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23176937 No.23176937 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>23121887

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>> No.23176965
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x2194, E9d_9arUcAYsXna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk
>Prism Melody


>> No.23176970
Quoted by: >>23177007

i like when towa screams with her towa voice...

>> No.23176975


>> No.23176989
File: 493 KB, 1500x920, 1644118641917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent team rigging

>> No.23177007


>> No.23177006

How is towa doing?

>> No.23177009
File: 1.09 MB, 3468x4096, FRRGhgraMAAba5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23177096

I have been grinning like a retard for an hour.
This dumb debiru makes me happier than anything.

>> No.23177034
Quoted by: >>23177050

when will big face get her turn with towa...

>> No.23177036

i love when towa speaks!
i love when towa laughs!
towa love!

>> No.23177050
Quoted by: >>23177157

They're literally in the same team right now...

>> No.23177088

runa, towa... what could have been

>> No.23177096

Towa don't sniff the revolver,that's unsanitary...

>> No.23177120

daruma makes my head hurt

>> No.23177125

[Schedule:] 4/27 19:00 Karaoke | 4/27 22:00 Members only stream | 4/28 22:00 OW2 with Botan

>> No.23177128

She sounds so dumb when she ask for heals
Is cute

>> No.23177139

Heal me heal me!

>> No.23177157
File: 215 KB, 299x444, 1649188432014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23177273
Quoted by: >>23177295

>Towa-sama kakkoi

>> No.23177295

>Towa does something cool
>Towa immediately does something dumb
That's the Towa I know!

>> No.23177390

Happy Towa makes me happy!

>> No.23177457

i like eating dinner while watching this dumb girl play games and giggle so much

>> No.23177587

>doesn't dome when playing gib
>doesn't shield when playing reinheart
why is she like this

>> No.23177654

Please look after Towa for me while I am at work.

>> No.23177836

Offense is the best defense.

>> No.23177875


>> No.23177876

reinhardt players always have to wrestle back the urge to just go in and smack people

>> No.23177983

She's not made to play defensive people

>> No.23178029

has towa been with shinomiya this entire time

>> No.23178035
File: 219 KB, 708x287, 1628285198474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23178461

>> No.23178043

For the second OW collab in a row, yes

>> No.23178077
Quoted by: >>23178098

naraka too btw

>> No.23178098

Not anymore

>> No.23178207


>> No.23178304
File: 209 KB, 328x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23178361

A team full of fat fucks...

>> No.23178461
Quoted by: >>23178506

What did she mean by this...

>> No.23178506
Quoted by: >>23178647


>> No.23178567


>> No.23178647

By sex with Towasama...

>> No.23178796

talk to me more...

>> No.23178831

I miss Towa...

>> No.23178836

I miss Towa...

>> No.23178838

I miss Towa...

>> No.23178843

Have a nice day good night oyasumi bye bye!

>> No.23178847

i miss towa...

>> No.23178866

i miss towa...

>> No.23178868

oh my god she actually wished me a nice day...
i am going to melt...

>> No.23178875

i miss towa…

>> No.23178882

I missed this. This was nice.

>> No.23178905
Quoted by: >>23178993

I wonder if towa knows kenzoku are this menhera...

>> No.23178914

I miss Towa...
When do the CD ship again...?

>> No.23178941

That ending was really cute... I'm so happy to see her again...

>> No.23178954
Quoted by: >>23179070

I miss Towa...

>> No.23178993

the audience reflects the streamer

>> No.23178994

Towa's gone...she may never come back...

>> No.23178995

towa loves me

>> No.23179019

That outfit for is sex

>> No.23179070

me too

>> No.23179152

towa came back a day early because she loves us…
she sounded so happy…

>> No.23179155

That was some nice purple woman sex in the middle of an OW collab.

>> No.23179229

Towa can't stay away from us without getting menhera too...

>> No.23179294

today will be a good day because of towa…!

>> No.23179355

I don't think she ever got a team with Lisa or putecchi?

>> No.23179444

Towa's next grooming target after ねねち and るな could be 西沢ママ herself.

>> No.23179461
Quoted by: >>23179638

She loves OW...

>> No.23179475

Or yafuna or arisakka. Uruca did his best.

>> No.23179487
Quoted by: >>23179589

Uruca's a little retarded when it comes to shuffling teams, please forgive him.

>> No.23179499

yeah kinda want to see towa play with pute and ars more but i got towashinomiya and towadaruma banter so i'm satisfied... for now.

>> No.23179516

yeah, yufuna and arisaka too I guess. We've got a lot of naraka and hal tho kek

>> No.23179589
Quoted by: >>23179643

He invited Towa and indirectly got her to stream a day early,a little stupidity is easily forgiven

>> No.23179638

she didn’t have to stream her pov but she did it for us…

>> No.23179643
Quoted by: >>23179827

All in TSMハルさん's grand plan...!

>> No.23179675
Quoted by: >>23179984

That's true, thanks for the positivity

>> No.23179676
File: 15 KB, 745x106, 1628863811150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's everybody? i'm too scared to talk to her alone...

>> No.23179721

She lurks this thread.
She knows that we wanted her to stream her POV.

>> No.23179763

The last Kenzoku...

>> No.23179807
Quoted by: >>23179992

towa doesn’t bite but no promises about anything else

>> No.23179820
File: 40 KB, 914x250, Snz8UiBb80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23179847


>> No.23179827

I think your shipping sucks like Evergreen Hal,the fact you're big enough to be part of an EN apex organization doesn't change that

>> No.23179847
Quoted by: >>23179949

You two should either fight or kiss.

>> No.23179949

towasama private chat...

>> No.23179984

she does care for us, even if she leaves us alone for a week!

>> No.23179992
File: 181 KB, 1001x1433, FPbQjzxVEAE0HCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23180292

What a shame...

>> No.23180036
Quoted by: >>23180316

She seems to be doing really better this time, so I'm happy. It was a well deserved break!

>> No.23180148

And it's not even a week...She loves us too much...

>> No.23180292

i’m sure she’ll bite if you ask for it though her teeth are just a bit sharp

>> No.23180316
File: 187 KB, 311x429, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looked like she was smiling a lot today. Happy Twappi makes me happy.

>> No.23180455
Quoted by: >>23180576

I noticed Towa tried to say her new [its za ping] phrase in the middle of a game
Gotta love how she doesn't filter any of her dumb silly catchphrases between her friend groups
Towa is the same everywhere after all...

>> No.23180500


>> No.23180576
Quoted by: >>23180695

That's one of the things I've always loved about her. If she picks up a phrase from one collab group she'll just start using it in all her collabs. She just treats everyone the same way and it's fun to see.

>> No.23180617

This retard is too cute!

>> No.23180695

She's like a kid that just learned a new cool word and decides to flex it to her friends...She's just like me back then...I love my Towadaughterwife...

>> No.23180923

crying because i love towa so much…!

>> No.23181083
Quoted by: >>23181213

Towa can't put her cylinder into the hole... I'll help her!

>> No.23181140
File: 2.15 MB, 4642x4181, 97904030_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23181170

I love Towa a whole lot.

>> No.23181170

M-me too!

>> No.23181213

you only have one butthole it can't that difficult mate

>> No.23181265
Quoted by: >>23181966

Towa hasn't streamed in a while...when will she come back...?

>> No.23181266

Towa banana...

>> No.23181311
Quoted by: >>23181460

I need more towa...

>> No.23181460

Be patient anon,there will be plenty of Towa later this week,we got a double dose coming up tommorrow

>> No.23181573
Quoted by: >>23181600

I have also a mouth, though you could argue that they're both the same hole

>> No.23181600
Quoted by: >>23181914

how many holes are in a straw anon

>> No.23181762

i’m glad towa took a break even if it was scary!
i’d rather suffer no streams than have towa be miserable!

>> No.23181865
File: 348 KB, 1450x2048, 1640504310665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23181885

>> No.23181885

Me on the right.

>> No.23181914
Quoted by: >>23182006

It depends on how you define a hole

>> No.23181966

Anon, I...

>> No.23182006

I think sexually a man has two holes to please Towa...

>> No.23182083
Quoted by: >>23182188

The lack of rm activity means Towa has been really refreshed during her break and I'm glad

>> No.23182135

That's how I see it too

>> No.23182143

How many holes does a towa have?

>> No.23182188
Quoted by: >>23182291

I feel like that's kind of normal, it's basically an inactive account at this point.

>> No.23182249


>> No.23182291
Quoted by: >>23182330

She said in her last stream she wanted to start streaming regularly again in April, but I guess she's said that before as well. Still might happen eventually since she seems like she's probably commissioning art for it.

>> No.23182330
Quoted by: >>23182577

she says that pretty much every time and nothing ever comes of it
at this point I think she just does it every few months to keep the menheras on their toes

>> No.23182460

3 probably

>> No.23182577

Not really, she hasn't really mentioned starting back up streaming regularly since that YT post last year. In her most recent stream she said it again though, but obviously April is almost over and nothing came of it, but still, she might have stuff in the works.

>> No.23182712
File: 356 KB, 2048x2048, FRSDx3SaAAAH4I1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23182819

OL towa...

>> No.23182828
File: 671 KB, 2425x4096, 1647957885339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23182973


>> No.23182938


>> No.23182973

Too big...!

>> No.23183038
File: 286 KB, 1000x1407, FRR2ib0aUAUcfGv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23183098
Quoted by: >>23183175

me on top

>> No.23183175


>> No.23183357
Quoted by: >>23183388

bibi is so cute

>> No.23183388
Quoted by: >>23183400

So is Towa!

>> No.23183400
Quoted by: >>23183465

But bibi is cuter!

>> No.23183435


>> No.23183461

Oh my god

>> No.23183459

Towa loves me...!

>> No.23183465


>> No.23183469


>> No.23183495

Space with Towa... I bet it's going to be very intimate...

>> No.23183498
Quoted by: >>23183550

two towas in one day...???

>> No.23183512

Towa loves me...

>> No.23183538
Quoted by: >>23183600

inb4 no space

>> No.23183550

Twin Towas ...

>> No.23183558


>> No.23183577


>> No.23183580
File: 290 KB, 1400x912, 1644491375174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa truly loves us...!

>> No.23183600

I don't think there will be one today, or at least I'm not expecting it, but maybe there will be one in the future though I said the same for Twitch...

>> No.23183619


>> No.23183620
Quoted by: >>23183682


>> No.23183649
Quoted by: >>23183682

Doubt posting...

>> No.23183669

she couldn't take it anymore...
she needed to talk to us...
she really loves us!!!!!!!

>> No.23183682

I was just trying to be reasonable but I underestimated how much Towa loves us... I'm sorry...

>> No.23183685
Quoted by: >>23183719

what's with those dumb noises...

>> No.23183719

That's just Towa...

>> No.23183747


>> No.23183764

this is very comfy

>> No.23183765

So that's the kind of music Towa listens to... That's girly...

>> No.23183807

So many Papakin TOWART lately...

>> No.23183814

I feel the schizoness leaving my brain...
Towa is healing me...

>> No.23183818

Towa's twitter space is dangerously close to gfe...

>> No.23183840

this is gfe

>> No.23183854

ahh I missed the first two minutes.

>> No.23183856

im gonna have a stupid smile on my face all day because of this!!!

>> No.23183867

Towa is the accidental gfe experience.

>> No.23183874

LMAO that sneeze

>> No.23183902
Quoted by: >>23184004

whats the song

>> No.23183911

Space just after I finish working. Towa really loves me a whole lot

>> No.23184004

Even she doesn't know...

>> No.23184005
Quoted by: >>23184035

where do they browse the random comments from, just the space tweet replies?

>> No.23184035
Quoted by: >>23184097

the hashtag

>> No.23184039


>> No.23184085
Quoted by: >>23184154

What did she say about mirroring ALGS?

>> No.23184090

TowaSuba sex...

>> No.23184097

arigatou i dont really use twitter except cruising for fanarts etc

>> No.23184121

Subaru is fattening up the Twap

>> No.23184145

Thank you, Shuba...

>> No.23184146

This is the towa content i need

>> No.23184154
Quoted by: >>23184245

She said she wants to do it if she's allowed to, but has to ask about it.

>> No.23184164

I need someone to compile a Towa playlist

>> No.23184173
File: 105 KB, 1078x1331, 1648101871631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuba I kneel

>> No.23184175
Quoted by: >>23184348

now all i need is a chill mahjong stream

>> No.23184200

wtf kyut

>> No.23184205

I'm smiling like a dumbass...

>> No.23184210

>listening to bump'n'grind RnB with Towa

>> No.23184229

She's actually so cute

>> No.23184236

i dont believe anybody who says shes close to being a hag like just listen to this

>> No.23184239

not only did she come back early, but she's also spoiling us with a cute space...

>> No.23184245

If she can't get permissions I hope she'll do a watchalong anyway, I really want to watch ALGS with her again...

>> No.23184254

I missed these cute noices...

>> No.23184257

towa RnB...

>> No.23184264

lol her eigo

>> No.23184348
Quoted by: >>23184430

With a surprise elf guest.

>> No.23184430

Do any of the holoelves play mahjong? Imagine if a sudden Flare mahjong collab, our resident elfriend would be happy lol

>> No.23184450

god she's sooo perfect my beautiful handsome wife ilysm pls be mine hnnnnn

>> No.23184501

I guess her Mom's not there yet if she's blasting music at 2AM

>> No.23184508

The difference between the music she makes and the music she listens to is pretty fun

>> No.23184549

It actually is towamama blasting the music...

>> No.23184558

It doesn't seem that loud to me?

>> No.23184569

She's such a kid...

>> No.23184608

i want her to talk to me like she talks to that dumb cat

>> No.23184657

god i love this so much

>> No.23184707

Towa's cute English.

>> No.23184713

hahahahahaha this fucking dork

>> No.23184714

Kek tower eigo

>> No.23184716

Eigo wakarimasen~!?

>> No.23184746


>> No.23184759
Quoted by: >>23184853

Towa suddenly sounding sad...

>> No.23184813

when is towasama gonna dance in a pool at night when the moonlight is at its peak

>> No.23184853
Quoted by: >>23184888

Your words have no impact on me while I'm listening to Towa!My menhera will not be riled...!

>> No.23184880

those sneezes... home...

>> No.23184888
Quoted by: >>23184945

My emotions are linked to Towa when she streams, if she's happy I'm happy, if she's sad I'm sad!

>> No.23184924

I don't know what happened during that break but she should do that more often

>> No.23184938

towa should play zero escape!

>> No.23184945

and when she's hungry i scream I'm hungry, I'm hungry!

>> No.23184953
Quoted by: >>23185036

I don't want to be away from Towa...

>> No.23184962

She actually took time off instead of working through it for once

>> No.23184977

The key was cakes with Subaru.

>> No.23184997
Quoted by: >>23185034

I made towa wear a thong, you're welcome

>> No.23185034

No matter what Towa says she does not wear any, her mama is always right.

>> No.23185036

I don't either but it will happen, I would rather have her come back full of energy like that than coming back even more tired

>> No.23185073

Towa has shit tastes in anime.

>> No.23185079

I haven't seen any Disney movie... I'm sorry Towa...

>> No.23185102

Like all Holos...

>> No.23185105
File: 60 KB, 371x462, 1642521527054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23185142


>> No.23185157

I can fix it...!She will learn the glory of cute girls doing cute things...!

>> No.23185201

Traumatising Towa by showing her weird anime...

>> No.23185260

fuck you, deadmans wonderland was based

>> No.23185280

Showing her school live and goblin slayer...

>> No.23185295

this girl sure is smart...

>> No.23185296

thank you towa, you made my day. Work is going to be bearable now

>> No.23185319
File: 291 KB, 432x428, 1615475392639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in incredibly sexy towa

>> No.23185320

Angel's Egg with Towa...

>> No.23185391
Quoted by: >>23185506

well anon, have you tattoo'd towa's mark on your penis? She's going to check for them you know

>> No.23185433

getting towa to watch the remake of logh before the original one

>> No.23185506

I don't feel okay putting it anywhere considering I've been following her for less than a year

>> No.23185514

>wants to sing an English version of Palette

>> No.23185537

This is the world...

>> No.23185563

Imagine she's like that even offstream, her mother must be really disappointed...

>> No.23185630

I'm sure she's used to it by now.

>> No.23185645

I will make a Towa baby for mama...

>> No.23185674

that was cool...

>> No.23185692

towasama kakkoi...

>> No.23185700

This feels like the happiest she's been in months...

>> No.23185704

Why?She's really cute! Feels weird considering my sister is the same age as her...

>> No.23185713

im happy! im happy!

>> No.23185731

i hope to god someone is recording this because i have been dipping in and out

>> No.23185759

don't worry about it

>> No.23185774

How naked do you think Towa is during these?

>> No.23185796


>> No.23185879

I love towasama...

>> No.23185888

Thats it,I'm taking a page out of my mudslime neighbours book and suicide bomb their internet provider to rid Towa of this long dead meme by depriving them internet access!

>> No.23185900

i am, but i started recording 10 minutes ago when it was already ongoing. hope i didnt miss much

>> No.23185901
File: 91 KB, 600x705, retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really feeling this right now, holy fuck this is bad for my heart.

>> No.23185906

I just missed 45 minutes of Towasama...

>> No.23185934

She would be wearing only t shirt and panties (no bra of course) just because she doesn't want to get too much of her body juice on her Herman miller chair

>> No.23185991


>> No.23186019

>body juice
Thats a weird way to describe sweat anon...you are talking about sweat right...?

>> No.23186024

shes talking about poop....
she really is back...

>> No.23186042

i think she said at the start she was on the floor, not 100% sure because space quality + toddler japanese

(do not lewd Towa on the floor)

>> No.23186053

I bet she wears boy shorts.

>> No.23186074

hey bro...

>> No.23186108

sup groupies....

>> No.23186123

is she reading off from the hashtag?

>> No.23186125

oh no, she's got into saying hey bro

>> No.23186129

how long until she completely forgets japanese...

>> No.23186131


>> No.23186139
File: 110 KB, 713x980, 1610147367788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t done my reps in a long while so I don’t understand shit about what she’s saying rn, but her voice is so comfy so I’ll keep listening as I drink my morning coffee.

>> No.23186169
Quoted by: >>23186193

No, she's just making up comments out of thin air

>> No.23186174


>> No.23186193

Not again...

>> No.23186206

bibi is feeding her our thoughts

>> No.23186227


>> No.23186267

I love autistic Towa noises.

>> No.23186276

So this is what it's like to have a girlfriend? It seems nice...

>> No.23186296
Quoted by: >>23186433

friends with benefits experience

>> No.23186304

I think this is what it's like to have a bro

>> No.23186307

Towa saying hey bro while slapping your ass...

>> No.23186312

There's so much Towa eigo this space... I love it.

>> No.23186318

Bro (wife)

>> No.23186319
Quoted by: >>23186410

This is what Bora gets to hear every night...

>> No.23186347

This is basically me and my friends discord but I dont want to breed my friends

>> No.23186367

Giving her a brojob. As a joke of course.

>> No.23186410

The only thing Bora hears is schlicking sounds

>> No.23186433

I don't know what it's like either...

My friends are less dorky than that...

>> No.23186454

hm eigo space...

>> No.23186455

lol hey sis!

>> No.23186464

My Towa is learning strange stuff again...

>> No.23186476

my dork of a sister...

>> No.23186491


>> No.23186517

bro... you totally raise me up bro...

>> No.23186558

Towa sisters...

>> No.23186625

Cr sisters...

>> No.23186669

God I wish I was that cat

>> No.23186695

Towa coming home and pressing her face against your stomach...

>> No.23186712
Quoted by: >>23186784

Your balls anon...

>> No.23186718

Btw Hearts cover is 4k away from 1m

>> No.23186736

Kotaro was almost Kinako...

>> No.23186766
Quoted by: >>23186848

What song is this?

>> No.23186784
Quoted by: >>23186822

A fair price to pay all things considered

>> No.23186822

No towababy...

>> No.23186848


>> No.23186857
Quoted by: >>23187042

Cats and devils can't make babies, Anon... Even if he had his balls.

>> No.23186866

towa humming.....

>> No.23186881

I want to be the cat, anon, balls or no balls theres no towababy

>> No.23186894
Quoted by: >>23186956

Towa wants to sing an English song...!

>> No.23186956

towa butchered pronunciations in born to be real and wants to do what now?

>> No.23187012

She will butcher an English song and YOU will like it!

>> No.23187031

Huffing Kotaro 20 times a day...

>> No.23187042
Quoted by: >>23187109

Im sure theres a doujin that proves that wrong! Theres doujins for everything! if theres a doujin retelling junko furuta's story anything is possible

>> No.23187066
Quoted by: >>23187315

it took me a really long time to even be able to tell she was saying English words in that song...

>> No.23187103

English duet with her daughter then?

>> No.23187109

Botan hasn't been able to make a Towa baby yet...

>> No.23187158

She wont read my comments...

>> No.23187184

baby making sex with towababy..

>> No.23187206
File: 55 KB, 210x110, 1644932477396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me the damn Nicki Minaj duet already

>> No.23187213

Are you a girl?

>> No.23187228

This is a bit out of topic but, can someone outside of Japan buy tickets to the solo lives? I think Suisei's was sold by lottery or something
Last year solo lives where at the end of the year and Towa seems to be in line to get one soon...

>> No.23187268

She read mine.
The one with the dog

>> No.23187315
Quoted by: >>23187395

I feel like thats every japanese singer with every japanese song with english in it ever

>> No.23187317


>> No.23187343

I didn't know she can whistle...

>> No.23187388


>> No.23187395

it depends heavily on the jap singer, but more often than not youre right

>> No.23187398
Quoted by: >>23187428

Anon whistling isn't hard...

>> No.23187404

She can catwhistle too...!

>> No.23187407
Quoted by: >>23187420

sorry guys if you don't mind me singing in her room.

>> No.23187413
Quoted by: >>23187455

>taking another break at the start of May

>> No.23187420

please sing louder

>> No.23187428

Well then why cant I do it!?!?

>> No.23187455
Quoted by: >>23187491


>> No.23187467

Is someone saving this?
I kinda need it.

>> No.23187491
Quoted by: >>23187777

Her Mom is coming to visit, I guess maybe she's not moving in after all? Probably will take Golden Week off I guess.

>> No.23187492

Make your mouth into a O and try to push air so it comes out from the upper half

>> No.23187508

Have you tried licking your lips before you whistle?

>> No.23187514

She said recording was STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

>> No.23187527

Rm activity on May, Let's goooooooooooo

>> No.23187532

it's forbidden

>> No.23187538


>> No.23187545

dont worry anon if you asked me 3 weeks ago if I could whistle I would have said no and im 25yo

>> No.23187570

Quiet down, you.

>> No.23187595


>> No.23187598

This anon needs Towa banana correction.

>> No.23187699

put your tip of the tongue on your mouth roofing, stick er there, by rolling it backwards, and make sure you have two airholes on the two sides of your tongue. You will be puffing your cheeks to do this to give a bit more room to bend your toungue backwards. Make your lips into o shape, and start pump out air through your mouth

>> No.23187702

towa is alone in her apartment with only a cat...
listening to weird slow songs...
coping with her existence by making dumb noises and humming...

>> No.23187715
Quoted by: >>23187813

Towa singing early 2010s pop...

>> No.23187725

shes just like me...

>> No.23187743
Quoted by: >>23187787

I'm listening on this Space with my 3 accounts and all I can hear is 3 Towas being stupid late night and I can't sleep.

>> No.23187777

Well did she at least give a date when she would come back?I wasnt paying attention...

>> No.23187787

If you make a Towa tulpa, you can have 4!

>> No.23187807
Quoted by: >>23187839

Doesn't she have a house now? Unless I misunderstood

>> No.23187813

Owl city is great.

>> No.23187834

Reminscing a simpler time with Towa-sama...

>> No.23187837
Quoted by: >>23187880

Towa space - sounds to relax and study to

>> No.23187839

yeah, my house

>> No.23187862


>> No.23187868

Oh no

>> No.23187869


>> No.23187871


>> No.23187880

Towa is finally in my city!

>> No.23187908

this fucking fat fuck....

>> No.23187911

Kotaro was bad!

>> No.23187938

kotachi needs correction....

>> No.23188009

i thought towa wasnt gfe..

>> No.23188042

I want Towa to get angry at me.

>> No.23188045


>> No.23188047

what made you think that?

>> No.23188072

Its because she does it by accident is why we are here in the first place...

>> No.23188090
Quoted by: >>23188354

She isn't. It's just that everything she does is what kenzoku want in a gf. There's no experience.

>> No.23188105
Quoted by: >>23188128

Listen to her solo ninecraft disneyland stream and say that again,I dare you

>> No.23188110

I wonder how much time she takes daily to take care of Kotaro's bullshit.

>> No.23188128

why is that the only stream i missed from her in a long while...

>> No.23188141

oh, guess ill stop recording.

>> No.23188170

All vtubers are gfe

>> No.23188185

Lamy? R*Shia? Get those fake shit outta here.
Towa's the real GFE.
Wait, it's not even an experience.
She really is our girlfriend.

>> No.23188248

towa falling asleep during the space...!

>> No.23188251

I love this sleepy retard so much...

>> No.23188273

>keeps kenzoku up late at night/early in the morning with space

>> No.23188286

I want to cry...

>> No.23188293

i will download this fucking space and never delete it ever

>> No.23188297

There have been a lot of really cute giggles in this space...

>> No.23188354
Quoted by: >>23188495

Theres quite a number of ryan gosling towa edits floating round here for a reason you know

>> No.23188399

when towa does gfe once in a while it blows out every other ones

>> No.23188463

Towa is so weird. I want one...!

>> No.23188482

>Towa can't afford Spotify premium

>> No.23188495

Michelle Roran-san...

>> No.23188538

You mean every solo stream?

>> No.23188540
Quoted by: >>23188570

That's just because she's the one you love.

>> No.23188554

The only people who say that shit are people who don't watch Towa enough.

>> No.23188565
Quoted by: >>23188814

Riding a bike with Towa...

>> No.23188570

stop hitting me like this

>> No.23188594

golden week with mama...

>> No.23188699

oh wow, overwatch 2 has a proper midgame scoreboard, eliminations, deaths, damage, healing etc

>> No.23188731
Quoted by: >>23188767

Is she okay?

>> No.23188743
Quoted by: >>23188803

Any space with a similar experience?
This space reminds me so much of my night call with my ex

>> No.23188767

She's geeking out over Ghibli movies

>> No.23188803

There's a link in the OP with all her space archives

>> No.23188814

Riding Towa…

>> No.23188835
Quoted by: >>23189095

I want to smoke a blunt with towa...

>> No.23188991
File: 149 KB, 1080x249, 1648142540222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23189019

>> No.23189011

so what do I need to become a ghibli protag?

>> No.23189015


>> No.23189016


>> No.23189019
File: 1.54 MB, 2160x2700, 97851228_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suityan love!

>> No.23189079
Quoted by: >>23189355

Smoke 10 packs of cigarettes with Hayao Miyazaki and say anime sucks when you meet him in person.

>> No.23189095

Ketamine with Twi...

>> No.23189126

Make the best anime ever

>> No.23189241
Quoted by: >>23189410

i have to leave soon....
i don't wanna leave twap..............

>> No.23189268
Quoted by: >>23189394


>> No.23189298

Giru kun is still there too. I don't remember them interacting at all tho.

>> No.23189355

I still it humerous Ghibil's Hayao Miyazaki is one of the most bitter guys Ive ever seen and hates the industry hes working in and Junji Ito the name most likely to come up when people ask about horror is an affable cat guy

>> No.23189363

I wish Towa was my gf (wife)

>> No.23189394

Hi sui-chan lol

>> No.23189405


>> No.23189410

>>23189241 (me)
life is not worth living........

>> No.23189418


>> No.23189432


>> No.23189445


>> No.23189463

i have to be strong
this will make me cum for days

>> No.23189488

Too much sexual pheromones in one twitter space...

>> No.23189496

Toaw... and Suityan!!!
I feel blessed!

>> No.23189544
Quoted by: >>23189586

I need to save this.
I can use this for days.

>> No.23189586
Quoted by: >>23189650

Do NOT masturbate to the Towa space!

>> No.23189588
File: 1.27 MB, 1500x1100, 1649237476627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23189625

>> No.23189619
Quoted by: >>23189751

This is the GFE where my normally shy girlfriend suddenly wanted to be very affectionate tonight and her loud sexy friend barged in as she was about to fall asleep in my arms but I don't mind!

>> No.23189625
Quoted by: >>23189792

Best singing duo and best friends

>> No.23189650


>> No.23189668

Friendship between girls looks nice...

>> No.23189751
Quoted by: >>23189807

NTRed by Suityan...

>> No.23189765

That friendship involves a lot of SEX tho.

>> No.23189792

Sex friends are the best kind of frieds

>> No.23189807

Not NTR! Just blueballed!

>> No.23189850

blue balled by blue woman from putting purple warrior into purple woman...

>> No.23189852

Friends with benefits!

>> No.23189891

Bring back dodgeball...

>> No.23189903

Why are they talking about dodgeball lol

>> No.23189921

i think if you get blueballed by someone stealing your wife that's NTR...

>> No.23189931

this space will challenge the times ive beaten meat to 1.5b

>> No.23189947

Suityan karaage ain't a sweet...

>> No.23190008
Quoted by: >>23190026

there is still a severe lack of suitowa sex or startend sex

>> No.23190026

>startend sex
Aqua hasn't been mentioned at all since Towa came back anon, it's time to let go

>> No.23190037

Towa sama is cool!

>> No.23190120

Suichan is so cute...

>> No.23190151
Quoted by: >>23190228

oh no no no no

>> No.23190152
Quoted by: >>23190228


>> No.23190166
Quoted by: >>23190228


>> No.23190167

>あくたん mention
Startend is not over...!

>> No.23190180
Quoted by: >>23190228


>> No.23190185
Quoted by: >>23190228


>> No.23190190

That was quick.

>> No.23190214


>> No.23190226


>> No.23190228

I'm sorry, I was wrong

>> No.23190249
Quoted by: >>23190298

>Mr. Koro mention

>> No.23190259

Both of them are reading this damn thread, and exclusively doing this twitter space at 4am because overseas kenzoku are overly clingy these past few days.

>> No.23190284
Quoted by: >>23190457

overseas hoshiyomi too, apparently

>> No.23190298
File: 387 KB, 1400x1050, FGiQt47VUAcDWo-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23190305

>these past few days
we're always like this

>> No.23190306

These dorks...

>> No.23190310

If you're reading this!!!

>> No.23190341
File: 16 KB, 561x302, 1460575473620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23190385

Towa giving me a guilty "sorry, we'll snuggle up in bed when she's gone" look, but me just grinning with content cos she is happy and having a nice time with her friend...

>> No.23190398

Shishiro Botan mention

>> No.23190416

that look is for suisei...

>> No.23190417

>Calli mention
>Kronii mention
Oh no no no no

>> No.23190433

Blue Korean woman...

>> No.23190437

They seem to be doing some holomem appreciation lol

>> No.23190444

God please no, not the pink woman

>> No.23190449

I'll snuggle with my daki... It's almost as good except the part when I feel loved...

>> No.23190457

> kenzoku has been clingy menhera due to her break
> Towa starts her Twitter space
> Hoshiyomi went full schizo due to her upcoming 1 month break
> Suityan has to join the Twitter space to alleviate the tension a bit.

>> No.23190479

B-but, カリさんかっこいい

>> No.23190531

Towa seemed like she was going to end soon anyway so Suityan is giving us bonus content

>> No.23190583

SuiTowa keeping me distracted from food cravings!

>> No.23190608

koyo is cute and gets along with towa pretty well

>> No.23190633

Towa should do a mengen watchalong of a SpongeBob movie.
I'd even pay an akasupa.
