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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2 KB, 320x320, 2tgoszny5q371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23120187 No.23120187 [Reply] [Original]

Funky Pixels edition

Welcome to VShojo+!
A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.
There is currently nothing going on.

Ignore cum, eat bait, exercise (embed)

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

Related Generals:
>>>/vt//nyan/ for more discussion of pink cat
>>>/vt//lig/ for more + and ++ talking action
>>>/vt//vsj+/ for OPs who forgot the subject

Previous thread: >>23086132

>> No.23120212

>no subject again edition

>> No.23120228

>no subject

>> No.23120246
File: 197 KB, 416x393, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job OP

>> No.23120303

no subject, wrong previous thread, ignoring zens stream...
close enough, i wasn't gonna do it anyway

>> No.23120307


>> No.23120308

This is why the bait poster is better

>> No.23120328
File: 48 KB, 840x666, 1641747033940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23120359

>no subject
>only one (embed) per link
At least Zen is live.

>> No.23120349
Quoted by: >>23120501

Vei possibly live soon

>> No.23120359
File: 5 KB, 127x28, EMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23120555


>> No.23120380


>> No.23120493
Quoted by: >>23120548

why bitch when you fucks didnt even make a thread. next time make a thread if youre gonna bitch and moan faggots

>> No.23120501
File: 404 KB, 1642x1502, 1650873570030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23120829

I hope Zen isn't doing food video reactions today, I won't be able to choose.

>> No.23120548
File: 3.02 MB, 590x650, INSAAANE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23120987

>new ip

>> No.23120555


Why would you want to get your ass eaten by a man and his girlfriend

>> No.23120625

why wouldn't you?
what are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.23120642

The pros of a girlfriend and the cons of a man. It's literally perfect. Why wouldn't anyone.

>> No.23120685

Actual previous thread: >>23100639

>> No.23120800
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, FRNEOm1XIAAmClA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23121983

Reposting because the thread died. Zen is live.

>> No.23120829
Quoted by: >>23121587

I find it hilarious that’s Zen’s actual maid outfit is a million times better than Vei’s

>> No.23120827

Because men know how to tongue your anus better than women but you need one to take part so you can claim it's not gay

>> No.23120841

d'you know what, making a completely wrong opening post has worked out

>> No.23120987
Quoted by: >>23121309


>> No.23121091
File: 1006 KB, 1188x694, 1643001197068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen teasing another emote. It's animated and has RGB lighting. Also Zen just said that May 20th is the date so I'm hoping it hasn't been pushed back.

>> No.23121156

next thread jerma985 will be listed among the vshojo members if you fellas don't make the thread before i do :))))

>> No.23121309
Quoted by: >>23121512

can't go faster than that, would be 1 static pic kek

>> No.23121435
File: 119 KB, 445x373, 1547068155507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23121501

>literal autistics getting this triggered that the subject line is empty

>> No.23121479

Oh yeah, 3 months of getting a free sub in Zein’s channel. Freeloading it through life, boys

>> No.23121501
File: 78 KB, 756x756, 1647905554842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23121849


>> No.23121512
File: 1.97 MB, 854x480, 1627885803004.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see

>> No.23121587
File: 755 KB, 220x220, 1627748180050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23121745

That's because she looks like an actual maid whose employer has a thing for light BDSM instead of a cosplaying prostitute.

>> No.23121745

Zen will give you attitude but will actually do the work.

Vei, she will give you attitude and not do any work. Maybe let you blow out her back but she’ll be laughing at you the whole time

>> No.23121767
Quoted by: >>23121863

we literally have the dumbest OPs on this entire site
goddamn newfags

>> No.23121849
File: 67 KB, 699x699, 1646002190175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23121863

thats a pretty good representation of >our vtubers then

>> No.23121983


>> No.23122055

The vtuber Zentreya is actually operated by an elite team of CIA agents

>> No.23122270
Quoted by: >>23122335

When "she" drums, there's actually a single agent playing each individual part of "her" kit.

>> No.23122335

that explains the lack of coordination

>> No.23122624
Quoted by: >>23122730

Zen deals coke and topples South American and Caribbean governments?

>> No.23122730

crack, not coke
coke is for white people, why would the CIA sell that?

>> No.23122784

Isn't crack just shitty coke?

>> No.23122842
Quoted by: >>23122937

That was the fbi

>> No.23122894

>Dr Nyan I’m CIA

>> No.23122937

crack is more potent and deadly, which is why they targeted non-whites with it
no, you're thinking of fentanyl

>> No.23122976

No, there's actually a chemical change that makes the substances distinct. Cocaine can't be smoke.

Also, the FBI was the one that distributed crack in inner cities inside burgerland. The CIA handles foreign missions.

>> No.23123020

i love zen's giant ponytail

>> No.23123188

Fuck you for recommending tobs now I can't ever get la mama de la mama de la mama de la mama de la mama out of my head

>> No.23123284

Take it to /lig/

>> No.23123308
Quoted by: >>23123575

>Cocaine can't be smoke.
oh, so you don't know wtf you're talking about, got it

>> No.23123322

welcome in welcome in enjoyyustay

>> No.23123358

you glow so hard i should just turn my lights off to conserve energy

>> No.23123381
File: 168 KB, 2000x1761, i love her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Mousey would let me lie down on her lap pillow and sing me to sleep u.u

>> No.23123429
File: 411 KB, 1448x2048, FQja9LAXwAoKNtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironmouse phone sex

>> No.23123477

If I recall, there’s a song that explains the whole process of making crack.

What I do recall, to make crack you need to use cocaine. The cocaine is cut with other things like baking soda and cooked to bond together. That’s as far as I know about it.

>> No.23123482
Quoted by: >>23123543

Ironmouse slapping and bouncing her tits

>> No.23123503

this has to be the most baller little caesars ordering pic of all time

>> No.23123543


>> No.23123560
Quoted by: >>23123690

>The cocaine is cut with other things like baking soda and cooked to bond together
This reminded me that I still want to see one of the girls playing Drug Dealer Simulator.

>> No.23123565
Quoted by: >>23123730

here it is

>> No.23123575

Cocaine denatures when a lighter flame burns it. Any amount inhaled that way is incidental from being carried by the smoke produced before being denatured. Crack can actually burn and still produce psychoactive effects when burned.

And cocaine is an acid. Crack is a base. They're chemically distinct.

>> No.23123672

freebasing cocaine with the /vsj+/ anons #goals

>> No.23123678
Quoted by: >>23123857

yeah, it's not the most effective method of consuming it, but some people still "spike" tobacco or weed with cocaine for a little buzz in some places

>> No.23123690
Quoted by: >>23123724

Pink Cat played it at least once.

>> No.23123724

She did? I will go check the archive, must have missed it

>> No.23123730

or this, im not sure

>> No.23123778

What's everybody's favorite Vshojo original song? Gotta be Mousey in the Bathroom (still counts w/out an official recording imo) or Lonely Heart for me

>> No.23123816
Quoted by: >>23123896

>Mousey in the Bathroom
it's a parody

>> No.23123857
Quoted by: >>23123931

I knew a guy who would dip his cigarettes in a pile of coke before lighting them. I always wanted to slap his shit when he did that.

>> No.23123896
Quoted by: >>23123995

Still counts, there are completely new lyrics and I think it's a certified Ironmouse classic. I wouldn't call foul on someone choosing Seiso, and that's a parody too

>> No.23123931

i feel that anon, what a knucklehead

>> No.23123995
Quoted by: >>23124043

changing 5% of the lyrics and singing over the music isn't "an original song" you fucking retard, any more than me ad libbing during karaoke

>> No.23123999
Quoted by: >>23124310

The Water's Call.

>> No.23124043

Mouse is more iconic than some gay boomer musical no one has seen

>> No.23124080

Foolish Heart

>> No.23124120
Quoted by: >>23124206

Sweaty Ironmouse breeding

>> No.23124148

The only options are Foolish Heart and Silver's songs right?

>> No.23124206

Hi Connor

>> No.23124215

Oh yeah also Melody

>> No.23124250

I think the stuff Nyan, Mouse, and Silver did with Magic Circuit probably qualifies, as does the stuff Nyan did with Aethel (even if most of that isn't officially out yet)

>> No.23124287

Release Die With Me already you fucking fags

>> No.23124310
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1594840345951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based.

>> No.23124351

It is now delayed for another month just to spite (You)

>> No.23124369

Ah, yeah. I'd probably qualify those as songs featuring them, but I'd understand including them

>> No.23124379

They are working out the kinks together atm, give it some time

>> No.23124384
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 1650586803876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23124430

I wish Mousey could be my qt latina weeb mommy gf and give me lots and lots of love and cook for me and mommy me u.u

>> No.23124430

shut up you fucking nigger

>> No.23124463

>wrong slur
come on man

>> No.23124467
File: 89 KB, 599x1199, FF8LkySXwAc_RjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23124483
Quoted by: >>23124563

Kill yourself

>> No.23124493
Quoted by: >>23124544

I wish Connor would spend all his free time with me and send me gifts from Japan u.u

>> No.23124499

Oh look shylily on when Vei is on
What a fucking surprise

>> No.23124525
Quoted by: >>23124637

Vei live. Elden ring today.

>> No.23124544

Wrong tab Mouse this isnt Nyan chat

>> No.23124563

No u.u

>> No.23124567
File: 584 KB, 1000x1200, 88628042_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23124660

I'm not a nigger, I'm a chink which is like the total opposite u.u

>> No.23124569
File: 12 KB, 844x80, 1650711496750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let Vei going live distract you from her bigotry against Firefox users

>> No.23124574

But zen is live :(

>> No.23124583

>not react shit
She will not get more than 10k viewers

>> No.23124625

She’s going to talk first though. That could mean react.

>> No.23124637
Quoted by: >>23124664

>elden ring
i should have known to not get excited for her stream. i wish that god damn game never came out its so fucking boring to watch

>> No.23124639
File: 1.46 MB, 1566x877, 1647172861203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen this new starting screen yet but i've also been late to the last few Vei streams.

>> No.23124644

you mean vei is on when shylily is live?

>> No.23124657

probably gonna sit in just chatting for a hour to build views

>> No.23124660
Quoted by: >>23124897

Both mistreat animals so are actually about the same

>> No.23124661
File: 714 KB, 905x694, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23124664
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>> No.23124700
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>> No.23124712

Mouse's simps tempt me to spill the beans and get banned

>> No.23124726


>> No.23124728
Quoted by: >>23124809

Well you heard the dragon /vsj+/ Who's going to take their pants off first.

>> No.23124801

Mouse simps are only unbearable on twitch, here Nyan simps are the annoying ones

>> No.23124809
File: 279 KB, 474x426, 1650723761974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine have been off this whole time anon

>> No.23124821
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, mousecop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try it

>> No.23124848

I'm a simp and already know, I don't care I like the mouse.

>> No.23124847
Quoted by: >>23125061

still seething over pink cat bros?

>> No.23124894

>spill the beans
I knew she was a man.

>> No.23124897
Quoted by: >>23125070

Latinos have cockfights.

White people are the only ones who treat animals right, like buying the sheep dinner before fucking it.

>> No.23124924
Quoted by: >>23124957

Retards do that shit anyway, and most people dont care once they do find out

>> No.23124945
File: 707 KB, 220x220, zentreya-vtuber.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23125061

It's the nyantis that make this place near-unbearable imo
At least it seems you're not the 'muh nyanfags' guy
Worst poster in /vt/

>> No.23124952

Mouse has no simps, retard

>> No.23124957
Quoted by: >>23125070

I don't think doxxfags realize that the mouse stuff just makes her situation even sympathetic

>> No.23124964

Everyone knows and doesn't care, newfag. Go back to whatever doxxnigger forum you came from.

>> No.23124972

Well you were wrong

>> No.23124990

>calling niggers based
Get out

>> No.23125061

Don't bother entertaining this dude. He's the same schizo that's been complaining about nyanposters for months. He's probably the "muh nyanfags" as well. And I'm pretty sure he's the same guy who was complaining about "catposters" until he was outed as a redditfag

>> No.23125070

Hi Connor. How's Mouse?

Yeah exactly, it's just retards that cant even understand doxx correctly and think something else happened

You sound like the faggot that's been spreading it around the clip channel comments on youtube

>> No.23125075

HasanAbi is on

>> No.23125076
File: 190 KB, 370x270, 1649510658272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people sperg about vei reacting when she plays for several hours after
Leave veibeya alone

>> No.23125096

based i hate that poster so fucking much, i was hoping he wouldn't show up again after posting his micro dick fucking freak

>> No.23125116
Quoted by: >>23125194

Vshojo good

>> No.23125134

Vei bad.

>> No.23125146

Haters gonna hate. Vei good

>> No.23125148

You will always have people bitch about something

>> No.23125194
Quoted by: >>23125329

Yes, but could be better. Hope they can learn from everything and grow from it.

>> No.23125195

they're mad their oshi isn't as popular

>> No.23125208

Vei good

>> No.23125211

how's it going, mouse?

>> No.23125219
File: 1.45 MB, 1000x1502, 1650911287034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23125295

Nyanfags there's your oshi.

>> No.23125229
Quoted by: >>23125548

seethe connor

>> No.23125239

vei bad

>> No.23125242
Quoted by: >>23125472

because food react content is cancer

>> No.23125269

vei maybe

>> No.23125295

this image now means that nyan is waiting to rope herself

>> No.23125320

connor, white microdicks are just as small as asian ones. mouse probably laughed it up to you just as much as she did to mouse's lap anon

>> No.23125328
File: 846 KB, 748x868, 1643542785228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vei cute. this just remindsme that i'm fucking annoyed that mouse has been wearing the same shitty fucking glasses asset for fucking ages now. she needs to just get a model that actually has glasses like vei

>> No.23125329
File: 33 KB, 680x716, 1650511474672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will be better soon when they hire euros

>> No.23125381
Quoted by: >>23125482

I prefer the retard glasses

>> No.23125397
File: 3.62 MB, 498x498, 1624795406491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23125447

Because Vei literally has a corpmate who does intro banter and react content well before playing a game.

Vei's react content isn't even as good as most of VShojo's GFE intro banter.

>> No.23125402

She can't afford it she spends all her money on virgin blood for the unholy rituals to keep her husk of a body alive

>> No.23125424
File: 2.20 MB, 1589x1014, 1620383822434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I got really curious to see if she's even bothered taking them off and every single vod visible without scrolling down has her wearing them lmao

>> No.23125441
File: 289 KB, 674x267, gmihv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God if Vei didn’t have such a shitty personality, I would actually consider fapping to her

>> No.23125447

Yeah but vei is not 3 Filipino children in a trenchcoat using tts

>> No.23125462

veibae does not know about microdosing

>> No.23125472
Quoted by: >>23125691

Any video involving the creation process of literally anything is boring as shit to watch. I don't hold it against Vei, though. All the girls do that shit.
If anything, Snuffy and those cancer crafting videos is way worse.

>> No.23125482
File: 107 KB, 342x437, FLEe5tEWUAMBM8R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23128660

this, mousey derp glasses have soul
vei professional glasses are soulless

>> No.23125494

Connor is actually packing, confirmed by his editor

>> No.23125502

Vei deepthroats the entire drugs like she deepthroats the entire anything.

>> No.23125548
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 1641194416344.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never brought up connor or race you monkeys are obsessed with white people lmao

>> No.23125560

real Vei clueless hours

>> No.23125571
Quoted by: >>23125796

whatever you say connor

>> No.23125584

Has Ironmouse ever talked about her body posture while singing before? I assume that she's still in her bed but with the back sat up, since there's no way in hell she's able to belt like that laying down but I don't think she's strong enough to stand up without exertion for 100% breath support.

>> No.23125638
Quoted by: >>23125720

what other r word does vei mean if it isnt retard

>> No.23125639

She has pillows to support her up im pretty sure

>> No.23125640
Quoted by: >>23126507

I don't think she has actually done any hard drugs. People mostly talk about microdosing with psychedelics

>> No.23125691

fuck off, Snuffy's one are great. She'd at least telling some kind of story or react or crack jokes. While Vei is just boring and not interesting. Cute, yes, but boring.

>> No.23125703

To be fair his cock appears in every cosplay vid, he’s not packing that much but just above your average white guy.

>> No.23125720
Quoted by: >>23125835


>> No.23125724

What do you expect from ricecels who pretend to have a relationship with a 3d model.

>> No.23125727
Quoted by: >>23125765

Mouse sex ASMR when

>> No.23125747
File: 142 KB, 1280x1811, nyan (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23126452

I want to wedgie Nyan!

>> No.23125765

her patreon

>> No.23125792
Quoted by: >>23126043

she has a medical bed

>> No.23125796


>> No.23125803

Dead patreon

>> No.23125807


>> No.23125813
File: 82 KB, 307x300, spill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23125835

ah makes sense, don't think i've used that while gaming since like 2012

>> No.23125865
Quoted by: >>23125976

I thought that was kind of a weird thing to mention so casually but maybe I don't get it because my dick is too small for anyone to boast about it

>> No.23125883

Vei is a drug dealer confirmed
She's going to the USA to expand her business

>> No.23125884
Quoted by: >>23125923

Ironmouse is pretty small so even a small dick looks big for her

>> No.23125889
Quoted by: >>23128756

She's got a motorised medical bed that can support you. I think Zen did a charity drive for mouse back before Vshojo took off

>> No.23125923

Yeah, but she's a thicc shortstack, so girth is even more important.

>> No.23125976
Quoted by: >>23126164

They were playing some question shit right? I remember that the VOD had to be deleted, but for the most part Mouse was on chat talking shit, and the only times she went quiet were when they mentioned her and when Evan mentioned his dick

>> No.23125996

Vei has Red Vox in her playlist holy smokes based beyond

>> No.23126012
Quoted by: >>23126149

>vei: who am i gonna collab with
>someone in chat: shylily is online
kek based

>> No.23126043
Quoted by: >>23126207

Yeah like >>23125792 says she has a medical bed. the video of her instantly smashing the dono goal to afford it is pretty iconic early mousey content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w42eJcyQR2U
I was just asking because I work with a lot of children with serious illnesses for a living, and one of them has recently expressed interest in recording music in her hospital bed. I was wondering if Mousey had ever discussed the bed headboard angle she found worked best for singing, how to set up recording equipment and such around the bed so she could control mic proximity mid-song, etc.

>> No.23126149

Does vei actually hate her or is it just a meme

>> No.23126164
Quoted by: >>23126347

I was talking about this https://twitter.com/Evanit0/status/1517063078432681984
I didn't know he was referencing something else. Guess it makes it slightly less weird.

>> No.23126172

petty bitch actually hates her

>> No.23126206

No she doesn't

>> No.23126207

I'm not a pro but I think I've heard laying on your back is a good singing position

>> No.23126214
Quoted by: >>23126261

mostly a meme i dont think she hates her just was annoyed at her before

>> No.23126261
Quoted by: >>23126326

She was never annoyed at shylily, she was annoyed at people spamming about her in chat

>> No.23126288

hate might be too much but she clearly isn't fond of her

>> No.23126294
File: 544 KB, 641x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23126309

Vei really doesn't get the appeal of the pink sweater. Has zero charm of the original.

>> No.23126326

>She was never annoyed at shylily
>won't even say her name
>lobbed an accusation at her without ever talking to her
>told people not to watch her

>> No.23126347

Oh that’s right that just happened, but yeah it was an old joke between them. But he’s probably right, I mean Evan did meet Connor once, and the dude constantly saw his imprint on the cosplay vids

>> No.23126375

She has said her name

>> No.23126383
File: 2.10 MB, 636x270, vader.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23126412

Veispergs aren't known for being smart

>> No.23126452
Quoted by: >>23126485


>> No.23126472

She actually told people to go sub to her pretty recently

>> No.23126485
Quoted by: >>23126553


>> No.23126507

>I don't think she has actually done any hard drugs.
pfft what a fucking loser imagine not being a heroin addict

>> No.23126544

Shylily is nyanners alt experiment to see how successful you can be as the worst Vtuber of all time

>> No.23126553

yes I'm the one who needs meds

>> No.23126560

vei wants to go for the rainhoe model KEK

>> No.23126609
File: 79 KB, 205x230, 1649341510478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate

>> No.23126640

bruh vei browses kiwifarms what the hell

>> No.23126650

>vei goes on kiwifarms
jesus christ what is wrong with her

>> No.23126709
File: 7 KB, 811x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why tho

>> No.23126713

This place isn't schizo enough for her

>> No.23126745

broccoli kitty in vei chat. vei has been watching her DnD streams.

i would totally be okay with DnD streams DM'ed by broccoli kitty.

>> No.23126751


>> No.23126766

Raiding and brigading were banned on here years ago, where else do you expect people to go who want to make fun of others?

>> No.23126772

Vei still plans on buying a house for her parents. Vei good.

>> No.23126817
File: 10 KB, 598x133, chrome_mP8ZmXjzsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vshosisters... Oh no no no no no

>> No.23126855
Quoted by: >>23126887


>> No.23126859

So people can have the emote they want

>> No.23126887

vshojo co-founder

>> No.23126931
Quoted by: >>23127365

Stop vagueposting and tell us where Gunrun touched you

>> No.23126940

Froot invited vei to a con

>> No.23126960
Quoted by: >>23127079

Strange, I can only see this tweet on my Firefox™ browser.

>> No.23127029
Quoted by: >>23127061

She won't go

>> No.23127045


>> No.23127054
Quoted by: >>23127125

maybe the theory of a few wrong rejection letters were sent out friday might have some weight.

>> No.23127061
Quoted by: >>23127277

She’s to nervous

>> No.23127079

hide. I could hear Vei taking her glock on stream.

>> No.23127084

>be me, Veibae
>browse a kiwifarms thread about myself and decide to do a little trolling
>sperg out about what a fucking whore I am using 5 different alts, creating 3 new rrats in the process
>move onto the next Vshojo girl and repeat the process, all while workshopping my increasingly insane schizoposts with Soda and friends
>Spend two hours in the bath later that evening, giggling at the rando rage that comes flooding in and jacking off

>> No.23127087
Quoted by: >>23127160

Why does she unzip the sweater the whole vibe is that it’s zipped up. Coomers ruin everything.

>> No.23127088

we already knew this anon....
vei said she declined cause she has social anxiety or something

u never know tho when it gets near she might go

>> No.23127094

Vshojo fans hating Shylily is the purest form of tribalism. No gap in quality. No gap in how good or bad the people actually are (if anything Lily's better). Just pure personal preference.

>> No.23127108
Quoted by: >>23127157

possible RTX vei to go along with RTX froot?

>> No.23127125
Quoted by: >>23127187

It's because musk just bought twitter. Won't go any further than that as to not shit up the thread

>> No.23127136

>Vshojo fans
It's like three faggots, everyone else doesn't give a shit

>> No.23127157

Vei isn’t into cos playing

>> No.23127160

>Why does a whore do whore things

>> No.23127187

And how could you tell it's that?

>> No.23127205

I dislike Lily because she is boring as fuck and she did fake subathon, not because of any rrats about her and Vei/Vshojo

>> No.23127206
File: 932 KB, 1500x844, 1632742925674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vei said she's addicted to Crossy Road. Never heard of it but the screenshots look like Frogger lmao

>> No.23127208

I don't care about her, just stop baiting faggots here with your /lig/ger

>> No.23127221

Froot wants to cuck Mouse and Soda at the same time by arranging a threesome between herself, Vei, and Connor

>> No.23127231
Quoted by: >>23127343

>froot, vei, rainhoe and connor irl collab

>> No.23127277

Would that be the first time she meets froot

>> No.23127290

Wow, it sounds like she really wants to patch things up between the two of them

>> No.23127295
Quoted by: >>23127327

i'm going to pink cat fap

>> No.23127301

In person yes

>> No.23127327
File: 819 KB, 2800x4040, sexcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23127340
File: 1.96 MB, 960x1792, 1623570664636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In person yeah. And since Froot might be cosplaying as herself it'd probably make it obvious that a girl hanging out with her would be Vei as soon as she speaks lol

>> No.23127338
Quoted by: >>23127709

literally no vshojo streamer has met another vshojo streamer

>> No.23127343

It could see it happening, Connor misses getting wasted after cons, although Rain is gonna try and rape him in that case

>> No.23127365
File: 17 KB, 740x149, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23127385
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>> No.23127398

holy based

>> No.23127416
File: 998 KB, 1044x877, 1638203688192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23127476
Quoted by: >>23127542

Holy fuck, Mow if you are /here/.

Fuck you piece of shit, your fucking company rejected the sex fox, hope it’s a mistake

>> No.23127492
File: 1.11 MB, 800x684, 1640185673512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23127532

Well, somebody's /here/

>> No.23127542
Quoted by: >>23127590

Well he's not been happy recently, so maybe he didn't like that rejection

>> No.23127556
File: 225 KB, 1747x1170, 9AB45271-35E8-4D8B-8383-11EA4F4BF214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23127567

Vei's told viewers to look at pictures of her face anon, people are going to recognize her no matter what unless she goes in a full gecko zen costume or something

>> No.23127590
Quoted by: >>23127680

Wouldn’t he have a huge say in who gets rejected or not

>> No.23127596
File: 1.04 MB, 390x294, 1643291079697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mowtendoo to Snuffy and Anny

>> No.23127606

ironmouse's big latina tits

>> No.23127636
File: 226 KB, 463x453, snuffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snuffy was rejected because she fought back against Gunrun's NFT plans

>> No.23127638

I'm annoied by the way she does her voice, but I think she is good

>> No.23127655
File: 46 KB, 160x160, little raisin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23127725

>I don't want spirit hunter shit, I want [real paranormal] shit!
>Should I get a spirit box? What if it doxes me?

>> No.23127678

its about Elon buying Twitter, MTND is a turbo lib

>> No.23127680

Probably, or maybe he doesn’t. Out of both founders I often find funny how Mow is the one that simps the most

>> No.23127697
File: 110 KB, 1200x675, FRNgnqNXIAINlnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23127709
Quoted by: >>23127874

Didn't Nyan meet Mel

>> No.23127725
File: 106 KB, 600x705, Rhubards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23127946

Hard to not love this retard

>> No.23127817

Following up on this, what's your favorite Vshojo cover (karaoke or otherwise)? Mine is probably Ironmouse on And I am Telling You, she just absolutely goes off on that song every time it comes up on the setlist

>> No.23127824

i mean its not like vei hides her RTX, she tells people to fucking google it constantly.

>> No.23127841

Do parodies count? I'd say Seiso then

>> No.23127874

there is literally no evidence to suggest this other than mel didn't stream the day nyan was LA (but did a cb stream next day)

>> No.23127891

whelp hes /here/, mowtendoo if you see this.
PLEASE tell us that the rejection to trash panda and ukraian fox was a mistake and that you are bringing in both them and the moose.

>> No.23127909

Girls should probably hire a bodyguard if they do cons

>> No.23127918

That bodyguard? Me.

>> No.23127934
Quoted by: >>23128254

When I look at You or Just Breathe, they speak volumes of Mouse and she really loves signing it, since are the songs which she has improve the most over time.

The funniest it has to be the lion king one, just because I love how it feels like Mouse is Scar and the hyenas is chat.

>> No.23127938
Quoted by: >>23128254

Mouse singing Breathe

>> No.23127946

Add bratty to that and I’ll be rock hard

>> No.23127979

If the UK is like France there should be cops with machine guns at the ready, the UK is even more Muslamic since they tolerate prayer schools and shit so prolly

>> No.23127986
Quoted by: >>23128098

I hope they hire a big negro so someone takes a pic and uses it to shitpost here for the next 4 years

>> No.23128032

I mean, the most guests walk around the con just fine, and they have private rooms that guests can use, especially the big convention complexes. SO many backrooms that regular attendees can't access.

But I seem to frequently misjudge just how crazy some fans can be.

>> No.23128047
Quoted by: >>23128854

archive anon doko?

>> No.23128050

Hey, /vsj+/ I was curious so I made two polls to determine the preferences of the users of this general.

The first poll asks how many Vshojo girls do you watch regularly?

The second poll is a follow up for the anons who answered that they only watch one Vshojo girl. I simply want to know which Vshojo girl you watch if you only watch one.

I'm going to repost this message once a thread for a few days so I can get an accurate result as possible. I'm just interested in seeing what happens.

>> No.23128070

like here? >>23126709
"the other streamer" could be anyone anon

>> No.23128098

They are unironically stupid if they don't. Worst thing that happens in a con someone gropes you but still. It's pocket money for them to hire a scary eastern european guy to follow them around for one day

>> No.23128104

I feel like the 2nd poll is too easy to be flawed since you're expecting an honor system

>> No.23128105


Vei will have to deal with containment breach and her wanting to cuck Soda

Froot, I think some people may be protective of her which is its own set of problems. I just don’t want her to get scared off and go back into hiding.

>> No.23128118

I mean I watch all of them, but not equally. Some I'll watch almost all of there content, some I'll watch only if there's nothing else to watch

>> No.23128126

I'm not paying for a ticket if I can't grope the girls

>> No.23128129

Definie "regularly"

>> No.23128187

fuck, i'm retarded

>> No.23128197
Quoted by: >>23128271

Worst thing about the UK con scene are the cliques and the camera dudes, average person isn't too bad.
I dunno, Vshojo are not "that" special when you have big name actors, VAs, cosplayers, etc. on the show floor, MCM is literally the tamest, safest con there is in the UK.

>> No.23128200


With a constant or definite pattern
there you go retard

>> No.23128253
Quoted by: >>23128532

Maybe a better poll is something like "which girls do you watch" and it's one you can pick multiple answers for

>> No.23128254

When I Look at You is a great choice, I agree that it's a great benchmark to see how far she's come. The other Mousey song that absolutely destroys me is She Used to be Mine. Something about how the lyrics line up with her own situation and how clearly she's singing the song from a very personal place...
I'm not a big Lin Manuel Miranda fan generally, but In the Heights has a few bangers and Breathe is definitely one of them.

>> No.23128271
Quoted by: >>23128317

I think vei and nyan are big enough to have some mean schizo do some stupid prank on them irl

>> No.23128270


>> No.23128317

Would love to see Nyan in her gimp suit, tied up, and gagged. Now that’ll bring in a crowd!

>> No.23128346

Better option: Girls will bring guns, fans who cross the line will be shot

>> No.23128369


>> No.23128374

yoci singing

>> No.23128385

I feel like even if someone didn't answer the first poll the second poll is still applicable.
You don't have to watch them equally for it to apply to "regularly." Just often enough that the word "exclusive" does not apply. "Regularly" is the opposite of "exclusively" in this context. This is so the second poll can apply. If you only watch one Vshojo "exclusively" then you don't watch the others "regularly".

>> No.23128390

No guns in the UK

>> No.23128406
File: 722 KB, 200x200, nyanbrane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23128435

Froot will bring her M1911A1. You want to touch her? You better dodge 15 rounds before she reloads.

>> No.23128495

And Vei is pulling her usual non-weekend numbers while Lily has hers. There's virtually no reason to believe anybody is stealing audience any more. Lily has cultivated her simps who watch her for whatever reason. I still don't understand what her appeal is to make her the second or third largest indie vtuber on Twitch but whatever.

>> No.23128507
File: 451 KB, 941x1329, Oshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is pink cat general

>> No.23128532

What I'm trying to determine is how many anons of this general only watch one Vshojo girl compared to how many watch multiple Vshojo girls and which Vshojo girl that is. I'm curious about the answer to both questions.

>> No.23128537

What happened bros, you told me reacting garenteed vei high views

>> No.23128545

lol wasn't this even after the nyan thread was made?

>> No.23128555

dont worry if the girls go to cons in their own time and not there to rep Vshojo they will just say they didnt go or arent planning to go so they can hide it from their viewers

>> No.23128577

Nyanners could easily get a cold 1 mil from Elon by simply exploiting his well-documented love of cunny (see connection w/ Ghislaine Maxwell) and re-recording a private version of a certain song for him

>> No.23128589

who tf votes on these polls retard

>> No.23128611

React andys are feeling ill and can't make it to stream today

>> No.23128618

NA is still at work

>> No.23128629

guess the nice boost she got after her re-debut if dwindling away, the bloom is off the rose

>> No.23128636
Quoted by: >>23128671

I would like to know for sure that is the case which is why I'm determined to post my two polls over multiple threads over multiple days. Of course I can't do anything about trolls or false flags but over time I feels like more anons will be honest than not. It's a harmless poll after all.

>> No.23128648
Quoted by: >>23128752

Pink Cat could get impregnated by Elon Musk. He might even do it for the meme and make all the spergs, goslings, and parasocials jealous

>> No.23128656

xqc is just hogging the viewers

>> No.23128660
Quoted by: >>23128750

Can't I like both?

>> No.23128671

I mean that poll is just asking for their oshi, doesn't necessarily mean the polls you made ask for the same thing

>> No.23128685

Huh, I didn't realise they actually sold twitter to him.

>> No.23128687

scary videos are fucking trash

>> No.23128727

Phone sex with the mouse

>> No.23128728
Quoted by: >>23128780

But why so many with Nyan as their oshi? I love Nyan's content, but she doesn't have my heart.

>> No.23128750


>> No.23128752
Quoted by: >>23128795

considering the last female he bred was Grimes, Nyan might actually be a little too normie for him

>> No.23128756
Quoted by: >>23128807

Zen did a charity for IDF in her name, Mousey asked her followers for a donation goal to buy a new "workplace" and got her goal filled before she could finish explaining it. This was back before she got huge.

>> No.23128761
Quoted by: >>23128887

>literally the same person just a different gender and virtual
Fucking male privilege

>> No.23128780

Idk i guess it's just the type of fanbase, after all they even got their own general
On the opposite side Vei has a pretty low amount in the poll for her size

>> No.23128795
Quoted by: >>23128823

I don’t know. How can you say no to Pink Cat when she’s presenting herself?

>> No.23128807

anon this is 4chan, it would be wise to clarify which IDF

>> No.23128819
Quoted by: >>23128887

Fucking fleshies holding the vtuber tag hostage and stealing views from smaller streamers

>> No.23128823
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 1644387765176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23128884

True you'd have to be gay to say no to this

>> No.23128853

Mouse is backed by the Soros Foundation

>> No.23128854
Quoted by: >>23128867

I hope he finally killed himself, one nyanfag less to shit up the thread.

>> No.23128867


>> No.23128884

Don’t forget her showing you how to stroke it, too.

She’s making me act up again.

>> No.23128887
File: 205 KB, 1313x843, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She has the highest viewer overlap with him. And he has unusually high view count atm because he is restreaming the trail.

>> No.23128911

>restreaming the trail

>> No.23128945
Quoted by: >>23129020

he meant trial, the Johnny Depp one

>> No.23128947
Quoted by: >>23129020

johnny depp amber heard

>> No.23128963

Froot has my heart and soul. I still don’t know where she put my soul at though. I know it’s not in the pantry.

>> No.23128975

Hey, nobody mentioned that zen is going t be playing Apex with Selen and Amalee

>> No.23129006

I see a break out coming soon! She double tested the bottom.

>> No.23129020

Why doesn't Vei do the same? I need a femcel's perspective

>> No.23129040

She almost decided to at the beginning of the stream. But decided against it

>> No.23129054

She thought about streaming it

>> No.23129065
Quoted by: >>23129106

hm, this may be the reason she had unusually high viewers yesterday, because neither of them were live

>> No.23129106
Quoted by: >>23129178

She usually gets higher numbers on weekends

>> No.23129178

>vei appeals to immature little boys home from school

>> No.23129181
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1641513917911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if we're doing polls here's an important one

Vei stay away from this one

>> No.23129196
File: 83 KB, 400x400, 1650916723345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i hate nyanfags.

>> No.23129208
Quoted by: >>23129249

You can have an oshi and still watch other vtubers/vshojos regularly. The first poll determines who does that. The second poll is a follow up determining which Vshojo anons like to watch exclusively.

>> No.23129219

like max, 15 from germany

>> No.23129225

>VShojo thread
No I really shouldn't have to clarify at all. People make that dumb joke even if you do.

>> No.23129238
File: 121 KB, 1142x1088, E69TBwdXsAInB0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23129471

veifags are worse

>> No.23129243
Quoted by: >>23129303

People have 9-5's still. I know it is easy to forget as a neet

>> No.23129249
Quoted by: >>23129385

The anon said the other poll isn't for exclusive watchers, it for people who watch "regularly"

>> No.23129268
Quoted by: >>23129471

t. nyanfag

>> No.23129275

Everyone gets more views on the weekend. It’s the fucking weekend.

>> No.23129303

Yeah, we do. It fucking sucks but I can afford to day trade, sub to Froot, and buy a lot of unnecessary shit.

>> No.23129312

No wonder this place hates Vei
Lots of Firechads in here

>> No.23129325
File: 128 KB, 762x845, FE08D97A-CBCC-41C5-AD99-9AEC2929EE2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are Zen chads like?

>> No.23129342

>opera user
kill yourself now

>> No.23129347
Quoted by: >>23129402


>> No.23129349
Quoted by: >>23129524

>watch regularly
has an option for 8.

>> No.23129364
File: 213 KB, 1280x720, crucible knights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23129373


>> No.23129384
Quoted by: >>23129511

Vei love bunny

>> No.23129385

>If you only watch one Vshojo girl regularly
>only watch one
I made sure to word it so the question was for exclusive watchers, don't worry.

>> No.23129402


>> No.23129452
Quoted by: >>23129577


>> No.23129471

Fuck off mousesperg

>> No.23129511

Is Vei going to try to fight Emi, now?

>> No.23129522
Quoted by: >>23129672

Most to least “GFE” VShojos:

1) Silver
2) Myau
3) Nyan
4) Mel
5) Froot
6) Vei
7) Zen
8) Mouse

>> No.23129524

Well, you know, memes aside I had to for completion's sake.

>> No.23129542
File: 317 KB, 449x417, 1622310272759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight:
This thread hates Nyan because of nyanfags
This thread hates Vei because of veispergs
This thread hates Mouse because of mouse shizo
This thread hates Zen because trannies/tts
This thread hates Silver because GFE
This thread hates Froot because fags
This thread likes Hime

Why are you here?

>> No.23129569
File: 1.24 MB, 1382x833, 1627055780995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23129596

Average Vei fan like me

>> No.23129566
Quoted by: >>23129654


>> No.23129577

Isn’t that frootfags?

>> No.23129596

His smile releases dopamine

>> No.23129611
File: 827 KB, 1600x1200, bdc9d33f5d9aa4703005d7105f08e3f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For VShojo

>> No.23129615
Quoted by: >>23129704

twinks are not trannies, anon

>> No.23129628

>want to fuck Nyan
>want to hate fuck Vei
>Mouse is okay
>Zen is cool
>Silver is cool and sex
>Froot is SSS rank wife material and Apex Predator

>> No.23129629

No one hates anyone
It's just a couple of dedicated schizos for each people

>> No.23129635
File: 169 KB, 732x720, 1650917391490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For our lord and saviour hime of course.

>> No.23129654
Quoted by: >>23129685

But she doesnt stream

>> No.23129672
File: 186 KB, 1024x1051, dob geg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8) Mouse

>> No.23129675

>want to fuck Nyan
>want to hate fuck Vei
These are the only good points
Everything else is false

>> No.23129685

Quality over quantity

>> No.23129698

i only hate hime

>> No.23129704

A distinction without a difference

>> No.23129721

Ok Silver, now stop being depressed and go stream.

>> No.23129744
Quoted by: >>23129779

Nyanfags have their own thread now, just saying.

>> No.23129767

El coomer...

>> No.23129770
Quoted by: >>23129864

I hate Hime because she is /in/ and sits on her ass while the chuubas I like are /out/

>> No.23129779
Quoted by: >>23129822

cuz they have the most fans out of all the vshojo people on this board? I don't see what your point is

>> No.23129819

Can’t handle the fact that Froot is the absolute best wife?

You’ll come around.

>> No.23129822
File: 860 KB, 2032x1107, 3F2A53A6-9471-41F1-9885-1ABA231F8983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I say we need a Zen general

>> No.23129864
File: 91 KB, 300x300, Anny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduate Hime and debut Anny, simple as
It's not even that I dislike Hime, I think her streams are great. But what about them would be different if she was /out/?

>> No.23129863
File: 24 KB, 500x375, poggers girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23129875
Quoted by: >>23130274

I mean if you can make one work then go for it, nothing wrong with that
But I don't think there's enough zen fans here for that

>> No.23129917

That's a really attractive shoulder

>> No.23129923

Can the two operafags please go kill themselves?

>> No.23129967
Quoted by: >>23130061

Anny loves the womb area of a woman. She’s just like me. A woman in a leotard and looking at her womb - it just gets me going. Anny can feed my addiction.

>> No.23129985
Quoted by: >>23130058

wtf is your problem

>> No.23130011
Quoted by: >>23130232

nijishojoindi collab rn
Zen Selen Monarch ApeSex

>> No.23130022

Why are you mad?

>> No.23130037

SAW theme or 28 Days Later theme who wins?

>> No.23130050
Quoted by: >>23130310

I usually watch her and I'm liking more watching yocci since is much better, vei stream is fucking boring now, but is monday, and is not top NA hours, so they will rise

>> No.23130057

god I wish

>> No.23130058
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>wtf is both of your problems

>> No.23130061
File: 22 KB, 112x112, annygasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23130151

Not sure it was the womb, was more like a love of vagbones

>> No.23130114
File: 421 KB, 793x462, 1644212966578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Microsoft Edge
Never picked even in a meme poll

>> No.23130151

Either way, it feeds my addiction and we can both enjoy that underrated area

>> No.23130164

Wonder why zen plays with gamepad.

>> No.23130197

Disgusting Halo player

>> No.23130231
Quoted by: >>23130280

>Graduate Hime
hime is a nepotism hire and won't get fired as her grandma works in vshojo management

>> No.23130232


>> No.23130274
Quoted by: >>23130291

well if the 3 nyanfags can do it, then I don't see how much of a problem it'll be for the 20 zenfags there are

>> No.23130280

>that lost mowtendoo video with hime as yandere girl and the kitchen gun

>> No.23130291
Quoted by: >>23130317

>20 nyanfags
>3 zenfags

>> No.23130294

Keyboard uncomfortable

>> No.23130310
Quoted by: >>23130421

They might not rise that much since she’s playing elden ring tonight

>> No.23130312

Do you think Zen sometimes regret going for the TTS approach?

>> No.23130317
File: 50 KB, 600x574, mad_mans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually believes this

>> No.23130343

considering no one has doxxed her yet probably not

>> No.23130406

Well no given that she's one of the few undoxxed chuubas and she's successful enough to live comfortably

>> No.23130408

I don't want to hear a disgusting stutter

>> No.23130421

yeah probably, miz and xqc are sucking up all the viewers atm on twitch, still 8k is pretty good

>> No.23130452

This is the worst thread in the entire board.

>> No.23130451

I don't get it, whats the appeal of Zen. Theres no emotion or fun to the tts, and any collabs are immensely cringe and awkward.

>> No.23130459
Quoted by: >>23130611

Yes, that is why she is getting her new model.

>> No.23130478
Quoted by: >>23130524

This is the best thread in the entire board.

>> No.23130491

I only watch Zen when there's room for chat interaction because that's the entire draw

>> No.23130510

I'm Commander Shepard and this is the best thread in the citadel.

>> No.23130512

Not when /nyan/ exists.

>> No.23130524
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Quoted by: >>23130652


>> No.23130537
File: 68 KB, 513x675, 273F02F8-568C-4AF0-BF18-CCA7EFD359D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23130781

>there’s no emotion

>> No.23130552

this place has truly gone downhill in the past few months

>> No.23130561
Quoted by: >>23130609

This thread has enough funny and creative people that'd be fine if y'all just ignored bait

>> No.23130590

then don't watch it bro
what do you want us to do about it?

>> No.23130609
Quoted by: >>23130776

Well most of them have probably been driven away thanks to all the schizos
The fucking firefox fag is more creative than most of the other people here

>> No.23130611
Quoted by: >>23130672

Won’t she still be tts?

>> No.23130652
File: 139 KB, 500x400, 1650242801313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy mouse happy house

>> No.23130672

But now its more lore friendly.

>> No.23130769

New Thread

>> No.23130776

nice rrat you got there
but maybe stop shitting up the thread with your constant whining? that might improve its quality even a little bit

>> No.23130781
Quoted by: >>23130837

Still can't believe no one clipped Seananners reaction

>> No.23130837
File: 116 KB, 261x372, 1647217916769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

