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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23404239 No.23404239 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the Alluring Archangel, Calliope Mori, and the members of the extended Multiverse

>> No.23404256
Quoted by: >>23404297


>> No.23404262
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>> No.23404289
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feeling pretty blackpilled doompilled gloompilled roompilled moompilled zoompilled right now

>> No.23404287

embrace gays and trannies

>> No.23404296
Quoted by: >>23404316

>finally remembers that the cover released

>> No.23404297
File: 60 KB, 165x173, 1637514807463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya me

>> No.23404308
Quoted by: >>23404353

Anon, /ggg/ is not this way.

>> No.23404316

She's more interested in her other fans nowadays

>> No.23404330
File: 916 KB, 3244x4096, 1635408733172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Moripilled instead

>> No.23404348
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23404384


>> No.23404353

I thought you guys are based and accept everyone regardless of their sexuality?

>> No.23404357

Chief, this dish is 3days old.So you want to release new dishes, sir?

>> No.23404380

Good luck learning English

>> No.23404384

Happy house hunting, Gura

>> No.23404386
File: 812 KB, 494x949, 1650633317536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23404507

Just make sure to hornypost until better times roll around

>> No.23404454

printf("fuck you");

>> No.23404507
File: 641 KB, 700x990, 1642170959168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23404551

I am a creature driven by lust

>> No.23404551
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Quoted by: >>23404695

As you should be

>> No.23404553

Are you all behaving yourselves today?

>> No.23404580
Quoted by: >>23404628


>> No.23404594

No Mori, I will tattle everything stupid this thread did.

>> No.23404603
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1613903462161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23404624

Always up to shenanigans

>> No.23404628
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Quoted by: >>23404663

Hell ya love me morpo

>> No.23404663

i fucki ng hate

>> No.23404669
Quoted by: >>23404726

He is right to be fair.

>> No.23404695
File: 482 KB, 1723x2923, 1651180248431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key to world peace is found in giant breasts

>> No.23404707
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Quoted by: >>23405126

>> No.23404726

Anon, 95% of those fans wanted to see Mori Calliope IRL. She realizes that, 100%

>> No.23404838
Quoted by: >>23405003

To stress it our more, one of the fans gave her a blatantly Deadbeat thing with a skeleton motif

>> No.23404848
Quoted by: >>23404915

I want Cover to allow their talents to do IRL concerts, meet and greets, etc. In uniform of course.

>> No.23404903

It still would be nice that she could post more in her main account other than shilling post

>> No.23404915
Quoted by: >>23404995

You mean like Kiara is doing at dokomi?
Where you literally can bring presets because she's there in person?
It just takes effort from the chuuba to make it happen

>> No.23404955

Dude, the majority of the people that go see her go there for more Mori, and everyone knows that.

>> No.23404988
Quoted by: >>23405017

Mori does her best to pretend that she doesn't.

>> No.23404995
Quoted by: >>23405064

Will Kiara be doing a stage performance? If not, then you already know the answer to why Mori doesn't do it.

>> No.23405003

shame that they wont hear any Mori songs or get any Mori merch signed

>> No.23405017

Not really, her first RM stream was basically "we all know what we are getting into here"

>> No.23405041
Quoted by: >>23405147

And that should make me happy somehow?

>> No.23405058

Our boy looks great when she's being a girl.

>> No.23405064
Quoted by: >>23405111

Yeah, way better cut if her roommate gets booked for conventions than when Mori does.

>> No.23405111
Quoted by: >>23405181

You think that after topping charts, selling out merch and always having a full SC backlog she's doing this for the money?

>> No.23405126
File: 161 KB, 1722x1456, 1650551558380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23405162

Just gotta last two more days for my Moririnium recharge..

>> No.23405147
Quoted by: >>23405203

No, but there is no such things as the other fans anymore, in a pure sense.

>> No.23405162
File: 1.29 MB, 1067x1500, 1630905465643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23405225


>> No.23405181

the alternative is that she's doing this shit for clout and she can't bear said clout not being attached to her face, which makes her the same type of thot as her sis, just nerdier

>> No.23405203

It still makes me somewhat bitter, because I want to support Mori Calliope the reaper rapper, not an ad for some white woman with awful taste.

>> No.23405215

Has it occurred to you that one involves 2 separate companies and the expense of setting up the 3d to work while the other just needs her to get on a plane.

>> No.23405225

Her face whenever she comes /here/

>> No.23405229

>I want to support The Batman, not some rich kid who lost his parents!

>> No.23405238

It's not that simple.
The plane needs to be particularly sturdy.

>> No.23405251
Quoted by: >>23405415

damn, suddenly money is a factor then? but she is so rich it ain't a concern apparently?
you're already starting to run in circles

>> No.23405268

that's retarded and you know it

>> No.23405308

Well, yeah. That's pretty much it. She has 2 styles, one that she isn't willing to let go of, and an unexpected one that gave her what she always wanted.
She can't be RM on Mori, and she doesn't want to be Mori on the RM.
Me too buddy.

>> No.23405334

That the gist of what you're saying. Who is Mori Calliope to you? Is she just the Model?

>> No.23405349

>I get it guys, I understand now, idols are meant to bring smiles to people!
>now let me bring smiles to an extremely small subset of my fans that can be used to push my real life reputation while I regularly get drunk or badly prepared for the side that faces the rest of my audience

>see guys, she GETS IT now

>> No.23405362
File: 227 KB, 1367x1896, 1645182360753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23405400

remember to love your Mori

>> No.23405400
File: 209 KB, 1522x2048, E3rXdo-VIAEW9Eo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell ya

>> No.23405403

>The mask falls off yet again.
Among those fans, a girl in a gura costume, Teamates, Takos... The list goes on.

>> No.23405415


>> No.23405427

I think they're all aware that their main draw is the vtubing anon and based on their general sentiments they seem to enjoy being vtubers corporate bullshit and fans momentarily shitting bricks aside.

>> No.23405434
Quoted by: >>23405455

>le mask
>le bad faith
why do so many of your talking points come from leftist spaces

>> No.23405435

>the important thing about Batman is the costume! Bruce Wayne can be replaced!

>> No.23405448

>Kiara goes on a break
>guerilla members stream, short released without any particular statement
>Mori goes on a break
>promises a zatsu and shorts
>no delivery

we're winning so hard bros

>> No.23405455
Quoted by: >>23405474

>Muh Commies
Go back to /pol/

>> No.23405474

I didn't call you a commie I just noticed you talk like one
and it's interesting that you default to calling me the exact opposite of one

>> No.23405502

Don’t you have gay discord ERP to do or something?

>> No.23405505

I'm serious some of you talk like you're in a cult

>> No.23405516

considering that Wayne was replaced multiple times and that what mattered was the actual legacy of someone devoted enough to carry his ideals, your argument is shooting itself in the foot pretty spectacularly
and that applies to many more heroes - the mask/identity comes to represent what's the best, most important and most worth continuing about them, while the person behind is transient

you should draw a lesson from that analogy but you won't

>> No.23405528
File: 279 KB, 400x313, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the man behind the Guy Fawkes mask doesn't matter it's the ideas he represents
Yes anon, that's the point

>> No.23405530

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.23405544

Both Batman and Bruce work to cull issues that affect a shitload of people, if Bruce truly was just a model banging socialite and not a philantropist, fuck Bruce.
So yeah, love Mori, fuck RM.

>> No.23405554
Quoted by: >>23405593

Yeah and it goes back to Bruce Wayne every fucking time and never sticks.

>> No.23405567

Anon, they tried many times to transfer the mantle, but the crowd always wanted it to go back to Bruce.

>> No.23405568
Quoted by: >>23405601

Yes? Batman is supposed to be a symbol, anyone can wear the outfit as long as they subscribe to the ideals.

>> No.23405582
File: 123 KB, 758x1122, 1650772712920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23405588

drop the bruce wayne shit it's a retarded analogy and should have never been used as an argument
just a faggot anon trying to be snarky

>> No.23405593

Are you now trying to argue with out-of-story constrains?

>> No.23405601
Quoted by: >>23405648

>My experience with Batman is just the Nolan trilogy.

>> No.23405606

Stop with this and let people criticize Mori.
This ain't discord hugbox and never will be.

>> No.23405633

But i love pointing out how someones analogy is actually retarded.

>> No.23405634

man, it's almost like crowd cares more about clout and celebrity culture more than the uplifting message
I love appealing to public opinion, truly what the vtuber sphere needs more of, it did wonders with all other media

>> No.23405636
File: 82 KB, 600x600, 3513C2BA-2CF3-4B2D-B8A6-A56C25EFA100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will asspat as i please and you can’t stop me. MORI LOVE

>> No.23405640
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x2448, 1650798081746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying we aren't

>> No.23405648
Quoted by: >>23405777

Not really, but even if that was the case, why is that any less valid than any interpretation given by the shitload of people that have worked on Batman stuff in the last 80 years?

>> No.23405659

Not the point, feel free to asspat. Just don't get angry when other people don't do it.

>> No.23405660
Quoted by: >>23405777

Anon, None of the Actual worthy successors actually want the cowl. Dick doesn't want it, Tim doesn't want it. You're left with Azrael, Damian and Jason... Good luck

>> No.23405668
File: 1.42 MB, 2894x4093, 1650980670604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23405722

Ogey ficklebeat

>> No.23405690
File: 1.25 MB, 1074x767, Armoredcowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, it's pretty important
you'd probably have to replace a lot of bruce waynes without it

>> No.23405693
File: 3.49 MB, 1904x2667, 1639196059293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe i'm just angry because none of the surf servers with players in them play the maps i like

>> No.23405719
File: 748 KB, 701x541, 1650803430409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406095

Mori love

>> No.23405722

a disloyal person doesn't deserve a loyal fanbase
there's a reason for a stark difference between those threads and teamate/KFP threads for example

>> No.23405734

Then leave and don’t come back

>> No.23405738

Then go the fuck there. Ffs

>> No.23405768

You're the only one here with this autistic complaint for the rest of us it just means more mori

>> No.23405777

Because you are using blockbuster movies that by their very nature target the lowest common denominator.
As an example could you ever imagine something like Joker produced as a Blockbuster?
I think you're missing the original message of the analogy at this point.
It's not about someone replacing Mori. Is there any reason to give a fuck about Bruce Wayne that stopped being Batman.

>> No.23405799

yeah, you're having a whale of a time, clearly

>> No.23405812

There's also me
there were more but you chased them out with your incessant crying

>> No.23405834
File: 98 KB, 600x350, 1631164618525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23405889

she's so beautiful bros help!

>> No.23405864
Quoted by: >>23405973

considering we had the fucking flip dude argue that being like Nakirigumi is something deadbeats should aim to be, I think that tells everything about state of the fanbase
backs completely broken

>> No.23405867

For the record, the kfp split kinda sucks, outside of the ritual posters

>> No.23405889
File: 88 KB, 1200x1200, 1622139760326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23405891

Do not use Mori as someone to brag about with people. That's the real reason why you're concerned over her every action inside or outside Holo.

>> No.23405895

/hlgg/ is the kfp split

>> No.23405904
File: 290 KB, 1633x1592, 1640887793280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you thought Resting Power was about her accepting Mori Calliope being the bigger success than her own, when in actuality it was just about learning how to use her as a tool for advertising her primary pursuit

>> No.23405958
Quoted by: >>23406060

>I want you to be proud of me! I want you to be able to proudly say 'this is my oshi' - Mori, tail end of 2021
>entire 2022 up till now
your post basically sums up why people feel burned out as fuck, a single high point in a year filled of mediocrity, drama and roommate focus

>> No.23405970
File: 1.30 MB, 1240x1754, 1636947119743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that was always the plan. But I don't think it was meant to happen like this.

>> No.23405973

Are you retarded? No one was arguing That they are the standard. People are arguing that we're lucky we're not them. Way to miss the point.

>> No.23405979
File: 491 KB, 1383x2048, FDB0828C-A969-4ACE-A996-010BF4B3A6DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore shitposters acquire fresh Moris

>> No.23406047
Quoted by: >>23406158

I legitimately wouldn't be surprised if it was J-Chad that made the cover tweet. It's as cookie-cutter as it gets and she was probably too drunk to do it at that time. Also accompanied by zero other activity

>> No.23406060

So you're really a fairweather fan? Because being a fan means you're there for the highs and lows.

We're not fucking Knicks fans for you to complain.

>> No.23406066
Quoted by: >>23406187

And it is, problem is that it's only musically. She'll always give priority to UMG. Then comes RM bullshit. And then we get a tired, drunk Mori for streams.

>> No.23406095

I wish she still did things like the ornament event. Now she just does the bare minimum on Mori Twitter

>> No.23406101

It seems to me like it's the people who have /vt/ as their oshi who don't want even an ounce of negativity to show up in the thread.

>> No.23406112
File: 658 KB, 2731x4096, 1642580344556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23406132

Being a fan means apprecianting a person and their work. The music side of work is fine, the person and stream side have been mid this year outside of the Holofes.

>> No.23406143

being a loyal fan doesn't mean sticking up for shitty people
or if it does to you, then holy shit
even the most schizo rrat of 'she distanced herself from deadbeats in early 2021 cause she got someone' got confirmed and you're here going 'nah, it's fine, it's a passing thing' while it's just another thing on the pile of 'she is just not a good person'

>> No.23406155
File: 2.60 MB, 2160x1452, 14CADDAF-FB64-4810-A34E-3237134F9278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23406158

She also retweeted some fanart at the same time on the other account.
And Mori always uses emoticons.

>> No.23406187

She won't give priority to UMG stuff though. She's putting zero prep into this UMG concert coming up and is instead parading around her roommate doing their songs instead of rehearsing/choreographing for her sololive. Even skipping those gym reps in favor of binge drinking and eating

>> No.23406200
File: 289 KB, 498x498, 167C0EDE-4FDA-48A8-BAC0-4D8A4ADC1C73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406232

Damn bratty shitposters…
Correction is needed.

>> No.23406210
File: 2.40 MB, 1800x2430, 1613339307168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406253


>> No.23406226

you don't get it, spending half of summer on a plane going back and forth will not affect her preparation at all, Mori is known for preparing extremely well for her Hololive content

>> No.23406232
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1636179060330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406298

I agree, except about the target of the corrections.

>> No.23406253
File: 323 KB, 1279x1524, 9187A7AD-1094-4511-9F24-BE9320FC37EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406323

Last of all Kings

>> No.23406270 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23406309

Ngl, her sister fits the description she gave. She probably goes home with a different guy every weekend

>> No.23406298

No one cares aboyour shit tier fetish ryonabeat. I’d respect you more if you wrote fic or drew/commissioned art or did anything at all other than posting the exact same shitty edit

>> No.23406303
File: 14 KB, 248x255, 1651207485260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406348

Are you fucking joking?

>> No.23406308
File: 289 KB, 2048x1152, 1625354782568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406570

>Yes honey... I'll stop drinking, I promise... I won't come unprepared again...
>and I'll stop associating with the people you don't like...
>please don't leave me...

>> No.23406309

I'm sure as soon as her entourage will include some known music producer, Mori will have some sudden positive realizations about that lifestyle

>> No.23406323
File: 246 KB, 1464x2048, 1636336503537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori blade of deadbeats

>> No.23406348
File: 295 KB, 2009x2000, 1637539722258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. And I'm sorry I made you upset again.

>> No.23406349

oddly fitting considering she completely failed in the task of taking care of the latter and then passively waited for them to come back while rotting away

>> No.23406357

why do people hate mori? genuine question

>> No.23406364
File: 157 KB, 980x1385, AFF8AA39-CDC9-4185-8AC5-DCE807D32F9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23411615

She’s never known defeet

>> No.23406381

some people are retarded

>> No.23406392

Really looking forward to that sick choreography for V-Carnival and her practically dying on stage halfway through her Sololive

>> No.23406394
Quoted by: >>23406437

it turns femanons are really shit people that should never be put on any kind of pedestal, since it makes their shitty tendencies take over

>> No.23406436
File: 551 KB, 1000x1414, 1634200188104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406497

It's not a lie that antis latch on to very stupid things when it comes to Mori and spread far more hate than warranted.
But there are genuine, significant things to criticize her for. Yet for whatever reason pointing those out makes the more schizophrenic deadbeats go crazy.
Ironically deadbeats accusing deadbeats of being antis is the sort of state of the thread that antis like.

>> No.23406437

Eigo Jouzu you filthy fucking Indog

>> No.23406482
Quoted by: >>23406506

>constantly unprepared
>shitty half brained competition ideas that she took from whatver e-celeb her short attention span is tuned to
>worst element in most collabs
>always tired or talking about drinking, but is totally not a high functioning alcoholic
>has the most active and time consuming roommate
>over promises, under delivers

>> No.23406497

>No you don’t understand. If you make fun of me for my 27 posts about how she’s an evil whore who’s leeching off Hololiand will never stream aagain because she’s getting fucked by her 26 strong asian harem you just can’t accept criticism. I’m a victom help help I’m being oppressed.

>> No.23406506

Watch out, you'll get a reply without one >.

>> No.23406507

When are we back on high point? I hope it is soon enough.

>> No.23406538

>will never stream aagain because she’s getting fucked by her 26 strong asian harem

>> No.23406542
File: 295 KB, 1448x2048, 1624138879460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406583

Try typing that again, but without crying

>> No.23406544
File: 26 KB, 748x225, 5CFF1F61-89C5-4FAC-B729-2988D5E9CA2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t believe she said this. Unmembering and sending a $500 akasupa calling her a whore

>> No.23406546

Schizos that have boring lives and pass their times shitting up the place
Top it off Mori is EN so you get the wannabe jap crew that goes schizophrenic whatever something happens:
>she is ruining hololive
>EN was a mistake
And all that others gay complaints. Some hate her success also or that she is genuinely liked by her JP senpai.

Honestly easy to ignore became they are unbelievably retarded and easy to spot but newfags gonna newfags.

>> No.23406551

Well yeah, we've had one high point, but about a second one?

>> No.23406570
File: 33 KB, 358x367, 1612098129293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this to me, my morinium supply is running on fumes

>> No.23406571
File: 656 KB, 1158x806, 1625477789459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406646

All this timelooping is just Nikodem replying to himself from his hundreds of smart fridges he bought with his oil prince money, I will not take my meds.

>> No.23406583
File: 772 KB, 2060x2060, 07C0CCDD-EEAE-440D-99E1-6E8C0522AE57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406620

Try opening your mouth for my cock you flaming queer

>> No.23406590
Quoted by: >>23406736

Why do you keep answering him? Nigga ain't even subtle but you fucking mongoloid brain need to reply to him

>> No.23406620
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1625787966577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need to open anything, you could fit that tiny thing through a pinhole

>> No.23406639
File: 383 KB, 1250x1019, C128D78A-20AF-4F3B-ADD8-C9AD33C2FF2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406731

>> No.23406646
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1633234579447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the guy with the fuck load of fridge's never trust a man with more than 2 fridges.

>> No.23406669
File: 472 KB, 648x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morimama Love

>> No.23406674
File: 470 KB, 1448x2048, D0BEA781-DC1A-45E1-913B-17F885E208A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23406675
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Quoted by: >>23406704

>> No.23406681
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Quoted by: >>23406748

Mori ample chest

>> No.23406704
File: 228 KB, 348x541, B5CA506F-2640-499D-9426-59185D79B7EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is off here

>> No.23406705
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>> No.23406731

Damn I forgot about this crunchy one piece

>> No.23406736

What did he say that was wrong?

>> No.23406742
File: 3.43 MB, 1537x1440, BBC5929B-22E8-46DA-8226-E4531A749531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder of the true evils of Mori

>> No.23406748
File: 299 KB, 2097x2179, E-kfMBQWYAAqgQF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23406786

Yea I think so

>> No.23406765
File: 244 KB, 1000x1778, F78738B1-9599-4F6F-92E8-5A12E42F99F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want her to be back and have an amazing time at the watchalong. Maybe she'll remember that November spark when she had a blast at every stream and looked forward to them

>> No.23406775
File: 3.11 MB, 1900x1900, 1636305639077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23408321

I'm going for a bike ride. You homos can go munge feces and maggots off of a dead whore's corpse for all I care.

>> No.23406786
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>> No.23406799

>she doesn't really have it in her to be a consistent streamer, but without attachment to her streaming persona, her music isn't all that spectacular
>she constantly talks about self improvement but during her Hololive stay we've just seen her give up on more and more things (music production, animation, less and less art streams, Japanese lessons etc.)
>she constantly misjudges her strong sides, turning moments that should be her high points into embarrassments (hyping herself up for certain games, hyping up her high notes in songs only to turn out like a squeaky rat in UnAlive, talking about her workout and diet knowledge only to be wheezing 3 songs in during a live etc.)
>she constantly mentions how busy and overworked she is during collabs which always leaves the other girls either awkwardly complimenting her or asking her to take a break, weighting down on the mood
>also in collabs, she usually takes a good 30 minutes before she's able to adjust her tone to everyone else, she also tries to embrace the 'class clown' role by resorting to lowest denominator funny things (le funni voice, referential humor)
>made a clown of herself on Twitter while under influence a couple of times
>had multiple instance where her personal endeavors made her pull the rug or ghost the other girls to the point it became a running joke to some (like Kiara)

all in all, she appears to be a fun person IRL, but her public side is sort of a disaster and anyone that supports her has to either directly or indirectly defend a lot of objectively shitty or just annoying behaviors, which galvanizes both sides

>> No.23406823

I'm sorry man, but that was around the time the UMG deal was done, you're never getting her that happy again.

>> No.23406866
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>> No.23406904
Quoted by: >>23406926

careful now, or you'll be flagged as not a "true deadbeat" for offering genuine opinion

>> No.23406905
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>> No.23406926

a genuine opinion isn't a caricature.

>> No.23406927


>> No.23406961

Hag malfunction

>> No.23407039
File: 211 KB, 495x447, 1649207223064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So aside from shitposting, biting bait and timelooping, what are (You) doing today?

>> No.23407074
Quoted by: >>23407366

You can trace most of this back to her flash in the pan brain, which her RM also has.

>> No.23407075
File: 102 KB, 191x353, 80FE6A27-C669-4149-9B10-6B480601EE2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exclusive sololive 3d leak

>> No.23407102

Working and hoping the watchalong doesn't get cancelled because of a hangover

>> No.23407109
File: 823 KB, 1000x1414, 1631846978520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading and doing some jap reps

>> No.23407127

Listen, I don't disagree with some of your points. You clearly articulated some of your grievances with her enough that you don't seem to be a falseflagger and seem genuinely disappointed. So why stick around here? Do you ever post this in her comments? I'm not asking this because I want a hugbox here. Why do you stay here instead of moving on?

>> No.23407163
File: 353 KB, 817x675, 1630356072434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23407229

Me and my friends are gonna go to a new bar that opened up and probably gonna get kicked out.

>> No.23407193

Not him, but because Mori Love? Hoping things will get better?
She's clearly /here/ so it's not like this shit is lost for her (although I'm not saying she sees every single post)

>> No.23407225

lost on her*

>> No.23407229

Get kicked out why?

>> No.23407257

they will rape the women

>> No.23407309
File: 13 KB, 312x321, 1650179258194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were arguing about pussy smegma earlier

>> No.23407345
Quoted by: >>23407428

honestly, I invested so many hours into her I have nearly no connection with rest of the Holo content so it's not like I get to talk about anyone else's content
it's either complaining and hoping shit gets better or dropping the hobby now

>> No.23407356
File: 7 KB, 572x187, 1651174417110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe she'll remember that November spark when she had a blast at every stream and looked forward to them
I doubt we are even getting pic related peak in near future.

>> No.23407366
Quoted by: >>23407540

I legitimately would take her getting obsessed with Vampire Survivors over the current state of things the last week. Maybe she's good at it somehow

>> No.23407427

After a certain point, it's just healthier to move on. Yeah I know >anon >healthy Mori even acknowledges that fans come and go for whatever reason and she's fine with that. If it gets to the point that you feel your emotional investment in a streamer isn't returning what you want, why force yourself to stay? Sunk cost? Just take a step back and take a break. And if she meets your standards later, come back. If not, hopefully you found someone else who fits you better.

>> No.23407428

man, I get this, seeing the whole ascending arc from tired, overworked and depressed to involved and thriving senpai Mori was great
2022 came like a fucking sucker punch

>> No.23407457
Quoted by: >>23407478

We are a rowdy group of retards in our early twenty's and one of our boys likes to start fights with strangers.

>> No.23407478

honestly, decent analogy for this fanbase and their oshi

>> No.23407513

Watching Forrest Gump and getting drunk.

>> No.23407533

the whole business idea is about getting invested into those girls
'taking a break' doesn't work when it's entirely about following them through the journey
if you 'take a break' you can as well quit altogether or just stick to watching vShojo/Niji or fleshtubers

>> No.23407540
Quoted by: >>23407812

To be fair, this last week and a half is an anomaly. Con aside, it was an actual vacation to meet up with family and do 2nd base stuff. If it wasn't for that it would have been not even a week. This is me trying to be rational, and thinking that it won't be like this every month.
The lizard brain part feels wronged because of off the cuff stream promises that she never had any intention to follow up on. And that only makes me remember the same thing she did about ER streams and the TTPRG.

>> No.23407581
Quoted by: >>23407739

Imagine if Mark Wahlberg had half-assed his role in The Departed in favor of doing Marky Mark performances instead. That's what this feels like

>> No.23407583

it seems to me you're taking all of this too seriously

>> No.23407622

No other holoENs stream in my timezone, Mori is the only one who did. And Kiara I guess but most of her content isn't really for me.
When I wake up, I'll catch the ass-end of Kronii or IRyS streams sometimes but that's it. (And Kronii doesn't even stream lol.)

Plus, you're saying "healthier" but I think you're overestimating the attachment. I'm airing my grievances about my favorite streamer in a thread dedicated to her.

>> No.23407644

remembering how much I love my Mori

>> No.23407680
Quoted by: >>23407744

>Plus, you're saying "healthier" but I think you're overestimating the attachment. I'm airing my grievances about my favorite streamer in a thread dedicated to her.
The more you say this the less I'm convinced you're actually not as healthy as you claim.

>> No.23407683

I'm sure Mori/B-side would be happier with fans that treat her as a passing entertainment rather than someone worth getting invested into, being proud of and remembered
it runs against her own statements but I guess that inconsistency is kinda her gimmick rn

>> No.23407689
File: 57 KB, 414x105, 1650608429051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I've taken my meds. I can't speak for the other shiftschizo but I atleast accept that all the antis and whinebeats aren't the same person

>> No.23407729

Fair enough. Just look out for #1 is all I'm saying.

>> No.23407739

The rationale thought behind this is that she still has Indy brain. She still most likely thinks that what she's doing in Holo doesn't count and Is doing it to prove a point to the people who think that she got big through Holo and not the grindy way that her underground brethren have.

>> No.23407744

And no matter how many times you say that, it'll always be your biased perception. We'll never not agree on it so it's pointless to keep talking about it.

>> No.23407756

I'm not a mori anti.
she can do whatever she wants and it wont effect me.
my beef is with you OP
every limerick themed title you make infuriates me.
I imagine you're some Drama Class geek and it compels me to shove you into a locker.
however; you do you.
if your oshi makes you happy enough to make these threads than that's all that matters.

>> No.23407790
Quoted by: >>23407813

god I want to shove high school Mori into a locker
I want to make her feel bad about her likes and hobbies
I want to embarrass her in front of everyone about the things she likes to the point where she hates herself for them and never pursues her dreams

>> No.23407812

Yeah, if she didn't actually plan on even trying to do shorts, she shouldn't have even mentioned them. Also flat-out promising a chatting stream, then just non-chalantly ignoring the member stream short change while it was pretty clear she had social media time to address it that she chose to use elsewhere

>> No.23407814
Quoted by: >>23407928


>> No.23407813

>t. Mori

>> No.23407878
Quoted by: >>23407982

She genuinely does not have the means for a chatting stream, based on what transpired.

The main reason she rented a studio was that she doesn't have the appropriate equipment

>> No.23407903

>We'll never not agree
We'll never agree* fuck sake what am I saying.

>> No.23407911
Quoted by: >>23408115

Again, to be fair, I don't think she talked about shorts specifically for this period, only that she looked at what Marine was doing and wants to do the same thing.
So I don't see any implied promises here for this last week as far as shorts go. The rest, yeah, the lack of equipment is at the very least another foresight failure.

>> No.23407928
Quoted by: >>23407960

Has anyone in HoloX actually taken a break outside of Chloe for her family that one time? It's crazy how dedicated they are

>> No.23407960

Koyori took a 2/3 day break, I think?

>> No.23407964

you can say the same about people who cried during the girls' HoloFes debuts, they're just singing streamers after all
but then the list of people taking this too seriously would include Mori herself apparently

>> No.23407982

>She genuinely does not have the means for a chatting stream, based on what transpired
I counter with an easy solution multiple members have used: Twitter Space

>> No.23408003

It's taking it too seriously when you disagree with me, it's being healthy when you agree
The line is precisely where I stand

>> No.23408070
Quoted by: >>23408187

...So why are you still here then?

>> No.23408075
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Quoted by: >>23408114

I'm seriously gonna take Mori

>> No.23408085

I think if enough members call her out in her next post, it'll get through to her. I don't mean schizo tier rants or snarky mentions of Moripromises.txt. Just point out that she sets expectations when she nonchalantly makes plans and that she hasn't been consistent in meeting those.

>> No.23408106

you should all take your meds

>> No.23408114

Take her where?

>> No.23408115

Based on what we've seen elsewhere, the painful part is that it doesn't seem like she really even tried that hard to get set up in time. Good chance watchalong is with scuffed mic as well despite being wealthy enough to hit up any electronics store for a decent temp mic

>> No.23408119

That's the problem doc, I already did.

>> No.23408131
File: 318 KB, 500x450, 1650335514773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds give me the runs.

>> No.23408139

But then I won't hear Mori's voice anymore :(

>> No.23408170
File: 1.27 MB, 1264x1112, 1642526821622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna take her all the way

>> No.23408187
Quoted by: >>23408281

Because I like Mori, doofus?

>> No.23408191
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>> No.23408202

Here's an idea, maybe a sub regression is what makes her wake up.

>> No.23408220
File: 96 KB, 1200x1000, 1648973668173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23408280

s-stuhp talkin about m-moririn
*sniffle* talkin bad about mor-mori
sh-sh-sh *sniffle* sh-she's g-g-guuh

>> No.23408226
File: 111 KB, 906x904, 143CBE30-6A6B-423B-8068-5A94916717A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should eat my ass

>> No.23408233

And how exactly are you going to achieve that moron?

>> No.23408241


>> No.23408280
File: 79 KB, 550x655, 1613529851141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't cry cuz then I'm gonna cry

>> No.23408281

I like Mori too, what's your fucking point?

>> No.23408291

On 1st of May let's all unsubscribe from Mori, and ask for a Fortnite Burger
The look on her face will be epic!

>> No.23408308

that's the thing
she hit self-sustain levels more or less, every decision will be rewarded unless it's catastrophic (like messing up or having to completely reschedule/cancel the Sololive)
but by that point it's gonna be too late

>> No.23408321
File: 303 KB, 1374x2048, 1647769844573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't go for biking after all, it's too fucking cold.

>> No.23408328
File: 660 KB, 2048x1515, 2CA443C8-D145-40F7-9777-BB1DB1DADF5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post rare Mori sips

>> No.23408338

Personally, I unsubscribed from the other channel now that it's focused on being an e-celeb instead of musician

>> No.23408363
Quoted by: >>23408405

It’s almost as though you are a minority of a minority and 99.99% of people have literally no problem.

>> No.23408381

...Too late for what?

>> No.23408385
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Quoted by: >>23408513

fuck it I'm gonna post an Ope

>> No.23408405

80% don't even watch her channel anymore
I guess the easiest way to have no issues is not to interact with the content at all
truly the best kind of fans

>> No.23408479
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>> No.23408480
Quoted by: >>23408626

...Where are you getting those numbers from?

>> No.23408513

Hey man calm down.

>> No.23408523

Proof next thread? After all you’d have proof of some kind of consistent decline in views right? Anons wouldn’t just go make things up would they?

>> No.23408546

Is that her face after you break up with her?

>> No.23408565
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x865, 571E8ECA-1740-4E86-845B-859DD6A91962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rapper with hair down

>> No.23408573
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>> No.23408581

Why's everyone doomposting in this thread?

>> No.23408617

Honestly I'm pretty sure it's just boredom and it's the easiest way to get interaction.

>> No.23408618

Because Mori isn't on the screen so people freak out.

>> No.23408626
File: 67 KB, 500x500, BC2EFBFA-9DB1-45BB-9086-91E07AC68EA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The voices they speak to me. They tell me the numbers peko.

>> No.23408646
Quoted by: >>23408787

50/50 wasn't about splitting time in places, it was about splitting time on accounts

>> No.23408672
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>> No.23408708

It's one whinebeat thats complaining incessantly followed by a bunch of antis using it as an opportunity to shitpost

>> No.23408762
File: 135 KB, 1008x1200, BC8A0607-7405-4906-9178-990F0C5C5BC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your favourite non Mori art

>> No.23408775

>One Whinebeat
You mean THE Whinebeat. It's the same guy because the way he whines is the same.

>> No.23408787

except the other 50 gets real life meetups and consistent social media interaction while the other 50 gets hours of Elden Ring and tired mumbling about Adam Sandler

>> No.23408803

What a convenient belief to hold

>> No.23408859
Quoted by: >>23408920

It's somewhat interesting how populist you tend to be. Even now your defense boils down to "everyone agrees with me, actually".

>> No.23408871
File: 821 KB, 624x676, 1648867026254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to point out the absolute bullshittery of me getting a 3 day vacation for posting that Mori was probably in PST just before she streamed, but blantant references to roommate activities are left alone.

>> No.23408904

oh my fucking god
I want to pin kiara down and thrust into her like a wild animal

>> No.23408920
Quoted by: >>23408929

Watch out everyone he's bringing out the big words now.

>> No.23408929
Quoted by: >>23408951

Same but with no regard for her pleasure

Once again, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.

>> No.23408951

Jokes on your retard I don't even know what populist means.

>> No.23408973
File: 960 KB, 541x890, 91440A8B-E699-4626-969B-AA960852E86C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s okay Mori 1 more month

>> No.23408979

Yeah, remember when people used to complain why she listed a common weekend as a vacation.

>> No.23409014

just seen this shit
any of you fags make a reference to discord in this place again and you're be branded forever as one of those grooming obsessed dicksuckers
named platforms are ALWAYS a mistake

>> No.23409050
Quoted by: >>23409086

The usual people who hate these people are usually groomers themselves

>> No.23409075
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>> No.23409086
Quoted by: >>23409154

lol what

>> No.23409099

Nigga we had a Yonaka post untouched earlier in the week. Medios and mods only seem to care if post about the quality of the board/thread and not posting about other posters these days.

>> No.23409140

Discord can suck my dick, i'll never give them my phone number, accept the throwaway mail or get fucked you shit site

>> No.23409154
Quoted by: >>23409172

He said the usual people who hate these people are usually groomers themselves.

>> No.23409169

Sorry for you/happy for you but what does this have to do with Mori

>> No.23409172

Which people? Groomers? Discord users?

>> No.23409212

The only reason to go on moricord is the timestamps

>> No.23409225

As a Trans Lesbian Woman myself, I find Mori's drinking to be quite unattractive. And as a trans lesbian woman, my struggle to not drink as a trans lesbian woman is made harder when as a trans lebsian woman I have to watch my oshi drink.

Oh the struggles of being a trans lesbian woman.

>> No.23409265

People usually only talk about the discords to bitch about the mod/admins though, also weird story.

>> No.23409294
Quoted by: >>23410977

As an atheist, I like that Mori likes substance abuse.
My favorite TV show is Rick and Morty.

>> No.23409297

>know for a fact that Mori absolutely hates people telling her what to do.
>Keep doing it.
Well, you have to blame yourselves for her actions.

>> No.23409338
File: 1.20 MB, 2894x4093, 1634571541251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23409552

Mori will not return to stream for sometime, she is too busy taking care of our little angel

>> No.23409389

Mori should NOT be my wife. She doesn't have what it takes to be a good mother to raise our chuuni son.

>> No.23409489

always remember that the only reason you are here today is because miko said nigger once

>> No.23409509
File: 19 KB, 384x382, 1632047895424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. I swear I've read this exact comment chain several times over in /infinity/. Damn we really are brothers...

>> No.23409552

Miko baby…

>> No.23409739
Quoted by: >>23409784

>someone continuing to make same mistakes is annoyed people keep pointing them out and just commits to them harder
mature and inspiring, truly worth of saying 'this is my oshimen, I'm so proud'

>> No.23409745
File: 931 KB, 1501x2100, 733DAABC-4C2C-4D4C-AAB1-7E1B2EE31365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I ever forget

>> No.23409784

Bet your mum wishes she could say she’s proud of you

>> No.23409785
Quoted by: >>23412807

Well personally I'm only here because Hololive collabed with Azur Lane. I went from being mad that we weren't getting another Kizuna Ai collab to looking up any hololive clips I could find. Back then there were only like...3 or so good translated clips for a while.

>> No.23409851

God truly works in mysterious ways.

>> No.23409985
Quoted by: >>23412807

I'm here because Kizuna put subs to be honest

>> No.23410037
Quoted by: >>23412807

It was migoboat for me

>> No.23410272
File: 98 KB, 850x1020, __houshou_marine_and_usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_homura910210__sample-5b5ad5ac70bfe15b08d1b99e4e776255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23412807

I am here because of Korone and Marine's public MC fetish don't get this shit twisted

>> No.23410441
Quoted by: >>23410582

She has just enough high points it keeps hope alive. But I used to be a member and now I just check in now and then to see if things have changed. Lately they’ve gotten worse. But who knows what the future holds?

>> No.23410582
File: 7 KB, 260x194, fugggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23411930

Aliens are going to glass the planet in 4 months don't worry it'll be over soon

>> No.23410731

>Streams more than every non Ame, Kiara or IRyS EN in April
>She isn’t streaming enough
>Has had 3 separate multi episode collab projects including one specifically for EN-JP collabs
>This somehow isn’t enough

>> No.23410850
Quoted by: >>23411044

No matter how much mori content there is, there will always be a subset who bitch that any rm content that done could of been more mori content.

>> No.23410951

Anon you speak nothing but the truth

>> No.23410977


>> No.23411044

How did we get these people? I don't really understand why people are upset because the Rm's work is somewhat crucial to what made the first EP work. Some of the songs in Dwayne Johnson are equivalent or even better than certain songs in the first EP

>> No.23411111

Anon...the ER streams are not something you should be applauding. Almost every single one was a result (or cause) of insomnia that made her miserable and ended up with her still awake at 4AM JST regularly. I agree that her collab projects have been the highlight, but CHaDcast is a group effort, tea time takes zero prep work or setup, and eikaiwas involve 5 PowerPoint slides.

>> No.23411112

I sincerely now think that the "Mori 2.0 run" was a net negative to the perception of who Mori is.

>> No.23411126
File: 600 KB, 837x687, 1651238320994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying it's all one guy, but there is definitely one guy who's behind a fuckton of it.
and if you're really this buttblasted because she finally got to spend time with her family, fuck off

>> No.23411225

This is what I think too. That upswing gave people the wrong idea.

>> No.23411295

I don’t think anyone is mad about family time. It’s the 5 or so days before that with nothing that has some assblasted.

>> No.23411298

I hope she's spending time with family, I hardcore swore off being a doxxbeat so I have no clue what she's actually doing right now, just that she went on "Underworldian Adventures" and was trying not to wake up her parents at collab.

>> No.23411338

Honestly, the most based anon in this thread

>> No.23411460

I don’t think you understand a thing about what level of prep goes into Eikaiwa or the fact that tea time has pre planned topics not to mention the pain in the ass it is to organise more than 1 Holo that we’ve constantly heard about. The vast majority of those Elden Ring streams were at worst below average and weren’t causing her insomnia that was you know the allergies that she told us about multiple times. While I’m at it actually which collabs did she complain about being tired in because it wasn’t eikaiwa or CHaDcast, it wasn’t Overwatch, I don’t speak jap but it sure didn’t sound like it in Ultimate Chicken Horse and you could maybe argue that ending tea time at the exact same time as every other teatime because she was tired counts but at that point you’re looking for things to complain about.

>> No.23411487

>Almost every single one was a result (or cause) of insomnia
Where do you people come from?

>> No.23411495

Because there are people who think they shouldn't be allowed to do anything except hololive activities. Other holomem disappear for large chunks of time all the time without their fans having the benefit (or detriment if you think that way) of knowing what they are doing during that time.

If the people that bitch really are in it for hololive stuff only and have no interest in stuff outside it they would be like this guy >>23411298 and if you do have interest in the other stuff? well good for you, you get more content, but bitching about that stuff while still getting plenty of hololive content is just entitlement or anti behaviour.

>> No.23411505

MamaMori Karaoke in 2 days and she’s renting a studio so she seems pretty happy to be with them.

>> No.23411541
File: 107 KB, 680x1200, 1636559185557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23411603


>> No.23411546
Quoted by: >>23411595

>How did we get these people?
Better question is where the fuck did these people who accuse everyone who dares to complain about Mori's content being anti or schizo came from? It didn't use to be this fucking bad when in the past Mori fucked up.

>> No.23411559
Quoted by: >>23411755

We had some self-admitted menherabeats last night, wouldn’t be surprised if this was a new batch. It was too long ago people were doomposting to hell and back but then she did the fall guys stream and this sort of posting all seemed to vanish instantly.

>> No.23411595

>fucked up
You’re standing in the street screaming nigger and crying free speech when the police get you

>> No.23411603
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>> No.23411615


>> No.23411648
File: 1.45 MB, 2160x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23411915

Stream SEX

>> No.23411675


>> No.23411755

It’s highly likely that almost all the whine and doomposting is just because anons miss Mori. I sperged out a few days ago and it really was about having one of the worst weeks of my life more than Mori herself.

>> No.23411782
File: 104 KB, 800x800, 1632979960896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Mori and her mama are practicing for the karaoke?

>> No.23411804

I was always against people pushing the "season 2 Mori" thing because I knew it would skew perception of Mori. Also it neglects the fact that she had already begun improving herself months before "season 2" started anyways.

>> No.23411852

Considering she probably has a massive hangover right now, probably not. Maybe tomorrow

>> No.23411915

I maintain that fingerless glove is the sexiest move possible.

>> No.23411930
Quoted by: >>23412608

*less than a month

>> No.23411943
File: 28 KB, 1280x960, 0pegey[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa9nkkk.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23411966

She had a very stable and consistent quality of content for a long time last year tbf. Also if Mori does indeed repeat her mood yearly that means the upswing should be around mid-late May I think?

>> No.23411995

Anon it’s just shy of 6AM where they’re at.

>> No.23412002

Doodling, eating, napping

>> No.23412035

I meant 7AM it’s morning where I’m at too

>> No.23412038

It was a pretty sharp fall off rather than steady decline though. It was absolutely going to be evident even without Mori 2.0 stuff. That surgery + album making + animation work period fucked her up REALLY bad and her idea of a "sanctuary" seems to be roommate stuff

>> No.23412060

I didn't mean right at this moment, I mean in general

>> No.23412080
File: 449 KB, 2048x1536, 5BABF6CA-9B66-4C2C-94C3-E7EAF17730B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be more like Marine

>> No.23412094
File: 1.14 MB, 1279x721, D7C4C29D-4545-4842-B342-244EF98E32F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about it a ridiculous hat really was the best possible gift

>> No.23412139

Mori makes me feel things too. In my heart and my penis.

>> No.23412149

Marine has good taste

>> No.23412175

As long as the price tag is in the triple digits and it looks like something a child designed, it's perfect

>> No.23412184

Marine sure does feel a lot of things.

>> No.23412248

Gap moe reaper...

>> No.23412297

I was surprised at the definition of that hat when it was so large. I guess it was a vector image since I'm guessing they don't design their assets at 8k resolution.

>> No.23412436
File: 186 KB, 962x2008, FRTHUCqXoAE7AK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesas what a whore

>> No.23412504

>Also if Mori does indeed repeat her mood yearly that means the upswing should be around mid-late May I think?
I really hope it happens but fucking hell it seems that we won't be getting that upswing in a future.

>> No.23412513

Well the context of my comment is in relation to the people who resent Mori's rm work. A lot of deadbeats convinced themselves that Mori's rm was dead and that EoaL was her signaling that she was moving on from that part of her life.
>Season 2 Mori doesn't need her rm anymore since she has hololive
I recall seeing sentiments like this multiple times. I feel like the deadbeats who thought along these lines are the ones feeling resentful now.

>> No.23412608
File: 2.76 MB, 1882x2696, 1649642675260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry do you have the time?

>> No.23412605
File: 63 KB, 718x897, 1641398911255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23412805

>it seems that we won't be getting that upswing in a future.

>> No.23412622
File: 233 KB, 2046x1447, 9EA8AA10-EA23-4D4F-9247-C44A549D9AED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23412805

Eigo Jouzu

>> No.23412710
File: 95 KB, 583x669, FGVjf2CVEAI_M3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty as charged.

>> No.23412740

>doomfagging ESLs
Of fucking course...

>> No.23412796

I'm here because doggo played the banjo game tyvm

>> No.23412805
File: 389 KB, 991x1111, 1602807014330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just how I feel.
I know.

>> No.23412807

i meant that the nigga clip could have been the catalyst for holoEN happening and that you're in the mori split because of that

>> No.23412911

>Rockstar is directly responsible for Myth

>> No.23413064

Nice memories

>> No.23413156

I just realized. Mori in less than 24 hours!!!!!

>> No.23413294
File: 360 KB, 1605x1958, 97719530_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horny? ok easy

>> No.23413411
File: 170 KB, 720x672, 1623321050659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me when deadbeats tell me to stop being menhera

>> No.23413450

Based and maturepilled

>> No.23413453

You might say there’s

>> No.23413482

The decline everyone is complaining about seems to have started after the 3D concert/Celebration Stream, which given the context, is also when she said she was going to be taking it easier, clearing her schedule, and ending off the month with a vacation. I can’t help but view it as people overreacting. Maybe if it continues into May, I’ll probably start complaining too, but I think we gotta be a bit more reasonable on our side. One criticism I will agree with though, is that Mori aught to not make promises she can’t guarantee. Even if she just thinks it’s an offhand comment or something that clearly isn’t set in stone, people will take it as gospel and get angry when it doesn’t happen. Even worse when it is something that was scheduled, then there really isn’t any room for excuses.

>> No.23413503
Quoted by: >>23413610

less than 12 if you've handed over your 5$

>> No.23413610

It’s not until 11 pm PDT

>> No.23413905

>I can’t help but view it as people overreacting.
would be better if she wasn't massively inconsistent

>> No.23413904

>get bummed cause I thought the stream was gonna happen while I was on my shift
>remember my time zone is ahead and not behind PDT
>will have plenty of time
How long before has she announced the version she’s watching ahead of time?

>> No.23413959
Quoted by: >>23414296

Kobo singing bully again

>> No.23413961
Quoted by: >>23414936

Kobo is trying Lo-fi Bully

>> No.23413972
Quoted by: >>23414936

Kobo is singing lofi Bully right now

>> No.23414065

Word for word, I agree with you. I'm willing to give Mori leeway because this is her first real vacation since last summer. That stargazing trip was recovery period for her surgery so I don't count that as a real break. If and only if the TTRPG is delayed yet again, I'm calling her out about her promises and poor planning.

>> No.23414091

Some of y’all need to get aa hobby and/or another streamer to focus on while Mori is gone.
It’s not like the Hoshiyomi or Nakirigumi are complaining like some of you.

>> No.23414120

Based take and I pretty much agree with all of your points.
>One criticism I will agree with though, is that Mori aught to not make promises she can’t guarantee.
Been saying this for a while that one of Mori's biggest problems is that she wants to do everything and thus ends up overpromising. In the moment, she thinks "Oh I want to do that" or "That would be so fun to do" without being realistic about her limitations and busy schedule. I'm used to it by now but it is definitely something she needs to work on.
I think part of what's exacerbating this issue is that she knows the most common worry after signing onto UMG would be that "things feel different" or that "Mori doesn't stream as often as she used to". Thus she overcompensates, stubbornly makes promises that she wishes she could keep, and ends up underdelivering.

>> No.23414174

No, I think most people agree the decline kind of started around the surgery period. NSO was fun, but Hypnospace/Arceus ended up lackluster and uncontinued and Jump King had become a sour note.

>> No.23414229


>> No.23414246
File: 104 KB, 220x222, 1645727731949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hypnospace/Arceus ended up lackluster
People...didn't like the Hypnospace stream?

>> No.23414266 [DELETED] 


>> No.23414293

apparently so, I enjoyed the heck out of it but I don't speak for everyone

>> No.23414296


>> No.23414307

kobo cute

>> No.23414310

I liked Hypnospace, was pretty meh on The pokemon

>> No.23414353

Bless that elite baby.

>> No.23414369
Quoted by: >>23414414


>> No.23414414
Quoted by: >>23414636

>Moray daddy

>> No.23414417
Quoted by: >>23414492

that was cute

>> No.23414459
File: 5 KB, 111x61, 1623847035649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close

>> No.23414470

She obviously didn't. Minus the Granny's Nuts(?) song part, I can't really remember her being particularly engaged compared to NSO which was a fresh experience for her

>> No.23414492
Quoted by: >>23414676

I appreciate her bringing more attention to the lofi album. It was pretty great.

>> No.23414517

I liked it a lot. Her enjoying the weird places and music was the best part of the stream. The puzzles show that Mori isn't the best at that sort of stuff and where the stream starts to slog

>> No.23414565

Luv Kobo she seems like a great find for ID

>> No.23414576

>She obviously didn't.
Meds. Now.
It's fine if you didn't like the stream but don't start peddling bullshit.

>> No.23414595

bantering with the bullies, fucking around with the pet rrat, the whole underground music bit - there was lots of fun elements, it slowed down near the end with the puzzles becoming more complex

>> No.23414636


>> No.23414669

Yeah it lost some steam at the end. Probably would have been helpful to have a guide for the puzzles. Mori’s brain and puzzles don’t mix.

>> No.23414671

the perfect way to cap this week off I guess

>> No.23414676
Quoted by: >>23414850

Up until Ouroboros, Scuffed Up Age, Resting Power, and UnAlive JP, it was probably her best singing performance ever

>> No.23414699

I'm glad I didn't check out the karaoke now.

>> No.23414737
Quoted by: >>23414781

She was stuck on the tarot card puzzle for like half the stream

>> No.23414781

Wow, is she fucking retarded?

>> No.23414786

I have mixed feelings about that stream. The game and moments were fine, but the permissions bullshit annoyed me. Our favorite discordfag LC was the one who reached out to the devs for permissions. I fucking hate that faggot for doing that because it makes it awkward for everyone involved and puts pressure on the streamer to play a game earlier than they planned for.

>> No.23414801
File: 1.10 MB, 4096x2304, Lofi_Bully[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzvn093.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23414840

LC I know you're here, go slit your wrists you stupid cock sucker

>> No.23414850

This is still one or my favorite live performances from her, the "haze you" at the beginning was pure sex.

>> No.23414936

was it good?

>> No.23414952
Quoted by: >>23415348

Hard disagree with you there. Cover had already reached out for permissions but apparently went about it in the most retarded way possible such that the devs were completely unaware of it. If LC or whomever never takes initiative themselves, then Mori would still be waiting to this day to hear back about Hypnospace perms.

>> No.23414982

I was joking yesterday about sister reap stealing the phone...

>> No.23415005
Quoted by: >>23415040

Squishers are really cool

>> No.23415040


>> No.23415063

I don't hate him as much as you guys do but I wish he wouldn't do shit like that

>> No.23415301

she’s kinda cute

>> No.23415318
Quoted by: >>23415387

Big points to Kobo for being willing to do Bully given how many Holos are scared of trying to rap her songs.

>> No.23415348

Or if fans think they can play manager and harass devs and publishers, we get a repeat of Atlus and P3.

>> No.23415387

Mori has given them an out now though. Lose-Lose Days seems pretty doable for english speakers at least.

>> No.23415393

Yeah, that totally can't end badly (like tweeting out photos that doxx their location). Glad you're learning and not making the same mistakes Mori!

>> No.23415478

I like this one! It's unique and won't be mistakes as being Mori.

>> No.23415576
Quoted by: >>23415784

>Or if fans think they can play manager and harass devs and publishers
Uh huh. It makes complete sense to doomfag over something that happened months ago. Gee there must've been such a huge amount of fans "harassing" devs and publishers since then right?
>we get a repeat of Atlus and P3.
Completely different scenarios but alright

>> No.23415589

Which body part will Mori break as retribution this time?

>> No.23415613

I honestly don't know what it will take for her at this point to even give a shit about consequences (probably someone just showing up to a doorstep)

>> No.23415628
Quoted by: >>23415801

Because Mori's best months by far happened when her RM was dead.
And reviving it got us this trainwrweck of a year so far

>> No.23415641
File: 83 KB, 951x784, FLkBdkxXsAQeRrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hypnospace lackluster
>UnAlive lackluster
Doxxfag threadshitting aside, I've seen some pretty weird takes here this week

>> No.23415743
Quoted by: >>23415922

Just like it was dangerous for her to say she was in Nagasaki and Hokkaido, right? Get a grip.

>> No.23415744
Quoted by: >>23415884

Well the album was mostly great, but the actual song UnAlive was pretty lacking. Especially the mv.

>> No.23415763

Infiltration was a success. Now people can just go cry "hugbox" and no one will suspect.

>> No.23415773
File: 2.57 MB, 1280x720, your-mori[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcs0ck5.ogg][sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2F3Ay6S.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23416073

I'm going to bed. Enjoy your timeloops

>> No.23415784

You retarded nigger. It can lead to fans thinking it's acceptable behavior if it happens more and more. You weren't here for the holocaust were you? Bitch about Cover's fax machines all you want, but there's a reason for their permissions autism. Also, it's the publisher that should've been reached out to, not the devs.

>> No.23415790

Hypnospace was something she talked about for months and even when she got personal permissions to play it from devs, she only played it once. Also I never said anything about UnAlive

>> No.23415801


>> No.23415841

>The decline everyone is complaining about seems to have started after the 3D concert/Celebration Stream
No, pretty sure most people agree that the decline started when she had to cancel her christmas trip to Murica. And then spend the holidays hanging out with TT

>> No.23415878

What? She mentioned asking for Hypnospace perms awhile ago without any news. I remember asking about it during a Ghost of the Babe stream.

>> No.23415884
Quoted by: >>23415944

Unalive is the only song I wasn’t really a fan of although the Japanese version is not that bad. I kind of hope that’s the one she’s gonna preform in New Underworld Order.

>> No.23415922
Quoted by: >>23415996

Don't you get it? Every square inch of America is a literal warzone with even worse schizos than japanese schizos!
Doomfags are braindead as usual...

>> No.23415941
Quoted by: >>23415985

be is having a post-VFes stream

>> No.23415944

I’m pretty sure the main focus of that will be Shinigami Note given timing.

>> No.23415958

I don't think you can blame her for Arceus. TPC removed permissions quickly.

>> No.23415985

She did great, one of my top performances of the night

>> No.23415996

It’s true I once went to America and was instantly carried off to a rapeden. Luckily they have wifi so I can still post.

>> No.23416060
Quoted by: >>23416155

She played it once.

>> No.23416073
Quoted by: >>23416212

You too.
For anyone low on Morium, taking a walk and listening to her music helps a lot btw

>> No.23416155
Quoted by: >>23416342

The start game isn’t very engaging and doesn’t make for very good stream content.

>> No.23416212

But I don't listen to any of the Holo's music

>> No.23416220
File: 120 KB, 904x779, 5CC1AA2F-1326-4123-A437-EAD8659D7D25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She saw Chloe's song tweet, it's awesome that she challenged herself to do an English original

>> No.23416278
File: 122 KB, 440x348, 1645538811030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, Mori is actually active and liking things.

>> No.23416342

Sure but then don't blame the permissions because Kiara managed to finish the game

>> No.23416406
Quoted by: >>23416474

So either ~5 hours of sleep on her vacation or a manager did the promotion tweet

>> No.23416462
Quoted by: >>23416519

>It can lead to fans thinking it's acceptable behavior if it happens more and more.
3 months later and nothing has fucking happened. But I'm sure if a dev gets harassed one year from now you'll say "See I told you so! The Hypnospace situation DIRECTLY led to this!"
>You weren't here for the holocaust were you? Bitch about Cover's fax machines all you want, but there's a reason for their permissions autism.
Rumao. I was here way before the holocaust. I can understand Cover's cautiousness and still acknowledge that their way of getting perms currently is fucking archaic garbage. It doesn't have to be one way or the other. Obviously Cover needs to find a more efficient way of seeking perms so that their talents aren't waiting for several months with nothing happening until someone else steps in.

>> No.23416474

Oh I'm almost positive it was JChad.

>> No.23416492

Bbbbut you guys told me she was never going to touch her twitter again and was only going to show up for concerts. Are you telling me anons were doomposting like schizos rather than going off any kind of evidence?

>> No.23416512

It was because she was too much of a boomer to figure out how to expand her Switch storage. She was convinced to keep going by one of her friends, but didn't like having to download/redownload games which killed her motivation again.

>> No.23416519
Quoted by: >>23416616

>3 months later and nothing has fucking happened.
It's actually how Kiara got Spaceship Titanic permissions, and she kind of had to adress during the stream how fans shouldn't directly write to publishers/devs

>> No.23416550

Are you still seething about getting banned from Milkys chat? I think the dude is obnoxious but this is getting a bit absurd man

>> No.23416588
Quoted by: >>23416707

Just wait for the announcement today and the thread to explode...

>> No.23416616
Quoted by: >>23416923

I don't know how Cover does it, but if fans are the ones doing it, and Niji can get Konami perms, then Cover needs to update their process.

>> No.23416625
File: 131 KB, 463x453, 1643413661137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23417138

Oh god it actually might be that same guy. Wtf...

>> No.23416630

She still hasn't actually tweeted anything, and is basically at Gura levels of twitter use right now

>> No.23416701
Quoted by: >>23416802

Well...not like it's a surprise

>> No.23416707

What announcement is there for today?

>> No.23416741

Lol why are you crying?

>> No.23416802

Oh god we're going to get another week like this in 3 weeks, and then not even 3 weeks after that?

>> No.23416813

aaaaaaaaaand we called it
can't wait for some people from Bae/Gura meet to go get some of their Mori merch signed

>> No.23416833

The schizo breakdown over this last night already happened, can we skip this one today?

>> No.23416867

seeing things that upset you can be avoided by closing the tab

>> No.23416894

I find it weird quoting that one schizo but
>it won't happen
>it's a nothingburger
>stop timelooping

>> No.23416918

Gkad she is having her fun and achieving the milestone of what could be considered a tour. All I ask is a stream of it.

>> No.23416923

Didn't Konami specifically say No?

>> No.23416937
File: 449 KB, 800x800, 1626163905040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23417172

Nah. Rest of the day will be filled with timeloops until the watchalong unfortunately.

>> No.23416972

She might as well have just taken a couple months hiatus and gotten it all out of the way.

>> No.23416979
Quoted by: >>23417084

Fuck her honestly. She's probably going to give some bullshit excuse as to why she isn't attending any conventions for EN. I hope someone asks her if she's guesting any cons like IRyS, Gura, Bae, or ID just to catch her giving some bullshit excuse

>> No.23416987

It's never going to happen
It's a nothingburger
Stop timelooping

>> No.23416989

weird assumptions you're making with this post

>> No.23417004

>implied we
>implied we
>implied we

>> No.23417030

Mori Calliope is just an advertisement for something more dear, more important to her.

>> No.23417083

Year of Mori, composed of:
>Mori deficient winter due to drama and surgery
>Mori deficient spring due to recording and vacation
>Mori deficient summer due to roommate tours

I just can't wait what surprises winter gonna bring already

>> No.23417084
Quoted by: >>23417227

Do you think they’re choosing? They didn’t even bother asking Ame if she wanted to despite her showing at every single one last year. And if she did you’d bitch about how she was doing a con for only the people there instead of streaming.

>> No.23417129

I can’t wait for them to find your body swinging from a rope

>> No.23417138

Nah, not that guy. I honestly don't care about Milky's content, but bless her for still going at it anyway. I just hate that faggot for stepping out of line and his discord and twitter buddies encouraging him.

>> No.23417156

Just send that SC already tomorrow.

>> No.23417172
Quoted by: >>23417314

where rrats will be slain and we'll timeloop over some dumb shit again like always

>> No.23417200
Quoted by: >>23417326

'We can start something new' just meant 'I can keep zapping this corpse using Holo money'

>> No.23417201
Quoted by: >>23417287

Yeah, how dare that bitch look after herself and take advantage of what she is offered! She's not allowed to be happy unless streaming and letting me think we're dating!

>> No.23417223
Quoted by: >>23417326

Fucking amazing summer this is going to be, 2 weeks of RM for every 2 weeks of Mori.

>> No.23417227

I guarantee you they asked Mori for Dokomi just like they asked Kiara again. She said no because it's pretty clear where priorities are now and IRyS was probably the next plan

>> No.23417230
Quoted by: >>23417262

don't be faggot don't do that shit

>> No.23417259
Quoted by: >>23417376

Remember anyone dissatisfied by this... is just one person! It's all a campaign!
TRUE deadbeats love this!

>> No.23417262

A second SC needs to happen.

>> No.23417277

we gotta send lots of money to cover all those flight costs

>> No.23417285

>I guarantee you they asked Mori for Dokomi just like they asked Kiara again.
Proof next thread?

>> No.23417287
Quoted by: >>23417482

So you're saying she couldn't have done a concert as Mori instead?

>> No.23417309
File: 291 KB, 2048x2048, 1651051185214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mori image hasnt been posted in 20 minutes

>> No.23417314
Quoted by: >>23417343

>rrats will be slain
You mean spur of the moment "yeah I'll totally stream you guys" bull? Like this time?

>> No.23417317

What would it even say?

>> No.23417324

It really now seems like the UMG deal is a smokescreen.

>> No.23417326

T. Huge faggots who are totally deadbeats wink wink nudge nudge

>> No.23417343

>I'll make shorts like Senchou!
>(no delivery)
what is this

>> No.23417364

I assume as always the source is the voices which tell you not to take your meds.

>> No.23417376

I love that she's propping up her roommate career by funneling Hololive fans to a shitty Japanese "talent agency"s event! People will DEFINITELY be there for the roommate and not Mori!

>> No.23417398
Quoted by: >>23417458

Not 3 weeks. 2 weeks, and the last one ends halfway because of prep and travel, with her distracted because she's thinking about the con.

>> No.23417458
Quoted by: >>23417609

During which she'll be binge drinking and jetlagged to hell with a terrible state of health for VCarnival and sololive

>> No.23417482

Did the (or any) convention approach Cover about doing so?

>> No.23417492
File: 1.25 MB, 3600x2025, 1629203683073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall behaving today?

>> No.23417513
Quoted by: >>23417673

There's gotta be something regarding doing cons like this That COVER should uphold.

>> No.23417518

nah we timelooping

>> No.23417546


>> No.23417554

It's in self defense, she timelooped first.

>> No.23417588
File: 425 KB, 1280x526, 1629919052622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes just waiting for my Mori

>> No.23417609

>20-22 May
>12 of June
How could anyone possibly recover from jet lag in 3 weeks?

>> No.23417638

There's gotta be a respectful SC we can send.

>> No.23417663
Quoted by: >>23418377

Legitimately I wonder why the fuck she's even going back to Japan on the 3rd.

>> No.23417666
Quoted by: >>23417793

So ... How will that work without making it fucking obvious to anyone with a brain?

>> No.23417670

She really pulled a whole smokescreen routine huh. Just fuck off from the account Mori, it's clear where your real attention is

>> No.23417674
File: 3.96 MB, 3508x4961, 1643315214920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23417731

Everything I don't like is a timeloop
>get pulled over by a cop
Great, here comes the speeding timeloop.
>sir you've been doing 70 in a school zone.
Uh no I wasn't? Take your meds.

>stub my toe on the table

>> No.23417673

Why would there be? Cover has said in plain writing as clear as possible that as long as you don’t go around and say I am the voice actor behind vtuber whoever they don’t give a fuck.

>> No.23417682

you don't control her, you're entirely replaceable with yet another grey

>> No.23417692

No, deadbeats remain the dumbest fucking retards on this site

>> No.23417696
Quoted by: >>23417742

>I know! Let's do the thing she specifically requested NOT be done and directly criticize her with SCs

>> No.23417729

Reminder that she'll also be in Europe for "a reason" right before VCarnival. It's pretty obvious at this point.

>> No.23417731


>> No.23417742

Maybe I don't care anymore. Chaos it is.

>> No.23417755

aren't you happy tho
she's fulfilling her dreams and you might get almost a full week of content before the next trip

>> No.23417792

>aren't you happy tho
>she's fulfilling her dreams

>> No.23417793

She doesn't care, it works towards directing Hololive fans to her roommate. As manipulative as it gets

>> No.23417809
Quoted by: >>23418077

In retrospect it's funny that she called some people clout chasers

>> No.23417860
Quoted by: >>23417951

Is that actually before VCarnival?
The timeframe there is somewhat vague other than not being during Dokomi

>> No.23417893

I guess if you're proud of doing it in a scummy way like this sure. The finish line is the finish line, even if someone else is the one who ran the race for you, as long as you get away with it

>> No.23417897
Quoted by: >>23418028

How long till she gets bored of doing live shows or should I just give up now?

>> No.23417898
Quoted by: >>23417935

Sorry, was it her dream to be a D-list celebrity that can only play for sweaty otaku conventions?

>> No.23417927
File: 33 KB, 184x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come you all can't just be normal?

>> No.23417935

apparently it feels more fulfiling than giving a concert in front of over 100k people

>> No.23417936

Look at all those rapidly posted complaints yet barely any new IPs...

>> No.23417951

She said she would be getting back just in time for VCarnival.

>> No.23417976

>sending another SC that's bitching

>> No.23417979
Quoted by: >>23418566

some of us are still reeling from last night's grooming incident

>> No.23418012

These are totally "deadbeats" by the way

>> No.23418028
Quoted by: >>23418086

She still has like 3 more after this one, just wake up when August ends.

>> No.23418037
Quoted by: >>23418250

You're better off just writing a comment.

>> No.23418048

Yes, it's all a conspiracy. They just lie in wait until the other account tweets.
I'm living in your walls.

>> No.23418063

Reminder that Ocean Man is on Hiatus because of unknown circumstances.

>the paypigs are already reeling from it.

>> No.23418077

You're kind of right there. "GUEST OF HONOR" riding in rented SUV limos to an anime convention while claiming to be a serious rapper screams humble

>> No.23418086

Cool I guess. I'm gonna be busy working for the summer anyway.

>> No.23418092

you guys can argue amongst yourself or one cock fucking faggot who won't shut the fuck up but I'm going to come back when this thread isn't being fucktarded Mori love and all that

>> No.23418117
Quoted by: >>23418152

Why would I care about what that Fall Guys autist does?

>> No.23418140

Weren’t you pushing that she was only going to Europe for the TT wedding before? Damn you guys switch rrats quickly

>> No.23418152
Quoted by: >>23418234

because someone likely told him about the Ao news.

>> No.23418183

>people express negative thoughts to an announcement that is negative
It must be a fucking conspiracy

>> No.23418193

What even gave you the impression that he's a major paypig?

>> No.23418232

I just hope all of this allows her to recharge the Mori batteries and we get better streams.
If she's doing all of this only to mentally check out as Mori because it's making her tired or unfocused, then it's going to be a horrid summer.

>> No.23418234

I'm one of the ones upset at this most recent announcement but you're just retarded and trying to start something. Fuck off

>> No.23418241

Almost like this thread has a permanent infestation of antis that have been going for literal hours…nah that can’t be right they said they’re a deadbeat and what kind of person would just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.23418250

>Current Mori
>reading comments
The reason she hates criticism SCs is because she actually has to read/skim them

>> No.23418277

I've been taking my meds but its not working.

>> No.23418301

Mori antis have been referred to as deadbeats for a while now

>> No.23418307

What streams? She already planted the "I'm streaming less to do music" idea. She just lied about which music she would be doing that would make her busy

>> No.23418326

What is happening to Mori that this people is losing their minds on?

>> No.23418375
Quoted by: >>23418534

If we get constant shitty, tired streams because of it then I'll just go. What's the point if I'm not enjoying it anymore?

>> No.23418377

this, makes no sense to me

>> No.23418384

She has a lot of work for Mori and good things coming up. This is her relaxing. Not streaming (which does take energy), not writing lyrics, not negotiating with management. It's her getting to strut out for a bit, go wild, and have fun. Then see somewhere and spend time with friends & family.
When Mori comes back, she will be happy and wanting to tell stories.

>> No.23418400

we are arguing about who mori cares about the most. her roommate or holo

>> No.23418437
File: 836 KB, 1200x675, 1633286174295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23418525

>what kind of person would just go on the internet and tell lies?
I have an obvious answer for that, but I don't think you'd like it very much.

>> No.23418441
Quoted by: >>23418488

There's not much of an argument there when she makes it so obvious

>> No.23418452

Her "relaxation" time is shaping up to be 25% of her time at this rate.

>> No.23418454

fyi another two weeks after that is the europe trip for the TT wedding and kiara

>> No.23418458

Which do YOU care about. Mori as a person, or just as a pretty image on a screen?

>> No.23418475

Yep, everyone who's dissatisfied by this is an anti. Can't be anything else.
Keep telling yourself that since apparently people's opinion of Mori is more important than your own position.

>> No.23418477

she can't tell any of these stories

>> No.23418488
Quoted by: >>23418528

okay then, so is the timeloop over?

>> No.23418512

This is what I'm alluding to. People really have to decide because I really do think most of these people just like the design.

>> No.23418513

>wanting to tell stories.
You'll get those in a rm stream because she can't talk about most of it as Mori.

>> No.23418522
File: 174 KB, 680x532, 1633678398825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a rrat: The convention appearances were supposed to be as Mori, but, after seeing the quality of the 3D model and its rigging, it was decided that she would have to find a "replacement" until the issues were fully ironed out

>> No.23418525
Quoted by: >>23418625

Is it you? I think it’s you. Wait hang on, has your mom ever messaged she loves you over wifi? If she has then I’ve cracked it.

>> No.23418528

Never, because the moment the threads move on, she starts another loop.

>> No.23418534

And her sleep problems that she supposedly "fixed" with meds are just going to get worse the more she parties with her sister and new best friend Teddy.

>> No.23418541
Quoted by: >>23418585

If that lets you cope.

>> No.23418566
Quoted by: >>23418657

The what

>> No.23418569
Quoted by: >>23418657

that's not in Cover's power to do.
she just likes live audiences and to be able to see her fans with her eyes

>> No.23418570
Quoted by: >>23418657

But then what the fuck do you call Hololive Meet Project?

>> No.23418576
Quoted by: >>23418672

mori does not care about hololive
mori will stream to suisei levels
she cares about her fans from the other side MORE than you

>> No.23418585
File: 325 KB, 920x900, 1622462805076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrats aren't made to be believed in, they're made to be ogey'd

>> No.23418602

No, I like Mori content because it's not exclusionary, and fucking everyone can view it. Even the paid stuff is relatively cheap.

>> No.23418604

Mori and the RM take from different places of the whole. I'll take the dork over the RM any day of the week.
Besides, if what made her happy was just making music as Mori, but everything else as RM, would you like that?

>> No.23418609

I'm going to turn that around on you and say there's also a population of people that only like the roommate because they're horny for her and think they have a chance

>> No.23418625

Interesting how MoriPromises.txt suddenly ceases to exist once it becomes inconvenient for you people.

>> No.23418651

>no one gives a fuck in global
>schizos freaking out here
You do deserve to be bullied at this point

>> No.23418657
File: 64 KB, 715x574, 1622548411429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a silly unbelievable rrat for fun
>deadbeats take it seriously even when I preface it with "Here's a rrat"
this is why the list is never coming back

>> No.23418672
Quoted by: >>23418744

Proof next thread right?

>> No.23418701

Wow, big surprise that the ones affected are the one's freaking out.

>> No.23418717

I can’t believe Mori is deliberately planning as many flights as possible to drive up CO2 levels because she hates Fauna

>> No.23418718

yeah who would think that fans care about lack of content

>> No.23418719

Usually at these hours there's like a handful of people who are antis or just really love to argue about something. Thankfully her member stream at 13:00 JST is at an hour where most of them aren't here. But since it's a Sunday who knows

>> No.23418738
Quoted by: >>23418870

It's because the antis are unironically right.

Everything is a stepping stone. Just look at how she didn't care for the Cover, and even the Collab.

She didn't even remember anything she promised last week.

>> No.23418744

proof every thread
proof every day
proof all summer long

>> No.23418772
Quoted by: >>23418854

She is a person who is finally getting to do stuff she wanted to, but was prevented from doing for a host of reasons. She is living dreams had before and fulfilling/making the newer ones with Hololive. I do not see a big deal. Less streams for the time being? Yes. But that would be happening with any vacation. That's why MORI is taking a vacation.

>> No.23418776
Quoted by: >>23418839

I think some of you anons need to take a break from watching Mori.

>> No.23418781
Quoted by: >>23418826

Definitely not a raid. I should be force fed my meds for thinking that drama addicted seamonkies obsessed with a pink woman and her internet skeletons would have twitter notifications on

>> No.23418791

I'll be straight with you, barely anyone in global likes Mori and this is literally what they expected her to do anyway promote her roommate by using Hololive as a stepping stone.
They get angry when ruins other Holo's stuff. For example look at the thread during Kiara's member stream yesterday

>> No.23418801

why is she so embarrassed of her chin. Like even using her hand to cover it up. It's not ugly. she has a very bad self view. it looks weirder to have your hand there then to just take a normal picture

>> No.23418826

I unironically don't think it is. IPs have barely gone up.

>> No.23418833

I agree. Reminder that she was miserable and too poor to make music when she was just her roommate. At this point she's basically just using what she worked for as Mori to further her roommate rather than further invest effort into what got her there. All for her fixation on seeing sweaty otaku in person at ANIME conventions, not even music conventions or venues

>> No.23418839

don't worry, we are.
Whether we want to or not.

>> No.23418854

>But that would be happening with any vacation
And it's fine if she takes one week off every month? That's way beyond vacation.

>> No.23418870

What did she promise last week?

>> No.23418881

She's proving them right, they have nothing to complain about.
