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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23301979 No.23301979 [Reply] [Original]

>person tells her to be Japanese
>responds with this
>refuses to elaborate
>is her last message in the conversation
>gushes about loving blonde manlets for an hour
>deletes 90% of todays tweets after ending
>leaves this one

>> No.23302032

Mike needs a manager ASAP, or she'll implode on her own

>> No.23302047

Is this real? Wtf is she thinking?

>> No.23302102
Quoted by: >>23302991

>gushes about loving blonde manlets for an hour

>> No.23302126
File: 218 KB, 1400x1400, 1650955679968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All a part of the plan

>> No.23302125

Stop trying to make me like her anon

>> No.23302139

sounds based to me

>> No.23302193


>> No.23302200

You need more green text to explain your greentext, it's not supposed to be cryptic.

>> No.23302209


>> No.23302213

Is she a real yakuza?

>> No.23302228
Quoted by: >>23314540

she was japanese mori all along

>> No.23302240
Quoted by: >>23315997

she will graduate again soon

>> No.23302247

I love this menhera like you couldn't believe.

>> No.23302260
Quoted by: >>23302493

What's her preferred cock size?

>> No.23302295

Unironically, unequivocally Based

>> No.23302313

how will /jp/ recover?

>> No.23302435

>gushes about loving blonde manlets for an hour
Did she really?
Because going from being "the" GFEtuber to doing that is pretty damn funny.

>> No.23302478

lmao baiting /vt/ can't possibly be this easy

>> No.23302484

This was inevitable. Menhera going to menhera.

>> No.23302491
Quoted by: >>23302582

yeah she spent the last part of her stream gushing about Mikey (Tokyo Revengers)
she also really likes Bakugo (MHA)

>> No.23302493

Bigger than yours

>> No.23302554

baiting /vt/ is the easiest thing in the world though

>> No.23302566
Quoted by: >>23304897

She's always done that on her roommate account. Hell her old handle was her hypmic oshi's name.

>> No.23302582
Quoted by: >>23302701

Kek, as soon as I read blonde manlet I somehow knew it was TR related.

>> No.23302604

>Gushes about loving blonde manlets

>> No.23302684
File: 59 KB, 1406x347, Untitl21561ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23302701

what makes Tokyo Revengers attracts these kind of behaviour. the manga itself is not even that weird

>> No.23302734

holy based
honestly, I'd like her a lot more if she left these tweets up, I respect anyone that mocks antis and schizos

>> No.23302735
Quoted by: >>23306903

>be woman
>don't have management to curb your erratic hormonal bullshit
>woman moment

tl;dr she's an indie woman OP, it's going to happen

>> No.23302744

Holy shit she is pulling into based "fuck the haters" territory

>> No.23302786

I've been in several anti Discord servers and these people outright make new accounts just to circlejerk about how much they hate her. Jap antis are wild.
They are also mostly highschoolers, it's weird seeing them talk about club activities.

>> No.23302801


>> No.23302808

(wasn't prompted by anything to post this so she just kinda make this self-diss on her own)
>Hey this'll be deleted soon so you'd better hurry and make sure you take those pictures!(like they do of every tweet)

>> No.23302834

>menhera problems

>> No.23302870

hmm, yeah I'm thinking based
I hope she keeps mocking them instead of whining about them like before

>> No.23302884
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>> No.23302901
File: 15 KB, 389x148, Screenshot 2022-04-28 142854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23305617

forgot screenshot

>> No.23302906
Quoted by: >>23302968

Antis are young impressionable kids more news at 11

>> No.23302927

Only difference from that to here is we have 30 year old trannies instead of tweens hating on her

>> No.23302933

>pshhaw girrrrl, haters be hay'in n stawkin me
>have nothing else to do all day but watch me be successful gurl from mother basement
>who hurt you honey?
Every. Fucking. Time. Yep, this'll work. It does for Mori anyways, amirite?

Snarky whining is still whining.

>> No.23302941
Quoted by: >>23302980

It's the only correct response. Jap antis are so autistic that ignoring them doesn't help, and apologizing never works either. Just clown on them for entertainment. It's not like they can get fired anymore.

>> No.23302950

reddit thread

>> No.23302952

If she wasn't a certified menhera I would start to believe deleting her tweets is some sort of marketing. It is as if she wants to feed all the rrats and make people discuss every tweet. Wait did she really say that, no way she did! Ogggeeeyyy

>> No.23302962
File: 671 KB, 525x523, 1629128683588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you're not literally like these guys then you have 0 chance with her.

>> No.23302968

>90% of quote tweets consist of “kill yourself” “you are aunt” “shut up stop talking”
Imagine my shock

>> No.23302971
Quoted by: >>23305536

holy based. I love her now

>> No.23302974

>Avoid Rushia because not into GFE or Hololive in general
>Avoid her reincarnation for the same reason
>Turns out she was actually based and NOT GFE and Hololive was holding her back
I wonder how many other Holos are actually cool once the Hololive sanitization wears off.

>> No.23302980

get her fired*

>> No.23302991

Isn't mafumafu more of a white-haired manlet?

>> No.23303006

you need to take your meds.

>> No.23303009
Quoted by: >>23303492

It does work for Mori though, her only haters are from this site and people from here are pretty harmless.

>> No.23303106
Quoted by: >>23303131

Shouldn't that be Killua instead of Kurapika?

>> No.23303131

I actually considered it but Killua's personality is pretty kind and not acid enough.

>> No.23303157

She is GFE, she talked about how if she could she'd want to live alone on the planet with just her fanbase and then later talked about how she doesn't have a boyfriend and won't because her fanbase is her boyfriend but that's not quite right because we're more like her husbands.

>> No.23303165
Quoted by: >>23303492

It's funny that you're upset

>> No.23303184

mostly eops here, it's easy as hell

>> No.23303251
File: 141 KB, 1368x1083, FRblLBPVcAIckxj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23303297
Quoted by: >>23303492

>Snarky whining is still whining.
I have received gore in my Twitter inbox just for being a fan of her.
And after getting my lunch down I looked into it and I couldn't even source the gore so consider this; I'm fairly confident a nip schizo quite literally murdered a fucking house cat just to fuck with me, and I'm just her fucking FAN. Consider the shit she must've been getting all this time.

Unironically fuck having to stay quiet and unresponsive at all times if it's a never ending deluge of that fuckery. I know this mostly holds true for men but there's a breaking point when fists come out and sometimes guns get pointed but she's a woman so of course she talks instead when the line is crossed. Just consider this the equivalent of morons getting hit for talking too much shit.

>> No.23303315

>have a receeding hairline
Its my time boys time to buy a ticket to japan

>> No.23303335

heavy reddit influx these hours

>> No.23303373
Quoted by: >>23305536

Lol these are genuinely kinda funny, she's not bad at owning people.

>> No.23303469
File: 14 KB, 386x136, Screenshot 2022-04-28 144628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>とあるせいで何もしなくても燃えるんでなʅ(๑ ᷄ω᷅ )ʃ
>A particular fact is that I'll get flamed the same regardless of whether I'm doing anything or not

>> No.23303492

>people that enjoy poking at her are only on 4chan
>her "Pleeeeease just let me enjoy myself" post after pretending to be a big boos gurl for a year was on 4chan

Funny that you think I'm upset. I know the internet has been around for awhile now so some people may have never been taught things by wisened older men, but there was this concept that used to be well known called 'do not feed the trolls', yet you and other retards like >>23303297 think acknowledgment is a good thing. Fine by me, I enjoy drama of any shape and size, and morons that choose to be poked by words and images on a screen that can't actually poke them but can't help themselves from letting the other person know they got the target rise is even better.

>> No.23303508

She's really going all in.

>> No.23303617

>ʅ(๑ ᷄ω᷅ )ʃ

Absolutely based

>> No.23303619
Quoted by: >>23304184

>Funny that you think I'm upset.
He was totally upset.

>> No.23303635


>> No.23303698
File: 35 KB, 720x617, 160876543456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23304184

Yeah, the faggots hating on Mori are mostly on 4chan, go look at the reddit thread where the post you're talking about came from and it'll be pretty obvious.
You retards can't do anything but seethe against her, constantly circlejerking about how she's definitely gonna graduate next month, and every time you break containment with the latest dox info her normalfags fans tell you to fuck off.
You're pretty fucking harmless.

>> No.23303724

>don't feed the trolls
If you actually were an oldfag you'd realize that that attitude doesn't always work for every single goal. It only works for a particular type of person who sees no reason to stand any sort of ground online. For example, you strike me as the type of person who would take a months long hiatus if you were in her position ATM(no need for snark about how you'd never be in it, that's not the point).
But you should've learned long ago that not everybody is willing to bail every time trolls run rampant. And yes, if you do just ignore them sometimes they are still in such critical mass that fucking with them adds no more fuel since they self-sustaining, while clapping back can win you some support and sympathy if you're good at it.

>> No.23303749
File: 79 KB, 731x864, bad advice korone 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23303811
Quoted by: >>23304184


>> No.23303859

God I love Rushia

>> No.23304015
Quoted by: >>23304200

Women cannot understand the difference between male bonds of brotherhood and wanting to fuck someone, because female bonds are extremely superficial in comparison to men's. Also, characters like Mikey make them go I CAN SAVE HIM because he would also probably completely destroy their body. It's like why women fucking love timeskip-Dmitri from 3H, even though he's LITERALLY a mentally ill schizoid who wants to kill himself and believes he would murder all of his friends, including them. The danger of taming a wild beast turns women on.

>> No.23304062

Oh, but it is.

>> No.23304100
Quoted by: >>23304311

>And yes, if you do just ignore them sometimes they are still in such critical mass that fucking with them adds no more fuel since they self-sustaining
Not him but I disagree with that, the main reason they are still going is because she is visibly hurt by them. As a sadist and a former 2006 era /b/tard I kinda understand the anti mindset and the most boring thing for them is to not have any reactions. Also like I said earlier they are mostly high schoolers trying to get some laughs, the majority would have moved on by now if she wasn't constantly addressing them.

>> No.23304158
File: 19 KB, 331x363, 1650937691267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23307509

Do redditards actually fall for these baits here

>> No.23304184

>taking months long hiatus for meanie head comments on twitter
I'm not as thin skinned as your now nonexistent penis once was, troon. The benefit to not ever addressing trolls is always positive, until criminal action is taken like chargeback fraud or other real world crime is done to your person or you're a drama channel that gets content regardless from it. In this context it would do nothing but give that dopamine rush that it got a rise.

Like these idiots have done with my 3 new (You) deposits. One trying to 'no u', one backpedaling, and the other caps locking like a sperg to an ignorable video on a screen. You unaware retards are the perfect orbiters to an equally unaware attention whore. You just can't stop yourselves from defending idiotic decisions that she herself recognized as fucking dumb after deleting her own neurotic outburst. Stop it. This isn't a flood of chinc spam on a live chat (that I know of) that's gone on for months. Instead of supporting stupid decisions you should tell her to just ignore it.

>> No.23304200

I'm 99% sure that during your black/red/chadbro pill routine on this board you've given (Yous) a plenty to "wild beasts"(schizoposters) telling them how actually women hate violent and unpredictably erratic men

>> No.23304267

Blonde manlets huh? I knew I'd catch a win somewhere today.

>> No.23304311

She wasn't hurt by them because she was full on manic today. She might have bad feelings whenever she crashes later but the snark here was 100% her manic state. t. bipolar longtime Fandead. She was unironically super hyper and she only started crying when she thought about something sad that happened to Mikey and it made her so sad she had to end the stream

>> No.23304366

> le virtual psychologist
jesus, touch grass

>> No.23304386

>She wasn't hurt by them because she was full on manic today.
Ok not today. But some other day they'll hurt her and get another 10 deleted tweet rant. I agree that a snarky reaction is a better way to deal with them than outright showing weakness but no reaction is the ideal outcome.

>> No.23304424
Quoted by: >>23306749

why make it look like that's deepl?

>> No.23304443

EOPs twisted narrative and dramafaggotry.

i dont even get what you dumb EOP nigger are expressing here. give me the sources.

>> No.23304444
Quoted by: >>23304478

You’re definitely upset anon lol

>> No.23304462

>person tells her to be Japanese
But... she is?

>> No.23304474

I have a question for GFE appreciators.
Does it break the illusion if she has a crush on an anime boy?

>> No.23304478

please take a shower

>> No.23304502
Quoted by: >>23304872

>until criminal action is taken like chargeback fraud or other real world crime is done to your person or you're a drama channel that gets content regardless from it. In this context it would do nothing but give that dopamine rush that it got a rise.
3 Fandead I know were doxxed because the childhood friend of one of them bought so deeply into the rrats about her that her hacked into his account to steal the personal info of the other two and then started DMing as many people as he could their personal info. Real name and address. He also forged DMs from people to try and stir drama. This was one guy and the only reason he did it was because while all of her fans and her were trying to stay quiet nobody was out there giving a different POV to the non-stop barrage of shit.
And yeah, it's literally going to court. Imagine literally fucking doxxing your childhood friend to hundreds of internet strangers and his friends too over a fucking streamer. Retard was dumb enough to believe everybody he DMd was on his side at least. His excuse was "they deserve it"
Also, animal abuse like that sounds fucking criminal to me. And slander is also fucking criminal action, retard.

>> No.23304518

is this the popular mike the cat?

>> No.23304537

I love Mikeneko very much but my love for her is a lit candle during a hurricane compared to my love for my waifu. 3D can never compare, sorry.

>> No.23304556
Quoted by: >>23304872

Who are you to tell other people to ignore the trolls when you yourself obviously can't? Imagine getting this buttmad over dumb posts by a pink cat.

>> No.23304562

Not with that singular action but it's skirting the line of cucking her audience. She's probably testing the waters for the reaction.

>> No.23304592

take your meds anti schizo

>> No.23304600

Facts but rushia is banking on the antis, she gets to ride the dramahype wave and get comfort superchat and support
Right after a controversial graduation it's a smart move to feed the antis and get that "Still Relevant" buff

>> No.23304617

EOP nigger, you are totally fooled by dumb OP. Amazing that all of you niggers are this impressionable like Chinks

>> No.23304629
Quoted by: >>23307749

No it's beyond fantasy, I just find it silly that they haven't grown out of something I did when I was 10 years old.

>> No.23304650

Only so much as I still enjoy my regular 2d girls.

>> No.23304659
Quoted by: >>23304713

wow why so mad incel?

>> No.23304713

EOP tranny is upset already

>> No.23304772
Quoted by: >>23304989

Unironically it's never bothered me.
At one point Rushia asked her audience if they'd be okay if she collabed with Mikey. No, not the VA, I mean the literal anime boy. As in, if it were possible for him to hop out of a portal as the anime boy himself just for a collab with her, how would "we" feel about that. Vast majority of chat said they don't want that. So did I.

Rushia is a yumejo through and through and at the end of the day I think you have to be the kind of woman that falls in love easily and is a bit boy crazy to be the kind of GFE tuber that genuinely falls for her fans, since the connection that comes from a stream is much less deep than a physical one, so a woman that falls in love more easily and wants to will inherently be more capable of genuinely loving her audience.

For reference, Mikey was a running meme in Rushia streams for a long time. She fawned over Kuko one time on Christmas because he's her hypmic oshi but we "let her" (she mentioned a limited time christmas line but said she won't interrupt the stream to get it, but then we insisted she do, so after asking us a dozen times if we were cool with it and us saying lmao just do it she did and was really happy, but then immediately turned around and in the sultriest voice you can imagine said "but, you know, kuko might be my hypmic oshi, but you're my #1 oshi after all")

She also watched co-sleeping twitcasts in the past(IIRC both boys and girls)

Basically the girl is intimacy and genuine affection hungry at all times and a fanbase like hers is unironically the best kind of relationship for her because she can drown herself in love on demand

>> No.23304785

Holy based

>> No.23304837
Quoted by: >>23304875

It's going to be hell when she brings her boyfriend on stream and everyone will rush to her defense while she acts all smug and hoity
GFE chuubas just aint worth it desu

>> No.23304872

Doxxxing isn't a crime. Sending images of animal torture are not crimes, the act of torturing it is though that is shitty behavior. Unless you think lolicon is a crime as well, this was silly. Stirring drama isn't a crime.
>mixing slander and libel
>calling me a retard
Fucking lol
The unlawful access to someone's computer/account through hacking is the only thing that's pretty universally accepted as illegal in this outrage of yours. Some places may count "harassment" as someone doing a 'non-stop barrage' of internet shit but considered fucking silly in others. Not the best showing, just looks like basic trolling shit that if ignored wouldnt have gotten this bad in the first place.

These people aren't trolls, they are beta white knight orbiters. Like yourself.

>> No.23304875

SEA schizo anti

>> No.23304897

>Hell her old handle was her hypmic oshi's name.
her new handle is still her hypmic oshi anon

16 is ichi-ro, ichiro
she's also a fujo so she ships ichiro and kuko
rn is there because it looks like M, her initial

>> No.23304900

>Did she really?

>> No.23304937

I fucking hate number "puns" in this language.

>> No.23304962

>Constantly deleting comments/tweets is le based
how exactly? Thats the opposite of based since she cares as much as the antis

>> No.23304989

She has very good taste. Mikey is a bit too mainstream for me but he's cute. Ok that enlightens it. I can't take replies seriously that ask her to grow out of her husbando crush or feel threatened. 2D love is something unshakable, and it's why we're here anyway, for the 2.5D love.

>> No.23304996

The majority of them. They didn't join for the hugbox.

Management are always dealing with damage control to protect the brand image.

>> No.23305004
Quoted by: >>23305276

>Doxxing isn't a crime.
It isn't a crime in and of itself but that's in a "white room" scenario, in the real world doxxing is almost always part of a case that qualifies for, at the very least, harassment, and in the case with this person it would probably qualify for intimidation since they were threatened for watching a streamer.

>> No.23305027
Quoted by: >>23305474

lmao いやー、恥ずかしいこと平気でやるねえw

>> No.23305043
Quoted by: >>23305132

She quite literally said 2D>3D almost verbatim during her slither.io stream lol

>> No.23305057
Quoted by: >>23309605

Baiting EOP's is probably the most amusing thing to do here.

>> No.23305132
Quoted by: >>23305251

I don't watch her which is why I asked and I was curious what anons who watch her thought about it. I felt bad for her for all the drama shit but it seems like she isn't as bad as the threads say, just mentally unwell, but then again who isn't these days.
2D>3D always, there are too many newfags on this board who wouldn't get it and obsess over roommate appearances too much

>> No.23305160

Anon you don't have to show off your yellow skin you've camped out long enough that we know it's you based on how you type, at least when it comes to Mikeneko and the rants about woman nobody fucking asked for
Out of curiosity why the fuck are you here anyway 5ch is unironically more active and more friendly to shitposters and assuming you're a nip that's actually in nipland that means you can access it

>> No.23305248
Quoted by: >>23305460

his hair aint real

>> No.23305251
Quoted by: >>23305711

The only reason I want her to do facecam streams is because she has a complex about her appearance and is super insecure and I want to tell her she's beautiful. I won't even be lying because I love her personality so much that my mind has literally reconfigured itself and no matter what picture of hers I look at I only see her as beautiful and I want to tell her that because she deserves to know that

Otherwise I agree, 2D>3D

>> No.23305276
Quoted by: >>23305482

>It isn't a crime
Thank you for admitting it, stopped reading there.

>> No.23305290
File: 1.10 MB, 1300x1526, 1645963967180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23311418

She already had one, and it didn't do a lick of good.

>> No.23305355

Her taste is: Kuko, Mikey, Bakugo
She's unironically somehow one of the few women out there who unironically likes manlets and during her twitcast she started ranting about how people obsessing over height is the dumbest thing because short guys are really cute
Also blonde manlets apparently since that's 2/3

>> No.23305460

It's a known fact that dude's a reptilian hermaphrodite reverse engineered in a Bogdanovic creche facility.

>> No.23305474

A lot of assumptions there. I'm just a weeb who learned Japanese basically by accident.
5ch is literally the same shit as here, except I'm not as used to it as 4chan.

>> No.23305482

18 U.S. Code § 2261A

(2) with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that—
---(A) places that person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to a person …; or
---(B) causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person
shall be punished as provided in section 2261(b) of this title.

>> No.23305536

> Bitch about people using throwaways and calling them cowards
> Delete that once it starts gaining traction
You keks cannot even notice pot and kettle, rumao

>> No.23305546
Quoted by: >>23305596

No wonder Mori bonded with her.

>> No.23305552
Quoted by: >>23307411

>5ch is literally the same shit as here, except I'm not as used to it as 4chan.
Untrue, they have no mods, and also they traded in their creativity and dislike for containment breaking in exchange for unparalleled autism and sociopathic callousness

>> No.23305579

She has always deleted her tweets though.

>> No.23305596

But blonde manlets are only found elsewhere

>> No.23305609 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.11 MB, 169x169, 1648779386082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23305662

>Flashback to certain someone PL
She is gonna /become/ the bicycle of a bunch of random ikemens soon.

>> No.23305617


>> No.23305627
Quoted by: >>23306087

You would really be surprised. Also, the hot headed short guy is a popular trope in anime/manga/games. Sanpaku eyes, spikey hair, scowling, but has a soft side. So, kinda predictable, BUT. Good taste.

>> No.23305662


>> No.23305711
Quoted by: >>23305989

She knows that she is ugly so lying to her won't help.

>> No.23305902

EOP nigger, hes your gaijin friend lmaoooo

何いきなり開き直ってんのwwww とはいえまあ、お前日本語ちょっとわかるから、説明してやるけど、このスレだけじゃなく、全部のみけねこスレの情報がもう、85パー以上はrratでしかない。みけねこの配信もっとちゃんと聞いとけ。みけねこが誰それ好きっていう時はアニメか漫画キャラの話しかしない。ヒロアカの爆豪とかな。他のリアルの特定の人種だの国だのの話なんか一回もしてねーからな(日本人除く)。その辺の線引きはかなりちゃんと出来てる。


>> No.23305953

It's one of the stock anti lines. Everyone's supposed to act like deleting tweets is a big deal.

>> No.23305976

you're a pathetic loser

>> No.23305989
Quoted by: >>23306049

Female hands wrote this post

>> No.23306049
Quoted by: >>23306071

he wishes

>> No.23306071


>> No.23306074

The rn actually stands for “real nigga.”

>> No.23306087
Quoted by: >>23306436

>she likes Bakugo
>my ex + 3 uncloseted weeb friends meme about me being like him
>guys asked me to cosplay him as a joke
>banter for years telling them to fuck off but its all in good fun
>now I've been leaning into it
>unironically want to cosplay him now
Coincidences are natures' anti-meds

>> No.23306145

>EOP nigger, hes your gaijin friend lmaoooo
>gaijin friend
Anon I literally fucking insulted him are you retarded
I assumed he was the 5ch crossposter who talked about how "the nips were already among us" in the Mikeneko threads.

>> No.23306436

If both guys and girls tell you that you can pull it off, do it, girls REALLY like Bakugo

>> No.23306509

Based. Its the appropriate reaction to all the shitheads flocking to her currently.

>> No.23306512

Not an ounce
Through dick, unity

>> No.23306705


>> No.23306749
Quoted by: >>23307304

Because it is? They just copy/pasted the tweet into Deepl because Twitter uses shit Bing.

If you're talking bout the missing extra punctuation and kaomoji? Cleaning that stuff off of your text leads to better translations.

>> No.23306863
Quoted by: >>23306964

Surprisingly Tokyo Revengers attract a LOT of female viewers, the older kind where they grew up with these kind delinquets are still common in their youth in Japan. They love those bad boys, especially pretty bad boys.

>> No.23306903

I heard there's Vshojo JP subsidiaries already formed. So when she's going to join?

>> No.23306963
File: 72 KB, 755x786, 1609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23307069

This is an American board, if you wanna speak chinese or whatever go to /jp/
We speak American here.

>> No.23306964

Not at all.
>cast of /fa/ delinquent young men
>brotherhoods, betrayal, murder, bonding
>shit ton of men for any girl who likes a different flavor of delinquent, or maybe a pretty boy
It's literally focus tested to be for women. They're all so skinny and wear baggy clothing and dye their hair and wear piercings. You can buy their outfits to match with your husbando now too.

>> No.23307069
Quoted by: >>23307219

So Mike flipping off a person telling them to speak Japanese means that she's /yourgirl/

>> No.23307071

why are you crying much pussy?

>> No.23307219
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1602430250306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23307355

Mikeneko has said she wants to go the USA and eat BIG Burgers and BIG sodas, so she's an honorary American.

>> No.23307304

I manually edited the TL it pooped out because it can't handle slang like FF or 本垢. I didn't bother with スルー because I figure the sentiment of the term is conveyed enough by the actual word. I use DeepL for the screenshot for the same reason Ted Bundy dressed as a Cop, except if I actually translated it instead of just rewording 3 or 4 sentences it would sound marginally less retarded

>> No.23307355

She talked about how she dreamed of being a blonde haired blue eyed American when she was little

>> No.23307397

unhinged menhera is pretty based honestly

>> No.23307411
Quoted by: >>23307643

>they traded in their creativity and dislike for containment breaking in exchange for unparalleled autism and sociopathic callousness
Like 4chan

>> No.23307509

>100+ replies
What do you think

>> No.23307571

I love my menhera cat wife!
Anti hate!

>> No.23307643

It's getting there in terms of losing those two traits and getting the sociopathic callousness but if anything posters here have been less autistic over time, /vt/ posters are fucking lazy they have all this schizophrenia but all they do with it is ERP with each other and write fucking fanfiction

>> No.23307749
Quoted by: >>23314522

And here we are, all adults listening to anime girls talking cutesy and playing video games.

>> No.23307996

> I use DeepL for the screenshot for the same reason Ted Bundy dressed as a Cop
actual lol

>> No.23308449

she's a goddess

>> No.23308508

Is there a good resource for slang? That shit filters me like mad and it's used constantly I thought FF meant Final Fantasy and kept scratching my head over it.

>> No.23308596

Damn, now I kinda want more unhinged version of Hololive

>> No.23308725

Holy cope...wow.

>> No.23308760

Google search [Slang] 意味 will get you like half. Google search [Slang]+意味/何+the site you picked up the slang on(not in romaji) will get you another 30%
A remaining 10-15% requires looking at the source of the slang and picking at the context of where you saw the word to gather a series of search terms and going through them. Cutti g the sentence you found it in into bite sized chunks and googling it to find where else it's been used for more context, filtering noise, etc.
A remaining 5% will elude you unless you channel the full force of your autism because nips love to be exclusive with their slang because exclusivity is cool to them more than most others

>> No.23309015

> I manually edited the TL it pooped out because it can't handle slang like FF or 本垢.

I understood what you were doing and I do the same. That's why I said >23306749

If you've got a minor functioning grasp of Japanese you quickly pick up on stuff that Deepl shits the bed on and you can quickly change stuff to get a good legible and coherent result out of it.

Usually Googling the section will get you most of the context you need. I had the same confusion on FF外 as you.

>> No.23309024

how is that based? it's literally a cope by weak whores refusing to accept responsibility. any criticism, even if it's completely valid and justified, is just the words of a hater/incel/virgin/anti/whatever. calling this behavior based unironically makes me laugh.

>> No.23309405

Anon you might've had a point if the criticism was actually criticism but e en though criticism has a very low bar most of the anti comments don't meet it and for most of the ones that do so much of it is either uninformed, has been repeated a million times, been addressed either explicitly or implicitly, or literally cannot be addressed.
I can't remember the last time I saw a new hot take about her that took me more than a few milliseconds to work through because I either see glaring misinformation, obvious malice for its own sake, or a narrative I literally see in my dreams because I've read it ao often.
The only recent miiiinor point of criticism that had ANY merit was about the fanbox.

>> No.23309417
File: 116 KB, 591x735, 1610555639265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23311023

It's based because it's making you seethe this hard.

>> No.23309526
Quoted by: >>23310861

It's on the edge of cross a very fine line for me. Like, I wouldn't crush on some other waifu in front of my oshi.

>> No.23309605

Speak English, please!

>> No.23309939

Not that weird, it's the norm. I was watching a video about a content creator who infiltrated some of their own anti groups and holy fuck it was so pathetic. Literally a bunch of teenagers and the most embarrassing part was that it seemed like some of them only did it because they were afraid of the others turning on them and bullying them instead if they didn't go along with the harassment lmao. What kind of desperate loser do you have to be to end up seeking friendship and acceptance from these kinds of people on the fucking internet of all places? None of these "people" are worth the air they breathe.

>> No.23310094
Quoted by: >>23310540

>she has always been a coward
How is this supposed to make her look better?

>> No.23310531

you're pretty thin-skinned for a self-professed oldfag. you might have some sort of learning disability if you can't even learn the same lesson that you're trying to teach lmao

>> No.23310540
Quoted by: >>23310636

>she has always been a coward
Says the guy who Antis her most likely using Alt accounts and on an Anonymous Mongolian basket weaving board

Also she's just deleted tweets in general Anon, from pictures to good mornings even before she was Rushia.....this is not new....

>> No.23310636
Quoted by: >>23310894

>she's just deleted tweets
Then why does her account have years old tweets? If deleting tweets was the norm she should have almost nothing left.

>> No.23310861

Yeah I think why it doesn't bother me with Rushia/Mike is because she clearly is aware of it and she respects us enough to avoid doing anything that might make us jealous in front of us.
Unironically I actually keep teasing her to play otome games when it's brought up just because she's always so concerned with minding our feelings that it literally becomes cute to watch her worry and reassure her that it's okay and then watch her enjoy the content in a way she doesn't usually show.

It's almost like emotional orgasm denial but like, backwards, where she wants to but is embarrassed to and I lovingly comfort her until edges closer and closer until she finally comes by shyly accepting and then enjoying it a lot in front of me and I gain access to a more intimate hidden part of her life and become a more trustworthy person in her mind so she can fall more deeply in love with me

Also I want to watch how she plays to see what she likes because I can use that information to improve my seduction plans

>> No.23310894
Quoted by: >>23310937

Ironically, I actually know the reason for this. A picture is worth a thousand words though so I'm gonna go sift through my downloads folder to see if I can find it

>> No.23310937

There so reason for her to leave up some tweets and not others. Either deleting is the norm or it is not.

>> No.23310995
File: 120 KB, 1045x562, 1650633396600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a manager will help a ticking time bomb menhera
yeah nah

>> No.23311023

it's not making me seethe though. the people defending it like retarded gigacuck simps are making me seethe. whores gonna whore, nothing you can do about that. it's just another manifestation of women's inferiority. good men going to bat for these neurotic üntermensch on the other hand...

>> No.23311055

She realizes her new paypigs are foreigners and has the typical Japanese misconception that all overseas Americans and Euros are blue eyed and blonde haired.

>> No.23311095

>ruushia wants white cock

>> No.23311143
Quoted by: >>23311203

You have zero patience, just fucking wait

>> No.23311203
Quoted by: >>23311565

Your image doesn't matter because you will excuse literally everything she does.

>> No.23311323

White is also considered 'blonde' (especially outside of english) since it's not really accurate to say "thats bleached color" lol. Blonde is just an all encomposing white/yellow classification. Silver tends to lean towards grey.

>> No.23311344
Quoted by: >>23311887

Anon, I'm a 26 year old man. I like women. Please stop trying to be my nanny. I haven't used diapers in over 10 years.

>> No.23311418

What does this say
I never found a translation

>> No.23311450

Are you actually retarded?

Her deleting some tweets ≠ her deleting all her tweets

It's that simple to understand Anon

You're still seething one way or another Anon

>> No.23311565
Quoted by: >>23311769

It was a funny fucking image but you know what anon you're a fucking debbie downer who can't even compartmentalize for a single fucking second and it's killing the mood, so now you don't GET to see the funny picture and the story about how she actually tried to wipe her twitter history and the catastrophe that unfolded when she did. And it was really, really funny too. But now you'll never see it. No go think about your behavior.

>> No.23311769
Quoted by: >>23312063

The fact that she doesn't delete all of her tweets even right now goes to show that your image would have proven nothing.
She freaks out when people screencap her tweets and spread them so she is just as cowardly as those antis.

>> No.23311887

no, you don't. if you liked women you wouldn't be sitting here on the daily sperging out about virtual 2d girls on the other side of the planet speaking a language you don't even understand. nice try though. you do realize you basically can't get any further away from someone than that, right? maybe that's the cope though. you know you don't stand a chance so you don't need to fear rejection.

>> No.23312063
Quoted by: >>23312140

>The fact that she doesn't delete all of her tweets even right now goes to show that your image would have proven nothing.
The image was of a automatic tweet scrubber she tried to use to wipe all of her tweets.
She ended up using one that hijacked her account. It didn't even scrub her tweets, either.

>> No.23312140
Quoted by: >>23312404


>> No.23312404
Quoted by: >>23312502

Would you try to do that again after having your attempt backfire that catastrophically?

>> No.23312502
Quoted by: >>23313605

She doesn't need to do that again to delete 20/20 of her daily tweets instead of 18/20. She doesn't delete all of her tweets on a consistent basis so your argument that she "just deletes tweets" is invalid.

>> No.23312515


>> No.23312833

super based anon, you're right. but you have to remember /vt/ is full of blue pilled redditors, brainwashed by decades of cuck porn and feminism

>> No.23312869

based, someone sane

>> No.23313284
Quoted by: >>23316335

JP antis are mental, much like KPOP stans in hindsight. Most are just there to poke fun or releasing stress and cause chaos just for the sake of getting high on dopamine. If she's receiving that, then her life gonna be hell for days. And the retarded EOPs with their twitter culture wouldn't know next to nothing and still manage to worsens the situation. What a laughable way to end your career.

>> No.23313366

towa got fucked by the EOP saviorfags for a really long time
her chat has only been recently recovering

>> No.23313605
Quoted by: >>23313699

Anon, she has bipolar and crippling anxiety as well as unsubstantiated irrational spouts of paranoia. She deleted pictures of her fucking cat. Her CAT, anon.
I know you hate the mental illness excuse but you have zero clue what it's like anon. I once was friends with a group for literally 5 years and one day I logged in and realized that I felt too close to them so I nuked their Discord server, changed my phone number, and moved out of my apartment. I still don't know why I did it, they were amazing friends. I never had a schizo moment with them for 5 years and one day woke up to detonate my presence from their lives. You genuinely don't understand just how much of a walking liability I am to anybody around me just by existing.

>> No.23313699
Quoted by: >>23313819

How come the antis don't get the excuse of mental illness but she does?

>> No.23313810
Quoted by: >>23313839

Why do faggots care so much about deleting tweets? Lack of motherly affection as a child?

>> No.23313819
Quoted by: >>23313882

Because deleting her own tweets is something that only affects her?
If antis kept to themselves and just huddled in their own spaces talking about how much they hate her nobody would care

>> No.23313839

Why do faggots care so much about someone using a burner account?

>> No.23313882
Quoted by: >>23314383

She should have kept to herself instead of telling korekore the things she did.

>> No.23314261
Quoted by: >>23314389

I guess you don't read what they actually write, there isn't any valid criticism, it's entirely teenagers calling her a 33-year old hag who had an abortion over and over. That's all they've done, for months. Click on the quote tweets on any of her posts as see if you don't believe me.

>> No.23314299
Quoted by: >>23314328

Answer the question. I've never in my life cared if someone deleted or didn't delete a tweet, that's up to them, some accounts even do daily wipes, who cares. Their account their decision.

>> No.23314328
Quoted by: >>23314410

The answer is the same. So why do you care if someone uses a burner account?

>> No.23314383

She was punished months ago for that mistake. There is zero rational defense you could ever think of that justifies what ahe ia going theough now.

>> No.23314389

Except yesterday she complained about people criticizing her for opening the fanbox before she had announced it and acted like she hadn't linked it in any place where it would have been easy to find.

>> No.23314410
Quoted by: >>23314436

So you're just going to dodge the question over and over, got it. Have fun on your doxxcord.

>> No.23314429
File: 1.30 MB, 2216x1221, 1651106104100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23314462

>using burner accounts

>> No.23314436

I'm not in any discords, much unlike you.

>> No.23314462
Quoted by: >>23314687

Why are you this angry over how someone chooses to use their account?

>> No.23314522

They're real people, not Yuna from FFX

>> No.23314540

pink women

>> No.23314614

This is actually good effort compared to some of the things people believe here

>> No.23314677
Quoted by: >>23314740

That's your idea of valid criticism?

>> No.23314687
Quoted by: >>23314846

Because I see ecelebs and shills using burner accounts on social media and it's the faggiest thing imaginable.

>> No.23314740
Quoted by: >>23314930

How is it not valid criticism?

>> No.23314775
Quoted by: >>23314910

We're gonna need you to stop pretending autistic antis and autistic gachikoi are two sides of the same coin. Hate is not as valid as love, end of

>> No.23314787

Couldnt wait for another breakdrown. This bitch really is a giga menhera

>> No.23314846
Quoted by: >>23314980

>Because I see ecelebs using burner accounts
Really? It's mostly ecelebs that act like them not using a burner account makes them better than those who do.

>> No.23314910

You are two sides of the same coin. You will defend literally anything she does. You already made up a bunch of excuses and headcanons about how it was actually fine for her to have dinner and play games with a man behind your back.

>> No.23314930
Quoted by: >>23315277

How is "she opened a fanbox" valid criticism? It's very clear this stuff is just complaining about everything she does. She opened a fanbox. She deleted a tweet. She streamed a game. Let's complain about it.

>> No.23314945

Once again, love and hate are not equally valid emotions.

>> No.23314980

Ecelebs that use burner accounts to respond to people should be thrown into meat grinders.

>> No.23315049

That's not true, most of her fans have had plenty of criticism, they even share it with her sometimes. The specific thing you're mentioning here is something I certainly wouldn't excuse, and there's multiple people who've said they'll still drop her over it if she doesn't give a good excuse when she's legally in the clear to discuss it in-depth.

>> No.23315277
Quoted by: >>23315496

>How is "she opened a fanbox" valid criticism?
How is it not? She's already using Youtube's membership system which provides the exact same content delivery format.

>> No.23315496

Who made the rule that you're only allowed to have one membership system? Can you name some other people in the past you've criticized for having more than one membership system?

>> No.23315578
Quoted by: >>23315621

I criticize all of them and drop support when they start asking for a minimum of 3k a month for lowest tier content.

>> No.23315616

Not to defend them but a lot of people are brainwashed these days into hating anything that is better at making money than them

>> No.23315621
Quoted by: >>23315636

Name one.

>> No.23315636
Quoted by: >>23315824


>> No.23315824
Quoted by: >>23315899

So it's a new rule you've made up specifically for her, like I said. It's very clear none of these criticisms have anything to do with their merits, but simply people concocting justifications to say that whatever she's doing at the moment is wrong, even terrible. You can't just open fanboxes, or delete tweets, that's despicable.

>> No.23315899

No it's not. I'm not comfortable with naming the very small time indie I'm talking about to an absolute psycho fanbase like this because I still like her but won't support her attempt at coaxing people to pay more on a monthly basis.
Mikeneko complaining about burner accounts but then deleting tweets that make her look bad is just plain hypocrisy and no claims of "she just deletes tweets!" changes that fact.

>> No.23315938
Quoted by: >>23315966

Hah you got BTFO'd and are now writing like an actual unironic schizophrenic.

>> No.23315940

>gushes about loving blonde manlets for an hour
You still ain't getting my dick whore

>> No.23315966
Quoted by: >>23316080

I didn't write anything schizophrenic, schizo.

>> No.23315985
Quoted by: >>23316064

>anon claims he's normal
>meanwhile, antis driving mikeneko towards literal suicide
>anon justifies it because he's not literally doing it
>anon has turned a moral argument into a technical one in two posts
>when the entire point was a moral argument

>> No.23315997

This it will be from life

>> No.23316064

>antis driving mikeneko towards literal suicide
Why do you fags talk like trannies?

>> No.23316080
Quoted by: >>23316154

You obviously wouldn't notice

>> No.23316151
Quoted by: >>23316447

I'm trying to puzzle out here whether you're simply lying or are actually a schizo nursing some sort of grudge against against a 2view you were obviously overinvested in over cross-platform membership streams. It's likely the former and you should just fuck off, but if it's the latter you ARE the psycho fanbase.

>> No.23316154
Quoted by: >>23316181

Your part of the group that's proud about being mentally ill.

>> No.23316181

Is that what they're telling you? What else do they say about me?

>> No.23316335

you could say the same about the retarded gossiping anons here who doesn't even fact check and think they know everything including the japanese culture kek

>> No.23316447
Quoted by: >>23316858

It's not a grudge against some 2view. It's a simple principled stance against obvious attempts at getting more money out of fans without actually doing anything deserve more.
You psychos would harass this 2view if I named her.

>> No.23316453
Quoted by: >>23326097


Is she a MegaMan fan?

>> No.23316858

Sorry, I don't believe you, your story doesn't make sense. You're either lying or taking an emotional, not a principled, stand. Anyway can you name one vtuber her EN fans (or even her JP fans) have harassed over imageboard posts? That's rhetorical, of course you can't, it never happened.

>> No.23316962
Quoted by: >>23317064

You always claim anyone criticizing Mikeneko is lying or somehow mentally unwell because it's the only way you can live in the fantasy land where she did absolutely nothing wrong.

>> No.23317064
Quoted by: >>23317145

I've already told you that I don't think "she did nothing wrong" and you're changing the subject.

>> No.23317117
Quoted by: >>23317207

The irony of OP assuming Fandead/Nekofami of all fucking people harass people in the same thread as him tacitly implying that what ahe gave to Korekore justifies the antis and also pretends that a tis aren't a big enough deal to cause suicidal ideation in a mentally fragile bipolar woman

>> No.23317145
Quoted by: >>23317316

>I don't think "she did nothing wrong"
Yes you do. You think she deserves to ask for more money through fanbox.

>> No.23317207

She was literally setting up a situation where all of hololive would have to live with being blamed for her suicide. You don't get to excuse that with "muh mental illness".

>> No.23317316

Y-yeah anon, that's how it works. Anyone can sign up for fanbox and ask for money. People can choose to subscribe or not. That's how it works. It is absolutely useless, not to mention obnoxious, for you and outside party like you to insert himself into this transaction and moralfag about how she "doesn't deserve more money".

>> No.23317329

Your conduct is inexcusable no matter what ahe's done. You are not a vigilante, a judge, a jury, but you being willing to be an executioner with a clean conscience shows that you are far worse than she ever was.

>> No.23317377

So fucking based, sending a message to 4channers

>> No.23317378

I'm not executing anyone here, moron. I'm just telling you that the person you empty to bank account for isn't who you claim she is.

>> No.23317479
Quoted by: >>23317553

This is how most suicidal people think, they sort of get off on imagining how sad everyone will be once the do it and how they'll blame themselves for not helping. It's inherently selfish. But yes they are actually mentally ill.

>> No.23317553

And they deserve all the blame for it.

>> No.23322008

BASED, unironically. I fucking love this woman.

>> No.23322907 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 399x400, 1651193288217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23323188


>> No.23323188

Men used to kill other men for driving their brothers to suicide.

>> No.23325761
File: 217 KB, 456x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23326097

Nah but Bass is the type of character she likes.
