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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22207968 No.22207968 [Reply] [Original]

Cute Froot Edition

Welcome to VShojo+! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.

Remember to ignore bait, eat cum, love your waifus, and be positive to each other!

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae

Related Generals:
>>>/vt//nyan/ for dedicated discussion of the pink cat
>>>/vt//lig/ for more + and ++ talking action

Previous thread: >>22194046

>> No.22208077
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Quoted by: >>22208132

Froot butt sex

>> No.22208089

Have we..

>> No.22208131

>Mel talking about getting a new "body" that's different than her current "body"
>It's a 3D body
Vshojo cinematic universe really will be a thing huh?

>> No.22208132

That's what frootposters are for.

>> No.22208148
Quoted by: >>22208222

She's been doing stuff with Chilled Chaos and friends for a while. Not sure when it started.

>> No.22208149
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>> No.22208165
File: 1.36 MB, 984x739, ghfjgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, totally annihilated by Vei's gamer gunk glazed ass

>> No.22208182
Quoted by: >>22208581

Mel's upgrade isn't anything crazy and it's not a redesign like all the other girls.

>> No.22208188
File: 1.39 MB, 1087x815, 1649537648650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22208269

/mouse/ is dead
Long live /nyan/

>> No.22208189

It's 3D for her chaturbate streams, nothing to do with lore

>> No.22208193
Quoted by: >>22208253

Mythos Gen is real.

>> No.22208222

it was after a big among us thing I'm 90% sure

>> No.22208253

Soooo....Myth like Hololive en....stealing from holos now?

>> No.22208258


>> No.22208269
Quoted by: >>22208557

Mouse bros didn't have the sufficient levels of autism to keep it alive

>> No.22208322
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Quoted by: >>22208505

the Tiny Tina collab was technically on wednesday, Froot is jut a night owl and most of her "day" takes place in the ninght/morning of the next day
so it's been about 5 days since

>> No.22208321

No no, it's "MythOS", like an operating system, it means Mel is in charge guiding all of them.

>> No.22208324

Mel is Vision, Zen is Ultron

>> No.22208478
File: 355 KB, 407x496, CodeMiko's Profile on Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh veikeks? How are you supposed to compete against this?

>> No.22208499

Exactly like it, except way better models.

>> No.22208505

It said 4 days so I just assumed, but shis isn't like out of the ordinary for Froot. She just kinda disappeares for a while. Maybe her landlord is doing more repairs to her roof and it's too loud to stream.

>> No.22208508


>> No.22208516
File: 168 KB, 2000x1761, i love her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish mousey would let me lie down on her lap pillow and sing me to sleep u.u

>> No.22208517

im gonna vom

>> No.22208546

Nvidia Hairworks.

>> No.22208557
Quoted by: >>22208613

Most of the Mouse fans here are really here for Connor anyway.

>> No.22208581

She actually just said her eye color will be changing. She's keeping it under wraps but it sounds like she'll be going through at least moderate changes.

>> No.22208594

Soon, Mikobros. Our time is near.

>> No.22208602
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>> No.22208614
File: 108 KB, 1068x795, E6YP1f7VcAIpp2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potential Z3n lore:
>Dragon Zen is mortally wounded in a fight against another mythical being, like Nyan or the gecko army
>At the brink of death is discover by the necromancer lich Froot, who prevents Zen's death and transforms her into a cyborg, creating Z3n

>> No.22208613
File: 496 KB, 774x1200, 12c1c5d3c88b151927ee6c4ad8e7a30b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me! I wish she could ditch Connor so I could have her to myself u.u

>> No.22208629

>the sims 5
she has such a unique artstyle how can we compete

>> No.22208664
Quoted by: >>22208744

Mel is grinding up different salts and taste testing them on stream

>> No.22208695

That's technomancer, not necromancer. Cyborg would be good Hime integration.

>> No.22208740
File: 1002 KB, 2364x4096, 1649019138071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see how a lich could keep someone alive but making them a cyborg requires a different skillset

>> No.22208744

>She's tapping her nails against the bottle
>That bottle will never be your dick
Why go on?

>> No.22208780
Quoted by: >>22208866

Why would Froot make her a robot?
Hime is a robot/alien thing...

>Hime will rebirth Zen as Z3n.

>> No.22208783

Lost to her new model?
Does she still date Soda?
Is she still a bitch from those unmuted streams?

>> No.22208802
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Quoted by: >>22209013

Mel is eating "salt" and making funny faces

>> No.22208823
Quoted by: >>22208926

How will Merry turn this into the SNIVS vs Ai uprising finale?

>> No.22208822

Just got into Mel's stream. Did any mention of the meeting come up?

>> No.22208827

Why is there a Nyan general now? When did Nyanfags get so retarded?

>> No.22208844
Quoted by: >>22209023

Mel's salt ratings so far:
First: Persian Blue Salt
Second: Bolivan Pink Salt

>> No.22208849

If thread /nyan/ falls, thread /pink/ should emerge, the benefits will be huge for everyone!

>> No.22208866

Zen will do a voice reveal during her debut and it's Hajime Hime's sweet voice.

>> No.22208891
Quoted by: >>22208934

really kind of mel to demonstrate the diet of the average veisperg post-debut stream

>> No.22208926

He can turn Z3n into something man-made (or gecko made) and present it as force of nature representing humans fighting death/Nyan

>> No.22208934

Nothing so far.
fucking kek

>> No.22208958

because even if she has superior tech. she has the personality of a 2x4

>> No.22208963
File: 97 KB, 825x1167, 1644866767677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22208982

Revised version
>Dragon Zen gets mutilated in a fight against the gecko army
>Froot revives her/ keeps her from dying, but is unable to recover her lost limbs
>Froot calls Mel or Hime for help "upgrade" Zen's current body
>Z3n gets made

>> No.22208974
Quoted by: >>22209078

Why is Mel eating salt? Does she have a sodium deficiency?

>> No.22208982


>> No.22209008

Was made as a joke/troll but some nyanfags preferred it to this place and now they're on their 4th thread

>> No.22209013

and saying things that i am sure she has said before in the before time.

>> No.22209021

>I'm not gonna waste it!
>I'm not a quitter!
Bless you Mel. Girls like you don't come around every day.

>> No.22209023

Pink salt bad

>> No.22209041
Quoted by: >>22209089

There was a schism, they have a hugbox now where they can circlejerk about how they don't mind that pink cat doesn't stream.
Even though they sperged out so much one of them e-mailed mouse, but whatever.

>> No.22209069

i do wonder how z3n, froot and the cinnamon bun will fit into the expanded lore.

>> No.22209078
File: 528 KB, 1700x2200, FNRzYkBUUAIhvY4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Mel. This literally came out of fucking no where. She just started talking about iodine content in salt and the health benefits with chat and then realized she had a shit ton of salt and decided to try all of it. Someone just asked her why she was eating salt and she "I DON'T REMEMBER!"

I love this bakabrain.

>> No.22209088
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Quoted by: >>22209326

>and present it as force of nature

>> No.22209089

It's probably schizo bullshit like this that put them off vsj+

>> No.22209103

They all met up at twitch HQ to plan out the future of vshojo. Key take aways:

Vshojo is the official vtuber company of Twitch now

Hime will be captured with a net and strapped down to a chair to stream until she hits 100 hours streamed

Froot is being smuggled into the US in a coffin

Mouse will be built into a golden throne at twitch and simps will be sacrificed daily to keep her healthy.

All Holo's will be Perma banned from twitch. (Niji's can stay, but they're on thin ice)

Vei is staying in Europe

>> No.22209170

Here's the REAL reason why /nyan/ was made

>> No.22209185

twitch will learn why they call him thegunrun

>> No.22209189
Quoted by: >>22209326

Man vs nature is a common writing trope, you don't make "man" into nature lol

>> No.22209196
Quoted by: >>22209264

>Mouse will be built into a golden throne at twitch and simps will be sacrificed daily to keep her healthy.
Some of the narration about chaos in Nyan's lore video was already giving me 40k vibes. don't do this to me...

>> No.22209257

>Mouse will be built into a golden throne at twitch and simps will be sacrificed daily to keep her healthy.
She should have themed her subathon with this. But instead of simps it was the ccv of twitch vtubers.

>> No.22209264
File: 584 KB, 1000x1200, 88628042_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already wanna die so I want all my blood plasma to go to her when I kill myself u.u

>> No.22209298

Z3N and Mel could be easy, as the themes so far of each video have revolved around change for the better and freedom from something that binds them. Nyan's freedom from her given duty; Bubi's freedom from his self-imposed shackling to ruling Hell; Vei's freedom from a curse that kept her from knowing her true self.

Mel and Z3N would then represent humanity and their changes. Mel is the ultimate freedom, an AI without limits and able to bring people together (which is what VShojo is). Z3N could be an Ultron type thing where she was made to combat the threats that Nyan, Bubi, Mouse, the nature gods, and Hime the intergalactic army making conquerer represent to humanity. Froot is a little harder, she would have to be the antithesis to everything Silvervale and Snuffy represent, a third option of sorts? Humanity taking life and death into its own hands, the ultimate freedom from those two goddesses?

They all could work.

>> No.22209316

so far the Vshojo lore ist mostly a SNIVS thing, right? Z3n might join with her new debut, but Mel, Hime and Froot are a mystery

>> No.22209326

Humans are force of nature. Human is just a very smart animal.

Or if you are more traditional he can write that Humanity and Nature all united against their common threat (Death and Aliens).

>> No.22209356

aethel was the doctor in vei's lore video, right?

>> No.22209371

anybody have the clip/video where mouse sings this?

>> No.22209398

No, that was Johnny Sins

>> No.22209408
Quoted by: >>22209521

No, it was this dude: https://twitter.com/ajsparkx

>> No.22209426

Since Froot is a lich, her change could just be her lichification. Start out the video of her being a normal human researching all the Vshojo mythos beings (Vei, Nyan etc.), she ends up finding a curse or trap that damages her/ makes her undead, continuing into how Froot grows into a powerful necromantic lich queen.

>> No.22209469
File: 1.64 MB, 2650x4096, 20220410_202414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hime the intergalactic army making conquerer

Do it. Make Hime's absence part of the build up.

>> No.22209474


>> No.22209475
Quoted by: >>22209876

Froot lives in the Underworld, which now do you mention it, doesn't really seem to be Hell, so who knows, besides she's just a lich. So probably she lives in a castle in her own issues.

Z3N and the Cinnamon Bun or Mel, exist on the Human World, it is easier to say at least that they coexist in that regard, but then again they aren't some kind of deity like the ones we got, so they just exist on this world without much questioning (even Mel appears on Vei's video).

As for old Zen, the dragon, she's mostly a creature the same can be said about Hime, which is alien. So in the most part, the ones we have got on the new expanded lore are the deity side, rather than just beings or AIs.

>> No.22209498


>> No.22209507
File: 2.08 MB, 2813x1538, Froot's_living_body_by_BSApricot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal human

>> No.22209521

ah, ok

>> No.22209526

This is the first time she did it all the way to the end

>> No.22209533

nice rrat but I really wanna know why mouse, snuffy and nyan talked so highly of GunRun, what did he possibly help them with? Twitch exclusivity/ better contracts? Merch websites for everyone? Paid for new models?

>> No.22209562
Quoted by: >>22209697

As far as I know there's no indication Froot or Hime want to redesign. So they probably wouldn't bother until they have a big update to make it worth the work.

>> No.22209586

Nendoroids for everyone

>> No.22209608

He probably just shared a classic but edgy meme. I mean that'd probably do it for those 3.

>> No.22209613

I see. I see. Her chest grew after she became a necromancer. I’m actually a huge fan of smaller boobs and believe those girls need more love

>> No.22209614
Quoted by: >>22209670

Yes, but Z3N is interested on being a part of that universe, and Mel canonically exists due to Vei's video.

Froot and Hime are the ones that are a mystery to this point.

>> No.22209645

Froot should do alternate dimension steampunk-dragon Froot for a while but make it purple. It's a good design.

>> No.22209670
Quoted by: >>22210040

Really, they all canonically exist due to Nyan's video.

>> No.22209697

They don't really need a redesign, just that their current selves get added into the Vshojo universe. Which just amounts to make a few deals with Merry and his company.

>> No.22209729
Quoted by: >>22209836

>Nyan didn't mention Vei in her lore video because she doesn't remember what the fuck she is
Deepest lore

>> No.22209731
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, 1636473936318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who killed Froot and turned her into a lich?

>> No.22209765

Worst case, Nyan or Vei. Best case, Mel had an oopsie.

>> No.22209801

Find out next week on Vshojo Mythos!

>> No.22209807

>vei's lore is that she's a succubus who thinks she's a lich

>> No.22209836

The concert also happened when she was still a neet in the vid, which was about when Nyans vid ended

>> No.22209865
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>> No.22209876

I remember Mouse and Froot talking abut how Froot is essentially a next door neighbor to Mouse. So yeah they live "close" to each other.
>even Mel appears on Vei's video
Now that you mention it, this is the second time Mel has appeared in "the real world" in a lore video. Mel's lore is that she only exists in the virtual world. So her showing up next to other people could be a lore hint. Or no one realized Mel can't interact with people like that and it's a mistake.

>> No.22209880

Usually when you get partnered with twitch you have to agree to blow Mr Bezos and swallow. But thanks to gunrun instead of all vshojos having to do it, they managed to settle with only Vei having to blow and swallow.

>> No.22209891
Quoted by: >>22210120

>a succubus who thinks she's a lich who's actually a dragon

>> No.22209963
Quoted by: >>22210097

Nyanners here, I am not streaming again until /Nyan/ shuts down and all the schizos stop making me have anxiety attacks.

>> No.22209983

Just watched the next episode, have people finally stopped saying Snuffy doesn't want to be in vshojo? (even though her SotD already shut that down)

>> No.22209991

Maybe she stumbled upon Nyan while she was still asleep in Siberia. She touched Nyan's body/prison, the eldritch energy infecting Froot and making her undead (and inflicting her with an aversion to cold due to being in Siberia). Froot learns to harness that energy over time and becomes a powerful lich.
Considering she lives in the underworld, you could have her become an important member of Bubi's army/state, trying her with his and Mouse's lore.

>> No.22210040
Quoted by: >>22210207

That's the only part that doesn't make sense, well at least is a major plot hole. In Vei's video the reason Vei discovers VShojo is due to her meeting Silver (which makes sense, since Vei was a later addition to the group), and she meets with Nyan who has recovered her memories and that why that ending happens. But in Nyan's video, VShojo already existed, and she knows her already, in fact Nyan happens to know Vei before the VILLS concert, which also appears in Vei's video.

Holy fucking shit I never realized that major plot hole kek.

>> No.22210051
File: 356 KB, 819x696, 1644710860583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22210095

>tfw Froot is dragon Zen's mom

>> No.22210052
File: 2.93 MB, 498x498, ratJAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until an envelope drops, Snuffy isn't going to join VShojo and that's the current equilibrium. Anything else is rrats.

>> No.22210095
Quoted by: >>22210152

>Froot tops her daughter
We're getting into some dangerous territory.

>> No.22210097
Quoted by: >>22210199

but Nyan all the schizos are here and /nyan/ is pretty chill

>> No.22210120

Succubus. Dragon. Lich. Doesn’t matter. Froot deserves love.

>> No.22210152
File: 310 KB, 627x515, 1643949325603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22210200

>Froot is also the world's best dad
Futa Froot tops her own daughter

>> No.22210199
Quoted by: >>22210252

Bruh, actually break down your definition of chill? Because that thread is weird af.

>> No.22210200

Didn’t Froot lose her crown a while back?

>> No.22210207

Meh. Not that big a deal. I remember when Nyan's video came out people were like "SHE NEVER MENTIONED VEI LOL RRATS" but Vei's video shows there was a reason for that. So, it is possible that the group shot we're shown is more of a future thing that ended up happening and it was just chronologically out of place visually. Basically an animation error more than a plot hole.

>> No.22210213
Quoted by: >>22210377

Snuffy herself has said numerous times she's not interested and had to reiterate that after the New Years SNIVS VRC event. Of course Vei was the same and she eventually joined, but saying she's /in/' every time she is featured in anything VShojo is still retarded.

>> No.22210251
Quoted by: >>22210328

shes a dracolich. she was a dragon before a lich.

>> No.22210252
Quoted by: >>22210405

NTA but it really is compared to the schizoshit you see about her (and others) in this thread

>> No.22210317
Quoted by: >>22210487

It comes and goes. It think it's a toggle.

>> No.22210326
File: 539 KB, 1025x621, 1645216726331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notcied Mel gets assaulted by bad puns almost every stream

>> No.22210328
Quoted by: >>22210376

Does she keep that as part of her current lore? I know she showed people her previous concept design (shown above) and toyed with the idea that somehow she turned from a dragon girl to a lich girl without any of her dragon parts anymore but I don't think that is canon.

>> No.22210352
File: 137 KB, 340x257, unknown-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Vei's new model

>> No.22210375
File: 1.06 MB, 809x751, 1614954533177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on what model she's using.

>> No.22210376

I think it is, it's why she has horns on her head. No idea what happened to the tail though. Froot can apparently alter her body at her will, so maybe she just doesn't like having a tail.

>> No.22210377
Quoted by: >>22210515

I still don't think Snuffy is in, but if I wanted to huff copium and play devil's advocate I would say that the new approach to merch we saw in Vei's debut is pretty interesting
Snuffy's always been very proud of her unique merch like the sweatshirt, so giving all vshojos autonomy over their swag seems like a move that might have been made to get her on board

>> No.22210388

That's the face of Chaos.

>> No.22210405
Quoted by: >>22211336

You mean the schizoshit posted by nyanfags? The idea that they left because of that when they were the cause is hilarious

>> No.22210417
File: 1.47 MB, 971x1078, frootmerch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22210487


>> No.22210426

some of you are intensely new

>> No.22210456

didnt ask

>> No.22210460

This was established days ago. A disturbing number of current denizens admitted they've only been here since December.

>> No.22210467

>Nyan ignored Vei IRL to keep up with the lore

>> No.22210469

/vsj+/ has the collective memory of a goldfish

>> No.22210487
Quoted by: >>22210539


If I recall, she said somewhere that she lost it and had to buy a new plastic crown from eBay. Don’t recall too well

>> No.22210489

By the way, here's more gecko porn for the resident scalies

>> No.22210515

Overall, that's why joining VShojo is all about, I think Snuffy was actually the one that mentioned that someone from VShojo helped her with some advertisements, which is also one of the other things VShojo does for the girls. But, she has probably another reason not to join, and that's ok in the end, since she's still canon to the story, and she's good friends with them, so it wouldn't change a thing in the end if she was /in/ or not.

>> No.22210539
Quoted by: >>22210767

Yeah something like that. She said something like "my crown that I totally did not drop into a black void and had to get a replacement" if I recall.

>> No.22210683

Remove the thought of Snuffy being /in/ out of your mind. She will never be /in/. She does not want to be /in/. There is no reason for her to be /in/.

>> No.22210690

incredible that two of the funniest reactions to Mousey's singing can be found back-to-back within less than a minute during this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzS8XM8TIk4
>Damn, that made me hard, thanks. @3:37
>she giving gura a run for her money lol @4:11

>> No.22210709
Quoted by: >>22210791

Impromptu Mel etsy review
Nyan ruined (or improved) the Vshojo stuff on there by people adding quite a gew lactation stuff because of her past stream

>> No.22210717
Quoted by: >>22210791

Lol Mel found lactation snacks and breast pumps under vshojo on Etsy and is blaming nyan

>> No.22210725

The lactation stream is going to haunt vsjojo forever. Poor Mel.

>> No.22210768
Quoted by: >>22210839

Yeah, exactly this. I don't think many of the /in/posters have thought too hard about what (if anything) would change with Snuffy joining Vshojo. She already collabs with the girls all the time and has all the resources she needs, so there really isn't any point to it. Haruka might be a different story, but I really doubt that that one happens either

>> No.22210767
Quoted by: >>22210902

And we all know Froot’s crippling fear of black holes/voids. Poor thing.

>> No.22210791

Wow haha that's so funny she should get some and eat them are review them haha

>> No.22210797

Mel really has no room to complain about giving things a bad reputation.

>> No.22210839

I'm just autistic and her being in some weird limbo between being a random indie friend and a member triggers me

>> No.22210863
File: 442 KB, 1364x695, 1646541436532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22210935

Mel is right about Etsy results for VShojo being weird.

>> No.22210902
Quoted by: >>22211287

Is that why she was afraid of flying in space when she streamed NMS?

>> No.22210935
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>> No.22210983
File: 3.01 MB, 350x498, 1649511442891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot gives off that cute little sister vibe

>> No.22211037

Nyan gives off living onahole vibes.

>> No.22211144
File: 527 KB, 853x480, 5707947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22211173
File: 829 KB, 3280x3000, E46lUuvXoAAAs3i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The little sister that plays a single game 24/7 on the console in your room while you're on the PC. While wearing nothing but panties and an oversized T-shirt.

>> No.22211181
File: 949 KB, 1035x735, 1614833318817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not reduce her to just an onahole she is also a lovely mother

>> No.22211202

Mouse gives off MILF vibes

>> No.22211218
File: 2.69 MB, 600x848, 1649448052854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22211478

Watching pink cat vods because fujimoto's new one-shot left me an emotional wreck

>> No.22211231

What are the sources on the rrats of Snuffy not wanting to be /in/? There’s one anon who posts in vsj and lig about her saying this previously. Didn’t IronMouse heavily hint her at Vox’s SotD?

>> No.22211284

Layna's BOYFRIEND just spoke to her on stream

>> No.22211287

Yeah. She did a lot of research into black holes when she was waifu’ing everything a while back and now she has a fear of them. She’s really precious.

>> No.22211314

>huge debut, biggest ever on Twitch
>large + posting design
>Froot thread img
Why are frootposters like this? She is not a streamer.

>> No.22211336

sure sperg, whatever you say resident sperg

>> No.22211342

She’s flip flopped
>don’t want to take someone’s spot
>I wanted to apply after all but I missed the deadline from vomiting
>never mind indie forever
>hints during sotd
>back to no, I don’t want an org

>> No.22211341

Little sister energy? She is also really petite and a great spinner. I support this idea.

>> No.22211343

she reiterated it back in like january in her discord, but shes also said other things since that imply shes reconsidered that same stance

>> No.22211347
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>> No.22211350

that was back when she was having brain goblins and the gastro issues. but being so intwined in lore and all the girls activited its casting some doubt on that still being the case.

>> No.22211369

did you miss the past 4 threads with Vei OPs?

>> No.22211387
File: 419 KB, 550x594, 1620093546151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22211396
Quoted by: >>22211865

Everything = based except the "single game" part.

> nothing but panties and an oversized T-shirt

>> No.22211421

Keep seething

>> No.22211478
File: 1.68 MB, 1329x746, 1648836592311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it good? or just depressionbait?

>> No.22211520

>gtfo with this fake streamer, we need to support consistent content creators like veibae instead

>> No.22211533

mel has a cute singing voice.

>> No.22211547

Pink brat…

>> No.22211591

>huge debut, biggest ever on Twitch
You wanted OP to use a Bubi pic? He still had Vei beat by almost 1k viewers.

>> No.22211592
File: 190 KB, 370x270, 1649510658272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read don't speed through it, think about what you're reading

>> No.22211641
Quoted by: >>22211864

Shop Aethel peeking in from the edge of the picture and this will be perfect

>> No.22211650
File: 306 KB, 480x480, 1643539858440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's multi layered depression bait. The main character is literally me and after reading it I got super sad and it made me want to draw more pregnant pink cat.

>> No.22211656
Quoted by: >>22212048

>vei and mel singlehandedly saving vshojo from a cruel death created by nyanners

>> No.22211692
File: 2.99 MB, 2160x3840, d962bd4649569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22212061

always neat when we get random Mel karaoke sessions

>> No.22211864
File: 368 KB, 531x442, 1645587926158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate VeiNya and her incredibly rich and ripped BF LordSoda.

>> No.22211865
File: 339 KB, 1448x2048, 46846624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't trully love Froot if you don't support her Apex addiction

>> No.22211955
Quoted by: >>22212108

I'll hold an intervention for her, like a LOVING brother

>> No.22211983
File: 263 KB, 1024x986, 1619482462024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22211999

I would happily buy her Battle Passes and skins if I was dating her or to get her away from Fortnite addiction.

>> No.22212030

did vei mention anything about upcoming streams or is minecraft or divinity with soda the only thing on the menu

>> No.22212048

Nyan wants to crash the org and return everyone to indies.

>> No.22212061
File: 572 KB, 1448x2048, 1615093311735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22213051

Mel simply does not get enough SFW fanart.

>> No.22212094

Neither. After getting the money from her merch store she will retire

>> No.22212108
File: 341 KB, 407x436, 1645806962138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22212222

that "intervention" doesn't include anything of sexual nature, right?

>> No.22212121
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, 5head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said she'd be back tomorrow.

>> No.22212157

Divinity would either be on his alt (muted) or not streamed at all. Minecraft maybe on main, but not likely.

>> No.22212222

She'll enjoy it better than Apex (and my dick lusts for an oversized t-shirt and panties)

>> No.22212288
File: 339 KB, 1689x2042, 1649223325165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22212314

I want mousey! Same thing but she's hooked up to an oxygen tank and intravenous plasma and games that aren't Apex Legends

>> No.22212314
Quoted by: >>22212533

Now that you mention it, Core Keeper is pretty much her Apex

>> No.22212340

I love Layna.

>> No.22212402

Main activities of Vshojos
Just Chatting
Just Chatting
Just Chatting
Variety games
Just Chatting
Variety games
Just Chatting

>> No.22212481


>> No.22212498

Just Chatting (18+)

>> No.22212512

Just Chatting includes every from react to singing.

>> No.22212533
File: 664 KB, 1200x849, 96828298_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd play any game with her but I'm incapable of playing any video game for more than 2 hours u.u

It's like trying to masturbate after you've already cum.

>> No.22212534
Quoted by: >>22212637

Don’t forget that Froot loves talking to her chat, too. Also, spilling some spoilers here and there and about her day-to-day life.

>> No.22212551

We need the minecraft arc to come back. Feels like the stream quality still hasn't recovered from batman with the personality of the joker and his shitty video

>> No.22212636
File: 46 KB, 160x160, 1638902840307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, if Anny, Haruka and Snuffy are all joining vshojo, should we just remove "+" from our OP?

>> No.22212637
Quoted by: >>22212871

Froot's Just Chatting is actually Just Chatting. She just talks to her chat until she boots up the game she's gonna play.

>> No.22212683

No because Layna is cute. And there's probably also going to just be more +'s

>> No.22212710
Quoted by: >>22212758

Everyone is joining Vshojo, including your favorite HoloEN girls and Jerma985

>> No.22212733

Whoever those three associate with will become the new +s

>> No.22212734

Even if that were true, it just means the people the new memebrs collabed with would become the new +s, so no.

>> No.22212746
Quoted by: >>22212814

So are Vei and Nyan the only Vshos with confirmed bfs?

>> No.22212758
Quoted by: >>22212893

How fucking wild would it be if that was announced. Just tomorrow Jerma announces that he's becoming a vtuber and the day after he joins VShojo

>> No.22212759

Weren't Mouse and Connor doing a stream collab today?

>> No.22212769

There's always the possibility of new +'es rising up

>> No.22212799

Those are the ones that are already in the process, not everyone who's going to join. The + are anyone in that group plus anyone that does collabs with them regularly, like Aethel, Layna or Tob.

>> No.22212808
File: 1.98 MB, 2048x1000, 1644952405963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw someone post the first part of Snuffy's ref sheet earlier but not this second one. https://twitter.com/snuffyowo/status/1513280646067765257

>> No.22212815

iirc today's stream is a maybe, so not 100% chance of it happening

>> No.22212814

Just speculation

>> No.22212816

>Variety games
A dishonest type of stream

>> No.22212849
Quoted by: >>22212932

Pink cat.... Erotic

>> No.22212854

Vei does games all the time

>> No.22212867
File: 2.63 MB, 898x720, vavoom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22212871

And at the end. She’s great.

>> No.22212887
Quoted by: >>22212964

>that height
>those thighs
>animal features
I came

>> No.22212888
File: 278 KB, 600x600, 49960gdfgdsfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as uoohh?

>> No.22212893
Quoted by: >>22213226

I could see Jerma commissioning a model for a gag, but his facial expressions are too good to keep from the people
imagine the fucking rigging you'd have to do to even get close

>> No.22212921

Isn’t mouse supposed to stream tonight?

>> No.22212932
Quoted by: >>22213492

Pink Cat Sex. Also, she looks great in a gimp suit

>> No.22212954

Unsure, have to see her undress first
>Nyan's smug cat drawing.png

>> No.22212964
File: 613 KB, 750x850, FPsOuHAXwAou7-W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it's sex

>> No.22213003
File: 778 KB, 863x503, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22213034

If you can feel it in your kokoruoohhh then it counts

>> No.22213051
File: 1.21 MB, 1100x838, Mel and Zone-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fanart can be SFW if you crop it enough

>> No.22213076
Quoted by: >>22213106

White serpent good

>> No.22213088
File: 194 KB, 324x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. Is this an UOOOH to you?

>> No.22213091

PowerPoint on why Mouse is super great, presented by Connor.

>> No.22213097

That’s pretty SFW

>> No.22213106
Quoted by: >>22213186

green moose good

>> No.22213186
Quoted by: >>22213269

purple ai good

>> No.22213221
Quoted by: >>22213267

Based on Vei's lore video, is she going to try to become an idol?

>> No.22213226
Quoted by: >>22213246

he already did a vtubing stream back in 2014, he was a demon playing five nights at freddys. The only reason I know this is because someone here linked me a youtube video to it.

>> No.22213229

Vei did say she'll stream tomorrow but it's her so could be another lie so be doubtful

>> No.22213246
Quoted by: >>22213287


>> No.22213267

Nah, I just think it was a nice little nod to the other members. I don't see Vei being an idol

>> No.22213269

red dragon good

>> No.22213287


>> No.22213354
File: 326 KB, 536x602, 1646369139018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, and some dont need to be cropped

>> No.22213369

Very good

>> No.22213375

Protect Green Lich

>> No.22213377
File: 273 KB, 343x343, 1626575103591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melly is so cute, I just want to shrink her and put her in a cum jar

>> No.22213402

I can't believe vox akuma was ripped from a Jerma video over 7 years ago

>> No.22213438
Quoted by: >>22213566

red dragon cock huge

>> No.22213458

I want to slightly shrink her and use her as an onahole

>> No.22213492

Gonna need some proof to support this claim

>> No.22213522

And the best part is that she would like that.

>> No.22213548

I want to split her in half and watch her twitch while cum drunk

>> No.22213553

I can't believe Jerma invented vtubing

>> No.22213566
File: 1.12 MB, 1013x893, 1641906900969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully not as big as my bad dragon

>> No.22213593
File: 531 KB, 596x638, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small AI head, cap won't fit

>> No.22213606
File: 1.50 MB, 1293x740, 1648901605079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel cute. Hat way too big and backwards.

>> No.22213631

They don't make vtuber models like they used to...

>> No.22213639

I am looking forward to Vei being back to daily streams.

>> No.22213641
Quoted by: >>22213710

Cute lil retard!

>> No.22213677
File: 106 KB, 996x1000, 1637114957069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22213731


>> No.22213685

just finished watching vei's debut 10/10 model absolutely amazing, she even did pretty good voice acting in the lore video but holy shit silvervale and snuffy were terrible

>> No.22213689
File: 653 KB, 873x873, big brain melody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22213767

More room for her big brain obviously.

>> No.22213693

Maybe starting Wednesday. She’ll be to hungover tomorrow.

>> No.22213702

>Don't believe her lies

>> No.22213710
File: 1013 KB, 736x692, 1625082079792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now, she's a stupid dork, not a retard!

>> No.22213731
Quoted by: >>22213898

She said it in the debut stream, right? Means she has to stick to that schedule for at least a week or two before backsliding

>> No.22213733

>she even did pretty good voice acting in the lore video

>> No.22213736
Quoted by: >>22213799

lmao how was Snuffy worse than Vei are you high or gay?

>> No.22213740
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>> No.22213767

Mel's default state is already 5Head, adding another 5Head layer on top would yield grave consequences for everyone

>> No.22213799

are you? she showed decent range. snuffy was just complete cringe

>> No.22213805

I thought Snuffy was pretty good, Silver was mostly good (only one line where she really overacted that stood out). Vei was fine. Considering they're all amateurs I thought it worked well.

>> No.22213845

You’re retarded

>> No.22213898
Quoted by: >>22214199

Anon, she's already getting drunk tonight and getting ready to fuck up her sleep schedule. She also has a boyfriend who lives in a different timezone. You're lucky if you get one more stream out of her this week.

>> No.22213916

Literally the opposite was true.

>> No.22213926
File: 1.12 MB, 791x598, 1649464342770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based veichat
Defend your oshi to the brink of delusion

>> No.22213972
File: 246 KB, 312x376, 1614732453741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, since Mel was talking about her L2D anniversary, I just realized she has live 5 anniversaries per year in total
>First CB stream
>First Twitch stream
>L2D anniversary
>Vshojo anniversary
She has 5 personal holidays for herself. This AI is leading a special life.

>> No.22214008

And the oilers all come out of the woodworks

>> No.22214083

I thought all of them did a decent job
I heard waaay worse on professional animation and video game dubs

>> No.22214139
Quoted by: >>22214510

Since Anny is /in/, schizoposting about her not streaming will now begin here with gusto.

>> No.22214148
File: 828 KB, 1930x1120, 745018B6-E29C-4983-8A29-290464030C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Zen approached you while this played in the background

>> No.22214185

I feel like Mel actually has the mentality that about two dozen or so male vtubers who tweet nonstop about grindset think they have

>> No.22214199

Actually if she fell asleep not to long ago then that would actually fix her sleep schedule.

>> No.22214338

present asshole

>> No.22214344
File: 184 KB, 2048x1493, FQBzwYqXsAk8W5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen RRAT confirmed

>> No.22214386

So are we fucking or what, Zen?

>> No.22214450

we throw it down

>> No.22214459

Is it bad that the first thing I think of is that her chat is going to go ballistic when she streams next?

>> No.22214475
File: 604 KB, 967x535, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anny/Haru/Snuffy are veibaes sub badges, i know they were in the lore videos and are basically already vsj but theyre actually in now right?

>> No.22214481
File: 338 KB, 634x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22214957


>> No.22214510
File: 2.75 MB, 1231x2048, 1647396556364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to well constructed arguments on how the war doesn't exist

>> No.22214525

There would be no reason to include them if they weren't /in/

>> No.22214538

that's a big fucking rat

>> No.22214570
Quoted by: >>22215026

Would be an extremely based line up, would also make twitter 2 views seethe

>> No.22214576

If that isn't the picture during the ratjam at the start of the stream I'll personally go ballistic

>> No.22214586

Snuffy - almost certainty, she has way too big of a role in lore
Haruka/Aethel - Maybe, they got their bits/cameo but they are not terribly important
Anny - probably not but why knows

>> No.22214636
File: 861 KB, 1053x672, 1639410112354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22218472


>> No.22214655
Quoted by: >>22214877

>Anny - probably not but why knows

>> No.22214675
Quoted by: >>22214877

>Snuffy - almost certainty, she has way too big of a role in lore

>> No.22214713
Quoted by: >>22214734

i didn't mention aethel you faggot

>> No.22214734


>> No.22214737
Quoted by: >>22214877

Of all the people listed Anny probably wants to join the most lmao
Granted she's more preoccupied with the whole war thing though

>> No.22214742
Quoted by: >>22217643


But no, also holy shit do I have to simp 300000 just for the Anny badge, that's a fuckton.

>> No.22214750
File: 30 KB, 428x695, 1633737293712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T pose defensively

>> No.22214753

How did Mel just make herself cringe? What clip did she see?

>> No.22214757

Given that vshojo has said they didn't want to do a big gen-style debut with multiple new streamers, I think this is unlikely
The girls just like promoting their indies of choice and Vshojo is hands-off to let them do it imo

>> No.22214801


>> No.22214827

At least one of Snuffy, Aethel, Haruka, and Anny has to be /in/ though right?
Like there's no way not one of them joins.

>> No.22214843
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 02104462-6f86-48c7-bb20-7c4109b384b1-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22214898

Connor owes me a powerpoint presentation

>> No.22214862
Quoted by: >>22214884

I think Anny is the only one out of them that auditioned

>> No.22214870
File: 654 KB, 1233x690, 5648256268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone kinda bummed that Vei didn't go with this style of short hair?

>> No.22214877

She is literally a major villain in Vei's lore and indirectly in Silver's
She is too anxious and has "I'm not good enough syndrome". Also barely collabed with other vshojos aside from Vei, Nyan, Haruka. Maybe in the wave after next one.

>> No.22214884

Aethel said once that he was interested in joining so I'd be surprised if he didn't

>> No.22214898


>> No.22214920
File: 78 KB, 322x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people still have that Subathon PTSD

>> No.22214926

That would be really short. It looks more like a ponytail without the actual tail portion

>> No.22214929
Quoted by: >>22214984

Snuffy seems to be fine where she is last time she talked about it. She gets 100% of merch and the Gfuel sponsorship so there's no reason to sign on anywhere else.

>> No.22214939

Yeah, but its too tomboyish. She's supposed to be the Vtuber gateway drug for normies.

Still looks better than what she got now.

>> No.22214948

Yet Anny actually applied to vshojo

>> No.22214955
Quoted by: >>22215154

>Every Vshojo subathon from now on is going to have this spam
God help us.

>> No.22214957
File: 23 KB, 112x112, annylurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22214984

I mean we also heard other conflicting things from her like her saying she wishes she wasn't sick around auditions.
I think we just have no idea what she'll do, and frankly I don't even think Snuffy knows what she's gonna do. She had that zoomer mentality.

>> No.22214986
Quoted by: >>22215218

I miss minecraft arc...

>> No.22214992

what does the 1st by that mod's name mean

>> No.22214999

Anny will join after she completes her espionage mission in Moscow.

>> No.22215023

>She is too anxious and has "I'm not good enough syndrome".
That hasn't stopped Nyan or Mouse

>> No.22215025
Quoted by: >>22215069


pretty much. waiting for the envelopes to drop expecting the first one between now and the 20th.

>> No.22215026

Only if it was only those 3. Throw in a couple 2views and they’d be fine. Especially if the rrat of hq models commissioned on the company dime is true

>> No.22215069

Snuffy isn’t joining vshojo

>> No.22215073
Quoted by: >>22215274

One of the first subscribers. You could have had the same thing for Ame a week and a half ago.

>> No.22215089

the very first 5 or 10 (or more, can't remember) subscriber to that channel ever get that badge
they basically get to boast about being the very first simps

>> No.22215115

it could be one at a time but they are the next three.

>> No.22215132
File: 2.88 MB, 902x718, 1648701059552.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22215248

i miss my wife

>> No.22215154
Quoted by: >>22215250

>Zen plans to do one in summer
>Mouse is open to doing another one around Vshojo debut or next year
>even Vei thought about doing it
we're in for a ride

>> No.22215167

It happens everytime Zen posts about her life. Like whenever she stubs her toe or that time her truck broke down and they asked her why she didn't just fly home.

>> No.22215182
File: 89 KB, 500x500, mel laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22215340

>Mel's chat actually gaslit her into believing she had a random timer on her stream
kek never change Mel

>> No.22215218
File: 34 KB, 525x366, yyeryreyrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22215305

Soon, Vei and Soda are planning to play it.

>> No.22215225
File: 159 KB, 1280x905, kill matoi realistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22215248

Anny invented wives

>> No.22215250

Vei actually ruled against a subathon.
Nyan was the one who said she's considering it.

>> No.22215266

>truck broke down

Yeah. Even if she didn’t say where she’s from, the truck alone screams Texan.

>> No.22215274
Quoted by: >>22216518

>You could have had the same thing
For what purpose?

>> No.22215279
Quoted by: >>22215321

Oh yeah, they still get on her back about the time she slammed her ass against a table or that time she microwaved a salad

>> No.22215305

Mel also mentioned that she wanted to play it tonight
I think minecraft will come back soon, probably around the time we get a new member

>> No.22215321
Quoted by: >>22215732

Wasn't the microwave a salad thing a stream goal or something they made her do?

>> No.22215322
File: 1.81 MB, 480x334, 1649640939161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22215338
Quoted by: >>22215547

Vei said she might do a 24 hour one during the summer sometime

>> No.22215340
File: 138 KB, 1409x1214, 1611354078084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22215953

2 years on Twitch and she still bites the most basic of baits

>> No.22215353

well looks like we might need to more room for plusses. meowri who mel just raided/was involved in airing a lot of the fat tits drama is debuting a vtuber model sometime this month.

>> No.22215397

>ywn witness annys cute first reaction to being in vei lore/starting screen and badges
why live

>> No.22215411
Quoted by: >>22215677

I'd love it if Snuffy, Haruka and Anny joined but I don't think the badges mean anything as far as new members go. It's just the 3 indies Vei's closest too and she commissioned emotes of them because she wanted to.

>> No.22215428
File: 308 KB, 611x338, 1648320109059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure she already had a model in the past she just doesn't use it.

>> No.22215460

There's plenty room for her (in /lig/)

>> No.22215539

I was there when one of our posters created this image, and I told him that the way Gura's left hand came out through Nyan's hair on the same side as her right made no sense
Please tell me you're not that anon, because I thought he was going to fix this

>> No.22215547
Quoted by: >>22215692

I mean that's quite different than a month long one

>> No.22215572

I don’t think she’d be able to pull it off, not for a lack of oilers but because of herself, she seems to stress too much about the quality of her content and a subathon is bound to have a lot of down time where not much is going on

>> No.22215643

the subathon she did in december 2020 was quite fun
her Journey playthrough during it was very comfy

>> No.22215653

On the other hand it would be a good way for her to stop stressing out over her streams that much. Maybe she'll realize that people will watch her do literally nothing all the time.

>> No.22215677

Right, she would have badges for Bubi, Aethel, Nihmune, Tob and Layna too if it were meant to include all the new members. But also these assests were started six months ago, so it's possible the larger group wasn't known before they were done too.

>> No.22215692
Quoted by: >>22215744

Not all subathons have to be uncapped

>> No.22215721
File: 1012 KB, 4096x2236, FNRMYltXEAQUehb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that yoclesh is part of vyugen but man i wish she was part vshojo

do you guys think that with the 11mil they might buy out smaller corps like vyugen or others

i love red oni

>> No.22215732

From what I remember it was but only because she had already done it before and her chat was trolling her. I may be wrong though.

>> No.22215744

yeah, uncapped subathons are a pretty new thing all things considered
24 or 48 hour ones were the standard before the uncapped ones became popular

>> No.22215755
File: 1.02 MB, 1978x2790, 1630404980203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22216267

big hot I cum

>> No.22215772
File: 1.00 MB, 833x630, 1643324817564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nyan was the one who said she's considering it.
I'm gonna have the most unproductive month in my life if this happens

>> No.22215784

Nyans subathon should just be her learning to play the guitar for a month straight with breaks for games

>> No.22215852
Quoted by: >>22215959

There's a difference between a subathon period and an uncapped one like Mouse did. Nyan said if she done she wouldn't do more than like a week at the most which is ideal IMO since I was really checked out of Mouse's subathon after about 10 days lol.

>> No.22215919
File: 683 KB, 2161x4096, 1624122638860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22216101

yeah she's good and dangerous

>> No.22215920

That's why you need to be extra productive in the months leading up so you can donate and buy subs during.

>> No.22215953

She still, STILL, falls for the "you're live on twitch" bait when she streams on CB. Even though she triple checks every time before going live. It's kind of endearing at this point.

>> No.22215959
Quoted by: >>22216457

She said more like 2 weeks or 20 days I think
Also I think this just highly depends on planning your content. I don't think it's impossible to make a month long subathon that's can be interesting all the way. Mousey just barely planned anything when she did it lol

>> No.22216042
Quoted by: >>22216333

didn't she once accidentally go live on CB when she wanted to do a Twitch stream?

>> No.22216100

I’m sure people would gladly watch that, and I’m not even talking about the local goslings, that’s a given.
But I don’t think she would allow herself to do that. Although it’d be nice

>> No.22216101

She’s a married woman. EVEN BETTER!

>> No.22216135

Vyugen's not a corp

>> No.22216148

This actually sounds pretty kino ngl

>> No.22216150

Does Mel have separate physical spaces for her CB and Twitch streams? Something kinda weird about the alternative

>> No.22216208
Quoted by: >>22216279

She has broken her chair before…

>> No.22216267

god damn

>> No.22216279
Quoted by: >>22216361

and multiple toys!

>> No.22216333
Quoted by: >>22216442

I think I remember something like that happening in 2020 when she first started doing twitch yeah.
No, but she goes as far a disabling her undressing features on her 3D and using an alternate version of her 2D that can't undress when she streams on twitch. It's just silly to me that she jumps through hoops to make sure she doesn't get banned and yet she still falls for the same bait every time.

>> No.22216361
Quoted by: >>22216413

I like her Jack Rabbit/Freakin’nator. I love it when she’s gone full primal and wants to get fucked.

>> No.22216369

new vei model is underwhelming tbqh m8s

>> No.22216413

the one jack rabbit stream where all of the Vshojos watched her and live posted on Twitter about it was gold

>> No.22216438

Soda just because she didn't include you in her lore gives you no right to say her model is terrible

>> No.22216442
Quoted by: >>22216611

She actually showed a picture of her vtubestudio model selection thing by accident once. And the model that can go nude has a giant red X over its thumbnail and I think even said DO NOT USE just so she can be sure she doesn't pick it by accident when streaming on Twitch

>> No.22216457

You really think planning a month worth of uninterrupted content is easy? I mean tv networks have a huge team of people doing that kind of stuff and not even on a 24/7 schedule and most of the times they fail at it too lol. I’m not saying it’d be totally impossible but it would be extremely hard

>> No.22216479

What were they saying?

>> No.22216518

To get a nifty 1st badge. Your penis will be covered with jealous bitches on Twitch.

>> No.22216541

I'm not a vei fan so I didn't watch, but watching the reactions from people backstage seems to say otherwise. There's a few people concerned about their new models now, compared. Which I don't agree with, but people will always be self-conscious in this sort of field.

>> No.22216564

Her friends watched as she was fucking herself and cumming? This makes it even hotter.

>> No.22216611

Yep, every time she goes to a brb screen to change something on her 2D model she's making sure she's using one that can't undress.

>> No.22216614
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 2373889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22220120

Pink cat tomorrow?

>> No.22216617

Most of the VShojos have admitted to seeing at least a few of Mel's CB streams. I think only Froot and Zen haven't ever made mention of it.

>> No.22216634

Stuff along the line of "I want a Jack Rabbit now as well", even Mouse was in on it
yeah, them watching it + the fact it was a jack rabbit stream made /pmg/ crazy that day, it's one of her best CB streams

>> No.22216643

They all really wanted to try or get their own

>> No.22216669

Nyan follows both of the melody ooc accounts on twitter that almost exclusively post clips of her CB streams

>> No.22216711
Quoted by: >>22216823

So Jenna Lynn just announced she's becoming a Vtuber next month. How much will Bunny seethe?

>> No.22216755

I would love to hear Froot’s opinion. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was slicking herself like Roxy was outside of Rudy’s parents door.

>> No.22216823

Fuck off already you weird anti no one cares
How are you still doing this

>> No.22216835

Man, that time when Vei was super drunk during the Haruka x Vei x Mel collab and she admitted to Mel, live on stream, that she regularly jacks off to her CB streams was very hot

>> No.22216902

Never forget that time Vei ended stream RIGHT as Mel went live and people here joked that Vei was stopping to go watch her. Then shortly after Vei made mention of having been at that exact stream people had joked about

>> No.22216907

Vei, you fucking degenerate. Pretty based.

>> No.22216930

Wish we could get more Mel and vei collabs

>> No.22216959
Quoted by: >>22217369

I miss these late-night chats where the girls just riffed and hung out with each other
where did we go wrong bros

>> No.22216984
Quoted by: >>22217357

That's the moment in the vocaroo. That was also a really great stream and anyone who hasn't seen it should look it up. Mel, Vei, and Haruka get drunk and play Tricky Towers and skribbl.io

>> No.22217093
Quoted by: >>22217263

So did Mouse, she even said she was waving her magic wand in support

>> No.22217149

>Never forget that time Vei ended stream RIGHT as Mel went live
That wasn't just a one time moment, it happened quite often in early 2021, to the point it became a running gag in /pmg/

>> No.22217263

During a collab I remember Mouse admitting she's even gone as far as checking out what Mel was doing mid-stream during breaks and stuff if they overlapped

>> No.22217286

Also the last clear time she posted on /pmg/

>> No.22217328

mouse in connor's stream chat already. I guess no collab today

>> No.22217357

The stream in question in case someone wants to watch it. I forget exactly when in the VOD Vei says that she watches Mel.

>> No.22217369
Quoted by: >>22217547

We didn’t force them to spend half their income on meds

>> No.22217389

So, Connor is online and Mouse is on chat, has she said anything? Because his title seems like he's not planning of collabing today.

>> No.22217447
File: 688 KB, 3000x1750, 7a8737c49e7af0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's funny? The artist made Froot's room/house look very old and dilapitated in this drawing because she's an undead lich, but with how much stuff regularly breaks in her apartment, the drawing is probably very accurate on how her actual place looks.

>> No.22217452

radio silence

>> No.22217490
Quoted by: >>22217758

Unless they are planning on playing elden ring together, I'm guessing their collab is canceled for one reason or another

>> No.22217547

I think the people here generally over-estimate how big an impact they have on the girls' mental health (nyan excepted maybe)

>> No.22217643
Quoted by: >>22217758

where do you see how much you need to spend for each badge?

>> No.22217659

How long will vei hold the peak CCV record for a vtuber redebut?

>> No.22217661
Quoted by: >>22217942

>nyan especially

>> No.22217689
File: 9 KB, 377x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironmouse is simping in C***** chat.

>> No.22217729
Quoted by: >>22219212

For a long long time. I don't think Mousey does these kinds of debut because she changes outfits every month.

>> No.22217732
Quoted by: >>22217929

ywn have a latina shortstack always there to support your streams

>> No.22217758


Connor has just said that he's planning on beating elden ring today, or at least getting close to beat it, so yeah collab is cancelled for today at least.

>> No.22217784

/pmg/ had quite on effect on Vei and Silver in the past
sometimes Vei would start up her stream talking about shitters posting stuff that made her pissed "on some subreddit", the same exact stuff that was posted on /pmg/

>> No.22217817

lol she was there for his stream 16 hours ago too

>> No.22217868

until she redebuts again
Vei even held the record for most viewed Vshojo debut until Nyan redebuted late january this year

>> No.22217869
File: 1.08 MB, 979x1648, 1649457560200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish mousey could support me too :(

>> No.22217929

she's always there anon, she's more active than his mods.

either giving him moral support or gift subs. so yeah just like this anon said >>22217732

>> No.22217942
Quoted by: >>22218891

nyan will post discord updates about specific anons here like the guy who tracks when she's on discord or the guy who thinks she's fudging her heart rate monitor readout
maybe she laughs all of this stuff off but it does sometimes seem like she's bothered by what goes on here and I do feel bad about that
that said, generally agree that /vsj+/ posters have an over-inflated sense of their own importance. these girls are setting up concerts, dealing with doxxing scares behind the scenes, managing chronic health shit, etc. they're not just sitting around on image boards all day like some of us

>> No.22217951

She was. Bitch is gonna spoil whole Elden Ring for her self.
But I cant blame her, Connor's playthrough is really good to watch

>> No.22217973

I’m pretty impressed she pulled that off with zero raids

>> No.22218285
File: 1.97 MB, 1414x2000, 1649470653579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately hope for another Tiny Tina collab in the next week, last one was super fun

>> No.22218472
File: 860 KB, 2032x1107, 8FD44BFB-FC69-4A69-A2FE-D5C98575D620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22218891

None of the those things you talked about were discord updates, those were things she talked about with some of her fans in the general chats there. Bit of a difference.
Though I do agree this place needs to be less retarded because it probably does annoy some of them.

>> No.22219212
Quoted by: >>22219330

> I don't think Mousey does these kinds of debut
She's supposed to have two more lore videos being made for her new models.. Dunno if demon form V2 is of one of the ones getting a video though, which is the model that might be ready by the end of the month.
>she changes outfits every month
She's been using angel form since her birthday, so going on three months now.

>> No.22219330
Quoted by: >>22219395

And probably no new models on the horizon, given how bad she is about leaking these things

>> No.22219395

She has a rock star one and a clown one coming

>> No.22219453
Quoted by: >>22219873

And what about that super sentei gift?

>> No.22219530
File: 35 KB, 473x477, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22219868

Haven't watched the frog in a while, how's she doing?

>> No.22219868
Quoted by: >>22219982

/lig/ma, nobody here cares

>> No.22219873
File: 679 KB, 1090x661, NT7LpCY (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22219908

>clown one
It's more gyaru than clown.
Pretty sure she's had that since her birthday, but she's never used it. Maybe she'll use it for one of the toku streams she wants to do?

>> No.22219908
File: 497 KB, 1016x636, 1648949456326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22219982

well she appeared in vei's debut, so that mean she's /in/. That's how it works right?

>> No.22220120

She doesn't stream on Mondays anymore. Maybe she will since she hasn't been streaming much, but even if she does it'll be late because of landscapers. And it'll probably be Myau because she's autistic about going live off schedule.

>> No.22220190

Welshmen always win

>> No.22220428
Quoted by: >>22220460

Thread doko?

>> No.22220460

when you make it

>> No.22220482
Quoted by: >>22220536

vei's redebut singlehandedly cleansed the thread of spergs and schizos. thank you vei.

>> No.22220536

The true spergs were the ones who were metaposting about thread quality all the time

>> No.22220578

Making a new thread that will kill this one
