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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 14 KB, 346x339, mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22971662 No.22971662 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>23011036

I have no mouth and I must UUUUU

Last thread >>22896832

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Twitter https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Schedule - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna/status/1516135850081329155
Past stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm7GjAaZdzY
Stream status https://imissfauna.com/
BDAY MERCH https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ceresfauna_bd2022
Ara Ara button https://faunaraara.com/

>I'm new to Fauna, which stream VODs should I watch to get into her?
ASMR https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykdhWnY3f3E1Ot-FlcBMVSA_
Minecraft https://youtu.be/ZdHCf5NLmZ0
Spore https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeMzF79onvOx2PjYIwyj36G
Pokemon Unite https://youtu.be/C2R6zHNePhg
Resident Evil 7 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykf8wvxHI-9xKZP_WMdmbD_8
Animal Crossing https://youtu.be/G9X3d81EKeI
Pokémon Legends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_2FG2zM4Mw

Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings. Squeebing may or may not be allowed.

>> No.22971778
Quoted by: >>22972370

How will my cute kirin wife kiss me if she has no mouth?

>> No.22971801 [SPOILER] 
File: 606 KB, 900x900, a toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goblin post

>> No.22971866
File: 373 KB, 552x417, E9A0ZA4XoAA_QUd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is a chumbeat, while i dislike mori and deadbeats, fauna gets a pass on my book.
The schizo saying she hates mori is btfo.

>> No.22972002

The game that gave Fauna a headache is on humble bundle atjthe 1 USD tier. In case you're curious.

>> No.22972370
File: 21 KB, 424x390, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a mouth...

>> No.22972408

I know just about nothing about Hololive, but I have a question. I couldn't find a better place to ask.

There is this ASMR roleplay youtuber that I follow. She went on a hiatus about a year ago because she had to work on her PhD or something. But I randomly discovered that she was now voicing Ceres Fauna for Hololive. And everyone seems to treat this like it's some sort of forbidden secret that should never be mentioned.

So first, is this an actual secret that should be kept, or something that everyone knows but agreed to not mention ? Is it part of the Hololive culture, or maybe some kind of contractual obligation, or maybe she doesn't want her paste interfering with her current image ?

I'm in part curious because she did not mention her new career even to her patreon, which feels a bit scammy if there isn't a good reason for her silent.

I hope someone can explain all this to me.

>> No.22972516
Quoted by: >>22973814

It's contractual, that's all there is to it.

>> No.22972976
File: 253 KB, 800x800, 20220423_002255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22973578
Quoted by: >>22973814

It's technically all three of them.

1. They have a contract that forbids them to talk about it

2. The community agrees to not mention it. Even for obvious cases.

3. Both reddit and 4chan have explicit rules about it and if you go too heavy on talking about previous lives you'll get banned and your post deleted.

>> No.22973814
Quoted by: >>22974200

Alright, thank you for the answers, I guess that explains the silence on public platforms. (Still miffed about the complete lack of info on patreon but whatev.)

The reason that the contract demands this is an extension of the japanese idol culture I guess ? Complete control over the image so that the viewers don't throw a fit because she mentioned a boyfriend once or something ?

>> No.22974200
Quoted by: >>22976117

Maybe? But even corpos that are blatantly "anti-idol-culture" follow this same rule. I'd say at this point it's industry standard.

>> No.22974893
File: 157 KB, 1121x2008, 20220104_092910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22976424

>> No.22976117

Hmm, I suppose a kinder (?) interpretation would be the corporation not wanting the voice actress to grow her own brand while working for them, so she can't negotiate a raise or anything.

>> No.22976307

Talents aren't be allowed to shill themselves openly or create content for Hololive under their non-Hololive persona, just like they're not allowed to shill anything else for free

>> No.22976424

>Fauna will get a comfy winter outfit next December
I believe

>> No.22976571
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim is honestly Fauna's best series so far. She's managed to make an old overplayed game feel so fresh and entertaining again.
If you wanted to introduce anyone to Fauna's content, just give them the Skyrim playlist.

>> No.22977397

i still have 3 hours of skyrim shenanigans to catch up on after sleeping
feels good and bad at the same time

>> No.22977822
File: 231 KB, 1300x1300, 1628078500780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22978082

does any sapling have that flustered emote with her hands on her cheeks please?

>> No.22977883

I hope she'll consider to play Hitman again. It's also a great game for her.
She has also mentioned VTMB and Death Stranding. Both games would be right down her alley.

>> No.22978082
File: 211 KB, 500x500, shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22978329


>> No.22978329

ty anon, I will use this image for questionable purposes!

>> No.22978701
Quoted by: >>22979078

I’m excited for Black Flag today but at the same time I know the start of the game is very boring and slow.

>> No.22979078

Yeah, story-heavy games with lots of cut-scenes are perhaps not the best fit for Fauna. Skyrim and the like works because she's in control most of the time.
But I'm sure she'll enjoy the game regardless.

>> No.22980534

Sapling bros I heard your oshi is a Christian, can I get a qrd? I initially avoided Holocouncil because Mumei ignored me on chat during debut week but I'm willing to give Fauna a chance.

>> No.22980740

Fauna is a hard satanist which is evident by how often satan visits the thread. Better luck with EN3

>> No.22980795
File: 443 KB, 611x604, 1648322155037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22981385


>> No.22980935

She has never confirmed or denied this, and likely never will. Some people are speculating because she displays the virtues one would normally associate with a traditional christian upbringing, like not swearing and being kind to others, but there's no actual confirmation.
It's a bit of a hot topic right now because she sounded cute reciting some pretend-psalms in the recent ghost game collab.

It wouldn't exactly be shocking if she was christian given that she's a white woman in America, but I doubt that she's very devout on a personal level.
Either way, I don't think you should watch her on that basis alone, given that she never brings it up. On the other hand, if you enjoy cute trad-wife stuff mixed with some millennial meme-knowledge, Fauna is all about that.

>> No.22981385 [SPOILER] 
File: 289 KB, 1255x1587, 1646640142544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23002138


>> No.22981451

>because Mumei ignored me on chat
attention whore grayfags aren't welcome here, go groom some 2 view indie if you want personal attention

>> No.22982007
File: 1.23 MB, 850x1202, 1636672980295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are basing that on that one clip, then no we don't actually know the actual religion she practices, if she practices any. That phrase in particular isn't even in the Bible. She was just doing a bit. It would be in your best interest to ignore anything anybody says in a non-general thread here. Now focus less on this silly religion hijack and post cute Faunas instead.

>> No.22982669
File: 231 KB, 850x1084, 1643886225133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, how do you get through 4-hour long SC reading vods without killing yourself? I love Fauna, but even she cannot nullify the sheer horror of listening to clowns squeeb all over themselves in SCs for 4 hours straight.
Maybe I should play a game and just have it on as light background noise. The tangents are fun, but it's so awkward when she feels forced to laugh at some nerd's poor attempt at a joke for the 500th time. (Or even worse, when they treat her as a surrogate daughter and give her horrible advice that she has to gently pretend to appreciate.)

>> No.22983963
Quoted by: >>22984843

Leave it on as background noise?

>> No.22984321
File: 413 KB, 850x663, 1631631637902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22984475


>> No.22984491
File: 691 KB, 850x818, 1620783120160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22984843
Quoted by: >>22984922

Isn't background noise supposed to be relaxing?
Reading a bunch of gosling superchats couldn't possibly be relaxing lol

>> No.22984885
Quoted by: >>22993351

Someone help me convince Fauna and Kronii to collab one-on-one again. It's been over 6 months and they're so good together.

>> No.22984922

Yeah I know, but I'd like to get to the point where she read my SC (which isn't retarded) and since there are no timestamps I have no choice but to go through the whole thing.

>> No.22985022

Yeah just treat it like a podcast and listen while you do something else. Just ignore the stretches of "Thank you -name- thank you -name- thank you -name-" and enjoy the parts where she's cute.

>> No.22985303
Quoted by: >>22985453

just use hololyzer and you can roughly gauge the point your superchat will be read out

>> No.22985453
Quoted by: >>22985775

Fair enough, that is understandable.
I never knew that was a thing

>> No.22985775

it's a great site, even some of the holos are using it when reading superchats because it's more reliable than youtube's shitty system (superchats can go missing or get jumbled up across different streams, also doesn't color code the different amounts)

>> No.22986073

I've noticed that Fauna is very cute

>> No.22986163
Quoted by: >>22986970


>> No.22986187

Astute observation there, anon

>> No.22986852
File: 594 KB, 850x1053, 1629461763201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22986910
File: 2.47 MB, 2000x2000, 1641501610757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22986953
File: 559 KB, 1024x768, 1624397169895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22986970
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1633, ceres_pr-img_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22987510
File: 3.32 MB, 2700x2818, 1631328384006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22987511
Quoted by: >>22992359


>> No.22987561
File: 1014 KB, 1080x1920, 1629307365752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22987621
File: 715 KB, 850x1264, 1642743678682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22987705

>> No.22987698
File: 263 KB, 850x1063, 1649910272769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22987705

This Fauna looks so cute and majestic even. What a perfect dress for her

>> No.22987829
File: 1.03 MB, 850x1190, 1643591606996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22988531

TBA is black flag?

>> No.22988552
Quoted by: >>22988605

That's what we think. She got an okay to play it

>> No.22988605

she confirmed it yesterday

>> No.22989455
File: 465 KB, 800x800, 1630744908189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw drinking sapling's delicious, nutritious, rehydrating tears

>> No.22989831
File: 1.09 MB, 888x1011, 1639434056437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for my sunshine to play a new game today!

>> No.22990982
Quoted by: >>22991154

How are you celebrating Earth day?

>> No.22991154
Quoted by: >>22991224

Unironically plant based burgers for a first time

>> No.22991224
Quoted by: >>22994571

That beyond burger is pretty good honestly

>> No.22991226
Quoted by: >>22991562

Did you guys know that Fauna is actually Boxxy

>> No.22991562
Quoted by: >>22991665

No she's Danish

>> No.22991665
File: 102 KB, 682x874, 1629232222572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22991888

Im here to destroy your rrat
Danes love pork too much to give it up

>> No.22991888

That's why she was exiled to America

>> No.22992002

Saplings I... I think i might love Anuaf more than I love Fauna

>> No.22992359

anuaF would unironically get off to us Squeebing, that's my headcanon now

>> No.22993351
File: 606 KB, 2048x1278, 1632306216535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22993445
File: 920 KB, 3000x3000, FQ6ThlaX0AEy6H9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-9M-BjFYMc got one million views. Well deserved. Great cover of a great song, and our Fauna gets to shine in a couple of moments in it despite her, erm, very sovlful singing. God bless music production.

>> No.22993519

I haven't played Black Flag. Is Fauna going to have a good time?

>> No.22993675

It's the best Assassin's Creed by far (At least until they started going RPG, never touched those), though that still makes it a pretty shit game.

With that said, yeah, she'll have a blast with it. Nonstop bantz potential and silly gameplay shit for her to riff on. It will be better than Skyrim by a long shot, I feel.

>> No.22994571

Yeah, It's also pretty interesting concept for someone as paranoid of uncooked meet as myself in that since it's not meat, you might as well dig into it raw. No need to tard-wrangling myself from overcooking and turning it into shoe sole.

Given how much of a blast she have in Skyrim, yeah.
I completely expect her to get her first boat and then go "How come we've been streaming for 6 hours already, I've bone nothing but sail around, explorin islands and plundering booty"

>> No.22994747

Fauna is so girly and delicate, I'm in love

>> No.22994974
File: 97 KB, 1024x768, FQwlM0SaQAAeFy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evil character
>adopts orphans
>gives homeless money

>> No.22995020
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 1637703749540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22995801

Its a complicated character
Or fauna is not roleplaying

>> No.22995084

The best part of the game is sailing around aimelessly so I think she'll enjoy it.
Though it takes some time to unlock all that, it might take more than one stream to get to the cool stuff.

>> No.22995735
File: 3.67 MB, 1080x1920, emofauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*looks directly at middle school friend*

>> No.22995778

Can't believe Fauna would just squeeb all over the courtyard like that

>> No.22995797

Why did she do it? What was her end goal?

>> No.22995801
File: 435 KB, 1000x1780, FPh0TNTXIAoQpHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22995853

her role play is conflicting with herself

>> No.22995853
Quoted by: >>22996688

Saruei was nice when all she did was make holo fanart

>> No.22996688
Quoted by: >>22996731

What did she do again..? Was she the one who got wrapped up with bunny when she was canceled, or am i mixing her up with someone else..?

>> No.22996717
File: 92 KB, 576x1024, abb848ba6a5676cebcbfe3c7625fc08c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawful Evil ? Or Chaotic Evil cultivating a friendly public image ?

>> No.22996731

Doesn't matter, isn't Fauna

>> No.22997026
File: 1.42 MB, 2000x2000, FIdZokpUcAM6u3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi saplings, teamate here, I love your oshi, she's my 2nd favorite.
Can you guys tell me if Fauna sang "Kiss me" without the backing track in her last karaoke? I'd like to confirm something and let Ame know she can sing the good version of the song, I miss it.
I tried downloading the VOD but I didn't find it on nyaa.

>> No.22997132
Quoted by: >>22997478

It had a backing track but it was only for a very small portion of the song, don't know if that counts. The archive is reuploaded on YouTube if you can't find it anywhere else

>> No.22997478

Thanks anon, I found the archive and yeah this version is definitely better.

>> No.22997502
File: 469 KB, 595x556, 1643156145238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...What did you just say?

>> No.22998185


>> No.22998761
File: 405 KB, 422x670, faunass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22998856

>> No.22998856

She looks so determined

>> No.22998934

Nice, my letter of marque have arrived safely.

>> No.22998972


>> No.22999103

a pirate wouldn't say "buckle up" you cute dork

>> No.22999138
Quoted by: >>22999324

https://mega.nz/folder/rBAQxKiD#WgSwejAfMujc4aYRMP10Sw is my mega that I haven't cleared out yet

>> No.22999209
File: 390 KB, 600x600, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buckle up!

>> No.22999211

I didnt really care for Fauna untill she started the Skyrim series. Now I cant get enough of her.

>> No.22999324
File: 1.00 MB, 4096x4096, 1642947857016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was cutting it from the vod just now, fits snugly inside catboxes upload limit

>> No.22999364
Quoted by: >>22999512

Strap on!

>> No.22999512
Quoted by: >>22999687

Does Fauna have one

>> No.22999687

Only for ASMR reasons

>> No.22999815

[Members ASMR] Trying Out a Strap-On with Kronii

>> No.22999883

Wouldn't using it be too loud for ASMR? How can I possibly relax to that

>> No.23000068

Games Fauna dropped (Meme games that were obviously never gonna get finished or multiplayer games don't count):
>Pokemon: Shining Pearl
>Hitman 2
>Pokemon Legends
>Potentially Kirby and the Forgotten Land?

>> No.23000117
File: 177 KB, 464x665, 1648330561430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23000144

I think pokemon had some meme permissions
but yeah
>finishing games

>> No.23000127
Quoted by: >>23000144

arceus legends permissions ran out before she could continute stupid

>> No.23000144

Don't care.

>> No.23000171

Hitman is the one most hurts

>> No.23000308
File: 43 KB, 625x417, sigurrosaidangillen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23001342

Tell me about Fauna
Why does she love assassination games ?

>> No.23000313

I care. (´• ω •`)

>> No.23000938
Quoted by: >>23001220

you nut, you chill

>> No.23000974
Quoted by: >>23001153

She goes slowly, uses lots of lube, and moans softly for you.

>> No.23001024
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1625654105196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23001118

>chances that she will sing the sea shanties of the game
I'm in

>> No.23001153

I've never done that before. As long as she's really gentle and comforts me, I guess I would be fine. I hope

>> No.23001195
File: 2.58 MB, 640x359, 1649818037964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23001298

i had a breif dream this afternoon where i had a fauna like GF and we cuddled under a blanket, complete bliss. halfway through at like 4pm i started to wake up and saw that reality crumbling, feeling sick to my stomach now.

>> No.23001204

you wear a ball gag first

>> No.23001220

I can only nut if she pegs me.

>> No.23001298

Fear not, Fauna's stream starts in a couple minutes and then we can go back to escapism

>> No.23001342

Not so secretly a bit psychotic, which is what makes her perfect.

>> No.23001405


>> No.23001473
Quoted by: >>23001514

I can't unseen how, in the loading screen, when Fauna takes a dip of her tea it looks like she is screaming

>> No.23001514


>> No.23001524
File: 260 KB, 1083x1000, 1647906332525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23001541


>> No.23001546


>> No.23001611
Quoted by: >>23001675

Fauna seems like one of those girls you meet that are really into Assassin's Creed lore, except she luckily never played them

>> No.23001622
Quoted by: >>23001681

i missed the fuckin intro

>> No.23001675

When I was younger it was all about Ezio, wasnt like 3 games centered on just him

>> No.23001681
Quoted by: >>23001713

That sucks, she gave us all a big kiss. She said she was going to edit it out of the vod too

>> No.23001713

she kisses me goodnight daily anyway so i dont mind missing one or two

>> No.23001720
File: 1.06 MB, 1133x1457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow chumbud here to watch my fembud wife stream.
Thanks for unanimously allowing me to marry her saplings!
Love you guys!

>> No.23001723
File: 315 KB, 780x776, 1647893454237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna sing sea shanties with my wife today

>> No.23001748
Quoted by: >>23002005

Polygamy is illegal in this country, and I'm already married to her. Sorry anon

>> No.23001752


>> No.23001815
File: 2.27 MB, 1840x1775, 1650242822114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23002005

Love... Wait what!

>> No.23001865
Quoted by: >>23001964

This gameplay made me want to see a Myth vs Council Guns of Icarus stream

>> No.23001876

Fauna is very laggy today

>> No.23001889


>> No.23001895
File: 183 KB, 500x500, 1647040315289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna thought Ezio was in this game

>> No.23001899

Fauna's potato pre-built...

>> No.23001935

Isn't this an Xbox 360 game

>> No.23001937

yeah there's a contractual agreement that prevents Hololive talents from confirming their name and alternate personas. It's partially to keep them in character and to preserve the "magic" of VTubing, but in all actuality is to prevent them from using Hololive to bolster their non-Hololive careers.

And as other Anon noted, Reddit and 4chan's vtuber pages go out of their way to help enforce this rule by deleting any post alluding to offline personas. Some people will inevitably find out but for the most part, it's a taboo subject to bring up

>> No.23001944
Quoted by: >>23002029

there is no way her PC can't stream black flag, this game is pretty ancient now

>> No.23001955

PNG Fauna let's gooooooo

>> No.23001964

I'd be surprised if the servers weren't down. If they could manage it, it would be unbearably kino

>> No.23002005
File: 728 KB, 1200x1136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry she still talks about how much she loves you guys all the time.
I'll make sure to take care of her, head pat her, and praise the lord and savior Jesus Crist every night with her.
Thanks again!

>> No.23002027

does anyone actually care about her not being full quality? i just want to see her play the fucking game...

>> No.23002029
Quoted by: >>23002084

yeah I ran this game on a 680ti

>> No.23002036

Inb4 she stops streaming because her model isn't working :(

>> No.23002084

and i'm pretty sure she has a 2070 super, with a 2nd gen ryzen(?). I don't get how fauna and others get so much lag when their specs are actually perfectly okay

>> No.23002138


>> No.23002204
File: 25 KB, 670x698, 1623901267507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noo... my stream experience... immersion... RUINED

>> No.23002236

Lag Fauna is kinda cute anyway

>> No.23002238

Enemies - 1
Friends - 0

>> No.23002351
Quoted by: >>23005940

Saplings your oshi is very cute, I hope her playing Assassins Creed will open some of the others to playing them.

t. hooman

>> No.23002360
Quoted by: >>23002433

I don't. SC readings are for simps who throw money at tubers with hundreds of thousands of followers and people who enjoy sitting at the DMV.

If anything interesting happens, I'll catch a clip of it later

>> No.23002433

Curious if that bait was copy pasted. Swear ive read that exact thing word for word 100x over by now.

>> No.23002444

>Do you see what I see? Because I don't see anything.
>These are some questionable decisions as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.23002524


>> No.23002525
Quoted by: >>23002878

>>23002238 Update
Enemies - 0
Friends - 0

>> No.23002560

>try to rob a man who needs help
>Chase him down when he tells you to leave him alone
>Get mad and kill him when he defends himself
Pirates truly were the niggers of the sea

>> No.23002792

>bro i know how to sail trust me :)
>instantly runs the ship aground

>> No.23002827

>tfw we will never get another Azur Lane collab with Fauna as a healing CV
I'll never forgive the Chinese

>> No.23002854

Ass Creed used to be good... fuck you Ubisoft

>> No.23002874

Oh shit, she doesn't know about the framing device at all

>> No.23002878
Quoted by: >>23003392

>>23002525 Update
Enemies - 0
Friends - 1

>> No.23002880

I forgot old asscreed games love putting in these stupid real life segments

>> No.23002881

Fauna having the appropriate reaction to the current day segment

>> No.23002899

i wish they didnt bother with this shit

>> No.23002946

"impressive, right?"

*proceeds to ram her face onto the wall, and slide across it*

>> No.23002958

desmondfags & nostalgiafags seething

>> No.23002981
Quoted by: >>23003001

Ubisoft self inserting as the villainous corporation in their own game was always weird to me. I guess it's more prophetic now.

>> No.23003001

aged like fine wine or milk, seeing what they've become in the last few years?

>> No.23003055

Fauna trying to make sense of the series' plot is hilarious.

>> No.23003109

French Fauna is too cute I'm not gonna make it saplings

>> No.23003182

so they aren't assassins and it's part of some company sim?
I chose to get food at a bad time

>> No.23003241

black flag is an awkward one since the protag you play as isnt part of the brotherhood at all and is literally just a pirate for the most part, so a newbie will get thrown off

>> No.23003258

it's some technology bullshit about past lives or genetic memory or something

>> No.23003289

This game is ridiculous

>> No.23003295

It's complicated, don't expect to understand the current day segments, this is the 6th main game in franchise, just focus on the Edward part of the game

>> No.23003321

I'm looking forward to the sea shanties

>> No.23003324
Quoted by: >>23003360

they're recording footage for a movie about pirates by viewing memories of pirates
also some people are assassins

>> No.23003326

I can't speak for the later games (haven't got around to them yet), but the early ones were plagued by the fact Ubisoft had an "IRL" second plotline besides the assassin one. The gist is that the Abstergo company developed the Animus, a device that lets you relive the memories of your ancestors.

>> No.23003337

I hate ubisoft but I love faufau

>> No.23003360

Also there's an ancient extinct civilisation that has to do with something for some reason

>> No.23003392
Quoted by: >>23003619

>>23002878 Update
Enemies - Many
Friends - 1

>> No.23003420

discombobulate them fauna

>> No.23003496

Fauna is a woman of violence

>> No.23003504

Fauna needs to come /here/ to progress

>> No.23003554

>"become anonymous"
>I think we'll have to go to a different era for that
absolutely based

>> No.23003560


>> No.23003576

Yarrr she be cute.

>> No.23003612

Yeah, the Isu, but they're a much bigger part of other games.

>> No.23003619

>>23003392 Update 5
Enemies - 0, beat down previous "Many"
Friends - 1

>> No.23003633

we didn't get to that part yet

>> No.23003637
File: 116 KB, 703x709, 1640914011883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23003731

The plot of the series is that before humans there were some kind of gods that they left some powerful items to control people, assassins and templars fight over them for centuries to the actual day, templars use this technology of looking into memories of ancestors to obtain info about those lost powerful items. that's all.

>> No.23003668

are they still doing that? i feel like they permanently fucked it up with revelations.

>> No.23003686

Fauna skipping around islands.

>> No.23003723

just for the record, those were aliens. AC lore goes off the deep end

>> No.23003731
Quoted by: >>23003797

you forgot about the coronal mass ejection that the MC from the first 3 games killed himself to save the earth from but now the earth is fucked because of the shield.

>> No.23003772

2 frames per minute fauna kinda cute

>> No.23003797
Quoted by: >>23003940

I remember that, it tied in with the mayan doomsday shit in 2012. So what's the plot with the shield fucking the world?

>> No.23003823

Fauna is so fuckin funny bros

>> No.23003852

>"Hehe check this out"

>> No.23003929

what the hell is with these random capitalizations in the subtitles? Shit like "they took my Sugar, and your Dispatches," and "he owes me for the Slaves I sold him"

>> No.23003940 [SPOILER] 

In the past game the mc has to prevent that in the form of a solar flare, dies to achive it and Abstergo snatchs his body, thats why now they have his genetic memories

>> No.23003971

This is great.

>> No.23003990

plot of this and the previous games sounds dumb from what I'm reading
why not just stick to simple assassin plotline?

>> No.23004069

because canadians are shit at storytelling

>> No.23004094

It was pretty original and cool when it first came out, it's just a hard concept to keep dragging across an entire series

>> No.23004097
Quoted by: >>23004905

That´s how people used to write in 17th and 18th centuries.

>> No.23004125

Dishonored is superior

>> No.23004139

They kinda are, and it goes downhill from these one, back then when this came up the saga had become one of Ubisof's anual relases.
Money at the end of the day

>> No.23004253

Desmond Saga was cool and somewhat innovative but the spinoffs (except Brotherhood) and everything after Black Flag is Ubisoft ruining things again and again

>> No.23004259

When will she realize she can equip the swords again now?

>> No.23004272

Fauna cute

>> No.23004298
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 1637518042115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is getting filtered...

>> No.23004564

This is pretty funny to watch

>> No.23004610
Quoted by: >>23004677

I don't want her getting flitlered so fast she won't ever play again

>> No.23004638

She needs to get used to the controls

>> No.23004644

She's not looking at her UI at all and has no idea what she can do, how do we save this playthrough Fellow Saplings???

>> No.23004677

it would be a real shame if she drops it before getting to the open world part

>> No.23004701


>> No.23004718

Sorry saplings, but your oshi is kinda dumb.

>> No.23004722

Back to Skyrim for next stream boys!

>> No.23004735

can't wait for more GOI yay...

>> No.23004743

We don't, so she can go back to better games

>> No.23004754

thank god retard girls are cute

>> No.23004794
Quoted by: >>23004848

Her chat is useless. Why isn’t anyone helping her? All she has to do is hide until the awareness meter goes down and enter the room.

>> No.23004800

Games that require spatial problem solving skills sure seem difficult for some people.

>> No.23004815
Quoted by: >>23004907

unironically she's top 3 booksmart in holoEN by a mile
but game sense... not so much

>> No.23004828

at first it was funny, now it's painful

>> No.23004848
Quoted by: >>23005033

Chat is just as stupid, these kids never played BLack Flag and you can tell by the messages

>> No.23004870

that's one of the reasons why we love her

>> No.23004905
File: 99 KB, 536x900, -17th-century-almanac paleography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have an example. The thrid line says "after the old fashion", meaning old-fashioned or traditional. abd as you can see in the first paragraph the f type was often used to represent s in the middle of words.

>> No.23004907

its not bad game sense. its assassins creed working off different game logic than most games. now if you grew up with assassins creed its fine. you can easily recognize oh this wall is climbable this other identical looking wall isnt.

>> No.23004920

why is she so scared of fight them back?

>> No.23004988

fauna is so cute bros...

>> No.23005033

I haven’t either, but I’ve played AC one through three and the prince of persia games. Did she skip the tutorial or something?

>> No.23005057

She's so clumsy I love her

>> No.23005113

It is because she kept on trying the same stuff again after failing multiple times.

>> No.23005114

She did, but it wasn't an optimal clear, plus I don't think she's using any of the UI which is a staple way to learning what you can do

>> No.23005125

>you can pet the dog
game is saved

>> No.23005185

There isn´t a tutorial. You rely on the in-game hint pop-ups to figure it out as yo go. Also,>>23004907

>> No.23005206
Quoted by: >>23005312

I miss the mutiplayer part of AC

>> No.23005312

Same, still mad they refuse to reinstate it

>> No.23005417

The ol' stab n grab

>> No.23005580

>Are these just euphemisms for killing?
is fauna the brightest holo

>> No.23005695

This game's historical plot is depressing if you know what happened to the real pirates.

>> No.23005730

she's so bad with the controls, it's kinda cute

>> No.23005777

She almost caught up to him before she got distracted by the cute kitty

>> No.23005791

They all sailed away to bountiful faraway pirate coves with their gold and spent the rest of their days having sex with hot sexy pirate wenches and drinking the finest rum.

>> No.23005921
Quoted by: >>23005951

Pirates are scum, they deserved everything they got

>> No.23005940

Mumei is very cute and would likely be my oshi if it wasn't Fauna. Maybe one day they can play asscreed Unity together.

>> No.23005951


>> No.23006062


>> No.23006141

it's painful bros

>> No.23006174

she brute forced her way lol

>> No.23006259

When bote

>> No.23006299

like 1 or 2 hours?
been some time since I played this game but I remember it taking more than it should

>> No.23006435

at her rate she might not even get the boat by the end of stream ;-;

>> No.23006504
Quoted by: >>23006800

Saplings.. her vegan diet isn't nourishing her brain properly..

>> No.23006512

Kenway gets outed shortly and taken prisoner on the Spanish treasure fleet that sinks in a hurricane. He escapes in the Jackdaw with a former sugarcane plantation slave.

>> No.23006594
Quoted by: >>23006660

>just ragdoll me

Oh god bros my penis, the night has only begun

>> No.23006609

It's impressive how bad she is

>> No.23006660

>You'll never throw fauna across the room and onto a bed

>> No.23006668

This is hard to watch

>> No.23006728

Fauna waki doko?

>> No.23006741
Quoted by: >>23006788

how is she so bad...

>> No.23006742
Quoted by: >>23006788

Jesus this AC stream's too painful to watch I haven't even played it yet.

>> No.23006788

first AC Game + unhelpful chat = pain...

>> No.23006800

we must remind her that she's not ceres flora...

>> No.23006860

im sad because this has the chance to be a really good stream series even if you think AC is shit but fauna seems to be struggling to get into it. Was hoping it'd be a series alongside skyrim but she might not come back to this

>> No.23006912
Quoted by: >>23007076

She's not looking at the UI or the controls for whatever reason and it hurts

>> No.23006937
Quoted by: >>23007076

This is such a fun game, really missed potential.

>> No.23006940

she just needs to get the boat

>> No.23006954

Ironically, the newer AC games would be easier for her to play since they're basically Skyrim.

>> No.23007076

how do we fix her

>> No.23007146

fauna using real world logic sure does highlight a lot of things about videogames

>> No.23007152

with my dick

>> No.23007162

>Fauna loots everybody she kills
I loot everyone I kill
We are?

>> No.23007188

Ahw mah gahwsssh

>> No.23007232

Efficient muedehobo-ing seems to start, she´s getting it.

>> No.23007271

I wish Fauna would whistle at me

>> No.23007309
Quoted by: >>23007514

same, I can see she dropping the game most likely
with correction in bed

>> No.23007319

I wish Fauna would pull me into the bushes

>> No.23007445
Quoted by: >>23007514

Make of break is a point when she gets her own boat

>> No.23007448
Quoted by: >>23007546

this game's ui looks super cheap

>> No.23007499
Quoted by: >>23007558

I'm late to the stream.
Has she been uuuing?

>> No.23007514

to be fair she seems to be doing better and getting into it now. she did the last few bits without getting tilted and might be having fun

>> No.23007546

ubisoft games are super cheap

>> No.23007558

but she's always uuuuing

>> No.23007577

I'm hoping she manages to stick with the game and see it through to the end, I'd love to see her reaction to the final cutscene.

>> No.23007643
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, 1636073038898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23007690
Quoted by: >>23008145

did fauna ever beat hitman 2

>> No.23007711

i was hoping she'd be using counters by now, the exclamation marks are kinda obvious

>> No.23007924

She's figuring out how to unga bunga her way through

>> No.23007984

She's so blind

>> No.23007995

she just discover the minimap, she is learning!

>> No.23007996
Quoted by: >>23008053

I can´t decide if she is a generally better gamer than Kiara, or just as oblivious and scatter brained. Ignoring counters leads me to latter, but she handles herself well in normal combat.

>> No.23008053

She's slow to pick things up but once she gets it she does okay. She's countering fairly easily now that she knows to time it.

>> No.23008145
File: 277 KB, 892x1500, 142031415895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23008201

no unfortunately

>> No.23008201

no fortunately

>> No.23008238

boat aquired!

>> No.23008285
Quoted by: >>23008400

Is the boat even moving?

>> No.23008400

no, she was trying to aim but didnt realise the ship steering is basically how you aim

>> No.23008411

I wonder if she'll stick with this one like Skyrim or RE, or if it'll be like Hitman or Subnautica (did she finish Kirby?)

>> No.23008499

she somehow escaped the fleet full pacifism

>> No.23008504

Wait until she find out you need to do a mini-game to unlock most sea shanties.

>> No.23008547

Fucking shit I missed Fauna playing this from the beginning. How is she liking it?

>> No.23008660

I have the sneaking suspicion she's not liking it, she's not quite picking up the game as fast as she would like

>> No.23008661

Honestly, she isn't.

>> No.23008712

concernfags who didn't expect her to get the jackdaw, own up

>> No.23008728
Quoted by: >>23009602

I don't think we'll see more of this game

>> No.23008736
Quoted by: >>23009001

how can you be bad at an ubisoft game

>> No.23008758
Quoted by: >>23008992

anons i'm scared she's not enjoying the game.. escaping the treasure fleet is one of the most iconic moments of the game and she - oh shit she's literally quitting NOW, yeah bros i don't think she liked it

>> No.23008772

It's awkward, she likes some parts and is really suffering through others.

>> No.23008779

she hate it...
and hate us too...

>> No.23008785


>> No.23008804

I miss

>> No.23008816

And just like that...

>> No.23008835

She just barely got there, also it´s the end She has a (real, actual) idol metting to go to apparently.

>> No.23008860
Quoted by: >>23009828

I admit I thought she would be filtered by the fort, but I as a Faunatic (will post proof if necessary) should have known she would pull through

>> No.23008880

Maybe she would like Sea of Thieves better. That game's pretty cozy and simple.

>> No.23008888

Same meeting took Moom from us, hopefully it's about a sweet upcoming cover or something

>> No.23008893
File: 1.63 MB, 1302x870, y2ztfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refresh to post comment

>> No.23008942

mumei and fauna now for what we know. havent seen others say about a meeting, but i'd guess its council as a whole

>> No.23008946
File: 136 KB, 463x453, ppppppekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23008968

It's there for me. Sometimes vods take a minute to process after a stream.

>> No.23008992
Quoted by: >>23009098

That was iconic? The game nearly freaked out because she sailed slightly right of where it wanted her to go.

>> No.23009001
Quoted by: >>23009828

It´s the first towers andopen world game she played, also the game didn´t sit well wit her, Many times it fell like she wasn´t getting enough feed to know if she was doing something properly or not.

>> No.23009092
Quoted by: >>23009388

reminder that she still streamed this for 3 hours before going to the meeting which is genuine since other holos also have it. Yes she was struggling but she's not so easily turned away just because the game was tough to begin with

>> No.23009098
Quoted by: >>23009342

you're just supposed to sail forwards toward the waypoint, she sailed so off route that the game started screeching that she was going off bounds for that mission (something i didn't even know could happen in that particular mission). i do sorta blame the game for being rather limited, but... damn.

>> No.23009182

Eh, the game didn't really agree with Fauna. She's used to stuff being like an actual video game. Ubisoft has always had this idea about being "cinematic", which can often cause confusion for people who aren't used to it.
I'm not terribly excited about the game, but I hope she doesn't feel too bad about her performance. It's totally typical of people new to AC.

>> No.23009342

The concept of going out of bounds is stupid in a open-world game, particularly if you ´re sailing, but I guess the textures needed to load, so I grudgingly get that

>> No.23009345
File: 73 KB, 500x500, __karyl_princess_connect_and_2_more_drawn_by_jazz_jack__fe1ecd71c5967d306761449a6494c178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to watching the skyrim vod

>> No.23009388
Quoted by: >>23009636

She isn't turned away by tough games, but she will drop stuff if she's not having fun or it isn't interesting to her

>> No.23009602

I think we'll see at least one more stream and she'll probably prepare a bit beforehand. But if it still isn't fun, she'll drop it.
To be honest I don't think it's a great streaming game. Too much blabber and not enough freedom.

>> No.23009636
Quoted by: >>23009917

Honestly I appreciate that about her, if the streamer isn’t having fun it’s hard to make the stream fun
Fauna playing a bunch of different games and potentially disliking some is way better than forcing herself to play something she doesn’t like

>> No.23009661
Quoted by: >>23009968

can't wait for her to do follow the NPC mission #150!

>> No.23009828

*getting feedback I meant.
Seeing Fauna´ s experience I felt like the fort would be more tolerable if it happened after you got the hidden blade. It was rough watching it as it Seing Fauna trying to hide in the wardrobe with 10 guards beind her gave me flashbacks of Kiara playing Deathloop.

>> No.23009870
File: 17 KB, 457x349, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23009960

That's a specific youtube setting. She has always had it on and manually lists it

>> No.23009917

I agree, but I do wish she streamed more of a few games she seemed to enjoy. Animal Crossing could've been a nice casual chatting and viewer interaction game, but we only got a single stream of it

>> No.23009960

OK Fauna

>> No.23009968

Yeah, it's kinda dumb that the game doesn't tell you any of this, but I feel like it would have worked a lot better if someone gave her a primer beforehand, like "don't bother with sidemissions", "sync level doesn't matter" and "stealth is very optional".
I think she was expecting like Hitman/Skyrim on the seas, but the Ubisoft formula is very different.

>> No.23010007
Quoted by: >>23010155

>Too much blabber and not enough freedom.
That is because she just ended the stream before the open world start. Oh well, as far we can see, we probably don't see another stream about it lol

>> No.23010010

Was it permissions maybe?
Personally I'd want more Hitman.

>> No.23010073

Yeah I really wanted more animal crossing, it was comfy and I had never played or seen gameplay of it

>> No.23010155

I played the game at release, and I don't think the open world makes it that much better. Sure you have the freedom to choose which sidemissions you do, but the kind of freedom I'm talking about is within missions.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, I just don't think it's very conducive to Fauna's usual style.

>> No.23010593

It has some great open world stuff, sailing around and just exploring tiny islands was a lot of fun. But the game also really railroads you for a lot of the story missions and is very narrow in how it wants you to do it

>> No.23010691


>> No.23010690

Yeah I would prefer her not forcing itself to play a game that she may not enjoy it.
The game itself it's great tho

>> No.23010694
Quoted by: >>23010851

I think we may get at least one more AC stream. She just got the boat and it seemed like she might have kept playing for a while if there wasn't a meeting.

>> No.23010851

Yeah, she wants to like it (specifically the sailing around part), so she'll probably give it one more chance

>> No.23011036

Hey, Saplings, are you guys now the main rival pirate crew to the Houshou Crew?

>> No.23011156
File: 15 KB, 346x339, 1649089255454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23012094

Only if Fauna declares it so

>> No.23011591

my fauna

>> No.23011645
File: 607 KB, 1085x810, 1648675571330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh... uh... uhmmm... s-squeeb?

>> No.23011651

MY Fauna

>> No.23012052

I posted both of this

>> No.23012094
File: 10 KB, 346x339, Priate Fauna Sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23012212


>> No.23012363

Smells like takodachis

>> No.23012744

