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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2233258 No.2233258 [Reply] [Original]



17 JST. What do you think will happen of these two? I fear inevitable suspension/graduation.

>> No.2233320

It's pretty stupid to even think it's gonna be graduation, but I guess you never know with cover. They've had a week off already so about time for them to come back.

>> No.2233326

Graduation would be way too extreme, no matter how Japanese society operates they won’t do that

>> No.2233339
Quoted by: >>2233569

I wouldn't mind a suspension since that is just temporary, but if they graduate I will go full zhang on the artist responsible.

>> No.2233361

Eh, just another naked dogeza session to appease the v-antis

>> No.2233369

Oh god i'm sweating balls off. I will actually bash anyone who mentions graduation because you nihilistic cunts need to get a grip. There is no way such a despicable action can occur

>> No.2233371

Did something happen to the mangaka?

>> No.2233408

I hope so

>> No.2233428
Quoted by: >>2234416

Probably yet anoyher apology, since they haven't apologized on stream yet. With maybre a break announcement at most

>> No.2233471

The mangaka isn't even involved anymore, it's just antis dogpilin without knowing what they are dogpiling about as usual

>> No.2233498


>> No.2233502

I wish

>> No.2233520

Announcement that they're tying the knot with each other.

>> No.2233529

I hope Cover isn't stupid enough to graduate them.
It wouldn't surprise me if they were though.
Cover will realize it's a mistake fast if they do aswell.

>> No.2233563

Pregnancy announcement. The 2nd one for Miko yeah?

>> No.2233568
Quoted by: >>2233607

That dumbass artist fucked up so bad by starting this shit publicly. She'll never hear the end of this now, specially if they actually get punished for it. And she can't even stop it anymore, it's out of her reach now.

>> No.2233569

>I wouldn't mind a suspension
I would. Fuck BL and fuck cancel culture.

>> No.2233579
Quoted by: >>2233658 >>2233866

Let's be real here, it's just a "sorry" stream
They would not clickbait this hard if it was graduation...I feel they would not even do a livestream if it was a suspension
They will go gomen a few times and thats it
If i'm wrong i will

>> No.2233582

Get fucked ichitrannies and 35piss.

>> No.2233599

Probably a two or three week hiatus.
That seems to be the standard practice.

>> No.2233607

Oh yeah. Bet the artist is sweating balls. The fag realises if miko and marine both have suspensions they will get fucked as well as BL Fujos

>> No.2233621
Quoted by: >>2233655

>no like/ dislike bar
>comments turned off beforehand
isn't this a little heavyhanded? even the chink yab didn't have coco & haato make a stream in this manner

>> No.2233630

>about to go to sleep
>hey let's check the catalogue before turning in to see if there's anything to look forward to tomorrow
>see this
>now too nervous to go to sleep
Why do I do this to myself

>> No.2233654

I say we kill the Yagoo

>> No.2233655

Coco and haachama got immediately suspended so they didn't make an apology stream at all.

>> No.2233658
Quoted by: >>2233767

I hope it starts that way, in a 3D format. Then they do a complete 180 and start cussing out fujos and flipping off the camera.

>> No.2233660
Quoted by: >>2233747

I feel your pain bro.

>> No.2233666

BL Fujos should all go die

>> No.2233685



>> No.2233690

>Check catalog before going back to work
>Lose concentration immediately because of the vague announcement videos

>> No.2233691

Same here. Very worried. This better turn out to be nothing. I wouldn't be happy if this was another apology, but at least it would be better than anything worse.

>> No.2233724

Fuck, I'm so nervous right now. I hate these 'announcement' streams after seeing Pikamee's one live.
Fingers crossed it's just an apology and nothing harsh like a graduation.

>> No.2233734

There's no way Cover Corp (tm) would graduate two, million sub talents over some fujo doujinshis autistically screeching. Right?

>> No.2233735

Chris: Failure to debut due to breach of contract.
China: Graduation to avoid international incident.
Everyone Else: Mental or physical health issues.

Unless this drama drove Miko or Marine insane, speculating graduation is unfounded.

>> No.2233736
File: 260 KB, 1777x1778, 1613243843703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to bed, now i'm scared shitless. If this results in graduation, I vow for violence against Cover and that fucking shitbag that got pissy over nothing.

>> No.2233747

Brothers. So much for fixing my degen sleep schedule.

>> No.2233763

Why does cover even pander to this bullshit? Just ignore it and move on. Their audience is like half a million people, the antis and whiners are a drop in the ocean.

>> No.2233767

Before the China incident, I wouldn't put that past Miko.

>> No.2233797
Quoted by: >>2233879 >>2233884

Who exactly is dogpiling them? The last thing I heard was the mangaka throwing a fit, they didn't have that big of a following did they?

>> No.2233798
Quoted by: >>2233877

Yeah, people are just being retarded doomposters as usual

>> No.2233800
Quoted by: >>2233825

Stay worried. They might.

>> No.2233825
Quoted by: >>2233860

What is your evidence?

>> No.2233835
Quoted by: >>2233869

They're both way too popular for that to happen

>> No.2233860
Quoted by: >>2233892 >>2234031

Their letter regarding their support of the "One China" policy before they realized how fucked they were when the entire globe was pissed at them.

>> No.2233866
File: 173 KB, 1023x767, 1528575648461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be an apology stream
But apology streams are just as shitty because it encourages antis to further create false drama over minor bullshit and management will make rules to further limit what they can do and say

Keep in mind all this drama is over Miko putting a faggot doujin in the freezer to surprise Marine as a joke
Cover goes out of their way to give antis power and it's annoying as shit because none of the faggots complaining actually give a shit and are just using it as excuse to dogpile

>> No.2233869
Quoted by: >>2233935 >>2233987

If they didn't drop Coco or Haachama over the possibility of an actual violent Chinese revolt there's no way they're gonna drop Miko or Marine.

>> No.2233877
Quoted by: >>2233919

You underestimate how stupid Cover is.

>> No.2233879
Quoted by: >>2234160 >>2234455

The rrat floating around is that anti v-tubers clip chimped the BL scene from the stream and sent it to the artist along with a bunch of lies in order to provoke an internet fight.

>> No.2233884
Quoted by: >>2234020 >>2234455

Just vtuber antis using the latest excuse to hate on vtubers in general

>> No.2233892
Quoted by: >>2233933

Get better evidence.

>> No.2233905

>Wanted to sleep

Now time to fuck my sleep schedule on Monday again

>> No.2233919

Swinging the pendulum in the opposite direction and assuming unsupported levels of incompetency isn't the answer.

>> No.2233933
Quoted by: >>2233987 >>2234002

>Obvious evidence and kowtowing isn't enough.
Fuck off BL.
BL is the new KFP on this board. Congrats, KFP, we have someone worse to hate, so you're out of the penalty box.

>> No.2233935

This is the only correct take. As sick to my stomach as I am over this, gotta let reason prevail here.

>> No.2233940
File: 75 KB, 358x387, 1614374771683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2233952 >>2235011

I-I-I kneel fujochads

>> No.2233945
File: 1.43 MB, 1436x808, firefox_Vct2zrD7Tg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234067 >>2234108

They wouldn't have featured Miko and Marine in the latest HoloGra if they were going to graduate them a day later. Relax, you spergs.

>> No.2233952

kill yourself

>> No.2233960
Quoted by: >>2234645 >>2236701

To the newfags: Mio did an apology stream when she returned from her break as well. It's likely just a formal apology.


It's still absolutely asinine they have to apologize in the first place but yeah

>> No.2233967

What I hope it is: The dramatic jackass artist has to walk the plank.
What it is: Making the girls apologize for nothing and Cover ONCE AGAIN bowing down to any bit of pressure, which encourages anti behavior in the future.

>> No.2233987

Eh, there's a strong possibility they only kept Coco because so many of the other talents threatened them.

>BL is the new KFP on this board.
That's quite the achievement.

>> No.2234002
Quoted by: >>2234050

Your evidence is retarded. Literally fucking retarded. Like, held back by the fact that Coco didn't get graduated over China.

>> No.2234020

Huh I didn't realise there would be vtuber antis in nipland.
I thought it would be split between normies and otaku who consume anime shit, and I can't imagine normies having the energy to do shit on the internet.

>> No.2234031
Quoted by: >>2234087 >>2234088

Its like they never learn. Apologizing in most cases does nothing. Especially when its over something like this. They're trying to make their content more "safe" so antis don't attack them. But doing this shit just emboldens them more.

>> No.2234042

Those threats are still going to hold true for Marine and Miko. If they get fired over a harmless joke and then getting harassed, Fubuki and others walk. Why be a part of a company which will offer zero protection? Why the fuck are we even needing to have this talk again? Cover, get your shit together and stop living in a retarded mindset of Japanese business.

>> No.2234049

There aren't in any meaningful degree. The cucks are just making shit up to stir shit.

>Eh, there's a strong possibility they only kept Coco because so many of the other talents threatened them.
But there is no evidence.

>> No.2234050

>He thinks Cover initially sided with Coco and it wasn't internal politics that pulled her through.
Cover can't even protect their talents from basic legal shit they're supposed to.

>> No.2234062
Quoted by: >>2234269

Marine and Miko should be punished for talking about BL on stream, that stuff is disgusting and talking about it is not the kind of behaviour one expects of idols, even virtual ones.

>> No.2234067
Quoted by: >>2234152

Did I hear correctly that Marine was on the radio with FBK as well?

>> No.2234087
Quoted by: >>2234127 >>2234210

>Discounting the power of a formal apology in the Japanese corporate space.
You don't know enough about Japanese culture to have an opinion worth listening to.

>> No.2234088
Quoted by: >>2234123 >>2234155

What's REALLY amazing is, if Cover went full "We support our talents and you can go fuck yourselves," then their popularity would literally skyrocket. But they won't.

>> No.2234091
Quoted by: >>2234136

I honestly hope they get fired, I want to see the world burn.

>> No.2234094
Quoted by: >>2234162 >>2235035

What it won't (logically) be: Graduation
What it shouldn't be: An even longer ban
What it will be: Apology tour and some wrist slapping
What it should be: Mangaka being called out and told to fuck off

>> No.2234108
Quoted by: >>2234942


>> No.2234123

Because that would only matter in the USA and we're still only a tiny fraction of their profits.

>> No.2234127
Quoted by: >>2234196

Formal apologies in Japan work if all the parties are keen on continuing the healthy relationship. Do you think antis care?

>> No.2234134
Quoted by: >>2234445

Otaku isn't some monolithic thing, there are plenty of otaku who hate vtubing with a passion for some reason or another.

>> No.2234135

Senchou finally found the money for a pirate ship and can finally sail away into the sunset...

>> No.2234136

nah you should die instead

>> No.2234143
Quoted by: >>2234189

>Eh, there's a strong possibility they only kept Coco because so many of the other talents threatened them.
It's possible, I guess, but Miko's pretty popular with the other girls too so it seems unlikely that they'd make an exception for one but not the other.

>> No.2234152

Yes. The Otaku Activities radio show was not put on hiatus due to Marine's week off from streaming.

>> No.2234153
Quoted by: >>2234214 >>2234222

what is this even in relation to?

>> No.2234155

why don't they?

>> No.2234156

When the Aloe graduation happened, all of Gen 5 cancelled their streams for the next day after crying together about it. Now think about how much bigger it would be if established veterans like Miko and Senchou graduated.

Subaru, Noel, and Rushia wouldn't be scheduling gaming streams if this was fucking graduation

>> No.2234160

It is not rrat though, check the archives for links to those videos. Same fag that spread rumor about Pekora being bullied in Hololive.

>> No.2234162

>What it should be: Mangaka being called out and told to fuck off
This and only this.

>> No.2234166

Thread theme https://youtu.be/wCjAbjROwMY

>> No.2234189
Quoted by: >>2234293

If they keep Coco but are willing to lose not just Elite, but Senchou as well, it'd be the clearest sign that Yagoo is not fit to run Hololive

Marine and Miko are golden eggs whereas Coco gives Hololive a corporate headache every month at least

>> No.2234193

If only

>> No.2234196

Do you think Anti's matter?
An apology like this is to make their sponsors feel better about working with them. It has nothing to do with appeasing American fan who hate them on principle.

>> No.2234210
Quoted by: >>2234281 >>2234306

Hololive has been trying to appeal to a worldwide audience for a while now. Nowhere else in the world do these autistic japanese rules make sense

>> No.2234214

Fujos ruin everything.
That's all the context you need.

>> No.2234222
Quoted by: >>2234288 >>2234324

Marine and Miko had a weekend hangout session and Miko hid a Gay smut manga in the freezer. Marine announced this and it pissed off the mangaka who then titled on social media
Therein proving yet again that social media gives literal whos a disproportionate amount of sway

>> No.2234258
Quoted by: >>2234308 >>2234307

If they graduated many others would follow. It would be a domino effect. It would kill Hololive.

>> No.2234259
Quoted by: >>2234298

Frankly, I don't even hate the fag. They overreacted, but whatever. It happens. It's the fucking fujos that need to be purged for carrying on this shit even after Marine, Miko, AND the artist said it was over and not a big deal.

>> No.2234269

Hang fujoshit

>> No.2234277
Quoted by: >>2234295

It's about time fujos got fucking gassed, yurifags get the bullet too

>> No.2234281

They're still doing it like a Japanese company would, though. They're not adjusting their business practices or company organization. They're just selling to a larger audience.

>> No.2234288

social media needs to die

>> No.2234293

I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried, but booting Marine and Miko would essentially be suicide on Cover's part and I can't imagine any scenario where Yagoo et al. wouldn't see that short of massive head trauma or being shot with a retard beam.

>> No.2234295
Quoted by: >>2234428

>yurifags get the bullet too
Poor Miko.

>> No.2234298

This. It's not a problem between the original parties anymore. It's just antis who will jump onto any cause to start their bitching. They comments probably don't even have specifics about what happen, just generic "I am offended!" "Fire these women they are bad for your company image" "Shame!" comments.

>> No.2234306
Quoted by: >>2234437

>Why doesn't a Japanese company just stop acting like a Japanese company?
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.2234308
Quoted by: >>2234385

Why would they cry and feel bad about the company bullies getting fired?

>> No.2234307

This is why the fags keep crying graduation over every single petty drama. They want to scare the fans into thinking it would collapse.

>> No.2234324

Twitter loves to rally around the "victims" when they have no clue the entire story. That shit was trending for like 2 hours with 50k+ tweets just because they read 2 lines from a BL doujin.

>> No.2234334
Quoted by: >>2234357

I fucking hate twitter.

>> No.2234340
Quoted by: >>2234364

I expect an explanation, apology, and statement that it has been settled with the author. Maybe something like a call to the fans to stop flaming about it.

>> No.2234341
File: 67 KB, 1125x630, painpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Concerned viewer POV

>> No.2234350

I mean, unless they didn't now the announcement was underway. Which, they might not.

>> No.2234357

twitter needs to die

>> No.2234364

Yep. To assume its going to be any more than this is baseless fearmongering.

>> No.2234385

kill yourself you will be getting the bullet

>> No.2234386

>all of this because of one complaint
The longer I live on this world, the less connected to it I feel. Are the attackers even human? Am I? Did I somehow skip the day when the world went insane?

>> No.2234402
File: 145 KB, 560x800, 1607590452879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234569

Ichimi. 35P. I ask you.

Do you want war?

Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even yet imagine? The fujos have gone too fucking far this time

/vt/, in any case, has no intention of bowing to this Fujo threat, but rather one of confronting it in due time, if need be in terms of complete and most radical erad... suppression of Fujos

>> No.2234413

social media killed humanity and leftists are fascists

>> No.2234416 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2234452

If they issue anything even resembling an apology, I will lose my shit at Cover.

>> No.2234420


>> No.2234422

I'll film myself eating shit if either of them graduate over this

>> No.2234428
Quoted by: >>2234471 >>2234797

Nah, miko is like marine. A perv on women but like men at the same time

>> No.2234432

>Are the attackers even human? Am I?
The final redpill.

>> No.2234434
File: 73 KB, 245x245, 1610312957163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.

>> No.2234437
Quoted by: >>2234461 >>2234476

Realistically how can we as Overseas Bros manipulate Japanese politics so that companies are less autistic? Twitter bots?? How can we influence their way of thinking and manipulate their work culture? I'm open to suggestions, I would do anything for my Oshi.

>> No.2234445

Like >>2234134 the term Otaku is actually have cover so many variety.
Like there are 3D Idol Otaku and 2D Idol Otaku both doesn't necessarily mean liking a same thing, in fact both often clash at each other.
Also there Normie streamer fans that does hate Vtuber and it's fans.

>> No.2234448

I am going to attempt sleep while incredibly worried.
I need to if I want to function at all in a few hours.
Wish me luck brothers and sisters (male).

>> No.2234452

>Amerifats getting mad at an apology
Drink a hamburger smoothie and shoot yourself in the face.

>> No.2234455

Nijiniggers took the mangaka's comments and blew it up, alongside spreading the clip that made it seem like they were making a mockery of his BL doujinshi. Stop trying to deflect blame from nijisanji fans that love to attack Hololive whenever they can, they've done this shit before with the Janitor drama.

>> No.2234461
Quoted by: >>2234733


>> No.2234466
Quoted by: >>2234499 >>2234592

I just hope that this didn't made Senchou afraid of being herself on stream, I'm afraid that in the future she's gonna try and censure herself so this shit don't happen again

>> No.2234471
Quoted by: >>2234520

>not traveling to JPN to force the fujo in charge of that disaster to eat shit and film it

>> No.2234473

Apologies are only made when you have done wrong. Not when a group who is consistently looking to be outraged starts the waterworks.

>> No.2234476

by killing twitter the worst site on the internet

>> No.2234477
File: 41 KB, 555x677, 1597535843547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone died in 2012. You've been living in purgatory all this time.

>> No.2234478
File: 21 KB, 534x248, 3 free loads of meds for schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234509


>> No.2234491
Quoted by: >>2234694 >>2234741

I don't mind if it's another apology and then period of suspension... Anything to deal with Japan's autistic honour system.

However, I will be pissed at Cover if even one of them graduate, holy shit.

>> No.2234498 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2234924

Eh, Western side is still much more worse.

>> No.2234499
Quoted by: >>2234530 >>2234552

This is her second strike with artists, too. Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with H artists? Fucking dumbasses.

>> No.2234503
File: 784 KB, 2357x3508, ExeJrpKVoAEFpWb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234557 >>2234579

If miko and marine get suspended I'll ask you all this. DO YOU WANT TOTAL WAR?

>> No.2234501
Quoted by: >>2234527

no you should instead leftist faggot

>> No.2234505

This seems like an corporate apology since their streams are positioned so close to each other. I don't think anyone is getting Jitomi'd and they'll get a suspension at the most, even though they already got a few days off because of this stupid situation. A caution tale to never trust fujos. Never let them near your midst.

>> No.2234509

ty doc

>> No.2234520


>> No.2234521
File: 804 KB, 800x1131, Aloefull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ever let fags bully your oshi. Let Aloe's story be an example of why.

I couldn't protect or help my oshi, please do your best, ichimi, 35p

>> No.2234522 [DELETED] 

End your miserable, worthless existence, fujoshi troll.

>> No.2234527

You retort is so weak it almost feels like a false flag from a lefty.

>> No.2234530

Most H artists are mentally ill. There's your answer.

>> No.2234536

For all those of you panicking, just know Cover would be the ones announcing graduations if it's their call, and the talents announcing it if it's their call
Senchou/Elite have 0 desire to quit, and unless Yagoo is braindead, has 0 desire to lose his 2 hard hitting revenue girls

Fuck mangaka
fuck social media
fuck sjw
fuck flame fanners

>> No.2234551
Quoted by: >>2234587 >>2234657

Apology stream. Some stupid shit they know they're expected to do, a short suspension since they've already been gone a week. Then back to normal. Until the next thing which riles up the idiots comes along.

>> No.2234552
Quoted by: >>2234651

Imagine instead of being an asspained faggot, the artist joked with them on Twitter, passed on their business card, and said, "Hey, I know you're looking for artists..."

>> No.2234557

Suspension is bearable anon. I'm sure ichimi and 35p can handle time away from their oshis...


>> No.2234569
Quoted by: >>2234613 >>2234626

You're getting a big dose of reality that warring causes things like this to happen. Just stay quiet and in a few months we will all laugh at this. There is no way you'll change the mentality of Japan by screaming on /vt/ and Twitter.

>> No.2234571
Quoted by: >>2234617

I feel like if they actually graduate them someone will go to their company irl and burn it down kyoto animation style

>> No.2234574

Reading holoeops' reactions for this is entertaining since they still don't understand the graveness of the situation and keep making it worse.

>> No.2234579
Quoted by: >>2234606

Yes. Fuck fujos.


>> No.2234585
Quoted by: >>2234687

Even suspensions are dumb because it punishes the fans. The girls come back when it's over and get flooded with SCs and other support. Make the apology and leave it at that.

>> No.2234587

I honestly expect them to be back to normal tomorrow, or a couple days from now. They've already been gone long enough for this small fry drama.

>> No.2234588
Quoted by: >>2234658

>disabled dislikes and comments
>leave chat on for people to go at each other's throats
It's like they actually want this shitstorm to continue

>> No.2234590

after this is over we should focus our efforts on taking twitter down

>> No.2234592 [DELETED] 

And this is why you fuckers need to learn to produce the biggest PR shitstorm known to man whenever a company does anything you don't like.
Compared to leftist pieces of shit, you people are fucking weak and have literally no influence. Make companies fucking TERRIFIED to cross you and they'll obey you. Too bad only leftists understand this.

>> No.2234597
File: 321 KB, 1263x630, 1617103641383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2234606

Marine and Miko are literally fujoshi.

>> No.2234608
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1612882179696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 it's an edit of the "We're sorry" south park meme
Japan has some serious muh honor problems if making fun of a porn fan art comic makes you take an involuntary vacation. Also fans are braindead fags so I don't expect anything

>> No.2234609

Actually true. 5ch threads point towards this and a lot of the twitter profiles have Niji avatars. I don't know how this started between these 2 fandoms when talents all seem to get along but I will never watch Niji because of these people.

>> No.2234613
Quoted by: >>2234838

This isn't war. It's just another capitulation.

>> No.2234617

Except only EOPs care about holoshit. Maybe if it was a Niji instead.

>> No.2234626
Quoted by: >>2234838

I don't want to change Japan. Just ruin the lives of every single screeching Japanese fujo anti.

>> No.2234638

>implying those companies aren't lefties as well using this as an excuse to fire the "wrong" political party
2 minute hate.

>> No.2234645 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2234800

>It's still absolutely asinine they have to apologize in the first place but yeah
Should have made fun of someone’s hard work.

>> No.2234650
Quoted by: >>2234678 >>2234726

vtuber is hated by some people because they think vtuber earn easily money.
I think people who blaming is anti vtuber.

>> No.2234651

Shindol and Butcha-U both joked about being okay with Miko and Marine reading their doujins, and iirc Pochi is usually pretty based though she's gone at least partially legit. There's at least a few exceptions.

>> No.2234657
Quoted by: >>2234690

>getting suspended at all for shitting on a literal who's doujin
>Coco gets 3 weeks for pissing off an entire country, killing a branch and cutting ties with any zhang companies
sasuga japan

>> No.2234658

Most of the comments are straight up about letting it go and supporting them, though.

>> No.2234664
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>> No.2234670
File: 80 KB, 960x570, FRIEND NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234695 >>2234710

>> No.2234671
Quoted by: >>2234703

The bigger problem is that their actions will eventually result in someone cancelling them permanently. They try to make minor problems into massive conundrums in which there is no negotiating. The only way to quell that cancer is to exterminate it.
>"I only wanted to play video games and watch streamers. Why are you making me do this?"

>> No.2234678

They will always exist, much like antis for popstars, jpop idols, kpop idols, etc.

>> No.2234683

you have to be retards
then again there are kiara fags on this board
imagine thinking they'll graduate lol

>> No.2234687

Their return stream will make more than these fuckers combined life salaries

>> No.2234689
Quoted by: >>2234723 >>2234765

Reminder that 90% of you drama hungry losers don't even know the gender of the person you're freaking out over

>> No.2234690 [DELETED] 

>>Coco gets 3 weeks for pissing off an entire country, killing a branch and cutting ties with any zhang companies
>sasuga japan
I thought the rrat on that was that Cover was just using coco as an excuse to cut off from China.

>> No.2234694
Quoted by: >>2234783

>I don't mind if it's another apology
yeah, let them apologize to a literal who, and keep doing so every time they offend someone during the streams

>> No.2234695


>> No.2234703
Quoted by: >>2234745

they need to hire a gamergate veteran like me

>> No.2234708
Quoted by: >>2234730

This guy gets it. Cover will only learn their lesson when you can kick up a bigger shitstorm than the antis.

>> No.2234710


>> No.2234723


>> No.2234724 [DELETED] 

The fact that we are not organising a shitstorm of massive proportions to destroy the life of people who caused this is why we (we being pretty much everyone who isn't a leftist) always get pushed around.

We need to crush anyone who fucks with us, this is how the internet works in 2021. The fact that some of you don't fucking understand this is laughable and beyond pathetic.

If you make sure anyone who acts like this NEVER gets to tweet again, it will not happen again.

So what the fuck are YOU going to do?

>> No.2234726
Quoted by: >>2234850 >>2234901

Why not streamers in general then?

>> No.2234730
Quoted by: >>2234755


>> No.2234733
Quoted by: >>2234738

Forcing people to apologize isn't a western thing, it's Japanese culture. Coco is the most western, and also has refused to apologize on many issues like this.

>> No.2234738
Quoted by: >>2234881

>Forcing people to apologize isn't a western thing
Have you lived under a rock for the last ten years?

>> No.2234739

thats because its rigged in the leftist faggots favor thanks to the faggot media which is why im trying to take twitter down

>> No.2234741
Quoted by: >>2234783

>I don't mind if it's another apology
Yes lets have week long suspensions and a formal apology every time some literal who with 1000 twitter followers gets upset. Sounds great.

>> No.2234744

Retarded child. Go after a bunch of stinky otaku with nothing to lose. Go ahead.

>> No.2234745 [SPOILER] 
File: 570 KB, 1500x1500, 1617608434015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2234756
Quoted by: >>2234867

Well, do you have any suggestions to start us off with?

>> No.2234755 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 200x200, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2234765
Quoted by: >>2234819

Faggots don't have gender

>> No.2234768
File: 58 KB, 800x900, 1614638310711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234820

I don't get why the fujos got so assblasted? Was the artist famous or something? Fuck them

>> No.2234771
File: 1.35 MB, 1877x1305, 1615758383089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex

>> No.2234773
Quoted by: >>2234867

>So what the fuck are YOU going to do?
If you have an idea, and it's funny, I'll fucking do it.

>> No.2234775
Quoted by: >>2234821

This whole shitshow is just more proof that two nukes weren't enough.

>> No.2234778

what the fuck even exactly happened? everyone is so vague about it

>> No.2234783
Quoted by: >>2234801

What else should they do? It's Japan.

>> No.2234785
Quoted by: >>2234829 >>2234895

Noel moved her stream up 30 minutes to "eat an early dinner". It was otherwise going to conflict with apology 1.

>> No.2234797
Quoted by: >>2234929

>Likes men at the same time
Wait this wrong though. Miko is one of the single most openly confirmed lesbians in all of hololive.

>> No.2234798

this is gamergate 2
i need alpha dooter squadron number fifty seven qui gon jin to engage in scooping dooty in sector zoe quin over and out

>> No.2234800

Go back to vyt fucktard

>> No.2234801
Quoted by: >>2234882

Ignore it.
In 3 days max no one will remember it anymore.

>> No.2234802
File: 327 KB, 698x358, 1611124863761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234824

>So what the fuck are YOU going to do?
I'm on twitter right now compiling a list of user names of every single anti ready to crosscheck and dox them to make them unemployable in Japan

>> No.2234807

>A class action lawsuit is brought against Twitter for their behavior regarding TOS and banning people, acting as a "publisher" and not a "platform."
>Law mysteriously gets changed so it's no longer a problem.

>> No.2234812

Why would someone sperg about reading their manga?

>> No.2234814 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2234853 >>2234867

Fuck off, CIA nigger. You're glowing hard.
Stop trying to bait us into committing terrorist acts.

>> No.2234818
Quoted by: >>2234867

The artist directly involved already made peace with the two chuubas.
Anyone obsessing over this and trying to feed flames, they already live the most pathetic existence possible. Such is the fate of all antis. They may get their way sometimes but they will never know happiness.

>> No.2234820

Women feel attacked by anything

>> No.2234819

You don't even know what's going on retard.
Antis lie on twitter to get author to sperg
Mangaka apologized but kept getting death threats and had to hide in real life.

>> No.2234821
Quoted by: >>2234932 >>2235124

its the leftists and the chinese that need to be nuked

>> No.2234824

pass the twitter list

>> No.2234825
Quoted by: >>2234964

Bros, I am tempted to make akasupas for both on their return streams. Gotta show support.

>> No.2234827

Because he's gay

>> No.2234829 [DELETED] 

Noel was streaming in her roommates account like the whore that she is.

>> No.2234830

ape brain breakdown
elite play joke on pirate
BL placed in freezer
pirate think funny, make joke
BL writer stick up ass and big head
rant on bird site
other bird people see
also rant no reason

>> No.2234832
File: 11 KB, 210x240, virtual bomber lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2234835

I don't fucking know. Anyone check do they enable SC or not? It's probably asking their fans to stop attacking author. That's it

>> No.2234834

Brain problems

>> No.2234838

Your screeching will one day cause this same issue, it's the same mentality as the antis.

>> No.2234842

How come Niji and Vshojo never suspend people like this?

>> No.2234843

social media and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race. If I were them, I'd hang Jack Dorsey on an electric post for unleashing a pandora's box of retardation

>> No.2234848

>niji boogeyman
Off yourself, you fucking idiot. You’re part of the problem

>> No.2234850
Quoted by: >>2234901 >>2234936

vtuber earn many superchat, it’s easy to be jealous.

>> No.2234853 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2234999

its the leftist media that does that remember when joker came out

>> No.2234854

Not really, most of the dedicated antis hate バチャ豚 as a whole and just want to fellate Jun

>> No.2234855

>never suspend
haha good one anon

>> No.2234856

Because, instead of watching their video and seeing that it was nothing, he decided to listen to antis and whip up a shitstorm, then realized after the fact he fucked up.
The artist is the only one that should apologize, right after the crucifixion of every fujoshit that started this mess.

>> No.2234859
File: 42 KB, 480x360, 1615099691449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sticky the thread janny
we need to bitch and drama post over this nothing

>> No.2234866 [DELETED] 

Niji never stated their female vtubers were idols.

>> No.2234867 [DELETED] 

Get a VPN for ban evasion if needed. Make a Twitter account. Make a Telegram room in case jannie faggots ban us for "raiding" or something. Begin collecting lists of people who pulled this shit, and making sure they never see anything but blinding hatred in their mentions on Twitter. Find where they live, make shit up about them, or even better, find real shit so you don't have to make anything up. Contact every single person you find they've been in contact with. This is only the beginning.
You only stop doing this shit when the left stops doing it - not a MOMENT before.

Yes, tweeting is a terrorist act. Pathetic retard. This is everybody fucks with you.

I'm aware. Go after anyone who goes after the girls, or hololive. Go after hololive if they publicly humiliate the girls by making them apologise.
Making any sort of apology into a PR nuclear explosion through pressure is how you stop people from apologising.

>> No.2234868
File: 269 KB, 498x584, Himemori Meiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234896

>How come Niji and Vshojo never suspend people like this?

>> No.2234869
Quoted by: >>2234918

So what's 2/5ch like right now? Looking into a mirror as usual?

>> No.2234870
File: 277 KB, 1541x2000, 1613904178238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2234887

This is very true, anyone who disagrees is quite literally nothing but a principled loser.
They are being held back by ideas of civility that their opponent has long since abandoned, it's a effectively a conflict between one side that tries it's hardest to win at all costs, and one side that barely even cares if it loses.

>> No.2234872

>If you do bad things to your enemies you're the same as them
Fuck off.

>> No.2234873

They were misled. Some fag edited a video that makes it seem like they were reading the entire book and laughing at it. Author then wrote series of tweets which these fags then used to fan the flames.

>> No.2234879

twitter must die social media killed humanity

>> No.2234878

>Y-you're the s-same!
We tolerated them, and gave everyone a chance. This is the environment they demanded. Now they can live in it.

>> No.2234880

BECASUE the BL scene in japan is reatrded.
They consider the BL like masturbation and talking about it in public is like talking about the shape and smell of the authors pussy.
add to that doujin works in clandestine circles becasue they are clear copyright infringements.
yes is fucking stupid.

>> No.2234881
Quoted by: >>2234927

Where do western politicians need to get in front of the cameras just to make an apology statement that has no actual meaning? It's all face.

>> No.2234882

That doesn't seem to be how Japanese social media works. In the west it's a much better idea to just ignore any accusations because there's no clemency granted for admitting your guilt, in fact it can only hurt you. Whereas the more dangerous option in Japan seems to be not apologizing, because a lot of people will just move on if you do but consider it extremely rude to have not even bothered.

Besides drug offenses anyway, where there doesn't seem to be any forgiveness. Kinda weird.

>> No.2234884
Quoted by: >>2234964

Not your personal Army retard

>> No.2234887
Quoted by: >>2234968

They're literally going to ask their fans to calm the fuck down and you want them to go crazier, so they do have to quit.

>> No.2234893
Quoted by: >>2234904 >>2234980

Trolls are spamming Miko's stream chat.
Meanwhile at Marine's stream chat, kaigai normies and Japanese are discussing their dinners and sushis and wasabis.....
I'm like wtf?

>> No.2234895 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2234909

Wow, so Noelle is a lying piece of shit, huh?

>> No.2234896 [DELETED] 

That bitch brought it on herself. Niji

>> No.2234901
Quoted by: >>2234962

Some streamer actually hate Vtuber, like the infamous Katou Junichii.

>> No.2234904
Quoted by: >>2234921 >>2234980

Miko is the first stream

>> No.2234905

Japanese being fucking retarded as usual.

>> No.2234906

Regardless of what happens, given how so many people here either want them to graduate or want to burn down Cover's office I'm just going to behave like an anti at all times on this website and this means very little posting about Hololive from thereon.

>> No.2234907

Wait im confused what's happening?

>> No.2234909

She was probably told not to stream over the apology but didn't want to reference it in her tweet, chill

>> No.2234918
Quoted by: >>2234998

5ch ? Busy to jacking numbers since they gonna overtake Niji. But it's gonna be insane. If they hear miko and marine crying on live, I don't want to know...

>> No.2234921

So it's one after the other.

>> No.2234923
File: 1.00 MB, 637x360, 1616265692115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does she get away with it while everybody else gets crucified? does the sheep's wool hide her crimes?

>> No.2234924 [DELETED] 

>Suspension and forced apology for putting a manga in the freezer as a joke
>Western side is still much more worse.
Not really, but whatever helps you cope

>> No.2234925
Quoted by: >>2234984

it's not like they can understand your dribble you sperg

>> No.2234927
Quoted by: >>2235016

We call it "cancel culture" and we've been warning people not to apologize for a decade now because they just use it as further ammunition.

>> No.2234929
Quoted by: >>2235296

See yakuza my friend or how she treats her 35P

>> No.2234932
Quoted by: >>2234991

>muh leftists
Go back to your containment board faggot.

>> No.2234933

I mean, it's not like Mikoto just came back from a self-exile after she pissed off the fujos too, amirite

>> No.2234936

Yeah...Like always if it's easy money why don't they do it then.

>> No.2234942


>> No.2234946

>apologize in the west
>still have faggots hounding after the fact and still try to get you fired

>> No.2234949 [DELETED] 

We just fired Gina Corano for not putting bios in her twitter profile. We're way worse.

>> No.2234962
Quoted by: >>2234979 >>2235076

Why do they hate vtubers? Aren't they in same profession?

>> No.2234964 [DELETED] 

ABSOLUTELY the same mentality as the antis. You are as correct as it gets. Not only do we need to act like the antis, we need to act ten times as destructive as the antis to make change. When the antis stop, we stop. Otherwise we're actual cuckolds being controlled by people who hate us.

If they apologise, stop supporting them.

Then get the fuck off the board, you are not welcome, parasite.

>> No.2234968

>Ask their fans to calm down
The fans have by and large done everything asked of them. They've allowed this farce to go on, for Miko and Marine to take a break for doing absolutely nothing wrong. They haven't inflamed the situation at all and let the antis have their playgrond. The fans are not at fault here and the fact this ridiculous shit is going this far means that the "just sit back and let the antis shit all over you until they get tired" strategy does not work. It's never worked. Aloe graduated over this shit.

>> No.2234970
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235036

Dumb fucking Japs get what they deserve. Kiara love stands strong.

>> No.2234974

Off yourself nijinigger

>> No.2234975
Quoted by: >>2235014

Even worse than you think. She asked why it was necessary and instead of getting an answer she was fired.

>> No.2234976
Quoted by: >>2235006 >>2235033

I fully expect graduation. /hlg/ seems to think so.

>> No.2234978
Quoted by: >>2235010 >>2235041

Sasuga Holofag you really are no different then the chinese

>> No.2234979 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235095 >>2235127

Female streamers are losing to female vtubers really fucking hard.

>> No.2234980

She streamed on twitch. That's it. Is a fucking cancer.

>> No.2234984 [DELETED] 

Half the spergs on this board speak Japanese, and the other half has Japanese friends like me. Stop making up bullshit excuses for how ineffectual you are.

>> No.2234988

>ABSOLUTELY the same mentality as the antis. You are as correct as it gets. Not only do we need to act like the antis, we need to act ten times as destructive as the antis to make change. When the antis stop, we stop. Otherwise we're actual cuckolds being controlled by people who hate us.
This. It's the only strategy in game theory that produces a viable working outcome.

>> No.2234991
Quoted by: >>2235160

you go back faggot those pieces of shit are ruining society and entertainment

>> No.2234997
Quoted by: >>2235085

whats up with this try hard trying to fit in

>> No.2234998
Quoted by: >>2235418

overtaking Niji? since when?

>> No.2234999 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235050

It's also well known that intelligence agencies across the world like to incite acts on message boards and forums, since it flushes out and identifies risky individuals who would otherwise remain hidden.

Read up on Edward Snowden's and Jacob Applebaum's revelations, especially on things like JTRIG in the UK, and MI5/MI6's online psychological warfare units.

True left and right factions are an illusion propagated by government and the news media, just as you say.

>> No.2235005
Quoted by: >>2235043 >>2235153

Honestly why do people still make twitter accounts? Is it an ego thing?

>> No.2235006

Then you all needs to take your meds.

>> No.2235008
Quoted by: >>2235018

Tick tock tick tock.
Verify your clock.
The clock has struck midnight.
Hail the nightmare.
It's graduation time.
God save Hololive, for no one else can.

>> No.2235010 [DELETED] 

No, I'm far worse, since people on my side are miserable, principle-less cowards who refuse to do anything that works. I have to be worse, since that's the only way I'll do something.

>> No.2235011


>> No.2235012
Quoted by: >>2235043

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.2235013

>Muh leftiest
/pol/faggot, shut the fuck god damn I'm socialist and I even I think this shit is fucking retarded
This doesn't have anything to do with politics and everything to do with with japanese corporation being overly apologetic

>> No.2235014

Yeah, even after being fired they're STILL hounding her. They wanted her fired from every job in the future, too. No matter how bad JP is, Western shit is way worse.

>> No.2235016
Quoted by: >>2235065

its time to cancel cancel culture

>> No.2235018


>> No.2235024
File: 264 KB, 1879x2048, 1614079394887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235038 >>2235090

>newfags experiencing their first naked dogeza

>> No.2235033

Back to your containment thread

>> No.2235035

>What it should be: Mangaka being called out and told to fuck off
Im allowed to dream sometimes

>> No.2235036

Based. Even Kiara laughs at retards who do nothing but whine. Why do the japs always bend over backwards to please antis?

>> No.2235038 [DELETED] 

No, just tired oldfags who have experienced the last one they'll tolerate.

>> No.2235041

>A-At least we have the moral highground
Fucking pathetic. You get bent over and assraped and you say fighting back would make you just as bad.

>> No.2235043
Quoted by: >>2235113

We as in, "the west," you ESL faggot. Go be a fujo someplace else.

Used to be. Now it holds power.

>> No.2235044
Quoted by: >>2235217

is there a term for glowniggers that aren't part of any actual organization...cause that's what I'm reading here

>> No.2235047

The annoying thing is that in his official update, although saying it was a mistake to take it public, he's acting like otherwise he's in the right, saying that he already recieved an apology and the edited vod of the stream is coming out with his knowledge and approval.
And the apologetic tweets from the holos suggests they're actually on the same page with this.
Fucking cover bending the knee to another schizo doujin parasite

>> No.2235050

the media needs to be taken down defund the media NOW!!!

>> No.2235052

>tweeting is a terrorist act
The original post said "we need to crush anyone who fucks with us". That kind of rhetoric is far too vague to be left to chance. It could mean tweeting to one person, and physical action to another.

>> No.2235065


>> No.2235074
Quoted by: >>2235272

>when stating that you have a preference be it women, drinks, or even a fucking color can get you fucked
reminder that some fucker almost got fired because he said he preferred white women over other women

>> No.2235076
Quoted by: >>2235127

Because it's Otaku/Anime culture, Mind you people in Japanese especially normal people still hate the stereotypical anime otaku. It also didn't help that things like Hololive is also combined that aspect with Idol faggotry.

>> No.2235079 [DELETED] 

That was me, yes. Not gonna lie, I would probably commit crimes against those people if I had the chance and physical proximity to do it. But that's just my radicalised self. But it would ACTUALLY be glownigger shit to tell anyone else to do it. I don't think it's a good idea to encourage it, just to let people do what they want.

>> No.2235084
File: 670 KB, 806x807, Angre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235108 >>2235122

This shit is actually very frustrating. Like i wanna punch something.

>> No.2235085

Just ignore the dumb mutt trying to larp

>> No.2235090

That's the only thing that'll make it tolerable.

>> No.2235094
Quoted by: >>2235136

it actually is twitter is 10 times worse then /b/ ever was in its prime

>> No.2235095
Quoted by: >>2235192

Why don't they just pay for an avatar then? Fucking retarded

>> No.2235100
File: 371 KB, 1838x1034, yagoora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2235108 [DELETED] 


Don't punch something, do something. I'll make a Telegram room soon, in case they apologise for what happened. I almost don't want to believe cover is retarded enough to do it.

>> No.2235113

Dumb tourist.

>> No.2235117
File: 1.95 MB, 1440x1036, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2235122

i want the fujofaggots killed

>> No.2235124
Quoted by: >>2235135 >>2235159

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.2235127

Forgot a thing, These people is Narukami actual main audiance.

Nah, Katou Jun is male and a pretty successful Twitch streamer.

>> No.2235129
File: 201 KB, 330x318, 1612910475880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235177 >>2235222

please tell me it's going to be okay

>> No.2235131

How would you feel if they decided to graduate because they didn't want to bend over and apologize for nothing?

It's not gonna happen, but interesting to think about at least

>> No.2235132

>apology to a literal who
Cover is so fucking dumb holy fucking shit. Do they not know that other people can, and will take advantage of this?

>> No.2235136
Quoted by: >>2235190

/b/ didn't pretend like they had the moral high ground. The whole schtick was "Were the bad guys. have fun." Cancerous as it is, I can respect it more.

>> No.2235135
Quoted by: >>2235156

>defending West Taiwan

>> No.2235142

The doujin artist already seems deeply affected. She set her twitter account to protected and wrote in her bio that she won't authorize follows, won't look at replies, and the only way to reach her is through Marshmallow. Then made a second account with a more discreet name to post her pronouncement on the matter, in which she complains about defamation, and this account's bio has a plea to "stop with the speculations". She clearly got fucked up from the reactions. Hard to see her making a comeback after this, people won't let it go any time soon.

>> No.2235153

I just make it to follow good artists. I don't read comments either. Still don't know how trending and shit works.

>> No.2235155
File: 117 KB, 1078x1081, 1591603024386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then one day for no reason at all...

>> No.2235156
Quoted by: >>2235202

>being gay

>> No.2235159

no you fuck off both of those things are everything that is wrong with the world today

>> No.2235160

Fuck off mutt.

>> No.2235165

>The original post said "we need to crush anyone who fucks with us". That kind of rhetoric is far too vague to be left to chance. It could mean tweeting to one person, and physical action to another.
So, that post was basically Twitter?

>> No.2235169
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x1024, Houshou.Marine.full.3002647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best solution is to say they were serving a week long suspension which is now up after the strems. The punishment is finished before anyone can say it wasn't enough, balance is restored or whatever they believe, and everyone goes on normal not speaking about it. Even with how minor "yabs" usually are, this is tiny.

>> No.2235177

It probably will be, but nobody can promise anything.

>> No.2235184

Of course she is. Sunrise clearly forbid any doujin gundam. And yet she made Amuro x Char.

>> No.2235188
Quoted by: >>2235233

I think most of us here aren't schizo enough to spend effort like braindead lefties do to harass randoms.

We're not a hivemind anyway, you can't call everyone here to action.

You're gonna have to start doing something yourself first, post and people will join in if they think it's a worthwhile idea or has a potential of a happening.

>> No.2235189
File: 279 KB, 526x526, Ignored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2235190

its far more damaging then /b/ ever was

>> No.2235191 [DELETED] 

Good start. I know there is a second account but I actually don't know what it is. Link it and make sure she never makes another Twitter account again.
God I can't believe human beings are retarded enough that this is how you have to do things in 2021.

>> No.2235192
Quoted by: >>2235397 >>2235473

Contrary of what /vt/ believe, being Vtuber even for female does not grant easy success.

>> No.2235198 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235264 >>2235310

>Gina Corano
Surely not you're dumb enough to compare canning disney a fucking holocaust denier to nijifags astro turfing an outrage mob over Miko put gay porn in her freezer
Please tell me your smart enough to see the nuance between those two thing

>> No.2235202

>a fujoshit calling anyone else gay

>> No.2235206

Come up with better bait next time Zhang.

>> No.2235217
Quoted by: >>2235287


>> No.2235222

is going to be okay, anon

>> No.2235227

good let that piece of shit live in fear i hope her life goes to shit

>> No.2235232

Well, "she" listened to the antis in the first place and spearheaded the entire bullshit.

>> No.2235233 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235681

>I think most of us here aren't schizo enough to spend effort like braindead lefties do to harass randoms.
Enjoy your oshis being humiliated at regular intervals with apology streams, then, and eventually graduating because the company who runs them is worthless.
I'm waiting to see whether it's actually an apology first, then I'll act.

>> No.2235235
Quoted by: >>2235353

I'll be happy when the artist can't step a foot outside their door without being slammed in the face by an egg

>> No.2235239
File: 280 KB, 687x458, 1616909874243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235774

Take your meds schizos

>> No.2235245
Quoted by: >>2235306

this would only exacerbate the problem, giving people who get offended at things more things to get offended at. you kinda gotta do the opposite of this, because the real crux of our problem is that we, ourselves, do not get offended at shit, for whatever reason. we're just smarter, i guess, or nihilistic.

if you really wanna fight this, then you gotta. get offended. fucking just pretend to be offended as long as you can act good enough because you dont want the face falling off of it. it'll be really easy for the shit to fall apart if someone can go that guys just acting offended. because this isn't like a global conspiracy. this is just people and organizations reacting reasonably to people who are offended, and then trying to like make it so that they're less, you know, sad or whatever shit. they're always going to do this, they always have, and they will always continue to. it's just the nice thing to do. so you can't stop people from doing it, and the other side have figured out you're not doing it, so now they can do and get whatever they want

>> No.2235260


>> No.2235264 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235326 >>2235521

1.) Gina Corano never denied the holocaust.
2.) You're a faggot. Go be a fujoshit someplace else.

>> No.2235267


>> No.2235273

Great. Miko and marine going through the same things as her with all these anti attacks and they are going to apologize publicly while she still plays the victim.

>> No.2235272
Quoted by: >>2235336 >>2235387

>reminder that some fucker almost got fired because he said he preferred white women over other women
No they didn't, you fags love to omit to shit to play victim if they got fired it was probably because they said some racist shit over justification as to why they like white women

>> No.2235287

I mean accelerationists are on the side they want to win, that's what they are, Glowniggers are trying to trick people on "the other side" into making themselves into the badguys, there's a difference

>> No.2235288

Sad baby

>> No.2235296
Quoted by: >>2235382 >>2235412

She can not hate guys, but also be a raging lesbian anon. Miko is very openly gay.

>> No.2235305


>> No.2235306 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235454

That's basically what I said. It's not "pretending to be offended", it's sticking up for your principles without putting emotion into it. Principles, something most people do not have.

>> No.2235310 [DELETED] 

gina was 100% right this is what the leftist controlled media is doing to suppress anyone who thinks differently then them its no different then hitlers book burning disney and twitter both need to burn

>> No.2235326
Quoted by: >>2235379

She did, facts don't care about your feelings snowflake.

>> No.2235329


>> No.2235336

ok bootlicker

>> No.2235343
Quoted by: >>2235405


>> No.2235346 [DELETED] 


>> No.2235353

this keep the harassment up this is what they sow burn in hell faggots

>> No.2235371


>> No.2235379

Post the tweet, then.

>> No.2235382

>raging lesbian
If ya count one incident or perving on women

>> No.2235385

OK I hate doujin artists more now

>> No.2235387

>implying it has to be justified
just last year some old former esports player got attacked because he simply said he liked asians.

>> No.2235397
Quoted by: >>2235446 >>2235653

That's the point. They are both streamers. Yet one side is saying the other side is more successful because of vtuber avatars? If having an avatar makes you more successful they would've done it already. They just have no talent for streaming

>> No.2235399


>> No.2235405 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235474

Nobody posts translations.

>> No.2235412

>he doesnt know

>> No.2235414

It's just Miko read apologize script

>> No.2235418
Quoted by: >>2235466

In total sub count on jp

>> No.2235446
Quoted by: >>2235469

More like they have dignity and don't want to act like a cartoon character.

>> No.2235454
Quoted by: >>2235488

i guess i didnt consider you wanting to fight back and stop being pushed around by using a report button and saying that the other team really hurt your feelings or whatever. it sounded a bit more, uh, we should tell those guys to eat shit or pound sand, which, again, you can't do

>> No.2235466

Don't they still have more influence in JP market though?

>> No.2235469
Quoted by: >>2235500

the moment you become a streamer you abandonded your dignity from the start, 2D avatar or not

>> No.2235473

Established YouTubers have more subscribers and viewers

>> No.2235474
Quoted by: >>2235488

there is one

>> No.2235488 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235549 >>2235611

Just general harassment the same way that the left does it. The left is good at one thing and one thing only - being effective.

Then my fucking thing is broken.

>> No.2235494

Okay nevermind about the peacefulness, she sounds so sad, kill everyone hate hate hate.

>> No.2235500

Any entertainer at all, tbqh. However, that doesn't mean a person is without principles.

>> No.2235521 [DELETED] 

>"Carano, a vocal Donald Trump supporter, came under heavy criticism after posting the offensive Instagram post."
>"It read: "Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors... even by children... Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?"
She a dumb fuck burger that compared being a trumpfag to being a jew in the holocaust lmao
This is no where on the same level of whats happening to Miko and Marine
You're comparison of the west being "worse" is fucking retarded and so are you

>> No.2235531
Quoted by: >>2235580

>She actually apologized
It's fucking over.

>> No.2235549
Quoted by: >>2235599

The left only succeeds because they have someone to leech from. Once that's gone, people starve.

>> No.2235567
Quoted by: >>2235597

did she just say last stream???????

>> No.2235571

Did the author ever apologize?

>> No.2235579
File: 839 KB, 3120x1440, Screenshot_20210405-100740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235820

If she cries ...

>> No.2235580
Quoted by: >>2235668 >>2235678

Fucking ridiculous. Does Cover understand what they've just done? Anyone on twitter can make up complete fucking lies now and force a Holo to apologize for it. The thing she's apologizing for didn't even fucking happen!

>> No.2235583

Hating jews is based though.

>> No.2235596

Found the chinease bug

>> No.2235597

Translations are coming a bit slow but I think she's explaining why she streamed GTAO the day after the yab.

>> No.2235599 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235689

I'm talking about social influence, not policy, ofc.

>> No.2235603

Did the author apologize for being a sperg?

>> No.2235609
Quoted by: >>2235651

Imagine doing nothing and you have to apologize because people on the internet are fucking retarded lmao

>> No.2235611
Quoted by: >>2235654 >>2235887

And the right are good at making death threats and attacking government facilities.

Now take your shit back to /pol/

>> No.2235627

The author made a halfassed apology for "disrupting the Vtuber industry". They did not apologize to Marine or Miko, or even to Cover.
They DID basically act like it was all about them, though.

>> No.2235635

No they are playing victim

>> No.2235647
File: 7 KB, 320x180, 1586453606737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235695

and the Oscar for best performance goes to...

>> No.2235650

lmao an "apology"
Was blameshifting it to the fans

>> No.2235652 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2236330

That's not holocaust denial you raging faggot, and IF the US was about free speech they would have allowed her to say those things. More importantly, it's FAR WORSE what happened to Gina, and that's my goddamn point. The west is WAY WORSE with this shit.

>> No.2235653

Again there are people who openly hate anything that associated with Otaku/Anime stuff.
Here the thing, in general people will respect people like Hikakin more than said Coco.

>> No.2235651

that's japanese corporate culture

>> No.2235654 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself, troll, or at least get off the board.

>> No.2235660

Action has to be taken. Someone who actually has a non-retarded/illegal plan please post it.

>> No.2235666

I can only hope somebody finds the fucking faggot that draw that piece of shit doujin and they skin him alive.

>> No.2235667

If not, then the attacks need to continue

>> No.2235668

Japan is a nation of children and cucks.

>> No.2235671 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2235723

It's a dumb over-exaggeration of a comparison, but the basic thread of logic is kinda sound. Either way to say something like that's anywhere near holocaust denial is just ridiculous.

>> No.2235672
Quoted by: >>2235955

In his bio, but not in public.

>> No.2235678

She's apologizing for her fans attacking the author after the fact.

>> No.2235681
Quoted by: >>2235827

>your oshiis
Arent you part of this too? I want to see you out some of what you preach into action

>> No.2235689

Doesn't change my point. Everything they do is only possible because they have someone to leech off of.

>> No.2235695
File: 201 KB, 1232x925, CHAMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235803


>> No.2235699


This is probably going to get ignored but, in honor of the truth: Miko and Marine did make fun of the doujin, mainly the title, "Amuro Rape"( the Gundam character is called Amuro Ray) and they laughed at some of the dialogue in the doujin.

The artist claims that when she was ego searching she found some popular vtubers "treating her work like a toy" ( Miko put the doujin in the fridge as a joke) and complained how they can get superchat by mocking her work like that, when she doesn't get anything, they think they can do anything because they're popular? by the way she didn't even know who they were.

People started harassing her and she ended up apologizing and deleting her account.

Then it escalated in 5ch and shit: was it really okay for them to laugh at a doujin work like that?

Does the doujin artist have any right over her work? after all it's a derivative work.

>> No.2235709

My japanese is pretty bad but it sounds like she'll be back starting tomorrow, so that's something at least

>> No.2235721
File: 2.74 MB, 800x450, 1598873453104.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole fucking thread just comes to show how FUCKING RETARDED are 90% of all newcommers to the chuuba AND JP culture in general. This just an apology, nothing fucking more. It was so easily expected for anyone watching the goddamn chuubas for a couple of years, but NOOOO it's a graduation manifestation for the raging virgins. Get your fucking meds, and GO BACK. Time to fucking go back already. Holy shit. Get a fucking boyfriend and get your bussy destroyed since you fucking need it. Grab your man and NEVER COMEBACK.

>> No.2235723

The comparison is only wrong because social persecution of Trump supporters actually happened.

>> No.2235727
File: 611 KB, 1181x2418, 1617192949329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.2235729

tldr no extra suspension or anything she just apologized and will stream tmr

>> No.2235753

>whatever happened to Chihiro
lmao shut up

>> No.2235760

for someone who's had no internet for the past week: What's the doujin incident that caused this in the first place?

>> No.2235762

imagine being upset because someone bought your work and talked about it

>> No.2235766

Miko will stream again tomorrow.

>> No.2235769

>Miko and Marine did make fun of the doujin, mainly the title, "Amuro Rape"( the Gundam character is called Amuro Ray) and they laughed at some of the dialogue in the doujin.
That's because it sucks

>> No.2235774

I will take my suitamins

>> No.2235776


>> No.2235777

>it was a nothingburger

>> No.2235781

>was it really okay for them to laugh at a doujin work like that?
Yes because it's shit that I wouldn't piss on if it was on fire.

>> No.2235788

>People started harassing her and she ended up apologizing and deleting her account.
Holy based, fuck that cunt.

>> No.2235791
Quoted by: >>2235884

Doom posters seething

>> No.2235797
Quoted by: >>2235866

An apology for what, you fucking cuck?

>> No.2235799

The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

>> No.2235801

>"Amuro Rape"
You cannot tell me that anyone would title a doujin that and expect people not to laugh at it. The one thing I'm willing to concede to the author is that that is a pretty funny name for a Gundam doujin.

>> No.2235803
Quoted by: >>2235843

god what a joke that decision was

>> No.2235808


We know and the answer is of course yes/not don't be retarded.

>> No.2235816
File: 98 KB, 596x392, 1392088436585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write comedy
>get upset when people laugh

>> No.2235820


>> No.2235821

Wtf? I thought Japan doesn't have cancel culture...

>> No.2235827 [DELETED] 

Then join the fucking Telegram.

>> No.2235828

>She didn't

>> No.2235832


>> No.2235835

She should stop using her fake voice, because her real voice is cuter lol

>> No.2235843
File: 1.03 MB, 1251x704, Yan doesn't give a fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2235915

Yan wins the rematch, fellow /heem/ster.

>> No.2235853
File: 109 KB, 1033x925, Screenshot 2021-04-05 011437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the broken live TL anon

>> No.2235866
Quoted by: >>2236234

Apology for my cock, retard

>> No.2235869

>People started harassing her and she ended up apologizing and deleting her account.
good. hopefully she'll kill herself soon too. stupid disgusting faggot enabled whore

>> No.2235870

I hope someone murders this tranny.

>> No.2235884


>> No.2235887 [DELETED] 

Right has done a single attack which was universally condemned by everyone on all political sides. Left has committed dozens of attacks on government facilities over the past year and the media + left-wing politicians either ignore it or tacitly support it. But you're absolutely right, take it to /pol/; bad as the board is maybe you'll actually learn something about current events there.

>> No.2235894

So the doujin title was an actual pun?
What was the problem now?

>> No.2235895

i want them killed

>> No.2235896
Quoted by: >>2235953 >>2235978

Wtf how did this nothingburger get so big?? Did they insult the comic or something?

>> No.2235899
Quoted by: >>2236057

This is a fucking non-apology. She's acting like the victim here when she's at fault. Fuck this bullshit. I hope she never draws again and if she does none of her work ever sells.

>> No.2235900
Quoted by: >>2235964 >>2236100


>> No.2235907 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2236072

Found the worthless, ineffectual cuckold who lets his favourite streamers get humiliated.

>> No.2235915

oh course he does, he was fucking dabbing all over sterling after the first round.
schaub bless

>> No.2235953
Quoted by: >>2236027

The answer is already in this thread just lurk my dude.

>> No.2235955

What a coward.

>> No.2235964

Uhh get fucked then?
Who gives a shit.

>> No.2235975 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2236044

Thanks a bunch. Why the hell is my thing not working? I just thought nobody helped translate...

>> No.2235976
Quoted by: >>2236036 >>2236071

>anons keeps on suggesting to make a "raid" to antis
>not thinking that jp trolls don't use throwaway accounts themselves
lmao what are you gonna do? harass their throwaway twitter/youtube accounts?

>> No.2235978
Quoted by: >>2236216 >>2236283

Its not even big, the author just wants to be left alone, and migo and marine know what schizo harassment is like so they actually feel bad about it.

>> No.2235984


>> No.2235990

Some broken ass live tl that leaves out half the stuff sure will help

>> No.2235993

What a stupid cunt. Hope she offs herself

>> No.2235999

I am happy to 35P. You guys deserve that

>> No.2236003
Quoted by: >>2236025

everyone who has keep attacking the the doujin artist let them live in fear

>> No.2236020


>> No.2236025 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2236245 >>2236331


>> No.2236027
Quoted by: >>2236297

I really don’t feel like lurking and wasting my time. This just seems like some stupid bullshit internet drama.
I watch vtubers to avoid this kinda shit.

>> No.2236036

Retarded larping kids

>> No.2236040
File: 77 KB, 220x165, AY YEAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2236042

For the first time in my life i will become an actual anti, this doujintranny will regret this for years to come.

>> No.2236044

accidentally blacklist the TL? its the same person doing it in Marine's stream right now

>> No.2236058


>> No.2236057

she wont if we keep harassing her keep it up kill her morale

>> No.2236071
Quoted by: >>2236304

I think the idea is directing the flow towards Cover as a corporation to make them understand they need to stop kneeling to stupid petty drama like this or else they risk fueling antis who now know they can easily draw out a big apology over nothing.

>> No.2236072

You have no power in this situation. Are any of us allowing the sun to rise? It's absurd.

>> No.2236079

Lmao those Marine memberships

>> No.2236099


>> No.2236100

Then don't makd fucking gundam doujin you retarded whore

>> No.2236116

rofl its over

>> No.2236135
Quoted by: >>2236169

>she cut off in the middle of her last word

>> No.2236136


>> No.2236139


>> No.2236169

Probably to vomit.

>> No.2236195
Quoted by: >>2236247 >>2236347

Anon, isn't the artist a male or I didn't get the memo?

>> No.2236205
Quoted by: >>2236253

This is all Kiara's fault

>> No.2236210


>> No.2236216

Bullshit. The author should have just shut the fuck up. This tranny author is clearly leeching

>> No.2236232
Quoted by: >>2236322

>Vague promises of "being more careful"
Well at least it isn't cover imposing new restrictions or anything truly retarded. Not sure how they're going to be so careful when antis can maliciously edit clips out of context to force whatever narrative they want.

>> No.2236234

For what, for it being so small? Fuck off.

>> No.2236235

Based senchou

>> No.2236241

that wasn't a youtube error

She literally said the stream was over, apologized once more and cut it. She's fucking mad, bros.

>> No.2236245
Quoted by: >>2236331

Marine and Miko retweeted their non-apology

>> No.2236247

Doesn't matter at this point. It's a fucking BL doujin "artist". They're the bottom of the bottom

>> No.2236253

>Kiara is a fujo...
Holy shit... it all makes sense now...

>> No.2236283

>Its not even big, the author just wants to be left alone
Then why'd she open her fat tranny mouth in the first place?

>> No.2236286 [DELETED] 

The "apology" actually isn't as bad as I thought, but it's still completely unacceptable that she was forced to make it. She's basically apologising to the artist for the hate she received, instead of saying she did anything wrong.
Don't mistake this for coping, I'm just saying it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

>> No.2236288

Rev up those doxx engines boys.

>> No.2236289


>> No.2236295

Marine mad at the corporate shit again

>> No.2236297

I get it. It's honestly just a nothingburger that blew up when antis fanned the flames. Miko and marine put a BL book in the fridge and then read 2 lines from the back. Anti's edited the clip to make it seem like they read the whole book and mocked it. They send it to author and author seethes on twitter which antis use as ammo to fan the flames. Lots of people were angry on both sides so Miko and Marine are just apologizing to get fans to stop harassing author. They will continue streaming tomorrow.

>> No.2236298

From the live translators in Miko stream she's sincerely asking everyon to stop hating on the author, let it rest, and not bring it up again.

So start ignoring the shit-stirrers that pop up here (that always seem to have an aloe flair for some reason). Even now theres EN smoothbrains in the chat demanding an apology from the author.

If you won't listen to what Miko has to say about it, then it was never her you cared about, you just cared about participating in drama.

Miko, Marine, and the author are all on good terms now, the only reason this is still going on is the "fans"

>> No.2236303

I'd be mad, too.

>> No.2236304
Quoted by: >>2236476

what? you want Cover to fire at will on a single bl fujoshit?
the antis will just get more fire power with "hUGe coMpAnY buLLies sMaLL inDePEndent ArTisT"

you fags want to fight fire with fire will just see your own house burned to the ground

>> No.2236310

Of course she is. Marine fucking aware how mentally ill author since herself are FUJO AUTHOR

>> No.2236322
Quoted by: >>2236393

Didn't Miko allude to new policy going forward for her streams? Or was that just her saying she'll be more careful?

>> No.2236330 [DELETED] 

>Boo hooo my choice between the two rapist oligarch didn't win this literally like being a jew in the 1940s :(((
What an overdramatic bitch
> IF the US was about free speech they would allowed her to say those things
She literally was allowed say that though? she didn't go to jail or have to pay a fine anything like that, the worse that happened to her is disney stopped working with her
>More importantly, it's FAR WORSE what happened to Gina
She lost her job and immediately got a new one for fucking ben shapiro lmao
>The west is WAY WORSE with this shit.
Its not, the that fact you have to compare a self-victimizing fag comparing themselves to holocaust victims to two people fucking around with a gay porno mag just further illustrates that point
In fact you probably sympathize with her even more think what what happened to her was "FAR WORSE" because you're also self-victimizing trumpfag
God damn what a kuso thread, I can't believe you forced to google some bullshit that happened to this literally who and had the audacity to compare her to Miko and Marine

>> No.2236331

She already deleted her main account. The apology was posted on a throw away.

>> No.2236347
File: 72 KB, 585x511, 1617034705414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's trash, anon

>> No.2236351

>just keep bending over goy
>if you harrass your harrassers back then they win
Kill yourself.

>> No.2236359

Don't copy and paste reddit shit here

>> No.2236361

no shit. She didn't do anything wrong

>> No.2236362

Yes, but you forgot one simple thing.
Only ONE of the two is my Oshi, and only ONE cut her stream short.

>> No.2236364
File: 140 KB, 320x320, Gowron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the WAR can continue

>> No.2236385

>aloe flair
Hi leddit.

>> No.2236393

Anon, your meds

>> No.2236397 [DELETED] 

Are you people blind or what? Join the fucking telegram if you have any self-respect or if you give a shit about the JP girls at all.

The first thing to do is to ferment the sentiment of Cover having made a massive mistake, and to creative a massive PR shitstorm over it. It's more important than harassing the piece of shit mangaka right now.


>> No.2236421
Quoted by: >>2236768

Now they cant have fun anymore because some bitch faggot cant stand some words lmao this world sucks

>> No.2236423

>implying Marine wasn't fucking pissed

>> No.2236425

I sure can't wait for antis go "You both didn't apologize enough"

>> No.2236426
Quoted by: >>2236481 >>2236500

>all this fallacy and rationalization
Go project someplace else, fujo. Gina Corano has a 70% approval rate according to Disney's own survey's. They fucked up, they KNOW they fucked up, and everyone else does to.

>> No.2236428
Quoted by: >>2236487

All the author had to do was give an actual apology instead she gave a half ass "apology" that amount to me me me.

>> No.2236430

>2 members

>> No.2236453

Anyways, time for more Noel


>> No.2236461 [DELETED] 

You worthless reddit troll, you know VERY well that they did not have a choice in what they said. End yourself.

>> No.2236465

you are a fascist

>> No.2236476

No, Cover doesn't need to do anything to anybody, that's exactly the point. When you give outrage culture fanatics the attention they desperately crave, they smell blood in the water. It's the same no matter where you are in the world. The best possible action for Cover to have taken was to ignore it. This huge spectacle was ridiculous and unnecessary, and just tells antis that they do have power.

>> No.2236481 [DELETED] 

>all this cope
Trump lost btw

>> No.2236483

Uh based?

>> No.2236487
Quoted by: >>2236596

all she/he/it ahd to do was talk about it OFF TWEETER BUT MOTHERFUCKERS CANT CONTAIN THEIR AUTISM

>> No.2236491

Fuck off chink. I just want to shit on the fujoshi

>> No.2236496
Quoted by: >>2236552

NYPA, faggot

>> No.2236500

Shut you bleeding heart faggot
I should slap your mother my with cock for making google that 3D whore in the first place

>> No.2236504

>Trump lost btw
Thank God

>> No.2236508 [DELETED] 

I'm all for politics but stop shitting this thread with them.

>> No.2236517


>> No.2236522
File: 477 KB, 905x1280, 1609116882498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, what of it?

>> No.2236529

Stop larping tourist.

>> No.2236533

Huh. 35P pretty calm yesterday and she insists streaming tomorrow which probably to calm down her fans. Now ichimin crew are pretty much docile, but marine itself clearly pissed

>> No.2236552 [DELETED] 

Then leave the fucking board. You were not asked to join, you were told to join.

>> No.2236553

>months after he left
Hmm. I should have known you'd get around to this, considering not one statement you posted was true.

>> No.2236559

Cover fans have power as well. The author's twitter account is still privated after all this time.
It's a two way street, if you want to keep this fire, you will see casualties on both sides.

>> No.2236560

no i'm a sneedist

>> No.2236566
Quoted by: >>2236651

Cover could have ignored it, to be hoenst they did that.
But it looks like it was marine and miko that felt bad for the author.
Cover could have let the author die in his shithole and to some point they did. But my bet is the talents aproched the artist.

>> No.2236592

>let my 19 year old EOP self who has never spoken to Japanese before tell you about Japanese Twitter culture
Holy shit

>> No.2236596
Quoted by: >>2236644

Because the author is a self piece of shit and narcissist. He doesn't care about "ending the war".

>> No.2236602

All of you shut the fuck up and stop acting like a bunch of gay niggers

>> No.2236604
File: 28 KB, 280x367, Ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doujin artists suck. Convince me otherwise

>> No.2236633
Quoted by: >>2236647

they are good.
convinced yet? i can go all day

>> No.2236644
Quoted by: >>2236694

Are you just being a nigger now on purpose?

>> No.2236647
File: 5 KB, 298x169, Xdoubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2236696

>they are good.

>> No.2236651
Quoted by: >>2236744

Why are Marine and Miko feeling bad? They're the victims not the author.

>> No.2236653
Quoted by: >>2236709

Fujo* doujin artists, Pochi and Tamaki are still fine

>> No.2236660

to be honest it looks the same here and there.
Bunch of snowflakes and people having metdowns rather than take things offline.

>> No.2236694

The author is the span of satan for all I care.

>> No.2236696

they are super lit good

>> No.2236701

They really are a workaholic nation. Apologizing for taking time off. No wonder so many of them suicide or die.

>> No.2236709

their product is good, their mentality is unstable like most artist.

they feel responsible. They SHOULDNT. But they are far better people than me so cant change that.

>> No.2236744

>Marine feeling bad
Miko? Maybe. But if you watch the stream Marine clearly pissed

>> No.2236745
Quoted by: >>2236825

Butcha-U and Shindol said they wanted Miko and Marine to read their doujins, specifically highlighting lines like "I'm cumming" and giving tips on how best to perform them.

>> No.2236748

That 19yo has twitter experience

>> No.2236768

then lets tear it down

>> No.2236769

>he doesn't see the Japanese version of snowflakes
ah~ the beauty of language barrier

>> No.2236777
Quoted by: >>2236861

You're not wrong. If they were good, then they'd be making original content.

>> No.2236825
File: 12 KB, 320x180, were you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2236898

You already know Marine practiced. She's a method actor, after all.

>> No.2236861

Don't doujinsji include original works too?

>> No.2236889

>zhang legs typed this

>> No.2236898

I'd expect no less from my favorite captain

>> No.2236917

Huh. Marine say her equipment is troubled

>> No.2236973

Most of them look eerily like some characters from official works. Only established artists have original characters and are able to sell.

>> No.2236982
Quoted by: >>2237005

probably didi it from phone only

>> No.2236991

I believe the term technically refers to all self-published works, so yeah a lot of them are original.

>> No.2236995

That's it?

>> No.2237005

Should be. Whatever it is, clearly it's not big deal

>> No.2237009

yes, although it's primarily fan-works

>> No.2237029
Quoted by: >>2237210 >>2237279

Based meido nuking the /pol/ leejun tourist

>> No.2237094

>Whoops the stream "accidentally" cut off 3 sentences into the statement
Based senchou

>> No.2237116
File: 18 KB, 433x231, 1617611235339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2238449 >>2239251


>> No.2237146
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>> No.2237153

Even though it's more or less settled, with the exception of zealots being a nuisance, this whole affair has bummed me out badly

>> No.2237156
Quoted by: >>2237218 >>2237237

At least it's over.

>> No.2237191

Are you sure?

>> No.2237194

Yea, I feel like this whole thing wasn't necessary.

>> No.2237198

"I am such a tech illiterate it cut the stream short right after I said everything I had to say"
Based Marine

>> No.2237210


>> No.2237218

You wish

>> No.2237226
File: 375 KB, 511x498, 1606639549232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2237265

The easiest way to handle this type of drama.

Just tell everyone to fuck off.

>> No.2237234

Based senchou vs cuck miko

>> No.2237237
Quoted by: >>2237300

can't wait for the next incident when cover once again fails to protect their talents

>> No.2237265
Quoted by: >>2237390

>I am gonna rev the lawyer Vinnysauce

>> No.2237279

>dodging bans

>> No.2237300

But anon they already made them apologize at least 3 times, that's pretty protective :)

>> No.2237365

I am angry but not dumb enough to fuel a "war" just to vent out
Miko and Marine have way more to lose since they are a greater public than some low level doujin artist afraid of a law suit

>> No.2237390
Quoted by: >>2237668

>Vinny alone is more competent than an entire company
Should have juat rev up laqyer likw him.

>> No.2237668

you alright anon?
do i need to call 911?

>> No.2237710
Quoted by: >>2238092

I just want to see the actual doujin in question.

>> No.2238092
Quoted by: >>2238182


>> No.2238150

It's now depend on how the both side of mob will behave.

>> No.2238182

Delete this. It's not worth giving hits to, pirating, or even discussing. The artist deserves no recognition or exposure. Bury it.

>> No.2238449
File: 11 KB, 268x193, 1616622818281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, it is bit suspicious
not only did they do a whataburger announcement, but also streamed from the studio

Way too official even for Cover standards

>> No.2238489
Quoted by: >>2238581 >>2238612

>all of this shitstorm over a fucking doujin
Someone should remind the faggot that doujins are copyright infringement and they are only allowed to exist by mercy.

>> No.2238581

Once realized they fucked up they went full dark mode/silent running. Everything's locked down and privated on their social media. They're waiting for all this to blow over and trying to avoid attention.

>> No.2238612
Quoted by: >>2238644

>game streaming exists out of mercy
don't bother with that attack vector, just acknowledge the author is an entitled cunt

>> No.2238644
Quoted by: >>2238697

>game streaming exists out of mercy
It does, though. If a company wants you to pull their shit, it's over.

>> No.2238697
Quoted by: >>2238716

That's exactly the point they are making. The doujinshi author was a cunt, but bringing making that point about doujinshi is silly because it also applies to game streaming.

>> No.2238716
Quoted by: >>2238764 >>2238790

Not Hololive gaming streaming, though. I think this is the approach you're trying to make, but the reason that Hololive has a limited selection IS because they take the time to sign up for rights.

>> No.2238764
Quoted by: >>2238797 >>2238803

You're saying like it didn't take several copyright strikes and having to private all their vods for them to start filtering games.

>> No.2238790

I'm not that anon. Yeah, that's a good point. I don't know how much leverage Hololive has in negociating streaming rights. It's still possible the whole status quo hangs by a thread.

>> No.2238797
Quoted by: >>2238807

That's only furthering the point that streaming is infringement.

>> No.2238803

It did, but that's beside the point. They now operate with contracts.

>> No.2238807

The person you're responding to seems to be agreeing with your position.

>> No.2239251

Now where is the author making a video announcement or she going to continue to be a coward and keyboard warrior on twitter?

>> No.2239517
File: 49 KB, 709x282, 16175204125241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in Japan.

>> No.2239814
Quoted by: >>2240039

This is such bs, I can see this happening again and again up to a point where the holos are so limited that they can't even have fun anymore.

>> No.2240039

/pol/ warned you about apologizing to the mentally ill. All the apology will do will cause the antis and their kind to double down.

>> No.2240548

faggots deserve the rope

>> No.2240657

so what's the general consensus in japan regarding this bs? Are people leaning more toward miko/marine or the author? Just curious since I catched this now and am surprised this autistic slapfight got this fucking big, not even the chinese incident seens to have made this far.

>> No.2240726

So it's just "Japanese twitter" shitting on random people in internet drama? Remember Hana Kimura, or how nips quickly dox the "bully" IRL info to shit on the "bully".
Ah, social media.
