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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23204319 No.23204319 [Reply] [Original]

/vt/ is just nothing but a containment board for subhumans.
here's mori just going on
with her life and not caring a single bit /vt/ retards are on about.

>> No.23204367
File: 427 KB, 1000x1000, 1630181963174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like the connor pic, right bro?

>> No.23204401
Quoted by: >>23207509

Bruh, we know she is /here/

>> No.23204453

Couldn’t ignore the connor pic though?

>> No.23204458
Quoted by: >>23220306

>collab with JP senpai
oh no holobros. who's the victim?

>> No.23204495
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 448877744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better

>> No.23204503
Quoted by: >>23204543

Wonder if franklin the bully hunter is crying.

>> No.23204543
Quoted by: >>23205492

>Doesn't have the info

>> No.23204576


>> No.23204831
Quoted by: >>23205413

why do you think she posted this? she's seeing her memberships being canceled

>> No.23205014
Quoted by: >>23221426


>> No.23205054


>> No.23205321
File: 115 KB, 1076x496, 1647263989066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23205371
Quoted by: >>23206910

cope tweeting

>> No.23205402 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 190x200, 1644940312263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23205413
Quoted by: >>23206910


>> No.23205416

ay yo chill morgous

>> No.23205492

Not an anti, I watch her streams occasionally because I like her voice and when sc time comes on I leave it playing the background and noticed this one guy giving 500+ bucks every stream. All the time. You surely don't do that if you're not a gachi hoping for more, right? Always thought it was a little excessive and obsessive desu.

>> No.23205737

Good, hopefully she's realized that responding to the antis doesnt help her

>> No.23205769

>l-look at me ignore you!
sure, Mori

>> No.23206498

She doesn’t make this tweet if not for the yab

>> No.23206562

Mori your mother literally got doxxed.
Down to her contact information and adress.
Stop focusing on /vt/ for one minute you cunt.

>> No.23206592

Meds anon

>> No.23206657

>tfw i literally have her number and she doesn’t pick up

>> No.23206658

Qrd? Wtf did I miss?

>> No.23206732

Nothing. The schizo are just screaming nonsense from their padded cells again.

>> No.23206778

The absolute state of cuckbeats.

>> No.23206780

People found Mori's mother's instagram.
It had a post about Mori and Mori's boyfriend.
It also had a chunk of personal info.

>> No.23206796
Quoted by: >>23207120

She doxxed her mom retard

>> No.23206874

>don’t look at it and it isn’t real

>> No.23206893

Mori's mom doxxed herself and had a photo of Mori with a boyfriend

>> No.23206910


>> No.23206994
Quoted by: >>23210646

>Kiara announced yesterday she will release a collab song with a JP
>Mori: *sweating bullets at how to bury the yabai "Can I copy you homework?"
The fact that the evidence is now deleted shows she actually is aware but also knows she has troops of yes men and "yasssskweeen" women ready to eat her shit.

>> No.23207000
Quoted by: >>23207079

that shits been available since atleast Nov. 3rd 2020 based on the dates from a certain website.

>> No.23207079

But it came to the attention of schizos here today.

>> No.23207120

how did she doxxed herself?
member stream or twitter?

>> No.23207192
Quoted by: >>23207224

I haven't seen anyone say HOW she managed to doxx herself. I wouldn't be surprised if one of her acquantainces or strangers who knew her to whom she advertised her daughter was Mori thought it'd be funny to do so.

>> No.23207210

The "JP senpai" is going to be her Jrapper boyfriend. Screenshot this.

>> No.23207224
Quoted by: >>23207324

She didn't do anything herself. People just used her uncommon real name.

>> No.23207324
Quoted by: >>23207363

But why now, doxes don't just happen randomly one day, somebody had to have been given new information or a new incentive.

>> No.23207347
Quoted by: >>23207379

>Mori with a boyfriend


>> No.23207363

RM pics got popular on a tribute thread on /b/ and /b/ being /b/ went and found every bit of info they could on her.

>> No.23207379
Quoted by: >>23207439

>he’s shocked a human with a vagina can find a romantic partner

>> No.23207408

Huh, nice to see that /b/ hasn't slowed down, if true.

>> No.23207413 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23207463

Tribute thread...? I... I... Want to...

>> No.23207439
File: 75 KB, 508x628, 1647798768537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not shocked, anon.

>> No.23207463

Go archive diving, hope you like black dick.

>> No.23207464
File: 232 KB, 680x665, 1650934621087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear /b/ has been dead for quite a while. Nice to know that they are still doing /b/ things.

>> No.23207487
Quoted by: >>23207512

>the thread that the mods moved to /b/ ended up getting Mori's mom doxxed
kek, great job mods!

>> No.23207509

She is /here/ almost as much as Pippa, Bea, and Reimu.

>> No.23207510 [DELETED] 


>> No.23207512

Even jannybeat can’t help but dox.

>> No.23207533

She will continue until the doxxing of her mom bites her in the ass.

It's coming, hopefully it's just fake pizzas and not anything serious. She doesn't deserve this from having a toxic daughter who literally made enemies because she couldn't resist "FUCKING THE HATERS"

>> No.23207566 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23207619

It wasn't /b/ though, it was post on /vt/ from year ago but for some reason it only blew up recently, the /b/ stuff was it's own thing that only semi-related.

>> No.23207568
File: 745 KB, 716x676, 1643246690508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me how this board isn't just /v/ + /pol/.

>> No.23207619
Quoted by: >>23207659

Wasn't around here back then, just saying how it happened this time.

>> No.23207651

my sides

>> No.23207659 [DELETED] 

I guess the doxxbeat stuff of recent reminded an anti to post it again.

>> No.23207671

I’m okay with that, though.

>> No.23207673

This board is /v/, /jp/, /pol/, and /r9k/ wrapped into one.

>> No.23207698 [DELETED] 

I just wanna jerk off to Mori tributes my man

>> No.23207711

Poor retard. I'll give you one free (you) out of pity.

>> No.23207729

That sounds like heaven

>> No.23207808

I wish

>> No.23208004

Last time i checked /pol/ isnt full of chinese cocksucking dickless faggots

>> No.23208025




>> No.23208251

go back to /sp/

>> No.23208419

I unironically wish there was more /pol/ here
too many /leftypol/ troons and faggots here

>> No.23208577

I'm just glad she ruined another persons life by just being "her".

And the best part is, she will double down, make even more enemies, and ruin more people. Everyone she touches will have their lives torn to shreds for literally just knowing her.

It's beautiful

>> No.23208578

I forget that /b/ is even still there. Figured it was long dead and haven't click on it since gamergate era.

>> No.23208652

That's just reddit.

>> No.23208716

Less trannies overall.

>> No.23208929
Quoted by: >>23212262

soon to be qa and get nuked.

>> No.23210646

Collabs covers doesnt happen out of thin air, this was already on works. Game collab is more sus

>> No.23210739

actually based

>> No.23210866

>not caring a single bit of /vt/
>jannies delete anti Mori comment everyday
Say that again?

>> No.23210917

Dear God, you're reaching levels of mori-related schizophrenia I didn't even think possible.
It is long past time you inhaled some fresh air and saw your doctor.

>> No.23210951


>> No.23211046
File: 370 KB, 1200x1200, 0486ncklimd51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking BASED

>> No.23211136

did something happen? ppl making claims, but post nothing to observe....

>> No.23211197

Based beyond belief.

>> No.23211200
Quoted by: >>23211387

>Cuckbeats still in denial after all these months

>> No.23211259

The virtual youtubers thread on the keewee f*rms.
Check out page 4965, scroll to around the middle.

>> No.23211294
Quoted by: >>23211426

You mean /cgl/ on steroids?

>> No.23211298
Quoted by: >>23211494

literal mental illness.
people should have to get a license to connect to the internet.

>> No.23211387
Quoted by: >>23212091

what happened? noone is showing, only telling

>> No.23211426

/vt/sisters is /cgl/ with autism

>> No.23211494

>Cuckbeats want everyone to live in CCP china to protect their shit oshi

>> No.23211534

this post has more estrogen than crystal cafe.

>> No.23211882

There's nothing about /pol/ on this board. Except maybe yabposting being like happeningposting

>> No.23211906

>There's nothing about /pol/ on this board.
The constant racism?

>> No.23211957

Nah this is far from graduation material desu, it is however a fatal blow to cuckbeats everywhere. They have to live with this now aswell

>> No.23212027
Quoted by: >>23212942

Mori is the one that pissed off Jews and black Twitter with her history of racist dog whistles. Not this board.

>> No.23212091
Quoted by: >>23212493

You can see, it's just that jannies won't show. Do archive reps, nigger.

>> No.23212181
Quoted by: >>23212256

Reddit tourist reveals itself. This whole site is this way. Go back.

>> No.23212256
Quoted by: >>23212505

>why yes I only browse /vt/, /pol/ and /vol/, how could you tell?

>> No.23212262


>> No.23212285

stop posting and stream then, calliope.

>> No.23212299


>> No.23212336
File: 670 KB, 1049x1201, tyms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one with a brain thought this would impact her career. Shes in a containment branch and is making big dollars. The whole point is to laugh at the fanbase. And no, paying more money on return isnt owning /vt/ its reaffirming her fans love the cuckold experience.

>> No.23212471
File: 52 KB, 566x404, 1643902362514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23212493
Quoted by: >>23213679

i dont know what archive reps are

>> No.23212505

I don't even know what /vol/ is nor do I go to /pol/. Every board on this site, cept maybe /f/, will call (you) a triggered nigger though because (you) obviously are one.

>> No.23212552

The rrat peddlers have exactly as manu braincells as Qtards and other delusional shills. Ignoring all evidence contrary to something, but obsessing over the tiny bit that "confirms" what they want to be true.

>> No.23212714

Qtards no longer exist there. That board is just shills shilling shills and the occasional inept glownig forced memes.

>> No.23212781

Rrats are chiefly a product of creative writing, and if you take stories on 4chan seriously you should question yourself more than anyone else.

>> No.23212842

Based. Mori knows it too.

>> No.23212939
File: 86 KB, 405x720, 1651027812394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23212942

Mori has actual racist dog whistles.

>> No.23213209
File: 58 KB, 686x598, FRPLhzcWUAMzF-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23213342
Quoted by: >>23213453

The topic of this thread is an undeniable fact, retard. If you claim it's fake you're the insane one.

>> No.23213453

The topic of this thread is a post by her mother, which could in fact be wrong. And it's much, much funnier if it is, especially if it is because Mori lied to her mother.

>> No.23213556

That's unironically sad. No matter what she does from now on, bad things are, eventually, sure to follow.

Oh well. Such is the fate of her ilk.

>> No.23213640

In all seriousness tho' is she even need her holo fans anymore? She's already successfully promote her roomate channel and also get most money she needed from her paypigs.
At this point I think she just patiently counting the days for her contract to expire.

>> No.23213679
File: 453 KB, 1003x757, 1625989237407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lurk the fuck more, faggot.

>> No.23213949

like poetry

>> No.23214024
File: 518 KB, 2039x1447, _FCC8VKdVUAQ0iWJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, fuck drama. Watch my 2View Furuya Mari instead!

>> No.23214106


>> No.23214915

Why are watamates always the most based?

>> No.23215057

What did she do this time?

>> No.23215202

>She's already successfully promote her roomate channel

>> No.23215941

She just signed to Universal as Mori, slowpoke anon.

>> No.23217354

>can say nigger sitewide without getting banned
>somehow this means /pol/?
this board is literally just anime /mlp/. All these rrat and lusting for moving picture assets are just what /mlp/ used to do, plus this place still got that rush like what /mlp/ used to have in early days.

>> No.23219723
Quoted by: >>23220007

where's the thread

>> No.23220007

just go archive diving for tribute threads on /b/ last night. I don't feel like looking at a bunch of dick for you.

>> No.23220249 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 1736x1385, Meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23220306
File: 1.87 MB, 1000x1372, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_hikawa_shou__394d8ee9f869dda0296e5f38239f106f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's Kanata I'll become a Mori anti. Unless the song is good

>> No.23220309

>"50 weeks ago would put us in the middle of May 2021"
>nigger can't see the literal goddamn date at the bottom.
Fucking kiwis.

>> No.23220384


Autism can only get you so far

>> No.23220429

They wouldn’t frequent the Farms if they weren’t drooling retards, so it makes sense.

>> No.23220575
Quoted by: >>23220648

still seems fake, it's worded so weirdly, like an ESL or someone really trying to highlight the yab.

>> No.23220648

It's a recovered methhead texan who's probably trying to show off to her friends, it would be weirder if she sounded completely normal.

>> No.23220897

Is that Mori or her mom? I can't tell. Kek.

>> No.23220923
Quoted by: >>23220965

What the fuck did you expect her to do?

>> No.23220965

People here would say graduate, but realistically, she should have never trusted a boomer to know about good OPSEC practice.

>> No.23221134

thanks for the spoonfeed, anon.
damn the dude looks like a goblin

>> No.23221426

