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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.21847133

This one for the pits.

>> No.21847518
File: 1.08 MB, 1314x1080, 1639020649763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the kids want to help but goddamn, if you're gonna do a poor job at it then don't bother at all.
Should have waited for someone who knows how to avoid [embed] scuff.

>> No.21850068


>> No.21852070
Quoted by: >>21852180

Bump. Why are there two threads?

>> No.21852180
Quoted by: >>21852338

Just move to the other one and let this one die

>> No.21852338

I'll bump it till it 404s. It shouldn't be here since the zoomer that fucked up the other thread got there quicker.

>> No.21853198
File: 1.74 MB, 2866x3543, 20220405_064456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump with art.

>> No.21853877
File: 1.51 MB, 1315x2121, 20220405_064436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21854118
File: 453 KB, 1448x2048, 20220405_033306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21854702
File: 73 KB, 768x768, 20220403_160413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21855203
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 20220403_154223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21856266
File: 581 KB, 2276x4096, 20220403_135133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21857017
Quoted by: >>21857117

If you're going to make a "proper" thread at least follow the usual format

>> No.21857117
File: 142 KB, 1021x1102, 20220402_114503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but edition is old and busted, better follow the standard which OP used in this one.

>> No.21858714
File: 492 KB, 720x843, 1301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, lucky Europoor bastards will have the opportunity to meet and talk to IRyS...

>> No.21858767
File: 295 KB, 1593x2048, FNLgYPCVgAkWUp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21860380
File: 290 KB, 1274x1940, 20220403_135128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21861621
File: 337 KB, 2048x1297, 20220402_112420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21862285
File: 51 KB, 720x248, 1303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21862429

>& Irys

>> No.21862571

...I need to save her!

>> No.21864882
File: 311 KB, 720x783, 1304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21864929
File: 2.63 MB, 2894x3499, 51379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love IRyS, she's a cute dork

>> No.21865022

This brat...

>> No.21865092

Time to powerwash it...

>> No.21865460
File: 441 KB, 1200x1694, 1645468027878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21868376

>> No.21868376


>> No.21869195

Correction required.

>> No.21869433

huh, didn't realize there was a proper thread
I guess she's getting too powerful for just one general

>> No.21869543
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, final_splash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's our right to make as many threads as we want until next league

>> No.21869583
File: 441 KB, 1431x2048, Pummling_Nephilim_IRyS-chan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcycy5r.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a dumb anon decided to jump the gun and make a thread without trying to do it properly.

>> No.21869622
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, cute[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fz2t7zt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21870064
File: 2.40 MB, 1444x2048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she liked this
This succubus, aaaaahhhhh!

>> No.21870207
Quoted by: >>21870257

piggy made a mess
I’m sure she slurped it all up, though.

>> No.21870257

God I hope so

>> No.21870519
File: 424 KB, 828x1135, Rawr[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu9ay1n.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21870549

took her long enough. nice art is nice art

>> No.21871083
Quoted by: >>21871325

>IRyS without a skirt
This might be better than her outfit's base design.

>> No.21871325
Quoted by: >>21871391

Indeed, it looks nice. Maybe not as a default, but making it optional would be cool.
Her tu-tu is an accent, it brings the whole design together, makes it not too lewd, gives her this ballerina feeling. But it doesn't fit with any other part of her design. You remove it and your brain goes "oh, wait, she looks complete, harmonious, all parts play into each other, nothing stands out as foreign".
t. masters degree in design

>> No.21871391
File: 292 KB, 1129x1594, E8igeKTWQAgd_ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic isn't what her outfit is like without the skirt though

>> No.21871432

I know, it still looks great. That little black and white skirt is all she needed. Huge frilly skirt is excessive.

>> No.21871468

This also looks better.

>> No.21871607

It's sex. The whole point is to be excessive.

>> No.21871611

Based on her design the tights are too see-thru for that to be a normal outfit but I guess they could just be changed to be more opaque

>> No.21871664
File: 147 KB, 824x1467, 1649172068047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21872466
File: 33 KB, 515x101, 1308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21872730

The final yab...

>> No.21872912
Quoted by: >>21872961

This should have been a Council &IRyS stream instead of ID.

>> No.21872961

Welcome to seethe world bitch.

>> No.21873162

waiting room for monopoly:


>> No.21873166

i want to watch but.. i will have to make an YAB bingo to at least distract me from the Ollie Iofi Bae schizophrenia.

>> No.21873191

This is still fucking me up bros...

>> No.21873215

I know what that is and I refuse to click it

>> No.21873367
File: 529 KB, 720x603, gooseling[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsv9n39.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21873498


>> No.21873376
Quoted by: >>21873861

Is there one made during that apex stream?
My kokoro...

>> No.21873453

Yofi been popping off lately. What happened? Feels like she didn't exist at all like just 3 months ago.

>> No.21873495
File: 412 KB, 720x738, 1310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21873536

IRyS, you could learn a lesson or two if you opened the waiting room right now...

>> No.21873498


>> No.21873536

I don't like trailers tbdesu. Seems like it messes up with the auto-start

>> No.21873601

It's no issue if you are paying attention, you can just refresh the page.

>> No.21873712
Quoted by: >>21873737

It's also excessively unnecessary. I already clicked on the stream why show a trailer for it after? It's like if you went to go see a movie and then one of the trailers was for the movie you're watching.

>> No.21873737

The trailer would be for her MVs

>> No.21873861
File: 63 KB, 468x559, 8854664784155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21873869

I want to suck her for love

>> No.21873955
Quoted by: >>21874111

I shall go for a bottle, got any drinking rules in your mind?

>> No.21874094

what's the promised maidrys art ignored?

>> No.21874111
Quoted by: >>21874170

i was going for close the stream if i hit any bingo, but i guess drinking rules are better, every hit is a vodka shot and every bingo is a triple shot.

>> No.21874138

>4x4 bingo
Too easy

>> No.21874170


>> No.21874187

Iofi promissed Irys an Maid outfit Art on her birthday stream and we got crickets so far.

>> No.21874210
Quoted by: >>21874319

On the birthday stream Iofi said she would draw IRyS in a maid outfit but it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.21874217

This is gonna be interesting.

>> No.21874319

ah right, thanks for the reminder

>> No.21874895
File: 32 KB, 599x294, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21874980
File: 343 KB, 450x385, whyareyoulikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb ass clock woman...

>> No.21874982

Kronii NO!

>> No.21875003

No wonder /∞/ is always horny

>> No.21875019
Quoted by: >>21875063

No don't do that IRyS, don't send me the audio of you doing it either noooooo

>> No.21875063
File: 242 KB, 414x295, 1639711970626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21875425

Did you forget the mess she made with the lube?
She'd get sick if she licked it off since it probably mixed with the honey.

>> No.21875404

Kronii is right. That honey is not cheap.

>> No.21875425

can't be worse than straight vinegar

>> No.21875553
File: 72 KB, 468x559, 1638685947080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21875847


>> No.21875847

likely vshojo mention with the recent Bae shit

>> No.21876254

Chance for Ollie and Iofi to drag my wife into male collab is all time high now.

>> No.21876325

Oh they're coming to my state. Nice! Might actually go this year.

>> No.21876604
Quoted by: >>21876634

Anyone got that one IRyS blowjob vocaroo? The one where she's basically slurping your soul straight out of your urethra? It kinda sounds like an industrial shop vac blasting a banana milkshake through a coffee straw?

>> No.21876634
Quoted by: >>21876711

Where would that even be from?

>> No.21876711
Quoted by: >>21876738

Dunno but reminds me of the girl that sounds like IRyS that does NSFW ASMR.

>> No.21876738
Quoted by: >>21876869

Ah so it's offtopic

>> No.21876869

Look up that name in the archive.

>> No.21876989


>> No.21877022

go make a nightfawn thread to post that shit in

>> No.21877079
File: 100 KB, 720x298, 1312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times.

>> No.21877230

More like a few IRyStocrats are cheating whores

>> No.21877293

How bad is this thread going to be if Irys doesn't stream for one week?

>> No.21877333

Not that bad.

>> No.21877361

Better after the goslings kill themselves

>> No.21877373

>in b4 vocal cord break

>> No.21877397

Oi, gosling are the only good ones

>> No.21877497

Rrats get fat, delusional seanigs die trying to swim to japan, VOD watchers find new stuff to watch, music and market theory get a thesis every day, get baiter by towababy twitter spaces, finaly thread dies until further mention.

>> No.21877622

goslings carry this thread

>> No.21877686

Says the goslings, but yeah better than the doxxers at least

>> No.21877698

How long has this "gosling" thing been going on? Zoomers are weird.

>> No.21877766

Yeah, that was a solid fap session, won't mind hearing that audio again.

>> No.21877778
Quoted by: >>21877849

roughly 10 years now

>> No.21877796

It's been going strong since the caraoke. While i find it kinda cringe, it is harmless as long as they don't push it to RP levels of gosling.

>> No.21877821
Quoted by: >>21877873

It's really just an escalation of "tfw no gf" so arguably older than the site and most "zoomers" you'd be talking about

>> No.21877849

For real? Man, I managed to avoid it until the Hololive threads then.

>> No.21877873

Goslings are for one specific girl so it's different

>> No.21877997
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1264, 4Drinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home and read the threads. I know that we have a doxxbeats infestation in other threads, but now we also have a new-baker uprising too?Lmao....Hopium withdrawal is scary, yo.
Hold it together fags, Monopoly soon.

>> No.21878677
Quoted by: >>21879155

You faggots will just bitch when she finishes it that you think her art sucks.
I wouldn’t give a shit if I were Iofi.

>> No.21879155

I have no issues with Iofi's art

>> No.21879379

fuck that keyboard now I AM THE ONLY ONE SHE LOVES !

>> No.21879436
Quoted by: >>21879526

Haha wouldn't it be funny if Kronii would rub loquat honey on her clit and let IRyS lick it clean? Hilarious. HilaRyS

>> No.21879442

She loves Key-chan more than (You). Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.21879448
Quoted by: >>21881575

/HIRyS/ is literally screambox for Goslings to shout out love for IRyS, when they can't keep it inside bottled anymore. They larp is also funny

>> No.21879526

no you cuck

>> No.21879535

Keyboard cleaning ASMR when ?

>> No.21879888

>jealousy over a keyboard

>> No.21880180 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 560x560, 1649202284402.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel IRyStokeks?
This will never be you.

>> No.21880323
File: 288 KB, 344x464, 1628783154098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21880773

Does she like girls who are cunny or does she want to be one? Or both?

>> No.21880807
File: 325 KB, 1164x1080, GoslingRyS_UltimateDespair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21880980


>> No.21881233

That time I got reincarnated as IRyS's keyboard

>> No.21881300
File: 339 KB, 220x205, keyboardhate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21881348

>she gets sick of you because your keys are too heavy
>spills honey on you
>replaces you with a newer keyboard

>> No.21881426

She would easily replace you once she gets her hands on more expensive ones, and she would ship you with her new keyboard.

>> No.21881439
Quoted by: >>21882445

she want to regress her age and mating press shit out of Lap+ and Gura

>> No.21881575

>/HIRyS/ is literally screambox for Goslings to shout out love for IRyS, when they can't keep it inside bottled anymore
true. if i didnt do it here, i'd probably say it in chat like a retard; then again im also a big enough tsundere to not say it at all

>> No.21881660
Quoted by: >>21881703

Keyboards are expendable

>> No.21881703
Quoted by: >>21881837

So are men.

>> No.21881837
Quoted by: >>21881867

At least we were not alive for any of the World Wars

>> No.21881867

Good point.

>> No.21882445
Quoted by: >>21884755

That's alright, I mean, who wouldn't want to regress their age, being 26 is pain.

>> No.21884755
Quoted by: >>21885045

you ain't seen shit, kiddo
but I don't want to be younger, young people are faggots

>> No.21885045

To be fair, most in their mid 20s live so aimlessly that they prefer to waste away playing videogames and doing opiates to the point it's an epidemic. It's worse than 12 years ago during the 2008 financial crisis.

>> No.21885283
Quoted by: >>21885892

>having a steady supply of comfort
boo hoo
most of these children have never seen a jail cell or watched friends die
I don't give 2 shits about what 20-yo doomers think is a "hard life"

>> No.21885892
File: 707 KB, 620x648, 1643060466412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21886056

You sure talk like an edgy larper.

>> No.21886056

What's wrong, kiddums? Crying about how unfair life is that you have no IRyS gf?

>> No.21886193
Quoted by: >>21886567

I don't know man, not having an IRyS gf is one of the biggest suffering ever.

>> No.21886250
File: 180 KB, 411x379, 1637005758053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nyo he got me... well done troll-kun

>> No.21886567

if no IRyS gf then why live?

>> No.21886758

to finish the big book of sudoku

>> No.21886795
Quoted by: >>21887367

Good point, kiddo.
You go first.

>> No.21887367
File: 117 KB, 720x286, 1648754872462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21887421

Isn't Monopoly servers are shit for online multiplayer? With an Indonesian internet + Australian internet, I doubt they'll be able to finish a game.

>> No.21887422

>monopoly finally happening
>absolute shitty timeslot for EN

>> No.21887539

>IRyS monopoly happening at the same time IRyS always streams

>> No.21887562

>IRyS stream
>absolutely shitty timeslot for EN

>> No.21887570
Quoted by: >>21894153

>shitty timeslot for EN
she stays up really late almost everyday. not much you can do about it.

>> No.21887726
Quoted by: >>21889925

I wish she would've played with council and/or reine instead

>> No.21888249
File: 821 KB, 1185x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura currently drawing DollRyS(correct version)

>> No.21888341

based shork

>> No.21888555
File: 68 KB, 202x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butt chin...

>> No.21888576

nice shork

>> No.21888777
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1647759732150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, they are slandering dollRyS

>> No.21888847
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21888989
File: 346 KB, 448x641, Irys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21889046

>> No.21889046
File: 1.16 MB, 354x408, Nephilim Flip[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6z64k7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21889070

Shorky is cute :3

>> No.21889925
Quoted by: >>21890476

management needs new blood for holostars

>> No.21890476

I have Hope she won't do that to us

>> No.21890597

You'd live aimlessly too if everything around you turned to shit. Ask yourself why people in this thread, including myself, have stupid delusions of going to Japan for a "better" life? It can't happen. It won't happen. But there's a reason for it. It's the American Dream gone East.

>> No.21891479

I will move to Japan and surpass Ken-sama!

>> No.21891497
Quoted by: >>21891698

wow. so insightful. so provocative. record yourself reading your blog post, slap some lofi instrumentals over it and you got yourself a viral yt video.

>> No.21891616

Can you still do the English teacher route to go to japan?

>> No.21891698
Quoted by: >>21893586

Thanks. Ordinarily, I'd ignore your bait but it suddenly occurred to me why I felt this way. The parallels to the American Dream are particularly noteworthy, nobody in search of a better life is living a great life, to begin with, and for everyone that makes it, there are many more that don't.
>Once you realise your life is shit, you can take solace in this fact.

>> No.21891971
Quoted by: >>21892159

are you really going to stoop that low

>> No.21892077

Yes, JET is recruiting.

>> No.21892159
Quoted by: >>21893586

Japanese people are short but the doors are normal sized

>> No.21892262

it's a bit hit or miss right now, they could decide to shut it all down again and fuck you out of a job

>> No.21892593

She's awake!

>> No.21892674


>> No.21892811
File: 139 KB, 580x404, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21893508

>> No.21893508

I'm not that excited about this. The last time I saw Ollie(in the Kronii collab), she just couldn't help herself and make e-celeb references.

>> No.21893586

fuck you for making me laugh at that
yes, do tell us more about how you've given up and chosen to live your life as a bitter asshole. I'll give you credit though, the idea that "just moving to Japan will make you happy" isn't realistic for people who don't have a specific reason to be there and it can be a rude wake-up call for those that aren't at all familiar with the idiosyncrasies of Japanese culture (compared to, say, American culture) before making the plunge doing JET or otherwise finding work in Japan (I know someone that wound up straight up hating Japan because they -really- didn't know what they were getting into)
but this is all irrelevant actually, because the truth is, the magical location in your head isn't actually a hard prerequisite for happiness (although it certainly helps to be in a particular place sometimes if you're looking to do something specific)
what's important is finding a path to fulfillment within yourself. if you convince yourself that you're living a shit life, that manifests as reality really fucking easily, it's important to remember that

>> No.21893808
Quoted by: >>21893961

This might be the gayest thing I've ever read.
Like that other anon said, you're a retarded doomer if you think moving to Weeaboo Island Getaway will "fix" you. Expats moving to Japan and hating it is practically a meme at this point.

>> No.21893916
Quoted by: >>21893960

Prepare your Bingo!

>> No.21893961

I don't think that way. It's a delusion just like the American Dream.

>> No.21893960

ready to get obliterated lets GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.21894080

shut up, my wife is on the tele

>> No.21894122
File: 74 KB, 468x559, 1641343196993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21894274

my prediction

>> No.21894153
Quoted by: >>21894276

>not much you can do about it
the most cucked mentality imaginable
when your paid performer consistently streams at a shitty time, you complain
Bae and Sana (when her spine isn't broken) wake up at 5:00 AM to stream for their people not living at their longitude all the time. IRyS will barely get up before noon for them.

>> No.21894274
Quoted by: >>21894371

>offcenter free space
What kind of card is that?

>> No.21894276

making nonspecific complaints in a forum they're not even allowed to acknowledge is a bigger cuck move, at least use a youtube comment

>> No.21894362
Quoted by: >>21894563

I love you IRyS, but I can't stand the other 3, sorry.

>> No.21894365


>> No.21894371

the author couldn't think of enough yabs I guess

>> No.21894376
Quoted by: >>21894447


>> No.21894399


>> No.21894445
Quoted by: >>21894533

They just jump right in to it huh?

>> No.21894447


>> No.21894488

>Doesn't even introduce herself and dives straight in
How backed up are they?

>> No.21894533

thank fuck, I hate introductions when it's the same people that collab all the time, save that for cross-company stuff

>> No.21894563

>hating Iofi
Why, because she flirts with men?
She might be the girliest, most sexual Holomem next to IRyS.

>> No.21894590

I want to turn up the volume to hear IRyS but the other 3 are destroying my ears...

>> No.21894644
Quoted by: >>21894859

I'm fine with Iofi, Bae and Ollie... bad

>> No.21894719
Quoted by: >>21895083

A fucking hypocrite. She baits her viewers with so many shits and gets mad when they lewd her.

>> No.21894787

>overpaying for property in the early game

>> No.21894811

early game is important

>> No.21894850

Not at all a problem. It's only by 50 bucks. Just a chance card's worth.

>> No.21894859

a gem
well at least she canonically has a great ass

>> No.21894873

gamble could pay off if somebody needs it to get the set. still silly though.
>Why is my dorky wife like this?

>> No.21894927

IRyS about to go full Nestlé on them

>> No.21894981

Monopoly meta game is basically buying every property you land on

>> No.21895045

>what is a utility?

>> No.21895051

>What is a utility?

>> No.21895083
Quoted by: >>21895250

you just describe any woman out there anon

>> No.21895136

I think they're faking it.

>> No.21895139
File: 834 KB, 3840x2160, pixelopoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indog Internet Failure

>> No.21895163

Bow down.

>> No.21895172
Quoted by: >>21895234

>Playing Monopoly with Bae
>Actually playing
So what is missing here? The bed?

>> No.21895203

>Do all poor "people" go to jail? ...they should.

>> No.21895234

This is regular monopoly. Hot monopoly is paywalled.

>> No.21895250

Yeah, not the one who larped as anime girl. Even Kronii/Anya don't go that far.

>> No.21895268

you fucking dork

>> No.21895277

Is stream audio quickly cutting in and out occasionally for anyone else?

>> No.21895321


>> No.21895323

It's completely freezing here from time to time

>> No.21895342


>> No.21895355
Quoted by: >>21895399

Yeah, cross that "Indog internet failure"

>> No.21895359

yeah, I'm not too surprised since it's a ID-AU-JP game

>> No.21895399

Second shot... oof

>> No.21895420
Quoted by: >>21895497

it's fine after changing to edge

>> No.21895424

yea it is

>> No.21895430

i thought it was my spic internet being shit
i guess this is the seanig stream experience

>> No.21895450


>> No.21895479
Quoted by: >>21895524

Is it me or it's buffering every now and then.

>> No.21895496
Quoted by: >>21895692

I thought Elon's Musk was supposed to fix this. Where is the space laser webnet?

>> No.21895497

I take it back

>> No.21895501
Quoted by: >>21895618

Why the fuck did they let someone with third world internet stream this? I want to watch the fucking stream without it cutting out repeatedly

>> No.21895515

jesas IRyS

>> No.21895524
Quoted by: >>21895640

are you even reading the thread?

>> No.21895526

Man, this is triggering me. Maybe the VOD will be better

>> No.21895534

>Shake that ass Bae

>> No.21895536

Indonesian internet pls andastand

>> No.21895543
Quoted by: >>21895590

>stream failure cut up a good yabairys line

>> No.21895547

Damn i had forgotten about the collab only for me to check it out and it buffering ever 10 secs..... wish i forgotten about it.

>> No.21895574

At this pace I'll black out before the first hour passes.

>> No.21895590

It didn't cut off for me in that part

>> No.21895618

probably Iofi's the one inviting them?

>> No.21895626


>> No.21895640
Quoted by: >>21895677

I just came back from the conbini, cut me some slack.

>> No.21895660

Do you guys wanna play Monopoly while stream buffers?

>> No.21895671

sadly this is unwatchable.

>> No.21895677

oh say no more nigga okaeri

>> No.21895692


>> No.21895696
Quoted by: >>21895775

I'm fucking pissed off, I just want to watch IRyS and Bae play monopoly and these Indogs are ruining it

>> No.21895710

…and risk accidentally accidenting to the rat?

>> No.21895716


>> No.21895729

iofi once again ruining EN collabs... please M-chan do something

>> No.21895758

Looks like lofi lowered the bitrate. Smooth but 144p now.

>> No.21895766

Good early game from IRyS.

>> No.21895775

Lower the quality to 360p or less. Looks like shit but you can at least hear it without interuptions

>> No.21895788

Another day of saying Irys would make a good friend

>> No.21895823

Who did Irys bribe...

>> No.21895865

It's smooth for me now at 1080p.

>> No.21895870
Quoted by: >>21895926

At least type her name properly. Its not that mendokusai

>> No.21895873

I love this this smug brat.

>> No.21895908

No, anon, you're supposed to get mad at Iofi and shit on her.

>> No.21895910


>> No.21895926
Quoted by: >>21896003

it's also not that important and slightly awkward to type when you're doing it constantly

>> No.21895944

How long does this game usually last?

>> No.21895973

Until the fighting starts

>> No.21896002

It can go on for days.

>> No.21896003

It's exceptionally important to type IRyS' name properly.

>> No.21896019

>the time has come and so have I

>> No.21896036

Until feelings get hurt

>> No.21896056

>Can't even type "IRyS" properly every time.
Weak shit

>> No.21896064

Varies widely depending on how they play. Monopoly can last for a ridiculously long time

>> No.21896077
File: 155 KB, 1600x900, FIQdEsOakAEdHbS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21896091

until friendship ended

>> No.21896092

around two hours if no one tryhards

>> No.21896093

The game rng is busted so it's gonna favor someone really hard on the 30 minutes mark

>> No.21896170


>> No.21896234

IRyS, that was PON, why would you Auction when you don't have the money

>> No.21896235

This is the reason her parents said no when she asked them to play Monopoly with her.

>> No.21896262
File: 389 KB, 810x664, 1637041618207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy with insults you seanigs

>> No.21896302

That was foolish as fuck. Not even a rookie move.

>> No.21896314

Is Monopoly worse than Risk at destroying friendships? I played with 3 other friends once and they all ganged up on me. I was really hurt afterwards.

>> No.21896322
Quoted by: >>21896530

my cute gf is a jew...

>> No.21896328
Quoted by: >>21896433

Risk is more fun

>> No.21896352
Quoted by: >>21896371

oh hey that bit of trivia is accurate

>> No.21896353
Quoted by: >>21896423

>it iodized
IRyS please

>> No.21896371
Quoted by: >>21896423


>> No.21896396


>> No.21896406

you get used to it. same thing always happens to me when i play monopoly with family or friends.
also risk is more fun

>> No.21896423

close enough you pedantic faggots
but I kek'd

>> No.21896433
File: 7 KB, 180x180, 1643702148291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21896481

Risk of Rain is even funner

>> No.21896481
Quoted by: >>21901564

I honestly like Risky rain 1 more, but 2 is alright

>> No.21896515
Quoted by: >>21896592

IRyS is going to go bankrupt and have to sell at this rate.

>> No.21896530

You're just now finding out about it?

>> No.21896592
Quoted by: >>21896614

I'm kind of hoping she does. Would give me a reason to turn off the stream. I can't handle how loud these girls are.

>> No.21896614

They're quieter than usual.

>> No.21896667

ID can't stand EN's high energy.

>> No.21896769

Hope math...

>> No.21896781
Quoted by: >>21896849

She's so fucking dumb, why would she even enter a trade knowing she's just going to get fleeced because she has no idea whats going on

>> No.21896784

If they ganged upon you, then you deserve it.

>> No.21896849

cute nephilim poncess please understand

>> No.21896859
Quoted by: >>21896968

>can't get one over on IRyS so she goes for the IDs

>> No.21896899

Never mind. That was loud Ollie.

>> No.21896968

If you can't win then aim for the easy targets kek

>> No.21897025

Where's all of the sex I was promised?

>> No.21897040

Back for another round.

>> No.21897046

I feel like this is gonna be a BaeRyS divorce episode.

>> No.21897056

that's exclusive to the T3 afterparty

>> No.21897057

Jesus IRyS just don't fucking trade it

>> No.21897068

No sex but they are both fucking the ID girls

>> No.21897127

Catan beat both in that matter

>> No.21897161

do you catan?

>> No.21897206

based catan chad

>> No.21897215

The game will be over if the rat gets broadwalk.

>> No.21897242

Just throw the game IRyS, give up boardwalk, good plan

>> No.21897246

eh nah my games were funny as fuck especially with the trading and duping

>> No.21897261

Too pon...

>> No.21897267


>> No.21897324

ponRyS... i still love you

>> No.21897347

Free parking does nothing? The free parking rule is made up?

>> No.21897387

You don't have to land on something to build on it.

>> No.21897399
Quoted by: >>21897445

It's a house rule that most people use. But I guess this game's default doesn't have that turned on.

>> No.21897406
Quoted by: >>21897445

its literally free parking.
always just a house rule that it did

>> No.21897436
Quoted by: >>21897457

Why is she so fucking dumb?

>> No.21897445

What I meant. I could have worded that better.

>> No.21897457

girls are cutest when they're almost retarded

>> No.21897462
File: 1.62 MB, 3207x2200, IRyS_soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21897560

New bread is baking.

>> No.21897560
Quoted by: >>21897628

Fuck off, still on page 4.

>> No.21897627
Quoted by: >>21897648

she sounds... hotter than usual... I don't know if it's the mic settings or my brainrot metastasizing or what

>> No.21897628

It's only a heads-up, retard.

>> No.21897644
Quoted by: >>21897694

who keeps fucking screaming

>> No.21897648

all of the above

>> No.21897694


>> No.21897762
Quoted by: >>21897843

You just know IRyS is secretly fuming over giving Bae boardwalk for free...

>> No.21897773

Besides some of them being noisy, the collab isn't half bad. Expected worse.

>> No.21897843
Quoted by: >>21897963

It's her own fault, she knows how stupid she is and pretty much everyone here can take advantage of her, but she keeps entering trades anyway

>> No.21897861

Could be worse. IRyS seems like she's having fun at least.

>> No.21897884

Don't jinx it, man.

>> No.21897926

they are gonna have hatesex after this..

>> No.21897948

hatesex is super hot

>> No.21897963

I want to take advantage of IRyS... I wouldn't call her stupid though, she really doesn't like that.

>> No.21897968

Yeah, with me

>> No.21897969

Bae trolling IRyS is really funny

>> No.21898055
File: 234 KB, 2048x1580, 20220105_072916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21898216

What is she planning...

>> No.21898225

She's doing it... she's using her brain.

>> No.21898238
Quoted by: >>21898283


>> No.21898278

Nothing. She may be hope but there's nothing she can do. Bae will win with ease once she builds more.

>> No.21898283

Ollie isn't dumb.

>> No.21898343

Trilinguals rarely are.

>> No.21898367

god I love how dumb she is

>> No.21898394
File: 150 KB, 512x512, Crystal-Heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRySuperCute today too~

>> No.21898431
Quoted by: >>21898636

Oh you mean the zombie

>> No.21898434

yeah for all the ironic shitposting about SEAdogs, some of the smartest people I've met are from SEA, maybe there's a huge bellcurve disparity there I dunno

>> No.21898461

I can vouch this statement.

>> No.21898545


>> No.21898547
Quoted by: >>21898599


>> No.21898565

That 'shit' is hot

>> No.21898579


>> No.21898599

You can tell she's into the game when she lets her guard down.

>> No.21898605
File: 458 KB, 793x596, 84722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this dork

>> No.21898606
Quoted by: >>21898658

If you've only met SEAniggers in a school/work setting then you're obviously only meeting the ones that were smart/applied enough to get there. I'm a spic so this argument has come up many times before.

>> No.21898636

Wait, the offer was from iofi? I thought it was the zombie...
I can't tell them apart.

>> No.21898639


>> No.21898646
Quoted by: >>21898723

She is about to thrown her game, isn't she?

>> No.21898658

yeah, that occurred to me, it was in school where they were well-off enough to study as international students so yeah. but even then, they came off as far smarter than the average international student

>> No.21898693
Quoted by: >>21898754

If you meet a SEA in a first-world country, they're usually at the top of the social hierarchy back home. Or really cheap labour. Or both.

>> No.21898723

It ain't over 'til it's over.

>> No.21898754

It's the same everywhere.

>> No.21898840

Despite her trying to censor herself, you can easily tell that she isn't a potty mouth. Would be funny if I'm wrong though and she regularly says stuff like nigger offstream.

>> No.21898869

Or nigga since she talks to mori.

>> No.21898877

god that'd be so hot

>> No.21898905

She's definitely a pottymouth. You don't accidentally almost drop nigger or motherfucker in your first week if you aren't. That's probably the reason she censors herself. If she doesn't censor everything too much will come through.

>> No.21898909

It wouldn't.

>> No.21898952

She mainly speaks japanese, so she has the same type of esl insensitiveness to cussing like Kiara

>> No.21898984
Quoted by: >>21899027

Nah, it'd be cool since it means what side she is on and the places she might frequent on the internet.

>> No.21899027


>> No.21899035

Cat abuse

>> No.21899039
Quoted by: >>21899089

She's catty sometimes, she has used bitch slut and whore on specific occasions.

>> No.21899089

any clip or timestamp?

>> No.21899124

I just realized I haven't seen Ollie in her original outfit in ages.

>> No.21899138


>> No.21899166

*notices moneybag* OwO

>> No.21899168

IRyS for the millionth time in her life realizes she's dumb

>> No.21899186

i'm pretty sure there was a catbox of her saying slut posted here

>> No.21899194

IRyS... you never sell your blues

>> No.21899197

Bae's slaughter begins...

>> No.21899226


>> No.21899244

IRyS may as well have just resigned from the game after trading away higher value properties for shitty ones plus cash

>> No.21899301

Would you sign a prenup if you were marrying IRyS?

>> No.21899314

wtf this rrat is way too strong

>> No.21899331

that's not enough, i'm going to need power of attorney

>> No.21899335

Yes, always, no matter who it is.

>> No.21899349


>> No.21899369

Anything for her.

>> No.21899381

Nah I and everything I own lol is her's once we get married.

>> No.21899384

I have more wealth than her, so unless she wants to.

>> No.21899386

kek I don't think it would actually be that hard to keep a firm leash on finances

>> No.21899399

She literally called Ranni the Witch a bitch lol

>> No.21899402

You thrown the game the moment you trade with Bae, IRyS. Lol

>> No.21899476


>> No.21899482

AIRyS is in control.

>> No.21899487


>> No.21899490
Quoted by: >>21899603


>> No.21899520

What a relief.

>> No.21899539
File: 306 KB, 2048x1236, medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always trust the plan

>> No.21899543


>> No.21899603

Why are zomrades like this?

>> No.21899624

Fuck I looked away for a second. Did IRyS do something or did one of them just disconnect?

>> No.21899642

All of them disconnected except for iofi.

>> No.21899666

Ubisoft fucked them

>> No.21899670

I told my uncle, who works for Ubisoft, to shut the server down.

>> No.21899674

Ubisoft fucked it up.

>> No.21899685
Quoted by: >>21899717

Never let Iofi host a collab ever again

>> No.21899689

As expected of ubisoft

>> No.21899712

typical Ubisoft

>> No.21899717
Quoted by: >>21899776

wasn't her fault, it was Ubisoft

>> No.21899729

no not the k-pill

>> No.21899772

Oh no... it's free talk now

>> No.21899776

The stream was lagging really bad earlier too, I think her shitty internet disconnected her from everyone else

>> No.21899784

>IRyS knows from just one k-movie/drama that they often have shit endings
fucking BASED

>> No.21899805

Well at least it happened late into the stream. Doesn't look like they wanted to play a second game anyway since they're watching how this one ends.

>> No.21899807 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.88 MB, 4299x3035, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21899862


>> No.21899862
File: 1.26 MB, 3252x2140, MatingPRySs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21899874
Quoted by: >>21899945

Nah, it's Ubisoft, if her net disconnecting the stream would be ended there

>> No.21899940
Quoted by: >>21900186

Vincenzo looks feminine

>> No.21899945

It's impossible to say otherwise. Ubisoft have a long history of failures in this department.

>> No.21899990
Quoted by: >>21900025

This proves that IRyS isn't an AiRyS...

>> No.21900025

What do you mean? This totally looks like something IRyS would do.

>> No.21900096
Quoted by: >>21900135

i understand this plan...

>> No.21900128
Quoted by: >>21900151

The hell is going on...

>> No.21900135
File: 225 KB, 450x513, AIRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do I

>> No.21900151

AI is going for the kill.

>> No.21900184

irys is making a fanfic...

>> No.21900186

How can I compete. No amount of pumping iron could make me look like that.

>> No.21900203

Has anyone mentioned how odd it is that the bot playing IRyS is named Seraphina?

>> No.21900205
Quoted by: >>21900244

>IRyS really wants to be pampered

>> No.21900213

IRyS please your shipping brainrot

>> No.21900215


>> No.21900235

>now the part where they FUCK
calm down IRyS

>> No.21900243

All in all, this was fun to watch.

>> No.21900244

You are just realizing this now? Why do you think everyone wants to spoil her

>> No.21900275


>> No.21900278

I learned today from IRyS that wife = property. She wants to be owned!!! Uohhhhh!

>> No.21900300

IRyS' dad really raised her right huh?

>> No.21900301

I caught that too. Shouldn't have said that IRyS.

>> No.21900316
Quoted by: >>21900356

Trad wife IRyS sound so fucking hot...

>> No.21900320

IRyS really is a tradwife!

>> No.21900331

Vincenzo Baelz roles nicely off the tongue

>> No.21900356

sitting on her ass eating chips all day is not a trad wife

>> No.21900372


>> No.21900375

>ByRyS it's IRyS

>> No.21900392

irys... your ending reps...

>> No.21900401

I love my dumb wife so much

>> No.21900407

so umm, will she stream tomorrow?

>> No.21900411
Quoted by: >>21900462

dishwashers and anime didn't exist in the 50s, gotta update those traditions

>> No.21900412

that byeRyS.
god this cute dork

>> No.21900417

yeah that's an umaruwaifu

>> No.21900420


>> No.21900425

PonRyS is not a meme, my push really can be THIS dum....damn

>> No.21900431

until proven otherwise. Yes!

>> No.21900432

If only there was some way to know...

>> No.21900439

guerilla in an hour!

>> No.21900456
File: 659 KB, 2789x4096, アゲハ蝶 - ポルノグラフィティ[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Feve8ok.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21900649

ByeWyS it's IWyS~!!

>> No.21900462

Being able to cook is still a requirement right?

>> No.21900472
File: 126 KB, 1238x1060, 20220405_214515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21900574


>> No.21900495
Quoted by: >>21900535

3 hour guerilla stream incoming.

>> No.21900497
File: 585 KB, 483x769, 1633190860621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21900502
Quoted by: >>21900535

IRyS guerilla onegai, need more hopium

>> No.21900504

No, I'll be her personal chef.

>> No.21900531

Nah she just got to sit there and look pretty while popping out babies for me

>> No.21900535

Even if this collab only lasted 15 minutes she would not do another stream. She hit the quota.

>> No.21900574

Not even page 10

>> No.21900649
File: 166 KB, 768x768, 1646384479018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21900735


>> No.21900735

fucking dork...

>> No.21900737
Quoted by: >>21900818

piggy loves her snacks

>> No.21900749

let her rest for the rest of the day and eat chips while playing rune factory

>> No.21900801

Thanks for the comfy thread boys.

>> No.21900818

shitposting not strong enough
can't even do shit during the slither stream

>> No.21901371
Quoted by: >>21901453


>> No.21901453


>> No.21901564

Risky 1 had soul. Risky 2 needs the community to fix everything.

>> No.21901574

bros... is it okay to fap to Iofi?... IRyS will forgive me, right...?

>> No.21901673


>> No.21901913

byeRyS uwakichama...

>> No.21902558
Quoted by: >>21902569

Why did I fucking click on this.
Watame I'm sorry

>> No.21902569

welcome to the nephamily!
