A thread for Mori and friends
Low effort but I suppose it is dead hours so you get a pass
This thread is cursed
God, the red dress really is just pure fucking sex
Where’s the moonrunes?
rip to those who do archive reps
Everyone who disagrees with me on anything will suffer for eternity
>>23282670I disagree with your statement
Best of friends
>>23282817That’s not Moris mouth and Kiaras asshole though?
She's been quiet for awhile now. I'm going to bed and hoping I don't miss a late stream or something.
>>23282861Ankh-Moripork?>>OPmore effort pls
>>23282670y-you too
At least now we know why she's been going full architect.
>>23283296And why is that?
What's happening
>>23283327 depression after being dumped probably
I've been asleep, are you fuckers timelooping again or has something happened in the last few hours?
Calli lust
>>23283561Literally nobody is saying anything
>>23283561no and no
>>23283359Nothing, we're just waiting at this point. Haning in some other threads in the meantime. Might as well post a Mori while I'm here.
>>23283797It's real Mori posting hours
>>23283561I feel like those start only at a certain hour of the day
>>23283849Nice, first Mori lewd I personally saved. <This is the most recent one.
>>23283992I think I posted that lewd last thread lol
>>23284046FUCK YOU
>>23283367I think the easier explanation is that she naturally eats a lot and has to force herself to stay thin, so any time she's too busy with work to exercise and/or eat healthy, she gains it back. As evidenced by the fact that even her previous slimness came from a diet where she lost 14kg
How do I deal with having a hate filled heart that knows no comfort?
>>23284092I still think she's hot
>>23284111Have you tried Mori love? If that doesn't work then I don't know man maybe try therapy.
>>23284111It just comes with being a deadbeat
>>23283987>turns into Ghost halfway throughholy kino
>>23284046Now that's a blast from the past
>>23283367My brother in Christ, gyms in Japan were closed and she lives off irregular hours, Uber Eats and Lattes.Do you think one can keep fit that way?
I keep laughing at the one girl in the audience who audibly squealed at the leg kick. Maybe we’re not so different you and I.
>>23283367>>23284092dumped can mean either as a friend or romantically, at both points we can agree that she really didn't take Ao leaving that well.You could also factor the Making of Kruel Kreator If Ao didn't make it clear with that title, I don't know what he could do., that she wanted to repair the friendship, but was unableThis is partly the reason why she's being cautious with handling Kiara atm.This schizo post is brought to you by: OPE.
Legend of Polka on the telly
>>23284202>it's realKek, nice.
>>23284202I also squealed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLX10kccpU0Get in here
>>23284345>we now have two instances of Deadbeats losing it during a concert.I hope that Japbeat and this lesbeat meet.
>>23284408A fucking deadbeat shipper
>>23284429Everybody is gonna get shipped even you and me maybe together.
>>23284403been thinking this for a while nowhow fucked up/kino would it be if it turns out Izu is actually Polka this whole time and she was just reacting to herself as Polka after recording scripted Izu stuff.
honestly mori is so lamewhy do i still like her
honestly mori is so cooli know why i love her
>>23284883>>23284947Which one do I shoot?
>>23284981shoot both plz thanks :3
>>23284981JUST SHOOT.
>>23284191She should have simply tied those 5kg weights to her legs and walked around like Rock Lee.
>>23285143then that girl from >>23284202 would scream even more when she does a dynamic entry.
Mori love? Mori love
>>23285190Mori love!
>>23285189loud kek's been a minute, cronchbeat
>>23285185>Anti decides to try and attack Mori on the street >Skull shattered by a roundhouse into bicycle kick combo>Frail flip body sent spinning into the side of a truck
I want to leave a lot of love over Mori's face and boobs.
Anyone got the link thread where Mori anti slowly turned into a deadbeat because he had a dream about her?
moris boobs are big
>>23285270proof next thread?
>>23285270You're out of your mind.
>>23285265yeah, here>>/vt/thread/S22503374#p22515135
>>23285252Dam bro that's kinda wierd
>>23285245>you bitch I’ll kill you for ruining IRyS>6th gate open
>>23285295Holy mommy
>>23285300>>23285423Thanks, anonMORI LOVE!!!
>>23285327Didn't someone do a vein edit of this?
>>23285423>Anti gets Mori dreams>I get dreams of threatening my old high school teachers with violenceIt's not fair..
>>23285503Not that I know of but if someone were to post it I wouldn't complain.
>>23285528Based, fuck 'em up my man
>>23285528It happens when Mori establishes her rent-free status on their minds
>>23285528I had a dream where I had to beat Pekora with a bundle of cables because she wouldn’t give them up. Mori was there too, and was just watching in surprise.
>>23285503I'm new to art but I'll try it. Doesnt seem too hard but no promises
My dreams have all been of other peoples lives recently
>>23285528Cringe is secondhand embarassment so to feel that way about Mori means they project themselves to her and reel at the experience. Literally seeing themselves and not liking the mirror.
I sort of get the sentiment though.I didn't hate Sana but always found her model very off-putting. Then completely out of the blue I had a dream that I took her out on a date. We just sort of walked around the city, then a couple hobos approached her and I instinctively put myself between her and them to protect her.When I woke up I just started liking her more, and the exact day that happened she had a stream for the first time in a while.Now I like Sanners.
Still waiting for the pinkcst x mori collab
>>23285646wow, nice rationalization, with that argument anything you want can be true.
>>23285849Sure. But her brand of autism is too close to home for a number of people here.
I love my stupid reaper wife
So I guess we're not getting 2 member streams this month
>>23286447Well three days anymore.
>>OP>The big tittle committee shall decide your fate
>>23286447I just hope the karaoke ends up on the weekend
>>23286557Death by paizuri
>>23286447can't wait for Mori to brag in drunk haze that she thought of streaming but she thought she would feel better not doing that and didn'tagain
>>23286575crunch beeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!
>>23286615I'd appreciate it simply to dab on the 'HAHA DOOMPOSTERS BTFO' guy again
Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t do any streams outside the Mama Karaoke before her vacation is up. Even if it was a dead a moldy rrat that got drug out, it probably brought up some sensitive memories cause they seemed to have a rocky relationship anyways.
>>23286575Now that's a blast from the past
>>23286762I hope mamamori slaps Mori on stream
>>23286762I love Mori punishing her audience and members for her own fuckups!
>>23286762she already did a collab stream and has been active in liking and retweeting stuff on twitter, stop pretending like she's depressed when there have been no signs of that
>>23286997She honestly just does not have the appropriate equipment. Someone should just Randomly send a mic to their doorstep.
>>23287108She has a mic coming today already. Also remember shes running on NA time now so we could easily get a stream anytime today.
>>23286997Don’t have to be depressed, just bummed out enough to just wait til you’re back in a better set up. That plus the fact of lack of equipment means that even if she got it yesterday/today she’d have to rush hardcore to get everything she promised out, something she seems adverse to doing going off TTRPG delays.
>>23287195did she actually imply that yesterday?
>>23287195damn, she only had like a month or two since she knew the date of her break, I can't believe getting a mic sorted out couldn't be handled in that timewhat a busy lady who has time to offscreen 20-30 hours of ER
>>23287255>next week>ER stream #9>Hey deadbeats, I actually finished the game and we're about to do New Game +
Are y'all behaving yourselves today?
>>23287255The poorfag mindset is never going away
>>23287352Yes, Mori. So better have that stream ready, you stupid reaper.
Mori's pet snake is streaminghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCdLqZO4XVY
>>23287352Massive improvement from 24 hours ago
>>23287493Idiot probably thinks that he chased away deadbeats from Global and still gloating like that's the real reason why >we haven't showed up in their thread.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJzJnUMtDtYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJzJnUMtDtYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJzJnUMtDtYBee strem
Where did this bug edit thing come from? Its reminding me of certain doujins that make me uncomfortable...
>>23287661newbeat, long ago, there were cronchbeats that roamed /morig/
>>23287688Oh god we really are filled up with newfags aren't we?
>>23287772yeah. which is why they kept biting the Ao bait. anyone who's familiar with the rm already had one form of Ao rrat thrown at them.and to be honest:Most of the longtime fans are upset about Ao, not because he's her BF, but most of them are upset about how he's acting.
I really really really miss Mori
am newbeat explain the cockroach thing plz
And there he goes trying to do the same bad faith again. Ignore him and watch rat sis instead https://youtu.be/_UtALWKv1zI
>>23285780Based Sanabeat
>>23287939Wait Who
>>23287928Mori's old apartment had a roach infestation.
>>23288049Pretty sure she had a roach problem in both her original and an one after that as well
>>23288100Might be a selective memory thing but I only remember waking up neighbors and cicadas being an issue in place #2
>>23287927Me too
>>23287843Someone was compiling an FAQ yesterday, don't know if they still are.I know we've never really had an structure in this general but honestly we have an anchor post
>>23288190need an anchor post*
Jwu, still no Mori? I hope there’s a stream today…
I wonder if the little preview means she already recorded it?https://youtu.be/qGtKzdz8c0k
>>23288363The day hasn't even really started in her timezone. Give it like 5 hours before looking for anything
>>23288369Well all her good equipment is back in Japan, it only makes sense to have done the recording already.
>>23287939>Violet EvergardenNOI love you Bae but Violet Evergarden is mawkish trash. The show tries its hardest to make you feel emotions instead of just naturally letting that happen. >OH WOW bland side character #45422 is crying with SAD music in the background! 10/10 masterpiece!
It honestly felt worse here during the whole "biggest announcement of my career" waiting arc
>>23288440careful, some fragile schizo will call you contrarian
>>23282838Kek, Kiara and Mori are not friends. Kiara don't have friends, she has assets. Morin just don't care.
>>23288369All the others have been prerecorded so probably. I would be more excited but every single one of these that she’s done has paled in comparison to her karaoke and live show streams with the highlight usually being her roasting herself in chat.
>>23288501they are rectum acquaintances
>>23288485Sorry, thread for the discussion of Mori and members of her extended universe
>>23288428It's on the 7th and she gets back the 3rd though. Recording after one of the biggest rests she's ever had may be the way to go
>>23288540I would think it’s better to record ahead of the trip in case she gets sick from all the travel.
>>23288501well mori certainly has some nice assets for her, a pair of them in fact
>>23288780Her smile and her voice
>>23288448I'd say that 2022 just been a bad time in generalshe makes strides in music but everything just makes her feel more and more disconnected from the fanbase
Mori love <3
>>23288780her eyes
>>23288579Mori sucks at the whole 'hindsight' thingalso remember the last years 'I want it to feel like a live show, scuff included!' autism
>>23288896The fanbase at large yes. However, she probably feels like she’s closer to us than ever because of the other side stuff which is dumb.
>>23288448Kek, thanks for reminding me, shit had me anxious.
>>23287843All i ever hated is how he gave her this fetish for voice mixing that makes her drowned by instruments.Hope Sui and Taku give her some correction
>>23288951>usnot even mentioning that 'other side' is even less keen on non-celebrity fan interactions
>>23289060>Sui and Taku rape correctionwoah
I’m hoping we at least get a confirmed date and time for the karaoke today.
>>23288951>she probably feels like she’s closer to us than everYeah I'm sure she feels SO close to us when one of her biggest pet peeves is people wanting to control what she does and this split was timelooping nonstop about how she's a retard for taking the MV job, should drop rm stuff entirely for hololive, etc.
>>23289083I can't tell if you're delusional or just don't know
>>23289334She doesn't feel close to /morig/, you are right.
>>OPA-are...are we Mori's friends?
>>23289430If you have fun with her yeah
>>23288501Explain Pomu then
>>23289430I'm Mori's boyfriend actually
>>23288896 What a fucking Year of Mori this has been.I really hope we hit the pendulum swing soon so we go back to when things were better.
>>23288896No she doesn't. Why is this place filled with loonies?
>>23288896I don't really feel that distance, I think things were cool outside of the lean and the announcement hype arcs, but I do wish the From arc would be over, it's stale now.If at least Hololive managed to grab Konami permissions, like every other agency seems to.
>>23289563With every low point, there always has been some form of rebound that is larger than the dip. Be optimistic.
>>OP>no subjectReally?
>>23289336No, he has a point in a way but it's kind of necessary. Interactions with her during a just chatting or SC read as Mori are probably the most personal interactions she give. No lines or set time limit, just say something interesting or funny that she notices and she'll start a natural conversation (like when someone brought up Cane's and she went into that story of her sister's car breaking there)
>>23289336>extremely strict moderation on the other side streams>no SC interaction, which is nearly a third of time spent on Mori>direct fan interaction limited to additional pay-in events where you get a picture and autograph before having to gtfo>more streams hanging with e-celeb friends than streams for her fansshe does the bare minimum expected of a celebrity, but as Mori she at least pretends she is interested in feedback and not just clout
I appreciate that Mori had plans to do something for us during her break but I grow tired of her execution of these things. It's my one major criticism of her that she hasn't made any progress on addressing. I get that plans can change but would've preferred if she had said nothing at all and committed to actually having a break so that I wouldn't be anticipating streams. It sucks having to be skeptical of her.
>>23289616I just hope it happens soon.
>>23289810>get excited! (no delivery)what is this
>>23289609I definitely feel some distance with reduced member streams, and the only sc reading being ancient ones at this point. Plus the fromsoft arc. those games don’t really allow her to hold much conversation with chat. She isn’t completely distant, but I’m definitely feeling a change.
>>23289563Meh I don't think this year has been particularly bad. Yeah there's been some rough spots but overall I have enjoyed it.
Mori x mouse sex
>>23289810Nigga chill. There's still days left in the week. Remember how people here were doomfagging nonstop that we were definitely not getting a single members stream this month? Trust the process.
>>23289927Yeah, I think many here are just spoiled from how things were late last year during a time where she had less responsibilities. Now she is obviously more busy and has even warned us about the decrease in engagement, so I can't act surprised. Doesn't mean I don't wish we could return to those times though.
Year is only a third over and Mori is still feeling the residual effects from working herself stupid at the end of last year. Things are stabilizing, with a lot to look forward to but nowhere near as much of a grind for her.
>>23290064She planned a members watchalong and a members zatsu. Both of which require absolute minimal setup. Unless she's planning to them back to back, I think it's safe to say that she overpromised and underdelivered.
>>23289703>more streams hanging with e-celeb friends than streams for her fansGood. I hope those stay in that side from now on.
>>23290127she's just like me...
>>23290127I mean, this isn't 100% accurate, whatever time and trouble EMI saves her, she certainly isn't going to pour in on Holo.
>>23289927>Meh I don't think this year has been particularly badit's not even it being bad, but the hype kinda diedUMG deal and rise of DeathStar were high points, but other than that you got:>overworked for the entire start of the year>more focus on roommate shit>getting into internet fights, menhera rants on ig>giving up on GoTB, giving up on getting a better result in base game, flopping on TTRPG>backpedaling on stream announcements, everything is about songs, songs, more songs>UnAlive turning out extremely uneven and even feeling rushed to a degree>UnAlive MV and 3D appearances in general being scuffed, messing up during Suisei Live3D>From arc from ANY OTHER HOLO being more fun and not shot in the leg by a annoying and unfunny joke
>>23290127Mori is probably one of those people who seemingly timeloops their years. The start of this year is eerily similar to last year.
>>23290064>There's still days left in the weekYeah fucking three. Good luck getting those two member streams fit into that time frame.
>>23289877The only thing that has bothered me was her giving her explanation of reducing streams to not overwork herself with added Universal music work (which would have been great). But recent stuff makes it pretty obvious she's still going to overwork herself because the supposed rest time is just going to end up being replaced with "reaper business"
>>23290095>Yeah, I think many here are just spoiled from how things were late last year during a time where she had less responsibilities.Good point. I also feel like the hype here over "season 2" Mori screwed up a lot of anons' expectations. Mori's output late last year was not going to be sustainable, especially given how much of workaholic she is with making music. I'm sure things will stabilize within a month or soMore zatsus would be nice though.
>>23290253Yeah...and then using EMI work as the reason why streams are reduced is pretty bad. Just go to the spa or something and actually rest
>>23290197Yeah, as annoying as it is to see those pop up, I still much prefer it to her bringing those people into the Mori side of things.
>>23290324We're going to get another con in a month, if things every stabilize it will be in fall
>>23290271>more focus on roommate shit>From arc from ANY OTHER HOLO being more fun>menhera rantsogey
>>23290413Fall is shaping up to consistently be her best time of year for streaming.
>>OPNow that the dust has settled, was she really as bad as /vt/ made her out to be?
>>23290197Eh something tells me she probably show up to THAT show at least once a year.It's too mutually beneficial for both parties to not do it.
>>23290253>>23290402That's all I want her to learn. It's not laziness or entitlement to take a day here and there for yourself. Treat yourself, and do some mental recuperation. She worked so hard to get what she has but she still thinks she needs to do that and more. Chill, girl. Even this trip is a good thing for her to not worry about stuff, go see some nice places, rock a live show, see family. A little break every now and then is good.
>>23290415"More focus on roommate shit" is absolutely true objectively, the other two deserve to be ogey'd
Anyway, she's back home.
>>23290582No, I didn't "ogey" it for being untrue. Rm shit is completely irrelevant to my enjoyment of Mori's content and there was no reason to bring it up when responding to me.
>>23290601Yeah, that's been known since the collab yesterday where she was trying not to wake up her parents.
>>23290582That was always going to happen, it's gonna happen with Kiara too soon. Everyone else were already streamers in some way so they have no reason to.
>>OPShe has no real friends tho
>>23289609I feel like Mori’s playthroughs of Konami games won’t be much different from ER
>>23290558Yeah, but she doesn't learn that, and it's the fan engagement that suffers.If she actually rested during the weekend, did a bunch of shit with friends, had fun, and came out swinging during the week it would be cool, but the streams suffer because Mori will always be about music first, RM second, streams third.So when she burns out, it's not going to be the first 2 on the back burner.
>SEA prime time>Doom and concernfagging starts immediatelyThe worst thing we did was let antis get away with pretending to be deadbeats
>>23288896Most of the fanbase only listen to her music.
>>23290705I would like to see her play MGS3. If nothing else, at least the game's story is fun to watch.
>>23290408>as annoying as it is to see those pop upI don't mind it because it is doxxbeats problem.
I'm going to make a positive post and say MamaMori karaoke is going to be one of her favorite streams ever and highlight of her trip. Fulfilling her mom's dream to sing for a crowd will be amazing
>>23290274Someone said this on global back in like december, but deadbeats called him a schizo
>>23290740I don't think stealth games are for Mori in the slightest. They completely go against her headstrong approach to gaming.>>23290705Nah her reactions to Revengeance would be pretty kino, even if she plays on easy like Pomu did.
>>23290705There is more variety in the selection of Konami games to make things interesting. Bloodstained was pretty great so I'll make the assumption Castlevania would be similar in quality.
>>23290724Am I the only one who thinks music should be her priority?
>>23290737Im in that tiny sliver that doesnt care that much about holo music
Mori offcollab with my Kiwawa
>>23290877It already is new IP chama
>>23290908Yeah, I'm saying that's a good thing.
>>23290736Oh fuck off with that bullshit.Deadbeats are talking about their problems with Mori and you come every fucking time with this bullshit about antis.
>>23290736If we learned anything from the past week, it's that the insistence to talk about off-topic is probably the biggest indicator of an ill-intended poster.
>>23290877Not really. The "My Musician Vtuber only talks about songs, how could she do this?" is a pretty big disconnect from reality.
>>23290877No, it already is, but EMI makes her life easier, she has more time to work on each release, doesn't need to be the one to keep track of everything, and yet this somehow results in less streams, but more RM activity?I don't think I'm wrong when I say her stream are lowest on the priority list.
>>23290877Yes the thread is full of yes men
>>23290978Well, her RM activity is also music. And I think it's good that her music is higher priority than her streams, because her music is what makes me admire her.
>>23290877Sure but streams should be second priority and not her roommate.
Honestly I don't like her roommate at all. She's lame. Bite me
>>23290842 You do realize she only wanted to play it because peepeepoopoo man had a playthrough around exactly the same time? As soon as he was done and she started playing ER again, it got forgotten
>>23290978she just doesn't have her equipment here. Once the second base is complete, she's likely to have no discrepancy when she's in the States.She unironically took the bad mic comments seriously.
>>23291062Sounds like you should have chased off those people shit posting about trashtaste when you had the chance then.
>>23290736Well yeah but what else do you expect anons to do right now? Talk about nonexistent streams?
>>23290842What reactions? She’s the only holo that has played it. It’ll probably just be her quoting the characters, and it’ll just be a “he said the thing” kind of stream
I wish I wasn't too tall for Mori, I'd be a great gf I think.
>>23290724She should give herself a weekly off day (actually doing nothing work related unless an issue pops up) then like a monthly or bimonthly weekend to take a small trip. I don't work nearly as hard but I didn't recognize the importance of breaks until I was ready to have a total breakdown. She really is something to persevere through so much.
>>23291080>t. Carrot.
>>23291080*bites your neck so there's a mark*
>>23291139Yeah, experience with BB has showed that I'd much rather her play games she never has before on stream.
>>23291229>not wanting to bite your fellow fembeatfag
>>23290951Yeah mate, I'm sorry but after all of the arcs I've survived, anytime I see something negative said about her my immediate conclusion is that its an anti
>>23291174Don't worry lesbeat, height doesn't matter to Mori when it comes to women! we'll get her one day
Dropping this here in case it helps a future deadbeat森 カリオペ
>>23291264>anytime I see something negative said about her my immediate conclusion is that its an antiwhat a healthy way to live
>>23291126What does that have to do with anything?
>multiple fembeats in this thread againGross
>>23291300There is nothing of worth itt anyway
It's important to be able to separate well-intentioned critiques, wanting to see her get the best balance between work and rest, and gaslighting saying she needs to stop doing something entirely (or bitching endlessly). One of the biggest indicators is that valid criticism and feedback doesn't need to announce itself as such.
>>23291211Quite a shame since (like Kronii) Mori refuses to play anything blind. everyone knows that blind playthroughs are preferred in story driven games unless they are really good at the game, like being a combo god in dmc
>>23291139>What reactions?You know it's possible to still enjoy someone's reactions to content that they've experienced before right? Why do you think so many deadbeats are pumped for the Shawshank watchalong even though Mori has seen the movie a million times? Mori's done previous watchalongs of movies that she has seen before and they were still great.
>>23291139I'd be more down to watch Gura play it honestly, reactions would be fresh. Mori likes the meme quotes and songs, but the actual gameplay (90% of the content) probably isn't what she plays for
>>23291356It's hard to preach this when mostly everyone here speaks with their heart, not their noggin.
She is never going to take rest days just give up.
>>23290969Btw guys I JWU. Can someone spoonfeed me about the YAB???
>>23291264Oh don't worry there are legitimate criticisms here by Deadbeats who honestly love Mori, and are just feeling a little depressed These criticisms are will be picked up by actual antis in about a month and run into the ground non-fucking stop.
whens mamamori karaokeI need to hear a coarse texan woman sing madonna in my ear.
>>23291264>anytime I see something negative said about her my immediate conclusion is that its an antiJesus christ. Maybe stop being so fucking paranoid.
>>23291356>One of the biggest indicators is that valid criticism and feedback doesn't need to announce itself as such.That's something of a trap since it's usually the accusation of someone being an anti that appears first. It's normal for people to want to defend themselves when accused.
>>23291469??? Is this even reverse psychology?
>>23291329I think Mori is the Myth who appeals to women most. She's less cutesy and just in general more relatable I think. Maybe Ina is a little more appealing, but I haven't noticed many femdachis compared to the rest of Myth
>>23291316If you can't see that she's using the other side to do shit that would cause controversy in holo I'd suggest you get your eyes checked.
>>23291469I will tie that bitch to a comfy massage chair and cart her stupid ass to a spa in the mountains with breathtaking views!
>>23291376Mori is best for braindead, automatic styles of gameplay like Everhood and JK
>>23291364Yes but would you argue that her watch alongs of movies she's seen before are better than the one's she hasn't? I'm of the opinion that her Evil Dead watch alongs were her best and those were brand new to her. Also a watch along takes up one stream slot versus the 5+ that a game replay normally does.
>>23291474Mori is pregnant and all deadbeats are the father, mother, and the baby.
>>23291300The one who created this thread's OP was a lazy ass doing it on purpose. He could've just copy and pasted the previous one but chose not to.
>>23290271Jesas, do you keep a list of this shit? And rither way, why are you like this?
>>23291117That is probably true. So that MGR stream is never gonna happen now?
>>23291500She apparently has a very soft voice according to Mori. Also May 1st was the original estimated date Mori gave
>>23291313>what a healthy way to liveIt is. Makes things quite simple for me
>>23291540The Room watchalong was amazing though?
>>23291605She had only seen small clips of that one, and I don't believe she had seen the Disaster Artist at all so still a mostly new experience.
>>23291539She got into Everhood's story though, it was a true blind run with gameplay she also enjoyed (yes even killing the trashcan man)
>>23290951>problems with MoriDo you have literally nothing else to do when she's not streaming?
Would you consider Mori an art ho? She likes hip hop, she has very weird drip, and she's weirdly worldly for someone her age. (This applies to people who know Mori's background if you read "Mori" and only think "Mori" interact with the rest of the thread)
>>23291564It will happen after the next Spiritfarer or Pokemon Arceus stream
>>23291524If we go by the omocat reviews, teammates have the best looking women while sadly fembeats tend to be cr*nge
So anyways, since Mori's not streaming I'm listening to Astel sing.https://youtu.be/e8qvzW1n61M
>>23291685She's alt but all art hoes have the same copy paste personality
>>23291080no, I agree, as Mori she tries to be her best self, as roommate she's just an edgy slob who focuses way more on the negatives, 'rapper lifestyle' and clout chasing
>>23291587>Everyone is an anti but meis this the core of why all deadbeats hate each other
>>23291124>Once the second base is complete, she's likely to have no discrepancy when she's in the States.this is cope
>>23291685She is quite literally an art hoe
>>23291782Yes. One anon represents the mentality of all deadbeats.
>>23291264>>23291587Based as all hell.
>>23291850>DOXX WHUGE W
>>23291804Soundproofed, airlocked home recording studio with a Manley really can't be beat
>>OP>A thread for Mori and friendswhatabout boyfriends? am i welcome?
>>23285143Do not do this. Weighted clothes, or bracelets should not be wore for long periods at all. They should only be worn during exercises and used for it. They are not as good as a true weight. They should be very light, lighter than 5kg. You will damage your wrists and ankles.
>>23291364>Why do you think so many deadbeats are pumped for the Shawshank watchalong even though Mori has seen the movie a million times?Because she has been promising that for over a year now and I just want it to be done with it. I would prefer if next few watchalongs would be something she hasn't seen before but she seems to have stick up her ass about wanting to watch anything new and just rewatch movies she has already seen for millionth time.
hey guys, only two more days until mid-April with the TTRPG!
>>23291974>stick up her ass about wanting to watch anything new and just rewatch movies she has already seen for millionth time.she's just like me...
>>23291664Not right now. I am waiting for friday so I can get drunk.
>>23291685As someone who got a Fine Arts degree as opposed to the one Mori got, no I wouldn’t say she is. Definitely adjacent, but not an art hoe proper.
>>23291922No, because you've been replaced by me
>Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YhR5UfaAzM
>US tourShe has come to the US to announce her run for presidency and do nationwide rallies and campaigns.
>>23289810I think Kiara gets it right with a handful of meme videos while she is on holiday. It never feels like she is gone cause you could be getting anything from a 10 second clip, to a full on 5 minute animation. Now she has 3D Mori could easily pump out a few dumb videos to fill the days, attempt to do a handstand or play an audiostock track and rap over it on the spot.
>>23292074i wrote this
>>23291974I'm gonna be honest bro. At this point I would just be happy with regular watchalongs period, regardless of whether or not she's seen the movie.
>>23291974I just like watch alongs because they give me an excuse to actually watch a movie. Plus I like Shawshank and it's literally been over 5 years since I've watched it so it'll be fun to see it again.
>>23292093next show is NYC
>>23292107Even the TikTok has dried up and those are like 10s videos....
>>23292107Dude at this point I'd be happy with a short member's post says "Miss you guys, see you in a couple days"
>>23292184Was Mori announced for any of the conventions like Bae/Gura?
Everyone is wrong except me
>>23292022I don't know, being 70% an art ho sounds pretty much like just being an art ho. A weak one but one regardless. >>23291827>>23291754I think when I call Mori an "art ho" beyond just aesthetics, I also mean that Mori seems to be someone attempting her own personality just falling into the same trappings that create this genre of woman. While most art has are into photography and fashion rather than music, what Mori shares with them is a meaningless quest for "self fulfillment" that paradoxically defeats its own purpose. But I'm a buddhist, so seeking self-fulfillment is just inherently fruitless I think.
twitterspace onegai
>got used to waking up to news cause Mori’s peak activity would be during the night jst>now currently ahead of her time zone Feels weird man.
>>23292184Think she'll visit that Bay Area?
>>23291563no, I can literally come with it off the top of my headwhich is why I actually forgot some tidbits, like the surgery timing leaving deadbeats laid out for valentines with a prerecorded video
>>23292271She is an art hoe in that she is never happy with where her results take her. There is always "something" that can be improved.
>>23292198Tiktok is a platform Mori could do real well on and I think she is slowly realising it. I've seen how even youtube shorts can help musicians blow up with short funny tracks. I'm glad she swallowed her pride on the anti-tikitok stance, yeah it is zoomer hell but it works.
>>23290657>That was always going to happen, it's gonna happen with Kiara too soonWhat the fuck are you smoking?She has done quite literally nothing since the birthday stream and no signs of starting up anything.Also she is confirmed for conventions as Kiara.
>>23292443Honestly that prerecorded video was pretty good though, got a new Mori grandma story out of it too. The chocolate making was also fun.
>>23292477Honestly I'd be down for TikTok if it means we get constant 10sec shitposts with good comedic timing
>>23290736Reminder that the one who started the whole mess we had for the past 2 days was outed as an indog.
>>23292472I thought an art hoe just meant a dumb pseud cunt
>>23292477Anon that's UMG's social media intern, Mori has nothing to do with it
>>23292184Do not tease me like that.
>She gets signed to UMG AGAIN
>>23292443>spoilerWho gives a shit? She did the homie chocolate stream in advance anyways. But I guess that "doesn't count".
>>23292443Okay, but why are you like this? How, and why, do you remember all his shit?
>>23292760>He doesn't remember MoriShe is literally crying right now.
>>23292760He sounds like a schizo who mentally writes down every single time Mori "disappoints" him and then repeats that list to himself every night before he goes to sleep.
>>23292581For zoomers it's a goth egirl thats acts like a bitch and wears fake glasses. I don't know what it means for millenials
>>23292760NTA, but how couldn't you? It's basically current arc, lean arc, first 3d MV stuff, overworking, RM.
maybe I remember her fuck ups because I fantasize about disciplining her about them using violencewhat then huh
>>23292760Some people just live to complain instead of simply finding more enjoyable shit to do. It isn't hard to find another streamer when there is a gap needed to be filled on Mori's side.
>>23292127I am fine with that as well. But for some reason she thinks they are lazy content.
>>23292900you forgot the image ryonabeat....
>>23292760because I'm invested in her content and her as a personas per her own wish
>>23292921I don't think she would've repeatedly promised Shawshank and other watchalongs if she was adverse to doing them in the first place due to thinking that they're "lazy content". That doesn't make any sense.
>no stream for 3 more days:{
>Vampire SurvivorsFucking hell Mori please not that garbage.
>>23292921Watchalongs ARE lazy content. There's nothing wrong with enjoying them, but the streamer is literally just sitting there watching and occasionally commenting on a movie. Its basically reaction content.
VampireSurvivorbros...we've won!
>I'll be sleeping for the mamamori karaokeFug
>>23292990nothing was slain, April ended up having 1 fucking member stream again
>>23292990what rrats this time and where
>>23293089>Implying there won't be a surprise stream tomorrow.
I'm ngmi bros.....
>>23293089It's barely slides in at 2 if you're PST I guess, speaking of how are her stream times fucking worse for NA somehow with her being in the US?
>>23292990>only one members stream, no chatting or videos, and karaoke is on a weekday at a bad time for anyone not PDTUh....
>>23293104Check global
>the long-awaited watchalong is not publicHave fun, bros...
>>23293155a schedule?
Why does everything happen on Tuesdays? It's the only day I have to go to the office, Mori!
>>23293150The sc reading will definitely have some chatting. Honestly the most disappointing thing is that she chose to play fucking Vampire Survivors as her first non fromsoft game stream in forever.
>>23293201She literally said it would be members in the ER stream before she left (she also said there would be another member's stream, but that's besides the point)
>>23292889This whole "arcs" thing always sounded like prime threadwatcher shit to me.>>23293001Who isn't? That doesn't explain it.
>>23293283She hates (You)Maybe you look like Ao.
>>23293289Low-effort setup and member's she's close with played it recently
>Elden Ringdid she pack up her PS5?
Mori and broken promises, name a more iconic duo in Hololive English.Hard Mode: No Ame Tummy Hurt
>>23293414She'd be back in Japan at that point
>>23293414She is back in Japan on the 3rd per her own words
Mori is a deeply closeted gay man
>>23293414I think she's back in Japan on the third.
I'm excited for Mamamori and her potential loli Mori stories
>>23293466Wow! Me too!...wait.
>>23293289At the very least I hope someone told her to do library first, because if her first stream of that game is just forest it's going to be lame.
>>23293466Those are some very nice tits for a man
So, do any deadbeats actually like Vampire Survivors streams? I haven't even been able to make it halfway through any stream of it I've tried to watch.
>>23293593Your boy (Female)
My guess is that something went wrong with setup and everything needed to be pushed a day At least I'm hoping it is and not her prioritizing roommate shit over promises again...
>>23293614I got through Gura's first few no issue but uh yeah every other one has more of a background noise thing.
>>23293614Haven't watch one properly yet, so I'll make sure to enjoy Mori's.
>>23293614I enjoyed Gura's but I only had it on in the background. I figure it can be a semi-zatsu if Mori gets a handle of the gameplay.
>>23293619>>23293593Wait, Mori is a girl???
>>23293614It's an addictive game to play while there's stuff to unlock, but boring to watch because there isn't anything to react to.For something like Powerwash, you can take your time and chat, VS is the worst combination of having to pay attention but being boring, unless you go full Asmongold and just overreact to every little thing.
>>23293614only Fauna's since she's terrible at the game and hyperfocuses on chatting part and that makes it way less boring
>>23293010Sure but I wish they would be more frequent like Ame does.
So Shawshank Redemption drinking game rules. Lay them on me. I might as well celebrate this in style.
>>23293849Honestly I think it would help her a lot. It's relatively low effort so she can treat it as a chill stream and it gives her more subjects to talk about by expanding her media knowledge.
>>23293876>drinking gameDo we have to?
>>23293201I hope from now on all watchalongs are members only. Fuck greys.
I hate Mori (deadbeat)
>>23293201Spend the $5 you would have spent on the movie on membership and sail the high seas.
>>23293876Shot everytime someone hangs themselve
>>23293876It's such a balanced and well made movie that a drinking game kind of feels like a waste. I recommend watching sober if it's your first time
>>23294016>>23293763Why are my two wives holding each others hands? They're not allowed to do that when I'm not present.
One members stream
>>23294064good, fuck members
>no second member stream in April>no chatting streams>Karaoke on a week dayNow this is a fucking disappointment
Streaming during the vacation clearly did not go as she planned
>>23294064Yeah, I saw that writing on the wall a couple weeks ago.
These times suck, 2 am Shawshank start?
>>23294138and yet this thread was "GTFO FICKLEBEAT YOU DONT LOVE HER"
>>23293895>it gives her more subjects to talk about by expanding her media knowledgeI would hope but it would just end up where she just watches same movies she already has seen because even with fucking movies she can't get out of her comfort zone. FUCKING MOVIES!
>>23294127Mori promises...
>Not paying Gura a visitit's over
>>23294166Get the fuck out ficklebeat you don't love her
>>23294134She should have bought the microphone in Japan, not in the states.
>>23294217Everyone who unironically calls others ficklebeats is a parasocial stan
I hate this dumb bitch.I expect an apology blowjob.
>>23294176She probably just doesnt want to watch something that could bore her and have chat notice
>>23294134Yes, that's why some anons complained that she wasn't going to have member's streams weeks ago, because it was obvious that things were not going to go as expected while she was on vacation.
>>23294221well actually, traveling with her type of microphone is dangerous as it has breakable parts, have to be super careful shipping.
>>23294176I think a great movie to get her out of her comfort zone would be the 2003 epic period war drama film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
>>23294277oh but no those were just ficklebeats and doomposters! Fuck off you idiots
>>23294253go back
>>23294285Yeah her last one broke due to travelling. It's a moot point now, but it would have made more sense to just buy a second mic and have her parents store it in a closet last year.
>>23294315oh fuck you no woman has ever not hated that movieIt's the most male slanted movie everIt's what "boats" is refering to in that tweet screencap about "movies your boyfriend wants to watch" is based on
>>23294369who cares what holes think
>>23294369I thought she was my boy...
>>23294057They are eloping...or they were, until Kiara started going "Elope...cantaloupe. Elope with cantaloupe!"
>>23294369she's a tomboy
>>23294277Don't worry! She made sure everything she actually cared about is going the way it was planned
>>23294215She already told that and Offcollabs would have to wait for the next US visit. Please do your stream reps.
>>23294215She already tempered expectations on that one.
I love Mori despite her flaws not because of them.Which is kinda fucked
>>23294535>replying to a threadreading grayfagngmi deadbeat
>>23294474it is not for tomboys, they'd hate itIt's for >>>/vg/381906239these nerds who spend 16 hours a day playing modded CK2 because Civ is for normies and nobody else
>>23294535Don't even pretend that some people weren't sniffing Hopium about an offcollab
I want to watch Das Boot with Mori!
Well the good news is that Mori is streaming tomorrow and Shawshank is finally happening....probably. I don't want to get too hopeful till the stream actually starts.
>>23294716Day after tomorrow anon
>>23294127its still april and weekend for me, so I guess only one side of the world is will suffer, but I was anticipating the chatting stream.
>>23294752Oh yeah, you're right.
>>23294716>Mori is streaming tomorrowUhhhhh Anon? You might want to check your dates
Where are you guys seeing a schedule?
she hates /us/
>>23295117I’m not, I was just signed in to the wrong account it seems Neat she booked a studio for the karaoke though.
>>23295169She likes me though.
>>23295215No, she likes me more. She's sleeping with me rn
>>23295366shut the fuck up foxbeat
>>23295501strange so little promotion and so early of a stream to promote it
>>23295501huh. is this the popular song in mmd dance videos?
>>23295501Oh nice>rap arrangeDoea that mean it’s gonna be like the Bone Bros King cover?
>>23295501Did they just put all Holo names into a hat, pick out 3 at random and say "These now have to make song"?
>>23295501Oh shit I actually used to really like this song
>>23295651lol, at least she has done things with them before the colllab, but yeah its a unusual combination
>>23295705And you no longer do?
>>23295651Mel and Kanata have always had a pretty close relationship (Kanata uses the nickname Mel Mel), Mori did that cover with Kanata at her concert, and Mel is someone Mori has hung out with IRL before
>>23295745No I still do, just meant it used to be something I listened to almost every day
>>23295818I thought you died Mitch Hedberg
>>23295778>Mori did that cover with Kanata at her concertI missed this, is this at Kanata's latest 3D live?
>>23295915Here's a clip of ithttps://youtu.be/Ln56RAeS1Ls
>>23295915They did a cover of Addiction I believe.
>>23295964>>23295996Oh right I remember this. Just thought that you were talking about post 3D Mori with Kanata's latest 3D.
>>23295501to be perfectly honest mel and kanata are not who I wanted mori to cover this song withoh well
if she promised less, I'd just be hype for what we're gettingbut when comparing reality with what we were told to expect, everything gets laced with disappointment in what could've been
>>23296375out of mere curiosity, who did you have on mind?
Mori you have cankles
>>23296375Who would you have preferred her to do it with? And if you're about to say Sui- stop, she can't just do all her song collabs with one Holo to the exclusion of everyone else.
>>23293876Do you really think she'll do one ? It's not like she does every time there's a watchalong.
>>23296471kiara and irys honestythought it would've been funny to seen them fighting over bot mori
>>23293201It's unfortunate that poorbeats have to lose out after waiting over a year but considering that it's her favorite movie of all time, it makes sense. Hopefully you'll be able to afford membership one day to watch the VOD bro.
Are people retarded and don't realize how airport baggage works? I hope she trashed most of that
>>23296855me on the left_
>>23293614I enjoyed watching Hana play it but I get the feeling that Mori will be too focused on the gameplay to make the stream engaging.
>>23296855Me on the left
>>23296447Im not disappointed, but I get you if you are. I would rather have no stream than a scuffed one, if that was the reason of course
>>23292121Weird, I don't remember making this post.
>>23296887>yaoi & yuriIf I saw someone wearing that I'd attempt extreme bodily harm upon them
>>23296842If it makes you feel better, I'll be missing out most of it because the watchalong will be at 2 AM for me and I have work that day. Such the curse of being EST.
Gives me an idea, give her $7 and tell her to buy something nice.
Nigga really paid for T1 in person...
>2am wattchalong for a 2 hour+ movie