Back with some Minecraft by: thread: >>23501465
>>OPI want to pull back her clit hood and lick the smegma off her unwashed cunt.
>>23555767pink cat frens are talking about us
The timing on that "huh?"
Takanashi Kiara HATES EU Conventions [Serious]
what a fucking giga stacy
now I'm wondering if someone out there who know about kiara but not her did a double take when she sang
>>23557432she CAN singjust not always very well
There were definitely doxxfags at that convention. . .
>>OPI Love Takanashi Kiara
>how do I crab?
>>235584471) find a hooker2) get crabs3) ???4) profit
>>23557861No shit, Kiara’s opsec is pretty non-existent.
>>23558844she did her irl bday stream with the kiara voiceshe aint even trying to hide it anymore lol
>>23558969>skinwalker Kiara
Fombnail mention, and arguing about names, her accent is so cute. Also, the glove in the portal 2 thumbnail reminded her of a medical exam, yabe.
>>23559131no no KFP was the one talking about the prostate exam...SHE was thinking more about "gloves come off and things get serious"
Anyone have a summary of what happened on her trip? I had to do some real life shit and could only join now
>>23559412[tangent in progress, please hold]
>>23559412just wait for one of the clippers to make a 3hr long video for that lol
>>23559412She's in denial about everyone knowing who she is
>>23559412Went to a con in germany with her friends, felt good about being the host of a picnic, forgot about work for some time, sang karaoke in the event and felt annoyed by people butting in, but started butting in people's songs afterwards since everyone was doing it, came back third wheeling a couple (her friends) that drove her to her house
>>23559579Thanks. I'll check the vod later
>>23558903I tought that was caused by a combination of her mic or audio mixer settings, and her being used to doing the voice. Basically she was used tp speaing in similarly high-pitched voice and the goxlr settings made that into the chicken voice.
>>23559671nah, it's pretty clearly so that people wouldn't bother her about putting on a voice as Kiara
>>23559671her settings may have played a part, but she definitely wasnt hiding the kiara voice
>>23559724I think you can expect vtubers to be doing a character voice, that´s a part of the experience samefagging, you dumb fucking nigger
They’re going to double team the cat boy…
>>23559988Focus on the stream Kiara
>>23560190She´s distracted by cucumbers can´t help it.
>>23560166Last year was fucking funny
>>23560166This man gets bullied by your oshis.Jelly?
>>23560259butt cucumbers
>>23560166Jesus, there is no other man I envy...
wait a minute that card
Does Kiara know about Bibi Hendl?
Kiara is back in full force, brutalizing dramaniggers, slaying and breeding rats and calling out the schizos
>>23561266Yeah it's fucking retarded to say she only watches netflix all dayshe watches cat videos too
Seeing as kiwawa is numberfagging, man this super reading is doing way better than usual. 4.5k instead of the usual 2.8-3k.
cant fool meshe will be shoe shopping instead
The nigger who says she's lazy is getting fucked lmao
>>23561441>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>He thinks this will make crybabies and complainers stop
>>23561441Do you think the schizos here actually believe in what they post? They just want (You)s and shit up the thread.
>>23561480He does it for attention duh but it's still funny to be reminded of how these people always have to make shit up with no evidence supporting them
So the announcement isn't WOW, what is it?
>>23561441Most schizos just want yous and are fun posting. There are a few unironic, actual schizos who have to shit up the thread for hours and don't know when to stop. But these are rare thankfully
>>23561672Pomutori collab finally allowedor reine song is done? Or original is? Or idfk nigga wait a day and find out
>>23561423It's after a Minecraft stream, people just stay around.When she transitioned into tangenting her numbers barely budged despite it being obvious that the game was done.Only when she said she'd be reading SCs did people leave.
>>23561721I dont think it's the songs
What´s this about buttons for cats? Flashcards to teach cats simple concepts?! That ´sthe first time I´m hearing about that.
>>23561672There was something regarding recording for a sponsorship(I think) that she had to delay her stream over. It was almost certainly that
>>23561672Atlus perms for the three days Mori is traveling back, not a day longer.Holobirds promoted to an official group, penguin and homo included.Start of con season, stream time halfed for the whole summer.
>>23561672It's the male collab she was worried about. She will become a KFC mascot.
>>23562015I do wonder what that will be
There will be something she can't talk about at DoKomi that will be a great promotion for her.Rrats?
>>23561423>starts tangenting during stream>stop playing but is still tangenting>change screen but still not quite into SC reading just yet>Slowly start reading SC but is still tangentingViewers are driven into this without a clear break with a waiting screen, there is no escape
>>23562153KFP restaurant
>>23562153KFP food stall
>>23562015That reminds me, they implied possible KFP themed food at Dokomi in the first announcement tweet.
>>23562187>>23562203>>23562245It's going to be a hotdog bun with Kiara's picture on the packaging.
Fuck. I wasn't paying attention. What got that guy a one-week?
>>23562309he called her a chicken
>>23562153I´m guessing it will be a song or a game sponsorsip or ambassador event.
>>2356230910 bucks supa, started sweet, ended with him calling her a rotisserie chicken
>>23562397god that Kisara-Kiara ass
>she is vague posting again
>will try to get a job and move out in the summerI'm going to miss the funny chicken...
So is there 2 announcements 1 tomorrow and 1 during members or is there 1 and she moved it from tomorrow to the members
>>23562118But is it acceptable?
>>23562300Corndog. It has to be fried to fit the KFP theme.
>>23563524They wouldn't put in that much effort.
i miss kiwawa...
her accent was especially fick todayshe probably spoke more German these past four days than the rest of April combined
I'm a fan of Takanashi Kiara
>>23565450me too!
What kind of stew did she say she was having
>no post stream tweetThat hello fresh meal must be bussin
>>23566596>>no post streamShe RT'd dokomi after the stream
>>23566623You know that's not the same.
>>23566596Sorry she's too busy having sex while eating stew. With me.
>>23566777A little stew-n-screw, eh?
Who came on her stew?
>>23567784It was a group effort
>>23566777I jazzed on that stew btw
Ok question. I'm seriously curious. Pls gib honest answer. You may also reply here if you want to add something.
>>23568098She probably tried it because every girl is curious about this. I don't think she loved or hated it. neutral.
>>23568287You'd be surprised by how squeamish some girls are, even when they're in those circumstances. Given how picky of an eater she is, she might never have tried it
>>23568098She's only ever tasted her own cum, but Reine will soon change that
>>23568098Add>Yeah, methanks
>>23568356I wouldn't know since I'm a perma virgin. But I assume if I had a girlfriend she would, at least once, try to give me a blow job.
>>23568356>picky eaterlol
>>23568098Seriously, what's the point of this poal? Is this what guys talk about when the girls aren't around?
>>23568546Yes. When I saw anons talking about cumming on her food I felt like I needed to ask this question. I'm just curious
>>23568546not really, it just seems pretty autistic in nature, all things considered
have you ever tasted your own cum? be serious
>>23568601Yes - hated it.
>>23568601No, I've never even masturbated
>>23568601If I did I don't remember doing so
>>23568652Show pic of your gigantic balls
>>23568601I did once and it felt wrong, never again
>>23568601Yes, accidentally.
>>23568546Seems like some autist is trying to validate his fanfic with Kiara, talking about cum is fucking gay.
>>23568796Everyone has at least done it once accidentally. You don't have to pretend.
>>23568756SameI was an amateur porn cameraman. Guy was about to creampie the actress - I got really close and said YEAAAHHH with a wide open mouth. But the girl didn't want a creampie so she pulled out his dick - it was aimed at my face. The guy squirted a huge load directly on my tongue and on my horse teeth.Another guy in the background simply said:HAH! Friendly fire!
>>23568601yes. it was ok.
>>23568878Anon, I...
>>23568879>HAH! Friendly fire!This is the only reason I'm believing your story.
>>23568601I've felt tempted but never worked up the courage.god I want a dommy mommy to force me to taste my own juices and then make fun of me for enjoying it
>>23568601Yes, do you know how challenging it is to directly cum into your own mouth? But it's the only way to do it because right after the post-nut clarity you think that's a fucking terrible idea. I know women don't get that clarity but as a male you can experience instant regret.
>>23568926All my close relatives have their own accidental cum eating stories that ww share with each other. My uncle has multiple that he likes to tell.
>>23568988>it runs in the familyAt least you're lucky to be that open with them, I guess
>>23568926NTA, but Once I was masturbating while laying down on the couch, I live alone so I don't have to worry about anybody seeing me. Because of this I usually moan because it makes the experience better. Well one time I was about to cum and I let out a big fucking moan, and right as I did the shit shot right in my fucking face, and a decent amount flew into my mouth, on instinct I immediately swallowed it. Shit was disgusting and make me feel sick for the next few days.
>>23569100At least you had fun
>>23568601It's just cum, it's not gonna hurt you.
Kiara's big heart
>>23569208Oh god I want to eat it raw so bad
>>23569100What did it taste like?
>>23569231Go away /meat/
>>23569208She should sing Red Heart in her next karaoke.
>>23569366It's been quite some time since she sang any JP songs in a karaoke.
>>23569270NTA, cum really doesn't have that strong of a taste, more of a texture. Very mildly salty flavor, but honestly it's probably the shameful experience that makes people remember it as being gross.I don't get grossed out eating something that's safe to ingest
I have no idea why, but her 'Ohr whutt' very early in the stream did things to me.
>>23568546Locker room talk
I wonder if there any kfp waitresses that aspire to be Kiara performance/being loved by fans wise, so not necessarily limited to vtubing.
>>23570502Most girls who are into Kiara do not enjoy the spotlight that way. At most you'll get a girl who cosplays for money.
>>23568601This is gonna get us on those fucking twitter gimmick accounts huh
>>23570800Could be worse. I saw that Gura-Hooman post on Global wound up on one of those.
>>23570800Already DMd them the screenshots
>>23568879Too bad for the actor, you made him accidentally gay.
>>23571372I only save Kiara pics, but this can count, right?
Hey uh, soundpost anon, could I get this clipped?
>>23571827if nobody does this by the time I'm home from this party I got you
>>23553520You're a fool if you don't think she's lurking the KFP discord with an alt, and also reading all the *chans and elsewhere about herself, and keeping an eye on what her big name SC'ers are up to where they think she can't see.
>>23571885Can't wait for you to get off from your party duties.
>>23571935Sure thing, Kiara. But shouldn't you be getting some sleep before your collab?
>>23572050Just to make sure, its the part about getting off right?
Is it bad that I automatically assume while watching this VoD that no one will show up to open VC?
>>23571935Kiara is a schizo...for me?
>>23572249Yeah just the "I can still get off, good to know"
Aikotoba just hit 3 million
>>23572280Not really. No one else is normally active online around that time.
>>23572280It's also kind of a giveaway that nobody's really mentioning anyone in particular in this split (other than Kobo)
>>23573086GOTH LOVE
>>23573086At first I thought it was Marin with Kiara. That would have been cool.
>>23572333Here ya goParty simmered down, thought I might as well
>>23573086Based opLungs cancer chuubas material
sex with takanashi kiara
>>23573341Get in line
>>23573295Danks>>23572939I didn't really have time to read the thread when I was at work today and was pretty busy afterword, so I didn't play catch up.
>>23571465That is fucking good
>>23574540neat. though it's hard to imagine current Kiara ever leaning into the part-time warrior side of her kayfabe.
>>23573086>smokingNo thanks
>>23562118>Los Pollos HermanosOh dios mío la gerenta supervisora...
Stolen from global
>>23575600The only sane poster in this board.
>>23575600Loving those comics. Is anyone collecting them?
>>23575989Was this what she was excited about earlier?
>>23575989HmmMaybe it could be her
>>23576142who else could it be? Furea?
>>23575600>Mori should rim Kiara's assholeHE'S A FAKE!
>>23576227NTA, but it's not nearly as defined as the others. If the global thread wasn't going off already on it I would've missed it entirely.What is that game like besides the money-sink-pull-system? I'm not into phone gachas.I did a quick search and I guess it's a party-turn-based JRPG-style?
>>23575989With Ina beside her, the orange and telltale hair shape, yup that's Kiara. I think being featured in a game like this + being promoted with Pekora must have her really happy.
>>23576227Idk, the other 3 stand out to me immediately but the orange one seems vagueI can see it being 2 EN 2 JP. If they gave the silhouette 2 hats it'd be easy
>>23575989>left one is 100% Ina>she invited ina to a dress up collab this week>she did this literally last minute while making her schedule and while Ina wa on stream>therr's only like, 2 other orange Holos and one is graduatedI WANT to believe but it's the only silhouette.that isn't clear and Pekora, Laplus, Ina and Kiara would be an extremely weird ensamble.
>>23576545>>23576582It's pretty obvious that that's Kiara. If it's not, I'll eat my cum.
>>23576582>Pekora, Laplus, Ina and Kiara would be an extremely weird ensamble.I'm not sure either since the form is so ambiguous, but that IS her sword and shield, the outline looks right. At least on the grouping front, it seems like these main-branch sponsorships are basically gacha themselves with first-come-first-served for who volunteers.Assuming it is Kiara, I'm thinking about downloading the game, but my hatred of smartphone games is conflicting with my love of everything Kiara.>>23576742ganbatte anon, make sure to post proof later.
>>23576742x2 brother, only because she will be on heaven if she's collaborating with Pekora.
>>23576582I mean who else could it even possibly be?>Orange>Sword>Tallest silhouetteNot to mention that it looks like it has wings, and it would also make sense for two ENs and two JPs.
>>23576801I'm just going to roll her and uninstall the game afterwards. Using Kiara's referral link, of course.
>>23573086Another reason to get rid of Mori. Bad influence.Kiara would never smoke.
>>23576923Good idea actually. I might do the same.
>>23576801In this case I don't believe it was first-come-first-serve basis. The two JP selected are Pekora and Lap, one of the most prominent Holos and the other new member being massively promoted by management. The sponsor probably wanted 2 JP + 2 EN for local/global coverage and specifically wanted those with gacha/jrpg appeal.
>>23576903Not to mention the fire aspect, If that's not Kiara then I'll drink the sweat from one of my socks.
>>23575989I’m stoked if that’s her. It COULD still be Nenechi but I hope that that’s the sponsorship thing she mentioned having to record this week.
>>23576582>it's the only silhouette.that isn't clearCome on, Anon. Name another orange Holo with wings, a sword, and a fire motiff.
>>23577074Nah, looks like La+, Pekora, Irys, and Ina.
>>23577074Yep that's her. This is going to be the closest we will get to a proper power chuuni outfit for her, isn't it?
>>23577085I don't know anon, that figure has two legs and a head. Maybe it's Orange Yagoo.
That's clearly rimjob anon.
>>23577074Gomen Kiara, I don't really have the time for a gacha game...
Uh thanks for making my chicken wife look cool and/or sexy but I'm fine just looking at the png
>>23577074>>23575989It's not going to be Kiara and even if it was, she isn't seeing a dime from it.
>>23577074>*Adult content is ineligibleWell there goes all the best tentacle-based activities.
>>23577277At this point it seems like you just don't want it to be Kiara.
>>23577312I will never want Kiara to have good things. It only leads to schizos.
>>23577277It's 100% positively Kiara and you're in some kind of strange schizo denial. Take your meds.
>>23572329This is your reminder that kiara's BFE are canonically a bunch of baby looking chickens
I guess I'm just seeing the horns and possible elf ears. Plus the circular things floating around her remind me a little of Irys's loading screen floating stars. The sword would make sense, but she's also got a sheath. Both can have fluffy ass hair but I guess I could see wings being on the character so maybe it is Kiara.
>>23577312>Orange>Swords>Wings>Fire>Tweet pretty much confirming that it's two ENs and not just InaLiterally who else could it be?>>23577356Kiara isn't your oshi in that case, because you would know by know that those same schizos would shitpost regardless. Not to mention that global already has accepted that it's Kiara with literally nobody shitposting about it.
>Demon Lord KiaraLads, i think we're not ready for this yet
>>23577563Aren't they supposed to be valkyries?
>>23577472what the fuck is bfe
>>23577519>Blue Pekora silhouette when her main color is blue>Light Purple Ina silhouette when her main color is light purple>Dark Purple Laplus silhouette when her main color is dark purpleWhy would IRyS have a orange silhouette?
>>23577519IRyS' silhouette wouldn't be orange, Anon.
>>23566452>>23567209>>23567659Would you use this service if there was a Kiara cosplay? Rimjob is probably allowed.
>>23577713why is it always the Koreans
>>23577759>just takes Kiara's head and slaps it on a premade body. Alright.
>>23577759I don't know, that might look exactly like Kiara but it could still be Flare or IRyS... You just can't EVER be sure.
>>23577759I wonder if that one anon in denial is going to insist that's actually Nene or special orange edition IRyS
>>23577759This probably means we're getting very voicelines too LETSSS GOOOOOOOO
>>23577759>Pekora and Kiara in the frontMan i'm so happy for her
>>23577728$100 to fuck Kiawawa? Holy shit would I!>>23577942Why are you so mad over me not just automatically assuming it's Kiara because of orange. I just saw the horns and thought the weapons looked in Irys's wheelhouse you little faggot. Calm down over nothing.
>>23577861>Coping by saying that it can't be her>When it is her, immediately find something to shit onI swear it's like it's impossible for you retards to be happy with Kiara. You niggers complain about everything.
>>23578061>Why are you so mad over me not just automatically assuming it's Kiara because of orangeBecause it was obviously Kiara and doubting it was insane. Give up.
>>23578125I'm happy it's her, you were just freaking out and spazzing in the thread over literally nothing.
>>23578064Leave if you don't like people complaining, they did a shit job and anons are going to point it out.
>>23577759Yeah, that outfit is...But I guess if they only have one character with big tits, they want to make use of them.
sexxx sexxxxxxxxxxx
>>23578064It looks like someone clipped her face while she was turning her model on stream and attached it to a granblue character. The gradient on the left is off.The peak of her head is lop-sided. Shit looks fake.
No wonder nobody likes this shit thread.
>>23578064You're forgetting that this is a Kiara schizo general, not a Takanashi Kiara general.
>Global fags crying about minor critiques.Isn't this supposed to be the hugbox?
>>23578149I've been nothing but calm. Take your meds and settle down. >>23578164>they did a shit job and anons are going to point it out.They did a great job and anons are going to point it out.
>>23578211kfp bros... my god
>>23577759Well, the game is on steam, and if Kiara is in it I have to at least check out her stats.
>>23578295A moment I still remember is right after her performance instead of talking about it anons started complaining about both the performance and the 3D model. Retards here just love to complain about everything.
>>23578418It's almost like shitposters and bairers flock here because they know they'll get replies.
>>23577759kiwawa sex
Don't care, chimkin butt
>>23578525Just imagine...
>>23578418>>23578484The schizos here want Kiara to be constantly unhappy so that they can carry on with their saviorfag delusions and play the whiteknight when she shares her insecurities on stream.They don't get to play that role if anything good happens to her so they get a bit unhinged whenever anything positive happens.
My oshi is kind of a badass.
>>23578900You know what? This is true, why people is not saying SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX like the global thread? Maou Kiara is coming and you're fucking discussing who has the biggest dick in the fucking internet, what is your goddamn problem niggers?
>>23578900A saviorfag's greatest joy in life is actually saving their oshi. Anybody who wants Kiara to be unhappy is no saviorfag at all and will spend eternity in Hell getting their dicks torn off by giant cockroaches when they die.
>>23578418>Just be happy to get a subpar productWhy are you like this?
>>23579334That's not true, saviorfag mentality doesn't even with happiness, it develops into frustration over things going well, that's common in v-tuber once your 2view oshi get the people you think she deserve , but then she doesn't care about you since you did your job. Go and read /asp/
Unusually spicy chimkin butt
>>23579526hmm sex
>>23579279Because I comment once in global and that's enough. This split is primarily for fanart and gawking at the resident schizos.
So I looked a bit into the game, looks like we can expect:>not much in the way of voicelines>a storyline for the event>an individual quest for each Holo>there is an affection mechanic, but I can't find if it's tied to any voicelines ir anythingGame is a generic enough turn-based gacha RPG if you're thinking of playing it. Entirely harmless but entirely uninteresting. Unpopular (at least globally) so resources on it seem rare though.
So should I download the game and start saving up whatever currency I needI'll download the game anyway to make her happy and show sponsors she's good but I don't know if I'll even play the game much after getting her (if I even do)
>>23579798>Affection mechanic>May have affectionate voicelines.Say no more.
>>23579440The end goal of being a saviorfag is to save somebody, Anon. That's literally the whole point. Being part of KFP's group effort to save Kiwawa gave me the greatest happiness and sense of accomplishment I've ever felt in my life. On the other hand, schizos having meltdowns because life is going well for their oshi are anti-saviorfags. They're sufferingfags and they deserve the rope.
>>23579826> show sponsors she's goodThis would be a good idea if she were the only holo getting a character but, Pekora and La+ will just make sponsors see hololive as a company worth looking into. Plus, even if they were going to be looking into individual creators, Ina/Pekora would be the ones they go for. Takos and Nousagi are twitter stan levels of dedicated to their oshi. Also, Kiara has already been given opportunities with atlus/bandai namco. Save your money for something worthwhile.
>>23579798It's a 6 year old game anon, literally one of the few games that suvirved the Priconnect storm of 2018 and fought with FGO. If Kiara is in, give it to me faggots.It's on steam btw, if you don't want to waste your phone storage
The most I'll probably get out of this game is getting a sexy skeb or two done of Kiara
>>23580065I am most definitely not gonna spend money if I do play, I spend my money on things that are worth it like superchats hahaha...
>>23579826I would use whatever link they give out. New customers en mass make them happy
>>23580281Well, at least you get a cute danke schon, potential tangent fuel, and occasionally a chu if it's a red
>>23577828This is pretty cool. I might attempt to reroll for Kiara if it’s easy to do.
>>23580410Doing it for danke schons and chus is literally just paying for an e-girl's attention. At least aim for tangents or do it to support her (though SCs are probably the worst eay to do it).
>>23580410Nah, i want to see that getting Kiara in games is a good market, gacha or not.
>>23580556I've only done a single pinky in my life, I'm just saying that a superchat is probably a little more "worth it" than a png
>>23580556Vtubers are just e-girls with anime avatars. Stop deluding yourself.
>>23580556I do it mostly for support/joking aroundHave started a few good tangents, ya never know what she's gonna focus on sometimes
>>23580703>actually thinking vtubers are e-girls with anime avatarsStop deluding yourself.
>>23580703That's literally what I said.
>>OPI want to rim kiara's asshole
>>23580765I misread. My bad.>>23580739They are. You're just trading 3D cleavage with 2D.
>>23580834I want her to rim mine
>even her own split hates herthis is too fucking funny
>new ipogey
wonder how much Kiara would push the Usual Room style associated dominatrix act without going into the sexual
>>23577728>it's a good crimeMy fucking sides
i love kiwawa
>>23581242Probably bullied out of global or no one was biting
>>23580885>They are.They aren't.>You're just trading 3D cleavage with 2DThere's a world of difference between self-entitled 3D whores who make money by baiting viewers in to thinking they're actually attainable and will fuck them or send nudes for enough money, and unattainable 2D girls who just sing karaoke, play vidya, and don't imply they'll become your girlfriend for enough superchats. Even Rushia never tried to make fandeads think she'd genuinely fuck them or have discord sex for the right price. The most exploitative, menhara Holo was still miles better than the average e-girl.
>>23581533>There's a world of difference between self-entitled 3D whores who make money by baiting viewers in to thinking they're actually attainable and will fuck them or send nudes for enough money, and unattainable 2D girls who just sing karaoke, play vidyaThere is no difference. Anyone who thinks that they matter enough that they can use their looks/talents to make money is a baiting whore.
>>23581610holy meds
>>23581635>there's no difference between two different things because I say there's no differencelol
>>23581838>I will only focus on the fact that the 3d woman aren't hiding behind an anime avatar to collect money from losers.
>>23581838your oshi is a whore and no different from the twitch thots you despise. cope and seethe.
>>23581896>>23581906>n-no vtubers and e-girls are the same because...>THEY JUST ARE OKAY?The only ones coping and seething are you two, my homosexual friends. And you're both doing poorly with the coping. Good seething, though.
>>23582100They sound like women in their period, ngl
>>23582100>They're different I swear.Buzzword and buzzword. All streamers are whores.
>>23581635Let's put it this way, I doubt anyone watches actual egirls for their personality.
>>23582163>Kiara>personalitydon't kid yourselves
>>23582234We know your sister has no personality anon
I'm looking forward to Kobortal but sadly work is fucking me up the ass right now so I can't watch it live...
>>23582163There are no successful e-girls that don't have at least some semblance of a personality and, there are more successful v-tubers with personality drier than cardboard in the desert than v-tubers with personality. Either way, both of these audiences are only in it because of GFE. E-Girls are just seen as more overtly sexual.
>>23582301if Kiara was my sister, I would have beaten her up till she knew her place. definitely would have made her much more successful.
>>23582370I want to watch it, but I know I'm gonna get frustrated watching.Might skip it and go vod duty.I'm sorry tenchou...
>>23582380Seem like your mom didn't beat your hard enough to make you "successful" as you say right now, damn shame
>>23582512you don't have to worry about me. I'm way more successful than a bunch of losers that deluded themselves into supporting a literal whore kek
>>23582540Me at the left
>>23577759Anyone here know how hard it would be to get Kiara in that game if I started playing today?
>>23582575that's not a nice way to talk about your mom
>>23582610KEK AND BASED
>>23582589dunno about this game specifically, but usually gacha games give you a ton of free "gems" or ways to get a lot early, then tapers it off quickly to make you buy it could be pretty easy if you roll well. if you don't you can try installing/uninstalling until you get kiara in a roll
>>23582610HOLY KEK
>23582575Say for the n-time the increasingly ill-tempered anon. Imagine think you're better than someone by posting in 4chan
It was so hard to watch Kiwawa play portal
>>23582610KEK BASED
>>23582685I guess when you know the solutions already. I enjoyed it since it’s rare to see someone play portal for the first time these days
>>23582685I enjoyed it more when I distracted myself during the puzzle solving and only focused when she was enjoying the story part, but there were a few really funny mistakes she made as well
>>23582372Kiara is way more explicit than most E-Girls. There's no way any sane person thinks otherwise. How do you think the bottom-left meme came to be?
What happened to the thread Why are you responding to obvious bait
I want to **** kiara
>>23582830baffling post
>>23582847I'm hoping that the anons who are doing it are only doing it because we're about to get a new thread
>>23582830>Kiara is way more explicit than most E-GirlsNo she isn't. Liking big breasts is "unironically reading the bible before bed" tier perversion. Bottom left is just a side effect of Takamori.
>>23582372That's not what i was arguing. Whether you think a streamer has a personality or not is subjective. Bottom line is the audience of egirls don't watch them for their personality, (most) vtuber watches do.
>>23583020> (most) vtuber watches do.No. Vtuber fans watch vtubers because it's their pathetic escape from reality.
>>23582610HOLY BASED
>>23582930>nice argument>>23582994>constantly flirts with her viewers>looks up video game characters' skirts in games >gushes over how much she wants to fuck her colleaguesSure, it's just "Takamori", right?
Now that's just full projection
>>23577759>kiara next to pekorasee must've pissed herself with joy
>>23583201>constantly flirts with her viewers>looks up video game characters' skirts in games>gushes over how much she wants to fuck her colleaguesAs hard as this may be for you to believe, this is tutorial levels of perversion. Especially for a woman.
>>23583286Kiara would literally be sucking on a 3DO mic on Twitch and have an OnlyFans account if she hadn't had joined Hololive. In fact, that is probably her eventual career path when she inevitably graduates.
>>23583548so following your mom's example, huh?
>>23583114If you wanna argue that the average viewer watches vtubers as an escape from reality you'd be arguing that entretainment as a whole is an escape from reality. Which is a position that can be held, despite being somewhat absurd, but it's clearly not what you meant. You're just projecting your own, pathetic little insecurities as a particularly faggotish faggot on /vt/ to the greater populace. Most viewers just don't give a shit.
>>23583548Don't come over here just because they called you a shitskin in the other thread, buddy.
Posting what if won't make Kiara graduate or her image decline, antichama, you're trying to hard
>>23583606KEK BASED
>>23583620>you'd be arguing that entretainment as a whole is an escape from reality.That is the only real draw to vtubers, though. Vtubers, especially corporate ones are restricted out the wazoo and tailor made to please their audience. TV shows/Movies/Books/Streamers/Etc have the option to throw some reality your way. Not to mention, I've read the whole "i watch vtubers because xyz just got too political" shit way too many times for it to be a non-factor.
>>23583824Because Marvel Movies shows reality very clearly, Iron man is literally the Heart of Darkness of films.
Kiara feels even cuter whenever I see a clip of her from a vod I watched live, purease explain
>vtubers>escape from realityFor clipwatchers, maybe. Lots of reality in actual streams.
>>23583953Clips can shine a spotlight on something that you took for granted!
>>23583895>Marvel exists and isn't real therefore movies cannot contain any form of social commentary.Oh shit, my bad.
>>23577713That's two video games she's set to appear in. One step closer to the Mortal Kombat v Hololive crossover.
>>23584036Like, timezones for example. When you do open vc and nobody joins.
He's throwing all in for baiting, god blessed us with either another 2view or just a /pol/ SEAfaggot
>>23583606HOLY KEK
>>23584341If only the retards in here stopped replying...
Really wonder what made them decide to go with Kiara. From a buisness stand point, it would make more sense to have Gura and Mori. Is it really just because Kiara and Ina are the "gacha addicts" of EN?
>>23584491chicken brain too small for concepts like "bait" and "troll", please understand
>>23584541Yes, have you see Mori's PriConnect stream and Gura's Blue Archive ones? They just can't shill for products in a compelling way.
New thread in a few minutes.
>>23584541From a business standpoint, kiawa cute
>>23584541>Is it really just because Kiara and Ina are the "gacha addicts" of EN?No. It's more likely because Gura/Mori were either unavailable or their managers thought it would hurt their brand.
>>23584541Didn't that duo already try shilling a game and it went completly under the radar?
>>23584541>Kiara is good at shilling>Kiara is the only EU holo and the game takes inspiration from EU folkloreIf they want numbers number bunny, fresh cunny and stable octopus destination will give them numbers. Kiara is someone who can actually represent their product.As can be seen by her setting up a collaboration with Ina that will likely be them drawing valkyrie outfits for Council.Just look at Tales of Arise, she is still shilling for that to thousands of people.
Kiara can enthusiastically shill and aggressively sell literally anything you give her, a recent example being the Hello Fresh arc
Did I miss something?What's Kiara shilling now?
New thread up:>>23585441>>23585441>>23585441
final thoughts
If she got chosen for her shilling power I am really happy for her that she gets recognized for that. I had no idea Gura and Mori failed at shilling another gacha, which probably speaks for itself.
>>23585537portal thoughts
>>23577759She looks awesome, go Kiwawa go!!!
>>23585477She's shilling male vitamin supplements on Joe rogan.