Nijisanji EN Youtube channels: (alt) (alt)Obsydia: schedule for Nijisanji EN: watch streams at the same time: devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.NijiEN song playlist: loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.Nijisanji chat log: archive: tweet compilation to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Previous thread:>>22416042
fish love! milord love! gm
Ike love!
Uki Uki Daisuki!
I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>22423908personalized description too? goddamn
I love Fulgur, bitch!I ain't ever gonna stop loving Fulgur, bitch!Come love Fulgur, bitch!!
I missed miload’s stream… did he sing a FNAF song?
>>22423908another one
Baby Shu!
catalog is getting shit up already LETS GOO
>>22423908He seems to be more proud of the Tequila one, kek.
>>22423950Millie, stop posting this. You already cheated on him with Alban. And you're also touching grass right now.
Milord's birthday in 2 weeks!'m so proud of my oshi being a grass toucher.
>>22423908Holy shit
I sketched Vox.
>>22424055Truly the demon king.
>>22424055You are giving this attention why?
>>22424055Who cares about the catalog
I slept over it fuuuuuuuuck
>>22423997no, but it was pure kino
I don't know which is the real thread... Anyway I had fun listening while watching you guys comment on it
>>22424088I can't believe that he hass another even this month
>>22424055>Hordes of retarded fat spergs seething and crying>Vox: "hehe, this funni feesh mp3 sounds like he's sucking dick!"
>>22423908milord's power
>>22424109i'm leaking
>>22424109oh wow!
>>22424124looks great anon
>>22424109So beautiful!
>>22424109Shuartist anon I love how you draw eyes. It looks great thank you for sharing!
Just so you know Milliefags, you, along with Fulgur, already got cucked by Alban twice in the same stream:"Sleep with me": "I'm in the bed, Alban": Which means Milgur won't be born anymore. Sad because she is cute if you look at the photo.
>>22424127Well...If my math is correct, 600k next week.
>>22424104I'm going to eat you!!!
What the fuck is vox reacting to?
Which vids are he watching rn? I wanna check em out later.
what the vox doing
>>22424109Shuartist anon? Really cool art
>>22424124Oh artist anons today are going wild I love all of youNeener looks great!
>>22424201I just checked and holy shit I still thought he was at 530k
Fuuchan time!
>>22424109shuartist milord looks great in your artstyle
>>22424109love it, thanks for sharing
Which songs did Vox sing?
>>22424109this is so good!
>>22424109i love your art so much
>>22423950I can't watch fulgur for the same reason I can't watch mysta. Because their gay as fuck inflection filters the shit out of me. Even if they were straight, fucking a million women a day, their voice would still be gay.
>>224243291) Fly Me To The Moon2) Tequila / The Champs3) Hope in The Dark4) Camel by Camel5) Budapest / George Ezra6) City of Stars / La La Land7) Deja Vu8) Hurt / Johnny Cash9) Audition (The Fools Who Dream) / La La Land
>>22424253holy kek
When I saw Elira's DMC VoD being 8 hours long, I didn't expect more than an hour of it to spent in menus. She truly is the JRPG gamer of the branch.
>another discord circlejerkwhy...
>>22424088I....I may or may not have my wallet or my legs ready for his goods
>>22424109Shuartist anon this is so nice
>>22424388Let's hope it won't end up in a whole hour like Luca's did...
>>22424253Nice job voxfags.
>>22424402keep the wallet, i'm happy enough with whatevers between your legs, wueen
>>22424419They just made two.
I LOVE MY SKINNYFAT LORD SO MUCHHHHHHH>>22424088The best birthday gift ever was me being able to be born the same month as milord…
>>22424388just dont watch?
>>22424419Both vid were around 5 min, so not tooooo bad
not watching along and vox just screaming MY ASS IS NOT FLAT out of nowhere kek
I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf
>>22424088well, idk about you anons, but my dick is certainly ready for whatever milord cooks up. it's gonna be fun.
>>22424109Gorgeous as always!!
The editing is pretty good though
>>22424534god i want this K-Fairy to say lewd things
Here's the rickroll
>>22424557Kindreds as a whole are actually quite talented and good at what they do... just a small shame that his mods are a bit...
>thread is suddenly so slowI'm scared...
>>22424354Only 9 songs? One of which is a meme. Pretty underwhelming
dear Vox fans. I am glad your oshi did great but i will really appreciate if you all can stop doing retard things in Council threads.
>>22424278I'm going to munch your sidetail!
>kindreds get to have their very own ocMeanwhile my oshi's fan mascot is... a nut...
>>22424392>you>did>this is not how you use meme arrows
fuuchan love! He said he feels like doing a karaoke now cuz milord inspired cute!
The chat truly reflects the streamerthis video is pure autism shitposting incarnate like Vox
I wonder how many Chinese office ladies drowned today
milord's posh lil ass is gonna faint lol
>>22424662>but>you>replied>didnt you
>>22424628I think we're momentarily barren of rampant schizos/shitposters/dramaniggers so there are much less people than usual
>>22424629This makes up for it tho
>>22424629He wanted to end it within 52 minutes, it's fair
>>22424663Kindreds got so many OCs designsits quite surprising
>>22424651Fuck off,If you keep acting like a retard here i am gonna make your threads shit
people meme about Vox getting popular just because he has a deep voicebut genuinely he's also really funny
I love my lawfully wedded husband, Sonny Brisko!!But in the spirit of Vox karaoke, it's a picture of him for this thread's post! Sasuga Akuma!!
>>22424651I didn't even know vox fans are aware that Council exists.
>>22424658no munching the wuca
He' getting emotional... How can milord be this cute
>Shu flirting Valorant collab>Minecraft petra millie>Ike watchalong>Vox kino karaokeGood dayand good night everyone
Kindred status?
fuck you vox i'm gonna cry too
he's getting so emotional... my sweet demon
Vox... ;__;
>>22424651I barely go out of this thread. Now stay in yours.
Man I can't wait to die in my sleep tonightI may have failed for the last four days but I will tonightThis time FOR SURE
>>22424663Because that's what we do in Pomu.
>>22423950VOX JUST DID THE THING!!!!
>>22424791I love you Briskadet-who-posts-relevant-imagesMakes me chuckleThank you for the schedule earlier this week
>>22424844paddling through kindred sweat, pussy juice, and tears
>>22424359Dude, she actually gets in the training menu and practices the moves she's going to buy and then rarely use them at all in the missions.I love her!
>>22423950hol up
>>22424852You post this 3 times a day
>>22424852>>22424819Good night!
>>22424882just like me frfr
>>22424852The chances of dying while sleeping are close to zero when you are young, if you want to become a hero, then just jump from a roof
>>22424651just ignore, it's what I do when some shit happens here
>>22424891Discord leak has been hilarious.
>>22424825Never felt more alive.
>>22424883It's a vine meme
>>22424651naa i will do it again. Holowhores are uselesss
>>22424852why do you wanna die
>>22424825absolutely diamonds.
>>22424981the fuck is vine
Nina Love!
>>22424825i died
>>22424651The only time I visit your threads is when you cross into ours. Are you inviting me?
let me know if he opens a totsu
>>22424651Feel free to bonk them
>>22424651lets go raid the council threads and show them who is the boss.
>>22425013Pomu Love!
My cute autistic lord…You shine brighter than any star in the universe.Your smile is like an oasis in the desert, bringing many people hope in their life (Chinese women).The mightiest of men look upon you with fear, lust, awe, all at once. They Kneel to you by the sheer power you hold over them.Your ways can’t be understood for you are an enigma, but that’s why you are so loved. You are truly one of a kind.
>>22425011Social media platform already defunct. Videos uploaded there were only around 5-6 seconds long at max.
>>22424651ignore them, this board is filled with dramafags starting shit
Mysta is off to stream terraria on twitch
>>22425063fuck off
>Mysta suddenly live on Twitchalright? hope he doesn't do anything stupid..
as it should be
>>22425106what the fuck is he doing
>>22424869Of course, and I love you too! I love sharing pictures of my husband, but sharing helpful and celebratory things will always come first - such is the duty of a good kadet!!Another Vox for the road!
>>22424651Those aren't vox fans, they are numberfags.same as fps autists hating Aqua when its numberfags who shitpost with her.
>>22425083>>22425106can you post the link please
>>22424651What the fuck is a council thread? The nijiJP one?
did anyone fucking archive his karaoke... i did not know it was going to be privated fuck
Honestly if they are gonna watch clips and videos, they should just do a few stream on twitch doing that, its awkward as fuck to watch those stream on youtube and also dangerous to the channel
>>22424852bro how many times do you sleep a day
>>22425165Wasn't there another karaoke yesterday?
>>22425189some posted a mega link last thread
>>22425207Enough to kill a man.
I'm excited for Pomu's karaoke now I really like it when she sings english songs. Good night!
ping me when milord is doing totsu, I'm gonna watch mysta in the meantime
>>22424955So are the chances of dying to covid when you are young. Yet, we closed the entire world. It's okay if I stop sleeping for fear of dying in my sleep. It's within the normal fear range for humanity.
>>22425215feesh's karaoke, yes
>>22425013hypocrite hate!
>>22425226goodnight pomie!
>>22425226Can't wait.
>>22425189I’m pretty sure someone will post it here but if not try checking bilibili
>>22424931Jokes aside, I see it as the casual Fighting Game player experience, so I feel her.
>>22425189anon it's already on the main torrenting site
>>22425083He hasn't streamed that before right? Why guerilla it...
i wonder if jp kindred will visit tokugawa's grave and shittalk him
Suddenly I become kindred... gosh his city of star sooo good
>>22425241Did he say he'll do totsu? Seems odd for him to do it in a karaoke after party.
i love him!
ah milord, congrats on 522 and karaoke! even if I missed it
>>22425311avoiding drama about streaming over another karaoke after party maybe
I find Vox's open attentionwhoring refreshing
Time to watch Ike's VOD
>>22425083Over Vox’ after party? When will he learn. Lmao
vox shouting "SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M HAVING A MOMENT" without context is funny
>>22425386Is it even attentionwhoring at this point? He politely asks for attention and whores as separate activities
>>22425443he's a whore to me
>>22425083HE'S DONE IT AGAIN
I love you milord…
>>22425386Vox has a brutal honestly that I find charming.
Reaction part of the stream over? I only have one screen rn and can't be bothered to dig up what he's putting on at the moment.If no I'm going back to watching the Stellaris Dev talk.
>>22425386He thrives on attention so much it comes around into being really wholesome..
i glad hes emotionally
>>22425248The problem with covid was that it collapsed the health system of countries with bad public health care, like USA, they just didn't had enough mechanical ventilator respirators for people. Because it had a huge R0 and small incubate period of time. It never was about how dangerous the virus was, but retards can even comprehend that
>>22425513Yes it's over
>>22425493kys dramafag we are having a moment here
>>22425486He's a whore but he's genuine about it. An honest slut, an earnest whore. He spreads his ass willingly for his money.
>doesn't tweet directly about the karaoke>streams on twitch during the afterpartyadd that to the list
>>22425513He's doing an emotional thank you speech
>Nina playing NV and now Starcraft todayWhere the fuck has this Nina been? Is it an imposter?
I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHHHHHH i need him to know that i'm proud of him for hosting his very first karaoke stream despite how nervous he was to do it and how nervous he was throughout the stream. VOX LOVE
>>22425543h-hot... i like it more when they are unwilling though
>>22425443I mean he isn't humblebragging or saying he only cares about making content no matter how few people show up, he basically revels in the attention and announced his boner over a hairpulling superchat
>>22425386All bisluts are huge attention whores, because they can form lasting relationships with people, so they keep changing partners.
>>22425527Anon fucking died mid sentence
you'll ignore the baits- right?
Vox says the bouncy camera was making people horny KEK
>>22425543Not even for money, really. The dude never once shrilled streamlab, when his audience is probably 90% apple users (30% apple cut before 30% YT cut). He cares more about red words on the screen than that extra money.He's literally an ATTENTION whore.
vox is getting legit addicted to the success... that's hot but also a little worrying
>>22425550Oh no mystakesis explain this
>>22425604im bi and im not an attention whore
>>22425555>>22425532Nice! Meandering who-even-knows-the-genre-at-this-point talks can wait.
>Pomu karaoke today>Hyped for it>Friends inviting me to play Tekken and YugiohWhat do I do, bros?
>>22425560shes always played based games from the start, only issue that at the end of the day not even good vidya can make a nina stream good.
>"I want to dedicate myself to you"What does this mean?
>>22425681it's a karaoke? just listen in the background retard
>>22425652imagine the things he'll do for success...
>>22424651Nigga no one cares for your failures. Go back.
milord opening up about being very mentally unwell for the past several years... my love... we're here for you
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH is streaming terraria right now, he doesn't give a fuck about Vox or Nijisanji, he only care about Mika
>>22425702Pomu is going to be singing Disney songs though and I would've to explain vtuber to them...
>Luca was in the dumps before getting to nijisanji>Vox was also in the dumps (sort of) before getting to nijisanji
>>22425681Both you retard Pomie. I'm going rape and beat the fuck out of you now bitch
>>22425444someone timestamp his reactions like this later pls
>>22425530This is not what anyone believes. Everyone KNOWS that the science is settled and covid WILL kill you if you don't vaccinate or close your entire country. Whether it is true, doesn't matter for my point, that it is within normal to think you will die in your sleep.
>>22425764This is not parasocialThis is codependency
I am now gay and in a parasocial (mutual) relationship with Vox Akuma.
>>22425672then why do you have the need to tell us that you are bisexual?
>>22425767Undertale fandom = the dump
>>22425819dont give me attention wtf
>>22425767all of nijien has told this story at some point
Nijisanji fixed him...... His voice is wavering.... milord...... !!!!!!!
>>22425764kindreds is forming a blood oath for mr.coom as we speak
>>22425781How the fuck I'm supposed to do both
having an emotional moment there and he just shouts "SHUT THE FUCK UP" I love box
>>22425755something weird must have happened at that offline meetup
>>22425848(you) now start undressing
>Maybe that's why—SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!>... I can't wait to move.fucking kek
>opens Mysta stream>WHOA WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FLYING PUSSY? I swear those look like one of fleshlight I own, no joke>stays on Mysta stream
>>22425810It's ok to be gay anon.
milord what the fuck are you doing to me i dont want to feel things
>>22425189here >>22422847
>>22425892he got raped bad
"I have not been okay for a very long time, and finally I think I am"this is worrying me a lot lmao this man is in such a delicate place... i know it could all be fine and i really hope it will be but this feels so precarious
VOX-SAMA I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU please just give me one chance I LOVE YOU
men make the best vtubers because they literally have nothing else but us in their lifewomen will never know what true loneliness is like
I only watched the beginning of yesterday's valorant collab, since it was late for me. I believe it was Selen or Gumi who joked about planning to run the stream for 8+ hours. The fucks actually went ahead and did it.
>>22425767THEY ARE
>>22425863Either blast that shit on a speaker or wear some headphones>How do I explain vtubersYou don't. Your friends don't need to understand. In fact why don't you educate them and make them watch Pomu. I psyoped my Holobrony friends into Niji very quickly
>>22425681>>22425781>>22425761You WILL touch grass and you WILL enjoy it. Many of the people here would unironically KILL to have what you have.Don't throw it away over anime girls.Even a single cancelled appointment can create a cascade that ends with you alone and isolated at 38 and wondering how it happened.
My lord.... I get it you are so used to suppress your feelings that you can even cry when you are sad.
>>22425932what do you mean
>>22425932Is he alright... has he ever talked about his relationship with family?
>>22425755Are you guys just pretending or are you actually serious?
>>22425970He just like me frfr
sonnyban love!
>>22425632We'll be fine, most of the shitposters are crying in the catalog.
>>22425530Someone that actually understands what happened.Countries with robust healthcare systems like Canada and Germany and Japan did fine during covid.Countries with rampant corruption in their healthcare systems and government got absolutely ravaged. China reacted extremely harshly knowing their healthcare system would be completely overwhelmed if it ever got as bad as the US. They proved they did the right thing in the end as it could've resulted in tens of millions of deaths nationwide if it got to that point.
>>22425982Anon means he's used to being depressed, usually people like that fall back into it but he seems so consistently uplifted that I don't think you should worry too much. Seems like he got out of a bad situation
>>22426016Fungusman probably hit the nail on the head back then.
>>22426019he is actually streaming if thats your question
>400 years agomilord your unbreakable keyfabe...
>>22425905Based except I left because I don't like the game.
>>22425982if your entire mental stability hinges on an ever-growing stream of money and attention and love that could come crashing down at any moment, that's not great. i've seen bad shit happen to other streamer's mental states, who slowly climbed to vox's level after a DECADE. to get to this point so fast makes it even more dangerous
>>22426019probably 50/50
>>22425892I bet is Mysta overthinking comments about him that the rest don't even remember, like jokes or teasing him because of his house or his lifestyle, it's was weird how he decided to move from his house after the offcollab.He is a menhera after all
>>22426056shhh. hes providing immersion x1000
>>22426052i really hope he wasnt because wow
>>22425958I guess I'm going to go then, if you guys archive it for me I promisse I'm gonna give you guys a big kiss.
>>22426016We know that his family is never mentioned in his lore and he got visibly upset after Fulgur made a joke about his parents hating him if he came out of the closet, to the point where he apologized to his chat for being in a bad moodIn his advice stream he also could barely answer parental questions since he isn't close with his. They're alive, just on bad terms
Vox you're not supposed to fall in love with chat....
>>22426056I kneel forevermore...
>>22426016>>22426052vox's relationship with his family is almost assuredly distant, if not outright hostile. we don't know the details but they're certainly not part of his life and he's never spoken of them, except to say he doesn't know his family in the lore
>>22426016Fulgur bantz rrats aside, he kayfabed his family into non-existence, I don't think they've a good relationship, since given his demon background he could easily make them immoral and therefore still around.
>>22425970It becomes incredibly comforting after a while. Addicting, even. You see something that should upset or hurt or remind you to do something and you just feel... nothing.
>>22426055I mean the shitposting regarding him streaming over Vox, it's posted multiple times now. I want to believe anons aren't THAT retarded.
kindreds your autistic oshi is kind of cute
>even my partner who doesn't like Vox because I won't shut up about him was cheering him on during the karaoke and singing alongWhat is this power....?
>>22426019mystaschizos are accepted here after the thread expelled most mystakes but we should've expelled them instead, I can't imagine they're accepted in any decent thread that discusses nijiboys
>>22426019They're baiting and waiting for someone to bite.
totsu opening
I usually only watch girls but Vox is unironically cute as fuck
>>22426143see why we love him? he's just a big dork!!
>>22426143You can see him rock back and forth when he's happy or talking about fnaf sometimes
>>22425958I touch grass all the time. I go see movies or something with the bros then we come back to my place and watch Niji streams almost every other week
>>22426019serious, mysta doesnt want to be in nijien so we should respect his decision.
>read tweetsfuck please no, just do the totsu vox.
>>22426130Vox is the only man that loves me like a woman
>Pomu karaokeYay!>It's DisneyThe joys of life are fleeting as a tearThough through my love I forever hold you dearMy hate for the mouse eclipses such gainForevermore my heart shall know painMortis.
ENTER la fantasma
ah dammit, rey-moo is here
>>22426019He's live to 5000 viewers now
>>22426142He's just THAT charismatic.
>>22426234thanks anon
i love their sibling dynamic
>>22425058>>22425241get in
>>22426141But when you feel happy or affectionate, you can't show it, so you get emotionally stunned, so that impede you to have healthy relationships or even show your love to others.
Akurei Status: Thriving
Reimu is so sweet
Don't tease Vox for being a dork Reimu...
oh no he's gonna cry
Reimu is losing it...
>>22426294I don't remember posting this
>>22426292I KNOW IT'S GREAT
.... Reimu, I know you're happy over that champion, but no need to be so giggly while you're with Vox...
>>22426294Its funny how Vox has and encourages the most parasocial fanbase and Reimu is on Vox's stream much more than Mika is on Mysta's and yet Mika is so much more hated.
Akurei Thriving
They are so cute together, I hope they meet offline without telling anyone and have hot and steamy sex, while crying.
Unironically my favorite ship
>>22426129Can I ask when did this happen? Damn
>>22426378At least Reimu's in the fucking EN branch
Reimu is freaking it
>>22426129M-maybe if he introduced them to Reimu they might be able to be on good terms again. Then again I have never lived the homophobic parents experience, and just assume that if he keeps his cock thirst secret that they'll accept him back.
>fuchan busy streaming so he wont join the totsu;-:
>>22426378the roomie talk with mika made the mika hate stronger i think idk i didnt watch the stream
>>22426378Salty mystake shut the fuck up and watch your terraria in quiet
>>22426378Vox's CN fanbase even call Reimu Milady at times
>>22426378Because Reimu is lovely when being sweet, funny when being mean, is an amazing singer and I kneel to her.-Kindred
>>22423908It's even trending in germany! Jesas...
>>22426378Mika is a cunt, that's why.
>Vox fucked Nina live on stream>Now he's gonna fuck Reimu on stream too
you won't bite the baits- right?
>>22426378reimu is a lot less annoying than mika
>>22426378It's because Vox still gives a whole lot of love for his fanbase and it is clear that he cares, meanwhile it seems that Mysta forgets about his audience sometimes and goes Mika Mika Mika mode. That thing with Sonny bd didn't help either.
>>22426455go talk about your indog in the ID thread
>>22426434That stream was comfy, but you wouldn't know since you're a retarded threadwatcher
>>22426495what was the tream, need fap material rn
>>22426500you’ll bring attention to baits- right?
>>22426495>Vox fucked Nina livewhich stream?
>>22426378Mika has a worse personality and also Vox doesn't really treat her special on stream. Yeah he flirts with her, but he does it to everyone. Reimu is a sister concubine in Vox's harem.
I love my daughterwife!
>>22426378maybe because someone doesn’t give back attention to the antis so the hate doesn’t keep getting fueled
Pogmu crumbs from the collab, Nijischoolsupplies crumbs from the minecraft stream yesterday and today and then Akurei gives out a whole cookie. Good day.
>>22426524aye ty, might listen to it since enna is there
>>22426537>>22426561Scp readings. They were extra cozy with each other.
>>22426573I want to sniff her asshole
>>22426510You don't watch Mysta do you?
>>22426618cute ewiwa
>>22426378That's because the posts talking about reimu being a leech gets drowned out by ironic akurei shippers
>>22426378Reimu doesn't seem like she's grooming Vox she's just very supportive and a friend.Mika acts like Mysta is her fucking lapdog and he acts that way constantly shilling her streams. He even directed his chat to watch Mika after his karaoke instead of directing them to Sonny's birthday stream.Not that I really care about the birthday drama, but that's why people hate Mika. She's the female equivalent of a groomer that turned Mysta into her bitch by being the first person to feign interest in him.
fuck, I just noticed it's 12AM already... I love Nijisanji so much bros it's almost killing me... and these last hour or so just made me reaffirm my enjoyment of Vox even more even if I don't watch him all the time.
>>22426500most people here retarded so it's gonna get bitten anywayjust look at the number of ips
>>22426378because vox isnt desperate to eat some latina puss*. he only needs kindred
>>22426561nta, but probably the off collab. "You don't look a day over 22" hit her pretty fucking hard.
>>22426648Not every stream but a pretty decent amount actually
>>22426609>missing all the reimu hate posts
>>22426618elira your man literally got taken away today
Reimu... he can't hardly even remember the Japanese lyrics in Hope in the Dark...
>>22426660mi amor
>>22426609This, simple as. Mysta can learn a few things from Vox and just straight up never give attention to antis.Responding to hate the Chii-chan way is never going to work out well.
>>22426573Petra love! I like to think she's extra dumb on stream because she uses all her mental energy on studying/working!
>my wayhe wants to/has been playing stranger of paradise has he...
>>22426706i’m talking about mysta replying to antis and vox not doing the same dummy anon
>>22426692I think she went silent for a moment there when he said that it was pretty funny
Do autistic brains tend to bounce off languages like Vox's does?
>>22426711No. The man obsessed with her finally moved on...
God damn they are so fucking cute
>>22426711Girl bye
>>22426774Anon, My Way by Frank Sinatra you pleb
>>22426609That has 0 to do with the actual issues.
>Ill buy you a cake>Nononono Ill buy you a cakeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cute
>>22426788what the livers say aren't important because this thread form its own schizo narrative
>>22426751So could Pomu and Millie
>>22426835 yes, and its the main song of that game
>Reimu underestimating the power of Milord possibly getting 5 million subswhat a bitch, I HATE Reimu >:(
>>22426827this is such a pretty elira
>>22426609When you guys are going to learn that many "antis" are usually just disgruntled fans? When you have that many you're probably doing something wrong
>>22426378Because Reimu is a good-ass entertainer, doesn't act like a groomer, supports Vox's relationships and never comes off as overall unpleasant.She has class. Mike doesn't.
I love Reimoo so much, instead of resting she gets on Milord's stream ASAP and congratulates him...
He's not sure if he can make it.Not the 5.22 million.The JP songs....
Terraria is such an ugly game and will forever be just that 2d minecraft clone
>>22426711Good for him. Big tiddied chink is better for him anyway
fuck I messed up my timezones and missed Vox's karaoke, how was it?
>started the reimu x vox shipping shitposting very early on as a joke>over the months i actually began to like it >now i join any and all collabs were both of them are presenti am the cancerreimu and vox are made to be together though
>>22426909t. schizo
>>22426911We hate Mike!
Reimu getting that meat
Reimu has been warming up to me ever since she went to help Luca. I love how she's so supportive...
>>22426711Looks like I missed an important development.
>>22426921I hate when fanart don't add Reimu eyebags and make her eyes like 4 times bigger
>>22426977So you didn't see the twitters of the people complaining about Mika?
>>22426950Looks like stardew valley to me and that game was very popular despite looking ugly
>>22426966On nyaa already
>>22427014ready the bots i must see the meat
>>22426975no, it's at 522 million, unfortunately...
How did the Apex tourney go?Did reimu win again?
>"bye bye bay-reiumu"hmm yessss hehehe
>>22426977I'm not the one thinking there's a conspiracy targeting my oshi and ignoring all Mysta fans on twitter writting these long ass posts.
>>22426979Fuck michael cat!
Vox's laugh reminds me of Jimmy Carr except its tone doesn't go up, kek
>>22426909Its easier for ‘fans’ to brush them off and send ‘We love you! Don’t pay attention to antis!’
>R-Reimu not infront of the Fujos...
That's the sigh of a man in love
>>22424196Will Enna join and make it a threesome?
>>22426992what did she help luca with?
>Pomu's karaoke>this starts playing do?
>>22425896yes ma'am...
luxiem join miload's totsu please
TODD KINOalso isn't it tomorrow
>>22426909People keep saying this in /vt/ but when they pointed out the "disgruntled fan" they'd have like a few dozen likes from shitposter or obvious /here/ accounts and ratioed by hundreds other fans. If you're doing "I'm representing the fans" shit then show your numbers, schizo nigger.
>>22427045dang the sisters work fast. thanks
>>22426618Call them Penny you coward
If Elira plays 13 Sentinels I will kneel again
>>22427110Probably, but Millie will be the harem protagonist.I really thought that Millie x Fulgur would be the next Reimu x Vox
>>22427118His amnesia stream. She was there the whole time, backseating him without being too obvious about it. She's very nice and calm helping him, it's like watching a big sister helping her little brother.
milord you have a collab in 4 hours too
>>22427169I forgot this girl even existed
>>22427169You should not be happy for oblivion that game will ruin vtubers. Hopefully she doesn't stream it a million times like other company detective
>>22427183Don't reply to the schizo, it's just 1-2 posting on cooldown.
How do chinese sisters feel about Akurei?
>>22427204I just want MIllie to find long-term happiness...
>>22427218Luca please be asleep and don't join this totsu you have a collab with milord later...
>>22427227What's wrong with it?
>Reimu hit 200k and didn't even shill on Vox's streamMilord's wife is so humble and supportive despite how sassy she acts...
... imagine if all this Akurei stuff is just YET ANOTHER buildup to even more Vox lore that milord hasn't pulled out yet. Slowly but surely we're getting more and more information about that specific person he keeps getting reminded about whenever he talks about his original clan of 522, and considering they also have the same flower as their favorite, and hint at her lore through it in their earlier collabs...I am definitely going schizo all over this in some places, but considering it's Vox, I really doubt there isn't at least some truth to this...
>>22427244Considering a lot of them draw Vox and Reimu fanart, they love her and are probably self inserting
>>22427244like half the akurei art is from them
>>22427203ah thanks, anon.. that really is sweet of her.
>>22426751>>22426862Addressing antis like Mysta and Pomu does is always a mistake, but addressing fans' toxic behavior like how Luca did is something that really should be done a lot more instead. Unfortunately the line between a fan and an anti gets blurred all too often, especially with falseflags...
Mr. Coom just coom'd at this
i was gonna type something but i fucking forgot while I was typing it fuck fuck fuck
>>22427133Feel good :)
>>22427322But shit about the off-collab virtually died after Pomu addressed it
>>22427368because catalog shitposters have the attention span of a fish
The schizos sending hate to Mysta and Mika aren't his regular antis. It's two different groups of people.Mysta has a dedicated group of antis that HATE his new persona under Nijisanji. It's a mixed group of old friends from his PL and people that hate Nijisanji EN in general and thinks they're ruining the western scene of vtubing.The Mika shit is just a small group of "fans" that hate him collabing with her. Mystakes have already pretty much forced them to apologize though
>>22427368but this is already the 2nd time mysta addressed something about mika
>>22427183>/vt/ is a bunch of retarded schizos and powerful machine capable of having coordenated anti operations on twitterLiterally braindead
>>22427304Remember that Reimu's lore is she doesn't remember anything about when she was alive. Maybe she was part of Vox' 522 all along and only Vox remembers...
>>22427338this is peak
>>22427423You must be REALLY close to this group of people if you know who they are. Perhaps you’re the one shitting up the threads and now the guilt is piling up
>>22426765LOVE! I don't think! I find her brainless moments so endearing, especially when she's talking to someone. It feels so good being around friends who you can turn your brain off when you're with them. Now, I'm craving more elipeto...
>>22427338finally some good ships
>>22427423>people that hate Nijisanji EN in general and thinks they're ruining the western scene of holofags?
>>22427244There are whole channels on bilibili dedicated to Akurei clips.
Update: my partner just woke up from a nap where he fell asleep to Milord's stream, his voice is just that relaxing.
>>22427423I am neither of these things anon. I dislike him for his actions with Sonny
I thought Mika did something the way you fags are talking about her but no it's just the usual circlejerkCan the Mystakes fuck off back to their containment thread already?
>ike is on twitter rnplease join miload's totsu
>>22427204Nah, Millie x Fulgur is cute but Fulgur needs somebody on his wavelength like Vox and Reimu are. I don't think there's anyone like that in NijiEN (yet), but maybe in future waves
Mystakes are retarded, maybe we should actually bully them out of this thread.
I love NijiEN
>>22427268Millie being shipped with Fulgur (+ touching grass) will bring her happiness
>>22427607with our dicks?
>>22427486No you're just a newfag. A few months ago during the Peegate shit a whole bunch of them were fighting Mystakes on twitter. It even got a few bait threads in the catalog. This is why Mysta is afraid of using his private twitter, because those antis are practically stalkers.
>>22427597Yeah, me after I get accepted.
>>22427585they'll talk in their collab soon
>>22427423>Mystakes have already pretty much forced them to apologize thoughNo they just left.
>>22427548He apoligized on his voice tweetnow you have to bend the knee
>>22427626 dont stick your dick in crazy anon
>>22427192I'm a bit sad about it because I swear that game hits all of Pomu's buttons but I always held back from suggesting it because it's a huge commitment. Bur Ewiwa seems like the kind of girl who has what it takes to go through it. Not sure when tho, considering she's about to start Xenoblade 2.
>>22427597They were on their way with their banters
>>22427607They're retarded and don't know how to use a split. Next time they make themselves known I'll make one for them.
>>22427585Is he even still in the totsu channel? He tends to jump out when he does something else going by the 522k Jump King stream, and now that he's going through twitter he might have left the channel...
>>22427659the daddy one cant possibly be real holy fuck
>>22427630>newfagThe irony of a Mystake saying this. Go back to twitter
>>22427666but what if my dick is crazy
this autist I kneel
>>22427632I'll ship it.
>>22427304also considering how Vox has been very particular and places importance in that very specific number and somehow someway always manages to insert it in a weirdly perfect way through his milestone streams (5h22m VOD for his jump king, 52m stream just now for 522k karaoke) and he's been very flawless with keeping up the keyfabe so far... he will most definitely seamlessly include it in the future lore drop, maybe if Reimu hits some important milestone as well, we'll actually see it happen with some lore expansion from them...
>>2242765/vt/ in shumblesdaddies thrivingthank me vox
>>22427630holy shit mystakes are pathetic
>>22427710I am a Mystake and I watch other NijiENs too. I have been here since Lazulight.
>>22427693opening twitter doesnt affect him being in totsu vc
>>22427133It would be absolutely insane
>>22427710The fact you don't remember the Pee shit going down means you weren't here. Everyone remembers it.
>>22427786Go back.
>>22427765>pomudachi fading
>>22427704If you think the 2 people on twitter who were bold/annoying/underage enough to @ him on twitter are the only people dislike Mika, you're stupid. Mysta is hard reclining now.
>>22427427>coordinated anti operationsThere's absolutely no need for "coordinations" for anti pileups, are people this dumb. Also if you're reading that from my post you're retarded.I'm saying that schizos shouldn't be heard even if they're "fans". I find the idea that people should be listened to on virtue of being a "fan" despite they being (1) a small minority and (2) act completely unhinged absolutely retarded.This is not just for MystaMika btw but for every shit that this board peddles as "something from concerned fans that the vtubers in question must definitely listen".
>>22427277Backseating makes the the chuuba hate chat, assuming that anon is talking about ame.
imagine if he did a T-pain song...
>>22427820And everyone thought Mysta was a disgusting retard. Because he is. Only a Mystake like you would position him as a victim in that situation.
Shoto just feels like a honorary EN member at this point lol...I miss Oliver tho...
>>22427751>inb4 Reimu is wall girl
I don't watch Vox outside his gaming streams but does he get this autistic in superchat/zatsudan type of streams lmao.
>22427839>hard recliningthe mysta schizos are not even going to hide that they're from /#/
>>22426500How's you liking the thread now? Unfortunately it happens every day around this hour.
>>22427820Where in my post did I ever mention not remembering?>>22427786>I am a Mystake
>>22427811Neither would getting emotional over hitting 522k, but he refused to get back into totsu vc despite Reimu begging in chat.
>>22427765I'm still trying my best to make that trident farm, I'll finish it tomorrow
>>22427902I really could believe this...
>>22427898fuck off
mystake niggers write "I'm a mystake btw" in their post like it'll get people to take them seriously
>>22427857Its really not complicated>chuubas only exist because they have parasocial fanbase>chuuba has a huge crush on a girl and talks about her all the time>parasocial fans of chuuba hate herMika probably makes it worse with her depression and personality, but ultimately thats all it is.
>>22427227She'll drop it like Skyrim, don't even worry. Even Rosemi is getting sick of backseaters, she's just too sweet to really lay it into them like Enna.
So if Vox gets picked in a Koshien team, will Koshien be the most watched vtuber event in history?
>>22427911Yes, he absolutely does
>>22427911there's 4 kinds of vox streams, all kinoyou get gaming kinoyou get horny kinoyou get collab kinoand you get zatsu autism kino
>>22427911All the time lmao.
>>22427911He gets this autistic even in horny streams.
>>22427995"Please be patient, i'm a mystake" hat when?
>>22427912It's funny that the ips increased after one post mentioning that they are 1-2 guy samefagging. Gotta raid the thread with their vpns now.
>>22428000thisdon't expect her to strea it after 2 or 3 streamsit'll be collecting dust like Doom, Sekiro, and Skyri
very slow update, I need to head to sleep, it's too late and I don't want to miss kino collab...
>>22428008Anon, Koshien already had more concurrent viewers at the time than the olympics livestream from japan at that time, how much higher can it get?
>Nina playing StarcraftBased alcoholic hag
>>22428109good jobi love the sitting pose
>>22428078It never stops being funny how Mystakes refuse to believe that more than 1 person could dislike their golden boy. Not like he's a menhera faggot, oh no.
So uh Mysta is being based on Twitter and calling out schizos? I like.
Vox doesn't know about the all out war lol...
>>22427911he is literally like this all the time. it doesn't stop. and we love him
>>22428109Have the tails push her up after a knockdown
>>22428078I'm closing and opening the thread so I didn't notice, but I'd believe it.
>>22428117If Youtube ain't stress testing their servers just to see if they can support Koshien then it's not high enough
>>22427835 I could fade awayTomorrow never comesBut that’s okIf I could seize the dayI’ll hold you in my armsAnd fade away
>>22428078You sound more delusional than Mysta’s antis..
>>22428166Mysta is always based. That's why the schizos hate him.
>>22428109Looking great so far! Have a good rest!
is it the holobronie all out war or just some minecraft war
>lava moathow demonic
>>22428166based but he sounds schizo as fuck
>>22427857I'm not saying you have to listen to them, this is up to Mysta to decide, he can just go and say "Go fuck yourselves, I like Mika" to all these people. My issue is that people think antis are just crazy people who hate that particular vtuber for whatever reason. Actual trolls/schizos play up legitimate concerns up to unresonable points, it feels like you guys are really oblivious to this kind of tactic sometimes.Talking about his actual relationship with Mika. Like that other anon replied to you, it's complicated because of parasociability.
>>22428164Geniunely crazy. They must know by know /vt/ has more than a couple homegrown Mysta and Mika antis.
>>22428241based like his peeing ways?
>>22428117There's still the "most concurrent viewers / most watched event of all time" theme.
Why did only Reimu dropped by?
>>22428166Pretty much.
I feel bad for rosemi. The phase/tsun/cl events have kicked up a new wave of shitting on her.
>>22428266>Actual trolls/schizos play up legitimate concerns up to unresonable points, it feels like you guys are really oblivious to this kind of tactic sometimes.There are real Mysta fans are annoyed by Mika and his obsession with her. I don't know how many there are, but they should probably stop watching him.
>>22427765>>22427956You guys are amazing!
I wonder if Vox will still join the collab later? Sounds like he will just chill the rest of the day, he deserves it but I'm pretty curious.
>>22428166I just decided to listen to Mysta "calling out the haters". In response to the criticism that he collabs with Mika every week and that it's getting boring, you know what he said?>Uhm, I haven't collabed with Mika in TWELVE STREAMSVerbatim. Fucking hilarious. Retard doesn't get it at all.
>>22427857>I'm saying that schizos shouldn't be heard even if they're "fans". No, you're a retard who doesn't like hearing any negative comments and thinks anybody making them is a 'schitzo'.
Off to bed for me then. Good night everybody!!!!
>>22428409gn ryupal!
>>22428385I really appreciate the guys making auto farms, it makes thing so much easier.
>>22428166he's based because schizos get triggered by whatever he says, for example >>22428405
>>22428405He did the math wrong though. They had a collab over the weekend
>>22428419the hottest nijiEN girl
>>22428250the nothingburger war
>>22428481Found the Mystake.
>>22428192honestly I feel that reason he's least likely to go overboard or get some delusions of grandeur, is because he's so autistic in focusing on stuff he likes
>>22428487>girli think you meant MILF
>>22428487Who's that?
>>22428486He wasn't counting the ones not in his channel. Either he's being deliberately misleading, or he's actually retarded. Both are very likely.
>>22428518I swear we didn't nearly this many Mystakes before the Sonny incident. What happened?
>>22428507they won one game!!! they had some very close ones too
>>22428266>Go fuck yourselves, I like Mikaif he was to say something like this, it would make stuff clear but instead he's going to wallow in self pity and go further menhera
>>22428507No tourney yet, they did well in the practice, got 2nd and could've been first but Ebio made a really bad decision by the end
>>22428481>schizos hating >mysta triggered and responds >schizos triggered>back to the topits a full circle
>>22428507They are still doing practice rounds. Her team performed worse today, but still managed to snatch one champion.
I'm watching Ewiwa's DMC V VOD and I just want to say your oshi is fucking adorable famelira. Sometimes I forget how damn cute that girl is.
>>22428575This image but with Mysta.My condolences.
>>22428558Mysta is literally and factually retarded.
hey guys I just read the "bait" thread about Rosemi and decided to unmember her. Schizo or not, some of her behavior is shifty, I don't want to wonder if I'm being fucked in the ass by someone lying about her actions and intentions behind them. I just want to enjoy streams in peace.
>>22428575Schizos weren't getting (you)s so they larped as Mystakes to reply to their own posts, pretending like this thread gives a fuck about the drama.
>>22428657Sorry I'm not an ant.
>>22428622And that's why menheras can never win
>>22428166He is a schizo himself so it's easy.
>>22428373she doesn't visit these threads right?god...
>>22428670I will now member to keep the balance
>>22428670Same. I just can't trust her anymore.
>>22428373She is still more successful than most of those combined. And Pippa low key shitting on her recently won't chanfe it either.
>>22428622pretty much :PepeLaugh:
>>22428670>randomly dragging a bait thread here while falseflagging as a rosebudHey bud, go kill yourself
>>22428613It would also hurt his numbers. Numbers are the only thing he loves as much Mika.
>>22428686do mystakes really?
How do I get a Nina gf?
>>22428139I thought she finally woke up for the stream, silly me
>>22428686Exactitude this
>>22428670>>22428730>Look at the timesHmmmm i wonder if this means anything....
>>22428613He's streaming right now and enjoying himself. You guys are still stuck on the tweet from hours ago.
>>22428166I'm starting to think Mysta is one of the larping mystakes /here/
>>22428408A few months back I quote retweeted Mysta criticizing him for caring too much about antis when he replied to his "old friend" who shat on him and he later on deleted the post I quoted and apologized about it so, no, I don't oppose negative comments, you're the one who can't accept people calling on your retard schizo shit as it is.
>>22428622this is why hes retarded
>>22428758For starters you have to be 35+, muscular and career-having
>>22428758Go to cons and hit on every hamplanet you see.
>>22428790fuck off cuck
>>22428670i just want her to write the monthly member that too much to ask? unless she hates us and has nothing nice to say since quitting her job?literally thats when she started acting differently
>>22428794go back
>>22428794>he makes more money than you so you cant criticize him!!
>>22428617I really don't get this amount of scrims. People just exhayst themselces and perform worse in the actual tourney.
part 2 when
>>22428834Nice, i can use inspect element too
Nina pube status?
>>22428837one of the schizos stalking her mentioned she tweeted about "meeting someone special" on her private twitter. wouldn't be surprised if she started fucking someone and started feeling disdain for people paying for her protection.
>>22428871But, he's on mobile.
>>22428852collab doko
somewhere someone...
>>22428852soon in like? 2-3 months once he reaches 1 mill subs
You can call me a schizo, but I don't like Mika and I won't watch any stream she's in. I also won't watch Mysta because even if she's not actually there, he's still constantly talking about her.
>>22428827she does squats every day, and converts all the alcohol calories into ass/thighsor so I want to believe
>>22428758Go deep into the woods and set up a fox trap with wine
>>22428920is still thinking
>>22428902Why do these people even have personal twatters?
>>22428848>"He's going to cry in a corner and be depressed now!">Point out he's not doing that>Somehow this turns into money talkWtf are you even talking about??
>>22428758Call your grandma
>>22428826I'm muscular and I have a career, too bad I'm not that old>>22428827But Nina is a cardiobunny, she is the most fit nijiEN
>178 IPs>Mysta and Rosemi timeloop>Vox making /#/ seethe>Nijisanji making Aqutards seetheYep just a normal thread
Mika is a leech, simple as.Also, don't forget the video of Mika's PL talking about "growing your brand" exist
>>22428911Since Vox isn't likely to get much better at Japanese any time soon, the king will need to git gud at English for it to happen.
>>22428957about someone else
>>22428959she's an attention whore, needs her daily dose of selfies on twitter and instagram.
Nina leech status?
>Nina is late AGAIN
>>22428902>on her private twitterhow'd the schizo even manage to find it and get approved to see her tweets?
>>22428959Do people really feel the need to talk about their personal life to random people so fucking much that they're willing to dox themselves and risk their careers?
>>22428705well she does seem down lately, that might be why but who knows
>>22428990even in times of change what matters
>>22428964The sandwich doesn’t always come in a plastic bag.
>Okay first of all I don't have low IQうーんこれは
>>22429044She's depressed because her friend ghosted her. Funny thing cause she's basically doing the same thing to her fanbase to cope.
>>22428902>actually believing this
>>22429048will last forever
>>22428978We're really making a lot of people mad right now do we? I don't even feel like we're doing anything I was just having fun to an autistic karaoke stream
>>22428981Mika is making the mother of all omelettes here anon, can't fret over every tenga egg
I want to get drunk with Nina and have drunk sex with her and hold her hair while she puke her soul out
Rosemi played a dangerous game playing the pure girl, they always attract the worst schizos. Hololive is living proof of this.
Rosemi will never have sex with (You)
>>22429093>Finana has a private twitter where she posts all kind of stuff>Mysta bitching about being afraid of having stalkers on his private twitterIdk anon, I usually agree with you but vtubers are so menhera that this doesn't feel too crazy.
>>22428978It's almost unreal how the shit-flinging stopped in the vsai thread, once Vox started his karaoke. It's so obvious.
>>22429116Success breeds jealousy it seems...
ayo wtf, wasn't she in VSaikyo just now? Rena are you not gonna sleep...?
>>22428959except you know rosemi mentioned hating using twitter and only puts effort into doing so because they have to, right? even in her PL she only tweeted once a day or less
>>22428978>>Nijisanji making Aqutards seetheaqua team got btfo'ed today?
>>22429146I love Shu with tits
>>22429093it's Rosemi, I legit believe she might be retarded enough to do this shit. Especially considering her attention whoring in the past.
>>22429235>todayThey haven't been doing great
>>22428978We have 133 IPs right now though
>>22429013No males to leech from this stream, so her care meter is low for this stream (40 minutes late and counting)
>>22429186That's not a private twitter...
fuuchan slept for 3 hours and only had a protein bar
>>22429235They got 1st place but doesn't mean they seethed less, they were shitting the VSPO thread from beginning to end and calling everyone a "nijinigger", even the usual VSPO anons
>>22429235they dominated today
Has this been mentioned yet — seems like they’re planning on linking the various niji minecraft servers together soon. I wonder if that includes the en server?
>bait posts in the catalog about the chinese(?) hating on Vox's singingfemanons that potentially browse other sites, do they actually disliking him because of his singing?I mostly watch female vtubers but even when I watch the ones that are bad at singing I am still enjoying listening to them trying and giving it their all
>>22428959The thrill of getting caught and having a double life, and also because they are huge menheras that are also attentionwhores.Like Finana, Rosemi and Mysta,
>listened to Vox's karaoke via ear bud while working>look at my notifications: Mysta started streaming 1 hour agoGuess I do also have a Mysta stream to watch today yay
>>22429325VSPO thread really doesn't deserve that shit.
>>22429186>>22429318Wait I misread this, nvm. Forgot my meds.
>>22429366 (me)do they actually dislike him*
>>22429366... the answer is pretty obvious, of course they don't give a shit.
>>22429366he is shitthey know is shit but will still watch him.
>>224293514/20BLAZE IT
>>22429393go back
>>22429366If you screenshotted a bait thread OP from this board and posted it somewhere else you too can claim that this represents "all fans", especially if they speak a different language and machine translated it for them.
>>22429366same as us with selen
honestly karaokes are supposed to be fun, it doesn't matter if you're good or not at singing
>>22429406They've been through enough... getting chased out of /jp/ was already pretty rough for those guys...
I haven't watched Rosemi for a week now and have been loving Petra. would it be weird for me to get her membership? I feel like a disgrace for even considering it
>>22429406vspo started started throwing shit a holos and that just invited falseflaggers so today when they udnerperfromed they got shit on.that is why generals should only stay on topic, my post included and all the comaprision with holos here also is offtopic.
>>22429393No amount of bs today will outshine Milord’s streams, I LOVE MY SKINNYFAT LORD!!!!>>22429366No they are just joking around like how anons here use cringekino
>rosemi does a karaoke>is complete shit>selen does a karaoke>is complete shit>vox does a karaoke>is complete shitlooks like nijien still has no real gura level talent when it comes to singing, or anything else for that matter.
>>22429210i dont have voxanne/mysty to follow up so here are my two fave luxiem bois
>>22429494Do what you want anon, its not that deep, no ones gonna lynch you
>>22429322We love to see an insomniac skinny king
>>22429494I moved from Rosemi to Finana without much regrets. idk why Rosebuds feel so guilty about switching oshis, it's a normal thing and doesn't mean you hate them etc.
>>22429535Least you waited till the thread was on page 10.
>>22429469Back your ass onto my balls bitch
>>22428978Well, the karaoke thread was nice at least. I'm out, thanks for the lovely time this morning anons!
fuuchan so tired he can't even pronounce words
>>22429393he was listening and talking to ike and shu during vox's karaoke as well! (luca was sleeping)
>>22429535Yeah, they sing too good for Gura's level, we should get someone who sounds like a rubber duck being squashed
>>22429322skinny legend behaviour
>>22429574go to sleep fuuchan.... botw isnt worth it
>>22429013that's true isn't it. she doesn't care much about her solo streams, they are her lowest priority.
>>22429540Don't have a Voxanne either, but have some Mysty
>>22429535Don't count us out yet, we still have Enna, Elira, Millie and Reimu.
>>22429494This is Nijisanji. Nobody will kill you for having multiple oshis. Even Pomu has multiple oshis ..
Bros... i'm beginning to think that Selens a grifter on OTV like Nina is with Luxiem.How do you cope with this potential information?
>>22429494It's pretty common to have multiple memberships.
>>22429366imagine you hear your girlfriend singing shit while doing chores cutely, would you break up with her or go hug her instead? yeah? now think of the male equivalent
bros what should i masturbate to
>>22429594Wtf I hate Luca!
>>22429619well they dont bring numebrs so it is obvious
>>22428834>cuckbrony spotted
>>22429624holy shit THANK YOU
Tfw no Fulgur mod gf to groom and convince that there are healthier ways to gain attention, i.e love from a loved one: me, as opposed to latching on to a spec of recognisability as a moderator
>>22429543 but there's this Rosemi voice in the back of my mind saying "please stay" >>22429561idk it just doesn't feel genuine if you haven't supported someone from the start like I did with Rosemi...
>>22429594Aw cute! I love these boys
>>22429642no one cares about OTV
>>22429626smol tiddies mysty is best mysty
>>22429686tfw no fulgur who actually fires all his mods
>>22429685yea but you no longer enjoy the content so you no longer need to support it. she stopped producing something you find value in. don't feel responsible for her livelihood, only she is responsible for that.
>>22429535Everyone knows they can't sing, even they themselves know that, they're just having fun.If you're not shitposting then listen to Enna or Elira. they can really sing.
>>22429747alright ill go do that
new sonny split personality just dropped
>>22429494she won't mind, anon, she probably doesn't even know you exist
>>22429650shota shu
>>22429626>>22429739kill yourselves
>>22429783you don't know how much Rosemi loves her buds when she does her membership streams...
>>22429779enjoy your masturbation with shu
Thingken about sloppy kisses with Pomu...
>>22429642the only OTV she collabed was scarrato be a "grifter like nina" she would need to be in a collab with the big ones
>>22429792thanks but uhhabayo?
>>22429366Hell, plenty of us here were going "He's horrible at this, I love it" here too. He objectively not great and only had a very short time to learn, but everyone that I can see were enjoying it.Now they're busy trying to report people who reuploaded to bilibili and get those videos taken down...
>>22429821You bastard
>>22429494most of us have more than one membershipcute rosebud...
>>22429818Mysty and Lucy love
Can’t wait until Pomu’s English karaoke this evening! Pomu love
>>22429890go back
>>22429351I hope not. Let it build up more before making a merge.
>>22429235They actually won the scrims today with a final win where they got 17kills, but then the extra games came in and Pakael's team blew their achievement out of the water with a 23kill win.I'm pretty sure the extra games also made them lose their lead, which would make them the first winning team so far to do so.Combined with the fact that they didn't get higher than 9th in the past scrims and that the stars basically aligned to give them their win(favorable ring, Pute accidentally landing on a dropship, ABO falling off a cliff), their performance today looks like a fluke.
so bad lol
>foxakuma fujos always draw them having sex cowgirl style, because vox would absolutely powerbottom that way and it’s hot>vox sang Camel, of course referencing the meme video, where Ankha is doing cowgirlYep I’m thinking Top Mysta is canon!
how has rosemi changed
>>22429928They already announced it tho..
>wants to be a penny shitposter itt>there's barely any fanarts of penny from latest mc collab
>>22429989She became the EN Rushia
>>22429840she gave them a kiss, got embarassed and run away?
>>22429989she hates streaming now. waste of time now that she has lots of it.
>>22429984that artist is so fucking based
the ride never ends happened
>>22429989She left her job and now she's dumber
>>22430030that's a really cute ship name wtf...
what a disgrace
Never seen any game play of Terraria, don't know how it works; is it like a 2d minecraft?
>>22430066mysta menhera'd about their antis on main again
don't bite it
>>22430089we need 100 more views to make it 5.2k views
>>22430066She's going to milk it till its dry then raise a victim card wouldn't she?
>>22430058God I can’t wait for all the FoxAkuma fujos to get inspired by Camel, that video fits their sexual dynamic so perfectly…
>>22430111yea it's 2d minecrafti remember that elira and pomu streamed it before
>>22430118>Don't talk about a tweet that was just made>Why? It makes my oshi look badclassic
>>22430150I was the 5200th view, now we need 5200 likes
>>22430159That's exactly how depressed and suicidal attention whores operate so it wouldn't surprise me.
>>22430111It's a mix of Minecraft and metroidvania.You build shit while getting loot to become a demigod so you can get more loot.
>>22428166Eh, I feel like he's just trying fulfill some self-defeating prophecy. He knows that the hate mail has some degree of validity as criticism despite being an overreaction to the frequency of his collabs with Mika. He knows that he's not currently able to separate the valid points of criticism from the hate without taking it personally. He knows that addressing it will just lead to more hate. Yet he still goes on twitter to publicly complain about it and how it makes him feel like shit.
>>22429989She's pregante
Moshi moshiASMR where?
>>22430111It's not really 2d Minecraft, it's a game where you have a checklist of a lot of bosses to fight. Way more emphasis on finding loot and fighting enemies while Minecraft is more building stuff.
>>22430229the menhera lifestyle
>> many of those do you have
>watch vox's karaoke>90% of it is talking>10% is singingSorry milord, but this wasn't it, I'll unmember until it's worth it to member you again cause this shit sucked
>>22430111its more combat focused than building but yeah its 2d minecrat
Rosemi is literally pregnant. You can't convince me otherwise.She has a baby growing in her womb right now.
>>22430160Seffy pregnant with my child.....yes. This is a good development
>>22430273Cool story bro
>>22430279yes, mine
>>22430175>>22430211Thanks anons
Nina, can you come to your stream now? You're an hour late...
>>22430065>>22430066what the fuck happened
>>22430279She has heatlhy 9 piglets in her womb right now yes.
>>22430273based contrarianchad
Bros I went to my psychiatrist today and she gave me new meds
>>22430337read the thread retard
>>22430266nta but I've collected like at least 10 so far... it's quite amazing just how much people want to kill Mechaffyna...
>>22430066Damage control after Mysta went full schizo and dragged her into it
>>22430273Whoa this is definitely real and it is 100% Mika's fault the fucking whore stole my spot at Mysta's side.
>>22429989She somehow streams less as a NEET than she did as a wagie.Also she hasn't really done high effort streams anymore.I still love her but she's letting the NEET life get to her head and it shows. I hope this is just a transitional period and she's more genki and hardworking next month.
>>22430337mysta got another bitch preganante and mika just found out about this
>>22430324pls andastandno luxiem means no shits given
>>22430392FoxAkuma Love!
>>22430357can you ask your psychiatrist if she can see the suicidal dragoon
>>22430324why is your oshi like this?
>>22430357Depression, Bipolar or Schizophrenia? I hope you get better with your new meds
>>22430357>>22430401>>22428920>>22428957the hell is up with the occasional briskadet replying to a pomudachi itt?
>>22430357Happy for you broI’m taking xanax wbu
>>22430367so Mika talked to Mysta and people are mad? That sound about right?
>>22430461Chronic alcoholism means that she wake up almost everyday with a hangover
>>22430481NijiBlondes Unity
>>22430461Wineposting, I'd wager a leg.
>>22430481one-sided love is blooming
>>22430481i ship old wagie pomudachis with ol hag briskadets
Watchin' Vox's karaoke made me feel things again it's full of S O V L like when I watch Rosemi's karaokeI want more of Mister Myload
>>22430511honestly nijiblondes fits all of my oshis in each wave. what a superior unit
>>22430357I've given up on trying to get medicated honestly it feels like every single medical professional is just trying to make me run in circles paying for clinic bills and trying different medications that don't work. I'll just learn to live with my 50 mental illnesses or kill myself or something healthcare is a fucking scam fuck this world.
>>22430357is your psychiatrist cute
>>22430486Mysta talks about Mika every ~5 minutes on stream so a certain annoyance towards her by parasocial fans has been building. Sonny birthday thing happened and it went nuclear and spilled onto twitter. Mysta and Mika are drama whores.
>>22430551i want to kick finana in her stupid fish face for making that dumb look.
I miss Pomu