BF
Imagine being obviously cucked this hard.

>> No.23562134

They need their cope to enjoy stream, please understand.

>> No.23562167

cant wait until she collabs with men for all the seething

>> No.23562228

Lemonleaf was so much better she didn’t have to force this fake ass mommy bullshit she can’t pull off.

>> No.23562240
Quoted by: >>23562311

The Jump King open VC with Mumei. She gives a big sounding kiss and says: "That one's for you.......... Mumei" and then just gives chuus to chat.

>> No.23562294

As long as she's nor bringing that on stream I don't care what the VA does with her life. She's playing a character for us (and money, that's the thing she was literally hired for)

>> No.23562311

There are others before that one meant for the saplings

>> No.23562341
Quoted by: >>23562373

>sounds like a 12 year trying to and failing to sound like an adult women
You guys can’t be this pathetic. Calling Fauna a mom is like calling Calli a good rapper.

>> No.23562373
Quoted by: >>23562585

> Has never heard women with high pitched voice.

>> No.23562425
Quoted by: >>23562487

Nah, IRyS is the best GFE streamer. She has IRyStocrats wrapped around her finger.

>> No.23562487
Quoted by: >>23562902

I fear IRyS and her IRyStocrats are getting dangerously cozy for each other

>> No.23562514
Quoted by: >>23562677

>Milking you for money
That’s sad that you admit it Hololive really got you guys whipped. Luckily I only follow the Hololive members worthy of being subbed to.

>> No.23562573

Are bait threads really this easy?

>> No.23562585

>thinks someone with the most obvious acting is even remotely “mommy.” Literally nothing about her personality is “mommy” you guys think speaking slow means mature.

>> No.23562677


>> No.23562902
Quoted by: >>23563229

That is the thing. She needs us just as much as we need her. That is why she streams for so long and then does 3 hours of superchat reading. She can't stop talking to us and she doesn't want to leave.

>> No.23563229

I feel the breaking point was when she cried on stream and chat was there for her. There's no going back now.

>> No.23563235
Quoted by: >>23563583

wait, source?

>> No.23563329
Quoted by: >>23602299

>She has a boyfriend.

>> No.23563332

>he doesn't appreciate her awkward kino attempts
filtered, this is peak gap moe

>> No.23563407

But my favorite video is the onee-san one

>> No.23563583

Search for PL sapphic ASMR

>> No.23563642
Quoted by: >>23563723

Fauna's the best gamer in HoloEN

>> No.23563718

thanks for sharing your wisdom, good for her.

>> No.23563723

She struggled with a casual game like Assassin’s Creed

>> No.23563726

I've really been enjoying Fauna recently after not watching much of her before. She's sweet, entertaining, and makes cute noises. She seems good at games and it makes me happy when she talks about animals. I love my wife who is IRyS but I like Fauna!

>> No.23563747

I sucked ass at the first boat part of Ass Creed 4

>> No.23563977

damn, I didnt know Kiara was my ex lmao

>> No.23564015

her voice sounds so fake to me

>> No.23564167

I had already watched it but never paid too much attention lol. Everybody wins!

>> No.23564218
Quoted by: >>23564268

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ7rNbZ7P-I I did but thats all I found
on a side note is there a chuuba that sounds like that?

>> No.23564236
Quoted by: >>23564332

almost all vtubers fake their voices lmao, get used to it

>> No.23564268

ah you need to search it with her roommates account

>> No.23564332

No but hers is extra fake.

>> No.23564340

I did to at first but now I love it

>> No.23564369
Quoted by: >>23602578

then dont watch? idk how to help you out bro, but most peeps like her voice, fake or not. I'm sure there is a vtuber out there with a natural voice that will work with your tastes.

>> No.23564461
Quoted by: >>23564679

Anon, AC has the shitiest control scheme of all time, it literally doesn't make too much sense until a few hours with it, and guess what, her second stream already showed her being a lot better at the game, still hasn't nailed down everything but won't take long until she learns everything she'll ever need to learn about this franchise

>> No.23564679

>shittiest control scheme
Really? I thought it was intuitive, even with KBM, but it's great with a gamepad
But personally, nothing tops Dark SOVLS - the controls are tight, perfect

>> No.23564717

I wish I had the copy pasta on me but tldr her voice isn't fake. She's been in too many situations that she would, like breaking a nail, and she's never dropped it.

>> No.23564802
Quoted by: >>23564897

Lmfao the amount of cucks in here.

>> No.23564897

I've found that I can overlook anything about roommate stuff if I like the chuuba enough
She might be butt ugly, fat, in a polyamorous relationship or whatever but if her chuuba personality fits me I'll overlook all that

>> No.23565086

wtf anon

>> No.23567038

She might add some extra effect to it but it's mostly her voice. She's had so much time of her voice being recorded and it mostly sounds the same.

>> No.23567074
File: 24 KB, 1839x158, BasedSapling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23602578

I got you, pic rel
pls read, this "Its fake" shit is super old. She has even spoken about it, the voice she uses on stream is akin to the voice you would use on the telephone. Slightly different, still your voice.

>> No.23567716


>> No.23569559

I think you should refrain from mentioning NijiEN

>> No.23569595
File: 11 KB, 233x217, 1648215280311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong lamy faggot

>> No.23569598

The term GFE was ruined by teamates over a year ago anyway.

>> No.23569627

>Blue Lamy is in Holo EN
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23572646

>Blue Fauna

>> No.23572903

How are there so many people who don’t know what GFE is?
>Fauna is nice and I like her, so she’s GFE
absolute retards

>> No.23578657
Quoted by: >>23595911

She's definitely not GFE, she doesn't like that shit and she doesn't need to do it to be relevant

>> No.23583614


>> No.23583844 [DELETED] 

She had to save face because of Eddy

>> No.23583879

No. That would be IRyS.

>> No.23583905

Relax with the cope, every time I pop into a Fauna stream it's very intimate.

>> No.23585142
File: 780 KB, 614x714, 1651466737177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak GFE

>> No.23587267
File: 961 KB, 2048x1640, chrome_screenshot_1651566305957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some results

>> No.23591792

Seethe and cope!

>> No.23595504

she cute

>> No.23595911

>she doesn't like that shit
>literally all LL ever did was GFE roleplay

>> No.23599107
Quoted by: >>23613626

What's GFE

>> No.23600333

> The best GFE comes from girls with actual BF (past or present) experience.
> They know how to keep their SO happy and looking forwars for more.
> Treating chat like they treat(ed) their SO.

The people here saying she doesn't do GFE never had a GF.
They never knew the coziness of laying on the couch together talking about whatever.
They never knew how it feeels to share the same room, each doing their thing, knowing the other is there, looking over your stuff and see them focused on theirs.
They don't know how sharing time and space with your beloved feels.

So all those people saying "it's not GFE because she doesn't say 'I love you my sweet honey darling I so want to marry you right now' ", I truly pity you.

>> No.23600377

This desu

>> No.23600776
Quoted by: >>23601991

written like a true fanfic romance
just believe any female interaction is romantic

>> No.23601929



>> No.23601951

Don't remind me of how alone I am anon.

>> No.23601991
Quoted by: >>23603351

stop coping, it's been explained by various people in various ways why she is GFE and those who claim otherwise don't even provide any argument at all.

>> No.23602044
Quoted by: >>23602143

No adult man will experience this from a person who isn't their girlfriend.

>> No.23602143

Anti GFE saplings claim that ASMR never counts

>> No.23602163

>watching GFE whores

>> No.23602299

hahahahahahahaha cope seethe mald
someone gets to nut in your oshi and it isn't you.

>> No.23602560
Quoted by: >>23607105

The way I see it there are two kinds of GFE which leads to a lot of confusion:

"GFE" for people who absolutely never had a GF before and only has anime and movies as reference.

GFE for people who had a GF before and knows what to expect.

These two types are incompatible seeing how different relationships actually are from what they're portrayed as in the media.

>> No.23602578
Quoted by: >>23602640

Sorry sounds like she’s acting 24/7 and then when she actually tries to act/Roleplay is somehow worse.

>> No.23602640

That's your opinion. It's prefectly fine if she's not your cup of tea. There's literally hundreds of chuubas out there, go find one that you like.

>> No.23602701

That's very funny since she regards ASMR as her focus, has always done primarily girlfriend/flirtatious roleplays both as Fauna and in PL despite the fact that plenty of ASMR provides the opportunity to make videos without any implications of intimacy, and even recently said she always wants to continue doing ASMR even when she no longer works as a streamer. None of this is even a criticism; I don't know why some saplings are determine to deny a major selling point of Fauna. If she didn't want to provide that experience, there are many other options available to ASMRtists.

>> No.23603119

This. There's plenty of neutral ASMR, those that focus more on the triggers and less on the voice, there's also many voiced ones that do not fall into the roleplay area.

She very consiously does loved-one roleplay ASMR.
Even if doing GFE isn't her goal she has all the setup, skill and experience (both as a roleplay asmr and as a GF) to make it happen.
My guess is that she wants to appeal to as broad of an audience as possible and GFE has this "undesirable" feeling (kimoi) so I understand why she wants to lightly graze the genre but never go full depth on it.

>> No.23603205

GFE is supposed to be bad so some spergs will do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to prove their oshi doesn't do it. I don't see why it's bad, cause GFE and parasocial baiting can be completely separate from one another. Chuubas who tell you that they miss you, tell you that you better show up next stream, tweet out good morning and good night every day, and ask you to buy them things, are a lot more dangerous than 'pretend your girlfriend is brushing your hair' content.

>> No.23603290
File: 9 KB, 782x103, 1639535211668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23603319

Fauna is not Chat's pretend-girlfriend. She has never tried to be Chat's pretend-girlfriend. I don't even watch her that much because I don't like ASMR and GOI is shit. I'm just equally shit of you faggots screeching over a made-up issue.

>> No.23603319

Do some squats you sound like a girl

>> No.23603351

How the fuck are so many of you so confused? Fauna is a classic idol story, what about that makes you think she wants you to unironically believe she is your girlfriend?
She sucks at singing. You get to watch her improve and eventually release an original song with a producer she idolizes.
She sucks at GOI and is hardstuck on orange hell for 15+ hours. You get to watch her slowly improve and eventually zoom through the game in under 5 min.
She sucks at minecraft. You get to watch her struggle her way through the game and eventually kill the ender dragon.
You are supposed to see her improving and be inspired to improve your own shitty life. Just because she occasionally says nice things to you doesn't mean she wants you to think of her as your actual girlfriend.

>> No.23603379

Didn't read.
GFE is a level of intimacy, not a pretend girlfriend.

>> No.23603410
Quoted by: >>23603422

not even meds can save you, retard.
enjoy your pretend gf.

>> No.23603422
Quoted by: >>23603478


>> No.23603430

It’s hard to judge, she always makes it clear it’s a ROLEPLAY, not what she actually is like, but then you could argue that “Fauna” is also technically a role

>> No.23603435
Quoted by: >>23603493

In that case I suggest you get some female friends. Talking about your hobbies isn't intimate... I just wish you retards could speak Japanese so you would understand what GFE streamers look like.

>> No.23603476

>unironically believe she is your girlfriend
That isn't GFE. That's just parasocial manipulation. Fauna consciously provides GFE in her roleplays.

>> No.23603478

you're literally the only one coping, faggot.

>> No.23603493

Dunno what you're talking about, I've had female friends like Agnes, Agatha, Germaine and Jacque,

>> No.23603659
Quoted by: >>23604798

Fauna occasionally does GFE, Fauna is not GFE herself. Outside of ASMR there is no intimacy with the viewer at all. All she talks about in streams is the game, stuff she works on, and stories from highschool pretty much. So in ASMR she is GFE, in any other case she is FE at most.

>> No.23604798
Quoted by: >>23605091

This is the most reasonable take.
In stream she is, generally speaking, not GFE.
In lore she's a caretaker borderline mommy/oneesan experience.
In ASMR she's as GFE as she's comfortable to not get labeled as such because it's "le bad".

>> No.23605091

>In ASMR she's as GFE as she's comfortable to not get labeled as such because it's "le bad".
Also heard her last audience was pretty parasocial and she hated it. That also lead to the rrat about her making up a boyfriend and going back and forth between he's real and not cause she's supposedly enjoyed cucking that audience, but no one ever showed evidence when that was going around, so I'm just going to assume it was nothing more than a rrat

>> No.23605931

Makes sense if she hates when things get parasocial to try to put some distance on her side (not streaming much) and the audience's (by having BF, real or imaginary).

But that's back when she had smaller audience. I don't know if things will be the same with the 7k or so people that watch her now.

>> No.23606727

Fauna is my mistress, simple as.

>> No.23606846

From how this stupid argument has been used on other chuubas im sure this isnt true

>> No.23606974

saying things like this brings me back to reality so please stop

>> No.23607105

There’s also the third kind: “GFE” getting slapped onto any remotely parasocial behavior to the point where the term is completely useless. The other two types are at the extreme end of the parasocial spectrum, so morons lump everything else under that term and create more confusion. I’d say Fauna would be a borderline case, and that occasional one-offs that are clearly on one side of the line get interpreted as her usual behavior, which is why this gets argued so much.
The flakiness part of the rrat is corroborated in the archives, at least. I’d assume the rest is just to paint her as untrustworthy in order to resurrect the Fallenshadow drama.

>> No.23607343

It really is fucking odd that it's hard to find any actually indication of him actually existing. You can find vods talking about him but literally nothing with him actually speaking on stream. No photos. Nothing. Which is a good thing for her because she clearly doesn't get doxxposted as hard as a result, but it's still really confusing.

>> No.23607460
File: 90 KB, 556x566, 1649877371821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you start to enjoy Fauna as purely just an entertainer and nothing else, she's a lot more enjoyable and relieves pain rather than causing it. I recommend it. I also found another chuuba who pretends to love me so it's a good balance.

>> No.23607898

This is getting too meta for me, she's not my oshi I've just been watching a lot recently.
It's for sure GFE though, that's been my point the whole time.

>> No.23607977

...Is an interesting point about despite all the known roommate information out there, where are the men? well hidden.

>> No.23608056

Allegedly she had a guy that she claimed was him on some streams, but no one has ever provided links or timestamps, and some anons claimed they thought it was actually a brother or something like that.

>> No.23608402

If you actually watched those vods you'd have heard background sneezing and yelling

>> No.23608763

she has the exact same voice as my ex so it feels like genuine gfe when i watch her

>> No.23608931

It's too late for me, I can't enjoy a vtuber unless I feel emotionally attached to her

>> No.23608988

Does she really do GFE?
Don’t see it my self personally.
Your mileage may vary I guess!

>> No.23609277
File: 271 KB, 1479x1479, 1648409590921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work keeping this thinly veiled doxthread up all day jannies

>> No.23609298
Quoted by: >>23615894

>Willfullly donating her condom money
How disgusting

>> No.23609325


>> No.23609330

Should have posted mori, then it'd be down in minutes

>> No.23609613

Ill throw you a bone anon. People who actually watched her old account were very quickly warning people during her debut that she was a lunatic. To give a breakdown.
>Pretended to have a bf to intentionally fuck with her audience and piss off unicornfags
>Talked about her bf so much and so often that it reached borderline stalker levels of obsession
>Would bring him up as much as humanly possible to the point that people started wondering if they were even real
>Even when they were on stream with her something felt really off about it like they weren't a couple
>Described him in the most generic ways humanly possible
TLDR: People very familiar with Fauna's past content were warning people not to buy into the has BF rrat because there was some weird insane shit going on about that. Most also warned that she was a fucking lunatic who liked fucking with her audience.

>> No.23610170

If you're LARPing please try to be less obvious about it. At least go a few steps down the notoriety ladder to tokyo ghouls groomer hag or that one always horny shotacon

>> No.23611821

This is not the insult you think it is.

>> No.23611913
File: 168 KB, 463x453, 1637810434570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23612049

I guess the dramawhores got bored of trying to make Shondo yab or something and are trying to spin Fauna into Lex Luthor again huh.

>> No.23611953
Quoted by: >>23612292

LMAO at all these people who try to post roundabout dox of Fauna because they're legit scared of getting banned now. This is your life, trying to figure out the vaguest way possible to word things and hardly getting any discussion out of it because nobody knows what the fuck you're trying to say.

>> No.23612049
File: 168 KB, 320x400, 1646165136100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Fauna was pulling the strings this whole time
She even set into motion WW2 so that Japan would get nuked, leading to them becoming docile and anime culture emerging

>> No.23612108
File: 63 KB, 850x448, Peaceful Fauna [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnsaoy4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Fauna soundpost I made, thought you guys would like it.

>> No.23612178
File: 220 KB, 960x1200, 20220429_184106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a pseudo /uuu/ thread. Post your cutest Faunas

>> No.23612186
File: 1 KB, 125x125, 1640597633526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23612241
File: 134 KB, 505x216, uuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proud Fauna

>> No.23612264
File: 1.09 MB, 888x1011, 1620546578080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23612292

we all know what theyre talking about, stop acting like youre so much smarter for figuring out the secret meaning behind those messages, its very obvious

>> No.23612312
File: 124 KB, 900x900, FJbpRreXwAE3sbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23612385

I'm glad her kimono has a togglable maid apron, it's practically two outfits in one

>> No.23612385
File: 237 KB, 867x1273, FQDm9bMaQAQhMVQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you soggy momma for loving my wife

>> No.23612434

Holy shit I am so much more attracted to her now. She sounds like an actual yandere. I want her to abuse me so badly.

>> No.23612468
File: 246 KB, 820x550, 1642140151562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sapling tech support

>> No.23612491

Can you guys just let me have my fantasy in peace?
I want to believe Fauna is as perfect as I think she is, thank you

>> No.23612519
File: 293 KB, 467x680, 1640731460548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon she is perfect

>> No.23612575
File: 111 KB, 599x690, 1649946602954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is perfect anon. In her flaws she is perfect. Look at nature. It gives, it destroys. Much like Fauna. Sweet and Yandere. Perfect and Flawed. Yin and Yang. UUU and squeeb

>> No.23612808
Quoted by: >>23612974

>She's not GFE, she's the Onee-san/Mama experience
I'd argue she's just onee-san experience, but yeah, she's not GFE in the slightest. Guys here think the moment a woman cares about you shes dtf, so any affection = GFE

>> No.23612974
File: 349 KB, 281x281, 1644540076258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys here think the moment a woman cares about you shes dtf
The state of society

>> No.23613324
File: 1.76 MB, 1106x965, 1649878763309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23615698

Can't believe my wife is a genuine schizo

>> No.23613354
File: 2.04 MB, 600x338, 1487001906-lostjack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how it started, she was fun to tune in everynow and then. Now I post here and have gone full gosling. I need to go back.

>> No.23613373

Nigga, how do you not get more attached hearing how crazy she might be. Either way, she doesn't do even a hint of this behavior with saplings, showing that she actually likes us

>> No.23613439

Sounds pretty based.

>> No.23613626

Gundam Flavored Eggs

>> No.23613705

Tbh I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if she has some mental trauma she can mask through her character. She was emo or scene once, I’d almost assume she has cuts all along her wrists and thighs.

>> No.23613793

Just when I thought she couldn't be anymore like my last gf.

>> No.23613880
Quoted by: >>23613945

If she does she hides it pretty well. Everyone other menhera i watch is horrible at hiding anything

>> No.23613904

I imagine she had tons of unicorns. Those scenario ASMRs are basically drugs for lonely guys.

>> No.23613927
Quoted by: >>23614001

Can confirm this.

>> No.23613945
Quoted by: >>23614211

Man this makes me wanna watch some menheras any recs?

>> No.23614001
Quoted by: >>23614184

Confirm what? A woman with a sexy voice pretending to be close to you fires ass loads of brain chemicals.

>> No.23614027

>Anon confuses Fauna's special needs teacher voice for GFE
This says quite a lot about you anon, do you wear the football helmet indoors or just when you go outside?

>> No.23614034

It's a shame cause she really likes making it. She probably thinks she's helping some people out and gets joy in that but doesn't want to attract the weird ones. Poor girl doesn't know anyone who gets helped by that is the weird ones. A lot of her ASMR feels female centric recently in the roleplay, so either she's using that as a way to avoid them a bit or she just likes her female fans more

>> No.23614074

Well she's into girls too so who the hell knows.

>> No.23614098
File: 257 KB, 498x353, edward.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23614183

What's his name again?

>> No.23614103

cuckoldry is a mental illness
more news at 11

>> No.23614129
Quoted by: >>23614289

>she hasn't made any ASMR lately because she is trying to avoid unicorns
You're not even trying to pretend you watch her streams idiot.

>> No.23614183 [DELETED] 


>> No.23614184

Yes, I agree with the statement that her scenario ASMR are drugs for lonely guys.

>> No.23614211
Quoted by: >>23614279

You can try Meru, since she's a pretty light menhera it's good introductory shit. She's pretty cute and she's also streaming right now on twitch. Every once in a while she has breakdowns on stream but you won't find them cause she always deletes those vods. She somehow works 2 jobs and streams twice a day, once in twitch and once on YouTube, but still lives check to check and sometimes struggles to afford groceries, so if you want to savior fag that's two in one. Though when it comes to things that might turn you off, she loves acting like a child to the point that she started with an adult looking model and moved to basically a loli, and she also invites people to talk about their problems on stream and will discuss it with them.

>> No.23614279

Oh fuck she's just like me fr

>> No.23614289
Quoted by: >>23614361

I meant the GFE roleplay ASMR she used to do. She talked about wanting to get back into more roleplay ASMR so she clearly wants to get back into it.

>> No.23614361
Quoted by: >>23614506

You are literally trying to spin rrats out of her not making much ASMR in general when if you actually bothered to watch her streams instead of reading the stupid shit you read here, you'd know why that was the case.

>> No.23614398

>"I'm going to write a skyrim bar maid asmr RP! I'm serious"
omg I can't believe fauna fucking hates asmr she hates us all

>> No.23614462

>she's supposedly enjoyed cucking that audience
I mean, she does have a cuckolding fetish

>> No.23614506
Quoted by: >>23614569

I never said she wasn't making ASMR, she's still releasing shit frequently enough. I said she isn't making GFE roleplay ASMR anymore and hasn't done it at all in the Fauna channel. I didn't outright mention that in my post cause the other guy was replying to a post about it already, and you'd know that if actually read the posts i was replying to.

>> No.23614569
Quoted by: >>23614802

You must be one of those idiots that think any sort of affection = GFE.

>> No.23614785
File: 224 KB, 480x480, 1651455167156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23615073

>>23612108 Thanks for this, anon

>> No.23614802
File: 234 KB, 991x278, Screenshot_20220503-170840_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna isn't GFE, this on the other hand is, and is the type of stuff she enjoys and wants to get back into.

>> No.23614881

I legit don't understand what you're trying to prove here.

>> No.23614962

She will never do anything like that as Fauna.
I do think she like teasing the audience. She probably didn't get a ton of attention when she was younger so she's thriving off it now.

>> No.23615039
Quoted by: >>23615177

Just like you didn't get enough attention from your parents apparently.

>> No.23615073

You're welcome. I heard that song on Spotify once and instantly thought of Fauna.

>> No.23615177

I think I got too much if anything. Believe me I'm way more fucked up than her

>> No.23615196

>She probably didn't get a ton of attention when she was younger
I don't think she's clingy enough for that to be the case.

>> No.23615199
File: 1.12 MB, 850x1511, 1646000823512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23615404

enough of this

>> No.23615258
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1122, 1622499479868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615305
File: 1.21 MB, 850x1133, 1643483838154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615363
File: 1.16 MB, 850x1270, 1631213815802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615404

Good picture

>> No.23615417
File: 1.06 MB, 850x1252, 1650898409494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615455
File: 575 KB, 850x567, 1626672288448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615496
File: 749 KB, 850x1198, 1639545089899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23616005

>> No.23615536
File: 906 KB, 850x1202, 1620265833410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615554
Quoted by: >>23615641

She says it's good for both genders but it really does feel more female focused:
> Talks about brushing your hair.
> Talks about your perfect skin.
> Has a Sapphic ASMR.

There was a rrat looong ago when she debuted that the supposed SO was a lie to either cuck the fans bc she enjoyed that or to keep the parasocials at bay, nothing new but when Sh*nd* had a breakdown people were mentioning how close those two were and maybe there was no BF and it was just them breaking up over new gig.
I'll go take my meds now see y'all later.

>> No.23615592
File: 814 KB, 850x1264, 1644763686277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23615680

>> No.23615627
Quoted by: >>23616249

All known pictures of her she's wearing loooong sleeves and stockings.. So it could be possible.

>> No.23615641
Quoted by: >>23616600

Your expanded extra schizo rat is good stuff, /u/ fag. I'll start spreading that one instead.

>> No.23615643
File: 1.23 MB, 850x1202, 1651101573808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615680

Butt fangs

>> No.23615694
File: 470 KB, 850x825, 1638980765106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh so that's why I hate /u/fags.

>> No.23615698

Everyone is. But normal people learns to keep it in check while schizos let it run amok

>> No.23615736
File: 413 KB, 850x663, 1628133841479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615776
File: 691 KB, 850x818, 1640767872965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615824

>The best GFE in Holo or Niji EN
This isnt Finana

>> No.23615829
File: 1.12 MB, 850x1097, 1638834227932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615834
File: 202 KB, 2008x2008, 1650330939487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least now that everyone got it out of their system we have a perfect /uuu/ thread coming up

>> No.23615879
File: 1.03 MB, 850x1190, 1648481859312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23620785

also /u/fags were the true enemy after all

>> No.23615894
Quoted by: >>23615980

Donated to IUD so she can use that money to buy nice wine and dinner for her BF to make up for the fact he has to be dead silent/out of home for as long as she streams.

>> No.23615926
File: 1.05 MB, 850x1427, 1648161252223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615973
File: 1.60 MB, 850x1275, 1632494387767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23615980

>Pay for condom money
>He gets kicked out for 3 hours a day
>Condom money is used but not on Fauna
You are indirectly hurting your oshi

>> No.23616005

I can't believe she used this for a thumbnail

>> No.23616036
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1249, 1636605421752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616072
File: 459 KB, 529x680, FauNotme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23616079
File: 805 KB, 850x1205, 1651051912067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616134

Both of these statements are correct

>> No.23616137
File: 699 KB, 850x641, 1638253029517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616181
File: 587 KB, 850x806, 1637627785599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616203

Does Fauna fuck dogs?

>> No.23616217
File: 382 KB, 850x657, 1644783075717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616227

yeah, me

>> No.23616249

I don’t want to dress a stereotype, but of all the girls I’ve ever met who wear skirts like hers usually have cuts on their legs. This is from my own experience though.

>> No.23616272
File: 1.55 MB, 2002x2820, __ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mile_off8mile__befb5ac03e565a68df808d8b14e2bc30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23616277
File: 1.05 MB, 850x1149, 1634662521498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616306

My unmedicated theory is this:
> She's bi but prefers girls. Her ASMR suggest the listener is a girl + the very specific shappic one.
> She wasn't comfortable with the dudes lusting after her so she creates the BF figure to keep them at bay.
> She gets close and cozy to other girls.
> Auditions begin, they try to pull a Millie/Enna.
> Only one makes it and accepts.
> The other feels betrayed as a content creator, friend, maybe even lover? And has a mental breakdown.
> Somehow they kiss and make up at a later date.
> Are now on good terms but don't interact often.

>> No.23616328
File: 225 KB, 457x565, 1626402534510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616382
File: 371 KB, 850x850, 1624437751771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23616463

Way to confirm you're the same shitstirrers from the Shondo threads btw, retards.

>> No.23616398
Quoted by: >>23616783

>but don't interact often
Have they interacted at all lately? I mean publicly of course

>> No.23616432
File: 645 KB, 800x1181, 1635919356490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616463
File: 831 KB, 675x900, 1649812460994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23616499

Who cares, you won't notice us when we're posting in /uuu/

>> No.23616499
File: 388 KB, 850x478, 1630657366269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23616591

>admitting you also post in /uuu/

>> No.23616504

No, Kronii and Mumei are the dog owners in Council.

>> No.23616563
File: 969 KB, 850x1168, 1622553999567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616591
File: 166 KB, 315x402, 1651065547731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i go everywhere you go anon, you can't avoid me.

>> No.23616600
Quoted by: >>23616734

To be fair, making up a "BF" to be left alone is pretty standard /u/ behaviour. Specially if you have to be like:
>"OMG I Looooooove my BF SO much he's SO perfect! He's a man and, well, he's a manly man. There's no manlier man than my man because I love my man like any girl would. His top quality is that he's a man and well what else can a girl ask for?"

>> No.23616613
File: 586 KB, 850x959, 1643445910690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun being a bunch of a gossiping women I guess.

>> No.23616619
File: 214 KB, 500x500, 96366690_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23616734

I can't believe Fauna is dating the liver king. Opposites really do attract, and she did mention him after all

>> No.23616783
Quoted by: >>23616892

Well they must do behind the scenes otherwise it would have been impossible for them to make up? Like, why on earth would you keep contact with someone who tried to doxx you and sabotage your big chance? How did they "made up" after all the shitstorm last year if the usual course of action is to block/ban the other part? They must have been *very* close to keep in contact and talk enough to forgive each other...

>> No.23616799
File: 66 KB, 644x644, wdytwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have fun being a bunch of a gossiping women I guess.

>> No.23616842

I like this anon. This is now canon.

>> No.23616854
Quoted by: >>23617467

Men gossip as often if not more than women.

>> No.23616867

Goddamn, this sounds based as fuck. But then I liked Fauna already. I like the whole gen.

>> No.23616892

That's why i said publicly, obviously they talk behind the scenes. I just wanted to know if they've ever interacted as Fauna and Shondo

>> No.23617025
Quoted by: >>23617609

I wonder if shondo is in this thread rn

>> No.23617055

Guys, do we have any clue on when the next stream is?

>> No.23617467

That's obvious bullshit, you just don't know any women and you're projecting what you see in this shithole everywhere.

>> No.23617560

You're just autistic.

>> No.23617609

She's literally streaming

>> No.23617750

I suspect it's like Pomu and Kiara where they speak a lot offline and only scarcely interact in public. I'm not sure of it's a corpo thing tho.

>> No.23617812

Idk what to tell you. Maybe you just didn't have many male friends.

>> No.23617900

In her PL she said pretty often that her last relationship before current was with a girl, if that helps your theory.
Fauna has been extremely stiff and cautious, the only person from her PL I've seen her interact with is the guy that made her music. She doesn't follow any of her old friends on Fauna's account. Guessing she's being especially cautious and going out of her way not to interact with anyone, given how autistic she is about privating streams at the slightest thing etc I wouldn't be surprised if she was incredibly on edge and being very cautious just to make sure. Either that, or she really did just completely abandon her old life completely. Practically every member of Council has had some sort of comment or follow on their PL friends, but Fauna not one.

>> No.23617946
Quoted by: >>23618114

I think Fauna has set it up so that she could interact with shondo at any time seeing how they're both living in a forest that might very well be the same, and fauna has mentioned shape shifters a couple of times as well

>> No.23618114
Quoted by: >>23618168

Shit that's true. A lot of Fauna's lore is extremely close to Shondo's. Shondo has said she would never want to collab with someone huge for nerves sake multiple times, but I wonder if she'd be willing to make an exception if Fauna actually reached out to her for it. I don't give a shit about the drama or the rrats, they're my indie and corpo oshi respectfully and to see them interact again publicly would probably make me cry.

>> No.23618154

I gossip a ton. The guys I work with do too. Every gossips.

>> No.23618168
Quoted by: >>23618226

It would take a fucking miracle

>> No.23618226

Have we seen a miracle that big in Holo before?

>> No.23618313

Mumei is also an exception, unless that stuff about having interacted with Selen when they were both indies is true, though I don’t think they’ve directly interacted. Shondo said they talked things out offstream, credited her with providing emotional support when she revealed her new model, and implied that she was in talks to join EN3 that ended up falling through.

>> No.23618452

What are Shondo's thoughts on cursing? Is there even a slight possibility that Shondo is Fauna's childhood best friend? How deep does the /u/ train go?

>> No.23618459

I'm listening to that video right now and I have my doubts about her being scouted by Cover specifically. She does mention "corporate", "making a lot of money" and such, but it's fairly inconclusive.

On Mumei, I'll have to dig up the old streams, but I'm pretty damn sure she was in big collab with Bao a couple of times. Bao comments on her PL twitter sometimes. Selen is not much of a leap from there.

>> No.23618556

Also JESUS FUCKING CHRIST is her voice annoying. Like a way worse Ironmouse, slurring more.

>> No.23618766

Ironmouse is a squeaker, Shadow's voice is high but soft. Honestly Kobo is just an Indonesian Shondo, that's the closest I've heard to her. Like or it don't whatever, she has always sounded very cute to me, though I was conviced she was an actual child for a long time.

>> No.23618771

What struck me as odd is that during the Bad End Theatre she refused to call the Maid and Overlord "girlfriends" despite being very interested on getting them together. Her "good ending" where the overlord goes full yandere on the maid also made her very happy.

The cherry on top is that she instantly went "Reine has to play this!" which is one of Holo's most out of the closet lesbian there is in the EN side.

>> No.23618804

If you mean shondo, yeah I'm watching her for the first time right now too, and why the fuck does this bitch sound like a baby? HoloID Kobo also sounds like a retarded baby, i don't get what the appeal is

>> No.23618815

There was a skinny rrat that he is the so-called-BF but I find all evidence to that very flimsy at best.

>> No.23618857

Bad End Theatre was Fauna secretly saying that she misses Shondo as their relationship is similar to the one in the story

>> No.23618858
Quoted by: >>23618979

Shondo, Luna, Miko, Kobo, it's a niche thing but they all are successful for their relative groups. It's a niche for sure, but for cute voice cunnyseurs they're delightful.

>> No.23618907

Holy shit I hadn't noticed! Does anyone have the timeline of when she played it and when they made up? What of they add up?

>> No.23618979

The annoying part must not translate through languages cause i like Miko. I do however want to pummel Luna

>> No.23618987

It's not exactly a secret, her relationship with Gura was literally just like her relationship with Shondo, the exact same dynamic, except Shondo is younger and easier to baby than the brattier Gura, and a lot more clingy to boot. She was obviously seeking a relationship to replace it or at least replicate what they had.
Shondo on the other hand has latched onto big sister types VividlyVivi and Ninaninin very closely. She also has a 2view called Silvi who obviously wants the romantic yuri thing with her but Shondo obviously isn't into it like she was with LL as she's emphasized the word FRIEND many times when they're collab.

>> No.23619202

Yeah this is true. I said I was gonna quit /vt after this thread (just cuz I've been spending too much time here) but I might be over reacting. Probably good to get all the toxicity out of me. Especially for when I meet her in Boston.

>> No.23619439

I noticed she had an all male mod squad. And they even atleast wrote one script for her. No one sharing the same name as her allegedly bf tho.

>> No.23619508

Is Reine gay? Isn't that not very cool in ID? I haven't watched her much, but I have trouble believing anyone is gayer than Kiara. She hates men.

>> No.23619767

does moom still follow einshine?

>> No.23619800
Quoted by: >>23619872

>why the fuck does this bitch sound like a baby
It's literally her act, she WANTS to be the loli and will actively remind people that if they don't want it they can get out.
It's probably something to do with her development.

>> No.23619872
File: 1.34 MB, 2301x1825, faunashadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna is putting on an act
>Shadow is putting on an act

>> No.23619945
Quoted by: >>23620039

That's what I thought, but in reverse, as in Faune leeching off of Gura. And hey, it worked.

>> No.23619953

Last stream Kiara mentioned talking to her male friend so that's not even true. That same stream she also mentioned collabing with mousey and made fun of people who don't like collabs with vshojo. I'm sure schizos had some fun after that.

>> No.23620021

This explains the ASMR collab with Gura...

>> No.23620039
Quoted by: >>23620271

Actually if you were around in 2018, 2019, LL very much so was desperate to be friends with Shondo. Once they actually became friends the dynamic balanced out a lot more and was a lot more mutual, with Shadow being extra clingy and LL being pretty much reliant on Shondo for her success.

>> No.23620093
Quoted by: >>23620327

Kiara just wants an alpha chad, which are not exactly vtuber audience. Dunno about Reine, is she carpet munching for real?

>> No.23620271
Quoted by: >>23620351

All the more reason to watch what happens with Fauna's collabs as EN3 rolls in. Will she stay within her gen more or less, or will she take an underling?

>> No.23620318
Quoted by: >>23620371

It frustrates me that i'll never know whether Fauna and Shondo ever had sex before.

>> No.23620327

Kiara is built for bbc

>> No.23620351

I think she's unironically a bit of a groomer. Shadow is 6 years younger than her and was 16 or 17 when Fauna was trying incredibly hard to befriend her. If there was another fresh cunny in gen 3 I could see it.

>> No.23620371

If it will make you happy, then just imagine that it happened.

>> No.23620386

Shit, I'll tune in for that!

>> No.23620426

This thread just got dumber and dumber didn’t it?

>> No.23620448

You started posting in it, duh.

>> No.23620504

Yes, this is the resident vtuber /u/ board now. Which I'm also surprised doesn't already exist

>> No.23620506

imagine Fauna's disappointment when she learned Gura is actually older than her

>> No.23620566

I'd think Gura would be more than capable of RP sex with Fauna as minor

>> No.23620703

Trust me, it's not the same if laws aren't being broken

>> No.23620748

I don't think Gura is, they're close in age but Gura might be a year younger.

>> No.23620785

unironically always have been

>> No.23620797
Quoted by: >>23620893

Fauna will probably consider Gura an unappealing hag if they ever meet. I wonder what she thought of the members of her own gen she saw during that offcollab. Going by Ame's description she dressed the prettiest.

>> No.23620893

Fauna loves everyone, or at least everyone that's a girl

>> No.23620901

She doesn't need a dog

>> No.23620977

Mumei's dog fucks her plushies, she said so herself.
Kronii's dog is sufficiently big to fuck Kronii, but we don't know if it has the appendage required.
